THE O5LAJ3A. DAILY BEE , FMDAY , 1890. SPEGIRL NOTICES , _ _ " " AIlVnUTIBEMKNTrt for tlips"o column"yiin t.o taken until U..TO p.m. , for tlio ( ironing edition nnd until 8 ' * > p m. , for Ilio morning edition nnd BU.MIAY HUB , rVU.HMS-Cush tn advance. J > A ITS AdfcrtNcmpntson UilspitRA wlllbo J Vt inireril for nt Ilio rnto of l'4 cent per wwd for the lint Insertion nrd 1 cent per word for each Milfoiiuuit Insertion , and HM per line > or month. No advertisement taken for ] ess thnn 21 cents for t ) > n flint Insertion. ' [ NITIAI.S , figures , symbols , etc. count each J ( IH uiio word , rplirHK ndvcrthrmonl1 ! tnnit tun consecti- X tin ly nnd under no clrcutiiUnnci'S will Miry lie i.iken or discontinued by tolupbono. i > AUTIl .S ndvcrtHliiK In tlicsu columns nnd hnvhiK tlinlr aiHworiiiililri'xstd to a "initu- lirr-d li-tti'r" In euro of TUB llEKWlll rccolvo ft iiuinburi'il cluck to oiiiiblotlicm to KOI tliolr Inttri-i Ansncrswlll tin dollvirod onlyon iiri'scntatlon of this chirk. I'.nclo-io nnswcia In onu'loiies properly ntldrcisptl. tlio licnil of . : nml pvonlnzrdltli. in of Tun line , tlio circulation ofvhlcn ncRrmntr inoru than i,00i ) ) pupern ilally , nnd RVM | tli" ndvnrtlior Ihn Ipm-flt not only of HIP larao circulation of 'I'll Kill iln Uniahn. but nlsoln Ooiinc-ll lllullH , Lincoln nnd other cities und towns In the west NUNilAY II/M.li1 KATKS. ArVKHTISIIMENTSi for situation ? or for innlx or fi'tnnlo ht'lp , not nxcoedlntt 21 vorih HIP InHprli-d In TllK M'NDAY ' HKJ. nt half taU > < iluiliiK tlm months of.Iuly nrd Auiii < l Tilt * ti'.nlar rntoa will bo plinrjjed for tirh Dilillti'ii.iil word uliovu "I words as neil as fur conwiitlti iiiiortlons. BRA.NCH OFFICES. A 1vrr11 = lntfor { those column * * will bo tnltrn n Ilio alinvo cnndltlon * . nt the following Innl- yi'Hslinuvs who arc anlliorlrod totahpspppml yiot In s. nt the Name rates as ean had at tlio imMn nllli-p. _ - _ < _ jnHTI | OMAHA I1HANC1I CUTlUI.-N'o. O aci IS Street , Lister Illocks OIINV. . 11KI/U I'liaiinaelat ' , 823South Tenth Mil ret . ft rOUY , Ptntloncrs and Printers , OIIAHT. 11.1 South ICth street. SM PAKNSWOKTH , I'liurinaclst , 2113 Cum- . HiK stieet. J. llt'OlinS.riiarniaclit , 021 North 10th Mruur . l io : AV. I'AUU , I'linriuiiclst , 1713 I.oavcn- I worth strit't. J-I L'OIins1 ' 'IIAUMACY ' , "U ] and Karnnm. SITUATIONS \VANT 1-31) . J'unalr.i , ctc.rcf tupnf Ilixt mlninn on tlita / fillmr ( uii Sumliitj. \\TANTI'l-Hy a vounj : loan , situation In T T any Mud of ImMnris ; bad live years'ev- ponei.eo In lumber jard. Adilruts l ! v s , Itlalr , Neb. W-V " II'PATION wanted by n well edne.itoil . voiniK liuly ( dernuini as housekeeper In Miinll family picfeired. Kefi'rcncosjdveiiand reinhed. Addiess.l ( i. Om.ilia Jlro. fe'ii-a * NOTKl : to taller -l'osltloii wanti'd ly llrst-elnss putter ; inferences plvcn. Aildif-n II. Irf ) , lleo olllee. Ii5l ) > - " ' * WAXTIOI ) JIA Vat lutcf , etc. , Kr fnji nf flrxt tnlman un tltli jinye. Ilrttf KlttM nil Mlll'fdl/ . \\f , AM'KI ) Twonclho joiins men ami tw < T i ladles tn solicit ; s'llaiy W per diy. Iloon 0 , I'liiimlier of CoiumoiCP. V'tti-V \VAN1T DAt once , ten KODI ! team- , with Tl coal lioves : stoutly work. 218S. Kith bt. .1. J. .lolmion&Co. ' A traveling ah > - > iimn to soil to men bants only. Ad < lru- > , loom 51 , 155 > v aslilnxlnii st. , Cnli'iico , III. Oil I : i * * V\rArs I'llfl 'lTifce tll-t class mon In ivpie- ' sent IlioOiiinlia Iti'oln and out of thciMtv , rallnt tin' spcclalolllcuof Omitliu Hut ) rnur ] 7tli _ anil I'miiani , gioiind lloor. 077 \\rANTlTT-.Mi'ii ) to traxtd foroiir Uanaillnn \rANPnn-VoiniK man and two Indies t < Keep books ; good nil nation1" " . J , 11. Smith loomtnw , Nt > wYorlcLlfo _ _ bulldlnj ' , . _ U7I r > X\rANTIH-Plitt-cViss finmp- V > tllalely. P. Jl. Kills & Co. , aroliiloots , 41U 4'1J Ili-n . . bnlldjliig. _ _ O.W-r > _ AOKM'S-KWoiitlltoii.'IOiliiys' tiinii. * l"iO 00 piolltlnl wteks or no nay. Add. with btumii : JurvU&C'oinpatiy , Haclnu , U'ls. _ 771 "t rANI'lill Salesmen al TS per month sal- i ary nndo.xprnsosto hell a line of hllver- jilati'd ware , niiti'bos , ete. . by tinnplo only ; ] ior o and team furnished free ; writoatoneo for full pin tltmlars and sample onsoof goodn free. Standard bllvorwaio Co. , lloston , Muss. , t feu I'Jiarles cur wnrk4 , St. ' ' C'harles , Mo. , six good blacksinlths nm jiolpei-s. b73-0 * \\fANTKIJ-A llrst class Ptench clook re- i pallor. Apply toU. S , liiiyinond , Jeweler _ UQJ X/VANriCI ) A llrst class liennan bnjchcr , i stead v work , coed pay , sliulo man. Chas Hljirleli , NVakiillelil. Neb. _ Ml-7 "lArAKI'ICD-Pollcltors for the cities of Oma- 't liu nnd Counulllllnirs ; also ajjents for Jouu and Nebiaskn. Gootl rufcienccsieiiiilred Call or wrllo to It. C.Kiihn , room ID , Ulmmbei ' Uiimlia , N'ebiasUa. 717 5 * A OHM'S wantiil , lUmnv specialties , all fas sellers ; no cxpeileneo iieeossiiryi bl sinnplu free. Addiessli O. llro ster SJAI.KhMKN to foil spc't-laltles to niurohants > -J | > ) Miiuplo ; salary palil tOKOoil men ; sam ples fninlsht'd ; Mundy situation ; Moilol MI-I : nfimtnrlnit Co. . j-oulli llt'iid , Ind. I'lUJyiO ' * * V\TAJ\irTii \ : .W liiboiors for o\tMv load > V KUIIRS. Apply to 1' . 11 , Johiibon , H. k M. . r depot , ti . - wiiuli'd nt Norfolk nnd VJltuatrlee. Good wngcs paltl. M. T. Murphy , 118 , IIOVI tiinnd cy . nst'-inaUcrforeanvns on Kvorybody \VI1.1'rico.DavldI'ltv.Ncb ! \ \ AM'ICIl lwm inni fur rallrnnn woik li Tl Wtoiiilni ; , Dakota. I'tidi anil Nurada wnpcs jl.75 to * U'.fiO ; steady woik. Ijiiiiiir AitiMioy. l I'M Kariiiiiii st. "VW AM'KD KnorKctlo men nml wiiinuii for i ' cciili'olluisliifss niyliiij t < 5) ) weakly iiroll easier tlmn tf ( > niontlily otliurwlso ; expuiluiico iinnt'i'ossaryi poriiiaui'iit iiosltloii mid o\clu Hho toirltoiy assinoili if I s.iiiiiilus fit'o : Invos tlcato our iiionuy-innldiiit business , Adilrcss with htnini ) . Muulll Jlaiiufacturliii ! Co. . II W , riilciiun. III. SSllvll * AV.VXTKD 1' "or KI ( ( , ( ) > oJlrnt cidiimn on tlitit i > cifj ( _ _ Hal/ Kites on Sumlty. \VAJl'1'--Jrl ' ( | fir Kcnernl liouxoworK > J Apply at oiu-o ill ! I'nrlc jiro. _ USl-5 * * \\r AN'l'I'l-ioil ) Kill for Kunorid liouso' T } work , MiiiilHmnlb : HWl _ ii'.3 st. IKil ) 3 YWANTUD-A IIUIMI Klrl. "Ooriiinii pro fom-d. 4WXorth'iidst. ( tiTJ-o \ \ rAXTKI-jrl ) | housework. Tl 1'iilk iuu. ICil-ti * \\7 AM'Kli-A little girl to help luke onrj o T > Imliy-JCilfl Dinl ii. lii- ) ( ! : > \ \rAiS PHD DlnliiK room Rlrl anil I'linnibor > l niiild nt Dura n bousu , - I'S. . Ibth St. , 1 lilm'U.until of com t liou-o. IMJ \\7 A NTHD I.ndy MuiioKiiiplior : must liu oT- Tt porlfiit'i'd. xiiDtl looKlnj ; nnd iiKrccahle , Aildri'MJ H lice. . UIHi- _ \ \ \N't'ii-Ono : ) tlist clnss lady cookT'onu > l lun-fl.iss illnInKriioiii irlilforsmnllponi. ineiolnl liotnlrlto nnd r.tnto v.mes. Address - dress rriinkbtioiiKi caiu lltadloy liouso. To- -filiii'.oy , Nel ) . U1H-5 * \\7A VTKI > A L'lrl for liousonork In fanilly _ > > ofi. , yiKinillfornbi. * * > - - ! _ "l.lOl'SKKr.KlMIU A widow lulj/ / from ! Ci to J l.Vi with no children iinluss it boy ir > years old to Kt i'p hotiM ) for fatally of two In country town. S'nil lofi'icneos nnd wnii's w.uitotl. Addifss II ifl , llt-o. inn \v r ] ) -UliiliiH-ioniii plrls at Wlndso Hotel. _ _ Hi _ _ _ _ 'AXTKIIl7rf Tor conurtil botisowork. SI1 i ' A.VPKD'JlireoiNporlencd dliihii ? > 'n Kids at the UarUr liutnl.'n TANTKO Ono Hist elims Intly cook , tl > irnii ) ! > k. Onu lliit rooiu Rlfl , vngus' } } Dor wrolj. ball ut lii So , I'l'i ' stroot. 