Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    t * . . -
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G TJtUfl OMAJrlA DALLY 13EJD , SATURDAY , JULY" 12 , 181)0. )
Dcllrorrd 1 > y Carrion In nitf pnrtnf ( ho City.
TKI.El'llONrS ' :
Iln .lrie < "i Ofllco.No. IL
MglitlMltot , No.S .
.nii.\rio\ .
V. v. P. Co.
Council lilulTs Lumber Co. . coal.
A \u-ll fatted I'alf belonging lo Ferry
KnlL'ht , tlio brick contractor , ww Wiled by a
Hurlington twittli unglnu ycstordny ,
Jmljro Carson lie-Id n lirlcf session of the
ilUtrlt-t court In elinmbcn yesterday inorn-
Inff. 'J'bu uvular Hlttlti'i ( will bu rccoiii-
tnc'ii-t (1 ( on Monday nioniliitf.
Chlliln'ii anil miU-lio * tniJo n combination
wldi'h resulted In a llttlo Ht-oivh of y.1J. .
lDodj'Q' I" " ' " ' "I Fourth street. Fortunately
u , few buckets of water suppressed the ula/.c- .
John Hutio & ( Jo. luvo decided toKlvetlio
chllihtii of C'ouncll HhiHi. era few thous
and of them , a fico ritlo to Mnmuvn tills
afternoon nfid even inK and let them witness
tlio haloon nscoiislon.
The board of utliirition will meet next
lUondny nixlit toek-tt tonchoti und Janitors ;
No to lut thu contr.ut for the building of the
Cochnm tract Mtlioolhouscs and making re-
jialrs en thu Twentieth street building.
II issiildthat tlio orlijimil pickuro busi
ness is lloiirlshltif , ' at Miimivvn , There- ono
iuitu-ovcinriit over llio former holes in the
will , which r in so frc for nil. Knoll pur
chaser of mi original package lias to pull the
cork of Ills own Uottle. "U'lioii lie gets so
drunk that ho cun't pull urork ho has to quit.
The Dhimeii.slelii-Kiiei'lit miault and but-
t''ry case ( > iTiiiletl | tlio nttolitlon of JudK < )
Kcliuiz" " court yt'stmlny afternoon. Uoth
slik > 8voru ri'pix'seiitfil by attorney ? and
after UiHr numerous fiiinlllcs had
pro mid con and told all about the trouolo
tlio jmhro dismissed the case mul discharged
both ilerciidiinta.
An additional attraction to the many that
are always to bo found In Fiilnnount pirk on
Sunday afternoon will be a free lecture on
spiritualism , to he delivered in one of the
pleasant proves hv Mrs. Wihllhsliop , n noted
lecturer fioni thol'itclflo const. The hour
will bo a ' . , 'ltl o'clock , it Is piobablo that she
will Imvun vuiy lar o audience.
Clinrlcs A. Holf , n representative of the
linniewi'll tire and police aliirm companies of
Chicago Ke\v York , was In the city yes-
tord.iy in consultntlnn with the police and
fire committees of the city touncil ri-lutlvoto
tbo adoption of IhoGiirmnvellsvslcin in place
of the Hlclitmiiid boxes now ; In use. There.
has been some conplulnt over the failure of
the pollco boxes to propeily register when
they were pulled and nn occasional uontlict In
the flio boxes , This has resulted from acci
dents easily repaired and tlio conmiittoenieii
nro Inclined to bo a llttlo slow In reporting
to tlio council In favor of the change.
li cy I.UNUH for Once.
Alderman IV.t Lucy does not bear tlio repu
tation of being easily taken In , or of being n
verdant In wuys that are. durk. So it comes
with seine surprise that ho wii3 robbed yes-
tord.iy , rltfhton Broadway , and in ly-oad day
light , llu was Heated In hla buggy chatting
with two or thrco friends who m-ro standing
on the Hldewnlk. fn tlio buggy wore thrco
Inr 'o , luscious watermelon * . After a few
minutes the conversation v.-asdi rooted to ward
the fruit , und turning around to look at thu
melons Lacy was shocked to discover that
ono had boon stolen from the buggy whlloho
had been talking. 'J-'ho melon was not hi
tdf.'ht , and norm of the surrounding vests
looked guilty of having covered it. ft was
Homo time before1 , by n confession on tlio part
of the taker , it was learned that Captain
Henry was/the successful sneakerot the
melon. Ho had quietly slipped tlie melon
out of the bugirj'i taken it across the street to
Uicderman'sHtoro and returned , joining in
the conversation without Ills action being ob-
ncrvcd. Lacy iidmlta being a verdant to the
extent of letting a. follow steal right from
\nidcr Ids very eyes , but he thinks that it
isn't much of u compliment to Captain
Henry's eonvorsAtional pan era that ho could
drop out of a delate without being missed.
Council lilunVi , It.
Dclow we append only n few of 'tho thou
sands of bargains to be hml. A glance tit the
under-noted will glvo .you a rough idea of
wbnt Is K"luionnt the liostonStore , Council
Bluffs. From thu same you can lo.irn the fact
that the Boston Store , Council Bluffs , Is the
lending dry goods house , the house -\vhoro
you can always pet the best value for every
dollar spent , anil ibid everything just ns rep
resented or money cheerfully iclundrd.
The jouiige t child can trade as well as its
mother who has seen 11 f ty summers or more.
Imported Swiss stripe reduced toflc , former
price 1'JJ-ij c.
Large , medium and small plaid nainsook
lU.'io ' , former pnco l"e.
Corded niul lace stripe , now olTects , 15c ,
former prim t-'c. !
Twenty-live dlfTcrenL patterns In plaids ,
stripes and chciks , We ,
SOIIIQ of the iibovo ( 'oods retailed for .tic.
French novelties In Grecian stripes , em
press cords and sateen luocndcs , all to go nt
Ladies'Swiss llotiiicings Inches wide ,
reduced from .fl.OO to 7. > e , Swiss llounelng ,
new YandvUo edge , rudurcd to 7. > c , 8. > c and
tl.OO. Children's llouncliiK nt greatly ID-
duccil prii'es. ftSo llouiieliiK for loc , 0 JV u
llouncliiK' for Wli1 , 8r > c lloinicing for ( i'Jo , and
our $1,11) ) . ? 1.2.und iKgoods \ \ all reduced te
Kc a yai-d.
