TMJif OMAHA * JDAlLV BEE , SATCTRDAY ; JULY 12 , " 189ft" THIS DAILY B13JQ MOHNING. TKIIMS OK SUItSOIUI'TIO.N. ! Dally nwl Hiiii'lay , One Ycur. . 110 n > r HU months . , . . Ti no Tliroeinniitii" , . . . . - , . . . . . . SCO Hunilny llri'.OnuVonr. . ' . . 2 W WtuUly lieu , Ono Year . . . . . . 123 01-TICK.S. Onmlm. Tlip l > o Ilutlitltic. H.Ornnlin.CornnrN nn(13Hth Btrr-ot < Ji Council llltilTs. 12 1'entJ Htrcl. . I'liluueiiOnin * . ni * Uliuiitbern ! Cnnunirco. Ni'wYoik.Iloomsin , Hand UTrlbiinoHutldlngi ii. M.'l rmirtcuntlt strrot. . AM communications roli'tlns to news nnd ri1lloriil ! matter should lo uilun.'Med to tlio Editorial ikpiirtriiciit. IIUrflNK I.KTTFttH. All liiisliu'- httPrnn < l rprnlltnncM should lie nililiwtHf to Tint 1 1 co I'niilNiliiiiCoiiipiitiy , Domini. Oriftt. checks tind iirwtotnVo orileri to IIP nmilti payable tutl.u order oflnoCom- jinny. The Dec Publishing Company , Proprietors , Tlio llooiridjnjr. 1'iminmjiiitl Sevnntc-ciitliSti _ _ MYOUN STATKMK.Yl' OK ClltCULATION fctnlt'of N'olirnskri. ) _ . , County of Douglas. I ' Oforci' II. T/whilck , secretary of Tlio Kr > n J'uMlMiltiK Company , ( lees enlornnly swear Hint tlio jirliml circulation of TIIK luir.r HUB for tlio week ending July 5 , IBM , was ni fol- lovn : Kiimlny. . Minn 20 . Irt-Sffl Mnnilny , , Iiinon < l . 8l.iS.i Tiiriiliiy , July 1 . 10.2 ! AV Mlnr ( lay. July 2 . : . . . .ri.SMI TlnirMilav..iuIyA . 10-in 1'rlilny. , lnlv4 . in.T-i'i Hutu rilav. July 5 . . . .13. IO Average . 2 < VM OKOIIOR II , T/SOIIUCK. Sworn to h'/nrc / mn and sulxcrllicd In my rtrn'iiro this Btli ( lay of July. A. 1) . . ISM. ISciil.l N. 1' . I'iiu : Notary 1'ubllo. Etiitrof NVbr.iPka , I , . Cotintv of liiP. f1 ' Ocori < II. TzMcliuuk. Ix'lnc dulyiwnrn. flo- pOHfH mid sriVH tliat lie In seeri'tary of Tlio IK-o l'ulilsliln ; ( Oinpany , dial ttio actual avvraun dally clii-itlntloti of TIIK DAII.V HIK : for tlit- month of July. lKf. ! , KVnHfoplrM for Aliens ! . ISMI. I'.r.ll eo | > lcs ; for f-Viiti'mbor. IS * ! ) , 18.7IU rnplirt ) f < rOi'tnlor , I80. KWroples ; for No- M'liilier , lr-M > . Ill.IHO roplc.t ; for Doccinhrr , 1S ! ) , SO.o-IH copies ) for Jnniiniy. iK < n. ! ! > . . ' . " > copies ; fur Kclinmry.lftx ) , Il,7fil ( coplcsi for .Murcli.lWn , I.'o.HI.'i.roiilfK ! for April. Km. i.W4 coplos ) for May , le'JO , 1M.1SO copies ; for June- 1 K ) , B3 , : l Cllph'H. ( tr.OIKIK 11. T/.SCIIIJCK. Sworn to bpforn mo ntul Hiih-crlbud In my jirosoin'o this find dny of July. A. 1) ) . Ift'.tf ) , [ Scnl. ] N. 1' . I'mi * Notary Public. OWINO to tin unexpected pressure upon our columns it linn Leon necessary to defer the publication of Chairman Dk'klo's closing argument. It la now in typo niul will positively iipuunr in THE SUNDAY Bun. WITH Wyoming safely in the union , nnothor howl from the provincial cast may bo expected nil nlony the Atlantic lino. TUB board of public health might profitably extend its rules and regula tions to the medical quackw and impos tors operating in the city. Tun practice of jumping on moving motor trains promised to oiTect Its own cure. The resulting accidents area pain ful protest against a habit that is useful only in swelling the demand for crutches. TIIK double-decked contemporary still insists that the Missouri river shall bo opened for navigation. A line of Hying machines should also bo put in operation between Vancouver's island and the Gulf of Mexico. Mu. GKOitoic T ) . PKUKINS , proprietor of the Sioux City Journal , liiw boon nominated for congress from' the Eleventh Iowa district. 1C elected it will spoil a good editor to iiiuke a com- jiionplnep. congressman. THE republican alliance farmers in Adams county don't propose to allow ox- County Judge Mcltoighnn to dictate to them , and threaten to shako the alliance ii and go into the republican primaries. This is the Honsiblo thing to do. Tins fiscal report of the financial con dition of Canada shows u surplus of eight million dollars , de pito the whole sale peculations of olllctuls during the year. A surplus is a rarity in Canada and few governments in the world need it more. THE local medical society has at last realized the necessity of enforcing the medical laws of the state. It is time to put a atop to the impostors preying upon the public. As a mutter of professional Bocurlty , regular practitioners should not only comply with the law themselves but endeavor to secure bettor laws foi the protection of the profession and the public. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "IF Urontuh carries Douglas county in spite of whiaky boodln , " oxulaima a pa of the pretender. While the words were being { HJiincil Broatch and his tool were Hcourlng the saloons , dispensing Tammany boodle over the bars and pur chasing favor with cold cash. The knaves actually Imagine that the people Href too blind to &oo their trickery anc hypocrisy , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IlAlMlOAn movements in northeastern Nebraska foreshadow nn early closing of the gaps in that section. The octiv ity of now lines leaves no doubt of their ability to curry out their plans , thus forcing the older corporations to strengthen their defences. Improve inonts and extensions urged by the people and refused are coming to a hoac by force of competition. What public pressure failed to secure rivalry prom to accomplish. TIIK attempt of a sensational Wash ington paper to Implicate Judge GrolT in a land grabbing scheme will prove t bopmurang. Judge Groff .Is a man o unhanding Integrity. His reputation i stainless. As land commissioner ho ha stood between tlio settlers and the public plunderers. Ho has Introduced honest business methods in his otllco , and any of the feeble attempts to couple his name with crookedness will fall Hat In all the departments In Washington there Id not a man who batter under stands his duty or who will moro four lossly do his duty than Commissioner A. GrolT. TIIK county board of equalization has concluded its labors and adjourned. Tlio increase in the assessed valuation of all property over last year amounts to one hundred and slxty-nlno thousand dollars , or a total assessed valuation