Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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OfOcialfl Discover That They Have Not
ths Time.
IVlint Homo ol' llio County's Ofllccrs
Have to Sny ConuKrnliiK tlio Hlioiv-
li\K Mnilo by the I-iatent
A few dnys n o n committee of city onicials
consisting of tlio mayor , treasurer , comp
troller nnil flnnnco cotnmltteo of the council
called on tlio county commissioners to sco
what could bo done ubout raising the assess
ment of property In Omnlia. As fully rclatc-d
In Tin : UKE nt the time , this conference was
productive of two things , u great deal
of tulle heavily charged with anxiety
to maUu a show of doing something , mid the
appointment of Comptroller Cloodrich , Coun
cilman Olscn and City Treasurer Rush ns u
committee to examine ! the assessors' returns ,
plelt out and refer to the county commission
ers for change all Inconsistencies. In other
words this committee was to seek out and
push to correction the llagrant abuses of
which these assessors' returns It Is alleged
nroso full , and thus secure un increase lu the
assessment ,
A f tor waiting the length of time for Messrs.
Goodrich , Olson and Hush to make u start
upon their work a representative of TUB UIH :
called upon Mr. Hush yesterday morning and
inquired as to what progress the committee
wus making.
"Our committee has not done a thing , " was
the reply , * 'nor ain't going to. What can bo
done on so great n Job as that of going over
nil those assessors books by July 10. which is
the last day for making complaints I"
"Then that conference with its great lot of
talk was only n farce , waa itl" asked the re
"That's what It was simply a farce , and
nothing more in the world. It was a siUy
move , lit least so I think , but you sco the ma
jority didn't consider how short a time there
was to do the work in. "
Passing Into Comptroller Ooodrluh's ofllt-o
that gentleman was interrogated on the
"I have made an appointment to meet
Olscn on Monday , " said Mr. Goodrich , "to
do something about getting the returns of the
big corporation like the waterworks and
street car companies changed. As for any
thing less than that size wo of course won't
have time to do a thing. In order to give
people a show wo must issue notices for thorn
to appear , summon witnesses , etc. , etc. This
can't bo done in a day. "
' Why didn't you folks begin the job
earlier I"
"Don't ask mo I'm only ono of them. I
don t know why it didn't begin earlier.
The reporter happened to meet u county
commissioner and the latter , pulling out u
7 > a pei'said :
"I have some pointers hero foi that commit
tee of city oflleials who have made such a
bravo break at trying to raise the assessment
by not turning their hand over as yet. No
tice these personal tax llgurcs as given in to
the assessor. They represent in each in
stance the machinery , buildings and entire
plant of the concern :
IBS ! ) . 1RPO.
American Waterworks Co $ : ttX ( ) $ l.XB
Omaha lias C'o te.lij OO.O.Vi
Oiimha.Stivi't Hallway < 'o JCUWJ ( il.lTri
Tlmmpsoii-11. Kloutrlc UKhtCo 2,111 : ) IT.IT.'i
Omaha & I ! . It. llrldgo Co 1BK)0 ! ) L'0,000
Hammond & Co 11,1)00 ) fiXKi
Pw1ft&'o 13 , IM 12iiO :
Arimmr-duilniiy I'acdlnt ; Co. . . 20,110 J4av >
Omaha I'noklngUo 13,0.0 700 : !
Oiimlin&UmiilSinult&ltur.Co. 71.2ia WU73
' Then let this bravo council committee
lump onto the chattel-mortgage wolves in
Omaha , There are some twenty-live of them
nnd the county clerka books show they loan
nbout $ . 10.000 every month the year round ,
and yet not a fourth of them pay a penny of
taxes nor ever have. "
That tired feeling now so often heard of , is
entirely overcome by Hood's Suvsanarilla ,
Which gives mental awl bodily strength.
A Yoiinft Woman AVIio Claims to be u
AVorltl Correspondent.
A few weeks ago a spare young lady called
nt TIIU Bui : ofllco and presented a written
card bearing the name , Helen Anthony
lingers. She represented herself to be a staff
correspondent of the Now York World and
asked for all the data the newspaper oflieo
niTordcd for a write-up of the city , which she
intended to prepare fi r the World. She was
treated courteously upon her several visits ,
mid while the failure on her part to exhibit
the usual credentials was very noticeable ,
nho was given the bcnollt of the doubt nnd a
very brief personal notice In Tin : Um : . The
World-Herald gave her an extended notice
find reproduced the innocent little storv she
spun of hors > clf to the cfTcct that she was the
ouly original "Bah" who writes very breezy
feminine gosdip for the eastern press.
