THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Moat Satisfactory Spring Season for Wlrolo- calcrs In Many Ycara , HEAT HANDICAPS THE RETAIL TRADE , Bankers Report Money IMcnllCiil find ] ) opofllt Clearances Incr-cnnlng Gciicrnl Trndo In Dry Goods nnd Hoots and Shocn Quiet. ) Mr. Hughm. manager of the clearing house for the associated banks of Omaha , reports the clearings for the week as footing 8 , > ,25-TOlrt.l'i2 , an Increase of 233-10 per cont. Balances footed JOOT.OfiO.OS. Tlio clearings for the first six months of 1800 ( estimated Juno 30 nt .11,000,000) ) , footed $123,759,70 against t97G ! , lil7 for the first HX ! months of ISM , an In- crcncoof 200-10 percent , nnd an this percentage - ago of Increase In the clearings U about the same us merchants report their balance sheets L. asshowng on nn average. It Is very evident . that the past six months has been a prosperous nnd satisfactory period to the mercantile com munity . Hankers report money plentiful and deposit balances Increasing , and say there Is a fair demand for loanable funds , with rates firm at B per unit. Kxchango Is In aufllolont supply. Tlio general trade In dry goods and boots and Bhoos'ls somewhat quiet , but there Is u lively demand for hard wan- , and jobbers In that line say trudo Is unprecedented for this season of tin ! year. Tlm clothing trade In rather dull , but In groceries and notions thorn Is a llboral movement and Jobbers are fairly unity. Col lections are said to bo good In mostl lues and there are very few failures reported , nnd thosixini for small amounts. It Is doubtful If the wholesalers of Omaha have had a moro satisfactory nprlng season for many years than that Just past. 1'rlces rule steady , with the exception per haps of sugars , which are demoralized and In clined to go lower , but the may conclude to put , them up Instead of down , and as It pos sesses the power none but a mind reader with facilities for an Interview with the chief ma nipulator can tell what prices will bo from lay to day. The decision of the New York court of appeals against the sugar trust naturally attracted considerable nltmi- , tlou In commercial circles. "Two principles nro Involved In the decision , " wild General 1'ryor of the counsel for the people. first , all combinations tending to limit production or enhance prices are Illegal ; and f-ocond , by becoming n party Io such a com bination , a corporation forfeits Its charter. " Theolllrcrsof the trust say that the decision means that as present constituted the trust Is not a legal body and that they will take Im mediate steps to legall/.o their organization. The wtrlko of the Illinois Central railway em ployes has been Imtmlly mttleil though at ono tlmo It was teared It would extend through out the entire system , In which ease much In- couvenlelico would resulted to Dmaha mer chants as this road and Its connections han dles three-fourths of the southern fruits and viv'Otnbles received here at this season. lletall trade Is only fair , the Intense heat of the past week serving to keep shoppeis at homo , still dealers do not complain , but hay that business Is bettor than It was a year ago. The city trade Is done under different condi tions In Omaha than even one year since. It Is moro concentrated and Is In the hands of a < Iozeu or fifteen largo department sliires which are enabled by handling largo quantities of merchandise , at a minimum of expense , under the moro tlioiougli system and hot ter management procurable undersoil the smaller ilealers and present Inducements In variety and prices which thoold fashioned retailer eau not meet and consequently Kiillors from and abhors as Illegitimate competition. The foreign and Pacific dried fruit market Is thus elmriioterlzid Dy the Now York C'oni- meiclal Bulletin : "Thomarket is without Im- poitanl change today. Orders for general goods do not eomo forward with the freedom that was anticipated for this period , but for some lines rather greater Interest Is mani fested , and Importers and dealers live In tlio liono that a moro spirited demand will bo mot with at an early- day. Turkish prunes nro given the pref erence by most In the trade , the full value required - ' quired by holders not being seriously opposed by the trade. Ono lot of twenty-live casks was obtained today at ( ! cents , but for smaller quantities , aggregating probably twenty casks , ( HJ cents was paid. This latter prlco Is ilnnly demanded from the hands of tlio prin cipal holders , and so continent are they of the statistical position of the fruit that they < -count upon materially liluhor prices before tin ) close of the season. l''or ' bags there has been an Increased Inquiry today , with sales - . . ri'Mord'dof JBUntflK cents ; some holders are " "unwilling to book'-orders bolowOH cents. Sul tana also have boon given moio consideration , with transactions todav aggregating i500 boxes thn four sUe tit HIJo. trench remain steady and are Jobbing fairly lib 8.'i < S ! > o for the four sires. tor currants fie continues the asking price , with a moderate Jobbing trade reported upon this basis. Valencia ralslnsare not sought for In a very spirited manner , but the failure of buyers to operate largely Is without Influence upon holders' Ideas , 7'473ie b lng required forolV-stalk and U(4Q.e ( ' ) ; for layer. Malaga remain In their previous position , The "Aiiranla , " recently to hand , brought an ad ditional IHW boxes , which at the time of ship ment from Liverpool , were understood to bo Valencia fruit. Sultana are held firmly , with quite a liberal business doing in Jobbing quantities. California are firm and In good I'onsiiinptlvo request. Ultron is unchanged , nnd the same may bo said of peel , prunells and llgs. Dates move very slowly at the recent prlco concession , but at present values there appears a steadier fooling. Walnuts- , almonds , lllborts and Brazil nuts are without change ot importance ; Inquiries are limited , but pruvlous values Inmost Instances are well sustained. " Urcen fruits are In actlvo demand at hluher prices and still higher figures are looked to rule for lemons and oranges. The census returns for Omaha ara known with Niifllolcnt