Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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THE OIVIAHA DAILY BBlfl , HUKSDAY , JUNE 26 , 1800. ' * t
for thesn
ADVERTISEMENTS : p. in. , for tlio craning
edition iintlnntll 8OT : p. m. ( for the morning
isd It Ion n nd SUNDAY HIK. :
) In advance.
* T > ATEflAdvortltPtnenlRon lliM pngo will bo
Aiehurccd for tit llm rain of HJ cent per word
for tlia Ural lii'ortliHi ntiil 1 cent per word for
each mil cquriit insertion. and tlM per linn
nor month. No advertisement taken for
Jem than SI cm Li for thu first Insertion.
INITIALS , HguieA , symbols , etc. . count each
nnono word.
rpllEHK advertisements must nin conM-cn-
X lively and under no clrcumstancei will
lliojr lo taken or discontinued by telephone.
"OAHTIK3 nilvertlHlii * In these columns and
J- having their answer * addressed to n "mint-
Ixjred lettnr" In earn of TUB IIKB will recolvo
n numbered cherk to enable them to pet their
letter * . Amweiswlll bo delivered only on
jiresonlntlonof thlsehoek. Kneloso answers
In envelope * properly addressed.
Mi advertisements nndrr tha lioad o !
A "Hlicclnl Notice " are. published in tmtli the
morning mid oxenlng edit Ions of Tlir. HKK. the
clrciiliiilon of nhtuh aggregates mom than
! ,000 pipers dfilly , nnd gives the advertiser
the benefit not only of the largo olrculutlnii 01
t \ TUB It KB In Omaha , but ulwj In t'onncll UlufTn
Lincoln nnd oilier cities nnd towns In the west
ADVERTISEMENTS ; for situations or for
male or fomala hrlp. not exceeding 2 ]
vnnlrtarp Inserted In TniSr.vnAVllKK at half
rutps during the months of .Inly nnd August ,
3'Jio regular rates will ho churned for each
nddlllonnl won ! abmo 21 words as well as for
conneeutlve Insertions.
Advertising for lhe- eolnmns will ba taken
on the ahovn conditions , ut the. following bnsl-
nei.s limiho * who ni'o authorl/ed totaknHpoclal
nollerx. at tha same rates us can had ut the
main ofllco.
of Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
Envlnz.s Hank Ilulldln ,
W. HELL , PhiirinaoUt,820South Tenth
1IIASR * KniV ) , Stationers and Printers ,
lii : .Sou thlGth.street.
CJ IirFARNSWORTH , I'harnmelst.SlISCum-
\J \ * ing Htrcot.
* "
, T , llUOIIES , Pharmacist , C24 North 10th
GEO. W. 1'ARR , I'liarmoclst , 1718 Leaven-
woith street.
H UGHES' 1M1ARMAOY , 24th nnd l-'arnam.
Tor nttc * , etc. , fee top of Jir t mlinnn on titti paae.
Half mtcK on .Sumld/ ; / .
Hy an energetic young 1. . .
Klllon In ofllcn. Hostof reference ,
dress 1157 , Heo olllco. 020 20 *
W ANTED Work by thn day nt washing or
; I cleaning. 1121 llowaid. 67U ! M
1'or rates , itc. , HX tup nf flitt cotiri'in on tlitu pave.
Half late * nn
\\7ANTED An Instructor for Institute , lo-
TT ginning July 21 , ISCO. to teach 3 weeks at
Sprlngiew , Neb. Geo. W. Coudou , Co. Supt.
( i8 ! 1
VrANTED-A first-class liaibor at Oakhall
harbor she ] ) , Grand Island , Neb. C'JO-'Jj'
TANTED Head laundrymun for llrst-
class hotel , $1" , room and board ; second
rook $ lii ; man nnd wlfo for private family , $40 ,
Sirs , lircga , 314 > i S. llth , Oil 25 *
WANTED A first-elass broad and cake
baker ; for such ( list-class wagOA Address
Star bakery , 13th and V stsLincoln. . Neb.
0.10 27 *
TITAN Wanted A competent man to work In
JLlJ an 1'Iovulor nnd Ijtimberyard outof town ;
n niuirlcd man prefenedgood ; steady employ
ment for the right party. Address with refer
ence P. O. box 22 , Snyder. Neb. 010 20
"VX7 ANTED Experienced nnd competent
IT coachman ; must huvo good city icfer-
pm'es ; must Lo sober , moral. Industi Ions mid
willing toork. . Apply to H. Kouutze. 1st Nut.
bunk. 57s 2.5 . *
G OOD HARHER wanted Inlmcdlatelyi TuT
diess Gco. C. Stuvcnsou , Madison , Neb.
. *
_ 51.2-25
\ATANTED-Good baker. Cull ut once. 1017
W Clark .st. 691-2.1 *
" \\7ANTED-2fl , bridge carpenter's. Apply at
W Aiurlght'fl Labor Age ncy , 1120 Farnam st.
\A7ANTED-Kour men 21 to 35 yrs. old , fair
it education and good address , for Nobr. J ,
M. 1'iench & Co. , 512 Paxtou blk. , Omaha.
AGENTS wanted , 10 new specialties , ull fust
sellers ; no expoileiieo necessary ; big
money ; sample free. Addiess R 0. Hruwstor ,
Holly. Mich. _ MDJylO *
AGENTS WANTED Competent men can
now make valuable contracts for general
nnd special agencies In Nebraska , lowu and
KanSiiH with the Guaranty Building and Loan
riSMiuhitlon ot Minneapolis , Minn. , one of the
oldest associations In tlio Held and well estab
lished. Pal ties desiring remunerative posi
tions should give this prompt attention , as
thpso openings \\ill soon be filled and
vacancies will not occur again for yearf. Wo
furnish our agents valuable assistance lu
their work. Know what to do nud do 11. For
further information , desuilptlvo circulars ,
etc. , uddiess H. E. I'ulrchild.bouietary , Jllnno-
upolis , Minn. 608-27 *
8 ALESM1CN to soil specialties to merchants
- by .sample ; salary paid to good men ; sam
ples fuinlshcd ; stead } ' situation ; Model Mun-
ilfai'tuilng Co. . South Hend. Ind. 4MJy2Q ? *
NTED A salesman to carry lluo of
teas and cigars on commission through
Kouthwcstcin lona. Extra Inducements of-
fuied ; also man to work Omaha elty trade.
Addio-B George A , Kennard , St. Joseph. Mo.
" \\rANTED-200 Juborors for extra road
* giingH. Apply to P. H , Johnson , H. & M.
passenger depot. Omaha , 4S8
* r\OLTOU wanted ; location first-class ; ( .tuto
J-swhcn and wheiogiaduated , whether dem-
ocrsitor lepubllcun ; give references. Jncloso
stamp : tegular only. Addiess 11 ; )1 ) , Pally
lleo. Oiimlm. 41225
STONEMASONS wanted at Norfolk and
Item i Ice. Good wuges paid. M , T. Murphy.
AHOY ! Grand o\ppnse-mukirforcunvusscis )
i\erybody : buys ! W.H.Prlce.DavldCIty.Nub
KM jyft *
vv ANTED Men to tra\el for our Canadian
iiursei les. Stonc&WellingtonMudlson.Wis
AGENTS } .V ) outfit on 30 days' inn.- . J1W.OO
profit In 4 weeks or no pay. Add. . Will !
btump ; Jnrvls&Conrpany , Riielnc , Wls.
"lyANTHD-LOOO n\en for work in
i Wyoming , Dakota. Utah and Nevadiii
waue.sil.73 to * J.W ! .steady work. Albright' *
Labor Agnnoy. 1IJOI iirnam st. SHJyl
\\rANTED Salifcinen at rT5 per month sal-
> ury and e-xpenses to hell a line of silver-
plated u uro , wutehes , etc. , by sample onlyj
non-o and team furnished free , write at once
for full partletilars and sample ease of good *
fiee. Standard SUverivaro Co. , Hoiton , Muss.
W ANTED Knersetlo men and women for a
Kinitcul buslnmi puylncWJ weekly prollt
raster than ( CO monthly otherwise ; exporloneo
unnet'essaryi pemiiinont poaltlon and exelu-
gjtujcrrltoijr assured ; diNumples five : Invo.s-
tlirnt T < ) Hr money-making bualncss. Address
with Ntami ) . Merrill Munufacturhi Co. , 11 Xt ,
Ohleuiro. 111. KS.IJyii : *
WANTKD KHniAt.13 . II Kb I' .
t'vr rates , tie , , nee top of flrrt column on this
Jlalf tntcs. un
" \\7ANTiil-A : gOfMl Klrl In ( .mail family ;
> J Bixid ages paid. Jmjulro 1517M rarnam
\rANTni > Olrl for , general housework.
i family of 3 ; $1 per week. SS3tl 1'iirkarnt.
