Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1890, Image 1

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I > =
Arguments Made by Small and V/cbstcr at
Beatrice Mon'day Morning.
Tlo Ecvorcntl Sam Lays Great Strcca on
Iowa's Election Figures.
The Prolribitionht Breaks in Ecveral Times
art ! Filially Backs Down ,
Hut Wlion I'cople In the Aiidlc-ueo
In .loin lu the Debate , the
Cliiiliiiiun < "nlls 'Ilieni
to OnliM * .
Ilclow nrcKlxen full stenographic reports
of the * ai t'uments ninilo by Hov. featn Small
pud linn John L. Wobiter at the Heatiico
Chnatiiuqna Monday forenoon. Tbo four
nwunii nts of the aftetnoon xvill appear In
bubsoquont I.sues of Tin :
Ullu At K ol MiiiMlit } 'oiu-
noon at Iteati loe.
I.tulios and ( 'entleinca. In the mulbt of
thoPI ( i ml amazement xvhlch stilkes my
lollrnifiii s In this debate I xvnnt to tissuie jou
at the oulsi t this moiniiiK that I am not
nma/eil at am thing that comes fiom the
othei HI.U ( if thU question If I xveiecapi-
bli' of l Inf astonished 1 would bo in a st.ito
of climiiic tistdnislinunt at ihe facts and
) \H\\ \ 1 1 s , bo i.illi d , xvhlch they piesent. Hut
In taking up the discussion , so tin as my put
of ills cum it nod , this moiiiin , I lUsiio to
go to Homo of the fuiluiea of the dla-
cussion of batuida } , boc.iuso , xxith tefi tcnco
to thi jo st-itistlcs and IH'uics , I rccof'ni/o
hoxv hiirddiBorno It is lo an audience to
cart } these thliis ( as they uro tin own
out In this nmnncr. It is haul to
ci asp them vvhun you put them la tangible
lines upon a bku kboai dor la the columns ot
a iKWspapor It Is equall } impossible to
undcistand Ihclr full sl nitk uuu when thu }
iua stmpi } iiomtno piatioim.
Now , 1 xv.rut to s i } this I sco by the pub
lished repoit-for 1 xvnsnot.iblo to hear all
of tlii ! spin h-that the Hun Mi Ifosc'xv.itor
stalled the discussion nn his p.ut ou Satiu-
duj withn ji'ic'teiuo lotlio blue livxs of Coa-
nci Unit What has thut got lj < lt > xvith pie
hlbition in the state of Maliio or prohibition
lu Ibe hl.ito of Ioil Oi xvhat h.t i it not to
do xvlth piolubiliou in the state of Nchi.iiUixJ
Tbo qu ( lion which xve are heio lo discuss
tod.iy liulbio xou , andoa which jou aio to
lender a veidict , not hei-o so much 113 at
the ballot box on November I ,
is the question of xvhother you desire
ptob.i'ltiia in the sttilo of Nebrajkn , and
xx lull ii baxiiifj Ind llio conscUuco to vote
itvim b io got the sand in your iij/ni da to
c'MotioU 1 hut Is the miration bcfoio us
xxlutlier prohibition piohiblts m Kansas in
thai phcnoiic'iia ! xxny which llio saloonkeep
ers ilmnind tint it shall , xxliuthtrit pioblblts
it low i m that bupe-ihuman mannertliatper
fect condition oTuffalrs that Sir. Kosoxv itor
insists that it ffiusl'do in order to boot'prac
tical utilltv If bo thinkb vvu Invo got an act
of lo isUtion ia anj paitof tbeiounliy that
is jomg lo do do aw.ij with the x oice of the Ctod and of the ic enei itivo
povv r of the Ono himself ,
taking vicious appetites out of
men and transfoiniiiur nil the
brewers and dlstlllots nnd bums of the coun-
Irj Into a gi ind miny'of led nosed angels bj
a picsjto change' pioecss he is mistaken. We
tile nol advocatiiijj anlhing of thit kind
A\\ knew the mateiial wo have not to xvorU
on too well. [ Applause ] As loiij { as Iho
ill vil Is liHibonnd mon aio mean 1 c.Nptct moil
xvill n ( > t liqxioi uiid KO to the devil ou account
ot liqnoi
Hovx what we are hoioto dcvido is thlb
(111111011 Take it homo to the bar of clean
conscience and f.nth in God and oui biutliei
man and sav whether wo aio vxllllni' foi the
btiko of a p.illty old biiz/aul dollar to help
license that business .ind put U.u lanclion of
ourcoiisciciiius and our manhood nnd oui
Clnistinnitj behind ovoiy saloon in the state
of M'braslca nnd eointnundini ; it to our fellow
scltbens anil having local ij Us defense lo the
" 'incut seat of Claist. [ Applause. ]
1 siij jou ncntleincn and the good
xvotncn of this state mo not xxl\lln \ < {
loundeixxilto und endoi-so the saloon , tbo
biuxveiks nnd the dlstllloiics of this state ,
and xvehad bcttur te-n times haxo tlio blue
laws of Conaciticnt back in this counti }
tliiia to Uavo a further perpetuation of the
led laxvs of tlio brewers and the distillers and
the ilex 11 ( Applause ) 1 xv ill taKe the blue
ones instead ot the red onescxcij * time. *
The Kc'i'tleinan refeiied alboto the Masonic
rite of laying Iho eouici stone in the cltv of
Omaha the other day of the cit } hill. Well ,
it was vei } appiiiiato ) | that the } should
bt.da the coiner stoao of the city hall iu
Omaha xv itli vvlnc I do not know of a eitj
in the eounti y xvhero xxlno oiifht tohavooii-
teivd Into the piooc"ilini > > aaj bettor Una tn
Omaha Hut 1 iccognl/o the fact tbit the
siattciluK uf tbo coin and the pouting of the
xvmo and the oil biVo been sjin-
bollcal feattucs of the Miibonlo coic-
tnoay of lahiK coinoi stones in
tlui' Kiiinclold order fiom time immcinoilal
1 tL'ioinii/o thai that Is true , and it Is used bv
Ihem with tlio sanio sohmaitv and with the
same s.uutitj si.iioundiiii ; it and xvlth the
htmo language of levc'iemo towaids Ced ! anil
of ( "ooilness tovvanl i men , blissln s and hap
iliess , that xxo nso xvllh the wine at the
MI lamc-nt tnblo In the Mimtuaiy of ( Ien !
