Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1890, Image 2

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    JLA.LJU VAilUtUGUi. JU23J.JUJL 10 1800.
. _ . . , .
licrnchool fund ; Nebraska has a bonded in-
clr Medium of t.j.27,000 , nnd MOO.UOO is In tUo
otnlc fic&ool fund. In other words ths stale
of Nobriskn onlr owes * 1'4T,000 , , hold by ono
BlnRlo fwifcon llclnir In thotnst who has re
fused tokurrendcrlils bond * on a premium of
115 cents on the dollar , the bond * bctiitf nn old
Issue bearing 10 percent Intercsu
How Is It about our bunks and business
firms I
r mnl 'rnf fnltnrci in KIHIMIS In _
JhW-lffl . . . t-GK > ,200 00
Niiuibur of ( allures In lovrn In 3M ! > . .
„ „
o M
r/iihibcrof ( allure "in'NeiirusU lii ' '
IMt . „ . . 1,5.8,713 00
Cnpltnl ami Mindus In National.
Kl Suv/tigs / banks In Iowa
- , ,
t'npltnl and Mirptus In rsiitlonul ,
mid HuvltUH banks in ? " . _ . . , .
. 61,750.112
JOWII'H population IlKiirc-dnt 2f
Nilirusltirs population figured at. . I , .
Clovvnioi11.arrabco hns certified thnt ttiero
IH a durcnuo In crime In Inwu. This Is llatly
disproved hy tlio ircoid. The number of
convlc tfons In the courts In IBS * was SW { m
1K > 9 tliero were 1,10 $ convictions , nn in-
rrcasoo(27 ( > ! . In ISS3 tliero were sentenced
to the county Jnllsof Iowa 1271 persons nnd In
5WI tiiiro were 10.1 ; nn Increase of CO. In
3SSH thcro were sentenced to tbo Iowa penl-
U-iitliulc * lWi ! > r > rsotis ; iii HS9 thcro were sen
tenced illS , nn increase nf 123.
Now Ut us look nt the marked difference
Ijctwccnthc cost of cilmlnal pi executions in
In , . , Kims is and Nebraska. The report of
the scvritmv of stnto of Iowa IsVJ contains
the following exhibit :
JM , con nt i attorney' fees Jll,51 00
1SW , c'oiuiti ultornuy'afees ti7,8UT M
Increase' JUi7J : 40
JW.8. total I'\P TI O tn comities for
irliiilinl liniM'iilllon 3M,9O 02
JtWJ. totnl expi-n-'O to counties for
ciliilnitliute-ciitloa ) ) 407gJi 0 >
Incronso JlllSSIft !
IncroftHiner l 7 Ill..StOOl
IKM , llni * Imposed l'Xl.171 fiO
3WI , Mile ceilleuted ' , .M,7m 8J
Ilclt ( ? , i70i 3
3R > , lliiis ItniMisod SIXtrflOO
143'J ' , line * collected 7,108 85
Deficit iaWl IB
Com ! oxi > < use * , prosi-outlons , IS87. t5UK77 GB
Court i' ii nw * . proiicutlniis \ Of.
Court expends prosecutions , Iss'J. iTO , I.JO fix
roiintr attorney's fees , 1MT . HI.4fO SI
'ciiiitj-att ) mcyfiftw , isss . MMH16
County iitlornoj'it fees , it > & ) . . G7t > 77 ! io
The total expenses of tlio courts of Iowa
for last year w ere $1)7.1,517 , , u\ora ooxpe.nso
j * > r county , f < XJ I. In tbo county of Polk alone
llmtotnl courb costs for ISSUcio ? iH ( , of
ivhlcli ? lT,7fr , Ujiiatlcontul pollcocouit costs ,
< xt'lutlvp of tlio Milnry of tinea JuilKts. This
Iscci tilled to rnoby O. 0. L.OOIIIH , tlio shcrift
iif Polk1 toimty Tne poi > ul.itlon of Polk
county Is nbout ul bU thousand.
tills with tlio < ourt Lxncnst's of DouKlns
tounty , in uliitli Om.ilu Is located. Douglas
count ) IIH : a nonulatlonoC lij',0.l ( ) , moro thnit
double tlinloi I'ollc county , and her ciimimU
court cxiwiiscs nro unnpntod lit n fiac-
tion iibovo S ) ' ( KM ) for 1 VJ . Tlio total cx-
jwnso of Nuuniska couits for Ibb'J
vus xhJ , : ! uvcrtiRliiK ? 2,07 , | H < r county In
Jowsi tliov luivo forty-sis district juOgcs. M >
friend , ISIr. Dickie , tried to dcccivo jou by
BtntniB t it tlicro A\tru only twenty-font
luljjw and Unit tuonty-t o of tlicm Inui
attiilcit thai prohibition does prohibit In
Town , tvv 'iitv-t\\o nro not iiulto onolnilf of
foitjslv.Vliy did ho not toll you tliovc
veru fnrtj-six countlesl In Knnsastho court
i pouses n erc 'ntoJl' , ( i-Ji. ( It Is nn indis-
tmtubli f.nt tluit tlio ttiinltml o\toiisc3of
lo a have Incrcftsnl ovei * liHXK ) ( ) within tlio
list two jcurs The superior condition of
Nebraska Is atrlltlnclj' slio\Mi In tkorupoits
jnutloto inob > tlio sheiltfa of lown , Nobniskn
end KiiiH.a within tlio last tuo dai's
the ivlutivo number in
theirtuuntj' Julh. In Mcouiitlcsof this state
M jails HID vat ant , mid in tlio ii'inaininiflt. !
lountj jails lt" pi isoncrsoro lonlincd on
the lint dnj-of Julj of this j car. In tlio " . " >
out of tot tmintiea of IOVTA that hnvo reported
theiuwfroUy. ) prlsonirs in fiU Julls , only "J
count ; lalli - \ > cro vacant. In Kansas vary
muih the s imo nropoitlon prevails.
Now , fellow cltlzuns , I iiiiieil | to you to po
to tlio ballot box in No ember , not under the
impulse ? of t'tnotionul iusiuttr , but ith the
( aim. clcarudKincnt ] of men who Imvo to do-
torniinu a KIWO queaUon for themselves ,
\ \ hethor j ou rant to vato for n stuto uinond-
inent to the constitution , \\lilch is sure
to lusult hero as it lias iu all
the othur stutcs , or vhotlior you
mint to let well enough alone.
PuLou llio Boiov\s , If vou wuiit to , niaKo
our license laws nioro npid nnd educate j our
people in tlicj dlffoient towns to keep away
ironi liquor. 1 li.u'o bojs. and I am not nfruiil
to let tlioin piss by u saloon I would lather
lot limn pils * hy n'siiloon than by u club
house , or ( . ' into one. Thcio ni-o moro i > ooplo
f. lined liy dub houses In our cities than theio
arc In tlio s.ilooii3 I inoin mow boys. [ A ] > -
pbiusc. [ Vou licnr so much about the boys.
Jt jomiuds mo of the boy that uo\cr sawn
pirl I think that such bo > s finally bccomo
woreo tlmn tbobojs tluit mix in society , who
pi'niiplowith tbo o\ils and vices
of tlio vorld and fight them doun. Tench
yom bojt-to Bland up. I ouco lived down
\vitlilualnindrod miles of vhero Mr.
