Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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_ . _
" '
AnVKHTISEMKNTif fo7"tlioTo eolunu'wfii
Ixi taken until p. in. , for the evening
Million nlul until 8 : : p. in. , ( or the tnomltu
edition nnd HUMDAY UKK ,
rpCItMB Ciuh In advances
EATHS Advertisements on thlsptiRo will bo
clmrei-d for nt Ilio rnlo of Hi cent per word
for tlio flint Ini-ertJon nml 1 rent IK-r word for
each siilKcquunt ln eillon. nnd tUiO per line
\ per montli. No advertisement taken for
less than 21 edits for tl.r llrst Insertion.
TMTI At.S , figures , symbols , etc. , count onch ono word ,
rillinsK niUrrtlflcmonM rmi't run conircti ;
JL lively nml unili'p no clrennifltancei will
tliey bo taken or discontinued by telephone ) .
nrtvcrtliliiR In tlie'u columns nnd
having thr-lr amwen nilillf'ssi'd to u "until *
bor- l li'ttnr"lncaro of Tun IlBKWIll reeolro
n numbered check to j-nnblo lluiiu to sot their
letters. Answers will 1m delivered only on
prewntntlonof this chrck. Kncloso answer *
In envelopes properly nild rested.
\ \ , ndvc-rtl'omontH under I lip liond nf
A\i\ Notices" urn published In liolh 110
rnornlntf nnd nvonlng odllloin of Tim linn , the
clronliitlon of which n pn atcs inoro tliiin
ai.coo p-iners dally , und Kl\es t " advertiser
the benellt not only of the Inrso circulation of
TIIK IlKKln Otnnlm , hut also In Council Illulh ,
Nnuoln nnd other cities und towni In the west
A nvr.UTISKMKNTSi for Rltuatlons or in ;
jfi nisihi or femnlu help , not exceeding ! ! l
word ! ) uro Innortvdln TinSUNDAY : llr.i : at half
riitestliirlnntho months of.Inly nnd August.
Tlin regular rates will lie charged for until
nclilltloinl word nliovo 21 words 111 well as fur
consix'iitlvo Insertions.
" " '
Advertising for these columns will be tukcn
on the aliovo condition' , nt Ihn following buil-
neis hoiiK-s who nre nuthorl/i-d totaltosppcml
nolh-rp. at the sumo rates ua cun huu at the
main olllce.
SOT'TII I Street , Mstor Hlock.
J OIIN W.nnhl l'liurinuolat , 630South Tontli
iT/\sn k KUOY. Ktatloners nnd Printers ,
lii : South lUth street.
' I'ATlXSWOUTII I'hurnuiclst 2115 Cum
H. , ,
J.TlljOHES.I'hurinuclst , G24 North 16th
street ,
* n HO. W. I'AUIl , I'hnrmaclit , 1718 Loaven-
worth street.
L'allCri'l'HAUMAOY.SIth and Knrnatn.
Foi m' ' , etc. , trc top nf fir t column on f/ifa /
llatf ititeti n Kui\tlny \ ,
WANTKD-lly a young iiiiin , situation In
any Kind of business ; hud tlvu years'ox-
narioncu In lumber yard. Address llox 8 ,
llliilr. Xeb. HflO-a *
SITl'ATIOX wanted by a well i > elucutcd
young lady ( Cormiin ) us housekcupcr In
small fiiinllv preferred. Keifeii'tiecsgiven mid
roQtllifil , Addre-ss.l ti. Onmlm lleo. Hr--il *
NOTII'i ' ; to inoraliant tailors-I'osltlo-i
wiinted by flrst-oluss ciittor ;
given. Address 11,00 , lleo olllco.
For laics , etc. , e top nf fnvt column on Ihh pitue.
ll lf rules on Suiulau ,
" \VT AXTKD-Two acllveOIIIIR inc'ii nnel two
IT ladles to solicit ; s-ilary J.'l per day. Itoom
20 , Chamber of Cumnioice. 0".r ( ) > *
" \\rANTKD-At onee. ten Rood team * , vllh 'joxus : steady work. " 18 S. lat h st.
.7. J. Johnson & I 'rt . 070-0
J7i.OO ! to $2.10.01) a month can be madu woni
Plng forus , 1'ersims iimferred who can fur
nish a and give their wliolo tlmo to thu
employed also. A few vaenimles In towns and's II. 1' ' . Johnson & Co. , WJ3Main Bl. , Ulch-
iiinnd Va.
\\rANTRD A trnvclliii ; salesman to soil to
T meieliunts only. AddiCbS , room f > T > , ISO
yVnsljilngtoii st. . Ciiloagi ) . 111. _ 111 3 *
W tlrst elnss men to ropro-
scnt thu Omaha lioi'ln nnd oat of thuulty ,
. Cull ut tlio specialotllcu of Oiuah.i lice , corner
" 17ti ! Hjid Kaiiiaiii , ground Iliinr. 077
" \\rANTI3I ) Men to triivnl for oiir ejiinuelliin
i iiiiriurlus.Stonu&\YclltiiitoiilMa \ ; > dlsoii.Wl4
" \\rANTHD Young limn anei two ladles to
IT keep lioolCH ; gooel situations. J , 11. Smith ,
room UIU. Xuw York Mfu building. ' < *
" \\TANTK1) ii'Irst-ohiss ifrauglitsman iinine-
/ > V illatuly. V. II. Klllii & Co. , urohlteots , 4OT ,
4iJ : lleo liulldlng. PiO-fl
AaKX'I'H-fjOoutllton.'iOdays1 tlmo. JIM.OO
prollt In I wcek.s or no pay. Add. with
stump ; Jiirvls&Uoinp.iny , undue , Wi3.
" \\rAXTIOD Salesmen ut7. > per month sal-
IT nry anilexiiensus to Svll a line of sllvcr-
iilated ware , watehu.s , etc. , by sample only ;
norse nnd team furnlHlioil frou ; write at once
for full particulars anil sample anso of coodn
free. Maiuliml bllvcrwnro Co. , lloston , Muss.m .
" \VANTKI ) At St. Charles car woiltp , St.
ii eimrU's ; , Me > . . six good blacksmiths and
helpers. a-C *
" 1\ /AXTlfl ) A flrslclaw Froneh cloolc ro-
l paher. Apply to 0. S.llayinonel , jeweler.
"VVrANTKD A llrst class Uurniuii butcher ,
ii steady work , good pay , single man , ( Jhas.
HlnrlcliynkolbjUljNulh _ _ 041-7
\\rANTKlT-Solloltors for the cities of Oma-
ii lia nnd Council liluirs : also agents for
Iowa nnd Nebraska. Oood leforenccBioimlied.
Call or write to 1C. O.Kuhn , loom 40 , Chamber
ptConinieieu.Oniuliiii NelirnsUq. 717 .V
AUtXTS wanted , lUneiv specialties , all fast
sellers ; no expuilencu necessary ; big
money sainplo free. Address E. C. llrowstor ,
Ihd y. Sljeh.J _ Rt'ijyll ' ) '
s iJAl.l.HMKN tosoll spoelultles to inerohnnts
Oby hamplnt halary p.ild to good men ; sam
ples furnished ; steady situation ; Model Mann -
n fa' ! tin In g Co. . i-outli lleiul. hid. 4MiJya ) "
" \\7ATi"TEI ) aw luboiors for extra roaci
1 1 gnnxs. Apply to 1' . II , Johnson , 11. & M.
passenger depot. Omnha. _ 4S8
. „ jA-tNh ! wanted , at Norfolk and
'lleatrlce , Good wanes paid. M. T. Murphy.
I1OYI Cirand oxpense-innkorforcnnvuhsers
Everybody buysnV.ll.L'ilee.D.ivIdClty.Neb
\\TANTI-ID 1,0(10 ( men for rullroiiet work In
\V\omhiK , Dakota , Utah and N'uvndn ;
Alicessl.T.'i to Ji.'iO ; fteady work. Alhrl lit's
liubeii' Airone'y , liai Knriiiim st. 8l4Jy4
W AXTKD Knorgetlu men and women for u
t-enteol business pay Ins J < 1 ( ) wooldy profit
rnxlerthan $ ( / ) mnnthly otlierwi o ; oviorlcnco
unnecessary ; iicrnianent position anil o.xchi-
slve torrltory assiireel ; $ .1 aain ; > lo3 fren ; Invcs-
tlsntoonr money-making business. Address
vltli titamn. Morrlll Miinilfuuturln Co. . II 53 ,
Clilenirn. 111. ivSllvlIi *
I'nr mini , etc. , tec tup ofjlmt rolimin on Ihlt
raUa * " '
llulf on
" \\7"AXTI'11--A lady to travel. No canvassing.
t T H.ilm-y , { ( 'ill per month and expenses.
Hoomi'O , Chamber of Commerce. 070-d *
AM'l'D Girl for general housework' '
Apply at oueojll Park ave. im-S * _ _
W ANTKH Onod plrl for general himsb
_ ' \\m-K , Mimllfaiiiriyi liimiCus.s sj. . tvw U' '
1'\VlhIj nay ladles a salary of JIO per wenli
to wink formoln tholrlocallty nthoine.llglit
woik , good tiuv for part tlmo.Vrlto will
Btamp. Mrs. II. F , Karrlngton , box 703 Chicago
\V7"AN'fKiT-A nuwo gin , " -
fened. 408 North'.Ski bt. 1)73-0 )
\\rA.\TKD-Ulrl liousowprk. 8X
_ \i 1'nrk nvo. lt l-li *
Ty , ANTl-i ; > rA.ltUleIrl | ; to help take e-aro o :
" \\rAN'rii ; > Dlirinu room girl and cliambtir-
maid at Doi-an house , 4 S. ISth St. , :
bloek amlliof eourt luiiiso. UI'J
" \\7AXT ED I.ady stt'iuMrapner : must ho ox.
l > pcilenccd. good looking and iigreenhle
Address J Id , . - *
\\rA.NTl-i-Un ; ) lltht-olahs ludy . . . . . . . .