KW-S7 *
" \\TANTED rirst' cluss cook , no wahhlng ,
'i good WIIBOS. 8lw. Uruy , 2021 Uouglus at.
TTfATriTfD-ilrl : Mr Imuso work''MTH7J7u
_ MPoj lor. 71X1 B. 30th t. O.O-20 *
\\7ANTED-A young lady who Is ubhTto
' t couvviso In 5 language- . , should llko posi
tion no companion or governess. No olijection
to tia\el. Ruferuncus u elmngod. Addicsa
11 M , Heo olllco. 'du 2U *
1 VANTCU-OIrl to waah UUhes , ( I porweok.
T T New York . . *
l7"AKTii-Plulng-nJoui ; glrla ut Windsor
T Hotel. UIS
\VANTEIV-Truvellii saleslody. salary 50
T T per mouth ana cMM.-nsod. Uull or addreu
11 oomi < 14 Biieely block. t > r 20 *
TVrAOTklD Acllvolitdy , l acher preferred ,
T to travel north. fuUrytlOO per month.
r o canmbalng. Cull room ! M , Ohambor of
Loniiuureu. 010-20 *
dle * , ono wv to reeelvo
klH'l lx > okl Julv.J.
Llfo bulldlnjt. W3 SO *
\Y'ANTED-Tairl forKim-mUioujowork. A p.
_ J _ > , J'ly 2oS2 DaveniMirt street. OUH-2J *
\VANTiil-A coed jlrl for Bcueral house-
f r work , cull utlUBiith ) t. froS.2i *
TTOUBEKEEPER-A colorwl widow lady for
J JLcook rtnd hoti'.rkeopci1 with son from eight
to fifteen yean old.sond references nnd waged
Address II : n , Her. . 411
rANTED-Oood cook nnd luUndrtMi for
small family. 122ti. 17th * t , 301
WANTED OJrl for dining nnd chamber
work , Dorata house , 422 a 13th it. , 1 block
ftouth of court house. U33
\VANTf.D-airlforsecond work. C at
IT N , W. corner 21th and St , Mury'j , nvo.
w ANTED-OIrl for general housework. 1130
Georgia ave GOO
WANTED-A nurse slrl. Oood wages to
thu right party. 3. E. Cor. 25th nnd
Jonps. f-LlO-.l ) .
W ANTED A coed trlrl In a family of two
Enquire ntMrs.Clirlitcnscn'sT13.'l.iatli ! nU
KO y > '
WANTED--A good girl for housework. 5Ki
liarney. 601 >
TSTANTED 1st nnd 2d clrls In prlvato fnml-
T > ly ; bent of wairos paid. rJISi cor ,
tier oi Lcavcnworth st Jlr. . J. L.
W ANTED Tnrco experienced timing room
alrls ut the HarKer hotel. 'MS
l-'or rntetete. , tee top of flift eoliimn uii till * piige
NO AO"KJIKNTS "to ilo d rpsMmaklng I n f atn I-
llcs solicited. Miss Sturdy , 02SH. ' ave
022 Jy24
MRS. R. 0. Hansonie. 014 S. Kith , fushlonublo
ilresdtiiaklng. Halltfy system taught.
For tatcs , etc. , tee topof flint column on tlitt
HA LI' ' of new double cottage , II vo rooms ,
clotot" , pantry , cellar , hard and soft water ,
lawn all around. Nice homo for good tenant.
Rent low. Cor. 0.1th and Jackson. 01023 *
FOR RENT Small house5 ? per montli .1.
Wilkinson , C1B Pa.xton blk. OH
TT1OR RENT 5-room now iionsp , elty water ,
-L1 elntern , well , burn if wanted ; it25N.inthsti :
KM 20 *
THOR RENT furnished house of 7 rooms
JL ? from .Inly 1 to October 1 , near Hnnscom
1'urk , 1205S.32d. 5.T2-2fl
71OR RENT-Rosldences In all parts of city.
V List too largo to publish. Globa Loin &
'rust ' company , 307 S. 10th st. 071
1T1OU RENT At moderate rent , the threo-
X' story and basement brick building gltnated
at No. 1110 Douglas street , suitable for manu
facturing , wholesale or warehouse purposes ,
also ono store and basement No. 107 S. 13ti | st ,
Apply to Clms. Knufrnann , 1302 Douglas st.
"T71OR RENT About Juno 1. those elegant
J- stone residences on Georgia live. , S. 20th st.
bet.Mason und Pnclflc.sts. See owner for long
time lease . H. H. Henderson , room 400.1'ax-
lon blk. 574
EOH RENT rurnlshcd for the summer , n
7-1 oem Louse , all iniprovcments , 1 block
from n'olor. Cull or address R. O. JlcUlure ,
KUPaikave. 314
T71OR RENT Sflno pressed brlek houses , east
J ? fronIB on Oeorgla ave. . Just north of I.oav-
crnunth st ,0 rooms , buth , furnace , * cwcr con
nections , all conveniences ; will rent to 10-
hponslblo parties for $30. SI. A. Upton Co. ,
Ibth and Karrlam. ' 710
TT1OR RENT House , 10 rooms , all modern
Jj improvements ; lui-ge yard , $ .1.1 per month.
Commlsslou to agents. Dexter L. Tiiomas.
[ K YOU wish to rent a liouso or store see H ,
E. Cole. Continental block. STu
"I710R RENT T oof thn finest residence flats
J. on South 10th street , with all modem con
veniences , hot and cold water , close to Hrown-
ell hull. I'lrxt class snriounillngs. Apply to
C-hux. Kaufmann , WC Douglas st. UL >
TT1OR RENT Good 10 room house , sewer ,
JU water , gas , bath , barn , furnace. In elegant
shape , cheap. D. V. Sholcs Co. , 213 First Nut'l
bank. 3H1
TTIOR RENT 12-room brick house , with all
JL1 modern-Improvements.'heap. .
Also a nlco4-ioom cottage on N.lTtli st. Judge
Anderson. 311
GOOD boarding house for rent very cheap In
South Omaha. Infinite COG South IIUli st.
40) ) 2T *
TTIOR RENT Dwelling , ! rooms , stable , and
J- all tc < ] uliomcnts for a ilrst-cluss home ;
south fiont , ; 2. > as Capitol avenue ; icntul very
low. Innulio at KiOl l-'arnam st. ( EM
8-KOOM flat with steam heat. IGth st. near
Jones. Thomas K. Hall , 311 Puxton block.
T7IOR RENT 10-roorn brlek liouso , with mod-
JJ ern conveniences , No. 811 S. 20th st. Apply
at No. i > 27 S. 2lth ) st. 675
FOR RENT 7-room house with barn ; nom
inal rent to good party. O. F. HariUon , Oil
N. Y , Llfo. Ill
TTIOR RENT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
JJ Inqulie 2111 Douglas. 810.
PINE residence , modern improvements , 2108
Bt. Mary's ave. . Jii.1 per month. Inquire at
premises or at A. Heller's , lill Kurmun. 150
TTUNE 7-room ilwolltni ; with yard , $ i1.
JO Also , 8-rooin dwelling with yard , fJO.
0 and 10-roorn dwellings , $ .f > to itfl ) .
Smeaton & Allen , IGOO'i ' Farnam st.
152 Jy 12
ESI DENC-ES-S-lth and Haruoy. For prices
see Paul. 1000 Karuam. 173-30
FOR RENT About Juno 7 , 8-roqm liouso 33d
and Cutnlng Ms , Wo per nionth. O. F ,
Uarrii > oii.mi N. Y. Llfo 481) )
TTIOR RENT Very nleo7-room houses ; j > pcial
Jt : terms mado. Apply to 1/lctcher ouii } ; ,
Ambler Place. 2UJ
TT1OR RFINT 5 room house , good repair , inco
JL yard , cistern water , rent $ J2. Apply to 1400
South 7th uvc. ortoJuo. W. Hell , druggist , 10th
Fur ratet , etc. , sec tup of Jlnt column on thlt p < ree.
O ELEGANT front rooms wjth or without
| ) oaid. 213N 17th st. ( .27-27 .