Bmulll JUcsi ! them when I was eighteen
yours old , In Stevenson , Ala. , 1 lived there
iilnctctjii inotitlis , and I never drank a drop of
liquor tioivt ) because I made up my mind tenet
not do it , and I stopped smoking , bccnuso I
jnndo up my mind to do so , and 1 hnvo never
piuoUiwl olgat or a plpo of tobncto slnta
Hut 1-vvtiut tlmt done , -not by law , but liy
Hunsiou , 1 want to see you put your statutes
in the condition that men can enjoy them ,
nnd that jou da net jmt jour ln s In dls-
grnWhnd tlisroRiutl. La mo remind the
lovercMid ML- . Small that In Boston eighty
IroUstmtcleiv > men signed n protest iigjins't
] irolill > itk > ii iiiul in fmor of high license when
the ( juohtiouuu > submitted lust jcai , amll
Imuit licit iinines i ight hcio.
( The si > ojilor wns then stopped by the
clialliunli , a- > the allotted time hud expired ,
and took til
XATj I'.lVK.1iKti It.l.lU'.l AT.
BVCIIOR In I'robihltioii South DnUotn
us Soon \ > \ an Uniiihati.
. HOT Sini.Nos S. D , July 0 To the Editor
of 'Iiu. UIF : I spent the Tomtit of July
'hwo In this gloilous iirohlbltion state of
South DaUota , and in company with several
Onmhn ti on o followed thu crowd , nnd bo-
forothodnv nnaovvr siuv moro men beastly
iluiiik thuil 1 over saw in any one \\cck on
the stiffs of Omaha Men weiowalkliifr on
tlo.sLrvi ! < t $ cntrying n bottle in c.ich luind mid
shouting nnd yelling us only drunken men
cim do Uccr in original packugcs is Uont on
ice , and the dealer Is so kind as to pull tlio
coil' nud fuuiMi glasses just us nn accommo
dation for ttio Jcustoineis , and rotgut. which
they call w lilslcy , Is put up in Dottles lioldlnr ;
from t\\o otmi-es upward. In the part of
South ] ) ikot4i tlmt 1 liao bepn over there is
not a \ Illn if larpu rnougli to have a postoftlco
- onor nnd beer aionot kept for sate.
I wish the constitutional prohibition ndvo-
of Nobnuslm would take a trip through
thoUlutk Hills , nnd if seeing Is believing
surely tliov would not want this Ittml of pro
Hot SprtiiRs bat present filled with \lsl-
U-ora to IH lull hotel uupacity , and the town is
gnwlng rijiMly. Stoix-s and ctwclllngs nro
> ; oliiBip in nil directions. Hero uro already
ouepiivatob'Uik , one state bank , and n na-
'ttoiinl bnnlc has Just been organized by V. T.
Kwms , A. S. Stewart , O. U 1'argo , V. T.
I'rentiocniidPcttyllrothc-rs. Tho.VcXHcap- ) , )
Hulls nil snlucilbed nndthoy will bo ready to
btmt DUAiness In a fo\v \ dus.
'Iho Fouith of July wns celebrated In reBii-
Inr spread eajrlo .stylo on the Uhnutauqua
irouwds ; Justoutsulo of town , which Is isis
beautiful und aesthetic n piece of ground as
i the most , tomnntic would wish to soo. The
unoiintiiln side , with top pi-ojcctliiif out some
i\tv \ nty feet overhaiiRiiiB the given valley ,
imd rumiiiur. wnU > r bolovv , nniki's a ple-turo
that fs'veiy ploislnpln Itsinajostlopnindcur.
,1 11 ilwi , made up almost exclusively r.of
thcsohotspilDW , Hews through the town
nml four miles below forms n full of seventy-
tvv ( > JeoUii\Iioi-o [ ( thu water goes oscrthorocks
with a ile'ufcnhijrroar. A good rune ] alone ;
1h rf cr lianks forms a pleasant chive which
titttf | > urists 8.eeui to enjoy v cry much , nud
furnishes good business for three livery
tn tiles.
Thoentlrorountrv is tributary to ryft ,
and tnweHlug men from the different whole-
ale houses can bo scon bore every any ,
Oninlia beens to bo to this country what St
cag { > is to eastern Iowa. %
1'c-ars' Soap IsthemostelcfuiHtolktadJuiict
Glv , Hull.
NKW Vonic , uly I' . Hilly Mulonoy ,
Ing cleric of tlio board of alderman of 1884 ,
and AldcriniMi IMncoj , Indletcd. for compllu ,
( tyln the Urvadnny surfnco road bribery
,0150ullccJ iiito the district attorney's of-
, Uco todayt and guvo ball ,
A Jealous Hnsbauil Murders ] Is ! Wife and
Tien Kills Himself ,
rrienil Cnllliif * For Jlrn. I'crry
Montgomery ! a Colored Woman ,
l''lnclH Her iiml Her lltu-
bund. jctut.
\Vhato horrlblo thing Jenlousy Is I
If this viper of suspicion had not found a
lodging- place lu the breast of I'crry Mont
gomery ho nncl his -wife , Silvia , would ho
alive toJay , nnd possibly happy , Instead of
lying nt tbo morgue , disfigured with
bullet wounds nnd covered with their own
blood subjects of idle tonveisutlou nnd ho
of vinlv ritiil condemnation.
I'orry Montgomery vvas""n familiar figure to
the habitues of the saloons nnd kindred re
sorts of Omaha. Ho was .1 colored man and
in many ot these places during the past few
ycirs lias served in the capacity of porter
ntiit geucral roustabout. He , together with
his wife , a comely quadroon , nnd their
) oung daughter , IHanche , came to Omaha
seven jc.lisago from St. Joseph. Montgom
ery found employment in u saloon nnd his
wife went tow oik us chambermaid in u
bagnio on Ninth stieet.
For n tlmo the affairs of the Montgomery
family flowed serenely along. Montgomery
woikcd steadily nnd was never without cm-
plojnuit. Hut nbout n year nto ( there was n
change , The in in took to drinking nnd gam
bling and became dissolute generally. Ills
demeanor towiuls bis wife changed and fiom
an orebnaiily kiudhusbaud ho bccimo uca-
piicioua iifustcr ,
. IIo gave no specific reason for this nltera-
tlon of conduct until ono day ho accused his
wife with consotting-with n negro named
Tnn Ilowman In violation of her tnnrringo
vow B. Itovvimin will bo remembered os the
negro n ho killed Jack Kinney last winter in
his saloou. Montgomery lived at 1017 Doug-
liis street nnd's saloon -was nearly
directly across that thoroughfare from his
residence. Ills suspicions hud become
aroused in someway nguinst his wife nnd ho
insisted that slio had been unfaithful to him
with How'm in. The w oniaii indignantly de
nied these cluirgcs.
licmimm hecauio engaged in the trouble
witli Kinuoy , wns arrested , tried r.ud no-
quitted on the ground of self defense nnd left
Omaha , but jiiiously still rankled In Mont-
gomcr's heiut , nnd whenever ho took n
drink , ho would renew the charges of infi
delity against his wifo.
lie lost situation after situation ami finally
left oft \volking \ or attempting tovvoikand
endeavored to gain a Jivlibood by the do-
c-idcdlyvlcalious rficthod of gambling. Ills
vvifo contimiod to work at Nellie King's
Dining tbo past four or llvo months Mont-
gniiifiy has grown moro and more abusive
and tliotyvo quiurelcd whenever they came
The woman has liecn working In the
day time ptlneipally , during the
pist few vvpcks , and generally
rctutncd homo at 0o'clock in the evening.
There weio other colored women working lu
the sumo liouso as she , and they began to no
tice that vv hen Sylvia came to vtork In the
moi nlng Mio frequently looitcd tired and ill.
1 hey inquired of her as to tlio cause , and to
one or two she confessed that upon such oc
casions her husband had quuriclcd with her
duiing the entire night.
A few mornings ago slio said to ono of her
associates : "I don't know ns you will sco mo
again after today , as Pony tliieatciicd to kill
me ag iln last night. "
Shu also told the women tint her husband
hud secured a rcn oHer and had taken it dovvn
on the liver fiont to test its shooting capabil
ities. She got hold of the ivcupon twice nnd
hid It , hut her liusbmd found the pistol both
times and at last used it vv ith tonlblo effect.