accuracy to warrant the claim that the population Is lli.'i.OOt ) , nearly , an In crease since 1SSO ot : tl3H per cent , and fully up to the most sanguine estimates of conservative vative local authorities. In 1880 Omaha had Id.r.lS people , and stood slxty-fouith In the list ot cities a.s to population , wlillo the present census will pbico her twenty-third , and the Industrial and commercial growth has been ( iiinmenxiirato with that of the population , If the population of South Omaha and of the many suburban towns In the county bo added , n.s has been done by Chicago and other east ern cities , Omaha's population will approxi mate 175,000 souls , and there l.s no doubt Dut what fully that number derive u livelihood from her Industries. OJItlJl.l Ijlt'Ji STWt'/f. Cuttlo. Saturday , Juno 28. Rstlmatod receipts of cattle 1,000 , compared with 1J1I2 yesterday and -Mil Saturday of last week. The receipts during tlio week have been 11,071 , compared with 11,5 ! > I the prior week , u falling oft of J.tKO. The market opened actlvo n ml strongallnteors.ohanglng hands early with HOIIIO sales reported nt an aitviinue. The gen eral opinion Is that there was no grounds for a strong market , but that light receipts and orders to fill caused buyers to offer the prices ] md. ! Cows are steady and stookors and'fcud- ci sis low. .1 logs. Estimated receipts of boss. 8,800 , compared with 7ltii yesterday and (1,1171 ( Saturday of last week , The receipts during the week have been 4utrt : ) , compared with 43,41)3 the week prior , n gain of 410. The market opened 510o lower , boc'iimo active , and closed Urinal the decline , with all sold. The range of prices was * l.i.Vji.l7M : ( : , the bulk selling at $1.10 ; llKlit. SUvjolUU ; mixed , * I.i75 : ! < i ) .45 : heavy. jv. S.i.l i'U-UTH. ' Tlm uvuriiitii of the prices paid * " < K-fv\ji.4uyi : , compared with &I.48H yesterday and * WXi Saturday uf last week. Tliu week eloioil wlTti the market 2Jo ! lower than It ' opened , The hogs hold on Monday at MWi ® \ \ Jat , With the bulk at K1.UO ; Tuesday J1.4M5 lUiO , unite il.Kli' ! < ' l.V > i Wednesday * ! ! .4.'MWI.'i7i ( , with cloM > to half of the sales at f 1.50 ; Thurs- dav.4T | WUJO. largely 83.10j 1'rl'liiy * l.4.ViWri , mostly J.'l.4.VTi3..V ) . The market Is now at thu lowest point touched since the year 13SU. The lowest point this st-ason before uxln > was on J line if , when the average prlco was fci.4.1. The lowest point last year was December 11 , when thu hogs sold at prices that averaged W.43. Hlioep. Kstlmatcd receipts of sheep , 10.V compared wlth2JJ yesterday and 111 Saturday of last weok. The receipts of sheep during the week have been 1,170 , comparotl with 8M during the "prior week , a gain of i i. Tiio market on gooU muttons continues actlvo and linn. 1'rleos. The following U a table of prlooi paid In this marlcttt for the grade of stoolc innnUnnadt I'rlmostoorH. HUM toliaotbs f4iM U.KHlsU'ore. UiTOtOlkVlttH 4.03 IJoodHtours. lOJOtoMM tt > i g Uommon. 1000 to 115J tts A ! Common cannon. . . . . . } } Ordinary to fair cows JJV ) 1'ulrto good cows l-Jw dooiUo choice cow * . . . . . i < 5 Olmlco tofuncvcows JJ > Knlr to good bulls. . . l.'J [ > Highest null Ijowont Sales of Today. Vontonlay. lllirhost 13t \ HUli t. . . u ; a LOWMU Htootc J yostortlny. EHtlmatod TodRT. o . 71 cni-M , 1.011 Pattlo. . . 43onn LOOO . 12S cnrs,7l . - HORS . I'jr oara 8,800 Hlicup . 1 cnr , 802 Shcop . 1 car. 103 Horses . 1 car , 10 CotnimrntlTO Tables. Tlio following table ahow * the range in prlocson hoiiUitrns ; ! this nnd last week ! This Week. Week. Monilnr. . . . . U M 45 earn Tunnilnr..i ,1 45 tt.1 1 a 40 m m Wodnoday. 3 45 3M & 3 U Tlnirsdnr. . . 3 41 3 ( M 380 0.1 & 7W Krlrtar. . . . . . . 3 3 47 0.1 C5 HaturJay. . . . 3S Si 03 3 K U3 CJ . 'rloos. 11003. The following table shows the ranzo of prices paid for hogs : Kalr to choice lluht hogs 11.11M < 42 < { t air to choice heavy 3 KMW 47i ! I air to choice mixed 3 Prlmofat sheep . 4 40 ffW 10 Oooil fut shewp . . 425 CM 00 Common to moillum sliuep . 2 5J 441 10 Average Cost or I TORS , The following tublo Rlvoi the avorazo onit oflio son tlioihxtos moutlonoil , Including tlu costtoaay , as ba od upon aaloi rouorloJ : .luiica . 370 Juno 17 3 fiO Tunci : , . . . . n n.i Juno IB 34.1 Juno 4 . nni'/i Jltnol ! ) 347 Juno r. . nro Juno 20. . 3 MM Junoo . : ir n ( Juno 21 3 r > 0 Juno 7. . II W1T Juno Ki 3 (11 ( Junoo . ,1 M Juno24 a K4 \ Juno 10 . : i m , Tuno2.i am Juno 11 . a fi.s Juno 2(1. ( . . . . 35l'i ' Juno 12 . 3 * > 0 Juno 27 3 4H ! Juno 14 . 3 fiO Juno 23. 3 Mi ; Juno 10 . a Ml 4 Average Prluo ol' Rhowlni ; the uvora'to prloo paid for In-i-U of liOKson tliuJiiysliidluiitu.l In 1SJ ? , lAii , HJJ and Disposition or Stock. Showing the number of oattlo , bogs and sheppbought by the loading buyers on to day's market : CATTLE. Swlftfc Company 255 ThoG. H. Hammond Co 1 The Armoiir-Cudahy 1'acklngOo 120 l.eo Rothschild 100 Hamilton & Stephen * 15 Nels Morris 189 I.ohmann&Traiiermanu 41 Other Buyers t 128 S. &S. . . . . . 40 The Armotir-Cudahv Packing Co 4,31(1 ( Omaha Packing Company 2,012 Swift ACe 7 . . . „ 737 TlieO. H. Hammond Co 34 Klngaii&Co 752 Swift.too n The Armour Packing Company 103 KcprcHiMitntlvo Sales. ' IHtr.SSKO ner.r 8TI3HHS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..10.T5 $1 2.1 41. . 1102 83 7.1 .19..IIM $300 1..1I70 340 14..1322 a Ki 22..1211 3 ! 2 . 7bO 350 11) ) . .1100 370 1. .11100 40.1 siui'iMNfl AND Kxi'oirr STILUS. 1. . 820 3i 13..1.123 380 22..12iri 300 1..1200 a no 10..1:02 : are 120..1173 3 5 20..11.17 a KS 10..11IX ) 37.1 33. . 1320 303 20. . 1010 3 73 as..1153 3 75 COWS. 11. . 000 200 8. . COO 2 CO 1. . 780 300 1..1020 225 1..1000 27.1 22. . Otil 305 I. . 800 225 14. . 0 : 2 00 3..ia 310 1. 1)50 225 3..1113 2 25 13. . 785 320 3. . 1023 223 23..1032 233 11KIPKIU. K f < ] 2 SO 10. . 018 2 00 1. . C3) 200 510 2 00 ( I. . 717 2 CO 4. . C45 320 IIUM.S. 1503 1 75 45..1223 225 1..1470 2 C5 1220 225 1..12UJ 223 STOCK BUS AND FRKDKHS. 1C. . 700 285 8. . 555 3 20 1. . 770 3 23 15. . 720 285 27. . 1)71 320 CANNKUS. 1. . nee 1 25 4. . (118 ( 1 75 25. . 010 200 21. . 1 75 24. . 05 ! ) 1 80 STAr.s. . 3. . 