Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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3. IH- taken until lt.fl p. m- . for
dttlon anil tinUl 9-M p. rnM for the murnlaij
edition ami SUHUAT Dm.
rpSRiia Cash In advance.
"OATK ? AdrBrtlsfmcntson thtapneo wlllbs
JLWbarzud for at the rate of U * < imt ur vrnrd
\ for th Hrst inrflrtlon and 1 rvut oer wonl for
each Milt' Mtirat Inf-riinn. andH.Mpfir line
per mtinth. ? ? ndrartiwment tnmn for
Ii-n than 21 cents for the flml UiMrtton.
ISITl.VI < f. figures , symlxjls , eto. . oount each
oa onn word.
rPHTJ K sdv rtlsement.i must ran i-on e m-
J-ttv < ly and under uo eln'umMwnrfn will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
PARTIEH ndrertlslns In thiwo nolurana and
barinK their annwers .idiliwMl to a "num-
tlerMl inttnr" In cnro of TUB ROE will rrwlvn
a nnmlmmd check in anahla Uit-m to net their
letters. Answara will lm dellrir l only on
nrewntatlim of this chock. Endow ) answers
In enrplopea properly addrewfd.
ALT , adTn iKimenta under thn head of
"fTTtal Xollcps" are published Kt th the
raominir and evening editions of TIIH Bur. the
oireulatton of which asitr at mnro than
UW I pupi'M dally , and gives thn ( idv rUser
the beni-flt not only of the law olmulatinn of
TUB Br in Omaha , but alee In Council Bluffs.
Llnooln and other eiUes and towns in thu west
A DVKRTISKMENT3 ; for situations or tnr
iiV-mnlo or female help , not flicfrdlnz 21
wnrrlnitre inwrted in TiiKsrxDArB&i : at half
mt > sdurlntrthe months of July nml Auttut >
The n"iiiarn ! > t s will b charged for parti
additional word ahovo 21 words as wall as fur
consecutive infrtlons.
Advertising for those columns will be taken
on the alxivo condition * , at the following busl-
UIB bonnes who are authorized to take special
notices , at the same rat us as can had at the
cmlH office.
Street. Lister Block.
_ _
BELL , Pharmacist , S3 South TenthS
CHAPE * KDDT , Stationers and Printers.
113 A > n Ih l th street.
_ _
SH F\BNSWOI1TH , Pharmuolst , 2115 Cum-
Inir street.
W. . m'GIIB3 , Pharmuclst , ffi Nurth 10th
. street.
G EO.V. . PARR , Pharmacist , 1713 Leaven-
worth street.
UGUSSPUARMACY. . 2tth and Faraam.
For rate * , tte. . rff tup nf first nnlumn on UiU page.
Utitf rates mi Sunday.
ifT7"AXTHn Position as janitor , watchman ;
f ' ' rwferrnre. givn bond of required. C. H.
Olmin. : U1U Karuuni st. _ GV3-- *
want l by a well educated
KJ young lady ( Gennuni as housekrepiT in
small family preferred. References given and
Addroas Jfi. Omaha Bcc. MIC- . ; *
"VVTANTED Position as hotel olerk In or out
T T of city. xpHriencod. good letter f jtim last
employer. Address J 10. llci- . _ IMj 2 *
GE1UIAN lady wants washing and ironing ,
_ 161.lCumlngst. _ ma-l
"JSTOT1'7E to merchant tailors Position
1wann d by flrst-clasn cutter ; refcn'm-es
Rivoii. If. 00 , BIIO olllcii.
I"ir rate * , tit. . Me top of flnt column on thu pane.
Half rates on SunUni/ .
"YT7ANTED At once first-class barber 'whito
i prefi'rnMl ) steady job to right man. J. U.
ee. Hebron. Neb. _ illC-1 *
W 'A7 < TED Men to travel for our Canadian
nurse rius.Stuiic&Welllu to u. Madison. Wls
" \T7A.NTED-At once. good , strong boy to
t Tart in store. Enquire S. E. cor. 10th and
Famnin ' j 'JH 2
"TTTANTKD Bread bakers at Garneau's
T r bread bakery , 13th and MiMin st * . : good
wagtwjind steady employment. JM7 1 *
TT7ANTED Man to will a staple to citr
trailn by wagon ; J100 cash required : 3 5
per month' Address J 11. Bee. 315 i"
A GENTS Woutiit on. " days' timw. 1159 00
J-V. pnifit in I weeks or no pay. Add. with
stump : JiirvU.t Company , liacinu , Wls.
WANTED Young man who thoroughly' un-
dursUuids typewriting. Address Drawer
40 ; city. Wl-1
W'E want SO men for railroad work ueuruiu
city ; il-'iO to il.73 a day ; also awn for
work In city and countrv ; examine our bulle
tin. Call an us. Keith Employment Agency.
318 S. . - *
-Salesmen at $73 per month sal-
> V arjand expenses to soil a llu of sllvor-
nlatud an. ' , watohes , ute. . by sample only :
horco.ami team furnished true : wntoatoncu
for full purtluulurs and sample case of poods
free. Standard Mlverwaru Co. , Ito-ton , Mass.
\T7ANTEI > A reliable and efficient young
man fur oilicB work. Stenographer pro-
f rrtd. J i. Utmullloe. s,7t l
At St. C'lmrli" . car works , rit.
Charles , Mu. . six good blacksmltliH and
" \\7 ANTED A. Hrut cliiii French clock rc-
' T pjiiror. Apply to C. S. Raymond , jeweler.
W-VNTED A ruliablomanufacturer'sapBiit
well acquainted with local retail fiimi-
turo and dry pooila trade in Oiunha and vlelu-
Ity to haiidfeuur celebrated star brand odor-
lei fonthors , pillows and bedding supplies on
conimlhxlon. Addresa with rofemneo and par-
ticulais P. E. TJttlo & Co. . > o. 701 to 7ir7 N.
Mam St. , St. Louis. S70-1 *
RANTED Two flrst-chis * outsidii sales-
mun : i U for Uco. Cole , 1112 Firnuu : st ,
715 J *
" \\7"ANTED Rookkcoper by a wholesale
> > Jimelry houso. Must furnish best of
references , also btato salary expected. Ad-
arexs J I. lleo.
\\7"ANTED tialesraen on salary or commls-
t I sinn to handle thu nuw Patent Chemical
Ink Erasing Pauull. Thu greatest selling nov
elty over produced. Erases Ink thoroughly in
two -cromlB : no abrasion of paper , JW to .VW
piTci-nr profit One agent's sales amounted to
KIM iu six days ; another S2 In two hours. Wa
wane mm onurgptia general agent for each
Minu and territory. Sample by mall 3S aunts.
For tuniin and full particulars , address Thn
3Ionro Eraaur Mf'g Co. . La Cro e. Wis. TTi l *
WANTED Young man to do oillco work :
als-o voung man to u ml S < MI fountain
Apply ui Sherman ' . < : McConiiull , dnigglsts. 1512
Dodge at. _ BUI
WANTED Solicitors for the cities of Oma
ha and Council Bluffs : also azcnte fur
Iowa and Nebraska. GIKM ! rfifenuioesn quircd.
Call or writu to It , C.Kuhn. room 40 , Chamber
of Coninmrce. Omaha. Nebraska. 717 5 *
WANTED An instructor for Inhtitiitf , IHI-
ginnlug July 21 , la * , ui teach .1 weeks at
Springview , Nob. Geo. W. Condon , Co. Supt.
_ _ 618 I
A GENTS waiilud. if ! new siu-olalilos. all fast
J-V Mtllen * ; nu experiuncu nHOeary ; big
money : sAinplu free. Address E. C. Brewstur ,
Holly. Mloti. _ _ _ 549jylO
QJALEMEN to sell spealalties to merchants
Oby fHinpl ; salary paid to good men ; sam-
pIuHfiinushiHl ; .steady situation ; Modi < l Miin-
ufueiiiring Co. . South Bond. Ind. 4Mj20 *
\\TAXTKD W laborers for extra road
V i gangs. Apply to P. U. JulinMin. B.t M.
po8 * > ) iHtr depot Omaha. _ 4ta
QTONKMA&ON3 wnnnil at Norfolk and
OBimtrice. Good wases paid. M. T. Murphy.
A HOY ! Grand exptms
-ci-Everybody buysIW.H.I'ricw.David I'lty.Nob
" \\fASTKD men fnr railrnml work In
IT Wviimlnp , Dakota. L'tali and Nuvnda ;
wiiiiM1.75 ui KJU ; stiwdy nork. Albripht'a
Lulu i r Ajc'iiuy. na ) Kanmni st. SJtJy 1
WANTKI > Knursetle mint and women fora
nult * l husliuMs paving KM woeklv protit
eatalwr thun h'O uiunthly tiihtirwlso ; axtiurtuncu
uutuwt Miry ; ptirmanimt p < islUon anil xulu-
Iru turritory awHitwl : Bsuinplua fnw : Invev
UenlMiHir mouey-iiiuWlup biislnoM. AdilriiM
Tjlth Ktauiu. Merrill Maiiufauturins C _ U SJ ,
Chlnaen. nl. " -
Farrytt * . ete ire top nf In * niiumn I > H Uiu page.
