THE OMAT1A DATL.Y . BICE : JtTL\r 4 , 1800. ITOER THE LEAFY BOUGHS. Both Plcasuro and Profit Derived from Time Spent at tlo Beatrice Ohautauiua , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMHA ASSEMBLY. JCcon Interest A mimed In IlicComltiR Grrat Drlnto lit llcixtrlcc , and ThuiisonilH Arc Ilxpcotcil to lie 1'rcient , BRUUTCF , 2s'eb. , . .TuUrSpecinl to Tun liK.-Tlio ! ] eighth day of tbo Beatrice ChtiutaiHjua usscmbh ojxjiiod out under itn muni favorable nusplce tmtiiy. The lty was u little overcast with cloails In the uirlj morning nml n slight hoi\or foil fornfo\v inorntiits , Iresliciilngup the gnsa and trees u on dcr fully. Thobeuutlfulmoonllfjht nliflitN uro douhlj ( iihiuicc'd by the MlihtuiUj "o ° l breezei from Iho iheritllo ) . In uhlclitho riHscinblj RPOU mis lire located. Aaa coiwunontM tbo Urdsiuu mtir miichliofow tlio i-iimpon and tlio eaily moriilnLj services worn not vorj lirKcIy uttcmlcJ at the tnbornulo. TlicroMU n ciicotiru'iiiK uttondnnco at ( lips n nurmul class atVblttlur \ hall At the children's lictuioroom in the nbeumclc ntS.-JIOKov Minor took for hi ) disioui-su the Inovitihlu mbjoct of "Tcmpor-mro. " 1 ho at tcnd.mi'uus \ monger boi WHO Iho ClinuUtU' qniitn mo f'otlliitf i > iet ! > ncirly suifcltod with the tcnipiiaiico ( jucstionus a porjiotuul diet. diet.Ati Ati 15 Iho chorus cluss. nw incrcnwu to n liiembc-rslilp of 00 , ymu a ( jranl practice rehears ul KcAlu Tcnvwlcy was the prlncipil MM'silcr of tlio niomitm' ami occupied tlio Woiiiui's Christian lVmirr.iiiio | union lioui Her subjeitvai : "I II id a Ureiin. " Tlie nltciidaiucwasfuiraiidlhu tilth-osi n.ulto In . The lectures of .Talru Da Will Miller at the tabernacle in the afternoon vias the event of the hy. His tubjict w w 'The Stianuor t Our Onto" Itwasilolhorpillii Mr. Millar's uiniill } hnppytoiii and u as listened to by n M-ry Innji nnclli'ticc , Thorn Kelt uncoil * Lln < MCt of the afternoon ucreiniKli bolter attended Unu those of thh liioriilnir nnil the hitciestlu them Is not at all diminishing 'I'lio fuelling Iccluro hy irpcrlntrmlcnt lullson ) 011 "A 'Iramp ' Through Svit/er lind"wiM a hrillimt mi rntivo , tersely iintl Intprcttltigly told. The lectuier was grouted IN itha Ilntturing amllcnn * romoriow'sproginninois .it follows : iM > iusmNUL. PIV , jut.v4 (5 ( I'm in N itlonal si1nn : > . 11 : On in "Music , bllvir cornet lund. 7-lni in Moral lunirajri. H.IJn in N irmal ulusi Method o ( Ap- jiroiuli anil Aid ill Ion \UiUlloi \ lull. H-ll i. in Ailvuiuiil cl 111 hi elocution lllakiU wove H-l'iu. in flillilri n't kliKUrKiirlin class 11I'm in ( MioriiHClus ? T.ilioriiiLlo. 11 Wu ii Or it ion ( ha i In O Itionn of Duliiuiun lit. riiu Oro\\lli anl I'ouor of Ii- IIIOC.M icy JCO-.iincl ( ronoort.'oc il and Instru- mi'iilil. loiulucUsil by Piot Slrmli Tlif ll'itllu tliiin ) ot Hie Ui'jMililIe 'I'ho vast aiKllint'iijolnliU In tlio clioimvlilubwlll bo uiiiiitiintiil Illi o.iniimi 4 C ) - ( tiic'r.'ilLlusi In i.l iiMitloii. 1 iberiuiole. 4 ( -ISoimiilclliss Mclhodior Hill sir it Ion WblUlerlliill 5 ( KI-- ( l.b. i ) IloninlUbli1 H 00- Music : S .lO l'ariilnnf Fhmhriu club. 1) .n ( .iiiind ( lls ] > l.i > of llruwoiks Pioccsslon of llliiniliiiitotlbirxi" on tinrUor led by tlio In-aiitlfulslonmcr QueiMinf tlo Hint1. Khboiato prepautious aiu bouif , ' mndo for toinnuov s div. 'J'huiitj lire depait- inriit anil police lUll pirt'ulp.ito In the pa- indc Notes. V\\o \ \ thousand people Is afntr estimate of thoattoiiliiiccnn the KroiiinU ycstordiy. Fully aWO , people \vcro { jathci-od In the tnb- criiiiilo joit .nluy to hear Miss \Vlllai-d's ' gtfit lei'tuto. Tliopunj , ' Men's Christian association tuiitlms been removed to its old quarters on Main street. The rillioul companies arc usliifr every available passenger coich to bring tlio tf''cat crowds coining to hear the doluto on 'Sat urday an I Monday , Tvlr. Tiilmajjuoii Suiidiy. The Ch.iutauqui inauiiRcmeiit itcelvcd a telcp.inifioin Talmago tod.ij stating that ho is now en route foi IJoatiico. FrincU Muiphy , tlio temperance onitor111 Iw hoio Sunday Ho will spunk in town In the uvcnlug. Throe Mi ; cxrurslonscainoln tills afternoon and will roiiumi ociSuiulaj Tlio Ilolton oxcuisionlstswcnt homo last night at b. , 10. 10.Tlio Tlio GicatDuliitc : . BrvTitur , Keta. , Jul.\S. [ Speclil to THE BIE ] Tun Dun representative mot Socie- tai'j Guoa of the assoolutiou this inoiniiig and propoundcil the quciv , " "What i.ui you tell mo of the big high lieonso mil prohibition dtb.itol" "lain 'lad jounslccj th" * question , " vaa Mr Giicu's joply , "for the iinpiessloii has Konoont and 1 anticinite It Inn itssouau in miviilassimblj tint theioould bono doljnto. Nov. on the loiitimy , thoroMlllho onu , audit -\\lll \ bo the bif-ct.t | thing of the Uinil > othioiipht nboutlii this stuto. Wli ) , Jubtloolla-rout ! the letters o are rcitlvinff Irom everyvjioro nialihuj tiuiulries ubfiut "The debaters , as yoi kno.rl \ \ \ \ . bo ITon. E ltosL'\\liter \ of 'lnr. OUMH Bm and Hun .1 IiVibsto of Oinnlii astbo hlph licciiw dcfaidom , anil Oliiilrinaii biniialDhUlo of the natliiuul prohibition h.iguo anil Iov Sam Snnll , thn fuinous tvnipui iinro aiKoc.ito , as thu Irtilu'.aks of the inhibition sldooC thonuostioii. "lliodobatavlllocuir In the taliornnclo on the lloutilio ChintiiiKiu.i grounds , begin ning at S a in , Saturday , July 5 , mid u 111 bo coiitlauixl over to Monday , Inlj " The do- tailal ouler of ilohitohiia not jet been do- cidcil upon , hut will to aumg > .d after the "It IH suviirisini ; to sco the vmt iiinornitof interest thit Is tulxun In tills pioposeil dis cussion It is , 1x3 jon know , tbo living ques tion or the bmir anil ono that ungnnes thont- toiitloii of tlio entire country i question wbcthor ( our ilhloi tliainpioni of the rcspeotho causes can bo piodueoil in the country Tlev aiu nil Routk'imn of national reputation in their le.Hpi-ctho llclus and thuy will got out of tbcir rcsioctUo sides all theio is in it.1 ' \\'ont them bojucluos appointed to doUJo wlilili slilolnsl" \ us Iced TUB HEI : nun. 'I run InnJly say ro ictrircls ItUa matter Unit lias ba'n thought ofhut no line not full ) decided upoiiltsiulU'uihilityiitHl uot until wohiivohuii n consultation with ' .ho npuiUors Iiiiu ini'lliieil to tbinlc , IIOWOUT , Hint this plan of a country oiossioruli cielnt- ingsoclity i\lll \ hiuhyiippl ) In so iinportint u in ittcr IV.H this. 