8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? WEDNESDAY , JUNE 25f 1890. THE CITY. Mnggio Carroll was taken to tlio In sane iiHyliim ypRtardny. - Harry Mullhull , fv colored youth , lifts been nrrcMtcd for threatening to kill his pother. Judge Clnrkfion sent Ornclo Knows to the reform school for pcrafttcntly tils- obeying her parents. ' The graduating exorcises of the high fchool will take place on next Thursday in the Grand opera house. Josojih Knncknahlo Is on trial for brutally assaulting un old ludy named Mrs. Flahcr near tlio Jones street dump. The superintendent of the poor farm burled four grown people and ono baby yesterday morning In the Potter's Hold. Rov. Father Breltkolt of the Seven teenth street Mission , took out his first naturalization papers yesterday. Ho Is a native of Bohemia. William Hutton , n sixteen-year old boy , Is chin-god by his father with in- corrlgibllity and will bo arrested and ecnt to the reform school. The shorlll has gene to Lincoln , tak ing George Mel-'arhuid to the peniten tiary for a year for robbery , and Bert Brewer , same oiTonso and same term. A complaint charging S. Finkelstoln with leaving his horse unfastened in the street has been liled. His team ran away on Lcavcmvorth street yesterday , cmushlng the wagon and harness. For the first time slnco the terrific otorm of Monday night , the Norfolk train put in an appearance yesterday , i The washouts on this line have all been repaired and trains will now run on Gchcdulo time. Superintendent James now has a library of which ho fools extremely proud. It consists of the monthly re ports and examinations of the various Bchools. The reports are bound into twenty-five volumes and will bo stowed away for future reference. All the young ladles in thcofllco of the recorder of deeds formed themselves into n swimming party yesterday afternoon nd hied away to the sylvan retreat afforded by beautiful LakeManawa , where they disported themselves in the rolling waters and returned with sun- blistered faces. Charles Peterson , living nt Sixteenth nnd Burt street , was out for a promenade yesterday afternoon , on North Sixtco.ith utreot , when ho stopped on a banana peel and fell to the stone sidewalk. After boiug taken to his homo , the at tending physician discovered tthut his right loir was broken in two places , be tween the knee and ankle. A XXO VXVKMJKXTS. "Shonandoah , " Ilronson Howard's greatest triumph , will bo presented ut Boyd's opera liouso for three nights uud a Saturday inat- Incc , commencing Thursday evening , with the exact original New York cast , scenery nnd accessories. The success of this play has been phenomenal , and in Now York , after Its loni ; run of iSOO nights , it ended with u demonstration which was nevci accorded any other play. A piece which appeals so deeply to patriotism deserves success , especially when It Is as meritorious u piece of worlc as "Shenaiulouh" Is said to bo. It is quite uncon ventional in its treatment of war , and with what lew allowances It calls for in matters of dramatic license , it is said , presents a picture of the situation that commends itself to the intelligence. Its love interest is con fessed to ho pretty , and altogether daintily Immllod. and it is exrititig. The company presenting the play is spoken of in the highest terms. Thcfgirls are all very pretty , as well us excellent actresses , and Henry Miller , is said to have made the -success of his life as the hero. The sale of cats will commence this morning. Merchants' hotelOmaha. $2 to $3 per day. Nat.BrownproprIra P.lligbymgr. Ijots ofNcw Work. The Missouri Pacific proposes to do a great deal of new work on Its Belt line system this year. In addition to double tracking the yards are being considerably enlarged. All the low swampy ground extending along the bluffs north of the freight house at Nicholas trout is being illled and will bo covered with eidc-tracUs. Insane. A big , swarthy man , of the farm-hand type , and whoso mind is so much unbalanced as to render him incapable of telling his name , was brought in from Florence