1/qjT rut < "
"VrOL'NU lady to wait on lunch ouunlcr. ;
JwaluuM aud lauiidrens , s/B. same hoiul ; 2
aueoiid * lri , tl : pantry and Uloht < n girl * . W
v itrn tttii ; iclria for PIntt immth. Sioux t ity.
' iM ) for gmiuml huusuwork. Mrs.
a. iaib.
Y ANTKU Ouo Hrct-clairt lady oook , on
T > t-nlaiis dining nmm < lri foritmall eom-
hotel , wrtto und stat wngtw. Ad-
Frank slroiitf , uuru Bmdluy HOHMV. TB-
y. Noli. ttUt-i *
" \ \ 7ANTKD A ( firl for huukewurk Iu family
ailfi Callfomlu.
TTOCSKU8K'Blir-A widow lady from 35 to
JLLsi with uu children unlea a bay 15 yeara
/ old ui k ep tuHiso far finally of two In country
. . town , s uul rnfurauuBa aud wages wanted.
Addroo * 11 SI , Bee. UU
\\7ANTED-A good jtiM fur Ktiaaral tM > u A-
> T work. Will pay yiwti vragi s. Apuly SlUl
\V\NTKD-Dlnlng-rooiu ijlrl * at Whidsor
Jjf " ' ' ' _ MS
_ _ _
" \ YNTJLIJJotui nook and lauodntki fur 1
T uuuU faiiuly. ir2a.l7U U JW I
WAJtTEP T > lninifrnom j'rta , r-iamfwr
maids k.i.-heu iiiHs. hmuw iclrls. dl-h-
wnsliers , liuindrr atrl . 1st ind 'M cooks , atrl
tnr cntn fountain , * trhl to ! ! book * , and
man * * r > rv ! > i-sl plwns lit city W sollrlt
imly thi * ii-st help and pjaciw In th * city
Keith Empioyix-nt AniMicr. "tW i. 1Mb. MS-sl *
A.NTK1 > Y oed rook. .Vpplr tn Mr *
Man * , n-aref Ut wn ll halL "
TTTAXTKD Sow ! Klti for Mflnml hon -
J ' work. Apply at anra. Mrs , J. Hayrtpn ,
WA NTED-Girt tor general boUM-work. 118
d IHh ft , BJ *
WASTED City solicitors. hwltes ami ( ran-
tU-ra < m. nrtr i-mploym > nt. nmd jmjr.
The tniBtnnn will stand the < lowMt Inrestiipt-
tl.m. call 2W Pturton block. Wwinttsdar 8 to 5
p. m. rtS-l *
WAMTKfoThrew axDertPiied dining room
Kitls at tlte Borhor IKH 1. 774
WASTED Girl forgaaeml housework : no
washing to dik Appir or wrl ins . .Bnd
ave. . cur. Dodge St. , out ! block mirth Famatn
t. cars. JB8-J
WANTRP One flrst elnts lady rook. wanes
ITp rwnek. On flret clOMdlnlnernora
rmim frirl. waua 35 Mr we k. Call at III So.
17th gtrtwt. .739-5 *
" \ T7ASTEDAroman tn do general housework -
' ' work ; must bo good oook and laundre-ts.
Wai ; , $ & p r w k. Apply IKS California st.
" \\TANTKD-Olrl for general boui wnrk at
> V a18 Franklin at , t !
WANTED A eomppJpnt girl for irneral
lioiiMjwork. SOI s. 'JPth. SW
oitB.S5arAirivG7 :
Vnr mte * . Ho. , tee top of .tnt tnlumn on tMt page ,
M HS > . M. LKVERTOSf. dn-wmaker. U. S. system -
tom of cutting unsd. Boom j , 50 ( S. imh ,
XOAGEMENTS to dodresumaklnp In fnmi-
E UM solioltwi. aaiss Sturdy. S3 ri. 3Sth ave.
RS. R. cnMjme. . 14 S. IBth. Mshionable
g. Builey system taujtht.
_ _ _
For mtef , tte. , tte top of font cutumn on tliti JKUK ,
"Cion RKNT 12-room brick houw > , with all
-L ; modem Improvomente. lia 5. 20th st. , ehenu.
Also a nice i-room oottuge on N. 17th st. Judge
Anderson. flgg-ab
TJICRN1SHED house , all modern conven-
- > - lenee&auringhotseason. 'J917 Leaven worth.
_ _ _
TTIOR RENT Furnished cottage of six rooms
- > - one bloclc from motor lines. Ifc : Corby st.
rtrra *
T7IOR RENT 11-rfMim house. N"o. 310 N . 02nd
isU Inquire l N. 'Xutl st. _ H
FOR RENT Two 4-room Snta. 101U Howard
st all modem conveniences. Call Xfi Paxton -
ton block. _ U ) : i *
TJ'OR RENT Small house per month. J. J.
-C Wllkinsnn. WS Paxton hlk. _ Ote
f7HR RENT Rpsldonees in all parts of city.
A- List too large to publUh. Globe Loan &
Trust company. 397 S. 16th .st. _ 77J
FOR RENT Those elegant stonn residences
on Gf orgiu ave , . S. : SMh stt. bot. Mason
and Pncilir sts. See owner forlongtlmu loa 1.
H. H. HiMidt'i-Min. room -UiQ. I'axton blk. 77R
FOR RENT ? fine pressed brick houses , cast
fronts on Goorgla ave. . just north of Leav-
enworth St. . 1 room" , bath , furnace , sowpr connection -
nection * , all convpnicnces ; will rent to respon
sible parties for 4JD. M. A. Upton Co. , 16th and
Farnnm. 777
TT'OR ' RENT Units ? . 10 rooms , all modern im-
- lpnivoriients , lane yard. S3 ppr inoutli.
ents. Dexter L. Thomas.
TF YOC wish to rent a house or store see II.
-1-E. Cole. Continental block. _ 770
T71OR RENT Two of thi > flne t residence flats
JLon South 10th street , with all modern con
veniences. hot and cold water close to Brown-
ell hall. 1'lrst class surroundings. Apply to
Chas. Kaufman. 13ai Douglas st. 7Kjy 9
S -ROOM tint with steam heat. 18th st. near
Jones. Thomas F. Hall , Jll Paxton block.
_ _ _ 751
FOR RENT 10-roum house. J1U7 Dougla-s. In-
Huiro'Jlll Dtmglad. _ 733
FINE resldenre. moilurn improvements , 2105
St. Marv's avo. . W pnr montli. Inquire at
pronils&i or at A. Heller's. liy Faniain. 74
FOR RENT-a-room houso.tfcl andCumliig sts.
KJi pur month. C. F. Harrison. 911 N. Y. Life.
_ _ _ TtiTi
"TT'OR ' RENT Very nlceT-rooin bousesspj > eial
-L. terms made. Apply to Fletcher Youug ,
Ambler Place. _ 7 >
FOR RENT j-room house , good repair , nice
yard , cistern water , rent f Apply to 14W
wiutb 7tb avo.or to Juo. W. Bull , drussii-t , toth
RENT Seven roomed house , bath.
FOR cellar , stable at 2S27 Franklin at
Apply QU9 Merchants National bank , sOG-5 *
TT10R RENT No. 2214 Webster st. . new -vcn-
-I- room house , bath , laundry furnace , grate.
gas. walls decorated , good yard , larse shade
trees. AlbertSwartzlauder , SS ) First Nat. bank.
TTIOR RENT 7-mom house with barn ; nom-
X ! inal rent to good party. C. F. Harrison. Ull
N. Y. Life. _ 111
house on Farnnm st. for rent.
Inquire Gennan-A-rnericuii Savings bank.
rj WO fiats. 7 rooms each. 432 and S3. Incluil
JL insj water , ranse , awnings , screens and otli-
i-rimnvenli'iices ; nuw butldlnz. cor. I8tb and
Junes. George Clouser , store. 7U1 S. 16th.
FOR RENT An 8-room house with four
closets , storeroom , bath , hot water on both
tionrs , largo yard : s. o. corner Gtxirgia ave , and
Hickory .si. Emiulm.iui promlst'i. 04s _
TJIOR RENT At moderate rent. 'the threr-
storj- and basement brick building situated
at No. 111U Uougltis street , suitable for manu-
facturing. wholi' ale or wareliousu purposes.
alx > one store und babemiuiU No. 1U7 S. utii su
Apply to Chas. Kaufmann. I'.SS Douglas st.
_ 104 jy-J'
TJlOll RENT Curnurhouw , No. aim Lttaveu-
-f wortiu 0 rooms , bath , ga * and furnaci' , all
complete ! , gnoil yanl and stable iu rear. R. 1C.
Stone. 810 N. y.'Life. _ i B fi
TTIOR RENT Good K ) room bouse. > wer.
- - water , gas , until , barn , furnace. In olusant
shapu , cheap. D. V. Shulea Co. . 213 First Nut'l
bank. Jsl
| TIINE7-nom dwelllngwitli vanl. i2i
Also. S-rooui dwelling with yard. SiX
fl and 10- room dwellings. S to fOJ.