And when 1 take the&oMasonic , icromonks
iu d look at them I siv no defense In them lei
the bievvcrli * and the distilleilosiind the si
loons of Omaha and ihchtnto of NebiasUi ,
und jou know , sir , as xxill as v on know ) oui
inline , Hint it is a piostitntion of thosacicd
l Itcs of Masoiaj to biin tlicm In hero and
bl.ual tin in up asa de.fliiso ( Applause |
And If I weio the worshipful muster of the
liHlpo jon ha * o ati.v thins to du xvlth I xvould
diet you bofoio tlio bodv for it. I
would turn to thw Alisons of
Kcbriska und ai > lc them what they
think about tha siloonsVlint do joa
tlnnlt thcj thiikl [ Laughter ] 1 have bore
lhc uitlon ol the iM-miil lodpe of the Masons
of the state ot N'ebi.iaka , and 1 see that that
imiionl honoiahU1 oulc'f , with its c.iro for
ILo.lilc , with its help lor the helphss
bret nir , xvlth Ha caio lei the dx iiif ( , and \ \ ith
its c.iie for the xvluoxv and tlio orphan , mid
nftciixiuds I sio that thi-v say that it Is the
tens , i utdoitilues of the Bmul ledge that
the xaos uf intiinpciiuui * , KimljlliiK and pro-
f.uat } aio unnui'-uiilc in the htlicbt | ; sense ,
lUiOnMU'i ) to tlio bc'sl iateiests of the fra-
tcinlt } , he'iio il is. heicby made tlio Uni > ci alive -
live duties ot Iho imistora and xx.udeasof the
bcvcial lodtrosto pic'fer c'harjros nifiiinst mix
member who persistently iudulgon In pittitr
of s Ud vk. . s. and tij them in the roiiil ir foi m
foi sueh odcnsc's And It KOCH fin thor nnd
ni s Kosolveilthattliesaleof lnto\lc-atlnir liq
uors us a bev UKO is a gloss v lohtlon of the
Masonic * olillKitlca [ Applause ] nnd .should m
till cases fcubje\ tlio uiiendei to lepriiiiand ,
and if pcrsiuted in to expulsion from ttio fi.i-
loinlly. lAppl.iiisoj
Anil.xet llio c. ivinonli > of tint oilier aio
laouk'ht up hero asa defiuse to thedlity
dlstllleiles and the sxvcct binolllni ; biewi'rliw
nnd HIP btinkliik' saloons of Omaha mid the
othirclttis of this stato. [ Appliuso ] 1 tc-ll
jou ih it that action of the Kiiuid ledge and of
the uboidlnate lixlh'is of the stute of No
bi iska tiinni > the iiuclilcnt and honor-ablu
order of free and accepted Masonrv , I toll
jon that cxei } Muson In this btatu almibt
htiinda ] luliMl today to vimllcato that action
iix maixhlav ; up to the ixilU and bhoxvini ;
huibclf atiuo .Mason li.v piltling" Inlils vote
foi piohtbltton. So much for the Masonry
of the business .Laughter . i
Thut U not all , the Oi' ' I I'i Mown 1mc done
the bouiu , Tlio Attdcut Order ol
I'tilted Workmen have done the
same. You know that all the bay
xvlndoxveu brokers In Milwaukee \umteil to
xvlthdriw their subsetl | > tkm for the Knights
of I'ythlns because the state of Ohio snjs no
saloon keeper shall bo permitted within the
hall of the kiilulita [ Applause ] , and these
trcn bound together In tin1 intuostof society
and charity nnd lienexolotuo und for the
pioteetlon of tin ) we lie urn ! for the mixing of
thoxxidoxv nnd the orphan fioin want , ills-
[ rare ntid Imposition those men , the noblest
outside of tlio chinch of ijod. xvho 1110 In
those onhrs , stand toiliy throtihoul | the
union putting tlm cinph isis of tliolr dimni-
lion upon the dimnabio business nndevei-
body engaged hi It. [ Applause 1
Talk ah nit ilcerc.uo In a hue In Maine , and lovvn. I reckon the people xxho
h io pot to deal with It Know a little bettor
than HID niiti Hitting up In the seventh stoi }
of tlm Kroat Itri building In Uniulii
As between the juries and the
Journalists 1 v.lll tain ! thu judges on tnv side
of Iho quotHon ' 1 hey h wo to deal with It ,
and us my brother s lys ho has show n j ou by
the stilisUcs , which I do not e.ue to lopeit ,
andxvhiehl had accepted , that erimo has
been ilecie iscd H Is the natural lo inl
soqmnee , and It would bo a ICXCMU ! of tlio
law of natnro nnd nil iiovornment If Itvno
not true The supierno cointof the United
States said so in its decisionmid the supreme
court knows about us much about it as } uudo
1 leclwn [ Applause ) Tliouifh slniu their
last decisions , I huxo had in } doubU about It.
Mtilno Is a piettv oed stnte Miinois
maduup of n piotl } sh.ap cliss ofpeiplo. I
haxobc-in nptluioand traveh d xxlth Hum.
I lecture ilneoxxecks cvorj fall an 1 spiniK
in Maine and the Yankee Is a prottj cute
soil of an Individual and ho don t
hold on to 11 o hot cad of a pjlccr tiny
longer than the ordinal } cl'lzcn. [ Laughter |
'llioj can sto us far through n uilllslono with
a hole in It , a anj bjdy. anil when j on eaten
the Maine Yunlcoo hokliiij ; on te > anj tiling
fet t } \ \ ithout letting KO you had'botter
taUestock In It. Thoj have kept this law
foi tj ye a i , not only kept It but lee and
respect Hnolwilh'jtandlntf the fiU that tliev
have p.iupeiisin and uitnhi dlsm , and tlicv
come up ovciy cleeliou and siWo will
stick to pronibitioa whatever else wo do
'Jliej have fuinlslied some of the gi.uulest
men in tlio lountiy The piomier of the
president's eiblnct tod.iy Is ilon .Tame ? O
iJlamo , 0110 of the grandest men of the conti
nent [ applause1 ! ; a man that is suppoitcd for
piesiilont bj the ncvvsp ip < is , , i id } ct jntl
\\antto Impeach his UMtlinonx hbi * ) on the
subject ot prohibition. [ Applause J i
thinlc .limes G Uliiino will jjot a verdict -
dict out of the luci.igo Ami man Jury
about as quick as } ou will [ Appluisu ] The
state of il line fuinlshus Th mi.ii 1 ( Heed the
speaker of the house of lopiesontativus. I'lio
state of Maine fuinlshcs a ( oupleof senators ,
Messis. rryo.mU Halo , xxho stand about as
well la th it niiKUst body as the icni'tois fioin
XolliMsk-i I thinlc they have been heard of
u little oftcuci , ii in leputablo places
[ Applause | _
Limits in o Kuumg aiong ursi rate tnoro
\Vheatho publican state convention mot
thcothci da } they icinitinod their adhesion
to piohlbitioa ami noiniii itul their eindul ito
I.ctiao tell jou n more rcinirlc.iulo tact thin
that On the ! th d ly of Juno 01 this pri'oent
x car of ( fi.iea 1VJ ) .1 dciaou.iUe st Uo conven
tion assembled in the city of AtiKUsta , Me ,
amide-minded tlio rigid enfoteoaiont ot the
picihibituij Hw [ Appliusoatul | , uhu'ti a toin
miUoo piescnted a icbolulion faxonn the
tcjubinfesloii of tlio amendment ( iiicsuun to
the people of the state , a dcmouatio conven
tion snowed it under and lofusul to adopt it
[ Applause | Lot me ti 11 xon xvlieu n tiling
dumiK forty j oars apptoves iUself to the con-
seiuieos , llio Christianity , tlio pitriollsni and
the Intcj-iiU ol those people ol Maine until
both the doinoci.itic and lenubln an pirtioa
stand up forlt. it is a good thinn' foi anbod \
to la\ est in [ Applause. 1
'llioj taj it U.M linpovciished ami i-iilncd
tlioic1 poolpeopleovoi theie , but if it his 1
want Alt liouvator or nnvLol } else to stand
iti ) hero and toll usjivhy His that . , whilepooi
Mnlno has hcn ImpoverisU'cd and mined by
prohibition and dialed down to the \erv
itoors of the poor house , why is It that the
stale of Maine novel thek-js ted ly owns mil
lions of dollaisoithof tniAtgu ; s on join
wcstcin fauna JApplauso J AVIioio did thoj
Kct the moneys I will telljou uheio tiny got
tin. money tlioj got it bj their stauly sob-
rii'lv and bj puttia tlfofi inonc > down into
the toes and legs of their soe-ln instead of in
thu saloon , and they sivo enough In fortj
jiarsof prohibition to cany milliins upon
millions of dollais'woith of inortgyes upon
your high Ikenao fauns in the west
Talk about urlmt prohibition itoes for the
slitc. Look at Iowa when she adopted pro
hlliltioii She hul a public debt outstanding ,
and since she has hadpiohlbltion she has
paid every dollar of it oil You h id a public
debt in Nobrask i too when you adopted lin-h
Hienso in this state , and voa havn t [ ind a
dollar of it. [ Applause I Tint Islint is
the matter ith you [ Apiii.iiibc ] Jowa is
not enl > out of debt , butslio has got mono }
Inhorttcasury to lend Vou had better go
and bouo\v some. Vcs. and the state of
Kansas has a public debt , and she li.u 10-
ducod It since she Ins bad prohibition.
Tno state of Minnesota adoiitcd high
llcciibc , follov\ing Nobrask i , and licrjlelit bus
Inctcased overj ditj since she adopted high
llcc'nse Ibis \\kciothamilk la the e-o
coaiuit comes in.
You talk about your taition an 1 all that
Let mo K\O ! jou alluuioortwo Take the
stnto of Nebraska. The wealth of this state
which Is niseisod for U\ation amounts to
Jlltit per cent ot the vholo woilth of the
state You pav ta\es on III ii I nor cent of
cver\ dollars \voith of piopcitj in the stale
of Nebiaslm In the state of Jowa the } enl }
pi } tes on-2bper coat , and } cttlieii taxes
me J" ) cents on the dollar and } ours Ib ( > ' >
icats for state piuposus. 1 notiio henevei
touched on that this moiiilnp. You
ha\o l'JUtOU ) ( ) people tn Nebiaslcu ac
loiding to the last totuins , and the1 } have
1S , | " > ,000 in the sUite "f Iowa You rai o
: lr > ( KOH ) , ) a year oJI the puoplo in tins htato to
unrj on } our st.itoRoveiiiinent , and thev enl }
} ! ,1S7OIM In the state of Iowa' How is it tho\
pi t along there on about M ) cents n head ai'd
it i osts vou about ? ! . ! 0 over hero ! 0 , yes ,
ho didn't MJ aiu tiling about that lie "did
not t 11ou , why ills that jou f uineis and
vou nice hanlesimd vou vvorkintc men meanIng -
Ing } ou men who hue to got jour acioidiatr to the dk talcs of
Almlghtj Clod out of thosweit of youi brow
and not out of tlio hwoit ofour inoutlr or
} out pen I lie did not tell jou whv ills that
jou have to JMV more ta\es oa'OUwoith of
piopeit v in Nebraska than the same soil of a
man in Iowa h is to pay on r > 00. Ho did not
t 11 juit why jour govciiimento\erhciewith
a population of l.00.iK ( ) ) people , costs $1 JO
a heul when in Iowa ills SJ iciits a head
1 lo tells j ou it costs so mui h to emu let ei 1m-
Inals ovir in Iowa Whiit soil of eriml-
nals mo tliejoer llieio In the state of Iowa ?
