Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1890, Image 1

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An Incendiary Wreaks His Vengeance o
Blue Hill , Nebraska.
Tlio Amount of lnmnc Done Iloimlily
Kutlmnted .nt Over Fifty Thousand
DollurH , With Comparatively
Little Insurance.
BLUB HIM , Neb. , Juno 24. [ Special Tele-
pram to TUB BBK. ] At 2M : this morning a
.flro broke out simultaneously In two places
on the north sldo of Main street in Blue Hill.
The ono at the opera house , nt almost the ex
treme cast end of the street , was extinguished
by the efforts of O. C. 1C. Lolgman , Mrs. B.
II. Munson and the girl help at the Muuson
Louse. It was beyond question of Incendiary
origin , the whole side of the building being
saturated with coal oil.
The flro which caused the destruction of
the city originated In the rear of the I. X.
Li. paint store , and in spite of
every effort spread until It had wiped out
blxtccn of the leading business houses of the
place and destroyed the merchandise and
ofllco furniture of twenty firms , to say
nothing of the city jail , which was nlso de
stroyed. The sufferers are as follows :
I. F. Grimes , two buljdlngs a drug store
nnd stock of paints and won paper. Value ot
buildings , S .WK ) ; Insurance , ? lar , 0. Value of
stock , WjSOO ; Insurance , $ iGOO. Insured in
German , Springfield , Homo of New York and
Little was saved of the Alliance store of
S. Maudlebaum. Value of building59'J ;
loss , total. Value of stock , ? 7,000 ; Insurance ,
$1,000 in the German , 51,000 in the British
American. Goods saved , > 00 ,
A. Koptsch's two buildings , Alliance hard
ware store and vacant building adjoining.
Vnlue , $1,200 , Insured for $900 in German-
.American. Value of stock , $3,500 , , insured
for ? I,000 in the Hartford.
Nothing was saved of Higglns & Price's
atock of general merchandise. Value , $5,000 ,
Insured for $1,500 in the Niagara nnd § 1,000 In
the Hartford. Part of the stock saved.
Building belonging to Tobln & Klesson.
Loss $1,000 , Insured for $900 in the Orient
und the Homo of New York.
Hicks Bros' drugstore. Loss5-l,000 , insured
for ? J,000. One-fourth of the stock was
Building belonging to K. O. Pisch & Klet-
soii. Loss $7 ! > 0 , insured in the German for
* COO.
Building belonging to S. C. Pnose of Crete.
Value -700 , loss total.
Schmindt's saloon , loss unknown.
Louis Schuinot , two buildings and saloon.
Loss f."iOO on one building , uninsured ; ? TiOO on
goods and fixtures ) , uninsured , and $ MO on
the second building , covered by $ l3oO ! in
" * '
surance. . - -
Gruscl building , loss $750.
Parker building nnd stock of hardware.
Vnluo of building , $1,200 , insured forflOO.
Loss on stock , $3,500 , insured for WOO. Saved
ouo-third of the stock.
Schunok & Smldt , butcher shop , loss $300.
J. F. Kick , barber shop , loss $500 ; Insur
ance of f 100.1
Mrs. Smith's building. Loss $000.
Htinsncr & Taylor , building , $575 ; Insured
for $400 ; stock mostly saved.
Blue Hill Leader , loss slight nnd covered
by insurance.
Fiercely building and stock of groceries ,
covered by insurance.
Fremont , Grand Inland , Kearney.
FHGMONT , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special to Tin :
B BE. ] The exact figures on the population of
the th'rco leading cities in this census dis
trict , namely , Fremont , Grand Island and
Kearney , can not yet bo given , but TUB Bun's
correspondent learned today approximately
what they will bo. Fremont's figures will
not vary ono hundred from 0,500. Informa
tion received in different ways from Grand
Island and Kearney is to the effect that those
two cities will show about the same popula-
tlon ns Fremont , and It will probably require
the ofllclal returns from the census bureau to
determine which of the three is the largest.
It is understood from n man who has just
liccii at Kearney that the enumerators there
have been notilicd by local parties interested
In n big showing that they will bo expected to
find at least 8,000 people in that town.
The citizens of Fremont are generally dls-
nppointed at the result. Thov had good rea
son to believe that there would bo a hotter
showing. But Just now islhomoit unpro-
pltlous ttmo for counting the people In tills
city there has been In the past year. Hun
dreds of men have left the clty'tcmporr.rilv
on summer sheep drives nnd railroad work in
the Black Hills and Wyoming , where local
contractors have contracts. These liillucnces ,
together with the numbers unavoidably
missed by the enumerators , make an impor
tant difference in Fremont's showing.
Two CrookH Cn pin roil.
FIIB.MO.N'T , Nob. , Juno 31. [ Special Tele-
priii to Tin : BBI.J Sheriff Mallou returned
lost night from Covington with two crooks
whom ho captured there ami brought
uaek hero for the purpose of meeting the
charge of burglarizing the residence of Jay
UoynolJs , Friday afternoon , and stealing
some valuable jewelry In the shnp-j of a gold
. watch and diamond finger and ear rings.
They were traced to that ixjlut through the
inn-chase at Missouri Valley ot a railroad
ticket with n gold dollar which was part of
the booty they secured at the Heynolds res
idence. They still had in their iKs,4.ess.ion
some of the valuables when captured. It
uppcurs to bo u plain t-ivso of penltentiarv.
IIo Climbed for Ills IilHs.
_ BBATIIICK , Neb. , Juno SI. [ Special Tclo-
EraiilN. Tun Bii.l : : Charles Cunningham
wai seriously injured by the caving In of n
well iu this city today. Ho had been sent
down to clean It out and when near the bottom
tom discovered caving in aud climbed up
thu rope hand over himd.
Ho was about exhausted when ho reached
the top and u neighbor happened at this junc
ture to see him and pulled him out. A moment
later the wall went In with a crash.
Ho was badly bruised about the head and
body by the falling debrhi and stone as ho
was making his perilous ascent , and will bo
laid up several days In consequence.
A Peculiar Iidnry.
CIIKTK , Kob. , Juno 21. [ Special to TUB
UKB.J "Jud" Hawk , a young son of John
Hawk , mot with a somewhat ncrious accident
last ovening. The velocipede , upon wliich ho
was riding , parted In the centra , the boy re
ceiving a bovero tut In the back from the
backbone , of the machine. Doctors were
, , culled In , and the ItUlcrfollow Is doing as wo 1
us could bo. expected ,
A Surprising Decision.
