[ HE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Sfewa of the Day Not Positive and the Wheat Market Locked Snap , CORN TRADE ALMOST FEATURELESS , Jain Duller tlmu for Jinny I'rovlnlotiH In n Moot ! 'I lie Cattle Market It * Overstocked. CmrAoo , .TuiicS ? . ( "pcclnl TolPRr-im to Tnr. IlrK.1 Tlio wheat market today did not Imvo mncli simp to It. Hhortf wlm wore In nny dan- Krr In July covered yesterday Tlio miirkot wnsdo well unstained to tlio close thnt thcro wns n t eat deal of fresh short KcllliiK In tlio otlior months v , Ithout causing tiny serious setback back from the top prices. This morning found the Undo yor/ largely bearish. Homo were bearish b _ cause short ol thu market nnil otli trs were bo irlsh on tlio conditions reported. The fact that llutchlnson was doing but little ft thu tnarkot without n leader. The now * of the day wiis not i > osltl\o onoiiKli to cailso tiny Hhnrp action cither way. Thohull points wcro ! rinner cubits , un ottkd weather In England and tlio continent giving rise to hotter feeling. A few bad crop dispatches from particular spots In Dakota , reports of twcho boatloads fresh expert - port business nt Now Viirk. closing cables 'I penny tiion Cnllfornla fntutcs , and talk of JCO.OOO bushels workul In this maiket forex- Iioit. On the hear ftldo was tlio short Interest mentioned playing for a decline or cess ithm of rains anil most CM client weather cviiry- heto. good spring winit prospects and Inllii- cni'o of new whenl beginning tiicomu In fieely at SI. I.ouls and Ilalllniorc. The m.irkot in nl no tlmocry binuil or strong and at no tlmo M'iy weak. It WHS up and down and MMlpc.iH unroln and out. July Mild NiVii * to HVfo to WiO to S't\a to M''E.fiGo ' to Kl',4r ; up to 1 o'clock August W7.o to Wi { ( ) to M'ie ' to WKJ to 8iJe ( ; heptemlier , fi"i ! to 8To to 87' ie to Ml'ie to KP < o { Decenibi-rsolil fi.il { ' tohf-c to 8 'iu ' to H7' e to hM"c hu.it was unsettled but we ik to thu rloio. The last prices were : Junu Wic , July fcT'iiAuKiistbO'iU. ' . fauptumbor bO'.o and De- The corn market was featureless most of tlio " lay. Shortly befoio the close theio was homo v iri'o taking of July which causer that month > U > close a fraction higher , whllo the other tjbnlh'i clH d about steady. The receipts were , usoxix'Cleil. . ' < ( ) cats ; out Inspection was ll/ht nt IM.OM bushels , bhlpments weio far below the uACingu at 2IO.UO ) bushels. The Atlantic ports cleared only Ifi."iOM bushels The first pi Ices were iinolinnved and the r.irly trading resulted In n slight decllno. on excellent growing weather tncrtho corn belt. July hold IllUe toDI'ic and on l-itcr bny- IHIcloscif Ht.'ll\c ; .limn was \lo \ under July all day ; August : ) ) ' ( ( { ! .Cic. closing at M\ & : L'K'hid ; Hcpteinber sold at Il'i c .ind closed at avio ; October .IGu and M\a to .JCJSu at the The oats market was the dullest for iiiany weeks. The evtremo tango for the day for any month was 'te and the closing pikes were thus'imo imyi'sloidny. July 27Se early and 27\Ic to the close ; August % 'JB to 'Miu to the close ; Hnptember'JiPaC to'.ll'ne ' to 2T > lic toSh'sO ' to thu close. No crop news of Importinto wiis repoittd. The provision trade w.is ghcn up tochang- lnic today. There was a general getting out of .Inly and getting Into September 'Jhls was especially tine In ribs. On the whole all mounds weio enslei , pork oNCcpted , and tli.it does not act mulct thu iiatnr.il eon- tloim. Jnl > poik sold oil toil. ' . V , and reco\- cied to fI..TO on light tr.idlng ; August pork was up toil'lOu-irly ( and Intel old at tl..Vi , \\lth Sejitember at 81. ' 10 ; laid was smply2ljc lower for .luli at $ . " > 7-"i anilhepteniber.it f.'iHT'i. 'I ho most notleeablo tr.iillii ' of the day was the hi .ivy selllmr of September Mils by Slllx ihoin nnifthe moderato belling of the i Eamo by llutchlnson. C7//6' . 1 ( i It / / 1 1 'K S TO UK. Cnunon Juno 27 [ Special Tulegr.im to THE Itin : 1 CUrrr.i : lluslnoss was only moderate and thure ns too ninny cattle foi Trlilay , as Is always the case when the market Is o\er- stocked , The best steers sold lint ami nt about steady prices hut anything not tlist- cl.tss was hard to sell uven at subsl.intl.il con- costons. Common stoelv , was left to the last find dragged along all day. Thu Ihsl teports ga\u It out theio were no TUMIIIS amoiw the arrivals , hut later on the ntinbcr fur the day y vns placed nt 2,500. The demand > \ as slow and . prices about the simu ns yesteiday. There wcro alaigo numbei of Toxnsu thus thu piist day or two , with prices ilonn to the low watei m.iik. NatlMi liutehers' stock was uiiLhaiiKed. Theru was a llttht biislm In Iho stockur and feeder lino. C'holruheuM" ) , $ l.fKb4.7U ( ; medium to good steers. l.BO : to I.MKI His ! lOOI.'O ; l.UOO to I.TiOlbs.J I 'K > U4 . < ) ; UV ) to l..MlllS.t.riO4.fl ( ) ! ( ; Mockers and fei ders 