Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 . rMtft.i r\ + * -r-w- - t 't t trrti.i 1.1 - - / - * * * * * - - - . - . . ii i . - . - . = . - .
Bo6sio Hnvolhq , rvyoung wpman seventeen -
teen yisarfl of nccf , dfca tit St , Joseph 'd
liOHpltnl ycBtcrauy nftornoon. The ro-
jnnina were tnkcn to Drexel & Mtuil'H ,
where they will romnln until clntincil by
n brother , who resides somewhere in the
Veflterclny afternoon a post mortem
wne liohl upon the remains of Mrn.
Joseph Thomson , who died very sud
denly nt her homo nt Tenth nnu Ilnn-
croft strcotH yestorduy morning. The
invt'stlgiitlon developed the faet thnt the
woman citmo to her death from the
cfTei'ts of cancer of the stomach.
Theodore Williams , the young man
who was found upon the Htrcota last
week , sulTerinf ? with heart disease ,
died nt St. Joseph's hospital yes
terday afternoon. An aunt , Mrs. Jennie
Powell , residing at Itomoon , N. Y. ,
has been telegraphed , and awaiting
tin answer llio remains will ho kept at
Ilcafy'a morgue. _
Hcmnrtol by U. C. Joiner of Allen P. O. ,
IIIllsilulo Co. , Mich. : Nothlnp > rave my
rliciiiiliitlflin such ( julek relief as Lr. ) Thomas'
Eolcctric Oil believe It infallible for rhcu-
inutk-3. " _
J'KUHOX.II * V. I It A Gil A V1IH.
W. II. Hill and wlfo are stopping nt the
A. 1C. Peterson of Arapahoe is at the Mcr-
R L , Esmny of Fremont is a guest nt the
W. A. Williams of Lincoln was In the city
C. M. Hoffman of Genoa Is registered nt
tlio Murray.
J. W. Thomas of Ilushvlllo was at the Paxton -
ton ycstonluy.
Geornc B. Muld of Callawny is registered
nt the Mllliml.
Miss Nettle Mitchell of Blair wns nt the
Millard yesterday.
He.vmand G. Lcnvitt of Grand Island is
Btopplng at tlio Piixton.
Charles .1. Kcrndt and wife of Bird City
are pucsts nt thu Casey.
John M. Fitchpatrlclc , W. D. Galbrnlth and
W. J. Green of Hebron nro in the city.
.T. B. Cessna of Hastings is nt the
Milliml .Ho goes to Kcd Willow county today
to receive testimony as referee In the county
scut contest between McCook and Indiunola.
Mrs. M. Schncnbcrg Reaver Dam , Wis. ,
writes : ' "Wo have used Dr. ThomiLs'Eclec-
tric Oil In our family for coughs , colds , croup
nnd rheumatism. It cures every time.- "
iHilnlo HroiiKlit Hack.
Robert isdnle , the young man who forged a
flS check on the Nebraska clothing house
nnd then lied to Chicago , was brought back
last night by Detective Kills and lodged in
jail. He admits having written the check ,
but states that hu hoped to make the amount
good before the crime was discovered.
Entitled to tliu nest.
All are entitled to the best that their money
will buy. so every family should have , at
once , a bottle of the best family remedy ,
Syrup of Figs , to cleanse the system when
costive or bilious. For sulo in 50o and $1.00
bottles by all leading draifgists.
A Curd of Thanks.
OMAHA , Juno 22. To the Editor of Tin :
BISK : 1 grcntfully acknowledge the generous
liberality of Uov. Father ITillmnn , S. J. , pas
tor of the Holy Family church , nnd of all the
good people of his congregation who assisted
me in collecting means for building u church
lor the poor Christians in Duma , in the Holy
Lnnd. The reverend father explained-to his
congregation the miserable Condition of the
Christians placed under my charge nnd a
collection amounting to ? ! ( ! the re-
spit. Many thanks to all the generous con
tributors , mid I will never forgot the Holy
Family parish of Omaha as long as I live.
