1(11 l I % * J B THURSDAY , JUNE 20. 1890. THE VETERANS IN THE VAN They Win the Banner a ? the Dast-Drillci Firemen in Nebraska. THEY WERE PERFECTLY IRRESISTIBLE A Detachment of Omixlin Guard ) Menu tlio VcH on TJiclr. Ue- turn anil KscortH Them 1 hrougli tlio City. The vctrrnn llrcmcn returned last nigh with victory perched upon their hanners They came , they saw , they conquered , niu Spud Farrlsh here uloft the trophy. It wit the banner awarded to the bcstiippcnring 11 r company ix h.inncr with the inscription "Stato Flrcinen'H Tournnment , Plnttstnoutli Neb. , Juno ! ! . ( , IbOO , " In silver letters on tin blue fold. The border was of silver lace nm 4 \ on the reverse side of old gold , wlillo a sllvoi " eagle with outstretched wings perched 01 * the staff. Prom the depot up tlirought the city tin order of march was the same u > on their departure. First * cixnio H ! > rod-coated Durants l > earlng. brooms then the Union Paclllc band plnyliif "Seo the Conquering Hero , " and nfter then the Duruml hose company. Afteran lutorvii came the veterans , he.idod by Max Meyer am the Ancient Order of Hibernian band. Thci : cnmu n detachment of sixteen men from tin Onaha guards umlerthe command of Lleiitcn nnt Mulford. They Imd done the griiccfu thing , ns they always do , nnd unsoHi-ltci wcto on hand to greet the conducting heroes Just before the tr.iln arrived Captain Sclwifl nriivepatul relieved Lieutenant Mulford , am while they waited on the platform the clo- gnnt iippoaruuco nnd perfect drill of the do- tiichmciit were the admiration of the speetsi tore. After the Guards came Spud Faivisi bearing the trophy of victory , with Stovi Melio as a ] companion , waving the stars nml stripes. The vets were n llttlo the wor-o for wear , but still gorgeous and Hushed with victory. Jim Donnelly , the captain and drlllmastcr , was as ficsh us ix das ! $ % nnd issued his com' innnds lilco u veteran in b.xttlo. SolPiincc nml Joe Sheeley were the lieutenants und ably seconded his orders. Tlio front rank , composed of ICd Wittlg , Peter Karbagh , H. licit hold ilnd Fmnn Himlon , was enough to stir the martial enthusiasm of a fossil , nnd all the other ranks with their array of white whiskers and poitly forms , ably supported It. An enthusiastic vet * wnved his broom ns If It had been won In u nahikbara charge. It had a gilded handle nml was n gift of ono of Pluttsmouth's fair daughters. In front of the now 1'axton building the company drew up In slnglo lllo , fating the sldcwullc , while the Guiuds , after a number of artistic evolutions , took their places be hind them. Then the vets cheered the Guards and the Guards cheeied the vets and the band pin veil. luck Gulligur took the stand nnd ac knowledged the honor done the vets by the Guards in coming down to meet them , and Captain Sclmrff responded gracefully. The band plujed again , and while the vets broke ranks Mio Guards wcio escorted to their ar mory in high state by the band. While as a general thing the veterans are vitisllod with the day , they miiko two or : hroo complaints. In the lli'st place , they mil their wives were compelled topty un admission fee to the grounds and to the { niiul stand , something unprecedented , and igalnst which Chief Gulligan entered an jinphatlo protest to the gatekeeper. The { iitokcoper got noisv and Jack ( iiiiotod him. Again iu the bund contest the Hibernians veio ciowded oil the truck , wlillo the other j.uul had their play. Jack Gulliguu und > tliors iigiiin Interfered , nnd theieiis a sort ) f amateur Dounyhrook for u fuw minutes. 3Ut the Ancient Older of Hibernians banu rot no oppoitunity to enter tlio competition The whole trouble is useiibod to n r.uhor ) iovious set of deputies on the giounds , and ho marshal of the town made u graceful ipology which put everybody In good humor [ tguin. Folloxving aio the names of these who ook pait In the touinaincnt : A. J Sim li on , ' William Shull , J. F. Hheely , John iixuincr , Charles Fischer , Max Meyer , ! . . ! . Giilligan , Daniel W Shull , Ed Maurcr , Icnry I'undt , Ed Wittlg , Sol Prince , Louie if'iilst , H. Berthold , .Too Tehon , A. P. Hop- , ; ins , I' . Besen , Charles Schlank , II Kunda , udgoBcneko , L. Kxoit/sch , J. H. Litcho- iiorgcr , C. V. Gallagher , P. Windheim , F. Kchmldt , J. J. Donnelly jr. , P J Ivurbaeh , lohn A. Mcblmno. Hairy ' [ 'aggart , Frutijt X. lolonc ) , M. Hellmun , Aaron Calm , Ir. . F. II. ICosters , F P. Hanlon , J. K. Mm hell , J. II. Duller. Julius Tieitschke , Joseph Hothol/ , John F. liehm , A. H San er , Phil Dorr , William Mack , W. H. May , 'Yoniont ' , Gus Xlmmerman , James G. Me- toath , Fred SchuolTer , C. II. Ptekens , Owen Mixvln , Clmi'los Kostcrs , Joe Howies , M. [ 'anK. , . H. Walkor. The members of the Dunxnts wei-e Chuiloy "isher , foromiin ; A. Ingrain , prosldent ; S L. Jioytl , secrotiiry ; John Willots , treasurer ; { ohn Shindeer , IIwt usslstnnt ; Ficd Trot , icond usslstunt. A. Munson , Thos. Mc- llillan , Frank Hines , Frank Irvin , L T , , ytton , Jus. Wallace , Hy. Pottls , Win. Hux- .old , Chns. Huxhold , James Marsc , Charles [ lolamler. Lewis Oloson , William Edwlnson , jV'illlam Carter , James Gib-ion uud Henry 'olemaii. David Word was received last night that the body f David Moore , the Omaha man who was at Ottawa , 111. , had been shipped > this city. The remains will arrive at 10 i clock this morning , and will at once bo [ ilieii In charge by the friends of the deceased ( ml bo conveyed to the family residence on orth Thiity-thlrd street , near Burt. i. . Services will bo held at the residence at 5 in. , Dean Gardner officiating. The Intcr- hent will bo at Foi-ost Lawn. f At the tlmo of his death Mr. Moora carried 1'0tX)0 ' , ) of life insurance , which la payable to 10 widow. Tlio lOlfotlon of The board of education committee on teach- J ' s held a star chamber session last night to I insider what teachers should bo rccom- . \ended \ to the boaid for re-election. Sovonil Members of the hoiml who were not mem- I irs of the committee and two or three of 10 new moniburM were also present. It was Intimated that a largo number of ( ichors would bo allowed to retire to prlvato fo for vnilous reasons. , The board will hold a special meeting SaU rday evening to act on the ropoit of the mimlttco on teachers. Itolilx-d a Saloon. iBurghu-s paid George Rumsfclt , the saloon- eperntOia North Sixteenth street , a viiit st night. Just after II o'clock , business 'Ing ( lull , Uumsfeltnnd the birtcudor were ting In front of the saloon , when some rtv entered by way of the hick door and irledotT the money drawer , which con- mod 8J3. The loss was dlscovorod half an ur 1'itor when the saloon m in was closing 1,1 place of business for the night. | MlKH PailN II Ulllll.llllMMl. gl'ho report circulated in this city that Miss fiuhen , daughter of the late Senator Paul- , n , had been .sorloubly Injured In a runaway | Davenport. In. , proves to huvo been luooi1- § ct. A dlspitch to'l'iiK 11 KB from Davcn- | rthwt ulghtutatod that Miss Paulson was Slnjuivd and would roturti to Omaha next | mutiny. olghton Colli'go Coimiiuiiuoiiiuut. 'jvlghton coll-J o cloioj its thirteenth col- | { latoyear last night under mo t favorable vumstancas , The college tlubatlng society Id un "open jojsUm" and dUciiH ! > ed the estlon , "Shall the ndlroads bo controlled the government ! " There was much good isle mid the exercises closed with a uls- button of prUcs earned duiing the year. A 1'rloM Kuntonuetl to ilall. 2 iiK , Juno . ' . ' > , Ttiu couit at Bun try today ' 'itenced Father Crowley to ono month's prlsonment mid six moro additional in do- lit of bail for good behavior foriutliuU ting u Protestant clergyman ut Schull. OltlooiBiilllvau'M Haul. OUlcer Sullivan made u vlch haul lust night ion ho arrested James Smith , alias Loin i vie , who is wanted ut Ottuimva , la. , ou the charge of rnpo. Smith Is a good looklni mulatto , about twenty-three years of age Thcro Is n reward of * KX ) onhli head. HI answers thn description of the Iowa crlm Imd and will bo held Until the officers , Win have been notified , arrive. Fatal Head-Mud ColllHlon. IsniANAroi.tH , Ind , , Juno 23. A Vlnccno sicclal | says n head-end collision occurred be twccn-lxvo livansvlllo &Tcrro Hnuto frclgh tmlns near Purcell's ntatlon JUKI night. En glneer Lowhill and nn unknown tramp win was stculihg u ride were Instantly killed Both engines and n number of cars wen wrecked. _ liiirnliiK KiilililNli. The fire alarm turned In from box HI las evening called No. 2 to the alloy on Web toi street , between Twenty-second and Twenty third , to extinguish a blii/c In n pile of rub blsh that had been set on tlru by n number o of mischievous boys. Theiowas no damage TCH in ; ; tin : Alarm HO\CH. The protracted ringing of the fire alarm m 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon startled UK people In every portion of the city. There was no lire. ' It was simply the dcpartmenl testing n nunibor of the now boxes whlcl have recently been put In place. Major WlHrimami .Made a Haronct. Bim.ix , Juno ! i" . The emperor has con fcrrcd u baronetcy on Major Wlssmann. front rated Iy tlio Hunt. Cixcivxm , O. , June Uo. [ Special Tele Brain to Tin : Bin : . ] Three ciiscs of prostra lion from the heat , two of them fatal , wctc roiwrted today. * The Cliole.ru In Kjinln. M.Miuin , June 23. The total number ol cases of cholera in Valencia to date is 10(1 ( , oi which 11U have proved .fatal. VKHHOXA i , I'.l ttl ( ilt.l I'JfS. J. G. Given , Medicine Bow , is at the Wind sor. sor.G. . A. Miller of Topokn , ICan. , Is n guest at the Windsor. W Smith of Falrbury Is stopping at the Windsor. E. J. Williams of Denver is nt the Wind- sor. sor.J. J. M. Allen of Pittsburg is nt the Barker. J. C. Boyd of Chicago is registered nt the Barker. Phil Davlcs of Denver is a gnest nt the Barker. A G. Bcrggrcu of Wahoo Is stopping