'Tbo ' mdiinco will ho tbo best Judge nnd I lonlly siipjxiso tluit tlio kponlici-s will bo wholly InclllToicnt ns to the decision , Ccn though tlio Judy's' ' plan xvas aciejited They \\ill eiieh siicuk for blood nnil I am Homowlut of the opinion tint itIll tuko a little bettor than tlio avemgo dubatliiL ; soclutyuiloto ] ( ( ; l\o : m iiiiimtlal dtYlsioula a contosv between four such oratoi leal ( jluiliu- tors ' "How \ \ ill tbo ilcbnto bo conducted ! " "Well , IIH I said before , the question of do- tull wlllliii\oto bo loft until womc'cttho sov- enil spoakorsou the LjrouinU or In thu city. ItU the Intention of the Chantnuqmi nnri- aKornorit to cxonUo the ulmoit fairness hi tlroinnttor. I'roftfrotreo will not help it. "It Ins IHHH stAted,8o vo lieur , that be- cnuso of tliupmlrlbltion loiminnof the Cliim- tinitiuii iniiniKoinciit , evei ) auhimtiijo ( m to time ami soforUnvilllx ) tn\on \ to t ho prohibi tion spoihcn in the iloliato. U'hla Is rnanl- fcstly unit iiiiilieioiislyuutiiio. "wohnviilnviU'd eiicU of tluiso pentlcmon to discuss this iiwstion pnbllel } , nmlor the uxijplecs of Iho lioiitrlco Chautaunii.i , and \vo would Iw mm iso and uugratoful iiulcod not to moot them In a spirit ol poifect ciiuullty niul falinea * "NothliiK finthor from the Intention nnd do > l ii ot the Oliimtauima mitiiaicoiiicnt than to n\va \ Mcs&rs. DloUlo nnJ Sniill any pivfemic'o overMoabi-s. Kxso\\utoriUKl \ lobster. 'JhoaOK'tfiitlomoirundoi-stmicl this Trtit fully , nnii bct\vwn each of thoni nnil tlio I'hiutumjuamuniisoiriviit the fullestliirrniony I > rcvulli. ' "Is thcixj arrythlnjr further you \\-oulclllko TUB HUB to say on tills mutter I" "I do rrot kiio'vy wbut can bo said other tlian whit I tiircnitd. Vou might sajr , however that tblUs the btgecst Chautauijua In the west thus fnr and tlio W * tp t pirt is yet lo como nunelj , thorfn'it hlghlii-cnso nad pio- hiblUoiidebatu Haturdav. "fhin'riilinai ' cttiHspfalioii btinday fora broithlnft spell , and then c oinos the lorioln- ion of the deiiitoon Moii'lay. .lust siy tint aniloxUnd ncordhl imitation U ) tliovholo \voild to bo pioseJt. " Cluiiitaiiiiu ( | at tlio Ilium. Odt.-r.cii. lli.t FM , In , July 3. [ StKciaX to Tur Bir. ] Yestmlaj wasthc third dayof the Council lllufli ainlOnnha Chnutuuqua uawiiiMy. 'I here was a la rgo attcuiljnco and a 11. ice i n dclltjntcl. i\orjtcnt : win taTicii yosU-rchy , nlthoujh some of tlicmero not OdUpicJ , the parties vho Ind sccurol Until ( orlhcii'.tHoii nothavinjr nnlveil The imn- a cincnt ivtllliiivo to sooiiro uuro tents at onio toaecointnodito Iho Iniruatintf crowds. There \ every inillfiitlon the i oinUy will inall respects bo iiinudi uioitersuciMS thin hit laou The profframmo U ono lili-li liof InrrcaMiif , ' Interest iinil uvnt. 1'rof Ca-so luw alrc.iily inoio inotiibcrs for clist thin iitiuntliiio List soaion. Theio was jestculay a olinius of ahout U\o hundred voltes. 'lhoiiilere.itin ' the t.hsorlc ii Droning rnplltv and In alldoputincits thoio isnuiili cnthii&hirn. ThiCiitoilniniiK1ntsic te"ilayttci < oof lil h older. Thoevfint of the da.ia the piano redtnl by MissNuallj Stueus Thl liuly lia foi loiifj in irlo G > anil Hlult ) her homo. In inline tit letist , that this eitv has a pcailiiilv stroiiKinteii'st in lioi uu-cess. She his won tier waj into thu mile of real nxtl < tt and is now mpiJly inossiiii ; funvaid to a plii'o niionitho\ery ; llrst Hoi iippiiiutin't in Council HlulTs hi\o breii at sufllricntlv Imiff intcrvjh tocnablo her lu.inj fihndi to 11111 k tlio advaneo whlth she is maWng jiarly Auiwiff the other tieuts . \ W.H a 1 tit uro by Or Hioolts , piesiduit of 'J'abov colloKC Piof. I'lvuiiini KIVC anoth ° i of his ilcsci Iitivo | lectuies , it b In ; ; ddolh uhuiit London lie is one of tho\ory few neii who can tale an and line-oca a forulirn tour Mltli- oulthOiddof a steroopticoa. His inmiiLi is Mty nttradlvo and \\ordpiintlnpsnio inoio ic.ilistlc tlim iiiiny p'ttuiashlchaio ' nse < l In IlluitmtinK UctHi-ci In the line of \ octniisk \ Mr TivMior gnvo innlo. \VutUwoithaljo.idiJul \ tlioehanns of her \oiro Todaj them is to bo.i feiat of Roe > l things. 'Hie oritorof the d.ij , . l.ihu DoWittIilltr of I'hil.iddphli. ' has aLll earned national lop- utationas ticinifont * cf thoiuoiteiitei'alnliiB of orators , his quaint humnr bohiK uniquo. " \Vlnlehcvlll \ ho the gvcil card of thoiliy there nro nuinoioub other futuios which \iill \ furnish ainplo witertnlniiKnt. The follovi is thoprofjiiinini ) ' 10 .w u inu i iiid jutrlotlc rilly. Tatar- niclo I Oioi tine Tlio 1 Jotfors Ii uul U The ii.itluiial liynin Ihu oliorua 1 I'rujtir 4. i > ( lie Lion Thn nsspinlily chorus r > \ii3nsof \ UKI I ) i hit itton of Indupond- uiL-e-l'iof C. 1 lliiiliihlll. d nelei'llon Mis. I G. ttadwurtli 7 Orlltnn - nii > ll uuoi itOnrUatts Jlllll De\VllLMtllei. I'lillaililphli , I'.i 5. I lined Id Imi . ' 00i | -I'lano itilt-il-MIss Noilly Sto- MMIS. 1. Mnreli mid alii RIO \Vihi r-llnoln . ( lAlliiiiu J.tit . Mi ehiio -I'oei oiler 2 < ? . . . MiuHonc'H / e | ) . Ms/.L .1 ISO ] ) iii- l iMe lie1 The KoKUs bind. 4 , ( j -itaiiil ( Ariuv of > > in - the Koiiubllo ic- iinloii AiMirvsH 1) ( lohn C. liee- m in. ( ii'inTil "Morion mil olhors in ( irinil MUM ! uid Instniinciital ( Oni'iit. I'oiiiluelul byi'iof U. C Csis1 tliciis- dionis , Ilic Illinois b.ind , Mrs. J G. and nt lion Ilio Crete .Assembly. Citiii : , Nub. , lulj" 1 [ Special TVIcfjram to 1m : Hri-Alltho ] ChautrnQiii classes held legu hi sessions todiy. 