Smuaton i Allen. 1G09H Farnnm at ,
1M Jv 12
For rates , ttr ne top of jrrt column -in ttlit paaf.
i UJlNlSHED roams 1711 Leavenworth st.
HTTia *
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
rooms. 2223 Butt st : ail modern conven
iences. _ Ull 2 *
T\ESIEBLE room * with board. 1S2 Chicago
"n > OK RENT V ry hand > oino furnished
Jnxinis with iMMru , all modern linproro-
meiits. 110 N 35th st. a77 3 *
TVESIRARLY fumislied mums , modern eon-
-L/voiileiii'e . 1BB ! Capitol avo. d79-l *
F I OR RENT Large , pluusant furnished room
In private famllv. for two gentlemen ; ref-
requlred ; UBl Chlciigu at. U12 -
"PORRKN T u niea furnMiud rooms for light
housekeeping if niH.H > MMiry , nnd 1 furnished
front room fur 1 or2 gentluinon. 1112 S. llth st.
LARGE front room , nleuly furnlshtMl , ir' :
nuxlern nonvoiileno * . HUB N. 17th. * 1'J *
FOR RENT-Furnlshed nwins. ICO ) Doitlus |
JT'OR ' RENT Kurnl'.liedrooms : ga , bith : and
- istt'am. . l&li ) lluwflnl. 7te >
RKNT-N'ieuly furnished room.all mod-
FOR Wnv niunL > us , 2 blocks from I' . O. Sis S
17th Ht. Tftl
ST. CL.VIR Europattn hot l , enrnuriath and
Dixllte. Sptmlal nm by wt * k or month. 7B1
COOL fmnt nximH , with flrat-uluss Iwwnl ;
_ ref o rumays. 1H38 Bamaru.
T rRNlSHKLi rooms fur rent. 181B
J ? .tvt-nue. 51
FOR RKNT N1ee furnlfJied room fur one or
two irentiuiuuu. with UM ) of oath. Imiiiire
438 S. 3Uh st. tcft-r
_ _
LTviUFfront room. J1U.i68S.2ind. .
84 - *
FOR HKNT VltwHnnt south XHHHH , ln iu or
u auitu. Buttrd It duairud. 9UM Cam tit.
_ flB-l *
IHAVSSorlnkums to rent , alMi u sMtlt at 4
rooms handMiinoly furnikliwi hoIonglnK tea
a tuuant wishing to go nway far the aumniwr.
Thn Murrlani. aatti and Dodye. _ 7 < 1-1
ITIUBNlbllCD riHim for g < mUainan. wtUi
X board. 1M7 Leitrunworth t. 731-1 *
"VJKWLY furuUhtMl ruoutt .uid buunl for uv-
'Liurtxlpartittk at 3018 llnrnwy at , ; two mUi-
Mn ' walk from outur of bu4iiH * . and eo l
pluue for umtui r. MUi Cavlnie & WalhHdga.
- RKNT-yurnlKlittd roam in private tam-
- lly , moduru oouvenittiitlu * . 3M1 Kitrnum
sU 78g-l *
KMMS To runt SOS Dodge , for nent leiueu
only PncumuiiuraH ! , uiouuru vxnvtmi iict i
4' > md 4tt N "ifti st vrv li ira' ' > lt > m < 'ms
ir'tli . iid * 1rs ' ' U" *
ii. _ _ ? " 'ILL" ! ' :
tTU'BHKM Furiiifcli i"rnMU . I72timt. . > t ar
JC 1. Iv4 *
OOils , with ixjard if aeslrp-i. US i .ip a a.
yat iyii
\VAJITKD Furntrted room within vn
block * of MMtafflom M le price. Ad-
Uo rooms forhonw-
- - moping , nas 17th st. * 40-y
'V'ICRLV furnished mom * with all modern
ioonT nlinp < M In the flne t strnm heaU-d
tints in the city. Erorythlna flrst-clwis and
kept ! u perfect order. Ttff 3. lath. * * & &
Pnr rate * , ete. , Kfe top of flrft eoftimn o i IMt punt- .
"DRITATK family , situated In modern r * al-
JTdenreu with choice rooms and pleasant
hotne. will accommodate a few boarders.IdO
Harney. iM-Q *
FHi > NT room , unfurnished or furnished , with
board. MM Karnart. tfc ) 3'
Pbrrattt , tte. . He top nf .1rst cohitnn mi > M pagt.
at 709 S 16th. 30xlSO oli. lareoshow
s. steam heat furnished. 'Dins. 13.
THOU RENT The t-story brick buildingwith
Ju or wltboiit power , formerly occupied tjj Uio
Hw Publlahlnic Co. . 910 Karniim it. Tim bnlld-
tnc ban a flrrprnof oement hawmunt. coinp ilota
itcam hen tin it nxtnrtw , wateron all the floor * .
A'p'p'iy a * the olUBO of The'Ut 91fl
pOU RENT-Store. 205 d. 13th St.
FOR RKN'T Ueat located ground floor office ,
0853. 13th st. 9S63 *
REST ror.Ofl and Leuvenworth. S
-L1 stores ; ( torxl huslup a locHtion : will rent
UigetJicror s prnt . Also 1 tint of ft rooms.
with bath. etc. Enquire S. E. cor. 14Ui and
Dodge , or on proml.v- < , _ tl 4 1 *
nHR RENT Flno corner store. 16tli aitd
- iJone * . ffiO : low rant , zood location anil get-
tins- better avury day. UuorgeClouHir't > l.l ! tU
K'.V hulklliic. lianilMiiiiely Huh-hud stores
and lints : all mudern imororemunu ; steam
heat III < * > a6on : eor. Leavenworth and lUth st .
Kulkonny & Bray , ContUitmtnl blk.
FOR RENT Fine itorrrrwra in Sortolk.
Shelved sultnblu fur clnthlni ; husl
eluctrUJ lights , atuam huat , etc- Address C.A.
Mast. 370
"PIXK alHce at small flcurvs on smiinil floor.
Jin Boyd'a openi Inquire of Ameri-
oan Fuel Co. . ifc j. 15th sr. _ 11 *
REST Urlck wnrahuuse. two stories
1and bnminunt. .OW < * iuare feet , with 109
foot of dnublu tmclt on u. 1' ralhrnv. Miuth
Joth and I'lurco atreuts. Address C. Oskamp ,
Omaha. Jfcli. _ 51
FOR RENT Small store room. ? 5soiith
Tenth. Four doors from ilupot. Suitnlilu
for fnilt arolrar store. Apply ticket olllce.
HOT Snutn 10th. ta.
Formtat. etc. , > * e top nf flrrt column an tlilt page ,
31 N'd i reutal "asoaty , il 1'aston lilockl
H.E. . COLE , rental agent. Continental 770 blk.
E J. IKEY. rental agent. 36 N. Y. Life.
'iso cs.
For rnl/x. rtcn ft top nf flrft enftunn on tMt page.
WILL the cnlon'd man driving bay team
that pjekiMl up vallw corni-r 17th and
Claries nluoso n'turn same to police headquar
ters and save-trouble. S7U-1 *
3T AD STONE I have : i genuine mad sto
L L. Benbow. ZS South "JOth. st.
Far rates , rtc , . KCC top of Brut column on thtf pagf.
WANTED To buy a. house about six rooms
near 'JOth and Vnt ! m _ sta. that pan be
movpd. Inquire of M. A
dnip store.
\\7" AN TEH Good commercial paper. Xo-
V t hrask.1 Mortgage Loan Co..jlO I'axton blk.
TTICRNITL'HE. hnunehuld goods , etcliiphest
J ! cash price. ! 17 y. Killi. 7 ! > i
\\-A.NTEll lo-irablu lot In Orchanl llill.
> ? tatp nrico and location. Must b clioap.
J 3. Bee office. - 8.T3 1
T\7A'NTED Good piano , cheaji. will pay
cash. Bartlutt.SMCreightunlMOfllc.
'ANTEDboutm yards of dirt atiith
at d Franklin. Apply GOD Merchants Na
tional hank. WST-2 *
Fnr rates , etc * , set top of flnt column on tlttt page.
T""MBRELLA5 repaired : expert locksmith
Lv key fitting at llelilii'a gun shop .110 N. Ifith.
4a > Jyt9
DAitAaOLB. umbrelhis anil wagon umtirel-
-L las covered : ind repaired. Walking oanes
repaired. B. Buiur , 1215 Douglas ; basement
31EDICAX , .
For mto. etc. . > * t top nf flrst column < m 'titi pair.