nt the Barker. William ICearvllle of Platte Center Is nt the Barker. H. O. Woodworth of Wymoro Is registered at the Merchants. H.V. . Werner and .T. E. Thomas , the former a brother of the man who threw L. O Secrcst out of the Met chants hotel window , arrived in the clt > from Hebron yestculay. Mrs W S. Crook , Mrs. Ilatncs" and Miss M. E. Crook of Fremont wore at the Mer chants jesterday. C. II. Paul and M. L Elmoro of Hastings are guests at the Merchant GcorgoGodfioy. jr. , of Fremont is rcgis- teicdattlio Merchants. Bon Reynolds , M. O'Brien mid L B. Mcr- rlixin of W\ more uro among the guests at the Pnxton. W. H. Clcmonsof Fremont was at the Paxton - ton yesterday. .T. A Co tello and wife of Grand Island are at the Paxton , George W. Frank of Ivcanmy Is at the Pax- ton. Samuel Carlmi t of Grand Island is rcgis- teied at tbe Muiray. J. N. Wood of Hastings is stopping'ut the Munay. C. II. Gnodrich and wife of McCook are guests at the Murray. J. W Johnson of Sutton is registered nt the Murray D. J. Muynard of HoUrcgo is registered at the Casey. F. A. Patteison of Hastings is at the Unsey. L James A. Torco of Tekaman was in the city yostcidny. F. L. Burrell of Fremont is registered at the Casey. H. W. Main and wife of Hastings axe guests ut thoMlllaid. E. C. Hun is of Norfolk is stopping at the Miliurd. W. H. I [ utuhiiison of Broken Bow is reg istered at the Millard. Con W. Lloyd of Gothenburg is nt the Millard. xnn's. err ; The Sunday sluxvliu ; case against Frit/ Bernhardi , which w.is set for yesterday morning in the superior court before Judge McCiee , was continued until 0 o'clock this morning. The Sunday closing barbers aio decidedly wruthy over the result of Bein- hardi's ' tilal before Justice Schuiv. and nllOgo all kinds ot things. They claim that the jury was a cut-and-dried affair , and that the only ien.on that the case was tried there was in oidorthatajurytri.il could bo seemed in order to help out the dofendanC They oven go faither aud charge Constable Covalt w Ith collusion in the matter and allege that ho. tiled an Information against Bornhardl be fore the hitter's shop was open Sunday morning , so us to bo ready to nub him as soon ns ho began to wont and thus forestall the other barbers who wom also watching. They claim that It was all a ruse to get the case into Schutv. ' court , so that a verdict could bo hccurcd to ple.ul in the other court us a pre vious trial and acquittal on the same charge. They propose to .stay in the light until it is finished , and on the othev hand Fritz pro poses to stay with them. He is backed by public- sentiment , as it is the prevailing opin ion that Sunday shaving is a necessity. The } iotol men are deeply Interested , claiming that it dilvcs away tmdo to close the barber shops , and ono hotel owner has gouo so far as to inform the barber in his hotel that ho will oust him from * his present ( imirters if hu aids or abets in the prosecution of cases , From now until July 1 wo are going to knock all previous attempts at low prices. Wo will guarantee to sell you goods cheaper than you over bought the same quality or money returned. Best quality India challies M and n cents ynrd. Good sateens S , 10 and 12)4 ) cents.rani : 'ho quality cannot bo dupli cated in the city at the price. All of our fancy dress buttons nt Just half price. Just think of It. Wheru can vou get such bar gains I Only at Cully's. Wo will soil you yard wide sheeting f > o yard that Is bettor than Lawroiu'o L. L. Good yard wide bleached muslin to ! yard , worth t ) . Good diess ginghams il'o yard , woith SKWo will save you money on all white goods , lace financings , gloves , mitts , hose , corsets , fans and parasols. Baby caps at your own price ; we have too many. If you should happen to want a line wool dress wo will bixvu you ut least 23 per cent. If you ire afj.er bargains wo are bound to get your trade. Ladies' imported hem stitched haml- kcrchloh , fie , woith lllo. Hents * Imported Dem stitched handkerchiefs , lOc , U for 2. > c , lhat are worth Just double. This Is pretty largo talk ; call and see the goods and satisfy yourselves. Wo glvo a handsome present with each mid every cash purchase to the unount of $1. IU3 Broadway , C. C. Cui.i.y. Choice residence propoi ty centrally located for sale by E. II. Shoafo & Co. . If you wish to soil your property call on the Judtl& Wells Co , , C. B. Jiuid pi-osldont , OOi Broadway. The Kai-ly Closing Move. The early closing fever has broken out again and Is having its usual run. It Is ot innmil occurrence and has thus far boon In variably productive- the s xmo result dls- ippolntmcnt for the clerks. The move Is igltntcd iindu paper is circulated. Some of .he merchants sign It and others refuse. That s the first sign of trouble. Perhaps the dealers who want to close carry out their de- ( dres and close ut U or 7 o'clock. Those \yho tecp open do moro or less business , mid the early closors get