1 THJfi OMAHA JJAJJUy J3JUF , laUDAY , JULY 11 , 1890. 1 THE DAILY BEJ3 4 E. H03EWATEEEditor. or HUHSCHII'TION. Unlly niiil KuwluyiOrio Vour . tlO CO Hlj inoiilln. . . . . . , . , . fiOO Tlii-ci'iiinutM. . . . . . JK > Htinilny lice , Onurr \ . . . SOO Weekly lice. Uuo Y r. , . . . : ; , . 1 air i/r r HjttSt Oinnlm. Tlii" lion Itiilhllnr. H. Onutlin. Corner \ nndiftitli fitrootti Council IIIUITx , r.'l'otirl Pin-el. QlilciittoOIlliiiiilTChainlHir nf Gonitnorrr. w Vork.Kooiim 13 , 14 niul lATrlliiino i , SHI roiirtcrnlliilruut. .A'l ' cotntniinlesilloiis ri'lutliiR to news nnrt editorial Mutter should bo uilil tested to tlio Killtoiiul Depart tiii'iit. iirsixnss AllliiuliiPKHli'tli't-- iPni liiMi lrtii l Tin- ' - . < * - < to ItiuI'MlillsliliiirOomimiij- Onialiii. Druftx. rliccki and ixnloflicn orders tolio inatlo piyullo ; totlio order at thu Coiu- piuiy. Tlic Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors. Tlio lloolt'lrlliiff.J'nrniiiii nn'1 Si Witt-rut It St _ M\OltN \ HTATKMKNT or"CIUUUIAT10N bind' uf Nolmitkii , IHJ County of Donald * . l"1 . . . Cool piII. . Twii-liiiok , upcrotnrjr of llio Itco riiUlNlillii , ' Coiiiiiiiny. dom coli'iunly nwoir : Ilint tlie actual circulation of Tim DAlt.v IIKB for tlio wouk ending July u , IfeiW , wus us fol- Miiiiciriy..Tiim < : * > . SI.IN > Tuesday. .Tilly 1 . ! ' " ) > \VcillifiilMy , .lllly 2 . l"Mi ! ' Tliiirsdiiy. .inly 3 . WHO 7''llrln.V.Jillv4 . lfl.72- ' Batnrtlav. July c . .Win K II. TiWIlUCIt. { orn to Wore mo niiil unliscrllicd In my pirM-iiMi tliUfiUxliiy of .Inly. A. ! > . . lido. tfiuul.l N. I1. J'KIU Notary Public. Btuto of N'clraiUn , , ( 'oiintv of rimiKlna. I ( Tcorirn II. T/m-lmiiU , bolng flitlvpvnrn. < 1o- po if < s mid MIIVH tlml lie Is M'rmlnry of The lloo J'iililtnliliiK t'ompimv , Unit tlin ncluiiliivoMKO dully cliculiitloii of Tut : luir.v llKiifor the inrintlior .July , IfcSn , NVW coplo.s ; fur Auniiit. 3.VH. IMVil roiihs ; for hVptiinilKT. INI , 1 .710 copies ) for Oolol cr , IlW , IKMff cuplpsi for No- vciiilx-i , If-Wi. JIMIIO copies ; for Ducoinbur. IsM ) . I ,04rt rnnti-i ; f ir Jnntiiiry , IMXi , ll'.r.Vicoplt's ' ; fur roliiiiiiyIMH : ) , 1 ( , Tfil coplpH : fur Mnruli.lS'K ) . SdHir > foili | > Ki for Apill , IS'Ji' ' , 'JO.tM ropUis : for May , MM , 1.1U80 cotilos ; for .liinc. im , ' 'l.SWl C-IMI | < " . UKOIIIII : II Tx.wiii'CK. b wo in to l > cfoio mo mid subscribed In my jiirscncc tlihi'mlilny of July. A 1) ) . JMl. [ f-wil.l N. 1' . 1'KIU Nolmy I'nbllo. EviiUY vote for liroiituh is an endorse ment of jobbery n ml treachery. 'Willis the Second wsiril Hpolco in voci ferous tones , It in siifo to presume that Ilroatch ropoalcil tlio famous pliraso , "I decline to Mil. JUDAS I. CLAIIKI : 1 ? scattering RreonbaoliH right and left among tlio Jteoporn of tlivcs and dons for Droatch anil tlie purlllciitlon of olectlons. CAJfitbo tlmt Mr. Viiiidervoortox- jioots to furnish Dodlin gmtillu for a now vlny to tlio blnto house provided his 'I'aiiunany bass is iiinilo ( rev WITH HB tiBittil liin'biglitodnoss the woathur bureau minngrc.s to measure the brcaclth nnd Qopth of u ro.uU twenty-four lioara nftor it lias iw .so.il a lvuu point. Sioux fiTY coini'K up smllinjr with a population of 30,000 , ftccorcllnj , ' to tlio ofllelul eslinutto. As tlieso figures glvo iibout C,000 more than Sioux City ox- pcctod , it is not likely that a loco-.int be culled for. IT IH expected thut- titln of nobility vlll bo conferred on Sttmluy on his vcdtlliifr day either ny llio qnuen of I'lnglnntl or the king of tbo 13clgipns. liven thoit Stanley will not bo a Creator anan abroad than one own Colonel , the Hon. DifTalo 33ull. ATTENTION is called to the law governing primnrj olectiontj , whleh wo print for the information of voters. Tt will 1)0 ) noon tlmt all tlio pcnultlcs ftiM- .apply to fraudulent voting nt general elections apply with oquul severity toprl- iniu-y elections. Lot uipcn.torsimd.non- rosidcnl.s Jjowuroi MAtOXJ3YandToliuny Dehicoy , i v puir of Tuinmany cherub , Jmva , ro- iturucd froiji a Hix years' viioation in tCuiitulii. { l lujlr o llo was no loa ? a sur- jirlso than tholr roturn. ] 3ut itho fact that Attorney Follows disponseg Tarn many justice to boodloi'o encouraged the jirbdbjiilH to throw tlioinsolvca on the mercy of that distinguished party patriot. Hull Followb , well mot. iifograinmo of the pumnior mont- jlig | of ijLlio Nebraska state iiortioulturiil tdoiety to bo hold tit Crete July ai and August 1 lias bconjssuod nml the moot ing will prove moro interesting than ever lo the hortliutUurists of the stato. Koine twenty papers will bo read by the most prominent horticulturists in No- liraskn. It Is to ho hoped that tliosum' , juor mooting will bo largely attended. An utU > nil | is buing mndo to patch ut ) a truce ibotwoen St. Prntl nnd JSlinnoapo- 11s tind hiispond tlio hostilities provoked , by census piddinj. ; { A slgnUlc.iat foa- tttro of. the argiunont advanced is that the Twin cities "must stand toffothor to hold their own against Chicago anil Onuilin , and they never iioodod oaeh other's liolp .more than they need it now. " The truth of tlioiiissortiion cannot be denied. Tin : Topeka CapUul is forced to con .cede.that Kansas hasiiov prqgrossod us flvoidly as Jfebmsku , but doii os that the ialUng o f is duo to prohibition. True lUitKan&us 1ms prohibition only hi name It is the reign of outlawry and free whUky that Inus fheckcd the' welfare ol the sttilo , dopreclatcd jirojmrty values mid increased luxation. On itho othoi hnnd , Nohraska , under ro.strlutlon anil regulation , has disttuicod her nolghbort iuixjiilout ofliiyraaso In population , and commercial and industrial growth. Titu president vwtood the bill extend ing the tlmo of purchasers of lands 01 thoOimrimludlunrosjorvullon , as it was expected ho would do , bocuuso of curtail errors in thy monsuro. An cITort was inu4o to got n resolution throughwitli drawing the bill uftor It wus sent to the provident , lu order 1o cprroot the