" \TA SAGE and magnetic trcutment. 1113 1'a-
- 11citic , half block from motor iine-
" \ TAS5AGE treatment , electrotliermal. baths.
i-i-Lscaln &hairtnatment.manicure & chirop
odist. Mrs. I'ost , U. 20-21 , Wlthnoll blk.
aa jy y
Indian doctor guarantees to cure all
J- kinds of plies in ten days ; also all disease ?
of thu throat and lungs in the same time. Tape
worms takun out in six hours without leaving
oHlcu ; and all diseases that arc curable. 017
S. IQUi st. Call and s < o him. ( S4jy24 *
REMOVAL Mrs. Dr. Day has fitted up ele
gant bath rooms. No. 14W Dodge st _ the
ground floor , and is now prepared to give Hot
Springs baths lth electricity. All suffering
from rheumatism , la irippe , paralysis or
dropsy will do * ell to call upon her. L'4Sjyl3
For rates , etc. , tee top nf first column on thtt page
"VTEW law ; pensions for almost all soldiers ;
- fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil
dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by E. N.
( 'lineman,1U and 21 Frenzer blk. 15 years e.vpe-
riunce. Only pen lun ollico in Omaha. 7
JT. PATCH , oxcluslva pension nnd Plaim
attorney : over 15 years expercnfe : have
all the latest la .is and dectslons. Olllee n.
inoveil from Frenzer liluck to Chuiutier of Com
merce , room r > 4. Omaha. TTOjy'JD *
"PENSIONS Now is the time to apply unuor
-Lnew law. Circular showing who are eu-
titltHlM'nt free. All soldiers , their widows
and dependent parents should address Tall-
madge & Tallniadge. attorneys. Chicago. 111.
and Woshltigton. D. C. 747-12 *
Formtra. etc. , fee tup nf first ooJiimn on Mil *
ri HACItAUE storage at lowest rates. W. M.
-L Busliinan. mi Leavenworth. _ 7US
( \ULQ storngu. David Cole , S15-jil7 Howard.
W 7W
STORAGE Branuh it Co. , 1211 Howard.
FURNITC71K storage , separata compart
ments. S15-M7 Howanl. 7W
rpltACKAUE storage , David Cole ,
'JHoward. . TtW
Fur rate * , tic , fee ( op of 4n > t column on Utlt
LOST Ladles' gold watch , between Dooatur
st. und Ulth ami Dudgu. Uutum to II M of-
lic and gut ruward. o71-i'
T OST Ladles' gold watch , blue enameled
Ruturn to Bue uliioti and get rotrard.
T OST PouKttttwiok an Law av . l > tw eji
Lfl'aniam and HamlUou. Fluaer rewardud
at IfflU Cap , ave. 4SU
For nifc * . etc. . Me top nf 4mt oojumu on UiU
WILL Mrs. Smith , formerly lived on 17th
und Davenport and who alvo attundwl u >
tiiu ortitH ) uf thu lj a Co. , gtve her aildrH s to
J IS. Ben. atl-o *
Kw rata. etc. . M * tap tf * * * * oi mn tn ttilt juuj.
171OR SALE Horwn anil bu xy illM. horse at-
-1 ? tractive , attntln. faultlno * , young ; mi trade.
Adara- . O. Uox TIC.
work borwi , will tuKe buggy an part
J-pay. R. 13. hoard of trade. _ TIP
pARTIKa UMikinu fur fln i driving or auddte
JThurMM. would do well to full on. or otira *
sixmil it ith T J. Flwuiug. muimiiBr. > S . B. MII-
Iunl' farm , l ailiuuii. N u. Hu t k fur oln
atdrivnnt , r rria taam .
ami saditlH hunm * . at runxmuUly priea * . Ull
. und h-rn n > : hurt *
to 'Miy a r .UK ! futv fur luiiy u > Jnvo Will
, i * I aiu ittt vm . uyIu . - iUi.t
Fr > U "AI -t'lcubloUnrr igf nirnc ind
l ik-uiilo iii'ti y liiiVnt-M and 2 iitm" r
. 3UJ riiiU aaa J *
Foa XrK-A pair oT lapp.o gmy work
hors * iLso wi i > n and , H- " DOS < -hi > * n fur
aaotl. A. W. . 1607 Lorn A. ' sm V
TpOH SALE-Ch ai. iWfit family honw and
Jphaeton. . Enquire giacinium u TBO-l *
A.LK M a < Hml > sr nha ton. In p rft < rt
ir. flood as new , enm er. % . ai * > flne fam
ily borw. kind ami gettTIr ; or will trade for
eood carrlac1 t m. uowl yoitnjf Jerwy cow
for soiti. M. A. Upton CBT tHLj
FOR SA"CK A p 'r f u iln . 7 ytMtraold ,
wnlght ' > lb . parK'B'-Nl Tor4 ! < > rs. kind ,
for wile cheap. Almdmrnnd > iarnns < : to b
rvn at I'anfh'ld's sMthle , f it of Farnara * t.
U. d. Wind Knghie i Pirmv u > . s 16 Joum st.
TT'Olt SALS ? pan ytmnc TniiltM. owu almut
Jl.M : ivK-h. IKKMI waiion nnd unrnn * * , oaah or
Urn e.U. , T. Wl < lii n. BB Pa lim I | K. mi
rt 'o SPAN heavy and two span Ihtht mulM
-L for wile , on two years * w me at 7ptire > nt In-
torrst with flnt < ir b eiHid morticaga Omahu
estatpswjurity , or otlii-r ijipiuved swur-
Ity. Srtbr. mom 18. Board Tndi . _ ma
TTOR SALE 1 platform -urlns leather top
-L cnrrlB o almost new. i burkboani new.
I double bugxy or carrlaeP Uarneas. Apply
at ! K15 _ SB.
TTIOR SALB A food black liurae. well broken
JJ to the city. IS S. - aw
H OIU-3 0 aud up , U. E. i 'ulB.
fbr rnttt > , rte. , f tov of Itrtt < mmn on
TXT A NT Kfilo" reiTwTsaxiifc f' > et in"ciiifnerror
T alloy for thre or l years. Addivss
F. " 216 New York Life builuiiig.
WA-NTED Furnished m , : n ' .ir Usht hotuw-
keepliii ? . Atldrcag J 13. U.-c. _ aao-i *
WANTED Two houses. 7 ir j rooms ench.
conveniently loeattd.titu modem 1m-
provnmenta. Apply at Frcvu.m and Kalin. r3
. - . 13th st. ' . > 3I
WANTED By sontlemnn and wlfp , room
and board , strictly flrstclass ; references
c > changed. Address J S , B < . _ tel 2 *
Fur ralof. tie , , tee top of ftrrt - lumn on tfid pHK.
FOE SALE 3 bedsteads ind cook stove
cheap. Address JO , Ueo.
PIT rates , etc. , see top of flnt < v.Iumii on t/itt jinge ,
FOR SALE , cheap SO-'inr-e porror steel
Iwiler. good as new , with fittings ooranleto :
heater , mud-drum , plunge pumps , and > "o. .1
Knowli-s ; will "ell for one-half original coat.
Jeff W. Bedford. WO
"pOR SALE Some coed watches and dia-
-C Tnonds cheap B. F. Muiturs. roum 4 , With-
ncll.block. SOI
"JT'OR ' SALE < ; iieap. outmhorsu power
J "Atlas" encinu and om TD-liorso power
Steam bollt'r , with till neci-s-arv nonuections ,
almost new. only heen run 00 days , will " < > 11
tocethi-ror'-fparntely , wiil.-xfhangeforotlier
-rood available property. ju < t the kind of a
machine for mill , ulevntor > ir elt-ctrlc llL-ht
plant. A > liland Mill aua EU'Ctric Lljrht Co. ,
Ahhland. Neb. TU-4
FOR SALE A inediim"lr."d ! flre-proof safe ,
lli'es Printing Co. , llth aud lloward.streets.
71s 4
FOB 5A-LE An eldahorpower enzme.
twelve-horM ) power hmler : good onlur.
Rces Printius Co. , llth ami Uuward strents.
71S 4
rpHE famous Warrcnsbun whlto and blue
-I- sand stone will stand In inv climate. Is Uro
and lrot proof and is suital h- for all purposes
where stone is preferable' to < > tliar material. I
am prepared to furnish this stonu on short no
tice In any quantity , rousrh. siwod nr drcss < * d
ready for use. For further information address -
dress Jacob Plckel , Warrciiiiiurs iQuarrie-i.Mo.
S)7D Jys
T7 OR SALE IW piano boxes price tt. A-
-L Uo pe. 1DI3 Douuias. y'C a 4
For mM. ftc He trip if .iJ/si mlumn on Uilg paoe.
TTOR S VLE One focd Ivors & Pond
-I- cherry frame uprigat 1)1 a no. Addrp-s J 7 ,
Boe. a *
BEFORE biiyinu a piano examine the new
scale Eimbail piano. A. liuspe.1213 Douclas
" .EO. F. GELLENBECK toachcrof the banjo ,
Jwlth Hospe , 15i : > DousJas. 2111
Formto , etc. , tte top of flnt column on this
T OANS Cltv and farm loans , mornra o pa-
-LJper bought. McCacuo Investment Co. eOG
" \ TONEY loaned at lowest rate- . . Inns time on
-J-Mmproved Omaha real estate , no "extras , "
no delay. Globe Loan & Trust Co JU7 S. 10th.
