Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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A Good Deal of Action in the Wheat Tit ,
and at Times Heavj Trading ,
OnlH Move In n Nnrrow Gioii\o--IfiiK
I'l'IMlllUlN Alll'lllit I.lltlo 01 > Xu
Allcnllon Tin ; Cut lie and
Cinr no , July .1.-tficsliilTflc ) | ratn to TUB
IIKI..1 Trid : < 3 In Mlicat um autlvo liy siiclls.
Thtru vsus u Koofl ik'iil of action nnil , it tlinos
licnvy trndlnx Tlio toinpurof tlio lounl
hnil iniicli to do with tlio i.lnuiios. lull
uus 11 fnlr iimniiMt of linpurtant mint. Tim
iiuirKot gtnrtPil lower llh July ill Wlc , August
atS' c , uplciiibcr 87'iu Mini DuconibcrM'tC.
Tlipso weic low llxuros up to 1 o'clock. It vat
rt'inui knl caily in thu ( Jay that l.inn , KiaiM
anil IIiilcliliisoiiveio nut In thu inurkvl to any
rxtfiit The most uoii'iiloiious tnulur curly
wut IJ A Drhcr nnd ho wtisvury bullish. Ho
win followi-il l > y Orr , ( ' . II Smltli , OlITord ,
lltosscaii , Illooni and otluiH. most ufvliuiu
cotciud short wliL'iit uftrr tlio nnirkut win
under lic.idwav. H. louls spnt icporls of a
M-ry llRlit ylolil fnin llirt-liliiK iiolnls.
Tint city iilm bought liurc. H'lio
bull | iiiliiii \Mru : l.lKhtlcld from
tun slurs I'uxllili ucatlur. lU'ht ii > ? i lnts
HrvcnliLii cars Inni mid xlilitniMt | < t retii'liliiK
1TiJiX ! ( > litlsliols ; K' 'd clc.nani'i's it NlW ( ) rk ,
liicliulltiK a quantity of Hum ainlUT.OOOlmslii'Is later In tlio dny tliu contlniMitiil
c'tilfli H KITK liullWi. 'Iho iii'lliin of tliu inii-
ln t was July. M * loSTi' loHl'ncl ' AllKilst Tc
to Wo ( ) ? ' , SunlcinU I HT'iO loM'.c tofs'sCi
Dtiuinlur fc'ito ' to Mlc to h'H iHull news
f loin tliu I'oiilliiPiit n nil tliuliullMi ( cilln "f
HID local crowd CHUMM ! a sucoiul bulKO In
Mlicnt liofoic tbnilnio. I'auiln tliu listsilcs
tolio a'tlio ' closij to Ilin lop lUiUL'ii fin thu
day July HCOM rid lo Wi o , Aujinst to u ,
ScploiulRT to K ' 4o Iind Ducotnbur to OOe.
Thi'io WIIH seine fnsh export biiiliicsiiit ftiw
Yiirlt. Thu innilto' lultil slioiiK
'Iliciu WIIHIV KOOII "oiu niniktit nil day. llio
rnlliri was oxrulli ill foi llrlcN. 'Ilio rrlco
t'tiriont'H tipoit "as bi'iulsli and ri'i-clnts
u i rn \iltli fill tlmuit tntlliitni.'ns
lO CHIISl ! ] lt'lllll'SS ! , 'II'O Mill < k(3t WUS
BtronK .mil ml MI in1 In jr. The sucri't of It
thuuuhlii ili'iiiiinil Miliipi'rs | rt'uliilly woto
nfti'r tin ; July coin , nti'i ' ounli < 1 tlio jirli'o front
ilt'io ' to.WUo , wltlitl 'losoa'ai'jTHIV. ' lln > -
( IrruVcCotru KIH ,1 hnjors. riilcinco shlp-
inonts uric iiMii a I af nil'.llon bushnls , and
this helped Ilio luvlnof ) illn-1 months Au-
Biistsolil nt.ll'touiKl .tv.o , closing at ai'.c' ;
hopU'inlii'i sold ntll"1H loU'i'tC , closing ut , lo5jftc
iKi'ia : Octolicri.'lusiil lit IVWi'sc.
'I lirru WIIMH itftrrnH i iarUut Inoits all ilay ,
but ti.idlnt , ' uns fairly irnod. I'l lies clnsi'd
nljont steady w Illi Jill } nt'.T'ic , An ust "u i' .
bi pli'inlicr V'Pto ; .lulj sold at7V' ! ninl August
nfJii o ; Mny i-loscil nl'"ifU'i'Bi' ' . The innikot
wns llrni foi .llll } on a llk'lit rci'i Ipt of 1C ) cms
anil ilt'cronsliiK sloi'ki lien1. IkpoilH on thu
c'liip uru noluncoiiriiKlnS. I'niui ' & Co , who
IIIIMJ bci n cnod liuyois , rcuntlj solil u block
of July aii-l boiiRlil bi ptcnilji-r.
11 UK iiroducts dlil not uttiact uniclinttontton
tdilay. HuMiicHs uiimill In niiiruw HiiiIlM , and
nn fcaluniui t hy of iiiciitlon MHS di > \ ulopcd.
Tim IHII.MIII ; to d ito Is 2i7.WH ( ) lines uhi'.ul of
lasl yt'iu. I'our dnyw' iccolpts , iVhio lies July
pinIv sold nl $1..VI ninl clnsod at jl.MWI ; laid
closed iincli infill foi .Inly and 2'ii ' * oil forN'p-
Unilicr , short il'is ' , y'i ' lo.Ou lil liur and alight
, Inly 'I. f-poplnl Telogrant toTlu
III K.I - ( VTTI.K The ( lein.ind was f.ilr with
lcsl ) expert nnd dresM'd hoof hleors soiling a
bliado stion er ; otlitis slow nnd about tlio
hiiiiiu us hoittofoio. UeeilptsvetodIUedat
10 , "WO mitlMsaiul I.WIO'lV'Miiis , Ilio l.iltorsoll-
Ing . .hunt tlio HIIIIIU as ji'stenl.ij , and It IIIHJ
1)0 hi'ii > htaliil tli it thu pilees oa * lu\ans.ire
tlioloucstf.n . thu HC.ISOII. N'atlvo hnteliors'
sloelv Ins hid to follow the ilou n turn In
\aiisand Is ulmi rolling ut the lowest inters
for sonio time. MoeUon and fiedi'is un
til ingid. Olioloo to oxli.i heeu's , HM
Ctl.H.'i ; niodlnni to good steers l.i" : > l to I , Ml I
11)8 , ( laiOIMi 1'JtK ) to 1'IV ) Ihs. . $ . ) . .SOQI.S.- i
UW to l.'JW lln. > 0@IOI ) : htoiKers anil
fiedi-ri , $ . ' . . ! 0'3l.fiO ' ! eows. InitlM and
inUod , * 1.WXitYI.IOi liulli , W.IKlia'slop ; - fell
Mt' ; Ti-Mis cattle , HtiersfJ.l.r > a
llotis.-Iluslnois jictlxo and pi toes a
vlinilohtiongoi- aninnil , nllh nn iiih anco of
fioon lUlitmlxoil and nssortcd light , t'aekera
ii.llil f. > Mtoi.7U.hii ) ; ely * .lli71i ; light uiKul , HU-
li at oil light and soleeled hoa\y bold at W.7O8I
y 75 and sliin'u .sort all 1.85 to J J.9J.
Nr.w VOHK. July II. [ Hpoolal to
Tin : Ur.K.l-SiotKS tlTeotsof lholiollda\
iveio soiloiisly felt In stouUs this inotnliiK ,
with Ilin stieot unit the oxehungo nlniost < lo-
sortoil mill tlio list neglected , Th it there Is
not u iiioro in uUeil Ijtllug down of prices
during thoo\tiomodullni'ss U rogurded as a
hlRii of wiltlnj ? strength. nuiliiR thu llrst
hour of ti.ullng many usu illy actlio stocks
woionotonco triuludIn. Pho Or.ingors par-
tlctilnrlv veio lot alono. The trusts also worn
qulot and without nmtoi lil chango. Tluionly
feutino v us a drullnocf * i per eent In Louis-
\lllo . Naslivlllofioin Us last u\onliig'H price ,
mill that stoeK , with Now IJi huul nnd b ( .
I'unl.t-upplleil all the Interest Iheiiinasln
the trading. The Itnctn it Ions of aoltliur of
them , however , were iiudoovor.i rnngo of
inoiu tlisin 3 per pent anil no fntnro of any
Mini was shmMi In tlio inaiket until I ito In
, tlio hour , uhon Col ton Oil coitllli'iites do\ol-
* \ > petl conililonihlo woaliness and declined 1
per cent to 2S. At 11 o'clock IV tinirket ,
nMiinioly dull and stuiiaiii : ; nt aliout the
opening prlees. llofoio noon AtehKon ioso to
4 Fa nnd , usldi ) fioni n " points rNo In I'ullninn ,
was the only giiln In the list. ht. I'nul ' us oil
! i at 74' Cot Inu Oil eontniiii'd todeellno and
wunttoaiU ut U o'clock. Tin 10 UIIBH filr ro-
ro\i'iy of stioiiKlh In Htooks hefoio tlio elosu
Atuhlson ioso to 47'i , Now Kngl mil tofW'a ,
1 , u'l.nuuniui to 11'e ' and Cotton Oil to " 'i
Thoiunsno nnifeatnie ,
Tim follow InjiM'iu tlio eloslng quotations :
MONBVKasy at 23li iii-reeiil.
I'IIIMI : Mi.iuMSTiih I'Ai'hii .va ? nor ecat.
SiHii.iMl i\ciiAMti : : Quiet nnil s'.eadyj
fclxty-ilay bills , if I.HI ; demand , Jl.s,4.