orrws uiid Ktronglhen the uronlc jwiii but.dojuocrutjo uiounnoss pi-ovonled this being done. No moro potty exhibition of partisan nploon wns over shown Ii congi-oss , and never was notion promptei by pitch ; i motive juoro utt-orly pro tlesa ( or by no possibility cau Dioro bo an jxlUIcal capitul derived from U. Aiiothvr till will ha immediately Introduced unil jromjtly ) passed thut will moot the ap- provul of tlio jirnsldont , so thut the Iphonpdomocratlgtuetlcd will work no Jiarm oroiiilxu'riibsmout to tbo parties | utcrps.od ( i.u jtho measure. $ rmi/MT/w / / It Is a serious rofloellon upon the wis dom of American statesmanship tlmt it hns aroused n widespread spirit of rottil- intion against the United States. There Is not a reasonable doubt that the ro- out reports regarding n general de- oloptnent of fooling1 In European coun- rlc3 favorable to a commercial war jion this country have eomo foundu- Ion. Confirmatory evidence Is .scon in lie action of the French sonata in put- ing u heavy duty on corn , which was plainly avowed wns in- ended to mcnn a contlnu- nco of the policy of tlmt country to- vtird American pork. The ostensible onspn for the notion wns the necessity f protecting the French farmers , but ho intimation of the organ ot the gov- rtimoiit that thcro might bo clrcum- Unices under which the duties would 10 removed , mndo BuluVioiitly plain the lotlvo that prompted them. Thcro hns joen no pronounced indication that such i feeling exists in Germany , but there la [ ttlo proipect of the government of that otinlry Inking1 any Btops lo remove or nodify tlio rc.strlctiona it iin- > eyes upon tlio importations 'f ' our pork products , while in Kng- nnd there is a promise of moro rigorous jlshitlon for extending American nwits. This spirit of commercial hos- tlity exists even moro strongly in Mox- co than in Europcnn countries , nnd In pito of the Influence of the P.m-Ainori- tin conference in creating' ' n friendlier collng between tlio United 'States and ho countries of South America , there Is great danger that in some of the latter ho same spirit will sooner or later do- clop. It iti the natural effect of the ut- or selfishness of our commercial policy n roBpcct of other nations. Perhaps In no respect has thl soli ar- etoriwtio boon moro fully exhibited han in our relations with the Chinese impiro , nnd It is no surprise to learn lint the Chinese govern men t is now orlously considering a policy of rotnlia- Jon in the event of this govonnncnt ro using to repeal tlio exclusion law. The Jhlnoso minister who has just arrived in that his government cgurds that law as a plain violation ) f treaty obligations , and that f it is adhered to American iitl/.ens will bo forbidden to hind in the Hhinoso empire. It la not atatlprob- that retaliation , when once entered ij > on , would stop at this , but that Amcr- can investments In China would suiTcr. indeed this would follow incvllnblyupon , ho intei'fcrc'iir.o with commercial Inter- ourso. Doubtless the country can nf- bt-d to let this happen and to allow iSuropoan countries to huvo what- ever trade vtth the Ohlnoso om- ) ire \ < o might MOUI-O by cultivat- friendly relutions , but wo aunt accept whatever discredit ut- iichcH to the charge of disregarding re'ity oblig.itions entered into at our own urgent solicitation. The claw ) of statesmen Avho believe .hat the UutU'd Status can advance and ro-tpni1 regardless of tlioivst of the world are ronpoiisiblo for the growing spirit of coinmorein , ! hostility toward us. They are norlmps Htrong enough at put their Ideas into ofl'ect , but ihoy will give vrny to-wUoi * md broader mon after the country lias had n some- wliat longer losing experience under their policy. It is not at nil probable that there .a any understanding between ropubll- cunduiid domoui-uts Inthogonato rogard- nioposcd legislation. 'J.1ho report been freely .circulated . from the intlonul capitul 'that ' it was rtacltly un- doretood 1/atwcou the domocL-ats and the republican advocates of thp free oolnngo of Bilvor that the former would make no factious ojipoaition to the tariff bill upon condition that the latter would loadn fight jfor the post ponement of the federal election bill , 'lio free coinage republicans deny that any such arrangement oxiatg , and their denial will not bo doubted in view of the "fact that &oino of them are known to bo-strongly in favor ot additional leg islation for regulating "McL-al elections. They may bpinioro earnestly devoted to free coinage , Imt the reported under standing would not help their cause , since It involves only the tariff. As to the democrats , It is quite po&jlhlo 'thut ' a portion of tliom would forego factional oppo sition to the "tariff bill in or der to socui-o the postponement of the elootion measure , but .It is not at nil likely that all of thorn would do bo. The J.arUT .Issue Is the one of greatest Im portance to the democracy , and the rep resentatives of that party cannot uflord to surrender any part of the portion they liav.o taken rognrdln ? it. There are cogent reasons , therefore , for bo- liovinpithat no such unAoriitiintllugf as uoporlod lias boon or will bo reached. Still a postponement of the federal election bill is not improbable. Kot much has b3on said of uu authoritative character regarding the views of repub lican botmtors upon this imosuro , but It is not doubted that u majority ol tliom favor the policy. It Is not necessary , however , to conclude trom this that all who regard additional rcgiifetioiis as do- Hlrablo will deem it oxpedlont to force this i&suo at this time. There nro sev eral considoratlena which must have an inlluenoo upon the minds of republican umitor3. The republican jiross ot the country ia not iv "unit in support of the projuosod hill. The masses of the republican party hifrc not shown that they ana in sympathy with the inotiHura. The intoroits likely to bo affected by uoh loglslation are not til- tpgatlmr political , and