oi twontj-'llvo millions ono hundred and sevuiuy-nlno thousand dollars. This sum represents scarcely ono tenth of the actual valuation of Douglas county property , and forcefully points out the necessity of a radical chaugo in our reve nue laws. A n honest valuation is impos sible under the existing srstorn. .1 QIT.STWX OF A decision of the question regarding the authority of the interstate commerce commission to order a reduction of transportation rates will boawnllcd with great Interest The report of the com- nlsalon sent to the semite in the early mrtof last month , regarding rates on oed products between the west and the irlnulpal distribution centers of the east , , ho public has boon made familiar with. The commission expressed the opinion that any rate or greater . imrgo from the Missouri liver .him seventeen cents to Chicago and twelve cents to the Mississippi , cast side , was excessive , and that the rates should bp so reduced and adjusted , and that a reduction of two cents should bo made from aH stations west of the Missouri river In Nebraska and Kansas. This re port was followed up by a notice from .ho commission to a largo number of railroad companies" its purpose to nako an order huxcd on its findings , and olTcrlng the companies an opportunity to be heard and to present reasons why such an order should not bo made. The icaritig of the arguments was begun on the eighth instant. Mr. A. R "Walkor , formerly a incin- jcr of the national commission , and now chairman of that almost forgotten organ ization , the InloHtato Commerce Hall way association , appeared us the ropro- jonhitlvoof seine twenty-live railroad companies and &ubmitted an elaborate printed response , in the nature of an ar gument , as a reply to the notice issued jy the commission. This contained a motion to dismiss the pending proceed ings for want of jurisdiction. It was urged that if the conclusions of the commission were carried into ollcct the results would very largely re duce tha earnings of railroad companies engaged in the transportation of grain. Taken together , the argument of Mr. Walker declared the result would bo simply enormous , and it was held that tlio proposed order in every part relates to the rights of cltl/.ens. "It should bo unnecessary to call attention to the fact , " siyH : the argument of Mr. Walker , "that under our constitution no citi/.on can bo deprived of property without duo process of law. " Regarding the status of the commission , Mr. Willkor contended thai It is somewhat anomalous and uncertain. Many of its acts are quasi judicial , al though in some respects the nature of Us functions is purely administrative. lie held that no order should bo made by the commission upon the present record for the reason that a proceeding in tended to result in the announcement of an order by the commission must bo based , on its inception , either upon a complaint instituted by seine known and reputable person , or upon a determination of the commission itself to investigate the matter - tor in question , and that the curriers in terested must bo distinctly apprised of the complaint in advance of the investi gation and notilicd to miiko answer and bo heard thereon. A similar line of argument , demurring to the jurribdiction of the commission in the present proceedings , was submitted by other attorneys for the railroads. The other bide was presented by several at torneys , among them G. M. Lumbortson , esq. , of Nebraska , who appeared at the request of Governor Thaycr and en be half of the Fanners' Alliance of this stale. The argument of Mr.'Lambert- son is paid to have made ho strong and favorable an impression that ho was re quested to have it printed- for distribu tion. We have heretofore spoken of the importance of the issue thus made re garding the jurisdiction of the inter state commerce commission , but it is to bo observed that the position of the railroads , so far as they are represented in the argument ol Mr. Walker , is not so extreme as was threat oned when it was first pro posed to demur to tho'jurisdiction of the commission. The impression then con voyed was that it was the intention to deny the authority of the commission under any circumstances to order a re duction of rates. The decision of the question now under consideration , al though it refers only to the present pro ceedings , will doubtless determine the full Bcopo of the authority of the com mission to regulate transportation rates and the conditions under which it may do so. _ SlLVKIt COKFEKKNCE The joint resolution introduced in the United States senate by Mr. Teller looking to an International conference to adopt a common ratio between goli and silver for the purpose of establish ing the international use of bimetallic money and securing n llxlty of relative value between those metals , follows ap propriately the action of the senate in passing the conference silver bill. It Is moro than probable that the proposed resolution will bo adopted by congress , as it is not apparent that any good rea sons exist for opposition to it. It is well Intended , whatever may bo thought o ] the chances of It nceompllshlngany prac tical result. It is doubtless proper that a movement for the purpo- eonlorn- plated in the resolution should originate with this country. At any rate it ia uot likely to start with any other. { Ixporionco with International coafor- oiR'cs for the purpose of adopting a common ratio between gold and silver and establishing blmot- ullsm does not encourage the hope that anything practical will come of another olTort In this direction. Saventl such conferences have been hold none of which did anything to advance the cause of blmotallsm. The llrst of those , convened in Paris in 1807 , recom- me'nded the establishment of the single btandnrd of gold , with silver as a sub sidiary minor coin. The conferences ol 1873 and 18S1 were bomowhnt loss un- fuvorablo to the cause of silver. Thob ou'oct was to bring to the attantloa of the European nations that had partially demonetized silver the fact thut it was for their interest to join us in nn attempt to ro-ostnbUsli the