Wo arc honilqiiiuters for Indies' leather
bolts. Uliiflc und tan leather belts with
nickel buckle , i'lo. Black mid colored per
forated belts \vltn gilt und nickel buckles and
nil extension clasps at ! Ue , U''cI5e ' ' and AOc.
each ,
The latest In our black velvet leather belts
with lurfio slide at Wo * and < i'Jo. Usual prleo
75o mul * I.X ( ) .
COO do/en ladies' and children's Swiss
ribbed vests , reduced from lOc to Be.
KWilozi'n fancy vests in pink , light blue
nnd Nilu strlpo , leilneed from 1'Jc ' to liij o
l.Tdoxcn ladles'ngypthm llsloln four dif
ferent styles , trimmed with .silk and ribbon ,
reduced from Mo to 19e , 3 for Ma.
undo/cn of our Me four thread llslo vests ,
silk trimmed and fancy stitch , reduced to yc. ; !
Lenders mid promotei-s of low prices ,
401 llroudwivv. Council Hlults.
Sulcldoil ,
The roroucr hckl an iiiimiry yestcntnj
morning into tiic cnuso of death of S
Wcborp , tluuiutn who died fioin iirsenlcn
polsonliip at his residence near the mutoi
brlilgo Thursdny evening , The Jury con-
titsted ofO. 11. Lewislohn Smith and San
Dobson , The testimony of only three wit
nesses was placed before/ them and no post
mortem examination was made. The evi
deneo showed conelusl"oly that the i > osot !
had been administered by himself with sul intent , Ho had taken about ttilrtj
frmlns of ai-xonio which he had procured h
Onmhaln a drug store located on the conioi
of Kiirnam mul Fifteenth stivots. U'ho pack
age or thuvrtii > i > er could not bu fuundmu
the iiiinio of thu druggist could not bo ascer
Wobcrg was about forty-tlvo years old nai
has hud a sU'iuly Job fn the Union Pucitii ,
shops .in Omaha fora long timo. The enl >
cause tihown by the ovMoneo for taking Ids
own life was despondency Vaused by n reduc
tion of wages ttnd drink , llu leaves uwlfo
and four chlldix'ii hero und onu son in Vank-
ton.S. 1) ) .
T\c | funeiMl took place ycatonlay nftornoo
ntli o'clock. Tlio body WIUH buried In Kulr
view cemetery.
Or. II. S.Vcst \ , jMJivelaln crown und bridge
work , No. 131011 ii. _
The Manhattan sporting humkiuurtcrs , 418
A good hose ivel five with every 100 feet o
hose puivhase * ! nt Ulxby's ,
J. C , llixby , iteiun heating , sanitary en
glneor , UUt Llfo halldlng , Ouiilta ; 'JOJ > Ier
riam block , Council lllulli.
The Bluffs to Entertain the Farmers'.Oon- '
grots lu a Palace of Fruits.
" > InJor tiyninn'N Futicrnl Ijild to Ilcst
\Vltli rlvlc Ilonof.s Two 1'utal
of Diphtheria The Turf
CloNe l.
There was no nwcthif ? of the Fruit Grow
ers' and Oar.leneM1 association at the court
lousej'estcrday afternoon as advertised , on
iccount of .Major Lynun's funeral. A nuin-
> erof the nioinbcM and others Interested In
ho fnilt palace met und adjourned the meet-
TIK until 'J o'clock this nftoniorii ,
At the meeting to bo held today the board
Nlll.rnako thu proposition which bus been de-
ernilricd upon to provide the building If the soelcty nnd Its kindred orgnn-
7.UInn3 U'lll inrri't ! lo furnish it and makotho
llsplay. As this was substantially the propo-
sion the other bodies nindo to the board of
r.ido ill the last meotlii } ? , It is quit 3 certain
that it will bo accepted , and the fruit palace
ivill bo n fact.
After the proposition * nro made nnd ac
cepted tit the meeting today the board of
.mile will docidB upon the location of the
lullding. One thing Is certain , the location
will be conspicuous and thu building will
make a lineshowing. .
The Chi'-Mffo , Minneapolis & St. Paul rail
road will run the OlnuUiuqua trains begin
ning today. The time card Is ns follows !
Leave Council I ! luffs 0:10 : n , m. , 7f : > 9 n. m. ,
1:40 : n. in. , P:50 : a. m. , 1 : * iO p. in.1:15 : p. in. ,
iJfi : p. m. . 7:10 : p. in. , 10:0" : p. in.
Leave Chautniuina ( i-IO : a.m. , 3:20 : u , m. ,
ll'JOn. : in. , a'iOp. : m. , 5 :0i : p. m. , 5:15 : p. in ,
7:18 : p. m. , 10:1 p. in.
t It Bt.
Yesterday afternoon the worn , suffering
of Joseph Lyiaan was laid at rest In
Tairview cemetery. The services were of n
nntuieto Indicate tto highest tribute possible
; o the Ufa which for so many ye'iri ho hnd
ed In tlds city. Services were held nt St.
I'.uil's EnKcopal church. No address w.xa
made , this being omitted to conform with
iho preferences of the family. Tributes
wore paid in many other ways , however ,
more delicate , but none the less touching and
tender. The language of Dowers was there ,
tlio floral tributes being many and of numer
ous appropriate designs. Kov. Air. M.ick.iy
read the service. A ( iiiartctto sanir two we'll
selected hymns. ' 1'lds simple yet Impressive
service finished , tlie Masonic fraternity , of
which ho was so honored anil prominent a
member , took charge of the ceremonies. The
KniL'hts Templar served as an escort to Kx-
ccislor lodge , to which ho belonged and
under whose charge the services nt the cem
etery wcro conducted. The cortege was a
lotiK line of societies on foot nnd friends in
carriages. Dolby's baud furnished the
music. The ceremonies at tlio cemetery were
conducted by Past Master J. B Atkins and
participated in by the brethren ii necoi'danio
with the usual forms. The pall bearers were
\V. Uunyan , John Sklnkle , James Patterson ,
JiulKQ Carson , T. B. Haves and J.V. .
Stocltcr. As honorary pall bearers E. L.
Cook , S. 11. Wndsworth nnd Frits Bernhardl
represented the Koynl Arcanum , Captain
Hight , John Limit and Colonel SU'.uiiium
represeiited the bar and the veterans. .
J , G. Tipton , real estate , M7 Broadway.
lie Dor ndvd Ills Jlft : .
Ofllcer Doyle , the immortal ' Bitldy Dilo"
of the pollco force , had n thrilling experience.
