Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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John T , Boll Is nrratitflng to build n
hmlncHH Moctonn his loUs nt the south-
ucHteornor ol Leave n worth and l'arl '
.Tnck Leo , -who died nt Lincoln from the
cITot'ls of ft dose of carbolic acid tukcn b } '
mlntnko , ivtu * n brother of Ocorgo Lcc n
giu-ljSffo hnulcr of lliifldty ,
In Iho mno of I'llntfsft el al vs Mnclc ,
Judtfo IJundy onlorcil Iho receiver
to h ll the bahinco "f Hiu iiropcrty held
by him and to turn the proceeds Into the
K. A. Lohmnn , I'lftfcnth and DoujjbiH ,
complains thnt a iniin cnmo to Ills renl-
( k'ni'o lloiiriahlup a revolver svnil tliroiit *
tn ing to shoot , The intui Is supposed to
bo einzy.
County Atlornty Mnhonoy mid thnt
nrpumi'iits for u now trlulln the cmo of
I'd Noul.romicTcu of muriler In the first
dcmvf , vaild bemado either up nSut-
urdiiy orMoiuluy next ,
.Tuhn tlonoswill spend Ills Fourth of
JulylH'hliicl the bars lit lliu pity Jail.
Yc htpfdny .lohii frtolo a jmlr of ulijipow
froinClmrloH I'asiiot , a barber al 1511
South Eleventh street ,
A gahollno ttovo exploded at 11 o'clock
In nmnnll fniino IIOUMJ on Third street
and ( Itunatfcd the building to the extent
of about BID. The huti o belonged to 1' .
K. Jlur and \uis oceujilecl hy 13. S. Oleu-
con.Mrs. . Wn.llnc-0 , ng-ed foity-flvo years ,
the wife of Johnny Wallace , who for-
meilj kept n saloon in thU city and Htill
resides liure liedln the poorlioiiso yes-
tenlnyvheio \ plio hnd Itt'on for thrco
or four i\eol \ < 8 past. Her death was the
result of a oaneer ,
The niitorsof St. Culii critic's ncinlcinv
wliohiuo lieun ; isilitic ( the county jail
iiHlad the chief of polieo to bend
up the fiiiniinur clothes of Kd N'anl ,
convictoil of the iiinrdurof tlio Jotics
poilc. ] Neal'H clfucts are atlachwl liy
Diuls , the nun to whom the stock was
bold , and the request could not bo coin-
pi ltd with.
"William TfatHi , his wife , sisler-ln-law
mid nil tlieirruliilloniwoiuiittho btutioii
ti'yitifr to have their domestic troubles
btraltfljtcned out. ILitoh snjs tlint Ills
wlfowlll not Iho with him and thai
tlicio isu conspiracy to alienute her af-
She nays thut ho iscra/y tuid
will not hupport ner. They u ieou 10
try life together for anotlici1eolr. \ .
JIary .lonos , earning iv baby t K
months'old ' , app iroil jit the police stu-
tion Holieitiiif , ' help fioin Hie chief. Shu
hud c'omo fiorn Milwaukee and had re
cently lost her Imslunel. Slio Halil slio
had woiked hard to earn caoiijrb to take
her to Halt [ . .silio C'lly , where her lius-
bnml'H fricmlti lived. .lust bufoic she
readied Oiniihawbo WILH roblu'd of her
hnnd-biili'lii'l containing ; her ticket suid
ihu cluck for her trunk. Shuwiib tent to
the county toininissioiiors.
/ ///.S' ; .V. 1 / ,
Mr Isaac It. Andrews iiml family leave to
day for Devil's lalccVls. . , where tliey
\viil6pcnd .luly ami August.
Jilt * . 1" C. Hlmfer liasfrmio to Pom , 3ml. ,
tosponiltho summer. HIT mother tins le-
tuincil to licrhoino In Lou ion , Ciiiaih.
( leoi'iio M.fii-inlii and C. ' . > Oys > ler , Im
plicated m tlio Don Ciulos lumber com piny
bmiuess , came up from Kansas City jcs-
' ' .
tc'iduy morning' _
I.nolc HIM ? .
The Seventh uartl republicans -will moot
Saturday o\etiiii | ! at So * clock lit 1313 Park
nuauo There isn lion on nnil all the l ys
j\sainst llic St. Jors.
I'ixley , Louts rinschor and King leu- )
rnnn , the Ajwllo club racing team , loft forSt.
.loo yestardiv to compete npilusta cracU
team oftltntcityln u twcuty-flvo mile lace
intIlHl ; ( to Mio Ueit.
All are entitled to tlio best that their money
vill buy , so every family should have , at
once , a bottle of tlio bes > t family remedy ,
Sjrup of I'l s , to clcauso the system -v\lieu
costive or bilioui. 1'or sale in 50c and $1.00
bottles by all leading druggists.
nl TraliiH 1'or Iho Koiirtli.
Today a. s | > ecinl trnln vill bo run over the
Klkboiu from M'nUellcld tolluvtlagtoii at9io :
n in. , letu tiiin K at ' . ) p. 111.
Toalflit the llaticroft passon er will run
thnitich to 1'utidcr. All freight business will
probuuly bcsuaiicnilcil today.
Still lnur < > imlii < ; .