BCILDING loans , fl to 7 percent ; no addi
tional charges for commission nr attorney's
fees. If. B. Slciklc. First National bank bids.
" \fONEY 30WorOldayson ( furniture.planos. etc. J. J. Wilkiuaon. fils
Paxton blk. boO
/"tHATTEL loans at lowest rates ; business
V/'coniidential,31U Paston blk. J. B. Emiuser.
COMMERCIAL and seneral.short time paper
V bought : also rcsular tive-vear loans maile
on in.praved property. Goo. F. Blust iCo. . 2ua
Ramgo bldtf. all
SECOND mortgage loans. Second mortgages
bought. Loan on vacant lots. Eo l i
Selby. room 111. Board Trnno.
T IBERALrealdtnte loans made by W. M.
J-JIIarris , room 2) ) , Freuzer block , opp. P. O.
* >
KEYSTONE Mortgage Ca Loans of S10 to
il.ODO ; get our rates before borrowlni ; and
save niom-y : loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new lonn. rvnewnl of old and low
est rates , call R2W. abeely blk.lMh i Howard.
FIRST mortsaco loans at low rates and no
delay. D. V. shules Ca. 210 lit bank.
6 PER CENT residence loans. 3,0011 to ? ! 0.000.
Building loan * at special rates. The Mead
luvesnnent Co. . Bee bids- Slti
" \ [ "ONEY to loan on horses , wazons. mules.
I-l-houschoId goo < Is. pianos , organs.dlaiuoiids.
at lowest nues. Thn llrst organizea loa-i of
fice in tlm city. Make loans from 30 to IJsS
days , which can be paid in part or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and interest.
Call and .sw us when you want money. We can
assist you promptly and to your advantngo
without rvmovil of puiporty or publicity.
Money alwnvs mi hand. No di'luv In making
lo ns. C. K ru- & Co. . , I1U S. 13th St. . over
Blngham - : ons. dlT
NUSCALLY low rates
Of Inton-a on first mortgages of improvtxl
real estate for thu nc tt ! M days by the Kansus
flty lnvt > sttuent i"o Room JO Board of Trade.
J. U. Pease , manager. _ &s ! )
"VfONEY to loan on any security
JJ- for short time at low
ratiM. Lowe t rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgairo Investment Com-
pany. room UB. Paxton lilk. _ ma
W.VNTED Flrst-clasa Insldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call and MH > us. Mutual Iiivest-
ment Co. . 1M1 Farnain. 81 ! )
BEFORE negotiating a ! an to improvu your
real astute got terms from
ThoOrtcil Investment To. . 391 N. Y. Life hldg. ,
Tlios. S. Boyd. n-preaontative. _ M
/1HEAP eastern moiie&-
W Phllndiilphia Murt5 = L'B and Tmst Co. ,
always ready to loan aiwjjwv promptly ; flrst
mortKasPS wanted. < ; erfre iW P. i'oau > . rop-
rt > Miitutlve. room 7. llou.-i ) uf Trndu. sil
"ITiAaTKRN money toiuiiion city property ;
-I-J murtjjasu yager Ixmnhtt II. B.Irey.N.x.Llfe.
SB : *
SHORT time limns on xairant low. Sidhy &
Si itucd. 13. Bourd of 'Iffulo. all
" \ roI K V to loan in nidbnnt unt from 110 to
ill lUu ( for any time fnyiti tort months. Loans
mudeon hmiHthold sooisjilaniHht [ > i > , > s.multw.
wagotik. honiHMi. luuses , tir. , in fain , on uuy
available security iu any amount at tlm low
est possible ratexrlthuun iiioval of proiHtrty.
1'HyniciiU can Ue madOJTnany time rMlucliiit
rxiili urinulpal and Intentff. Yuit pay intermit
only fnr the time you us the money. If ym
UHU a lialuiiiw on your property I will tuku it
up and carry it for vuiu
Mntiuy always on band. No delay. No pub
licity. No rumuval. Lowest mMx.
B. K. MH i r .
Room I Wlthnull block , ISUi and Ha may ui.
_ _ < M
_ _ _
TT PBU < Hsut. money to loau on real ebtal < -
J oiirity. Loaus can b paid > itf In lu l l-
uiunlk. Jno. W. RubbiiMb , 3WN. Y. LIfu biihc.
PRIVATK moiwr U Iwau kuap. U. F. Har-
rUoit. ail N. Y. Ufa.
iuaiiH , M , 1 CunUntuilul Ulk. . ISA
Klua ; biiklnto. uourtdttutUl. M. J HnU.
OANS of $ UM to IMLM ) uraulwl OH ejiolo
-Jluiumvwl pmDftrty Cuiuually law mttin.
NCI d luy. i' airml Loan St Trul Co. . Xu. 1'JOi
F' niam t. . ' ' . A.H rr. managur. ' 1S41 > ' . ' >
1. HAUL. lto Fartiaiu u Munev u >
m turnia aud i'lly iinipgrty. > trt
P8IV\TE fuil l to kwu in 'InureItjr pio'i-
rty at < .H. i r i . Kuuball ' '
liyau , , -
P tT VTTFL n nU iiil * 151 h t < rh , o n T"ii
v. Tumcy m tifttt" ' st ' > ani. > ie < . > \il MO
E < > ANS--Mimi'y on iinnii. u > w ftt * * " . utunha
lloal Eatatu & Trutt c. > , J50 . itth t. . Ben
hutldlnir , < * >
' '
f"T mttf 'tf . rt ' p < f % - < < * > tumn 'jit
QBT ONO II.\U < 'nllKnwh . Hnrnmcmd nd
WJ K mlnatonn. John II. < < > rn Co. Letter
Him and otUcf < p > lMiM > . Rumie bltiit. T
Fbr rote * . < * ( , , w ' "P " ' < rrt wlMmn < > n Wite inaf.
mwili-al and Iinalnnw * mnllum.
dlMinsos a special tr. lit ) . ] aniid.L
T OCRK BEXXKTT. fmm chica n. the hi-
JLJ muus mnvwiir itnd nm ntiUo mnnlnulnhir.
1'arlora. .US 5. IBth < t. aB-Jjr !
f KTL CLAYTON clairvoyant and mncticMo
XJliBnler. i-an. hy her wmidprfnl will uuncr.
zrnut any rwuiost. Ladln "Oo and snntlptneu
? MM H. ieth t , , up itairs. ra-i-
"A fR9. Dlt. KDUY h rutiirnwl. The rpnoirnoil
-Ji olHlrvoynnt Is thiMronth dauehtnr uf
the 'ovonth datiithter. txim irith vnll and Rrent
prnphetlo Blft of second sleht. WhIUientmnceil
will reveal to her pa Irons every hidden inr tory
in llfo. Una lone b en pmnnunc > d In Europe
and America the greatest llvln ? vrniuler of the
; ir t < iit aco. UmiHratands the ncionceof tha
"Persian and Hindoo masio. " or nnctcnt
charm worklnir. and prepHroi EcrptJnn tolls-
mnns whlc-h will ovemmte your tsiiBmioi.
romore fnmlly families. m tor s Hwt
nlTectlon' . tniikoi mnrriaeo with the ono
Toil love no failure. Removes evil in-
nuoniH . bad hahlta. cures TrltohHry.
tit * , and all lone standlnc and inystorloua
dlscitfpx. Fe II. S and : hours a a. m. to s p.
in. , strict. Htmd l mp for illimtmtoil alroulur.
I'ariora 1 Sorth 15ih st. Always at homa
"V fAbA"Sn5K ZTEll. macnrtlst. Is acknwl-
JJL ( Hiffed by all competitors thoquuennt
mns aen and mnineU in. Parlnra ever 010 S.
IBtti. IlouraU toi ; Sundays 10 toSstrlat.
For mtef. rtcfe top f first er h mn on f/iU page.
"fTIon RENT Hotel OS moinH. rent law to a
Jsw > d hotel man. Apply 1811 Cass Ht ,
ifcl S
WAXTK11 A gooil location fnr small llvory
stock or will w ll or trade for fead mill In
Coed location. Address A. Duncan. Areadiu.
Carroll Co. . In. 91D-2 *
T IVEHY for sain ti complete liver } ' stock.
JUcomprisins bnlldincs. hunos , harniws , cnr-
riasrcs , etc. . all in ar > t-clajrt oundltion. be t li -
cntion In town.soodtrodi > already ( > stahltslu > il ,
' mm termroaMinablo. . Address Hin 1U3 ,
othunUurg , Nub. 'J17-15 *
"OOU SALE State rlehta for thu mannfac-
-L turn and sale of thu I. X. I > . slate paint , thu
best known rooflm ; and brldco paint In the
mnriiot. Hocoivtnl tlio cndorMsiiiiint of Un >
manufnctnror's national laboratory of the
Cnitod States ; no limit to the demand : hi ?
money to llvu inun. Addruid J. L. llicc.piitpnt-
ec. box 3TO. Oinitha. W13
TTtOK SALE Old e tublishiMl ni'W si-cond
F hand furniture store , about 15.000 In stock ;
irnnt J3.WO en1- ! ! und balancu Noli , real e Uite :
will n utnn puc'tiinhmncp ; esiahllbhuii-iit located -
cated In renter of Kansas City. Mo. Address
L.izar Follendur , 6J3 I'ark avo. . Kansas City ,
Mu. &C5-1 *
FOR SALE A first meat market : seed
looatlon. Vddrcsa II H7 llei' . _ 71i > 4
T\7 AXTED to soil.Till takn part trade , an
IT addition uf thrpo hiindi-d and twelve
lots to Caliur.rut City or an addition to East
Chicaco of three hundred andelchty-foiir lots.