1497 200 WE3TE11N CATTLE. ' No. A v. Pr. Klfccilcn ) . OSfi 243 7ii feeders . 8UI 2 M 107 feeder * . 057 BOO 411 cows . 103 ! ! 200 4 calves . I'M 400 41 cows . 11)17 ) 2 M 71 stvi'i-s , dressed heef . 1171 300 3i steers , grass , drcs-scd beef. 8V > 3 0) ) 0 mixed , grass . 1102 275 JlOliS. No. Av. Ph. Pr. -No. Av. Sh. I'r. fi. . .251 40 $3 23 ( VS. . .270 200 SI 40 ( W. . .218 2N ) 3 3.1 7lt. . .101 ICO 340 rohi. .203 40 a * 3.1 IX. . . .232 M 3 10 hi. . . .220 BO 3 : ! 3 74. . . .2I15 80 340 .1US 20i ) 3 31 61. . . .2i-l ( 340 71. . . .237 120 3 33 04. . .271 209 3 40 120mi 07. . . .214 mi 3 a.i 51. . . .2IW W ) 340 74. . . , . 100 60. . .30' ' ] : )20 ) 340 73. . . , .212 3 : r GO. . . .201 100 340 20. . . .250 2HO : i : t5 ( X ) . . . .245 lliO 340 . 214 80 3 : i7K SS. . . .2v. 120 3 40 . . , .218 1KO 3 : i7K M. . . .242 ICO 3 40 70. . 223 ICO 8 3T/5 i > S. . . .200 80 3 40 Kl . 2.S4 IliO G7. . . .25S 340 in. . , .251 0 3 37 67 . . .203 ICO 3 40 ( W. . 21:1 : 80 3 : rH 4I > . . . .20 : ) 40 340 tm. . IB ) j } ! # G7. . . .211 120 340 in. . 20 ! ) G3. . . .277 340 I1H. . . .21(1 ( 80 il 37 Vt 4. . . .312 340 1. . . .210 81) 3 : ny M. . . .178 3 10 03. . . .2s : : 200 3 37(1 ( Gl . . .2:10 : 340 ( W. . a 37'/ 50. . . .220 RO 3 10 51. . W ) a 37H Gl. . . .2.11 100 340 51. . UK ) 68. . . .yea 340 ( H. . 80 Gl. . . .2t 340 III. . , 2(2 40 : i iff'/I CO. . . .an 340 ' . ) . . . .21H 12) 3 40 03. . . .25 280 3 10 78 . . .2.11 80 3 40 60V. . .800 80 340 80M 111. . , .2G2 M ) 340 M. . . .25 ! 80 3 10 00. . , .20- 340' 45. . . .215 40 3 40 CO. . ICO a 40 11. . . .8SO 3 40 IK ) . . 40 340 5' . ' . . , .2S3 Ifil ) 340 B3. . 8 ! ) 340 . .218 400 340 55 . 200 3 10 . .X07 80 3 40 57 . , .253 80 3 40 . .281 1K ( ) 3 10 40. . .322 80M ) 3 40 ( .2. . . .2fr : Hill 3 40 , .2X0 80 3 10 IVi. . . .271 K ) 3 40 231 40 340 r.7. . . .808 80 t Ul. . . 340 65. . . .270 120 3 42J ( 1,0. . . 80 3 40 GO. . . .271 KM a 42H 05. . . , . 280 3 40 , .322 80 3 42'i Id. . . . .277 89 3 40 . .aa lee a 42 GO. . . , .am 200 3 40 61. . . .aw 40 a 42V5 ( M. . . , .20 3 10 ( K ) . 270 3 42H W ) . . . , .2Nl 3 4D r.o. . . . .2SO 120 3 42 G5. . . 280 340 73. . . .240 343K CO . . 81) 3 10 , 6'J. . . .827 120 342M IU. . . . .2.1S UK ) 3 40 C' ' ! . . . .237 3 W 43. . . . .2:12 : 40 340 71. . . .250 80 3 42 ! < t . . . . .2M 340 63. . . .20U 342Vi 57 , . . . .2U.1 2W 3 40 GO. . iiiJTC 200 G7. . . . .2iO ; 340 GO. . . .2UO 40 i1i ! GO. . . . .247 40 340 CO. . . ,270 IN ) B3. . . . .2.13 120 3 40 in. . . .2li8 80 iirli 131. . 2SO 3 40 60. . . .200 120 3 42 ! ' C > 7. . . . .214 ICO 3 40 45. . . .21 > 8 120 3 42 , 61. . . . .an 81) ) 340 64. . . . .3 8 40 ( W. . . , .280 80 340 125. . .21X1 I'M 70. . . , .220 40 3 40 ta. . , .2)1 ! ) 120 3-J2SJ III. . . . .232 120 3 40 50. . . . .2U ) 3 4.1 50. . . , .203 40 3 40 47. . . .317 100 345 57. . . , .2h7 3 40 60. . . .373 3 15 71. . . RO 340 " 67. . , . .277 120 345 fvl. . . . .2711 80 3 40 65. . . . ; in ; so 34.1 70. . . . .215 340 63. . . . .303 3 4.1 G7. . . . .210 340 51. . . . .w 3 45 . . .212 10 3 10 62. . , . .320 345 70. . . . .21 3 40 65. . , . .2l ! ) 120 345 01. . . . . .Ml 40 3 40 65 , . . . . 'JtW 80 3 45 15. . . . .lilt ) 120 340 4IJ. . . .302 3 45 " 77 ICO 340 51. . , . .313 K'O 34.1 , .241 120 340 60 , . . .291 3 4.1 40 340 ( VI. . , . .30(1 hi ) 3 47K 80 3 40 IVI. . . ,201 40 340 4U. . . .352 bO 347H 71 233 80 340 . tiin : No. Av. Pr. No.G natives mixed . HX ) 4 60 105 wethers , Nehraska s. .01 4 33 Market "Mention. Ij. W. Dcntou of Waterloo bciit In a oar of hog * . A. NIc'emoiiKcrcamo up from Plukroll with a car of hou-s. J. H. II rooks came tip from York with three cars of cattle. O. li. Hurrott sent over u cur of cattle from Council IllulTd. J. M , Mcltoynolds came In from Davenport with a ear of ho s. M. Mackoy , the every day shipper of Kusttn , bent In a car of hogs. 1,1ml Nelson brought In four cars of cattle from Udell. J. T.Vray was on the market with a car of cattle from Culhcrtson. DodKoA Wothcrho , heavy shippers of Oak- dale. marketed u car of hogs. James Powers was on the market with two cars of hous from lluiuler.son. O. U. Jones , of Jones llros. , extensive dealers of Hastings , was tip with two cars of cattle. J. Iliintlir toii of Oakland , In. , was over with u car of cattle , the lust of his winter Cupji & Homier marketed two ears of cattle from .MePaul , la. Mr , Uupp came ulong with the stoolc. I'ltlliT , Pinlth & Fuller , heavy dealers of Bcrlhner , iimrkulftl a car uf hog * from New man' * Urove. J. U. 8auu tor of the llriu uf Saugatcr i Uiu- nott wai on the mnrltot with a car oaoh of hogs and sheep from Btviart. O. II , Ilabhltt ot Hahbltt ft Kvnns. oxtcnslre ( icaloraot Bouth lloud.camo In with a car of cattle from Corcsco. ojiur.i irnoMiHAT ! ! I'roduoo. Oon5 ! POo. OATS-a > .TOo. . IlKAN-IN.UO. MirLSTtirr-l3.XaU.OO. ( risii Per Ibi Porch , 7c ! bttlTftlo , 7o ( porch To : pickerel , So : pike , Do : trout , Do : white , Do cropplo , loot cat flsli. He : cod stonk. 12o flounders , 18o ; Oroaou salmon , IJoi black bass. 15c : lobsters , 18o. APPLE IiUTTEii Per Ib , ( ViWo. V'ooir-KIno unwashed , I410oi medium un- waihod , 18T6210 ! course unwashed , 1851200. PKLTO AND TALLOW Green salted hides , 6Wx3 ( | dry salted hide * , 5oj dry Hint - - Hot calf hides , 4KO7Mt " less. Sheep pelts , green , f 1,23 ; Rhcoi ) polta , dry , per Ib , CiJIIo ; tallow , A No. Mot No. 2,3tt3Uo ; grease , white , 3)i@lo ) ; yellow , 2SJ5Wo. BONKH ( Quotations nro for delivery In Chi cago. ) Dry bulTalo , per ton , $10.00 ® 18.00 ; dry country , bleached , 810.00313.00 ; dry country , damp and meaty , IH.wvTtlo.OO. JKM.IKS iiwaio per Ib. JfiKS8Ri > VKAIUliolcQ medium , G7c ; light , heavy , " " - Oir/ Haw , COo : boiled , fttc. OitiKit-Per bbl , rollncd , W.OOi half bhl , $ X23i hard elder , pure , per hbl , J5.00 ! orange cider , half bbl. * 7.UO ; pear elder , half bbl , 87.00. POULTIIV Per , choice lions , t'lWiKlM ; choice nllxod ; 92-VrfM.oo : roosters. t&Mttti.mi Hprlngchtekuim. $ . ' .00 < > i2.2.'i for small ;' 'l.lW for medium ; W.50I.OO for largo ; hvo turkeys , per Ib , naiOc. llUTTKii Uroamcry , fancy rolls , print , 10 ® Ifl'/Jc : croamrry. fancy , solid packed , 15ffll7c ; creamery , choice , IOJH2o ! ; dairy , fancy rolls and prints , 1218e ; dairy , fancy solid packed , lOfsU'e ; dairy , choice , OftUM ; country roll , fancy , 8Uo ; choice , TiiSo ; Inferior , 25c. 1IKAN3 Hand picked navy , * I.COt.75 ; hand picked navy , medium , HWi.W. \ hand picked country , | I.I031.K ( ) ; good clean. 