TTIURNISHED looms , half b'ock ' fiom motor ,
J-1 $ S and * 10. 717 So. 1'Jlli ' st , U2ti
D A nicely furnished room und
bo.ud in a private family by two gentle
men , References e.\chunged. Addtcss H51) ) . Due ,
Ml 20'
I7IOII RENT New furnished looms In Now
JTeirace. . all coin enlonces , with boardfiom
$ -i.50 to 10.50 per week , 212n Hnrney st. Ul ) 20
COOL fuiiilshed rooms , with or without
board , ull conveniences , 2010 California st.
fiU ! > *
N"E\VLY furnished rooms and board forsov-
oral paittesut 2U13 llainoy st. ; Inn rnln-
tues' walk from center of business , and cool
place for summer , Miss Cavlnls & Walbi Idge ,
5 l-Jy2it :
ROOMS foriionseUooping. ms. 17th.
305 2G
T\fRS. CHURaillLL. 411 N. tilth Bticet. has
J.IJ. now several cleslr..blo rooms with bo.ud.
023-23 *
OO11S To lent 2iar > Ilorigo , for gentlemi'n
only. Price moderate ; modem conveniences
4 7-Jy4'
fp\VO eliolco looms \vfth bo.ird , in prl\atu
4. family , nicely situated ! 2130 liurnev.
; a)7-2ii ) *
PLEASANT south loom , with board. 1S23
Chicago. 5l4-2b *
T710R RENT--AII new and tastily furnished
JL1 rooms at 317H Nl5th st. 42s 27'
EOOJIH , with board If deolied , ItXM Cap. nvo.
T71OR RENT Two fnrnlslied front rooms ,
J wtli | bay-window , nuMlern convunlenees , tin
nnd < 4 per month , with or without board. 221S
Leuveim ortli st. 8i2
TT10R RENT-rurnlshed rooms. ir.4 Capitol av
JL1 Bl7Jy4
TTIOR RENT rurnUluxl ivoms. 1000 Douglas ,
J 670
TT1OR RENT Kurnlshed rooms ; gas , bath and
J-Asteumi 1.110 Howard. 57S
liUm RENT-Nletdy furnished room , all
J'liKMlein conveniences , 2 blocks from I' . O. ,
013 S 17th Mt. 077
FOR RENT-A largo and nlenly furnished
room fronting on Capitol avenue , oust of
the high school. Private family. Suitable for
two or three fentlemen. Address G , 51 , lice.
ST. CLA1R European hotol. isirnor nth and
Dodgo. bpeclul rates by week or montli. 070
TTIOR RENT A largo front room. furnUhixt ,
-L1 In ono of the finest residence. * in the city ,
724 S. Itfth t. . corner Loavonwortb. & 44
roil UI3NT ST'oilliH'AM ) Ol-TlOlJa'
for rate * , etc. , tee top of fnt columnon _ tib fagt ,
"VTEW building , linndsomoly finished btoro-i
J-i and flats ; ull modern Improvoincnu ; stoum
lieat In koakoni cor. I.t-aveiiworth and 10th st .
Imiulro Ivolkouuy & llray , Contlngntal blk ,
T7KRUEM % HrUtk warchouw. two stories
J-1 ami bukcmcnt. 27,000 Miuuro feet , with loj
[ pet ot double truck on I. P , railway , south
nud 1'letx'O ittrvoU , Address C.
, Neb ,
TTtOIl HENT-FIno storeroom In Norfolk. Neb
JU Hholvpd suitable for clothing bttvlness
nlflctrlo llsht * . steam boat , etc. . Address C.A
TTiINE onlee at small figures on ground iloor ,
J In ItoydV opera hoiist * . Imiulro of Amerl-
? an i'ni'f Co. , Sir , S. st. IIH
basement Slth and Lcn > enworth
M. | good pluoo for barber shop. M nor
nionth. | - *
TjlOH IlKNT Corner store , 701 H. Ifitlt st , , WO
JU1 hcslnlnro nnd locution on utreet at the
price. Ucorgo Lilouscr , TU1 South ICtli st.
T710R RENT-Smnlt store room , $5. South
-I-1 Tenth. 1'our doors from depot , Suitable
for fruit orelgar store. Apply ticket oftlee ,
EOT Smith Ifltlu fc.'O.
STORES ) at Tit ) , 8 ICtli , 22x09 wwli , ] : ir o
how windows , steain heat furnished. Tlios
V. [ . . Hull , . ' 111 Paxtnn block. Ml
T71 RI T-Tho 4-story brlcb milldlng. wither
JL1 or without power , formerly occupied hy the
lleo 1'ublMilng Co. , 010 Kurnnm st. The build-
lnS has u fireproof cement basement , complete
steam heating llxturos. writer on all the floors ,
RUS , etc. Apply atthoofllpoof Tlio IK'O. ni ! > .
l-'Oll JUiNT 1'ASTUllK.
For rates , etc. , tee top of fiivt column on this jxio <
IJASTUKIJJO At Htlllwutor Btoclc farm
Excellent feed for horsi-s or cattle. Hoard
fence. 1'rlues low , II. J. Kendall , Room : WtJ
llrown building. 030-20 *
J > ir tattt , dc. , fee top of first Minimi on tht JKIO .
EJ. 1RKY , rental agent , 1WO N. V. Life.
fORTON'S rental agency , 617 I'nxton block
L & " >
HE. COLE , rental agent , blk.
! > G3
for tr/c / , etc. , tee top of flret column on this pane.
M IAD HTONE I havn a gentium mad Htono.
L L. Ueubow , DM South 20th. St.
For rairt , etc. , nee top of fnt column on l/il * jxri/e.
SPAN horses or mule-s. or horse and buggj * or
lot for cigar store. Co-Operative Land and
Lot Co. , 20N llltll St. 028-20
SECOND-HAND fnrnltnro of all kinds for
cash. Addicas H. 51 Uce olllce. RU-2G *
WANTED Houses or stores , clear of In-
cumbrunco. In other' Nebraska or Iowa
towns for IncumberPd Omaha leal estate.
Strlngor & Penny , Douglas block , 10th nnd
Dodgo. 201
WANTED Good commercial pauor. No-
urabku Jlor tgago Loan Co. , 5101'u.xton blk.
I71URN1TURE , householdgoods.eto. Highest
JL1 cash price. 317 S 13th. 373
for talc * , etc. , ice top oflist column on Hits
TTMHRELLAS repaired ; export locksmith
U key titling at llellln'.s gun shop ,110 N. ir.tli.
43U JylO
"OARASOLS , umbrellas and wagon umbrol-
X las coveted and repalied. Walking canes
repaired. H. Uator , 1515 Douglas ; basement
For rates , etc. , sec top of flrat column on tlila
rpHE .Indian doctor guarantees to euro all
JL kinds of piles in ton days ; also all diseases
of the throat and lungs in thosamutlme. Tape
worms taken out In six hours without leaving
ofllco : and all diseases that are curable. Ul7
S. 10th st. Call and sec him. 02ijy24 *
TT\R. James A. Lonsdalo , masseur. Nervous
J- ' diseases of women u specialty. Rooms
lund2 _ _ over 010 S. 13th. fll.-i-27 *
REMOVAL-Mrs. Dr. Day bus fitted up ele-
u gant bath rooms , No. 1408 Dodge St. . the
ground iloor , nnd is now piepared to gho Hot
Spilngs baths with electricity. All suITorlng
from rheumatlsni , la gilppc , paralysis or
dropsy will do well to call upon her. 2ISJyl3
M and magnetic treatment , 1113 Pa-
cillc , halt block from motor line.
01G-20 *
MASSAGE treatment , electro , thermalmed
icated huths.scalp I'&halrtieatment.nianl- '
cnro & clilropodisU . E. AI. Post , 413 S. 1'Jlli. '
8lfi lv.ri *
c. , tee top of fmt column on this pauc.
A RE you going to taken vacation or u trip.
If so don't go until you buy ono of lleyns
amateur photo outfits. 20 styles to sclect-fiom.
1414 Dodge st. 23J
For rate * , etc. , fee top of ftrst column on this jxric ,
EN. CLINGMAN , exclusive pension nttor-
ney , R 10 .V 21 , Kronzor block , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati & Wushington , Stump for circular.
Forratet , etc. , seetup of Jliet column on tilts
rpRACICAGEstoraio at lowest tales , W. 31 ,
JHnshman. . 1311 Leavenworlli. 68S
/ 1OLD btorago. David Cole , 815-817 Howuid.
S'J TORAGE Uruncli & Co. , 1211 Howard.