7.M-.V D Aoiiinii lo do Kenoral liouso -.Miik ; niustbo KIKX ! cook and liuiiulrt > - ( per it'k. Apply luiu Uallfornla bt miKSSMAIUM ; . > 'ur nitt , etc. , tec fnji nf flnt fotninn "ti tltli ju llva Bollcitod , Mlj Sturdy , 525 h. SSth a\c _ i LJy-lI _ T\I KS. K. 0. Siiiisonu' , fill H. Ktb. fft.slilimablo J-U clii" > Mnil.liij : , ' , llulluy njstcui tmiuht , 1-.7JJ-12 - KOIt IIOUSKS. itiln , fff. , net fojioJint column on Uilt . modern , down town , east front S. O.ltOOM . KOIK ! tin nil flu pur ) - uua & McCullocli , wet end Kxpo-iltkiii hid ; ; . UKNT Tliosooloaant stone rosliloucc . 'on ( iioi'Kla , uxu. , S. LMtll 81. , lint. Musoi unit I'aultluttts. t-fo onnor forlon tlino louse Id U. lleiiduiteou , room 100.1'uxtoii blk. 770 710K lirNT 12-room brick hnino , wllh nil - inixlcm linprovtiiifiiti , HIP DHli Hl.t cheap. Ainu a nice 4-rooiu cottugu uu N IT th st , .1 uilgo KENT -rnoin lieu o , Xn.3113 Callfor nlu st. 1 Inquire Milton Itoior9& Soni. nth mil Karnntiijit. _ KI7 6 house , nil inoilurn roiirpn- ) iulsca oiiSU17I < i'aM'tnrortli , SB .V _ ipOK Itt'NT I'tirnltlicil rn'.tnitc " ' ' 't ' rooms ono blook from motor lines. 10X2 Corhy st. 81)7 ) i' . ' [ ilOIt lliNT-U-nom : ) hoti u. No. alO N. 52ud JL1 tinmi \ _ I n > ! MtX.a.'iulMi. _ _ HOS _ irou HUNT-TWO 4-nMnu n u iniu iI7M , irti .1. it. , nil iiiiiloriicon\cnlunecs. Culiri7 I'ux- ' on block. _ l X ) II' [ 7(011 ( ItKNT-Ho ldonccs m nil imrtinf city. I. IIst too lnro to iiiihlMi , Ulobu Lonn A : ' 'riittj'ompnny , : m7 S. If.tli M. 77ii [ jlOll IlKNT-sVooni lio"ti ( \ IClr'l ' nnil ( . 'iiinlni ; J1 MS. . W > pur nionlb. C. iMIurrlsun , till N.v. < Ifo. r > 10 U HUNT 2 line pre < cd bl Irk liniit < . rust fronts on ( loortflu mo. , just north of Lcsiv- uiiwnitliHt. . 9 looms , hiilli , f u mice. SP CMMOH- UM'lli.ns. nil comoiilonrt's ; Kill it'lit torripon- Blhlc pnrtlcsfnr * . M. A. Upton Oo.ltitb and 'iirnn in , t'7 _ blOU KKN'r-ln-ri oni lionvn , nil modern eon- 1 u-nltiu-fs. ' 'Ojil jlurt. Dr. l aiil. _ L"LI ! ! FOU lll'.NT liouso. 10 rooms , nil tiiodisrn hn- pioM'inonti , lirgo ynnl. ? .L'I per. inontb. Commission lo ii i'iits. Doxttir L , Tlioman. _ 78 II' YOU wl li to rent n h"ii i > or storu sen II. I ! . Colo. L'ontliiMital blook _ _ T70 _ iroil lir.NT-Twoof tinflno t rcsl.lcncullats J-1 on . iinlli inth ktirpt , with all modern cou- vctili'tioiM. hot ntul cold watci. I'luso In lliown- II lull. I'listc hi s siirioiiiiilliiija. Apply to niiis. H.iufiiMn. iiwjioiiBiiisBti _ .Ti'yL8 ' J-FtOO.M Hut with sti-iiii licnl. Kith tt. near JJonos. Tliomasr. Hull , 'M I'nxloii block.tM tM I'-ll ) loom liouso. ' 11)7 ) l Doiu'lns. _ 7S.t EilINK rcsldPiiee , inoilorii Improvement" , 2IOS St. Mm v's nve. NV per month. ImiuliP at pti'inlsri < ir atA. _ Mellrr'H. IHI I'arnnni. 7t < t TjlOll lliNT-5-n : > oni honie. tjood rt pair , nice -L ? ynid. cl U > rn wnt'-r , ii-nt te. Apply to IIO'J ' S-onlh 7tli a\i > , or to.lno. W. Hell , Uiugglst , 10th [ /Oil lll.IM-Mien i ( Mimed IKIIIM * . li.ilh , JL ? pavi'd collar , ttabto at " > - ! PiMiiUlIn st Apply ( ffl Merolijinls > : illonal Kink , ? W'- " _ "VTKW r-room house , pity wntur sever. 1KI N. 1 > 2'itli ! ' ' iconis , OUSN. iilh. : ta'i-li' 1511)11 KENT No. 2 'U Welmterst. , now MVOII- J loom lioii'.e. bath , luniidry furnace , prato. KIIS , walls deeoratcd , good viuil , Itiriso Mmde trees. AHorthwartzlander,5'0 1 Irst Nut. 7(18-5 ( T1O11 HHNT 7-rooni liome with turn ; noin- 1 Innl rent to seed nirty , O. 1' . llnulMm , Oil N. Y. Mfu. HI 'JjMIUNISIH'.l ) lioiisn on Tnrnim .st. foi rent. JL1 Inquire ( icriniiit-Aiiiuricun buvliiRS bank. rinVUIliits , ? loinns BiiPh , $ ' and W3. Ini-lud J IIIB water , iiinxu. aw ninis wieens and oth- erconu'iileni'i's ; nov bnllillni. , cor. Kith and Jones. Georco Clouser , atoie , 7U1 b. Ifith. "T71OH IlKNT At inodorato rent , tile threo- JL storv nnd l-aseinent lirlcU hiilldlni ; situated ntNo. (110 ( Doiml is street , milulilo for ininn- fneturliiK , vliolvsiilo or viireliousopnrin-ies | , Apply to Ituuf'inuiin , 1OT ! Douglas st. "litiTrms I' Coiner house , No.'ill flU-oven" JL1Mnth. . tliooni' ) , liatli , gas nnd finnucc. nil eomplete. irniidaril and stable In K. K. m N. VVldfe. _ S5S ( , - IJIDU KKyr ( mod ID iiMin house , sewer , J 'water. KIIS b-itli. luin. fin n.icn. In slmpo , cheap. 1) ) . V. bliulc Co. , 'JKI Plrst Nat'l hank. _ _ _ _ JSt ITHNKT-rixim dttolllni ; with vaid , JJ.V JU Also , b-rooin dwclllnx ltliyaril , $ , ! 0 , 0 and lO-rooiiMlwi'llliiKs , Wile SW. & Alton , lOO'J'i Fainam st. _ von niiXT KOOMS Forratri , cti. , fcctuiiof Jirti column on tlitu jutjf. ( m l : m l\\r\Hnri\ \ \ \ 1 nUlircl tlnoniilioiit , with liotandei > Id\vatvr bath. lOlTDoilso. 107-10 * rooms , cool and eomfoil.iblc , K month. intrN.iltli. D.Vi-lu * "VTIcr.IA" ftiriiisbod looms , all nioJorn eon- -1.1 veiilunciCJ'J ) N 15tb. i-Ol-O * looms 1711\en'voithst. _ \KIUUIi ! : toiiiis with board. IS ? ' ChleiiRo At. _ 6AI-8 _ IjlOlt KKNT Very liniidsnino fnrnlslioil JL1 rooms with board , all modern linpiovo- IIICIltH. 11(1 ( KL''llllRt. _ Hi 7 II * "KtOK UKM' ! t nlco fnrnl lied looms for llRli JL1 liousokPilnRit ! | necessary , and 1 furnished front loom for lor 2 gentlemen. 1112 hlllh st. ' * _ _ IJU1VATI ! family , situated In nioiloin iesl- -1 dencr , with choice rooms and pleasant home , will acuoinmodato a fo\v boanlers. : ; tiO ; ney. aiC-71 JjOU KENT I'm nlslied rooms. 1000 Doug Jj Tbs 171OHKKNT l'nriilslicd rooms ; gas.batband JU htenin. 1'ilD Huwriml. _ Wj _ 171 OH UHM' XIcoly f u i nlshed i ooni.all mod- Jiirn ? _ co a voi i ten ces , ills Sl _ 7th st. 71K ) ST. riiAlli Kniopenn hotel , rnrner Kith and Dodge , rales by \ \ eeU or nioalli , 7l ! ) C OOIj front rooms , with tlist-elass board ; re ft'ieiuTS. ISSI I'ltrniun. _ b4-U ! * LAltGG float room , Slu. bUOS.'JSnd. 8io-n * "VTEVIjY fiiriiNhed looms and boaid forsm- Jeral parties at UOU llarney St. ; two inln- tiies * walk fioni center of hnlneb < . and eool place for summer. JlUs C.ivlnls & Wallirldge. . . . ' > _ 5-jy.i : "IJOOMS-To rent Sli'i Dodce , for KPiilleinon -lAonly. 1'ilco miHler.ilo ; modem conxenienecs * nOmi(14ll N.lOlhst. ; M > ry dclrablo roonn ttltlilioanl. Mlh. Clinrehfll's. _ 010 & rljUlC KKVr-FiiralslieU rooms. irJtCaiilFol av J.1 S , with board If dcilivd , J * i Uap. nvu , at ! Jyll * ' 1IKO rnoim , also looins forhoii'-c- VOU I'nr rates , UP. , pecto ) ) nf flirt column onii n7inriT T TTrfmnTsiird ionm feT - hoi.sukivijlr.L1 , $ .t and jl earh ; frUi Howard. 007 U' ' I'Olt P.JOXT STOKK8 AM ) I'oi r < ilfi , ctt. , t-ce top nt jint column on lliti i > nue. fi OU ifRNT S-stnry brick Mow , No. HI7 M. * Mar > ' " n ! SvN ! > " , it of U roniiis upstairs , foi lent in sale \eiy che.ip. Kmiulio'l llnras KII.S I'iiliiani. ! < ? 