ToniCoolt.sinicrUiteiidontof the ceni > ns\vas ,
Intboclty jestoiday. He bays that the llpirci
lie p.ibllslu'd ' as icprcsuatiiij ; the populatiot
of Oauliu , 1U,7I ! ) , wfvo niado up of Itio totals
turned in by tboilltlcrcnt eiiumorntors , tm
Ills oxpurknce nul been tlioowiincrfltorH
fell sli'irt ' in their counts and lie thinks thort :
Is no dnabtliut that Omalia's nutnal pojuitn
tloaiill iviieh I'n.tKXI. llo will hiuopoiitlv
luforiiiation next week.
u"Tls Htratifjo , iMssinj straiijo"tliiv
parents \\lll let their children die witl
diphlherln when it is u noted fact Ilia1
Dr. JolTilcs' { iiuvuntivonnd euro never
f.ills in any ease. T otity-livo ycnra'
trial has proven it. No pliybk'ian re
quired. Host roferonccs given. 1'rieo '
13. Adclicss box 057 , Oaiaha , Hub.
National Council ol * I-lilitention ,
Superintenclcnt James of tbopublie athool
list nl'bt ( dcpaiteil for Si. . Paul , wlicio he
will attend a session of the national coimci !
of education that convenes in that city at
o'clodf this inoiiiiiiKiuul continues until tb
lltblnsu Thosociety wis oitaiil/uil sonii
lifty years UKO , and for tlility jours Mr.
jnmotliasbeeiiii member , at tlio piesen
tlnioboliiRii inciuhoroC the e\ecutlvo coin
mltteu. 'llio hoolety bin a munibor-slilp o
7OOO , comprhliif ? most ol" tlio | iroiiiliionl
I'lluator.sof U-o country. No \Vednisiltiy ,
ttio nth last , Mr. Jainos will i-e.vl a pipe
riititloJ "liilluenco of Mununl ' .Training
U Uenic'iitnry Schools"
T-ileeusca wi'io ' issued to the ( allowing
parties yesterdiy :
Naniomul aldro- . Aijo
j Simon Stiirliwlcy , Omilm . -1 ! !
1 Ji'imle MoyuMon , Oina'iu ' . . . 'JO
I Steve WaiiKoner , Coluaibns , Neb . ! IJ
j CMira J Cranston , ( Jibjoa , 111 . ' , ' *
j .lucob Taylor , "Florence . $
( Alary Larson , Oinnha . IS
( .Tames W. Gioon , Klorcaco . JJ
1 Rlnry Taylor , Florence . ' , ' 1
j John Otlon , SlouxCitv , In . 21
\ Kllea ( iarclner , Sioux City , In . 53
j jXU'xnnder .MdConzio , lUlcliorn . .V >
1 3ou UliiKoly , lo\u . ti
j ' 1'horn Olson , Oaialia . 2(1 (
| Wary V/lekenknnip / , Omaha . ' .7
i County Convent inn.
Tlio republican electors of Douglas county
nroiviiuettoilto sciul ildo ulos to tx convcn-
tlonto bohcMilIii tlio cllyof Omnlia on Hatur-
iluy , July I ! ! , b'.K ' ) , at 'J o'clock p.m. , for the
l > uiio.oof | t > olivtiiit ( sluy-iilno delefjatos. to
tlioivpuUli'iinstato convention tolio liolil at
Ijinnilii , Neb , onVnliu silay , Julv it , and
bovaity-ono Jclepitos to ttivrunublieun eon-
prcsslonal eonvciitlou for tlio Kist I-OHKIVS-
Bioiml UUtrirt to bo held at I'UttMiiouth ,
ICel ) , on Sejilciiibcr iKl , I MX ) .
1'ho ivpfOM'iit-uUoii In tliecotuoutioti Avlll
bo M follows :
rromraeliwanlln tlio city of Omaha nnil
South Omalia , eight ilelOKatin , aiulTroui cuih
of the country pix-ilncU , llvoiluU'initei.
I'lltunilcH ' unilvr the ( Into primary law will
bo held In the cltk-s ot Onuihuiunl South
Oiiiahu from 13 oclock (110010 ( to p.m. on
i ritlay , July 11 , ami the iirtnnrlosln the
country proelncta will to luW the sumo day
from Ti \ , in. to 0 n in
lly oiilor of tlio renublleaii central com-
mittcc. XV ! ' . ( ! fiilt > ,
Clinliiiuin ,
AVhut Is moro attractive than a pretty face I
I' ' with a fresh , bright complalvul ITcrlt use
It Vououl's ' Powder ,
ItU'IIIOicu | t llenirleo Neil H ttiP
dny Mornliiy ,
Thoannotmrcmentof the Prohibition-High
"License debate , wblch opens at the Beatrice
Cbabnuqtin next Saturday nt 8 a in. , Is at-
tractlnir attention. The four
gentlemen who Imvo been invited to | urtlcl <
pile InthodlscMslon are prominent before
tlio public , and It is expected on all hands
that better tirgumeats than have yet been
presented will l rnaclo at Beatrice.
Mr. Orcen , Iho secretary , has arranged
n programme which will meet
the approval of all. Samuel Dlcltio ,
chalrniun of the prohibition na
tional committee will open the contest with
nthirty-tnlauttinrKumentln hehnlfof prohU
bitloa. IIo will bo followed foiMhlrty min
utes by lion. Udxvard ttoscvntcr , wliowill
iiriruoln bdialfof high llccnstrejnilxtlon.
TholhirJHpcaUerwillbo llov. SaiiiSinall ,
who for tlilrty rahuiles Adll eiiilen\or tosbo\v \
Ills auditors that coastltt-'tlnnal proMuttlon
Is tboonly means ofbrlngingabout tno tem-
The fomiooa's ' debate will close with an
argument by Hon. . .lohnli.Vebstcr , wbo will
demonstrate ) tbo failure of statutory prohi
bition nml ( how thnt high liocnscis the only
\uiy by which the llrjuortrallio can be regu
There will boa ccsiatlon ol hostilities tiulll
2p. in , Saturday , uhcn tha arguments will
procrcil , the siwakers alternatlaK'vlth ' thirty
minutes each. *
Tills order will pievnll also ilurlng Monday ,
except that the high license speakers will
lead. Tin ; ItiB : will print a full stcnogrnplilo
lepoitoC all the arguments anil as much spree
as practicable will bo given tliem ( roinduyto
d.iy. TUB SUVOAV Btn vill loataln the
opening argument ! ) .
In other word1) , 'J'ni : linn Mill pilnt a true
and reliable report of this important
event , Renders in sjmpathy with
cither side of the question will
ho able to read In Tin : 13 KC precisely wliat
each speaker says , and form their own con
clusion as to the value or weight of eacli
_ aifr\iraent.