11 llrst-ciass dining room Rlrl forKinnll com-
niurclul liutiil. write and state wneos. Ad-
elresrraiikhtruag , euro llraelloy llousu , To-
- Neb. W8-.V
V YTf AN'l III ) A plrl fnr housuuurk In tiiiulh
' '
HOrSKr.r.l'Ki--A | : whlow ludy fiom : tr
Ki with no children unless n boy 15 yourv
old to Ueop liouso for family of two In country
ton ii. t-'i'iul referenvu und NUIKO-S wanted
Adeli-Hss II id. 1 tec. lUI
AY _ rANTKD-Dlnlng-room girls ut Wlndsoi
7ANTEO Girl for h'one
3L 18th it. S'X.Kt'
\ UAXTCDTlireoexpeilcncd
11 . gliU _ nt the Darker lintel. _
\ \ ANTlllUno llrst i-lui-s lady cook , wane :
' Kporwuuk. ( Jno llrst ulutsillnlii ) : riHin
room Kill , \ > uses W uoreek. . Call at 111 Ho
17th ( ttroot. _ _ TJQ-V
"VVf ASTKD- woman to do Kenurnl house
work ; must bo Rtiotl cook nnd lnundres.s
WagusfSjier eok. Apply ItXM ( Jallfornbi at
_ _ _ _
yor r\tle , tic. , see top \uf \ ftrol ! u'l""i " tt > l ) > aat
solicited. M Sturdy , US S. : 'Mh avu
tM Jy'.M'
_ _
\1 Its. It. d Sunsomu. 014 . 10th. fuihlonubli
iilUri-.s iiuaklnn. Uulluy syatuni tuuithl.
For rate' , tie. , ttt topnf finl column on thin pnqt.
_ HOM ( ) modern , down town , cn. t front 8.
Ifltli st. ( food barn ! Ho per month.Velsh
tins & Jlerullouh , west end Imposition nlclg.
Wll5 *
iriOK ItnXT Those rlourint stonn residences
.1 ? on Georgia n\ > . , H. Mill St. , bet. Jlnnon
nnd Pacific sis. Sou owner fnr long tlmu lease.
II. II. llpiiilernon. loom juo. I'mlein blk. 770
Oil ItKXT 12- room mlck house , with nil
modern liiiiiiovotnents , lit : S.-Mtli M. , chenii.
Also anleu4-rootn cottage on N. 17th St. Judge
Andotson. _ ! ! " ! _
IflOU itn.ST B-room homo , No. 211' . ' Callfnr-
-L' n in nt. r.mtiilru Milton lingers Si Huns , Mth
und ramunmt. HI * 0
house. all mod arn con von-
L luiiuus , during liutftcnsoii. COI ? Loavenwnrtli.
"ir < OH UO'T1'urnWicd OO'.UIRO of slroonn
J- one blouU from motor II nut. lOti-J C'orliv st.
Mi ? i. *
I71OH HKNT ll-rnmn hoiisi > . No. aid N. ! Snd
JL st.H IlKinlroiiOl X. ' . " 'nil si. _ KH
lOlFlltfNT Two l-ro'om llatM. 1M ! ) iTowiuii
Ht. , all inodurn conveniences. U.ill KI7 I'IIA-
timjbloek. _ POOH * _
1/IOK KENT Ke.sldencis in all parts of city.
JUH | lew ) large ) to publish. Ulobu Loan &
Trusleoinp _ my. : V)7 a. ICtlist. _ 77S _
'I71UU HKN'P 8 room IIOIIMI , Illiil nnd Ciinilni
J1 Rt8. , . pur month. O. ! ' . Harrison , Oil N.V.
l.ltu. _ OIS
Foil UKXT 8 line pressed brlfk lifiiioc * . oust
f nints on Ck'ortflu live. , jusl Morth of I.uuv-
unworth si. , y rooniM.lmtli , funiueo , wcr eon-
nrctlons all coMvenU'iiecs ; will ii-nttorcspon-
Hlblo parties foi f.VJ. il. A. Upton Ho. , ICth and
I 1
1I I jlOH ItKXT 10-rooin house , all modern con-
vcnlences. ! eil _
I71OU 11KST House. 10 rontuf. nil modern lin-
X1 ] > ruvonient < 4 , largo y.iid , W > ) " 'r month.
C'omnilssloii to agents. Dexter li. Thomas.
i * 9
'I'K you wish to rent n housoor btoro tec 11.
J K. Cole , t'onthiiiiital Jjlock. 770 _
UKNT Two of the llfieM rcsldonco Huts
FOIJ South 10th strict , with nil modern con
veniences , hot nnd eold wntt-r , eloso to llrcmn-
ell hall. I'list class sni-rouiidlnss. Apply to
( Jims. ICiiilfimin , KUBDouiMiisst. 7t ) Jy 8
i-TtOOM nut with steam heut , Ifith st. near
8 Jones. Tlionias V. Hull , UU 1'iixton block.
1J1OK HKXT 10-rooin houuu , 211)7 ) IJouslas. In-
l1 qiilru Sill.Douglas. . . _ 78i :
PINK residence , niodorn Improvements , S401
St. Mury's ave. . $ iV > per month. Inquire at
promises or ut A. llellur's , 1111 Kurnam. 781
"lilOK KlliNT" "i-ioonThotl'-e , coed repair , nlco
J-1 yard , clsturn wilier , lent ? > ' . Apply to 14DU
South 7th avu.or to Juo. W. Hell , druggist. 10th
HUNT HUNCH loomed house , bath ,
paved ceU.'ir . , Htnhlo nt i.'n27 rrunklln st
Anjiijr cuuMurchinits National bank. 8 < AK' * _
. ( i-ioom house , elty wulor sower. lOO-'l N.
NT.W ! L'iJ ' a 'uo'"SN. ' . Kith. KC-ii *
HV.NT No.SM Webster t.nowsoven-
FOIl lions" , bath , Inundry furnace , grato.
gun , walls decorated , good viml , Inrce sliiule
trees. AlbertSwartzlanclorh"0Plrst Nat.bunk.
171011 UI'XT 7-room house with barn ; noiii-
M Inul rent to good party. 0. P. Harrison. Ull
N. Y. Life. HI .
TjM'KNIHIIKI ) house on Kurnamst. for rent.
JU liKiuIro IJerman-Amei-lean buvlngs hank.
7.V >
i lints , 7 moms each , Vf. nnd MS. Incluit
Ing water , iiingv , awnings , suiucns nnd otli-
tir eonvuiileiiccs ; now building , cor. Kith and
Jones. Ueorgo Ulousor , stoio , 701 S. ICtb.
( UO-JyS.
1710K ItnNT At inodorato rent , the threo-
JU story nnd ba'-omcnt brick building situated
ut No. 1110 Douglas stie-ci , sultablo forinanu-
fnetiirlng , wholesulo or warehouse purposes
also nnu store mid basement No. 10i S. llllh st.
Apply toChas. Kaufmiinn. 1 B Douglas st.
' ' ' No. 01.1 Leaven-
TI1OU ur.N'L' l'eiriiei house ,
JL ? worth , 0 rooms , hath , KUS and furnace , all
coiniilulc. good vtird and i Mublu In icar. K. K.
_ I. Y.'l.lfe. _ '
I71OU HUNT Oood 10 room house , sewer ,
JL ? water , gas , hath. barn , furnaco. In clesunt
Bhuiie , cheap. 1J. V. Sh < les Co. , L'13 Tlrst Nnl'l
ba iik. _ ! M1
171INIJ 7- room dwollltiawlth vurd , &X.
Also , 8-rooni dwollliiK with yard , 830.
0 and10rooin dwellings , Mi to
Smeatou & Allen , 100i ) ! { Var st.
ioxT itooais
For rate * , etc. , tec top of fmt column on thti page.
"I71UKNISMKD rooms , with board ! newly fur-
-L1 nlshed Ihioiighout , with hot and cold water 1017 llodgu. tT)7-10 *
nilNISIIKI ) rooms , cool and comfortable ,
$ ! .M to til ) ainonth. 1517 N.-'lth. KH-IU * _
furnished rooms , all modern con-
N10KLY . X-2 N 15th , _ Ofll-C *
I ) rooms 1711 Lcavcnworthst. _
T\KSIU11LK looms with board. 1622 Chicago
TfioiZ UKNT Very handsoino furiiKhcd
JP rooms with 3 > oard , all modern Iiniiroto-
mcnts , 110 N Jth st. 877
11KNT II nice furnished rooms for light
housekeeping If necessary , and 1 furnished
front room for 1 or 2 guntU'inen. 1112 S. llth st.