thoao isliould ro- celveitomoconsidur.itiou , IJttlo atten- tlwi will bo given to the threats of the democrats , either us to what they may do in opposition to the measure or what might huppou if it should bacomo a law , ; imt couborvative republican Bomilora will not ifjuoro .tho Hontluiont lu tholr own juirty regiirdliigtho proi > os il legislation , nnd the fact must bo well known to them that this Is by no means unanimous in favor of it. uusr o The' rcpu oilcans of Dougluj county must gi-applo htmd-to-lmml with the oath-bound biuid of political janissaries unit consplmtors who have ranged thoin- solvoi uuder W. J. Broatch. It has bo- como the supreme Issue of the hour and involves not only the life of the party but good government in this city and .county. . It Is n question whether cormorants , jobbers nnd tax-enters in league with boodllng contractors shall bo permitted to control all party machinery , dominate nil purtloH , control all nominations 1111 nil the olllccs with tholr coconspirators tors , dictate the course of our city coun cils "from the star-chamber , and Bond their confederates to represent this county in the legislature. The lint must go forth today that oath-bound clubs cannot rule the repub lican party , and that trcnchory shall not ho held at a premium. Conspirators and jobbers must ho stamped out or else the party must disband. to the third-party move ment in Iowa the "Washington Post says : "Tho leaders of the movement do not expect to carry the coming election , nnd they do not intend that the republi cans shall. A third party at the Iowa polls next fall of any considerable strength , and drawing this strength wholly from republican fcourcos , will have the inevitable cllect of assuring to the democratic- party of that state a general and decisive victory. " The policy of the politi cal prohibitionists of Iowa is com mon to their class everywhere. They always and everywhere play into the hands of the democratic parly whenever they can no longer dictate to the repub lican party. They have done this in every state in the union where they have had any strength , they did it in the presidential cumpaln of 1SS1 and would have done so in the last eampaigii'if ' their candidate , who had .boon it good repub-,1 , llcan , had not refused to bo a party to i any stfch scheme. They will do It in Nebraska lit the very llrrit opportunity. The political prohibitionist is a free booter ready at all times to do duty whore ho thinks there is the best prom ise of reward. Thoroughly disloyal and untrustworthy , the most mischievousolo-1 mont in American polities are the poli tical prohibitionists. TIIK laws of Nebraska governing the 1h practice 1 of medicine , surgery and ob stetrics provide no adequate penally for mnlpractice. Even the provision requir ing 1t 1 registration of physicians is prac 1t tically a deml letter. It is safe to say that scores of physicians are practicing in i the state without having filed with the t county olllcors the documentary evi dence required by law. The penalty for non-compliance is a fine of twenty dollars for f each offense. As a consequence Ne braska . affords a profitable field for medical quacks and charlatans of every grade ; The death of a woman through neglect to provide the ordinary remedies in cases of labor is a oturno against the state and against hu manity. It is not the first instance in Nebraska whore the folly of faith heal ing has caused death , and robbed children - ron of thoiiMiarents or parents of their children , and that tooln instances whore lives would have been spared had phy sicians been employed. If deluded or credulous people ro misled by this spe cies of fanaticism , it is the duty of the state to nrotcot them , and if the present lawsafford , no adequate punishment for faith healing impostors the next legisla ture should remedy the defect and pro vide quarters for thorn In the peniten tiary or the lunatic asylum , whore they properly belong. _ j n the death of General. Clinton B. the country loses a man who hns rendered conspicuous service in military and civil life. JBorn In New York , his early , lifo.was spent among the pioneers4 of .Michigan , where belaid the'founda ' tion of a successful mercantile career. Removingito Missouri in :1830 : , ho organ- i/.od a regiment of. union yohmlpors at the .outbreak , of the war , and his ga\hmt \ and meritorious-services in the field soon placed him in command of n brigade. Since the war General ITi&k 1ms been identified with many important educational projects. To his ontcrpribo and generosity isduo the establishment of the Pisk University nt Nashville , Toun. , while his zeal contributed materially to the successful management of several northern colleges and Bominnrios. General - oral Fislc took no active part in politics. Although nominated by the prohibition ists for governor of Now Jersey in 1SSG , and for the presidency by the same parly in 1888 , it was against his will. lie did not sincerely believe In political methods as n promoter of temperance. lie lucked the courage , however , to publicly declare his convictions , and quietly permitted his fool friends to use his name as a tall 'for their political kites. General Fink's ca- Toor 011 the whole was marked by distin guished services to his country , abroad generosity toward the poor and a human- i/.ing charity that did not stop ito count the cost. .ATTUNTION is directed to the provis ions of the primary'election'law ' , printed elsewhere. The object of the law is to prevent fraudulent voting , nnd to pro tect parties invoking its provisions from illegal voters. The penalties imposed on fraudulent voting at regular elec tions apply to primaries , and judges and clerks are clothed with dit-crotloiwry power to reject the ballots of voters who can not satisfactorily nn wor the ques tions propounded. If the Tammany desperadoes attempt to run their gangs from poll to poll as they did lout fall , the law will Iw enforced to the letter and fraudulent voters vigorously prosecuted. The tools of the combine should there fore tstudy the law and govern them- seh os accordingly , it will nave them a term in the penitentiary. ASSUUA.NCES are again went out-from "Washington that the Omaha postotllco is progressing ; that In fuel the prelimin nrios are a * well advanced us In Wll- waulfop , and that the city has been prac tically favored. This is noire as IB uows. 