legal'equality of the metals. It the pjoplo in ouoh nation ol Europe hud b3on alive to thalr own In terests the whole matter would have boon settled within a short tlmo after 187H. But neither of the two leading nations , England and Garmany , was then ready to do her share. The con ference of 1878 operated , however , to call a halt la Germany's demonetization and the Gorman government , having refused our invitation in 1878 , uont delegates to Paris in 1881. She , ns well as Kngland , was then BUfllclently alive to the situation to offer substantial aid in the work-of joint interest. Un- ucstlonnbly the work of education has ilnco proceeded bravely in Eng- and and Germany. The report two years ngo of the British royal com- nisslon on gold and silver showed that mbllc opinion was was growing steadily nero favorable to sliver. Tlio silver ncn have now n hundred votes in the louse of commons , a small minority , it s true , but still n largo gain over a few cars ngo , two members of the cabinet ire arrayed on tliolr side , and the rising onclors of economic thought In England ustaln their cause. In other European tales the interest in sliver is maln- alned. These facts are certainly not without ncourngemont , but they are the result f years of agitation , and they sug gest that it requires u prolonged ffort to induce nations to adopt a new monetary policy. Still ho situation Is undoubtedly clearer and nero promising than nt any previous imo in the hint dozen years , and our low silver policy may have a very great nlluonco in stimulating the growth of mbllc opinion in Europe in favor of lilvor. At any rate the uroposal of an ntornational conference for tlio purpose ndicatcd in the senate resolution up- > oars timely and there is at least a posl- jllity that it may have benulleial re sults , BROATCH displays a remarkable amount of nerve in declaring that ho is not a vote eorrunlor , in face of the fact hat his pals , noting under his instrue- Ions , have distributed boodle among the warding houses of every ward. Kolls of from ten to ono hundred dollars have jocn scattered with a lavish handtho only restriction being that every vote shall > o secured regardless of expense. "What arrant hypocrisy to Haunt in the face ol the people of Omaha , who are thor oughly familiar with the Janus-faced [ H'ctonder. Tun city as well as property owners are to bo congratulated on the practical disappearance of the wood pavement crnxc. Experience is a costly teacher. ' The miles 'of decaying blocks nv& the strongest argument nguinst the folly of reduced first cost. The best material , regardless of first cost , Is the cheapest in the end. Property owners on streets to bo paved are profiting by the mistakes of their neighbors , and have , with prac tical unanimity , petitioned for substan tial material. THE pot poodle of Billy Broatch responds spends to the yank of the string with a feeble howl , in which falsehood and pro fanity are mixed in equal proportions. Coining from the imnmculato mallsuck shulller , the snnclimoniouH oil room and ministerial fine worker , it servesto il luminate the disinterested patriotism of one whoso great aim in life is to plant Dodlin granite with incidental statistics where they will not the usual commis sions. OTIIEU LAXDS THAT OUUS. There are strong symptoms of impending disturbance In Eastern Europe , It appears tlmt Kussln is preparing to semi her Bluck Sea fleet into Turkish waters for the purpose of enforcing her recent Ccmand for the im mediate settlement cither In cash or in terri tory of tlio 187" wur Indemnity , amounting to over 5150,000 , which remains still due her l > y the sublime porto. Moreover , the czar has within the past thrco months presented five batteries of Krupp guns and 100,000 repeatIng - Ing rifles to Scrvla ; and finding that the Bel grade regency was debarred by the state of its finances from complying with Ills demand for the call to arms of the national militia , ho persuaded the Ilosklcr sjndlcato to issue n Servian loan of $10,000,000 iu its favor. Mysterious munmuvers are also reported to bo taking place on the lower Danube by the largo flotilla of steamers belonging to the St. Petersburg Gargarin navigation company , which , although founded ostensibly for com mercial purposes , continues a dependency * of the imperial navy. Uor is it possible to regard with indifference the repo.rts of serious affrays and sanguinary conflicts at ISrzcroum between the Armenian and the Mu.tsclmnn inhabltunts. During the last few yours moro than -10,000 Mahometans from the Caucasus , who have served their tlmo in the Uusslan army and therefore still to the czar's forces have belong reserve , set tled around Erzcroum and in other portions of Armenia near the Russian frontier. Being followers of tlio prophet , it was impossible for the sultan to exclude them from Ottoman territory. These unwelcome guests have been ongiijjed In frequent quarrels with the agricultural Christian population among whom tUoy dwell. The Turkish troops inva riably take p.irt with their fellow-believers against tlio Christians , and the result is thai constant appeals are addressed by the wretched Armenians to tlio great powers o Europe for protection against Mussulman cruelty and oppression. Kussla , which claims a sort of spiritual protectorate over the Mil tan's Christian subjects , is now threatening once more to intervene la their behalf as she did under similar circumstances in Hulguria in the war of 1S77. * * Wlillo the hicreaw In tlio strength of the .Gorman nrmy is considerable , Us exact dls tributlon ! b not of so much concern as Its cft'ocl upon tha ( Inir.ccs of the country and the n.illuiry establishments of other Kuropeai nations. Sjfllco r to nay , therefore , tlmt the war minister inlmJ lor a number of strategic railways , seventy r.ow field Dnttorloj , mak- lntr-131 German Latteries as against 100 foi Franco amiWl forllussiu , ntid fornu Increase intho polco : cuVctlvo of about 50,000 men Hut oven with this Increase , according to CJeucrul du Vornois , the Gorman peace effeo tlvo will remnlniiX)31ess ( ) than that of France while the combined war power of the trlpli nlllunco will b. < In men lass than that of Kus slu and Franco by about six hundred thou sand. This augmentation of fjeruwn light ing stroniftli will entail ua ailditipmil burden of nt least ir OOJ.OOJ , which uiusC ho borne by the i > coplo through lucrea&d taxatioi rather than by any systoui of loans But oven this Is not the worst o the cuso. Not oven the minister of war or the chancellor denies tbat next .ve.