TTttJRNlTLRI'j Htorage , separata comnart-
Jt ! mcnts. 61.1-817 Howard. 257
rilRAOKAGE htorngo , David Cole , RI.1-817
Jllowaid. . 2.57
For rates , etc. , see top nf Jlivt column on this
" \\7ANTED Hy a bachelor , a lady partner
' for life with some moans to help settle a
new farm , 1 am 2tiyears , weigh in.1 Ibs,5 ft II ,
black hnlr , dark e.vea. Use neither tobacco
nor liiinor. Send photo ! n firstletter. Will ex
change onetiiin. A liofeiencesglven nnd ro-
cjnlied , A'ddicss box 20 , Medical Lake , Wash ,
52S 25 *
I' r nifcji , etc. , tcf _ top of Jlnt foliimn on this paye.
6sT-T"dai k"Tay and 1 brown gelding
weight 1.2W ) each ; buy hoiso has small
hunch on left furcnrm. Return toOley Kund-
sen's brickyard , 40th and Hlondo , near Uult
line. ( XXJ-25 *
STRAYED-Or btolen , one small"borrell ,
H hlte fane pony. (3 reward for returi , to E.
A. .Marsh. 511 N. liilh. _ 58 i
LOST Pocketbook on Loivo ave. between
Kninam and Hamilton , Tinder luwurded
at lIUUCup. avo. 4iO :
/'or rates , etc. , fee lop of jlnt rofmim on this pttue.
1J1OR SALE Ono pair blnnlc hoises , weight
-i. about 1150 each , with carilugu hniness etc , ;
will Mill ono lioi-so If desired. Also 2.40J ueivs
of farm land In Central Kansas , Will lie hold
eheap for I'ush or < m long time. A. D. Mor-o ,
Fimiam gvl lltli.
_ Eiii-L.
rpWO .SPAN heavy and two span light mules
J- for sale , on two years' t line at 7 pur cent Interest -
torest with ilrst or becond mortgngo Omaha
real estate security , or other appioved secur
ity , _ bolby. room 13. Hoaid Triiile. _ out
SPAN good mules , $100 ! span horses , 8150 ;
wagons , harness and buggy , all nt > ory low
prices ; also a nlcu single driving horse , tt.1.
Co-Operutlve Lund & Lot Co. . 205 N , Kith st.
, _ i _ oou a _
TTiOR SALE platform spring leather top
Jcan lago almost new , 1 ImcklxjurU new , 1
road cm l , 1 single harness and 1 double
Imggy or carilugo Iminoss. Apply at 2215
Webs Jurist reel. Oinuha. 55 ! ) . _
TTIOR SALE A good black horse , well broken
J jojliu e | t y. KM H. ' 17th st. _ iu.i
I.lOlttESlfiOund'up. H. E. Cole.
JJ- 120
IDA RT1IM looking for line driving or huddle
. horsus , would do well lo call on , orcorren-
iiond with T. J. I'lomlng , manager W. H. Mll-
iurd'a farm , Cnlhoun , Neb , Ho has for halo
home Ilist-class single drivers , carriage teams ,
ind saddle lioues , at reasonable iirlct-s. 6ti !
HORSES-ngiit drivers , barr'aln. The Into
lire him made them cheap , H , E , Cole.Cou-
tlni'ntal block. . rcj
' \tr rates , etc. , fee top of ftitl column on this ] > ime.
GENTLEMAN of thTrty dusirGs eo'infortablo
room , convenient to business , In rcspuctu-
ilo. private residence or middle-aged widow
ally's home preferred. Address H 5H , euro of
Jmulia Heo. 3.i gti *
" \\7"ANTE1 > Hy 11 sninll family , a plensunt
'i cottagoof xlx or suircn rooms near or on
ho car IIno < i. Will bo ucriuauunt. Ad < lress
G 31 lleo. 77'J '
\\f ANTED..On'u ' largo fnrnUlied I front room
IT fueuig kouth , for two gentlemen , con-
vonlont . to New Yorn Llfo building. Addruss
N. O. . 210 New York Llfu building.
IWANT more IIOUMJS to rent ; moro demand
than lioiiBux. Parrotly Rentul ugeney ,
\\rANTKli-To n'lit 2 to 3 unfurnlsTiiid'
i ' rtNiru * for Uou ektMiplug , smuil family ,
near busluess center. Addrces U 13 , lice olllco.
ron SAT O iiNiTuun ETC.
Fur -ttetettopof Ant tolumn on thi *
FOR SALE Furnlturo'of 8-room house. !
Hurt t. , account leaving city. Huyer win
obtain Icaso of honscl" ; ' ' ! _ . OV.1 a )
OALE"oTrlirnl t u ro T ioMockof H.O. LlmN
O roth , lately deceased , Jens Moiiflon , ad.
iiiliilstrator. Craig , tftslft' ' _ 011-28 *
FOR SALE KurnlWrp. onrpots nnrt house
hold Roods of nil kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday nnd SatimWy' morning nt 1111 Kur-
nnniHU Cash paid tat < r xxls. Omaha Auction
and Slorugu Co. Hcurjr Crelghton , auctioneer.
t r/si
For inte * , etc. , tee top of flirt column on this jiio
TTIOR SALE Sowing machine , almost now ,
Jo costSsTij will sell cheap or trade for milch
cowr 1810 St. Mary's nvo. 023 so *
rilHE fninoius Warrenshurg whlto and hluo
JL sand stone will stand In any climate , U lire
nnd frost proof and H suitable for all puritosen
where stone Is preferable to other material. I
am prepared to furnish this utono on short 110-
tlco In any quantity , rouuli , sawed or dressed
ready for ti o. 1'or further Information ad
dress Jacob i'lokelWarrcnsburgQuarrlnsl.Mo. (
U70 Jya *
TTIOICSALE Cheap , n beautiful fawn colored
JL1 grey hound. Enquire 7J4S. 10th st , , corner
of Lcarcnworth. &U
TTIOR SALE-A fresh cow at 013 N. 21th st.
JJ 681-30 *
100-ln. Victor bleyclo ; 1 Estey 2 manual pedal
organ. H , 11. Allen , Ofllce Chicago I.iun. Co.
418 25 *
TTIOR SALE 1iO ( piano boxes price ? 2. A.
J-1 Hospo , 1513 Douglas. SUO a 4
FTIOR HALE , cnpap 80-horso power MOO
J- holler , good ns mnv , with fittings complRto ;
heater , mud-drum , plunge pumps , nnd No. 3
Knowlcs ; wtllnell for one-half original cos.
Jell W. Hedford. ! M
SALE Some good watches and diamonds
mends cheap. U. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlth-
nell block. Ml
For rates , etc. , fee top of frst culnnin on this page.
B EFORE buying n piano examine the now
scale Ktmbull pluno. A. Hospe,1513 Douglas
G EO. K.GELLENHECK.teachcr of the banjo ,
with Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 240
For rates , etc. , see top of first column on this
G EO. J. PAUL , IfiOfl rnrnumst. Money to
loan on farms and pity pioporty. hltt
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought. JlcCaguc Investment Co. 003
MONHY loaned nt lowest rates , long tlrno on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "extras , "
no delay , Glebe Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S 10th.
T5UILD1NG loans , G to 7 per cent ; no atldl-
JDtlorml charges forcommlsslon or attorney's
fees. W. U. Moiklc , Flist Nut'l bank bldg.Ml
MONEY > ' ) ) ,00 orOOdayson furnlturc.ptanos ,
horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 018
Paxton blk. oua
/"III ATT EL loans at lowest rates ; business
confidential 510 Puxton blk. J. U. Emlnger.
/1OMMERCIAL and ccneral short time paper
V-'bought ; also regular Uvo-your loans made
on Improved property. Gco. 1' . H lust & Co. ,
20J Ramgo bldg. - COG
QECOND mortgage loans. Second mortgages
Obought. Loans on vacant lots. Read &
Sclhy , room 13. Itoaid Trade. OJ7
/CHATTEL Hank , 310 S. 15th st. will 10.111 you
v-/mouey on chuttelt/ilfbuuk rates. Call 44'J '
LIHERAL real estate loans made by W. M.
Harris , room 20 , rruuzcr block , opp. P. O.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of to
$1,0(10 ( ; getonriatt" * before borrowing and
save money ; loan on' ' horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan ; renewal of old and low
est rates , eall R 203 , iShcoly blk , 13th and
How.-ud sts. cai
FIRST mortgage Irtans at low rates and no
delay. U V. Shales' Co , , 2101st Null bank.