8KS B *
"OUfV'ATK family , Hltuated In modern rosl-
-1. deuce , with oholeo rooms and ploasnnt
homo , will accommodate u few boarders. iKU ! )
Hnrnoy. 810-7 *
UUNT-Purnlsheil rooms. 100J
"T710K lir.NT--rurnJshed looms ; gas.bnlh and
JI stoain. I'll ! > llowaul. 7M )
TTlOll ItKNT Nicely furnished roomall mod-
-Korn _ conveniences , 018 S 17lh st. 7tK )
. I'LAIIt European liotol , corner llltli and
S Dodge. Special rates by week or month , 701
fiont rooms , with llrst-clnss hoard ;
COOL _ ' . IhSI 1'ariiam. _
T AKUE'fiont loom , * IU. i CO S. L'-'ml.
"VJEWLY furnished rooms nnd boaid forsiiv-
Jcral part les at 3)111 ) llniiuiy st , ; two mln-
tucs1 walk fiiim center of business , und cool
place for bummer. MUs Cavlnls & WalbrldKO.
l *
_ _
OOMS Toront Sli'i Dodteifor | gentlt-moii
K only. 1'ilee moderate ; modern conveniences
400 nnd 411 N. 10th St. ; very desirable rooms
with boaid. Mro.Uhurclil'll.'g. _ UJO t _ _
ijlOK UlINT-l'uinlbhcit looms. 1JJ Cuplt7)lav
Jj _ 8 17ly4 *
, with board If deshed , i'Ws ' Cap. ave.
_ _
T71UHNISI1E1) ) rooms , nlso rooms forhouso-
JL3 leiihi'liiS ; | : l"th st. M0-i : *
Funatr , etc. , metnp nf
1 houbukucplng.&J ami $1 each ; b07 Howard.
( K > i U *
For nici > , etc. , tec top of first column on thin
jtoTtTlTK"T"i.story ( lirlelv ' "btbK'rSoTiisif'rfC
JE Mary's , a K\flO ! Hut of I ! rooms upstairs , for
rent or sale M'ry cheap. Enuuiro bam'l Hums ,
11113 rurnam. 074 U
ut 700 S Kith , a\fiOeiich. ) liirg hhow
STOKES fctiani ; heat fuinlshud , Thos. I1.
Hull , Ull 1'axlon block. 7UI
iriblt HENT-Thn4-story brick Inilldlngwith
-U or without power , formerly occupied bj tlio
Heo Publishing Co. , mil rarnnni st. The buildIng -
Ing has a IItcpioof cement basement , complete
steam heating ll.xtuies , water on nil tlio floors ,
gas , etc. Apply ut thu olllco of The Heo 1)15 )
- , 205S' . 13th sl
Bi73 *
TT1OK HEXT-Ilcst located ground lloorotllco ,
j af > a. lath t. sat : t *
ITIOH KENT-rino corner store. 16th nnd
J Jones , HiO ; low tent , good locution and get
ting better every day. GeorgoClouser.701S.lUth "
04U-J } ' '
"VTEW building , hnndsomely tlnls'ncil stores
Jnnd Matsalt modern Imurovemcnts : steam
heat In season ; cor. Leacnnorth and 10IH sts.
Inqulro K'elkcnny It Itray , Continental hlk.
1710H KI'.NT I'lno storeroom in Norfolk. Neb !
-L1 Shelved Miltuhlo for clothing hnslnovi ;
electric lights , steam heat , etc. . Address U.A.
Mast. 570
" 17HNK olllco at small llgures on ground tloor ,
JL ; In lloyd's oporu house. Inijiilru of Ameri
can Kut > I Co. , 1.'I5 S. 151 h st. 1H !
" 17\lf \ ifENT 'llrlrk warehouse , two sForlns
-l nml babPiiivnt , VT.OOO siinaro feet , wit Ii lee
foot of double track on I" . I' , railway , south
JOth nnd I'lorco streets , Address C , Oskutuii ,
Omahu , Neb. 6ia
FOH KENT Small store room , M. Pouth
Tenth. Tour doors from depot. Sultnlilu
for fruit orcljar htore. Apply ticket olllco ,
10th. RJO.
f \ > r riif < . t tf.tee top > of firtt rulKnui ontlil _ jMgt ,
VUElTsi'lA'NS & ; M'Cullouii . end ExpOT-
OUTON'S rental ugonoy , 517 1'axtoo block.
7l 4
_ _ _
HE. COLE , rental ngout , Continental 77U blk.
J. IUKV , rental ngrnt 200 N. Y. Ilfe.
/flir ml" , cte , , fe top of Art tnlumn on llii * | > ig < ; .
\\7ANTEH-Good ImtterinHk In
> > 1101 N. ' 'It h t.
noKHENT-Unrn forihorses,22dnnd : J.eav-
J.1 enwort n , KM per month , O , F. Harrison ,
Oil N.Y. Life. -
STONl- lm\e aiientilno mad stone.
MAD L. llenbuw , K6 Houth ' 'Oth. ! ? t.
TO 11UY.
For nilrf , fit. , rtt top of flrtt rnlimm on Itilf ) * ! < ; .
\\f ANTEI-'I ) o buy a house about nix rooms
near SOth and Vlntnn stit. that enn bo
moved. Iniiulro of M. A. Dillon , atSa\o's _
ding store , S'8i ! *
- Oood commercial paper. No-
braskn Mortgage Loan Co.,51M'uxton ! blk.
UE , hou'oholdgoods , etc. Illzhcst
easli price. UI7 S. Mth. 7WJ
\\T ANTEI ) Oood piano , cheap , will pay
cash , Haitlctt.b'i Crclghton bloek ,
t',01 4 *
' M n 1 1 in JiiAs- ti u A i IH KTC.
J'ur rntct , tit. , ret top of Ji nt tolum n < m th fa pti at.
H lA a "reinlTedT export locksmith
U ley llttlns nUlullln'sgun shop ,119 N. inth.
I/b1. umbrellas and wajion umhrol-
Ins covered and repaired. Walking canes
repaired , I ) , llulor , 1515 iJouglus ; basement
Tor ratn , etc. , fee < < ii of flrtt c otiiimt nntlili
ASriAoniind iniiiutlc treatment , 1113 I'll-
cillc , half block from motor line.
_ 'I'fl ' ' ? * _
MASAOi : treatment. electrothermal , hat hs ,
seal i ) ilhulr treatment , manicure > V chirop
odist. Mrs. I'ost. H.SO-S1 , Wlthnolllillc.
_ _ ( jKijyB *
TliIlK Indian doctor citarnnteus to euro nil
J. kinds of piles in ten days ; also nil diseases
of the und limes In the same time , Tupo
worms tukcn out In six hours without leaving
olllco ; and all dlsonsos that are curable. (117 (
i10th st. Call and sco him. _ ia4Jy24 *
REMOVAI/ . Ir. ) Day 1ms nflcd uu olc-
Itntitbnth rooms , No. 14U ) Jodgo St. . the
giound lloor , und Is now prepared to B'VO ' Hot
Springs baths with electricity. i All
from ihomnutlstn , la irrlppo , paralysis or
dropsy will do well to call upon hor. 243jyl3
Fbr rata , tic. , see top of flnl column on this jd .
ATKW Inwj pensions for nlmost nil soldlnrsj
ifulherii , inotliLTS , wlilnwH and minor chil
dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by n. N.
Clliigmun.lUiind'JI Vrenw bllt. 15 years expe
rience. Only pension ollico In Unmha. Kb7
J T.I1 ATOMoxoluslvo pension and elnlm
attorney ; over 13years' experiences hu\o
all thu latest laws and decisions. Ollleo tc-
inoved fioml'rcnzorblocktoOhambor of Com-
nierco , room 54 , Omaha. 700 jy a ) '
IJKNSIONS Now Is the tltno to apply under
new law. Circular showing who nro en-
Htled sent free. All t-oldlors , their widows
und dependent parents should iiddressa Tsill-
nmdio& : TullinnilKCtUttornuySi Uhlcimo , 111.
and WashliiKton , 1) . 0. 747-1 *
for rale * , etc , , cce ( op of Jlrst column onin pane.
MIAOKAOK storage ut lowest rates. W. JI.
T1OLU . lllll I.eavennorth. 71H
/1OLU storage. l > .ivid Cole , 813-817 11 ivaid ,
AGK-llranch & Co. , 1211 Howard.
STOlt 800
TnUltNITl'UP storage , separate compart-
-13 mcnts , 8I.-S17 Howard. 71W
rpUAOKAOE storage , Uuvld Cole , 81.--917
L Howuiil. 7W
I'oc iiifra , etc. , pec ( op nf flrtl column imtliti page.
dj.W reward for any Information lending to the
"Precoxeiy of my Kngllsh settui dog , whllo
with largo iccl spots uud double nose. Ad
dress , J 17 , lice. DC. " ) 5 *
OST or stolen A gaunt \\litto-grny mure ,
I Jleft eye blind , string halt both hind legs ,
about U'.O . Ihs. J.M-ownid If returned to Jacob
Kocar , 8th and Urucc. U10 3
OST Ladles' Kohl watch , blue enameled
cuso. Uuturu to lieu ollleo and get leyturd.
1'oeUethook on Lowe a-\o. between
LOST and Hamilton. Kinder rewarded
at ll OCup. avo. 4110
For rales , etc. , fee top of flrtt column on (7ito ( JKIQC.
"I71OU SALE Good spun work horses , harness
JL ? nnd vagon ; wolght 1,300 ; cash or time. C18
1'axton blk. 073
(71O11 SAI/H or trade asldo bur top buggy
JL1 and u light roud wagon , llolbrook , IrJOs.
17th St. , Heo bulldlni : . IKS )
171OH SALE Horse and buggy 811)0 ) , horse nt-
J tractive , gentle , faultless , young ; no trade.