Tuchduy night all the trouhlo ended.
Slvla letuiued Jiomo from her work bc-
tvv ecu U and 10 o'clock iirii Liter her husband
caiiio iu. They occupied a worn in the front
of tJio woden ShnntyJi [ } which they lived.
Their datightcr slept up stairs and across
the "hall from their room n frenchman
named Jules Miv ert liUcl his lodging1 plafio.
They all retired to their rooms , presumably
to sleep.
Vivert nnd the girl were aroused during
the night by pistol shots The firing of re-
volvcis by dumkou men for deviltry is not
unu < .tiul in the neighborhood , and the girl ,
piesuinjupj that tuo noise came fiom the
sti cot-paid llttlo heedto it , rohYd over and
was soon again peacefully sleeping. also hcaul the bhots , nnd ,
like the girl , thought that the
reports came fiom the street. Ho
arose mid looked out of a side door , but dis
covered "nothing nnd retained to hed. Imme
diately afterwards ho heard the clock iu the
Comincicial bank building striKe four and
then ho fedl asleep.
But n tcrilblo tragedy had been enacted
vvitrdn those few minutes , the honor of
which was not revealed until the sun was
high In the heavens nnd all the citwvas astir.
Among the women who woilud at King's ,
Sl\ia Montgomery hnd for her paiticulnr
fiiendii coloied woman niiined Mrs. Lenoio.
\ estei day morning as the woman was going to
voik she stopped at the Montgomery homo
and Hading overj thing quiet down-stairs ,
wentnbovo to the room ot the gill Blanche.
The latter was still in bed imd Mrs. Leiicro
waited for her to get up and diess. They
went down-stairs together , and the child ro-
iniuklng tliat- she supposed her mother had
gene to work , as overthing was quiet , and
us she hail , au errand to do which hud been ,
given her the nlglt ( hofoio , she would go
up town , and loft
The Lencrovomnn , however , thought
she would bo assured that her fiieud
had gojio4o work and knocked at the door
nnd called to her fiiundt Theiovtas no re
sponse niid-SUO loft thu bouse. As she was
passing in frontof the Windows ot the Mont-
gomor'sroom1 a eui tain blow usldoundsho
dlsLOveied somcouo lying on the bed.
She walked up to the window and pulled
the curtain aside.
Mrs MtmtKomery lay across tbo head of
the hed , her lejis hanging over the side nncl
hei anna extended aa though to ward oft n
blow. Her husband lay at the foot of the
bed on his back , in n more natuial position ,
but Mis. Lcnero noticed that ttio hand
ncaiesther was purple ,
Thcio the bo/dics of husband and wife
lay welUttiug lu clotted blood that had
Howcd from the wounds onto the bed , and
then dripped into llttlo pools on the floor.
The bonified woman dropped the curtain
midian scieiinilng to the rear of the house
whoie she found the rienchman Vlvort and
nnothei man vv01 king on n fenco. She told
thc'iii of the tnigody nnd they entered the
house nnd hmst open the chamber of death
nml ruined , thu cuiuiins.
What aMetalling sight was revealed to
the ml
The small room wns infinitely disordered ,
The woman's clothes lay in n pllo upon the (
Hour , vvblld those of Montgomery were scat
tered cverjwheie. 3.ho hed was saturated
with blood , A closer inspection of the
bodies TOVealciI a hole stiaight thiough the
vv Oman's lic.ul from temple to temple. Her
arms were inlscd and fiom the third finger
of her left hand a marrlago ling glittered
mockingly , '
Montgomery had shot himself Immediately
nbovo the light ear. In his right hand ho
still clenched the Instntineut of death ft lieW
calibre Ilcnitiigton. revolver. In it wore four
empty cattildgo shells uiij two empty chain-
bers. * - .
The police were notlflcila'ncl Officers Illoom
nndGrauumhimiodiutcly went to the scene ,
'Ihoucvvs sprc.ul-aud.tho bouso was soon
suirounded by n curious
gossTpplng crowd-
women und svveiirhur men when
pushed nnd f rov\dod each other in an endear-
01 togctlicar the windows , tlio c
Uaried to , till but icportert by the police.
Deputy Coroucr Iiu tin arrlv oil a few min
utes uftcr the discovery of the bodies und
took charge ot them , and after an Investiga
tion of the wounds and an examination of tno
house , the icmulns of thu man and woman
we'retaken by his orders to the morgue ,
where they now are.
While the eKc-itedr cuiious crowd bo-
slegcd the house , little Hlaneho returned
from her erraudnndou '
learning'her orphanage -
ago , fell Into u violent fit of grief. Nellie
King arrived a few , ' minutes later nnd took
care of hor.
There can bo no doubt ns to the nature ot
the tragedy. Jontomory [ | maddened with
Jealousy at tno man Botvujnn "shot hU wlfo
and then himself , *
All the womou associates of Mrs. Mont
gomery were oen aud they all ascribe this
motive to tlio deed , nnd cited Incidents that
tbo dead woman bad told them , citing Mont
gomery's menu ness towards her through his
The two were married in St. Joseph thin
teen vcnrs ago , and their only daughter ,
limnetic , whom they have loft to brittle
through llfo alone and under the most unfav
orable circumstances , is but twelvecars of
nre. |
Montgomery fired four shots nt least mid
possibly six. Vivert. the IV-nehinnn , counted
four. Two empty shells aud ono bullet were
found on the floor.
Telegrams hnvo been sent to relatives of
Mrs , Montgomery nt Louisville. K } ' . , nnd also
to brothers of Montgomery nt St. Joseph.
The IiiqiiCHt.
The jurors empanelled to Inquire Into the
tragic death of Montgomery and his wlfo
vvcroKoboit Itocbo , W. A , Hardy , O. lied
mend , M. J. Merrill , C. S. Wnlbrldgo nnd J.
C. Misncr. The inquest was held nt Hcafcy
& IIcafc's ' nt 5 o'clock Tlvo witnesses
vvcro cvnmlned Charles Ill-own , Joseph
Graham , Katie Lcnero , Nat Ill-own and Alice
Leo.Very llttlo could bo jvscertnlticd in addition
to what wns already known. Qhreoletters
found In Montgomeiy's jiockot weio Intro
duced In evidence. They stated ttio.t Ids wlfo
had been led astray by ran Bowman and
tlmt AHco Lee , nn linnnto of the KltiBhaffiilo.
was to bliinio for it. Ho vowed ho would kilt
Ilovvnmii as soon ns ho met him. In ono lot-
tcr ho said ho would kill himself , as ho could
stand It no longer , hut said nothing of killing
his wlfo. Ho sild ho had thought over nil
methods of milclclc , and concluded that
drowning in tbo Big Aludily seemed prefer
The verdict of thauryna.s ] that the de
ceased parties met Ihur deaths nt the bunds
of I'crry Montgomery , nud that it was a case
of minder and suicide.
AT Jiff , IIVI
The Heel CrosH Division Indulges lu
n fJrnncl llovlow.
AIiLWAUKcn , Wls , July 8. [ Special Telo-
fiiuni to Tim BmTf Punctually at 0 o'clock
this morning the Hod Cross division of the
Pythian uniformed knights of St. Louis
drew up in line at Cold Spiing paik for hi-
spcctlon , prcpiratory tc5 drill for the valuable
prizes offeicd by the Milwaukee citizens'
The inspectors of the prize drill , all of
vv bom are regular army ofllcers , are Captain
Ohnrles King , U. S A. , Milwaukee ; Colonel
Thonrn AV. ( Jrifllth , Lincoln , Neb. ; Lieuten
ant Hugh T. Head , Cl.tcapo ; Lieutenant Leroy -
roy C. Uoudle ? , Fort Tolten , N. I ) . ; Lieuten
ant A. Pickering , Lnfactte , Ind * ; Lieuten
ant II. A Kendo , Fort Lcavonvorth , Kans.