4 ( > VJTOKP.S at 70) ) S tCth. D\Meach ) ( ) , la'i' ) rj Imlows steam licut furnlihed. Thos. 1' , llufl. . ! ! ! l'i\tonhlodc. Tat 'inoit UKNT The 1-story brick bulldbif.wltli -1 ornllhotit iiouor , formerly oeeupled o > I ho Ilco I'libllsliliiKt'o. . Mill I'arnain st. The build ing has a tliepniof cement basement , eonipleto htuiini lieiilliiK IKtnrcs , uateron all thulluors pas , etc. Apply at thuolllcu of The lleo 1)13 ) TIOU UK.NT-btore/'OJ S. KnhsU I1 8J7 It * nST Heat located Kioundlloorotllci. , .M5 S Kith St. K1 il * _ 17IOU lir.NT-rino corner store , 10th anil J Jones , yU ; low lent , uooil location and gut. ting U'ttei o\eiy daj. UeotKoUlouser.701 .iUtli 40-JyZ > NH\V \ hnlldliij ; , handsomely llnMiod stores anil Hats ; all modoinliiiirovemeiitssteain ; lii'iit In season ; cor. l.eavcnwoith and 1'Jth ' sts liuiulru Kelkunny \ llray , lilk. TTlOK "Knrf'F 'fniJ storeroom in Not folk , N cb' -I blielved snltiiblo for clothlnir hnslm > > s ; iductilo liKlits. bio.nn boat , otc , . Address ( -.A. Must. f > 7 ( > irurs'i : otllou at small llsuit's on Krounil tloor , .L1 In llovd'tf opera house. Inquire of Ameri can I'tit'l _ _ Co. . _ a i _ * . 1Mb _ st. _ 11H "IJlOff KKNT llrfck warohonse. two itorle < .L' and bisomeiit. 27,000 Miuaro feet , ulth 1W feet of double truck on U. I1 , railway , sontli .1)th ) mid I'lnrco btrceta. Address U , ( Jinalu , Nub. FOIt ItnNT Small store room. 85. Pontl Tenth I'ourdiHirs from depot. Suitable for fruit orrl nr a tore. Apply tlokot olllcc , tn nth. R-.M. ItKNTAh ACK.NUY , . < ( f. , aft ( up of fli t column oniU in tlon lildtf. UCl-a- _ MORTON'S rental asoney , 517 I'axtonhhxik. 71 > I I.I" i : . COl.K.iental agoiit , Conllnonlal bile" 1 1. 77U EJ , 1KKV , rental agent , axi N. Y. LI fa. _ 7M i. ttf. . ttttottp } ' flnl coliimti-n t/ib \ \ TANTEiliKMl ( mittorniUk > T ioi N. snii ht , iiOU KENT lUirioliorin. 'JJd uniU.eav- .1' 1'iiworlii. * J.W uer month. I' , r , llurrlson till N , V Llfu , VIO-5t _ M AD STON'F llmxiin crnintiB inivl Mono. L L. Hi-nitow.roflSoutli itjth. s t Ktl-lyl ' ' WANIIiO TO IllIV. _ 'iirrnUt , rtc. , t VANTKI-7'obiy ) liinuio alioiltsU rnoiii" i I nenr mih ami Vlnton stu , tlint eun hu nofed. Infinite of M. A. Ulllon , nt sim 's d run Mtore. 78 ; i' _ " \ A fKI-l ) ) od oointncivlal paper. Ne- 1 I briitka MortgaKo loiinL'u..filU Paxtonblk. 7U'i filfRMTt UK. lieu ehold ROuits , etc. llltfliont I-eiihhprlee , J17S. llllli. 71'i \VANTni1-Onoil piano , ehenp. will pay T I muli , ll.irtlut , 8'l ' C i vlgh ton block. ' ' < ; r n ff , rfc , , nee t ) > nf fi ft mlumn on Wif.s jmuc. T T M U' ' " ' I' tAS ri-pairi'irr vprrr loclTsiii 1111 Ulsey llttliijatllellln'sgun Hlinp .II'N ' ; Kth. IAUA ) ! > OrS. umbiollas nnil vinion litnlirel- las coveriil mill repalied. VulkliiK canes lep.dted. 11. llalor , IMS Uouslu1 * ! basement l-'nr lattt , ctr. , * rc. Inj ) oflrxt cutiirnn " > l Ilif" ! l tsc. J'l.AS AOi ; nnd inaKnctle treatment , 1113 1'a- J-'l. eiflc , half block fioni motor line. 711 ASS\nr.tieiitiiu > ntDluctro.tliprniil , biths , -L l-.ealn& hair tri'iitini'nt.mnnlciiroA chirop odist. Mrs. I'oat. U. ailVlthncll ! ! \ Wk. _ u Jy fi' Indian doctor snnmntops to euro all JLUInd of piles in ton data ; aNo all dlsrasos of the Ihrnal and liinitj In the siiinc tlni < * . Tupo woims tal.en out In six hours without Icavlnu otllce ; and nil dlte.isvs that arc curable 017 y.iuthst. Cill mid .soolibn. AIr-Mn. Dr. Onyhas fitted itpclo- batli innniM , No.IID8 Itodi'i'st , the 4iiniiilIliiiir , nnilli now picpated to plvcllot sprlnss baths with ulectrlcity. All siillirlnK finin ihi'utn.itl.sin , l.i trlppo , parillysls or dropsy will do well tocall upon her. aUJylll rioxsiox AOIONOV. Kur rnfw , ctescc , d > j > oi"it ( iiluinii onf/ifs / pauc. " \TlC\Vlaw ; pensions for almost all soldiers ; i > fathers , mot tiers , widows and minor chll- dron of tmldler . < Malms pushed by K. Is" . Ollncnian.l'jaiicU'l ' ' Krrn orlilk. 15 ye.ira expo- rlcnec , Only iiensloiiollleo In Oiualia , 887 OT. PATCH. e\eln lvo pension and cliihn attorney ; o\ur Uyoan'e\poncneo : have all the latest laws and decisions. Olllio re moved from I'ren/er lilock to Ohani lw of Coni- inrrcu , tooniKI , Oinala. 7UDjySII * Now Istlio tlino to apply under JL HUM lav. Circular showing who are en titled sent flop. All soldiers , tliolr widows and dependent parents should address Tall- ni.uli ! < i& T.illmailKo , attorneys , C'hlcimo , 111 , and \Vasliiii ton , I ) . 0 , 747-1J' I'or rate , cte , see tup oflr&l column on this ) 7/c , rMJAriCA01 | , BtoruKti nt lowest latcs. W. M. 1 Knslminn. Kill I.eiI'll : worth , W / fOLDbtorngo. David Cole , 813-hli llomud. V fa s1 TOliAOK-llianchX Co. , ISllIloviiru. 800 I'lin storage , iopauto compart- ' iiients , hlS17 llovr.ud. W rpTtACICAan Morale , D.ivltl Cole , 8i8 17 1 Howard , fa LOST. I'of rale. * , etc. , pcf l j > nf flrfl rodunn oil Hi la | > tf' dV { ) reward for .my Information leiulliiK to the Tiucinory of my laiKlIsh sitter dofi. white with luruj red snots and double noso. Acl- ( Itess.J 17 , Iloo. W5. * f OST or stolen A Kntintvlilteirrny mare , JJlefleyo blind , htiliiK hilt loth lilntl IOKS tilioiitlVO II ) " . If letuinud to Jacob Kocai,8tluind Urncc. tMJ a I OST Ijiidles' Kold watch , hluo enamoloil liutiiin to lloe ollleo und set irvtnrd , JOST--Pockf < tlOok on l.owo arc. between Taiiiitiii and Hamilton. Kinder io iituJ at HUUC'iip u\e. O ) 1'IOllHON/Vl.S. l\ir \ iiitt.i , etc , , pcctop nf flnlcolumn oil tltli i > ( jt. "IftOHSAIin Good snan workliorhcs. harness -L and wagon ; weight 1'JUQ ; cjsb 01 time. Gld l'i\tonblk. 973 . . SA1K or tiailc aside bnitop and alight loud wauon. llolbrook , X'O s. 17tlist. , Hcc building. OSJ 171OIISAWV-Hiusoanrt biiRBy JllM , hone at- Jtractive , Kfntle. CmltUss , jouns ; no trade. Addiess P.O. box T5J , b7Cll * rpBAM worK horhes , will take buggy aspait JLiay. | R 111 , lio'irdnf tiulo. 7U ) HOUSKS-I.lsht flrlvc-rs , Darcain. Tlio Into fliohatniado them cheap. II. 1C. Cole , Con tinental block. 8DJ "IJlOlt SAI.i : Idonblo carriafo harness and J1 1 double heavy harness and 2 lumber agons. mill Kfi : t * 171O11 SAM : A ] > alr of dapple pray work hews also niigDii and Icubox chunp for cish. A. AV. , 1007 Locust 8018 * FOIl SAU : Spun young innles.cwt.about l0t ; ! ) oacli , good WIIROII and liarii ( s , cash or tlino. J..I. Wilkinsonl > 18 I'axton ' bin. 171 UIOKSAT.r. 1 platform snrintr. loather top e.irrliiRO iilmoit nu ' , 1 liuekboard now , 1 doiililo ImKKy or cnrrlaRO harness. Apply nt - - ' ! " > Webster street , Oinulni , ! M. IjlOUSAI.i : A coed blaelc horse , well broken J-1 tolho city. L" ' S. 17th st. UXi HOUtKaifjO anifiiir II , K. Culo. 1M WAXTKI ) TO TJIiNT. /'or / iifw , tic. , sccfopofiiitculimn < m \\7"ANTii : ) toloaseM\IV ) feet on eoiner or * > nlley for three or llvo ) ean. Address T , " i'lll Now Voi k JJfe biilldinn' . U.ij. ; ; WANTED I'm nlshed room within ll\o blocks of postotllee ; btato prlee. Ad- diessj 15 , lleo nlllee , W7-t : * UT AN IT.I ) Two liousm , 7 or 8 uioinseach , coiiMMilently loeatt'il , with modem liu- pniveiiients , Applyut Fieyhan and ICulm. fiO.1 b. l.'lthst. HOI : rUIlMTUKH 10TO. Tor tiM ( , ( ( c , , fteteijiuf jlitt column on thti J7 Olt SAI < K Cheap for cnsh , furnltiiro of 3 X Hats , 11 looms ( > .icli. peed reasons for soil ing , t'allon oraddiessWS. Uth st. 101 r. 17HJK SALK J beilttonds and cook stti\o J. clioai ) . ) . lit ? 