and .lodged in the county jail. Ho is said to have been wandering around carrying a double- barrelled , loaded shot-gun , and sleeping out doors for n nmnth past. It is claimed that Ills homo Is in Leuvenworth , Kas. Through coaches Pullman palace Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening points via the great Uock Island routo. Tick et olllco lt > 02. Sixteenth and Farnam. Tlio Kdcii MIIHCO Hold. Sackctt and Lawlcr sold their Eden Musoo circuit yesterday to nn English syndicate , the consideration being $7i > , ( KX ) . Tlio deal takes in the museums at Omaha , St. Joe nnd Lin coln. They retain the house at Denver , but propose to place it in the hands of an agent , quit the show business themselves , and de vote their lime to selling a patent medicine , the right for which-S.iekott recently secured. An Important Witness for Crowe. Dr. IlerUmann loft for Chicago last night , where ho will testify in the case of the state ngulnst Crowe , the South Onuha packing liouso man who several weeks ago shot ono of Chicago's lewd women and then let daylight through several policemen who attempted to arrest him. About ono year ago , whllo Crowo was In this city ho fell from n North Twentieth street cable car , injuring his head very uov- croly. Dr. HorUmann was the attending physician , and expressed nn opinion that the fall Injured the man's mind. It will bo upon this point that ho will testify. From Iillierty , George B. Walters of Liberty pleaded guilty in the United Stutiu circuit court yes terday morning to a charge of selling mult liquor without n government license. "Let's see , where are you from I" asked Judge Dundy , preliminary to ' Imposing sen tence. "I'm from Liberty , sir , " said the culprit. "Liberty , oh I Did you know this man linker. United States attorney , when ho was tramping around that country I" "Yes , sir , I know him " "Never mind , " Interposed the Judge , "If you know Uakor I N 111 let you off cosy. Ten dollars und costs. " Knlhtn | of Pythias lllominl Conolave , at Milwaukee , Win. , July , UllH ) . For this great occasion excursion tick ets will bo wild from all principal points in the United States and Canada to Mil waukee and return via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway at half rates. As its nnnio indicates the Chicago , Milwaukee fe St. Paul railway is the direct route to Milwaukee , tinir as the camp ground for the Uniformed Knights ( to which point cars and trains will bo run through without transfer ) is located directly on this line , it will bo seen that the Chicago , Milwaukee Sa St. Paul mil- way has great advantage over other routes which are tinablo to furnish such facilities , and visiting Knights , } heir families and friends bhould bcav this in mind vvhon purchasing excursion tickets. A circular giving detailed Information will bo mailed free upon application teA A , V , II. Carpenter , general passenger ngont , Milwaukee , Wis. J. E. PHKSTON , F. A. NASH , Pass. Agent. Gon'l Agent. 1501 Furuaiu Street ( Barker Block ) , Omaha , IZA.UD SCJIOOh. The Myfltcrlefl of Its Munty Cellar nnd Its Unsteady Wnllfl. The Irani school , at the corner of Irani ima1 Nineteenth streets , U the oldest school in the northern part of the city. Out of it , the other schools in that section have grown. The main building Is nn old brick structure which Is In n very shaky condition. It was originally Intended for nn eight-room build ing , but by utilizing every nook nnd corner and the basement cloven rooms have been produced. A small frame building on the corner of TSvcn'tlcth nnd Izard Is used 03 an annex nnd In this nro four moro rooms. Immediately north of the lot on which the buildings Btdnd Is a railroad track running to the coal and lumber yards la the neighbor hood. Over this track heavy freight trains are run nt nil hours of the day , principally between 0 n. in. nnd noon. These trains cause a very perceptible trembling in the old structure which' Is decidedly annoying to both teachers and pupils. Besides the trom- tiling of the building , the noLso made by the passing