-u and the your after , ami so on indefinitelyj the peonla may 1)3 nV.c , ) , ! still furtlnr to paralyze their industrial Ufa lu the endeavor to iiour- ih the growing strength of the dragon of militancy. Anil yet thin far tha sacrifice is freely maJo , d as pi to the distress it causes anionj the urtlsans and peasantry ; fortbo ruUn ? classoj hjllevo with Von Moltko that when the empire soatiu ut stake "tlio money question biMomia . . - oondary oonsldoralloii , and every pocuulurjJcrlflco sojms Justltkvl at the outset. " With Uorirunj thus con centrating her wur power , Austria unJ Italy , her ullloj , find thojuclvcj forcoi to talto Inillnr measures. How the poopls of these hrco countrlm can endure additional bur dens is nhvnyl a mystery. But It has already been announced fit Vienna tlmt the govern ment will propose an increase in the nrmy In volving a cost'of between $ . " ,000,030 and $10- 000,000. Stgnor Orlspl of Italy Is too jealous of his posltltm' In the drelbund , moreover , tot to strain his personal power , If neces sary , to hold tlv > terrible pace , and before ontf wo may cxptfct similar proposals from lira. AVhero Is' tlio end of It all I is a ques tion thqt growi inoro and moro pertinent with each now .year. On the lost dnrof Juno the government of ; ho Netherlands Introduced in parliament n bill proposing general conscription , theologi cal students and ecclesiastics nlono to bo exempt from it , for eight yours for the army and six yoara for the navy , to lie followed by Ivo years in the landwehr. The nrmy war rooting Is to bo thus raised to 11(5,000 ( men ; that of the navy proportionately. In 1833 the [ lopulatton of the Netherlands was less thnn Tour million live hundred thousand , and It is [ > robably not much larger than that at present. This Includes , of course , men , women and children , the psrfect nnd defective classes , and of the able bodied men 110,000 are to bo forced into the nrmy on a war Tootiiig. Other thousands are to bo similarly forced into the navy. How creat the proposed increase Is to bo is shown by the present strength of the army on a war footing. It consists of 00,012 infantry , J.OIO cavalry , 1,5 > 0 engineers , 13,010 artillery nnd C00 [ mounted police , In all about 53,000 men , Including ofliccrs and special ser vices. The proposed increase is over 100 percent. The great armaments of Hiisaln , France , Germany , Austria nnd Italy do not so strongly suggest the terrible tyranny of the existing political conditions of Europe , which permit the continuance of peace only by a show of war , as does this example of a little nation of much less than 5,000,000 souls , and that Is not actually involved with iU great neighbors in International disputes , being compelled to maintain on a war fooling nn army nearly four times ns largo as that of tlio United States , with its population of 05- 000,000 and of practically unlimited wealth. * * The homo politics of Italy are peculiar just now , nnd the overthrow of the present gov ernment of Crixpl , or oven its continuance in power , might hasten a rupture lu France. ' 1'ho prime minister Is in a quarrel with some of his- former friends of the radical party , who lose no opportunity of taunting him with having become the Bismarck of Italy , rather than its Gladstone. He has a strong majority in the house , but not In the semite , which not long since voted against him on nn Important question ; and in the new election which will soon occur his friends may not ho able to carry the country iu his support. The party most likely to succeed against him , If any does , will bo the extreme liberals , uniting with conservatives who oppose the minister on other-grounds ; nnd there are some Indica tions , that In anticipation of this , Crispi may retire from the ministry , which ho told the house a few weeks ago was a ' 'post of mar tyrdom quite as .much as of duty. " Crispi has passed for au enemy of France , chiefly because ho formed the triple alliance , but ono of the radical leaders , in a recent oration commemorating Benedetto Calroll , the last of a family of brothers who mostly died lighting for Italian liberty , used such language about Tunis that the French expect to find tbat party , if it comes into power , no more friendly to Franco than Crispi has been. In fact , however , the internal condition of Franco , makes all experienced statesmen doslro peace and greatly dread war. Italy , though mak ing great progress since 18iO ( , has'still a largo population In cxtrqmo poverty , and of late , in some provinces , , Indlnpd to bo disorderly. Since tlu > chief Justice of Samoa , under the peculiar treaty made at Berlin , is to go as fur toward becoming the dictator of tbat archipelago pelage as a judicial ofllcer could well go , the appointment of a Swede to the oftleo Is prob ably o wise , step. Thoi treaty declared tbat if the thrco signatory powers should fail to agree in nominatinga chief justice , bo should bo named by the king of Norway and Sweden. Considering how much this func tion has to do , It is not surprising that the treaty alternative thus mentioned has b en actually adopted. In case of dispute as to who is kiug of Samoa ho Is to decide ; In case of "any difference" be tween the treaty powers ho is to be the arbiter and to settle it ; ho is to recommend to the Samoan government any law ho may think proper for preserving order and collect ing taxes outside the municipal district ; ho decides all suits concerning real estate , all civil 'suits of nny kind between natives nnd foreigners , and various criminal suits. All this nnd moro lie is to do for $ ' ) ,000 a year , payable the flrst year in equal shares by the three