Time debates will fnrutahthc freslicst and
mosteoinproliciisive caiapiiifin literature
biiH heretofore been prmlnccd in any state on
the question now airitutliiK the people of this
state , viz. ! Slnll the loul-oiitlon lilKlillccuso
li\v prevail or shall constitutional prohibition
bo voted I
Vint il Docs.
Hood's Rnrsip.nllla
1. Parilles the blood.
2. Creates tin appetite
! J. Stivngthcas tlio IKTVOI.
4. Makis the weak stronK.
5. Overcomes that tiicd fie
( . Cares sciofnla , salt rh 'iiin , ite.
. Invipii iteH tbo kiilaeyi and liver.
8. Relieves headaches , inil efctlon , dyspep
\\'lij the I'jlliiiiiiH .M\\IIai < ? n Small
ltcii' | ( st'iitatloiiaL "Mll\\.utlci.- .
The iMllroul sifc'cnts and the Knights of
I'ythias In this state are harlngacontrovcrsy
on the questinii of rates toMilvaukco vvbleh
may cause some tioublc. \ vigorous denial
Is made of the charges prcfened against a
Noitlwcsteru agent of selling rotm'd trip
tickets at $1175 with an order for a lebatc of
f-t.7,1. ,
AYlicn. the knights appointed a committee ,
some six weeks ago , tonrriuiKO tor transpor
tation , a meeting was lidd at IJneoln at
which leprcwntatlves of the Kortlnvestcrn ,
Milivauliee , loclc ! Island aivlBuillngton luids
weio picsont.rlho connnlttco aslwd these
repmsentathes to submit a rate The Xoith-
western oltcrccl oao faro for tlio round
trip , 510.-IO. .Tohn Francis , Freil Uash
ni.dsoaio of the others indulged in consider
able talk but refused to commit themselves.
Finally tbo coimnlttco suggested tlmtthcv
submit bids later and the mcetiiiR adjonincd.
Sooa after , c.iino these reports uciusini ; tbo
Noithwcstcin of secietly underscllinf ? the
one faro rate and General" Pabsengcr J\gent
Ncivninn was called before the association in
Chicago to cvpluin. Ho denied the cliargo
and dolled tlioso who hail made it to prove
their statements. Asa result , this throw the
bnulon of proof on thoio who had made the
Now , It is asserted that the Burlington and
Milwaukee entered late a combination to
down tbo ICoithuestcuihiehbeeiuedto bo
more in favor with the knlgbtn than any
other line , and held oat inducements which
thcv would not undo take to furnish. It is
sahl they not only offered a if 10 rate but pro
posed to Include oxtraordlaaiy accommoda
tions fico ofehaigo.
Another conference wnshcld with thocoin-
mlttco In Omaha "Wednesday , and when it
came to tbo point neither the IHirlington nor
Milwaukee could coino to the front Their
general passenger aircnts In Chicago declined
to endorse the aotion ot their icprcsenta-
ti\es liere , and tlio Northwestern re
fined to go below flO.-10. Ulio committee
would not nccnpt that rate for the knights as
a body , so the whole business fell through.
The committee consequently sen tout drcu-
lais informing the various lodges that
satis factory arrangements could not unmade
for trans poi taiiou. to the encampment at Mil
An l-2\ilanatioa | Cllvcn.
The BuillnKtoa people say they are not
trying to free/.o any out of the union
depot. It would bo crowding nutters too
much , they claim , for the Jiilwaakco and
Hook Island to haw tuck 100111 , ynul and
pliitfonn privileges whom wodc is soon to bo
commeiiuudou a largo depot and street vh-
' 'I'ho Dcd rock truth Is"saidan official ,
"these roads .sliouldnot Imvo thought ot run
ning their trains across the river until tlio
union station bait boon completed. But they
were imxious to COIIIL > , and 1 am , personally ,
glad they nro coinin r. thoiiph to give them
tici'oniiiiodiitions in our yank and tbo torn-
iwrnrj doiKit would uiulonbteiUy letunl wouc
Hientlv. lids Is \\liy \ the MiUuukoo and
Itiiek Islaihl propose buidiii'a ! ( joint station
of their own at Seventeenth and Mason
streets. HOWOUT , itwillbo only atoniporaiv
affair , t Imvo no fears but that they -will
anne into the union depot wlica It
iscoinpletrJ. If there lire any ilitTi'ii'iices '
botweoa the llurlin ton lindthese fornor.i-
tioaslha\o never heard of it. Wlillo the
iiuw temiMraryduiiot is owned jointly by tlio
Union 1'iidllu imcl iUirlingtoii it is on Bur-
liupjnii giMuiiduud has aothingto do with
the piupeity of tl i union depot company ,
llioroniif.'ht have neon iicUspntoon rents but
mint of room Is doubtlchs the only reason
\\\\y \ \ these roads are foiced to build anotlicr
depot , "
IIay Hates.
At its ineotliifj hi ICansas City \Vedncsday \
the trims-Missouri freight association de
cided to revUe the rate on hay from Is'e-
bnisln and Kansas common points to the
Missouri river maikuts Shipnwnts of this
connnoditv havu bceoino nuito voluminous.
and. Inasiauch as the new irop will soon bo
loady , farmers sent la a vigorous protest
against the exorbitant rates that prevailed.
Their cry was licntd and hci'ded to the ex-
tout of an agreement on tbenartof the asso
ciation toiuukon 10 or l.Veeiit . reduction.
Croat nt'inanil I'ur C.irs.