trains , the ringing of bells and the shouting of' the trainmen , causes frequent and annoying Interruptions which distract the attention of the pupils. Hcccntly , whllo the pupils In one of the rooms were ut recita tion , It Was necessary to suspend operations for nearly fifteen minutes because of the noises. This Is not the only drawback connected with this building. Entering the basement room occupied by the first C grade , presided over by Miss Miles , ono experiences a sensa tion slmllatrto'tbat felt by a person when en tering a cave Or vault. The room Is dark nnd poorly ventilated. Outside the weather was iiot and sultry , but hero It was found neces sary to keep n lire burning to prevent the room from becoming damp and musty. The effect upon both teacher and pupils , confined in this dungeon for several hours , day after day , must bo pernicious In the extreme. Yet In this room are thirty-eight pupils , their ages averaging about seven years , who are compelled to sit in the stilling atmosphere und absorb learning. In order to reach another room In the base ment , It Is'ncccasary to pass through dark , vaulted archways , through heavy Iron doors that iiittlo and creak on their hinges , as though closing the passage to some monster- guarded cave to uo entered only by those having the mystic password. The way led through musty nnd foul smelling rooms which had been occupied by classes during the winter , but were vacated when a decrease in the attendance took place. The room occupied by the first C grade , presided over by Mrs. Perrin , is a slight Im provement over that last mentioned , as the windows are not so much underground , The musty smell is not so perceptible. The upper rooms in the building are well ventilated , but poorly lighted , being shaded by the largo trees. This school Is presided over by Miss Anna Fees , principal , assisted by a corps of Jlftccn teachers , with Miss C. E. Schaller as assist ant principal , The teachers are Sadie Bunker , JCella M. Wilson , Pannto C. Fcrnald , Camilla Elliott , Catherine- Fees , Kate M. Miles. Emma It. Kugh , Stella M. Champlin. A mclia Shattuck. Minnie S. Dye , Lizzie U. Necdham , Esther E. Heston and Cassandra P. Schaller. The discipline of the school Is excellent , every detail being carried out with tlio mini mum amount of friction , In passing to and from their rooms the pupils keep in ordcrbut the shaky condition of the building renders it unwise to have them keep step. They arc consequently required only to keep their lines .straight and pay strict attention to the busi ness in hand. There are 7T3 pupils enrolled , with nn average - ago daily attendance of about six hundred and fifty. Tlio boys and girls are about evenly divided as to numbers , with a slight differ ence in favor of the former. The colored cull- , . dien In attendance number forty. Ono of the most novel , and , there fore , most Interesting features connected with the work is the room in which nro the little ones the babies. This is the llrst A grade , presided over by Miss Hugh. These llttlo folks are amused as well as in structed by an ingenious' blending of work and play. They are Instructed in tlio vaiious sounds which compose simple words by being taught to imitate the sounds made by n loco motive , the blowing off of the steam , the blowing of the whistle , etc. They are ulso taught songs , -and during tlio singing indicate by gestures the gathering ofothu clouds , the falling of the snow , the fligllt of the birds , etc. , impressing the words and their meaninn Indelibly upon their minds. Tlio methods of instruction pursued in the other rooms are , of course , as thorough as in the ill-it grade , but they do not possess the same Interest for the average visitor. A number of the pupils liave attended the entire school year without having been ab sent. In the fifth grade the following have succeeded In making this record : Eddie Homan , John Meyer. Muttio Bard well , Christcim Johnson , Albert Inness. Bertie Flynu , Oertio Johnson and Nellie Barnum. Those in the third grade are Prank King , Willie