Thursday afternoon tnat will cause him to bo
remernlicrod in at least ono more resilience in
this city with feelings that will not bo com
plimentary to him. When the Harrison
street alarm of lire was sounded and the hose
carts went flying up Vine street there was
naturally a good deal of excitement on that
quiet residence thoroughfare. It was on the
ofllcor's beat nnd ho followed the crowd near
the tail cad of the procession. "When ho was
passing the residence ) of Mrs. Fcnn , n widow
with several affectionate little children , on
the corner of Vine and First streets , n little
hip do belonging to the children had become
excited by the uproar and when the plethoric
olUcormmo pulllni ? along his buggy blue
trousers nnd .swJnglngclub drove the dog Into
a frenzy and ho slipped through the fcnoo
and fastened his too teeth In the hem of the
blue breeches. The ofllecr pulled his club
and the littlochildren , rushed to his rescue ,
but the "dog was not deterred. In fact ho
concealed himself in thiVK \ of thuolllcer's
trousers or the children would have found
him and there would hnvo been no bloodshed.
The policeman held Ids club with one hand
and drew his revolver with llio other und
when the toy dog finally became visible lie
placed tlio inmlo ol his gun wlthiu three
inches of tlio center of the midget's back and
ilred ailS-callbro bullet through it. There-
wasn't much left of the dog but the hole
made by the bullet , but ho drugged himself
to the door and died in the arms of the heart
broken children.
The ofllccr claimed the dog had bitten him
In Justification of the wanton murder of the
childien's pot , but when lie attempted to
show the wounds to seine of the indgnant
spectators thoiu was not a scratch to bo
It is claimed that bv actual measurement
the dog was four nnd three-quarter inches
long anil weighed Just nineteen ounces. The
onlecr weighs about : MO ] x > und and his club
anil revolver would either outweigh the dog.
If you wish to sell your property rail on the
Judd iS : Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , 000
Broadway ,
Dr. Dowers' ofllco moved to 20 N. Main.
DTho Turf ISvulimiKc Closcil.
The Turf Exchange , the most expensive ! }
fitted up saloon hi the city , was closed by the
sheriff yesterday afternoon. From a lega
point of view the prospect of It staying closci
for a good long while Is easily disccrnablo. A
suit for Injunction under the Town prohibitory
laws was brought against it some time ago by
A. Orcrton , Colonel W. lSopp , the utter
noy for the proprietors , nindo a showing ii
court that the property was involved with n lo
of other property in a suit In the fedora
court In Detroit , and that the district court
hero had no power over it. Judge Thnrnell
before whom tbo enso was tried , though
otherwise , and issued the Injunction run
ordered the aherilT to close the place. Colonc
Supp then curried the case Into the suprenu
couiton awritof cortlorari. The supremu court
sustained Judge Thorncll's decision , and the
ease ninio back to the couit hem. Sliorif
O'Neill was ordered to enforce the oiigimi
docieo mid did so , locking up the plnco In tlio
mldulo of the afternoon and taking tno keys
Mundcl & Klein nro offering great Inducement
mont to housekeepers during these hot days
\Vo nro roct'lvlni ' , ' new goods dally nnd cm
offer great burtiains in carpets , bedding , cool
stoves , etc.Vo wish to muku room for our
fall stock.'o would be pleaded to hnvo you
IIguru with us for c.ish or on the installuicn
.nlaii. AVe will ship all goods frco of charge-
within n radius of 100 miles , Hemcmbcr.
liiO Broadway.
otl u I'oeket.
The pickpocket and the biieak thief uttciii
all kinds of giitheiings , from funerals to an
art.hist demonstrations , and ho works as nun
to secure good fat victims at ono place as
another ,
Last livening when Dp , Wilding of Crcsccn
City was returning from the Chautauqui
grounds he was made avvaro of thu presence
of thcbi ) Industrious Individuals. Ono o
them .succeeded In U'llovlng him of all the
wealth ho curried urrouml , except ills clothes
and his knowledge of mo llclno. Ills pocket
book , containing a lot of valuable papers inu
a llttlo money was taken from one pocket am
-'OiiiKl his milroad tickets from imother
I lo did not discover ills loss until he got 01
the electric motor and was culled uiwn foi
hit furo. Two other cases of successful
wkct picking woi rciwiteil M having taken
'Inccou ' tlio Hiimo train , but the names of the
rlctlms could not be learned
" \VIII Improve llus Wnlcrvorlt .
Plans for some Itnpoitnnt Improvements
nd additions to the subsldury reservoirs of
ho wntcrworki system in this city were sent
ml from 3 'ow York * omo time ago nnd have
ecn lying Iti the local ortlco awaiting orders
romhcadiiuartcrs to commence the work
"he plan ! ) propose some addition * that will
o = t about * .V,000 ) nnd will makon vntt itn
irovcnient uiwn the present system. The
ihuu provide forthoconstructlon ofnnewsub-
Idnry reservoir nnd the complete reinoilellnif
f those now in use. The now reservoir Is to
10 made between the present ones and the
Ivor , nnd U to bo considerable higher than
Ither. The water from the river b to bo
mmpcd directly Into this through a stand
ilpe in the bottom , the top of which v ill be a
eng distance from the surface so that the in *
ow of fresh water wll' not disturb the sur-
ace of that already in the basin , Between
his reservoir and the adjoining one a wclr
vlll ba constructed 100 feet long. The hot-
om of the weir , or rlfllo , will only bo one-
en th of an Inch below4 the surface of the
vater in the llrst reservoir , nnd it will How
ver It In the shape of a gigantic
nscaile 400 feet long and but little
eeper than n sheet of cardboard is thick.
? ho weir will ba twelve feet wide anil the
vatcr , flowing in a hroad thin sheet over this
urface , will bo areitcd to as great an extent
as if It hml llowcd for a mde In thorlvcr itself.
Only the water on the Immediate surface of
ho llrst reservoir will bo drawn off , and as
ho supply will bo pumped through u stand-
) ipo in the bottom , moro than 00p"er cent qf
ho mud and silt will be left In thu llrst
Mr. Hart , of tlio waterworks company , rc-
cived n telegram lust night from George 1' .
Sheldon , treasurer of the company la New
York city , authorizing him to commence , the
n-oposcd improvements nt once. Ho has been
n correspondence wltn the company for some
.line urging the immediate opening of the
work on these improvements , nnd this tele
gram is the result of that coirespoudenco.