81.10O1.S. > . OAT.iFOiiNiA ( liiKiutir.s PorlO-lb box , Jl.lVrJ 1.60 ; suulhurn per bu J2.00.50 ; Oregon , $1.4010 1.75. Ai'iucOTs-20-lb crates , $2.002.25. I'KAUHIM Arkansas. H bit box. 81.00l.50. PlNKAl'l'LKS Per do/ , * 2.503.00. OIIASOKH Perhox. .Modltorrancan sweets , $1.75 ; f.os Angeles. tl.OO ; fancy Duarte seed ling ! ) , $1.50 ; Hoill , $ . ' ) . ( ) i > (7r.V ( ) . JjKMONtt Pur box , Jlcsslna. fancy , $0.557.00 ; strictly choice , $3.5030.00 ; extra fancy lemons , J7.007:50. : StiiAwiiKimiKS Per 2I-qt case , choice shlp- plmr stock. * ' . ' .75-1.25 ; good , * 2.0J2.50. lU.spiiKiiuiKS Ued. i2.00iifi2.50 per 24 pt case ; black , &J.503J3.00 per24 nt case. HIACKIIKUUIIK : $2.5tx/M.Oo ) icr 21 qt ease. ( JoosKiinniuKU Two bushel stand , tJ.OJ. OOCOANUTS Per hundred , V .00.- PICKLKS Medium , per bhl , * 5.50 ; small , Jfl.M ; gherkins , 87.50 ; O. and 11. chow chow , qts , 45.85 ; pints. ? % 35. WATKIIM IILO.NB Per 100 , $ T .0033.00. CANTALOUI-K Per do/ . * < i.XiJ9.00. ( VMiirr.tliLKrt Now soutliern onions , nor bbl , $1.50 ; new i-outlinrn potatoes , $1.50 per fiol. TOMATOES Pcr4-baskot crate , i2.252.50. firoueriuH. StiOAiis Out loaf. 7-io ; cubs , 74o ! ; standard , imwdercil , 7ie ! ; XXXX , powdered , So ; granu lated. ( confectioners ; A , GHo : climax XO , Ge ; Nebraska XO , GKSo ; amber , 5Sc ; Canary 0. 5J5e. CoKi'ii : ; Green Fanev golden Illo. 23c ; fancy old peaherrv.2t4o ; lllo , choice to famjy , Ki.Vc ; Itlo , prime , y3c ; Klo , good , 22Vic ; Santos mm common Klo , UXfiaie ; Moclia. 20u : Java , genuine O. 17. , 28c ; Java , good Interior , 23e ; African. 22Mc. ( 'OKKKK Hoastod Arlosa. 25'ic ; Ilnnola , 2Ze ; iMeLauKliUn XXXX. 25 > Sc : ( Jerman , 25 > jo : Dllworth's. 25'/u ; Lion. 25'io ; JIuIl- ] ) oncli. 255ie ; Moclia , 84c > O. O. Java , 'Klu. I-'AKINACKOUS Goons liarley , 8li ; farina , 6c ; peas Bo ; oatmeal , PjW.ji" macaroni , lOc ; vermicelli , lOc ; rice , 4 ? < fW/c ; sago and tapi oca , KQftoi lima bcaiib , Gc ; split peas , 3c ; iptglttl : , lie. CANXKD OOODS Fruits. California standard brands. 215-lb. per doz Apricots. $ l.70fi > l.Ki ; aprleots , pie fruit , JI..Y ) ; gallons , 84.50 : black berries , ? 2.25 ; cherries , blaek , * 2.00tl2.25 ; cher ries , while. $ ' . ' .2. > T42.5 ! ) ; grapes , $ I.G.V < 51.W ) ; povrs Harllett , 82.102.25 ; poaches , yellow , iJ-MO'rr.2.25 ; peaches , lemon cling , * MO : plums , egg , $1.05 ® J180 ; plums , golden drop , 81.80 ; plums , green gages , JI.IWCI.SU ; peaches with pits In , tfl.CO ; currants , J2.30 ; goosehcrrles , $ . ' .2. " > ; iiiilncos , $ . ' .10 ; raspberries , SJ.80 ; st'rawhen-les , $2.r 0 ; nenchos , 3-lb eastern standards , Jl.h5 ; 3-lb pie , $1.25 ; gallons , pie , $ .1.09 ; apples , high standards , $ ; ' .15 ; 2-lb gooseberries , iKle ; 2-Ib strawberries , lX > Ii. ! " > c ; 2.11) ) raspherrie" , JI.OO ; 2-lb bliuiborrles , H0@00c ; 2-lb blackberries , Ii575 ; 2-lb straw berries. preserved , tl.EO ; 2-lb raspberries , pre served , # 1.80 ; 2-lb blackberries preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Hiihama chopped , $2.00 ; 2-lb Ha- Immii grated , $2.75 ; 2-lh llahama sliced , $2.00 ; 2-lb standard sliced , i3l.251.50 ! cherries , 2-lb red. Haltlmore , 8V5V ! > c ; pears , 2-lb , J1.LO. VmnrrAiiLKS Tomatoes 'I Ib oxtru , ? I.OO 3 Ib standard western brands , ! )0u ) ; gallons , strictly standard , f..oa. Corn finest grown , ; silt edged sugar corn , very line , $1.50 ; choice. 2 Ib sugar corn. $1.10 ; 2 11) extra western brands , 85ciiJ1.0ll ; 2 Ib .standard western brands , G.Ti73 < ! . Mushrooms I II ) Fronuh , ox- tru fine , 2 : < 7625o ; 111) l < 'rcnch. line , 18r ( 22a ; 1 11) l''reiifh , ordinary. KvaiHc. Peas Tres , line , per can , 25c ; deml-llnu , per can. ICe ; 2 Ib sifted , 81.00 ; 2 In early June , 81.2,3.Jl.K : ; 2 Ib Marrow ntan dard brands , ifl.10 ; 2 Ib s'oakcd , 57c. Siring beans 2 tb high grade , Hefngoe , 85u ; 2 Hi Golden den was beans. 70e ; 2 Ib string beans , GOc. Lima beans 2 Ib .soaked , 75u. HtMlon baked beans 8 11) ) Lewis. $ l.Ki ; Orown brands. $1.50. .Sweet potatoes 3 Ib New .Ioi > uy , il.CO. Pump kins Jllb , $ .110. Okra and tomatoes , $1.CO ; okra ; succotash , $ I M. Fui'tTrt Unrrants , new , , casks , 1,300 Ibs , OVio ; prune , bbl or Crimes 1 ; citron peel , drums. 20 Ibs , 22c ; lemon peel , drums , 20e ; apples , choice evaporated , 10o'Mlchlgmi ; , ! i9 , Gc ; Persian dates , 7c ; black- berrles , ( ivaporated , 50-lb lioxos , 5Hc ; cherries. pitted , dry cured , lite ; raspberries , evaporated , N. V. , now , BOo ; prunes , H. O , . CO-70 , loai2 o ; orange peel. 15c ; raisins , California , London crop IMW , ? 2.3"i : Oallfornia , looio nitisaatols , orop 180J , fcJJO : Valenclas. 1SSS , Co ; Valencia * . now , Oc ; ( .lallfornla seeds , sks , 8'4y. I'isii Codtlsh , extra Georges , now , 5 > .ic ; grand bank , now , 4io ! ; silver , 2-lb blocks , Do ; snow whltn , 2-11) bricks , now , 7Jio ; Turkey cod , laD * middle brloks , 8lio ; snow-white , crates , 12-5-lb boxes , 7io ( ; medium scaled horrlng,2. " > ( j ; No. 1 scaled herring , 20c ; domestle Holland herring , -lOo : Hamlmrg splcod liorrlngs , H0c ; Hiisslan Kardlnes. ( liu ; Hnssian sardines plain , 50e ; Imported Holland herring , crown brand , f > 0c ; do fancy mllkors.OJc : mackerel. No. 1 shore , half bbs.SlB.OO ! : bloatnrslmUllK ) $18.00 ; white fish , half bills , $ r.0i ) ; trout , half lllsi' ) ) > . . ' > 0 ; fam ily while fish , fft.M ; salmon , ifs.50 ; 1-lh maeli- erlherrlnu'--l.ih ! ( ) ! ) ; 1-11) finnan baddies , jl.CO ; 1-lb lobsters. M.V3.S3 ; ; 1-lb Alaska halmon , Aleut.f 1.33 ; 2-lb oysters. 