6SO-H * i-'ou sAiji : MiscicrjUVMcous. Ki > r ralex , etc. , s fop o/ flat , column on r7il J.OUA 1T1OH PA Ml la I-KO kit Clio n"nuijio" Miltabjo -L for liotol orobop liouso. A No Ice Iwv and moat lilock. Call utUOl Xortli aith ht. furu IIVKl * 1T1OKSAU5 Now Stolnway A. Son piano ; best -L iiiaKe ; party loavlnsoltyi part cash , iiiicotlino If ( loilroil. liujulro atUldl'uxloa I71OH SAI.K , cheap % -horiu pov/or stocl J1 bollor , piodns now , \\ltb tlltlngncomiiluti ! ! licutcr , inuil-ditiiii. plunxo pumps , und No. : i Kuowles ; III sell for one-nulf original cost , JulV W. lii'iifonl. Mt 171OU S.M.n SIIIIHI cool wntchM aiui d1i > J1 inoiiUsiliuap It , K. Jlasters , room 4Vlth - ni'll blouk. Nl ) I71OU SAMC-.C'lio.ip , ono KV-hoiso power -L1 "Atlas" iMi.'Ino and ono 70-liorso IIOUIT Honm bollor , with nil mwiMry coiinocttoin. .llinost notv , only hcon run Ul ilajs , \vl | | sill tosollior or s p irately , vlil \cliaiisn forol lur ittHxIavullnblu iirupi'rty , Just thu kind of u iniioliliio for mill , i lu valor or olcctilo plant , Ashlainl Mill ana Klcetrlc Light Cu , Ahhlaiitl. Xub. 711-1 AI.n A iiioilluiii-slzH flro-proof Hiifo. I'rliitliinCo. . , llth und Howard streets. | _ 7IS 4 171O1 ! SAliH An iluht-liorso poncr iiiuiiit' , J. twt'hii-horsu iMuur boiler ; sixxl order. ItfOH 1'rliitliiK Co. , llth tmd lion aid Htrccts. _ 7IS _ _ rplIK famotiH Warronsluin ? white ami blno .L Hiuiil btouo will hliind In any ulliiiuto , Is tire and frost uroof and Is Kiiltablo for all purposes wburu Monti isprufrruhlo to otlior niiitcrliil. I am prepared to furnish this Mono i u HIOI t nn- tk'o In nny unnnllty , rouiib , .sa i' < l or iln'swil ready for iisu. I'or furtli r Information ml. tires * Jiii'ob 1'lckul , Wiincnsbiirti ( Ijiiarrlt i. lo. _ PAiK-l i pltuin boxes iirlco $ i. \ . llosuo , 151U Dotiulu MX li 4 ANT ? ii. ttc , , tret t i' tiffli \ / rnfttntn on Iftf * | vi jc fjlOll " SA I.B One " VIKH" ! Tvcfl A "j'.iiid . A'cltt-rry ' frinio iiprlHiit-phno. Alilrr.jJ T , Ire. _ _ _ _ _ 81 > fl u % _ tniylii -iio. : r.ur.liI.KXHWK. Ir.u hcrof tlio ivmjo. > witiiiio | io. un Hiji iin so T OAKS t'lly nnd IO.IHH . , . . . „ . , , . . „ - J Jper hotlRht. Mcl'atfiio Investment Co. t-OO TVIONKV To lonii on .Omaha unit Riuth J-'lOinalia rent ritatf"No ? tlohyx or IMIKJII- M' < . Monp-y on hand at , nil tlinci. ll ti > , inlth &Co.iCoinntorclal rsatlonal Viink Htlc. TVIONI'.V loinortat lowi strutoi , loiut time on JLil Iniprovi'il diniliiL teal tst-itc , no"oxtms. " iiudolay. Olobo I-oanS : Trust Cows. : tctli. ± n S07 1 ) L"11,1 UNO lonn , flto Thermit ; no nildl- JJtloiul ( liir ( ! 'iforc iiiiiil slcjnor nltoini'y's fets. W. U.Molklo. Llrst rtationil bmle MUR. 803 7\rONBV ,10,00 nrPOdiys on fnrnlt im' . , I'llmrsos. houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , (513 rnxtonlillc. bOi ) /IIIATTKIilnjiiu at Invest rites ; bnslnoss V/coiilllunllalGl / ( I'uUoti Mk. J , ll.r.mlnsor. 810 /OMJinurlALnnd ( short tlino paper VJbouslit ; also reiuihr IMe-voar loans u.ido nnlinpnivod pi-ocrty | ) , Ooo r. Co , SOJ Snro.VD mort PRO loans , S > cond inortgaios bouglit. LOIIIISCMI vacant lots. Kcul & yilbj'f moinlii. HrirdTran- , . 8U : , lo.ins inado by V. SI. -Ularrb , reoin'.V , Krenzcrblock , opp. P.O. 81.1 KHYSTOXH Jlortwuto Co. lniiia of JIO to ? IOJO ; net our rates bifnto borrowing nnil save nioiioyi lunnoii horsi's , fimilttiro orniiy aiiproml scourlty without publli'lty ; notes bought , for now Itiinii renew ni of nltlntidlow * est iiiti-s , call KM , bheely ulU.IJth & Howard , 811 IjlIKST niortcnw lo.ins at low rates mid no t iluliiy. 1) . V.sliolca Uo.'lulst 'it.l hink , Ol'KIt CKNT rt'Mdenco loins , 1,000 lo 3IO,00\ IhillilliiKJnniisnt special rates. The Mend Tnvt'sliiiciitCo..Ht'o tilil . fid T\f ONKV to loan on horsnt , VIIKOIII , niuloM , -l-'l ' household K ( > 'lfUI'"m ' ' < ls' orc.uis.dluiiioiKl-i , ntlowc > t rates. The llrst niKinizca loan of- flee In Ilio city. Main loinfioin : : o la 'Mi diys.vliloliciin lie paid innartor wlmlo ntany tlino , thus lnuorliiK tin' jirlnolinl nnd Interest , Call ami see us vlmiiyou want money. M'ocivn n slstyou protnplly and to jour udvanliiKO Mlthout removal of proiicrty or mil > llpltjf. IMonoy always on hand. iNo iMiivni maUliin IO.IIIK. 0. 1' . Ilecd A Co. , 319 S , filth bt. , over llln lnin A Sons. _ bl * -ITNVSlTAIJA'low rates U Of Intuiost oil llrst motlcnspo of Im proved real ostuto for tlin no\t JWiluysliy tlio Knnsns < 'ltv ' Investment I'o. , Itoom , Ui Hoard of I'mdo. J , 11. I'i'iisu.iiiiiiuKor. ' _ S& > " \fOX13V to loan onany sccnilly J3L forpliorttliiiont low riiti'3. Iiowe t rates impersonal iiroporty. The Henderson Moitgupo Iii\cstincn1 < Com- liiliiy. roiini tOO. 1'anton IIU. _ 818 " \\rANTED I-'list-iluss Insidr loans. Lim' > st IT r.ites. On II and see in. ilutnal In\tst- ! input Co. . 1'iftt l-'nrniim. _ tl' ' > a liriti to liiipioveyour Jr < jnl estate cct torni < from ThP Oiluli InvoslniiMitCo.liOl S. Y.MfoliUlg , Tims. H , lloyil. i oprosoiituthu. _ t t ) ClIIIM * istorn innnoy- 1'hll. ' i Iphli Mortjju-n and Trust Co , nlwnjs ii-uly ti > loiiniiidiiv : | ) promptly ! llr ! > t inortKiiros vrnnlcd. Otortu w. I1. Coatcs. roi- ii'si'iiliitlvi1. loom 7 , lliMiiiliit TfriUu C.'l S inonev * to loan on city proiiortyi ' ' SHOUT time loanson vacant lots , Sdby A .V lieed.m. lliailotTr.nUKJ _ _ _ MONE V to loan In nuy iimoiint froinJIO to ? 10,00 , ( ) foruiiytlinefroml toliinontlis.Loiiin iniidoon housoliold KOodsplanosJioises.miiloH , capons. hoiiseH , leiiMb , rti' , . In fact on any avallalilo scuiully In arty amount , nt the lowe - e < t iio lblo rates wlthbutroiuovnl otproporty. I'ayinentseiiiibo inlilo ; t any time lodnclni ; lintli iitlnulpal and Inlore' , ! . " \uit piy Interest only for Mm tlnii ) you use tlio money. II you one iilmltinco on youji piopurly 1 will lulco It up nndeairy It for jou. Aloncy alnnyson imhfl. Kodolay. Isopnl- ) llclty , Norcinoval. Lowest r.itet. 5 11. K.Mustnps , liooin 4 Wlthncll block , 13th und Jlarncy sts. 51'liKcont. inonoyto loan on loalostnto se curity. Itoiim can \ > o paid olt In Instal ments , J 110. \ \ , Kolbins,20U M. Y. Ufa bldtf. sa.'i _ "PU1VATE inonoy to loan oluap. 0. IMIar- 1 rlson. Oil N. V. I.lfo. 8)J ) fill ATT M loins , U. 10 Contlnuntil bllt. . 13 k W Uoutjlasi bibluusjcoiillduiiUiil. M. J , IIall. LOANS of $3,000 , tollO.OJO wnntoil on clioleo linniovcil propoity. Unusually low ratoi. Nodilay. Central LoanS : Tinst Co. , I > o. ItDJ 1'ariiain st , O. A. Starr , ininaBcr. _ fc'4Jyfl TB funds toloanon. eliolpcclt.ypron- 1 orty at lowest mtut > . Klinball , Chump It Kynii , I'-linl'iinum st. _ j Hank. : S.isth st. will torn yon winoney on clnttolsat tankr.itos , CallIIJ rOANSMohoy on lianil , low ratisi OnmTn Ulril Eblutos Tiust t'O. , 2JOS. Kill st , Ueo lulldlnir _ l i SIIOUTJIANU ANI > TVl'ISV'ltlTINO. I'Dr raten , rtc. , seetojiof Jlnt column oilthlt [ ynst. SECOND 11 AND Cillsnplisilawiuond uii'd ( j llpiiiliigtons. .lolin II , t'orno.s Co. Letter flics nii'l ollleo specialties , Huiago bldff. 8'J7 J' r nilcx , flf. , fte toyof ft rtt column on thh paw , KnclAYTON dilT\oyniit ! \ unil nianotlc healer , can , by -wonderful will power , ! ! ! 'u nt any leanest. Ladles OUuuudentliMiicu | ; fl.OO. Mrf S. 10th ht. , up stairs. Tlll-3 * 1 OU1SI2 IIENXKIT , from Chicago , tlio fi- , 1-J iiious iniis-iiii' nnd inaguutlu iiianlpiilutor. rarlors. : ili ( iN. loth ht. 058 10 * Di : , NAXNIB \VAUUi.N. : . ilalrMiyunl , medical and linslni'ss ' incilliiin. 