dissatisfied mid open up iguln , and the great reform movement goes over for another year. Then the programme of the year preceding s ro-ciiactou with the same result. Still the leiks do not gut discouraged , and go through ho sumo motions each succeeding season with great upparcut cujoymcut , uud sociu to bo very confident of success , M If It was ren dcred moro certain by previous lallures. This Is the situation nt the present time The clerks huvo again donned their wa paint , ami have united in n light to secure their nvcnlngs to themselves. They have clr culatcd their petition and have thus far sc cured the signatures of about thirty mcr chants who are willing to lock their doors n 7 o'clock. They have all the boot mid shoe dealers with ono exception , and that one hot always been an exception. Ho even persist in keeping open on Sunday and this causes i hoxvl among the other shoo men. Nearly id the dealers agree that evening trade is light and the clerks urge this , together with ' the discomfort caused by lengthening out an al readv long hot day , as a reason why thoj should bo allowed to sccuio a little enjoy meat nt Clmutauqun , Fall-mount park oi Manawa. Whether this year's exertions wll secure n chungn can only bo conjectures as yet. A Hlunltc'H Klcli Strike. County Recorder W. II. Thomas yesterday received a letter from his brother , John F. who Is now In Montana , to the effect that hu had "struck It rich. " "Jack , " us ho is Tamil- laily known , went out there several years ago and secured n claim , hut was not vcr > favorably impressed with it and sold It. The claim was afterward sold for Jli.OOO and stll later for 820,000. In the meantime the first owner had returned to the Bluffs , arriving hoio about two years ago , mid accepted a po sition In the recorder's ofllco. While there he heard of the rapidly Increasing value o the property ho had formerly owned mid became - came Imbued with a deslio to go back there and try It over again. The result was that a few months ago ho again headed for Mon tana. Ho now writes that ho has u claim that shows up very tlch In gold near the sur face , and he bus received n flattering offei from engineers to work It on shares. This , however , ho refused , and will work It him self. Ho thinks ho has struck n bonanza , am : his friends hero are anxiously awaiting fur ther rcpoits. More Motors to Matunra. Colonel Uccd , manager of the Manawn motor line , has concluded that what applies to other street railways all over the country will also hold good with reference to his road that is , that the better the service the greater the travel , and has accordingly made arrangements to run trains every twenty minutes , instead of every half hour , as nt present. The change will bo made on the first of next month. Trial trips were made yesterday to see whether or not the change could bo made without putting on moro rolling stock , and it was found that it can bo done satisfactorily by increasing the speed and thus shortening the running time. A run was made from Broadway to the lake in fourteen minutes , including eight stops , and this was deemed conclusive proof that a twenty minute service is practicable with the number of trains now run ning. The speed inside the cor porate limits remains about the same , and the * gain is made between the Twenty-sixth avenue siding and the lake. It is believed that this change will result in in creasing the travel fully as much as did the change from an hour to n thirty minute ser vice. Colonel Heed is ccxtainly cnterpiiaing , and his elToits to better accommodate the public uro deserving of ample financial suc cess. AVnntB a Second Divorce. Mrs. Iru Plainer has filed a petition in the district couit declaring that her comfort , hap piness and material wcll-bcii ! < ; depends upon the severance of the matrimonial bonds that now bind her to ono of the oiucst residents of this city. She alleges cruel and inhuman tieatment mid adultery as the reason why she bo granted the prayed-for relief. She wants * jooo alimony and'has already at tached Platner's homestead property on Broadway and a ten acre tract in the western part cf the city. ' This is the second time that tho'couplo have figured in the divorce couits of this county A little over a year use they nriived at the conclusion that double blessedness was nil a humbug and maiital felicity a myth , and the couit accommodatingly untied the knot. Mrs. Plainer seemed & 1,000 and obtained a judgment against Platncr. This judgment was never satisfied and now Mra. Plainer also wants that matter straightened xip. It is alleged that the first divorce was obtained through collusion between the parties iutcr- esicd. the wife easily procuring evidence to establish the charge of adultery. It was Inti mated at the time of the second marriage that Platncr thought his wife secured the best end of the deal and accordingly brought about the second maniiigo to get out