8J. IXJJM ) : cows , hulls and mixed , $1 liVff-l" ' ) ; bulk , g.V.l > Q3.1U ; sloj- | fid steers. JldoailO ; Texas giatsuis. tl.Mft .TJ' , , corn-fed steers , ? J.uaJT.1 ; cows , Jl 50 ® O ' \ lions I'rlees underwent another down-turn of fiiMUo , thu geneial miuUet closing we. ik at f.lVKP , ! ) foi mlxid and lii.V3ITU for he ivy A few f.inov he ivysold o irli at fl'"il HJ'j ; light Mirls , SI TiXQtl.T.'i. A huge number will hi , carried o\er and a big uin for baturday Is looked foi tomonow. Nnw YOIIK. Juno 27. f-peolil Tolosnin to Tun lluiSiocks : An additional feature of dullness was app mint In stouics this morning This nas a distinct dci'ieaso In tiadlng In n n- llHlcd stocks. Anothui and outside Inlliicneo was foil In thohinio dlii'ctlon , The autlon of Dank of Rutland In adxMnutni ; Its rate the close \\orklng of inonuy gonurally aliroulhas diminished the Diiiopoan orders In Aniork'ansecniltlos Still thuio wns a llt- tlo llnrry of aetlvlty Just at Iho opening , but It was marked by a geneial wo ikiiuss , and the Uist pilces as n inlo were from ! B to fj PIT cent lower than the clnsln ; flKiues of last uNunlnghllo t'hle.iKo Has was 7 , lower and I.oulsIllo & Nashvlllo W.IH thoi'vcopllon. with a aln of " pi'i cent atM The iloun\Miril miMctnunl wont but llltlo faither , as n llrni to stioni ; tone WIIH de veloped almost Immediately and pileus weie FOOII lifted iibimt thoioof tlii > oiunlnK | , ul- tlioiii-'li the chalices In ( inotatloiis wuro as usual \ery slight. Ohlciuo ( .as uus the most prominent fuattlie of Iho marki't , and attur riitltlnj' p > ir ecnt further to fiHj , It ronot d 1oi % Imforo Iho oiid of Iho hour Kuidln , AtuhKon , Iouls > Illo A. Nasln Illo and he. 1'iiul were the novt most aetl\o slocks , lint theli ( Inctnatlons uiie Kcneially InslKnllluant The maikot showed Incri'iisul siiun th In the last fo\v minutes , Ulilcnco Oas rlslm ; to .Vi1 , ' and at II o'clock U was dull but st ton J. At this houi dlspatuhos fiom ( Jhl- riiRo pndlctod thn llnal seltli'inuntof nil lltl- giuliin inorOhlc.iKo ( ! as trust and the dls- iharKO of the n-u'hor uci'iilly iipimlnted This llfli'd that siwiirlty to5S liol'uro tildday biiKar rosfl from 70 toTI1 * . IteadliiR niso to ifiSe , hut the rest of the list romatm-d dull at about the olusliu HKUIOS jciUnday The Htocli market rceelx i'il no further linpi't us after ] 'oYlook and there was a Kimeini fallliii ; olT fiiim prk'os at that hour t'hluiiKodas hold up well on the continuation of a coinpromlbO of HHiilt iittuliiHt the ttiist iiiulr < ittiir ! ulosed just us It did jejiterday , at7ul { . Vanderhllt shares \u < ro weak \\lth Canada Sontlii'iu cir 1 p r i'4'iit. Vllhud Htouks wore weak also with Not them 1'aelllu common H loner. Uraium fitooKsveroM'i lower. Coal stocks cloned uteady. The following were the closing quolatlom i : .1I.IKKKTS. CitiCAdo , Juno S7 li5 p. 111. cloio WUoat Quint ! o.ili , M'IOI July , Ki'io. Utiru Stuudyt ( . usli.ailtu ; July , tUs-Sti > ail ) ( cusli.SJ'iU ! July , S7 Itvo bti'iuh : liKilDUo. llurlov cjuli't. I'ruuo riniutiiy II.JI , \\hMkv-ti en. rorU-Ouhni cash. H.VI ; July. 112G5. l.urit-Diiilj cash. t\70 ; July.70. . I'lour Mcady ; doalerH usked ( I.M95.2J for jmti'tiu In burrols , .i.'J.ft.l.75 for bukurs , I.17.VJJI.J3 for htiuUlit , aim fMOtfl 00 for win- PrtivlslousShoulder * IVOMM.IOj short clear. 15. ifrdM3 ; vhort ribs , f I.Uiii-S W. JJutter Quloti creamery , U015 | dairy , full cr0nm oliodilnM nnd Milt * . 7i4ai'.oioilii | ? Atnork , 7' HVc. Ktf l.nMiT. froMi 10 Mle. "alteil bulls : „ ; green -tilted calf.AUIn't ) dry nint , rw > ,7n ! dry silted hides , net dry calf , wt 't de icon * . 2Jj c it'll. Tallow-rnphniigedi packed , 4VftlUC ! No. 2 , 3'it1 ' ! cake. 4 ie. HoPploH. Phlpm'ts. Dour 4. ( 1 : i.ooo Wheat ( iHJ ( n.rcjO Corn 147,001 20'MkX ) Oats . . lo-ioo ) : 7.010 KANSAq OITV. June27. Wheat lllgliorNo. ; 2 hard , cash. 747Pc ; July. T'l'J'TJT'lHc , < 'orn-No. y. cnub , 28' < e ; Julyffio. Oats-Iowcr ; No. 2 , cnsii , 24o asked. Nt.w VoiK.Jiinu27.-Whr > nt--Kccelpt . 10MW bllshrls : exports , .V.OUO bushels : spot dull , weak ! No.2 red. ( ' , ( In elevator ; Hl'tOaiUc , nllont : d.l'jftn.vic ' f ob ; options , dull , lowur ; No 2 red. June , ftt'.c. Corn Receipts. 1VI000 busliols ; oxporK jfin.000 bushels ; spot fairly actlxe ; No. 2. 41 ® 1140 In elevator ; 4IS'iM. ij tilloat ; ungraded mixed. 4oai.'Uo ; options dull steady. O its Hecelpts , W.IK } ) bushels ; export' , 2V (00 ; HMit | unchained ; options dull llrmcr. Juno tl c. July : r.l , i. ' : spot No. 2 xvhllo J.VS.WCI mixed western , .tMJJl'ic. ColTeo OptloiM closed steady. 10 to 20o points down Hales ; 4S,7Vbas ) ; Juno. 117.00 ® 17 10 ; Inly , JIO OOS10 75 ; spot rlo quiet ; fair car goes tjo.tw. hngar Uawdull Rtcadvircflned ( [ iilet.sto.idy fair rellnlng , 4 > { c ceiitriruials l li-st , ftSc ; A , 4' . < < rcwhitextra ; A , . * VifcVic : oir A , ! > Mto\ \ . ( Mil loaf , O'jc ; powdered , 11-10 ; granulated , Pctroloum-Kasler ; United closed for July at Ml'jc. K irs Quiet , steady ; western. 