'Bvt the boomera of block eighty-six , having doloyod nn Important public 1m- provemont ever a year , in order to bleed the government , greedily graep at a .flimsy oscu e to cover their mercenary oMructloii of the prosperity of the ulty. V a candidate for governor lo : > o nil h ! gelf-respoct iind tramps from to tuloon , tivatlng the bummers uiid roustabouts and guzzling bigschoon ers of boernf fiJbld for the saloonkeep ers' veto , nml Uitn appeals to the church and tomperSijUji } clement of the com munity for nn endorsement , ho shows himself to ba 'Jittorly ' unworthy of the lowest olllco. > vjthln thoglftof the pee ple. Such 1ms been the courseof W. J. Broatch in thjs Campaign , as in the pre ceding one. Such double-dealing frauds mid impostors should bo rebuked and relegated forever to political oblivion. Tnc enthusiastic endorsement of Dr. Mercer in tho' ' Second Is a gratifying tribute to the one man of nil others whoso pluck nnd enterprise gave the residents of the South Side rapid transit and drove the mule motor into retire ment. The resulting benefits are in- culoulnblo and entitle the doctor to unanimous blip port nt the primary polls. Yimdorvoort wants Pete Ilor to patronize the Dodlin granite ho ad dresses him reverently nnd respectfully as "Hon. RE. Her. " Where did Ilor get that jug-handlo to his name ? Among the original packages , oh ? WITH defeat staring them in the face , the Tffonty-Jilghturs can partially ro- ponl. of tholr sins by joining the Mercer procession tiud making the endorsement unanimous. Itf the matter of packing statistics Omaha continues to runic next to Chicago cage in per cent of Increase. The Gate City is a proyiv3sivo , gilt-edged ham. ON nil uldcs , republicans arc fulling upon oath-bound conspirators and trai tors and htiatling them to the rear. An army of eoachiwm couldn't ' save them. ss Should Dlsorimimto. Whllo congress Is discussing the linen item in tlio tariff bill , let them insert u clause pro hibiting by nu cftuiitlvo tariff the exhibition of "dhty linen" on the lloor of the national assembly. IL'Iio Rn-lsod Soiirhi-rn Vrrslon. liiill'Uiiiin'Ua ' Journal. How strangely Abraham Lincoln's ' grand scntcnco would i-c.ul If it were amended ac cording to tlie southern democratic dootrino : "This is n government of white people , for white people , by white people. " Sentiment vs I'l iiros. -DiirciijKJit I'rOniite , Sam Small is In Nebraska talking on the liquor question Instead of religion. IIo says in prohibition Iowa property is only taxed 25 cents on the 8100 valuation of assessed prop- etty. Como over , Sam. and get some "flg- ROI-S" before you suy any more. Jjir.O a Night. Stoiu- City Jouinal. Ex'Govomor St. John is ( .tumping- Ne braska for God and homo and.native land. His terms , unless ho has changed them , nro "M anlgit ) ami expenses. " Tlio prohibition oadors arc cranks indeed or tbey would hire John P. St. John to stay out of tbo state till .uftor the amendment election , even if they bad 'to ' pay him ' & ( ) in uiijtit and exiionses. " The IVlia West nnrt the JJflVte East. It is ruthor Into in , the day to complain of the demands of the west. Ten llttlo states , some of them ha ally larger than u wcslom county , have had their tiny of grabbing , dlc- tutitigand shaping .legislation. It is their laitlt if the people in the heart of the iconti- ncnt declluo now to co.opi > nito with thorn and prefer to act with fellow-countryman of jnoro liberal atid progressive thought. Poll1 Notl'uliicliile. Kantas Cltit diode. The Omaha Republican has como out un equivocally nnd emphatically in favor of pro hibition. The Republican Is not so much actuated uatod by principle as the fact that TUB BEE lias long maintained that under high license .tho beat tcmpoi-unco results can bo obtained , and have > beoji under that system , in No- braslta. Itjs the policy of tbo Kqpublican to oppose anything Tun Bin : suggests , whothoi right or wrong in ( principle. Frofi .Whisky In Kntisni. .St. LoiibiRcpuliltq. ThCionrforccuiaiit of Kansas prohibition 'In ' Atchlson amounts to tree whUky with Incl- dutUaliblackniallJorravenuo only. JCbooity runs Its full comploincnt of open saloons , nmi ihlaoitmails caali one of them out'Of , $ iO every month ns aflnuin default , after the pnyimcnl ofwliicb they are not disturbed for another month. It is no wonder the thoughtful , puo pie of'tho state are getting ready to revolt ami ovcrthrpw tlio system of oppression which makes such crimes possible. Tlioy AVatcliPtl Him. IM iVodiaj jMtler. Ono of our constables was in Chicago re eontly and registered at the Palmer house , The clerk assigned him to a room on the slx-tl : floor mid whispered to the house detective to Iteop an eye on that 'follow ' or else ho would jump his hill. "On what lloor are you putting - > ting mo ? " nslteil our constable. "On the top floor , " wns the nuswcr. "I guess you don11 know mo ; I urn a Des Molnos constable. " ' 'Show ' the gentleman to parlor A , " snid the clerk in liisunost utTablo tones to the bull boy and then turning to the detective ho wills pored , "IIo can pay his bill nil right enough , but he'll steal overythinc that has two loose ends if you're not careful. " Prohibition for Plunder. The Iowa State llogister has had tabu- ntod articles showing what a sy.itom of plunder is going on there under the guise of prohibition and with the aid of tlio problb itory law. What , is being 119110 flt Dos Jlolncs is being done in n less dogroc in other loivii local ! ties. , The Register makes this summary of the facts it has collected h "AVo print in nnotliiU- column this morning some figures tlmt will , ' startle the people o this city and thovh ( > lo state. 