The most of them are the bandj sh inked ,
bow lojfb'id , boot legsei's from this state and
other states , tunning aioiind theia tilng to
sell liquor central y to tlio law Ivill tell
jnu llht | now , If } ou und jour siloon fi lends
u ill mil on"our boot le i i j and do s ftom
low. i , wow 111 bavodollais o\ei theio bj- the
ndllton. It i Oats a Kroat deal moio to urn
dowiiKamoof tiat | bO1t , thin itdojs to ] u-.t
grab it out of their holes in On aha like } oa
ilo up All } ou ha\o to do theio is to'
t.pi\ad jour ii"t and catch thoin as they mn
out , but la low a they have to hunt them
down where the fellows have no lejfal name ,
habitation , place of iLsliloiiie or settled iua
Those are the facts and the llyin-es Thteo
men in the Mite of Nebraska piy 111010 tax
than live men in the state of Iowa AVhj *
didn't ho gho jou sometlilng about that !
Whv doiH hokeop on le.tilinir thosogaibled
extraita fioma tricat number of pnpois licio
that comes from Uod lnov\s vvhuwl [ Applause -
plause ]
Uhoj tell jou about the state of ICaiibas.
Ilote-llsou It is such a ruinous place , unit it
is in siuii a ten ihlo condition that jou would
think the fclieutV was guin , ; to hung the Hap
out of the st.itu caplttil and si II It out at auo
tioii Hut I'rof. Dieklo savs tbut Kansas has
Docn 'Vcttliu' tlic-io Kli , " and it his been
with a cooddeilof Kll to Not onlj- that ,
but let mo tell you ono thiii0 Tlio invachera
In Iv.uis.Ui t ill IIM they hive been getting
along better , thiiy luxe suppoitud their
piiaeheis ami ehinihes belter , they haxc got
muro money for cliuixlios nud ehiultles than
I ovir befoi-e , and the iirouihora gonciallv get
1 tbi'lr bilauea in full now , an nnheatd of
tiling in HltncMt any other state in
the union Wlu'a the state is
itnfioxerUhod and the peep ! aiv iwor , thj'
I pen i illy c-utofl th Irhuiuk's tlrst and the
ptxai hu-s feel U before an } body cl e lu the
cominantty. And when the preacher is full-
hindej j'ou e.ui slake jour last dollar , my
friends , that things arc getting along in u
xcry peed condition [ Applause. ] NVo know
liow that Is , for wo lu\e been the re. Iho
state of Kiuisis atone in l S spent moro
money In Young Men's Chilstian iissoolatlqn
work than the state of Noxv York , and they
had it to sTiond Moro children ] > or capita
nro In the public schools , in tlio Sunday-
schools in tlio state of Kansas than m any
other state In the union , tieeordlng to the pop
ulation. Talk about j our ] ills. I want to
talk about the schools and tlio ehuichcs about
tin1 hippj hoino.5 and the woikahops , Instead
of the Jails to Imprison men In.
Then our friend goes along and tolls moro
things Ho sij.s If jou had been 111 fora long
time and } ou had tiled neoitain remedy fora
long tlmo and it dldn t onto the disease ,
w ould j'ou keep on trj ing It1 Th it is what is
the matter \vith Nebi.tski now She has
been trying Kosuwatot s high license for ten
} earsand she Inn been getting beiutlfully
worse , nnd she is going to null trjinglt
That is what Is the matter with this agita
tion It h is not eined the disease , it h is only
aggravated it , and they aio going to have
some of old piohlbltlon fiom one end of the
state to the other , and thoj- are going to get
all the vi i inlii out of the state and see wheth
er cleanliness does not mean wealth , health ,
peace and prosponty. [ Applause ]
Mi1 Kmcw Uer s i } s that the people of Iowa
haxv resented the arrant kn ivery of the pio-
hlbUlonlsts bv tinning Mr Laiiabeo outaiid
putting Mr IJolos la. Yes , I know they have
been trj ing to make you believe that , but
that is all bosh. 1 h.ixo got the retuias tight
hero bcfoio mo noix from the state of Iowa ,
mj' ft loud , and I want to cill j-our attention
to this slgaith mt fact That Mr Boies , whew
w as elected goveinor list vear , enl } got JJ4
\otcsmorothm drover ( Jlox-elaad had the
yeai bofoio when Ilauison boat him ! 3)UK ) )
votes. Iloxv is it tint Uoled , with the higb
llecnse schoine , commended hiinsclC so hln'hlj-
to the people of low i tint bo got 2M votes
moietbm Clovenull ! Tint was a big hoist ,
wasn't HI How did ho get eh i ted ( I will
tclljou Yon know th it ho got elected ijov-
otnor becausettSUIO icpublieins wlio voted
for Hiuilsciiiia l > bi stited at homo and io
nised to vote for hlgii lleenso nnd because ho
win the tool of the railroads and in
their piy and against the interests
of the fanner. [ Amiluusc 1 If jou will
senlp a few of these fellows in Nobuislcawho
arc la the same p i } ' of the biower , the sa
loon and the railio id and give tlio farniois a
chance , they will not only Uavo prohibition ,
b it the } will have living tales for their coin.
[ Applause J
iiiv iiic'im sujs cney wcro selling liquor
DVCI iii the state ) of Iowa when ho was over
theie , openly by secret sale. [ Applause ]
They were openly violating the law bjsoctot
sali-s out of a load of hnjAnil ho founu the
liuj. | Iuighter j You know xvhit kind oT
animals live on haj\ [ Applause I I Jut ho
was not looking for buy , lie vv as looking for
beer , and ho touad it , nnd joa Uuovx- what
kind of anunils live on beer. too. [ Laugh
let ] It teiiiiiids mo of a little anecdote
AVhen I was in Ireland , going down to Hlar-
ni.yC.utlu with a party of fuends , x'o saw
tin ass on tlio lout nipping at the thistles
Ono ot the paitysiid : "Look at tlio ass
eating thistleTuo diivorsaj-s llllos < ,
do j en know whv the ass oats thirties } " Ho
said "No " "Whj' , bceauso ho is an ass "
[ Liaghter ]
Now , my fiicmls doj-ouknovvwhy Biothcr
liose water found th it oocrl , Hecaino hols
one of those Ulml ot follows.Vlien ho ib in
( lulling louud , I willb t my bottom dollar ,
if 1 win a betting man as I used to bo , that
bo could smell up tlaough the coiaeis and
aiuiind the bieU alloy and up the nckety
steps. Tint isvvheio they h.uotogo to Had
it in Iowa. Ho savs th it bo read } ou some
stitistics , statements or documents , what
ever they wore. But ho said they send all
the money aw.iy from Kansas to foieign
plicestobuy liquor and are impoverishing
and ruining the people. ( Jo down the stieets
of Ueatiieound look at tlio beer signs. Wheio
do they got thoboerttho } ' aio.seliiug hurol
U'horo is .Mr. Sehlltir flo } ou know Mr.
Sehlitzl Thcio is Mr. Pabbt. Do j'ou
ki\wMr. 1'abbtl 'Ihoreis Anheuscr-lJusch
I ilotico vou did not give away Mr
Anhbusci-lhisch's little scheme for evading
the 1-ivv in Kansiis. You closed at the i ight
place * injboy. . [ ApplinsoJ. They might
hii.'o bnon sending a subpoena duces teouin
after } ou fiom ICansis. Jicl vou uotico how
Mr Kocw Uer stopped as soon as ho s uv ho
w is about to give away Anheiiser JJuschl
"Why , It is nb elutcly along the streets of
llcntricc , and Inskjou to testify If ills not
tiue , that these saloons tire hanging out the
signs of foicignlnewerics biowenes of other
states right on their outer walls and show
ing jou the fact day by day that thodollarb
of woiKingmon and of the poordcb luclied cit-
ireas of this tovMi thit arc being ponied into
the greisj tills of these places arc belli , ; sent
to the b inks of Milwaukee , St. Louis and else-
wheio to piy for the beer , from ? 15,000OJO ,
to lsOiKUOt ) , ) n v oar go out of the state of No-
biask i , according to tlio calculation , simply
for the p imoso of piying for the beei which
is brought in here , and it does not coino baclc
citbci. These follows hive no inteiest heio
They have most of their intoiest ou wheels
so the } eangetout , [ Applause. ]
He Dellaes Hl li Ijlccnsu Anilil Fie-
( | ucnt latorriiptlons ,
Hon John L Websterspoko as follows :
Ladies and Gentlemen : I suppose that I am
fully Instilled In the presumption that I am
speaking to a people that are assembled for
the purpose of considering this question
faiily and honestly , nnd not for the meio pur-
lOsoof being eutoitalncd byamibiagstoiies ,
because when the question eomoi of voting
piohibltion into the constitution of this stito
} ou ionic to exercise ono of tlio most serious
mlxilcges aceoided to American cltl/cns.