Address Lorun 11. Sylvester , Britt , Iowa.83S5
83S-5 *
HOTEL i rooms , all conveniences , new ,
brick. 2 blocks from P. O. 11. B. Irey. S. Y.
Llfo hmldlnit. _ fty
FOI1 SALE or trade A seed pnrinc loilslns
business ; oil Inration. \ \ 111 trade fur ; i
span < if hoi > tts and wniun. Uood rensoiis 3 ! vca
for seiling ; a bargain. Addrusa II us , lire.
H OTEL for -ak' . T o , tory brick : is ono of
thu Ueht hutols. dolnz an e.xcelh-nc
business , on ono of the bust corners In the city.
Address Commercial Hotel , Broken Bow. Neb.
FORSALE Klrst- Jiihitt.uu : laundry plant.
be-t location in Omaha , or will sell Inter
est 'o valuable man capable of managing
same. Addre s H 'A Bee. filjyl *
RUU ston' . widow lady wishes to soil at
once her late husband a half Intpre-a in
peed paying drug liusiiiess. invoicing about
J7.WO , In Latidcr. Wvo. . as she wlsiios to go
east. Address , Mrs. J. W.:5ulllvau. Lander.Wyo.
{ 71OU sALE A.stock < if drugs , store fixtures
32 and a line sodn fountain , located in a prosperous -
perous county sent in Nebraska. Everything
14 of the best. The town Is a R. R. division
station and the R. K. shops are located there.
Fur full particulars call or address H. H. Hon-
dersoii. room 400 , I'axton block. Omaha , Neb.
11:1 :
For rates , etr. . tee top uf "Srft column an tliis page ,
OR EXCHANGE Good land dmprovod
and cash for peed clean stuck of hardware.
Address J 5 Bee. aXUJ *
TTTHO has-i lot era satisfactory equity to
I i olfer in exchange forti or 7 hor-.cs to bo
seen at W. T. Seaman's. Oimilm'9 larpeit varie
ty wagons aud carriages. l il-J3-'J5 North 10th
WHO has -j peed elenn stock nf hardware to
exclmnen for cash and peed clear , unim
proved land In "astern Nebraska. AddrcsW. .
H. VI * North M.iin sr. . Fremont. Nob. fi.V-1 *
FOR EXCHANGE < 1 brick flats , inside nrop-
ertv. for peed 1st mortgage 'iper. W. M.
Harris. Frenzer block , opp. I' . O. 702 1"
CLEAN stock of mdM > . want real estate and
money. Box 'Jin. Frankfort. Ind. irKM *
$ S.OC l as-orted hardware to exchange for peed
lands or city property , in lota of 81.0M or
more. C. I' . O. . Box as. MO 7
FOR EXCHANGE Clear land In Iowa and
Nebraska to exchange for Omaha or South
Omaha vacant lots : will cii.--.unio small oncum-
hnineu. M. i. Sturgeon , Rouin 13. Board of
Trade. 1J
FOR EXCHANGE Good farms , city proper
ty and wild lands in Nob. ami Iowa forgood
pen'I m'd's : property clear , title perfectAd -
drcss Lock tlox 'C. Fromunt. Nob. 829
EXCHANGK New wholesale stoek of
TO notions and furnishing goods in original
packageno remnants or cut poods , to ex-
cliatipc forgood unencumbered real ustutu and
one-third in casn or peed paper , any umoiint
from i3.000 to SOU.yOO. B. M. Young > t Co. . Hod
Cloud. Neb. 725-5
For rate * , etc. see top of flrat column on tilt * page.
FARM and larpo ranch for sale in the very
choicest section of Stnnton county , Nob. ,
farms are Improved and first class. The ranch
may IH > one. two or three sections fenced.rwlth
hoiisos. burns , running stream and be-tof hay
land , all at half value , a bargain , might
take part pay in other properly. T. S.Clnrkson ,
210 a Hth at. DUO a
V"EW 8-room house , near motor line : will
- > sell cheap and an small monthly pay inents.
Call nulek if you want a bargain J. J. wilkiu-
soii. alb 1'axum hlk. K/J
A SMALL payment down and 115 per month
will buy a 1-ioom house and lot on ibth. -
blocks from motor ; Urst-claw ehuuire to ac
quire n homo on easy terms. Apmy to H. E.
Cole Continental block. 331
"J" .INCOLN I'luco and Carthage lots , price
* lUfO. SW down , balance $15 monthly. W
Selbr , n > m 13. Iloanl of Trndti. s ! l
FOR SALE A flna nnwroom eottape nrar
electric car line on N. UTtli.r. . Will tah-o as
part of unsh nuynu'tit a PIMM ! horse < > r horse
and phaeton. I' . ISOt Farnam , CU
-r-IHM onttapes. fl.Sflt ) ouch. MU ) oish : dawn.
' /Ij.'iliiiu'H il. > p r month. Tlios. V ll.ul , jll
uliK-tv. i/ >
WAUGH .t Wo turtluldrenl tutatc.s Oinaliu. I
Njt ) 4
OR SALK-Kiwr good lots In Walnut H 11.
on jtrado. for tt.i > , hulf au h. ) t < -
suit. Stringer & i'uuny , Douglus blk. lotu an "
Dodico. 'J13
IIUIOUM in moat any addition for
at troio lljKUup.on m y monthly osy-
niHiith. F. tf. Darting. 43 llurUnr hlk. tea _ i
FOR SALE Beautiful P-muin house with ul
miMli'rn ImurovpimniUt nenr Uio park. ll.JOO.
C. P. Uarrixjii. all N. Y. Life. UJ
_ _ _
\ \TAKK up and luiy a hoiuu on mommy pay-
' T niuntk. Choice of H V II dllferont tiouw-s ,
south fronts on ? sniaui it , EvuryooiivBiilein-e.
Ineludliji : funiuea and za . Pl..n can b M en
.it my oUiutt. ( 'all in. D. V. Simian Co.ii : 1st
Niitlonal _ _ _
/"t.YLIr'OltMA olrtwt IIOIIMI und lot. tiiuery
v b9t aulKliliortiood ou thut itrwt. f"r sail )
at a bargain. T. a. Clurkiniii. J1U a Utli st. .Wi
TX YOU havu Hiiythinit to Kill ur I'Yfti.uipu
-loall MtUte t'Mxum bluojc _ sa _ _
\rri4T b Mild Ui > } | UM < a t t niJ-ht
- ' I eholi1- lots In Mtumlcni * HltmilM : lt *
addIUt > H t IUM UIDII Uiulr wor + h. If < ilil J m.
Omiilia KtMl KMMl * A Tritot Co. . 3M so. ITtu.1 ,
B biilhllng. J _ _ .
iid ahh. '
V , coUaue. vurylMup nud wry eholtw. T n
. SIU ri Uih . 'J *
* -fc'lufljiuintimi'urtHirlit ihtt heart
PJB the.-ity 4-.uoo ' f HurriMm.ill N. Y
Lif. _ Ma 1
Fuli - > ALr. i iiiu.ii iii > nr lliB hiljli - IP nil
with Q to * : < t 'rounO.U. . ' IMam -
.on. JllN V L.fd Ml 4
WELL'mitt 'ir'rk Vmso sms. . fln'i'iatl
In hard plnn. oloT-\ntr ! ptprrod , K
nmntlo ; prici > . .niv M..4 * ) will - ! ! < > n ssy
. rma. F A Smith. ? n c build.nif. * * ' -
FOU \tE "Dlenilld ot ml Lowi * nti niii > .
BJ . C F narrimin. iu N. Y LlfB. Mi-l ;
T71on-MALK iVroom ontfji e ami barn , ntUi
i. full lot. one hlook fmni the motor , KtJW.
C. F. llarron tHl X T trtfo. _
FE SAI. * Sfw nudlmtwi OlnvK cm
t , rrnt * are 10 pr itint of artc * mk
Wn.aoo ' "toh. hulnncn lint ? Um . will he on tlt
markvtunly a foir dnjrs. Adilrm II 71 , Ree.
. | i
Park on rtttnitiK st. , Jt , oOO. Ci If. IlarrlMHi ,
911 N. T. Life. Wl *
SVECIAI. burtnln In meant lot on Chlmuto
-npnr lh. T.3. Clartmou. 319 S l h > t
built -mom hnum. bath
i. mum. lie ami < old walwr. Hnlnlnnl In an
tique oa * . handHoma mnn ? K twnutlfully
di norat nl. Mhlliiu < li irs , lante
lat nof. rood slwxi harti , lot on whlnh this
hnu Mands In loot KB fnct , in tin a Ixiatitirnl
elevation In Duniieu riaoV will s ll Mils
pmpprty for ftMM.