'Iho ' subjat of the innrnliii ; bible icidiiijr wis "Tho Ciio.xt SuL - lor. " Thcsu blblo rc.nlliiK'ivill be io { - tiUirlj conducted hy li. ) Ilurlbjt The moriiliiff loetino vex delheied by Dr \Viiishlp \ ; subject , 'The All of Comer lnf. [ " Ho said : "iVmcrlca's test of her schools is the height of their poorest students "Within the last feu ye irs .Ainciiii , more than any othei nation , bai lifted the lo."est class of men. The great missions of the church and school uro tlioso of wadinj and comcrsatloii. These , if succesifully piwcctited , will taibo all men alike. One great souieo of tronblo la the Ameilcati home , church and politics istho lailc of coniLrt > iUIiiinl ( power. " then followed a statement pfihutiomcrsa \ - tioii should bo and how it should bo se cured Ati o'clock this afternoon Dr. Price , tlio coloied ouitoi , dellveied .1 line ad dress on temperance. The sub ject of the 5 o'clock incUiiiK of tlioC. U B.C.was "Iho lleiiellts of Oiu Orffdnizallon. " Miss Ifrmcis 13. AVillaid do- llvercd the opening address She bilefij sketched tlio liistori of the AVomtns Clais- tlan Tenipcranio union and defined the terri tory covcnd bj It. After stating- the objects of the union she cxphinert the menus bj \\h iih it hoped to acioninllsh its uorlc. Then followed an o\tcnded Invatlvo against the llnnor tnlllc ; MisiVillard be lieves prohibition is only an linpeifoct pro- lliniinry weapon She condemns the liijuoi business , not the nun in It Registered Oiniilia arrivals at tlio grounds are II P. 1'ottei and family , AV. 11 Mucboth , Siinuel Burns jr. 13 esldes the regular exorckes tomorro\v , rrnnlclBoiid vlll dcllvoi t\vo loeturcs and lYancls Murphjvillspork at fi o clock A plutfoiin meothij ( will bo hold in the evtnlnp The nttcndaiico is i.ipWlv iriereasirif ? , ill of todaj's trilns luviiiijadclM their quota. A icfrisliiiiKiain Ibis nftcnioon renders the tonipei.ituro of this evening's air delightfully tool. At a will nttoiiilcd mootini ; of the d'reitors ' tills afteinoon the following olllcers were elected foi the ensuing yen. : 1'iealilent , \\illudhiott , Onuh.iieo ; president , C CVhlto , Crete , sern.Ur.T. , . S. Brown , Ciotc , Ux'jiuia , .1 L. Tidball , Crete. , loua and Dalvota 1'oiislou.s \ VisiiiMiroJnlj : $ [ Special Telc0'rain to Tin : HIP. ] 1'eiislons ncro granted to Xc hraskans as follo\\a Oiigiml Sepbus C Hauls , Bost\s iclc ; Chrlstoplur Tmaaii , Lin uilii , John Walton , I3tir ; . .TamesV. \ . Bicloi , Uarncston ; 'I'liomas ! i. Cutts , Oiniha , John I ; Cc.ivcr ! , FullCitj. Increase William II ( Jlaik , Johnson , William T. Hughes , Testa ; Predeiick Alilbriglit , Hastings. Heissuo John II. rillmoio , Gi.uit Iowa : Oiiijiii.ii , spcchl , etc Henry O Church , Mount Pleisant , Edward Phillips , Little Cedar , Situuol O Knight , rarragut , .lolin Charles voith , Osiuo ; Willhia Ute , Thomas J. Arnold , Linovillo ; Allen t'anuon , Puiv ; Alvab G. Seaman , Alaislriilltowii , ilamos II. Cochnne , UltT ; UhastinoM. Snjder , M ount 1'loasant ' ; David A. Is'cwnnn , Center Point. Incieaso Charles GotUiell , lallou ; Aaion Q Smart , Kohort- son , .lames A Shcp.ird , Clnetnmti ; John iglint. Insane , Maijuokota ; Rirnucl Ij Crcik , Doud's station ; James IE. Itoclntlold , Hlienandoih ; Nelson Minor , Oslcaloosa Original widows , ite. Amanda , widow of Piudurick Lriij-el , UurlliiKton ; UHza 33 , mother ol Jon ithanU. blinomla , Ilo > ctoi South DiiKota : Ortglnul Monroe " \Voat1r or'.vov , H.irolil , 1'i.mi.h P. ( looigo , Parker , Incmiso-Mkhael L'urrin , Mitelull ; James la\U , 'Jjndall. Keisbuo Uobcrt JdclCcc , Ouster City. Tickets at lowest r.vtoa and superior ftccoinuiudatloas the aroat Rode Is land routeTlelcut oUlco , 1002-Sis- teeutli and farnani fatroots , Omriha ijtablieil by Jlcr Husband. New YOIIK , Jul ) U. [ SMial | 'roleuram tol'iiu HEP. ] At 0Wthls ; ovenlng Loulsi Colwtll , a resident of Westchester county , was stabbed seven tliaei about the neck and arim by her husband Harry , In the hall\v.ry of ITD Uost IhRhty-llftti btreotvhero , sh'o wa-s visiting , llerhushaud escupod. bho U in ccnditlon. Dr. Dlrnoyprnrtlco limited til dlBuutiUb ol uosu anil thro it. lioobldj ; . A lloanl ill ' 1 mile 1'rotcst. IS'BW YOKK , Julys. A circular letter was sent out totlny to all the boards of tnido la the United States by the Now York produce excb.anfO. { ppjicstiiiff iijwlmt the nowfojiu of bill ofladiiublchall ralhx > ads iulopt d Jul ) 1 ami sprung upon the shippers without warning , anj _ _ Hoi-chants' hoUl ) , Omaha , < 2 to $ . ' ( per duj , FROM THE JOm STATE Es-Iloutcuant Qoveraoi Kill Komltmtcil for Gongrosihi tbo Sevouth District. A REUNION OF VETERANS AT STUART , IIJlnolH Central IliiiploycslTr cd ( o In * lest Tlioli- naming In the Cormmiiy's ' Stoelc-Othor loua Dr ? MOISTS , fa , July : i.-Special [ Tclo- Rr.unlo Tin : lien. ] I2x hluutcnant Go\cruor \ J .A T. Hull of tub city was nominated for congress I ) } acilaiintlontoilii ) hy the Sc\oiith \ dlstili't icpullliMii comeiitloa to succeed Major Confer. Tlio district h i-epitblUan hy ncailj Unco thouiiud , liiHiiilntf his election Captiiu Hull mndo a short iiJitre , in nhidi ho expressed himself as roailj tornpport tlio primfpltM of the lopiihllcan piity and to Htnnd bj thowvlnluio phcn thU honor lo him Ilos.iidlic vas infavorof imttliiR sold nndsllvcilii tlrcuhtionliy Iw , of prottetldii to j\morican Industries imd the po\vorcf \ the state to rtifulato tlnli < i'jor tunic. SIM MO unions CFDUI KMII > - > , Tti , .filly J [ Special Telegram to Tun IJi.t ] 'lite next issue of IhoKiihny Conductor ) ' IVIonthl ) will con tain u bln'hl1 spimtionnl article over tlio Hl inturoof Will 1111 I ? Daniels , grain ! chief seoreUir. ; of the-order , rmlcinjfseiious cuarftH iiKiilnst ( A-CJimd Chief Ubnihretor Wlictiton It i > ittm iteil Hint Daniels Is holding bade souii-nf the uorst ihariws , but those put foi-'tinludo ' dojblo dealings , tieachcrylo tbo order and RIOSS inlsroiitturt in otllco Diiiik'ls nilniiti that , inidnr | irc'vimii ! iilodj 'i of support ami In oidoi to moid public scan dal , ho loiifj stood by AMicatoi , anil > 4iiis tint ho now uposis him onlj to live lilmsdf fiiwi Whoiton's dishonest prict icoof tliumlntr the ii' iionsIWUti for Improper nc ts upon Ids as sociates. To these clnrijej Dinioliiiddsu cToneiiil niraipninent forilishonosti , illltonuy , senility and o\orlie.irine iniiiiien llosais ho Ins thopioofa In \\rltiiig foi all IrU allo- gatlons. Tlic Itoiiiiicin a t KHiiirt. tiiirAiiT , Ta , Julj .1. jSpeeliil toTtirliKp ] Stunrtls nlleith Mtcr.ns toJiy.ltbeing thoiuunlon of the Colonel Ui'dlUld ai ooli- lion The cit ) is uiuulsoniily decorated und bands of liuislu and drum coi [ > s pirndo the > streets ( li eourainR s\vect strain * ) nnd marthl iiirs l ully ll ) , < XMstrnnRors ) rc uowdliijj the streets. Lust night f * Kuuidiuniplre IHIS , il- drewud most elonuiMitlj h ) Colonel .1. F Stcilmanof Cnuinll BltilTs and Hou F1. H. Giuni's ; of Croon Held. The moiling tt as ro- nitirlniblo for Its enthnsiixsni Tie ! Illinois C < nil-ill S Four Domr , fa , . .TtilySpecial : ) [ Tokv Ri-ain to i'n nil 1:1 : : ] 13\cry \ cinploje of the Illinois Central hero UH recoiveJ a ciicnlir letter fioni 1'resldent Kisli urgliifj all cm- plojes toinvut their s-iviiigi in Illinois Cin- tr.ilstoil : Ho sui' ests that oadi 0110 notify thocoinpiny how much ho wlshc-i to invist eachycir , and a , ( Lrtilitite of stoek will bo issued foi it The amount will ho deducted from the men's pa ) in monthly Installments. This idci is to sot employes of the reid to tain a jicrbonal intoiestiii ciniings. ( JliKiisc \ \ ' > iks Sol I. IKvi.M'oitT , Iii , .luly -Ppeciil [ Tclo- to Tnt BtL.J I'oday the .Amorum puscr\crs * ronipury , a consolidation of the jolh inainifaiturcis in the country , aequiied the nroner of the Dn\eniMit clueoso inami- faitunnt , ' compain , the l.ugcst wcstof Buf falo , the coiisidoiitlonbeinn' ? lno,0H ( ) . 