14'jc. Pork l.asy ; IIIP S. { 1I2. " > 7M ( .7,1. l.'ird I iwcrvesteru ; SS-OPi * llutter Oulet. i ither easy , Rlaln , ICHc ; western dalrx , ft'Jilli1 ! iieamery , f3dc. \ . Oncese Lower ; x estern 7fflsc , ST. Iioum. Jitnn .T. Whc.it Closed lower ; cash. M * c ; July. 8lt > (3tl1ic. ( . t'orn Illghei ; cash , .cic ; Jnlv. 'O'ic. O.its rirm ; cash , 2sc ) ; July . 'iC. Pork-Dull atfll.V ) I.ard Nominal at WOO. xVhlsky-Hlo.uly at il.OO. IlnttPr-Unchanged ; dairy , II311"ic ; cream- cry , II'K ! ; . MlVNR\i > oM4.Juiio 27. S imp lo wheat firm. ItecelpN , 02 ears , slilpmi-nts , , CJ cats. Closing : No. 1 hard , Juno and July , 8l'con ; track , 87e ; No. I northern , June and July , yo ; on tr.ickbl14o ; No. 2 northern , Juno and July , 7bc ; on track , 78tW9c. Mtt.WAUiCKK. Juno 27. Wheifc E.isy ; No. 2 sprlui ; , c.isi. | H.yas.i' I ' { ( : ; July , H..o. Com- Hte.uly ; No. II , Xii. ) ats-Qulet ; No. 2 while , 23JJC. ' ' ' ' ' llarloy Acl'l'v''No.l24S4" ) ; . Provisions rirmcr ; pork. $1165 Ct > ri. > NATi , Juno 27. Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2 led , * * ie. Com Strong ; > o , 2 mlxod. 39l5c. O ils-Htioiu ; No. 2 mixed , Jl'/jo \XhlsUj Jl.d" ! . Juno 27. Wheat rirm , dcm.ind pool ; lioiiiDisoiii'r4p irniKiy. Corn Firm ! demand p > or. ClUCAOO. Juno 27 Oittlo-no olpts. OOll ! market slow , steady ; stcors and leo\e ) , $ .1)0 W4.70 ; stoc'kois and feeders. JJ fig. ! ; eows , hulls and mUcd , $1 253)25 ) ; Tov.is steers , Ji.I)3 ) ® -i r . Ilo s Rpoolpts , 220)0 ; market slow ; lower ; mixed , MV ) ® . ' ) 70 ; heavy nnd llrfht , * . ) .JOSJ.7o ; skips , | ( ) ® . r felioep-Kocolpts , 0,000 ; rinrkct dull , ehudo lowei ; nntlM-s. t-l30QT > ' it Texans , M.'Jd ® ! 00 ; lambs , fi oofU75. far. Iiouis. Juno -Cattle Iteeclpts , l.fKX ) ; shipments , 1,7IK ) ; maiket steady ; stiuis , 14(10 ( < itl.,0stocki : > rs and fueders. lJ.7i > 2-l.8."i ; Indians and Texans , ? . ' liO'SH TO. HiUs-KeeoIpts , l. l ; shipments , 2,401 ! mar ket slow ; hei\y. * irJtl.7"i ; paukliu B fades , $ 1 Vrtfc 1 < r > ! lUht , J3 m ® ! 70. KANSAS CITV , June 2r. C.ittle Kccelpts , 0,0Xi ) slilinpiits | , 1 .tJO ; m.uUet lower ; steeis , g.i.'MQrl.'iJ ; stoclcers and fetdurs , , $ J.xi ( © 17. > lion's -Kocclpts. 11,000 ! shlpniPnts 100 ; jnir- lour ; .ill guides , JJ. ' toil 00 : bulk , t'M/ttZSi'f. ' OSl.ltl.l If I'll STOL'lf. Cattlu. I'rld.iy , June 27. Estimated receipts of cattln l.W. compired with l.O"isteiday and 7. > S I'rld.iv of last wie' < . Tlomtiket opene't ' f ) ow at d s i cltiK anlwisl el "slluousliout. walis woiomado it llsur s nut inn tei hilly v.irjln f n in ji'ster- dav s TliKiin.illty w.is u in iion. A | in 1 > , ids of il"r ! ililn bteurs mil iho choicest of the di)7ui lots of ID..S weio plc'Uedii | nt aliont stc ulj inkus , but liu\eis woio I u t'i ul.ir and carefully MII till . ill otliets if they did not cut them a S'I.K ' o olV Tlio best Jjeders uiu iieth o and In ( Ionian I at st-iuly prices w th Moukcrs and the pool ei ( ] mill I s of t eilers not * -i n ht after. In the l.in uago of the pens "it is a mean inaiKol. " II ( IKK. Estimated rocplpts of hois P.200. compared with U llyestuid.iv .mil 5 Ibu 1'ilduy of lust week. The maiUet opened 3 cents lower , became - came actno ut the decline , closinj ; btpiuly with all sold. K'in0'ii of pi lues was f.l , " , ® : ] ; lleht. f l4JU < iliiO ; mixed. S147Hr ) > iH ; hemy , $ .1 " ,03.1 , " . The aer.itiof the jirkes p lid w.is f I IV , , tomp.ued with W 514 yesteiday and $ J 17 1'ndaj of List wci k. Slieep. rst ( mated rcuelpts of sheen 3DO. compared wltliJ2d jestoiday and 25) ) 1'ild.iyof l.istweek. liooil muttons sell stroiiKon an actho m.iikct I'rovnlllnjj I'rlocs. The following Is a tihlo of prices pild In this in irltotfor thosr.idoof sto-k inniitliiimd : Pi line steers. I WJ to 11 > W tbs . . .fl 'J foi IJ tiood steers. K5i ! ) to H" > on * . 4 1U & I ' . ' . " > Goodstiors. 103J to UK ) ms . I hi 461.1 > Common , 101) ) ) to ll"jms . liri ® I5) ) roiiiiiinn c.innnis . 1(10 ( ft , ' DO Oidlnary to f.ili cows . 11) ft , . ' , ti Pall to BOO I cows . 1 ( k ) fi 6 > Good to eholco cows . 2.7" ) ffW-l'i Oliolco tofanoviows . . ' 01 © | ( r > T.ilr to KO xl bulls . l.7" > ffUlu Oholeo to fancy bulls . 2"i ) 6t I Y ) lilirhtstoi'keiN and fee low . 2M eilW IVi-dors 'KJtii IKHlhi . 2.01 ftlT ) I'alrtoeholco llKhtho-s . , l 44'iTi I " > J I'ali toeholco he.iv ho s . J r > 0 < fjl" I'uli to ihuliu mixed ho s . a47'actJ.525 ! ! Itiin o of 1'rlujl. _ 1(003. The following table shows the ran to of prices p ilrt forho s : I'.ilr to choice light luys . $1 42'5'i ? l . ,0 Tali to choice heavy . , ) : > l ) ( til V Kalr to tholuo niKoU . J 4741SJ 52Ji SlIt.KI' . I'l line fut slioop . 