NJW YOIIK. July : i.bpoclnl [ Tuli > rnin to
THE Ili.K.l Thu following are lIuiuiluliiK stock
limitations :
I'ltHDVCK Jl.tllKHT.
-Oiucno , Julya.- ! : ! . ' ! p. in. olosn Wlicnt
rirnr i'ali , MIVc ; AiiKiist , t > bo ; Scptumlier , biS
L'oru SlPiulyt , 'U > | 'iJ.'IISo ' ; AiiKiist , a. ) ®
O.its-MuadjiJ..vnsli , ' . 'iS-jO ! August , 20Soj
Hjo-lMo.'uly at 4V1.
llailoy ljulit ,
I'rlino 'I ImolliyJKIIO. .
Kl.i\-ll. |
Wlilskj81.01) .
VorU-llnll ; I'lish.ft'J.S.I ; AnRiist$12.00.
Kuril Hull ; cash , if5 < ! 7 ! , : NMitonibcr , t.V03' ' } .
' "V , ' " " ' " "iKiill Mliitttrnhciit , Jl.Wffil.sUi
i 'l V ) .
JifM.231 ,
rllw , . . .
i'i. . Mut tor-Si umlj j iTotimi ry , l23ICo ; iliury ,
M c UhPt'sfl ITni'lniiieotl full
; ertMiin clipdilnrs.
Tlattldioi lints , T'.UT'iO ! VOUIIK Ainurlcub , 71J
& ? iC.
I.KRS Ittiroljnutlvo ; ficsli , lOUloijo.
Illili"-l'noli'iii'iiil ; lUlit KiiH'ii suited , r > ' ? i
60 ; sultwl bulls , ftoj ( troi'ii Miltixl oilf , is ) © 7u :
dry Hint. KifrToi dry Kiilit'd lililuK.Hot ilryoulf ,
ivai u : di'itrons UHlo i ( icli.
Tallow Uni'liiitiBi'iI ; i > nclu > il4 Qllici No 2 ,
.I'.ic ' ; uiike , 4 .o ,
lti > colits. | Slilnm'ls.
1 lour . ti.inio r > ( x )
\Vlii' . it . 1IK > J ITI.INJU
( 'urn . ' 'Nt , ) J M..HHI
Onts . IHT.OOU 20.1,000
Hoiinl uiljourniHl ever until Monday
YniiK. July n. Wheat Id'oulpts , iH'i.M
: iiviioils , ? , ; u > 0 InisVuls ; Biot | olii-ul
No. - ri'il.l'Hi'iltH ' ii In vluvulor ; Ulo
nlloit ; UVi < iUo ) ? f. u. h ; ontloas oluc
No.2 red , July , closing nti > l'io. '
Corn Iti't'ofpts , KI.I'jIlinslu'ls ; oxports. 5iM-
( nxi bushels ; spot linn ; Niv 'J , ll'tftl-'o In olovi-
tori V.Vcl.'So nlloit ! nn raileil inlxul , 4U'U '
4 0 ! oit | Ions ilriuori July oloslni ; nt 41'4C ,
Unix liiio l i > > , .LVXHI iiiihlii'U ; oxnoriNCi.OOO :
[ Kit ilr in : J\u. l' liltoll 'ii-klHi1 ; nilxiHi
. ' torn. Ut.lV ; wlilto vifstoiuJl iuo ; options
111 nil July uloilim at aic ,
Coueo-Optlotm cloaoJ flrui ud SO
to , TO polnH iii | < ili , IlsVX )
.Inly. 1i'0i 1700s Aiigiisl. ll.- . l .fli spot
nn itradyi f ilrt-ar oi < . 1JHO.
Snuiir Knw llrini tiiii < ciiviilo. frJ Hit , 4U ( ' ! tilli H | > , c ! H-lhcisH ! | idy.
IVtruloiiiiit'nl ted closed for August at
I'ork-'iloiidyi HIIHI. niwnl
I.nnl Mori-act lu > t ti'llniKli < l.40&f > .l3' ' { | > MSV
LrnMcniii Mot ) bills July rlnsi11 HI V > . 'M.
Hiittcr MtMiily ; I'.UIn. IwaiTe ; wostcrn i
dairy , n Uli" , ctcntiiry "ftlfl'tc. '
. -I'.iJi ) ! jiuit sklni" , r/ito'Sc ' ; western ,
Mii.WAi'Kn1 , .Inly n Qtiloli No. 2
sprlML' . fiisli.Ift'l'ii ' ; ; No. 1 noithuin , f.u.
Corn - ti'iulyt ( l .1. .fie.
Oils rirnn No.3while , Wiftlltt.
Ui' I Inn ; No I ID < > ,
Ilitlcj-SU'iiIyi No. 2 , ISVCiHUo.
I'ruv IslnnsI'll in , pork , * I.'IV ' ) .
Mis'MMi'or.if ) , July . ' -Wln-at liccolpti. 87
curs Hhlpini'iits , 2lcnr i fall tmlu In s.unpin
lot l slnw Kridi's li udlo sell. Closing : o. 1
liiiiil. Julv , 8Vtci August.l 7ii ; on track ,
t-s'iBWoi ' No. I niirtliura. July. M'io ' ; August ,
H ci on tt'ick > > "i'7' < ( ii.'i No 'J northern , July ,
Mr ! August , DJ'iO ! on track , b.'U'Ho.
Sr IjiitTis. July a. WhiMit Cloioil hUhcr ;
cntli. MJ i ; Scpti'iiilicr , Ni\c.
C'uin-Illuhcr ; cash. .U'c ( , Soiilnnihcr , rK' ' c.
I'urkDull ut Jll.V ) .
I.ird-Nonilnal at M V ) .
\\hlHkcy JIlJ1) ) .
lliitti-r-Dnlii , lltai.'ci creamery , lliJJI.le ;
r.lxln. ITai'-c
ClN ( INVATI , July n Wheat Huslcr ; No.
Srul. ' .
I. 'urn I asliTi No 3 mixed .iTljo ,
( I ils llljtlii't ; ? M > . U1 , luKoil , .U'iO. '
Wlilskj { I Vl.
In iil'ODt : , July a. qulot , h < ilU ( n
olfi r inoilurululy j O.ilKurnla No 1 , 7s ! jd per
Cuin tjnli't bulslii'iilv , and iincliiingedi new
nilxi d uistciM , ! 's l'4d per ci'iitnl.
KANSAS ( Jnv. July l \Mii'nt-l.i > pr ; No.
2 litttd.i'.mli. 7ia7IUfi July , "H'U-'t'ic ; No. ' 'led ,
iMili , 711iffi7tii' .
Coru-stuuilyi No ' - ' , faili.S'ic bldj July 2Sic. !
liil'i : STOCK.
CIIICAHO. July l-- 'ittlo-Ilu"ppti | , HOOO :
innrUcI stoidy ; lou ) f"4. fl.nXlt.S5 ( , stieis ,
JlV ! ) : , htni-Kirs .mil foodi'ti SJ3K3I5' ) :
rows , hull's and iiilu > dil.O'I.IU | Texas uuttlu ,
H.Wi.l 1. ' " , .
llo s Ui'i'i'lpti. IIUHW ! nrukct strong to
simile huliitr , luKoil , il li.'i't-l.T. ' ) . lie iV. . ( Ii5 (
OIlM : llttht. { ,1 liOtt I.X ! ) , skips , HOixa.l.10.
Hlni'pUci'elpti ( i.uml ! iniirkiM stoadyi na-
IHcs , tIIHX7MWI : wcmon. fltOAI75 ) , Texans
* l.'ii ® t.ilUt Innibs , W,7.vat.UJ.
K ss s C'ITV. July a CaltleIlcoclpts ,
2 UKI1 , slilpinints. 'Nflj market stonily ! sli'i-is ,
A t * ) * v ? > I lilt mttiu It 111 t/7ti ! * * * . ut ti I. it i t tid fnni I
oii. il.KMl.'W
llo s-Itueclpts,7f)00 ) ; ililiiinonts l.SX ) ; mar- tostioiiK ; all grades , fUJ'jffi'HT'J. '
ST Louis , July il. Cattle-ltcei-lpts 2.200 ;
shipments , HOIKS fair to faiicv tmtho steers ,
{ .I.Slitl.lli : stoekoM .mil fi'i'deix. { J.JOfJI.40.
Ilo s ! ' ( ' , ! , ) ) , slilpiixMiN , none ; in ir-
lu'tBhado lilchot ! heavy. * . )
Oj llKlll , tl "
Morx I'm , la , July .1 -"pri-lul [ TcK'jrrnm
to Tin. Hm 1 Hotm-HiM'tlpis s lee , muUct
opcni'd and closed stuulj , 'uUIng .itlJ 40'ftJ13 ,
tlii' bulk nt t.l.4'1
Cu-n.i : Hoci'tpts. ! KX ) ; niarKot ilull but
ste.ulv , flit iti-cr * . urliiiu , J1 iVSH.dO ; fair to
( oil.IVx3l.70 ( ' ; fuodots , iliolic' , 'Kll to 1,001) )
pounds , S ! Kiai.Ti ! fllr In cowl , tJ < Ci1.l 10 ;
HKiuki'is. clioloo. 1IW1 % | falrtOKood , t.7r > O
a.OO ; Infi'lloi , SJ'i' ) ® ' ( i.i * ; cows , u\tra clinlcu
coi n f oil , fc..7ViM "V siasscis. fnlr to ( 'ood , { I.7J
ffWi" . : Inft'ilni tocoininontl ( ! " ) ! cnnncis ,
7"icl.i'i ; ji'iulliius , I'xtr.v I'liuloc , tlVM ( ) [ 15 ;
coiiiiiion , l.7VfMOl ( ; bulls clioli'u. KMVite'Oi
coiiinion , il.'o&'J.'J. ) ; vcalc.d\us , pool tocliulue ,
.111.1 Airi : . '
Thnrsdav , July 3.