'Hie jVinericin ) is stOLlied at SJ.IIXJ.OOl . ) . The plant lioio ill ho enlarge I mil a pio- serhi \ } , ' plant u-ill prolahjy ho ailJeu if tor a time , and hiamh houses catnhlishod at a mimtioi of the lai.rer ( i ities In the upper ! Mis- .sissipnluillej uuil thowett A Utihl Il.iyllKlii Koliliorj , ronrDoun. , IJuly \ 3 [ Special Tele gram toTnF.Br.u ] One of the holdcst day light rohbeiles e\or pupetritod lioiowosro- poitcd todaj Tlio liouso of Ole Olson , iiday lahoici.wascntiied . in tlio middle of the ihy while the o nur was ut work anl completely emptied of Its contents. A laiRO amount of money In n binc.iu drawer \\eritwitlithe \ rest. There is no clue , but It is thought to b.uo hcen the \\orlt \ ol einigrmts passing1 through. Is'oiio of thu neighbors notkcd. uny- tlilng' buspicious goriigon. " \MI1 I'.uilil : i ( iitaril House. Mvitsii\i.iTo \ la , July ! 1 [ Special Tdeprani toTiirnmsa ] consequence of the icccnt trouble at the soldicw' homo hero , \\lileh resulted In the dismissal of several members , the boiul of coiniuisslonus Invo dcddedto hulld ajju.ud house for the pun ishment of itfr.idory Inmates. The question of Its use will bo left to thodisuotiouof the commandant ICeiiuiilor DUFFUO , N. V. , July J For the third time the sentence of de ith was todaj passed on Willhm ICoiiiiiiler , tlio inniiloreivlw3o , case bus bciomo famous th rough the lonp lllihts intboiomts agilnstthe tleotntal CKO- cntloii hw. The sentence ordered will ho c.iuicdliitoeftectab Auburn pilsoa dunng tire wck coirriiciicnig August NVH Kansas AVhoat In KANSVS Cirv , Mo , July J The new wheat crop of Kansas is rapidly coming into the local niiiket Do.Utrs pronounce the cmhi Hi t-cliss. Iho weather hiis iio\or \ biea more C.uorublc lor the harvesting and thicshing of the crop. _ Appioved lj tie I'rcsldont. WASIIIVIITOV , Inly , ! 'Iho piesiiletit has approved the joint losolutlon c\tcndliitho ( ; uno\pciuled h.ihnco for luttcr u.irrlort. ( for extra loinpcnsutlon under the eight-hour law to June 30 , bill. Coi.rix , Wasli , July -Tho ontlro busi ness portion of I'tillnnn , Wash , burned this afternoon. Thcro AMS no fire Bcnlcc nnd in order to cheek the llaines hulldlngs \\ero hlownup , \\tthoutavnll. \ . Huiililod Ileiaii.o ul Dcspoinlciic ) . Tvcowv , Wash , July 8.-H. If. I'assrnore , cashier of the Semrily savings hanlc , commit ted sulcldo tbis morning Cause despond ency. 1'assinoioeanio from Milwaukee , \Vis. \ A-tiotlicr rtcuoid ISiokcn , CvnsoN" , Nev , July a H. M. Johnson hroltotho vorld's 123 yard i-unninj record heio jcstcnliiy. Tirno 12 1 1 seconds , beating Ids ionnor teeorl tbite- tenths of a second. The riesiUont fioes lo W-vsnrxnTON , July ! ! . The president left liero for Cai > o ! May 1 his afternoon uftor hav- intt been inforincil tint the lefjM.itlvo appro- piiaiion bill \voild not bo ready for his action until next week \V vsniNOTON , July 3. [ Special Tolognm to TUB BrE.-noiul3 offered : JI8.400 at (1.21 , $50,000 atSl.OJ. Hlalao ( ! oi sto liar llai-bor. \ VutNGTOv , July 3.-Secrotaiy Bhhio \VasbInston this aftciaoon for liar Har bor , We. Dentil orGt'nerul > V.irstnn. CXKTEU , N" . H. , July 3 General Gllnran Marston died this inoniliiff. Cure for Croup Use Dt Thomas' ' Hlcctric Ollaaordlnp todlrettlons It is Jho best rxjincdv for all sudden attacks of colds , pain and iiilluniumtion ant ] Injuries. Re vcn tli U'anl llnpubllofliiK. There will lie a mass nicotiiig of the lOpulllcunH oltlioSovtntU ward at 121U I'l-rlc ' avenue , Suiurday evoiilngat t o'clock for tht ) mu posonC discussin gtho political situation , JOHN' C , TJIOM rio > r , Moinlwr- County Central Coiiuulltco. , --iZ f tlio Clubs. Vljrod Won IxMU PcrOfc w ,618 .T3 20II ' , < . , , M II .Ml bleu x City .i.f.2 | Hcii\rr . . M M Omaha MM S ! .It .4 in ! * i Molimi * 4v , ! M - J ' .400 M Paul _ r.r J to 'M .308 Bt. I'aiil7 , Mlluimlcco , ST. Pvvi , Mliijn. , July 8. [ Snochl Tclo- Rram to TUB Hnj.J 1'ollottttiB Is the result oftochj'a pimoi 'Shock out foi Interfering with Holder. UV IVMMl' . sl Paul 1 2 Ol ) 00 10 1-7 Milwaukee . . . [ ; i 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 4 SUM1IUIY. Uuwoaimcl Milwaukee 2. Two-hiso hits -Miirphv , Dalriniiile , , lint7in Ilisosoti lulls-Oir shrtMM off O.ulH " > . Ptrnok out Hy Dills . ' , tjyUi I tilth > J. t'niiilro tuslek. 31hitieaiolis 1(1 ( , lies IVtuiius H. MINSK Moi.i , MtnriIulj 0. [ Speilal Tclc- gmintoTin Urt ] I'ollonliigls the result of ted i's IIINXMI'lll 11 IIH MOISKS u no At , II 11 ) A V. ( nrroll of. 3 S I 1 Pnlton. nb . . . .10 06 1 HiMi < ; li > II 1 4 0 TrnPlpy.o - 0 I 1 I ) Mllimi'mn. If 0 10 ( jo KlnnnKiin II ) 0 0 13 U U Hurl rf J 'I u 0 INuItin , .j . .I 1 4 1 U Km. Ib . . U Oil 01 Clnro in J U U I iluniiipnt.JJ 1 0 I ) nrlmtiVom It 1 1 1 U U 0 fi 1 0 Mnruiuir in. 0 1 1 1 1 MllUr . i 1 S ft Illlml. rf . . . .1 Mltclicll , p 1 0 So-nnieri p. . .1 0 0 1 1 Totnli . .10 727 IT 1utnl . . 8 0 ! 7I1 1 HY MlMtu-lpolls . . . .1 I 0 4 0 O 0 0 1-in Dei Jloliiei 0 It 1 0 0 O 0 0 4 8 SUMMAIir Kuns i > iiinod-Mliiiiiniinlls I. Two-hnsehlls Mlkholl Unit Homo runs Miller Hudson Ditiihlu iln I'lit-'n't ' > ] > s-MUKr to KJII t llanin'nii Stiik-n liasK t'nrtoll Ilnnclc , lliulNin , Hart , liases on lullslly Mlleln'114 , hy SOIIIIIHTS S. 'luick ont-llv Mitchell 1 , by i > oiium > i' < 2 I'-issiHl liills-rrnfloy J Tlrno of gaino \\ohouiH Urn | > lie lloovor. National AT Pittsburp . . . .0 10 3 00 10 0 4 Now York . . . 