Ladles who value a roliued complexion must
use Pozzonl's powder it produces a soft and
beautiful skin.
A Day at Waterloo.
The Swedish picnic at Waterloo yesterday
was a grand success. At S o'clock the various
Swqdish societies of the city assembled at
Fifteenth and Farnnm streets , and headed by
n band of music they marched to the Union
J'acillo depot , where a special train of live
coaches was ia waiting. At ' . ) o'clock they
pot away for the picnic grounds , whore the
day was spent in boating , indulging in nth-
letic sports and singing. The dinner was the
rt'gtilation basket affair and was heartily enJoyed -
Joyed by all.
At a late hour last night tha excursionists
returned , having enjoyed a day of uninter
rupted pleasure.
Bq sure and use Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing
Sy'rup for your children while teething. 'Jo
cents a bottle.
Appeal Tor Unidslinw.
Wo , the undersigned citizens of Omaha
nnd Lincoln , do hereby call a mass meeting
of all the business , professional and newspaper -
paper men of the state of Nebraska to con
vene at the bo.uil ot trade building la Omaha ,
this evening , for the purpose of discussing
ways niul means to provide for the sufferers
from the late cyclone at Br.ulshaw. Signed ,
II. T. CI.AUKI : ,
C. L. ClIAl'l'HU ,
I. P. Dll'.TX ,
CiiAiaxs W. SAVIIWI : ,
THOMAS II. MeC.vaui : ,
F. B. Woonuovv.
W. E. CI.AIIKI : ,
J. S. BlU.VALL. .
Far hotter than the harsh treatment of
medicines which horribly gripe the patient
nnd destroy the coating of the stomach. . D.
J. II. McLean's Chills and Fever Cure by
ifilld yet elVcctivo action will cure. Sold at
CO cents a bottle.
A Victim o
Jtrynu McDermott , the victim of Windsor
fcotel pas , died at St. Joseph's hospital at 10
o'clock yesterday morning.
ffM Friday night McDermott arrived from
fffj" Uulo , this state , went to the AVindsor and
fj" was assigned to room S9 on the third floor.
At 8 o'clock the next morning , In passing
through the hull , n servant noticed the smell
of escaping gas and traced It to McDermott's
door. A porter was shoved over the transom
fj"s nnd found the gas turned on and the window
closed , -whllo McDermott lay oa the bed
faintly gasping for breath.
Physicians were summoned and after ad-
s mlnlbterlng restoratives the man was taken
to the hospital , \vhcro ho was cared for by
the Sisters.
Just before his death ho brightened up
nnd stilted that his home was at Austin ,
Minn. , to which place the remains will bo
Chipped today.
Merchants' hotolOmahn. S2 to $3 per
day. Nat.Uro\vnprdprIiM P
The Tilled of Dr. Immnr'H IjJOturcH on
"Tlio I-'ainlly. "
Dr. Lamar delivered thu third of his lec
tures on "The Family" at the First Baptist
church laxt night , taking for his text Luke
lxvl : : "Thoy were both righteous before
God , walking Ia all the commandments and
ordinances of tlio Lord blameless. "
The pastor spolio as follows :
You Imvo doubtlojs wondered where I
would get a text to suit this subject. Some
of you of tea read this bit of scripture , but
had forgotten that it was In the gospel of
Luke. Others of you have no knowledge of
ever having read It , It is not uncommon for
even students of the blblo to read a passage
of Bcflpturo often without Its making much of
nil Impression upon them. J Inist you will
hereafter remember this splendid text.