B'tlin itoil receipts of riltle IM. compiled
with 1711 jesteul.ivinil 1,4')7 ) Thursiliy of
last wiek Thuru weio not snfllclLiit cattle
In the j mils to tn iko a market A hcltoi fet't-
IiU pre\alleil oiillio hest ui.Klesof steers and
oM'iytlilngdesliul ehingeil hands on an ae-
the in iii.i'tat an adanee of "c , with salis ie-
purti'd IDe hUlior. Tliero Hi'iono fitsh sloc-k-
i > rs anil feedeisainon the lucelpts atid noth
ing Is doing In tliosu lines
Fstlinaled loculpls of hojs I MIO compnrort
with 7U" > vo toi I ly .UK. ( i , I riitiiiilny of last
wiuk. riiiMiiaiket oiii'iiiil slow and sic idy ,
Mien Doe iiiioaethe , luhn solllii ; steady and
. . the prices
pilu M.IS Mt'i'J compiled \\ltliil II'J ycator-
d.iv and { .I "il't I'll ini I ay of lasl oelc.
Prevailing I
The fnllimliiR IH a t.iblo of prices jnlil In
tills in irkut for tin ) r.ulu of stock mentioned !
PilmuHtuois. latuto IfaOO It * . . . . ar.'D
Hood stuoi's , rill to 1IV ) tbs 4 05 ( jjl.i'i
( iood slcors. 10V ) to I IK ) tbs . . . . IlSTi Col.10
( Amitiinn , IKIJ tollVJ Un JIT , { J.I50
C'oiiiinon Ciiniiniiis 1.00 (12.00
Oidlnury to fair oo s HiO 4.IO (
I'.ilr to good cows I'K ' ) ("i
Good toL'liiiIco io\vs " . " . " > ( Tc.ll , " >
Clioluu to fuiii'yi.i\\s \ L"Ci JUtk )
1'iilf tOKOixl bulU l.7.r > Ulilil
Cliolt'olo fanuy bnlh 2-V ) < ? M23
I.Uht stoekeis and ftL'deis i. ' ' > 0 &I20
I'lidois , ( Kio to 1101) ) Ihs 21X1 HriO
1'iiir touhnk'H ll lit IIOKS 110 ( < ? ! 1" >
Pair to t'holeu hca\y lio/s ! U" fS-lM
I'.iir tocholco niUud ho s J l SiS-l.I7i !
ol * I'riucs.
The follow In. table shows the range of
pi lees pa Id foi no.s :
1 ulr to eholi-K lUht hogs . M 10 ft I 41
1'nlr louholci > In- ivy . : i 4"i ® l .V )
I'ali toeholco inlxod . U 4Jii& ) 47ii
siuii > .
I'flino fiitsheop . 440 C , " ) 10
liiMKl fat sheep . 4 'i"i ffil IK )
t'oiiiinon tomodlnm sheep . "M 0,1 10
A vt * ratio Cost ol' llo i.
Tbo follonltii ! lablo glxns tlm a\orao cost
of bo s on thu dates niontloneil , liRlndlng the
lost today , us b ised upon salis lopurtod :
.Iniioa . . . . $170 Juno III . . . . $ .147
.hlt.e I . ! l Ul Juno . ' ( I . . . II MS !
Jtinol . II fil'4 .Iiino2l . I .V )
I line 'i . II r > il .Iuno2l . . . . ! 1 lit
luno 21 . i ru > s
.liino" . . . . II > \ Juno 2,1 II , r > l
.lunot ) . . : i M Juno 2rt I 5l'i
luno 10 . ; i ill Juno 27 I 4S %
Innoll. . . It fiS .11111023 til' '
Jiinul. . II f" ) Juno W
Juno ii : i rav July i a 4i ,
Juno Id : iilH ! Itily'J 4l'i
.Innol7 II fill JulyJ I ) 4J34
Juno It > . . . II 4'i
1fullest and Koivcst Halos of IIosi-
Today. Yostcid.iy ,
Highest . . . MS1) ) Hlglnut . . . $150
IQuest : i 40 I/o\\o- J :17 : ! >
.Stock Kcouipts.
oniolal Ymt"t.lay INtlm.itoil To lay.
t'uttlu . . 7iluar-i , 1.711 Oittlo . . . ' ) e-irs 4" > 1
Hogs , .iilv.ii > , , 7,1'i'i Hogs . . . blearb , li,5iJO
bheup . . . 4 outs , GUI
1'ril'l ) 111' IIO S.
Show Ing the .nortgo nilco pild for louls of
hogs on the days In lic.Uo I In lii , ls , 18 > U
and 1VK ) ;
Day. Juno " .O June 'S'l Juno ' luno ' 67.
unilnv M ' . ! J5 ti f I 7J
oil. H SM ( Sanilny f. 57 4 Ul
July ' .M Jul ) 'HO .Iul > W July ' 0
1 841K 401 Sinnltiy. 4(41 (
1 3 4l'i ! 11X1 5 11 4 Tl
| 3 3 4.VIJ 4U3 630 Piimlay
C < > inptir.itl\o Tables.
Tim following t.iblo shows the r.xaso In
prlcison hogs during this anil List wcoU :
ILljs. This \Ycok Last Week.
Mimiliy , . . . fISo ill 45 fl .V > (4.1 ( iiTJi
Tui'sili ) H IT !'JJ J 45 ci.l i < 0
Wi'ilni lllljr ; ! 37Vi.l. ' > 0 J 45 H.l 'i4
1hnr < iliy , l i.Htw JT4 .145 < iJ 10
hrhlny 3 4J'j ' ( .l U
Mlurilu } 3.15 l.yl (74
Disposition ol' Stock.
Showing thu nuinbor of cattle , ho s and
FliL'i'ii pnicluisi'il on thlsinurkoL by thodllTor-
unt linyuib during tliu day :
Sttlft.VCo 175
Oi-oruo II lliiiiiinonil Oo Ml
Tbo Arinoiii-i'inlahy l'uoklniCo ; 7
Hamilton .V Mi-plu-n 19
l.obiuannX Tr.iiiuiiiiann llll
Urnno& YaiiMint il
Other Uuyora W
The Armour Cuilahy 1'ucklnj Co 1,781
Oinalia I'ltckliu Co 2,7. > 1
Swift .V-fo 5')7
J. 1' . SiulitH. . Co 5
Ivliifiin .V Co 835
Itopresentiitlvo Stilus.
I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
MO lion u un a 7s n ' 'UK a H
1170 a tt ! im)7 ) a 7s 2.1 .ia e a M
10 ? ' U7U 8 UMl II bO 17..1171 J 93
107:1 : 2 ( Vi 2-J 070 2 TO 8 IU ? 3 00
" 3W ! . a CO
. l ! ? ' 2 M 15 IW.-I S5
to itto : ia : > i 42 ana 4 as 110 .iaa 4 si
' 1WO 1 25 4 , CIS 1 1)0 ) 8. . 1007 1S5
21. , I > I5 1 75
1..1I10 ZOO 1..1260 S 1. 1010 210
Maikut 'MtMitlou.
Ilnss ( Inner.
C'altlo up . ' > 5ilOt' .
Tliu li ink of Uoln sent over two cair. of hoes.
\ \ ' . \V. IlnUcrof Loietto in iiUutuil a our of
Mis N'lulson of Dannoliio sunt up n of
N. N't'lson sent In two uaijof lie s fioni
li\'f \ , la.
il.inli'l .Tones cttno In from WubstuiM > lth a
cu : of I'lUlu.
S. T. .lohnsun of Munri liud a car of hogs In
on thu matUut.
1't ti rsou llrotlurs seat u\ urn car of lilies
fionifsiiiii , la
I < li. Oa-illitsof KIMICS.IW was up looking
ONLCtliu niai-ki't.
.1. II. llri'Horof HustU li.ul a cir of hogs on
the inarUut.
M M.icKpy h.ulncarot hogs on the market
fioni liiistls ,
W. A rinlcy sent up twocarsof hogs from
S H. Acker canio o\cr from I'auiiinn , la. ,
\\lth .1 of l\u \ i ,
OcnrisvVf lloaiiit , n ri-iiul ir nnil e\tcn' lvo
shlpiicrof ll.uonportmarkrUMlu car of IIOKS.
Illrd & Ni'ttinaii sent In two eirs of hogs to-
tl.iy from tiuthonliurg. .Ml. Nunmati caiau In
\\ltM Ilium.
John HoMcr. n inotnlncnt f.irmcr of Tro-
inotit ciiiiiitv , lena , us loukliiK oei theiuiu-
kut for fi'oilers.
1'iuil Hlal.o , the well known liuti'lior nnil
Rlilnpirof Hustings , Mini In u em of f.ini-v
hUh Kraitoinual-fed hulfVrs that a\cuiiil ( 7 7
pouiids anil bioiiKhl UTiT'i. '
n.V. . .Iiistleo of the llrni of Justice .1 I'l'tiT-
son.rll Kiioun lioistincn ni lii.iml Island ,
\\.is at the j unison Ills uay hoiiiu fioia lou a ,
wlicro ho has bt'Ui liuj In IIOIX'M.
Ilnlf-Vcarly Coniparaiiic Uox-iow.
Tim folhmln. ; li a coinp irNoti of thr re-
cclptsof i-'iittlu nt thU market foi the liist six
months of thu i i.irs lw < , ii u anil Ife'W :
I < vj3. 1R 0. 1800
January U.Mi5 2. > , li7 4I.1K1
IVhruary Ul-rj L'O.Wl 41 4''i
Jlnri-li SKU'J .Mf s4 rp.llk-0
Ailll | ISTivJ 47.TO 5J.77S
M ly T > , I7. > 4li.n7 W.tCil
Jllliu SSliiO ) .ld)4S ( ) . !