A week later the lady called to request a
photo of the editor , which she said was
wanted for use in a write-up of Tin : Bin ; to
bo prepared for the paper she claims to rop-
rt'sent. Mr. Hosowater was in Chicago , but
she insisted that the photo must be mulled to
Now York at once , Tlio business oillco people
llnally tlshcd one out and gave it to th'o fair
Soon after a report readied the oflleo that
'Mrs. Kogers had loft the Piixton hotel with
out paying her hill , followed by another re
port that upon being pressed she had paid it.
Lute last week Mrs. Hogers called upon the
managing editor and asked for n letter of in
troduction to Governor Thayer , stat
ing that she proposed to go to
Lincoln and interview his excellency upon
the political situation. The letter was given
her and so framed that the governor might
expect her to present credentials as a World
correspondent before granting the desired in
The lady's conduct , so far as observed in
Tin : HII : : ollico , has been above criticism , but
nt Lincoln she is said to have acted Im
prudently , going so far , the newspapers say ,
us to leave that city without paying her
hotel hills.
A reportersawheryestordnvathcrroom , 115
South Twentieth street , nnd she denied the
etories sot alloitt. A demand was iiuulo upon
her for the photo she secured through mis
representation and she turned it over to tlio
reporter , A telegram from the New York
World was received at this ollico Thursday
evening disclaiming any knowledge of Mrs.
Thousand * of Dollar *
Are spent every your by the people of this
state for worthless inciHcliiCh fur the cure of
throat and lung diseases , when wo know
that If they would only Invest * 1 In SANTA
A1111C. the now California discovery for con
sumption and kindred complaints they would
In this pleasant remedy llnd relief. It Is
recommended by ministers , physicians and
puhlloBpeakersof the Golden State. Sold and
guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co. at $1 u
bottle. Three for f.50.
The most stubborn cases of catarrh will
speedily succumb to CALIFOHNIA CAT-H
CL'HK. Six months' treatment for il. IJy
mail , ? UO.
A Shell imposed Of.
An alarm of llro was sounded from Fif
teenth and Capitol avenue at ! i:15 yesterday
morning. The largo frame dwelling. No. 1505 ,
on the uvonuo was in n blazo. The house was
occupied by Mr , A. W. Wilcox and family ,
who wore all asleep at the time the llro broke
out , Mr. Wilcox was the 11 rst to wako nnd
found the room tilled with smoke
nnd the walls hot with the lliimes , I to sprang
f nun his tied mid b.nvlv succeeded in irettluir
ills family out of the building in their night
clothes , A few small articles of clothing and
furniture were saved , but the bulk was
destroyed. The building was an
old ono and burned like tinder
the llames enveloping the whole
structure before mi alarm could bo turned In.
When the department did arrive half u dozen
streams wcro turned on ana the llutnos were
BubdiHMl as iiulcklv as they had sprung up.
The building was valued at about $ . ' ,000.
fully insured , but the owner , Mr. IJorons of
Georgia avenue , him for some time been anx
ious to have it removed. lU-lng in the tire
limit ? U w'll now bo torn down and u brick
structure erected on lu situ. Mr. Wilcox
loses WOO worth of furniture , Insured for
_ _
IMatt'H Chlorides , n Trim UNIufootiint
Au odorless liquid , very cheap and efficient.
HiilldliiK tlio Hook Islam ! With Hcv
oral Other I'cnlurcH.
Both Mr. Mlddletou nnd Mr. llolcomb any
there is absolutely no foundation for the re
port that the former contemplates resigning
rather than lo < * atcuftcr living In larger cities ,
In such n town as Cheyenne. Ho know when
the position was offered to him that his head
quarters wcro to bo moved from Omaha.
Whllo Mr. MIddlcton's headquarters will
bo ulChoyeuno after July 1 no particular date
has been fixed for opening the shops. The
probabilities are they will not bo running full
until late next fall , though u few men may be
put to work at once on light repairs.
The mechanics discharged at thoothorshopi
on account of the " > per cent reduction will , It
Is understood , bo given preference when
the company commences to biro men at Chey
enne. ,
Haifa Do/.en Contra ; tH fjot.
Contracts for grading the Hock Island's
Lincoln line hnvo been let between South
Omaha nnd the Platte Itlvcr to McCormlck
Brothers of Washington , lu. ; , r. A. Ware , St.