440 ( ii'i 2"i Rood fat sheep . 4 2i Si > DO Coinmon tonio.lluin shuop . . . . a M © 1-3 Comparative Table * . The followln ; t'iblo she v < tha rinifo In prices on hos ihuliu this un 1 1 ist Lowest Stiles of Ho-js. Toilav. Ycstarduy. HlKliost . JIM Illchost . . . . . $ .I5TU 1,0 weal . I 4JiJ Io\vust . J 45 Stoulc UouclpH. Oniol.il Yojtor.l iv Kstlniito 1 To luv. Oiiltlo. . M B.iri. 1,117 O.ittlo Tilo.us. 1,510 . .lOluars ti..lilt llo s , is O.IM. S.'JiX ) . . 'Jonrt , ± M .Slieep . . . Jciits , UOO 1'rluo of Ht i. Showing tlio avorio nrloj pUU f > r lull nf luiK-,011 tilt ) Iliyslll llj.ltJ t III ISIT. Hi ( . Hi ) .111 1 Cost or II ) i. Tlio folio vl n : ti'ilo ( 'lvji t'i3i.'ori55 ' out of lie ; sou tlio ilut3 < 111 ) ill 1 1 > I. lii 'In U i ; t'u OO-UD lny , ui b isii 1 ill ) in s ICM | rjnjriuil ; .lunu'J . 170 .liuiolO . a.ll'J I line , ! . II IU JunulT . I.M Junu i . : t : > Bi Jiiuuis . : i r > Jiinon . I .M ) Juno 1 1 . : i 47 Jnnuil . It .My Iiino"J . II v.1 ! Junu 7 . i. vjy Jiinuui . a.vj JilllDl ) . a M .hi nil L'I . 1(11 ( JiinolO . .1 tt .lunol'l . a MS ' " "I'll . . . aw Jiino . J5i . .iiinu'i- . aw .iiinoL'ii . a siu Junu H . a ia'i JunuS7 . a JSj ! lHHll > 4lti ( > ll ( if StOUlC.- Pln'.vlii' ; thu mi nlior or oittlu , liors mil hlii'Hliii'lit | ) by tlio luiJInj buyoH on tu- ( liiy : > in irliut : S lft .V Coniiiniiy . . . fjvj Tlio f ! H IlllllllllOIIll Oil . yjj Tlio Ainuiiir-Uiul.iliy I'uckliijUo . 41 l.i'o llnlliM'lill I . ; s Iliilnllton A , htopliun . . . n lli'iilon A , Umlonuuxl . . . . . . 411 Noli ) MurrN . , . 1 llookvrtl Diuiin . . . i lxlmiiiii : ! , V Tr.iiionii inn . , . 24 Utliurltiiyon. . . . . . I'D u o i * . The Arinotir-Oniliiliy I'uuklnj Co . 4,107 Onmhii I'uoKIng Company . ioji ; hwlfl&l'o . . . . . . 7st ) Tluitl , II. IliuniiiDiiil Co . , . U4U J. I'.NiulnoiJL Uo . 114 llrllUlu i Co. . i'17 mi tin- . Swift i.Co . . . . . , , . JO Market Mention. f'attlu slow iind R i O .7. 1'nrorof I'.ililli'ld sold hojts Hmloy Iti os ni.ti Kctuil IKMS fioin Wlsncr. Oooi o Jloiuht.idof Dnnlap marketed a oar of hoK1 * . W W. HaKei maiUcti.d trocars of hogs from I.orotto. 1'rtsldcut . N.li.ibcnek has retiuned from Chicago. I. 11. fehcoUsof York had four c.irbof hogs on the market. It.inUIn Itros. of Cambridge h id a car of c.it- tlu on tlio inaiKi't. O.V. . I.co , tlioexli'iislM' dcali'i of StouKham , caino down today with slu.usof c.utle and ono of luvs. A I ) Norllnx and J , 1' . Ilntiipliiey , of Iho ( Inn of NorllnsiS. lliimiihroy. Ilii/.nd , came In with a car oath of oattlo and hon's. HrokiMi How \\.is ri'pri'suntrd on the market by U II. DiMthi-i.u'u , ( . ' . lle.iin and 1' . J. Uleh- ardson ulth tnouutsof e.ittlo K'M. Jkssrn. M. Able .md M. and J. Goodwin , nil wi'll Itnoun stot'kmen of Council llliill's la. . \\cio .it the yards looking after bhlpments of c.ittlc. Thcro will ho an adjourned mooting of the oxt'hango h iturdny. .luno'.N , ut. I p. m , for the purpose of he uiiu the lejiott of Lommlttco on rebolutloiib appointed at the las SOUTH 03CA1IA NK\VS. of St. Atines' Sulioul. The first year of St. Aijnoa' parochial school was closed yuatauliiy with intcicsting anil apiiropii.ito services. The school was opened last September umlor the order of the Sisters of Providence with about 150 pap'.ls ' , nnd at the close of the term there weio cut oiled 2.20 pupils with an nvcniKO attondiinco of I ( Hi. Thui'ad.iy the sisters took tlio chili ] i en to Syndicate pirJc for .1 picnic. This moining hfeh mass of tlmnksxlvlni sung by the Uov Father D. W Moilarty , followed by the benediction of the blessed sacrament and siiiKliitf the to dunin. Huturnlni ; fixnn the nudltoiium the teachers and pupils assembled In St. Agnes' hall where the Hov. Father Morliutj dolivcrod a pleasing address to and dlbtnlsso.l the children Ho expressed satis faction with the lesultoftho labors and of thosUters during the youHo predicted twice as largo an al tendance next year. To thosuiprlso of visitors and to the creditor pistor , teachers and pupils , nearly all the pu pils wished to have school during the sum mer Within ft fortnight the teachers will return to St. M.iry s of the Woods , Indiana , to spend the summer and will retuni in the latter pait Of August and reopen school the llrat of Sep tember. Census BolioUni ; that the work of tha cousin enumeratoris being timpoicd with , a secret meeting of business men was held Thursday night. After many questionable doings had been discussed , it was decided to have the enumerators of ceitaln wards notified that any Illegal work would suivly bj followed by prosecutions. Stolen Garpiiutur'H Tools. Thieves made a raid on James Djvanny's place , Thlity-socoud and T streets , and car ried oft two rip saws , two cross-cut MIWS , thrco hammers , hatchet , square , til-squaro and u sin ill saw. The p illco have not been