Total 14W.Y , 2I8iil7 30J'jn
Tho.ilove slmus i\ g.iln In the io.'ilts | ) nt
cattle for Ilio llrst six tnoiithsof tlio incsrnl
j en i of h".V > s as 1'onijM ] cd ul tli the con I'spond-
\nf \ tlmo last \ eir. It has heca a htead > gain ,
tiuh miiiitli sliottliiitnn IneiiM'.e IIMT the toi-
resnondlii ) ; iiionth of the liofnif.
The followIni ; Is a lonitiailsoii of the . . . . . . .
celpts for the llist half of thu thruojuais
188S Ifsi. lfi"0.
Jinnary 7I.-.20 7'J,7iil mra < J
rebinary 7U.770 S.MkVl 150,191
Mm eh 77.i71 : 8."i 124 7.j.t.'il :
April WllJ IsLTIHi l . .rvSl
May n7,7iU anS4in 1L7. ( , %
Juno 1711,110.1 lOL.IJj IM.Wi1 !
Total G7I.019 SS0.778 dl4.iG |
The receipts of In s Miow n ( ktldi'd pahi
o\ci lant jear , lint tliuy sllll fall a llttloshort
of thu phunoinenal inn of IbSd.
TlanUi-rsrepoit uneasy marUet and today
buliiK n bank holiday business has been brisk
o\or tlti'li countois. Idles aio llrni at 8 per
cent. Collections continue easy and ti idols
nctl\e foi the season. 1'ileos uro uncliaiiKuil.
Tlio fullinos In Nobiaska for the past tluee
months , as icpoitucl to K. G. Dun & Co.cru
flu ti\\lull \ u'
r.illnics U Utilities.
I'Irstiinilcr | . . 77 H1I.4M )
bccond quu101 . . .47 2S1..WO
Totals for Mv inos
" , Juno : isi J733.2JO ( ,131.570
JJ.0400 pcr
HvAl'dllATl-'l ) Al'i'ihs I'liiu-y. .
TOMVtOM I'L'I 4-linskltL'IIllC. $ J ( Ill ii1 VI
lloNKV feli.iliiril. liU-lbeiins , pur Hi , Do. Nuw
lonil ) IIDIIOV , I'ktiKOo '
llmss-ll.inil pluknl niivyl.7V7200i liiinil
plckcil niny , niPillnin , ifl iiKi I 7r > ; li mil picked
tuunlry , fl.lOUl Mj gonil cluuii , Jl.Kl'el.'Ji.
I'AIIKIIIMA C'llKllllll S 1'nr Ill-Ill 1)OJ1.50O
l.7. " > : Miitliuiiiiiur busliLl ,
I'IMI 111 s Arkunsm , ii-btisliul boJ1.00 ®
l.nO ; I'allfDinl.i , nor LoJ.MIOCi'J 50.
Ouvsnus l'ir boKoill , fd'iO
IIIONS1'or : bo\ , Messina , fancy , fO 00.
I : HIS -lOo for slilotly Tjcsh ; st.ilo not
I'nui.Tiiv I'lriloypii , cholco lions $1 noew/0 ;
cholio nilM'd. ( i.MV0l.lO ; loosturs tJ.MiC.'l ;
spiliiK clilckons , # ! . ( < ! 2.2.1 fet mii.ill ; * JS.V < i.l00
for iiit'dlinn ; * l J0l jj for lui o ; llxo tuil.cis ,
pel Ib , ! * 57)lle. ) (
Cons -Sv < 4iOo. :
OATS .Sif.lOc ,
11v JfHWii/.II.OO.
MIU.VTIH r-JlS 00314.00.
1'isiiI'ei Hi. 1'iinili , 7c ; buffalo , 7o ; pcrc'i ,
itiiokuit'i.t ; ] < i ! ; uikiMit'i limit , iicjiiitc. . Do ;
cruppli * , lOo , cit : IKIi , Hi" coil slo'iU , I-'e ; ilonii-
dor > , I-L' ; OiL'goii salmon , r.cj bluk bass , ijo ;
lobslurs , l"o.
Arrr.i : UtrrTi u 1'er Ib , fiSo.
Wiiuij I'liii ) ununsliLMl , I4@lCo. mod In in nn-
\Mislii'il , ISif Jti' ! collide iiiiniislioil. Idfii Oi ; .
Hllih-J , I'l.r.M AMI Ttl.i.iiw Uitini
liliks , .l Mle ; ilry biltoil lililu" . r cj ill ) Hint
hides , d'iltho ; calf hides , 4'iliJ7IjC. _ „ _ _ _
hides 2o less. Sheep oils , Kreen , em li , , r > OcTO (
tl.2.1 ; sheen polls , dry , pi'i 11) ) , txJOlIc ; tallow , A
No 1 , 4c ; No. , . ® ' ; grouse , while , .I'jlili ; ;
yellow. 2if6a * ,
HONK- . ( Quotations nro for del I wry In Clil-
C.IKO > Dry bull ale , iioi ton , JIHO-Wcl'MX ) ; dry
foiiiitiy , b.oacliud , iliUNVQii.i.uo ; dry countij.
dump and nioiity. iWOO ! t0.oo.
.Ii Il'i'iiJu ' per Ib.
Ditrsspi ) Vi.Ur-rholeo medium , ( Hile ; light ,
fp.1'io ; hc.ivy , 4Me
MNMKP oiir-Uuw , fiflo ; bolted. Ule.
rniMi 1'ur bbl , lelineil , * IIM ; h df bill , $ 1.21 ;
hard elder , pure , pi r bbl , M.OI ; o eldir ,
half bhl , i * < )0 ; pear elder , h.ilf bbl ,
UiihKsii Itra I fancy oroaiii twins , lOc :
fancy full I'li'uin tnlns U ( e ; choliu full
inc.un twins , Pu ; good full eieniu twins , tc ;
fancy Bktins , 7C.i'tO ( ' ; cliolio sklias , l/ail > iu ;
fall lo Kood. MlVi < ; clioleo Youns Ainurliii ,
luu ; fancy llnibnuui , Uu ; fancy bilck , 12c ;
domestic tin Is * , 15tcl7u.
Uurrhii I'liMincry , faney rolls , pilnt. Ifi ®
Itl io ; ore unery , faney. solid paeked , ll i,14u
ore.unory , eholco , 10I.V ; dairy , fancy lulls
and prints , l-'iMUo ; dnitv , fancy solid p.iukid ,
10Uo ; ilalry. ohoico. l Qlik ! ; country loll ,
Juncy , MilkS ! cliolec , ' ( tC i1 ; Inferior , - liJc.
Iti.uinu units Per tin , $1 oo
Dunn ANTS I'oi 24-nt ease , J.'OO.
l si'iiHilui s Kid , fjo > iM V ) pcr24-nt cusc ;
black , WHUta.V ) per Sl-nt euse. *
lioosKHKiiiilM T o-lnislu'l stand , { 400Q500.
CocoAMJTH-l'orlK ) , WOO.
\V\TKIIMI.IONS 1'or KM. fil00 < il0.00. : !
( 'ANTi.oii'i-l'irilo7 : ! , MmxZl.100.
VMIBTAIII.K' * Nun boiithora onions , j r r bbl ,
il.50 ; no Minlhoia potalocs , f.l.2.1.
I'li'KMSMidlnm. . tier lihl , ( .1 Mi small , J3V ) ;
cherklns , f7.M ; C. and II. ebon ubon , uts , J..tO ;
pts , Jt.llJ.
I'0IhlOIIS. .
SIiHTS-l'iielicpj' prlcTS Sinokcd hams IB-lb
averasus , KKSMO' u ; binoUi'd liams , SO to2J Ibs ,
UUtt'J L" , smoked bums 1. to It Ihs , lOU lO'ic ;
\tr.i lieiy hams , 2.1 lo 2.1 Ibs averaite ,
Do ; Hklnnud Mlchi , ' , lh to 2J Ibs a\urazc , Ulo ;
California hums , 7'to ; breakfast bacon ,
clear , 7t ® c ; rib. "ViSs'i" ! ham -saiihaie.
80 ; plcnlo hams , 7140 ; diled bcuf IIHMIB ,
8l4o : beef toiunes , per iloz. , tOOO ;
piirlb. , ll'io ; drv Halt nii-als. 5'4& ' < ! o ; mess
jiork , pir lib ! , , Ill W3I2.75 ; cxtiiv mt-b * urcf ,
t. t.M ; Haususe , jiorlb. bologna , 4e ; Nliir , 4ii ) ;
liver , 4 > io ; blixul , 4Uu ; lioadchenso , 4'je , Add
ito nor ID lorlnts liss than 50 HM. fig pork ,
bonoloMi. pur bhl , 11150 ; hulf bbl.17.21 ; iiuur-
tor bbl. tl.73 ; kltn. li.Ui nlga hocks , half bbls ,
11.75 ; uuurtor Ubli , iUj ilglith bbls , tl.OUj
kiK n Ibx Uli , l > ltt f tj h-df bliN. J'7 % ;
IPrl > ( rlibN.II VJieliililli liM- < ! kiln 1,1 Ibi
> . . h , uV , biindes' * tiirnkf Hi bacon , backs ,
GVei boni'les * ham. IV.
liir ) sKi > lirrt * "tei'M , Vxlio ( VXMlisiooMU't. ' .
tmtlU' , C t'liiV. st.'em , do lo'-oo Ibs mericc ,
initlxe , Kit ' 'id eows anil lioKers ItM to .MM Ibs ,
CANSH ) XlKiTit-Cornwl bi'pf , 1 Ib , 11.50 ;
Cornell Icef , 8 Ib , W.IOj Iilimli tmiitno. 1 11) . I
? . ' ) I luneli tonitne , 2 Ib 1175 ; brann , lib ,
JIV | biiinn.2 Ib , J..txii otmijjucs. . l' , ll ) . M)0 ) ;
olonirues. . 2 Ib. * O.W ; ehlfipe , ! bicf. 1'ilb. '
(1,3,1) , ) I'hlppeil beef.2 . II ) iMJ | i-oast bicf , 1 Ib ,
round I'tiiis , ? l so ; mast beef 2 Ib , round ciins.
fH ( | pulled ham.1 ! IbtoundoaiisftVi polled
h.iin. 'i II ) , loiindcans , fl.8.1 , de\IIed hntn , 'l
Hi , roiinil eiin . dVi dm lied 1mm. w Ib. round
on IK tl.'O : pjlled ox toiiittiv H Hi. round ems.