of paying the sum awarded by the court. He will try It over again and see if ho can manage to emerge thxough the big end of the horn. Will KeiKiir tlic Dam. The water in Manawa is not falling , as has been reported , although there is a break sixty feet long in the dam , but this is owing to the fact that the river is now high enough to hold It there , as it has backed up to the lake. When the river falls the lake will un doubtedly keep it company , and no effort will bo madeto icpair the dam until this occurs , as it has been found impracticable to nmlto icpahs during high water. Such an attempt was made a few days ago , but the water cuiiied out the new material as fast as it was put in. When the water falls , perma nent repairs will bo made and the dam put in condition to stand the effects of Hoods , fresh ets or other high water , and will then bo jillcil with water from Mosquito creek. There is plenty of water In the lake at present , and the steamers experience no difficulty In visit ing all paits ot it. . IJVHMCS ON HYPNOTISM. Ho Do H Not Jloliov It KflVutlvo When Applied to Criminal ) ) . "If hypnotism c.xu bo used with peed effect in oxUm'ting confodsionK from criminals or suspected people you cun rtopond upon it Unit it will not bo lony beforetlio Now York police dopiirtmont luib a thoroughly equipped force of skilled hypnotists to do the work. " Iiispoolor Uyriic ; ) never hud much faith in liypnotihin until Ii6 rend the Journal artitiloduticriblnt ; in dotuil the phenomenon , the furor it has created in medical circles in Prance and Germany , and also to some extent in Now York , bays tlio Now York Morning Journal. But what interested tlio inspector more than anything olho was the an nouncement of its use by the French po lice In placing Gabrielle Bompard , the beautiful accomplice of Eyraud , tlio mur derer , completely at their mercy. Tlio woman IIIIH shown herself wonderfully susceptible to hypnotic inlluencos , and Ijy an order of tlio court tlio police were instructed to place her in a atato of hypnotism. Tills IIUH been done several times , and she lias been made to do several absurd things , showing how completely she is jontrollodby the peculiar power. There is not the slightest doubt but that wore hho luskod to she would make a full con fession of the cowardly murder , describ ing eauh incident witli realistic dotafl. Wlion asked what he thought of hyp notism as an adjunct of the Now York police , Inspector Byrnes made the above remark and added : "Tlioro is no doubt that this phenomenon lias wondOrful . Tills is shown by the oxtruor- 8 ? nary euros wrought by the French and llormun physicians in tlio hospitals. tint in this country the subject is in too crmlo a state to bo permanently intro duced in any ollicial department. "I have serious doubts as to its appli- eabilty with criminals except in indi vidual cases where tlio subject is pecul iarly Miseoptiblo to hypnotical influ ences. I romombortho case of the drug cleric , AVosohuiig , who was mysteriously tiucked to pieces in a Third avenue drug store two years ago. The sixteen-year- old errand boy , Willie Krnlisch , was suspected of the orlmo , and was oclcod up in the East Fifty-llrst street station house. Ho was an awful liar and xlthough everything pointed to him as tlio guilty ono , lie stundfastly refused to nuke anything like a confession , Thlnk- ng that lie could bo made to go over the nxirdor if placed in a hypnotic trance , Jr. S. M. Hammond was called In. The ) oy was very execrable , and although several attempts wore made ho stead- ustly resisted all efforts to hypnotize ilm. If a half-grown boy can ( fo tills , n icalthy man can certainly do thq sumo. "Hypnotism may bu an admirable art , tut we must till know moro about it be fore trusting it absolutely. " 31 IXUIt } ftpM ' N. Y. P. Co. > , Council Bluffs Lu filter Co. . cord. Uemcmbpr tlio Illtutrntcd lecture on "Tlie Growth of Culture" nt the V. M. C. A. to- 'i'hoClmutnuqua hriulquitrtcra ( will bo nt No. 1 I'ciirl street uutH July 1 , Oniee hours from 0 n. in. to 12 in. Unity Guild mot lasti ovcnltitr with Mrs. 13. 11. Uimllncr , No. ! ! 0f Koitth First street , The evening passed very t'ntoynbly. ' The Roclablo of Harmony chnpter , Onlcr of the Eastern Sttxr , Is iio pmietl until further notice on account of iloath In the family of one of the members of the order. By order of the W. M. Mnrrinfro licenses vfc'i'e ' Issued yesterday to William J. Clark mid Surah L. Hooks , anil Charles Christiansen and Lucy Johnson of this city , mid M. H. Meyers mid Emma Kuchcr of Omaha. Miss Nellie Hatcher Oldham will 'give nn entertainment In the Hoynl Arcanum parlors Saturday evening In response to the solicita tions of many friends mid admirers who desire - sire once moro to hear her In recitation and reading. Mrs. Ida Scybcrt has filed a petition in the district court asking for an absolute decree of divorce from Dr. F. S. Soybcrt on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. She also nsks for the custody of their son , Frank W. Scybcrt. It Is understood that no defense will bo made. The delegates to the republican state con vention at Sioux City arrived home last evenIng - Ing t 11 ! I5. The train was held at Sioux City nn hour to accommodate the delegates. Superintendent W. B. Brown of the Iowa lines of the Burlington came in on the train in his special car , bringing several of the delegates. Park Commissioner Pcrcgoy wants 200 moro bosses at Bayllss park today. There wero. 