Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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by I'nrrlor In any putt "f tlio City.
II. W , Tll.mV , MANAUKIt.
Jlimbirfq Office , Xo. JJl
Night Kdttoi , No. 23.
.T/f.VOK jr/K.VT/O.V.
N. V. I' . Co.
Council HlulTs Lumber Co. . coal.
park nttnickil IU crowd of ile-
loungers yesterday.
The patrol wn on bnulocl In seventeen uu-
fortunates yesterday.
'J'honm I'run ton \vm tultcn In ycstcnl.iy
wlillo trjlng to work u con Illicit en game.
Four r'ourtli of July drunka ami ns many
peace disturbers occupied bcrtbs nt the city
jail lust evening.
'J'lio mitfc-l foutitnm on Broadway hai boon
rottredvltli tuilnt. It is tint very liiindsomu
in Its new dress , Imt it Is attractive ? , ut least
it nttratts attention.
Tlio funeral of Kii'scll GIlui oT Oniwr
totvnsblp win luld yostordav afternoon. Ho
wui 111 only nbout 11 week , rlicumatiam being1
the ciinso of ileath.
'J'lio pottofllcu boys yesterday observed
Sunday liouw. 'J'lio ' curriers niimo no deliv
eries but spent tlio holiday In tbe manner
thnt plo.isod tlicin bfst.
O'l'lie i-i'Ktiliir iiiontbl.v inocllny of the Potta-
wnttniiile County Fruit C ! rowers' and CJnnl-
cnuiii' association will bo hold at the court
bouso Inday nt'J o'clock p. m.
Doll Mi'Donnltl , p > llco patrol driver , mid
Miss ICnto VINouof Craig , Mo.vero tnar-
rh'rt Thursday at tin ; homo of the bride. The
newly married couple arrived In tbe Bluffs
last ovenlnj , ' ,
The e\v fountain In Hayllss pnrlt li.vs been
dry for n day or two while tlio spray nowlca
wcro to'lnc perfected and otlii'i * llnisldiiMT
touches beiiiK put on. Yesterday It was sot
nt work In earnest nnd proved ono of the
most rcfivsliiiitf tights of the il.iy.
During the month of Juno the Chiens'o ,
Burlington , t Qulncy railroad delivered to
the Union stock ynrds , ChuM o , 7,011 car
loads ofstoek. ! ! , " ! ( ) cars of which originate , . !
on the western Jinva and Nebraska divisions
of the road.
OIK ; of the reinarlfablo evidences of com
bined business mill iiatriotlsni produced by
tbo Foui'Ui was the ( Uror.itioii of a saloon oil
Middle Broadway. The Am 'i-lisim and ( lor-
inan Ibi s wcro ( ntwlnecl around two boor
icops In front oftho Imlldlnir. On tlio Holds
of the bunting was priutedtho motto ; "Union
and Strength. "
An alarm from box ' ! ! called the depart
ment to the Manhattan , near tlio corner of
Main mid Ilrontlivay , shortly after inidnUlit
yesterday inoniliig to extinguish ti blaze that
originated In a rear room nftor the placu was
locked up. A coat hanging on the wall had
apparently been sot allro liv a llreorarkornnd
had Hinnuldcrcd for sonio time. The loss of
the and a b.ully . scorclied partition was
the only daniafjo sustained.
The sncclal Hock Island trains between the
city aiiif Chantaiiqua did an immense busi
ness yesterday. Tbo outgoing No. 4 in the
morning carried over .seven hundred passen
gers and the Incoming train at tlio closes of
the afternoon m-ogrnimno consisted of six
dcnsoly crowded coaches. Walter Summer-
bay.s , the newsboy on the outgoing regular ,
niuilo himself hosts of friends union ; . ' the
Indies by refusing to sell cigars and also re
questing p'tsscngora In the smoker to refrain
from Indulging until after sta
tion was pasnod.
The marshal's force was yesterday fore
noon called to Slreotivlllo to cheek a celebra
tion being-held there by adrovo of cattle , the
residrnts complaining that their gardens and
flower beds were being destroyeil most
vuntonly by the bovine" . Eighteen of the
culprits were arrested and imprisoned in the
iiound , It was supposed that quiet had thus
been restored for the day , but in the after
noon toleplionie appeals c.nno . to theoHlce , the
complainants stating that tbo cows were
malting another raid , in greater quantities
than bofoiv , and that they had c.iti'ii up nil
tbo garden stud and wcro bre.ikltigtho fences
Into toothpicks after their meal. The marshall -
shall wan discouraged.
At yesterday's ilw the hlRtmckmado tlio
run to the corner of Eleventh street and
Avenue 13 , causing severe criticism on the
part of ccituin aldcrinen , ' ! suppose , " said
ono of them , "they will want us to buy some
more hoiw for that truck uftor they luivn
killed this pair for nothing1. Thorn are only
n few boxes in the heart of the city that 'the
big truck should run to , and the duo nt tlio
Northwestern Is not ono of ttioni. There Is
nothing more than two stories high In that
vicinity. If they would exercise the truck
less they would have moro tlmo to llnd out
whole the hydrants are. They went a block
further to get water yesterday than there
xvus any need of. "
A crowd of llttlo boys yesterday added to
their limited cxperiimi-o by a ride In the
patrol wagon. The lads hud gotten into a
wordy warfare , which was fast dovclupidg
into a frce-for-nll llRlit , of tlio com
batants havlngarniod themselves with bricks ,
with which they worn threatening to lay
each oth'jr out. The patrol wagon gathered
them In and titty went blulmoi-ing to tbo
station. Marshal Temple-ton organized them
Into n. mission Sundiy school and proceeded
to plvo them a brief but impressive lesson on
their duty to each other and their rotations
to brickbats. The oldest was notovor twelve
years of ago , while the youngest was still
wearing bis llrst pair of pantalooiH , At the
close of tbo oration the auilluncj wai ills-
J.O. Tlpton , realojUite , r > . ' 7 Broadway.
The Manhattan sporting ttcndq'va , 413 B-
A peed hose reel fIHJO with every 103 foot of
hose purchased at Hlxby'.s.
I'KKNftX.-t I ,
11 , C. Lynclmrd of Mount Pleasant , la. , Is
visiting his son W. H. at his homo , Ul Benton -
ton street.
lion. Leonard Parr of Mount Pleasant. In. ,
spent the Fourth in the Bluffs nnd will re
turn home on Monday , llu Is a guest of the
Ogden house.
Sol II. Foster left last evening for Salt
Lake City on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. John T , Stewart nnd daugh
ter , Miss Bessie , have KOUO east to spend the
summer nt Ocean Bench.