O.Vi pot Iiil ox touiliu' . 'i ' Ib. round cans , ! l 2) ) ;
coniprr sod ham. 1 Ib , siiuatv cans. il,7.l ; oom-
pnsseil | iiiiii.Mliiuiiiiiut , vntis , j ; ; s ; trln | > 2 Ib
lound ems. ll.Mi ; inlnccil eollops , 2 Hi , i-ound
eiiii * . JJ.20 : ionele s pigs fed.J ib , simro cans ,
"iToMnroMiiTiui'K-IIalf birrcU. ii.71 ; qimr-
tcrb.irri'ls. UU ) ; clBhtli baru-li , M.11 ; klls , 15
Ibseaeh. IWe.
ronit l'oNnuis : rnoookod-MlId ctireil
Half bnriels , 100 Ibs , j.V ; ) ; inuirti-r bartuN , 53
Ibs , JI.Oi.
t-UfAOiCt'lMH ! Cntlle-Tlerces nnd Inr-
leN , mlilille. per Hi , il'ic ' ; lonml , J' ' c ; blinds.
4u ; linit casings , ISD pir Ib , hoi { hunirs. o. 1.
4 > , ceneh ; 1-oundn. per set 100 feet. i."ioset ;
middles , pm sot " " leol. Jic rt ; wens mils , less
than I.OKi-phce lots , il'iO ' onch ; smallbladitei" .
h sstliiiii5H-ilo/.lits. ) ) be pir dolar ; o blad
ders , lo s than .VXMlo/ lots .Hie pirdo/ .
lMt mi.s-lll > K 1'itrn lurd oil , w s , lie ;
extra No 1 laid oil. 4 lo ; No I hud oil , HV , No.
2 Innl oil , ,11 ei pure neatsfimt nil 4 > c ; 5 pal.
uiili , f'V Kill , extia nc.itsfoot oil , 41c ; No. 1
netlsfoot oil , I7e ; tullnn oil I.-
M'li'Kli I'ldV TOMUIIS llnlf liurils , ? ll 00 ;
qniiltoi b.iiiels , $ .17.1 ; eighth buriuls , tJ.CO kits ,
15 Ibs oin'h , ? 'S.1.
Ttl.i.on'-A , No I.4s4i' ; sp | irlne. C'lc.
1'HKi.Hi Hi u1 Tovui'is llulf b.iirels , ( s.30 ;
limit IT him Is , filO ; cluhtli b.urul" W. ( 0
liAliti Tleixes llellned Ind ciitnpoiinil.J e ;
pine leaf , 11V ; keltlo. li'le. Add ' , o lo ' c per
Ib. for smaller packages
I'li'KiM ) Titli-r.-llulf barrels,0 ; ( | iintler
bariels , 1 , J5 ; ulghth barrels , toe ; kits , lilbsi
UUlll , ( ML' .
Si'OMin Cut loif. 7"io ; cubs , 7'4e ' ; ctamlnul
powdeml. 7'ie ; -\\X.\ , pott'ii'iul , N ; Kinntl-
latcd. 0'ic ' ; uinfei'tliini'is' A G'jc ; cllinuxO
li'ii ; N'tbiuska NC , O'sc ; timber , S o ; Ciumty
C , ,14c.
COPH-P Onoii-riincv ( 'oldcn lllo. Silje ;
fancy old peibeii } , 2IUe ; lllo. ehuluuto fancy ,
22'ic ' ; Klo , prime-V ; Ulo MHid.Sl'ic ' ; bnntos
nnil common Klo , llK''lu ' ; Modi i , SA" , ) a\a ,
Ki nnlno O ( ! , S"c ; Java , gouil Intirlur , S.'x ,
KiM n\lcnii,21i' .
( OKHK - Ko.isted Ailnsn , 2.1'oCj llunola ,
25 no ; AU'I.aimlilliiNXXX.SVu''iiiiiiii , 21ne ;
Dllv.oith's , J.i'ji. ' ' ; IIon,21Vi Mullpuuch , SJ'tc ;
Much u. Me ; I ) . U..Ia\a , .C.V
I'vuiN venous ( Kiiiis--Hailuy , ,1'fc ; farina ,
5c ; pi , i . .loi ( Utineil , ' ® 10 ; inucaronl , lOjn
lie ; \ermleilll , llliMlc ; ilui iMiolet' , 1'ic ' ; fuiiuy ,
( > u , liend , 5'jc : s.i o and tiplm'i , I'/iiTu ; lima
bums. Ce ; split pi i . : k" sp.uittl Ilo
C\VMI ) OOODS--1'Hills , ( illfornlastunilnid
brinils. 2's-ll ) PIT Ooi Apikols. { l.7oai > .1 ;
uallons , Will ; III ic-klio i Us , t.-1 ; eheiilos ,
iilii'k. $ ) .OKW.a5 , cherries , hlte , $ 'S-ViW-.M ) ;
Hi ipi" , Jl.ul'il.SiJ ; pe.irs , ll ntlett , tlAWlt
221 ; pe.u'hes , lullon , 110 $ . ' 25 ; lieachcij ,
li'inon elliiL' . W4) ) : plums ogn' , ( I b'Mjl.bOi
plums , golden diop , tIMl ; pIuniH. grt'en
Klines ! l Uiml SO ; piMi'liosKltli plls In. * 1. ( > 0 ;
euriants , f2J ) ; ( ? oos. . burrlis , $ J 23 ; | ( . '
? Jlo ; i ispberiles , if'SJ ; simplicities , fj. . > 0 ;
jiun'lies , .1 Ibenslein stand.iuK , ,1-lb pie ,
l 2.1 ; gallons , pie , M.IKI , apiiles , hlli st.iniliiids ,
$ .1II ; 2-lb ironsubi tries , lHe ; S-lb st law berries ,
IWHein laspberrles , $1 01 , 2-lb bluebcirles ,
SUit Me , J-lb bliickbetrlos , UVJiTOi1 ; 2-lb sti.nv-
billies , pitscivid , JIM ; 2-lb tispbLirlt's , pru-
si l veil , { l.su2-UliiL'lboirles. ; ) ) ) picsur\cill 20 ,
ipples , llnhimii ehoppi'd , $ J.OO ; 2-lb lla-
i.iiiui. unitcil , $ . ' 71 ; 2-lb llihaina , wlk'UlK'Hl ( ;
" .III . .t.imliitil. slli'i'il. * I.'JM | . i.lii irli. . L'-lli
lid , I ! illimoie , N'a' > Vi pears. 2-lb , tl m.
VK II.TUIM : I'om ities-J-lbi'\tr.i , J1.00 ; : iII i-
II ) stanilanl wistorn Jir.inds , ! He ; gallons
sliletlj st.iniliinl , * ' "K ) . turnTlnest KIOW n ,
flli1) ) ; Kill edged susir omneiy line , Jl.fiO ,
cliiilcu J-lb SUKUI corn , } l 10 , Mil ) vxtui west
ern biands h.VOH.00 , 2-lb st.iudnrdostein
brands , ( Mir * : Musliiooins 1-lb 1'ienUi , i-\-
tr.i line , L'-'df-Ttu ; 1-lb 1'iein b. line. J'f'f2-'ej 1-lb
1'iencli , oiillnarj , IjffilKe IVis-Ttes , line ,
ni'i CUM. 2"c , deml-llne , lien anH > c ; 2-lb sifted ,
SHii ) ; ' . ' -II ) c.iily .Mine fii : > i i.Oj ' _ ' -lli M.iriow ,
st milnil Inmils , $1,10 ; J-lb so.iked , f > 7e.
b-lilnu beans 2-ll > blsh Krade , Ketunec. S"ic !
2-lb liolden \ \ abeansic ( ; 'j-lb string beans ,
( idc. Ulna beans 2-11) si iked , 7.V lloston
Inked lieaiis--.I-lb I.ettls , f | i > ; ( lown bi mils ,
$1 Ml. ' weit potatoes -.l-lh New .Itrsey , $ ! . ( ) .
I'umpUlnsllb Oldi and lomatoos-
SIIJI ; uKiu.tlMI ; Hiic'iotasli $1 . ' 0.
Dunn l.'iitilis-Ciiri.ints ne\v. 'i1ic ; vosll//i.
O'c ; piiiiius , casks , i.juO llw , li'u ' ; ptiinis , bbl
01 bit,0 ) e , llosiila prniiis'ie ; ultion peel ,
drums 20 Ibs , 'J.'e : lemon peil. iliums , JOe ;
apples cboli e uMipur.iteil lOe , Michigan , Us ,
In ; ; I'eislandntes.'e ; blaeklieriles. onipoi.iteil ,
M Ib boxes , fi'ic ; ciierrhs pitted , diy cured ,
neu,2.'iu ; i istibciilcs OMipoiatul , N. Yno ,
Me ; prunes , K ( ' , ( iO-7U , Wjl2'ic ; orange peel ,
IV ; i.ilslns , Callfinnla , London crop Ih'W , If ,
I'altforula , loosu inusc.itcls. crop IMX ) , JJ.OO ;
Valenelas , old , fie ; Valcnclas , now , Po ; Uidlfor-
nla seedless hiiltunas mincatels , He ; sks , 8ic.