NinrAbiA : CITV , Nob. , Juno 2-1. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK BCK.J The city council
last evening , by a vote of four to three , ro-
Jcctod the proposition of the BurllugtOu road
to convert their bridge at tills point Into a
combination railroad and wagon bridge. As
the railroad's offer'wiw considered n clour
gift the council's action created some sur-
p Ue.
Tlio Deadly Combination.
Neb , , June 21 , Special Tele-
Tuu Il E. ] Jerry Hlgglnsoii , aged
seven , of this place , stole his father's .TS-cntl-
bro revolver , and with his brother , aged four
years , started for the pasture half a mlle
away to shoot a jaybird. Instead , the boy
shot himself in the left breast. The ball
passed between the eighth nnd ninth ribs ,
coming out of his back , Afterward ho
walked back to * tlio house , lingered In terri
ble agony nnd died this morning at 5 o'clock.
KlrHt Day of the Tournament ,
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Juno 21. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEB.J The tournament
opened today nnd the weather was perfect.
Trains brought In largo numbers of firemen ,
who were mot at the depot with a band and
escorted up Main street , which was gaily
decorated , there Iwlng two arches of welcome ,
ono at Second street and another at Sixth
street. They were erected by Hon. William
Neyllle , after whom our running team was
All business houses nnd many residences
were appropriately decorated. The state
hose cart , wliich has been von by the Kearney
team twice , arrived this morning. It bears
the inscriptions of nil the teams who have
won It in the last eight years.
At the races this afternoon there was a
very poor attendance owing to the counter
attraction. The races were very good. The
first was the Green hook nnd ladder with
two teams entered , the Otocs of
Nebraska City and the Plattsmoiith
teams which was won by the
former. Time , Kseconds. \ . The chiefs'
race came next , with eleven entries. A.
liothman of York won the first prize. Time ,
11 seconds. George Melvln of Wuhoo brought
up in the rear , getting the second prize. Tlio
-class race , with five entries , ended the pro
gramme. G. F. Corcoran of York winning the
first prize. Time , -10 seconds. Nevilles of
Plattsmouth second. Time , 41/ } .
Tomorrow moro firemen are expected to bo
hero to talco part in the parade nnd state
race. The programme for the second day Is :
10 a. m. Grand parade ; best uniformed
nnd appearing company , handsome banner
nnd badge.
2 p. m. Green hose race for n , purse of $150.
3 p. m. State hook and ladder race for a
purse of $ ' )50 ) ; first prize and championship
belt , $200 ; second prize , $100 ; third prize , $5U.
I p. m , Stnto hose race for a purse of 5.)50 ) ;
first prize , $200 nnd championship cart ; second
end prize , $100 ; third prize. $50.
4 : ' ! U p. m. Ladder climbing contest , prize ,
$250 badge.
Afl'ali'H at Crete.
CucTB , Neb. , Juno 24. [ Special to TITB
BBE. ] The graduating exercises of the third
year preparatory class of Doano college last
evening were the best which have occurred
in several years. Although there were four
teen productions composing the programme ,
and the attention of the audience was held
from beginning to end.
The Dawes oratorical contest occurs In the
Congregational church this evening. This
contest was instituted two years 050 by ex-
Governor Dawos. Three prizes $ ' 25 , $15 and
$10 are offered. The following students
will contest with the orations indicated :
Homer C. House , Crete , "Simon Peter ; "
James W. Cooper , Crete. "Bismarck , the
Statesman ; " Seward L. Mains , Stella , "Oli
ver Cromwell ; " Walter N. Cassel , Nebraska
City , "Tho Hesponsibllity of Citizenship ; "
Guy W. Green , Stromsburg , "Municipal Uc-
form ; " Nettie M. Wills , Falls City , "Two
Heroes ; " George T. Noyce , Irviiigtou , "An
encc. " Jud pcs areas follows : On thought
nnd composition J. J. Boncketnpcr , Sutton ;
W. O.Jones. Lincoln ; Kcv. V. F. Clarke ,
David City. On delivery Hov. Willard
Scott , Omaha ; Kov. J. D. Stewart , Aurora ;
Hon. H. H. Shedd , Ashland.
The contest resulted as follows : W. N.
Cassel , Nebraska City , first ; II. C. House ,
Crete , .second ; G. L. Noyce , Irvington , third.
Helping Swcetwater Sufferers.
RVVCXNA , Nob. , Juno 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBI : . ] A meeting is being held
tonight at the opera house to devise ways and
means to relieve the Swcetwater cyclone suf
ferers. A largo amount of provisions have
been sent out by our merchants to relieve the
temporary wants of the homeless. Many
cases of destitution are reported. Thomas ,
whoso son sustained fatal injuries , is a man
advanced in years and has a largo family to
support , besides having Injuries from the
storm. Ho is advanced in years and declin
ing in health. Hois a member of the Grand
Army of the IJeptiblic , and the commander of
the post h-w issued an appeal for aid
fro.n members of the order. Policies for
$ . " 5,000 , cyelono insurance , were issued iu
Kavcnua Monday.
lw.i Fires at Fnlrbnry.
F.uniiL'itv , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ban.J A fire broke out in the
building occupied by W. Donning as a music
store at 11:33 : last night. Thu stock was
nearly mined nnd the loss is fully covered by
Flro was discovered at 10 a. m. today in the
Im-f-'Q elevator owned by tlio the S."W. Bailey
estate and operated by Liddcll & Bailey. The
11 re department was promptly on hand and
heroic efforts were made tosavo the building ,
but with little avail. The engine and boiler
and n part of the machinery were saved.
About three thousand bushels of grain were
destroyed. The loss on the building is var
iously estimated at from $ ' ,500 to $1,000. In
surance , $ J,500. The Hro is supposed to have
originated In the engine room.
Tlio Colored .
EI.KIIOIINNob. . , Juno 21. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.i : . ] The colored Masons of
Omaha were out In full force nnd regalia to-
iiay a d succeeded in making a day of It at
the. Waterloo picnio grounds , despite the fact
that the thermometer registered from 100 to
105 In the simile. Speech-making , boating
and fishing was the order of the day. Prof.