This Is the most agreeable news received
rrom Mr. ShcUon since ho subscribed ? 500 to
the new hotel.
The work will give employment to a largo
number of men nnd when completed will
make n marked Improvement in the water
furnished by the company. The mall yester
day also brought the results of thrco analy
se * of the city water made by a chemist in
Detroit , The facts set forth will beurelelf
to the people -who imagine the water is Im
pure. According to the chemist it is among
the purest and has the least organic matter
in It of nny of the specimens furnished by
other elites which he has analyzed duringtho
Tlio Fruit 1'alnoJ.
Owing to the funeral of Major L..vman , the
Fruit Growers and Gardeners' association ad
journed until this afternoon at li o'clock. Ev
ery member Is urged to bo present , ns the
hoard of trade will make a proposition for the
erection of n fruit and vegetable palace.
A : S. BOXHAM , President.
He Is a la ! < l liny.
Sheriff Dalasbmctt of Mills county came
up from Glen wood yesterday with aten-year-
old boy named Clmrllo Hooker , whom his
father asserted was unin.inageablo and be
yond parental restraint. He took the boy
before Judge Carson in chambers and naked
the Judge to consign him to the care of the
state. The father desired the boy to bo sent
to t ho institute for feeble minded children
at Glenwood , but the Judge , after examining
the lad , concluded that ho was not a lit sub
ject for that eleemosynary institution , but
that the proper place for him was at the state
reform school at Eldora. It is probable that
ho will bo sent there today if the father still
persists in the declaration that the child Is in
Ciimo lloro to Die.
A week or two ng'oManilo Mocklcy , a bright
llttlo girl eleven years , old caino hero from St.
Paul to llvo with her grandparents , Mr. and
Mrs.James Hughesnt a-4S North Firststreet.
A week ago she \vus attacked with a throat af
fection and became quite sick , but her grand
parents did not realize the nature of the
malady niul used simple homo remedies.
Yesterday her symptoms became alarming
nnd Drs. 'Hart and Bowers were summoned.
They found her to bo the victim of malig
nant diphtnoria and the disease so far ad
vanced that no hope was loft for her re
covery. The case was reported to the board
of health nd the house quarantined.
1'JEItfi O.V. 1 f. 1' . t It. 1 ( I It1 PUS.
Rev. T. J luckay , after ofllciatlng at the
funeral of the late Judge Lyman , returned
last evening to rejoin his choir boys at Spirit
Lake , anil will remain all next week. Uev.
C. II. Bohu will occupy the pulpit at St.
Paul's tomorrow morning , but thcro will bo
no evening services.
Misses Marguerite Jones nnd Mair.lo. Cos-
grove of Davenport. In , are spending their
summer vacation In this city , the guests of
MM. J. C. Leo.
Mr. N. M. Little , ono of Eisemnn's little
nrmy of clerks , loft yesterday fora six weeks'
vacation , the greater part of which he will
spend with his parents at Concord , Pa.
DF , M. Hunter , clerk of the federal court ,
received a letter yesterday from Judge Love ,
dated at Saratoga , convoying the Intelligence
that his health has been greatly improved
since Ills trip In the east. H will bo recol
lected that ho was compelled to Icavo the
bencU this spring and let Judge Miller take
his place on account of u low form
of diarrhoea , which thelpliisiclans feared would
prove fatal. Ho has been pronounced out of
nil danger and expects to take Ids place1 on
the bench again at the next term of the court
V. M. Hunter loft Inst night for a week's
trip oil legal and political business in DCS
3loro I'rcoloiiH Than CoUl.
Prohably ninety-nine pot-sons in 100 If
nuked to nametlio most pi-ceiouH mo tnls
would mention gold llrnt , platinum second
end and silver third. A few might mill
nlckul mid aluminum to the Hit. Lot us
sco how near the t ruth they would bo.
Gold IH worth about $210 nor pound ,
troy ; platinum , J > U0 ! , mul silver about
$1U. Niuhol is quoted ivt about CO cents
and and pure aluminum nt $8 to $0 per
troy pound. Now compare these prices
with those of the rarer and less well
known metals.
Taking thorn In alphabetical order ,
barium soils for SilTo u pound , when it
is sold at all , and calcium Is worth $1,800
u pound : Cerium is a shade higher
its cost is $100 an ounce , or $1,920 a
IMninil. TliiiMO bofjin to look lllco fab
ulous prices , but they do not reach the
highest point : chroniuin brings $200 ,
cobalt falls to iibout luilf the price ol all
ver , while didymium is thu sumo price
ns corluin , nncl orblum 810 eheapar on
the ouiico than calcium , or just $1,081
jior pound ,
The wealth of the Vundorhllt *
amounts to nearly § 200,000,000. "With
this siitu they could purchase 312 tons ol
{ jold and hnvo something" loft over , bu
they couldn't buy two tons of gallium
that rare metal bolnj ; worth juli)0 ai
ounce. "With this metal the hiirhes
price Is reached , nncl it may well b <
called the rarest nncl moat precious o
The case aRnln&t Joseph Ilenllck foi
keeping open his haloon on Sunday was
illsinltj-cd yobtorduy tit tliu iiwtaiico o
the city attorney.
Philip \Vormi anil Ttossi Channel , the
two Italians arrested for stealing a ham
cart from Gibson , Miller & Rtehnrdnon
failed to apponr in police court ycator-
day afternoon when tholr eabo wan
called , anil their bonds , amounting t'
? 2i. ; 'Jo , were forfeited. A warrant foi
tholr arreht was hsuod and they will yul
bo required to answer to the charge o
larcouy. _ _
\ Fnrnmi-H' Alliance IMonlc ,
Tlio farmers' alliance of Douglas county
has arranged for a grand old-fashioned has
kot picnic , to bo held at Waterloo Tuesday
July 15. General Van Wyck und othci
speakers will lie in attendance ,
t niMMini t is nr t"Pi fincM n
-Attenctinco Hjij" Been All that Could
Bo. Desired
Orent Projrcs In All Urniiclios He *
ported "What IN Going on nt
the Council
Cum : , Nob. , July 11. [ Special to TUB
llBn. ] The assembly closed hero today
under very auspicious elrcuinstances. Never
lins n session been inoro successful , All
classes have tnado very gratifying progress ,
The universal sentiment Is one of satisfac
tion. The attendance bus been , If nnythltifr ,
larger than that of last year. Tbo weather
today was excellent ,
The subject of the morning blblo reading
was "Entering the Kingdom , " Luke xvlils
15-SW. At 10 o'clock diplomas were conferred
upon the members of the young people's ' nnd
children's classes in the tabernacle. After
short addresses on Sunday school worlc , by
Dr. Hurlbut mul Mrs. Kennedy the cere
mony of distributing the parchments to the
Ittlooucs was gone through with. At 11
o'clock Hev. NVlllard Scott of Omaha , presi
dent of the assembly , lectured on "Begin
nings of This \Vest. \ " A part of his Sitato-
inents follow ! The first American settlers
found thrco distinct races of Indians the
Moullliint , the Algonnulns , and the
[ rnniols. The latter branch was the most
powerful. "While tbo country was thus
jct'iipled thrco touches were made upon It.