Both thoUnlon VaeillcanUHurllngton roads
iotx > it dvummU for pusonser cars for to-
d.iy exceeding their supply. Largo ex
cursion pirtioito rourth of , Inly celebrations
have been imvlo np nt sovcr.d iwlnts. U'ho
biggest crowds are polng to Denver and
Ogden. N'caily all of Wyoming from us fur
rastas Oboyenno , Utah and Idaho will eclo-
bitito at the lattvr i > laee , wuoro Ilex II. is
holdinglilgh tarahul.
tlio Work ,
Sub-contriutH for grading the Missouri P.i-
dtlo's Plattsinou th line thwughCoss county
for sovtiiteen miles have been let to John
Adiwk , JohnPleming , Hiley Brothers , Pat
rick ISgaa , Harry & Co. , Leach & Frauds
niulT. Ij. Murphy , Tbo latter1 ! contract In
cludes ile | ot grounds ami t > ldo-tracks in
There urc UW tcuuis aud about
cno thousand men employed on the work In
that county nud His proposal to commence
lay Ing Iron within Hie ? next sixty days ,
A Full IlDllitny.
Alltlie railroad offices and sliopa wlllbo
rlosccl today. Ofllclal ) , clerks and me
chanics will bo given a full lioltday to take la
the circus and drink red lemonade.
llevlval oftlie Old Question
Awn } Will' ( lie liiinp ) < 4.
The question of disposing of giubago by
cremation is again attracting attention in
this city.
Two years ajo tbo innttor ivns Investigated
by a committee of the council but no action
was taken , although many of tbo nieinlters
felt that the old stjlo ofcllsposlngof tf.irbiga
thouhl bo dispensed with us being unsightly ,
troublesome and unwholesome.
Mr. Motrlssry , sanitary commissioner , was
asked hisooinlon an regards the disposal of
rcsiuse anil replied as fellows :
"I have ahuiys been an advocate of the
cremation of pirbnge , olTal , night soli , etc. ,
and belie\o \ that ( Jmaha tan well afford to
tiirnofllcinl attention to it. When acominit-
tee ( "fthoeltyeotinc'tl " went on a tour of in
vestigation tvo or three years col vis editIng -
Ing tbo Herald , and devoted constrict able at
tention to the subject , urgiiin not only n pub
lic cicmntory , but also iidviMncr householders
to burn in their kitchen llrcs thoguiuago of
the kltc'hi'i ! asn sanitary , as well as an econ
omical expedient.
" 1 was la St. Paul , Minn. , about
a month ago , coincident with the sit
of o delegation of St. Louis coiineilnien
bent upon inspecting the St Pan1 crematory.
As I was then about to be api"- . tiled sanitary
commissioner , I tlioltght thuinsjiection mlrht
bo of benelit to mo if 1 witnessed It. I there
fore joined the St. Louis crowd and 1 confess
I was moio stiongly continued In my views
of ciemation of garbage. 'J'ho systonlnnso
Is a spleinlid one and utilizes much of the
matter entirely wasted heio. A kind of tal-
lowls extracted from the cannssia of ani
mals imcl thobones added to otliur fcitiliiers
which aio produced byn dcodorbing process.
The St. Paul crematory is owned by private
parties , but I liclleve the system could be
mndon pirt of the calibration's sanitary ar-
rank'ciinents vlthout much trouble ortivpcusu
andiosult in a great benelit to the city.
" 'Jills niueli is tme : There Is u grout deal
oT contmuinating inntti-r thrown into the
rivir at the diiiniis , It doesn't hint Oin.iha
pcrh.ipsjbut . it isn't ' of bonellt toritics faither
ilowu thoHtiv.un. The city dumps , too , are
nota very attractive feature of the river front
andiiro not piopeily vo , nipped : \lth hydinnts
andhoso as they should lw for HuHhing pur
pose" , . I will bo gl.ul to see a movement
lurtliored fora city cicmutory. "
ra. AVinslow's Soothinjc S.\rup for Chil-
di'en 'IVc'thiiijj cures wind colic , dianhcua ,
etc. 5 cents a bottle.
SUINCJ i'Olt A SlO'I'Olt.
Tlic Courts to Di-olde Why tlic Vlotor
Doc * Not Kim mi Mill ! ury Knacl ,
Ir. 13 A. liensonsays hcintreds to sue the
Omaha street railway company for f.illuro to
comply with u contract. This agreement , it
is claimed , was cntoiod into early In spring
when tlic Omaha motor company accepted
the offer of citizens along Military avenue ai
follows !
U'o give to the motor company thoright-of-
way , beloiijjing to the lionson line ,
along that thoroughfare , and south
on Lowe to fiercer avenue ,
a lionusof . * J'OOII with wlilch to erect poles
and string tlio wires necessary for an eleetrie
reid ; an additional bonus of about two hun
dred lots variously cbtimatcd at from $00,00i )
to 0C0) , ) .
'Jho right-of-way extends a distance ot
about two lullcs and Is pmctlcally thosamo
nsthutt-ivirscdby the old Benson motor.
One part of this way is already monopolized
by the street railway conipunvfrom Iowo to
IMcrcei avenue and practically shuts off tlio
Benson road from the neaiest mid most feasi
ble route to the city.
Under the agreement the line was to Imvo
beer. citend > 'd on Military avenue to Us ter
mination by July 1. 'Jhatclateof , course , has
pasbo-dbut notlilng lias been done by tlio
street railway people to comply with tbo
tenns of the agreement.
Some weeks niro tlie matter was brought to
the attcnt ion of tlio railway people by a icport-
erforTni : JJni : . They s-ceined to have forirotten
that they had any interest in the case , but
asserU'd tnat they would look Into ttie matter
as soon as possible.
The contiact entered into on tlio part of
the Military avenue people was with the
Omaha motor company , which was popularly
known ns fiercer s line. Soon after it hud
been entered into the motor line consolidated
iMth the stieet railway company underwhich
name the corporation is now linown.
Mr. lletibon holds that the new company Is
responsible for the contract of the motor people
ple , to whom they succeed.
files' Nerve nud Iji or Pills.
An Important discovery. Tlioyaut on the
ll\cr \ , stomach and bowels through tbo
nerves. A new pilaciple. They speedily
cure Ulllousncss , bad taste , tcrpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and diildien. Smallest , mildest ,
surest , JiOdosw forU5 cents. Samples frco
ntlCulm &Co.'s 15th and Douglas.