Adiliess 1' . O. box 7M. b70t ; *
work horses , will tal'e buggy as part
H IX board of trade. 710
HOIlSES-Wght drivers , nargum. The lute
lire hasinmlo them cheap. II. E. Cole. Con
tinental Moolc. HU
FOH SALE 1 double cairlago harness and
1 double heavy haincss and lumber
wnirons. Slii : ( Iriint. h'i. ' > U *
"IT1OH SALE A pair of dapple giny work
J2 also wagon nnd Icebox cheap for
eash. A. W. , 1007 Locust b l b *
FOIt SALE A pair of mules , 7 years old ,
weight 1WO Ibs. each , good workers , kind ,
for Mile cheap. Also dray und harness ; to bo
seen at Cantlold's stable , foot of Kurnam st.
U. S. Wind Engine & Pump Co. 01U Jones st.
( H51)
"I71OU SALE Spun young mules , ewt. about
-L iuoo each , good wagon and harness , cash or
time. .1. J. Wilkinson , 018 I'nxton bin. (171 (
rpWO SPAN heavy and two span light mules
JL for sale , on two year'tlmo at 7 per cent In-
tnrest with Hist or second mortgngo Omaha
leal estate security , or other uppioved ecurs-
Ity. Selby. r .om lil , Hoard Trade. Ol.'t
F Oil SALE 1 platform spring leather top
carriage almost new , 1 buckboaid new.
1 double buggy or carilago harness. Apply
ut \Vebsterhtreot , Omaliii. K'J.
111011 SALE A ( food black horse , uellhiokcn
to the city. ia3.1'thst. ! 00
OUb'ftS WO and up. U.K. Cole.
/'or rnltv , ctr. , tee top of just column on thii puge.
ANTED to lease , 5UX1.V ) feet on corner or
W allev for tliri'O or live years. Address
ill ! New York Life building. u-JO-U *
- Furnished room within live
WANTED of no-tolllco ; state price. Ad-
drcssJ i : > , lice olllco. U37-J1 *
WANTED Two houscjs , " or 8 rooms each ,
ccimcnlontly located , with modern Im
provements. Apply at 1'reylKiii and Knhii. .
b. KHh .st , 1WI
Forialef , etc , , fee lop of jlitt roluinnoii ( / (
FOR SALK-Cheap for cash , furnltuio of 3
Hats , II rooms each.uood leusons for .sell
ing. Cull on or mldu'ssGOT S. Kith bt. t l .V
SALK 3 bedsteads nud cook stove
eheup. Address JO. lleo. 830- '
/'or mien , etc. , frc tnp of first column on thli page.
FOH SAI < K I.nrRO klti'hun "riingo" sultabln
for lintul or chop liotiso. Also Ice box nnd
meat block. Call : it 1101 North 21th st. for u
bnrcnlii. O.V-i ) : *
" 1T10H SAIiK Now Stelnway & Son iilnno ; best
.L ? iniiKo : jiiirty leaving city ; parl cnsli , lial-
anc'o tiino It ilcslrcil , lnijulnj ut Ob 1'iiMon bile
FOK SAIjE , clii'aii fo-hnrxo power fitcol
Imllor , KiMiii as now , with Illtlnss coniplcto :
lieatcr , niiiil-ilriiin , nluiiKO pumps , nml No. : i
Knowlos ; vllloil for uno-nult original cost.
Jutr\V. Ik-dfiinl. hUl
FOU SAI'K Some coixl watolicH and illa-
iiioiuls cheap II , l > \ Masters , room J , Wlth-
ncllblouk , 801
"iron SAMS Chi'iip , ono HV-linrso power
-Iv "Allns" cMielno and ono TO-liorsn power
Htoain Ixillor , ultli nil nceussiiry eonncctloim ,
iilnidst now , only Ivun run COuiij' ! , . will soil
tOKi'flicrnr Ht'iinrately , will oxrhanh'o ( urnllior
t , ' ( > od uvnllnhlo nroimrty , just tin ) kliul nf u
mnulilnti for mill , t'lovntor or uluotrlo Unlit
plant. Aslilnml Mill iinU KU'utrlc Liirlit Co. ,
Ahhland , Nob. 711-1
' 1J1OK SAM ) A"nifillumslzeil tlru-pr < xf t-nfo ,
-L1 Ures 1'rlntlni'o. . , llth anil llowanlHli-outb.
"I71OU SA1.1C AII clKhl-horso power enuiiii' ,
JL twi'l\o-lior > o poMur holler ; cooU urdur ,
Iteci 1'rlutlUi'Co. , llth uutl llowurU st routs.
71S 1
nMIK fnnioui VnrrcMlihru whlto nnd blue
X mild fitono will stand. In any cllmntp. H II ro
nnd fro t uroot anil IsviKnl.lo for nil purpose- *
Mboro stone M prcfcrrtbtn toother tnntorlnl. I
nm pn-jiarcd to MrnltiWtlili stone on short no-
llcc Innny iiimnllty , touali , n writ of dressed
ready for tiw. lor IJiUJior luforniiitlou nil-
drcsi Jacob rickol.Wdrrehsburgmuntrlrii.Mo.
u. 073 Jys *
_ _
Tt\n\l \ PAl.E-lKi plnnrt' Ui\es prlcn S2. A.
J ! Hoipo. 13 *
Ttl USlcAiVr AX1 >
/ Tumtc ( < . etr.tcttipofncolumn onl/iN /
on HAtiB-Ono ( tow ! Ivors & I'ond
cherry fr.imo uiirlKlU piano. AUdivu.T T ,
Iro. '
n.'pl ' iinn oxiunliio thn now
nU. A. Iloi > ei : > il : > < > u'la3
8ur >
iKO.r.OKIjI.r.N'HKCJJI. icnchcrot tliohnnjo ,
I with Hoipo. l.'il.l Jougln < . _ SM
For mfc. , etc. , fee lap olfiijttoliiim em tlilnncjc. \ .
JOAN. " Oily nml fnrm loans , inortifagoim-
purbotutliU McOiiHiio Imcstniuutl'o. 00
To loan on Onmlm nnd South
HONEV real cttntn. Iso dol.iys or oxpcn-
sos. Mnnoy on linnd at nil tlmiis. Italcn ,
Smith & Co , , Coiniaurclal tloual bunk bide.
MONIIV loiinoo : nt lowest ratoi.lonit tlmo on
linnrovpil Unmha ronl CHtutc , no "uxt ras , "
nodul'iy. Olohu l < oiui& Trust CO..U07S. Ifitli.
BtJIMlN01oani. Oto T per cent ; no nilill-
tlonnl I'linrct-aforcoinnil-nlonor nttornoy's
fees. W. II. Molklo , l-'lrst Kutloual bank WIIB.
MONEV 30GO or 00 day snn furnltuio.planos ,
horsi-a , houses , oto. J. J. Wilkinson , 013
1'axton bllt. 8JJ
/"IIIATTKMoniii at lowest rates ; business
V conllduntlal.Jia I'uxtou blk. J , U. Em I user.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 810
GOMMKHCIAIinncI Keni-ral short tlmo pnpop
hoiiRht ; nlso H'Bulur Ihc-vcar loans nnulo
nn Improved property. Oeo , P. lllusl J : Co. 20U
loans , Second innrtRacos
SKCONOinortitnRO vacant lota , llocil &
Polliy. room 111 , llonrd Traoe. _ 81J
loans undo byV. . M.
Harris , room 20 , 1'rcnzer bloelt , opp. I * . 0.
MortKdRO Co. Loans of $10 to
. get our rates before borrowlnRniul
save tnonoy ; lonn on liorsos , furnltnro ornny
unproved security without puhllolty : notes
boucbt , for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call KSU3. Sbooly blk,15th A Howard.
mortgage ) loans at low rates nnd no
FIRST . U. V.Bliolcs Co..2101st Nat.l bank.
8t >
I'KIl CENT residence loans , M.OOO to 810.000.
Building loans ntspcolnl rates. The Mead
Investment Co. . lloo lildg. 81ii _
to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
MONEY goodspianos , organsdiamonds ,
nt lowest rates. The llrst organized loan of-
flee In the city. Bluleo leuns from ! ! 0 to IfCo
days.whleh can bo pnld Inpurtor whole nt any
time , thus lowering tlio nrlnulpal and Interest.
Cull nnd see us whim you want money.Vocnn
assist you promptly nnd to your advantage
without removal e > f property or publicity.
Monuy always on linnd. Xo < lpluy In making
loans. O. ! ' . Heed & Co. , aiO S. 13th St. . over
lllngliain ASons. HI7
U Of Intoiest on llrst mortgages of Improved
real estate for the next 00 days by the Kansas
Cltv Investment Co. , UoomSG Hoard of Trado.
J. 11. 1'ease , munagor. " Ha'J '
to loan on any security
MONEY for short tlmo ut low
rates. Iiuwc- rules
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , room 400 , 1'axton bile. 818
First-class. Insldn loans. Lowest
WANTED Call and see us. Mutual linost-
inent Co. , l. > 04 Knruant. bl'J '
1 > El'OKK nogotlat In'wa loan to Impiovu your
J Jreal estate got tornisfroni
ThoOdoll Investment Co. , 1101 N. Y. Life hldg. ,
Thos. S. Hoyd , reprcsuntatl > e. ' '
eastern money
CIIEAI1 ' MurtRnRO and Trust Co. ,
always teady to lounlmd pay promptly ; Iiitt
mortgages wanted. ( Join-go W. 1' . Coates. rep
resentative , room 7 , llfiatdot Trade. 821
money tri'loim on city proiierty ;
mortgage pascr bought. ll.ll.lroy.N.'i . .Ufe.
tlmo loans oh vacant lots. Selby &
SHOUT . 111. Hoard of Trade. b i
ONEi' to loan in " 6Tty amount from ? 10 to
JlO.OOOforunytlmDffoml toOmontlm. Loans
made on household poodsplanolioisosiimlos ,
wagons , houses , leases'etc , , In fact on tiny
available security In any nmoiint at the low
est possible rates wlthoutremoval of property.