Wilson , in an able address , painted the bhiclc
man's trials and tribulations down to the
present day. The Omaha colored band fur
nished melody for the occasion.
Thu Ditto Klxod.
BEATHICC , Nob. , June 21. [ Spaclal Tele
gram to TUB BUB. ] The Gage county re
publican central committee met this after
noon and fixed the date for the. republican
county convention for Tuesday , July 22 , at 10
o'clock a. m. In this city. The primaries will
bo held the Saturday previous.
It was decided to hold but one convention
this year , at which tlnmdelegates to the state
convention will bo nominated and the county
ticket put In the field , Proxies will not bo
admitted Ui the convention.
Kino Wliout 1'ruspcut.
VcXAXtio , Neb , , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB. ] A tremendous rain vis
ited western Perkins today. Perkins is lead
ing the state In wheat prospects and today's
rain settled beyond a doubt that the heaviest
crop ever raised In thld section will bo har
Carliif ? Tor Yoinij ; JoIiitKon ,
HunixciTON , Neb. , Juno 21. [ Special to
TUB BUB. ] Dr. Martin Is in town under or
ders from Prqf. Mallaliou of tlio state indus
trial school Investigating the matter of the
brutal attack on John Johnson last week bv
Hlnesundsonof tins place , and is doing all
that cmi bo done for the comfort of the boy.
No I lotto Ibr Kntnmhcd Miners.
Di-.xnut , Pa. , Juno 24-Tho reports that
the rescuers had broken into the Hill Farm
mine this morning was false. Thu report
a rose from the fact that the rescuing party
broke through the heavy "gup" Into a small
oiHnlng , The workmen under whoso direc
tion the coal In this uilno was mined says the
working party will probably get into the
mlno during the early morning hours. All
hoiHB of finding the men alive have been
abandoned. ,
Filial Kvploslon or n Cannon.
COUMIIIA , S. C\ , Juno SI , A premature ex-
pK.sion of n cannon at democratic meeting
too ' ) ) ' , resulted in the fatal injury to two
luo aud the serious wounding of another.
Action of the House Coinage Committee
Regarding the Silver Bill.
The Previous QucHtlon to to Ordered
mid n Final Vote Taken nt 2
O'clock This Afternoon
Miscellaneous ,
. WAHHIXOTO.V , D. C. , Juno 24. j
There was great surprise around the house
at noon today when it was announced that the
coinage committee had held a special meeting
and agreed to report Iho silver bill with n
recommendation of non-concurrcnco in the
senate amendments and ask for a conference
committee. This action was expected , but
not so. soon.
Chairman Conger told your correspondent
yesterday that n meeting of the committee
Would not be held before the latter part of
this week and u report could not bo expected
before next week. Late last night ho was
told by the committee oti rules that it would
bo best , since there was a majority of the
house from the republican sldo in the city
mid a number wanted to leave , to get his
committee together this morning in special
meeting and report the mcasuro back for im
mediate consideration. This was done and
the bill was taken up before 2 o'clock. After
the adoption of a resolution providing that
the previous question shall bo called and a
final vote taken at 2 o'clock tomorrow after
noon , the democrats know they were in the
minority , and , us they are not together on the
subject of frco coinage any moro than the re
publicans , they made no effort to defeat the
resolution. As stated In these dispatches last
night , there is no doubt that a § 1,500,000 or
4,500,000 ounce , with u full legal tcndcrclauso
can bo easily passed in the senate now.
Senator Teller , the leading frco coinage ad
vocate in the upper branch of congress , said
this afternoon that no resistance would bo of
fered to a 4.500,000 ounce or $4,500,000 bill if
it had a full legal tender clause.
This is , however , an era of congressional
surprises and ono cannot always foretell the
changes a night or day may make.
Those who hnvo been preparing speeches to
bo delivered in the house when the bills re
sultant from the origiual package decision
should como up for action will now have to
revise them. The judiciary committee of the
house , which has been considering the Wil
son bill for the past ten days , has agreed
upon a substitute , which will upset much of
the elaborate preparation which has been
going on. In the modified form it is made
applicable not merely to liquor , as in the sen
ate bill , but to every article forming the sub
ject of interstate commerce. This is a de
cided advantage , as it relieves the measure
of any objection on the ground of being in
vidious class legislation , and it is equally applicable -
plicablo to liquor or lumber , oleomargarine or
oil , providing merely that when it has reached
its termination of transportation and is held
or exposed for sale in any state it shall bo
subject to the local laws. By a provision
more lengthy than the rest of the act the con
stitutional'principle is nfllrmed that there
shall bo no discrimination in favor of the citi
zens or product of like character of the state
where anv given article is held or offered for
sale and the rcafllnnanco of the right of police
regulation for the sake of the public health.
The bill is skillfully aud artfully drawn. It
recognizes the state's right doctrine in mat
ters of public health , a proposition that no
one would question. It leaves the opponents
of tlio measure but little ground to stand on ,
and that upon the theory that state legisla
tures , from ono cause or ( mother , might bo
induced to pass a mcasuro under the guUe of
being for the public health when such was
not the case. The ditllculties of this position
nro two-fold : First , it assumes that mem
bers of state legislatures will bo actuated by
improper motives or will bo false to their
oatlis , an assumption not tenable in law and
which no member who wants to stand solid
with his constituents can afford to put for
ward ; and , second , the proviso in the act in
regard to products of like character. Under
thi limitation the courts would undoubtedly
hold as invalid the discriminations recently
sought to1 bo placed on the statute
books of , several states against Chicago
dressed beef until it could bo
ntllrmatively shown that given shipments
whoso sale was sought to bo objected to were
in such condition us to bo injurious to health.