J.C. IJIxby , steam lie.itinj , ' , sanitary CIIR- |
nccr.lM ! ) Life building , Omaha : .US Merrlam
block , Council Bluffs.
A Daylight Burglary.
A bold burnlary was pcriwlrnteil yesterday
afternoon at the residence of Mr. Arthur
Stevens , comer of Fourth nvenuo nnd
Twelfth street , during the absence of the
family. The during thief or thieves un
doubtedly saw tbo family leaving about half
past one mid then entered the bouse , Kn-
trnnco was effected through u cellar window ,
and the door nt tbo top of the collar stairs
was then forced , affording across to the
upper floors , The lock on tbo cellar door
was a strong ono judging from the marks left
by the Instrument In forcing it ,
The lloor was deeply dented and the sides of
the door casing also In the efforts to open the
door , which was finally ilono by bondinii the
bolt. The depredators then ransacked the
house from top to bottom. Every trunk nnd
drawer In the bouse was emptied of Its con
tents , und all trays nnil Iwxes worolom to
pieces. The thieves w-eurod ono solid gold
pen and penholder , two gold pens In gold
und pearl penholders , which they took from
their ense.-i nnd loft the latter lying on the
Hour ; u gold ring with diamond and
enamel setting ; gold necklace and charm ;
set of ( iiirnet earrings and pin ; between 1
and $4 in money , nnd TO cents worth ot post
age stumps. Tlw charm on the necklace was
of a peculiar pattern , consisting of all the
llttlo wheels of u watch , A lot of silver on
the dining room table was left untouched.
The > tolen jewelry belonged to Mrs. Driiry ,
who , with her husband , Is visiting for n few
days with Mrs. Stevens , en route homo to
Vermont from the west. The police have
town notltled of the robbery , but as yet no
clue to the burglars has been discovered ,
Demnsoy Hros , , 103 Main street , is the only
Slaeo In town when ) you can got fresh mid
olU'ious confectionery.
If vou wish to sell your property call on the
Judit & Wells Co. , C. U. Judd president , 004
It is Celebrated with Becoming Splendor at
the Pleasure Resorts.
A Jlla/.o Calls Out the PI re Depart-
innnt A Monument t < > Samuel
Ilnyllxs IH Unnerved Notes
and I'cr.iuiinN.
The absolute suspension of all kinds of
business and the complete desertion of tlio
streets wa-j the chief characteristics of
Council muffs' ' celebration of the Fourth of
j July. Tlie day \viis delightful , a perfect ilny ,
in fact , nnd every pcrsonwho could get out of
tbe city by anv means did so. All the pleasure
resorts utid picnic grounds about the city
[ were filled with hunters. Even tbo
small boy saved Ids II rocr ichors for the
proves out of town , nnd them was nothing
; left In tin ) heart of the city to Indicate the
I fact that the ration was celebrating
it.s birthday but the crowds on
motor lines anil the infrequent pop of a toy
pistol or n lira cracker.
history. Every ear belonging LO the Alanawn
motor line was In service all day. Each train
pulled four coaches , nnd every train botli
way was crowded to its utmost capacity. The
crowds varied i nnuinbors from 6,000 to sMO (
ilu ring the afternoon , and tbo attraction of
Ihu evening drew a much larger aitendiinco.
The methods iidoiitol to amuse the visitor *
weic various , but ( lie natural attractions of
the splendid resort Itself were sufllcicut for
tliotliousinuls who c.ired nothing for the
band music , bout racing , bicycle contest ,
shooting tourniiiiient , etc1.
Tbo chlof utl factions were the bicycle races
for a $10 ! ! gold medal anil several minor
prices. There were nine entries , including
some of tlio best wheelmen In Omaha niitl
Council illufTs. Th > i-o was delay In starting ,
and the contest was not ended until latoln
thO OVOIllllg.
Uilboy's band occupied the musicians
stand lii tbo pavillion and entertained the
crowds there during tlio afternoon and oven-
' The hotel and -
Monat-y park were thrown
opi-n and were thronged with visitors.
Manhattan beach was nllvo with people.
The water toboggan slide thrown open
for tlio first time1 and the b.ithers enjoyed the
sport with tlio keenest zest.
The Scbuot/envcrcin prize shoot drew a
largo crowd iluring ttioaitornoon.
In the evening n brilliant display of pyrotechnics
technics took place on tbo water in front of
thu pavilion.
There were Hovcral places where beer was
sold , but It was taken in such meliorate < inui-
tities that it did not. oxdto any boisterous p.i-
triotisin. The entiru day passed at the lake
without nay kind of an accident.
Kalrinoiint p.irkdrew its quota of cltl/.ens
from both cities anil a score ot picnic parties
enjoyed the shade nnd tlio cool laviues. In
tlieevening the electric motor company gave
a brilliant display of llreworks.
Tlie colored congregation of Mount /.Ion
Baptist church hud a grand barbecue at the
d of the p.n-k , mid lutcreste.l white
ccrs wcro fully us plentiful as colored
realtors. Omaha was very largely ropro-
.scnteil in the parks during the day , nnil In
the evening tlio visitors across the river
increased largely la numbers.
The free trolling matinee altnu-ted nearly
, UU ( ) pcopluto Union driving park , where
three races were given. There were fewer
starters tlniii wore expected , but the races
were very goo l exhibition ? and close enough
to bo interesting. Uisappointiacnt was
caused by iion-iippear.inco of tlio phenomenal
pacer , I'M Itosuwater , as Iho animal hid : boon
taken to ttis owner's farm and did not arrive
at the parU until after tbo races were over.
This deprived Hit ) crowd of seeing- much
anticipated fast mile.
Tlio I'n-st race was for green four-year-olds ,
anil the starters were Charles Wilson's bay
gelding Tom \\ilson , and James Frazier's
chestnut .sorrel Sunset. Thrco heats wcro
trotted inJ..VJ ! : ( and 2:57 : , and were all
won by Sunset ,
There were but two starters in the froo-for
nil Charles Grcgorp's chestnut sorrel ICinp ,
Humbert uud .lames Fraxtors chestnut sorrel
Banquet. Iliunbort took the first , two heats
in'JJ7iud'J.and : : : ! ; ! Itaiuiuot captured the
third heat In : iIJ ; ! . The third heat was
very closely contested tlironghout , and were
pretty exhibitions ot trotting. Humbert's
work was astmn-iso ta allhorsoinon present.
Five years ago in his two-year-old form ho
received a inarl : of : iflJ ; , but slnco then ho
bus never done well until this .season , lie is
now going fust and can circle the track today
in : . ' : 'JO.