When j ou coiao to put your ballot Into the
box , It is not a matter of fun or of cntei fila
ment , but jou expiess jour will on awutten
piece of papei w hctbor } our stuto shall go oa-
waul to prospoiit } or whether jou want to
blast her forcvoi What I have to say thU
incirniiigsliall be In tlio line of the discussion
turned to this people on Satuidaj and to
bung j'our minds baelc to the seilousness of
the mopositionuiulor consideration , and ap
peal to jour honest Judgment by statements
of facts , b } aigument-s and by logic , whieh
arc not to bo wafkd about as the dust that is
picked up from the stuets by eveiv btec/o
that ionics along and eauled anil lodged
somevv hero else , to the soiling 01 iajur } of nn-
For the first flftcen or twentv minutes of
the argument by Mr Dlekio this inoiiiing , I
listened to him leid something fiom a little
ciicular which had boon issued in the stnto of
Ivans is dining a politlcil contest in favor ol
piohlbitioa or against it. They were ox-
tuicts from a pamphlet published upon ono
side of the question ; they woto the gather-
lags and the clippings from the llttlo Journal
which would never let got into It ono senti
ment fiom a man who bliovcd in high license.
Never did thoio appear upon Its piges. the
sentiment or the expression of tlio
opinion of ono man that is op
posed , to the doetiino of prohibition
It was n ono-aided , g.ubled document. lie
might Just as well have load from a last
jeai's almanac I observed tint ho did nol
tell tliU audience when ho icul those
mnnuseiipts wheu < they weio taken from
Mr. Uieliio Uverv one of them
0 , the } weio familial to him 1 Know what
j ou told this audience when j-ou suited borne-
thing ; It was the expression of the opinion
of A. B or C D , but who was A U , whew
w as C 1) I I wniit to tell vou w licit I ansvvci
that that the } weio some of the people whom
tlio prohibitionists as a pollticil body weni
to as their filendi and asked their opinion
and had It all pilnted , and ills within the
lids of n little punplet which Is culled bv m\
brother from this platform , and ivul tothfs
audience us an uiganicnt. Ho mlnht Justus
well lime .ulcol jou people who dlsi/ieo
with me , who are prohibitionists , \vhtV
you think about it , nnd after githoi
ing about tvv cut } of unir statements to put
them in tdiapo and nnd these statements at
an argument 'lliej'iuo simply the exprog
sions o | in JMdual opinion upon ono sldo of
the inicMtloii ,
Uuwnlntho state of Kansas , ibn't you
know at the sumo tliiw there weio Usuei
ctcxumeats upon the other bide , Hooding the
stitef I have them la my room at the hotel
but I have too much texpect for an audleiui
of this kind to bring before \ou and tcai
gatherings Ilk" th it , ruhoivd by n pclltVal
b dy fgr a polltlcul imiiw , gatUeioa from
one side as the Judgment of a feroat people ,
and as an argument upon which the i > ooplo of
this state are to decldo a giont political ques
tion When he had finished reading front
these things , from this little pamphlet from
the state ot Kaiisis , ho Wgnn then reading
the sentiments and the declarations of a few
people fiom the state of Iowa. Tor whatever
the } nrewotth , accept them.
1 want to iy to thejo people that thcro is
another sldo to that ciucHioti , but in the
eouise of half an hour's discussion tlmo Is
not permitted mo to re id to this andlcneo or
loolto to this audiciieo the Individual opinions
of citizens of the state of Iowa I want to
give to this people MI that question ono
general answer that borrs xvlth u greater
power ttiati all the Individual dodaratlons
that they i'i m Id read In thu entire duyfiom
ho rUIng to the going down of tlio sun
What Is that * U Is the election which mj
nv fiiuid soutrht tobellttlo b } a Wnd of an
jxphinatlon lint lot ma till jou us onewho
mows something about the eainpilgn in the
state of Iowa , that the question in the
camp lign when Governor Boiexas elected
vas a pure question between prohibition
and high license. Jl was a question looking
0 the prospetity of the state.
Mr bimiil I'denv It
1 understiind ho denies It , Ito sits hero anil
sas it Is not true I will admit the fact that
v heaovcr an argument comes from the voleo
of a grcit iiooplo Unit sltd doxvn and repudl-
atis your doctrine , j-ou wilt get up nud denv
t as quick as anjbody else , but a denial
> rev cs nothing W lilt is tlio result I When
.In ) voted on the question lu the state of
own , that mm llole omen n ticket in favor
) f high license as against the other side , and
10 received a m ijoi ity of the ' otes of all the
; ) ooplo la the state who \-oted ut tint election
Mr Small How about those that did not
vote I
I hoar my friend say further , as ho sits la
.hat eh dr beslilo me , that ho 'vants mo to Ml
ilia about thee did not vote , unit I will
tell him about UKHO that did not x-oto In the
state of Iowa , mid why they did
lot vote. 'Iho statement Is Unit
Boies , when eloitcd governor of the
stito of Iowa , received but a small
number of votes moio thun Cleveland ie-
celvedin loiva In tbo election in vvhlih ho
ran for president of the Unltod States. I
will toll j'ou two facts : Uvery imn who Is
1 politician knows it , and my fticnd Sauill
licie , when ho picks up Now Voik
nliiMniu and caiilodlt around a * one of bis
dociuni'iits , knows the same fait that , when
you are voting for the ptxsideut of the
United States , jJon always jwll moro votea
thin in an } election held la any state of this
nation for the purpose of merely electing a
governor. Don't ' j'oti know ill That gives
j'ou an explanation why there were not so
in inj votes east in the ( lection when Gov-
einor Holes was elected us theio wore cist at
Lho presidential election' lu the state of
Mr Small There weio in jro
Not more than that east iu the last presi
dential election ,
Air. Small Moro for Doles.
No , sir ; moro votes were ctst at tlio presi
dential ( 'lection iu tlio stito of Iowa tbin
were over east in tint stito la ngubcr-
iiiiton tl election. If j'ou ha0 anj docuai'jiita
to i efuto me , pioda 'o them,1 I know w hat I
am talking about.
Mr. Sin ill I will give vou tlio evidence.
T said , and I ivpoat it lig'it hoio now , tint
there weio more east OH the democratic
ticket in thOBubeinitorlalolTtion than theie
vveioat the picjldential election , that is ,
votes moio Una Giover Cleveland
h id the \ car before.
Mr Webster That is a different proposi
tion Item the one I stated. That sustains mo
in in } statement when 1 dccluotho pioposl-
tlon that more votes w ro u ist la the presl-
dunti il election than were cast lu a gubor-
natoiial election in anj * state.
Mi SnnllNever said that.
And now ho si3 he i'ld not siy that.
Hacking out of that , ho sa8 unotbcr thing.
Ho sajs that Bolcfv. received 2-il
moru votes than CSS . $ O.'l , , sri-w U-jd.