nblo to obtain any trace of thu articles or the pel petrator of the ciimo. Oai-rliMl OIV 1'i'l/os. Messrs. Henry Martin , JohnFroy , Bernini lllooni , Jacob Jojkolok , Billhw .Tetter , r J K 'gcr , John O. Daniel , Edward KUtor ami Alexander Lomni huvo roturncil fro-n Lin coln Mr Ulster was awarded second prize target throwing and eleventh prize on "go- ruethe turnen" or all-round athletics , Tlio Woodnicii'N Social. South Qmaha lodge No. 1005 , Modern Woodmen - men of America , gave a pleasant social Thurs day evening , eutcrtaliilng several snores of f i lends , Uarlieouo and 1'urmle. Evening Star lodge , No. 21 , Knights of Labor , of Omaha , will have a street parade , hold n barbecue nml Rlvo nn cntf rtnlnmcnt In HowlcjN Imll , Th\lwrliiV \ cvcnlrtp , August SI , for the boncflt of the Chrktlnn rmiroh of Al- bright. Excursion tniln1 ! Will Vw ruu from Lin cola and Council BltifK Notes Almtit the Mr and Mrs. J , W. Drown have returned to Chicago. A delegation of South Omahh loilpoNo. 100 , Independent Order of Good Templars , went , to Omaha Thursday night to vlhlt Llfo Boat lodge No. UX ) . The whole lodge \ \ ill visit the Onmhii Templars , perhaps , nt , bo next meet ing.Oood Oood Will lodiroNo.3150 , Knights of Honor. \ \ 111 hold n spsclul meeting : t the residence of Jacob Bcilstcln.Twenty-sovcnUl nnd Aimour streets , nt D o'clock Sunday afternoon. A daughter , born to Mr. tind ilri. James W. Bull ; Supstintcndcnt .Tamos II. Howe of the Anuour-Cutlahy picking company is recover ing from his illness. An appreciative audlenco greeted Miss Bess Bcllo Jcnno in the 1'resbjteilan church Thursday evening. Those present were re warded by hearing a Jlno elocutionist , who gave n good entertainment. Fred , son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Scott , who has been visiting friends nt Murray , la. , was taken very 111 nnd Mr.Scott yesterday started for Murray. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S ' "Lot mo PTproM tlio torn lotion tlmt 'Slicmimlonh * rlioulil ! , < > ri'cn by o\ory patriot of our country " ( Jen XX' T Slicrimn Theirsilau. Innn QP QH SiiLut-ihiu ullllu tjU , a I SATUKUAV .XlATlKlIi : , The ORIGINAL NEW YORK OAST In llronson lluwiinl'B ( JreiitoH Trluiiiih | , i/Sbmr7 > i n I'rcipntoil oxnctly us It wni ccn for tJ5T300 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK CITY j Ik'gulir prlcot gents nml bo o reiily XX'eibioiilny ) imc Anna Ilowlln of Clarlndii , la , A Colored Woman who is Turning White. THE A.LL STAR SHOW Hall , Dooley & Eldridge's Par lor Minstrels. Mclntyre & Heath's All Star Specialty Co. And the Carncross Quartette. Conio mid hoc stars , the kins' , the producers the originators , the fashion platus of rc- llntd black face voniudy. One Dime Admits to All. HEALINCr THROUGH FAITti IN JSUS. ! A TI1UKC WniK.S' : MISalON111 ho Con ducted by thu RBI/ / . John Hlex , Dowie and Mrs , DowiB , ( I'loin Molboiiinc , Australia ) , In the First Baptist Church , Omaha , ( Coini'p Ia\cnport and 15th btiouts ) FROM LORD'S DAY , JUNE 29TH.TO MONDAY , JULY 2IST ( SATURDAYS EXCEPTED ) EVKKY SKAT nVEUYONB WHLCOMC. Hi Ins Illhlo- , and I'.irt 5 Gospql Hymns. "Conio , for all things are now ready. " "OH HIST IS ALL. " Ii i Jlorplilno ral , ; ( C < _ _ red In lHo'4d.iri ( Kit p y 1111 cured OB J.BTCPUCNB.Libanoj'o. DOUGLAS-STREET. On account of our largo nnd incronsinff Practice , uohavo REMOVED to more spacious nnil con- \enieutoHico3. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St Omaha , Neb. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks , liascmcnt First National Rank , 000 South 13th Street , Omnhn. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $400,000 SURPLUS 000,000 Accounts of llnnks , Unnkori in ! Cent" Ion Melted. Our facilities for rOM.KCTIO.N3 nro excellent , nnil we ro-dl'count for t'nnk.ivliou ' bnlimo * . wnrrnnt It. Huston U n Iterprro City , nml balances with us from Imnka ( not IBinttil In utlisr llcscrvo Cities ) count n nrc or > e. \Vo ilrnw our own ctotun.KO on London nnil tlia Continent , nml miikc cnlilc trnniifors nnilphce money by tuUgrtiili tlirouitlioiittho United Stiitoi nml Ca-i- H'ln ' Welnvp n market for iirlnm Ilr't-c1n Investment ? ecuiltlc , nnil Invllo pro | > o ul frum Hlutcs , Coun ties nml Cllle when I'Miliut bond * Wo ilo n pcni'rid banking buMm'sn , nnil I in Ho cor- rc'pomlcnce ASA P. POTTEU. PUISIDINT. : JOS. W. WORK , C\biniii. : -roit- TliriTM\TI ! M , , Sun .NT\IIY 1)1 IllI.IOITSM . " * , KlIIM.X COMI'LAIMS LUMJ IlShA4l" * . IMPI'IIK lll.OOU. mmit. & CO. . PliniMIII TOIIS AM ) bOI.K M INUf tCTl'IIMtq , OAIA1IA NKII. . DBMB LottBrii Denver , Colo. , Capital Prize $7,500. TICKETS , no CKXTS HACII. $26,370 PAID EACH MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES Address B. F , RI10DUS , DEXIR. . - COLORADO. CAR R ' DELIVERED to eny | lire Iti II c UniUit Mtiti Alto rtprrk Itiejcle * , Saftif * r I ( * irl * Ti c > o If * One i-r more at \ \ \ 1 lc l | rirc trul L 0 I ) ilirrci from I < J M rnrrr' * 1 Hf > ; tor > 271 W Vu1i-on M ( licagi. f to t'O rn\ril J-Mid * r Hump f r rew rnla- legtii. Tbo l e * * Vt/U .i tlie 11 or Id. PHlLLOTT'S ' GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Ati-nlutivrclloblo ) , pcrfpcllynifp movt imrv. rfulftinnlo re * tlntnr known , ntvti failt.iii ( MIX , iKtflpaM tone box sultlch'Mt. Aililius t.tiS HUltd ( o , Iluirnlo , S Y. SnM liy UUODM IN DIllHJ CO. AGOODU1CH , I. iwvcr , lil Heaihorn St t'hle ijo. 