Johnson , Charles Holla und Walter Euowold. In the fourth grade nro A. Luen- berg , E. Kear , J. Uico , Knthrlnu Thompson , Ottilia Meyers nnd G. Humphrey. In the first grade Henry Grossman has becu present every day. Tho.so of the pupils who have distinguished themselves by hard and faithful worlc during tlio year are as follows : In the eighth grade , Val Evans , MSy Dullou , Frauclska Thomp son. Seventh grade. Frank Ennlcr , Clarence Williams , Lulu Light , Louise Squires. Sixth grade , Anna Bennett and Albert Moningcr. Fifth grade , Uichard Johnson , Emma Schellburg , Grace Hancock and John Watts. Fourth grade , Mardetta Knight , Emma Koar , Grace Porter and Edna Burk. Third Ki-udo , Charles Wedell , Clara Englcr , Walter Enowold and Mary Wilrot. Second grade , AnnioSwonson , Mary Smith , Lilly Shrader and Esther Johnson. First grade , Clrtra Uurtcr , Carrie Gibson , Mary Belli Wallace , Minnto Morrison , Sam Johnson und Bessie Cook. After all , the best wav to know the real merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla , Is to try It your self. Be sure to get Hood's. OMSAUIXC THE Cl'l'V. Wni-'l Gni'bnKO Men Must Jleraftcr Attend to Husliiess. The collection of garbage under the now system went Into effect Monday. Notice had been posted nt the dump and elsewhere that after that date no ono would bo allowed to use the dump without obtaining a parmlt from the sanitary commissioner. As a consequence quence , there was n lot of men on hand yes terday to protest. No exceptions will bo made in favor of anyone. This was done to keep the work of cleaning the city under the control of the authorities and comply t > trlctly with the ordinance. Each garbage hauler has ono ward and Is responsible for all the work In It. It has been the custom heretofore to look after only the Jobs which had money In them from the ho tels and chop houses nnd payne no attention to the small jobs. The garbage man of each ward Is now responsible for the earing of everything , profitable or otherwise , and is ordered to charge neither less nor moro than twenty-cents per barrel of thirty gallons. A complaint book Is kept at the ofllco and Commissioner Morrissey de sires the public to understand that some ono will bo In the olllco at all times nnd that ho will be greatly helped in cleaning the city If they will scud In their complaints by tele phone , letter or person. They will receive prompt attention , the district garbage man and not the householder being held respon sible. Pat O'Toolo the deputy , has been swcrn In us constable and will exercise a general sup ervision of the work. Parties refusing to pay for necessary removals will bo sued. a and Daliy Carriages. Tlio Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. have decided to close out their entire stock of refrigerators and \\nby \ car riages and discontinue handling the same. Wo will until tno above goods are all sold make a discount of CD per conton present prices , which is- , much Ions than the * actual cost .of manufac turing. DEWKY &STONR FURNITURE CO. , 1115 and 1117 Farnam street. Tlio New Theater. Ex-Mayor Boyd returned from the cast yesterday , having put In two weeks at St. Louis assisting MoElfutrlck , the architect , in making n jskotch of the plans for his now heater. Ho expects to buvo tlto working drawings In thirty days nnd will let con- trccts then for the superstructure nnd pro ceed with the building as rapidly in possi ble. McElfntrlck says this will bo the finest theater , when completed. In America , not In- eluding , of course , the CMilcniyo Auditorium. Mr. Boyd Is undccfiled Us yet ubout the in terior finishing. Before reaching a con clusion ho expects to visit New York , Boston and other eastern cities and inspect all the best theaters there. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dvspopsln , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Allies' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn & Ca's ' , 13th and Douglas. F13ST1VA1J OP ST. JOHN. How nnd Why It Is Celebrated by the Masonic Fraternity. Yesterday was known nnd celebrated by the Masonic fraternity as the feast of St. John the Baptist , one of the the patron feasts of the order. The Masons , imitating the usage , of the church , have always had their days of fes tivity. The chief festivals of the'operative or stonemasons of the middle ages were those of St. John the Baptist on June 21 and the four-crowned martyrs on November The latter were , however , discarded by thb specu lative Masons nnd the festivals how most gen erally celebrated by the fraternity nro those of St. John the Baptist , and St. John the Evangelist , December " 7 , Those days nro observed In this country. St. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus , a son of the Jewish priest Xucharias and of Elizabeth , who ns n zealous judge of morality and an undaunted preacher of rcpcnt- nnco obtained great celebrity , first in his na tive country , then littho mountains of Judca , and afterwards among the whole nation. His simple and abstemious nranncr of living contributed much to his fame , nnd especially the peculiar purillcation or consecration by baptism In a river bath , which ho introduced us a symbol of that moral purity which ho so zealously Inculcated , The frank earnestness and the great fame with which he preached even In Galileo soon brought upon him the suspicion and hatred of the court of Tetrarch Antlpas , or King Herod , who Imprisoned him , and on the 29th of August , In the thirty-second or thirty- third year of his life , caused him to bo be headed. The 24th of June , his birthday , is dedicated to his memory through Christen dom. The patron saint of the Freemasons has not always been St. John the Baptist , but St. John the Evangelist , upon which day they hold their general assembly , probably in duced thereto because at this reason of the year the members could bo better spared from their business or profession. For this reason they also chose their quarterly festi vals , the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary , Michaelmas and the festival of S * . . John the Baptist , which last festival , on account of the better weather and other circumstances , hav ing been found to bo more convenient for the yearly assembly , was often appointed for the time on which it should bo held , so that its observance has now become almost universal. The day is usually 'celebrated by holding a ' table lodjio" and indulging in a general dis cussion of subjects of interest to the order in general. M. L. Blair , alderman , 5th ward. Scranton , Pa. , stated Nov. 'Jth'Mi : Ho had used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for sprains , burns , cuts , bruises and rheumatism. Cured every time. MOTOR CAHS IKJIUXG STORMS. They AVill Il-rcnftcr Remain Motion less While Thunder Rolls. The trolley wire for the Harncy street motor line has arrived , and the work of stringing it will bo begun at once. The loss sustained by the company during the Sunday night storm is not so great as was at first supposc'd , and it is thought that $000 will repair all damages. Hereafter , the company proposes to see that no damage will result on such occasions. While the storm is raging , the machinery will bo stopped , nil connections thrown off , and the cars allowed to _ stand till the storm shall have passed. This they think will be more satisiactoiy to all parties. During dry weather , the cflloials state , the motor wires are absolutely harmless , and are continually handled by the line men without inconvenience ; but , during a storm , there is no knowing what voltage they are carrying , nor what damage mav result. Kntitlcd to the Rest. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy , so every family should have , at once , n bottle of the best family remedy , Syrup of Figs , to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 5Uc and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. THE OLD RECORDS. How the County Hopes 'to Receive an Annual Credit of $ r OO. It is as yet impossible for the county audi tor to give any estimate whatever as to what will bo the real result of his making the ab stract of taxes for thirty years back , as or dered by the county commissioners. Ho esti mates that the work will take three or four months. It Is the first abstract of the kind that has over been made in the history of the county , and involves the examina tion of all of the old county records and reading them with the greatest care. Ho is inclined to the opinion thut this investigation will rebult in the county's getting credit from the state for at least SSOO a year for every ono of the thirty years. Tliis , however , Is necessarily little moro than general speculation. The auditor eonaicUvs the idea of having such an abstract made ns an excellent ono. All wonder that the com missioners had not thought of it before. IN superior oicollonco proven In mllllonf of homes for moro than n quarter of a canturir. It H u ort hy tlio Unllud StntiM ( lurornmiint. Kmlnrjol by tlio licmliof thn Krait imlvorililj ) . as tlio h-troneoU , I'lirpstnml.\loit HenlUifni. Dr. I'rlce' * Cro.im link- Inu 1'uwdor. lines nut runtaln ammonia , llmu or alum , tfolil onlr In c mi. ' IMtlCM I1AKINH I'OWDKlt CO. , NuwVor Clilo.iin. Bin t'ranelico. St.I.O'.ili uEBioCOMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Makes tlio piucst , cheapest and best Beef Ton Finest input ihiYorIii stuck fur Soups. Saiicos anil Jlatlo Dblics. Ono pouiulot Kxlructo. ir-icqunlto forty pound ] of lo.iu lo < if , or tlio vuiiit at j'iout U.W. G'onulno only with Justus ion LleUg's signature us shown 14O9 DOUGIAS---STHEET. - - . On account of our largo nnil incrcuainj , ' Practice , wo have HEMOVBD to more spacious anil con venient olllcos. Srs. Betts & Betts , 1409 Douglas St. Omaha , Not. Constipation , IF not rcmcAUd In season , Is liable to bocotno liabUnnl and chronic. Drag. tic purgatives , Jijr weakening the bowels , couflrin , rather than cure , the evil. A.yor'8 Tills , being mild , cflcctlvc , and Itrougthenlng In thulr action , are genor- oily recommended by the ( acuity as the best of aperients. "UavlnR been subject , /or years , to constipation , without being nblo to llnd much relief , I atlant tried Ayer's Tills. I deem It both' a duty and a plcasuro to testify that I have derived great ben- cfit from their use. For over two yearn past I Imvo taken ono of those nllls uvery night before retiring. I would not willingly bo without them. " O. W. Bowumu , 20 East Main St. , Curllalo , 1'n. "I Imvo been tnl lti Ayer's Pills nnd using them in my family Blnco 1857 , and chucrfully recoinmund thoin to all In need of a . ( afu but effectual cathartic. " John M. Hoggs , Louisville , Ky. "For clKht vears I was nfnicted with constipation , which at lust became so bad that the doctors could do no moro for mo. Then I bepan to take Ayer s Tills , -and soon the bowels recovered tholr natural and rccnlar action. so that now T tun in xccllent hJalth. " S. it , Loughbrldge , Ilryan , Texai. " Ifavlnc used Aycr's Pills , with good results , I fully indorse thorn for the purposes - poses for which they are recommended. " T. Connors , M. V. , Centre llrldge , Pa. Ayer's Pills , HT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by ll DruggUti nnil Dealer * in Medicine. CALIFORNIA TI1F LAND OF DISCOVERIES. . . .CUR.E TOT\ tATARRH Santa : Abie i and : Cat : R. : Cure Korsalo by 0oodiain ! Urug Co. Kabo never works up or down or breaks. If it does .in a year , you shall have your money back from the store where you bought your corset. The steels may break the best of steels have their limits of strength. But Kabo has no breaking-limit ; it doesn't break at all. And the Kabo corset is perfect in form. The store has a primer on Corsets for you. CUICAQO COKSET Co. , Chicago and New York , GEO.B.GARPENTER&GO . . , I'uy fliirclnl Attention to the Miimifuclnre ofFer H For House or Store. VTo huvu tlia FJHEST LIHE GF STRiPES EVKTI sno-wr ? In ( hi * city. 202 fo 208 South Y/ater / Street , CHICAGO. & McftEEW , The1 Doctor U unsurpassed Iti tlio treiitiiiunt of all forma of I'rlvntu Discuses. No treatment Ims ccr bet n in nouicrcMfiil anil none lrii hail rtrongcr cniloifo- mcut. A euro