The vote In the committee showed that in
this new form the bill Is likely to encounter
but little opposition , Mr. Adams alone having
voted in opposition to the proposed substi
Tlio river and harbor bill , as reported from
the senate committee on commerce , has this
amendment : "Improving tlio Missouri river
from its mouth to Sioux City inclusive , em
bracing oftlco. clerical , traveling and other
expenses of the Missouri rlvcir commission ,
surveys , marks and guages , 900,000 , to bo
expended by the secretary of war , in the
systematic improvement of the river from its
mouth up to Sioux City inclusive , according
to the plans and specifications of the Mis
souri river commission ; provided , that in the
discretion of the commission such portion of
said sum as they may deem proper shall bo
expended in the protection of harbors and
localities on any part of tlio river within said
limits ; improving Missouri river between
Great Falls imd Sioux City , $350,000 , to bo
expended In the discretion of the secretary of
war , and lie is authorized to use so much
thereof as may bo necessary for tlio provid
ing of two ice harbors , to bo located by him. "
Tlio president has approved the following
allotments for the distribution of the $400,000
annually appropriated by congrosn for "arm
ing and equipping the militia" for the com
ing fiscal year : Nebraska , $1,005 ! ; Iowa , ? 12-
211 ; South Dakota. ) ,7 < iS. It is not likely
that the bill of Colonel Henderson of Iowa ,
giving an increase of the annual appropria
tion for the militia , will get a hearing at this
Tlio commerce committee of the house devoted -
voted its entire session today to tlio consider
ation of interstate coimncrco questions in
executive session. The bill by which it is
made lawful to take evidence of railroad cases
before Justices of the peace or other properly
authorized state officers was very warmly
discussed by the friends of the bill , ns ft
would save the expense and great iucon-
vcniciico of the present system by which the
Interstate commerce commissioners are com
pelled to bo present In person nt every hear
ing , no matter how far distant
from Washington , merely to take
evidence which could bo taken" just ns well
before state authorities , while thu opponents
of thu bill are adverse to n mlugllng of state
officers In u federal tribunal. Tno Dill was
discussed for over an hour. No final vote
was reached , but the prospects are favorable.
The bill providing that there shall be no
higher charge for carrying oil In barrels than
for transporting in tanks was nlso carefully
discussed. The practical elTcet of the bill
would of course ue to nmko the railroads
carry the oil barrels free of charge. No vote
was reached , but the outlook is nn adverse re
port. The committee will hold similar meet
ings until nil Its moft important interstate
commerce bills have been considered and re
ports received thereon.
A 1 > CBI' SIIi.MI3 : t'XBAItTIIKI ) .
The postofllco department has , through Its
special agents , Just unearthed u nest of de
ception and fraud in the use of the malls to
further the interims of the pure lard bill ,
which has attracted so much attention during
the present session of congress. It has been
discovered that the requests made of farmers
for n petition to congress in favor of the
Conger billcamo from an establishment run
under the title of Farm and Fireside
by a inau named. Wcddurburu , at
Orange Camp , Tn , The postoftlco nt
Orange Cnmp ww cat4bllihed for the
purpose of conducting the > campaign for the
Conger lard bill littho intbnint of a Boston
l > ork packing cstahlishmfci t , and It was ascer-
tallied by an Invcstlgit on that tha paper ,
Farm and Fireside , had f ( w If any legitimate
subscribers , bub was publ shed In the littcr-
cst of this bill to iuivo inoi cy In the way of
postage by circulating n class of matter that
should have paid 'n rate many times higher
than was paid. The1 iwstoflico dcuartmcnt
has not only stopped tno circulation of the
paper , but abolished the postoftlco , which had
but two patrons and was at n ix > lut where
there was not oven a railroad station.
ni.Aixn'H HKCirnoOiTV niws : ENDOHSRD.
Both of the Nebraska senators look with
favor upon Mr ; Elaine's proposition to oi > en
commercial relations with our South and
Central American neighbors and to begin
the trade with sugar , not removing the duty
without n corresponding equivalent.
Senator Paddock said today : "I nm with
Mr. Blaiue on the main proposition. I nm in
favor of any plan which will extend our for
eign markets without assailing our homo in
dustries. I believe that Mr. Blnino's propo
sition to use the rcqioval of the duty on tlko
sugar for the purpose of securing concessions
In South America , which will give Nebraska
farmers a larger marKct for their crops , is
wise and far seeing. In response to the cry
for a free breakfast tdblo we arbitrarily re
moved the duty from coffee when wo might
huvo securbd the satno result together with
largo concessions in the way of the re
moval of duties from American products in
Brazil. As consequence Brazil put
a corresponding export duty on our coffee
and the cost to our people was not dimin
ished. While I believe in the policy of pro
tection to homo industries and believe that
through the stimulation of manufacturers our
farmers receive a larger homo market for our
products and nt the sumo ttmo nro preserved
from the ruinous competition on the farms
which the throwing into agriculture of thous
ands or operatives now engaged in manu
facture would cntttll'tho proposition to re
ciprocate with countries like the South
American countries , having no manufactures ,
seems to me ono which will commend itself
to the people of the west. A scheme of con
tinental reciprocity on this basis would , I be
lieve , bo a good one. In the future I look to
see a largo portion of bur western products
seek the gulf by rail and by river and if wo
can find a market from7 the gulf southward
by water it will bo a much better ono for our
western farmers than the ono by rail aud
ocean by way of New York to Liverpool. "
Senator Maiidcrson says : "I have liot
given the matter any special thought , but I
tun favorable to it. I am a protectionist , but
not a prohibitionist. Our western people
believe in protective , but not in prohibitory
duties. Wo believe In revising the tariff
where wo can safely do so , for , after all , "
continued the speaker , laughingly , "tho tar
iff is a local Issue. Mr. Bhilno's proposition
is ono that will no doubt ( commend itself to
the people of the west. Our farmers want u
market for their produce , our great rivers
flow to the south and it is in that direction
that wo look for an outlet. Wo ought to do
what wo can to develop friendly and com
mercial relations with 'our southern neigh
bors , and Mr. Blalno's suggestion , if acted
upon , will doubtless benefit us greatly. "
In the senate today Mr. Allen of the state
of Washington reported with favorable
recommendation an nmcndmciitto the sundry
civil appropriation bill increasing the appro
priation from S > 00,000 toTOO,000 , for making
surveys of public lailds iu the states of Wash
ington , Montana 'arid .North and South Da
kota. It nlso contains a. proviso that the com
missioner of the general land ofllce may allow
for the survey ofjau'd heavily timbered ,
mountainous or covered with dense under
growth rates'not excb'ertingSlS per linear and
meander mlle for stdtfoardJines , $15 for town
ship and $12 for sc < itlon"4ines. The amounts
set aside for the new ' states is S.500,000.
The following mo'mbcrs of the house com
mittee on banking ahd currency have been
designated a sub coimnittco to take charge of
the international buiiKing bill : Mr. Dorscy
of Nebraska , Arnold of Rhode Island ,
Wulker of Massachusetts , Dargan of South
Carolina and Ilaynes of Ohio. Comptroller
of Currency Laoy will meet the committee
tomorrow for consultation.