In other wotxls , that the democratic eandicmtia
for govomor got moiootejtliafl tlio domo-
ciatic candidnto fui ptosldent of the United
SUitcs. 'I hat is an cntltcly diffeiont propo-
sltlo'i. ccrtiinly. Iwillndinlt tint fact and
explain why ho got it. Ho Rot lint because
the people of Iowa had learned under the pio-
hlbitlon law of that state Urn ] , the state was
not making its inirch to prospoiity with the
simo growth that the othur sunoutulmg
states weio mikinjr , and 30,000 icpubllcans In
the state of Iowa , whoso consciences would
not penult them to veto for a democrat , and
not having a icpublif.ui candidate they could
vote for without voting against Hull * judg
ment and agunst their consciences on the
question of piohi billon , they staed at home
and did not vote at all. If my fiicad will
lead down the column on the other
side of that suao almanac , he
will Jlnd that when they elected
a governor two j'ears bofoio , tint the stito
of Iowa had aicpublicm nnjorlty , bat \vhon
Mr. lloics was elected b } reason of the evil
influences of piohibllion. the republic mpirtj
In that state was snowul under and a demo
crat was elected , because the republicans be
lieved prohibition to bo wiong and were un-
w illlng to go to the polls and vote for the re
publican cuididato and woftld not piostltuto
their consciences to vote for the demociatlo
candidate for goxcinor Thosoaio the true
statistics of the politics of the state of Iowa
The result w is w hit I Youi doetiino of pro
hibitlon was icpudiatul bj a mijoiity voteol
the people of the state of low a who voted ai
that election : and I piocJulm it that that v ote
which repudiated th it sentiment of the people
of Iowa Is wet th moro to the people of the
state of Nebraska than the Indiv idu d opinion
of any ono mm I don't ' ciuo vvlietoho comes
fiom.Mrs. . Oongir Mr Webster , It is ono-hnlf
ol the p'opk' , not all the p-oplo Only half
the people voted on th it question.
Ivlr Wonstor Mrs Qou , ir xvill not bo
content until I tell this niulienco that that
xoto represented one-half of tbo people ,
that is tos.i } , thlt Iho v\onion did not hive a
chance to vote on It [ Appliuse and
laughter. ] Audi have a llttlo siatomoiit to
maUe , tint xvhoaovor the people of the stale
of Iowa c-vei vote upon the question of giving
Mis Cougar and the followurs ot the doctrine -
trine tint she teicho-t xvliit she wants , it
xvill bo repudiated a IrimhoJ times moio
than was piohlbltlon [ Loud applause. ]
Now , I am talking , as I hope , to the citi
zens of the state of > iibrwk-i , nnd I want
Just amiiiuto locdl } our attention to ono
tbougbt , bocausol do not vvmttho pojplo
xvho live in Ibis state to dis
grace themselves 01 the stito they llxo
In , I xx mt to call your atfntlon to ono thing
thut 1 listened to on H itunlny , and I listened
to It Ibis morning : Thai when an } man outside -
side of thU stnto coma bcfo'-ojou iinct abiisas
you i stato.oi jour metropolitan citj , j oiu luuo
In it , and the giHOT the Cibuso , the giatur
lb slander , the londu * you gixo tlio applause
[ Taintdomonstiation ] If j-ou people llvo In
this state , and love this stito as I do , 1 would
likc > to have joa , xvlicn yourst ito isslauJoi ed ,
or jourcIUes are HlandcA'l , Insteid of tip-
pl ludlng that si uuU-r , not to lilss , it , bey your
paidon , but to sit mutely by and listen lu
simple quietude [ Loud appliuso ]
The v erv last spi'akor undertook hcio lint
only to slander j oar state nnd the citjof
Om > h i , but not co-iteat xv lib that , ho sought
to diiig into the ndro thu gruat senator
ator of ihis slate , living in Iho beau
tiful citj' of Heatilce [ Moio appliu o ]
Not only that , but he coupled It xv ith the
mime of Unit other honorable gentleman , xvho
xvoa for himself a career ot fame and of
honor tin oughout tlio bittlcs of tlio war ,
lighting foi tlio life of the republic , mid slneo
then as n statejinan sitting in the hills of
the United Stit-s senato- mom ( Jnnonil V M imlorsou. [ Aptihusu ] lias it
come to ibis Hint a m tn m iv stund on a plat
form before a Mobraska iiiKllonco mid drag
down the nanus of Sen itor 1'addock and
Senator MundoMon Ai persons of ill loputo ,
and this audic'iice shall applaud bueh xilo
declarations f
Mr Sin ill I didn't do It.
Mr Wcbs'or I iippc-il to tlio pride nnd
sentiment of every nmn and woman heio to
resent any .su h insinuation aa win mile
from this platform against > our republloui
senators [ Aolco : 'That's ' n'ht" Applause -
plauso |
I am sony , lullauand h'ontl'jineji , tint tlmo
traxols souiphlly , bocain.'o t'ao tlilng whhh
1 liax'o to sav tn this audluaci in buh ilf of the
position xvliU'b I niilnt da xvould stroU-h out
through \\cek of dUi'iisuon Coming luiek ,
theiufoie , lo the thought 1 ntuteil out in
tills illicii'slonon list hitnn1.ii , nMtliu this
people , what have jou f s iv a i to xv n i tlio
, stati , as ast it" , as a p ' ( 'f. ill > ly , H t j Im
. benellteel b } prohibitunI or n here la it , to bo
njured bj' mitntitnhiR high license ! nnd up
0 the present mlnilto I have not lioanl ono
man undertake to nnsv. or that proposition. I
shall have to go on nixnclf. I undertook to
prove list Saturday tint In all the states
vxhere you had prohibition , stngintlon bud
struck the prosperity of the states : I gave
j-ou tholr population to show it , and
when 1 stepped from this platform a
prohibition friend , with honest pmpcso
1 lid honest Intentions foi which I thank him ,
said tome , "Mr WibHer. wlij do * , ou coin-
pu-e Maine , Vctmont ntul New llampshlro
x\ltn Nebraska la the lluo of prosperitvf
I'hcro maj bo other causes lo account ler the
prospciltv of Nebraska Why don't you
com para it with some of the states lu the ini-
mediate vlclait } . thatsuiiouml Milne , Vci-
moatimd New HuiniKhiiel" I slid , "Sup-
iwso I do that , and that It was unlvcrsnlh
the same thing , then wluitl" 'Iho rc ult
vna. utter a moment's eonveis itloii , that the
prohibition fi lends would have to oxplitn to
stitlsf } this audleiico us to tlie stanaatloa In
Maine , Vctmont and Now lliuupshhe , or
they would lose their case.
1 will undertake to prove mv sldo of It by
going a little fuitbcr 9 ° m ° man mnjsav to
jou , petbaps , that the stites of Milne1 , Ver
mont and New II unpshiie being old statcM ,
aio already filled up ami thoixvi i room for
tiny tnoro grow th dow a there A man stated
to mo the othci da } , In debuting that ques
tion : "Ono reason down tin ro wh } they
don't have an j * more people theio li be auso
of the foreigners landing down theio nnd do-
( out people Inul to leave" 1 presume tint
the friend that made that statement did not
know the fact that foreigners do not hud In
the state of Maine , or Now Ilampshhe , or
Vermont at all and their population does not
Increise , for tlio omlgi.uion goes oathclj' to
other states of the union
Go i llttlo fuithcrIn Maine thej- have a
population of 'Jl to the squato mile , la Vet-
montiiO and in Noxvlliinpsblie I)1In M is-
sichusctts , wheio } ou have the gteatUcik
shire hills i mining all aciojs It Just as
mggel as in Miine , Now llampshlre
and Vermont , thejf have n peculation
of 2J1 people to the scunuo
mile , or , In other words , In the si ito of
Massicltusetts , tight down in New Knglnnd ,
thetouioten families living to the squao
milo \vhcri ) ttieio is oi > funillv livintr in
prohibition Maine In Now Yoik. winch
boidcis on the vvestvvaul , the } have 1K ( > people
ple jur squiiiH ) mile , to Jl hi th < nilllcniuni
state of Jlaino tint the prohibition fi lends
talk about. If Now VoiUcin accommodito
10(1 ( aad M issichusetts i m accoinmoihte JJ1 ,
why Is iiot thcro room for a few people to
como up in that Go l-fa\oied state of Maine t
Alter all that is said abmtYeimont and New
Il.inipshho , how comes it that those highly
intelligent people of M line , who know how to
diop a hot poker as well as aaybodv else , as
my ft lend baj s , have not dropped tint hot
poker and umlcitukeu to get some people
dow n there to bailil a few Hies to keep them in vviaUri
Out in Illinois , hnlf way ncioss the con
tinent , jou have Hftv-llvo people per squiiio
mile I u Indiana , tlio oil lloostcr stiite , jou
have lift } live , and then in tlio brhht old
stite of Iowa j-ou luxe sovent-ol'ht , in
Ponnsvlvanla , j'oil have nmctvflxo l'pr
square mile. Do.i t j-ou sc-o when j-ou come
to think It over , Maine , Vcimont , nnd
New Ilainshho ejnio prcttv neir bjlny tlo-
poiiulntod , and it isnovvondei t'mt jou have
no pi o pent } down theici 1 put to j-oii a
proposition , and 1 want j'ou to answer It :
My proposition is that in ovorj state whuo
jou talk prohibition joa cliivo out the people ,
} ou dnvo out eipitil , joa dlstioj jour
maimfacturing industiioa , } ou desU-ov jour
oonimercinl industiies. If von cannot explain
it on am theory , I have a tight to draw the
conclusion that it must bo the
result of prohibition , which Is the
only discriminating elmracteiistie between
these three states and the othei btates of the
Mr. Small O , my. [ Laughter ]
Mv filend says "O , mj , " as if that wore
an auswcr.
rS'.lr.lSmaiI 'Talii'tan ] answer. .