'MX ) yesterday , but the commissioner says that the now fountain cannot bo set properly with less than f > 00 men to superintend the work. It would seem that there ought to bo moro than that number of nubile spirited men and phil anthropists in the city who would bo willing to sacrlllco their time on an occasion of this kind. The Dodpo Light Guards' party at Lake Mannwu this evening promises to bo a de lightful affair. Dancing In the new pavilion , boating , and refreshments served by the young ladies of All Saints' guild arc among the attractive features. Special motor trains will bo run for the accommodation of those who dcslro to attend. There will undoubtedly bo a largo attendance , both from this city and Omaha. The long expected Bayllss park fountain arrived Tuesday evening over the Hook Island by fast freight , and was yesterday un loaded at the park. It will bo placed in posi tion by Sprague & Co. , foundryincn. Hollcn- beck Brothers moved the heavy base , weigh ing 1K)0 ! ) pounds , to the masonry foundation In the center of the basin. It will require about live days to get the foundation set up and In running order. At "The Famous. " Mason's % gal. fruit Jars , from $1.40 to 81. ! 5 per doz. Mason's quail fruit jars , from ? 1.20 to $1.13 per i\oe. Mason's pint fruit jars , per doz. , $1. Lurgo jcily glasses , per doz. , OOc. Small jelly glasses , tier doz. , 50e. All .stoneware , per gal , , flc. At "Tho Famous , " 201) ) Broadway. J. C. Bixby , steam nc.xnnir , sanitary engi neer , WU Life building , Omaha ; yoi Mcrrlam block , Council Blurts. A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of hose purchased at Blxby's. Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and bnclgo woik , No. 12 Pearl. Oriental fancy goods , Japanese good" , im ported fireworks , etc. , at the Chinese bazaar , j T Main st. J'JEltSOX.lI , JL'JLIl.Ltlll.t I'lIS. George Kudlo Is one of those who travels with his eyes open.Vhile at ElUo , Nevada , lie witnessed the hanging of .Tosiah ami Elizabeth Bolts , man and wife , found guilty sf 11 most brutal mutder of an old man. Ho ivrites that ho does not want to see another such sight. S. B Waclsworth & Co. , 207 Pearl street , loannioncy for Lombard Investment company. * Watch the papers for the programme. Dalby's band at the minstrels Fiulay night , Wo close our store at (5 ( p. in. dining warm weather. Mueller Music Company , 103 Main st. The ladies of the Methodist Episcopal : hurch will give n sociable in the chuu-h parlors this , Thursday , evening , to which uverybody is cordially invited as this is to bo Lho last sociable to be given in the old church. It is honed there will boa largo attendance. Dempsey Bros. , 105 Main street , is the only place in town wheio you can get ficsh mid lellcious confectionery. At " 1 Iio Famous. " Best country butter per lb. , lOc. Fresh country eggs , per doz. , oc. Full cream cheese , perlb. , 15c. California 1mm , peril ) . , fee. Good ( lour , per B ! ) lb sack , 81. ' "Iho Famous , " 200 Broadway. An Kvonlng ofMirtli. On Friday evening there is promised a for these who go to Hughes' hall , by the way is as cool a spot as can bo 'ound in the city. A homo company , com- loscd of some of the best known young folks , vlll give nn entertainment of mlnstielsy , nto which will bo woven many local hits. L'ho Japs from Manawa will give their , 'orsion of the ' "Mikado , " and numerous other ncrry local features are carefully prepared 'or presentation In such a manner as to make t the funniest show of the year. If you wish to negotiate n loan on chattel or enl cstato security , ut lowest rates , see E. II. Shcafo & Co. , brokers , Broadway and Main itreet , u-stalrs. Tim MotlioillMis' Now Church. ThoBroidwiiy M. E. church society mot Tuesday evening ami appointed the following building committee to have charge of the erection of the new church : W. S. Mayne , chairman ; L. W. Tnlloys , J. H. K.Clark , Henry Luring mid Henry Delong. The plans submitted by F. M. Ellis ft , Co. wen finally adopted and bids will be solicited as soon as the specifications nro completed am ready to submit to contractors. Mr. Coctk of the firm of successful architects shown several specimens of Sioux Falls granlto mii it was decided to order the necessary ma terial for the new structure from tlio.faspct granlto mid stone company , The stone se lected is n handsome red granite mid will make n very line appearing building. The brick in the present structure will bo used for the foundation of the now one. The work of tearing down will begin as soon as the contracts are let. Temporary quarters for use during the summer nave not yet been secured. The Manhattan sporting hcadq'rsUS B- way. way.Desirable > Desirable dwellings located in all parts of the city , for rent by E. H. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main st. up stair. * . Go and see the "Three Little Maids from School" ut Hughes' hall Friday night. For one week , waterworks , $12.00. Now York plumbing company. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 52" Broadway. The gasoline stove is moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save life and property by using the C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.'s gas stove. not remedied in season , Is liable to IF become habitual nnd chronic. Dras tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels , confirm , rather than euro , the evil. Ayor's Pills , being mild , effective , and jtieugthonlng in their action , arc generally - ally recommended by the faculty as the bc.st of aperients. "Having been subject , for years , to constipation , without being able to liml much relief , 1 ut last tried Ayer's i'ills. I deem it both n duty and u pleasure to testify that 1 have derived great ben efit from their use. For over two jears past I have taken ono of these pills uery night beforeictiring. I would not willingly bo without them. " G. W. Bowman , 20 East Main. St. , Carlisle , I'a. "I linvo been taking Ayor's Pills and using them in my family since 1857 , nnd cheerfully recommend them to nil in need of a rfnfo but effectual cathartic. " John M. Hoggs , Louisville , ICy. "For eight years T was nfllicted with constipation , which nt last became so bad that the doctois could do no moro for me. Then I began to take Ayer's I'ills , nnd soon the bowels recovered their natural nnd regular nation , so that . " . L. now T am In excellent health. S. Loughbiidge , Itryun , Texas. " Having used Ajcr's Pills , with good results , I fully Indorse them for the pur poses for w hich they are recommended. " T. Connors , M. D. , Centre Ilridgo , I'a. Ayer's Pills , i BT Di. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by ll DruEgtati nud Dealt it in Medicine. ALL , WORK WARRANTED. DR. J. D. JACKSON , Dental Surgery. All kinds of work done. You eon s.ivo one- half on youriiold and silver filllni ; by calling at loom-U ! Men Iain block. Council ItlnlTs. MAXON & BOURGEOIS , A.ROI-I1TE1GTS ) ANr > ( FINE INTERIOR DECORATIONS. Room ISO Merrlam Hloek , Council HlnlTs , la. Hoom 010 N. Y. Life linllding. Omaha. Neb. W.A.GOEHRING PRACTICAL HORSE S1IOER. First Class work guaranteed in every respect. SB Fourth Street. Council Bluffs - - Iowa 18 MAIN ST. LAUNDRY. Shirts We. Collars Sc. Cnlfs 4e. tlnder- shlits Be. Handkerchiefs LV. Socks He. Ladles' clothes cheap. faATISPAOTlON GUAUAN'IT.nn. JOHN SAN KEE. Tims. Orricnit. \V. II. M. I'USKV. OFFICER & I'USHY. BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilioadway , Council Bluffs , - lown. Dealeis In foreign and domcstiu cvulmiixu Collections made aud Inteieit paid on tltiia deposits. For Stablemen and Stockman. CURES Cult. Snclllngj , Dr.ilses , Sprains , Oalls , Slrnlni , LamcnetsStinnoiiCrackodHeeli , Scratches. Contractions , Floth Woundt , Strlnghnll , Soro- Throat , Distemper , Colic , Whitlow. Poll Evil. Fistula , Tumors , Splints , Rlngtnne * and Spavin In their early SUgts. Directions with ouch bottle. AT rmraomWAvn DEAtrm. THE CHARLES A. VOOELER CO. . Baltimore. Md. 1409 DOUGUS---STREET. - - . On account ot our largo nnd inoron.siiiit Practice , wo have REMOVED to more spacious and con venient olliccs. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Nob. SPECIAL NOTICES : COUNCIL BLUFFS. THOU SAMP-OrTxIII trmlo " " ! . "roucl -LMcuni.stulllnii No. UPX ) , ti'slstmrd In Wal lace. Hy Dr. Aiulilb ild , dam tiy Kentucky Uluy , fi years old. Apply to Dr. Jlacniu. ANTHD-Oood itlrl by Mrs. A. 1' . lluu- uliott , f''U Pomth htrcut. T710K SAIiH OlinAI'-nfty empty plnim A. ' cases itood for oo.il mid Kralu boxes , bulld- etc. Mui'llur Music company. T7IOK SAIitt or Kent Harden land , with JJ housos. by J. U. Klee. Wi Main St. , Council Itluira. WANTHD Two enrrsetic young mon and women. Wages , W.V ) per day. No. "TO Mynstorutteet , Council HltilK T'lT'ANTnO J'lisl-dass woodworker to run i i moulding imichluu. U. lie-sen , Council HIiills. T AlUJSIXn S Ohunco A party with M.OOO to KO.OOJ can find a good lnestment and em- ] ) loyment In a iirolltable business. Tor par- llculuisaddtc.vi/ lice.Council HlilHla rpYI'KWRlTINO and Shorthand - Lulu A K hours lias opened a general ollleo for shorthand and tynewrltln ? and Ispiep.ired to take dictation either atthootlluo or outside. Depositions nnd legal copying given special attention. ICoom 