1'enialu ' aMieclalty. 11U > iliiLliit.tiooiaw3iUi < lJ. ' \1 US. nil , KOIIV has returned , Tlierunowiud J'L cinlnovnnt is tlio seventh iluiKlitnr uf tlio sovoiith ( iiuulitcr , born with veil and Kreal propliutloRlftofhCfoml HlKht. U'hllooiitMnfCil will rorualln her piitrmisnury hidden mystery In life , Has Ions been pronounced In uirojio nnd America the tfrcitostllvlns wimdorof tlio present age , UimoritaiiiU the se-lcneoof tlio " 1'orslan and jllmloo nmfjli' . " or undent charm workliitt , nncl propiros l' yntlan tulh- mnns which w'H ovoivomo your onuniles , removes family troubles , ro.storoi lint niroctlons , inilt 4 mnrrl.iiro with the ono > oii lovo-no fulhiro. Homovci oUl In- IItience.s. bad liiibltn , euros witchery , Ills , and all lon btnnillia ; and my&tcriouj tllst > : iM's. 1'uo il. $ and ! " > ; houis ! ) , i. Up. m. , strict. Semi stump for llliiilratul circular. Parlors IKJI North li > tli at. Always lit lioine. - * J 1 VJ ATAjnlii/I ) : Kit. iiimjiielNt. lH TrckiM- | 'L tdRotl by all eonipotltois thu rjueonof inas.sauo nnd maKnitUiii , 1'ailors over OIU3. Utlu Hours U to b ; Sundays 10 to Uhtrlit. ' > . " > < > Jly7 * HUSIMCSSj CJIAXCKS. Tor rates , etc. , tnet' > } ) of'jiM column on tlili Hotel l rooms , lout low to a PS ; hotel inun , A-'jiply Itll Ca > b st. t-g M 8' OMAHA lluilness Utiiuiuo IXti lordlnarj-- I-Mtihllsho retail liantwaiu btnlnesi , line location. Itoeolpts , ! ' . " > )00ptr\eiir ) \ , Owner rc- tlrlu ; i < lWM , cash ii'ial/t'd. ' Call or inlilreis. J. Ij.ltluo. lleo Imlldlnt * , ' , _ Ol1) ) . ' J AUTNKK waatoil wTJli f > UO , HIISIIC | vlll pay J-MJpor nicjiltu. Atldresi J H. Hte , "ITlUUSALi ; I'lrst I'larrineatniaikot nml sui- - Isagu factoryat enc fjyry clioaii. HlOS.lIitli. OJi-ri LMKKV for sail' a oumplclu llvcrj Htock , comprisinghiilldlnifwhorvs , InrniM , uir : > rlimi's , otc. , all In llist-c/iisN cDiitlltloii. liost lo cal luu In tint n.ijDoiltriuflt iilrc.tily tstalillhliiil , iirlcoand terms lO.isunaOIu. Address llox 1'Ci ' , ( iolliniliiri ; . Keb. * - U1M5 * 171OllPAIn rir > t-elasssti > ain laundry plant , -I1 bt'it IcK'utlciii In Oiiiulia.urwlllioll f Inter- ist to vnlualilo inan C.ipablu . of , une , Atldiosill .ll.ll > 1' ' ' , I-K Mute rlnliti Mr tlio lumiufue- turu ami saloof tliu 1 \ . L. ulutu iKitnl. thu iestkiuMMi r illnK and hrlilgi ) | ialnlln tliu lutirkut. UoL-clvod tliu t'tidorsomunt of tliu niuiiufaotiiitM'n niilloiinl Inlmralory of Iho United Siatos ! no limit to Ilio ili'iiuinil ; I > U money tollvomun. Address J. 1 * ltlco.ptt nl > to. hot 57il , Onulm. Wl a * U SAM1--A lli > t clns-i nii'.il nuruct ! Kond Add i ( < HI 11 a ? lice. 7I ! > " OKIAK btoront ii uln ; llxtnics nml st ick woithlTiO ; will tal.i'UV ) . iltH ) rush. I'uily ( tolnit away ami ninstKell bv July ) C'o-L > jcr- iitlvo nml lot Co. . i 5 .N , llltli st. ( U. II D | lll't .lino , willow lady wlslic * tohollnl ' lulu linshiind H half ln. rest In L'lKxlpaylnK driiK liiislnoss. In voicing alxiiii (7OUU , In liiiinlor. Wvu , as she wlslii't ' to go cast , Addri'os Mrs. J , , I.undir.Wyu rlOTF.U y rfwin < . nil fou > fiilciicp , now , JL Ibrlck. 1 IjiH'hj f row I * . U. II. 11 , Ircy. N , Y , .KobiilltlliH. _ 7i 1IOTF.U fof al ( > , T o-siry ( lirloklls ona of IthulifMtliotoli < ] iiin > t an oti'i-llcnt KIHX ! ) ti < liif , onuiio oftlielH'ttciiriior.s In the city , ' Hotel , Ilrotuu lla\v. N'eu , ( W r-A M < KMif ) dfiUfs , nnd ii IInti odn fountain , loclU' , l In u xToti-connly rtoit tn No'jMskn , ICiprv 4if ) thcbosl , 'Iho town ls u K. 11illvUlon tntlonnnd Iho ltU. shops iirolnontoil thnro. \irfullpnrtkMthrs cull ornddri' * * II H.llou- iroom400,1'axlon blookOmalii , Neb. "VirrtJfM , rlt. , trc lop n ) flrxt fnfiiniii f > nl/if. / nti/r. on motor llno > tnociiitijcfor ) : ! . , bulltleta' ' work. Aildrm , J It ) , lleo. IKW 5 * jion K.KOIlANlin ( lonrpropcrtyln Koar- L-noy reiitlnc fur * isjpetjearfor liomulioro 'illassiinion llclit uiieiinitiraiite. U.K. llai- hon. Ull N.V. Mfo. O707 rilO EXrilANClK 2 ototir lots nml will a - J iiuiic twoor tliroolhoii'ind for pheo vortli OW. 0. I'MIarrlson.Oll . N , V.l.lfo. KI1-53 " \\rANT15I-llnrsosinulp \ ) . call ic.hi-tiiinnil It incrcliiiidlM ) f ir uoml Onnlni | irnpi'rty , niiiixjM'il uiitl mil iiiiro | veil , sen tin list , 14tl TMl'ROVEH fntia limd near Alhlon , llnone Co. , Null i want Imiinniul inslito Oniulin irupurty , I ! . K.Copaon , cor. JJIli ami 1'nclllo , 11O11 nxC'llANCK-Jopil ' ! ( Innd Ilinprov nl nndctifOifor teed clonnstock uf li'irdnarc , \ildrc-33.I nilue. MW-J" " \\niOhnsii lot or a utlsfnclory oqnlty to i olTor liieM-lnniroforil or Tborsos to lie soon atT \ Si'iimaii' ' * , Omaha' ) In rscstarlo - ty wagons nutl carriages. lUl-oJ-13 > oitli IGtli c 1I.KAN strt'U of iiulc.uiit cstntcuiid innnoy. , llo < ? JOOtlaH ( iortcil liardMarotd oxohatui ) forjood * Plni.dior city juoimty , In lots o ( fl,0 ) or nore. _ ( . Jl' . 0. . Jin VJK1. _ GOO 7 _ OUKXCMAMllJ.-- laid la Iowa and JL'Nolirusltt ' tocxolinnifo ( or Omaluor Muth Dmahavuonnt lots ; Avlil jusnnipsinall onnitn * trance , M.S. MurL-coii , liooni Kt , Hoarl o ( JHdo. _ I'i _ lilOHBXl'II.VMIW ( lee lfnrni . oily imip'or- Jty nnil wild lands In Nrl ) . ami lov * forgood ccn'l in'il'sp'.proport.yclc'ar , tltlo putteut. Ad- dressy lack | li > \ iu Kninuiit.Nuli. _ _ it.1 ! ) r1O | KXOIIANUB Now liolrsal utock of J notion , and fiiinlsliln , , ' cuds In orljlniil piekaRos. in ) rvniiinnts or c-iil goods , to ox- cli intit for peed oni'-t lilnl la onsii orniKiil pnprr , any iiiiinunt from 3JWW to * a ,000. , 11. ai.VuuiiK A Co.Uod Cloud , N'ol ) . T-0-Ti I'Olt S/VI/IO / 11I-.AI. IV raht , etc , sceini > ut Jlrslwliimn honso ofl riwius now anil liiniKoiui-iy fur- nhlieu , oociipnnts llrst cliss.lnconio no.rly Sl.ono . per t noi i tli , II He'll location In tliollv. . J IS ) , Hcoollluc. Ota'J HJIOH ' PA in Special cliolco barjilti lot < l , J'blocU If-hlnn's wpotul $ l.f" > , worth U.OOO , $ W caMi. U. IMIarrlaon.tlll K. V. Ufo. DTOt SOUTH Oinnhaon nboom nsiln. The Kock Island Inilldlii ! ? nut. mill tlio Jlo. r.iolllc . liulldln. ; In Tim StocUyaids Co. bulldliiK n Iniiro It nil * hu Ildlnt ? nml rYt.oinllii'rtliH nirilq Anotlicr InrK'i paoKInu liousoto bocrotlod ojiislnu tlio MiRlo Ulty to Ixioin.aml Ro Jmipoity piireliiwil ilcht , at piesontwlllniiiUc nM'slors lilif inoiiov.Vu ean oll'ir for this niiint bonlj.lotl. . block J , Hroiin rarUr 3Ct south of Ij'sl. . onSJtli , ? 1UX ) . lots 80 and a iilM ( > k3oii illtii ono liloi-k koutli of tl tliocl , SI''OO neb. l oliKi mid M iloullecoriu ) rliloek ion Ski st. two bloL'ta south of ( J st , * 1OT for bith. ! 10x7)rlKlil ) in business cant rr on H. li me. l Uv > ii Nancl 0 sts $1 ( V . Lot 4.lloi'k ) 71 , So. Omaha , oii2. > tli jnstnoitli of M st.COvliVl , rad < ( l dovn tosi'nilc , line cotlitKO In nir of lot. Snooo. IV ) ftct onQ bylUO frutnn'Itli si , Lots land ! , liloclc lllrovn Park. KOOO. Cor ner across sired west fiont. sold for JIO.OOO. 