00 0 00 00 0 0 Hits 1'itUsbuijr 8 , N"o\v \ Yoilc 2 Errors l-'ittsburu O , N'e Voile 0 Bitterios fiaktr ainlDccltiH- , Welch and Clirlc. Um- piicaVikon and Howe AT CISCINNVTI. rinclanatl . I 02100 02 * 0 Brooklyn . I 000 20 01 2 0 n Hits Cincinnati II , Biookha II , Errors Chiciniuitl a , Ihooltlvii Ii llrtteiles Dur- \caand Keciian , l-o ott and Claiicu. Uui- plro 1'owcr. AT cr.lV ! : n l ) . Clevdmd . 0 00000 00 0 0 llostoii . ; i 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 * - 3 Hits Clevelnul < , Boston 11. Hi-ior * Clevchnd S , flostoi 5J. IJatteriei Lineoln mdlOmtuar ; * t'lcboU and Bennett Unipiro -MUiuahl , _ AT tiricioo. Ohicwo . 1 1 O J 10 0 0 3 S I'hihdoliililu . . .1 13000 000 5 Tilts Chicago li , PhlUdelphia 1 Errors Chlc.iKO 1 , Philadelphia , 4 Ihttcrles Sullivan anil Klttmlgolayaud Clements Unipirc Lyn < li. I'ln ) > rs' I it iv i ) . Clo\el.iiid . 0 OOO 00 000 0 Nefoik . 0 0 O 2 02 1 0 * 5 Hits Ovohnd ,1 , N"eu Vorlc 1 1. Hrroi-s CloMhuid i , Ni\v Yorlc 0 Batteries Oiuboi and SiitclilTo ; B\v iilj ; and llwin , ; . Umpires ICiiight and.Jo'ics. ' nuffdo . . 'b ' ooi 10 010 3 Brooltlyn . p.,3 10033 * U Hits Buffalo 8 ? Brooklyn 15. Errors Uullilo : iHrool < lyn.t Ilattenes ICeofoainl Clark ; Sotvuers and Ivcnsl.uv. Uniuiros Leach and M.Uthevj _ AT ( incino. Chieiro : . O 112 0 H 0 O 1 S Phihdclphla..O Oil 01 0 IliU Chie.iBolS.I'hihilolphia 10 Eirors ChinaKo4Phihdolpliia U Batter Ics-Daldwiu and Fariell ; Husted and Ciot.s. Umpires l erguson and Ilolhert AT riTrsmiin. Boston game cancelled in order to allow Bobton toioarhhonio in time to i > lay tornoi- withBuftilo. BiArn , Neb , July 0 [ Speclil Telegram to TnuBir ] The Blair and Unman basohall teams will collide in a tremendous battle on thoIllaliKioumls on the afternoon of the rouith fora * . ' < ) imiso lmn { ? up hy the eitl zens of this city The teinu aio well matched isanticipatid. .H Jtrva. " \VasliliiKton I'.u-lc Knees. CniCAcio , .Tidy a Summary of U ton park r.iees : Two-ycir-olls , mlle and one sixteenth Cliimeson \ , Major Tnornton second , Drutus tbird. lime-ltlOi , . 'llireo jciiv-oldb , ouo mile Ttachio won , Ch ipinan second , Chailotto Cushmaa third Timu 1 4I < I\lilo \ nnd one-eighth A.rumlcl won John D.ilv second , othow dr inn. Time a ' 01 ! . Jtlile and twenty live \ards Ilock eyon , C'hilhounlo second , lauilo Ifonso third Time 1 > . ' . Ono inilo JIlss IlavvUnson \ , Salute second end , JiniXaNC tbiid. 'liaio 1 :51 , Itnccii. HIOOMISCJTOV , 111 , July J. Summary of todij's ncesi Q la co ) cur old trot , pursoofi jno Gehhart \von , Conductor sciond , l ay Piilllu third , Georgia fourth. Host tlmo-J ! > / . y .K ) trot , purse f , " > 00-Romco At on , Dan II second , Teazou third , Vesta fourth Best time ti 2"K- rieo-foi-alltrotiiurso of J.WO nillj Made won , Captain bocond. Ka third , licsttirno ' 2 'n. Ouo milo. lunninp. pur-so SlOO Midnight won , Koieb. second , Jlaminoii , Jr. , thiiil Time 1 49. Itnccs. la , July" " , : ? . [ Special Telegram to TiBBip. ! : ] At "tio ! interstito eircuit races today , 2,3. ! class1 ; Ella E \\t > n fir-it moiicj , Moody second , Nelllo Alllsonthird Billy A\ \ witlufrcw after the 'I'lmo j03i ItuuuliiR rnro , iwlf jnlle and icpeat Tun- plcfoot floti , Diclc Marlon second , Dollo Ked- iirond tlrlwl. Tinlflr515j' 2r > 0 tiot Minhlo AVhotstoao won , Blue Clnrloyseconil , J nchonthirJ. U'lmo-J 305 , . lien UOrrtujtrptter ! , n\\\y \ vith hU sulky , doubled nround through tliocro\Ml and Jumped tlitootraclfences with his sulky Theio vis 110 losaof life , but gieatoxcito- inent. P The chariot raco\rasnn < interesting feature Outlook- , Ciucvoo , July' . A [ Spechl 'lelojjnin to THE 13n : ] Dos t thonttractions centered in hcavj purses jtliVashingtou Park's pio- poscd long distance races have apparently failed to captivate the \\ner.s of innuiiui ; horses. The three inilo r.ico vhlchwoslo l no drawn a three volume ( dlt cdffod cro\\d to the ix'conl breaking track of the season toihy , has failed to mated illzo N'ohoi'scs showed up to ru iiiuid , no entries woiamado to justify phclng the event on the pro- Brimmc 'Xhero will ho no three inilo race ; a dash of n inilo nnd forty-live yiuds lias betn substituted for it. Induxl , it Ix 'las to look iisthoueli there were not tea good staying left in America. 11 tees. Oi'TTEsriviin , X J. , Juno 3 [ Spechl Telo- pram to TUB Bin. ] Summary of loda's ' races : r'ivo-clghths of nmlle Anstralltz won , Jaj Quel second , Hed Hlin third Time -1 .OP , Ihlrtccn-slxtcentha of a inilo Shoto\cr on , ill in Oniy second , Nina W third. Tttno liU , fi\o-ollitln \ ( { of n mlle iollcvuowon. llertha Cmnplien second , lnr * Htiiitliinl Time 1:01' : ' , . Ono nnil otic ilxlccnth miles -Cliy Sloe-It em won , ( loldcir Keel second , Mangle K third 'inw 1 f > i. Thlrtceii-stxlcoiithn of a nllo Lotion won , lary n serorul , Krauc-o tlilro' Time l"JJ X Sf\eii-clRbths of mile - -Vi'onili'imcnt , iliulttbom second , Uoodlor thhJ. 'llrrio- :31K. rvllnn. , July 3 Sunirn'i.'y i ( odaj's ' races J l > twt Jllniilo P. won , Mary M trshnll econdctre i third. Host tlrno-2 : U.I . 1 ! Jl twt Tirolcrn won , 1'lay Hey second , Valter L tlilnl. llest tlino-J :20 : # . Stutnln for the Itc ulat Inn of tli Miu | > r Irnflle. Tlio followinj ? isasynopsisof thoNebiaa ilfih license , local option law Keitionl provide ! Unit the county hoiril of nPh county may grant license for the sale of , spirituous nnd vinous lliniou , If dcoiiiul xiiedictit n ion thonpplliatlon petition of blity of tbo rcslilont free holders of tlio own , if the county is undortiwiHlrlporirniil- zntlon. Thu rounty shall not ha\ an boiitv to issue any llcenso for thn sale of iiinors In unj dtyor incorporated \ illago , or u ilhin tuo miles of tbvs.une hictionU provide for the lllinjrof the ni- | ilicitlonandfoipublUutlon ot the iipplka- ion for at le.ut two -\ueks biforv tbo'rant- ( 'Rof thollctnsc. Section ! J provides for the hearing of the iMiif ntornonstrinco is Died against the unthiKof allc-cnio to the iinpllcuit. I'lirther sections pro\lile for the appealing of the iviiionstniiu.0 to the dlsttu-t louit , lioforinor the licmso ; the KU'iiicof aT > , OOi ) > end bj the succesafill apiillcaut t'oi the li cense. Section1 } 8 , 0 nnd 10 nialio it an offense , ninhbiiblo hj a line of $2."i , for any llconsul iquor dedor to sell Intoxicating liquor to .iiinors or Indians bcrtion 1 1 provides that any