signatory powers , and afterward from the revenues set aside for the Samoan govern ment. .Although bis salary is the first lien on these revenues , yet to remove any lingering doubt in the chief justice's mind the three powers agree to share lu making upanydo- llclency.Vo shall .soon see how this rather novel device In governmental machinery will work in Apia. The motto of Dr. Nanson , who next year is to take a Journey to the north polo , is "For ward I To victory or dotitht" It is a most appropriate motto for his enterprise , for if ho ( jets into the unknown area far north of the New Siberian islands , ho must work out his own salvation or perish. It Is quite certain that no government or private enterprise would imperil the lives of scores of men in the forlorn hope of carrying succor to Kan- sen's handful of followers if they nro swal lowed up in the unknown realms of the ice king. All the money Nansen needs has no\\ been provided , and if ho lives his little 170- ton vessel will enter Bourinc Sea hi Juno next year. Ho hopas to take his plunge into the Ice north of the Now Siberian islands in September , and then the currents will re licvo him of all further responsibility as a navigator. He mart , go where ho U taken. The plausibility wltt which ho 1ms urged his theory that the Icqllrlft will carry him across the pole , and the fact that some Arctic experts - ports think hU tucQvy Is reasonable , cxplali the important fueUbat he has Induced a gov ernment to supply'ijioit ' of tlio money ho needs. This is somewhat ronrirkublo , us ex peditions In scarcU pT the north polo have not been at all popular of latu year * . The Il-nt TJ Ji > t t < lVltli l < It. .I/dine ijx/i ! < , /n'inrif. ' Speaking of th < 5 ; IcICinloy bill , the senate seems to think thai the Cinlost way to currj anything down stain is to throw It out of tlio window. * ; _ fi ( _ h I'rolilliill mists. Cltu Time * , There is little doubt that Ainoi Cummlngs is not looking for 'thu Konsai prohibition voto. His sli'irp vrUlclini of "tba prohibi tion cranks" uttered lu the house was ua wel deserved us It was thoroughly meant. n Byniliollo SI ' A man niunod ( Jreou Clark , who lived near St. Joseph , Mo. , was recently stun1 } by a lice ntid die. ) within eight hour * . Thuio gentle men In whoio bjnaiu tuu pnuldunthil Iwo Is laming ought to take warning by Mr , Clark's aaJ fate , WOIHUI'H II ill-tin. there will bj no profession or trailo loft as u proud man's yory own. Women lave successfully maitered forming , doctor- ng , the Inw , telegraphy , anil many other nirsulU , nnd now nn Ohio woman has begun work on n railroad building contract. A fe- nalo captain cruises along the Atlantic coa t unncit : schooner of her own , nnd n sto.itn- > oat on tha Mississippi possesses a V.-omnn engineer. Dropping the Khlc Issues. St. Joints GMic-tJcmotrat , The lownrowibllcans nro getting together nt n rate which signifies that the season of folly is ended , nnd that they propose to re store the former majority of the party In that state by working for the rocognl/eil republi can principles and letting side Issuu alone. 1'cm niaAPHita xuw ox u viun Thrco things ought to tlud a pluco in every American homo : Tlio sacred Scriptures , a good dally newspaper and n thoroughly reli able encyclopedia. The drat wo oroqulto sure every family In which Tin : REI : Is tnircn already en Joys ; the second It has been the business of our lives to furnish ; the third \\o place nt the dlspasnl of our readers from thli moment. Eight cents n dny , with nn addi tional fraction of n cent too small to bo easily stateable , will hereafter cnno lo any citizen to secure the dally and Sunday edition of this paper for an entire year delivered at his real * deuce , and In addition incomplete sot of the Americanized Encyclopedia llritannica , which , after a careful examination , wo confi dently bollovo to bo the raojt complete , relia ble and altogether host work of Its kind ex tant todny. This is nnothor Illustration of the motto tlmt lies nt the bnso of American institutions ! In union there is strength. \Vo \ have simply organized the rend * era of Tim Bui ! Into a club of encyclopaedia buyers and obtained from the publishers the concessions which so vast nn organization has the legitimate right to demand. Our reward will come in an In creased circulation , which , again , will prob- nbly enable n.s to secure similar advantages for our subscribers in some other direction. This Is as It should bo ; the publisher and readers of a great newspaper should work together for mutual advantage. The work which wo bave thus secured for our readers Is neither a msro reprint of a for eign publication nor a baity compilation Issued under a "catchy" title. Ills really a special edition of tluit worlil famous work , the Encyclopaedia Drltaniioatprepared ! by a stall of American scholars witli as 3clal view to the ucediTof American homes. Not a sub ject treated in the original "Biitamilc.V bus been omitted ; not n word hns been left out that by any possibility could interest an American reader , nnd a vast amount of new matter the wnut of which deprived the Eng lish work of half Its iisofulncos has been nddoJ. The title accurately expresses tlio scu > o ana plan of the book. It is the Ency clopaedia Iiritamiic.1 Americanized. What the publishers have done is to ttiko the Encyclopedia Britannica to picce.s and rebuilt it with amendments and improve ments. The latest or ninth edition of the or iginal work wns compiled some fifteen yeara ngo ; the American editors have revised it to the present year. The original work was crowded with minute and exhaustive de scriptions of English towns , cities , counties , boroughs , minor institutions and other mat ters of peculiarlntorest to Englishmen and to Englishmen alone , while American subjects were treated with- the same brevity as French or Gorman. The American editors have reversed this method , condensed the articles on distinctively British subjects within reasonable limits , uad utilized the spnco thus gained for exhaustive dis cussion of purely' American topics. The original work excluded from Its