HAi-Ki.TS-l'or do ? , 1 bushel , narrow band
stiiNe , elm , $1.80 ; Hi bushul , nnriuw hand
st.ive. elm , < ) ; 1 hushul , stave bro.ul baml ,
thu , ! ' ' > ! l'i bushel , sta\u broad b.ind. elm ,
ir..T'i ; 1 bnsliul , elm si ive , bain handle , tl SO ; 1
bushel , oak staiu , i.03 ; 1 bushel , IlilRRS , tlt\
r > do/J Oi.l'J bushel , Hrl.'Ks , W.-JTil 1 bushel ,
n.ik , hillnt | , r > .r > Ji 1 > bushel , oik splint , W.M ;
1 busliel , b imboo , $1100 ; I'i hushil , b imboo ,
47ml ; Unniliy , ulllow , hir o , $7..r > 0 ; liinudiy ,
willow , mediumi > no ; laundry , willow , sm.ill ,
J.'iV ) ; mailiel. elm , split,4iu ; market.elmrl\tt
li.mdle , Die ; maiUot. elmioerid , Ip"oK.iOO :
willow , mnrlu.'t , Iiw. : S1VJllln ; \ \ , market , ' . '
tnnest , (1 ( small,1 midliini , ) . pir nu > > t. ( > .V , nsh ,
sitchel basket , loveiiil 0 In ne-t , per nest , $1.10 ;
small bumlioo ill 1Iery. . $1 U. " > ; medium lumhon
dell\ciy , $1 7.1 ; lar e bamboo dell\or > , $ , " > .W1 |
waste pupil biiskesth , J2 10.
1'isii C'olllsb , oMr.i ( icorses , now. ri'4cj
> : i.uiil banli , new , 4'ie ; slher , x'-lb lilouksi'ic ( ;
snow white,2-lb bricks , now , b'ic ' : Tutkej cod ,
lirno middle bricks , lie ; anon white , cr.ites ,
l.-.l-lb boxes , 8V ! mutlum scales hcirln ; . 20e :
No 1 scaled lit'iiln , ' , JOe ; domestic. Ilollond
hcriliin' , lOe ; llambui spiced Herrings , iKlc ;
Milesian s'ndlnis splied.ulc ; Russian sardines
pl.iln , 50c ; Impelled llollinu hoirmir. . irowa
lirand. Wlo ; do fancy mllkois , ode ; iniKkeiel.
No. ) shoro. luU' bbls , J12.00 ; bloaton. half
bbl- , 5180Jhlto ; llsh , b.df bbl. $7,00 ; tioul ,
halt bbls , JiOO ; family wlilto i.sli , JI.M ; sal
mon , $ s -n.
C.\NMD : risil-l-lbmnckciel ( hcirlng ) $100 ;
1 Ib llnminh liJ ; 1-lb lolisteis SJ.II ®
' . ' . ' 1 ; 1-lb Alask isalmon , Aleut , JI.H ; 2-lb ovs-
tus , 11) ) o/ , ( I'll ' ; Mb insler , , 5nif 1.11 ; 2"-ll )
selects , u o/ , $ - . ' , . " 1-lb clams , llltlo necks ,
} l'5 ; S-lb cliinis. little iieo.s , Jl.75 ; "a-ll >
illnes , Impiiiteil , pi i case , 100s , { H.OOff..UtW ;
't-lb Imported boneless saullnc- , , key , jr ,00 ,
'i-lb said lues. Ami'i lean , per case , UMs. 1'ioni'li
stj lo , $4.lui" > ( K ) ; ' - ' . AmeiUan , per
i.isc. 100I'lenth style , $7..WtS ( HI ; 'i-lb
( llnes , mustuid , per case..Os JI.7.V3H 00.
lliioo\is-'i-tle , p.nlut , t'lOO ; I-tlc , S2.71 ; a-tle ,
I.12.1 ; l-lle , plain , JI \uueliouse ; , $ J.UJ ; toy ,
JI2.1 ; whisk , $10031 Juu
I'OLOA 'i-llitln. IJe peril ) .
I'linroi.Ub S' pui Ib ; Goiinin chicory ,
led , b'jc. '
Koi'i : ll.isls Munllla rope , lie ; sis d rope ,
I'.V ; < ellen iopiIM' ; new piotess , b'ic. '
COTTON TWIM. lllbb , xety line , J or I ply ,
2Sc ; line , 2)e ) ; dulsj. IM > ; cindlu 1 < k , 2-'o
DI.IM.Quints , nurcliu , $4 ou ; plats liei do/ ,
J..M ) ; bulk , purB il , 'tfc.
VIMOAHiOir. . elder , lOc ; good , 12ohlto ;
wine , He ; fancy , fruit , he.
hrovi : 1'OMsii Jj.oix&i s ; pci iross.
IlAiis Am , per 100 , il'.OJ ; Lewhton , per 103 ,
Oil's 130 pi line wlilto. lie ; IV ) water white ,
l.o ) ; 17,1 headlluht , 14'jC" ' Tl Kasollm , 1 ! u ,
fcAibom llbln. , 1'ic ; granulated , 2o ; kegs ,
t-oni I'kss , CO Ibs to box , n O-Tiui kc s ,
4'if. '
NUTS Almomls , lie ; ] lni7lls , 14o ; ( llberts ,
IJ'ic ; uvciins. Hoalnuts ; , 12 e ; ) > eanntcocks ,
O'jc ' ; roaslcd , lie ; Tenmsicu puaniiN , he.
Moi.\ssis Ilbls. , N ( ) fniioy. per
fi"c ; cbolio , 4ViJI7o ; Kood , ! Vt % > Ci Cub.i bak-
Ins. 2s4i.loe : bl iclc htntii. 21x3220.
SViiAi'i'iNO 1'Ai'i.n str.iw , per Ib ,
ra . , l'ic ' ; Manilla II , ftltw ; No l , fc.
lt\ns Union Siuare , ; | ) crcentoH list ,
SALT-1) ) illy..NO Ibs In bbl. bulk , tM3 ; best
Kradc , 00. 5s. J10 ; best tiiado , ) , f.40 ; hist
crade , 18. 10s. W.JO ; rock , halt , criibhul , Jl.bO ;
common , bbl. $1.25.
hoAr O.ihtili' , mottlcil , per Ib , OSlOcj do ,
white , per Ib , lie.
IU.OCK TIN Small pit , ' , 30c per Ib ; bar , 30o
pur Ib ,
I'oi'i'Kii-T'lnnlsliod boiler sbcs , IC'ic ' p'srlb ;
cold lolled , 20o per ll > ; shcathhiK , S&o l > ur Ib ;
pit Is and llat.s , yto per Ib.
OAIVAM/II : ) hiihi r 1 UII.N Discount 51-10 pnr
cent , pat. plan , lion , Nos. SI and 27. A. 10'io ; II
'rjs ' I'LATH I. O.,1014t2i7.00 ; I. X , , 10x14 ,
221 , M.75.
-Chilicoil , I.C. , 14x20 , 112 , W.50 ; 1.
.i < *
SiiifcTlnnv-No W. MM ; > 'o 27 , MCO.
HoiJir.n-fctrletly half nnd half. Ilk ! .
TIN l'l , .TK Coke , 11x20 , 112 , JJ/J3.
hTH-.l , Nlls-liiM' ! , * J,50.
STIH , WliiKNAli.sHuso , 1MB.
Wliiu Jap. barb. ( .1.25 ; Kalv ,
OuiNiM' I'cro ? . , I1. & \V. . 4 < Vfiprmin ; , IV ; ;
lint Ik'i ) , per II ) , r.kj ; Inseit | ) owdr ! , : Uc ; opium.
fl.T.'i ; morphine , per oz. 1 1.10 ; hops , pur Ib. .He ;
Kljcorlne , 20o ; dextrine , lOo ; cnttlebone , I I'm ;
en' , un tartar , puru.X'u ; IH' ; cam ;
lihor , . ' > - ' < - ! am , e.irli. He ; blnaltilol , 7'ic.
Acids Carholle , : uyiil2ui citric. IViblTe ; tar-
turlo y7r-no ( ! ; hiilphnrle , per Ib , Ilo. Oils
Sperm , SI. 'JO ; turpentine , Ma ; Tonka beani' ,
t..a.'VO'.lU ' ! balsam loin. .NftlOc ; calomel. Klio
U7o ; cantlmradii fl. : ; cassia lunl.s , 'Mb
SSe ; ohloroforin. 4J' 'iV ; i' ot , 47SX'J ( ! jJiim
a ruble , D.VitO'V ; ; cl > i'uilne,2'Jjv ; lycopodlum ,
inuicury , O.V. ' ,
The only railroad triun out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council HltilTs , Dos Moinm anil
Chipago bminusa is the Rock Island
votitlbulo limltud , luavinj ; Oinulm ut1:15 :
p. in. dully. Ticket oillcu 1002 , aixtoontli
and Furnuiu at. . Omaha.
All the Animal * of tlio Poroit Drciul
I Iliishlkiinay ,
Theti ) nio ti Rreat m.\uj HjiocliMof
ants , boino of wlik-h uro found Inast
numbers , \\iito4 Oil Chiiillu In thu fort-
nltflitly ltu\lu\v \ , Thu niiHl romtrkablu
and iiunt diuaded of all is thu baslil-
koiitiy. and Is u most voracious creature ,
wlik'h oiu'rlus nothlnu : away but eats Its
jii'oy on the spot. It is the tlroad of all
thliiR iiniinalb of the forest the ulo-i
pliant , the looped , the gorilla , and all
thu insect world and limn hlin-olf has
has to lloo before the iidviinco of
thebo iniiuiatidoi'B or lo protect him-
Holf bj llro inul bolllnp water. Itislho
habit of the bashiUouay to inn oh
through the foiest in a lon , regular
line , about two Inches broad or inoro ,
tiiulofton inllivs In length. All tilony
the line hither nuts , who net us oflloers ,
stand outslilo the rnnUs nnd keep the
Hliifjular iiriny In order. If they como
ton pliieo whoio there uro no trees to
shelter thorn from the Btm , the heat of
wlik'h they cannot bear , they Inuni'dl-
ntely burrow underground mid form tun-
nel.s. It often tukos inoro than twulvo
hours for ono of these nimios to pifc.- : < ,
\Vhon they grow hungry , at a corttiiu
coininnnd , wlik'h seems to take place all
aloii the line at the tune , the
lontr lllo sitrcmls itself through the for
est in a ffont line nnd nttaeUs nnd devours -
vours nil it ovoitnKesith n furj thnt is
quite Irreulstlblu. All the other Ihln j
inhabitants of the forest lleo before it. i
myself luno bad to run for my life.