GPER CENT resldpnte loans , HOOO to $10,000.
Hulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , lleo building. 5'Jd
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mutes ,
household goods , pianos , organs.dlamonds ,
ut lowest rates. Tlio first organized loan of
llce in the city. Make loans from 30 to 3b3 days ,
which can bo paid in part or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call and see us when you want money. We can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without icmoval of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In making
loans. O. l < \ Reed & Co. , 310 S. 13th St. : over
Hlinrhum & Sons. 5'J7
LOANb Money on luind. low rates. Omaliu
Real Estate & Trust Co. , 2M S. 17th st. , Heo
bulldlny 0
_ _
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal properly.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
ptiny , room 400 , P.i.xtoii block. CM
WANTED Klrst class insldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest-
inentCo. . l. 31 rarnam. 00. )
"OEl'ORE negotiating a loan to improve
JLiyour real estate got terms from
The Odell Investment Co. , 3UI N. Y. Llfo bldg. ,
Thos. S. Hoj d , representative. 010
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first
mortgages wanted George w. P , Co.ites. reiiro-
Bentatlvo , room 7 , Hoard Trade. _ ( ill
TT ASTERN money to loan on elty property ;
JLilmortgagopuperbought. II. I ) , Irey.N.Y.LIfo
MONEY to loan on long or short time ;
county warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. . 1000M l-'immin st. Cfti J 2H
SHORT time loans on vacant lots. Sulhy&
Reed , n , board of trade. fins
MONEY to loan in any amount irom T10 to
$10ou < ) for any time from one to six months ,
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
norses , mules , wagons , houses , least" ? , etc. , In
fact on any nvallahlo security In any amount
at thu lowest possible rates without lemovul
of property.
Payments can l/o made at any time reducing
both principal and Interest. You p.iy interest
only for the time you use the money. If you
owe n balance on your property 1 will take it
up ami carry It for you.
Money always on bund. No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rate ,
H. K. Masters ,
Room 4 Wlthnoll block , 15th and Ilurnoy Sts.
PER cent money to loan on real estate sot -
tcurltv. . Loans can be paid otT In Install
ments. Jno. W. Robblus , 20 N. Y. Llfo bldg.
HATTEL loans , R. 10 Continental blk. , 15 A :
Douglas ; business confidential. M.J. llullj
" 37
Pin- < itfde. . , fee top of ftrtt column on tlits payc.
' Remingtons , John If. t'nrnc.s Co. Letter
[ 'lies and olllce specialties , Rqingo bldg. 540
CriAIuY' ' < OYANT.
i -
l''or i atcs , ctc.tretnp vf yirxt c iiliimn mf tMtjmue.
IOUIHK IlKNNKTT.lfrom Chicago , the fa-
I mous imibMMir uniionjagnctlo iiiunlpulutor.
1'arlorb. ; illl N. Kith btgjcj ac-jy 1 *
RS.DR.KDDVhusrQturned. Tliureno\vned
clulrvoyunt Is lh > ) Ft > Qveiith daughter of
the seventh duuglitui ' 'w\rii with veil and great
propheticglftofMjcofiOMglit. Whlluentranced
w I If reveal tohor put nitiHo | very hidden mystery
In life. Has long heehrpononnced In Knioiiu
and America the gredt st living wonder of the
present u c. UnderMtundti the Kclenco of the
' l'er lan and llltiilou uaglv. " pr undent
charm working , and OjriUmriH ngyptluti talis
mans which will oxttrcomo your enomle ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
anectlons , makes inkirliiKO with thn one
you love-no failure. Removes nvll Jn-
luences. hud habits , cures witchery ,
Its , and nil long standing nnd mysterious
diseases , i'co $1 , } . { und { 5 ; lionrs U u. m , to H p ,
n. , strict. Send stamp fur Illustrated circular.
Pallors 321 North 12th st. Always at homo.
. _ 220 27 *
MADAM DEL/I ER. iimgnotlst. U uckowl-
cdia l by ull competitors the nucenof
IIUS.SUBO and magnetism. Parlors over (110 ( S ,
3th. Houn I ) to BJ bnndays 10 to 3 xtrlut.
P\R. NANNIE V. JVARREN , clairvoyant
J-'ine.illcal and business mudlurn , 1'umalutlls-
fuses u kpeclalty , HUN , lUMi si. , rooui.s 2umJ J.
'orn\Uetc.teetoi \ > offlr > t column on tltlt
itore In line locution , f.WJ ; * A)0 ) cuyh ,
u time. Co-operative Luud and Lot
Co..aoK.ict hst KB a
FOR SALE I'lno Pbtuhlislied clgurand IIPWS
business. I lest , lonatlou lu the city. Ad-
box V , KU postolllcu , ibO
T71ORSALE First elas.sslpam laundry plant ,
-L1 host location In Onmhtt-or
- - will nullif Intrr- to rnluablo man capable of managing
samo. Addtvs * It ai , Hec , C1.V20 *
W Inkn nn In-
tcrest In established mnnufnctiirlng lius-
lnt > 8 § . Money wanted to meet growing tlo-
mnnds of the trade. Investigate _ till * ! . Tor
Vartlcnlars nddross H. L. Hart , 222 Enst M st ,
Kansas City Mo. fC7 20
T\TK want n good man with WMlO toIX ) to
' ) tnko nn Interest In the best paying mann *
factoring business In the west. It will pay
you to Investigate this. Address 11 , L. Hart ,
2d nnd Oak at * . , Kansas City , Mo. 537 2C
RUO store , widow lady wishes to sell &b
- once her Into husband a hulf Interest In
good paying drug iMislne.v .s. . Invoicing about
t',000 , In Lander , Wyo. . us she ! wishes lo go
cast. Address .Mrs. J.\Y. * - - - " - -
. . Sullivan , Lander. Wj o.
FOll SALE A stock of ilrne-t , slor flxlnrci
and a fine soda fountain , located In a pros
perous county In Nebraska. Everything
li of the best. The town U u It. It , division
station nnd the 1C. It. sh < i | > s am locntod
For full portlculan call or address II. II. llon-
derson , room 40U , I'nxton blook , Omaha , Neb.
I 111
COMMISSION builnos * for sale , nxtnrcs ,
horoo and wagon , will Involeo to Milt pnr-
ehn er $ : l to Kti ) . L'lrst-oliiss location. Ad-
diest U : ! U Hoc. &I1
A HOTEL for rent , furnished , npar 0. K. &
N. depot , a division point : xoft snnj ) for
right party. Add. Slont Mann , 1'alrbiiry , Neb.
M ai *
Foil KENT or sale A first elnss creamery in
good agricultural district * Plenty of cream
enn bo hud. Address J. 1' , Kcntdmw , y
Formttg. etc. , * tt t'ji of fret cofiimn on tltli JKJUC.
niKADE yonr farm for a good cash business
Jin eastern Nebraska town ; 13,000 equity In
hotel and furniture ; excellent property , every
thing complete ; want Iowa or Nebraska land.
Address for particulars 1110 Lowu uvc..Ornaha ,
D7720 *
\ \ > HAT htivo you for 45 quartervi of land
' ' houses and lots , also mortgages ? May
assume . W. J. Pan I. looa Knrnam. 173-TO
/ 1iaAIt fctoro for ho'rscs , iiuilcH. o lot. Co-
V/Overutlve Lund aud Lot Co. , 205 N lUth st.
$8,000 assorted hard ware to exchange for good
lands or city property , In lota of SI.OOO or
nioro. O , L' . O. . ftox Ctij. COO 7
T71OU EXCIIANOE Clear land In Iowa and
J-J Nebraska to uxcharigo for Omaha or t-outh
Omaha vauant lots ; will nssunie .small onourn-
branco. M. S. Hturgoon , ICoom 13. Hoard of
Trade. 172
TWANT a stock of merchandise for luud
J-and cash. Goo. II. Uowrlug , SUuirt. Nob.
403 23 *
LOT In Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merchandise
Addiess Wm. Itawcrdlulf , lllcltman. Nob.