How Inexhaustible is the blblo 1 It scvms
to have Its root * .n the abysses of creation ,
nnd to cast itf ' .ght forward until it shines
upon thu topwcst height of o'.crnlty. It rainl-
tics ull 'fi7iav t-pcrlcuco. understands ull
human needs , nnd touches man In nil the
mood * njul tenses of his existence from his
birth till ho stands amid the splendors cf the
great whlto throne. There is no subject In
all the range of human observation needing
treatment 'within the lids of this one
book , the light } ? turuodon. When Oodbeguu
making his book ho foresaw every need ol
tils teachers In all ages , and lie put in this
book material so nbunfliitit thnt "the itmti of
God should bo furnished In it every good
work. " I have dwelt on this , hoping thnt
many of you , from this hour , may
learn to think more of your bibles.
Wo tura now to this model couple. I do
notbelievo they lived once for all. Their
spirit and example has been reproduced la n
multitude of cases since. The world has been
enriched by such people , and it is this that
has inspired a high ideal in the sunny visions
of thousands who aspire to conjugal felicity.
Looking at this model couple , thu first
thing that attracts our attention is their
names. "Xacharliin" mo.ins "God remem
bers , " nl'd "Elizabeth" means "God's oath. "
How happy that the husband's ' very name
should suggest the remembrance of the
heavenly father , and how blessed that the
wife's ' name should bo a daily reminder of his
unehangeabtoncss. Wo cannot expect that
all husbands can have the name of Xachurlun
or that all wives can bo called Elizabeth , but
wo think that there should bo some blessed
fact In their conjugal relation which should
keep thu Lord's remembrance and oath over
before them , and which should bo to them n
daily Inspiration so that they should strive In
every possible way to make happy , holy nml
successful tlio uliion in which they are bound.
Concerning a model couple , I observe , 1.
They must bo both religious. The text says
of those : "Thoy were both righteous before
God. " If It bo important that there bo con
geniality and aflluity In other things , In order
to a well conducted married llfu , how much
more Important is it that Lhero should bo
allllnlty In religious life. However tender the
love , however noble the sentiments , however
honorable the eiTort to make every married
life what It should be , there will always bo a
gap between that couple where onlv one is a
fecrvant of God. It matters not how loyal
they may bo to each other , there stands that
chasm which one of the party will not bridge ,
and which the other cannot.
Every man should bo the priest of his own
family. There Is no excuse for failure so to
be , and yet in many cases if either member
of tlio pair fails to acknowledge the spiritual
claims of their nature , it is apt to be the hus
band. Alas I He often nuts ills thumb in his
wcscoat and walks off with an embarrassed
swagger and says : "Oh , I leave all that to
my wife. " There scerus to bo a dominant no
tion among husbands that the grace and holi
ness ana religious love of the wife will an
swer for the whole household. And thus , in
stead of the man being the priest of his own
home , as God meant him to be , bo turns
traitor to the most sacred responsibilities of
life , and leaves the wife to fulfill all this
relationship. Indeed if ho always stopped
there it would bo bad enough , butsomo times
ho Institutes a mean &ort of persecution of his
wife on account of her religious convictions.
If , in reply to all this , the man suys : "Oh ,
but I don't bellcvo in God , or I don't take
any stock In churches or church people. " It
may ban startling reply , but it is neverthe
less a true one to say. Such a man Is hardly
as respectable as the devil. "The devils be
lieve and tremble. " I have some times been
on the point of advising wives to quit pray
ing for the conversion of their husbands , and
to pray instead that they may bo struck with
a well developed case of cholera morbus , for
it is wonderful how a well developed case
like this can knock to pieces infidelity.
Cholera morbus and infidelity do not agree
long in the same stomach.