10ozl.0'i ; 1-lb oysters , r > o/ . Jl.I.'i ; 2-lb selects , 12 m , f',35 ; 1-lb elams , little necks , $1.23 ; 2-lb clams , little necks , $1.75 : V--1I ) sardines. Imported , per case. IOOs , 4I5.00@20.00 ; u-ilj Imnorted bomiloss sardines , key , $23.09 ; " 411) sardines , American , per case , IOOs , I'reiK-h style , $ l.4f i . ' > .0i ) ; U-lb sardines , Aniurlcan , per case , IOOs , I'rench style , J7.50 ® 8.00 ; H-ll ) sardines , mustard , per case , 60s , $3.75@l.0)f Imported key satellites , $13.00. t < AL > ) OiA llbls. , lie ; granulated , 2o ; kegs. 19 ( ) . SODA Pkgs , CO Ibs to box , ! > ! { ® - " > Vio. NUTS Almonds , 15c ; Ilrazlls , 14o ; filberts , 12ic ! ; peuans , lie : walnut , l- ! ' u ; peanut cocks , 8c : roasted , lie ; Tunnesseo peanuts , 7c. ! . MOLASSKS llbls. N. O. fancy , per gal , 55tJ57o ; eholee , 45'il7e ; good , 30B5o ; Cuba bakln ; ; , 2lu ; blackstrap. 20c. WliAi'i-iNO I'Ai'Kii Straw , per Ib , lJQ2tJo } ; rag. 3 c ; Manilla 11 , 5fia : No. 1 , 80. 1IAOS Union Siiuare , 30@i5o : per cent off Hat. SALT Dairy , aw Ibs In bbl. bulk. * 2.10 ; best grade , CO , 5-j , J2.89 ; best grade , 100 , 3s , ts.ltf ; best grade , 18 , 10s , $2.20 ; roclc salt , crushed , $1.80 ; comnon. bbl. $1.25. SOAP Onstllu. mottled , per Ib , OJJlOc ; do , while , peril ) . Ho. HnoOMS-Parlor.Stlo , 8.00 ; 4 tie , $2.75 ; 2 tie , $2. 25 ; stables. $2.85 ; common , $1.501.75. Uoco.v Jt-lb tin , 40e per 11) . Uiiocor.ATK 22i5o ; per Ib ; Gorman chicory , red , 8Hc. Horn llasls Manilla ropo. 15o ; sisal rope , 12u ; cotton rope , llki ; now process , 8Wo. OOTTOS TWINK llibb , very line , 3 or 4 ply , 22o ; line , ) ; daisy , Iso : candle wick , 22c. OLIVKS Quarts , per doz , J-I.oO ; plnt.s , per doz , $2.50 ; bulk , per gal , 05c. VINKHAII 30 gr. older , lOo ; good , 12o white wine , 15e ; fancy fruit. 8c. STOVI : POLISH $2.0Wt" > .87 per gross , IIACJS Am , per 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per 100 , $17.09. OILS Kerosene P.W.llo ; W. W. , Wo : head light , lUic ; gasoline , He ; salad oil , A 1 , i3.09 ® U.oo per do/ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ili.ocn TIN Small pig , 30o per Ib ; bar , 30o per Ib. Unpt'tiii Planished holler sl/es , 32iOporlb ( ; cold lolled , 20o PT Ib : sheathln ; ; , 28o per Ib ; pills and Hats , 20o per tb. liAi.VANiziii ) SIIKHT liio.v Discount 50-10 per rent , pat , plan. Iron , Nos , 21 and 27 , A , lUSjo ; H , I ) MI * . TIN PLATK-I. 0. . 10x11 , 225 , $7.00 ; I. X. , 19x11 , 223. $ M3. Uooi'ixa-Clmrcoal , I. 0. , llx2J , 112 , $5.59 ; I , X. . M.75. HllKKT IllOS-No.2i5.-.5.1 | ; No , 27. $3.00. . SOI.DKII Strictly half and half. IGu. TIN PLATK-CokO , HX20. 112 , $11.23. STKKL NAII.S llase , 12.20. STEKI. WIIIK NAII.S llaso , K.G3. WJIIB Jap. barb. $3.25. ; galv. WS3. Quinine , perez , P. & W. , 40n ; ( lorman , 45o ; Indigo , per Ib , 73oj Insect powder , aici oiiiiim , S1.73 ; morplilue , perez , . ' 1.10 ; hops , pur Ih,30o ; glycerine , 20u ; ile.xtrlno , lOo ; euttUibono , 3.1o ; luilsam toln , O7u ; cuntliaradles. I. : n 22o ; chloroform , 4 ; > If."A'c ; cn-'iH , 4tt52e ; gum arable , 55 < ao5o ; glycerine. 2325o ; lycopodlum , 4Jipll ( ; muruury , b5c. 1002. Sixteenth and Furmim alroots is tlio now Roclc Island tluUot olllco. Ticlc- ota to till points oust ut lowest rutos. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Dispositiop to Liquidate in July YTbcat Qavo Other. Months the Dip. THE HEAT DAMAGES SPRING WHEAT , t . Corn Without Outkltlo Influences No Advnnoo In Onts Until Near tlio Close ProvlHlona AVero Ex- trcino1yJtitl All Day. OniCAnoJuno23. [ Special TolcRram to Tnn rtKK.l The wheat market was without breadth and strength most of the session to day. The falling off In prices nt the start was somewhat of a surprise. It was owing to n lack of support the first few minutes rather than any great soiling pressure. There was , however , a disposition to liquidate In July and this gave the tllp to the other montlis. The early depression did not last long as bears worn na quick to buy on the decline ni bulls. Among the best buyers of the forenoon were Oudahy , Linn nnd Konnott , nllclasscd as bear houses. Linn was was n buyer In. Inly. There was no pounding or raiding , but the apathy of the trade was In favor of lower prices. There was no Import ant nows. 1'rlvato cables were bullish. Liver pool closed lowcrfor California futures. 1'ltts- burg scuta bullish dispatch about bad weather I'auslng unfavorable reports from Odessa. Dakota sent dispatcher about the hot winds nml " " wheat. "scorching" Now York cleared 81,000 bushels. On this news , and the buying referred to. prices recovered pretty quickly. July from too early rallied to SoWu , August from 8.V ( , a low point , rose to StiXo. September sold nt BGUo curly nnd up to S7o nnd December from 87Ho to 8S.Jc. ! thus putting nil months except July at better figures than nt the close yester day. Dispatches from the northwest to both bull and bear houses assuring them that the parching of the past two days has really damaged spring wheat gave rlso to a llrmor feeling before the close. Shortly before 1 o'clock a few good round low were taken In the pit and In a few mlnuto.V tlmo prices moved up to SCo for July , Silfto for August , 87Jo ! for September nnd 88&o for De- comber. Those figures showed nn advance of Ic straight for nil montlis over tlio bottom prices tlio first hour. The extreme heat'JI = on the floor , checked what otherwise might have proved a rousing bull market. ' At tlio close wheat was at about the Hrst prices : Juno 8. > Sc. July 80o for seller , August 8UH'c , Septem ber 8"Ho and December SSSJe. . The corn market was without outside In fluences to all'oct prices and local trade did little imt attempt small scalping operations. The price of Juno was a shade under July and quoted atltUSo at the closo. July sold at M'io and : it.f@i4 | : c. closing at ; August 3lfil7ao ; to the do-so : September 3. > ? iKii ) > to iio.Hc , closing atr : > Jjo ; October closed atw : . There was little feature to oats until near the close , when there was an attempt , to buy July , ami there helm ; none for sale there was a quick advance In the price for that month to Me. August sold at au > o and Mile , closing steady att'tiio September sold at " < ! and closed at "t'iBc. ! Ilutchlnson was a seller early. Provisions were oxtieniely dull all day. In activity led to weakness. Mes-t pork , with very little business , showed a decline of liilc