A single heat was trotted by T > . Laccy's
black mure Nellie Cattery and A. Suhlttetcr's
bay gelding Mill ; Shako. This former won
easily In SJ.VJ1 : < ,
This concluded the day's ' exhibition. Much
Interest was taken in visiting the stalls and
Inspecting the ninny good horses on the
A Kow of'OiirSiir-olnls Kor Tills AVeok.
Pcruso this carefully. Something interesting
resting to almost every family can bo found
in these column's. ' Don't fall to como curly , as
( hero nro bargains laid out each day that
many times don't hist all day. Visit the Ros-
tor. Htoro. There you can always lind wo
usually do oven a little batter than wo adver
2.10 do/.en black and colored mitts , Wo
claim to boabluto show you better value by
far tlmn can ba found elsewhere in the west.
Note our prices Hc ) , 22c , : i.'ic , Melee
nnd Wc. ) U'o call your special attention to
nufJ.'ii * JKIc ! ' . )
, , i'oundri9c nntts , fully i > per
cent under value.
A bargain in white goods. All our 2."c and
Xlc strifes nnd checks marked 1'Jo ' for this
week at least while they last.
Hosiery In this department wo claim to
have no competitors. Wo show a complete
line of ladies' , misses' , children's and In.
fants' fast blacks.Vo guarantee every pair
or money cheerfully refunded. A < lc to sea
our ladies'fast blacks at ii.'io nnd : ! 5c. You
will ngreo vitll us it is the best hose you
oversaw for tbo money.
Our children's two-by-two rlbb at 25o has
no equal , all sUcs for fic.
At lllo and I--j'u ' wo show the best fast
black stocking in the country.
f > 00 pieces Jklolno ribbons at lo a vard.
Special prices on staple colors in all silk
ribbons for this week.
No. 5 ribbons for 5o.
No. 7 ribbons forte.
No. 0 ribbons for Co.
No 12 ribbons for liio.
No. U5 ribbons for l(5c. (
The above nro all g > io'l colors , regular
stock , and all sllic gros grain and satin edge.
The above prices good for t his weak onlv.
Potlicrinifhuiii , Whltolnw & Co. , Council
Blurts , In.
Olrollini'i Monument.
"If there is n man who Iris over lived in
Council HlulTs who deserves a monument
that will perpetuate hU name ami memory ,
that man wis Ham Hayllss , " said a grateful
citizen yesterday as he took a .scat near the
fountain in Hayliss p.irlc and surveyed Iho
emerald ( join with the keenest satisfaction ,
"This is the handsomest little pu-kl over
saw in my llfo , and 1 Imvo seen the host of
them. Hut half of my pleasure Is destroyed
every tlmo i como here or pass by It by the
recollection that poor old Sam Uayllss died in
poverty and inmost abject want and in sight
of the splendid property ho gave to the city.
It Is true his miaio will bo forever connected
with the park , but that isn't enough. It Is
merely a name , anil what's In n name I An
other generation will Imvo forgotten nil about
poor ohl Sum , and the name of the parK It
self may bo corrupted Into Jlay Leaf orsomo-
tbliig else buforu the century Is out. I would
like to sre a statue of the old man , rugged ,
rough ami kind hp.irtcd us ho appeared In the
pioneer days , and I would like to see it
erected In the most conspicuous place in the
park. Ho should hold In his hand a scroll
that should bo u i-opy of the Ift deed.
The inscription should bo brief unit simple ,
but should contain this sentiment : ' .Ho tiled
in obscurity and poverty , but hols rich In
the love and gratltudo of a grateful posterity. '
That may not bo the host expression , but It Is
thohonso. Wo did not appreciate the old
man nor his gift in those duys , and it Is no
humiliation to admit the fact that wo didn't.
"I wish Tim UEB would agitate this matter
a little uud set ttie old greybeard * to think-
Ing about It. .Andy ( Iruhnm ought to bo tha
first ono to put the scheme on Its feet. Thou
vou could count on Judge .tames , Hon.
\V. II. M. 1'iisey , Judge Oasady , Thomas OIU-
ccr and scores of otlicw to give It n vigorous
financial push , Tim statue ought to bo
erected facing the fountain , and ought to bo
as big us the fountain Itself. If It was much
smaller It wouldn't bo as hip as poor old Ham's
heart. I'll bet a cigar If TUB HIH : calls at-
tcntloii to It the matter will bo picked up and
we'll have a picture in stone of | > oorold Sum
Hayllss. with his old slouch hat. one pants
li'K in his boot and the sunshine that warmed
his big heart shining throuRh the smile that
always ployed on his broad and angular face. "
Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and brldgo
work , No. l ! ) Pearl.
A House Ituriicil.
Barly yesterday afternoon the flro ilepart-
mcnt was called out to subdue the llames
which were rapidly destroying the residence
of G. L , Jucobj , No. llll Avenue II. Deforo
the water could do its full work the lire had
inadon prct'y bad wreck of tlio house , n two-
story frame building. The most of the fur
niture was saved by removal , The insurance
on the building amounts to ? * 00. which will
cover less than half the loss. The cause of
tbo lire Is not known , but it Is supposed to
have been a defective Hue. A tire was
started in the kitchen steve nbout noon , nnd
soon after this the smoke and llames were
discovered making their wiy through the
roof. Beyond tbeso facts tbo family could
give no information as to the cause.
Naturally fcrmciito-l in the
bottle , par-
fectly pure , with a delicious bo'iuct. Cook's
Kxtra Dry Champagne can bo drank by the
most delicate.
Cnnredci'nto Veterans' Reunion.
CHUTASOOUA , TCUII. , July 4. The con
federate veterans' reunion had n monster
p.irado today and lu the afternoon several
thousand people were addressed by Gover
nor Gordon of Georgia. In a patriotic speech ,
Among other tilings ho said : "The south
was loyal to the country , but wo were
wrong on the slavery question , and there Is
not n son or daughter of tbo south today who
would have slavery restored. While for four
years the north nnd south wcro deadly
enemies , we are for evermore- brothers nnd
fellow citizens and southerners would today
light as loyally for the llapr of our country as
any man who fought with Grant and Sher
Tonight the wltolo city Is illuminated.
Lookout mountain and Missionary Hldgo ro
nbliuu with lights , and on the Tennessee
river and Cameron hill are monster pyrotechnic
technic displays.
To Xorvous Debilitated Men.
If you will send its your address wo will
send you Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Voltaic Belt
and Appliances on trial. They will quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health ,
Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC Br.i.i Co. , Marshall ,
Quarantine I.ll'li-d.