'Jhe Country's I unoinl Illrcetors Cry
ing \Nseinllo Mere.
The uinlcrtnkcrs of Omalia met Wednes
day night to tnlto some action in regard to
the national convention of undertakers to bo
lield In September.
Thisconvention has been promised toOmaha
provided induced rates could bo pioenic-d
on thoraihwidi. 'Jhesohad been piomUod
once , bat latelj the roads have slio\va a dis-
positlon to back out of the agreement , proba
bly owing to tbo inlliionco biought to b.-aron
them by Chicago , who also wants the comeii-
A telegiani bas boon sent to tlic general
managi'i-s ut Chicago asking for a cieelsivo
reply at onco.
There aio 000 delegates In the comontlon ,
and it would bilnira total of 1,000 peiwms to
Oinnlu lor so\cral days
Thobcciutiuv of flic boaid of trade 1ms
taken the matter in hniul and Ins brought
\\hattuiluciicoliu \ could to bear upon the lail-
luud managers.
Itmiiperlor oioollonco proronln millions of homoi
forimiro Ihmi niiuiirler of tuniiirv u H imel tiy
Ilio l'ulU'4 &tntm liovornnumt , KnlorsM l > r the
lii-ailioC thu croit nnlroriltloi ni tlio Stronceit ,
I'lirc-t iiiiil.Mii.-tllenlihfnl lr I'rlvoi ( "rf.uu link-
Inu I'UHilor , < Uin not cuutnln uiiiiuinln , lUuu or
alum buM ontr In ( AIM.
NawVorh Chlcnun Sin frtni'ltni. fit I/nils
Oi'fnn ' ' . 'Hi ' ruontli. I'lli ' , Ibo 'lldrty nilr.ntps from
llronil St. Sent Inn. I'nlia. L'niliT ciirii o ( KrlcrnN.
KulI rollcKlutoniiini ) * flj' ' ' < tli Mies , KnulneorliiK , HolcntlDc nnl I-llonir ; do-
k'rt-ci. llcalllitiil locution , c'xti'iulvo KrumliU ,
UntlOlnKH , inaclilno ihops , lal > oratolui ! nail libra , *
rlcs. Kiufull inrtlculnrriaddrcM
Wit. 11 AI'IM.KTON' . 1'n. I ) . . IVealdont.
OrciiUrnf 1IKNJIV J. HTKVENH , A. ll 1'rln
fOHYOUMO LADIES. * M l nl Art He.
* ' tmn n.i
.iiIei > clnrfc iTul .
l I'll. o to htit Jliile 1'nl.ll . } n.e .
Constipation ,
IF not remedied in'Bc onIa , liable to
become hnbltunllnnil chronic. I ) rus
tic purgatives , l > y wcnkt'tilnjtlie bowrls ,
con 11 nil , mthcr tldJi cure , the o\ll ,
Ayor'i IMIls , ticln > milil , offeetl\e \ , nnd
jttcnigllienlng In tlnilr action , arogencr *
ally recommended by the faculty as the
best vtapirlunts.
"llnvlnd been subject , for yenrs , to
constipation , without being iiblolo tlnd
much relief , I at loll tried Aycr's I'ill.s.
I deem it both a dlity nnd u iilen.snre
to testify that 1 have derived great ben
efit from their use. Forever two years
post I have taken one of these pills
u\rry \ night befoio retiring. I would not
willingly bo without Ibeni. " O. \ \ ' .
IJinviuan , 20 Koai Main St. , Carlisle , Fix.
" I have hern talcing Ayer's Pills nnd
ii'lng them In my finally since 1857 , nnd
cheerfully recommend * them to all la
need of a. .fnfo hut effectual cathartic. "
John M. Hoggs , Louisville , Ky.
"For cWit ypiirilwn afflicted with
constipation , \\ldoh \ nt last huratnu so
liad that tlio dot-torn could do no inoro
for nio. Then I bppnn to take Ayor'a
Pills , and soon tbo boweli recovered
Ihtdr natural and icgnlar action , so that
now I am in rxrelhnit health. " S. Ij.
XonghhridgcIlryan , Texas. .
" Ilavinir used Aycr'al'ills , with good
lesniti , I Inllj Indorno them for the pur-
JMIHUS for whleli they nro recomineiided. "
T. Connors , M 1) , , Ccntro Hritlo ( , Pa.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C , Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
told ly allDrupglsts nnd Dcalurt In Medicine.
H'altrr Btsatt.
AtracttfritnthiKff > it cnthe i'cttuilon cf
"Tjphold fever In our cities is In n great part duo
to the scwiigc in tlm alcr supply. "
"W cannot shut nur eyes lo ( he relation which
exists bt'twciii suva c tnour fitrcnnnandl > plioid luvur
in thu cities arc ! > u | > phcdby tlum. "
"THrty ihomind ppopb die of typhoU fever
annually in ihe United Slates of America.
" The ptrity of Apollinaris Water offers
tie but sewtly agauut Ike dangers which are
ttmtnm to "tost cf tht ordinary drinking
vaters , " MEBICAL RLCORD.
AFOLLIMAR1S. " The annual em-
ivmftlon ff this favoritt bevtragt ajforcls a
jlri/inff p > oof cf t/i e widespread dtmcind which
dbleviattr of absolute furity"
Yellffai Labels of
the Apollinaris Companv , Uimittd , art
protected ty Tcrpetml Injunctions of the
S prt\ne \ Court ,
"There goes my corset-
lace again ! "
And it generally liappens
at an inconvenient time. Do
you know why it breaks ?
The eyelet cuts it.
Eyelets aio going to cut
no more ; for the two best
corsets arc eyeleted with
loops of corset lace , which
neither cut nor show through
a thin dress.
The Ball is the easy corset
that has soft eyelets ; tlie
Kabo has them also. The
Kabo may be called the cor
set that slays where you
Wear them t\vo or three
weeks ; and then , if rot satis
factory , take them back and
get your money.