Ono by DeSota , ono by Coromulo and ono by
James Curtlers. At this time European
lodgment was effected in Canada only , Tno
i'uritnnsnnd llollinders smote the Alpon-
quins and won the friendship of tbo lio-
In the beginning of this country thcro
stood in the valley of New York nn Iroquols
Indian , battle front which enabled the
whiles to secure n foothold in the eastern
portion of our country. Every adventure on
this country was begun with the bearing
ahead of the cross. The entire Mississippi
valley French through the Influence
of missionaries : 1T4S found most of the
Mississippi rctfion French , and most of the
country cast of that English ,
Soon after Englishmen attempted to sur
vey tlio French region. This wus resisted by
the latter nation. Both , countries strove for
the possession of the forks of the Ohio river.
Prance was successful. Constant bickerings
led to the French and Indian war , which
win a strife between France and Eng
land on American soil. At the
conclusion of the war Franco hud not a foot
of American soil and she has never siuec pos
sessed any.
After the French ami Indian war the In
dians were left to light Englishmen , who in
tuin fought among themselves. The third
step In the formation of our nation was the
achieving of indepoudenoo by the colonies.
There were two forces cn ugcd m this e.irly
time of our nation's formation the regula
tion soldier and the. "buckskin" pioneer. The
latter developed our \\e3ter.i . country.
The fourth force in the formation of our
nation was tlio diplomacy of John .Tuy , S.nn-
\icl Adams and other men of their character.
\Vhen the colonies Jiwt tried to form a nation
they discovered ditllcultics which could not
bo adjusted , \Vo were never on the eve of a
crisis as great us Unit which existed in ITS ! ! .
The only possible thing which offered a solu
tion to the problem was the northwest terri
tory. The cutting of live states from the
northwest territory was the only thing which
made our constitution possible. It is our duty
to perpetuate tholand-whleh our forefathers
made , and which we possess. Unless wo do
this , in the providence of God , wo must take ,
our way from It. If there Hews a Jordan to
submerge us wo need no beacon of Canaan to
guide us. Mr. Bellamy hai got somewhere ,
but has iiot furnished the Items of his
journey. -
Not revolution but evolution will develop
our nation. If wo cannot depend on tbc in
tegrities of our nationality wo cannot keep
our phico in the family of nations.
Let us depend on faith and hope and prayer ,
not forgetting to looit to our own actions.
Let us stand justified In the sight of God. "
At'Jo'clock n grand concert under tbo di
rection of Dr. Pahrcr occurred In the taber
nacle. Following was the pregrammo :
1. Antlioni-Strlko tbc Cymbal. Choir'
2. Itarltonobolo-TbuOiailrlgade
Bits. Marshy
3. The Bhlpof J.lfo Ucntloiiu'n of choir
4. Soprano solo-Gaily Chiint the Bum- %
incr HlrdH Mist Latiiucr
5. Instrumental trio I'liino and violins ,
Mrs. Raymond , Gortiuand Arthur Palmer
0. Contralto hole Mrs. Moullor
7. 1'rUon song , Miss Liithnur , Mr. Kcldy und
tbo chnlr.
* . Oornot solo The Lost Chord JIIss Parks
1) ) . Zither solo Miss I'.irlcs
10. The Hrlchil Cliorjis Choir
Recent visitors aw as follows : From I5eat-
rlce-B. M. Hill , C. G. Hovt , S. S. Green ,
William IHukely , N. Ulnkcly. From Uncoln
James Aitklu , Nellie Older , Charles L.
Miss Clmpln of Chicago has formed n class
to remain on the grounds for ono week imme
diately after the close of the assembly and
engage in out-of-door sketching.
Frank Hoard's drawing chides have made
excellent nrotiress.
Great credit is duo Mrs. Raymond of Lin
coln and Mrs. Fuller of Crete for their excel
lent work as accompanists at the piano and
The HI nil's
Cou.vcu * Bi.fjrr ? , In. , July 11. [ Spe
cial to TUB Br.i : . ] Tlio eleventh day of the
Council Bluffs and Omaha had n
programme full of good things , yet thcro was
nothing so sensational ns has characterized
some other dnys , and there was only a fair at
tendance , the crowds resting after the crush
of the Talinngo day.
Dean Wright of Boston gave another of his
bible studies. He Is one of the most enter
taining men among all the gifted ones in the
corps of teachers nnd lecturers. To the
average audience a blblo exposition has no tendency to nrouso any outbreaks of
enthusiasm. Dean Wright Is , however , able
to frequently stir even such n cold , crit
ical gathering Into nn almost involuntary out-
bimt of npplauso. He Is keen , sharper than
a two-edgod sword at times , Is ii'ady to an-
s wcr as well as to usk questions , nnd crowds
a great deal Into a few minutes. Ho has a
quaint way of nutting things , a vein of humor
and ho knows how to use It as a relief from
deeper thinking or as a help la making a
point clear.
Kogurs * band give moro of its excellent
music. . '
Leon II. Vincent gave ono of his finely
polished lectures -"Tennyson. . " Hols pro
nounced by many the most scholarly man on
thii programme. Certain it Is that these who
enjoy real literary treats hear him as often as
In the evening Prof. Underbill gave read
ings from "Tlio Rivals. " The uuillcnco
seemed to enjoy this entertainment. In some
respects Prof. Underbill Is proving himself
to bo an artist in hi.s lino. Ho does not hold
up to 1'rof , Cumnock , who was hero last
Saturday promises ( ( rich treat In the form
of u lecture by Dr. Hrnson on "Fools. " Dr.