New Oui.KAN * , July 4. The steamship
Prof. Morse , after ten days' detention in
quarantine , arrived today , having on board
STiO half-starved and sick laborers , mostly
Italians , who have been working on
a plantation in Honduras since April
with little food and inadequate
shelter. The health officer reports that n
c.ireful investigation sliows that there wcro
many cases of sickness , hut nil were suffering
with malarial or bilious fevers. A careful in
vestigation proved to the satisfaction of the
health board that there was no contagious
diseases on board.
now ollioes of the great Rock la-
laud routes , 11)02 , Slxloonth anil Furnam
stivet , Omaha , are the llnest in the city.
Call and sco them. Tickets to nil points
ciibt tit lowest rules
The Fourth at
L.UMMIU , Wyo-i Juno 1. | Special Telo-
gratn toTnnUii- : . ] The Fourth was duly
observed in Laramie , the celebration being
under thu auspices of the tire department.
In the morning there was a parade , followed
by hose races. In all the raced Company . " > ,
composed of the youngest members of the
dciartniont , was victorious , defeating the
old members who have so often taken prizes
In the Colorado and AVyotrdng tournaments.
In tlio afternoon there was horwj racing at
the driving park and a shooting tournament.
The day wound up with sports on the street
tonight and a grand ball.
HOOIIO'H Celt-tirat ion.
Itooxi ! , In. , July 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BKK. ] Boono's celebration today under
tl.o auspices of the flro department passed
off smoothly. Orations were delivered attho
park hyJudgo Illndman and Presiding EMer
Jtanisey. In tlioutternoon there were sonio
exhibition hose runs and other sports and
llreworks at night. A largo crowd was lu
town all day.
In tlio Commons.
LONIIOV , July-1 , In the house of commons
the committed negatived Gladstone's amend [
ment against the suspension of bills from one
session to another. Tlie vote stood 11 to ft.
It is reported in conservative circles that
owing to tlio narrowness of the majority
iigaiiist Gladstone's amendment the govern
ment will abandon the proposal to carry over
the bills.
A \VomiitiVi Itccoinmciulatioii.
I spent several weeks in Johnstown , Pa. ,
lifter the fjri-tit Hood , on account of my hus
band being employed there. Vi'a had several
children with us , two of whom took the diar-
rhaja vor.v badly , J got sonio of Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhcna Komedy
from Huv. Mr. Chapman. It cured both of
them. I Icnow of several other cases where it
was equally successful. I think it cannot bo
excelled and cheerfully i-eeoinincnd it. Mrs.
Annie M. Ileaia McKccsport , P.i.
Fatal \\plosoii | of Fireworks.
CAJIIIIIOX , Mo. , July 4. During the cclo-
bratton tonight some tlroworlw explode ! pro-
inaturcly , injuring thcco powons badly.
Major Lindner had a log broken , Mls-s Haley
was seriously burned on the arms and face
and Fred Williams badly burned.
M'ui-IcH nitd Montoncfrr.iis I'lglit.
CoxsTANTixoiM.E , July 4. A serious con-
lllct between Turks nnd Montenegrins oc
curred nenr the hike of Scutari. The British
chnrgod'nffalrs tris protested to the porto
against the ( lunger of allowing the reign of
anarchy in Armenia to continue.
I'oople I'roin I'hlladclpbla
will find u complete line of . & . T.'a
houMcpathie preparations nt Sherman is
MeCoimoH'tt drug : store , 1513 Dodge
l It on the Street.
Mart Gram nnd John Dlnginan melon
mini street last night and in . the fistic arenn
nttcinpteil to settled sonio old scores , It was
n iifilit to 11 finish , and when the end arrived
( train was carted mvny by bis friends , while
DliiKmnn managed to hobble to Ids room.
Doth men will be arrested today.
1002. Sixteenth anil Parn.ini streets ia
the now Itoek Island ticket otlico. Tiek-
eU to all points cast nt lowest rates.
Illali * VH ilcriimn.
Bum , Nob. , July 4. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Uit : : . ] The ball game hero today be
tween Herman nnd Blair resulted in favor of
lllalr by n score of id to IS. Itattory for
Hlalr SpniRUOuiid Bailey ; Herman Husscll
and Matthews.
At Now Vork The Alter , from Drcnuin ;
the Ujvoidu , front . ( ilii.sjfow.
AtQueonstowa The Wyoming1 , from Now
At Ilutnlmvtf The RugU , from Now York.
Thrown from n HOMO nnd Killed.
Pimiu'HO , Pa. , July . Many minor neei-
dents occurred during tbo American mechan
ics' paradu at McKeesport this afternoon.
The only fatullty was to John ICIneald , uu
nide , who was thrown from his hoim
Yesterday was n trying tlmo for L. O.
Socrcst , the man who was thrown from the
hotel whidow. The noise tnado Mm resf.css
and at midnight ho was very low.
T.I .T/.MI .V V' , ? / ' < > ' - in * U' .
The llrarc * Mold nti'liuIlKiiiUlon Moet-
IIIK Over f5jiiker Heed.
New YouK , July 4'-T-Ij'iiuiiimiiy hull hud a
big celebration today niul n largo audience
attended the cxerclsort. , The flrst speaker of
the day was Congre irtin Dynutnof Indiana ,
whoso chief glory Hi fr , that ho iccelvod the
censure of u republican speaker of the house
of representatives. "Tho founders of the no
tion , " snld Mr. Byimnj. "did not bcllovon
majority , however ( nil-go , hud ii fight to do-
prlvo n minority , however small , of Its
natural ik'ht-i , . u lind a ri lit
to Kovorn , but only with duo
rcpird to tbe rights of the minority. Never
In the llfo of the nation' has such a deadly
thrust at Its liberties been tnado us In the
pa-wiijto of thu federal elect Ion bill. This law
was not Intended for the south alone. It was
intended for New Yoric nnd Indiana , Not
satisfied with unwilling honestly elected
members of the house , tbo republicans de
vised this Hclicino to enable them to count out
democrats bo fore they could take seats.
AVIth. voice , with pen nnd with sword tbo
people should rise In their might und prevent
the eniietmciit of such laws.
Cotifftvssiiuni Crisp of ( .Jcortfla .Mid the republicans -
publicans sought hvoxcltlnff prejudice nifiilnst
the south , by ussuflliiK it with slumlord to se
cure the passage of tbo bill but. having nuuio
It a law , they would soon turn it ngalnst Is'cw
York , being ready to do anything to retain
Letters of read ex-Presi
regret were from -
dent Cleveland , Onvcrnor Hill and u number
of other democratic governors , senators nnd
congressmen. Tlio letters from Cleveland
and Hill were followed by loud iippluuso
anil three cheers for each. Then
eamo n number of "short talks" by
prominent gentlemen. Governor Kcggs of
Delaware , ruferrini , ' to tbo election bill , said
ho believed In letting tbo colored limn Imvo
Ills rights , too. Tills was u white man's
government , nnd bo believed in supporting
bis own raco.