Their advent is known beforehand ; the
still lorobt becomes nli\e , the tr.impliiitf
of thooloplmnt , the lliyli * of the antel-
ojio or jra/ullo , of the Icopaul ,
all the living \\orld \ , in tlio sumo diree-
tion wboro the ether nnlintilB are tleelnj ;
I roinoinber well the first tiino I mot
these bushlluiimys in their attacking
raid. I know not then what ft us in
utoro for inc. I was hunting by mjfolf
nil nlono , when suddenly the forest bo-
caino nlio in the manner I have de
scribed above ; a Midden dread uel/ed
me ; Idid not Knowhtt : nil this ino.nit.
ooino convulsion of nature was norlmps
troin : to tuko jilaee. I stood still in the
hunting path , icating on my Rim , \\hun
all at oneo , us If by magic , \\abco\erod
\\ith thorn and bitten e\erywheie. 1 tied
in hn&te for dour lifoin tlio KIIIIO direction
the unimiils bad taken , nnd the mid
dle of tv stream became my rofujfo.
Their iimnnor of 'ittack is an iinnetuous
leap , instantly Uio stioiiH1 pincers iu-o
f astoned and tlioy only lot go w hen the
piece gives w.iy. Thoj oven nseond to
the top of the trees for their pro- . This
ant booms lo bo animated by n kind of
fury , which ei\u es it to entirely disre
gard its own safety mid book only the
conquest of Its prey. Sometimes men
condonmed to death onnccount of witch
craft nro made ftu > t ton tree , and. if an
anny of hun iy bnshikouaj's passes , in
it time only bis bare' skeleton rote -
to tell the title.
fho now oHlcos of tno { Rock Ts-
land loute , 100- , Sixteenth and Fnimun
street , Onriha , nro the llnest in the city.
Cull and see them. Tickets to all poinU
cast ut lowest rates
Days Ijost and tlnlnot ! .
How could two i > or.sons bo born nt the
Kimo time and die at the biitno time , at
tlio end of llfty j ears , and jet.ono of
tlioin live one hinulred dins more than
the other ? Tlio St. Louis Republic un
dertakes to expound the riddle.
The answer turns upon the familiar
faet Unit 11 jioi'bon who goes lound the
world to\\.ird the \\Obtloses a day , while
the person who tiavels in the oppoiito
direction gains a day.
Wo will biinpose , then , that the two
moil in question were born at the same
Instant in St. Louis , fiom whence a trip
lound the world may easily be made
once a year. Ono of them ROO- > always
towaid the \\ost , the other toward the
cast. Ono loses a day every year , the
other gains a day evciy year.
When the men die , at llfty yams of
npo , ono 1ms scon ono bundled daybinoro
than the other.
Provisions and Stocks ,
Basement First Xilional , Ilanl ( ,
3OB South 18th Street , OmrxVm
Contspondence solicited. COMPANES. | ETC ,
, Bankers ,
103-103 Donrborn Stroot. CHICAGO.
70 Statu Straot. BOSTON.
13O2 Farnnm Stroot.
Ci'y Passenger und Tlckot A oat
Deiiuersiaie Lottery
Denver , Colo.
Capital Prize $7,500 ,
TICKETS , no cn.vrs IACII. :
$26,370 , 1'AIi ' ) EACH MONTH.
Address B. P , K1IODUS ,
- - .
On account of our
and increasing Prai'tico ,
womvoKKll..OVnD ] it )
inoro npaciotm uiul con-
\oniont ( jlllces.
3Drs. Bctts 8c' Betts ,
1400 Douglas St. Omaha. Neb ,
I.MTIM citicAuo.iii HMVuiox vy Arrlto
Onuun I iH-pol Ulli ninl Mrv > n Mrret Dimhl
t M d ni t hlcftgo Ktprim " * l > l rii
I' 41 K tu < lilc ice Kxirpn § . ( I'M p m
H 10 p m . ( .lilcntta Ktpreo VXI .1 in
e.Wp nil ( IllC'Ik'O I < IOll f Oft A m
I.CHYKJ nuiii.i.MlloS' & MO IUVr.ll Arrltor
JJiimlm | _ l epiit 10th nml Mmonntrocl < Onijhi.
ID 15 n in . HutiTir lijr Kiprcji 404 p m
10 15 A in , IHMiTor Ktpn * n 1,1 p m
CM p tu . Dcimr Mulit l : i > re s ti .M ii in
C IV n in . . Lincoln I. < K 1 in
Li'iTiM i K I sri A ( ll "I JrriTiiT
Omnlui. | l > L'tHt ) loth nnilMti on Mrt'pM [ On
" ' " ' '
9'Ua'ml . .MnnTiT'ltr"Uiy'l'TiTreM . .I | 0 I ) 10 l | ) 111
II4V p ni'K ' r MKblKip vl * tl I * 'Iritis ' li I , II I ll in
lcx | > t Huh ami Mnrcr > tru t <
I ) 10 ll 111 Black Illlh KM > IV H f > 'Ju | i in
t > II ) n ni ' > 'JO p ill
r > 10 p 111 \Vnliuo A Lincoln I' III .11 a in
f. 10 p III York A Nurfolk i \ t"lni > H > ) lOMn in
lxn\es I i1. sr i1 M to
Omnlm I Depot Ulli nnilVpbMor li Omiln
TIKI n mi Sluilx ( lt > Vcooiuinoil'itloii tl ( Ci | i Mla
1 ( U p in Sioux niy Ktpri-KMKx Sun I i -a v in
jW p in ' -t I'nul liluiltoil li - ' > a in
f.l'i n nil llaluolt I'nxt'ii.'nr ( l.iiiiO 8 4" > n in
( ll III I'Ai II-'K f Vrrl' '
Uinihn I Pi-Pi hlli nut Wolnlur sn | Ouinlii
10 n u ni ' I l.DHll , \ k f Mll I 4 fi'lp "I
H 13 | > li * ( I , < iul AK ( ' rxjir . I h'10 n in
TliCKO tralin iitro ntop nt lltli , I'lli.1)111 nniUlth
Btrc t , "iiiiiniU nnl S.ulilKu 1'ioanlnu'Vorlilii * -
nuii triltn < M not run Sniulnr
U'llTOJ I CtllCAI.U. U I A I'AUHl. Anlvos
Trnnstcr | _ lliiliin I'eiiot. ' ( 'i .inrllHliilI' _ Tin tutor
( . HI p ni ! . . Mulit rxpri'is ' .i 15 n iii
V HI n ml . . Allintlo Uxiiress . ' > Vi p m
SI"I p ml Vntllinli ) l.lniltcil II ) a n in
lilM _ II lilt Add X SOIU'llU'Olir UN Arrlii's
'Irnnsfor ! Unli.n Depot , Council HlulM
' .110 u m . . . IhlinKo KxprosM . . i ( .ID p m
it to p m \ouiiniio i.imiiuii . . I ti w 11 in
101)0 ) p .11 Kastcrn Kltlr ) . . . 2 UI | > 111
fill p m . Atlnntlo Mail I T ill a m
UtiviM il llll Add , Mil. A si' I'Al'l i Arilu'i
Trin ftrl Pnliin Peixil Cumuli I1IHI7- * { Transfer
"l a u m UilLnKnMiilli ( | > iFniiila > ) i tl J ) p in
i TO p ml ( lilPik'u Kxiruss | " IV u in
1000 p ml . ( hlfiihn Kxi'MMs ' I HIM p in
limn I 1C I SI' JOi * V l' II i Aiil\ui
Irmsfirl Union Popot Council llliiiT * Trnnfor
1110) it in Knnais I'ltf liny Kxpross T 'ft l I p iii
1U'5 p in MUIKM ( "ItjrMKhl Kiir"ss | ( ; I. ) in
I/i\c < I OilVHA A M' IOUI | ArnviM
'Inmafirl _ llnlinllo _ ; it Cimncll lllulld. iTnimftir
" "
MXI p ml rixiiil * < mum Hull \'i \ li p m
Ii-ave lUIICAdO IHIIll. .N A glllNTV
1 rimsfijj Union nopul , loiimjl lllulT , Timnfor
lMTii { ni . . . . ( hleakO express . . . o JI p m
10110 p n thlenkO Kxjiresi ' . ) M ii m
J W pjiij . _ . . Croitnn l.CTl . _ 11 JU ii in
i.c vti i urotixrmTv * TATipicr 'ArTIvi's"
Transfer ] Uiijon llppul , Council llliin > Transfer
VI.1 nlu . Sibiix'Olty Accominodnllon V\i u in
6 W p in at. 1'iiul Kiiirtas . _ _ U M p m
Bastw&rd I
A \VritfcnOuararttco to
Our nut ) in j * iniinont
ninl not , a i > Mil hi.f up
l rwtt Iicadd t\M \ 51 LIKII II
lia > o in * ci hti nnw i i1um |
ctiKO , Ity ili't * HI Jn < t/i o
fully vo uiti tnU 5 ou ) y
mill , mi 1 u ( * ho tlioffiuio
ction ? uiiantio tu HUD ur
it fuinl nit l lining. Tlioso
> \ho I'M ' ft f to c niim hrro foi
tin IttunUnn tl > Hi > milo
v.iHi > a.j i nil roil fan loth
\\nxHniulliottl liilU v-lido
lieu If \ ofail touiM' u
Clialltn o th < MNtiM for it
caHethntourMU.IO 1 1 M
Kmi ) | JH't ttnu. \\iil *
foi fi.ll jmitleuhirt nntKct
t1" c ltlcno1Vi'knnwtluit '
> ou aio fcUptitnl , jiirtly HO
too , n < 4 flu mutt tMnlnniit
pli tt.I ilf lti\iJiii'\trbitn
able lo K'1- ' moil thaiitLiu
jiuraryii'kf. ' In * t r l o
> L-nih' ; ni tire v > lih thU
MAUIC HI 511 DY It liofl
b cnmnHtlillIviilt to o * r
con otl ( | it JuJlu HI aiPwt
MUo titlhil KpiPlflcK. Hut
nn lir < > urfctrinUK * " i'nritf o
> oucb til not luxitnlo tn
trjrtlilHinnrtl > t "Vou til
nu fh.uifo nC ) ot > liituui
\\o to
nuuuio Ktiiiiintio
Beth thtsv Illuttration * rtp *
nfuml ( M Uullnr
cu or ly
rtttnt thi $ < imt Itg In dif
mil ntf vu liu\o aiiputa-
/vn ( pceithita , tha tort at also
lion t ] itotct , tin an
anhtt going ntarly around cUl l.uikiii of fi OOOCO. It
lit t ci ferlly rnfu ( u alt v liu
vfll tiyt'io iitatinnit , llutto.