Henson Is ono of tlie" wittiest men on the plat
form. Ho delights' 'mi audience nnd to the
minds of many Is far. more enjoyable than
Tidmago , although 1m docs not draw as big
crowds and Is not over advertised.
There will bo n morning lecture by Leon
Ylncont and in the evening thcro will bo a
concert by the assembly chorus , Mm , Wads-
worth , Prof , Case mid the Rogers band.
A Number < > ! 'Pavlnn OriliiiuuccH Dis
posed or.
The council held a short pcsslon last nlih' '
to dispose of paving ordinances that wens In
troduced at the meeting on Tuesday night.
On report of the committed tlio property
owners of Twentieth street , between Nlch
tiles niul Clurlc Directs , were nllowod to liar
row the street between curbs to forty-two
Ordinances wore Introduced ordering the
curbing of I'ncillc , ' .Thirty-first , drove ,
Twenty-second , Twentieth , l-'ranldln , Jones ,
Webster , Eighteenth , Twenty-seventh ,
T\venty-fourth , Twenty third , Hickory nnd
Commercial strocU , nnd Lowe , Capitol , Sher
man , Thirty-first mul Thirtieth avenues wlh
Colorado or Herea snndstonoj also ordering
the puvlnir of Klovcnth street from Clark
street to McC'aguo's addition with Colorado
sandstone. The ordinances wore referred to
the committee on paving , curbing and gutter
Ordlininc'ca wcro passed ordering the pav
ing of portions of the following streets : Thir
tieth avenue , Thirty-first , Twenty-fourth ,
Chicago , Twenty-ninth , HickoryWoodworth ,
Capitol avenue , Commercial , Seventh avenue ,
Twenty-third , Twenty-seventh , Thirty-first ,
Davenport , drove , Tldrty-ilrst avenue , Twen
ty-ninth avenue , Franklin , Webster. Eigh
teenth , Twentieth , Twenty-second , Sherman
avenue ,
1'rvsldont ChnfTco was granted n leave of
absence for two weeks.
The report of the board of equalization , pre
pared n month ago on the levy of damages
for the Tenth street viaduct was approved.
D.clslve Action InkMi by the Omaha . * outoty.
A special meeting of the Omaha Medical
society was held at the Puxton last night for
the purpose of considering the question of
medical legislation.
The meeting was called by Vice President
B. F. Crummer , who stated the object of the
City Physician Clarke Onpon nddrossed\ho
society , reviewing briefly the monstrous case
of criminal negllijenco which had lately been
called to the attention of the public , and ex
pressing the lilc.i the present was the
best time to take some notion to secure the
passage of laws which would prevent the
practice of medicine by quack and Ignorant
people who knew absolutely nothing of the
duties they had the audacity to attempt to
perform. The matteV was ono which de
manded the attention of thu pro
Dr. Mllroy , the president , arrived and took
the chair. He addressed the meeting briellv ,
referring to the necessity for action on the
part of the profession. Ho spnko of the great
extent of the quackery in this city. IIo hud
hnd occasion to look over the register in thu
county clerk's oitlco and was astonished to
Und the number of persons who practice
medicine , who , us a matter of fact , have
ncvor studied medicine ut all or else claim as
their alma matur an Institution which Is not
recognized as having any standlhg.
Dr , Crummer endorsed the remarks of the
previous speakers nnd hoped that some action
would bo taken at once to suppress the
practice which was becoming so prevalent.
County Attorney Mahoney was present by
Invitation and explained the laws of the state
which bear upon the question under con
sideration.Vhen ho heard of the death of
Mrs. Lemon it at once occurred to him that
the llrst thing to do was to prefer charges
against Mis. Fenn. Upon comultim. ' the
statutes , however , he found that the penalty
for practicing without being registered was a
line of from 520 to $100 , and therefore caino
under the jurisdiction of the city attorney.
He made the explanation , ho said , because ho
had heard that the medical gentlemen were
oTtlio opinion that ho hud been derelict in his
Anyone had the right to prosecute Mrs.
Fenn for practicing medicine on the day of
Mi-s. Lemon's death , or at any other time ,
provided they could make the proof. This
[ iroscciitlou could bo repeated day after day
as long as the party continued lo practice ,
and the practice could bo made n pretty ex
pensive business.
Mr. Malioney said ho had tried to bring
this awful thing under the statute of man
slaughter , but bad concluded that this could
not bo done. The section of this statute to
which ho had referred wns the only ono
under which Mrs. Fenu could bo prosecuted.
Mr. Beckett , an attorney , hail been re
quested to present n statement of tlio law ns
It stands , and read to the society a concise
statement showing the meaning of tbo law.
According to this statement no person can
practice medicine in Nebraska except ho
bo a graunato of a legally chartered Institu
tion having authority to confer the degree of
' doctorof medicine. " Every person begin
ning thu practice of modicum must register as
a physician in the ofllco of tbo county clerk ,
giving a number of facts relative to the
length of time the physician bus practiced ,
when und where ho graduated , and a number
of other details. Any porsoit practicing medicine
icino without possessing tlio qualifications
above enumerated , shull bo deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor and lined not less than SUOnor
moro than § 101) ) .
The most important part of the state
ment wns tnat bearing upon the meaning of
the term "practitioner. " The term was do-
lined as inclining "any person who shall pub
licly profess to bo a physician or ob
stetrician , or prescribe for tlio sick. "
This definition would include clairvoyants ,
mesmerists , electricians and Christian scien
tists who publicly profess to trcntdiseasoand
who give directions nnd advice to thu sick ,
whether they use medicine or not.
Tbo matter was thoroughly discussed by
those present , and the president was author
ized to appoint a committee to investigate
violations of the law regulating the pructleo
of medicine and act for the society la ascer
taining such violations and prosecute of
fenders under the law. The committee was
empowered to employ legal or clerical assist
ance to assist in the prosecution und an as
sessment was made to defray the necessary
ex nouses.
The president appointed on that committee
Dra. Crumincr , Gapen , Moore , Bridges and
Tbls completed the business of tbo evening
and the meeting adjourned.
A Pennsylvania Senator so Set Ilinibclf
Down in Ilia Diary.