GUljiO :
FARM and city property for f.ilo or c.x-
change for an/ kind of merchandise or
rhntteKhorsci anil cattle ; would particularly
like to trade for slccra. Willis Cadwell , Broken
How , Nub. KVJ J 2a
T71OR EXCHANGE Good farmi. city propor-
J tyand wild lands In Neb. nnd Iowa forgood
pen'l m'd'se ; property clear , title perfect. Ad-
diess Lock IJox IB. Fremont , Neb. 033
I WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or horsu aud buggy. Address O 4
I ! eo oil I co. 30 %
Fur ratca , etc. , kee t < ti of flrst coftimu on tlit jwigf ,
rnHOROU&H'LY"bTnltT o imsoTlj Ui
-L room , hot and cold water , finished In an
tique oak , hnndsonio mantels , heautifully
decorated , sliding doors , huge teccptlou liall ,
hlato roof , good sized barn ; lot on which this
house stands Is lOUxVC feet , is on a beautiful
elevation In Dundee i'lnce. We will sell this
pi oi > ei I y for f1 , ! > 'JO.
Another lu > nIn Dundpe Plaee,8 rooms , hot
and cold water , hath , flnNhed In southern
pine nibbed down In hard oil , now style man
tels , paper hangings of the latent deMgus , blld-
ing doors , largo leueptlon liall , .slate foof ; this
house alsohas 100xii : > fcctof giound arid hand
somely loen ted. Thopilvo Is only 50.000. If
you nio seeking a homo come in and lot us
show you those properties.Vo will make the
teimsho that you can par for them eiisllyi
The I'ntilelc Land Company , 212. 241 and 24U ,
Heo building. C14-27
"jjlOU SALE New 7-nxin liouso with laun-
JL ? drv , bath room , hot and cold water , furri-
nce. electric bells. Apply. 1'ay , Room 1" X lleo
building , or icsldenue. 4IU.I Douglas. 5Ui 'M *
GOOD pioporty , full lot with double house ,
Capitol ave and 26th st , K500 , 12 per cent.
Investment. 0. F. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Lifts
T71OK SALE or exchange for clear Iowa prop-
Jerty , choice inside Omaha residence prop
erty , modern and brick Improvements ; valua
tion JIO.OOO. Address with particulars , 11.53
Heo olltcc. 6C9-20 *
NW. corner park , lot 100x181 ; will dl vide to
suit ! very choice and sightly. C. I' , llarri-
BOii. Ml N' Y. Life. 637 W
MUST bo sold to close an estatn Eight
choice lots In Saunders Hlmebau h's
addition at lens then their woith. If sold hoon.
Omaha Real Estate & Tiuat Co. , WJ So. 17th st.
Hep building. f > 8U
FOR SALE Cholco south front lot , facing
Hanscom Park. Ulxlim , $ . ' .oOO. Clioleo build-
in ; ; hltu , cheap. 0.1 > \ Harilaon , Ull N. V. Life.
437 2.'i
CHEAP Hou-es 2)ioiises ) , 4 roonih eacli , ! Wth
and riiarles sts. , $1,2.V ) , fi > cash , bai. $12 iwr
month. House , 4 rooms , well , elntern , etc. , full
lot. on 35th and Patrick uvo. , jlbOJ ; $ M cash ,
lial. on easy monthly payments. 0 houses of 7
rooms each. 2 full lots with each , only * 2MO ;
& " > 0 cash , bill. $10 per month , 7 per cent , and a
number of others. Gco. J.Puul , 100J 1 at num.
93xl" oust and south corner near Milton Rog
ers' place ; owner Just hero and wants to sell.
0. K. llaiiKon , Oil N. V. Life. ( iff HO
FOR SALE-Larso brick waiehonso , fcSxlK. I
Morles. Also hitrgHliih In choice rc.sldenue
property. Inqulie loom 53 , Chamber of Uom-
. " 4033)
JTIOR SALE-Lot B0xl25 , Hillftldo No. 1 , near
j Vates' ie.sldonce , > outh front ; If sold nt
once. W.100.
Flno rehidenco , 20th and rarnani btieots ;
modem Inirovcments ] ; { K'.OOO.
U. L. Green , loom 30 , Hi rl > er blook. ! > . * > . " >
TTIOR PALE-Or trade nt a bargain , n-rooin
X1 houM ) near ball giound. Cull on Wond-
brldge Hios. . 1412'apltol ( live. 410 2i ( *
"V EW fi-nxini house , near motor line ; wil [
-Li sell eheap unit on small nionthlv pavmentH.
Cull qulok If yon want u barg.iln. J , J. Wllkln-
bon. dlS i'axton blk. 12U
T1NPOLN Place nnrt Cnrthago lots , price
Jfl.OOO. * 51 down , balance } n monthly ,
\V. L. c-elhy , room 13 , board ot trade , 017
FOR SALE A homo on monthly payments.
A nloeb-room house , Ii3 IIDI- month , * > , OW , payment as ariungud. A prulty cottage ,
Ijooins finished , upstalis for as many more.
lot .Wvl.t ) , JiO-W , ! flR per month , hinnll payment
lown. A similar cottagf. lot 1UUM , * . > , aoo , $15
lor month. Will build on vacua lots to biilt.
N'orman A , Kuhii , druggjbt , 13th and Douglas.
( iM .130
TjlORSALK A fine new fi-rootu cottagti near
4eleetrli ) ear line on N.27th st. Will take ns
Kilt of cash payment a good horsu or hi > mu
ind uhaelon. P. 1,7)1 ) 1'nrnurn st , ffx )
COTTAGE homes In most any addition for
.sale nt from'M.ixMup ' , on easy monthly jiay-
iients , ! ' . 1C. l.irllng.43 ) Harker block. ( iltf
ASMALLp'iymontdown and $15 per month
will l > uy n 4-ioom hoiibo and lot on Kith , 2
docks fiom motor ; flist-ela - , chanue to ae-
nilio a home on easy terms , Apply to II. E.
Cole , Continental block. UV >
cottages , ? l,500 each , SIO'J ' cash down ,
> * 15 per month. Thos. 1' . Hull , ail
I'axtou block. 01
\\7" ANTno About 100x100 ftor more , clo e ,
VT inside ; parttrude. eunli and tlmo or ciisli
and time , ll 1 , lleo olllco. 17.KX >
" \ XfAKE up and buy a liomoon monthly pay-
M menu , ( Jliolcoof hovou dllleient liousus ,
south frontsou L'uriiam ht , I.ieryi'onv'iiileiict. ' ,
ineludlni ; furnace and gas. 1' can bo > , eea
at my olllcc. Cull In. 1) . V. fa'lioles Co. , L'lil Ut ,
National bunk , 8.Li
AC'llEAl' innch-W.75 an neio buys aOJ3-
acup much In soulhweHtern Kansas , gixxl
hell , running water , timber , htomihouses , 11
miles feneo , clear eneuinhrunce , tltlo good.
I'lercu k Taylor , Rliihllelil. Kan. 6U.1 i *
"ITTA UO11 & We tcrUul4ruaiciitato's.binaliai
> T U1U
11' YOU have anything tobolloroxuhnnxu
call nt ( US I'axtou block Hi : .
SALE or Trade-Aly ruililtmcu oii Ho.
LkJlh Ht. , near Park school , house of HOVP.II
oorns with hath room , water closot. hot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will sell fore.ish
very cheap or will take vnuant lot on West
'iirnain nt. ns part payment. Tor particular *
uldroM E 20 Hoe olllce. 013
SALE Nlcn 7 room house loatly to
iiiuvu Into with full lot , ,3JJ , * ; j ) cash. 0.
' . Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life , I3J
The co-partnership heretofore oxUtlng bct-
veon Smith anil Lodchrlnk , ArchlteutH , Is this
luy dlbaolved by mutual consent , i'u'd U.
idobrlnk , will continue thu bualrins * ut 412
bhcfjy liloek , and collcut all bill , and pay nil
luuu of Dm lirui. I rod R. hmlth , will bo
oiuid ut room CIO Now Vorl < Llf Hulldlnij ,
JuneiJdl i' .
Notice toContrnutorn.
Notice lit heniby glrcn thntsonli'd proposals
wlllbo received by the city clerk or the oily
of Month Omaha , on or before thoMhdnyol
July , IS'K ' ) , nt 1 o'clock p. m. , for ( doping anil
removing tlio dirt on the following lot.s , ac
cording lo the provisions of Ordinance No. la * ,
to-wlt :
I-oia. blooV ( .Son lt OmahA.
Irtitn I nnd 3. liIiKikfVI , s.iith Omahti ,
Lots 1 nnd2 , blook S , llrst addition to South
I.ot8 , block 1 , first addition to South Omahn.
Lot 14. hlook H. llrnt addition to South Omaha
LOUD. 10. U. 12 and it ; , block a , Unit addition
to South Orimlm.
Lots I , 2 nnd 4 , block 7 , first addition to
South Omahn.