'Iherels n.niicy In any or all of tlio above. ( ict tlii'io hlle you can , 1 , A. Upton Co , snlo : ieut. OH T 3 (1X111 ( A barpaln 100x111 ti. w. eoriior 10th Jaml I'lt'iec , 4liou s , lout's for J'flO ' n roar , Mill inalcoprlceoii tills fora fuvilsiys ntH.OOD , JiWM ) to1,000 cnsli , inlaiuo utOpt'rcuiit. This H > per ciiit , lisa than actual valuu. M. A , Uptoiil'o..fiolo sonl > i. l > ri 7 : Lots 5 anil U Woe US , Ilronnaa 1 l > laoe. On the liljh iilatejiuS.V , aeadiMiiy nt tbebaorcd lieastand vostrluws lire siipurb , NoiluflleatFtof this inoputy la the city. It Is on tlioert" , ! . AMU inalco prko ruhtand tcrtnauusy , C.P. HarrJbOn , Ollrs'.Y. Life. WIW. FAUM and lario ranch for silo In tlio very choleost socttoii of Mntiton countyNob , , Jarmsnro Improved and llrst class , Tliorancli may lie one , toor tlircoicctlons fenced , with IIOIIKCI , barns , riiniilnj ; hlrcainaiid bestof bay land.all atlialfvalno , n. ureat burc.ilii.inlKlit tal o pirt piy InotLur iiionorly , T. b.OlarU-on , 219 S lltlt at , DW 0 ASM A M ; paiiiiciitdottii an(191fi ( permontli will buy a-l-rooin homo and lot on Kith , 2 liloeK ? from motor ; ohanco to ac- milroa homo on easy torms. Apply Kill. R Colo. Coiitlnoiital block. Ml LINtOIA Phco and fnrtlnso lots , prlco * 1,000. iV ) do n. balance Sllmoiitlily. W.I Sol by , loom jtlloarJ : of I'railc , 611 "lilOll SAIK A fine n Mv5-room entt iijjc near 1' oltctrlo far line on N.S7thst. ttlll lake M jmrt of cash payment , a Rood hone orhorso nnd iilincton. I' , 1501 Fariianut. M'-i r-UOOM cottasos. tl.SOncaoli MOO cnnli down , t'bahnco III ) lier month , Tlios. 1' , llill. yil 1'n ' x ton bloek. kJ5 w AUGII&AVcsterllold.ieu.lcatatf.S.Oniirhl PALR 1'ourKOOil lots In AVnln lit lllll , J. on irriido. for * . ' , UOO , half cush , bulanco to milt. Strliijurb I'ouiiy , Douglas blk , 1 bill nnd lotlo. ) Oit : _ _ liuini slii niDst any iiiiTTltloii for Wsnle lit froiiilI.OflOup.iiii cnsj' innuthly i > uy mimts _ IfJC- l\7"AICKui > nml biiy'ji lionioou iiioutlily puj IT inuiits , Clinlcoor sc\i-ii \ illlVoioiit , MUllifioiili onrarniitii st , E\eryconv iii | jce ) , Inoludliiefurnieu anil pin. I'laiiacan ' lie BPHI at in ) ollleo. Cill in , J ) , V. Sliolc Co.lii , ! : Ut .Nlttlonul liinlc , _ 8X > _ riAMl-'OKN IA strict lioimo mill lot. t IIP vciy VVIx'st iiiU'hljnrlKiinl tin that st fid. fur snlo nt 11 lui-Kaln. T. S. Uiirlvson , 21 ! ) S llth M. I If YOU liavo aiiuhlii. ' towll oru-xcliuiiuo it-all nt tin 1'mtoii block 815 \TlKI1 lo solil to close an i-vluto-Kllit ill- choice lotslu humdiTs , t ailillllon - nt loss then tlioli1 wnitli. If. Dinulii Koil Kalatol , Tiust Co. , 'J-'JSo. lith st. lleo liuJM < lii ] . 1W ) OOUNICIion Hnv .iioiiiiritlWtliiislr | : ) wij ciilliiKC , v ry ulieip ami vciy iliolcc T. ( liirkson.SI'J Hllthst. Mil U U7"iLl : > liiillt brick linusc , 8rooms , llnlslioil In Inul pliio , olo.'iiutly ] ) ; iHiOil | , oik iniiiitlu ; julco only Sl.VKjlllMll \ \ im joasy rpIIUltOtGHLImllt 8-rooin lioaso , bath ir < xin. ) lint unil cold vatcr.lliilshi'd . In an- ( ] ( ) oa I. , hiiiiilsomu maiili'ls. bcinillfn liy ' < l , .sliding ( I'lors ' , l.nvo iccoit | IdiiliiilU , f.K'ooilsl/.cil linrn. lut ninvhuli tills nils h I00\ii. : > onu beautiful clovatloaln DiincUo 1'liico. Wo Mill hill tills liroporly lur WOO. A nutlicrliouio In liniitlco PIIPO , 8 rooms , liot nud cold u'uU'r , tilth , llnlslicd In soiitluim liliK'rublX'd cloivn Inharl oll.iiowstyli ) ntaii- Ids. impurliaiuiiiKsof tlm latest dosl iK slM- ln < jlirKtiU'fCiitloiiliall , slate lonfi tills liousoiilHoliaHlOOItifoclof i'nuiiilainlliaiiil- tuint'ly ' od , Tim pilco Ii only ! t(5OW. ( If jou are ni-UIn , ' alioino coino In anilloLiii showjou llH'soiron'rtln.uvllliiiuko | | \ tliu lorinsso Iliatjoii fun pay 'or tliuin easily , Tlio 1'-itrlik I/iiul Coniiiiiny'jrjJll , nnd m lleo liullilliig. _ uHS-0 ' 1'rUJIl y.lUov \ | iilorlc on llilli 1 street , miitsuro 10 pori'isntof iirlc-o nslcuil i. bahiicoloiiHIIiiiu.lll buna Ilio mark' to illy a few diyt ; > . Aildrussll 7 , Iloo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 701 CMM.l'lAI , bargain In ineuiit lotna ( hlunii Diioir-Mlli. T.S. ( 'lit rl < in. SOS llth st ix o IjlOl ! SAliK Men 7 nifiiii lioiisn ruidy to 1 ? niovo Into with full lot , J2.3IW . , tilt ) cash. U. P. Harrison. OIIN. V. IM. icj : Xotlei- . Slatlor ol application of P. rflilngcr for triiiislcr. Notloo U hcroliv glvin tint I < M'nimi r did iiponlhoSil < l y o'r July , A. II Ih'.W ' , Illoliln iip. pik'iilloiilo tlio Itoird otl'lraaiid 1'olk'i1 Coiu- inlsHliiiit'rtof Omalii. forpurmlHslon to trans fer liNKiilnoit from No. tllii iiouth ID t list rri'l , tn No. IHHSoulli lithhtru't. In the biinic want , Utiinliu. r\cb. If Ilioin bo no ohjoclloii , rotnniistranci * or luntist Illoil wllhliitwo w 'iU froiii July Jrd , A , U. bHitlio ! w Id l.rriiiKsloiiiinijIio Notlco of Stle , ItoiulH. The board oo ( Hiippf NubiasUa , wlllullur fonili * nt n'ulouli July l.r > , IV.H ) . ut WiiHt I'olnt. Nil ) . * I'liinluK fun n ty rofundliiK bimils In strlus ot II.UUD uacli , InttT t ! i pop ( cut 'inl-uiiiiiil. ' , iluu In \M'iity jniin , pnyablo ufUT ton you ut oMloiinf enmity I'ur | iirtluiihr4tiiilron : | A. K Uruli im.'lini ( Com , VVIiiiorN'ob , J'.t iliit. Notice. Klfvutor tola-.o-l'iiiosltlonstf ) | > Icise lor nnu joar , ur lor ti'riu uf yi'iirs , thu Union ii ; Malor nt C < iiinrll HluTx , capiclty HUXII liuivlrcil und llfty tlioiikiuid l-Uhliuls , will liu rneolvod ui > toliilyHtlil c. ) . Adtlrt'sH.liuorjo I1. V'rlKlit ' , Hw'y ana 'I'to 'r , C omiull lUulls , Juuu WWt Nolle. * Ci "VJOT10R l ! lirtohv flvcintlmtbr vlftuoof a - - > clialtlnmortjftKOiliitoil on titn&'mldny ofMuyiA. IHHWA , true copy of wlilch nioi-t- KIUO M < lilly Illcil inllio nltlcunt tliocounty dirk ntPmiiliiHrmtnly. Nolirnilii. nntliu.tit li iln.rot Muy.A. 1) . , IMKnt ) , 4 , l ) p. in. of Iliatdny. nml cxf'iitiil h ; ( Soortto K. MorotimiMo nml Itnr O. Morvlioust1 , co-nirtiier- | Miiuihoiiso uiiiH'oinpaiijr. to Molirldu k t'ompntiy , tii o- cMiru tlio pnyiiiont o ( the mini Ihorelu ineii- tliiiotlnti ( lllip HIIIII oli'lKlily-fniirUtillnrsiiiul fotty-ono ccnt now tifliiK iluo nail unultl | tlicroon , litKuU-fiiult liiv ln < bom inniln In Iho conilltIon of fulil motlnaRo tint stlil niort- and inycncr tnlhii mort- KIIWO to apply on tlio nuitfeuso < K'H ' atlho i < iiil of oaoh thirty < ln ) tlit > anioiiiitrt > nll fruiu tlin silo of tlm tnortRiutt'Ci peed * tlio inoititapcc. nnd mill clunilnl lictM'ir lii tc'iiru : iiul noHullor < itli * r prwOLvlliiKSiit ln IinrtiiKlioviiliiHlltalt'il to rvnivcmaldilohtor any imrt thereof , tlioro- fore 1 will Fill tlio property llirolu ilt icrlbu < l ornu nitiLMi Iliort'Of iiHinay w ntri'swnry toi\y | ; li niorl iik'i'tlcbl mult lie cost * for tliu tnklui ; vccltij | , achorlKlim innl MMlliifr at publtu iiii'tlon : it No. 1M1 Dwliro it rod , In lhi > city ofOinnhii. Nt > brikn.iii | -Mtlnlnv nf July. ill o'clooUp. in , of Mid thy. Said niorlim- ucil proiortj | lioliu di' orllH'ii ntall jilnl slngu- iiiliaotiliaiiill o of snlil tnort- ami slliiativloit Ilio X'M dnv of May. IntholiullilliiK. No. 1MI HmlK ftroil. In HII : | ! cliy cif Omaha. ainl hl < 'lii'Oii < l < tsif ) a tiH'k'ofdhi'i't iiimlc. niii lt'liook' . tlltiroi mill iiuHloiiltnureliiiniltso. r < * rniHuf < , du to bo cish. ji : 1017 Mtllinw : vt Co. . J > i'iillci ) to ( onmotors. ( N'otlcols lii'ioliyRiven tlntsi'ilod pro-potil < i Tvlllboruc-olu-fl liy tlio oily olcrlc CM tlioolt v > ( SoulhOimhiion or licfiiro Ilio 'ithdiu'ot I illy , M ) , at 1 Di-look ; > . m. . for sliipliiHimd riniovlns tliodlrt t > M tlm ftillowliiK loH.uo- fortllnifto tlio iri\-lslous ) iifOrtlmunci ) N'o , 1SS , to-wlt , Lot : illoplSil.otitliOnnlia. , ( Lots I and.1. blm'U > l South Omalii Lots luiull' , blookllrst iitUlltlotito South Omiiha , Lot Sblock , 1. tlr t alilltlon tflSoutbOimhii. Lot II , block 8.Drstaddition toSoiilli Oniiba lots ! ' . 