This was tlio dny assigned for Presi
dent Washington to deliver his speech ,
and was attended with nil the bustle und
hurry usual on such occasions , wrote
Senator Maclny of Pennsylvania in his
diary , which the Now York Sun Is nub-
llflhfng. The President wus dressed in
black and road his speech well enough ,
or at leiifat tulerbly. After ho had gm\o ,
the hontito only remained , our vice i > re > -
idunt ( John Adams ) Hcomod to tuko great
pains to road it ( tlio buoeeli ) bolter. If
no had such a view ho succeeded ; hut
the difl'ci'onco between them amounted
to this : One might ho considered as at
homo and the other in a strange com
pany. The speech was. committed.
Let mo return to the president ( Wash
ington ) . Does ho really look like a man
who outers Into the wplritof his employ.
mcntV Docs ho show that he received It
in trust for the happiness of the people ,
and not us fee simple for his own emolu
ment'1 ! Time nnd practice will , perhaps ,
bent elucidate this point.
"WhonthoaffairBof Franco wore talked
of I said national assembly hail attacked
royalty , nobility , hierarchy nnd the has-
tile altogether , mid scoineil likely to de
molish the whole. The vlco president
( John Adams ] Hiild It was Imposslblo to
destroy nobility ; It was founded In
naturo. Wyngato engaged. The vlco
president's arguments wcro clrnwn from
the respect shown to the sons of eminent
men , although vicious nnd undeserving.
When the parties had nearly oxhuusted
themselves , I asked whotlior our Indians
might not bo considered as having de
vised nn excellent method of gutting rid
of thin prejudice by ranking all of tlio
children after tlio uiothor. This sent oil
the matter In a Hinllo. Adams , however ,
never wns cured or Is relapsed Into his
This was lovco day , nnd I of couivo
dressed nnd did tno needful. It iw an
Idle tiling , but what Is the life of men
but folly , and this Is perhaps as inno
cent as any of them , as far as respects
thu persons acting. The practice liow-
over , consiileivd as | i feature of royalty ,
is certainly iintl-reptibMcan. Tills cer
tainly chcapos nobody. The royalists
glory In It m n point gained. Kopub-
llcanh are hoi-no down by fashion and a
fear of being uhnrgcil with a want of ro-
Hiiect for General Washington. If there
Is tmwm In the wish I retract it. but
would to God this Hiuno Genorral Wash
ington wore in heaven , Wo would not
then have him brought forward as the
constant cover to every uneonstitutional
and it-republican agt.
Diver Smith's Climn Call.
Charles 1) . Smith , u professional
dlvor of 1'onsufoln , Fin , , had u narrow
escape from a horrible deatlt the other
day. Ho was about fourteen feet under
water making an examination of the
barge Mexico belonging to thu Export
i-oal company , whoa the pump which
furnished ulr for the diving suit sud
denly gave out , anil would not work at
all , says the Siivaimh NOWH. The pump
tender realized lit a moment the dnnger
in which the diver was plaoo , and draw
Smith to llio top as quickly us possible.
Hero the tender scl/.inl a Inuumor that
lay conveniently by nnd smashed the
thick glass that covered the diving face
into htnlthercens.
Ho was not a moment too soon. In a
few moro seconds Smith would have
been a dead man. lie was gmplng for
breath as the glass wns broken , several
pieces of which ho swallowed , which
may yet provo fatal. It was several
minutes aflor the man wns brought to
the deck of the barge before ho regained
.Mctllciiin iiiTlilbct.
Tlio coin-so of modlcino in Thibet lusts
t en years , according to M. Pittsyn , who
has recently returned from Transb.ilkn-
lia. The llrst four years are devoted to
the study of the Tliihotan and Mongol
languages , to religious service , and to
practicing drawing and various handi
crafts. Medicine receives attention the
no\t three years , tlio student being re
quired to learn by heart the names of
the -IS ) clrngM an'J the contents of live
volumes of Thibetan hand-books of med
icine , and to study surgery and thera
peutics. Then come one year of astron
omy and astrology , tird two years of
philosophy nncl theology. Thus
equipped , the students are pre
pared to do battle with the 101 funda
mental diseases ivcoynl/.ed bv Thibetan
nu'dlcine , one of which is a kind of In-
llitonro of the planets. Among the
romcillos used are the bones of a dragon
mid the horn and skin of a unicorn. The
chief medical work is entitled "Hodlja-
cluivn. " or the "Tale of the C'ui-khan
Otocht , ( God of medicine ) about what
formerly was. "
Fell From n Telegraph Pole.
, „ . 0 ry. Dak.fri'pt.'Jii , 16)lH. )
I was bndly bruised anil strained by n full
from tclcRrnph polo ; couldn't turn in led.
Doctors did no goctl Tried Bt. Jacobs Oil ; 11
turcd mo. \y. H. SC'ANNELL.
The Richer Outivltlad.
Mrrr-cd , Oil. , Ecpt. 29,1898.
I was kicked by n mule on right kneu and
could uut walk fur three ( lays ; sullcrcd two
Weeks , but fct. Jacobs Oil cured rae completely.
THE tHABlES A. VOGglER CO. . Baltimore , U4.
\M3 Or will trndo for a poo'I
team , stallion No. ( i I W , registered In Wal-
laec. Hy Dr. Arohlhald , dam by Kentucky
Oluy,5yeais old , Apply to Dr. Macrae.
\\7ANTni-nood Kill l > y Mrs. A. I' . Ilan-
T > chelt , 120 fourth htreut.
T Twotfool minium nouses.V. .
\V. llilgcr. 2S 1'uarl Ntreot.
OH SALE nr Hent-Gurdun land , with
houses , by J. U. Klcu. 10 ! Main St. , Council
\\7ANTED-A position ; eiin Rive I cit of rof-
T oroiioi's ; | ? oed iirtpurli'iico in uioi'i'rv and
CL'ncral buslii < < - . - < ; also bookkt'epln : , ' . AUthesS
11 U , Hoe ullluu , Council lilulls.
WHY pay rent wucn you can buy n linnioon
tlio same terms nnd In case of your death
ut any time le.'ivo your family tlio homo clear
on the following tonnv :
A homo worth $1,00 ] at { 12 per month.
A lioino woitli tl.MJ nt MS pur month.
A home woitli fi.OJO ut t'l per month.
A homo worth J.I.UJO ; it * pur month.
A homo worth 74,00 ] at $4S per mouth.
Other priced home * oa the same tcrin't. Tha
above monthly payments Include principal
anil Interest. Korfu'll particulars call on or
address tho.Fuild tt. Wells Oo. . UJJ Uro dway ,
Council Bluffs , In.
FOU niJNT Tlio store room , No. IS , fronting
on J'earl sU W. O. James.