Louis ; T. McNcaly , St. Joseph ; H. M. King
of IJcs Moincs and William CaUahun of this
city. McNenloy's contract also t Includes a
short district beyond the river , but some portions
tions of the Lincoln end of the line have not
been located. At this end , however , the
grading is to bo pushed as rapidly as
possible. A largo force of men commenced
breaking ground yesterday In the Platte
river bottom Iwtween Springllcld and North
Bond. They have their camp at Springfield.
Other largo gangs are expected to begin op
erations the Jlrst of next week'at various
points. They will have several heavy cuts
and big tills to make , the most extensive
being in the Piipilllou valley , where a 11U a
quarter of n inllo long nnd forty-three feet
high Is required.
Supplying KniiHn * City.
The first big shipment of hogs from Omaha
to Kansas City was made Thursday. A buyer
from the Armour packing company down
there put In an appearance nt the stock yards ,
purchased thirty car loads of porkers and
started them nt 0 o'clock over the
Missouri Pacific road towards Kaw's mouth.
They reached their destination nt ' . ) o'clock
yesterday. This is not only the largest
but most Important shipment ot the kind that
has over been made.
Men to Take Their I'laocs.
The twenty-three Union Pacific nviehlnlsts
and boiler makers who struck for higher
wages at Legrand , Ore. , last Sunday nu'ra-
ing failed to gain their point. After a fruit
less olTort to compromise with them , men
to take their places were sent out yesterday
from the shops lu this city and will bo there
ready to commence work next Monday.
Whether the strikers will quietly submit to
this action is.u matter that occasions the oni
cials some apprehension.
JHokinKon'H Latest OftVr.
P. E. Her has written a strong letter to Ed
Dickinson about the now stock yards being
established at San Francisco nnd asking him
to consider an offer of the general suporln-
tendcncy. Ho thinks Mr. Dickinson is the
man they want , has so Informed Messrs.
Armour , Swift and Morris of Chicago and
advises him to see them.
Olllclnl Announcement.
The ofllcial circular appointing P. B. Whit
ney general freight agent of the Union Pa-
cille Missouri river division ; .T. V. Parker ,
assistant general freight agent to to succeed
Whitney at Kansas City , and H. A. Johnson ,
general agent of the system at San Francisco ,
was issued yesterday.
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up in largo two-ounco tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for all sores , burns ,
wounds.cnuppcu hands and all skin eruptions.
Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Aslf
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
" 5 cents per box by mail 30 cents.
They Will Probably Ho Elected
Tliis Kvenliifj.
A special meeting of the boaru of education
will bo held to-night , at which , it is
thought , the teachers for the ensuing year
will bo elected. To this meeting the report
of the committee on teachers aud text-books
will bo mado.
This committee met last Wednesday
night and considered the teachers for
next , year. It also considered the objections
of mombars to several of the teachers now on
the roll. In nearly every instance these ob
jections were respected and the name of the
party objected to was erased from the list.
The names so removed will not bo reported
to toight's ' meeting , and their selec
tion by the hoard must bo made ou a special
It is expected that a light is to bo made on
the selection of professor of manual traltiitig
at the high school. The professor's place has
not been an easy ono. Willie ho has been
sustained by the board , ho has , nevertheless ,
been worried by the attempts of politicians
to oust him from his position. "There
is n man at work now mimed Wigmaii , "
said a member ot the board "who wants Mr.
Bumunif s place , hut I don't think ho will
got it. The position is not to bo in the gift
of politicians , but rather to bo bestowed upon
men who are ouaiifled for the position. Such
a man I consider Mr. Bumunn. Such a man
ho is considered by ninny of the members ,
though some of them and especially some of
the Incoming members , who are politicians
from the word go , want Mr. Buntann ro-
moved. He has only done his duty and has
done it well and .there Is no reason why ho
should uo discharged. Anvmuii who witnessed
the display made by his class last week
in Tint Bui : building must have noticed the
excellence of the work which of itself "spoke
more loudly of Mr. Bumann's competency
than his enemies can speak in crying him
down. "
The selection of a superintendent will not
take place till the third Monday In .July.
There are half n do-sen applicants for the
pluco though Mr. James seems to bo iu the
SIllcs * Ncrvo and Liver Pills.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
euro bllllousness , bail tusto , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest , yo doses for i"i cents. Samples free
utKuhn & Co.'s IC'thnnd Douglas.