plan nil mention of. individuals , however famous , who were allvo at the tlmo of Its compilation ; it says not u word of moro than half the men whoso nnmos nro written on the pages of modern history no word of Grant or Sheridan , or Sherman , of Harriet BeechorStovvo , Julia "Ward IIowo , or Eliza beth Stuart 1'holpj , of Cleveland , Harrison or Blainc , or Parnell , Salisbury or Bismarck. This woful UHHUS , too , has been supplied In the Americanized edition. A scries of 3,000 biographies , each brought down to the pres ent year , enables the reader to leani at a glance , the life story of every noted Individual of the prcscilt generation. To all' this odd a complete series of maps and a number of well executed engravings Illustrative of the text , and the Americanized Encyclopedia Britannica Is before fore you \ork inwhoso introduction to our readers wo fool a not unwarrantable pride. OTUSAT MEN. The king of Sweden is said to have a first cousin living In Lynn , Mass. The Cincinnati Enquirer says that Spejikor Heed has run his first heat in the presidential race. Secretary Tracy Is accused of having sen atorial ambitions and a Ucsiro to succeed Sen ator Evarts. The eldest member of Lord Salisbury's cabinet Is Lord , CranbrooU , who is seventy- six. Lord Sails bury is sixty. A Cooper monument is to ho erected in the Now York town that James Fcnlmoro Cooper made famous by locating his homo there. P. T. Burnum's fortune is estimated at $11,000,000 , every cent of which ho has ac cumulated since ho reached his fortieth birthday. uiiDort , tno umii3ii dramatist , begins his literary work about midnight nnd keeps on writing until the sun has vlsen. Ho is a great consumer of cigarettes , Count Dillon's friends sny that ho haa been compelled to go into trade to jnnUo good the money losses ho sustained In tryhitolnako / General Boulaugcr dictator of Franco. . Lewis 1 . AValters of Phconixvllln , I'a..who has boon appointed to succeed S. Dnvls Pa o us assistant treasurer of the United States at Philadelphia , la known us the "original Harrison risen man , " tlio first to break from the Penn sylvania delegation ut Chicago. The czar has had a serious quarrel with his brother , the Grand Duke Aloxii , The grand duke is the head of the marine administra tion , and It is said ho las offended the czar by urging the necessity for wholesale reform to put an end to the waste and extravagance which now characterizes the nuvy. .Senator Evarts owns n hunting lodpo , n comfortable lop cubln , on the banks of the Potomac , in Maryland , furnished ready for instant use , with a colored mnn nnd his wife hi readiness to rocolvfl the senator and his friends , but it has not Ixwn u oil iivopt 1 > \ the colored man and his wife ciudiiir the so vend - end years Senator Kvurt-s lias owned It. General Adam 1C. King , the now consul- general to Paris , Is a resilient of Baltimore and nn enthusiastic Blai'.io man. Ttill , liainl some mid distill gulshod lonkiig , with snow white hair and beautiful bliuilc eyes , ho will bonstrlUltiT Ilguro hi thosoclcty circles of the Aincrlftm polony. He was a good soldier In Hancock's corps , nnd Ids friends nro all warmly attached to him. Clmunroy Dupcw was called upon recant If by a middle-tiered lady who was so dellKhtort b.v his urbanity that she Impulsively hlssod him when she IUIHO to luivo. A ropirtor who witnessed the diiturlnm-o aslted Mr. Dinsw whether ho was used to that sort of thing , and ho replied : "It is one of the regular rules of thonnico. " Ex-Souator Oilman Marstonof New Hamp shire , who died Thursday , was wounded biidly in the arm at Bull Him , but refused to IIMVO the member amputated , though the sur geons told him his life dui > ondol : on that operation. Ho Insisted upon being i > laced upon his horse und was led to the front ninid cheers from tho"lmy " of nlsri'gimont. Ho once refused to allow his hoops to hoard un overloaded transport , bei-nnso hu had "brought those men from New Hampshire to light , not to bo ilmwiuMl. " Tlio ciders of a tvrnmitriil sui > crlor to build a niruard house "without sn much as n rraclt in It" ho olwyert literally , solid loir.s being so used that there was not oven a iloor to enter by. " Memorial , IlAsiiifiifi , July 11. [ Special Cablegram to Tins UKB. ] The Hamburger Nuohrlohten domes - mos the ropirt tint I'rlnco Bismarck Intend ) to request ICniporor William not tocnsct BUinurck's mi. mortal durltighh ( Blsmurck'u ) 1 If o tlmo. aossii1 , The reports from the primaries over the state will soon commence to come In and the rnau with straws oraslato can commeaco to figure on tha situation. Woat Point U the llrst to conio in , with n city delegation di vided between Richards and MacCull for governor. Air. John M. Stewart of Mlmtcn , who for several yoara has boon deputy attorney gen eral , announces.tilnuclf as a candidate for the political shoos of Mr. Lccso. Mr , Stewart expects to conio In with n portion of the west , which will again divide the strength of St. Kay tier , and makes live candidates instead of four. i , It is evident that Mr. Hlchard Berlin Is not ns deeply In the raeo for lieutenant governor ns ho might have been u few Hooting woolu ngo. ngo.Tho The fight for tlio Auburn poitoflleo still goes merrily along. Dr. MeDrawls confident mid Hush 0. Fellows is contUent. Mr. Connell - nell continues to receive lengthy petitions , but remains llrm In his admiration of David Campbell , the present incumlwnt. As Camp- boll's commission dow not expire until Janu ary , it Is altogether probable that nothing will happen until the heated term Is pait. JuJgo Thomas Appleget of Johmon , In order to give the other fellows nil the show passible , says that ho 1 ? not a candidate for governor. lie oxiiMts to boa c.iadl.lato for judge again next fall , nnd that Is abjat all lie lias time to bother with. J. W. Jouuaon of Siitton , candidate for secretary - rotary of Mute , Is in the city , Ho says that the brief canvass which ho has ni-idJ leal s him to think that ho still Im some frlomli throughout Nebraska. Mr. Johnson's lint political work was when ho groomed Henry tires Laws forutute auditor