WE HAVEsovonl bo-iutlfulmo luru lniH3
thntwowlll tradofor einuiiihiirj 1 vnnii
lots In Or.iiilui or Council blurt's. The Judd &
Wells Co. . Council Wall's , la.
FOR SAIjK My coiifoetlonury and news
stand. No. fill Main Bt. Uscnr Ilunsol.
Private ( lospital ,
Cor. lroad\yiy and 20th St. ,
Council Blufts , la.
I'or tliotrratincntnt nllsursk-nl niidelironlo
dhea o-i nnd diseases of thu blotul ,
1'rlvato dl'-oa-cs of the urinary and sexual
or 'una , IIH oyphlllH , Htilctuio , uyhtltls , sper-
matoiiolioc.i , Joit inahood , hOMinl Impotence
and \\ulikncs. tie itcd Biie'i sfully.
I' uttuntlon paid todlscaMisof the
IIIIIRS UK Asthm i. Consumption , Bronchitis ,
Catnirli , Etc. I'ar.ilysls , Kidney dl-o IM ; , im
Dliiln tes , llil'ilit'h Disease. Kliouinallsin.l'llcs ,
O.incor , VarUvelo. llydioisule. l > Wisy | , Tu-
ni'ir ' . Dlso ibe.s of thn oya and enr. Clnl >
feet , Spinal curvature uii'l ' nil dlsoa&ea of the
Wo have a dcpurlmont dnvotodoxuliislvoly
to tlio treatment of ITtorlnnilUiMisrm.
Mu < llelno sent securely pacUed nnd free from
C'orresuendonco conlldciitlal. Address :
* IIH , miUNi-u's : ;
Instltnto nnd I'llvute lloipltal ,
Coj' . llronihvny and -Ith ht , , Council Illutrs , la
Corner Main nnd Uroadway.
noili'i- foielKii and Doinesllo nxuIiuiiRO
ColleotloiHinado and Interest pild on time
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
Aeon's Wantocl , D. * . 0. D. Judd ,
006 Broadway , Council Hluffs , la.
Gas Stoves
In ( liis city arc now willing to
dvc evidence that the comfortsof
housekeeping will never be thor-
oroiighly appreciated until you
provide'yourselves with a Gas
Cooking' Stove.
Many pi'ople thought we were
going into the stove business a
litle : steep when we bought
such a stock of stoves , more tlian ' * WALL
100 patterns. Realixing , however ,
that the people of this city knew
how to appreciate a gootl thing
when it was rightly presented , we
fully determined to make the at- '
Our sales during the month of
June fully justified our efforts in
introducing the best stoves that are
manufactured in the United States.
These stoves we have been ,
are now , and proposs for the bal
ance of the season , to sell at cost
price , set up and connected.
A scparare metre is set for each
Gas Stove.
The price of gas for stove pur
poses having been reduced to the
very low figure of § 1.50 per thou
sand cubic Teet , we guarantee the
economy foul efficiency of every
stove sold.
Call at Merriam building and ,
select such stove as will meet with
your requirements , and will put
them in your house on a month's
trial ,
Gas & Electric Light Co ,
F. M. ELLIS &CO. ,
And Building Superintendents.
Rooms I.'IO und -TS Hue llulhlliik' . Omaha
Nfl ) . . niul HOOIIIH 241 anil 'M Murrlain UUv.'lc
Council 11 luffs , la. Corrospondunuu aolioltud
The Largest Stock of Picture
Frames and Mouldings
Kvop liroucht tothowost arc now on sale nt
our stoiu. Thu woods cniuiirlsu thu imtlra
wlidlesalo stouk ot M. Adlur. und wrru lioujjlit
ut HhnillTM sale ut Kiss than "J3 JUT cunt ot
wholes ilo valuu. Wo will sell yon plctnio
finuiciiclioiinur than you can buy thn niillii-
Isliuil iniitiMiiil for. TimMoulc comprise * tbo
best Kriulu of goods nindo , Ooino ami sco
Niles & Wldey , 406 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
The J. A. Murphy ,
1st Avuiuio and " 1st St ,
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand nnd Scroll Baulntr. Ito-Sawltis nml
I'luinliiKi Sawlnir of nil kinds. I'oich Hraulfi'tH. '
Klndllnt ; wood if--'K ) pur load ili'llvurud. I'liMii
sawdust liy thu Imnulic. . All nork to bo
Ilist-cliiSM. Tcli-phono ittl.
DH. J. D. JACKSON , Dental Surgery.
All kinds of work done. Yon eon HIIVO one-
half on your iold nnd H I Ivor 111 1 1 in , ' by oall
lit room -'DJ Merrluni blouk. Council Itlilll'H.
J. I ) . ii\uiNi : > Siy ( , I'ro . ] : , I , . fjiiroAiiT. Vlcu-prca
Paid up Ciipitul $ ir > ( l,0 < )0.00 )
SuruUiHiuul Prollta f > iXM.00 ) ( )
Liability to Dopositot-B acO.OOO.OO
DIHKCTOIIR. I. A.Mllli-r. I' . O. ( HiMiMin. I ! . 1 .
KliiiKiirt , K. K. Hurt.I. I ) . IMiiiiiiison , Cliailoa
C. llaiiiian. TransautKcin'nil lianklns IniKl-
niiss. LnrKost capital and Htirplus of uny bank
In HoiithHoslcrn IIIHU. '
Architects and
Fine Interior Decorations.
lioom KM Morrliim Illock , Council IlluIN , In
lloum 1110 N. V. Ufo llulldliiUiiiuhii , Nub
Wholfcalo and lict.ill Dealers In
f/uw t Stock nnd Lowest Prices. Denlors , send for Patalojjur .
Nofl. 110" ) and 207 Broilwny : , nnd liOJ nnd 200 Plorco Street , Council UliilTii. In
/ Hydrnullo ami Sanitary En j ; I no or. I'lniiB , Kstirnutos ,
. DllK lIlUinfi-Sp lllciitioiiH , nnd SuporvlHion of Public WorU. Brown v
_ _ _ Building. CounutllUulTa , la. V
NOVi iiifnrIii3tico of the Posico. Olllco over Amorlunn Express , No. 000
' f , Counull JUulTs , Iowa. . .
OiiYin AttornovB at Law. Priietiuo in the State and cdornl
bllflg c ; ° urt8 < " 100 18 7 and 8 Shueurt-UoHO iJloulc , Council