Is fiianUid in Ihocry \\ernt c'lecu liifromltpSilajsKitjioi'ttl' " lofsof r.n hdiir'i ! time. Tliiro ulin hnio been under lila Irctitmcnt for Strlctiiroordiniciilly In relieving tlio liialjcr ; prononyce it n nmstnnilcr * fill * uccc f. AeouilctocnroliinIc\vtluy9Hl.liout | | pain. Inn riimentsue Inn tl titno. timidity or turvoamrji , In their worst formu irnd mitt . , , ilriuilfil rvaultt are ntitolutrly . cnrcil. „ Amll ( ! | PHUAI.K DISIiASKb ciirnl nt homo Inttrinnpiiti. A wonderful umcily. HOURS for liUIca Itnm 2 to 4 ONLY. \ 'ff S55B HB ni111 n11 PlfrntpB of the Skin , 8f\ H SiEi&Br lcoU"i''it. Ilt.)8 | | npi , madder ' . Uur. cured. Kid ! f STlP Rn R C * C'iircdln31totOdn8. ThoU S U R r/2KfLe iJ miutrupld , mfo and ctTirt- u o UdauabV | o treatment knuun t Iho medical profoehkn. Eu-ry Iroconf thu dlscatu ie- inovoil from dm lilooJ : aiompklocura guaranletd , ( ftlTrlfftf / f ? ' 'or "nmn" "r "wiinmn" , each K'c t\ ( iinmiM ) . Trcninunt liy rotro- ' * * siKindencc Stmni < for reply. N K I'on. UTII ANR PAIIVJMST. Open from 0 A. > l to 0 I1. JI. Kiitranr.i on I'lirr'ni or HtUbJ. , r rl < l TrcitlK s.- lidriuLIClJJiCUKUsmtlE , 110 A 1 UIU HI. , S.T , A Our great sale of thin coats and vests has commenced. For customers - / ers -who remember our former summer sales the mere announcement ; of this sale is sufficient. They know that it means an opportunity to get their goods at about ONE-HALF THE PRICE THEY HAVE TO PAY ELSEWHERE FOR THEM. We have this season an enormous stock , and it consists mostly of the better grades of goods , but these will be slaughtered at prices which others will charge you for inferior and low grade goods. Fine plain Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $1.78 worth. $3.6O. Fine striped Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $2.28. Very fine Drap D'Ete Coats and Vests , elegantly made up with French facing at $3.28 ; you have to pay for similar goods fully $6. The finest Black Serge Coats and Vests at $3.SO , worth about $7. Very fine FrenchFlannel Coats andVests in beautiful stripes at $2.9O. A large variety of black Alpaca Coats at $1 , $1.6O , $2 and $2.28 ; also extra long Alpaca Coats. To get a correct idea of the values we are offering in these goods you must see them. IM SUMMER. SUITS' We will not take any chances this time. The season promises to be the shortest we ever had ; and wo commence an early clearance sale , We offer today two lots of suits at such reductions that buyers can readily see the superior values we offer. One lot of all wool plain grey cheviot sack suits at $6.50. This is a suit that has been made up to retail for $12.50 to $15 ; the quality of the goods is excellent. It is lined with double warp Italian , made up stylish , with patched pockets , and makes a splendid business suit. The- second is a large lot of sack and frock suits of black cheviot , the most fashionable material this season. Tliese are made up in fine style with worsted binding and fit elegant ; the suit is wortlu over $15 , and we offer them at SS.90. Ask our salesmen to show you these suits. FLANNEL , SHIRTS It is astonishing what a quantity of flannel shirts we are selling this season. The enormous sales induced us to buy very heavy. We have recently closed out a manufacturer's entire stock and place them on sale today at about one half their former prices. Among the lot we offer : 70 dozen Oxford Cloth Shirts , excellent patterns , woven colors , made up with yoke and in'good style at 50c ; a few weeks ago these shirts would be considered cheap at SI. 40 dozen silk striped French Flannel Shirts at 90c ; worth $1.75. Never were such bargains offered in flannel shirts as we have this week. Corner Douglas and FoilrtBBnth Streets , Yotself Sydney Smith's sugges tion of taking off one's flesh and sitting down in one's bones , was made before the days of modern improv- ments. Now comfort may be secured and good taste not be offended by simply donning a thin coat and vest and a light pair of trousers. A full supply of the same for the heated term may be found at Denver , Colo. } Capital Prize $7,500. TICKETS , 50 CI3NTS 13ACII. $26,370 PAID EACH MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZES. 