Pitinuiitscun'bo madont nn/tlmo reducing
both principal and Interest , 'ion pay Interest
only for the tlmo you use the money. If yon
owe a balance on your property 1 will take It
up nnd carry It for you.
Money always on hand. No delay , Nopub-
llclty. Noiomoral. Lowest rates.
11. V , Masters ,
Room 4 Wlthnoll block , ISth nud Hurnoy sts
B 1
ft 1'1'K cent , money to loan on real estate boO -
O curlty. Loans can bo paid olT In tnstnl-
inent . Jno. W ; Uobbins , 209 N. Y. Life bldij.
13HIVATE money to loan l cheap. 0. P. liar-
1 rlson. Oil N. V. Life.
/"IHATTKL loans , it , ID Continental blk. , l.ri&
\J Douglas ; business conlldentlal. M. J. Hull.
LOANS of $ JOOX ) to$10,000 wanted on cliolco
Improved property. Unusually low rates.
No delay. Central Loan & Trust Co. . No. lii'
1'arnnm st. , O. A. Starr , manager. CT > ljy5
PUIVATE funds to loan on choice city prop
erty at lowest rates. Kluiball , Uhnnip &
. - 27 _ _
Hank , U19 B. 1.1th st. will lonn you
OHATTKL chattels ut bank rates. Call 449
Money on band , low rates. Omaha
LOANS Eluto& : Trust Co.IMS. . 17th st. , Heo
bulldlnir OJ' '
/"or rate * , etc. , tec t < > i > nf flnl cptiiiim on
HAND C.illjiraphs , Hummond and
SECOND . John II , Conies Co. Letter
flies and olllce specialties , Itaiugo bldg. 827
Fur rates , etc. , fee lop nflrtt _ col uni n on tMviue. \ .
OLAYTON elttn-oy-ftnumnn'oMii
healer , can , by her wonderful will ponei ,
grant any renucst. Ladles Mo ) and gentlemen
81.00. COS P. 10th St. , up stairs. TSI-ll *
OUISE nnXXETT. from Clilcago , the fa-
J inous masseur and magnotle manipulator.
Parlors , illfi N. llUh st , I'M ' ID *
U. NANNIE V. WAHKEN. chilrvoyunt ,
medical and business inodliiin. 1'umalo '
diseases a specialty. 119 N.lOth st.rooins2nnd J.
. DH. EDDVhnsretnrnod. Thorenowneil
clairvoyant Is the seventh diiughtor of
the seventh daughter , born with Veil and great
prnphutluglflofhucuud sight. Whlloentianced
will reveal to her patrons every hidden mystery
In life , llns long been pronounced In I'.uropu
and America thu gre.itest living wonder of the
present age. Understands the science of the
' I'nrMaii nnd Hindoo inaKlo. " or. ancient
charm working , nnd prepares Egyptian talis
mans which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
allectlons , makes iimrrlaito wltli the ono
you love no fulluro ; Itoinovos ovll In-
lluoncas. bad habltrt , cuios witchery ,
Ills , and all long stnudlntr nud mysterious
diseases. Too tl , & 2 mid S" > ; hours 0 a. m , to 8 p.
in. , strict. Howl stump for Illustrated circular ,
Parlors U2I North lith'J ! ' > tj Always lit homo.
r ) , ssw i *
" \I AI > AM"DKI/.IKK."hiagnutlst. , I * nckowl-
1'i edged by all cinni > otltois the ( jia'en of
massaao nnd magnetism. 1'arlors over lilo S.
llltli. Houi-s 0 to b ; Sundays 10 to U htrlct.
* *
Vur _ rules , etc. , see top nfAft column until Ii [
A Ing having a lar ij. nnd gmwlni , ' t riiihi nl-
ready established In thri.Uory ti Ibutnry to I hu
point desires to meet Ovl'Jirty with (2,000 and a
good business record , vnih u vluw to establishIng -
Ing a blanch house fof'Ille Jobbing trade. Ad-
diess Lock llox Mil , Untoaxo , 111. Wf-b *
171OH KENT Hotel Gi.roonis. lent low to
JL1 good hotel man. Apply Ibll Cass , M.Mil
Mil R *
Hiislness Clinneo
OMAHA retail hardware business line
location. Heeelpts , fi" > ,000por Owner re
tiring ; . * 0,0 0 cii-sh requliul , Call or address ,
J. It/nice , lleohiilldliii ; . lUi ) ! >
13AUTNEU wanted with fwu easli. Ilii < lnes4
Jwill pay $200 per month. Addrois J is.llee.
"ITlOItSALE 1'lrst class moat market a ml hull-
-L bage factory ut once. > ery cheap. 11101S.lllth ,
1 "IVEHY for sale a complete ll\ cry stock ,
1-Jcnmpilslng hiilldliigM. IIOI-MS , huriKtss , car-
rliiKi" * , etc , , all In llrst-class condition , best lo
cation In toun.gnodtrade already estubllsluMl ,
prlen and termi louwnublu. Address lluv 1'jj ,
Uothimburg , Neb. U17-I5'
TJIOItSALE rirst-classateuinliiuiKlrytilant ,
-U location In Omuhii.or will soil t Inter
est to valuubln man capable of managing
name. AdJreiS H 03 , Ucu ,
T710II S\IiK-Sttil ( > rljlit's fnr llm mnniltne-
- Aturo ami sale of tlie I , X , Ii. . l.ito paint , the
best known rooflnit nnd brldgu paint In the
mnrkpt , ItecclvcKl tlio endorsement of the
innnufnctiirer's national lalxnatorj of the
I'nlte'el Hlntc.4 ! no limit to llio donianill bis
money to llvo men. AiUlrfssJ. 1 Kli-f.puteiit-
cy , box 671' ' . ( Jinaim. IW1 a *
"T710H JSALK-A tlrst class meat market : good
j.1 liioivtlon. A d elrcM I IJi7Jill17111 _ 4
/"IIUAllRtorant ahnrKiilnlH\ture i and Mlook
vVivorth * TOO | will tuko MVSlOflcash. . 1'arty
Ke ln nwny nnil must sell by July ! . Co-Opor-
ntlve Land nnd Lot Co , . JU'i X. ICth st , Uli 3
"l"\Hl.O stotf , wlilow latly wlOics lo sell at
JL7 < mrchcr Into liilsbanel i halt Interest lu
Kixxl pnylng ill-UK liuslne.iv Invoicing nhout
* 7 , 00 , In I.imdor , Wvu. . n she wishes to go
ent. Address MM. \V'Sulllvun , I < tinaor.\Vyo
TIOTKIi rooms , nil conv'cnlonce's , now ,
L I brick. S blocks from 1 * . 0. II. 11. Itcy. N. Y.
f. . t. . . . H,111. Ted
H OTEL for sale. Two-story brlok ; Is ono of
the best holoK doing an excellent Rooil
biKlnes .oii one of the host corners Intliu city ,
AddiessConiinerclal llotul , llrolion Dow. Nub.
_ _
fjlOU SALE A stoolcof driizs , store IIMurosi
JL ? and n Iliiosodn fountain , lounted In a iiros-
perous county in Xobrnka. Kvcrythltm
Uofthebest , 'I'ho to n U n It. H.dlvUloii
station and the K. U. sliopi are located there.
For full partlculnis cull or addrrss H. H. llou-
detsou , rooui400 , I'a.xton block , Omaha , IScb.
/ 'or rate } , etc. , w& tap of first foliimu on IhM ) inge.
PLKNDI 1) ) lot on motor line to cxcliaiiKc'.f or
S i-arpcuturiiud i builders' work. AildrvM , J
10 , lleo. 003 6'
17\0\1 \ \ iXOIANOE : ! Clcarpropcrty In Ivear-
-U ney routine for if ISO per j ear ( or homo hero
willnssunio nllpht oncumuraiu'O. C.I' ' . Harrison
risen , Oil N. Y , Clfo. 0707
rilO EXOIIANaK-2 clear lots and will ns-
JL sumo two nr three thousand forplaco worth
JC.500 , 0. IMIurrlson.Olt N. Y. Life. Dtt-ng
\\rANTKD-IIorscs , mules , cnttlc.fartnsnnd
ii nii'tchandls.0 for good Omaha property ,
Improved and unimproved , bond n list , 1404
N.iilthst. IVM-il *
IMl'llOVKl ) farm Innd near Albion , Poouo
Co. , Neb. , want Improved Inslilo Oinnlin
pioporty , H. K , Copsou , cor. 13th and I'aclllo.
033 & '
_ _ _ _ _
TJ10H EXCIIANQR-aood land ( Improved
JL ; and cash for good clouu stock of hardware ,
Address J 5 lleo.