3'liey show how tlio prohibition h\w Is being used by of mom-miry officials to plunder the public treasury. 'A ! 'IJogistcr reporter bus very carefully oxiiii ed the ofllcial records and ho tiiuU tlmt during the six months o IKK ) there has been tattea from the treasury for the criminal coqj .of the Justices' courts In this city ttlono tlia > sum of over $ 'JO,000 Of this amount ovopf 11,000 was paid to flve justices , tlio remainder went to tholr cou stables , witnesses , 'Jlirbra , etc. Thhciiormou expenditure w\s uoarly all for the searching business , or svich criminal business as incl dentally grow out of It. The city has a police court \vhero ordinary criminal ciwos are ilisixMod of that do uot eomu. before tb district court , co that the most of the costs o these justices' courts was for alleged enforce lount of the prohibitory law , "Jlut if tliis grout expense hail resulted It : do-iitip the pi iicos ivhoro liquor Is sold aui suppressing the illegal Kale of liquor In this city , thereuro many people who would no fenl that the oost wu too tfro.it. Unfortua atoly that result lias not happened. Tb tao.uoo dcllim oxpondoil cm the Juatlcos courU has gene Into the pockets of Ib , coustabliMiuid their favnnxl guu u assistants , without any honest attempt U'ing nndotoatop permanently the sale of liquor , rho constables who ninko thos < 5 sonn-hos don't want the truffle BUppre od , for they nro getting rich by iu The justices who ssuo the warrants nnd gel largo Ices don't tit It suppressed for they nro making1 hotisandsot dollars out ofltorery year. And so the wbolo niaclitucry of these potty courts s worked to perpqtuata the business ntul yet niiictuiito It vlth lucratlvo Interruptions icarly every day , and Bomctliucss sovarul timoiaday. " A.Vnnto of iViiimu.nlllon. CMMfto htcr-Otcan. If itbo-truo tlmt "the negroes of tlio south will soil their votes torn square meal or n ) ! ugof tobieco"us reported by a democratic organ , wii.it fools tliowblto caps anil kuklux and night rldoi-jnro to spend money for pow der nnd lose so muuhtluioin lulling them off. Onotl Sctm mill Cnn.S'i'vntlsm. t/i / < 0iffo Tribune. As the contest now stands it is a tooth and mil tight between tM two associations , and tithe end Mr. I'owclcrly and Ills knights will win. Should there bo any other rosul ! it would 111 volva the workliiKtncn hi disaster , 'or no organization preaiileil over by such nn uccndlary loader as Gotnpous c.iu dominate ; ho workingmen o the country without in .ho end involving tliQin in trouble anddufoat- ug every reform vvliluli they uro socking to accomplish. Good sense and conservatism will triumph when tlio working people take the sober second thought xutrs 01 ? Kearney's ' electric street railway works llko a cbnrni. A teachers' institute is In session at Hardy , Nuckolls county. The Lincoln NQ\VS offers n rowaril for the tnseovery of Ur. Sloininski , wlio sued that pnpcrfot'llbul , DilToront ( lountlos are urging tlio faimers to pet their display for the tuuto fair as well under way n possible. The short term pf district court whicliwas ta t have bam hold \Vayne \ .Fuly UO has been adjoin nod until September IT. The farmers nro busy harvesting small grain atul many report that the yield will bo muuh hotter tlwn at ilrst expected. The sununor meeting of thoN'obraskn State Horticultural society will bo held at Crete Thursduy and Triday , July : tl nnd August 1. Ncbraslra City haifurnfohcdbut one victim of sunstroko. ICd Hodklns. who worltcd oh the brickyard , is in bed drinWug llmovator. . It is stnleil ai a .suro thing that the Ivcarnoy Kntcrpi-i.so plant complcto is to bo planted in Grand Island nud u inorning anti-prohibition paper issued. Thodireetorsand mannioi-s of thoNobr.iska Citv Driving 1'iirk nnd I'uir association are inalting preparations to hold nfairnnd horse trotting exhibition liiiincdiutolv nftor the state fair. The success of the Fourth of July races furnished the Inspiration , Tlio Grand Island In dciien dent assures the vetcians of Nebraska that both their previous vious efforts will p.ilo into utter inslgnlil- canwwbcn compared with the Grand Army of the Kopublio reunion of Ib'JO ' , which tlmi-o is a determination to make the reunion of reunions - unions , at that place. The work of placing tlio inauhinory in the boot sugar factory at Suneunls progrcisinfi finely audit is expected to boilnislicd by the latter part of August , in tinio to begin the manufacture of sugar as soon us the earlier varieties of beets uro ripe , vhlcli from the present indications will be early in Septem ber. ber.Ono Ono day last weak a stranger drove sonic twenty-livo or thirty hendof cattloiato Atkin son for sale. The price was soon settled ami 1)10 ) bargain clinched until the Atkinson Bhii > - per could telegraph to where the man said ho mid the cattle belonged. Pending an answer to the dispatch the drover rode olt cm his horse and has not been s.cca or heard of since. The cattle had been stolen from Garllcld county. Iivn. . The seventh annual meet of the Iowa wheelmen will bo held at Spencer , JulylU. A now flax elevator , with a capacity of 20,000 bushels , will bo lmlltat Foil Dodge. An original package house is in runnincr or- dotat Noitlnvood in si > ito of the protests ol the prohibition residents. A sovi'iitcen-year-old Davenport boy wns granted u marriage liocnso thoothor day , his parents Riving full consent. Davenport issuffciiiiBfromapotatoTamino , Only a very few murphies nro on hand and they are bqing soli ! at exorbitant prices. The site for the new court house nt Dubuque - buquo .will bo selected by the county com ! missioners July 10. 