joro juu ha > e t * * n putting up
at d paj Mitf out ) our inonty for
( IlllVmit tientiiKiitu , mil fil
though jou nro not 5 ft c n d no
ono Jin * l "fi 111 t ncWoi.rJ ) > IL >
Do not \ ' \ tt nny moiu niuiity
until jou ti ) UR. Old Llnunic ,
( le < .i .iii at ( fl tiM A run d til SO to
iiDila n IiiMMik'iHJoni Ihmn
dal PtanJIiiff.oui nputatloa ni
biit-Iru o inin. "Vtiito u * uf
naniittand lul IrcrRctof tlioco vo
luvo nil ul vlio Inni'trt ' iU" . '
liiUftuu to U'fir to thin ) . It
toRtrt juu only | t * tnnti to U-t -
this Uvlll hftvu 3111 asoild cf
MilTrrliiff from nental Rtraln. nnd If ) < m uio nun ltd
v.lmtiia > yuur otr i > rlnK fitiiUr tlmn tch } oiirn > ult
if UK el if journal iptoinaaru 1-01 o tlno u , i nn on * pat < li
< H tiunouthirlii innatUmtn 1 * * MtKnn I jilntv , ) mirfall
inrf out , cTiiiitionnoii Any | m t of t'o ! ' liuly , fiillnj ; of
KOiiriaUlMit-fflcn , jinlart In litad frlxHim , on hn\o
no ttrio to asi * * . 11lu ottoa tuul tnlttly tnkin ? nit r
cn > and iKtash rhuuld tlhcontlinio it. Constant iito
uf ttiCFO ttnjjf * will curtly lulntrHorm Ju tliot ml l > ou t
fail to vilto. Allcot u poinl ncorint nn'cil In plnlu
c-ivtlupt . Wu Invltu tliuinoot i IjM \t-tlicutloiiunl
vull ilu ull In d * r powir to old 301 In U. Addrriw ,
JIKMTMY CO. , Ointil ti ,
For Nervous Debility
and Lost Manhood
t upcoilr nnil pTiiiniiimt mr' 'Ihoiiiandn uf ciiiot
mr- . without fill him II ainltV IXIIOH il enrol
lilcuioi li curiM u'lmliiiitorim *
LOUK KKMIIDV CU . Omnlia , Nub
llitli nnd Dodpo Strootn.
ArraU dluharRei from tbo urinary organ *
In cither eci m 48 hours.
U li mptrlor V ) Copaiba , Cutwb , or Injec
tions , mil tree Troui ull Ltvl ituall cr otLor
Inconvinlcncci ,
CitiitiUi , wtlch L ar tt o&m * In tl
Utltr without whttti nnc tr cioul
National Bank
u s. DErosrronv OMAHA , mn :
Cnpltnl , - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 18OO , - O7COO ,
Otllccr nivl Director * llcnrrV \"ttto itrc'lilcnll
| H | ( * llcp'l , Tlio lro > lilent , .lnw VI "iivani'i .
V Mom- , John > < ( Villln * . II ( ' I'imtilnit. J .S. IL
1'attlck. \ \ II t ! HuiJux. cnslili'r
'rillAIUON LJ/XMlv ,
rornrrlltliiml 1-nmnmStrccU.
AOi-iuriil lluiUlnj ; lliisliii'siTi ui udeil.
i <
National Bank
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 40.OOO
Odcor * ntul Illrprtor * I' M Monomnn 0 M ,
Hltdinx V .lovi'li ( linn1 ni , .lr A Hi'tiM K M ,
Aiiilor i > n Wlllhm II Mmil It" lirp'lili'iit I. M.
\\nilnnin.A I1 lloiklns. | > roiliMH | A .Mllllnnl ,
uniili'r 1It llnnnl n M < tml imhlor
Omaha MaruJfacWrBra ,
Hoots anil Slioc-i.
Wliolcsilc , Jlanufactutcrs of Hoots & Shoes
A ( ,111(1 ( fur ii tliuo Co I1W UOInmUlOt ]
Ilniiio ) > ui'i't Uninlii ? si-li _
lttlMM'M. .
" "
STOU2 .VILint ,
Lager llcci llmcrs ,
Ittl Nitth l lli Strtot. Onmlin NeK
Coriileo ,
Manufiitluitrs ol ( JdhiUiizcil Iron Cornice
\Vlnilmv rnpi nn I tin hlle k > llulil < .lolin l'i cnclof ,
prnirlotir lliSiiiiil liu niitli lutli ntuit _
Ai lists' l
" - -
A. HOSPU , Jr. ,
Ailists1 Materials , I'hinos ' and Oigans ,
IM.l llotiKl.n Stud. Onmlin , Not'
Coal , Coke. lU
Jobbers of Idird and Soft Coal ,
S II. Oir li.lhniiilDoiiKln Stiicl * . Oniiilii Nob.
Shippers of Coal anil Coke ,
214 South lltli iroot Onmlin Voli
Wholesale Cifrirs ,
402 N IKtli-'tri'H "Hollo' ' 1113
I ) ! ) Goods and NollotiH.
. E. SMITil & CO. , "
Dry Goods , Furnishing Gooiis and Notions
Corner lllliiiiullliiw.ini Strict 1
Imporlcis and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
Cii'iits" turnlslilni ; UooiN Corner lllh ninl Iliirncy
blntts , Oiinliii N'Jli
I'll r nil tire.
Wliolcsalc Dealers in Furniture ,
I'm mm Street , ( Jmiilin , Soliin'kn
Furniture ,
Om-ilin , .Nubrn'Un.
( Jrocot'Ioi.
McCOKD , nilADY Jj CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Ittli nml I.pavonwurlli Stn-oti ( Ininlia
Iiiitiiliei' , ltu. )
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
iB-il l.ilON Itlli St Oiuulii
Wholesale Lumber , Elc , , Etc ,
liiipnrlcl Mini Amcrlcnn I'oillmil IVmont StitO
iiKuutfor Vlllnnukuo ll > ilrnullo Cctuont nnd
( julncy v\liltolluiu \
Dealer in Hardwood Liimlicr.
\\uoil < .ir | > uts.inil pnnimtMimilMH. dth .m
Strouh Uiunlni , rsctirnskii
Lime Cement Etc. Elc.
Lumber , , , . , .
Corner'Jtli "nil DoiiKhi stteeM Onmlin.
= - : = rrr - - -
HII1I iiU'ryiiiHl Not IniiH.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
208,210 nnil 212 boiitli lltli ktrei't
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
11JI llnriiey ( .treit Onmlin.
Oils. ' ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils.
Axlogrcnuc , ! tc.Onialii . All lil ( | Vlnnnscr. \
I'ltpcr. J
Wiolcsdlc Paper Dealers , i
Curry n nlcoftockof printing ninppliiK nml writing
| iiiicr | SiiLolnl iiltonllon kU un to c.inl pupcr ,
Sa I IN , Hlo.
A. L. DEANE < te CO. ,
( jcnoral AKOI ti for
Halls' Safes ,
321 anil Sit Houlli 10th St , Onmlii
= = )
TOJH , IClo.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Coorts ,
Iloui > ururiiliililiiiii ( > i > il < riilllronn CnrrliiKos 1201
Hit nnm ntlil't , Uiiiiilui , S'i'l )
AVntfl Hiiilii'ri. ] ) |
Steam and Water Supplies ,
HiillUlay Mlnil mills mSninlKM ) Ionc hi Oinah'U
(1 ( K ltousAttlnt Minmuur.
Iron \Vorkn ,
Wrought and Cast Iron HiilldlniVorK ! \ ,
nea , lirms work , nincrnl fiiiinilry IIIK Iilnoan4
blatkmiiltli Aiuk O.llieiinil wm kn t 1 * .
lly and litli I'lriU , Uiiiuliti I
Manl'rs ' of Tire and Dorglar Proof Safes ,
ViinlU , jail Huik I run Kliuttori ninl Urn cnaiiua ,
U Aiiilrion..riii | . | r Cor lltli uiulJiutiiuii Mi
Kllhll , DOOIH , I'lllJ.
MA. DI8 UO\V tt CO , ,
\ \ hiilisiiln iniinufiK lurcru of
Sash , Doors , iillnds anil Mouldings.
llrnnch olllio l.tlinnd l/iinl trut Omalm , Nub.
So u Hi 0111 ajn r
Of Soutb Oiiialia , Limited.