Congressman Springer said the election
bill \vasiin assault upon the liberties of the
people and the day was not far distant when
tbe people may bo called upon to make a now
declaration of liidependonci ) .
Congressman McMlllin of Tennessee , Al
len of Mississippi , ICcrr of Pennsylvania ,
Yoder of Ohio ana Mason of Missouri also
A vesolutiou was unanimously adopted de
claring that muss meetings should bo called
throughout the country to denounce the fed- election bill nnd protest ngnlnst its pas
sage by the somite. Ex-President Cleveland
in bin letter said , In part :
"The opportunities and temptations pre
sented to partisanship have brought us to a
tlmo when party control Is far too rampant ,
nnd when in public places tlio true interest oC
the people are too lightly considered. In this
predicament those ivbo love their country
may well remember with comfort and satis
faction on Imlcpcmlenra day that the dlsposl-
tioc of the American people to revolt ngaiust
mnl-mlministratiou still remains to them , und
is tbe badge of their freedom und independ
ence as well as their security for
continued prosperity and happiness.
They will not revolt against their
plan of government , for Its protection and
preservation supply every inspiration of true
Americanism. But because they nro free
and independent American citizen * they will ,
as long us their love nnd veneration for their
government shall last , revolt against the
nomination of any political party which , en
trusted with power , sordidly seeks only
its continuance , nnd which faithlessly
violating its plain and simple duty to the
people , insults them with professions of dis
interested solicitude- while it eats out their
substance. And yet , with all this , wo should
not in blind security deny the existence of
danger. The masses of our countrymen nro
brave , and thurofoi-J generous ; they nro
strong , and therefore conflict , and they nro , nnd therefore unsuspecting. Our
peril lies in tbo ease with which they may bo
deluded and cajoled by tbobO who would tralllc
with their intc-rosts. No occasion Is moro
opportune than the celebration of tbo llltb
anniversary of American independence to
warn the American people of the present
necessity on their part of vigilant watchful
ness of their ri/hts / ; and Jcrdous exaction of
the honest nnd unscltlsh performance of pub-
lie duty.1'
AJBJtOX.lVX'S ti < ) ttHini.E
His 1'arneliuto Cntclics Fire ami lie
Kalis Four Hundred F et.
ST. Louis , July 4. A special from Beards-
town , 111. , says : Prof. Samuel Black , the
aeronaut , met with n horrible death at that
phi ce this afternoon. When at a height of
100 feet be signaled Unit lie was nbout to de
scend , "out something seemed to have porio
wrong with bis parachute. A fowminuteslater
n stream of stnoko was seen issuing from tbo
parachute , which in u few seconds burst Into
a lluiiio , severing the parachute from the bal
loon , and tbo aeronaut was seen falling
through the air at a frightful speed. Halt an
hour later his body was found , horribly man
gled , nbout a mlle from the scene of the as-
ccnt. It is supposed thnt the parachute
caught lli-o from sparks from n mill near by.
Conference of hotter
Nnw YOKK , July J. The national confer
ence of letter carriers -was held hero today.
Tbo object of tbe conference is to further tbo
iiiteicstsof letter carrier in general , particu
larly in regard to tbo salary bill now pending
in congress. Forty representatives were
present from New York , .Brook
lyn , Jersey City , Newark , Albany ,
Providence , Buffalo , Milwaukee , Chicago ,
Philapelphia und San Francisco. Tbo
national association , It was decided , should
hecuro a charter and that thu maximum fee
for the admission of ioeal councils should bo
$ .1. Tbo following resolution was passed ;
' That any legislation affecting the pay of let
ter carriers should bo on a basis of iJiKX ) for
tno first year , & 00 for the second , $1 , ( NX ) for
the third and $ ! , ' , ! ( ) ; ) after that for cities of
the first clnss , and for cities of tlio second
class ? u < )0. ) SS : > 0 and $1 , OJO for the llrst , second
end and tbird years respectively.
Death of Ilevcrly 'I ticker.
liicii-voNii , Va. , July -I. Hon. Beverly
Tucker died hero this evening. Ho was born
at Winchester , Va. , Juno S , 1S20. Ho was
perhaps as well known personally to leading
politicians throughout the country us any
mun of his tlmo. Ho was a
nephew of John Randolph of Koanoko.
lie was editor of the Washington
Sentinel from 1SKI to livl ) , nnd consul to Liv
erpool under Buchanan. lie visited Knglnnd
and Canada during tlio on a special mis
sion for tbo federal government. Since 1S70
ho has resided almost continually in Wash
A IMglvaml eal.
NKW OIII.KANS , La. , July 4. A San An
tonio , Tex. , special says : "Information was
received hero today of the consummation of
the biggest land tradoiintho history of the
American continent. The parties to the
contract were John Hancock of Austin and
Itobert Suinmorlln of San Antonio , acting
for the owners and representatives of an Kit.
ullsli syndicate. The land lies all in ono oody
in tlio state of , Mexico , and com
prises between live und six million acres , nnd
also 75OOJ , head of. cattle. The terms nro
A Peacemaker Fatally Shot.
TB.VAHK.ISA , Ark. , July 4. At Garland
City last night , during a dispute between Ed
Brennan r.nd a mnn > named Bernard , the
former was fatally stabbed by Bernard.
Breannn drew a pis > tel to shoot Bernard ,
when a third iium , ( uama unknown , tried to
get possession of tbvi pistol. BrJiinnn's wife
ran out of the house with n rillo and tired at
the peacemaker , Inflicting wounds.
Killed at a (
I.OL'lsvn.i.ii , Ky , , July . About 8 o'clock
this evening the north hound express on the
Louisville Southern railway struck a wagon
containing twenty-one persons returning from
a picnic , at the Preston street road crossing ,
Just beyond the city limits. Frank Pmtt ,
ngoil twenty-otto , Hen Pratt , nged seventeen ,
and Mur.v Moltem'ivor , aged thrco. weni In
stantly killed nnd the remaining eighteen all
moro or less seriously Injured ,
Army of Ilia 1'otour.iu Celebration.