" VeT wSUTJdfi'llilM'fartirerJMVltti'tho state
of Vermont , that naly inueaai'd its popjln-
tlsa bj' ono half of ono pci ( oat fie u 1ST ! ) to
issj , the average incicaso of population per-
c nt.igo was moio than ' 0 per cent In all the
high licLiisostates of the union , and down in
old wbiskj' pioducin0' JCentiuky ItvxasJi.
In winoglowing California it xvas 51 per
cent. Now , maik whit I s.ij . In the High
license btnto of Nibiaska , to which jou
puoplo belong , in this state xvheio thej ask
> ou to afllv pioblbltion to jour constitution ,
the iucieiso of potccnt igo of p ipnlation for
tbosaine ten yens was L'GT per icnt , mid
fioin IbbO to lis'JO ' it was more than ! UO per
cent , a leeoid xvlnch cannot bo pointed out
bj my piohibitioa ft lends In any other state
xvitldn the llimto of the United btates gox--
Hero is another fact about your old piohi-
bition state of Milne1 In 1&7U theio were
. j.TiO manufacturing institutions in that
state , as tepoitod by the census of the
United States gox eminent for that \ car In
I'ibO , In the same state of Maine , theio vvero
about 4-lHl manufacturing industijos
Theiefoie , in ten jeais ot prohibition in
Maine , xon destioyed and xxineil out lOi'J !
manufactniing industiios , and I xvint to say
tojou that thoio was not ono of them-a
biiwory 01 a distllloij , either.
Mr Small No. sh , didn't hive thorn.
In Now Hampshire jou destroyed llil inanu-
fnctunng iiidusttlcs , in Vermont j-ou de
stioyed.i'JJmanufactunngindustiies I tell
jou that in the states suirounding Vermont ,
Maine and Now llampdiirc. xvhoio jou had
hi0'h license , and did not have piohibltion.
th it t ho in mulaeturlng institutions Incieiiscd
in ovcij ono of them Instead of dcu easing. I
xv111 give j'ou a state or two : In Massachus
sets , for the same ten x'ciis. its Institutions
IIILI cased in number 1,110 In the state of
Wisconsin , GJ ! ; la the state of Now Yoik ,
0 P.J ! ; in Mnylund , nr > , in Illinois , l.'JYJj in
Minnesota , 1'JM , and In Iho little , as thev
siy , state of Nobriska , cursed with high
license , j'ou tncieasojyourinanufactuilng in
stitutions to the number of 7i : ) [ Appl mse ]
Allow mo. in conclusion , to sav that in
overj' piohiuitionsUite tint I have named , bj
jnut piohibltion dottimo I contend it to bo ,
jou dcstiov youi mnnufiuluring Industiies in
the st ito , fix xhlcb I moan to sajf j ou drain
upon vonr lliiiiiu lal prospei ity , and in oveiy
state of the union xvhcro > ou hid high license
the nntiufnttuilug Institutions liuio.ricd In
nunibor and , then fnio , fuinlslied omplo-
meat to moro UK n ; thcrefoto paid out moio
mono } nnd moio xxa os , tbiroforo seaued
moio for } our pioduct ; thcjicfoto put moro
monvj In ciicuhition , and theiefoie paved the
way tonnlxetsil piospnlty , xvhiih stands
face to face with the depieci itlon which joa
put upon the fliuinel d industiies of states
where prohibition cxistj Now , if my friends
upon the othei side can explihi thatiiwaj' by
ingumcnt , let tlinmcxpl lin it It is foi me testate
state fai Ls , and thus Intelligent audlonco can
draw conclusions fiom them.
A voieu How about 1C ins is ?
The Piesident I want to remind the
audience that onlj' the four spcukois will bo
allowed to take p n't In this debate.
Mr Webster -Had it not been for the
cnfutoeini nt of the piosldont , I should have
ansxxcied the gentlemen fiom ICansis at
once Hut out of u-sp tt to the oulorof the
ptxiKiilent , I shall not allow mjsclf at this
' ' - co cng.igo in altercitlon with any
Indivllual outside of the o debaters. In thu
coil ito of the discussion , I nil ill
deal xvlth Kansas , nnd I will dlsposo
of that question with about Iho
same general icsult piopoitlonito to popu-
litiou as cxlbts In the othei ot ites. Let that
biu'ciu upon that subject for the piesent.
It was slid that prohibition was one of the
things tint stopped IJloej and insinlty , nud
so fottii. I want toniako nsuggeUion Unit my
fiii'iul.i in thisdlscusslon seem never tn be able
to discriniln ito between the legulUioa of tlio
business ami the rnmiing of open saloons ;
or. In other woids , thoj o innot illsciimlnito
bdtxvcon logitimalo tonip iimco and ab > > luti'
druiikonnois. Th it Is not the dlscuidon at
all. No high llcuiso h lend is hero t ) advo
cate drunkenness nnd Intouipjmmo.'o uro
hero foi * the purpiso of duoutlnn how to
loach the best manner of diullugwith a conceded -
ceded evil , and that is thu enl } tiling V.o
hax'o to talk about
IwanttJgoto M dno a moment , xvheio
they suv that , because thc-j Uavo prohibition
down them , prohtbltio i navcu ovi'iy-
tliiii' , ' ' I got this right Iroma pivhtbl'lon
boolt , thlt tliix-it-llftlia of all the idiots
woiu cllhur diunkards or the dhoot
doHceadants of drunkards Dow a in Mulno
nrc'ordlng to the census of ISN ) , thny had
l.i"i ; idlotx Hithi'i * pr > liibitlon don't pro
hibit , orrtso piolabition d < > n t stop piodudng
l Hots If Idiots iac < thi li ilt of dilnk , tliej
diiuk moio bad wbi ' > Oiu Maiuo thau
i. ' , ui uiiu-uuii me1 iiiiinoi'r ui miuis ,
ill Maine , out of the same populatle
nbont high license In West Viigh
rionda and Conneitleut , and evci'
state The proportion Is a jrroil deil
than In the state of Maine , New Han1.
Vermont , or Iowa. . .
1 can answer , If j-ou will allow mo tune to
get through a t ihle In a half a minute ! 1
citnidtdo It. Iwillslinpi } ooncludo w lilt the
st itement that then vvoie in the Insane nsj--
lunmf Maine , In IbSl , after thlilx x oars of
pioblbltlon , ID ) Insane per-ons. mui In tlio
slat" of XebtisKa but 175. Or , In othet
xvouls , In the high license state of Xobiaska ,
w hero.vou saj * lliinoi is likely to cmso Insan
ity , jou have but one half tlio number
of persons In the insane UHjIum tliatweie
brought there la the problbltoi } state of
Mj fi lends iin taUexvhleli hoin of the dl
lemiim Ib < v please citlnr admit that-whisk }
docs not piodiue insanltv or else admit that
piohibltion iu Mnlnn doi i not pinhlblt , and
more people nic * made inline bv the dilnklng
of liquor in prohibition Maine tb in are made
Insane under the high llicnso laws of the
state of Nebrasltii. [ Applause J
TII / ; i u 11 t TA.IUM r i n\ .
Ar ainents In the c use dl'tlio It. , C. It ,
V N. A.ilnsiJ UK ; Oomiiilxsioii.
luxvv Cur , hi , July u Aiguinents over
the Joint i ito else weio lonoluded todti } lu
the lattei pirtof Mnv thu IJiiillngton , Cod u
HapUh .1 Noithein roul sued out an in
junction lestralnlnglho i.dlioid lomtnlssion-
efs fiom ptomulgating a scho'lul'J tif Joint
ratcvs , alhvlng the liw imi' At
torney General Stone llled a motion lo dlssolve
tlio Injunction anil aheirmg was set for
Mondaj- this week , Upon the openlngof the
case the inllroad company HUd an amendment
to the bill iisseiting th it the lallvvaj" act of
IhbSlstilso uiiLonstltntliinnl Tlio tit'ornoy
gpucial amended bis molioii so us to dissolve
this new situation and thus tlio question
presented to the couit Involved the consti-
tutionalitv ol the entire mtlxv i\ i ito Ie0'isli-
tlon of the state. The nttoiney geneial , In
his mgninent , slid there was ample found i-
tlon for the states mule in the
inteiest of fair deiling tinnspoilatlpu
iiMsonab'o ' compensation lor seivico pel
forinod In common caulers being piovidid
for On this bisis It was as competent for
the state to ugul.Uo the business an 1 duties
of Iho diffeient eomp tnies , one xvlth tinolber ,
us It was to legulito like matteis betxvecu
caiilers und shlppeis.