CHICAGO CORSET Co. . Chicago anil New YorK.
On account of our
imcl incroasintr Prnctico ,
\\ohu\oTIKMOVED to
more fipauiouB nntl con-
vuniont odicos.
Drs. Setts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
To euro ntllonsncss. Sick ITctulncho Constlfntloo.
Malaria , l.lvcr Cumplnlntb. lake thu tafo
nnd ciirtalu remedy , SMITH'S
Use the SMALT , SIZE (40 ( little boniw to ( ho boU
tic ) They nro the most convenient , tult oil ayes.
I'rlcoctiiltlicr ' blzc , iiOccntipcr Lottlu.
ff BSSIMfn nt 7. 17. 70 : Ptioto-pravuro.
IV 9 O 3B IXUfci pnnolBlzootthU rlcturo for 4
ccata ( copjicrs or Etuiops ) .
J F. EMITIt & CO .
MnVcraof "Illlo Hcana. btIxjuls Sla
1110 l-'amaiu Street , Oinaiin. Nob.
d , ElTtttt
_ ofBtn > TiorEc > iieaia01dcrYouLi.
ulju.l , k " .UUA.MIIXIIftDr ( Hnlorril. Mow to r.linrp l ° j
tlrf Jllfn llll.l.1IIKTlJiirhllOHlVB rjHTHCH Mint.
ibiolulilT uifillloi IIOBl TltklTnkUT UiofDI. In a < < ir.
Hto Ifllllly Tram 6O&l lp * nd ymlcn toaDlrlti. VTrile tlnia.
pll i lci
i KHIF CO. . nilpFA\.O.-H
BiifTcrluc from the ,
decay , wnxtliiKwrnkni'M. | i t niaMliool.i'lo.,1
ncnd ft valuable trt'tttso ( K-ali-'li ' ccntnlnhiK full
particular ! for honiu cur * , I'ltlil ! " ( chdruo. X
iplciullit mpillcjlwfirkt should I * rrad l > y ev ry
nmn who In iimrom and del > nitot l. > ildrpss ,
' . i'o\vi.i < ii.nioo iiiH.t'oiia.
J i > iu , In IM Uiuiii n.if. jUiu , Mil ,
mi n nirclti , bafctlei ml Uirli Trlcj
l C1 ! . * w niorpll win lt 10 | rfr tul
L , O. P. ilirtrl from I. < j Kpr rrr' li > IT H.,1i n St. , rinc | o. 3 |
| ! 0 iilnJ hntl le. tltwp f > r rivr ctlk *
Vk lIxUaMth .cwla tbi Morli.
Will "be offered this week in our Boys' Department , we are deter - '
mined to close out our entire stock of Boys' light weight Clothing , and
will have a grand unloading sale -which itvill pay you to attend.
Boys' blue flnnnel Sailor Suits , with nicely embroidered colhr , at 6oc ; sold everywhere
at $1.25 , sizes from 4 to 10.
Knee Pant Suits of good all wool cassimerc , in neat checks , pleated coat and nicely madp
up , at $2.25 ; worth $3.50.
One lot excellent Cheviot Suits of a nice light plaid , is marked $2.50 ; the suit is worth
fully $4.50.
The grandest bargain we offer is a lot of very fine all wool Cheviot Suits , very stylish and
well made , which we have marked clown to $2.90. The suit is cheap at $5.
In long pant suits we have also several large lots , which have been marked down very low
to insure quick clearance.
One lot Boys' Suits , sizes 14 to 18 , of strictly all wool cassimcre , in t\vo different pat
terns , both very neat , these we offer at $4.5o. It is a good working as well as a good wearing
suit , and no young man need be ashamed to wear one. You have many times paid $10 for a
suit of the same quality of goods.
Another lot of fine Silk Mixed Cassiinerc Suits for Boys , sixes 14 to 18 , is offered at $6
The suit is worth fully double.
"We are headquarters on Knee Pants. Every mother knows that she can buy Knee Pants
of us for less money than she will have to pay fpr the cloth in the garment , and she don't have to
spend time to sew them over or mend them.Vc select for our knee pants only durable mate
rial , and have them made strong. It pays to come to us for knee pants. This season we have
an immense variety , and are well prepared for vacation.
100 dozen Helmets at 400.
100 dozen Helmets , ventilated , at 450.
The same qualities which hat stores sell at 750 and $1.00.
An extraordinary opportunity will be offered this week in our Shoe Department. We
have just received a delayed shipment of So cases of line light weight calf , congress and lace
Shoes , " \Vardwcll \ welt , smooth innersole , very flexible and easy shoes for the summer. These
shoes ought to have been here four weeks ago and were to be sold for $3.00. In order to close
them out we have marked them $2. 25. Positively $4.00 is the price which shoe stores would
charge you for such a shoe.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Uli , J. 1 , McftEEW ,
Tlio Doctor Is unsurpassed
In tlic treatment of nil
formi" o [ 1'mnti ! J1lseii c9.
No treatment lias ctcrbim
inoro micccesfnl nnil tiono
lint had stronger cmlorec-
mcut. A euro In guaranteed In Jho cry Aor t cnfe
lu from toSilms w Hliout the IOPS of nn liotir'n time.
1 Thofelio hn\o \ Ixcn
nndir Ills Irrutiiuilt for
1 Stricture or dlfllcnlty In
rcliovlnj tlio lilnldcr , pronounce it nmoHt unntlcr-
[ ill MiccetH. A complete cure In a fcv.'OajsuKliout
IUUM. Ins'ruiiH'iila or loss it time.
IWt And
j of the
tlmlillty omer > oiii > ncf3 , In their worst furiiis „ and
most drcuilf ll rcsullc ore nli olnti > ly ciiri'il.