'M venrV snevi'ssfnl pi.iello > . Adrlcofitu ; nopubllelty. bpci'lal f-lollltiesln many states SV D W [ I I Q (1' ' " > 1)0 ) cured In ' . ' 0 tofiO rnil lO davshy iisuof tht'iiini- \clousMtitrlc li'ini'dK ! > UiWl ) fora e.iso It will noteuio C'AtTIO.N to got. the gi'iiiilni' UMII- rdy. WiitiMii c ill mi V. < ' . Joslyn , SOU llur- ney MiLOt , Um.tlia , N Tor tlio euro of nil niHOItn1 ? 8 OK TUB STOM VCII , MVKU. BOWKM , KII1VKV ? llL\n' > KH vous nisnAsm iiKiDvoitKcovsrii'vriov cjirivrfv. : < ? oi'.visi1 , t''j/vu I' HAI.ISS PAINS I.VTIt" " ! II VL'KU'l VB > I.V ! riJII.l.S J3 1 ! 1' , IN'Dl ( ! i : U'l J V. IIIliM } JdVUU , 1 UVB'l ' M'IMAIATIl > XfK ) niiniOWr.NS , 1'II.KS nn t all iljruujminn of Ilia Intern ll Vl n UAUWAV'.S I'lUiS ironouM for tliUco u ililut T uy t inn up Iho Inturii il bocrutluni to hoaUliy nc ( Ion. ri'sliiro stn-nxtli tn thu xtnmucli unit uiiatilu It to perform Iti functions. 1'rlco UJo per box. SoM bynll ilrumjUtt. , , , , , , , , - , , , > M c „ „ - ItAIMVAY & CO. . Now York- . The Famous Cocoa of Europe. The Coming Ono of America. Van Iloutcn's \\nsjiftyfer \ cent more of the flesh-forming elements of cocoa than is obtained by the best proccsbcb of other manufacturers. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Doctors and analysts of the highest standing all over the world , certify to this immense saving , and by VAN IIou- TKN'S special process only can this be attained. KJ-VAN 1 IOUTEM'J COCOA ( "onco tried , nlmyo use J" ) IIOSSOMOS tlio proat advantigo of vln : no Injuriaui effoota on the norvoui ejstoui. No wonder , therefore , thnt In all parti of the world , tlili incfnlor'i Oocoa U recoiiinitMiilcil by mcillciil itiuii.liiMtiMiil often anil cntTro or utlicr cocom or clioculuCo , for dull ) uiu by clillilrcu or udulti , halo mill lcU , richlinil imor. Auk for VAN IIoUTFS'8nniHiJl < nioiA'r 61 The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute jTorthotrcntmcntof nllCHItONlO AND BDUOIPAf , niSIJASr'S llr - i AppllnncM for Irormltlo < nno of ll ) iu ii of Woman Free. U'o Imrolali ly lulili'cl a l.ylnK-ln Dcyirtment for \Vuiiiiin ilurlniiCouflncuniul Iblrlclly I'rtvnte ) Only Kellabia Mcdlinl liulltuto makliunKpeclully of 11(1 ( VA1K DHUAHrS Al 11 oocl lHLMi ) ; .uccuMfu Ijr trfal..t b/iillUlc | | IHI | OD lemoveil from Ilia lytlim nlthniit mercury hew lU-itorutlTo Tiralmcnt fur IXIM of \ It il 1'ower Tiirllca unablu to vUlt u * mixy bo In meet at homo bi correip iDili'iico All cmrm mirations routlilentlal Mivliilno or Initrumenti ii'iil by nmll or oiinrn eo cur ly I'uckoJ , nonatki to ludlc.nlo icntonu or enilur. Ono icrnonal liUcr\luw | iruferreil I ull and coniull iiiorfUHl hUtory uf juurcai. uml no will noml In | iilu | wrup.iur our UUOIv ' 1O J1K.N 1'IIICK uion t'llruto 6 | ' cltlor Ncrioui Dlicasci , Impotunry , Uypbllli , ( jluvt ami Varlco cl3 , with question Hut Aililrutt Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , CornerJHh ana Harney Stg.j RHILWHY TIME ORRD I.C1T01 I l UK Ad. Ill IIMNitiON A U . Arrttoj Oninlm I Depot 10th nd .Xlt on trceu I Omnhft. ° iif iT m ( hlrniro i f m n m P it in 1 r.W P ra U ID p m i 9' * ) n ni C.Mlp in llHOl 1 8IXX ra .t ilO , AirUoi Depot I Ulll nml xinmm mroi' | | tlunln. . . . .DcnriT Dny KlproM . . ( O.X p lii DoiiTcr Kxi'ri'si . . lUA p m . . . Denver Melit < itureii\ l < VI n in _ . . _ Lincoln Uiril t'U ' ) p in if o.srj su.it Armor Depot loth inil Mit on BlroeU 1I..V n ni . . . To 10 p in V i p m K ( ' Nlli | vli V lTrntn n IN iv in "TA'ntoa Oninliii. IK-pot lutii Bin ! Mnrey utrooti. OinMiv JWfp m . . . tlverlnml Hycr. I' ' ll ) p ra 1M p m . . . . l' cine KxprOM 7 I ) n in 10 su n m Dourer 4 03 p m 4 r > p m Orniul Inlinil K < | > Ictccpt Sun 17 tS p ra f > 0 ( n m Knft' ' Kitpr 13 m n in v , . lf.l AlACIVIO. [ Srrlror , lOih nml Xlnrcy StI I OmMia. . . .Mliht KrprpM . . | TiTo.X.ii m . . .Allnntlo Kiprec I (1,10 ( p m . . .X'o'llbulo I.lmltcil IliUXnm Sioux rrrv.v ir.vriwo \ Arrtrsr U I * . ilepJUJOtli nml .Marcy at . | Oinilii 8lonx\'ll y l'n enter .Til _ . ft I'nul Kipre (100.1 ( n ra SllTir.xTTll VA TAt'iKiO. TArrlTo * Depot 15lli nml XX eluti r y M. | Oiimlin. . . . M 1'aill I , I ml Uni _ . „ „ _ I | iX ntn Cull AT.o jrStIHTli\VRj'r ! lltNT. ! tAl' ; . itupol , lOlli nml Mnrcy y Omntin , . . . . Chlraen