Representative Dorsey has recommended
the appointment of members of pension ex
amining board as follows : At Grand Island ,
Dr. J. B. Hawk , to take the place of Dr. A. J.
Sanders , resigned ; at Chadron , Dr. O. B.
Harris , yico Dr. Jackson , resigned.
Tlio bill granting an extension 'of time to
purchaser of lands in the Omaha Indian
reservation has gene to the president for his
Mr. Dorsey introduced this bill three times
in the house and Mr. ' Maiidcrson introduced
it once or twice in the senate.
The temperature in Washington today was
almost ono hundred' flcgrces. There were
very few sunstrokes , however.
The superintendent of , the remitting service
will cause twenty-live recruits to bo assigned
to the Seventeenth infantry and forwarded
under proper charge to such point or points
in the department of the Platte us the com
manding general of the department shall des
Commissary Sergeant Simon Aslclns , now
at Fort Nlobrara , will bo discharged from the
service of the United States.
Samuel B. Milton , editor of the Rodficld
( S. D. ) Observer , who has been visiting his
old homo in this city for two weeks past , loft
today for Rcdflulii. accompanied by his
brother , John 1C. Milton , who will engage iu
journalism at the sumo placo.
Tlio senate committee on finance has given
the Nebraska senators to understand that
they will accept the .proposition of Senator
Manderson and Paddock admitting boot sugar
machinery free of duty. The tariff bill as re
ported from the committee , does not make
any provision of this character , but it is to
bo offered in the senato-as nn amendment to
the measure. The idea has ample precedent
to support it and it is no small item to the
beet sugar manufacturers and will bo hulled
with delight by Nqbraska farmers.
Inquiry having been made as to what has
become of the measure requiring purchasers
of lands in the Pawnco Indian reservation to
talco out patents , TIIH Biu : correspondent
was informed today that the mcasuro became
u law on April 22 bust , .
Senator Pettigrow presented a lot of peti
tions in the senate today from South Dakota
in favor of the original package amendment
to the Interstate commerce law and the adop
tion of the Conger free lard bill.
Senator Paddock , from the senate commit
tee on public lands , today reported with fa
vorable recommendation the bill providing
that any person wlio.shall maliciously or
negligently and carelessly sot on fire or cause
to bo ilred any brush , undergrowth or prairie
or any of the publiotlnmls of the United
Suites , and any ono wh < ) shall negligently or
maliciously permit or. suffer any fire which ho
may have lighted on jot her lands to pass
therefrom to publlo" loud to the injury of
trees , undergrowth ojpralrlo , shall bo
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor nud upon
conviction fined not more than three times
the value of the trees ot ! other damage , or im
prisonment for a term , of not more than three
years , one-half tliq fine to go to the informer
aud the other half to tBo public school fund
of the county in which flio damage was done.
This bill was rccommuiuk-d by the secretory
of the interior and Lund Commissioner Uron
and there is no doubt tlat ( It will bo adopted
at this session of congrtsg.
, ' PlillRY S. IlBATII.
He IlonHteil tlio Supreme Court.
MADISON , WIsJHUO 21. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BUK. ] The rousting that ox-
President Bascom gayo the supreme court
last night In his lecture before the graduates
of the law class , for its decision In the Kdgor-
ton bible case , is likely to create u good deal
of excitement In this cose.
Judge Cassldy. whom the ox-president
particularly assailed , is ono of the lecturers
before the law school and very highlv thought
of by the "boys.They proim-so to" hold nn
indignation meeting to protest against the
language of the cjc-proaidout and to ahow
their esteem for th ( Judge.
The llcfiit at I'lltHlinrj ; .
PiTTSiifiio , Pa. , Juno 24. iSpoclal Tele
gram to Tim BEC ] The thermometer reg-
istercd W hero toiny. It was the hottest
day of the present hot spell. As uruault ,
many of the steel mills were obliged to shut
down until a cold wave seta In. Many work-
era were prostrated by tha heat , sorno fatally.
An Omaha Traveling Man Lured to His
Death by a Female Outcast.
J. n. Scott , HoproseiHliiK n AVl
Lumber Company , tlio Victim ol * a
i'ul Plot The Murderers
OTTAWA , HI. , O'uno 24. [ Special Telegram
to Tun linn. ] Ono of thomostdtabollcal mur
ders ever committed In Ln Sallo county was
perpetrated In Ottawa at n late hour last
night. The discovery was made at 0 o'clock
this morning , when Mattlo Brown , the ten-
year-old son of the tenant nt Allen park , was
ecnt out to look for the cow. Some twenty
yards from the house , in the midst of Allen
park , the boy came upon the lifeless , gory
body of a well-dressed man.
The lad shrieked for assistance and' the no-
lice were soon on the scene. The body was
that of n stranger , but was soon recognized
by people from the Clifton hotel as that of
David Moore , a traveling man from Omaha ,
Neb. , employed by the J. B. Scott lumber
company of Merrill , WIs.
A terrible gash , nearly two inches long , on
the right temple , a broken jaw and five fear
ful gushes upon the back of the head told the
tale of murder most foul. Beside the dead
man lay a coupling pin of th' ) kind used by
the Burlington railroad company. It was
covered with blood and matted hair.
The pei-son of the murdered man showed
that ho had been struck from behind , as ho
had evidently fallen backward and had no
Warning of his doom. Near him were found
a woman's pin-so containing $2.05 , and near
this a woman's hat pin. The murdered man
was minus watch , stud , collar button and
cuff buttons. lie had carried a fine gold
watch and his stud and collar button were
first water diamonds. Nearly $150 pinned to
the inside pocket of tlio blood soaked vest
hud been overlooked by the murderers.
Shortly after the discovery of the murder
a woman was seen nt the corner of Main and
Laramie streets by Charles Bowermastcr , u
painter. She was busily engaged in tearing
up u paper. When she had walked away
Bowermastcr , who hud heard of the
murder , picked up the scraps of paper and
putting them together found that the paper
find originally been the route map of the
murdci-cd man.
He notified States Attorney Blake of his
find and the woman was promptly arrested.
Under severe pressure she confessed thatsho
was with Moore but refused to say who her
accomplices wero.