person selling .iquor without a Ikenso slnll ho lined not oss than 100 noi inoio thin S.'iUO for emir oflonso ; and section 1'J pro\ Idea for the tilil of such olTenJors. bcotion lt miUe3 it an offense , pvuilshahlo jyalinoof $100 and a forfeituioof Ihense f or any licensed llq.uor vender to sell adul- tciated liquor. Seetiou l-t innlcot it an offense puiilshahlo by ill no of ? UX ) foranv person tosellor Bl\oa\uy uny liquor on SJiidin , or on. the Uaj of any Kiiioralor Miec-iai "lottloii. Sections ifi to ! > J incm i\o , ilellno HIP lh- : > illtv of saloonkeepers for- damages sust.iinid .lyanyono in consciimnco of the tr.illlc and piwklo the stops necessary to collect smh claims bcetion 3-J relates to Iho Issuaruc of drug * ists1 jciniits Tlio' option feature of the h\v Is con tained in section 23 , the salient part \\bich reaiK : I'liocoi poratoauthoiitics of all cities and vllhjjes shall have i > o\\tr \ to license , UKUlato and juohihittho soiling or giving aw.iy of im iiitoxicatliifT , mult , spirituous and Uuotis Liquors , u-i thin tlio limits ofsuoluity or Ml- liifre , 'iliis sei tioiinlsollxes tbo ittnount of Lho license fte , - \ \ hlcb shall not hJ less tlnn SoOO in villas'es and UUeshu * . Ing less than 10H)0 ( ) inhabitants noi loss than 61OOO In c-ities hiving u poiulation of raoio thin 10001) ) . Sections 2ii anl 27 relate to drntrffisls1 ronlstci3 and penalties \iolatlouof the rules Kovenrmy the s.inip Section liSiiiiilccs diunkeimcss an offeriso punishable h ) a line of $10 md lostsor na- [ iilsoiiiiitnt not exceeding thirty Javs Section 2il proUdos that the doois and \\lndo\\n of saloons shall bo kept fixe fioin blinds. Dlslriol Couif. Saycrs Duiker , dohifr huslncss at CIO liortti Slikteentb street , lituo commented suit in the district couit against J. Gleason. They claim that Gleason agieed to buy cer tain ( ouds valued at $0,070 anil jflvo In pi\- inont ceit i in real csUito iiiNanco and Boone countic ) valued ut * 4 , ' OJ and the balance In cash at stated periods The plaintiffs elalni tohavoporfonneiltheirpaitoC the contiait. but state that the defendant has wholly failed tolceophia pait of the agrocmcnt They thcrefoie ask damages in the sum of ? 5,00i ) . In the cue of GcoriroP. Piul against Charles XmlhiB1 , on ,1 buildingconliac-t , a verdict was loturnod givintc the plaintiff Iho case of thu state apralnst Chailos Matthews , the do ; ciiti her , c.inio to n oloio Inst evening The juiretumed u icrdlit limlltigtho accused guilty of assault with In tent to kill , ns obliged In tholndlctriicnt. 'Hie prisonitviis rcnnnded to j ill to nint sui- tiiice. Vei ) few were present nsielo Jroin tlio regular attend ints of the court md the piUonir loked. lonely and iorsiikon. Ho iuJ lost his bragRrdado nil and had u vild , bunted look In bis eye The "Watch Has Keen Cliilincd' Tlio fine gold-witch that Frank Wnlllchs hail in his posbosslon u lion arrested list Sun day night has been claimed , and things begin to loolt as though Prank might ho a thief. Tlio owner oC tlio witch Is Officer Udf lilll , nnil on account of it hulng vorj valuible , ho left it in clu'go of Ills friend , Attonioy Mc- Ciul. A. fcwdnjs HRO Md'aulueiitto Liii- eoln on businuss. Since that tl'iio ' Walllehs Ins been inle-sted with tbo waUh inhlsivis- sibslon The police mo led to bellow that ho stoles the watch fioin Mi. Caul's loom , a-stiio diy before tlio inrest , when bo attempts d to paivn it for f" , noinnilo thoiociuest. that , it bo put out of sight until called for. Tic-il Her to a lcd ! Tost. P. 'VValcntti anil his ncighlwr , P Pajno , two ItJlians , both ot \ \ liom live nt 71 South rourtccnth street , hist night stnitod out vlth tbo ilxL'il dotcimln.itloii of anumuhtiiiK a. 3 Jlis. Wulcitta Ind adosiioto RO aloiifr , and to pro\cut her fioni doing so the tivo nun bound bur hind nnd foot and thou tlud her to a bed post An hour later the pollco- niaii on the found her in this position nnd toolc bei to tlio .station , whcio shu nnd licr t\\o babies hpi'iit the niiht. At mldnlRlit AVnlcatt.i and bis claim vcio run in , both the vorsofor llijuor. , T "P S\veesy of this t-lty anJ ISIhs j\nna E Tnploy of I ou isille \ , ICy , \\oroinnrrlod \ at tbo bride's homo in the latter titj on Juno 'W They came diiectto Omihunrii\lng , \ lust night , nnd will luat homo here if tor ut irJ-J Dad go street Mr. fcmeos\'s m.urj friends Mill K'U ' ) his briilo a cordial weleorno to hot new homo. ficrro JtaUiiiKH Oillanl flglit. VA TO , S. D , July 3 ( Special Tele gram to Tun Dm : . 1 The stumer Chnska YanWon from Picrro this nftor- urilvedat 1UI11UUI1 I1U1II i 1L.UU lllla 41IIUL - 110011 vltb the Capital City band aiidlOOciti- 7ens of Picrro , all ofhoni xUll help ale- hrito the Pourtli at Ynnkton 1'ioriu Is inakini ; a gallant , clean light for tlio perma nent cipltul and will get about tivo thirds of of tbootus of the state. An Original I'acikiiK * ' l > oic. Ginuci ) , Kim , Julil 0 O ISuaso and ( IcorgoM.Vbitc \ , n Hints for a ICutisas City liquorstorevero , todi > sentenced to pa ) a flno of.100cachand to ba conilned intlio coutitj Jail for hlxty diys for maintaining 11 nulsanio iri the thapo of an or ighial p.icl.ii house rnults of digestion eauso disordcis of the HUT , and the \vholo PJ stein becomes deranged. Dr. J II. McLom's SticiiKtlicning ( Joulhil and Ulood I'urilier perfects the process of dl- ( rcstloa and assimilation , and thus in ilccu pure blood A Pa Iso Alarm , At midnight a false alarm called the fire department to the Union I'.icillo shops. Tlio night aUhinan \ seeing sinoko Nsulni- from one of tlio windows of the blacksmith shop , \mlled \ the bo > c. A block of wood burning in ono of the forties caused the trouble JHID , . \VARr. \ KHJnh , agedBT jearjand 10 months. Thursdii ) , July , at hi * residence , 1SVJI \Vc'bst < ji strett. Omaha Tnuieiiuliirt i\lll \ bDHCiitto Norfolk , Mass. , for interment. The futmral vill take pluuo from his Into residence , 1SJ1 AVi'bbtcr .street Satuiday , July i , ut j3U ; p m. SOUTH oM.vm NIJWS. Cun tracts iVvnrilrd. for the Union sloekjardsionipiny awarded the contrnd o Stophenso'i ' \V'llllnnn , to ttwdo the > hill to the northwest of the yards. About thivo imnihed thousand ynnta of cuth will ho romo\otl The costvtll bo about § ) ) The 'il txuth Mill l > jiisc l to 111 ! up Lilto I'lvonki. liio coiitr.ut i-ciitrlivs the work to IH ) completed within muoty davs. Mr. Ktoplunson has cone to Ohlcago to buy llvo new gradew Itulllcoinniuiui ) \\o\\t \ \ novt ueekandlll \ hive rnoro than one bundled tuiins at worlc The contract for oonstnirting the two sewers ers WH award el to Totnploton it Morrow. One sewer , s In lo feet , t p tlnvugli Like I'lvonkn ' , will l > ol.5tXfeetloii ) > raiid tlio other , a smaller ou- , -\\lll bo about 1,001) ) feet IOIIK anil loiiitedln tlw sonthoni part of tlio yards. 