Anuthor houw In Dunrtw PIMO. S rooms , hnt
and cnld w t < > r , hnth. UnlRhed In southern
plno ntlihwl down In hard oil , new style man-
Ms. paper hniifftnirs of Uie latent dis < icn , sild-
ini ; ( hninv lante reception hull. sl t ruof : this
lHiu n alto has Hflxl35 fet > t of grouiul and bnud-
aomely loonmi. The price Is only H.080. If
you are se klnit a homo oome in and lot us
show you then ; properties. Wa will make Uiu
tvrms so that you can pay fur thorn a lly.
The t'atrirk Land Company , 3tt , 31 * and 348 ,
Dm bullillnc tt-tl
"pOU SALE ? nrt 7 nwtrn hoiiM realty w
IHOVP mto with Mil lot. U.JW , m oavii. C.
F. IlarrlMin. mi X. Y. Life. tiB
Notion to ContrauUir * .
nids will l - received until noon . .
July X 1W9. for crtdlnK the Omaha Driving
anil Park nworiatlnn croiimls as PHP pinna
and sptTlflcntli'ii" ( in 91i < in otlloo. JrtH S. tsthat ,
Ul ht reserved to n-lect any or all bids.
It. A Bxm.l.NS. SiieroUry.
* 1
To All Whom It May Concern :
Tnke no Je tliat a corporation has been
creat l and ttltnl ILsartluh-s of Invxirporation
us renmred liy IBW.
1. Tu ) > name of said corporation la The
Electrical Coin Slot Advertising fompaiiy.
2. Ita principal place of tningoctln Its
biiHln s IA < ; mnha , S'obmskn.
a Thn itrnwral natttreof Its htiBliii > s shall
be the dls ejii < nntiim of Ailvcrtlbement.s by
and Kivlns ; of exhibitions with nhonncmphln
appliances in onimpcUon with Motriclty and
such othtir busltiuM of a Uku nature as it mar
elect to tmnsaut.
4. The amount of capital stock authorized
's the sum of two Uiousuud dollars whloh is
fully nald In.
Si The time of commencement of said cor
poration Is July 1st. IK" , and Its corpora to ox-
istem-e Is to he tcntilnnti * ! ! In t ° n j'cnis
rt. The hltthi'st amount of ! ndi > ht < Hlnps or
liability t < i wlilch tlie oorponitlon is at any
time to sulijcct Itiflf Is limited to an amount
equal to two-thlrdd of the paid up capital
StOOk' .
7. The nlTairsof the corporation are to he
onnJuutoil by a b. > ani of dhccKirf and such
ollicers and asunw as sui-h hosni may din-ct
and authorize. E. L. LDMAX. president.
Attt-st : W. J. CAniiot.1. aecretary.
Notice is Iierohy given thut caliil proposals
nillbo reeuivtHl by Uio city olerk of the city
of Hflitth Omaha , on or bi-fore this .ith day of
July. 1S1H. at 1 o'clock p. m. , for sloplnt ; and
removinc the dirt on the follinvlnu lots , ar-
cordltii ; to thu provisions of Ordinance No. US ,
to- wit :
Lot .T. block { W , South Omaha.
LotH 1 and i block . South Omaha.
Lot * land 2 , block i first addition to South
Lot . block 1. first addition to South Omaha.
Lot 14. blocks , llrst addition to South Omaha
Lots' ) . 10. U. U ! and KJ. block b , tint addition
to South Omalm.
Lota 1. 2 and 4 , block 7 , first addition to
South Omalm.
West sovonty-flvo feet of lot 1. block 4 ,
Brown's Park.
East Mtvpnty-flvo feet of lot 21. block 4 ,
Brown' * Park. s < > venty-flvo feet of lot 3. block 3 ,
Brown's Park.
Lot 7. blouk 3 Brown's Park.
LutO. block 11" Smith Omaha.
Lot 10. block 111. South Omaha.
l.utti. block a . South Omiihii.
Lota 1. "I. and 4 , blorx Ki South Omaha.
Lots I. i and 4. blook'-W , South Omaha.
Lots 3 unit 4. block iti South Omahu.
Lot 0. block 73. South Omiiha.
Juno L'4 d 10 t JoilK J. ItY.vy. City Clerk.
Matter of Application of John Lindcr and
William Muusf-r for Trau.sfer.
Xotico Is hereby clven that John Under and
Wiillum Jletz2ir. dolns hufcliu'f-s a.s Linder .t
Metzzer. did upon the 30Ui Uny of Juno , A. D.
1S88. lilo tliwr application to the Board of Flru
and PolIcoCoinmlsc.lonijrs of Omaha , for pi-r-
mivsiou to rf rnovi * their salM ( > n from 1O5 S. I0th
St to 'Ml s. llth St. . In thu same wani , Omaha ,
If them be no objection , rcmonstrancn or
protest tiled within two weeks from June 15th ,
A. D. ISM , said permission mtiv 1) srauted.
JOHN LrsDKti and WILLIAM SlJrranEii. of the
flrrnof Linser & Mctzger. . Aplicants.
Elevator to Lease Propositions to lease for
one year , or for term of yours , the Union
Elevator at Council Bluff * , capacity suvcn
hundn-d and flfty tliousund t'ushels , will bo
received up to July sth. ISW. Address , Goorso
If. Wright , sec'y und Trus'r. . Council Ululls
Iowa. Juiio23dlOt
Xotico to Contractors.
Crrr ENnwnKti's OrrtcE. I
? outli Omaha. June 25th , UOO. f
Sealed proposals will bo received by the
undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon. July 7lh.
Ifci'l , for I'onstruc'tins a two-foot pipe storm
water m'wer on "Q" street , from ISru to7th
strvits. includins catch basins , .to , also for
putting In a bulkhead at the west und of "U"
strrec viaduct.
Pluns and specifications may bo soon and all
information obtained relative to the work at
thlsutnce. Ail bids to bo accompanied with
ucertiHod check for J.W.UO payable to tlm
city of South Omaha , to bu returned on ajl
bids not accepted.
No proposal from contractors in default
with the city will be considered.
The right Is ruservcd to reject any or all
bids. E. CossKLtir ,
jffidtf Chairman Street and Alloy Com.
SEALED PROPOSALS will b received until
O rJ o'clock noon , July llitlt , at the otllceof
the Board of Park ComralS'iloni'rs. XII I'axton
Buililluc , for furnUlung all material anU con-
ntnictlnu- stone wa.ks on the northeast and
and south stilus of .Ji'ifcrMin Square , tliu samu
width as that now upon thu west side. It has
nut been di'linitely determined ulmt material
will be decided upon , so the commissioners In-
vit proposals for both artldclal and natural
it on i ! . and In the event of natural stonu bi-iut ;
selected , it must bo thu aumn as that now an
the west side of thu square in kind , thickness
and manner of laying.
Thu risht is reserved to reject any or all
bids. Unr R. DOATJE , St ortary. .
XoUcc of Sale , $ tl.-OOO
BontlH ,
The board sof supervisorsof CitmlnBCOunty
Nebniska. will offer for sale at 'J o'clock p. m. ,
July IS. 1W . at West Point. Sob. . % * > , UOO In
< 'inning ' 'uunty refuniilni ; Ixjmls in series of
? 1.UJO uauh. Interest 5 pur cent Homi-annual.
duo In twenty years , payable after ten yuurs
at option 'if ( UJiinty. For particulars ajuruaa ,
A. K. Urahatu. Chin. Cuinn Wlsnor , Neb.
J d ( it.
Iraponen and Wholculo Dcilen in
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery
Xutluns , Norultles , Allmnis ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy Goods , Ac.
Liretet uiortiDriit fur
riety of 5c , I0 ami 2Sc counter
gooili , our irirn anil lui.r HlunntfcJ
lf'ltir * 'n'lc ltrf'inir-
St. Louis. Mo.
- - .
On account of our Inrgo
ami increniiiinr Practice ,
we hnvo REMOVED to
more apReiouii and oon-
Drs. Betts s Betts ,
1409 Douglas St Omaha , Neb ,
ron RENT-
TNSTKITMK. > CJ plaoud on"reounl Jurtiij
J. voMrrdnf
V 1 { Ti.ihliln < mil htmhnnd tn T M > ph
O'lwarkur. lut 1 , 'ilk M. Ninth Oinaiin.
w.l . . J 8J
J ti Parmtt * nrnl Tito tit V M lirToiti ! .
n ft lut J. blk , Patrlek's l t ndd.