Moore bad been about the city all day yes
terday. Ho is known to have visited a well
known resort on the west side yesterday a f-
ternoon. Ho was seen at about 10 o'clock
lastiilght making his way over the Illinois
river bridge toward Allen park.
When the above facts had been communi
cated to the woman , and when
shov'ns also informed that she was
known to have taken dinner with
Moore on Monday , she broke down utterly
and made u confession.
She said that her name was Knto Weimar
and that she was married to Charles Ford of
Spring Valley about two weeks ago. She
mot Moore yesterday afternoon and ho agreed
to meet her at Allen park at 10 o'clock. She
noted his diamonds and told her husband ,
who had been boarding with her at the St.
Nicholas hotel , that she believed the man had
money and.that they coutd work him.
Her husband and a man named Barry , liv
ing on the north side , followed when she
went to keep the appointment. They went
around the south side of Allen park and got a
coupling pin from the railroad track. She led
Moore to a secluded spot near n house in the
park and a Half hour later succeeded In get
ting him into a quarrel with her.
This was the signal for the murderers.
Moore and the woman , arguing in a low tone ,
had stopped some five puces apart ,
when ono of the woman's aides
Just which she refuses to say stopped
from behind a tree and dealt Moore
u terrible blow on the back of the head.
Ho staggered , and to complete the work
the assassin dealt him a dozen additional
blows , any one of which would have felled
an ox. When the man was perfectly still
they turned his pockets inside out and robbed
him of his stud , collar button and watch.
Both men wore immediately placed under
arrest and lodged in the county Jail. An
abandoned female named Minnie Winter-
ling was arrested and placed in jail. She is
suspected ot having taken part in the affair
as the companion of Barry. The Ford
woman Implicates her In the plot. The mur
der was ono of the most foul ever committed
In the county of La Sallo. The police are
looking for H. T. Baum , a traveling man
who was seen with Moore before the murder
was committed. Ho loft on an early train ,
but the stiles attorney does not attach much
importance to his arrest other than for use
as n witness.
At tlio Murdered MUII'H Homo.
Fred W. Gray of this city received
a telegram about 11 o'clock' yester
day requesting him to Inform the dead
man's family of the crlmo. Mr. Moore
had resided inOmaha about twelve months ,
but previous to locating hero ho had made
frequent visits to tlio city for several years.
Ho was , as a consequence , well known among
business men. Ho made the Millard hotel
his headquarters and there the announcement
that ho had been killed occasioned n shock to
those who know him. Ills family , wlfo and
ono son , reside at the corner of Thirty-second
and Cuinlng streets.
Mrs. Moore , the wlfo of the murdered man ,
was scon at the family residence , 8111 North
Thirty-third street , last night. She said : "I
can't imagine why any ono should have mur
dered my husband. Ho was the best man In
the world and I cannot understand how it
happened. "
David Moore was born in Now York fifty
ycnra ago and after growing to manhood ho
embarked in the lumber trade. Twelve vears
ago ho sold out and engaged with the L. B.
Scott lumber company of Merrill , WIs. , and
at the time of his death was in the employ of
the company as salesman and general agent.
Last Juno Mr. Moore moved his family to
this city , furnished his house In nn elegant
manner and to every appearance ho Imd a
happy home. The wlfo Is nearly crazed with
grief and one thing that makes her sorrow
greater is the fact that just at the time she
received the telegram announcing the death
of her husband she was reading ono of his letters -
tors , written in Ottawa , III. , in which ho
stated that ho had turned his face homeward
and that trains could not carry him too rap
idly on his journey to his loved ones ,
Charles Moore , the only son , a young man
of twenty veers , departed for Ottawa last
night to brlug back with him the remains of
his father.
A Cowlmy Gi'.tn Hurt.
CiintKNSi : , Wyo , , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bun. ] A cowboy named
Augustus Van Burkun was brought to thU
city on the Cheyenne & Northern today and
taken to the county hospital for treatment for
concussion of the brain. Van liurkan and
another cowboy who Is known -Scrapping
Johnny , " got into a dispute while riding
about a herd of cattle today and came to
blows. In the encounter Vuu Durkan was
knocked from his hone and picked up iu u
Hensclcss condition.
"Scrapping Johnny" started to Cheyenne
on u stock train to give himself up. but
changed his mind about forty miles north of
hero and Jumped from the train. The sheriff
is now In punult of him. Van Burkan is not
yet dead , but the physician iu attendance
thinks tils chances of recovery very slim.
$ no,0 ( > 0 Flront Salt f/akc.
S.U.T L.uci : Cirv , Utah , Juno21 , [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BBI : . ] The Salt Luke
brewery took flro this morning. The malt
house is u total loss , Damages. JSO.OW , fully
Kx-Govcrnor Sherman Hays the He-
imljllouiiH Will Hold Their Own.
CitiOAOo , .Tutio 24 , jsppclal" Telegram to
TIIK Br.n.J Ex-Govcrt ; German of Iowa
was In the city today ot " ' return from a
trip to Georgia. S peak I , Cl Mho coming con
gressional elections , ho > - "Our delega
tion in the next house ot i "tcnUUlves will
bo greatly changed. The * - lnal package
decision and the question Uver coinage
nro tlio main Issues upon \ * , \ ttio people
will select their next rcntatlvcs. \ . I
.think the republicans In low I hold their
own In the fall elections , but will have
to light. The only members w nomina
tions I regard as certain art igrcssmmi
Gear In the First district , Judj ys In the
Second and Congressman Flick . . .no Eighth.
Congressman ICerr of the Fifth , Conger of
the Seventh aud Reed of the Ninth will not
bo candidates for ro-cloctlon. Colonel Hen
derson of the Third may bo rcnotnlnated , but
ho will have a warm fight In the general
election. The democrats will nominate Judge
Couch. In the Fourth district Colonel
Sweeny , the present member , is havjug his
claims for ro-elcetlon disputed by cx-Gov-
cmor Larrabeo , and the natural result of
such a contest would bo a heated fray. The
warmest contest in the state will bo In the
Seventh district over the successor of Major
Conger. The candidates are Senator Caul-
well of Dallas county , ex-Congressman Cum-
mlngs of Madison and Mr. Hull of Polk.
Colonel John Scott of Story county may enter
the contest and would make n good raco.