'JL'bo struutiu o will prob ably bo built on Washington square. George Hall , a farmer living near Fort Dodge J was sctiously injured the other day by 1 a nnul cow. Thouiiimal attacked him in a barn and before lasslstauco arrived had knocked | him down and gored and trampled upon him , breaking tUrcu ribs and otherwise badly bruising him. The agricultural editor of the Davenport Tribune reports nearly all the wheat cut and n the shock. This week the hay will bo mowed , with prospects for alight cut , owing to such dry , voather. A wccklntor , the oats harvest will bo on. Corn , thaulcs to the hot .lu no weather , is already in most places , too high for further use of the cultivators. \Vhilo \ Miss Doll 'Whitlach , who is living .with .iNillip Moher , nouheast of Lisbon , was doing up the morning work , a masked limn iinpeared at tlio house nud demanded to know where BIr. ivioher kept his money. When she refused to disclose the place lie threw her to the lloor and forced poisoiido\vnhcr throat. A knmi IIQ lin n nq fi-.n aim vim tn n nnlr.li. bar's ' and after telling part of her story , went into convulsions. Dr. Kurd was promptly summoned iimd by tlio mo of a stomach pump and restoratives hliovas bi-ongkt to con sciousness after throe hours. Bhels now out of danger. Suspicion rests on amaiiwlioso attentions the young woman would not ac cept and who has threatened to kill "her. Much mystery shiouds the case , however. "Wyoming : . "Tho Wyoming Sunday school corivcntlon is iu session at Lurunilo. Seven car loads of horses were shipped from Lnrntnio last weok. AVyoniiug sportanum think the fishing sea son begins'toooarly , and thfy want the Imv changed so that tratit cannot bo caught before - fore the middle of July. A throo-yoiir-old Ohoyenuo boy aat down on itho platform of the mail car of 'tho ' ovcrlittul illycr and was carried to Sherman before lie was discovered by the postnl clcilc. IIo was safely returned to his parents. Several early-risers saiv a mtliorpitiful sight the other morning , snys the Jjuramlo Bdoinonuig. It was that of n unn and Ills wife , with a small child , walking their way from Omaha to Washington state. The only conveyance they had wns -wheelbarrow , which the man pushed hufore him , occasion ally hauling hU wife and child to rest the former. They camped in thcsouthcm part of town for the night ami continued theirwoarv westward Journey early In tlio morning. A combination of drunken driver and wild team came very near causing an nljrming ac cident on theUawilns and LauuVr Httipo line last week , says the Zander 3 > lountilncer. There was n wild runaway from Jlongis with four gentlemen and a lady pMsunger on the coaeli. After a run of over u milo the horses turned right around and galloped madly back , crashing through a barb wire fence and mangling theiiiiolvcB in a niw.t liorrlbla fashion. Tluvoconpants of tho-coach Jumped for their lives and were all inoru or loss se verely injured. I have been In the New Fork r-miatry Binco last August till Mayy , wriU'sa corrot.jK/naunt of the lloimimi Hustler , " 1'lioro was n tct-tl- blo hard winter in that countrv on stock ; 50 per cent of tlio range horses died of htarvutiou and 75 per cent of all thu c.ittlo. U'ho sunn- was thwo and oue-fuuilli foot ( loop on a level for two wo nth * , wndtowards thohiHt-nbout Murch 1 the siiw crusted BO hard that it would hold altoraoup of a morning till U or It ) o'clock In the day. Thut wins when the htock dleil tlio most. They could get abso lutely nothliifc' to eat. Horses could jidt pu.w. ICvt-n tlioi'lUnud dwr died. Thedoerwould not try to travel ou thuvruHt , but would Just stand'in ouo plnc < i and stnnp to death. A man in ( hut win i try by thu nuino of John Watson killed tlditounono day \\ltli hUnnow Hlioo polo. Thurp are u good many fatnllloK la there this spiing who have lost everything they hud and nould not louve tlio rouulry us they bud uo lioraci left to ( mil their wagotii. HEAD13UB NO'NY OK JSAHTil Three things ought to llnd n place in every Atuericau homo : The saerod Scriptures , a good clnlly nc.vnpnM5r | imd nthoroURlily rclt- able oucyelopiVtlin. The tirot vo aroaulto sure every fnmllyln whloh TIIK Jlne 1 < taken already enjoys } the scooiul it las bcoa tbo bnnluofljof ourlivos tofurnUh ; the thlril wo place at the illspasal of our readers from tills ncniciit , Klght cents a Clay , vtth an addi tional fnctlonof a cent too small to bo easily stateable , will hoivaftor onnolo uny cllUon to secure the dally nnd Sunday edition of this paper for tm entire year delivered nt Ills roil- donoc , and in addition a complete sot of the Americanized liicyclopnjJIa IJritnnnloa , which , after a careful examination , wo confi dently bcllovo to bo the most complete , i-ollii- L > lcatid altogether best work of Its Itiiul ex tant today. This Is another Illustration of Lhomotto that lies nt tlio base of American Institutions : In uuioa thcro h strength. \Vo have ( Imply organized the read ers of 'J.'ui ! Ben into a club of encyclopedia buyers and obtained friVi thoimbllshorstho concessions which eo vast an organization has the legitimate light to demand , Our reward will coiuo in an In creased circulation , which , again , will prob ably enable ) to secure Hlialliu nilvimt-.xgoj for our subscribers in snmo oMicr direction. This is as it should bo ; the publishers nnd readers of n great ndvapapor should work together for mutual advantage. The work which wo have thus secured -for our readers is neither nniororoprlnt of a for eign publication nor a Imty compilation issued under a "catchy11 title. It is really n special edition of that world famous work , thoEncyclopcdia Uritimtiica.pi'epared by a staff of American scholars with asm-'clal view to the needs of American homes. Not a sub ject treated In the original "Uritannica" has been omitted ; not n word lias been left out that by any possibility could ItitoMst an American reader , and avast amount of now matter the want \vblcti ( deprived tbo Eng lish work of half Its uscfulnoM has been added. The title ac.'ur.xtcly cxpressei the scope and plan of the bouk. It. Is tiioKnoy- cloptcdla