Ho Bee-omen the Owner of tlio Creston -
ton , In. , Waterworks
Mr. J. C. Hogan , who , by n recent transfer
made to htm by the other sto'okholdcrs of the
Creston city guarantee waterworks company ,
had become the solo ownerof the 12500 shares
comprising nil the capital stock , has sold the
corporate rights franchise and material of all
kinds belonging to the company to Mr. David
Sopor of Sopor , Wells & Co. of Omaha and
Chicago , and transferred to him the bonds
issued by the city of Creston In aid of the
Mr. Super has nmplo moans nnd all the
financial backing required to complete the
works us originally planned and will increase
the force of men now employed and carry out
all agreements entered Into by the old stock
holders ,
A very largo amount of work has already
been done on the plant and material Is nt
hand to finish In accordance with the plans
and specifications , so that there will be no
further delay hi furnishing the oltUcns of
this city In prohibition Iowa with their ono
great need , an unfailing supply of pure
wholesome water.
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free 'at Kulm &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
St. Cathorluo'fl.
The graduating exorcises o'f St. Catherine's
academy , Eighteenth mid Cass streets , called
out n largo attendance of patrons and friends.
The chnpcl had boon handsomely decorated
with flowers and projcntod an nppoaaaiico
well worthy of the auspicious occasion.
A long , Yilrlotl aud unusually Interesting
programme presented musio and essays which
were of a yory superior order.
Mho awarding of lloral houon to the yo\mg
ladles who had their names Inscribed upon
the tablet of honor resulted as follows ;
First honors awarded to Misses Clara Van
C'nuip , Kllzn Tnicey , I.U/.lo MiKcnli ; < , Marxa-
ri't I'crkltiK , Margnrctta Comrimi. K'ntlo Co -
prove , Mary Krunrcr , Mitmlo O'.Mulley , Mary
O'Dea , Mary MeHlmno.
Hucoud honors awarded to Misses Margarita
Unit ) , Maud Iteuhler , Manila MravockMamlo ( !
Cnlcinan , Anna Iiyiiinn.Jciinlu IturhnaiiAnita ,
Keller. Mamie Keller , Annie Sullivan , Kthel
( JrndtmtlngfltiwOold crosses nnd laurels
awarded to MKsos Clara Van Camp , Llzzlu
MuKenzle , Hll/.a Traroy , Margaret rurklns ,
Mnrnnruttii Cotgrovo , Kitella tihano.
Uolil mcdiilH uwiirdoil to thuyoun ? ladle *
who have distinguished thumsalvus In the fol
lowing branches :
Music Miss Clara Van Camp.
Mathematics Miss Mzzlo MolConzlo.
Composition Miss Margaret I'erklns.
Penmanship Miss Kllza Tracoy.
Elocution Miss Margaretta Coszrovo.
Application to Study Kstclla Shane.
Valedictory Above the Clouds
Miss Olnru Van Camp
Hcsponso Uunoath tlio Shadows
! Miss Llzxlo Dwyer
At the conclusion of the exercises "Paulino
or the Discarded Orphan , " was presented lu
two acts , all the characters being sustained
with credit.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dvspcpsln , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Allies' Nervine. Samples free at Kuliu &
Co.'s , 13th and Douglas.
Additional Kespon.sos to the Appeal
From tlio Tornado SufTororrt.
Hemittancos in any amount sent to this
ofllco will bo acknowledged through our col
umns from day to day.
The subscriptions so far received by TUB
B HI : are as follows :
Previously reported. ' . . . . . . $3M.U (
St. Paiil'd church. Olarksvllle 2 ( M
lion. Henry Sprlck. lllalr 10 00
! ' . A. , Omnliu. a UO
Total W > 7.00
A Call for a { Meeting ol'tlio Uepubll-
can County Central Committee.
The republican county central committee
for Douglas county is hereby called to meet
nt the committee room , Mlllard hotel , on
Saturday , Juno 23 , 1800 , ! ! p. in. , sharp , for
the purpose of considering the call of the
.stnto central committee for a convention , aud
such other business as may come before It.
Mosis : P. O\Biiii.v : , Vice Chairman.
Pears' ft the purest and best soap ever made
Musluat llanscoin Park.
The band concerts commenced two weeks
ago at Hunscom park are proving highly
popular. The third concert of the series will
be given this afternoon by the Musical
Union band under the management of Julius
Meyer and the direction of Harry T. Irvine.