Congressman Shoublo of the Tenth district
has several opponents for the nomination mid
the fight promises to bo very animated. The
democrats are watching the lepublienn fight
with great interest and will eagerly take ad
vantage of any opportunity to advance their
own party interests. "
Jt.lKOTA TiJ'.trttS.
Sioux Fnlls Opens the Interstate
Trotting Circuit.
Sioux FAU.S , S. D. , Juno 24. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BI-.H. ] There was a tre
mendous crowd of people at the opening of
the interstate trotting circuit in this city.
The result of the 2:10 : trotting race with
twelve en tries was : Dick C llrst , Billy W
second , Nettle Ihird. Time 2:38 : ? , 2:31 : , 2U2. :
An accident occurred in the first heat of
this race , caused by the collision of Hilly W
uiMl Yankee Doodle , in which the
sulky of Yankee Doodle was knocked
into splinters. Both horses ran around the
trotting course four or five times before they
were stopped. The judges sent Yankee
Doodle to the barn upon the claim of Billy
W's driver of a foul.
In the 2:22 : pacing six heats were necessary
to settle the contest. Tangent was first ,
Black Henry second and St. John third.
Time 2 : 1 Jf , 2:29 : , 2:1)0 : ) , 2:111 : and 2 : 7'
The races will continue for three days.
Mitchell Matters.
MITCHELL , S. D. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Till ? Br.i : . ] The educational council
of the stnto holds Its first session hero this
evening , continuing through tlio day and
evening of tomorrow. Addresses will bo
made by General Bcadlo of the Madison nor
mal school , President McLouth of Brook-
ings college , Prof. Hood of Aberdeen and
Tlio State Sabbath School association is
holding u session in the city nud will bo ad
dressed by W. F. Crofts.
A heavy wind storm prevailed hero this
afternoon , but did no dainago.
They Uned Him l < 'or a Suclccr.
DEAHWOOP , S. D. , June 24. [ Special Tplo-
gram to Tin : BIK. ] Hugh F. Hogors was
before United States Commissioner Washa-
baugh this afternoon charged with passing a
counterfeit dollar. Ho was bound over.
Rogers was used as a sucker by a gang of
counterfeiters , all of whom escaped except
himself. Ho passed the coin at Whltcwood.
The United States authorities nro hunting
down the balance of the gang.
Four Per Cent Premium.
DKADWOOD , S. D. , Juno 21.--Special [ Tele
gram to Tin : BEI : . ] Mayor Star today sent
away tho. $ I , r.03 city bonds which were sold
to Bowler & Merrill of Baugor , Mo. Four
per cent premium was realized on this deal ,
which Is the best paying one over scut out
from the Black Hills.
DnAnwoon , S. D. , Juno 2 ; ) . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] The Baby , which is
the only pyritie smelter In the Black Hills ,
blew in yesterday with new machinery and
all around improvements under the super
vision of Dr. Carpenter.
A Klcti Strike.
DnADWoon , S. D. , Juno iiil. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BBC. ] There Is n rumor afloat
that a rich strike lias been made In the Iron
hill mine. Stock has jumped from t)0 to .10
cents in twenty-four hours.
A Murderer's Kfl'orts to Keep Her In
Ignorance ol' Ills Crime.
ST. Lotw , Mo. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BIK. : ] B.-M. Chambers , who
was acquitted of the murder of Frank J.
Bowman of Chicago , has just returned to his
homo at Ferguson , Mo. , where ho was wel
comed back by his mother , now nearly nlncty-
two years old.
Nine months ago Bowman attempted to en
ter Chambers' house to make a levy on the
old lady's property. Chambers met him at
the door , ordered him to leave the place , and
mistaking a movement made by Bowman's
liund , fired with his shotgun , killing the lat
ter instantly.
Mrs. Chambers was told that It was a bun-
lor's shot , and though the body lay on the
lawn for two hours , she was not aware that
n homicide had been committed. When her
son was taken to Clayton ho wrote letters , re-
mallcd tit New York , where It was pretended
tie was on business.
Ho was tried for his llfo , was acquitted ,
lias ruturned to his homo , and his old mother-
is still In utter Ignorancb of the terrible
tragedy of her son's lifo.
For tlio Inspection of Cattle.
WAHIIINOTOX , Juno 24. The senate com
mittee on agriculture and forestry today In
structed Chairman Paddock to report favor
ably ( with amendments ) the substitute pro
posed by him for Vest's bill to provide for
the Inspection of cattle and beef products In
tended for ox port. The Biibstituto provides
for an Inspection at the place of killing of
cattle and hogs ; the carcasses of wliich nro
subjects of Interstate commerce previous to
slaughter , in all eases when the secretary of
agriculture deems it necessary. A post
mortem examination of carcasses Intended to
bo further prepared for consumption at a can
ning establishment or elsewhere may also be
ordered by the secretary of agriculture. In
ease of the discovery of any diseased animal
or carcass it shall be destroyed , also any
iiroduct of such carcass found to be unlit for
Uuinau consumption.
Struck by a Snow Kliail.
LAHAMIB , Wyo. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BII : : . | William Sloan , a Union
i'acllio brakeman , was Instantly killed earl.v
this morning while passing under unuw abed
No. 7 , a few miles cast of hero. The top of
the t > hcd struck his head , crushing in the
The cdroncr's Inquest showed that the top
of the shod Is only about four feet above the
: oofs of ordinary freight curi and that nil
> rakemcn are compelled to stoop going
.hrough it. A verdict was rendered declar-
ng the Union Pad lie culpably negligent ,
sloan is the seventh brakeman to bo killed
while passing under this shed ,
AVnr Dontirtinont In Mourning ,
WASHINGTON' , Juno 21 , The Hag on the
war department was ut half mast today on
&count of thodeuthof ex-Secretary MuCrary ,
md the department will bo closed on thu day
of his funeral.
Business Completely Paralyzed by th <
Going Out of Trainmen ,
They Demand ( ho DlHOlmrgo of SuJ
pcrintcndcnt UuHHoIl , Whom They
Claim HUH CoiiHtantly 1'cr-
seonted Them.
CHICAGO , Juno 24. The strlko of freight
coiuluctors , swttclinion nnil brukcmon on thq
Illinois Contrnt hus Lecomo n soilous ono and >
threatens to blockmlo Its entire business. Thd
suburban trainmen struck this morning aftoff
tlio curly trains had coino in , ami there nra
now about thirteen hundred men Idle 1111 $
the business of the rend Is paralyzed.