'lire wits oftbo sobers \ \ \ \ \ uonbout * 1V)0. , ) Tlidt-itj Coiinc-ll. At the iMiinoll inootiiij the fol lowing bill ) \vuo nppivni'd and \\arnnt.s \ ere authoriyiM0. . Fill ? , fJT.MV C. Wakclv , $ jr.5ir ) 'J'hoinas 12 , MeMi-f Julro , , .Tonics 1' . IMaloncy , < I9 50 , OWIKO King , ? S. , James I. Donohoe , pX ) ; .Iiiniwl' . IIuj 01 , . ! ( ) , C. J Collins , J10 ; S. 11 l-Viino , { 10 ; I'rod M Smith , fir. ; HeoigcF. KinK , ? " . Tlie petition 101aUr iniiiiisaiid hjdiants , coiniiioin-iuj at TwentyILOIUI and 0 streets , cast aloiit | O to M'\ictit\-llrst \ \ , south aloiiK Twontj-llist to lro\\ii ) \ , UiTwiiitiethand sonthto \ \ uiianviurcfirroil A lesolutioii miM pwsed calling on e\ City Treasurer Ce.uj ! to pay over the biliuue in his h.nuls. Marshal MalrneyI11 attend * o the st.ij- Hint iwol nt'L'Miity sci-ond and 1 stieetsand the horses trosp.issltiH ; under the Li street \ludui.t. , _ > I > U H < \ limit this t'lty , Bert \Vo | ) ncr of this city , formerly with the O H Iliuiuimml jiaiLliiK ( onipnriy. and ' \IlssAnni Sfmtoii or llnfCa'o ' , N , V. , Invo t ikon out a inniil iio lii-cnsi1. SollIopKivltli | lilt , wife , has letiuned from Hot Spi'injjs , Ailc. AU and Mrs lYank 13. Unit have gene to Vlllisi'i fora short \llt. A II Mori-ill uul son , riank.Monlll , have Borioto On stun .Tames U Hunt of P'leblo , ( No , Is visiting his uncle , U. M Hunt , casliiur of the No biaska saUnps built Misslltleu " \ \ \ rii'k , the guest of Mr and Mrs. S U Kyiioirson , ba ? K < ) t\a \ to Illinois. \Vorlc has l > ivn romiucnecd on the now smokestack at brtlftit Co.'s picking hollies South O a ib i lodtro No 10) ) , Independent Oidci of deed ] . , \ \ ill give a pyi otoe- nio pliniein S ndicito pule this eu'iiing. A diuyhler Iwni to Couneilinin and Mrs. James .T. Dougherty The gun club will hold Its shoot ntO o'clock this morning at the Third waul range. A billoon ascension from the ( Jernniiia gardens , ' 1'n-entv fourth and . .fstreihill be ono of the attractions thlsaftoinoon Ailiughter , born to Mr. and Mrs John J Goiniin. Patiick T. MiOnth , stock Inner for thn Arinnur-CiidulH ii.iili'njj ' LOinpuo , loft foi Chic njo last iiiglit. 'J'hcie is iinMi i'linK1 of the board of edu cation because of a lio'c ' of iiuorum ThoSistci-s of Providence'lui Invo had chnrge of bt. Annespu-oehial school , left to speinl the sun mi r attlio hnnio of the older , bt. .Mary's oftlieVoods , hid. John Kcon ofC'hini o got off the train ves- terclaj altoinooa and slightly In ] uieil b beiiii.stiuuc b ; aix cng-inu on an uiljoiniiiK track I rep. Samples of T > r Allies' Hostoratlvo ISTcivino at Kiihii A , Co's ' , litli and Douglis , cures heacliihe , nervousness , slecplcbbiiebs , neu ralgia , Ills , etc 1'KKbOA I Z , IM It A till.l I'irS. A L. Biur of Ainu is nt tboPaxton. .T. S Arthur of Pcndei Is at the O.isoy. 1C L Gadd of I-.iiuolii Is at the Murray. II C. bhurbirof Norfolk is a guest at the Case ) .T. AV Strittoa ofVahoo Is a guest at the Paxton. A. II Hurkcj of Lincoln is stopping at the Mculiants Mn.ICiupp ot Plnttsmouth Is a guest at the Merihants .1. S Shfiemaker of Imperial is a guest , at the iMillinJ 1ST J ShlckelloC Tckannh as in theeity jcstcrdaj , I'.M. iMoodic of West Point Is u guest at the Moiiluatb T D. Wort-all of Valparaiso is , legisterod at the Merchants. K L Cook nnd wife of Lincoln aiu logw teicilat the Paxton CicorLroMcCorailck of St. Paul H stopping at the Paxton G D Ilutteiflcld of Cieightou Is stopping at the Mm lay , Senator Sanue.1 ( ! O cn ofSnrr Prantisco h a guest at the Mill ird Walter 1) . ( Jald\\oll \ of Pawnco City is legisteredat the IVlillard. i\lix Uhlltr and i\lfo of Iloldrego are among the guests at the O.isey. .T S l'nullei ton and wlfo of Lyons \veio nt the C' iso ) j ostud.ij Mrs. ( iior cLlinliiRton anl Mis .1 , " \V Denins of.Vslilinct aio guests tt the Mniiaj "NV.l.Metleiiof the rully mill stivico. accompanied 1 his wifevesicular , dcpn tea lor Wajne , wlmo the no\t fuv ; dijsill ho spent in outinn' D Al. SulliMii , birporlntondciit of the Min nesota ti rnsloi , a belt line iMlroadvhith is in opi'iatlon hilxvccn bt 1'ml and Mmm ; apolis , A M. Aean.aBrfjilof the .Miniieipolis , > c St Iouis at Mimifunohs , nnil r. ai I'liwier , ti ivi'lniK : auditoi of Ilic C'hlr.igo , St Paul , Mliine.ipnliH , * . Oiiuh i i.iilioadoni in thucitesti \ ula\ , the guests of Kilpurin teiuli'iit . .fiyne'Iho t'tfiithmen hn\o not heon in Oiinihi bofmo slniii l- . , ' , and thw jri on tli of the t-lt ) was u gicat surpuso to lliem Asniidiy Slim liifc Dofihlon. Pun , vnn.i'iin , July H 1 Special Telegram to Tins Hir : | Jiulgo Pcnnj pac'ter ' todaj rondcrcdiiii oiliiionaniiining | the lomiition in thoc.wof Ilarbcr AVIlhnm It U'uUlcnian , fioni a miKls- trnto line fur Mbbith hliiving 'Jho Jiiugo , in a long oii 11 ion , dcclaicd that Sunday sh.iv Ing Is nclthei a uorlt of iieceisiLy or of ehailty. Rtnili'd hy aL.i-.ii'kf * ! . All 1.10 hint night the Hinill liny rind his llrocrickiryotiii thelrvoi-'coii the AVidun ( Jr nly \acant \ houao , rltuatcd in thn rear of IJimouthTiiliUMnth. Jly the pioinpt ar i Hal of the tlio depirtn eut the loss was < oin paiatlvel ) nothing _ _ d lei * Plo W.IPH. Aeiu.AMi , WIs. , July JlL , W. llikoi , who wasconvktod of tohhlnn' the Iron Uxdiangij hankat Hurhj hist winter , A\.H \ suitenced to llvojeaiiln the penitenllur\ today 'I llllMl IMI Killed. HICIIMOMI , Vn , July IAt I IJiiena Vistr this inoinliig an cilovator CMJJO fastening hi oka and tboi.ifofoll U > the bottom of the shaft , killing tinu men and futally Injuring ano'hcr. Niniii iiili- , < l ( oiiMiil General. " \ VHinviroJuly , . ' . T'.opiesldont toda ) sontto the senate the inclination of Adim U JCingof Mur\luid lo at consul geinral at Pails. rlInlty < hi 'Jho Cltj Slriinlumdrv team of thli city will play at Ulpssot todiy , mid Bundiy at Missouri Valley. 