The following programme will bo rendered :
March To A mis If ohm
Overture The Jolly Itobbcrs Suppo
tlavotto Tim Klrst HeartThrobs..Kllenlirrg
Selection Olivette Audran
Potpourri Musical Jokes ITiitiini
Waltz I In unt ing Kyo.s Tobanl
Medley The Musical 1'ow-Wow lleyor
Tempo dl Marela1'nsslm ; Koglniont..Covcrly
TAUT in.
Overture Berlin CVmradl
Duct IJook-a-Hye-Iluby Cannliiir
Suli'ul Ion Mrniln lo Jtikobowckl
March Medley Musicians' Koverlo Uoyer
The Musical Union will give grand concerts
nt Hunscom park every Saturday from 4 p.
in. until T :30 : and Sunday from 2 : UO to 0 p. m.
Merchants' hotolOmihu. : $2 to $3 per
day. Nat.Browni > roprIra P.Higby.myr.
William F. Bcchcl , Dudly Evans nnd
Auiadoro Andrews , who attended the district
convention ot the Express Insurance associa
tion at Kansas City , returned homo yes
terday. They say that the mooting was en
tirely devoid of special features. The pro
ceedings were coiiliued to routine business ,
the selection of tin executive committee , and
election of ofllccrs. Mr. Bccliol also attended ,
before reaching Kansas City , the National
association convention at Louisville.
Ilorsl'ord's Acid I'liosplintc
For Sunstroke.
It relieves the prostration and nervous de
rangement. _
A Furnishing Factory.
An effort is being made in this city to or
ganize n stock company for the manufacture
of material for the interior finishing of build
ings , polishing woods and furniture. Those
intcrostoJ are young business men , Frederick
Hammond among others , and they are now
looking for inducements to establish a factory
in Omaha. They have informed Secretary
Nason of the board of trade that within a
short time after starting they will employ
from sixty to two hundred men.
Mrs. Winslcw's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething softens the gums and allays all
pain.3 cents u bottle.
Ho Settled.
J. 1C. Brown was a guest at tto Pitxton and
subsequently at the Hotel Scavoy as the
result of nn attempt to beat a board bill. The
affair was settled before the case was called
and the I'lucton people refused to prosecute ,
Judtro Helsley took occasion to remark that
his business was not the collection of board
bills but-tho administration of justice. If
criminals wore not to bo prosecuted they
should not bo arrested.
The Viaduct llnpnlrod.
The work of repairing the Eleventh
street viaduct has finally been completed , and
Mr. Balcombo says the cost will figure up
nbout $ .100. Ho also added that the structure
would have to bo entirely repaired within u
Second Ward Kopublican.s.
The republicans of this ward will hold n
regular meeting at Kaspar's ' hall South Thir
teenth , next Saturday evening. Every re
publican Is earnestly requested to bo present.
Mattel's of importance will be brought be
fore the meeting.
ItssiiporloroxcollancoproToa In millions of homos
formorotbMiniiiartorof ( | contiirjr. U H u oJ pir
the United SUitei ( iovenrnant. Kndorsoil by the
huadiof thn unlvoriltlof. in the HtronKOst ,
Purest uinliloit llualthful. llr. I'rlco'a Oroam llak >
Inttl'uwdur. does not contain nuimonla , lluiu or
alum , bold onljr In cnn > . . . .
I'lllCK IIAKIN" I'OWDKIl CO. , . .
Now York Cblcuo. : 8m Krunclioj , St.LouU
"nr n thorough kmmledgu of the naturM lairs
whlcli k'overnihooperallohjof JUestlon an.l nutrl *
lion , nnd by u cnreful application uf iho dna proper-
tlci of well tvlceleil Cocoa , Mr. Uppi ha > provided our
brvakfatt Ubloi with kdolleulcl/ flavored berurugo
w lilrh war Darn u > manjr heitry dnctori' bllli , It U
\if \ tlio judicious uiuuf nucli nrtlclei of diet that a
confiltutlon inur UiBrndunll/built up until ilrunj
enough to r iti eicrr tenilenc' lo uKeaie. Hun *
dredj of lubtlo uuladlujura doatlniiaroundu > rttadr
tu attack wherx'er tliero l < n irvak polnu We roar
ejeapo iimiin fatalihaft br kevpliut our ulrcj null
furllNiHlwIili pure blond and a properly uourlthcil
Irauiv. " I'lvll rierrle * ( imutle.