10,11. l-Jundll , bloelc 8tlrstaddition LflSoutll Olinlui Lots I , t ! nud 1 , block ? , lint uillltlon to South Omalii. IVost - mciily'llvo ft'Ot of lot 1 , block 4 , llrnwii'i Pnrk. hiist "ovriity-lh-o ( cot of lot D ) , block , llrown'j 1'urk. Dust icvuity-llvo foot of lot 3 , blook 8 , Dnnvii'i Pink. Uit 7lilcuk , 8 llrown'n I'arlc. Lot oblock lii : > i > utli Omalui , Lot M , block IIISouth CJmalu , Lot Cblock , KS.SouthOiii'ilui ' , Lotsli : , nutl iJilocKKt hmlliOninlii. lot si , , nndl.bloekOt ) . MiithOinalia. LotsSiiniU , bliK'k HSouth Omaha , Lot Ablock 7JSoutli , Oiiuha. cl W t .loiiv .T.KVAI , City CI otic. ISotloe lo r CiTvrNninnN OmnK , I Fontli Uniiihn.JuneS.'itli. . Ib'JO f foalcJ propusnls lll lie ucnlvnl by the iinilursUni'il uiilo U o'clo'clt nomihil , , ) Tth , I11" , fur const t net lug iv lyo-foiit. pliio nlnriii vili'i'Miwurou 'li" it rod , from " > lnl tolTtli stiui'ti.Inchiillii ! oatch luslm , vVco , : IM ) for imtthiii lu nbiilkliuntlati tlio vtst cml ot "Q" slrcotltidiut. . l'latnatiilsoclfloalloiHiiivy | : lie srcu ami nil Inforniilloiiiiblnlnodrolntlvu lo t lie \vnrk at this olliiu1. All lilils to bo iioi'iiiupaiilod u It li ucortlllud rliock fori.oocu inyablo to tliu ullv ot South Oniuln , to lo iiitiirnt'd on nil bills not accoptcil , No iiropoul fintu conlraotnrs In default ulth tlio city % vlll bocoiisliloroil , The right Is rcsuned lo n-Jcut nny or Jill bids. I ) . CoNNnn.v. L'lidlf OhalnuanSt rtvl ami Alley Com. Sol ice to ContiMclois II. 1 ! , Wo k to Lcl 3,000KM ) cubic yiirclt oailhuotk. S/iOO.OOO foot II M.tlaiUr urk , IJD.ooii liiiu-1 fii't iilllnu , SoO.noOcrossllos l.ftiW IXOIPI cli irlnijs. TliH worlc Is located In t lieu ostorii part of Louis iana , Ivtueii Cnliinibln , on the Otiulilti : rlvt'r.nnd AloMindrli. Tills llm1 ruin t liu > ut'li ahlKli.ilrv.lipiillliy.hilllni plnircoiiut rj , IN'II sranin | ; oicullent irliu water mid clear riiuiiln strunini , fuo from all niiliirlil or nnunii ] liilliiuniT . Eindy , lininy i > llllthl clearing , clo. ; lirit cliss tcraiicrvurlc. . Con- ' Inu-tliiii intos from any point on Missouri I'liclllcrallioadto tlimvoik. I'rolllos , ( .pool. llcuttuii1. . und otht-r Information otin lO tocn iitouiolUiT , Hnoni 51 , thy llnlldlnz. uiimor I'luo iiiul 'I III i < l ht rci'ls. St. Ixiil ) , Mo.oi' at ollk'o'ou work , atC'oluiiihli. I : i , ' 11 I.N nY I.-OIUTST : : & ro. UEAIKII PROPOSALS will licrecMlrodtintll O J oi'loik 110011 , .Inly lull , at tlio ollloo of 1lit > Uoirt ! of I'nrlc Coiiitnhsloiiprs. Ml 1'axton liulldln . fur ftiinisliliiK nil inaterliiliiiiili'on- striuMInK slono wii'ks ' on tlio iiortk'ii t anil JUKI south silcsof Jiironon SquareIliosniuc vliltliiH tint now 111 on tli'jvist ' side. It has not IHCII dillnltily dctoriiilnotUvlKitinatcrlal vlll Ijotloolili'd upon so tliOfninnilssliiiuMi In- \lt propolis fur Ixilli tnlltU'lil ami natural slimomd : la t hcovcnt ofna stone ln-l ng M'luotul , Itmusthu tlio MIIIO im Hut now on tliuist slilo of tbnwiunm In kind , thkknesi nnil MiuiiiiT of lay Ins. Thorlshtls icsoned to reject nny or : U1 lids. Guv K.DOASB , Sierotnry. jldJt toConli'mlorh . . . , . , , , . . , . , . rccolvril until noon Sat unlay , July UBtW , for Rradli : Ilio Oiiiulii Urlvlnj and J'arlc , unsocial Ion Kroimdi ' as per phini nud leas onlilo In ollke. 'JMS. Hlh st , llihtreser\od ! \ lo rolcet , sinv orall Mils , J ! i ct J t. U.S. HKIUJN * . Sccrutiry. 14O9 DlllGlilS.--SIREET. ) On account of cur nml increiisinpf IVnctiuo , A\olia\o 17EMOVKI ) to jiioro epiicious mid eon- vcnioiit olllcos. DM. Botfcs Sc Betts , 1409 Douglas St Omaha , No"b. nrPCWRITERS FOR RENT- TIII3 IlKAIiTV _ TNSTIlirMKNls pUuTuI on ruootJ ycstordiv : II IiAlliniiiiil wife to W II 1'lrtli , mi- tll\IUd 'i ' lutsl anil : ? , lilk IM , and mi- tll > lilud 'i ' u. " > lot It , Mlc 1' , Cirtlmc.v d . I 1,700 Ceoipe Anns ! niiiir and \\lfo \ to II ,1 As- nui seii.s 5i lut Hi ! , 1)1 ) Ic ' . ' , Aini'-.tiiiiiK'l add.w d . y , AllirUht Jandiin < l Lot , iiinimiiy to C ] \V lo wK lul ai , blk ; ( . - > , AllJiljlifs t'linlco , w d . -IS BO : rri lil , lot in , blkll , l'li' > luiil phctd \ . 000 11 11 ll.ildildnoaiid ulfotoR I'tlosvnrt ' h , iB oln fiac-resot 8.U acres s\ihW , ! D-Jr > - i : . w d . JMO RoBHut lllll to.V Uft'ool. c ' ( lot 10 , bill Hi , Omaln Vliw. wil . fuO II ! niKliinil tn. I Fltltulilinrt.lot HI , blk H ) , hnithDiiinlia , fi . 1,100 ! V Holt anil ulfo tnc'lns Tnnbor , ' , lot L . liloi-kJ , C'Ie\oliind \ plait' , v d . 5,000 N'atlini l.i/ariu ami % vlfet < > A J blono. dahl , lotiu , bluclv 3 , lloirnian t ounce , w d . 2M J A. Llnuliin tni : . \lcCliin \ , lots 11 and 17. blooUAlbrlxnt'H aniiox to bimtli tJinaha.w U . 800 SJ llnwll to , IR h'cniieily , oia.O ft , lot ll.ri ( > sii > nt yirk.vr (1 . Il.SOO \V \ l Mbylo llWInn , loll ) , block 2.HOC- ondacldltlonto Sontb . I , HI km tli Uniaha land company to I'litur- ' Uockroll.lDtsl . ami - ' , bluuk I'M , ioutli Onnhii.wd . f > South Otniha In III' 1'iitl liiiid , lut 10 , bliii'k-4USontli Oiiinliv : , \ d . Q J II Tlioiniisonlo Hi" I..IKKO. lot tl. lilock 1. Clioriy 1 1 111. w d . < M ) , V M'lrulinn nnd biisbriinl lollW louts , nisU ( > a lots 7 Diicl M > 1UW , Ynlloy , . 1C ti WuiiKli ami husband toW I , lion. ni'dr , iDtlL' . lilU U , llansooniriaeo.w . d , 4,009 ft' Al'axton ' i-tal to I Hllaseull , spurt Intl , blU. Kuuntfli'H-llli it < Mi | oil . 1 JS Mutt nnd vlfo teL V Wolf , Iul5 , bllt II. t'mlKlilon ' HelKliK Mil . 6JO .N'olsUasiiiiissin t A Uasniiiison , lot 1.1 , blU , ist Side iitld , wil . 1 ban tli Oiiialiu roinii.iny . to MM l\'rrr c ( al.lnt : ihlk I in , JoiHhOniiiliii , wil - MO SoutliUniiiliit eiiinp.iny t < i\V \ MKoiri'l ul , Intll. blueK in , s-iiiilh Omalii , wd . 'M \ r\\hltford \ \ In. ) N Nouconili. lots , blk ] , > mii < liirHJl Ulniutjaiixb'iiadd.w d. . 1,000 A \Vhltfir \ , < l Id. I Mt'nuinmlUtit.'l ' , blk _ ' . South'liue , wil . WO Al blight Und mid lol , mm piny tn 13 | | Kalokln.lotsl. t'l , 17 iuil ( in , blk I , lot I. Ilk _ ' . lln rtiin'H tub , lul ' _ ' . Uk 1 In snu 'M , mill lut a , blk . , AlbrlKlit's l.'liolce , w ii . aooo Albilitbt l.andand Lot l'oti ' > I ! II liut < < - , , blk I , huljof blk-JiUIbrUlii. ' ! ) Clinlei'.wd . MO \ \ ' L olhyimiU-IMIo MM Mirshnll , Int II. Idle H < Jiiitha ' . \V \ LSilbyaiidwIfolo.MM Mnrsliall , ton 4. r > . : il. llk ) U.V \ 1 , Sulby'd ' Ikt adil to fiiiiitliOinalia . ( i 12 Iliirliir und wlfo to IharliB Ilimuii. over. 1(411 , blk li. Orubnrd lllll. wil. . . 