Brltimnlcd aVr.cricanizcd. Wlmttue publlshorsh.xvodono Is to take the Knrycloiadln | J3ritiinnica < to places and rebuilt It with amendments nnd Improve ments. The latest or ninth edition of the or iginal work was compiled sumo ill'tocn ycc.ri ago ; the American editors-liwo fs\ised tt to the present year. The original worvai | crowded witli nilnuto ami xxhftutH'0 do- scrlptlons of English towns , cities , enmities , boioiiKlis , minor lustitutlous and otiwr nut ters of peculiar interest to Entilisbmoiiatid to ISngllsliiiiou alone , while American cubjcc'-s ' were treated with the same bro-.lty as Prcnch or German. Tlio Atnnrlcun editors have i-everscd tliU method , cor.dunsod the articles on distinctively IlrlUs'i ' subjects within rcasonablo limits , unit utilind the space thus gained for oxluiiibllvo dls cussion of purely AniPi-inaii toi > IA. ( The original work excluded from its plan all mention of Indlildunls , hon-ovcr fiiracus , who were nil vo at the time of Its compilation ; It nays not a word of more than half the nionwhosa ninics urovrittcn \ on the pages of inodorn history no word of Grant or Shuridau , or Sherman , of Harriet J3cechcrSto\vo \ , Julia \V \ ard Howe , orl31iz.i- both Stuart Philips , of Olwolnml , H.irrison . orDlainc , orl'arncll , Salisbury or Bisatiirck. This wofil | Inp us , top , has boon supplied In the Anieiicanizededition. A sndes of ,000 , biographies , each brougliL down to the pws- ont year , enables the rea r to learii nt a glance , the life story of every noted individual of the present generation. To all this add a compluto series of maps and a number of veil executed engravings , illustrative of the text , and the Americanized EiicyolcKudh IJrltiuinica is be fore you a uorlc in whoso introduction to our voadors wo feel a not uuwariantablo pildo. ' SOVa.'UEltX Debute Between Jlemooratlo nnd AI- llmioe Ouidlduii's Kiul lu H Ho\v. Ooi.wniiA , S. C. , July 10. fSpeclal Tolo- giam to Tin ; Bm : . ] Onoof the tnojt oxtui- ordinary meetings in republican or democratic times vas hold atSunitor jestcrJay. Thatis the homo of General J-liu-lo , who la tlio stmightpst democratic candidiito for gover nor npiliist Captain I'llliuan , the farmqr niovonieiit candidate. It proved the inrgcat and iiucat disorderly ineoting held In tlui atato Biiico J8SH. About ono thousand TUlnian men were rushed in ou special traiiu'from ' ether counties. They wore thoroughly organized and Instructed to prevent Karlofroin spcak- iiif/ The majority of tbo assemblage proved to bo In favor of lHarlo. Captain Tillrnan apoko before Kurle , and aUhoujjli frwiuontly interrupted was allowed a heuring , AVlieii General JSarlo was introduced n stormy scuno ensued. For half an hour tlio candidate laced nyollinfr mob and was unable to way a woul. Tlioi-o were many pcrsonul encounters , pis tols wcro'dmwn , nnd on half a dozen occa sions a bloody and general light seemed im minent , Tlio Kurlo men finally mussed and charged up to the stand , carrying everything before them. The speaker win Btlll inter rupted by liowLson thooutskirtsof tliocroivd nnd they wcro only quieted by huing charged by police aiulthoKarlo num. Uloodshed vas exjx'otcd at every moment , but after this action the meeting uas favorable to "and hocarilcd tbo day. Ucatliol" nil Onialian'H Katliir. OTTAWA , 111. , July 10. [ Special lologram to TIIK HUE. ] John 0. Nattinger , ono of Iho oldest pioneer scttloi-a of La Sallo county , died nthls homo In this city last night of old ajto. Hovas eighty-two ycai-s old and first settled In this county In the forties. Ho was ono of the ilrbt men to develop the rich liclds at Strcator , Two sons , Edward , puUlshcr of the Ottawa Times anil postmaster at this point , and GeuiKO.M. , t'x-scciotary ' oC the bo.ird of trade at Oiuahu , and three daughters wirvivo him. A Torrllilo fitru glo. CttiCAOo , July lO.-Willlam UUtamcl , a German carpenter , shot his wife In tlio head. JIU thirty-year-old son heard the shot and entering llio room ncl/ed his father Just ia time to prevent hi mlli-ing again. A terrible Mrugulo ensued and tbo BOII wan Jlnallv forcailto Hlioot hln father In order to save his niuthor. 3tis thoiightbothliHHbandand wife will die. Kittamcl has been slightly dcmouted for some time past. A. \ VoninnViiatclilRt / tiuinic , July 10. [ Special Cablo0'rani to Tun DEI : , j The trial of three inon and ono woman , who are ncoused of taking1 pai-t in tl'o ' plottitips of tlio aimtvliists , bo an hero today. KvldoiKM was submitted proving that the prisoners w o connected with the nn- nrchuiU In St , l ctoi-Hlmrg , London and J\rncrli-a. \ The woman mudo a coafosalon i-e- vculing theplans of thu con'tptrators , An American fJcts LONDON , July 10. [ Special Cabio ratn to Tin : lli-.E.j In the court ol the queen's bench n vtu-diet was returned luvnrillng Mr. Ilcnt-y A tor Uiuvy of Now York i'&SG daui | { OH iilfiiinst thn proprlotors ot LOIIB'S lintel for tlio lots of n quantity of Jewelry which was itolon from him whllo ho w.is btupplnf nt the hotel during Uia honeymoon. PAIIH , July 10. [ Spociul Cablegram to Tun IlKB.J The 1'rench gunboat ITusee ntraoded on a reek -while fttlotnptlnttto enter Toulon roads. Sno has not been nhlo to fjot on and a tuj has been tc-iit to her assistance. U'lll Koliirit Mount Tui > n < 1ny. RKIILI.V , July 10.-Sixelal [ ; Cablegram to TIIK llKr.l-KiiiprcsjtVcdiTickof ( lei-many , vho , with her danithUr , in visltlntr her mother , Quuuu Victoria , in England , will ro- turu to Gicrtnuny on Tuobday. K ' ( 'iii-c tlin Pfltn. LONDON , July 10.