'Address B , F , RllODUS , DENVER , - COLORADO. Nonr Newport , H. I. OpnnvVmlrmtut. . ij | Junn O. A ( IcIUI-Uiil "umiiier liumq fur families Amplu Krcu-il > . iiw ! ) C'MiJ , I'Crfoct ' ilralniiKO Una wulur , linn view * , b iniliu uml 11 ihlnir , Aililn' $ flld Mr > .lil Kt . I'ruvhk'nc" , U I. After Juno J , ] | i lul Coiiaiit- ml , Njwporl. U I. U U Sluilur , Mniuuu.- . _ JOSEPH GILLGTT'S ' STEEL PEB3S. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Grand Lottery of Juarez0 Under the Manasement of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will tnko place In puullo nt the CITY OV JUARE/C ( formerly Puso del Norto ) . \ . WEDNESDAY , JUNE 2Bt.li , 189O. Cnder the personal supervisfnn ol GEN. JOHN S. MOSBY , mid MU.CAMIU ) ARaUnUE * the former a Rontlsinan of such promlnoncn In tlio United Status tlmt Ills presence alpno I MifflclGiitKuiirantb'o to tlio publlo that tlio drawings will bo huld with strict honesty iiud ' .ilr- ncbs toiill , und tlio lattordho Supervisor of tlio Mexloan QuvurumunU la of eo.ua ! sUudlur and lutL-urlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO TieketsI Only 6OOOO Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS , $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. . $1 , LIST OF * 1 Prize of Approximation Prlzas. $60,000 , $60,000 , 100 Prlrji of $60 oncli t 8.0 1 . 'rlroof 10.UOO 10,000 100 1'rlzoi of K ) cuch 3,0 I Prlzoof 6.00U 6,001) 1001'rUoiof 2.i onch Sl'rlioLuf l.UUU ccch 3,000 Terminal Prlzo1 ? . 10 I'rlrcn of MO each 2.OX ) 6KiTcrmln ! N 1'rlzeof tU each III , ! zcMof 101) cacli 6,1/10 b''J TeriQlnaU to Jln.WJ I'rUo of tlO ouoli. . . . HO I'rl/.cjof K cnvli 6.000 24) Prlzon of 10 ench 7SOU 1014 Prlzes.amountlug to. We the undersigned hereby certify that the llnnpo If any tlckot < 1r.iwlru a prlzo Is cent to tlioun-lor- Nnrlon/il / of Mexico In Clilhunhiia Imn on deposit plltncd , Its face vnluo will to collected aiu romUwa from the Mexican International Il.mklnx Company , to the owner thermit frcu of charito. the necessary fumli tu euitrantco the payment of ull KlIOAIlll. llim.NIOY. the prize * drawn In tlio ( iiand Lottery of Juarez. 1'rcsldcnt Kl l'a o National Hank , lr.l 1'aso. Tat Wefurthor certify that wo will ur r lso all the ar AGUSNTS WANTiaiJ. rangements , and In ppnon nmim'Q and control all For club rates , or any other Information , wrlto t thoclnwlMKH of thli rettery , anil tint Iho same are the uinl < tr ltfneil. stitlnx your iu ! < 1roi clairly , wlttt. conducted with honesty , fairness and In KoiriUalth HUtu. County , Stroat and Number. Moro rapid mall towerds all inrtles. delivery will bo : tsiirod by your oncloslntf un onruli4 JOIIK a. MOSDY. Coinmls'iloner. opo buarliu your full ivlilross. OAM1I.O AlUIU M < K4 , MEXICAN iNtBltNATIONAI , lUXKINOCq. , tfupcrvlsur for tlio Uovurnmont. Olty of JuuroMexico. . Pond remittances for tickets hy ordlnnry letter , eontiihiliiK Monuy Order. , issued by all K\pr ' .ss Companies , New York Exchange , lluuk Draft or I'ostal Ixoto. Address nil ri-elsturud letters to ME1XIOAN INTKIlNATIONAIx BANKING CO. , Glty ofJuarez. . Mexico , via 111 Paso , Tox. Great Slimmer Bargain Sale -ov- MAX MEYER & Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND PARNAM STREETS , - - OMAHA , NEB BARGAINS IN DIAMONDS. BARGAINS IN LOCKETS. BARGAINS IN WATCHES. BARGAINS IN CHARMS. BARGAINS IN HAIR PINS. BARGAINS IN CHAINS. BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE. BARGAINS IN FINGER RINGS. BARGAINS IN CLOCKS. BARGAINS IN LACE PINS. BARGAINS IN UMBRELLAS. BARGAINS IN EAR RINGS , BARGAINS IN LAMPS. BARGAINS IN CUFF BUTTONS. BARGAINS IN CANES. BARGAINS IN COLLAR BUTTONS. BARGAINS IN SPECTACLES. BARGAINS IN SCARF PINS. BARGAINS IN EYE GLASSES. BARGAINS IN BRACELETS. BARGAINS IN OPERA GLASSES. BARGAINS IN NECKLACES. BARGAINS IN FltLD GLASSES. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. Watches , Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Reasonable Prices. ALL WORK WARRANTED.