'J'lhilcHlll' till * illtllN , "Iwjwmuch nmiihod " ono nfloninon , M J \Tiltoi In thu Boston TnuiHU'ipt , "by n. llltlo family BCOIIO on u twit ; of nu ol in tree , \\lioro a lljcatcher had her tin ) bniod o ( llvo , just out of tlio in st , all peicheil In K low. She wiw foudlnjj tlium , anil the little dotb took tlrulr ia- tlon \ \ \ \ } \ L'ieat contuiit n oftnti as the inolhor caught an imuot aird llo\\ bade with the inorftol to entlr onur boiilv In tunr. The iLLfulurity with wlilclr who kojit uuounl , foullm ; on uftci unothur , 111 cxnct order , from lop lo bottom of thn row , vns > ory Intcrestltijr. I'lvsontly ono nnU dill ] ) KVOVT linpalloiit , .mil whlto the mother \HIHH\MI \ } lluttotoil ever mill iM'imdod hiinsoK into thu plan * io\t to Iho bird lust foil euully w it lu > rail phmnoil to iot ; the tio\t lly. Ho sut : here , louUIiijr ' .cry tuber nnil innoo'iit vlioii tlio mo.nor roturnurl , but she naw the trick atonoo , anil au > tire lly to tlio ijjlrt bird , \\lilskltij'tho \ \ Intoiloper ( a1) ) I uncilcd ) with 'herlnpr ti o passed. ihn , bywai of oullhi'hi't } ' oni-t. 1'robi- ili hoin \ \ tlio rojjuoof the family , and ilii ) know him 110 wrll. " ! > OIiO l'TT\VIOI ) \VATI3ll. . V ( laino tlmt IM-oinlsci to llceoino I'lisliliiualiU : this Sit minor. The wiHt liii niloptoil iiin w i > oili om- trontiliio ic'oroitioii with pk'tur- nllilelU' duplii ) . U Is wati'f polo , wlikhiis pluycd for the Ihst Himlu jils uotniti' } onlj it fovcoKs tijro JlU ulaptodfroni Hncljiml , hut o\en there it hm been inlrocluuod only rcvonlly , biijn t New York ahp.itoh to the Chk'.itfo Intoi'-Oi'ojiii. Tiilo on hoi ob.a'k ami polo on sUirlos Inivo boon follo\\oil by polo in the -witor , anil tlio nqvuitiu iiiclhod ] ) ro\es \ to bonot only the bafost but the most'n ' of the three It \\lll not bo MirprlHiiiu if It slionldbiH'omo in sonic moihtied fouu n fivtturo of this a nil fashion ihlo iiiiiuiernxislonoont. New pint. Jsrivriidansclt , I'apo May , At- Inntlo City nnd ( ithoi1 re-wts. To jilay In thniitor \ it is osioiitlal tlmt the plnj 01 s Hlumld all he cap iblo Hininri'i s , oiiln-c'lv nt UL : < O inntor of a depth v.irj iin'from three to clfjht feet , ami nhlo toili\o nnil Htny xinder for a mo- inont. The lii-4 e siy rrl wnloi- polo m Aiuorlcii MIIS in.ido by the SuliMilmt.i suiinnitns : tluhof l'ioidonco , K. I , n ii natatorLum sixty foot Inns' , tuvntj IUo foc't vidcj , nnd tlnoo to elf ht fc > ol i\ depth. In tire ulub nro bomo of thu tincst Ruhnmorsln the country , nnd it has di'fi'iited the Huston uthlotlo MWO- t'iation twicti in three oonti'Mls at wnloi- polo. The nut itorltim Is supllol ) by uilesliiii wells , the at ( > i'boiiifp hiMtedto u ultillo : ) teinjiiU'iituro. T\\o { orlti iiru oiceteil , one at eac'li end oltho b.ith , aleut lout nhovo \Mitor-innik. \ . Thotronl is ineiolj a jiioeo of blnck cloth , about tlueo feet lon and two foot deep , fmtoncil at Iho top but h'mjjinj ' ? loose at tlio Iwltoin , > o tint tlio uibber bn , x\lilc'liU ahout tlu K.nno nr/o anil niuk sih a football , mij bo pushed under rl m nnkiiiff the Thuto nio { jinorall.v hix plii\M-son \ oroh side , nnd tire obji'i't is to place the ball in the oppoiic-nis' ffoal , throwInjj in boinjj cntmteii us ; i 'jiil. If , nttl'o oNph'itioir often numth s no jjoal lumbc.0,1 , in.ulc , "turio" ' isc.tllnl. After a rest of ilo i 'inulcs the i ulilicr1 Is tlirownoutby tire icferco , uhioh i the wilfiuil for the p liners to fjot n.iili. Then tlu io is fill lilnio l tdimiltimoims phuiffo by both tc'iirns for the bull. The c iptiiin of tire ilenhain's . \ is the i usn ] i , nnil JDiiiiffLns is enl temlci , the otlu'rs dlsti-ibiito thoinsolxcs o\oi' tlio tnnU. Tho\\nter pololstnui tboaniphin'ouo ' ; lie is liable at nnj nioincnt , iiinl-\\li , i least suspecting it , to bo jumped on iml sent belowfor a bhorl A\hilooi \ * till seine of his aide cin ; oomo lo his irssistiirii ( , ami if ho Inppeiis to bo the holder of Iho rubber ho inn ; , htixo three or four on him. Uutlilvo , purpoltos , they luno to coino ii ] > iind { jot u bicitthof ftcsh'ilr , and then illapjienr ngain , the other nn n looking on , a\Miiliiiif (1o\elupinuirtb or a , \\otd or birn { , from tholrcnptuin. A Ti-ui ! Conn Stoiy. A curiom coon story Is told by Wall Klrkpiti-iik , pionrielor-of tlio Anna iiot- leiy. It IHIIH follows s.naan Annii , ill , hjiui'itil to tlio bt. LuuiH ( ilobo-Democ' i30oraleclv .iro ) , hudiscovered thnttlju iflofofhis rvsrduneo on Knst liiilroiiil stieot H.IS leiilclujT bidl.GJI . in\i \ > sli/ii- / tiou ho found tint anufiibor of ahln luM hnd btc-ri torn oir iiiHoino unaccoiintablo inairner. All sirts of uuics wore un signed , but finally it was decided to lay the blame on o 10 of thu furious winil- terms which hive Aibiteil boiithcin 11H- KIII dining last spring- . Jl"p.iirs ere delayed fora or more until Dr. K. could Iind time lo put on u now roof , lin- inulialoly nftortho ilis < 'o\ori of the bale in the root the family began to bo b.iiiiM.'s . , which woto heard nut only at ni ht but at nil times. No ex planation could bo ( | L\on , until Ihnilly \\hoii work was L'oniineiiLC'cl on thn roof. Then , .most full of joung rat coons VHH \urodu-itiintlcr ] tliiea\es. ) Tliu.y nppmentlj alwut throe work * old. The old ono could not bo found for ; t day 01 two , but llnallv she x\u diivou fioni her nliollor trctd bj a ilor , downed by bojs itnd elii c-d Into a catfo. Tboro it remains and is f roqiu'iilly \ isrlc-d by ' to\MiHpf > opli > , who want to scon coon tlm't hnd courage ) oniiiiffh to build her neal in bitch iihiran o ] ilaco. " Local sportsmen nerosurprNoil at Iho otiiunoiK'o , foi It Isuonliarj lo all thu nuuoptud tlieouc's on coons to hruo om > uimo into tlio M'i'y inklil of en town to raise u family. Absolutely Puro. A > rciini of turi n hakliuc | i JIT lor Ill l fl ( U'U > lllMn'HtlIUtll ! | L b ClOU'l Illlli 'it liO liort AIIS1" , WJ0. P ME YOU Americanized i i i > Encyclopaedia Britannica ? Now being offered with THE OMAHA DEE onei'y ensy terms ? Rend the proposition on an other puyo of this pnpoi * " T409 DDUGlAS--STREET. - - . On nrconntot our lar o nnil iircroasmu I'rnctico , \\oha\o KDMOVI3D to inoro HpntMoiiH imcl cou A uniont r > lllies. Drs. Betts 5 Betts , 1100 Douffliu St. Omaha. Nel