Instriiniouts. A wonilorfiil reinuly. IIOUUS for
1 " i from 2 to 4 ON'I.Y.
nnil all Dlrrnsrs nf tlic Sliln.
lllood. Heit , Uur. Kid-
ncjn iiml IllmhUr Hired
I urod in 30 totOil'iie. Tlio
ln-jt rupld , pafe nud rfToct-
llvllltlttllullli tl.'t..l LL lllv
medical prufestlon Ei ory unco of Iho illseaso 10-
mm id fiom the Mood : nconiliti'cu | > quarantefd.
SSTt ( fa3 \ C * 1" * " "man" or" oiniiu"c > .ll lOc
( stnmpt ) , Tn.itimiit liy rurro-
Hponilcnco Mnnii | for reply
N K t'ou. UTII ANn KAitNAiiSr.
° l'cn ' IMIII B A M toll I'M
JEntrftiicn on Punuim or llth ht. ,
Drs. Merrill & Merrill.
SIM' . * IA hi VIS IN
Tlironlo. Ki-rvoiii Illnoil and Hurulcnl dlMciio * . nnil
illsoasos of the lyi' ! . liar , Nose'throat nnil ( Jliuat
Hpouial Alt iiriiin to ll.iU < i > s ol'Vi > -
innn nn ( I ( liililri'ii.
Tlio doctors Imvo hafl jours of exjmrlpnco In the
hiiRiiltnU nf Ilrodklyii anil N'c Vurk aru UIIKJIIK
tin ) most iiiccotsfiil and vldul ) knuun H | > c'clullatn In
thu umiilry.
'lo Viniiie 'i < l nilildli'-AKnd itloii.
Io t Stimliooil , Ncrrnin Holilllty. Hroniintorrlnn ,
Buinlnnl I.OSMC" I'lijuk'nl IK'cny , nrlsli.n from Indli
ciutlon , iiroiliulni ; k'c'i'li'fsncHH , do | i < > ii < l < .n < - > , | > liii
IdeMon tlio liifi1 , a\fn lon li > MKli't ) . eaHlly illnionr
nuuil , larkof ( imllilinit- . Hull , unlit fiir tiiily orliiml
uois , unit lliulHlllu n bin iU'HHivi'ly ( , | < uiiuant'iitlr mid
Ittixnl nnd Sk'n ' | M'innHr > 4.
. , n il ) en < w most ilicailful In Itt results ,
Cun > ! > Iotiiljr urnillc'iilo I.
( li-iiliii-l'rliiiirj ' * ' "tirijiMM.
fiinnrrliii' , ( Jloct. ffidillls. Iljrilrooolo , Varlmrolu
anil Htrhturo radlrnlly HIM ! uuly ! rnrinl nlilmnt
palnur detention from liu.liUxi AIISoxuul liufiir
nilllOH iirnlliiiiullniciilH | to uiiiiiliiKU mcn'Mfnlly ' ru-
luou'd '
All Ili'iUt | ) | K.II CI unfoly nn'l ' | icimnn < 'iill > cured
I Inn ra'J ii in tilUp in Hiiniln ) " 10 III ! I-
N II IVritMiit iiiinliln tiivlxltiiH nny hn trunlnil nt
Ilii-ir liomi's live. < rrcbn.iiitencc' | Mnlli4in"i iiml In
BtriutloniKi-nlliy inpn-iK Oiiimilliillonfic-o
Si'iul 4 ulltMia ntiMiis | tu Inxurti riil | ) .
UIK I Ifli'i-iitli St. , Oapootn Uijtl'f
Oncrit ItoiiHi * . Oiiiiilin , N I )
CUKED r rt' itt.
"kl.p.ri k. rJ 41. ll.HIl u
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bargains in Bargains in Watches.
Nlekcl natchoH from f..Wl iiiwnrd | .
Diamonds. hllor watclius from } ' > upniirdH.
. Ladles'Kolil natclios from SIT ) npffnrd *
Gentlcaiun 0 iioht watches from KO upnariK
Diamond rlnns from ( Z SO upw.irrts. in
Bargains .
DliiiuoniUolliir linttonH Irmu Ji ii | > nnnls.
Illiimonil vcarl plus limn f" > upniiiilM \Vccnrryiifnlllliioof jonrplcrjr Including
Jllamunilcull Imltons fiom III umarda. | liotlimllil C"ll mid line lulled platu rlnns ,
Dlnmond ntnils from f"'JI upnauN. pin- * , earrings , lockels , clialm , brac'eluf ,
Diamond Inco | 'lns ' Iroin ( lOiipvariU. nei'liliiei-s.ciill und liullons. i > tc Ar-
Dliunund pnr rluu'M fromfl. iiinHrit | . tlelpinctnnlly wortli II o c.'ll nt Wo to Tfic ,
Dltiiuond braeclcts fiom ( lri niinnrilH , nnd nllutliiT iioda nronoldnt thu Haiuu pro-
Dlntnund jK.Mithnt3 fioin $ & iipHiirds. poitlon. i-i'o our show nlmlutiB See our
IHuiuululiifclflncc'.s from JM iirnvnrds. bargain prices.
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
at Reasonable Prices.
Greatly Reduced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps ,
Umbrellas , Optical ( joods , lite.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the tri'itnirnt iill CltltONIf ANI RI'IlHIfAI. ntS' ' " VSKS ltr "ci Appllanrea for P r rm't < c n
Trna i'n llo < t l'aellit'i ' s Ai > p irutiiiiiintl itouu'lui ( ' .r MiitL ( .Mifu1 lr < * ittnc'iit ofu\irv fi rni .f dut'i'ie ' re *
qiilrlnu Mnlloilir SurKioiilTri'atnicnt ' NIMJU HDO.MS Kill 1'ATIKN H llmrtl unit iitteiulnnca lleil
Arreiiiniodntliiiii \Vritororrlicnlniion D.'fc Mnltli'i nnil Ilrmas TnnKci Cliih lost ( un aturo a )
bplnu , I'lles , 1'iiinnri , C nnrrr , Ciitirrli , Ilriinililllo , Inliulntion , lli-i : trlcll ) 1'iirnlrnts rnleiKleiner | |
IlLiilrter , ! ' ) . llnr "ikln mid llloud , mid all opermions lllrtKAHl S Ol' WHMIIN n > pei nilty Hoot
of llliii'nti i n\'ii 1'roeVo lintelatilraiMei ] a Ldntf In IVp irtmmit f < ir U'.ni'n clurlni ; Oontlliciucnl
( btrlctly I'rlvnl * ) Onlr Itcdlnhln Me.llrnl . iiutltuto ninkln/n spooliilt ) of I'ltl VA Hi IIISKAHIIH
Alt Jllood llln'mi's Hiiccessull3 ( tieatril Hrplillltlo i uliti > n i niovc < t from tlio 8)pem | nltli ut
KCK ltr toratlTu Trratnipnt for IiDKi "f Vital Power f'artlos unablotolilt nsmay IJD tromi'd ar
corre > pi ndoiuu Allriinimiinluitlcins rnnllilontlal Mudiilno or Imlniini'iiti n'lit hy mull or mpuxn so.