Kipro fl.SU p in . . . . XV'tlbulo I.lmltoil t' ' M a m ( Iv ox Hit ) Mi\ll ( Ar en Mom 7 .V ) n tu .u .i : ( crn llyor I IS p ra CltlCAl.O , "Mil , , "S Mf l'A"Liri ArrTroi lOlli nmt Xtnrcy StUntnlin. | . U U tin I ( .11 nil ( I'llopt MiniFny ) I IIU5 p in aai p in Chicago Kxpro.'i. . . Il II n m I'"I1 ' 4 _ - ( lllOlKil Kxnrc" . | JTO p in _ OnmIm. | tJI' _ . ilepot , lUlh nnil Mjiroy Sti 4 V p nil bt l.oiiH Cnmiin Unit l.invot I , K & XIJ X'W.Sf Onmlin J D'lmt IXtliu " t XX'o'j it it _ S ; I'm ' ) n in Him k "lIlllH Kxprc" Vli ( n m .lliiKtlim Kxp ( K : 610 p m XXnlioo .t Lincoln _ 8 10 p m 1 ork A Norfolk ( Kx fienviw I K. Sl'T , XI . . . Oiuiilm I HepoUyiijiiutJkVitnti'r Sl _ 8 10 ix in HlnuT City AtionimoitiitloiT 1 ( K ) p m sloux City Iliproii ( Kx Hun ) 'JU'i p in . yt rnitl I.linllcil 6111)111 llnnroft ln i ntfir ! ( Kr Sun ) ) "UMVCH ] XI15 Omnht. I IlopotlUli nnil XX' * lutoi 1U ) n ml ' tTiiuH'A.K C. TSproiir II15 | i m I iSt Ixiiili .VIC. U KiprKi * . t UNION 1'ACIl'lCbUHOUIIAN TIIA NS The o IrnliH nixo stop nt llth , 17th , SOth nnil 21th ttrcoti , Summit unit "lulil 'O t'roiiln . Working- mcn'n triiUit ilu not run ijiiniliiy llromTriun. . Mii'el'y for Omiha Htft- "ontli AllitPl Doput tlon Oninlm Depot. J M A M A M A M & J 8 IX 5W ' ' , II , ' , ( . .lOUOXd'l'T I , W r > < 3 fin ? I , V ) 700 ( .15 7b ( II 10 720 'ij 7 < U : ' < 2 8U.li 8U IX 70' , i U t Ci H IS . * > . ' 1 < 01. SI'i so ; 7 Vi II 4J.si 1151 10 OJ UI5 DOT 8M I' M 11 * M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M . I . < ux JJX no ttl 4(15 ( ( 15 4 12 (07 t U ) 5 > 4U SU.i 811 .07 . 4K I HI sr , IIH.1 1 K ) 01 , us 7.15 07 d U . I ClllCAC.O. U 1 .t I'AdllO. " Tr in fcr _ I Union Duiiot. rounrll Hlull < 0 a p ni . LS n in ti * ) u in .Atlnntla Kxpri''i 5 V > p in 6IKI p in Vmtltmln I.lmlloil 10 ill n in UN I Iriiniforl llnli n Depot Coiinill llluiri I fiumfer U 4(1 ( n lii ( litcn.li ) . . , . . . in ti ( O p ni Vi'ttlliulo I Iml'cil I Ml n in 10'XI p .n . K Icrn 1 lyur J ( M p ni bUJ p m \tliiilluXlnll 7 41 II 111 1-csvi" ! ll'llli A < > ( i , Min .X M' I'AllIZ" ! Arrl\Li Trin fcrj t'nlon Duuot. Council llliilli < ' ) 4) ) a in lliluivo Mull ( ixupi Muni ly ) fi iO p in . CliluiKO Kxpruis . . 1000 | i in _ Clilcni.il Kxpicix _ U'iurr K C --i' JOh" * ( * IF TiBiKterl Uiilonli'pot _ ) Cinincll HUii 100'it nil Knns.iH Clt > li ) > itro | < i I02S p ml Killing Clt > N'lKlit ixiro : | i OMAilA .V. l1 I.OUIM " _ tlnloii Ucput Council HI iITi .Ml ) p ni | si l.nuli ( niinii Hull lUMX p m Lfivui UtlCAI.O HUItl. .N .V OIII.SVX lAnlvci ' 1'rnmfcrl _ _ Union lloiuit Ciiniuil llluuV. rlrniiifcr ' .i 4) ii in ( lllUI''U ' ICllll'SS . I , M p in 10W p m Chli i o il 41) ) II 111 7 W p ni . I n ston 1 ttc il II 20 a in T-IOl'-VClTi1" , 1'ACmO | 7Xrrlvm Tiiumfcr _ Unlon Depot , Council lllultn. I'lnmfcr " 7 4X n in , "bloux City Accoinuoiliillon I y V , a m bSO p nil , .bt I'nul 10xirc | 3. | U 55 p m " MlbSOUUI 1'ACIHU oOr > LlilllAM TIIAINS Rutwnrd I PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH - AT 13O2 Fnrnnm Slrooh HARRY P. DEUEL , Ci y PasBongor und Tlcko. Do You Know Tliat lr Rlinniis Is ono of the most solontlflo Ulll HllCCUt-sflll IlllVhlflllllS 111 IllJ Ullildl States , nnil tliut ho Is Inoitod at coiner Jonus anil IIUli sts , nnil tmala all cuscs of lually and fiii" ( i".sfully. lr ) Simons Is : i 8co- | ) allBt In all fonmlo iiompl.ilnis Nopoindn Mif- 'crlnK from any of these ilUtros ln tioulilis c.uus to li't muijliody loiiiw It , KI > to I'r ' tiliiidiis who If , u K'KUlii I.V odiiL.iteil iiliVHli'lan wllliont tlii'suinblaiiioof ( imii-kciy anoiit him. In will illauoniiso MI nr uaso and lull you ilalnly win tlioi > oii c in bo IMIIKI ! 01 not ( ' .ill in him as thiiiih , mils of nt herh.ui ) iloni ; . Jo 1 10 and bo happi fcucx'cb , ful tiLutinunl by IMUK SIMONS 701 S 10th bt Oiniih i. Nob. r 1.081'orPATUim KAf300D | o .t Wetknetsef Scdy talKlnil , EitU . . of * " " ' B IT - - ! EirjTjcrKicciJtitnOUorYoiior. not on , * tu tuMiooiXu lllU.lcrcJ. . ! U n Is tBI.rlt . Jl ' ' ' iii''oiouir f iii c nunt : nuvraKKT r ic < tn 1.1 < ! Kii Itillly rr u CO Stll.o > nil Kri'c > C lilrlt > . TTrll. Ilitu. nmW olohL ir&Sff Ql\\t"f. \ \ UV | ? hiitr rliu fioin offci'ti ' 'II' ' " ' of Kosl Man hood WERKS u'liful ' Knurs liniiotniiay liL cure' ) in r imriimtly i nd prlviitcly by i ur bixual tiiui- cllli bent by uiail lurU Houlc to it ( Hcalfd ) tor Ktaiui > lit uun Modliu1 < uuijmiiyi Ij7 utrcut Itu iun MUSH TO WEA C Buffering from tli vnrcu ur youthful errors , rarlr driivy wutlnit ncAknrw , lo.l munliooitU-.livlil krnil a Yaluahle tretdw ; ( waliMl ) lonUlnlur full particular * for homo cure 1'IIKH ( if rhaive , A. lyh iidlil mi'JIonl work boul < l l-c rciij by fiery nuin wl'i ) l liirtnii anil dclillltaUil. Adilrru. Vrol. ! ' . < ' . IMlWI.F.II.nioodua.Vouu. RRflANHOOD tnrrd. f rl , U fHr.4. if ! ( trtalUt