some throe yours ago. ' J. 0. P. Illldobrand was In Omaha yester day from St. P.iul , Howard county. While ho is a democrat , ho puj'i ho speaks for A. E. Cadywhcn ho says that all that gentleman wants is to go to the legislature from Howard county. This is a peg or two lower thnn being congressman from the Third district. ' The democratic friends of Sam Wolbach of Grand Island Insist that a great portion of the west and northwest will endorse that gcn- tloman for governor. This is not the way Mr. Davis of Columbus , who Is booming Baruum , looks nt it , . AKII'M tH'TUU X Ncbraikn , ThsnowMetiiodlst church nt Qrotun Is well under way and will bo completed next month. UT. S. Freeman of BlueVallcv , Vork county , lost two barns by lire , but tuoy were fully insured. The independent voters of Gosper county will hold n convention July 17 to place a county ticket In the field. The inomber-s of the Furnas County Veter ans' association will nieut In convention at Beaver City on Saturday , July W. The State bank of Crclghtoa Is to erect anew now , fliio and commodious building. Its capital stock has been increased to ? 5tlK)0. ) , ) S. M. Slnwlnskl , postmaster and merchant at Dunbnr , fell off a Union Puclllo train at Columbus and was paralyzed , lie cannot re cover. John Klco , who worked In nn elevator nt Milford. was struck by n tumbling rod and received a broken jaw nnd a fractured skull. His recovery Is very doubtful. 'J.'ho Arapahoe farmers' ' alliance expects to hold n picnic in the near future. Hovcral prominent speakers will bo oiigagoJ to ad dress the people on that occasion. The eleutrlo light company of Norfolk Is gradually Botthip the now arc street Hfihts in , nnd it will not bo long until Main street Is lit up with an arc light at each intersection. An open meeting for the discussion of the issues of the day will bo hclj by Central nl- llunca No. ( i-jt nt the Weinier school hoiuo north of Hnrdy Saturday afternoon , July 19. The Norfolk District Epworth league Is culled to meet at Lyons , Neb. , on July 15 to 17. Each charge Is entitled to two delegates , to bo chosen by the Epworth league , If there Is ono organized in the charge it' not let the pastor appoint them. The sheriff nt Stuart has served nn injunc tion on the school board of district No. 41 , restraining It from paying Interest or ' principal on Sl)0 ( ) , ) in or'dcra Issued by the board on the builcliupr fuud and placed on the market and sold ono year ( IKO lost spring. The complaint sets forth that the orders were Issued In violation of law. ns there wns no debt existing nxalnst the school district at the time of their issue , The reunion of the Orand Army men of southern Nebraska nnd northern Kansns. to bo held at Superior August 4 to I ) , promises to bo the biggest gathering hold In Isobraskn for a long tlmo , The railroads entering Superior will run special trains. Senator Ingalls , Governor Humphrey nnd stall , ox- Governor Anthony , George I. 1'cck , "Webb McNnll , Henry Booth ot Kansas , Governor Thayer and staff and many other prominent men will bo there. The Two Dukotas. The yield of wheat In Hughes county will be thirty busholj to the acre. Thei-o nro twenty-six branches of the farmers'alliance in Hand county. Harvest hands nro hard to get In South Dakota and wages are high In consequence. There were myriads of hogs in 13oullomme county last year , but this season they have all disappeared. There is talk of organizing a boat club nt Yank ton and fitting up line grounds uiid n boat house on the Jim river. The falling of a chandelier bn.lly damaged the 1'reabytei'iiin church at Oroton , scatter ing burning oil in all directions , i : . P. H. Ashlev , a full blooded Indian , is Sunday school director nt the Crow Creek agency. 1 fo is a good talker , well educated , andib a printer by trade * . William Craven , census enumerator for Viicbach , tha cxttcmo western reservation county opened for settlement , says n very largo immigration is pouring into that section und the good funning land Is being rapidly taken up. The county is well watered und there is not a better county in the stnto for uijriouUural purposes. At Fort Rice , in Morton county , In the post graveyard "lie the remains ot omo fifty sol diers who were massacred by the Indiana some years ago while building the fort. The place was visited by relatives the other day , wlie report the graves In u wofully neglected condition. An effort will bo made to have oongresa puss n special net consecrating th j grounds as a nut oniil cemetery and thus se- ouio pro [ > er care for the graves bythogov- on.munt. An eleutile battery fiend In an Aberdeen hotel caught nn old fanner with his infeninl rnu'htpo thn other dny und nnrrowly escaped bu-onihiir n murderer. Tito old man was nf- llleled with heart disease and fell to the floor In an unconscious condition and had to Ixi re moved to a phpileian's olllco for treatment. The nvin will recover , and tlio practical Joker can congratulate himself en being on the out- sldo of the pcnitcntiury. iT in' .1 < ; iitr . Cimiirel lont'HCIiimiplim l'uulll t. Itf.Kt- ( Ml by a Fariner'H Daniliter. SOITII NonWALK , Conn , July 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnu.J-Clara Sturgojs of tills city hns knocked out a middleweight pugilist named Tony Cook , whu claims to bo champion of the state. Mlos Slurgess is n tall , slender , pretty looking udss nliout eigh teen years of nge , and her feat Is the talk of the town. For some day s past Cook has been working for Farmer Sturgcss , Clara's father , haying. The fanner allows the men to drink nil thu hard cider they cnti stow away , nnd 111 n result Tony became Intoxicated uiid 111 the nftomooii went to sleep on the fanner's front door step. Mr * . Sturgoss objected nnd un dertook to drive the slugger off. His blood was up inn minute and ho struck her. She Huroaniod mid her cries for help were heard by Clara , who quickly rushed to her mother's imUtaiico , She picked up u rhnlr und bolnb- orod the prize lighter over tbo head. The vhiitr was broken In u few moments und Coolc turned his attention to the girl and started to thrush