J L Pamitt * and witi > tn J it' Vs-rotus
lot m , blk 1 , tenth KrohMtfte Plnc ,
J It ParrnM > ami wift to \"frita , ' lol < i
1 and i. * rlby Heigh * * , < T d . 1,3m
R A Bonoon. truntwv to R U ILtrnes , lot
. blkis. hfinwn. wd . . . . . . . . . , . )
\ \ \ Van ormaii nt nl tn J < * ph Hfd-
manmrnDany , MOxiM ft At i ar Lu >
* punt t hridiTP , q 0 d . 199
StuiUi Omaha land nmnwinjr m Alfrml
Lwh. lot 1. 1)lk & Aiuiji Omithn. w d 7T > 3
Pntrlrk HenniKwr to J S Mutiulrn , no
4-i.U. i | o d . 1.2VO
J M Hwftnum i nd wlfn to AV Stay , lut
( V. bl K.V Mart fiir.1 IMluw , wd. . . . , . 800
Richard Flokmvirh ir and wtfd to C F
Dlutlmr * t fll. ft lu MJ , B-I -
K F Rlntjpf'iimi wif "tti ritnk ' 'Jnrro-
olmi h. a * i Hittt. blk 1 , Dmiinnn Ptuuc ,
wd .
A P nrikcpt at tn A n BUM Petnnum. lot
M. ttlk .1 nmkfiM nitd , w il .
South Oumlm hind oomnaHi * to 3 T
Oartwrlghfe lot 3 , blk I8T. South
Omnnrd . 401
1C B Yalmitltitt nml wlfn to B J Kondnll.
lot M , rllfton Hill , w d . 2.--M
J H Hunvati' . tniM > n. to II M Allen , lot
IS. blk IB. Bedford PIiwc. wd . 573
Ltiuii Cniinbld to Nolnoii Clitrk , lota 3
and , llt-nton'M sub. w it , . 3.JM
Fml VitliMitlnti and wlftt to U J Kandall ,
Kit 14. Clifton PUoit , w it . 2,303
E .1 KohliiMiti t4i E P Pack , lut 1 , blU S.
WOM Otnnlin. wd . . . 10X > J
flldiiny Smith .nut wlfn to M BMwntnniu ,
lulu 8 and i ) , blk 10 sub J I Kudlck s add.
wd . , . . O.JX )
S P Bmtwlfk to M M Rol rtmin. luts IT
and W. Fiilrmiiunt I'luoo.v d . . . 3.iOO
? am'l Cotncr mid wlfo to C W Clark. Int
14. Ellis Plare. w d . 4.W
BinuuirotmT and wlfo U F ICInrk. Uit
15. Kllh Plauw-wd . 4W )
J B Dickey to Kml Koltnurii. lut Ifi , Ulk tV.
W-iinutlllll. qed . I
JF Itiiyd. ahnrllf , to D S JiihiuHin. w ( Bft
lots % and 5 , blk U , fCondnH's mid. diuHi , KQ
LtxtllP \rnrt to AllH'rt Hood , lot 20. Ulk
A Uotnur & Aruhur add. w d . nee
Twenty-five tmnifors . S I7.KJJ
A Notahlo Rnport.
"For dlranlurod menttnration. .innt nla
anil sterility , It may properly be tonneu a
spaciflu. "
Extract fmm Dr.V P. > Ciuon ° x rrporf on
the \vntew of Excelsior Springs Missouri.
Permits to build \varo Is uo l ai fol
lows by Uio superintcndunt of buildings yes
terday :
D. V. riholi" . ono and onn-lmlf story
hrick stable , fc'reeinnu street , nuar
Thirty-seventh . S OM
Ida Klumtntr. iinu nnd out > -fnurth lUiry
fmmiidwulllntr. Twouty-nliith strent ,
nrnr Wurlwurtli . l.XX )
Four minor oumilts . " > J
Six permits acsresatln . 8 2.I5J
Knights of I'ytliiitH Olunnal Conclave
nt Milwaukee ! . . July , tatlO.
For this grout ocunaion excursioii tick
ets will bu wilil from all prinuipal points
in the United Statea and Canada to Mil
waukee and return via the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul rnilwny at naif
A3 its name indicates the Chioajro ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway ia thu
direct route to Milwaukee , and as the
camp ground for the Uniformed Knighta
( to which point cars and trains will bu
run through without transfer ) ia located
directly on this Hnu , it will bo seun that
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has great advantugo over other
routes which are unnble .to furnish such
facilities , and visiting Knights , -heir
families and friends should bear thia
in mind when purchasing excursion
A circular giving- detailed information
will be mailed free upon application to
A. V. H. Carpenter , general pas.-enger
agent. Milwaukee , Wis.
Pass. Agent. Gon'l Agent ,
loOl Farnain Street ( Barker BiookJ ,
Modern AVomlmeii Excurtion.
Alnrgo number of the members of the Mod
ern Woodmen of this city will start at 10
o'clock this morning on a special train for an
excursion tn Piko'a Peak nnd th < > nwuts jf
uitcrfit in the mountain reffinn. via 'no B & ,
M. The miht of the Fourth will be spent on
Pike's Pealc. where the famous "Ptiro1' ) Poalc
Dei ce" will bu conferred on these who tiave
not already acquired that dlsttnrUou Two
or three days will bu spent m the neighbor
hood of Colorado SpnnKs. aft-er whu-'i liu
party will proceed to "do" the mountains ,
returning home July . _
If Abont to Travel or Emltirate ,
The vo\-ain > r cannot IMJ provided u tn i safer
rempdy aiid protective medicine tiian tlostot-
ter's Stomnch Bitters. Auuntlant 'xMimony
uxist to prove that itnulliiimi liurUui c-nniaiio
inliuenees and the effects of exposure , that it
reconciles the stomach to unaccustomed food ,
and prevents injurious results 1mm impure
water , ilarincrs , tourists , uiniirninls and
minors have all contributed their quota df
testimony hi its behalf , and its protccttvo In-
iluence has been most effectually demon
strated in regions andunder conditions where ,
If not really effective , that fact would lonij
since have been oxpoMKL Iu no class of hs-
ordcrs have its remedial and preventive prop
erties been more conspicuously shown than
in cases of malarial fevers , maladies for which
it is the most popular specific in existence ,
both bora andin the tropics , whcp its reputa
tion is scarcely second to that whicn it enjoys
on this continent. It is , moreover , a most
atTceablu appetizer and nervine.
TenohurV Examinations.
There wore seventy ladies and one fnto-
man at the high school building ys'er'w ,
porini ; over the examination papers pr-nar" I
by the board of education. These poplu
were being exaniinini for positions in thu
Omaha public schools , which they hupo to
till should any vacancies occur. Of'huju examined -
aminod , clchtcfn of the yountr ladles w re if
the hiun school irrnduating cliss : of S'J. Thu
man who worried ever the papers was Prof.
Stokes of BoUevuo colii-co.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Blutfs , Dos Maine- * and
Chicago , business ia the RiK-k i-jiand.
vestibule limited , lonving Omahu at 4.15
p. m. daily. Ticket offlco lUO , amountl !
and Farnara St. . Omnlio.
From the Millarit Ui .Tail.
George E. Collins , a Millanl hotel ijnrlor ,
is in Jail tats morninif. GIXJITJO wore good
clothes , diamonds and a winning smikv and
thus hu was enabled to ran a 325 bo-ir I bill ,
wnich yesterday he refused to liquidate Sir.
Swobe , in orcor to get satisfaction , were
out a complaint , nnd lust nigtit as "ao - janir
man untami thu 'lining room to p'ir j u of
the evening meal , he was arrasted uiii .1 utlcd
off to tha dty biutilu. _
Wlien you are oonUpatad with lj' % if ap
petite , htmilachd , tU Or. J H SI L , un i
Liltlo Liver and Rictnuy PUli-ts. ' am
pli-iwant to uku an < l Hill cure } ou , i" . nu a
vial. _
Tin ) Park Cnmmihslmiuri.
Thu park ix > mmi < ioni > n cbangoii tUu hour
of the Saturday afternoon ooncort-i , so that
hereafter the concert * will ooinincuca at JH
p. m. in onlur to alluw Utu poopiu co get aoinu
bolor dark.
A dafnct was duoovoretl In tli advfrl O-
ment tor bul * for uoiutructinif thu Jair.s in
the liikas tit HnnBoom park uiui it was Jo
cidod ui rut urn tha bUU and ruiiUvi-fu.o.
N r 4) anil Llvop
An iniparuiiit UliKiovary. Tliivartja t'.ia
liver , auuauuh and buwoU throuKh thu
awvt * . A nuw principle. They speedily
unro billiou n 6 , bad Uuste , u-rpul Uvcr ,
; ) ilw * and uoiwUnaUm. SpluniUd fur raon ,
woinun and children. SinoUunt , mildest ,
suratt. 3U iioe for Jfi oeuta. Sain ; > .ei frs *
ut Kuhu & Co.'a ISUi and Duuglas.
An Olil Lmly S riou ly Injtiroil.
Sirs. Anna Thomovm , a lady eigify years
of age , re ldlnj ( at 1011 Xor h NT'tu' ' . rn"l
street , wb4N < at tb c rner if H.irrilt-nant
Satindera uttvtti * vnctorday noon atu'-'jci her
too and full upon th ui wmlk , ; > rr * ng lur
nglit tup. tiliM was UiUuu tu S > L. Joup t a bos *
lut uvoiuug , wbora Ua u ovw