PoiiTi.ixn , Mo. , July 4. The Fourth of
July celebration glvon In honor of the Army
of the I'otowae1 was a greit success. The
1 % punuto of city and state military and
clvli ; organl/ntions was reviewed by ( iencral
Sherman and other officers. A clam bake
was later discussed with fireworks in the
Julian Ralph Talks About n Great Figure
in How York Journalism.
lUIMur Dana CouilticjU Ills Vcwupapcr
AVIth AM HlHHoul HuMt'.s Only
IMny to Hint-Quick In
You may sco him on tiny day except
Sitndny tit the uornur window in the
third story of the Sun building , tunning
but1 k lu his chiilr to rap his fingers with
his ponoll wlillo ho is thinking , or boml-
ing ever n table to wj-lto. The room In
which ho Id seated it ) ono of four Hint
compose the editorial milt. It contains
u delv , two uhiiirH , u Mtimll ttiblo uud it
rug us Its main iippolnlmcntH , writes
Julian Ralph In ClinUor. On the walls
it ro a few pictures ono of the Count
.loiumos , ono of tlio original quiirtutto of
Harper Hrotlicrs ; ono of the Into Mui'k
Mngulro , a reporter , anil u framed lltho-
ffrujih advertising the \Villimimtio
thread company. Tltoso pictures lutvo
no onpceliil significance. Apiiiii'enlly
they merely huppunud there , for it Is n
rule that whatever picture , ornament or
other thing drifts there stays there , llr.
Dunn has no pride in the adornment of
his olllee. He usks only Unit it bo kept
clean and tidy , ills homo is n pulueo.
His olllco is a workshop. A revolving is on his desk , and on top of
that is iitiUifTuil owl. There Isit
that I forgot , In a corner of the room ,
but Mr , Diiini never wu&soento tiso it ,
It is evidently another bit of llulsamliko
the pictures.
Ills mtinu or Is almost certain to bo vl-
viielous. Ills good humor is purpctmil.
That Bounds Impossible , or possible only
by straining eulogy , yet it is his distin
guishing characteristic , and its explana
tion brings forward the queerest * thing
about the man. And that queerest thing
is the secret of Ills success. Ho loves
his business. On that account he can be
most good humored when ho feolu that
ho is writing an article that divides the
people between applause und indigna
tion. I have often heard of men who
love their business and Imvo often heard
men claim that dlKtlnction for them
selves , but Charles A. Dana is the only
man or journalist I over saw or knew
who gleefully and heartily enjoyed his
work. At times he fairly hubbies over
with the enjoyment of it. Of cottrto
that can only bo true of a man who loves
life itself , who boasts of perfect health
and the power to satisfy his longings , Ijo
they humble or grand. At beyond sixty
Mr. Dana is the youngest man , in spirits ,
In the bun ollleo ; his stop is certainly the
lightest , his eye kindles the most fre
quently , his complexion and akin are
those of a pedestrian.
I remember oueo hearing n famous
cabinet ollleer say to him , on shaking
hands with him : "Well , Mr. puna , I
don't see how you stand this infernal
grind. "
"Grind ! " said MiDana. . "Vou never
were moro mistaken , I have nothing but
fun. "
"Bully' ' is a favorite word with him , iv
word used only to express uncommon
pleasure , such as has been all'orded by a
trip abroad , or a run to Cuba or .Mexico ,
or by the porusulof sometliingcsp eially
pleasing in the Sun's columns.
"You're letting yourself grow old , "I
heard him say once to a decidedly de
crepit old mun. "Do you read novels ,
and play billiards , and walk a great
deal1 "No , no , no , ' ' said the old man ,
sadly , nt each pause. "I do , " said Mr.
Dana , with the exuberance of a child.
"I have fun from morning till night. "
I have been asked tlio queerest ques
tions about Mi * . Dana wherever I have
gone on either continent. A favorite
question is this : "Does Dana really
coma down every morning and take up a
subject and say to himself : 'Now , what
is the natural , humdrum way of treating
this ? ' and does ho , upon llnding
out what that way is , order
an article written in tiny other
way than that ? Do you believe ho
really says to himself : 'Everybody thinks
so and so , therefore I'll take the opposite
{ rounds ? ' " Of course that is absurd ,
'i'lio best niibwer to those or any other
questions about Mr. Dana and his paper
is that no ono except himself knows what
ho is going to do , or why ho does It.
But , obviously , this is the direct result
of an ebullient , vigorous und waggish
nature , touched just a little with sar
casm. With that key you can read bo-
tweeti tlio lines of any article in his
He Is a persistent worker. lie comes
to his desk at 10 o'clock in the morning
and leaves at 5 in the evening. Ho
writes a great deal and is apt to con
tribute to every department of hispupor
except the advertising columns. Nearly
nil this work is dictated ut llrst to a
stenographer. Then it is carefully re
vised und revised again in proof. Of
articles Unit others write he hay seldom
boon known to read a pnge In manu
script. lie sends the copy to the com
posing room and roads the proof , "lie
can raise more Cain with a proof than
any other man in the world , " I once.
heard a printer Bay , but that is not true.
That distinction has been nobly earned by
Paul Dunn , hisson. Ono thing that Dana
does to an extent not known on any oth
er paper is tlio reading of proof for what
you might call their appearance. Wlier-
ever no nnus one worn or LWU HIUU b
words forming a ragged line by tiioiu-
solvesat the end of a paragraph , ho goes
through the nuriigruph to lind words
that can bo stricken out to allow the par-
grupli to end solidly.
Above all things else ho is quick'In
mind and movement. Ho can read all
the morning panors of New York in I1F-
teen mlnutos. There is a whirl of paper
in the air during the operation , us he
turns leaf after leaf and runs his eyes up
and down the columns , lie seems to bee
instinctively whatever each pupar con
tains that is peculiar or noteworthy ,
whether it is a stickful or a column. Anew
now man at the city desk of the Sun no
ticed that Mr. Dana sent for the papers
every morning and almost Instantly re
turned thorn , Wondering at this , lie
asked the olllco boy what ( ho chief did
with the papers. "Well , " wild the boy ,
a typical New York lad , "I pile 'em on
his desk nnd he II res 'em on do Hour , und
then I gadder 'em up agin and bring 'em
back to you. "
lie is as much quicker In speech nnd
decision us lightning Is quicker than
ruin. It IH dilllcult to talk with him on
Unit account or , rather , it Is bewilder
ing to ono who is not need to him. Ho
poems to hunt * all you nro going to say
when you are just beginning to say it.
Here is an example : In order not to i
bothorhiin too oftenono of Ills lieutenant
used to"sivoup"thingsto : nee him nbout
On ono day only two matters occurred
that called for his counsel. The lieuten
ant decided to go to the chief and say
that there WUH a mun In the olllee who
had tanned a piece of human skin nnd
made a pair of boots of it , and did Mr.
Dana want an article written about the
mutter. Also , thnt up In St. .Jolmsbury ,
Vt. , a clergyman had been arrested on a
criminal charge , and there was to follow
a long nnd complicated story about that.