\\fIlOhusa lot or n , satisfactory equity to
il oiler IncxeluiiKofor 0 or 7 horses to bo
seen ut\V. T.Senmau's , Omaha's largest virl ; < > -
ty wagons and carriages , itll-u-ffi ; ; North ICth
f stock of md o. want real estate and
money , llov W , Frankfort , hid. 053-G *
, assorted linrd ware to oxolilitmi * forirood
lands or city property , lu lots of JI.OOO or
mure. 0. I * . Q. _ . noyttH. _ ( JU07
i\UIIAXUE : Clour land In Iowa and
Jt ? Nebraska to cxchnngo for Omahnor South
Onmlm vacant lots ; will nssiinio small oncum-
linineu. M.S. Sturgeon , Itoom 13 , lloanl of
Trade. _ 173
* jjHKiXUIANUK : ! ClixMl farms , city propor-
Jt ? ty and wild Innds In Nob. and Iowa forcood
ccii'I m'd'sol property clour , title perfect. Add -
d ress Lock llox 1U rrenidiit. Neb. _ H.'D
r lA'l'HANtlll New holcsnln stock of
-1 not'Ons and furnlshlni ; Roods In original
pnckuivs , no remnants or cut goods , to ox-
ulnuipoforKOOd utioiiviiinlicrcil real estatonnd
onu-thlid In eash 01- good paper , tiny utnount
from f.\000 tolW.COO. II. M. Young & Co. , Uod
Uloiid.Nou. ? W
For rata , etc. , xcc top of ftratcolumn on/il ( / pi/c. (
IilOH SAl.D-On account , of falling ho.-ilth a
house of 51 rooms now nnd handsomely tin-
nhhed , oecnpniits first ehss , Incoino nearly
$1,000 per month , lluust locution lu tlie e.Ity. J
M , lleoollice. U7SnJ
| ? Oll SALK Sicclal ] choice liarsnln lot , I ) ,
X1 block K Shlnn's second. l.ri73 , wottli $2.000 ,
$700 eiibli. 0. K. UarrNon , till N. Y. Mfo. U70 7
8OUTII Oinahuon ubooin UKaln. The Hock
Island building out nnd tlio Mo. Pnclllo
luilldliiK In. The Stockyaids ( 'o. bulldlni : u
Inrgo bniilc Inilldlng nnd extondliiK tlui yards ,
Another largo picking house to bo erected is
causing the Magic. City to boom , nnd good
pioporty purchased right nt present will make
investors big money.Vo ean oll'or for tills
month only , lot 4 , block 1 , lliown 1'nilc , IV ) ft ,
south of Q St. . on 21th , SI.IXH ) . Lots 3) ) and !
blooklton L'4ti ! ono block south of ( } stieot ,
8-1,200 each. Lots 13 and N.iloiiblocorner.bloek
lion fd st. two blocks south of ( J st , fltii for
both. S0.x73rlcht In business or on H. It.
IIMI. between N nnd O sis. tl GOO. I-ot 4. Mock
7i : , So. Omaha , onSUhjiistnorthof 51 bt.GOvl.m
Kradod down to grade , line cottage lu rear of
lot. if.r .000. IV ) fei't on ( J by 100 foot on'Ith st ,
Lots 1 nnd 2 , block 1 llrown Park. M.OOO. . Cor
ner across street west front , sold for S10.000.
There li money In any or all of tlio above.
Get thcro whllo you can. M. A. Upton Co.
solo agent. _ 1)137 ) _
1J1XTKA bargain 100x141 11. w. corner 10th
Jlland I'lorcc , 4 houses , rents for $ 'JOO a yeiir.
Will tnuko price on this forafowdajs utfi.OOO ,
J2.000 . to $1,000 cusli , balance at 0 per cent. This
Is 8 per cent less tlmu actual value. M. A.
Upton Co. . solo nirt'nts. _ 1)137
TflOU SAI > C Lots 2 and 3 block 2 , Itrennnn
JJ place. Oa the high plateau S.V. . ncuduiny
of the hacred lloait , both east and west views
urosupurb. No ilupllcalojof this property In
the city. It Is on the crest. Will make prleo
ncht uud terms easy. O. 1' . Harrison , Oil N.Y.
Life. t'IO-5 '
_ _ _
* | 71AKM und lurso ranch for snlo In tlio very
JL1 choicest section of Sinn ton county , Neb. ,
farms nro Improved nnd Hist class. The lanch
may bo one , two or three tedious fenced , with
houses , barns , running stream and best of hay
Innd , nil at half value , u grout baiT.dn , might
tnko pa 1 1 pay In other properly. T. b.OIurkson ,
_ _
ABMATjIjpayinuntdowii and f 15 pur month
will buy a I-ioom house and lot cm 1Gth , 'i
blocks from motor ; llrstclass ehunco to ac-
iiulio n homo on easyturins. Apply to II , K.
Cole , Continental block. 6.11
_ _
INCOLN I'luco nnd OartbaRO lots , price
L fl.OOO , KM donn. linliincr 815 monthly. "
Selliy , room 13 , Hoard ( if Trade. _ Sll
. _ . .SALE A linn nowK-rooini
oli-cti-lo car line on N. S7th st. Will take ns
part of easli payment u good horse or horse
nnd phuetoii. I' , 15041'grnaiii bt. 8J3
5-HOOM cottages , S1SOO each. $100 i-.isli down ,
balnnco $15 per inonth. Thos. 1' , Hull. 311
I'.ixton block. MS
Four good lots In Walnut 11111 ,
IiKWSYLK ' for -2.000 , h.ilf cash , bilnnco to
suit. btrlmer ; & I'enny , Douglas blk , Kith and
Ijodiic , _ 913 _
COTTAGT homes In most any addition for
snlo at from $1,000 up , on easy monthly pay-
monts. K. 1C. lulliii.4i : ll.-irker blk. _ NEI _
" \\7"AKE up und buy a homo on monthly pay-
l ments. Choice of seven dllTorcnt houses ,
south ( rontson Karnam st , Every eonvMiilcnce ,
Including furnace and gas. 1' . can bo seen
nl my olllce. Call In. D. V. Sholes Co. , ! ! ! : 1st
National bank. _ KCi
' house and lot. thu very
best nelRliboihood on that street , for sale
lit a bargain. T. H. Clnrkson.10 d lllh Hi , JtXiO
IV YOU have anything to sell oroxehango
J cullatniSI'axlon bloolt _ bis _
! \fU.ST bo sold to close an ostato--I3lRht
ill cluilcolots In Hanndeis A lllinolinugh's
addition at Ii > -s thent liclr worth. H sold boon ,
Omaha Heal Kstatu & Trust ( Jo.0 So. 17th st ,
IJeo linllilliii.- . _ 5rtJ
GOliMCKon liavcnport and -"lib. ICI\113 with
cottage , very cheap and very choice. T. S ,
Clarksou. ' . ' 19 S llth st. WHO
_ _
LL built brick house , 8 rooms , finished
. . In hard pine , oloi.mtly . papniod , ouk
inantlu ; prleo only fl.Niolll sell on oasj
terms , F. A. Sinllli.54H Hou bulldlnn. bt7-ll
rpIIOHOLGltlA' built S-rooin house , batl
i. room , hot n nil cold water , llnlslied In an-
tlijiio oak , handsoino mantels , beautiful ! )
decorated , sliding doors , l.iraorfcciitlonhalls
slate roof , coed sl/ed barn , lot on which thl >
hoii-.o stands Is 1WKH" > feet , Is on n beautiful
elevation In Dimduul'lacc. \vlllftullthl. .
property f or $ ii.riuu.
Another housu In Dundee 1'iace , 8 rooms , hoi
and cold water , bath , llnlshed In houtliori
Iiino nibbed down In hard oil , now style man.
tcls p.ipor hangings nf iho latest designs , slid1
Ing doois , largo roc-option hall , sluto roof ; Dili
housualsohas lUOvKtifeotof KroundaiKlhund
homely loeated. Thoprlco Is only iti.OH ) . 1
} ou are M'l'kins a homo eomo in and lot , u
bhow } on those properties , Wowlllmuku tin
termsw ) that joii can pay for them easily
Tlio Patrick Land Conip.iuy'l2 , 'Jll and t4i ! |
llee iMiUdJug. _ cblS-0
r-AhE .MIW business blocic oil llltl
stifet , icnts nro 10 porcuntof juleo nsked-
. , ( Hi | < -ii-lililinci ; : ) lon llmo. Will be on tin
niarkctonlya few duys. Address 11 7i , Heo.
PKl'IALhurL'alii In vacant lot on C'lilongi
noarSUth. T.8. Olarksnn , ! ilO B Htli st , 000
AhE Mc"7"r < xm iiiniso rcmly ti
move Into with full lot , * VMJ , f.'OJ cusli. C
K. Ilurrlson.OM.V. Y. Life. l"U
Matter of application nt 1' . Kflllnscr fo
Notice Is herobv Klven that P. Kfllnirprdl" "
tiuoii the M day of July. A , U. IK * ) , tlio Ids uw
plication to tint Hoard of I'lreand 1'ollonConi '
iillxsluiiurHUf Oiuahn , for permission to tiam
fiThUhuloon from .No. 013 South JOth itretii
to No , liotl.southuth street , In the n.tinuwan
Uiniiha , Neh.
If then ) bo no objection , remonstrance o
Piotcst tiled within two weeks from July UrJ
A , I ) . U'.KJ , the bald permission inuyha urantct
U-1D 1' , KtriNUUii , Applicant.
Xotloo of Sale , $ Ot1OOO ltofutidln
Doiuls ,
II.WO each. Interest 8 perccntsoml-uiiwial ,
duo In twenty yonw , r yaulo ndopten yc.i rs
ntpptloti ofi'ounty , 1'or pnrllcidarsaddrcsa
A , K. Graham. Chin , Com , , msucr , Nub ,
J 20 d nt.