The prize drill feature is under the manaco-
montof Diigadlcr ( Ji'iicril Halsoy ofVis \ -
Itcd Cross division was upon its nppenr-
anco welcomed wiUi loud dilmonstratlons.
The captain put his men through the manual
m twenty minutes. The Now Albunv , Ind. ,
division next mndo Its appearance. The sil
ver helmets on the heads of the men glistened
bcautlfullv in the sunlight nud the evolutions
were perfectly done. 'Iho Grind Kanlds ,
MU'li , division alsosho\voa reumikablo pix
clsion in its wotk.
Dillllngwill again ho commenced tomorrow
and will continue during the week. The
awards will not ho made until Saturday
Generally , the Hastings division , from Has
tings , Alich. , Is picked for n winner , piobibly
of the first pri/o. The same company took
the pii/ont Cincinnati two years ago , and it
is said to have improved , if anything , slnco
that time. Eiio , Kan. , a little town of ( XX )
people , his tunicd out n division tlmt is caus
ing no end of nnxlctv to the other aspirants ,
and is said to have equal chiiices w Ith Has
tings for earn ing off the $1,000 pri/e.
At 8 o'clock this afternoon tbo grand rev -
v iov\ took place. The entire line of knights
was drawn up in platoons , two men de-op
General Cnriintmn. nt tlio hencl of bis stair ,
which was joined by nil the brigadiers com
manding tbo different statodepaitmcnts.iodo
down the front , nnd as tticyreuehcd each suc
cessive platoon , the men saluted vlth their
After the end of the line had
been reached the whole splendid cavalcade
halted nnd the battalions wheeled around nnd
muiched by. They prescrved excellent cider
in this cv olutiou , whiuh is one of the most
Tonight nt the exposition building occurred
the big prize band contest , iu which liftmen
bands participated.
In the supiemo lodge this morning Repre
sentative Sample of Pennsylvania withJievv
his objections to the admission of H. P. But-
terfiold of Ohio as a third delegate nnd ho
was seated , as It was piovcn that Ohio , hav
ing ! ) J,000 members of tlio order , was clearly
entitled to another delegate. The only other
business done by the supreme lodge was the
selection of committees. Au election of offi
cers will occur tomorrow.
A. Little Scihcino of tbo Chicago
Bucket Shop
Cuicvoo , July 0. [ Special Telegram to >
TUB Bn. . ] 'Tho bottle codo"ls * the latest
schemoof the bucket shop men for securing
continuous maricot quotations. The scheme
woikcd successfully until last Sntuiday ,
when the board of trade authorities fell
upon the projectors and brought them to
book. As a i-esult two members of the
board weio before the directory jestcrday ,
nnd have been given n vacation of thirty
dajs each.
The llttlo plan which the operators woikcd
so nicely was quito simple Eight bottles
empty , of course were placed in a. row In
the window of a wet goods emporium across
tlio stieet. Eich bottle repicsentcd tlio
8th cent fluctuations of the imrkct. When
the pilco of wheat went from W ) cents to
&iJ ) cents onoof the bottles disappearedwhen ,
itwenttohOpf cents nnothor was missing.
By the time the bcnrs raided the prlco to
81) ) } cents only 0110 llttlo bottle rcm lined.
Tno quotations worn signalled fiom the pits
tea man nttho westviindovvs of the bomd
and weio then signalled to tholroy with bottles
tles across the street. A toleginpli opeiator ,
who sat in view of the bottle show In the
window , sent the quotations out by wire. C.
A Orv Is and II , J. Sheldon were the board
of trade members whom the directors disci l-
itoiry J.v .1
Iho Captain nncl Two oTtlic Mttlo Ncl-
ROUSE'S POIM , N Y. , July 0. 1'esterclay
afternoon n heavy wind nnd hailstorm , vis
ited this place , demolishing houses , trees ,
and upsetting things in general. The steam
jiicht Little Nellie , with a pile-driver in
tow , i\ cut down , and her captain , . George
Clarke , his son and "Kngineor Hill weio
drowned. Ono man on board wns saved. It
is feared thoiowero other casualties as sev
eral ilshing parties on the lake hao notct
put in an appearance
NlnoMon Ki'pcu-tocl Drowned.
VI.HOKNM-S , Yt. , July 0. A terrific wind ,
rain and thunder storm passed ever this city
lost night , doing great damage. Hundreds
of shade trees were blown down and other
damage done. At Bulls Bluff , N. Y. , nine
men nro reported drowned. Iho. damage
there must bo very great , but cannot bo gien
jot. _
The Loss
NEW YOIIK , July 9 , The manager of the
Hotel Champlaln at Bluff Point on Lake
Clminplaln telegraphed to the. . Associated
press today that the reports of tbo dnmngoby
the storm were exaggerated , nnd that the loss
to the house will not exceed f 200. C. S. Grif-
, July 0. The following con
firmations wenj mudo today : Churles
Vt'ilner , survoyoi-m customs nt Burlington
la. ; Thomas E. Gllchrist , United States
district attorney for the Northern district ;
of Illinois.
Postmasters Illinois ! H , L. Glas , Elm-
hurut. Iowa : H. C. Coolbongb , Hamburg.
Nebraska : C. E. lliirdwttll , Tokaumb.
Wisconsin : Henry Bradley , Elkhorn. *
Change of llfo , backache , rhc-rithly irregu
luritles , hot ( lashes nro cured hy Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Free samples ut Kuhti & Co. , l&th
and Douglas.
Terrible Accident to a Farmer's Son , Near
- Sterling ,
Itollu round Near rrcmoiit
-Tnlccrt from n Train to Dlu
A TclniMirnry Injunction
The ' ( li-cnt Delmtc.
' ,
Stniutso , Neb , July 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ibn. ] Yesterday afternoon ,
six miles notthvvMt of this place , the fourteen
teencarold sou of P. T. IHgginbottom ,
was plow Ing corn on his father's farm , and
after n shower unhitched his team and
started to the house , when the horse ho was
ildlng slipped and foil , rolling over him. IIo
got tangled lu tlio lines some way in the full
and the team ran to the house , nbout ouo-
half j of n , mile , away , dragging the un
fortunate hey after them. Ho wns released
hy his father , but death stopped his suffering
in a fovv momenta
Mutters nt O'Neill.
O'Ni'.iit. , Neb. , July0. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hin.l : The now depot building on the
Pacific Short Line was raised today. It Is to
bo a flno building nud is located very con-
vonlent to the business part of town. The
track layers nro within thico miles of the
city nnd will reach town day after tomorrow ,
Our citizens nro nmltlntr piopiratlons to ro-
cclvo tlio new roici with opeu arms and u
grand Jubilee will bo the order of tlio day.
Crops of all kinds nro looking excellent
throughout the entire county and especially
corn , which has madu a wonderful growth In
the lost ten days
The city bonds in aid of the now railroad
were carried yesterday almost unanimously.
Politics corresponds with the the weather
In Its Intensity of liont. Thcro nro to bo
four tickets iirtlio field : Republican , demo
cratic , farmers' alliance and piohibition.
The nlliamo holds Its county convention
July 12 , the democrats July 14 , and tlio
republicans July 10.
Two Youth Till Fiomlfl.
IlAsnvas , Neb , July 9. [ Special Tolcgram
to TIM : Bur. ] IVcd Wooster and Earnest
White , aged thirteen nnd fourteen respect
ively , were placed under arrest this mornlne
for * assaulting the twelve- ) car old daughter of
a prominent farmer living two miles south of
this eity. The hoys wajlnid the little girl
wldlo she was engaged in bringing n cow
from the wastuio and forcibly accomplished
their purpose.