-Svechil [ Cablegram to TIIK Ir.B.J-TIioftnnl ) heat In the race for tlio dlumoiiil ecu U a at the lion ley rcpitta was niwuil todujr and win \voii by Uuy KlcliuJls , who thus secures the prize. Kobert Klsoraero pf Hastingv nts to ROte to tlio stale senate , Of course lie will bo obllRcil to malcoa sntlsfuctory iloul with Hob. crt Tnggnrtwho was senator a year nnd n half . ago. _ _ Jolm A. Oamistnr | announces thnl ho | j > ot lit the HeM for Rovornor. It will talto the vote of thacon volition to Induce him to believe that -candidacy U nothing but n grim . pleasantry. Peter You tigers , Jr. , candidate S for stnto treasurer , will doubtless go to the convcutlon.wlth Pillmore comity. II. 0. Piilmor'mayor , of Sioux City , -wants to bo governor of lown. IIo Is willing to f o la on the farmers' ' tlclwthcn \ \ tbo tlmo comca. . Xbo JCorfollt News looks over tlio flolj and oxolnlins : " 1C thcro nro any statesmen who asplro to ronmcnt Mtvllson county In tlu next legislature , It Is about time thoywero tlcolnrltig' their Intoiillons , " Mr , C. D. Casper , wlio has allowed \ \ \ \ frhuiih to boom him as u Candida to for aeoro fciry of Ht.tto on the domwratlc tlolwt , uantti relief during llio hoofed term. IIo culls for a halt In this fusldont "Hoys , Ibis thing Is ( citing too close to homo , wliero the people won'tsliiiiil It. Sotyoursyrun pitoliora baolc fui-Uicr on the shelf while this red hut weather continues. Thisutlltor ia badly in debt to the brethren of the utilll for u goo I many friendly notices , but 1C iinyUilug should govrimp ho does not want Carlo drop. Thh holngllfU\l up on the Howory wlng < of trim- ilontfuuiols nrutty rltiky biislno.sj. It Inn ruined many a good man. Wotuoottlwr \ on our talTy bide than on tliobiiitzsawsldo. " It Is Bonil-ofilcltilly stated Hint Ciptiln : lluniphroy , tlioPIIMUCO county pout , will not aslc Ills county for anything tills full. Ho ii astonished ut liUovvn moilorutloii. It Is sniJ tbnt Jiulgo Bowmnn of Columbus , amomborof the fiiinoUBjudkiiry coirinilttui ) in ItiS" , watiUt lobe nttoinoy general. 'J'liU Inox'oasos the list to four lusplrantsi COOI-KO Hastings of Crete , St. Kiynorof Sidney , Oa- good of 'L'ecumscb nnd Kowmnn oCColumbn.s , IkeT.iiiisiiijj , tlio.singliijjiilli-tiim of Lancaster , also has u half notion to cuter the nice. Ruv. < T. Q. fl.'itto , vholll \ \ take anything , politically , that nwy bo In sight , was doini ; Omaha yesterday. The folloxvins very good story , Inlhoso f nnti-inonopoly times' , comes from I'aivuuo C.'itys Kutlong slnco .T. 1C. Oowdcy VIM u pnsscnKcron n train for Lincoln , but thm-oii- iluetor Culled totalcoui ) his ticket. Gowdoy , who Ii presumed to bo honest , called the at tention of the conductor to the ovonight. The conductor said | io hiiil tlio mi inner1 of hi i pass nlrondy on hid bool : . Ct vdoy ileitluil Unit ho roilo on n pasAs ) tlie , . - > mluotor insisted - sisted Unit ho did Sir. Co\vdi'y ! ' thnu osUo.l the conductor , " \Vlioain H" to which -.vhic-li the conductor rcjilicil : "J. K. Kcltmaii. " As Mr. EcUnmii in president of a banlthe d6uius that ho rides on a pass , hut tlio Uoiighlle.ss coiiduotor RIIVO him nvny , and the faot that Joe Gowdoy wsiuts to go to i-ongrcsj somotlmopreventcil hinifroiiiriding free. MnJor.Tohn C Watson oC Nobrashti City Rtatat thut ho to out ot politics , and says tlmt ho is dovotliij all hisHpato time to tlio upbuilding of Kebraslcii Clt.y , ho bolnpr pros- Idciitof the hoard of trailu there. When the nuK-hltio legiatcrs n hundred dogi-cos In thu Bhailethoaoduyshohale regrets tlmt ho did not nccopt tlio commission us attorney gen eral of Alaska. "s .1.11. .Eiislerihiy of Johnson county , who is - already booming lilninelt Jor elcilc of the \ peuiito thb full , i.s in Oiiuhu. Iloelnlras to have u combine whoreiiy Walt Scoloy will keep out of his wny. U'lio ' probiibllities are , however , that tlioro will bo other cnn- ( Udtitea fc , ' tbo position than A Mr. Knstonliiv. as It Is iindowtooil S _ to boa very sell job , with u largesiiluiy al ways in sight. Now that Judpo Ivinlcaid hns ofllciuljy witliih-nwn f rein tlio coiifircsftlnnal light in the Third district , Lieutenant Governor Meiklojolm appears to lie the only lopublican so fur in the neld to cuter u contest with A r , Darioy. Hnnk Caily of Oiu.ihn wants it understood that no is not in the guLurmitoriul light tub year , Uciilillenii Citato Convention , Thoiroimlilican' iralursof llio Htnto of No l.'t-iiil.a mo rejiucHtcd to fiend dulcgiitoa from tholrsftvcr.il counties to uicuLIn convention In the dly ot Lincoln. Wc-diiL-sclny , July 31 , titfl o'clock ] > . in , , ( IIP thu piirposu of jiluuliii ; In noinliiatloii ouwlldutos 'for tUofol lowing atutv unices : Goiornor. Lilenteiunt flovoriior. . Secretary of State. AmUtorof I'ulillc Accounts. Htnto Trensuier. AltnriK'y IJpiiorul. ConiinlasloniTut 1'ubllo ' I.iinils mill 'HuIUl- Sniiorliilciidcnt oPublic ( Instrnvtloii. Ami thu transnuLlon ufbiiuli other buslnuM ) as ni y oiuno Iwforutlio louviMitloa TIIK Al'I'OllTlONMrXT. Tliopovcr.-vl couittloi are onlltluil to rorc- | BOIlllltlOIl IIH lOllOUS , IJOllli ; llHHUll IIUIIIl till ) vo to oust ( or Hon. Oi'Dtuo II. Hii.'itlii 'H , Diet ; I- Ooiitlal uii'ctorln nbW. ulilut ? ono < ] di ; nUi-iil- iiirKO to cnuli county , nml ono 1nr ouch .1.1) ) votas nnd llio niiijoi irai'llou ( | iofiu : [ : J tin rumniiiipiKlod thut no proxhm Iin ml- tnltU'il to tliooontiintloii. mul lliuttlmdolo- Kiilosim'iont l > u aiilliorlzad to uiut tlio full vote of Lho delegation. JU I ) . niciiAiu > .i , Cbaliniuu. Jl , SKH.uy tcontary. OMAHA. LOANT AND TRUST unil Guininlcod t'ttjiltal.J'00.001 ! 1'alilla OuplUI . ilVl.wo ) DIIJ-K nml Ei'llu atoel < H nnd lioiids ; iionotluUH ccitnmurclnl papur ; loci'lvus and < ; xootilH ( trusts ; uctu an traimfiirnicont tvnil triutmi ut ( iirimriitluiis , taljcs cliargo ol pt-Qiiorty , col- Om ah.aL.oa n & Ti-ustCo SAVINGS BNK. . S.E. Corn or 10th nnd Douglas Sti 1'iiirt in rnpital . . . . . . , jr > . < ni tiiilH0rllH.nl nml nitAniincucl I'niiltnl . . luu.wi Llabllllyuf btoulcliiiiatu * . . . . . . LW.WJ 6 1'vrCoiit liilcnwtrnlrtoii Duposlts. KitANKj. J ANOJUU : , IIIII OnicorslA. O , Wyiiiiin , iir Hldcnt. j. J. | ln > > U'o-iiru ldint , w , 'j' . Wynitii. trifiislirer. DltiMitoii-A. U. Wyiiinn. J. U. Mllhird , J.J llniwn.UujrU. llarUiii : . W. Nuib , ThoiuuJ J. Iviuiba' I , UUOIIEU U. l/'aliu