Not loo.
"W'OTIOE Is hereby Riventhntbr vlrtuonf n ,
J-i chnttlo mortgiiKudated on Ilio iX'ndduy
ofMuy.A. I ) , 18Wa irno copy of which inort-
pado wnsduly tiled In the ntflcoof thoooiiutv
olerk o ( Douglas county , Nebraska , nn thu Wth
day of May , A. IlStHiit4U ) : i > . in , of that day ,
and I'.vi'uttd by Ooorgo K. Jlorohouse mid
Itny P. Morcliouso. co-partner.s us Motolionso
nml Company , to Mollrldo , t Company , toso-
LMirn the rinyinont of the num tlierelti inou-
tloncd , nnd lliowum of richly-four dollars nnd
fortj--ono cents now being duo ninl utii'ild |
thereon , and defnult liivln : ; been innilo In the
condition of said mortgage that said nioi-t-
Knporsliouldaccount nud pnyo\ertotlioinort-
Knijeo to apply on the inorlgUKO debt nl tlio
onil of each thirty Onjs the uinoont ranlltod
from the Hdo or the inertjined good * us
agents of the mortgagee , nnd u.ild mortgacen
dccmlint herself Insecure and no .sultointlior
proceedings nt law linvlnj ; loon Instltutoil to
recoversalddebtor any pan. thereof , tlii'ro-
fore I vlll . cll thu property thrt'ln described
erse niiieh tlioreotasmay lie juvessary topivy
ihomottgiiuuuluht anil thiuosts for Ilio taking
keopliiK , ndMulldnt ; and selling nt public
uiu'Uoii at No. IJlt LHidgo ulrciet , In the city
of Oinnlia , Nebraska , on tlu''Ulidiiy of July ,
nil o'clock p. in.of said day. Buhl mortgii-
ed property being descrlbru ns all nnd singu
lar thoijootls and moiohnnillso of said inort-
pntors locuted nml situated on the "l.M day of
iVIny , InthoIiulldliiK , No. 1511 Dodge Street. In
Hiilu oily of Omahu , and which ennilsts of n
stock'olsheet nnulo , luuslobooKs , llrtureiiuiil
inuslcnlmeii'liniullso. Tornisofnalotobnc.ish.
J il in 17 Mt Ilium : ft Co. .
Notice to Coutmutor.M.
Notlco Is hereby given tliatHeilod proposals
wlllborccolred by the olty olerk or tlmclty
of South Omahu , on or before the Mil dny of
July , 1&X ) , at 1 o'clock p. in. , for Hloplngnnd
removing the dirt on the following lots , uc-
cordlngto the provlsluns otOrdluunce No , 123 ,
Lot II , block SO , South Omaha.
Lots laud2 , block 81 , South Omaha.
Lots I a lull.1 , block LMlrst addition to South
Lot 8block 1. first addition toSouthOnnlia.
Lot II , block 9. llrst addition toHoiith Oinnhu
Lotsli , 10.11 , 1-Janil U , block 8 , U rat addition
to South Omaha ,
Lots I , u nnd 4 , block 7 , first addition to
South Urn aha.
West M'veaty-llvo foot of lot 1 , block 4 ,
Unnvn's Park.
Knst snventy-llvo ( cot of lot 'JI , block 4 ,
Itruvm't Park.
L'ast seivonty-flvo foot of lot 8 , Mod : 8 ,
Urowii's Park.
Lot 7 , block 8 llrnwn'i Park.
Lot 0 , bloek 1111 South Omaha.
Lot 10 , block 111 , South Omaha.
Lot 0 , block Bfl. South Omalin.
LolH I , it , and 4 , block ri Smth Omaha.
Lots 1'J , nnd 4. block 01) ) , South Omaha.
Lots a and 4 , block a1 , South Omaha.
Lot 0. block 7:1 : , South Omahu.
Juno24 d 101 Jens J. UVAN , City Clerk.
Notion to Contraotoi'H.
ClTYr.NniNKKIt'fl OlFlCH. I
South Omaha , JuneiTitli. 1MK1. I
Scaled proposals lll ho received by the
undersigned uplo ] j o'clock noonJuly7th ,
Ib'Ji' ' , fnr construct I Ti ' a two-font plpo slot-in
waterkoworou 'Q" street , from IKInl 1o"7th
stieets. Including catcli b.islns , &c , al o for
puttliiKln a bulkhead at the west end of "Q"
street viaduct.
Plans andspooincatlonsimiy ho M'Cii und till
Information obtained relative to the work at
this olllce. All bhlH to bo acoompnnlud with
accrtllled check ) p.iviiblo to the
olty ol South Omaha , to bo returned on all
hlus not accepted.
No proposil from contractors In default
with the olty will bo considered.
Tlio right U icsorml to i Jcct any or nil
bids. l Oo\.NKiur ,
J.'Odtf Ch n I rmiiti Struct und Alley Com.
Notice to Contractors K. 11 , oik to Lot
3,000,000 cubic yards earthwork , S.W.ono feet
U , M. timber work. nu.OOO llnaul feet piling ,
oO.UOOciossties. lr > oo aeiM olearliiRs. This
work islocated In thowostern part of Louis-
Inna , hotwecn Columbia , on the Ouuehltn
rhur , and Aloxnndrla. This line runs tlnoimh
a high , drv , healthy , rolling pine country. No
suiiinjn ; oxcolleiit spring water nnd clear
riinnlns stieums , free fiom all malarial or
swniiii ) Inllueiu-es. sindy , loamy koll , light
clearing , etc. ; llrst class semper woik. Con-
stiuetloti lalt-s fiom any point on Missouri
1'nollle railroad to the woik. I'rotlles. spool-
llcattons. and other Inforinatlon can Uu teen
utourolllee , Itoom SI , Gay llulldlnir. corner
1'lno und Third streclfi. fct. Luuls , Mo.or ut
olllro on work , at Columbia , La ,
I'KOI'OSAr.S will ho received until
SEALED ] ! noon , .Inly llth , nt the olllco of
the Ilo.ud . of Park CommUsloners. Ml L'axton
Ilulldlng , forfuinlshlng ullmuturlnl and con-
slruotlng stonn walki on the northeast and
and south sides of .It'lTorson t-iiiaro ] , thosanio
width as that now upon tli' ) west side. Hlins
nnt been dellnltely detormlued what material
will bodcelded uponso thoeornmlsslonera In
vite proposals for both nillUclal nnd natural
stone , and In theovunt of natural stone hclng
selected , It , must bo tlio hanio as that now on
the west sldo of the square. In kind , thickness
and manner of lay liu , ' .
The right Is icserved to reject any or all
bids. Guv U. DOASE , Secrotary.
Notice to Contrnotors.
nidswill bo received until noon Saturday ,
July fi.lRlX ) , for grading the Omaha Driving
and P.irlc association Kroiiudt us per plans
and specifications on lilo inotllro. 'JtHH. Ijthst ,
llghtresor { > cd to reject any or all bids.
J2u at. U.S. UEIIMKK , Secretary.
- - .
Onnccountof our Inrgo
nnd incronsinfr Practice ,
wo have REMOVED to
more Bimcious imd con-
voniout olliccs.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Keb.
I in port era and " \Vholcsalo Dtalcnln
Watches , Joiiclry , Cutlery
Aollons , Novelties , . ( Ibiinis ,
I'oaM'ollaiSprlncs ' ,
Fancy Goods , , lc.
I.ircestiinorlniunt fur
niKTarlctyof tc , lOoand Me counter
coed ! . Our hirco ami fully Uliisti.ited
cat.ilppiieiimlt''irren toileiilfrs only.
St. Louis. Mo.
J5JX uj5cOOW > * g
Arrvoiu DeMlltv ,
Vouthfitt Imllnerelloni ,
Lout Manhood.
Be Your Own Physician I
flymenfrom the , effect * of youthful
Imprudence , liavn bniuKtt l > oui . u > tn n (
1 wrakmii that ho * mluctil tlio innumliya-
< tern HO tiiucli a * ti Imlucu almost erury
; ttlier dlwnxK , anil thu real catm * nl tlm
' irouMeBcurctlr beliiiriiitict dtltojr
. ro Uottorotldir frcrytlimB but tinrUlit
! ODO. NotwlthBtKiicllnv tliu inniijr Tulualilo
remtHlIci ttmtmtxllciit nrknre lia iirr > < Juiia
i ( urth r llH ( ( < r tlil < cla H of patltuU. none
; ( ttUoordlnarr mu > le < oftrtatincnt ultrctn
> curt * . ] > Drlnc > iireit ntlTi roUieaniJbnii ! *
I Iltal irartlciiwu h ru iwrlimiiliil | lth
ftnd dl orerwt nowftncl culieentratt 1 rrinn.
( creel Ma rirlnlnnna niuril'rurr , n >
tundrtdiof CMIIncur iiaetlnhKT l en
rittijrixl tu i rfcct Ituultlibr Hi use ftftcr IVifi.dly iJiirsln-
ureill ntt mint ho uiwl ill thu prt [ > aratlua of
InU pieiorlptlon ,
U Krrtliroijlon torn , . .
Jcrubt-LIn , 1 8 draL-hin
llllaiitalPloln , 1-x drachm.
euiMinln , 8 Knlna.