West Hinonty-flvo feet of lot 1 , block 4 ,
HrownVt Park.
East neventy-flro fcot of lot SI , block 4 ,
Hmnn's Park ,
East .soventy-Qro foot ot lot 6 , blook 8 ,
Hrawn'n Park.
Lot 7 , hlook 8 Hrown's Park.
Lot 0. block 113 South Omaha.
Lot 10 , block 111 , South Omaha.
Lot ( I , block ra. South Omaha ,
Lots 1,3 , and 4 , blook raSouth Omaha ,
Lotri I , 2 , and 4 , block PA , South Omiihu.
Lots3 and 4 , block ( U , South Omahn.
Lot 0. block 73 , South Omalm.
June21 d 10 t .loii.v.i. KVA.V. City Clerk ,
Notion to Contractorn.
Closed bids will bo received In the ofnVn of
the Park Commliisloner.s ( VII Paxton llld'z ) ,
nntlH2t > 'clock noon of Saturday , Juno 28th ,
IstK ) . fur the construction ot u dam In Hansconi
Park , containing
70 cnhleyards RubhloMasonary moro or less.
Gcublo ynids Dimension Mnsonary moro or
10 enhlo yards Concrete Masonary moro or
C5 cubic yanls Excavation Masonary moro
or less.
And tvi lineal fpot eojilng more or less.
Al o,75 cubic yanls Ritbhlo Masonary moro or
less , for n cascade at the head ot the lake.
Also , a culvert , 30 feet long by (1 ( feet wide ,
containing 34 cnblo yards rubble masonary
undl7cublu yards cxcnvullon moro or IOH.S.
Sumo to Ixi covered by a Htono Hugging ( ilnches
thick and 10 feet long , 1'or further infoima-
tloncallon the Superintendent. : it Hansconi
Park. GinR. . DOANI ; , Secretary ,
Juno 21 d 3t
Notice of Dissolution o f I'nrtnnrslilp.
To Whom It may Concern : The co-partuer-
shltl heretofore existing iHitween W. G. Al
bright and A. H , Cooley , under the firm name
of W. G. Albright & Co. , lias this day boon dis
solved by mutual consent , and said firm hnvo
retired from business.
All unsettled matters of the firm hnvo been
placed In the hands of Mr. Arthur East , room
& 21 N. Y. Life Ins. Hldg. . who Is authorised to
make all ejections and adjust all settle
air.V. . G. Albright can bo found at the office
of the Albright Land and Lot Co. , rooms 021 ,
522 ami KU N. Y. Life Ins. Hldg.
Mr. A. H. ( 'ooley can be found at the ofllco
of Dawson lltlck Co , 218 South 13th sf.
Jnno21 , IKK ) . \V. G. Ai.imuniT ,
Juno 23 U7t A. H. COOI.KV.
Notice to Contractors.
South Omaha , Neb. , Juno 17th , 1800.
Sealed proposals will be rt'uulvort by the un
dersigned atthls ofllco until twelve ( f2)oclook )
noon. July 1st , 1890 , for furnishing all the ma
terials and doing all the work necessary lo
grade 300.000 cubic yards of earth more or loss
nt the Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , Nob.
Plans and specifications may ho seen and all
Information relative to the work obtained at
No pioposals will bo considered itnlp < ss ac
companied by a certified cheek for $1.000 , to bo
returned on all bids not accented. The right
Is reserved to reject any or all bids.
W. N. HAIIOOCIC , General Manager ,
Union Stock Yards Co. , ( Limited. )
Notice to Contractors.
South Omaha , Neb. , Juno 17th , 1S90.
Scaled proposals will bo received by the un
dersigned atthls ofllco until twelve (12) ( ) o'clock
noon , June 30th , 1MU. for furnishing all the ma
terial rtnd doing all the .work necessary to
build and complete a pile box stoim water
RC\UT approximately 1,403 ft long ut the Union
Stock Yards. South Omaha. Neb. Plans and
specifications nnd all Infoimntlon relative to
tlio work can bo obtained at this olllcc.
No proposals will bo considered unless ac
companied by a certified cheek for $ ot , to beret
ret tuned on all bids not accepted.
The right Is reserved to i eject any or all
bids. W. N. lUnoocK , Genoial Manager.
Union Slock Yards Co , , ( Limttod. )
Juno 17 d 13t.
Notice to ItuilderH.
Sealed bids will be received till noon of
July 10th , Ih'.H ' ) , for the purchabo of the brlok
and miteiinl composing the Ilorald building ,
corner Kitli and llarnoy streets , or forthopur-
chasoof the building nnd what It contains ,
consisting of boiler , pipes , radiators , Ac. , &o.
The right Is le-orved to reject anyor nil bids.
JOHN A. McSllANE , 300 South 13th St.
J23-2UJ > 2-0
Elorator to Lease Propositions to lease for
ono year , or for term of years , the Union
Elevator at Council iUuIVs , capacity seven
hundred and fifty thousand 1-ushelR , will ho
received up to July 8th. 1803. AddressGeorge
I' . Wright , Sec'y and TreVr. , Council itlufls ,
lowu. Junc25dlOt
; \otice.
All persons Indebted lo thn Nebraska Steam
Laundry for work done prior to Junu liith ,
1SW. ! are heieby directed to make payments at
the laundry to E. D. Hnestls , who Is author
ised to receive all such monies duo and give ,
receipt thoreforo. NIMIK : 1'oon ,
Exoutrlx of the estate of C. S. Poor , deceased
J 23 d 0 t.
The partnership of Ilonuin & Terry , doing a
livery and feed business at 113 South tilth St. ,
Is dissolved ; all outstanding bills must ho
p.ild within 30 days to II. A. Homan , at 413 S ,
13th Stioet or Tred Tony. ! > 2i > South 13th St.
Juno 2od3t HOJ1AN & TERRY.
* OMAHA. -
- - .
On nccount ot o > ir Inrgb
nnd inurcnsiiiK Prnctico ,
wo have KEftlONMiD to
moro spacious und con
venient olliccB.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
( Oeneiol anil HEHVOUS
iWraknonof UoJyandtSinil , EtftoU
. . , ! n"T
T. T i m.- r nrKTOfiieninOldor Yourur.
U tu.l , Aoli j iUklllXIIirctlr li .ton.J. llVw laVH. rv. .
. - IlOlir.
MUllla * IIOXK TllfiTRKMT-UrQiCI * la d < f.
Ota I mil ; fro-u to SUIri imd t trrliin Coiulrlti , Wrlli Iliin.
Deitllttli * Itoob. * > jlan lloa Qd | .ro4rinil
"Arm GRIP. MtfoiCAl. CO. , BUK
suffering from cfTeoti
WEMS of Lost M in hood .
Youthful Ki rors. linpotiiney
and Diseases of Men can bo
cute I iir Mianvntly tntl prlrutcly hr ) our hex uul Sio |
clllc bunt liy ni.ill lurlfl. lluuk tout mi'iilmli for
tuni | > . JUuivoii Jtiiillrul 1ST W
etrcut , Dubton , Jlnsn.
AQOODUICII , Lawyer , 121 Doaihorn St
Uhluago. 2U years' successful praotleo ,
Advlcufix'u ; uopuhllulty , Special fuellltleslu
uuny st.Ues.
Oponn Vth month , Mh , IKM Tlilrtr mlr.uton from
Iro.irt Ht. Htatlon. J'lilla , Undur lure of Krlvnti. (
'nil colluKlutu cuurtrx fur tiutli xei Iciullni ; to
Clnmluul. Kniilncnrlntf , bclcntlllo mm IJturorjr ilu-
urixi * . HcMlllirul locution , niluinlvu cruintds ,
kulldlnKii , imuliliiH nlioi | , Uhoralurlui anil libra-
Uu. Kur full pnrtlculnr * iiilclnm
WM. 11 Al'l'Ll'.TO.N , I'll. 1) . , Proildont.
Clreularof 1IRNIIV J. BTl'.VKNS , A. II. . 1'rln.