4 , liiown bnlicllni- . WHY ji.xy rent wlien you can buy u homo on tliOMimo toinis , und In case of your death at any tlmo lea\ your family the homo clear on the follou Iii tei in : A homo woi til * | , IXM at ? I2 per month. A home woi 111 IL.VU atllB pur month. A homo wortli J,000 at J2I per month. ' A homo woith M.lXtO .itH pur month. A home worth JI.CCU at tIScr \ month. Other priced homes on the s imu terms. The aboio monthly piyment" Include prlnelp.xl und Interest. For f it'll paitlculars call on or address tho.ludd < fc Wells Co. . li'JJ llioadway , Council BlufT.s la. IflOH UI1NT Tnogoo-l monern liousus. W. ' \V. Hllgi-r. > I'eail sticot. T710K KHN'T Tim Morn roon'i , No. IS , frontnu JL1 on Prail st. W C. James. . IIAVH sov cr.il boautlful mo lorn IITISJ Wr. that \ xI11 tiadufor oncninboi jd va inlets lots In Uinnhaot Council blnirs. The Judil & Wells Co. . Council lllulls. la. J.D. JIiiMu.Nusov , r. . ISitunAiiT. . 1'ies. Vlvo-1'icb CIIAS. It. HANN'\S , Cashier. Citizens State Bank Or COUNCIL I1I.UFF3. Paid Up Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits 60,000 Liability to Depositors 360,000 DillWTOlts I. A. Mlllor , K. O. Olo.ison , H Ij Slmwrl , K. H. Hart , J. I ) . IMmundson , Ch is I . 11 anna n. Transact general bunking busi ness. L truest capital and surplus of any bank In feonthnestern Iowa. InLoresL on Tlmo Deposits. J. D. JACKSON , Guaranteed Dentistru ; ( lold crown nml tirl.litn work , Inchicllnit nil llno e ( ) > lnii > < oolil , I'l.itlmiin. Alitninlinii nmt Collnlolil. I'onKnir illlhiti nml continuous KUIU work | 'polnl- leu np ihrllr < Klvon when < ! e ( roit In cttroctlnil H-i'th. OlllCrt iHilirn. 8to Un m nn.ntoll 11 in. OllKunmm , ! OJ Murrlnnililock.Uoiinoll llluITs. F. M. ELLIS & CO. , Architects nuit.niso Itonnis 4M und fli lloo llulldlmr , Onmhn , Nob. , and UooinsIt und 21(1 ( Merrlam llloolc Council HUiir.s. Ix. : Corrosiioaduncu sollcltudi THE LAKQEST STOCIC OF PICTURE : FRAMES MOULxDINGS nvi < r brought to tlm west nro now on salont our Htoio. The poods comprise the rnlliu wholesale tock of M. Adler , mid \\cio liomtht nt vhorin's sale nt less than a\ per i-cntof wholes iio value. Wo will ( toll , \o picture fruinescheapur than vou ean tiny the uiitlii- X lslie < l mateilal for , I'ho stock comprises the host Knido of Koods made. Come nnd see. Nlles . \ . Whaley , 4UO llradwav , Council IllulTs. The J. A. Murphy MANUFACTURING CO. , 1st Avenno and 21st Htroot. Sash , Doors and Blinds Hand nml Scroll S.iwlni. Ko-Sawlns nnd IManliiK. Sawlnit of all kinds. Porch llraekets. Kindling wood K.MV ) ] itir load dolturod , Clean sa\\dnst by the barielMJ. . All work to ! > Urst-ulnss. Telephone 'ii < 1. "YOUU 1'ATKONAOK S'OMOITKD. " Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. Agents Wanted. DR. C. U JUDD , ( > jfl imOAMVAY , couNorr. IIMJI.'I.S IOWA 27 MAIN STREET , Over C. It. Jacqncmln & Co.'s Jewelry store OPIRISTIAN MENTRL - SCIENCE , Cinsses instructed , natients rocelvoJ for treatment , and ealls rospindod to. The poor and needy always welcome. MRS. M. B. BENEDICT , 304 High School Avomio , Council Bmlfa . . . . ; iow. SIGN WORKS The Only Hxclusive Sign Shop in the City. SlKn uiltltiK and fjialnlns taught on aiinll- catlon. catlon.D. . A. BENEDICT , Broadway - - Up Stairs C. A. BEEBE & COMPANY Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in FURNITURE. I arrest Stock nnd Lowest 1'rlces. Dealers , end for Catalogue. Nos. 2Q.j und 07 Broiuhray , nnd 201 liiid 00 Pierce Street , Council UlulTs , A. BIG LOT OF YELLOW AND SAXSAMOMD SWEET POTATO PLANTS CABBAGES AND OTHER VEGETABLE PLANTS , FRUITS , ETC. -J. R. M'PHRRSON , & 1281 East Pierce Street - - Council Bluffs la , MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. " ! Ilyrtr.iulic und Ssinltury EiiKlnoor. Flung , IJitlmi H"Ri-L-It-iKIf-ir . JDllKiniJlIlL Spoolllciitlons. Supot'vlaion of Public Worlc. llrowu . Coucil Rlulla. Iowa. _ Iullding. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .liHtlce of the Poaoo. O.Hjo over Ainerlcan Express , No. N " . LJroJiilwiiy , Council Blulta , Iowa. Vr Q Ii- o Attorneys iiLaw. Pr.iotloj in the St nto nnd Po CX , vJllIlb or.vi Cj'JpU.Roonn ' 7 and 8 Shajfiir- Bono Bloc Council Blu low v. 'S Lt BWTOWflfiWp ° 'Niw/li ? ' ' " wiiSil' ' \F / "U/I/M/w / / / i < iisT > r The above cut represents the new pavillion at Lake Manawa , built at a cost of $4,000. It has a frontage of 208 feet on the lake , making a clean , cool and delightful resort , and is suitable fpr dancing parties , picnics and summer entertainments. Tables and chairs free , and plenty of N free ice water. Elegant ladies' dressing rooms. Manawa is the only First Class Pleasure Re sort in the West is now being visited daily and nightly by the best people in the Twin Cities. Splendid fishing , bathing and boating. Motor trains run e\cry 30 minutes , making dose connections with Omaha and Council Bluffs Flectric Motor line. Good order ib maintained.