Lit. Itcmtlm nm roifilroliolclKr ! ) lm
Kit. luiiUiKl ra , 1 turuplu > "
( , , ,
Makeftupllli. TnkvlpllUt Sp ra. . ftniinn *
_ . „ . . . „ It * Uil. IniamticaHctltwJIl
lrunt > reii&ryforthepi\tJciittQtAletwal 111 *
at I > odilin , niaktii llionumt > rtljrt-o nJay.
ThU r mHJ/liadA [ > ttMl toevery condition of
idoijIHly anil weuVnaRalli
iriAlln tlunucaui ritiu
Jtfnce. The ruouti ratlve pen ri of
1 thli rt-itorntlroaretruljr artonlRliintr.anil Itn
> mo coiiUnuml for aihurt llroa ctuvutrd lliu
; Unkculj , duLllltotKd , n rYtlee condttlun to
> cnoof r n .l llfoaiiil tUur.
Ai MtarMeonitanUr lnrn-olitof | Utttrtof
In'iulr ; rulHtlr * to thli reiuwl ; , wo oulil
itr toUioaAwlto would prwfertootitalnltnf
! ui. by romlttlnic ( laciH-urnly iwlni | * cU-
> aKA contalnliiK M i > ltli , carDfully rom-
' uund l , will t > a tent Ijjritturn mall from
; ourprlrala Ulwrnlory. orwu a
i , whlih w
w orcall co
How England Medical Institute ,
2 1 Trrmont How , lluilon. Man ,
Couyrteht. ltt > , > y t. II. lln Lr .
Notice ,
Elovrdor toI.oMO ' tel
' 1'ropotltloni n foi
one yi-nr , or for torni of yonr * . tli Union
Klerntor nt Ooimoll HUilTs , cnpniMtr novon
hundred ami llfty thousand l > usliol , will t >
rocpv il uplo .Inly Hth , i iU. Aihln s. uo
V , Wright , Svo'y and Trei'r , , Cinindl llliilla ,
Iowa. _ _ Jutiu > ( lllt )
irATn'ilsumu n > M.iu : K ! " "
SWAltTltMORK. 1'A.
Ppcn Plh monlli.nii , U'JO. Thirty mltiutoj from
llroiul St Stnllon. I'nlln. Uivlor rum of 1'rlfniH.
Full vullcRlnlc < x > iir > os for l > tt > fi'tos lomllnit to
ClMslcnl , Knulnoetlnir , ! ! oluntlllo nml l.llor.u ; lie-
croo . llenllliful loei\llon. \ ext < lvo KrondiM ,
Ino' , innrhliio ihopi , Inbnratoiloa mut Illirn-
rlci. For fullp.irtlnilurimtitrix *
\VM. 11 , A 1'1'l.K fox. Wi.l , I'roslJont.
Circular of 1IKNRY J , HTHVICNS , A. II. . 1'rln.
pirtm itil iutifM t > r tctt t M AnictkAti I otyin 1 eidier * !
fiflQt.fUl KI Mil < t f\t\ \ * | C L , t H ( I ! ' h t M-r.
AJJro.Ker T W IMkKnir , 1 lo.OOLUMOIA , MO.
- - 9jT
Kopaytlllcurea IK J CTCP UINHLib uot,0.
AtmiluUlrrolltlilc , ifrftvllrmrc .mostiiiwrifut foiuilo
riyidatorkn twnt nvvrr fi\ll-j ; UNIT , i KtivnMionoUjK
suillLlcut , Aililnwi 1ION tml'Ofo. . liurruloN. , Y.
> listnkoii
cess In Clllr" ) .
For yonrs tlio tcmloncy of
who liilioi'for othcra IIHH Iwon to Ictivo
Llio country iinil socle the litrfjor towiiH ,
nys tlio llurul Now Vorlcor. Tlio onuses
r > f tills are Htipposecl Miortor IIOIIM of
lubor , larger ruiuunorntlon , Creator HO-
uial utlvtviilngca nnd ninny minor reasons ,
Tlio success ot the present iiiovuinouti
for short or hours with incroiiHoil puj
will doubtless reiiilor some of tltoso
L'asos Btill inoro ] 'tt ' nt. A Htiuocssftil
ulty business innn who wts u I'otintr.v
boy years ngo , returns to his
former country homo , rich , well
diessed , ai > narontly proiponwH iiutl
hnppy , Ho in jiointoil out iw iinuxamplu
nhvhtil imyboiiucoinplUhuil ) in the city ,
Hail ho lomainotl in the country ho
would prolubly have boon a iilodiliny
fnnnoi'till his llfo. Now ho has uionoy ,
Iclsuro for tra\ol , rocrcatioa and study.
The impression SCUIMH to prevail also
that city people don't have to work HO
hard 119 country jiooplo. Tlits all Houndn
very nloo , hut how nLiuit Iho iinti'ty-
nine country lioys whocanm tothoclly
at the saiiio' time asout'BiiCL'i'ssful frioiul
and niatlo niiscniblo failurosV Wo never
hear of tlioin , although Llirro are jn-oh-
ably at least ninoty-tiino who fail wltoro
ono Biicoecilu. The Bni'ces--fiil tines are
not tho--o who luuo boon btii'KUu's for
shorter hours , but on the contrary they
are the lianloHt worlcon" . Ntthiii { ;
but the lini'dcht Icintl ol work will briii } , '
SUCCCM in the city , and loii ' ywtrs must
often bo spent with meager pay bo fore a
prolllablo position is Hocurotl. What
seems to the country boy iimagnillconl
salary often sliriiilis into u inoro ] > ittanou
attor'boanl , < > ar faro anil otlun1 nooo.sHti-
rics are paltl for. Then tbo city dweller
luia inoro temptations to tpoiid inoitoy ,
Thovo tire advantages in city life , but
tlioroni'o inanv tliwulvnutaifus , and it is
utterly imposMblo for a btrniiL'or toffel
a desirable situation without mllucnco.
Lot tlio country boy who lias nn itchiiiL'
for city life , iiimdor thobo thotiylits anil
ask himself if the ganio is worth the
nl' Pjtlilns Illoiinal Coiiolnva
nt Milwaukee , \Vis , , Jnlv , 1S ( ) .
For this great occasion oxoursiontitsk-
ots will bo sold from all principal points
in the Uiiltod States and Onada to Milwaukee -
waukeo mtl rotnrn via the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. 1'aul railway at hull
As its name indicated the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway is the
direct roulo to Milwaukee , nml IIH the
campground fur tlio Unlforinotl ICniglit
( to whloh point cara and trains will bo
run through without trannor ( ) IB located
directly on this line , it will bo tuun hat
the Chicago , Milwaukee A ; St. Paul rail
way hits great advantage over other
routes whluli are uimblo tofut-nish such
faoilitlo.s , and vihlting Knights , tltoir
fninilics and friends Hhotild boar this
in mind when wirehiisinj , ' uxcurnlon
A circular clving detailed information
will bo mailed free upon applic.ition to
A. V. II. Uarpentor , general passenger
ngont , Milwaukee , Wis ,
J. R I'uicsTON , P. A. NASH ,
1'ass , Agont. ( Jon'l Agont.
1501 Farnain Street ( llirlccr I3loolc ) ,
AnuTlciin Cnllantry.
Tlio Bwlnish proponslties of tlio human
race tire coiilinod to no nationality , rtico
or color , hays ICato Fleld'HWusliington ,
1 have mot with thorn in Knglnnd ,
Franco and Germany quilo as often tin
in America. Indeed" , I am far from Hiiro
that , lake him with alibis faults , the
American has not a larger share of tlio
generous virtues than tlio man of any
other country. I roinomber once return
ing from an eMended tour abroad ,
during which I had been women
sickened with cigarette binolio in
clohO railway uarrhiKt's ; Btamling
on the docks of the Khino Hteiunorj
while their \vcudcd lords enjoyed the
suenor.v and the llaicr-hior on tlio few
chairs in wight ; and wailing tlirotigh
hens of inuil at Btrcot crohsingn. vlilloa ,
gallant Gaul , perched on the only dry
npot bared his head intloforonco to their
sox as they parsed by.
The day I landed in Now "York I roda
once down ami up Broadway in nn omul-
bus tOBCoho-.v . thooity had changed in
my absence. The btreot wan in a vile
condition , tut tibiinl. Next mo wit nn
cldorly woman of thoiuiddlo chihs , very
plitinly but rcsjeclablv clad. She win
evidently u visitor from out of town ; and ,
when the utago stopped for her to alight
at her destination , bho looked
tlmidlv thia way and that , as K
fearful nho might loose her footing on
tlio slippery fctono pavements and bo run
down in the crush of moving vehicles.
In an instant a young man who had been
reading his iiowspapor Hprang up ,
allglilod , hold open the door , and helped
the old woman down , escorted her to the
sidewalk in safety , ran after the Btago
and caught it , jumped aboard again and
rpsumod his reading as if ho had done
only the inostnatiintl thingin the world.
A thrill wont through mo ns Ifoltthall
was onc-o nuro in the country \vhoro ,
even though polish ofmiun * i-wassomo-
times lacking the real oshonco of polito-
noHS wasdoojily Boated in tlio national
hurt. Oh , yes , wo do have the great
human hog here nolxxly donlos that
but hu's tlio rare exception , noithorulo.
' "TlB strange , passing strange , " that
pnronlH will lot their children die with
diphtheria whonlt is a. noted fact thab
Dr. JoITtlos' proventlvo and euro never
failB In any caw. Twonly-llvo years'
trial ha proven it. No physician re
quired. Host rcforenccH givon. ljrk
W. Address box 067 , Omaha , NcK