Her erics for help brought a neighbor lady
to the scene , who iccognlzed the boys The
liuls arc of lespectablo pircnfige , but do not
frcl at all conieincd ever the affair. The
girl sustained seiious bruises in resisting the
young fiends. A prellmin iry trial will take
place tomorrow morning.
Supreme Court Occlsions.
LIXCOI.K , Neb , .Inly 0. [ SpecialTelegram
toTitr Bui. ] This evening the following
decisions -woiey handed down lu the supreme
court :
Ilni tforo fire ? Insurance company vs Mov er
and others Appeal from Cass. Aflhmed.
Mizcr vs Bristol. Eiror from Webster.
Danisthorpo vs the Fiomont , nikhorn ft
Missouri Tnlloy railroad Appeal from Fill-
moro. If spectil damages aio sustained by
plaintiff because of sidetracks nc-ar rcsidcnco
ho may recover for excess of damages over
tlinso occurring from the operating main line.
Couit adjourns tomorrow until third week
in September. >
Wns Chosen.
WAHASII , Neb , July 8. [ Special to TIIE
Bnp. ] At the meeting of the democratic cen
tral committee nf Gabs county at Louisville
yesterday the cftntity convention for nomi
nating a county ticket called \Vnbash ,
September : n nt 2 o'clock. This Is the first
tlmo in the history df ttio county that a con
vention has been culled nt a point so far west
in the county , but the selection civca entire
satisfaction , 'I'ho democracy of the west end
-\\illholi ! a picnic and baibccuo nt tlia saino
time In Boating park , one of the finest resorts
for such purposes in Nebraska.
Death of a Prominent Minister.
SomnLEii , Nob. , July 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BLK. " ] Rev. J , A. Hood died at
his residence here todiy. He was pastor
of the Presbyterian church here for the past
eighteen jcnrs , grand chaplain of the grand
lodge of l rco Masons of thlsstnto and a mem
ber of the commindeiy of Fremont lodge.
His fuuoul will take place on Sunday after
noon from his residence , and will bo in chin go
of tlio Masons. Ho v\as aged sixty-eight
A Temporary Injunction.
CITV , Neb , July 0. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Hnn.l A temporary
injunction was secured today to rcstiain the
county commissioners fiom Issuing the bonds
voted ycstorchy for n highway bridge , on
the ground , as claimed , that the amount was
in oj-cess of 10 per cent on the valuation nnd
that tno budgets not located in Nobiaskn
Citv according to the proposition , The case
will bo heard next week , hut work on the
bildgo will continue.
The AVorlcGoeH On.
Gr.ANn Isi. ISM , Xeb. , July 9 [ Special Tol-
egiam to Tin. Brr.J AH the arrangements
for the Orainl Aimy of the Kcpublto en
campment have been , rnidc , the full amount
Ins licon'subseilbed , and the norlt of tbo
different committees is proxiesslnp rapidly.
Two companies of United St itcsaitilleiynnd
Infnntrv have been seemed to ho in atten
dance dming the whole week. Booth privi
leges are now for stile.
lalron Ironi u Train to Die.
NOKTH BLM , Neb , July 9. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : flci : . ] A man by the nnmo
of Hubbell wvs taken fiom tiain No 5 today
nnd carried to the Windsor hotel , where ho
died la about ten minutes. A doctor was
called who pronounced his cnso consumption.
Mr. Huhhell was on his way fiom Chicago to
Denver His ralatlcs will bo notillod by a
toleguun. Ills believed hovas a member
of the Ancient Order of Uultcd Workmen ,
A Onnpr of lliir lnrs Unonithod.
NCIIIUSKA. Cm , Neb. , July 9. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Hi-V J Chief Wheeling to
day succeeded , -liu uiioaithing a gang of
burglars In this vtty , and stolen goods nnd
other evidence was found sufficient to con
vict Tom Mart hi , ' TJco Finney and several
others of all tno Imvglaries that have lately
myftllled the police. Among tlio gang is ono
woman , Mrs , Mayttij. All nio coloied
A l fxlllccl Holic ,
FncMovr , Neb , July 9. [ Special Telegram
to TIIE BLI : . Tlio Barnett bos , wldlo bath
ing In tlio Phtto last nlght"dlsiovcied In the
sand forming the bqd of the river u largo per
tion of the pctrllled bono of wnat is thought
to have once been tbo leg of n mastodon. The
relic has been placed on exhibition in the
city and attracts much attention.
if. . .
1-,9fettled | U.
r CMOSTKeh , IjUy 9. [ Special Telegram
to THE Uhu. ] &Si Smith of Lincoln , who
was arrested at'/rtcumseh ) cstcrday nnd
brought hero by Sheriff Mallon on the charge
of attempting to Jump his boirdbill nt the
New York hotel , undo s itisfactorv settle-
incut nnd was liberated , He had paid u di.aft
of f.iT nt Lincoln und gave security for the .fto
The Grout Jleliatc' .
FUKMOXTNob , July 9 [ Special to TUB
BEi' . ] The great prohibition-high license de
nt the Beatrice Chautnuqua has created
much interest in Fremont and Tun HUB Is
freely commended hy prohibitionists and
high liceuso people nllko for its fair and full
report ,
GUAMI Isj VMI , Nob. , July 0 [ Special
Telegram to TUB Ihn. | Woik' has com
menced on the sewerngo conne ctlou and
I within sixty dujs Grand Island will have the
best * satitynry drnlntiga of nny city In tlio
stale. Theidty deniiiuds bettor water ser-
vlco. but the city council Is supplying the
needs of Its inhabitants ns rapidly na the
treasury will admit , nml the same is in better
condition thin any in Nebraska.
They v\lll Hosiirrcct It.
lI\STlxu < , Neb , July 9. [ Si > ce-ial Tciev
Rram to TIIH BhE.l Airnngoments have
been completed to icstirfcct tnoNehniska
Volksfreind , the Gcnnnn paper that clcpirted
for the newspaper heaven some tlmo since.
It is understood that Mr. Houck , now of
Omaha , will assume cditoilnlchmgo.
The Normal liiHtltute.
STAMON , Neb , July 0. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bur. ] The normal Institute of Stanton -
ton county Is being Inigely attended. The
instructors nro Miss 13. M. Austin , Mrs. A.
Funk nnd K. G. Cllno. The Institute closes
July 10. -
J'ull ) Insured.
(5 A\i > Isr.\M , Neb , July 0. [ Special
Telegiam to TUB Dnn. ] A lire broke out
today in the llveiy barn of Potter .t Co ,
but was quickly quenched. Loss about iOO ,
fully Insured.
A Jury Hnys Shn w is It'up insihle for
Mr * . Ijomon'H Don til.
The Inquest over the body of Mrs. W. W.
Lemon of 3107 Mnlml street , -v\ho died on
Sunday last during child biith while at
tended by Mrs. Fenn , a motnphjslcnl practi
tioner , was held by Deputy Coroner Miutln
jcatoiday morulng-at Durkct's undeitaking
The case had attracted considerable atten
tion and n great mmty were congregated about
the pheo of the Inquest to hear the testi
The jury , which was impanelled yesterday ,
wns ns follows : John Spoerl , Harry La-
blanche , L. TLcfigctt , O. C Johnson , L. A.
Webb and Uov. II. C. Crime of Hillside Con
gregational cliuich.