The lieutenant went into thu i.'lilof's
room , and this Is what ho Paid :
"Mr. Dunn , there's a man til my desk
who hag tanned human hide and made a
nalr of boots "
"Ugh , " said Mr. Dana , "show htm out
of the olllco. "
"You , Mr1 Mild the lieutenant , "nnd
up In St. .TnhiHhiiry n clergyman hits
been nrrcsted for-- "
"Go yourself. Take the 0 o'clock
train this evening. Anything more ,
Mr , - ? "
Carrying ainrkcl Tips.
I dropped Into Alfred do Cordova's of
fice In Now street lately and witnessed
something that Interested me vorv union ,
says a writer In the Now York Star.
Mr. do Cordova lives out In Now Jersey ,
about forty miles from New York , lie
is n breeder of nii-rior pigeons , and it oc
curred to him that bis feathered favor
ites might be put to real use IIH messen
gers between Ills ollk-o nnd his hou o.
lie was out there when I called , nnd it
happened that his part" . . wnntoil to In
form him of the state of the stock mar
A handsome pigeon was accordingly
produced from a hamper , where It wa's
cooing in company with a number of
companions , and a message written on
very thin paper was sccurloy wired to ono
of its lull feathers. Then it was carried
up lo the roof of the building nnd lot
loose1. After ' making two or three clr-
oles in tho'iitr it started on" in a bee line
toward the cote in tlio hills of Jer ov. I
wus told that it would bo there inn liltlo
over half tin hour , and that a bird or
message sent this way was liurdly ever
delayed or lost.
A Tut by ( be Alton.
K\NM\SOITV , Mo. , July - -Tho Alton has
Kivcii notice of a cut In the round trip t'ld-
oaiu ? rale from $ ' , ' . ' 1 to $1(1. ( TO , allowing that the
Uurlintilon has been cutting the r.itc to C'lil-
CUKO fiiibiirb.4.
Will bo paid to any competent cbcmht ho will
Cud , on mialysln , a pnrtlclo of Slarcury , I'ota.-'j ' ,
or other pobone In Swlft'a Specific ( S. 6. S. )
IIcndctt < on , Tex. , Ang. 23 , I J . "For eigh
teen months I hod nn callnfj eoro on my tonjui' .
I was treated b ; the bent local physicians , br.t
Obtained no relief , tbo BOre gradually crowl g
worcc. I concluded finally to tryfi. S. 8. , an !
was cntlrcljr cured after ntlns n tc\7 bottles.
Vou have iny cheerful permission to pub'Jth the
above statement for the bnncflt of thcuo Binllorljr
afflicted. " C. n. MoLiuonB , IIcndcrson.Tcr.
Treatise oa Blood and Slim Dlecasritmallcd free.
Extract of Beef.
Makes the purest , cheapest iimlbnsl , Itocf Tea
Finest meat llnvoi-Iiif ? staclc for Soup * .
Sauces und .Undo Dishes.
Ono poundof Kxtmctof Itci > fi > iiiillii | ( foity punniN
of loan bccl , ur tlio viiluu of iibutii S.J'J. ,
Genuine only with
Jiislus ton LIcMir's
signtiture as shown
finil thlrnt f i plcaMiirn * Th rulliib jui slttti
of tlioliiininu f.nil lly. lit erasplngn'tur riclt-
cs tm ! lirain In tiijtn1 , tlio iicrvoin nyslcni
gtrulni'd. ir .hoimi-ju'ltof pJcmirclliu : body
Is torturr < I l > y fuslilnn'M dospolUi HMIIV ; tlio
hours ili-olgm-d r r ropnsonriutnvitti'il tnrx-
hitustliiKrovolrj't the Htonmuliii rutlili-Vily
luil > i t-il upon ! iiuru tnitcr , tlin iiiitiinil
drink Tor nil ci-ontod beings. It ignori-il , and
liquid flro Is ntilixl Ittili'd until , i-ro wo xro
axvuro of It , cllscitKU liart llxrd Its iron i rnsp
upon us. Then \vo loalc fur the "rmipily. "
I'o the \lrthiv of tliis o folli ! > ! i , wo foiiinieiul
Dr. Tutt'.Hl.U.T jitlls. They ( .tlintilnt.i Hie
liver , Ktri-iiRllirn tinIKTVOS , rcntoro tlioup-
potlto nud build ? \i thu debilitated body.
's Lives ? Pills
Price , 25c. Office. 39 A41 Park Plv < > " v
Tin ; Cun.vT
H.iiisii UIM- :
KDV. An unlftll-
liik'ouro *
linil Wunkncm ,
inpotcntiy. antl
llll ill'i'-IKL'S Hint
follow IIH u Bf -
I1110"cc of Snlf-
iiliiim ) ! u.- < Loss
of .Memory. L'nl-
TCranll.iiHslltiile ,
1'iiln In ( lie Hark. Dlium-at of VMou , I'roinntiiro OM
Aq . nnil nKiny oilier dhenici that loail to Insanity
ur ronniiinplloii an I n priMiKittirour.iru.
} > / Kitll I''irtU'iilar-t ' In our ) i.iiiiililut | , nhlcliwu do-
tlru tanunii fn < liy mall to orcry nne. { p'TlnCpo-
cltlo nioillcliio IH Hold rvt t\ \ ! > < -r piicltnco. or six | > : mk-
HCOM for # . " , orvlll ho i > nt fnio ! ) > mall on thu rcculjit
of the money , by mtilroxlni :
On ncc'oiint of rountcrfolti wo have mluptod the
> vrnpjtor , Iliu only t'eiiitlno.
Architects and
Fine Interior Ik-corations.
Itonin .VMiirrliiin ) Illiit'k. L'liuiiell HlulTs. In
itouiii U10N. V. Llfo ItuUillii't. tJiiiuliH. Koli
Classes liistrnetod , pntlonti received for
troiitinoiit. and eulls ie > | Kiiili'd lo. The poor
and needy always wcluoine.
3O4 High 33h03l Avonu ; ,
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
Aeon's Wnntod , Dr. O. D. Judd ,
606 Broadway , Council liluffs , la ,
Mixyivood , Kn
AUR. it ) . , .
KtifTcrrd two ycart
' I' * " ' ' " lar "ll ° !
iJoilors failed lo help
oHt.J ; cobiOllcnrcd
mo ! no return of puln.
I' . LUMMOX1. ! M.
Cmll lcrn.Fcbniiirr 11 , 1SSS.
I wu hurt In the left hip ninf tried seT'
ernt pbyilrlnm wttlmiit olilfcinliiR relief I.cs
thnu u halrbuttlo of St Jnrobsoll ciirod me.
JOHN' U. tt
- - .
On account of our
ami increasing I'nu'tlco ,
wo Imvo ItUMOVKD to
more KpaeioiiB nnd con
venient ollices.