An order \vtis issued by the strikers nt A
meeting held today extending the strlko over
the whole of the Illinois Central in Illinois/
Wisconsin and Iowa ,
The men insist on the dismissal of SuperliU
tcudent Kusscll , whoso Jnrisdlctloii extends
over the lines in Illinois , Iowa
MA ! Wisconsin. They claim that ho
persecuted many of the men and Imv'fl
many grievances against Aim. The trnubla
culminated yesterday afternoon , when trains
masters were discharged by him , ns men * '
tioncd in thcso dispatches last night. Tha
men did not wish to bo held responsible foff
interfering with the United States mail on
express matter and consequently attached
mall and express 'cars to the engine of thtj
New Orleans mall train today. The general
superintendent , however , refused to start thflf
train until passenger coaenes were attached
and the .strikers warned htm that ho dotulncoj
the mall and express at the company's risk.
General Manager Heck and General Su
pcrintcmlcnt Sullivan had u conference with ,
the strikers this afternoon. The men stated
their determination not to return to worl <
until Superintendent Kusscll was dismissed,1
The only conclusion arrived at was that tha
company would resist the men's demand *
They now await overtures , and It is said that
unless the men return to work tomorrow the
company will proceed to hire new hands. .
The tie up will cause serious trouble , not
only locally , but throughout u largo
section of country , both west and
south. The suburban trafllc of tha
road Is enormous , the largest ill
the United States. Trains run in and out of
the city every few minutes from 5 o'clock In
the morning until midnight and are crowded.
All thcso people , many of whom llvo beyond
the cable car limits , are now thrown upoa
their own resources for transportation.
13ut it is not this that will trouble the com
mercial world. To stop freight traflle on the
Illinois Central means to prevent thousands
of people in northern Iowa , southern Illinois ,
Kentucky , Tennessee , Mississippi and Loulsl-
ami from getting products to market. The
yards In this city are already filled with
freight cars and the stalling of train ) now in
transit will jam every transfer track touched
by the road.
CAIUO , Ills. , Juno 21. The strlko on th
Illinois Central has not extended this fof
south , but only passenger trains left today
and perishable fruit trains have been sent
north by the IIIK Four-road. It Is oxnccted
that all the yard men will go'out hero and at
Mounds Junction tomorrow.
Tire OMAHA j'JsorijE inc < nrxiD.
i < f
CharlcH Fairfax and Ida Druco Find
a Watery CJrnvc.
EI.KIIOKX , Nob. , Juno 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] Chariot Fairfax and Ida
Uruco of Omaha , who were attending the
picnic of colored Masons at Waterloo today ,
were drowned by the upsetting of a boat in
the Elkhorn last night.
The recent rains had changed the usually
tranquil Elkhorn Into u raging torrent. It
had overflowed it ; * banks until in many places
it Is n quarter of a mile wldo.
Opposite the Waterloo plcnlo grounds a
rope had been placed across the river to aid
in opcratitig the ferry , and above this the
excursionists had been boating , when sud
denly the boat containing Charles Fairfax.
Ida Bruce and two other parties wan swept
down the stream , and , striking the rope ,
A number of boats were sent out from the
shore , but before they had reached the spofc
Fairfax and Miss Bruce sank , never to rlso
Fairfax was a porter on ono of the B. & M.
sleepers , and with his family resided at
Twenty-first and Nicholas streets. Bruce was a graduate of the class of
MX ) of the Omaha hlgli school , and stood very
high in the estimation of her classmates , She
resided at 1)115 ) North Twenty-fifth street ,
with her parents , and was twenty years or
ago.Tho river was dragged during the after
noon , but at K ) o'clock last night when the
train left for Omaha , neither of the bodies
had been recovered.
Particulars of the IJOSH of That Vessel
Oil' QIIIMMI Cliarlottu iNland.
VICTOWA. I ) . C. , Juno 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bun. ] A letter has been ro-
celved from Captain Smith o/ the steamer
Sardonyx giving particulars of the loss of
that vessel oil Queen Chat-lotto Island Juno
lit. Captain Smith says the oteamerwas pro *
feeding southward at full speed with a
smooth sea when she struck n rocky shoal not !
doWn on the chart. The vessel could not bei
gotten off and soon commenced to 1111.
Boats were launched and passengers and
mall convoyed to Skltgate.
The steamer hangs on a rock under tha
engine room and the captain atntoi she will
go to pieces at the llrst high wind. The vessel
was valued at $7.1,000. The rocks on which
the Sardonyx struck were unknown to navi
gators and are believed to huvo been throwa
up recently by volcanic action.
OarMiuiii O'Connor Claims a Foul.
SVIIN-BV , N. S. W. , .TunoS I. O'Connor , the
oraman , who was beaten by Stansbury yes
terday , has protested against the payment of
tlio sluices to the latter. O'Connorclalms tha
race on the ground that Stansbiiry took bin
water u quarter of a mile from the start mid
u foul ensued , The umpires deny there wiw
u foul.
_ _
Union Cloakmakoi'H Win.
Nn\v Yoitit , Juno 21.Popkln & Marks , of
the Cloakmnhors1 association , surrendered to
the Clonkiiinkcra' union this morning , agreeing
to employ none but union men and women
horoultor. Six hundred men are employed
bv them. The striking cloakinaKcrs are ex , *
Thorn ) Itclmto fJrloviinoiiH.
Niw : YOIIK , Juno 21. J. B , Greonhut ol
Pooi-lii , 111. , president of the Distiller * ' and
Cattle Feeder. ! ' association , had u coiiforcnco
today with the eommlttoo of wholesale llquoff
dealers of Philadelphia aiid thin city regard-
iag the rebate grievances complained of by
thu liquor dealers. The result will bo pro-
bcnted at u meeting of liquor dealers tomoiy
" " " "
The AVoathor Forooawt. '
For Omaha and vicinity- Fair weather.
For Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakota- *
Showct'H , preceded by fair weather In Niv
br.wka and Iowa : aontlnucd high tempera *
turo ; southerly wlndi.
llrooklyn'H Intimated Population.
Niw : YOIIK , Juno21. . The census snp is
visor cxtluutcs thu normlatiou of Brooklyn ul