A delay of two hours was earned hy the
non-nppoaianco of the city attorney , who
had beim called upon hy the deputy cjroner
to conduct the examination. When ho
filially appeared ho declined to conduct the
examination on the fro u ml that It was not
his duty , and It proceeded without him ,
Mrs. Jeiiiilorennwasiopicsentcdby Judge
Daldnln and was the llrst witness ex
In reply to n quoitlon as to Mrs. Lemon's
condition when she llrst saw her , she 10-
replied tlmt it was "vciy haunonlous. "
Tno coroner then put some medical ques
tions , to which she i etui nod confused
answers. She had been called nbout 1 a. m. ,
and tbe child was not delivered until
ucaily noon. At delivery every
. thing , was "all right. " feho uld nothing
after the child was delivered and was not lu
the habit of manipulating with the hands
She worked thiough the science of metaphy
sical science or mind healing. Mrs. Lemon
dleet about two or tlneo hours after the child
was born. Mrs. IVnn iiuulo no examination
as to the patient's tempoi.Uuro orpulso , "as
it was notneecssaiy in tin understanding of
mind " In explaining how she operated Mis.
renn said she only diignoscd the mind and
p lid no attention to pulse or tompoiatmo.
How she did this she said she could not ex
plain to any ono unless they "had the under-
standlygoi mind. "
The coroner insisted on her talking plain
English and unking clear what her method
was , but Judge lialdwin objbeted to going
into any details of this Kind.
The coroner replied that in order to know
the cause of doatli It was necessary that the
tieatmcnt bo known.
Judge Baldwin delivered a lengthy disser
tation on Chilstian science ) and said tlio cor
oner had no right to require Mrs Fenn to go
Into a detailed explanation of the power she
In reply to another question Mrs. renn s dd
she Imd studied the science of faith i-uio in
She could not tell the condition of the woman
after delivery as slio had not made unv ex iin-
fi fI Inatlon. I She Mud : "It is mind I tioat , and
not mutter. "
The coroner Insisted on knowing just what
she had dona
, 'Slio replied by reciting in a dramatic man
ner the principles ot the faith she advocated ,
retelling lo the injunction ol Jesus Christ to
his followers to go foith aud heal the sick us
her authoilty.
Shu considered the cau o of death to bo
hcait failure , produced through fear.
At this point Assistant County Attouiey
Shea came in nud took part In the examina
IIo went rapidly over the giound already
covered and insisted on knowing what the
treatment hud been. Tbo only tlmo she had
used her hands had been when the child wns
bom was her answer to his nuastion. The
rest of her treatment was ' -of the mind. "
Air. Shea asked If she attended the de
ceased in the eapicity of a midwife , hut Mrs.
Fenn xefused to answer under Judge Bald
win's direction , who held that his client was
a mind inldwilo and not n physical midwitc.
She said , in lonly to turther questions , that
she Imd been calffd to attend the woman dur
ing ehildbiith to deliver her of a child. All
she did was to sit by the bedside. She had
not made any examination as it was not nec
In reply to questions as to whether Mrs
Lemon suffered piinshonnswc'ieiliii a vague
way bv rofcriing to her stock tbcoiy that
"tho mind controlled all "
About an hour and n half after the child
w as bom Mrs. Fenn noticed that Mis Lemon
seemed "troubled. " She moved hoi haul to
her hoait und signed to Mrs. Fenn to "tient1
her. Mis. IVnn asked her if thoiowassomo
tioublo with her heait , nncl the patient 10
piled that thcio was. She asked the patient
if theiowas hcait failure and tlio pitlcnt
said thoio was. Mrs Fonn then proceeded
to "treat" her pitient , but what
mcnt was no ono know. Very soon the
patient sank and the witness thought it was
' only a fainting spoil. " bho Summoned us-
sistancotmd continued the "ticatmcnt. "
Mr. Shea then asked a fovv questions about
the medical aspect of the case. Mrs. renn
replied with tlio astonishing statement Unit
tbo "blood had in life-giving piopoities. "
She sniii sbo held that "God was life "
She declined to say what was the cause of
Mis , Lemon's death.
One of the juiy asked If the witness had
ever studied anatomey , physiology , the use
of surgical Instruments , the functions of the
body , or had any hospital expcilcncc , or had
over studied medicine Toallofthcao ques
tions she irpllcd that she Imd not.
Dr. L. \Villluns was the no\t witness ,
IIo. had been called by telephone anil reached
the house sbon alter Mrs Lemon died IIo
found a lingo tumor llko appearance of the
abdc-mcn and nt llrst thought the child had
not been delivered. An examination showed
him that the appearance was not duo ton
child. Ho had attondcd the dcceiscd
for sovcinl years und was ac
quainted with her constitution.
IIo was tola thcro wns no hemorihngo , hut
nn examination satisfied him tlmt them hud
been an internal homorilngo hy icason of im
proper ticatmcnt.
Dr. Wllcox was called. IIo hid made a post
mortem examination nml had found no func
tional or orgnnlo dlscaso of the hciit or
other organs. His opinion wns that the
women had died of hemoirlingo of some kind.
It w us customary to assist natiu o In recover
Ing after the birth. This had not been done
In this caso.
Mrs Page , who had acted nsnursoforMrs.
Lemon , was etainined. Mrs. Fcnn had in
fused to nllow her to bo In the room ,
as she wanted it to herself. Mrs. Fenn s il
on thosridoof the bed and funned Mrs. Lomoi
all the tlmo. Mrs. 1'ago was failed In Intel
to assist. The delivery was very easy nnc
natural and the patient appeared to test com
foitablv notwithstanding the hot weather
The w itne-ss asked Mrs Tonn If there was
any trouble but the latter said "Not in the
truth. " Mis. Page Insisted , however , thai
something was wiong and went for help
Wicn she returned Mrs. Lemon was sink
Ing. She gradually grow vvorso and sank
lamdly , djlng nbout two hours afterward.
Mrs. 101111 was recalled and was tukcd 1
she was registered as n pracllttonor , but she
declined to answer. She was asked if she
had a "shlnglo" hung out , but icfused to
answer that also.
The Jury retired aud returned with the fol <
lowing verdict :
"Wo llnd yiat Mrs. W. W. Lemon came to
her death by reason of criminal negligence on
the part of Mrs. Jennlo renn. "
( iDiit-ral ( Minion H. risk J ) nd.
NK\V \ YOIIK , July 9. General Clinton
risk died nt his residence in this city this
looming in the sixty-second ) ear of his age
The funeral will Do hold Vi Id ay at 8 o'clock
Tlio burial will bo at his old home , Cold
water , Mich. , next Saturday ,
lopublican Senators so Speak of the Tiissago
of au Election Bill.
The ProfcvNloii r lii'KlHlnlton In Hot
President nntl tlio
Widow 'sSon-A I'uicly Hiisl-
WASIUWTOV HLnriuTitK OMUIA nir : , )
513 I'ouiiTBfcNTii STUIT T , V
WASIIIN-OTOV , U. 0. , July 0. |
As stated In theio dlspatohos last nl ht
ovoiy possible effort , is being undo by the
1 lomocrats In both houses of congress to foivo
13l ho 1 republicans to postpone action on the
elections bill until the next session The
d loinocuitlo > newspapers throughout theeist
nnd doubtless In the west contain dlsp itches
his 1 morning fiom Wivslilngton to the effect
hat n tacit understanding 1ms been reached
vheieby the demociats In the senate aio to
Hirintt the taijff bill logo thiough without
actions opposition and the f i-eo coin igo i-o-
lublicnns as u compensation are to
eacl a light In the eauctts tomorrow
light wliiih will icsult iu the
lostponciuent of the elections bill , The o
dlsp itches are simply pait of the concerted
iiovouieiit of the democrats to defeat the llnal
elections bill befoio November , as they fear
ho operation of tlio measure , ghouhl It be
come i law and take effect at the coming olcc-
.lons. Your correspondent today talked with
Senators Teller , Plumb , Stoivnit , Pettigrow ,
Vllan and oilier f reO coinage republicans and
vasnssmrod by anl every one of them
.hut there is no truth whutcrot In the state
ments that liny kind of nn uiideistundliig has
won re idled and no promises were undo
irlor or subsequent to the vote on the silver
) lll two weeks ago. vvhcieby the elections
bill Is to ho postponed until the next session
anil most of them expivjssed thu belief that
ho caucus will agree to Uko up the elections
) lll immcdlutely after the taiift bill is passed.