Dra. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
\ \rAlTI'l winiliMl liiiiiirdlaloly at l.onlu
> T Jlot/jji't-'H , HJ and f > .T llroiiihvny , ' ounoll
" \\7"ANTII ! ) toTrnih1 Ihir Mi nnd Iniccy im t\
' lot In CoiiiR-ll llhillV. Inquire : il roun
tnln ( . 'Igai-btoi-tf.
"ITUJU S A IiK-r ( ) will trade for n fowl toad
JL1 team , stallion No. ( Sfciti. registered inVai. .
liico. lly Dr. Aiiihllmld , iliini l > v K'oidurKy
Chiy. 5 years old. Apply to Dr. Alncrao.
> ANTlIf ) fl7io7r fi'lrnijTrirsTAI '
clicll , ISO rum-Hi sti-t'ot.
"Ij Olt 1JMXT Two goo'l mode : noniusV. .
IV. . Illlgcr. SS Pearl sttrcl.
FOU SATri-J iTriTr-nt TjTiTnTi ; land , wit If
houses , by J. U. Itlec. lOi Main si. , Council
II luffs.
DiHsiM.moxT7Fi7n7iTiMsbi"ir- ( ; piiitiu
Hllll | hOI-l'lllflll-O C\lMlllK lll'lWCl'll Ul'O. II ,
li'\ti'f ) nnd frank W.
Hesse , inult'iilu > ilrni
nainiMif l-\toi-\- ) lli".st' of Council lllulTs. la. ,
K this day dissolved. July l , isiu , l-'ranlt W.
\\rilV jiay rent wnen yon onn buy a liomcon
i T lhi Kiinu terms , anil In casoof vouiilcutli
nt any t line leave yo'ir family tlio homo cloa
on tlio followlni ? It-run :
A lioiiio worlli.fl.O.Uat fl ? per month.
A homo worth $1,511 ut , jtS pt-r month.
A homo worth J..IWJ ut , f.'l per nioiilli.
A lioino win-Ill tuJJ ut $ M JUT monlli.
A IIOIIID worth MW. ( ) ut JH I , or monlli.
Utbur prleed humus on the s-mu ; tcnni. The
above monthly payments Include principal
and Interest. For full iiavllciilar-t cull on or
address tho. Fuilil & Wells Co. , GOO llroudwuy ,
Council lllulTH , l.-i.
_ _
ITIOlt KKNT Tiio store room , No. IS , frciiitinj
JL on 1'iMirl st.V. . ( \ James.
WH IIAVB suvoral lieiuitlf al'ini ) lorn
that wo will t ratio for on ! ii'iiii"w ' I v.-i ' in
lotsln Uinah.-i or Ciiinicll 'iluIR Thu Judd A
Wells Co. , UoiniL-lt Illnirs. In.
J. I ) . in.Mi : < M > Miv , ] ' . K. PiirnAiir Vlca-i > rri
I'll.Mtl.KS It. 1I.\N.V.\N , CilHlllcr.
Paid up Capital . $ loO,0 < )0.00 )
Surnlusiind Profits . rilU)0.)0 ( ( ) ( )
Inability to Depositors . ; i" > 0HIO.OO (
nillKinisI. ! . A.MIIIpr. l-.O. Olciisnii. K. f ; .
Sluitrait , K. K. llari.J. I ) . KilniiinMin , ( hiii'loi
C. llntinan , Transn-t : gonernl hmiUluj ; IIIIH- !
iif-i. Lur 'c'sl capital and surplus of any bank
In i-mithwestcm Iowa.
Corner .Main nnd Broadway.
Dnalors In forutun uud DnnipMlo IC.\i'liain.-o ;
f'olloclloiH iniulu und Intcn-st paid on tliuu
DR. J. D. JACKSON , Surgory.
All kinds of work tlonu , Yon con MI\U one-
litilf on your Bdlil und sllvor fllllni ; by calling
iiMJ .Morrlnin lilock. Council IlluU's.
ShirtsI0c. Colin i * * , Sc. Cuirs.Ie. I'lidurslilrl *
Fe. llanilUcii'lilefrf. I,1. ! Hoel.s , He. Ladles
clothes i-hejip.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
_ _ _ _ JOHN SAN
F. M. ELLIS&.CO. ,
And Building Supcrlnt '
Itooins 4il : nnd It ; lloo Hiilldlnx. lliiialiii ,
Ni'li. , nnd Itiiinisx'l ' ) niul ' 'Hi Moriliiin Hlo.'l ( (
( 'oiuiull HIiilN , In. U.trK-siiiidoni-o | ) s > ili ( licit ,
The Largest Stock of Ficturo
Frames and Mouldings
Kvor bronchi to the west urn now < > iisil : ! ii
our Hlnro. The itooils coiiipi-lso thu entlio
wholowilo Htoc-lc of M. Ailliir. und iviiro houxlit
at sliorlll's Halo nt Iss Hum „ ' . * > ln-f rrnl of
\vliiilt'salo viiliii'Vu Villl Kill yon pli-tuio
f raines clionnor tliun vnu can t > uy tbn iinfln-
JHhi'd niit ; < 'rlil : for , Tim .slunk tht >
lust Ki'iido of Koods iniiilu. Cm no nnd see
Niles & V/halcy / , 406 Groadway , Council Bluffs ,
Over 0. 11. Jae.iiieiiilii | & Co's .Inivoliy Ktor
TheJ.A. Mtirphf
1st AveniitiiiiuU'lst ' SI ,
Sash , Doors and Blinds
llund nnd Scroll Kiwlnr ; , Itr-Suuliix anil
I'lalnliiK ' , H.'iwlir.-iir all It I nils. I'oich lli'u luls.
h'lnilllii ! ? wood W.W ) JXT load diillvoivd. ( 'loan T
HiiwdiiHt by HID Imircl , U'-c. All work to ljt /
lllbt-chih . ' 1 oli'iihuiKi L'.M.
H Ilydratillo and Sanitary ICn ineor. Plans , KstimntOB ,
, SpeiilllcntionH , ami Snporvlaion ofl'ubllo Work. ( Jrown
nuiltllng , ( Jounoil HlulYH , In.
N the I'onco. Ollluo ever Amorlcan Kxpi-oss , No. 000
Uroadtvay , Council IHuirs , Iowa.
jPr QimO Attorneys at Law. Pnotioo Jn tloStiito nnd Fctlora
( X DllIlS Courts "coins 7 JiuU 8 SliUKitrt-HoHo Hloulc , Coniiol
Bhills , Iowa.
\VholuMilu und Itutull Dculernln
f.nrirest Stock und Lowest I'rlcos. Uoalcrs , kcnd for Cutalogiio.
No3. 205 and 237 Broadway , aad 201 and 200 Plorco Street , Council Bluffa , la.