Counsel for the lailvvajcompinj denied
these assei lions and insisted it was unconsti
tutional to cnfoieo business illations between
conip inics ag-uasl taeii cons nt
At the i lose of the nigtiiiients lodax .fud o
Tnii.tll siid. In his vi < w , the clicitiun must
depend on xvlietbci sn Ilk lent nimhineiv xis
piovidod bv the Joint rite act to piovidu for
the sure pajMiit'iit to tbo can 1m of ilssb.uo
of ( ompcnsiition foi tlio Joint haul. Ho took
the ease under adv isenn nt.
An Klcvatoi-
DCS MOINM , la , July S [ bp > eial To'o '
gram lo TIIL HIT I Adibpitoh fiom Slicl-
dnlil , a small station .1 few miles north ot this
eit } , states that Loekwood's elevator nnd si\
ci IDs of corn , ( outlining about llfljor sixly
tbons.ind bushels , but nod about Jj'iO tins
moining Tlioc.iuso isunlnn\\n The total
( tiiiniijexxlll piobibly bo JOOUO ; fully in-
Hollies Are Original i'aelcajOH. (
Mv&ONCm , la , July 8--.Spoclil [ Tclo-
gramtoTin Dr.r ] Judge Sbeiman held a
special term of couit hero ted ijto hear la-
Junrtion proceedings btought fiom Winnt-
bngo count v to icstrain John Ilartinm , Sr
and .Tr , fiom selllnpr xxhlsky and beer in
01 Js'lnnl packages The injunction win not
granted , tlio judge eonsldoii.ig . thlt the bottle
tle , not the case , was the package.
A -ervnit ClrlH' Union.
TOUT Donor , la. July [ Bpechl Tele
gram to Tin JJi.i ] A movement is on foot
for forming a sctvunt gills' union heie. All
the liliod gills of the citv aio inteiested.
The object U moio xvajes ; , lighter w oik , and
moio liberty.
A SI'UO Ml HU.t It If.
UWJJI Diiect tlioDcstlnicsortlio Ilnp-
list UnivtMsitj ,
Ciucvno , Julv s The board of cliicctois of
the now Bipti t univeisitj- this cit- ,
tovvanl which John D Kockafcllcr of Cleveland -
land gave $100,000 and the BaptUt denomina
tion and Its fnonds § 1JJ,0 X ) rnoro , has been
appointed. They arc K Nelson Illnlte , foi
in my jearspicsldentof the li iptist theolog
ical union ; I1 K Ilincklcj , the vvfll known
i.illroail builder , A Machloish , a , nvmber of
the ilrj. goods Him of Catson , 1'n ic , Seott 05
Co ; V A. Smith , prciidcnt of tbo Clnei-jo
law iiiatltuto ; C. W. Needham , a prominent
attouwi : L boitholl , tlioell known
civil engineer ; llov. A. 1C. Paihcr ,
pvstor of the Centennial Baptist
chinch , II. A. Kust , a well
known business man , , f W. Mldgley , ihair-
maa of tbo U'estem rieight assoi i ition , IM-
xv ird ( Joodin in , eau of the propiii'tors of the
I ! iptist paper , thoStindaul , 11 II ,
projnletoi of a 1 ngeb ikdj ; IVrd W 1'cck ,
inesidcnt of the Auditorium assoc iatlen ; Hon
.1 N. U.iilojihiof Justice of the Illinois
biipremu couit ; Ucoigo t ! Walker , presidi nt
ol tbo C'hU.igo aeiloiny of sciences , C C
liowen , Uiliolt , Mich , nnd metnbir of tbo
111 in of D M Kerry .1 C'o , K H. IVlseiithal ,
ulaxvjer of tills eltj , Piof.f H Ilaiperof
Yale , Alartin A Itjcison , a pioiiilnent busi
iie-.s man of Chicago , ( Jcoigo A Pillsbuiv , f
the great Hour Him , Minneiiiolis. Hon. Daniel
Ij Shot03 , an old usidcmt of Chtc.igo J > Ii
Uue'Ial'ellcr declined ineiiibeiahlp on the
board , _
rjt.txititTiov. .
'Iho IjV-AsHistniit I'ostuiastoi Gcnernl
A'lsUs Ciilcngo.
"Cnirvao , July 8 [ Special Telegram to
Tin : IJrn.J Fiank Hatton , ej-issistant post-
nnster general , is In the city nnd was todaj
Intcrvloxx'od iig.inHng the piopoaod
election lavx"I do not think that it will
pass the senate , " ho said , "und had It 10-
ectved two xxxeks' discussion in the IIOUBO ,
long enough fflj * the inembera tohivehcaid
from their constituents , it would not have
passed the house , -
"I do not dispute tbo right of ovoiy mun
to bo protected in his right to vote , hut the
lepublleaa paly is fifteen juarj too
hto. Then it was needed , and as
the republicans had absolute rontiol
of the Kov'Tiimout | t IIISN-I O xvould h.ixo
born oliti.ic.lous Hut at tint tlmo tlm republican -
publican pirt } served notice on the southern
xoten tint it did not intcncl to do anjthlng
for them -they must look out for Ihormi Ix'os
"Ono of tbo most ppciiliai things of the
present ineaimo is some of Its piidpil
advocatoi-s aio mon who most violently op
posed any Interfi ICIKO In fodoi il elections
when Uiant was jiresidont Home of the
statoMnen at that time denounce. ) ( Irani ana
tyrant , a usurper and u dictator forhUofloits
in the line of piotecting the republican v uteis
la the south. "
Pensions lor NIIIHOS ,
WvsiunoJuly ( S. liepiosentatlvo
Helliiniplol.iy leputted fax-or.ibly fiom the
committee on the Invalid po islon bill grant-
IntjaiKJiisloiiof * 1 ! per month to all women
xvho orvol aa army niiuos In the late war
fora IHIIIOI ! of six niuiiths or moio , ami xxho
miuloiejdboi'viooa to the bid : on tbo battlo-
A r.ldjolUt Dead.
Cnifxoo , July SWord l u bwui tooolvcd
tbutV. . M Woodsldo. the well known
hiiilist , died liuatl ) of jcllgw fexci at
ItioUo Janeiro ,
Tlio Question of Railroad Rates Ably To-
bated nt Orctc.
A PantUM * NVnr I'nnc'a Sot t'pnn anil
Ton llil ) lliutcn lly r\vn Noicti-
bors- lie N Not Kvuc'teil |
to Iilvc- .
Ciinir , Xoh , .Inly 8-Spcvlui [ Tikv
iriam to Tun niij The Van W.xilt.
Miiiquctto debate bopim this nde-iIHKUI'at J
o'cloi-U 'L'ho iiuestion wnsi
Ki'-dlvi'il. Thatiiro'-iMit rullroul into bith
Inkist itc tinil looal , mo Jnsl nnd niultabUi
for lioth tboprodneoi and e'liiilor
The tibotnaolovvas ci-oxxiUMJiiimMlelociu
tlons of vliltors haxiiit ; ntrlxed from all
puts of thostuto Hon. T. M Miiniu.tto
Jhst took the platform Hilcllj suiiun n u > d ,
his arguments xxeio as follows :
"It his bun snltl tint the people of No-
hi isUaaretonpivjudhed tollston to adfonso
of the nitlioad Sueli is iot the C'.HO.
\ system of state r.illioal rates Is lluo an
IntiliMto inichlne. At Hist ilan.o\vo may
hive illnii-ulty in eoiupivluiidin the r'ason'i
forlt. To itiiin a fjwd knowlcd cMif a vs.
tern of lutes wo must consider the * svstcm in
Its enthotys to intorst do i itcs , tinHpst
omtplilnt is in wforonoo toioiu 'Ihc aver-
nr'i * luiKlitialu fioin loxvato Chicago is the
lowest in the xv oild.
"J'ho ijiustliui of intorst ito i itos has liecti
ndjiulii itcd Om ilia mil Lincoln complnlm def
of Intel tnte. rates , but the bodx of inti'i-
( .Inte lOiiiinissloni-i-s dud nod them just.
'Iho datv ot the board of ttans-poitnlion It to
llml out exu > tbiiiK In nvml to inlioids
'lias bo ird atllims that Iho 11 , c M mulct s
only ilpc'i * lout on itsnetud outlaj Oilier
10 ids make uv en lc ss
' ThoinihMX'o of the C'hli nuo , Hin linetoni
( Juiinv ten .xc.ns IILJO xxirsJj'.i'imil < M Snii o
then tlio roul his iiuic'iued In iniliain * hat
puilltJi nro only half as much us tin v \ \ < ui
xv hen the iiillcaco xv is less. Thin n suits
fiom the nductlon ofiatos Coin pat into
live stoi-lc , the llvo stoiU lielnj , ' shiiipi d ic > -
tuinstotlio fanner ihugc piollt , buttoiho
indioid almost , notbniL' .