Sen itof Spooner was \ery einphiitio in the
statement that , if the republlutins mean to bo
consistent with the decimations thev have
made on tbo stump , in tlieii conventions aifd
Lboplntfoim adojited by the paity , they will
.ake the elections bill up nt tli.s session , and
.hoy will especially do that If they Intended
, liU ! the elections bill should ever become a
avv , as postponement until the next
session the abandonment of
tlio measure. There is very llttlo
doubt tlmt the caucus of xopubllciu
senators tomoirow night will agree to Hike
up the elections bill linmedlntolv after the
idoption of the tanff bill nnd push Its coii-
sideiatinn to a tin.dlty oven though It lakes
ill summer and autumn Senator Qua ) ,
vho was opposed to the consideration ot tlio
illl at this session , now fuvois It , and other
epuhlicaiis see that if the ) intend to u > 'or
lass , a national bill they must do it at this
The legislative and executive appiopiintlftn
) ill contains a provision foi the appointment
of an additional assistant seoietii ) of tbo
.ivisury ' Such an nlllcci * li.W been neeih'd
'or man } joai-s , as tbo business of that do-
lartmcnt has icadicil anianriiitudobe.vondtlie
capacity of the set'ietaij nud his two ussist-
ants 'ihe siuetii.v of stuto and the post-
nastor gcncial caeli have tbico nsslstiinUs
uid the tieasuiy dcpaitmcnt Ls linger than
either. Under the pi cscnt division of labor
Mr. Tiehcnor. the Hist assistant senotaiy ,
ins of the collei tinu of the i ov enncs of
the government , while Mi. lliichcllor. the
other assistant beeictuiy , has chin go ot the
llsbuiscment ot the uppiopiiations , the
Limcau of onjfravingand puntiiu , the bui-oau
of eurienuy and othei branches When tbo
now assistant is appointed theie will ho a le-
ippoitioinnciit ot tlio duties. It Is under
stood tlmt Seeretaiy vVlmlom 1ms
ih eacl y bolcctcd Ccnoial Nettle-ton of
Minnesota lor the now oflleo
although he will have two vacancies to Jill ,
L > eeausoMr. Tiuhe-nor has been appointed one
of the appraisers under the now udmlnistra-
: ion customs law. Cicnoial Ncttleton was
roimerly connected with the banking house
if Jay Cooke { t Co. , and was conspicuous in
Lho orgmizition and coustiuetlon of the
Nailhoin Pacihcroiil Aftou the failuio of
T.iy Cooke , ho settled in Minncapiliswheio ho
boctuno the editor and propiletor of the
Tiibuno His oiriy oditoilal experience was
in mu uiucu ui inu ue'gisier at o iiiiuisiiv ,
O. IIo ij an intiniito filendof Mr.Vih -
doin. and although not a candidate for ohleo ,
will , Jt is understood , ui-iept the position.
lsro one has jet been nientioiiod for the va
cancy to bo euisod by Mr. Tichenoi's tians-
for. There Is also to bo an assistant sce'rc-
taiy of the nav ) , nn oflleo for v\hleh Piof.
Boloy , of the : iaval otociviitory , has boon
OT A surj Tinvo.
President Ilinrlson , us nnticlp itod in Tan
Bi K spoclul , has vetoed the bill extending
the time of purchisorsof lands on thu Omaha
Indian rcsPivntion for ivasons w hlcli have
been lieretofoio set foith. The nrosident as.
surcd Mr. Dorsov this moininir that ho
w ould ho vciy glad to slgoi the bill and trust
congress to strengthen the weak points in
the measure if it weio u safe thingto do , but
ho did not like to set the piceaJent. lie
said that undoubtedly the federal govern
nit nt should bo protected agalnnt nnv in
fringements ol its rights uy these given to
the state of Nebraska by the bill. Ho did
not think that the state should hnvo author
ity to tax the luius until they have
been fully paid for to the fedetal gov-
einmeiit. Attorney Uouoral Miller piosont dining , the confeicnco between
Mi Doraoj and the piesidont nnd the foimoi
has ahcaclv intioducod n bill ( oveungtho
objectlonablo i > oints in the old bill and pro
viding fur putfhiseri who ma in default of
pajmcnts It is likely that the hill will bo
jiissed and tlmt the persons dliectlv intftost-
ed will not suffer on account of the delay.
run ritoim.MN KMT.
Statesmanship is not a gratifying oecupa
tionwlth the inc'icuiy i.mgiiig between ! ) " )
nnd 100 within doois , nor does it Impiovo the
temper and disposition of tluiso engagi-d
theiuin Tlio hotels anil publlo places hnvo
been dcsct ted toiluy. Tin deputments have
kept up a piotonsoof continuingbiislmtss , but
the svv el tc'i Ing clerks have spent most of tbch
tlmo wiping nvviy the peispfration and giowl-
ii , ' about the weitlu r Tlio numbcrot callcis
h is been veiy few and the seeletarleis h ivo'
not had o.s mueii time to thctmclvos since
they can ivmcmbor Although the piesl
dent was at homo all d i.v the visitors at
the vvhlto house vvcio few dud numbered
not moro than a dozen < lmlngth\vvhiluinoiii-
Ing , so tlmt the piesldcntlmd a good oppor
tunity to catch up with the business that nc
cumulated w hilo bow as nt Capo May Down
thcro ho did not even rend Ills oillcial mail
Personil letters wcio sent to him dull ) , hut
nothing else , lor ho felt the need of perfect
rest and ho got it. The president told mo
that the only oflli iul business" that occupied
his mind firtin Thursday night to Monday
night was the application of an old hid ) for
the dismissal of her son fioni the mm )
The boy enlisted some months ao
and was sent , to join n cavalry regiment in the
farvvust. His mother mxiit her last dollar
to buy a tloket to Cup > I iiiv to appo il to tbo
president for liU rule-use. IfellstenoJ to Her
story with iutoiest and promised to hn\o tlio
matter looked Into at tliawiu : dop irtment
when ho ictunied to tt'ashlngtoi Then
ilndlng that she had no money , ho g ivo her n
live-dollar bill to piv her way homo. Tlio
casonrouseit the president ; * sinpitilo3 ! and
ho hud a talk with the societal y of war about
itlhiiinoinlng. ' 1 ho 'young man's iccord
will ho looked up and If found to lie of good
ch iraeter and iudubtilous disposition ho w ill bo
dismissed , If it shall impear tbat'liu In u
worthless follow and as useful to bis mother
In the army ui > out of It iio vv 111 bo kept whera
A lltSIN'i3 TlUSflttTIO > f
The Pennsylvania railway onielals are very
properly nnnocd ov r thohtoriosvvhlch have
( icon circulated to the oltect that the presi
dent has ucccptod tbo use of n cottage at
Ci'csson Springs for the month of Scpteinbor
and Mr. George W. Uojd , ths assistant
gcmoral passenger ngont of the road said
today : "Tho paiagniph wns entirely
unauthorized nnd was publluhcd vvithout the
knowledge of these tnterosUxl. In fnc-t It
was our desire that the matter should re
main quiet until the president and family go
toCiossou , 'IhOBtoiy Is to the affect tlmt
the use of PaiIf cottage has been tendered to
thu president nnd that ho has accepted , and
this has oeciiHluucd u gieat deal of comment.