Mnt Ircg auil iralud. in I flu Uircu LElLmiJCUSTimr , J10 All } lllUlm EU , JT.I. NEDRAdlCA National Bank XT. 8. DtTOSlTOUY. OMAUA , NED. Capltnl , - $40OOOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1800 , - O7.0OO nirottorIlonrr W T l n , ltc < 1 , Tlcod'fildcnti Jamet W fUri * * ) T' Motie. John S. Oolllmi H O. Cuihln | 1 , . r Ul k | T. II. B. Huahfli. cftthler. IRON BANK. Co'nf r llth and r rn m Btrrfti. OOMMblROIAL * National Bank Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 4OOOO- nnd niroftorK. . M Mor i > m n , O. M. Illtchrock , lineuli ( inrnciu. Jr. , A Henry , K. M. Amlcrnon , nilllnm ( I Maul , Tlcc-'rc | < lloiit : It. 11. Wllllfinn , A. I' . HnpXIiin , | irmldpnt > A Milliard , Cttililon V. II. llrynnl , ninmnnt rn hl r Omaha MariUfaotUrBrs. Hoots nnd Hlioct ) . KIUKENDALL , JONE3 Js CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots Shoes- igcut for Ilonton IliiM > rr Slum Co , 1107,1104 nnd 111)4. ) llnrncy MrrclOniahn , Neb Ilruwrro. BTORZ fc 1LKII , La cr liccr Brewers , 1M1 Nirth 15th Hll'ot , Onmlm , Nch. Cornice. EAQLE COnWICE WOKKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlcfc Window cnpi nnd nii'tnlloVyllulits John Kponctor. pruprletor lOsnnl llOBoiith lutli ArtlHtH1 _ A. fioSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M.1 DoiiKlaa Hlri'cl , Omnhn. Neb Conl , Coke , lite. OMAHA COAL , COKV AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Haul and Soft Coal. D K. Cor HUh nnd Iontfl.i ) Streets , Oiimlm , Neb , NEHUASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 8U Him til I3lli Street , Unnlm , Nob. fc CO. , Wholesale Cigars. 403 N irth Street "Hullol" H13. Dry GoudH nml Jx'otlonu. Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions. Corner lllhniid llnniird Htrcota. QOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Gents' KurnlelilnisOoods Ciirnor lltli nnd lluruor Htui.l < < Oiniln , Neb fnrnitiiro. DEWEY le STOIIE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , tnrnnni StreetOmnhn Nehranka. CHAULJ I'linilf rp. Onmhii * NLUI ( Ji oi'orii n McCORI ) , HUADY fc CO , Wholesale Grocers , 13th and Lcivenivortli Streets , Om ihn , Nebraska. , 13 to. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. , Etc. Imported nnd Amcrlcnn rortlnnd Comoul. Hint * acout for Mllwnti co Hyitraiillo Cumunt , nnd ( jiilnuy 1 > hlti ) l.lme. _ ' ' CIIAS. K. LEE ] Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood eorputa nnd paniiitt Monrlim. Dili nnd Douglae Slroutt , Oiu ihn , NetiriMkn. VV. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Corner I'th ' nnd DouKlns Btrcuts , Omnhn. IMIIllniM-y anil Notions. I. OBEttFELDEIl Ac CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 203 , 210 nnd 212 South llth street. . " * * * * * " " " * * " " Notloiiw. Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , , 1121 llnrncy ctrect , Oninlm OIlH. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo Kronno , etc , Omnhn A II ll'shop , Mnnneor , Pnjicr. CARPENTEU PAPEU CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry a nice Block of printing , wrnppliiK nnd wrltlnfr piper , bpt'chil nttontlon utrun to curd pnpor. Snfi-H , Ktc. A. L. DEANE 4c CO. , OenernI Auenta for Halls' ' Safes , S31 and 323 Koutli 10th Ht , Omah * . Toyn , Ktc. II. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Iloueo KurnlililiiK ( Joodi , Children' ! Cnrrlmi. I20 Knrnnni ttrcut , Oiuuhn , Neb. U. B. WIND ENGINE A : PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Ilnlllday wind > nllli UI9 nnd 820 Jono * at , Omah * . U K Uosi , Acting Manager. Iron AVorkH. Wrought and Cast Iron Building .Work , Knglnei , brass wurk , general foundry , machine ind blacksmith TMirk Olllca null works , U. 1 * . Hy and 17th struct , Oiualia OMAHA SAFE tc IHON WOIIKS , Hanl'rs ol Fire and Hurglar Proof Safes , X'aulti , jnll work Iron liiilli'ra ami flru oumpui. U Anilroon .prop'r Cur lltb unit Jackson His , Knuli , DOOI-H , ICto. , . . . . . . . - , . . J- > . . _ . . - - M. A. niSUHOW & CO. , XVIioloiulo mnuufucturi'rt of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Bunch olUro , I2lli ami linrd itrcuta , Omulm , If A. Q o tititi O m gili au UNION STOCK YAUDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited ELECTglBG BELT id' Gl IK /M / nvto yjr. iifcf TC linr * NO ! n HIUMJ * i/.Jf-VIio < ln , M lt for IlliiixelXriir. IO | ( M < : > lll ! < M.k.i , lltloc K , , l ; , Mild , X i.lh. { . : i | IUBtui l rrtnUp KUelrlcjtIhiobith all WKAIII H/IITH rtiiurluf iliiiuullliiLTIIoilt ll.iiliiil hKllltMrl it tf.tlrli i rr i f.ll l lmll ) , it f fulcit Jjlm in JO. UKI r J H.i.B..rt | lo.l.l. | ( i , i.Joi , . - Mol.l - eMttl tr * Hto.All , ( ar 4 la llir monlli. H l d laaiLbltl Kr * . BAKDfcn ELFOTKIOCO . IC U .iUbV , fcHICAQO. \tS zl ' ll HH.r. k..r 4l.ll.nl ! . C aiU C..ufil > k.K til ttutfilt ' "it. llluxiilf t * k I ' IBUt. .Ui