Jladoiliuplr wUhbollInu wntorormllk , Sold only
In half pvunil tln , lijr iiruccrt , labolrd tliuti
IAMKS KIMN (0 ( Uoiiici'Opmhlot'homlsU ,
JautuJ Ciii 0 IX W , | LouUuu , KusluuU.
Both tlio method nnd results \vlicn
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to tlio tnsto , and nets
p ntly yet protnjitly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem eiiectunlly , dispels colds , head
aches mid fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup -of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptuhjo to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , ita
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil nnd hnvo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for nny ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Habitual Ccstiveness
cmi'r.i < lcrniiprmpiit ; of the entire system ,
1'rrnoni nf rcntlva liublt nru suljcct to JIwul-
nclio , Doffctlvo Memory , Gloomy Forchod-
liiKS NervoiMiicBi , 1'c'Vors , Drowsiness , Irrl-
tiililo Temper and ether symptoms , which
unfits the HiiU'orer for ImsInemoriiRrceiihlo
nuiochitlons. Itt-gular hahltof l > oily iilono
call correct those ovlls , nnd nothing BUG-
cueils HO well In anhlciiiiR this comlltion us
Tutl's I'llls. Ily their use not only is the
nystemrenovuted , Ijutlncouscquencoof the ,
luirmonloiiA changes thus created , there
mrvaden iv feeling of fiitlBfnctlili : ; tliomen-
} al faculties iierffiriu their functions with
Vivacity , nml tliero If an exliilimitlini of
iiilmlnncl burly , nnitperfeotlu'nrt'ii rasa tlmt
bespeaks tlio full enjoyment of health.
Tutt's Liver Pills
MA I-- . Tin : GUI : AT i uAbg MARK
inv. : , An unfnll-
InKcure forSem-
liiul Weakncsj ,
8 pcrmatorrluca ,
Impotency , nml
nil diseases tlmt
follow na a se
quence of Pelf-
.nl > uc ! ns Loss '
of Memory. Unl-
ftrnos T vlllrJ versalljisslturte ,
I'nln In the Hack , Dimness of Vision , I'rcmnture OM
Ape , nml mnny other Uhoases that lead to Insanity
or consumption niiJ a iircoiaturoitnivc.
rZTKull partlciilnnln our pnmphlot , whlchwo iln-
plro toscnit free by iimjl to every one. fif The Spe-
cltlo meillclno Is solilnt fl pur pncknue , or six pack-
nces for M , or will bo sent free by mnll on the receipt
of the money , bjr ndilresilne
1110 FAUN-AM STIUSKT , - OMAHA , Nicn.
On nccount of counterfeits .we hnvo adopted the
yellow wrnpper , tlio only gcmilno.
la nlmoltitclil pure anil
U i * soluble. *
No Chemicals
are u'Cil In Its preparation. It has nion
than three timet the itrenytk of Cocoa
inixcJ wltli Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
nnd Is tlicrtfora far niora economical ,
eoitiny Ictt than ant cent a etip. It It
dcllcluui , nourUhliij ? , itrcnfithcniii ! ? , Ki-
MI.Y ] ) lOF.6TM > taiul ailiulnbly mlaftcU
for Invalldi ai veil 01 pcnona Iu health.
Sold byCrorcrs c\eryi > hcrc *
BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass ,
Extract of Beef.
Makes the purest , cheapest nnd best lleof Tea
Finest incut lluvoring stuck fop Soups.
Sauces anil Made Dishes.
One poundof K.xlnict of Ilecf cqnnlto forty pounds
of loan Loaf , or the value of ubout JT.5U.
GOD nine only with
Justus von Licblfj's
Bignnluro as shown
On nccount of our largo
nnd incroaainR Prnotico ,
wo have REMOVED to
inoro epncious nnd con
venient olliccs.
2Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha. Neb.
J JffcftBEW
. , , ,
' The Doctor U nneurpneecd
lu the trciuini'iit of nil
form * of 1'rlvulu J/lsir.pce.
JJo treatment has over been
.jiiofueiicctsetul anil none
li'is huil 8troiiTcr ( endorse
ment , A euro la ( ; uanmtccd In the \ rryorst cnecs
Infrom.1tp6ilay wllhinttlino | of nil liour'i time.