' Posltirc-ly cured bjr
ihr-o Mttlo I'llls.
llify also rclloto Dls
trwa fn tn li ixpsln. ! In
ITTLE digestion nnd Too Henri )
Kntlnif. A perfect rctn
Drowsiness , Had Taste
In the Mouth , Cotitcil
Tou iic. l'4n In the Side ,
- uvi : .
regulate the Howels. inirelyYcfrctnblo.
Thefaotls tint the Crcsson springs company
have the light to rent unoccupied cottages.
Ttio owner of tbo 1'atk cottage H nt present
m Kurono nnd the Crosstm sin Ings company
icntod the cottage to the prvsldiMit Just ns it
would toimvpiivnte citizen , The pmsldont ,
puvs a fair iiito for il , nnd an ) other
Ameilnin rltl/en of good repute might haui
Imd It on exactly the muno terms if ho hall
applied liofoio Mr. Ilnriisnn'A application
was revolved There Is nb-mlulely no war
rant whatever for the nssoitlou that Urn cot-
tngowns tendered him by nny one. It win
purely a business transaction UetWTi'n ' the
Cresson Springs conipunvnnd Ooncmt Until *
.son , nnd Is all them Is about It , "
trmsnc vi , HUMP.
Superintendent Pen tor has appointed the
following special aifciit.s to collect statlstu-s
of nianufnctuic-s In Iowa- \ 0 < Oleason ,
Council muffs. . r. [ ' Ijushnr-ll , los Moines ;
Abnilinm T KurtVdiir Hiiplds , A.V. \ .
Was ? , Murshilltowii lleni ) F. Uowns bus
been appointed for lliiAiimo purpose ut Lin
The ofllchl lieadijuartors of Air Valentino ,
scrgeitnt-at-iirins of the senate will herorfler
hcpilvuto. Tor yeaiN past It has been' tbo
custom for any nnd all emrloyoMof thosonnto
that weto so liielined to iissemtilo lu the ter-
geant-ams' ; mom at all houis of the diiv.
Senator Allison and le ! ] > rcsentatlve Lucov
cnllcit on the pivsidi < nt this morning In
company with VV. W. Ha.skell nnd Mr.
A. 1' . Spem-er of Iowa and prcsonti'd him
with u handjomcly engrossed Invitation to
visit the Ottumwa c-oal pilnco in October
next. Thoiuesident tlninkcd them nnd said
ho would consider the Invitation ,
H II , Moffutt and wlfo of Lincoln moat
tht'St James.
C. C5. Cloisoot Gandy , Logan county , has
been appointed to u | iosltion in the eeilsus of
lleo upon tlio recommendation Of Mr. Dorsoy.
Oeorgo Illc-koek , tlio cleik of the house
committee on banking and uiriumn" , has gene
to Pennsylvania , where ho will iDinto his
family for tlio summer and ictiirn hcie next
week. Piiiiir S. HLAHI
How to Cminti'riiut tlio KllVots ol' lin-
pure Water.
Air. L M Mniliu , supeiinlciide'nt of thd
St. Louis , lea ) Molne-s ft jVortlii-rn U. H ,
sas "On my rctuin fiom a locent till )
south , where the water was vciy Impure , 1
wns nttiu-ked with a violent casts of cholera
inoihus. Hiivitifr bean ! n greit deal of
Chamberlain's ' Colic , Choleia anil Dluuliojii
remedy I cone hided to try H , nud vvlth the
most benellciiil icsults" No housuhold
should ever bo without a bottle of this rem
iro.v/.v ; uti'sn A innTintit.ixcr. .
New York's Itoiu-a nl' Helm iillnii Dis
rupted ly ! ' in ilo , tlninb i < ) .
Nnv Vonii , July tl fSpsciul Telogrim
to Tin- BniWithin ] a fovv clujs tluoo
ending men In the boanl of education have
icslgiicd , piofesslng that personal ulfalts
needed their attention. Biitthoical teason ,
as stated by ono yesterday , was that the
women conimlssloncit had made so much
ttouble in tbo board that the ) could no longer
stand it. Tuoof the members who resigned
have been on the board for twenty > cart , .
Tills tioublo , they suy , comet out of Mayor
Grant's social ambition , which drew him Into
the Murray Hill set that wanted women on
the boird and feted nncl dined the major
until tboy got women appdlntcd. ( ii.lilt made
thouppointinciits aicnliist tlio wish of some1 of
his stiongist fiiomls and politicalsupjioitoi-s.
I'ho women denioiallzeil the whole school
system , so tlio men commissioners say , and
limy paitieuluilv dislikottiestund ono woman
took in a sumdnl case involving ono of the
bo.ud teachers. 'Ihis commissioner believed
tin ) man as ngiiinst the woman , whereas the
piepondoiunco of testlmonv was .strongly
against him and ho vvn > forced to uwlgn ,
though the female commlsbUmcr stuck to him
to the cud ,
AKIi tif.lTJKKS.
I'Mtiiirol'iin II pmitH IHs .Denial
OOIILMCSS Will J\HC Int'irniiilloii.
NI.W YOIIK , July . - The World this morn-
iiiKsas Sir Julian I'aunccfoto w'oa boon by
itscoiicspondent \VaahInijtonyestorihiv. .
IIo leiK-ated tlfe dlplomntlo denial wliloli ho
made Monday night , and added : "There Is
no doubt tint our war vessels in the noith
Piieiflc 1110 tlioie to piotect the Biitisli ( lag
and ourscalois "
Yesteidii ) Ohairmati Ilitt called the foreign
affnus committee of the liouso together anil
tlio members iifiecd to ic-poit to the house a.'t .
CIIRO u icsoUtiou calling upon the prosldoarT
to send to it all c-oiicspuiiilcnco on the sub
ject of tint Belli ing sea question that might
bj propei ly made public Ilitt wns umiblo to
piosont IIH resolution , as the house was Just
adjourning He said hd had no dOubt the
letolution viould bo adoptOd at ted i ) 's bcs-
_ _
A Gicat Suc-Cf-NS.
I do not know ol a cue that was lost dur
ing our epidemic of bloody fluv , In this county
wliei-oChitnhorlilirs ColicOholor.i and Ui-
niiliiiM icniL'd ) v.'ns used. Onu of mv friends ,
about six mile fiom he-io , had a ihlM that
was given up h ) the two doctors who ut-
tondcd it Ho then iiscd Uhiiiiiboi Iain's
Colic- , Cholera and Oi laliiLii Hgimd ) and the
child u i-omod. Allvvhohavo u > ud It HpjuH
of it In thi liigliost U'ims. I'.K M\ under ,
1' . AI , ( Jtiustiiut , Ainheiat Co. , Vu.
All join in jiiuisitif1 tlio ( ino Ilnish and
iKCuruto llkoiii'ib of out' upoelnl 31 t
do/on photos. L'roof falowe.
tlon Lfimraiitoed. Kuim oc Molt/
HOIK ) < ) IJMlll H.
WVSIIINOTOV , July 1) ) . [ hpjclul Telo.jr < jn
to TUB Dii : { . ] Bonds uffcrol. IbUV ) a
51il ; 513,11)0 ) at $1 0.1
Absolutely Pure.
A orearnof tnrtnrliiiklns jxiwrtor.
of leuvenliuBtieii0'th U S , ( Jinornir.out a
poit Aiii.l7 ; , ItSO.
- - .
On ncconritof our lar a
nnd iiicroualni ; Practice ,
wo Imvo JIBJ-IOS'IUD U )
moro HpaeioiiH aud con-
v oniont olllcou.
DPS. Bctts & Bctts ,
1100 Doufjlos St. Omaha , Neb