TNSTItUMKNTd pluued 7m ruobril iluiluz"
8 8 Campbell to L D Kowler , trustee , lots
H toil ) , hlk r.U , Dundee I'lacn , wd , t 7,600
J W McMeimmy and wlfo to 1 * II WulLer ,
1 lot II , hlk 0 , 1'urk. wd 2,000
I' ' W Uassmaii and wife to ucorso llurko ,
lot IK , hlk 1I'uwlor I'tiire , w d . . . 600
0 II Iliown and wlfu lo W M llnshmnn.
Iota andeiyfUoU.nlki'UI.Omulia.wd X',000
A O Illmebuugh to I < u Williams , so nurt
of hit II , Illmehaugh Place , wd ( rullled ) C.ryX )
M II I'linterund wlfeUiJume HUtekdule ,
lotf. Aldliiu hiiiiunl. w d. , , . J.fiOO
D il Wulty ct itl to 1 iV Gray , lot 13 , bile
2. lot * 4 nnd R , blk S , ) oti 0. 11. IS. 17 niut
19 , blk H , Iot2il , blk 7 , Crclshton If
i ] "d , . , , , , .
C P Hnrrlson to Ettn Harrison , lots ,
3) ) and 21 , lilk H. Eekermnn Plnct' . w tl 2,000
OVf K Dorsey nnd wlfo to Mary Sillier.
lot Milk OlnymVs add , wd . . .44 400
S RJtihnson unit wlfo to U Ellarker. lot
. 17 , blk 1 , lot H , blk 4 , Miiyno Place , i | o tl 3
Margaret lllovln * to A U Oharlton , lot B ,
blk 4 , Hoyd'andd. w d . . . 1.400
A U Churlton and wife to M ( ) Robinson ,
lots. bU 4 , Hord'Madd. w d . 200
IM Hnekernnd wlfo to J tl Harnard.IoM
ID and 11 , 1st add to 1'nelory Place , q o
J l''iloyji , shcrihVto' i'il\'eViVnneV'io'ua )
blk.X l.xchnnao I'lnce , dfHHl . 1
.1 TultlotopSlTuttlo , lot ( V , blk OK ,
Red fortl Place , wd . , . 1
P M Tutlle and wife to Catliue llubn , lot
n , blk flit , lledford Place , w d . 1,400
Nathan /.uiarus and wife to Anna t'ur-
lo Mots2 | nndSCibllcl , llolTnmu Ter-
rnco , w < i . , . , . flOO
Copy of will And eerlllloalo to pro-
bale will of PU Hlmebaugh ,
Elglitcen transfers . , . .1 Mi > 5l
PonntU to build wora Usucil M fol
lows bjr the suiicrltitonduut of bulldltnr * yos-
Thoman Ilrennan , double two-story
brick tenement. TvM'iity-Klxlh near
. , S ! . ' . M"W'iu.vonuo . $10,500
\ \ illlam Morning , ono and one-luilf-storv
frame addition to dwelling. t > 0i Ninth
ElBhteeiith . l.OJO
Dr. J. E. Hummers , two-storv nnd ba'.o-
ment brlek store and ollleo , 413 South
Thirteenth . 4,500 ,
O.II.Crawl , ono and one-half afory frame
barn , 4a'lUieorgust root . 40J
J. O. ; Miller , two-Mory frame dwelling ,
Rees , nearT euty-llftl .
Tour permits aggregating
Tlio now ollicos of the grant Hock Is
land roulo , 1002 , Slxttiuiilh iintl Fnrnitni
etroot , Oinnlui , ; ire the llniwt in the city.
Call nnd sue thorn. Tlukuts lo ull points
cast ut lowest nitod
Keren HiisliniHlH Sinoiiroil in Coiil-Tnr
IIH n Token ot'CSrlof.
lonco witnopsod the fttnonvl of a Dipyor
Indian sqiiuw , says u writer In the Snjj-
inaw Humid. On the third afternoon
tiflor her death the preparations wore
made for it. The women brought dry
resinous woods nnd placed thorn in the
form of n pyramid , and under them were
dry bratiehos nnd pine knots.
When ull was read they brought the
body , wrapped in her best clothes , and
laid it on top. Then all her little trin
kets and her work-basket and bono
utensils for weaving were laid beside
hop , nnd her last b.tby basket laid on
her brciibt , wliich she had woven her
self , hoping soon to need it , for these
wojncn certainly love their little ones
nnd rejoice in their motherhood. It is
ull they have worth living for.
At bundown the disootiholuto widower
was brought forward , and was so drunk
that ho could hardly { tot to the plaeo
where ho was to sit. Coal-tar was
bmeared on the face and in his hair.
This is their mourning garb n coat of
coal-tar. *
Then the fire was lighted und the
women raised a tort of wailing ( hunt in
which the men joined occasionally , and
the body slowly consumed , the lire being
fed by fresh pine knots all the while.
The tin dipper circulated , and the men ,
ono by one , dropped on into slumber , but
the women kept nwako , probably all
night , us the lire was still smoldering in
the morning.
Are you troubled with chronic dinrrhmal
A glass of Cook's Kxtra Dry Cha
three or four times n day will euro it.
n CouiterH'Ir Dill.
I happened to bo In the United States
sub-treasury on Wall street the other
day , says u New York Star gossipcr ,
find was' rather amused at a little inci
dent I witnessed. A gentleman entered ,
and , approaching ono of the clerks ,
handed him a $20 bill and asked if _ it
were counterfeit. The clerk look it ,
wont iiwuy , and in a few minutes re
turned and handed out the bill without iv
word. Cut aoi'oss its face with si die was
the word "Counterfeit. " The rage of
tlio owner knew no bounds.
"Confound vou ! " ho shouted , "I didn't
nsk you to destroy the bill. I simply
asked you to tell mo if it wore counter
feit. It's worthless now. "
"It never was of any value , " mildly
responded the clerk , "and the i-ulo of
the department is that nil bills olVorod
in this way must be defaced when coun
terfeits before icturning them to the
party presenting them. "
"Now that , " remarked the nxnminor
to mo , "is an almost daily occurrence.
A man gets u counterfoil bill passed on
him and , being in doubt , ho comes inhere
hero to ask about it , imd it is destroyed
for him. fie is naturally indignant , ns
doubtless ho gave value for it und would
like to have u chance to pass it oil on
some ono elso. But the law is impera
tive on us and wo must destroy all suoh
bills under penalty. If that man had
talfcn his bill to u bank it would hnvo
boon returned to him O. K. , but ho
made the mistake of bringing it hero.
The national banks uro supposed to
deface counterfeits IIH well as the treas
ury. They Boldom do it , however
perhaps not ono case out of n hundred.
They are afraid of insulting acustomor. "
Ho sure nnd use Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
Syrup for your children while teething , l3 !
cents u bottle.
_ _
A. Series of Consecutive Invents.
Mr. Buz/.ell put some tar in n tin pall
and phi cod it upon the stove to melt the
other day , says the Lewiston ( Me. )
Journal. In the bottom of the pull was
i small hole which hud not boon noticed.
As the tar began to molt it ilowed
Jirough the hole nnd soon took fire ,
making u lively bla'/.o. Mr. Bu/.zoll
eei/ed the pail and started to run out of
doors with doing which ho received
somopuinful burns upon his hand.
In his hurry lie did not bee the fthop-
lord dog lying on the Iloor and stumbled
over him.spilling u quantity of the burn-
.ntf tar upon the dog'ri tail , which wna
eng nnd bushy.
The dog , scared out of Ills wits und
with his burning tail llnrJng up like a
.orch.begnn running around the kitchen
lining-room , setting fire to the walls ,
wood work , tables und chairs , r'lnitlly
they managed to got the dog out of doora
ind the nnimal extinguished his own
ire by rolling.
The uid of about fifty of the men from
Lho tannery was quickly obtained , nnd ,
> y great exertions the fire was finally
extinguished. As it was , dnm'igi to the
extent of SJM ) was done by the llro , thii
oss being coved by Insurance. The dotf
wns very badly burned , und iillliougU
low nllvo , it is doubtful if ho recovers.
Dr. Uirnoy.prnetiee limited to catarrh *
ul diseases of nose and throat. Boo bldg.
The 1'ajier Trade.
Several important paper mills uro in !
coui'ou of construction und others anV
wing enlarged , though prices in general
continue very low. The Paper World
remarks that "enormous plnnta for the
nnnufncturo of pulp uro going up in ull
> arts of the country , and the soda nnd ,
iulphito processes are coming into UBU
moro and more. The importation of
ground pulp Is already u thing of thu
msr , nnd the chemical brands feel tha
mango seriously , while tlio decreasing
use of rags makes their importation nnd
bale u mutter of uncertainty und dull *
loss. " Consumption is us lurgo as usual ,
says Bradstroot's. Though there la no
special activity , business from the top oC
the trade to the bottom averages about ;
is well us ut uny time for the past llvtj
fours ,
M-n-chtintB' hotol.Omahu. $2 to $3 pcrf
day. Nat.lJrownproprIru , I