tier. She grabbed Mm around the neck and gave him a pummollng. The girl's ' father arrived on the scene nnd mlded further to the prlo Hunter's humilia tion by giving him n stinking up. C'Ook wnt * thrown into u wagon nnd tnlcon to jail. "r Ho hns won aovcml buttles In the ring C lately , the lost one taking place not lass than a \vonkniro when ho defeated Jim Uoynoldi of Now Haven , i P 1'hnt'n What MaUlnim Says and Ua _ X Offer * ti ) Unuk .Inko. r "Nr.w YOUK , July 11. f Special Telegram to Tim IhiK.J MuUloon luu written n let ter answering Sulllviuilii which ho cull ? Sul llvtui ti llnr and braggart. Ho says Sulllvnii never p.xld him for training him nnd neeuses lilin tit being nn Ingratc. "From the tlmo that Clenry nnd myself were nrrMteil lust January In thin city , up to the llino when the trial was over , this great blackguard , Sullivan , novur offered ono single - glo dollar towards ilofniylng the expenses o ( Mr. Clear'nnd } myself , nnd U will bo remem bered Hint wo were urrcatcd on on Indictment found against us for being his second * In ttio light. " Ho clones by saying : "If ho will fight Kll- rain lurnin. I will yo on thu other side. I will imt Ktlr.ifii In the rliitf at ' , : K > poiuuls. nnd I x will bet S..MO ' that ho vlns the light In less N. . llino thnn It took Sullivan tovln tlio lust v- ll'ht ( from him , when Kllrnln went Into tlio rhifwolKhliiK only ITS poumlJ. U'licro would bo plenty of nionov In such u IlKht , n Kllraln win k'et bacUors for$10HlO , nnd LuUo Short at Port Worth. Tex. , oltors n blgpurw nnd will nlao get n ilconsu from the ntnto iwrinlt- \\i\K \ \ \ the ll ht to tuUo nlnco without Inter- ferciico. Should Kllrnln full to wlnmulin less tlmo than Sullivan won , then I will pub- Ik-ly nuiiouiico Unit I was no iisslstnuco to Sulllviiti In this hut light. As badly ns S\il- j llvnn has neted In this wiiolo matter , 1 don't care to see him whipped by u ne io , nnd how that ho will have the good sense to let J nek- son nlono. " MVintF.lttllt V .1 31.1X2.IV. A. I'oiinsylvnnln l itrincr Iloalon to Death with 11 Ho . PiTTSTON" , Pa. , July 11. [ Special Telegram to TUB Em : . ] A shocking inunlci' occurred yesterday on the Pnlinerton farm nenrBnr- boui-svllle. Sylvnims 1'ulmorton , n prosper ous farmer , was beaten to death with n boo by ono of his hired men , Albert Cummlng * . The murderer , it Is said , had been subject to spells of Insanity forsomo tlmo past , but they were usually very mild und no cnuso for nlnrmwns felt cither ly I'almcrton or Ills family , with wlmmUuinmlnpt boarded. Ve.saj \ lordny ho wns solzeil with ono of these HIT * * ' ; * und ho boiMino n raving inanUe. In this con- dltlon he entered the house and threatened tlio lives of the family. The fainilv led ! to places of safety. IMlnierton then stiirtod to iilurtn some nelKhboi-s nnd on the way picked up n boo. CinnmiiigH overtook him and the two hail n tussle on the highway , during which the hoc liniullo wno broken. The in.i- iilaounforUinalcly seeured tlio end to which was attached the steel blade , nnd with tills ho bent 1'idincrton on the lioad until ho was dead. Ur-avlni ? the dead body In the roml , CnnmfuiRS then went to n barn nnd locking himself in attempted suicide by liaiiKlng. but several nelKhbors forced nn entrance Just In tlmo to rescue him. Ho was conveyed to jail. Wouldn't lluvo Don" It. l July 11. [ Special Cablegram ta TIM : BIE. : | Prince Bismarck , Jn un Inter view published by the Frankfort Journal , says that ho would not have signed the Anglo- ( termini agreement in its present form. The ox-chancellor holds that Heligoland , which the emperor wished to 5ecuro to Germany , might luivo been obtained nt less cost. Un less the Island Is strongly fortllicil ho says It might prove a danger to Germany lu tlio event of war. Hopnblleaii State Convention , The lounhHcan clccton of the state of Ni brnitku nru ii-quested to hond delegates dom tlinlrriovcrnl counties to meet In con volition In thucity of Lincoln , Wednesday. July 21 , aid o'clock p , in. , for tlio purpn o of placing In nomination candidates for the following ! > tate olllces : Governor. Jjlruloiiniit Oovcnior. Secretary of Stntp. Auilltoruf I'uullo Account Ktato Treasurer. Altonioy General. . Commissioner ot 1'ubllo Lamll and llull.l- u'lcrliitpn ) < 1riil of 1'nbllo Instruction , And the transaction of such other buslnosi 'AK may come huforo thu convention. TUU AI'l'OllTlONSIKNT , The sovcrnl counties are entitled to repre sentation ns HillouM , lieln Imseil iiimn tlui vote oust for linn , ( ipoi-uo II. llntlnits , nresl- duntlal oicutorln Vs > elvlng oiiodulL' iitu-at- to t'licli county , and ono for each 1' > J and thu nmjor fraction thereof : ll : .xiillno. t ! t 1 Ills recommended that no iimxU'n bo ml- mltlod to llm convention , aiultlinttliuiloli- ( ? ntes present hi ) authorized to cast tlio full vote of tlio ili'lcgntlnn , , , Ii. I ) . IliciiAims , Ulialrniun. WAi/rM. SKKI.KV Pocretnry. Positively cured liy UICMJ I-itllo I'ills. They also rcllovo Dis tress * from liyspcpMa. Iii OlfCHtlon nnJ Too Hearty listing. A perfect rcnv < 'ily for DIzzlnefcH. NaUMji , DrutvKlnciM , Had Tufitet In tlio Jluuth. canted p Tunguo , Pain In llio Slde.f TOIM'JI ) JJVKH. They regulate the Dowels. I'urely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SHALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. * OMAHA AND TRUST COMPANY. KiilHcrlbod und fliiiiiimtectlCapital..f. > 'X ' > .QT > i'uld In Oniiltal JW.UUJ llnysftiul sollmtockn niul neKotliileH fominoreliil pnpor ; rectUvm und iixoc utt < t triistHi acsWuH triuia tut iiKi'nt und tliistuu n ( cnrporallons , tukua vbar o of property , col lects taxbs. OmahaLoan & : TrustCo SAVINGS BANK. S.E. Corner 16th and Douglas Sts I'uld In Capital ? 51,03) Hnlisorll.od and Ounrantooil Oiipltal. . , . 1UI,0 ) I l.luUlllty of Stookholilorn .W.OJ'J bl'or Cunt Intorml I'uld on Dope lU , 1'UAMC J. I/A.MIK , Caslilor , OnicorniA. U. Wyniuii , iiroililunt , J.J. Itiowu. vluu'pruHldunt , W.I. Wjrniaii , UonsiiriT. DlroctorH-A. IJ. Wyninn. J. II. .Mllliird , J. J llrown , Guy U , Iliirton , l'V. . , Ttiumu * J. Kliutmi : , Qtorio II , Luki *