700 Chat Ilt'iMOiiinuvrrto . ! ( < llolrniui , lot C. lilk ii.Orolnul lllll , wd . MO N AKiiliiiaiidwIfulo < IA. Owyiir.loL yj , blkti , CrelKlilon llelK' ' . I.IIX ) Ki02. Slxtoonth iiml FnrmiinstrootHls tliorowUock Islniitl Uoket ollleo. Tick- uLb to ail poln , s oaal at luwuat Aitauivii's prior 1:013. low OemrM Poricut , " tlirXotfi- ) > Cur 1'ortiMnino ( to Ho lOdiiiMitiil. It wns a jieiiulno plojmiro llto otlior ny to sit nltiic8tdo"Cieiu > ral Vvtft. ul , " ,1w colored muimiijj car porter oil tlio 'CoiickMsiinijilllmllcil" train botwootv Xinv Vorlc nutl Wa * 1iliiglon , ntul lioarhls ailtnnlstory how Iho rk'host man of Chicago. IM ) . Armour , had lal n lilttv ou'tof tlio boniliffoof inoxiirpsalble Ip-- lonuiro iiiul mtulo an ediu'atoil , hoj > oluit iitppy man of him , nys the ClU'nfr Ii - orOocnti. "Ocnornl IJViiresl" Isjiroki- jly tlio best known nnd bc > sl lllwd cm- oilern \ the world ; and his llfo ins boon nltiii"it iv voinniitlo w , Ho wai a plmiitiiny nluto , jouffhtlu Kovv Orleans \\ltli \ \ hit * motlicr. Vim Hurtft fo\vyears U'foiMthtMvui-by ho a fterwni'tls ( , uiioii9 I'lHifotlorulo o.iv- \lry loailor , tJoiipralN" . II. 1'iirroat ' , lot- iisConhoiita county , All iMliipl , pl.ia- .atlon. Tlitm li but a nillo of a. liul , \ irreslVIH fond of hfln jitnl kept liltii tthia tltlo us : v wu't of illiaitmlivu vitlot mill thu K'enoiMl'H Mii'i'cMidorat llaincs- illo iiilSt ! ' ) , 1'of a RTtwil imiiij ytvira ' ( loiionU l''ot < roj"tttho | thm liouostlly cniiio liy liis sobflquot , knoolvod about lie all thu rust of the fiwdinoti llotsuiu nd jt'tHUiii of thotrar , finally sivurlujj- nlSTL'it portion tissmoklnji-ear iioilot * oiilhothroiiRh N'o\vYoik ami ( 'liliMpo ' trains of tlio Poiiiiyjlvania vallroul. lit eighteen years liu novovwas dlsi'h.vvRoil mil iioior left the coin puny "scorili'o but once. P. 1) ) . .Armour HUB rosiwiisiblo lie liitd kvii \ViisliliiKton nml as on his way west , lie hsul been onjojlii ) * v I'lffjirln the witoher , tmd on noarltiKT Alloom wittto Btolcijraiuhloh lie tll- ci'todtho " ( ronorar toke M'l-y jiarilu- uliu * uliout\\itlithunpuiiiturnt \ Aitoonti , isoiiovonl \ \vts , not vi-y clour Tlio "" Illod the iucbMito , returned to tlio ear and begin his tisuul a\it. ( atlon \vlioti not \vnllirifj \ on pjiMon vrs , of ins Ills prlinurimoiir , \ MUthla some it ! n rm for the fa to of lil IIIOH- miustlotictl himslwi-pl fouiiil tlutt .locoiml not read , 1 it tlisit Ills v > l\s \ mill netnoiy Hcrvudhiinlu anne oxinoiiult'rt , nitl onlet\lnjjtliu ear tumeilto Ilio jior- tor with : " 'Cencnl , * luvoyou got siiiiilenoiijjh , opo tOHeliool ntul lx > a mini If aomo- jofly vouldttoiiil you ? ' ' "LSollyl" ros-ponileil the "jjeniMMl , " "jess let soniolwily Irv.1 "Allrijjlit. Go to school. " \\Tith \ this Ainioiir loft Lliooai' Sumo LMD months later , on bis vny lo i'\v Yoi'lc , ho fouiid the suillltiH "Hoin'tMl" ' itliniliiig' to hli dutlos us u nil. Itn- ardiiii ; him with su\orily \ , Armour jiusqtii'ly ihlcoil : "How's this.VtMiei'al'ItlmuiihtI ? told you to o to "Sojon tlid , Itif EHro , ! Mr. Armour. Hut I I olll , joy tliouyiit iott w.ia .i-dinnlti' 1110. " "N'o , 1 don't 'fim'iinyboili1. ' I toll jou to go to ycliDol , " "Allfi } > ht , I'll ' go Kiiro this lltno , i yOll M ) bO. " "Well , I'say so , " Co to school , at once , tiny\\lioroyottlike. \ ' ' Notnaothur word was oxrhnngcd on tlio sulijeet. Hut tlio "i ; < ? noiiil u'ft tlio nud ; lirbt located : il xlimiilton rollojje , Vlrfjinla ; eliaiiffoilfrom tliii to Wilbfr. foit'o collej'o , nosii'Xoiil'i ' , \\liuruho renialnod nx jcai'Mlotuiiigtho , MIHIO u well ctluealed. man , ami , us lie H.IJS . , "with no iiirs to bo ii preacher or an ctlltoi',1' inlhosunimor of iss.S , niitl at once K'fiivetl a car on tlio"C'otiK'UNHliiial ( 'il. " Lutwcuii Now Vork and \Vtish- A Notitlilo Itepoil. uVof nisonloinl inciislursitluii , niiiiriniii ami sterility , It may iiwiiorly botoriuul a SK'Otllc. ] " Rxt rout fioin Dr. AV r * . Mason's repoitoa tlio vvutors of ISxcelsior Siiriii Mi oun. Hun us 1111 There uanio a cliiip ono day totot im u dtutr ( toroin our mining lo\vn , which bail taliona boom and \vn ? atlfai'lin IjiHiness , siys \vrltor In tlio Now York Sun. This wasn't to bo.i "refill if" ilru store , but the thai' , ' store was an aimox to a yiocoiv ami boot ami sliio storo. The new jirrivai hml just oponctl out vhoii Tom Huriisonoiioof , Iho mon in my uhiiii , was taken ono night with billons colic. Hen "NVhci'lor , imollior of our mon , woiilto the dru 'glsts tn jjcta , lem- cdy , Lut that Judivldual tit ouco t-aid to lihn : "I know mighty llttlottboiit di'uffslut T look Uiia stoilc ona debt , nnd thought I'd ' better show Ysin up , The drttyH nro tin adjunct. " 'Yes , but Tom Ins had a bad cu-so of colic. " " \Voll , I might lilt soiaothiiiK , ami I inl lit illicit. T don't want to t.tlco . Iho chances. If you do , # o ahead. " " I don't fool lit , nnd moblw I'd bitter 0o anil abk Tom. Ifho'll run thouhiuicos Jwill. " llocninobaelc and htatwl the caso. 1'om'ncolle was wor&o , and In hNilosior- | ntlonho cvoliilined ; "Oil buiitliin no mnttoi1 wliat ! You I'an'tniom'n 1(111 ( 1110 , ami i > lialldioiiuy > how ! " Bonroturnod lethe Btoro anil p.'uvcd nrotind font hpull. 1 fououlihi'tioailox- cept lth a orient cll'oil , 1m t ho tame ncroi ! t\vn botllos , the con tents of which i.ith IT took his eye , anil lie tilled a smaller ono vith tlio inixlnroVhon ho iuitly to yi\o \ Tom a do-o ho said : "Can't gurmmtco this , Tom , The fellornays tlioilrii.f ! atoonly aiiacljunct , nnd jou Iciimv I'm no hand at iloo- torin.1" "I'll cliance it , " runliid Tom , and down wont tlio dose , ami atinitlnifjfht ho \uis ailcsid mini. Tlio coroner got the story as 1 hiivo ( 'h'onlt , put n jury on the case , imu had the iiiirtk'tilars retold , and \vhon tlioj hticl nothing more to learn ho nald : "Gentleiiion , 1 tMii'tsuo nhar' ' nohody IIH to Maine , and you'll ro turn vor dlot that 'J'oin eimi to his death on ac > uiunlof an adjunct in the hands of n fiiond , the Mime \vasd rugs aiiio- Iwdy knonud aiiylhlnjalJ { ; < Hil. " Ollppcd froinOuniula I'rCHlntorlan , utnlor signature otC. lUatkubt KobmHoti , J'mpr.i Iwas fiiiiil of ort lecuriln bllllou liuatl. atlics by llui'doilc Blood llitttis. 'J"ln/ J'itnlliy ; ina II ) nni , Conductor .1 .1V. , . Stllwoll said , while koakln | ) uf the C'luittswortli dKamer in h ifh ; IHI pooplu won ) hilled and wounded , thai hi difo was bavoil bjp tlio liy inn , "Nt'uror My CJ nl to Th o. " As tlio train ajiproachcd the fattiliailioad culvert Mr. Stikoll wjis Ink inn 11P tlukotB in a , car Inliich \ lltoruvcio shty-t\vo \ inshen oisof hoLh Mix < 's ; mil all ages , Hay4 tlio Denver Xo\\8. Jn the car wore n\oyouny liidioa fonti'il ' in i'U > .so proximity to oac'i ' tithor , nnd aw tlio train swept forward in the darliiuisstlioyhsing tlio old hymn , which Is oii'jof ' Ilio iilainliM ) aiul touch * InW of Clmilojv \ bloy8 prudiiclions , Ono hcituli fill young Krin \ \ tlio llrst liltish of wojiianliood H.III . T the vorw of tlio liynin nlo no anil hi'r companions jiniuil inlhoi'honi.s. 'PhHionr was to uppioprlnUi / suoh iriurtln Hint cvory cur lu the car IIR > tin nnd tocatch the lofralii , ami the uonductorgtoiipcd with Ma hand on the liiiobnf tlm rtMf door o ( Iho car until tlio dual1 volws ol the fcliiKerri liad < ' 0iniot.oil ) ! the cliurua Ai tlio lnt.t vorditdinl a\uvy tliociiiHhwmo , and lifty-oltflit li\lntr Iw'inf' ' * in that car norohuibd tn cloriilly. Had ho'ono ( , out ho would liavubwn oruh Hl Iwlwcon tlio cars , IDiluk Ilicolilor Siiriiigi | .Missouri vatori