from yesterday toJI-MK for July , with $1 .40 bid at the close. August and September closed at * 1 ± . ' ! U.Lard sold at J.l.ffi'/J and * > .G7' * . closing ati'i.a'i , or5o lower for July. Short ribs closed at yesterday's prices. ClflCAUO Jl\'H STO CK. CniOAOo , Juno 2-SpecIal [ Telegram to Tim IlKn.l OATTiK-t-Out of 2,000 fresh re ceipts there were barely 200 natives of all classes , as there weio , at least 1,800 Texans , A few good natives 911 sale sold out at steady prices , but the rough and common stock was not wanted and thonj ns only a light demand for butchers' stock o'li fccount of the "big run of Texans , the latter selling a shade lower. Values on all grades pf natives are ' "Oe to 2 , " > c lower than a week ago' ' today ; $ I..NX5I.OT } wore top prices for first-class 1,500 to 1V ! > 0 steers and $1.7. > to fl.STi the extreme for prlino ami suitable lmO : to 1,400 steers ; wlillo good to useful steers of 1,230 to lir : > 0 sold as low nttKl.'JO U > W.V ) . and prime export steers at $4.10 to W.23. ' Texas steers have soltl from ID to ISo lower. Choice to extra bcgvcs , * I.40JM,70 ; medium to good steers , l.riOO Ibs , if4.20@4.40 ; L'-W to 1BO : : > ; [ W > to 1,200 Ib.s.-J.4l > a4.00 ; stockers and feeders , $ J.t.V3i.'I.SO : ; cows , bulls and mixed. SI.UT ; bulk , . ' .0032.40 : Texas grassors. SS.20@3,10 : ted .steers. , S.i.2 : > 0y.80. lions Values wore again fie lower , making a decline of IlOrtWOo as compared with tlio top prices of a week ago today. The bulk of tlio mixed sold today wltnln n range of SLIM ® : t.57Kt > , a few as low as and the best se lected and choice heavy at 8'I.GO. A few at J.G2 1W.G3 ; light sorts , $3.GOj.TO. : JFJX.lXCt.t.1 , . NEW Yonrc. Juno SI ( Special Telegram to THE llEE.l STOCKS Tlicro was little fancy work done in Pullman stock this morning and after opening 1 point up at 210 , It touched 21SJS and closed 0 per cent over yesterday at 213. Tills cut little flguro with other stocks Dull ness was still the most prominent feature , oven trusts being quiet , nnd lead was the most actlvo of them. The market presented a firm front , however , and the first prices , while some what Irregular as compared with last night's figures , were generally from"B ! to \ \ per cent higher. further fractional advances were scored over the entire list , wlillo Sugar refineries rose 1 perconttoTlVj , but professional pressure was then brought to bear upon the list and every thing yielded under tlio load of Chicago Gas whtuh again hccnmo actlvo and decidedly weak. The succeeding decline was generally s'ulllclent to wipe out the early gains and ft dropped from f > 7J * to 65y and Oregon Trans continental from 4fi to 45 , but nil other changes were fractional. The downward movement met with a sudden check and Chicago cage ( ias met- with a rally to 50 % . Kxtremo dullness marked the remainder of the hour and at 11 o'clock tlm market was dull nnd steady nt abjilt the opening prices. It was timing the closing hour thai tlio best strength was shown. Transcontinental rose to 4l > 'ji , A tuhlson rose to4U , but lost a fraction later ; Houk Island rose 1 jr.'r cent over last night to UJ' ' { , wlillo other western stocks were up 't to U percent. Much of the late Improvement was duo to the showing of the banks In their weekly statements. Koserves were Increased ulout : iWM.MX ) , loans Increased glAVI.OOO and deposits ncrna-.ed IM ,000,000. There was n per ceptible llrmlng of the market on the state ments. Tlio following wore the closing quotations : MONEV Busy at IS04 per coat j closed oll'oroil lit It per emit. I'KIMK MKIIOANTIMI 1'Apnit a7 per cont. UTKIII.INO KXOIIANOK Qulot. stoudyj Hlxty- auy bills. i-\.W \ ; UomniKl. ll.ST/ . I\rfnliiK \ Stocks. NKW VOIIK , Jiiiio3 .T-Spofllal. [ Tolosram to TUBIlBn. ] TliofollovtliiaurotUoiiilnliis stoolc quotations : Caledonia II. U I1' ' ) llonii'iiuko . fir.'J ronmioiiwoaltli 254 Horn Silver. . JilO Dcailwood T 10 IronHllver . IPO KurukaCon H.V ) 4U ) ( iould.vcurr s : . ) Slorrii Nuvudn . ' HaluJtNorcroa UU ) Suitor Crook . I'Ml J'ltOUVCK M.lItKJRTS. CHICAOO , Juno 2S. iis : p. m. olnso Kusy cash , Wio ; July , Wio. ( lorn Stonily : c sliu\iu : \ ; July , : tl8Ottio. ! : ! Outs stonily : uiisi. | ' uUu ; July. 277io. Uvo Steady ; Biirley-tiulet. Prime-Timothy J1.31. flux SI.37. Whlskv-fl.OO. . I'orlc-Dulli cash mid July , $12.50. Lard Kasy ; cash u ml .Inly. $3.03. t'lour bleady ; winter wheat , JI.OOJJl.BO ; spring. M.4tl.r3 ) ; ryo$2.50 'l.50. Provisions Hho u hie rH "i.2iji.1.23 ; short clear. t.i.ii : ) < iM.IOi short ribs , JI.Uia.1.00. Butter Hlundy ; croamury , llO13o ; dairy , Sfttlto. Ohoeso Qulot ; full oroam Cheddars , 7li nH'tei lints , 7iOiJto ! ; Young Americas , 7HW 'r.ijgs I.owor ; fresh. 0'SlOHo. ' Tallow UncliatigoUi packed , lii'ilt'loi ' ' No , 2 , iic : cake. 4'ic. KoonlDts. Slilptn't.s. I lour. . . . ft.noj 4.WM Wheat. . . . „ . , . H.IXM r > .ix Uorn . liiooi ( ) ) ! Outs . liu : ) 1W.OJO NKW VoitK.Juno'iJ. Uucolpts. 17.UOO hiltiluiUi U.VIMIIU. KJ.KOO liuxholtii Nixitntcaily ; No. a rvU.IUilOl/iXulii oloviitort.UlV * . afloat : UlMiun u ( ii hi options , May IOV.IT. uthorn bluhor ; No. U rod , Jiiiiuulo- ni'l/JKi ; , Coru - KocclpW , 1W.DOO bUbhoU ; xU 01.300 bunhoti ) ipot stronger ! No , 2 , 4IXo In elovntori 432i2Ua nlloat ) unm.mui mixed , 40H'iiWVoi options stronger , Juno olos- Ingnt41 to. Oats KeeetpK 40,000 bushels ) spot stronirori Na 3 white n.ViQ.'Koi mixed western. 1OJW.1HOI wlillo wcstorn , Ktiauot options firm , Juno . CofToo Options opened bnroly stoaay , 13 to HO points down , olfMcd firm nnd unchnnRod to 10 polnli ! down. Salami ; ) : Juno. 110.73 nskoili Julyllfl.r > oaiJ.05 ( | spotrlo nominally at ? 0.00 > buRar HAW stonily : falr'ronnlnff , 4Ioi ? con- trlfuRnls M tcit , f Sc : roflnoil uulot. I'otroloum United olowl for July at 6(5o. ( , 1'ork-Oiilot : mp w. 8U5MS13.73. Lant l.nsy , dull ) western stoara , $3.93 : Au gust (0.07 bid. lluttor Quloti Elgin , lV310Hoi ( wcsturn unlry , Gitllcj creamery , 810o. Onecso Qulot ; western 74J80 , ST. Loins , Juno 23. Wheat Closed higher : cnh,8t } . ( < iMIo ! { ; July , BIW Corn IllRlicri cash anil July , : nj o. Oats-rirm : cnsli. 