PU'iningon only put of thoiales a i iso
Isni.ilo tif-Mlnst i.illiotulH , but i oninb ilnjj
latc-s as a crand svstoin tlio ( 11
dianp'd. As compiled with low i i itcs ,
those of U1 , , per cent luchot thau
ieis , because. In Illinois p'oil business pna-
ciplcs apply 'Ihi' MIIIO UMinik iipplim to
Missoini. Xobrislca's Inteist.ito lati Is lower
evou than low I's Iowa i.itcs , vvlib b nio
oinpl lined of us less 111 in Nebraslt i t 1110
hose on diujH , clothes , ote , xxline tlio
iiirden lees not .nTect the cun nmis.
S'c'briska's intcistato iiitoon coin isli .stnmi
ovxas.Vo Inivo cull ix-nted com ; Iowa tlio
of loxva roids nflh 01 Ibafc
the state his il ( pi ivod tlu m of pinlll nil
ales 11 wo mt down local mti's in Nu-
nasln , vxcoiiinar.iss the roads to sm li au
\lent tln'v arouaablo to fjix o us u In t-
er i ito on coin. Iowa ilcslies a iai- < :
Nobi isk.i wants a low intoistiito rnti 1 u h
ms ha 1 its wish ( jr.itilied Ni hnisltii is in DU.
llted hv her xxiso sslimoC low Inu-i-itato
und liicli local lates
lr\oiiM5lia'ss\btoin is hutldlnif up Inij-cr
cit ics hi her boidorbtlun tlicie tuo in Iowa.
Wit ii the lust llvo ji us hho bus led Hie
world in proaperit } . 'L'licro me some little
wroiujs in Nubi.usto'a Hyhtem of inte-s , but
they iu o unaoldivbio. . Taken as a vv hole , tbo
s. stem is admirable. "
Inhisttrst add toss , Mr. Van AY\c2 : made
the follow iiitf statement
'llio qiiojtlon is vvbothur * the i ales , both
state and in Ui state , am higher thira tuey
should be Undei our pie-.cnt . uites Ne
braska fanncis have bee-n XX > HIIUIL ;
on bhincs. the rallioad Jlxln tlio
sli.uea. Hailioad in ignntps couul nut
liavopruvvn ndi b il notiates bon nn ust.
fiOuld'H caiee-i has been ono of tholt fi inn tlio
An.cileau peoplo. Ills vnliud propeitv at
tholist census was moio th m the ns-i - sud
valu itlon of Isebi.isku and Iowa coiuhincid.
| IUssoal The money undo in NolnasKi and
the nortnwfstgoes Into oastein cili" I'ho
[ irodutorls not Krowinp ilcliur , Ihocilih
.lo-ited b } him goua to the uillnnils 1 lie
Nebiaska fanners haxo been eompi lie I to
Imin corn bccauso railurul i.itea xvcso bo
tlint they could net soil It at n pr lit
ulKO Mason h.u innstored the Hiibjd t of
xxcll asaay nun la the Lulled
Suites '
At this point a person fiom the audience
arose , and stilted that In IbTt Hi.ulstrcct
iepoitedVan\Vck\voith 5.i)00 , ( , nnd in IsSiU ,
fUU.OOO , and ho asked the -senator bow liu
had amassed his xvodtli Van\V > ck cxpHlncd
that ho hid husbanded tlio money loft him by
his intents , but bud nut tiled to in ike n foi.
tune raising steers In Nebraska | C'hecrsJ
Ho then oxpl.iined lint his Washington
proper t } xvas vvoith bolwcen forty and Jllty
thousand dollars and was moitg.iKcd for
5-luiXX ) [ Cbeei-s ]
" .liiilh'o Mason savs In 18ST : Minnesota
and Dakota piy less li-ci ht per milo than is
] ) .ild in N'obi uska NebiasUa i.itcs cannot bo
defended. Thu t.ito fiom Lincoln to Old
loolts llko bliflivvay robbary. The i.illio.ida
lieu injuiious oiovvs 10 ino coimncice ana
piospeilt } of Iho stnto , anil In the end lo the
L-oiporatiims theinseKcs 'llieie will bo no
turning' ' ' ll'U fiom thodcmnnd fora initoiid
i education of inios In the state , oven H IcKis-
latlvo .ution Is necossiiy to soiino the end
sought. .ludgo lasoa hasnover H-pudiated
this opinion.
Tlio piespnt board of tianspoitntlon
xhicb Is a f ileiid of tbo railioad , nllli ms thut
toilav's i ales aio too high The bond 10-
cenllv nftlrimd tint if the coin titoxvas not
loilucc-d local i.itis xvonld ho A i dilution
of 10 pel cent in mm iitos lesultod , but tlio
pikoof ( oindiopped at tliosmic iatc After
the i eduction Laws nlllrnied that the nitos
xxiio Htill too liluh. Uoxcinor 'lba > 'i ru-
ccully condemned lailroict lates us too hij-H.
( And he is not a , demaL'ojrno ) Ulic KV' ( t iior
savs tint fanners and othirs aoallngvxltli
r.iilioads mo on tlio vei o of hankiupU1 }
In his second ndihc s Mauinctto sjnilti as
follows "Mr Van \Vyck has tnkin ( no
xxoid of iiolttli inns for bis aiKinneii's , but
bis not inxcsliKiU'd the intos tlumsolvia
\\c full into tin , cirur of tusuiiiiii , ; tliut i nl-
to ul lates mo robber } nad piusui mn mvis-
til ! it Ions f rom that point. Hailn id inn-uiitea
have not made tin li money iuninii.r | iiuli'i.nls.
Four } ) c r cint divlclc'iiil will not m.iU a man
rich. .Hulk'd Mason's Btatemonls an .uinrcil
b } his politlnil aspliatioiiM,1'
' .lav Ciould has not made his innne\ nut of
railroads , but by disboneHt opoi , itnui > in Iho
houcl of Irado. 'ihe mun who Know nut lung
of i.iiho id tales nliout tbo loude.t i umst.
them. The vlmvs ol r dlro id rales ul H > .ici *
and Laws , given bv Mr Van \Vxili w 10
those cxpreibc'd when the ieiitlnui ( nuio
inanlnt , ' foi ollt < o. 'Iho XJnlc'ao ( ; , Hnilii.i'tuii
( , > iuncy is stocked up iu run. id nmn JS tel
4lliiOM pel mile , although a pmliu.i l iiio
ion ! his io t f 100,000 p r mile.
Mr. Van " \Vjrlc in his seiond
snld nmoii ) , ' other thliiifH the f"
"Lavxs and Thnjor , at the time tin v I.MVM
tholr vioxvson rallronils , xvoio nut ill > lti"uii of
miolllio The intcrntato boat I if .1111111"-
sioriPH vvtUKcttilnly not iu tual-d m t'Hlutr
Its x'iowK b } a desire for otllce. 'J'b Uli jgo ,
lluillngtuii it ( Jiilncy tenives utteic > t on
btofk.s and boiuls ninoiiiitlng to f ( K ) ( ) per
mile , ullliouBb the road cojt only Ml < K 0 per
"Hdlcit mo blijhor on tbu H X M luilurul
now than they vxcio llvu jcms ac Iho
6'a'o ' ' lo. nd uf tailvx iy tin p > iuoir
nfllrms that a iito of 17 c pi r
liunchod IsoxcossIxT Ah J > liit 1ue
slili'W A ) cent * too loiv "
MrranVx'lc then ic.ld a t > vx.tiarl3
fiom ( 'halloa I'l.incU Ad.iuih' liuoli nu wui ( ;
thu illuming laovalinio ol atoik vv it rtif ( )
"Hiillronils ciiimot ilTunl to ielu ( i itis ,
jtt tlwy exiidid tboisimls of 'Jnll.i m sup-
jioitlnKa le lsl itlvwlobtiy In thill louieit "
Mi Van \\ik mid oxtensivc cxirata
suppi'itiiiK ' the piocoliiiKHiaU'iiH nt
Tim fidKbtiato from tliu Mis. .it rucr
to ( 'hull mi Is four tlini'-i the nil i i a ' if t'io '
MisMiiiil Nebiaskt iuilu > a < U ha i Klcnt-
I ly toulii 1 our p oplo of tbuubinUs uf dol-
lal , In : , - Ur in lu cli 'Ol'liO for