curtly packi'd , no n at Us lo Inillouto i on tents or sender , line pornoiml Intorvfun preferred ( ull nnd conanll
Hi or Kond liutorr o ( yum ea v and ite will nurij In pldu wnip.icr our HOOK ' 1O MKN I'lCi ; ! ! , upon l'rlraa
l or Norvona llinuaica , Imputoncf , SyplitlU , Uicvt an I \ urko.'cle , with iiuosUun ll t. Aildrum
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Corner Oth nnd Hnrncy Sis , Omnhn. Nob.
" \ViiiideiliilSpacleh
Itirneily , IH fold \ > ltli
u\Vrltti'ii ( liiiirun-
tee to crno nil Nu\-
nut ) DUi afeiifitetlcl ) an
Wenk .Meinury , I.ODH
( . [ llriiin rciut'r.lliiid'
Bpforo & . AUof Use * . fcibt'iliiiilHiud. Nirv'
FiiSug nimui liuin Uli , tiiiNiivM , I.niftltudo ,
oildrain * unil In * nf power ol thu ( Ji-ncratlvuUr
KIIIHIn cither m > xr/itii'Clliy ( over-cmtlon , youth ,
ful Itidliwtloiin , or tlio cxcccclvo u u , f timmco ,
i > | ) liiin. or ctlinulnntH , which nUlnmtrlr k-ud to
Iiifirinlty , Coni > iini ! > tliiii ami IiiKiuilly. rut up In
roi > iciili > iit firm tocnrrjrlt' ttuvuMpoehit. 1'rlco
l o packnzn , or i > for 8 * WHUowy $3order uu
five u itrltteit f/iiitriiiilra to cure tinrfiinil
tlifl inniii'lj , huulli ) timil to any uddrim. L'lr-
ciilnr fniMi'iitlon this pnpor. Ailltij i
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. Htnnih Otllco fur U. 8. A
417 l li-in html. rCAIiO. | | | II.L.
roif'M-l IV < iMAIIM.ll. . W
Kiihn \ Co. , for I'llli nnd Douelnsstrrrtc
.1 A I'lillrrA Cn I'oi. Htli mill Doneliis KtH.
A 1) . Io-t l .V Co. Cuiinvll UlulTs , "
riililni > IlnMI
V ± J7 llvpaytlllcgrtit Dn J CTErUtrlalliuotO.
'mi liu nin-dlnSOlono
ilnyhliy use of llioniur-
Iii lc Ki'iueiU J.VitUM finn CMIHCII will
not fine. I A I' I ION to Kt-t I ho Kt'iiiiuio ri'iu-
cdy. r'tuia oull on K. U. .lutlyu , iulJ liar.
ucy ticct , Oiuuliu
LXOOOi-i _ v
ll rnn l > n ulvm In n rii | > iitrulfir nr tiu. iir In Mr.
Ilili. iirruud , without t.lo knuwlcdBool tnu palirnt ,
llnoconsry It In absolutely tiarmkti iir.tlMlltfIeol
n porraiueut iul ippody on re , wli-ihcr tlu < iinnrut u
DuiodLrntoarlnlceraruiialoolioliauriick. 11 M , > iit
1 Vll.s. It opurati-i no quietly nd Mltb bucli ctf
tuiiity tn 11 tbo patient unrloreoca no lnoonvonienc .
and ere hn u uw re. liu coinplota reformation u
ciluotoU 4U page book or pariloularnrrco Tc liuliolol
KUIINXe CO. , ir.Hi A : JOUU | 1 , llttl AUiiminiltlli.
pl'Traila upiillod by lll.AUU. II1IUOK i OO anil
_ ltl01IAHU 6H 1)111/0 ) CO. . Onioln
_ _
l > rutctt ) f'tlHuiiiur t llruiMl.iurf tl uiuiaa
fcjU in , t\t \ l ttti btut rltjttoa 'j utt < nriutjK-r *
. \ Pful Ir. ttpiifir i rilouUn u 1 "lit lift fur
L' I.iiilU * , iri Itttir Ij rr I u mi 4 nil. A' /Viiftr
Acw IUw 1 rc llie irnt ll t * AU I raluij. IN IVIit ) UrOtU.
lddr.,1 IX ( UM ML I\S "fl'n , I1U . HS HlllUm kl. , A.T.
rmt I.ADirrt O.snlir l.wtiioi IVrloilk * ' I'-ill
Iliul rt'iiih r 'inn ' ly , iiitim the lumxtrimli/ . uud
run * Hiiiipri'mlon from whatever caumt V'ronuitt
iii'ii lniiitliu 'I lii'in iillli Kliutilil not l"i tikun our-
liu iiri-jii nicy Am I'll ! I ) . . II'y illy l'roi | Spun.
ri'rC'ljyCo In ( i uiilno by Hliurmun A .Mr.lMimoll ,
Dinlifu it , ni'ir l > I' 1'iimlini ' L' A. .Melilii'r , Kjulu
Oiujli U , r , Lllti , couutll ll'uHji. ' . urSIurU.