2S o : July,23 o. Pork-Dull at J1IJ50. I.nnl Nominal at J.V40. WhNUy Steady ntil.Oi ) . IJuttor Unchanged : dulry , llttlllio ; cream ery , HOl'lC. _ MILWAUKKE/ Juno 23. Wheat Qittot ; No. d Bprlnc , onsli , Kinsaiic ; July , Wo. ! ( Jorn Sti'ady : No.a , 3. > e. Oats-Vlrm : No. 3 white. 2DyffiMij. ) Uye-Stciuly : No. 1 nl 4T'i ( ' . . Harley l-'lrnt : No. S , 48ic. ! Provisions I'lrmors pork. 812,70. MiNNKAi'Oi.ts , Juno 23. Whoiit nocolpts. 70 caw , Bliliimcnts , 7 cars. Oood demand for nearly all wheat except forafow lots of ( . railed tinder No. 3. that very dull. Oloslnjt : No. 1 hard , Junn and July. 8. " > o : on track , sTifMTMc : NO. 1 northoru , Jiinoand.luly. 8Hc : AtiRust , 84 o : on track , 8IKUS50 : No. 3 northoru , on truok , 7t > aHU' . KANSAS Cm- , Juno 28. Wheat Iiownr : No. Shard , cash , Wo ; Juno , TU.Uo ; No. 3 rod , cash , "Do bid , Corn Higher No. 3 , cash , Juno 20o. Oat * Wcaknr ; No. S. ciiHli. .Tiino. Stmc. Juno s. Wheat Steady : No. red , 8.V5J370. Corn firm : No , 2 mixed , .Wi Oats-Qulot : No. 3 mixed , aio Wlilslcy-jl.UU. LiVKiit'oor , , Juno 23. Wlioat Steady , de mand poor : holdorsolTormodoratoly , Oorn 1'lrm : doinand poor : now mixed west ern , : n 0 ? d per uental. a STOCK. OHICAOO , Juno 27. Oattlo Ilooelpts , 2,010i market weak ; beeves , 84.504.70 : stern , 1.40 ® 4.10 : stookors and fouders , > an.SO : cowu , bulls nnd mixed , $1.2. tW.10 : Toxus sleors , $2.20 ( uVI.80. lloiji Ueoolpts , 11,000 ; market slow nnd a nhado lower : mlxrd , ii.4.Vj-'t.a ; ( ) ; heavy , $3.43 ® . $ i.4 : > ® : i.70 ; skips . KccolpUs , 2,000 ; innrkut slow ; natives , $3.0tHM.OO ; western , S .UO4,40 ; Texans , Kl.OO ® 4.00 ; Ininhs , } lgjU.GO. ST. Lnuts. Juno 2 . Oattlo Kocclpts. 800 ; shipments , 2 , ! > JO ; market steady : fair to fancy native atceM , * 3.1WI.50 ; stookord unil feeders , ? 2. XS'J.7r. . HORH Itecolpta , S03 ; slilpmcnts. l.WO ; mar ket steady : heavy , $ : i.5.VWl.7J ; pauklni ; uradea , 4J.KVa > : i.Olight ; , * J.GO'I.70. Tlio Iiitprovcinciit Itccoril. The following figures show the totals of real estate transfers , building permits nnd bank clearings for the past week compared with the corresponding week of last year : IIIIAL KSTATB THANSi'KltS. Dav. ItW9. 1890. Monday $ < V.,2H ) $110,1:1.8 : Tui'Mlav fi'l-lTIl 3."ii7U : Wodnesdny IKUHH W.O. > 1 Tliiiwdnv ilLSB lOO..UB Vrldny. . ' . 41.311 71,420 Saturday 81,410 Totals ttJ,272 lIL'H.DlNd rUIIMITS. Day. 193 ! ) . 1800. Monday $ WO ii.OOO : Tuesday 8.000 7i75 : Wednesday 4S.O.V ) 18.MO Thursday 114,000 : i,700 Friday 400 33.050 Saturday SO.M'J 18.135 Totals./ . $130,550 $121 , 50 HANK cr.iAUtMi9. Monday t SGl.Oj'J.Ori Tncsduy HOC.IM7.45 Wednesday 875.5it..VJ : Thursday . " . : Krlday , SH. < . ' ,80 Saturday LOSVOU-Sl Total r ,2.VI,010.02 An increase of ! i3.3 per cent over tlio corresponding spending week of last year. A STUEI3T-CAII PANTOMIME. Singular Persons AVho Tiilk Without SuyiiiK Anything. You can see very fair pantomime in a Broadway car nny divy , ways the Now York Times. ' Tlio woman who stands on the sidewalk and sets hot' parasol to go ing up and down like the walking beam of a bteamor wants to stop the cur. Everybody recognizes the sign. Then the woman who gets oil the ear with a fiery glunco at the conductor and an aggressive - grossivo shrug of the shoulders us she pulls her skirts out of tlio mud means , as plainly , as if she yaid it , ' 'You , out of the ovll that is in your heart , have car ried mo a block too far. Yon should perish from the faeo of the earth. Why don't you ? " Similarly the man who sits down in a corner and sticks his feet where they will do the most tripping np menus , "I am entitled to a lot of room and I mean to got it. " But the other day there eamo a passenger who went way out of the usual run of piintomimists. JIo was thin and wild-looking , but well dressed. Ho took a seat on the sunny side pf the car , and In 11 jiffy his arms wore ) in motion. Apparently ho was making a speech without words. As the silent oration progressed the man growoxeited. Turning to his neigh bor at his left , ho made him the subject of his discourse. IIo scorned to bo plead ing with him to reform his ways. The neighbor Iqoked embarrassed ; tlio other passengers suppressed smiles with moro or less success. Then the man wont on with his gestures , getting more and moro excited. Now and then ho rose to his feet and stood until a jolt of the car sent him back to his seat. But ho was getting to the end of his peroration , and suddenly , with a sweep ing gesture , the speech was ended. The man sank back in his seat nnd pulled ti eigaretto from his pookot , while the satisiled look came over his face that ono sees on the countenance of a bashful after-dinner orator when bo hears the upplauso at the pud of his address. J ust then a truok driver tried to cut across the track ahead of the car , and the driver of the latter vehicle put on his brakes with nil his might. The car stopped suddenly and the shock brought the pantomlmist to his souses. He rose hastily , mumbled something that sounded like an apology to his neighbor , and got out of the car with all possible spei'd. The neighbor's expression waa a choice blending of disgust and relief. 14O9 DOUGLAS---STREET. - - . On nccount ot our largo anil increasing Practice , wo have IIIOMOVICD to moro fipucioufl anil con venient otlicod. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St Omaha , Neb. Pattaoelo and from Grest Dtllaln and art " parts of Europo" Monlreal-Llverpool route , by the water * ol St. Lawrence , ihortett ol all. Ulr. ow to lloeton , to I'hllnilelulila , Uvcrpool tu ami ( ruin llaltiuiorn. Thirty 8teainor . I'lans escclnlor. Accommodatliiui unsurpan ed , Weekly tailing * . A I.I.AN .V ! < . . enVe.t. . AK'ta. C. J. Sundoll , u.Dirr. 11l.a * all < 9 Ht. , Cblcn o , U. . i TrMil. < Mut frra aud Mitlitii. II frl J li. tU.fU3i.UK uatnvTB , no * iis nuiUMiii. , XT. I Carry a Complete Line of Gentlemen's , Ladies' , Boys' , Misses' and Children's High and Low Cut Lawn Tennis Shoes Which I sell nt WIIOLKdALK only. If you Imvo not pliicod your cm ! or for frill , MR. SIIOK DEALER , I would nilviso you to send it to mo without dolny.nsl rubber nro ndvanuinpf stondily. I nin Western Ajont ( for the NEW JERSEY RU13I3ER SHOE COMPANY , nnd glmi to nay the poods this season have no sunorlor in style and shape , and you know they wear well. Call unil see mo or \vrlto for discounts , samples and price lists. LINDSEIY . , 1111 Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Tor the treatment of nil CHIIONIO ANT ) BnUOIOAf. I > ISEA8I53. Drafen , Appliance ! for mformttlci , nno TruucB. Dost Fncllltlci , Apparatus nnd lloinodlos for auccc Hful treatment of ovorj form of dlsonso ro- quIrlnKMPcllcnlorHiirelonlTrcatmont. NINF.TV 1100MS KOU I'ATIli.NTH. llunnl nml nttcnrinnco. Iloal Accoiuniodutlnni WcsU Write for clroulnri on lefomltlC3 and Ilnuoi. Tru ioi , Club Kect , Curvuturo of Splno , 1'llM , Tumors , Cancer , C t rrb , Broncliftla , Intiulntton , Klcctrfclly. rnrnlysln , KpllopnT. Ulitncj , lllnildor , Kje , Enr , Hklnnnd llloort. nnd nil BUrglont opomtlona. DlSKASKS OKVOMKN napoolnltr. Ilool of Dlso.isn of Women Free. Wo hava Intulr added a I.7lim-ln Dcyartmunt for Women dnrlnc ConUncmonl ( Strictly 1'rlvnte ) . Unlr Hcllnhlo Moillrnl laitltuto ranking niipaclalty of 1'IUVATU DISKASICH. All lllood Dlspino succosHfiilljr troatoil. Hyphllltlo poison removed from the system without mcrourjr. Noir He.itonitl70 Trratracnt for I.ii's of Vltnl 1'onor. 1'nrtlea undblo to visit UK mnjr bo trrntcd nt homo b ) correspondence. Allcommunlratlons contlitontlal. Modlctno or Infltrumontn Hi > nt by nmll or oxprosfl , BI > curtly pnckPil. no nuirks to Indlcuto contents or gender. Ono pornonnt Intprrlair proforrod. Cull nnd conanll in or send lilitory of yourcnsn , and wo will send In plain wrnppor our HOOK TO MKN FHKK , upon I'rlvat * Sieclnl or Nervous Discuses , Impotoncr , Hyphllls , Oluut nnd Varlcoccla , Hrltli qui'stlon list. Addresf Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 9th and Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Sreat Su'mniBr Bargain Sale -nv- MAX MEYER & BRO. , Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB Bargains in Bargains in Watches. Nlcltol wntchoi from fljtl upwards. Hllver watchc * from f. > upwards. Diamonds. . Ijudlnii'Kold watches from $15 upwards. Ucntlomcu'a KulU vratchtti * from $ * 5 upwards. Diamond rings from f2M upward * . in Bargains Jewelery. Dlnmoiul collnr hutlona fruin 1 npvrardi. Dlnmoml pcnrt iilns Irom K H | > iT rclM. Wocnrrjr n full linn of Jowclorr Inclurtlnz Dluinomlciin buttunH from M iipiTarda. both sollil KoM and tlnu rolled pinto rings , Dlamontl ntuttH from $7. . ' > 0 npivnrtli * . plan , rurrlnizn , luckuta , chain * , brncolota , lllninund lace plna from SlOupwuril.i. iicckliicox , LMitT Mild c'cillnr biittun < i , rto. Ar- Dlnmnnit cir rlrik's froinfr. | nvtird . tlclua nctiiiilly worth tl wo null at Wo to 75o , Dhimond brucolctg fromfIS upwards. nnd nil utlirr Koods urn noli ] nt tlio nmu pro Dlamontl pendants from f'2. > upward * , portion. Hro our slioiv wliuluws. Bee our Dlninonti nucklacoa from J.V ) upwards. barguln prlcoa. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. Greatly Reduced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps , Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Etc. ARE YOU BUILDING ? If so call and examine ourftno line of art goods , comprising Locks. Knobs , Escutcheons and Hinges , in all-finishes and designs. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha. ' ' ' " ' J- - - - . - . . - - - _ 1 prrillJfjlrrill PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 218 S. 15TH ST. , Opposite Iloyil'ri Opera House. NO CHARGE FOR SERVICES To All Cases 'falcon During the Ft rat Three Mouths. Tln'sti omlmmt I'liyHlulanx , HiirKPnni nnd Spi'ulalhtH n ro pro-cinlnunlly nlxivu all otliorn In tlio troatiuunt of ull Cliioiik' , .NurvoiiH. .Skin nml lllood UUoasox , anil ilLsuusuii iiociillar to women , Nn mutter wlmt your coiiiplulnt , coiihiilt tliusu hlilllful Biirnnoiw. who nro ulilu to olTout eiirus In many t-aboii thnt have boon lirnnnnncdd hniiuli's . All Hiiritluiil dlHuaspN , tiiiiinrsaiiil ( IdfurmltlitK roinovml with nstou- lnhliiB riwultB. fU'iilto-urlnary sursury , sirlo- tnri'i all ilhoiiMt' and duformltliM of ullhnr BOX , ull liniiudliiiuiitM to MiiUTliiuo ijiilcU'ly re moved. I/on ; ? oxiicrlnncn , with iinpirilleled : ; KIICCCHS , IK thu best uvldunco of u Uoutor'a Oll'k'o HoursOn. . m. until H p. m. Nnniliiy , 11 to 12 Tliiii ! > ! indH Miui-iih.stnlly truatud liy I'orre.ipoiKlunuo. All CDiiflduntlal , Head 4 In stuiu | ) tu Insure prompt rujily. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT ! . KpfclflQ for MvftTln , IIUilnon.Kitii. ; > uralnln , Wal:0. fulnomi , Mental Lvproiulon , Hoitenln uf vho lirnlnro. bultlnir In liv "ilty n-i'l luaillntf to inliclr ilvrar uli.l dfcith. I'rrm.uuro Old tilt" . liirniuni-M. I.imur l'owo Inutlliar rex * Involuntary l < o Md , unil Hpermnlorrhcr. * cu'jdcxi tjr oreiHixortlo. of thn hrnln , i > olrhuva or ovur-lnduleunco. Each conialnjonumonlt'i treat ment. Si a box , or ftlx ( or 8 > , tent by inalliirup&lit. V/Hh i" h nrilor for blx lioiim. will ruml imrt'hiuBr r'ir'- lo rrfnrrt money If the ( rnlnirnt fall * to " ' 'r C.OODMAN nuua co.'r 1110 Furtmm bU-out , Onmlin , Nob. What Makes Home More Pleasant -THAN A- Talking Parrot , I olTor for nlu thl'week n lot nfYi'rynlco larno itrcaa I'nrruU , a * folluwn. i Yellow llpaitoil MnincnllKn , ll.'i i > cli , fnntomluf fs < llliiu-l'mnloil Alniuon , tlH nnrli , lii timd ( if IM. Doulilii Vi'llow lluiuloil I'' Uiulo ! Vulluir llcnilcil I'urrot" , f.1) ) vacli liiilcii't of t'H I uuarnnlooull inrnititntnlk , tnlioiinrfcctlyhfuUlij unit tu Klvu full niitlnfactloii , MAX GEISLER , 417 S. 1C th St. , Omaha. TO WEAK fliitrcrlnff f mm the rirrcu nl youthful , crron , early decaf , wuilliiK weakncif , l < xt nmnliiioil , elf. , I will A valunljln truatlx ) ( u'lilixl ) conliilnlnif ( ull particular * fur lininn cure. I'lll'.H < jf chnrgo. A plt'iiillil medical wurk i thould IHI rend liy orfry innn who U MTK I ami ilclillllatnl.dilrrw , I'rof. V. C. I'OVIKK , lUooilUB.C'omi. BABY SfiEW S FREE In ib Uniua MU . iUv , ml/ , Hicjrclfi , K Mlcin < iairU Titej * * ( > n C. O , l > . JiMtl fnua tor , , til W. M.difon CI > > IKU. ; f ] U Uf U4.