Thofu who Imvo heen
under Inn trcnimvnt for
relieving llio hlaililcr. pronounce It u incut vvnnucr'
fill uuccess , A couiplcto cure In a few days without
niii. Inn'rumcnta or losi it lino. _
I Anil all \vchk-
* s of the
timidity or nrrroupnesa , In their worst fiinim uud
most ilreuiiril rcitilU are absolutely cnruil.
AiiiLall I'KMAI.R
, : SKS curcii
at lioini ) without
Initrumcnla. A wonderfiil rcmitly. 110UUS for
laJle * frcim 2 tri 4NLV. _ )
nml all Pltraioa of the Skin ,
lllood , Heart , l.lvcr. Kid-
nejs nn < l llliulder mrwl.
C'uri'il In SOto tOdiiyn. The
most rapid , fnfo niul effort-
lie treatment Known t the
medical profession. Every Iniro ct llio OUemu re-
nintctl from llio bloodtncompK to cure guaranteed.
B9 fk A tf f > For "man" or "woman" , each ICc
i ( itamp * ) , Trentmi'iit by rorrc-
Bnonuenco Htump for reply
Open from 8 A , .M to 0 1' M ,
' Kutrancn on Farnam or HUi bU ,
Will be offered this week in our Boys' Department , we are deter
mined to close out our entire stock of Boys' light-weight Clothing , and
will have a grand unloading sale -which it-will pay you to attend.
Boys' blue flannel Sailor Suits , with nicely embroidered collar , at 6oc ; sold every where
at $1.25 , sizes from 4 to 10.
Knee Pant Suits of good all wool cassimcre , in neat checks , pleated coat and nicely made
up , at $225 ; worth $3.00.
One lot excellent Cheviot Suits of a nice light plaid , is marked $2.50 ; the suit is worth
fully $4. 50.
The grandest bargain we offer is a lot of very fine all wool Cheviot Suits , very stylish and
well made , which we have marked down to $2.90. The suit is cheap at $5.
In long pant suits we have also several large lots , which have been marked down very low
to insure quick clearance.
One lot Boys'Suits , sizes 14 to 18 , of strictly all wool cassimere , in two different pat
terns , both very neat , these we offer at $4.60. It is a good working as well as a good wearing
suit , and no young man need be ashamed to wear one. You have many times paid $10- for a
suit of the same quality of goods. *
Another lot of fine Silk'Mixed Cassimere Suits for Boys , sizes 14 to 18 , is offered at $6.
The suit is worth fully double. '
We are headquarters on Knee Pants. Every mother knows that she can buy Knee .Pants
of us for less money than she will have to pay for the cloth in the garment , and she don't have to
spend time to sew them over or mend them. We select for our knee pants only durable mate
rial , and have them made strong. It pays to come to us for knee pants. This season we have
an immense variety , and are well prepared for vacation.
, n . .v n cvt . .
ioo dozen-Helmets , vcntjlated , at 450.
The same qualities which hat .stores sell at 750 and $1.00.
An extraordinary opportunity will be offered this week in our Shoe Department. Wo
have just received a delayed shipment of So cases of fine light weight calf , congress and lace
Shoes , Wardwell welt , smooth innersolc , very flexible and easy shoes for the summer. These
shoes ought to have been here four weeks ago and were to be sold for $3.00. In order to close
them out we have marked them $2.25. Positively $4.00 is the price which shoe stores would
charge you for such a shoe.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Sydney Smith's sugges
tion of taking off one's flesh
and sitting down in one's
bones , was made before the
days of modern improv-
ments. Now comfort may
be secured and good taste
not be offended by simply
donning a thin coat and vest
and a light pair of trousers.
A full supply of the same
for the heated term may be
found at
Sole Agents for Omaha
1514 Farnam Street.
Hard Wood , Very Strong and Durable -
. rable ,
Set up in Your Own Yard ,
Complete $8.50.
Slimmer Bargain Sale
Jewelers and Silversmiths ,
Bargains in Bargains in Watches.
Xlckel wntclioi from f'.fifl upwards.
Hllvor wnlelir * from $ . " > upwards.
Diamonds. l.adlin'Ki'1'l ' w.ttcliei from $1.1 iliwnnK |
( Jeiitleiiien ° 8'iild watches Iroin (26 upwiirds.
Diamon from 52 . 'fl iiiiwardd. Bargains in Jcwelcry.
Din n mm ! cuirar linttoiH fri m $3 upwards ,
Dial ! [ uiful fearf plus from Kt upwards , Wu carry n full line of jowclory Including
Ulan iioml cutr buttons from $ ( upwards. Ijoth solid Kohl mid llnu rolled platu rlnns ,
Diamond utmla from $7.,0 upward * . pins , eiirrlnua , lockets , chain * , bracelet * ,
Dlnii lund lue ; pint from HUupwariK necklaces , cull and collar buttons , i tc. Ar
Dlau iioml ear rlnt's frdinf lupnnnlH. . ticles actually worth H wo sell at Ko to 7fic ,
Diamond bracelets tromt-l. * upwards. and all oilier Koods aru sold at the same pru *
Diamond pendants from V-5 uitwaidd. portion. Heu our uliow windows. Hco our
Dliimund necklaces froniM'J upwards. LnrfMln prices.
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
at Reasonable Prices.
Greatly Reduced Prices on Silverware , Clocks , Lamps ,
Umbrellas , Optical Goods , Ejc. :
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banlttng Co. , Concessionaries.
Will tnl < o plactf In publla at tlio OITY OK JUAR13X ( formerly 1'aso del Norto ) , Moxloa
Onclor the personal suporvisfon ol GEN. JOHN S. MOSBY , ami MU-OAMILO
the former a gentleman of nnch prnmlnoncn In the United States that his iiresonoo aloiio U
sufficient itiiaranteo to the publlu that tlio ilrawluiM will bo hold with strict honesty nml 'ulr-
ncss to all , mill the latter ( the Supervisor of the Aluxiouu Government U of oijual uUuUlu
und Integrity.
Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! Only 6OOOO TicketsI
1 Trize of $60,000 , $60,000 , 100 I'rltoi of Approilmritlon I m imch Prlzoi.
-'rlioof ioimo 10.000 1UJ I'rlioi of . ' ) oitch 8.0J9
1 - 1'rliuor 6.IXKI WHJU 10U rrlim of i-'i uiich. 2.WJ
B I'rizo. of l.UJU eich 3.UO Prlzo ,
10 I'rlzcs of 2U ) ench 2U KiOTermlnali to tM.UU I'rlto of tii each. . . . 111,090
60 I'rUoJOf IU ) each 6.UJO ( MTermliml-i to llu.WJ t'rlto of 111) ) each. . . . * , r ? >
IU ) I'rUcs of U , each t > .U
2M l > rltv of W filth 7WJ | Prlzos amounting to $126,070
Wo tlio undcralnnoit liorolir certify Hint the llnnco If nnr tlcknt drnwlnx nprlin l iiont tothoiinlar-
Nnclonnl nf Mexico In Clilhiinliim lmi oil deposit Htaiwt , iu fiiru Tiilun will hrj ciilloctuJ niiJ rutulihii
from the .Muxlcun liiluriiiillunal llnukhiK CompanTi to tliooivnor Uiuroof fruo at clinruH.
the nvcosiifiry funds toeunrnntcu tlio payment of nil KKllAlt II. lliio.viov.
tlio prltoi drown In the ( iiaixl Ixjttory of Junrut. 1'rcaldcnt Kl l'n i > Nulloniil llnnlc , r.l rain. Toe.
Wofurtlierci'iilfy thutwo wllliuivrtlioall tlionrAClliNTU WANTliU.
rnnncmi > iit3 , nnd In prr on nmn.'i o nml control all For club ratei , or nnr otlior Information , wrllo t
UiuilnwInKiiot thli Imetnml tlmt Ilia i > ninu nru the unitordKnoil , utiitliiit your mli1ru elunrly , wltlj
.concluded with Inmoitjr. fnlniuij uml lu L'ooJ faith rltato , Countjr , Ulrout nii'l ' Nuinbur. Mora rniilil mtll
townrdi nil ii.irtlc-ii. ilvllvi'rr will bo nmiirod lu jour cncloiln * an uiirol-
JOIIN S. MOSnV , Cninmlsstonor. opulmarliiKroiir full ft'Mrosi.
Onpcrvltoi- the Uovuriimont. I ' Olty of Juaroi , Muxlco.
rvTOTICE S < 'li'l rrmlttanccs fortlckoH ly ) ordinary letter , oontiilnlns Monuy Onion
I-N vJ. . i N-IJ-I. issut'd by nil Kxpress Uoinuuiilus. Now York Exghunau , llaiilt Uruftor 1'oatjJ
Note. Address all ic'iflstcreel letters to ,
Olty ofJuarez. . Mexico , via lill Paso , Tax.