A beautiful girl of eighteen dying. By her
bedside stood her father , whom she loved as
dearly as her life. That father had been a
rejecter of Christianity , * ami ho had sought
to train and influence thu mind of his child
in his own belief. As the tide of life ebbed
low , and she realized that her time to die was
near at baud , she turned to her father and
said , "Father , in whoso religion shall I die ,
lu yours or In-my mothers ? " Tlio stubborn
hearted iulklol said , between his sobs , "In
your mother's , my child , in yourjinot.her's. "
In all seriousness , truth and love , I must
say Unit it is sad beyond nil utterance that
anyone possessed of a true Christian wife
can live on year after year and make no ac
knowledgement of his obligations to his
Heavenly Father. That is'a model couple in
deed whcro the sweet harmony of the gospel
reigns in the heart of each member. There
is no siijht on earth , so beautiful us the Chris
tian family , whuro the father is priest and
the mother priestess , and the sons and
daughters as olive plants about
the altar of God. In the
great majority of cases whcro this is true of
the parents it will bo also true of the chil
This couple were not simply religious In
tlio ordinary sense they were more than
that. "Thoy were both righteous before
God , walking in all the commandments and
ordinances of thu Lord blameless. " Walking
In the commandments Implies a daily applica
tion of them to the moral ethics of their life ,
to the fashioning of their temper nnd deport
ment nud the keeping of the ordinances of
the Lord , expresses their obedience to those
divina institutions which they were required
to observe. ' They were evidently no timeserving -
serving ) compromising , expediency professors
of religion. They were pious in their tiomo
nnd regulated their homo life by the known
law of the Lord , and they had a high regard
for the service and claims of his house and
worship. They ministered in tlio tcmplo.
I do nrt know anything that society needs ,
and the churches needs , and the kingdom of
God nocMs , and the world needs just
now moro than they need the mul-
tiplicatioh by the hundreds in every com
munity of couples who shall aspire to bo
models along the line I have been speaking.
It is to such people more than to all else that
Hociuty owes the preservation of its integrity
and purity. A community of totally Godless
couples can do nothing to elevate human so
ciety. Oh , yes ; I know that they may hayo
wealth and culture and social iiillucnce and
education , and all that , and much more. But
if you want to see what such people can defer
for human society , who have not the purify
ing , softening , uplifting power of the gospel
of Christ , turn to the history of Greece and
Home , Just before the Christian era. They
reached the highest typo of heathen civiliza
tion known to the world on the heathen phil
osophy , but as you gaze upon the inner life of
Greece and Homo in that climax of heathen
culture , you draw back In horror.
Again , The model couple honor each
other. The man is always saying to
himself. In effect , this : "Likewise yo
husbands live with them according to knowl
edge , giving honor unto the wife as unto the
weaker vessel. " Ho feels that ho i to honor
her , not because she is weak , but being weak ,
she so well lllls her place and acts her part.
There is no sight moro beautiful than to ob
serve the honor a true husband bestows upon
the wlfo of his bosom. She occupies the llrst
place In his heart , tlrst lu his home , first in
his society. Hu is ever ready to say : "In
theo , my choice , I do rejoice ; in thco I find
content of mind. God's appointment is my
contentment , "
Dr. Landels tells of n husband in whoso
homo ho was a frequent guest. Ho tnys :
"Tho thing that Impressed mo most was the
way this husband honored his wife. One
could not bo In his proscnco without feeling
it. Never a word escaped his lips which ro-
llected directly or Indirectly on her. Never
an action ho performed would have led to the
impression that there could bo any dilTerenco
t'ctwceti them. She was the queen of Ids
homo. All about thtnn felt thnt in his estima
tion and by his dostru her authority was un
impeachable , and the Direct of his example
was such that the children , and friends , and
domestics alike hedged her about with n
sweat respect. A man of strong will himself ,
yet his was never known to bo in collision
with hers , and without any undue yielding ,
the homagu which ho paid hm wife made
their union ono of the happiest It bos over
been my privilege to witness. "
On the other hand , the wlfo of the model
couple is living In that attitude which bays :
"Lot the the wlfo see that she reverences her
husband. " l bellovo it is a Joy to most wives
to do this , and It Is to thorn a pang of living
death , when , through an immoral life , the
husband forfeits his place of honor in her
heart. The honor a wife can pay her hus
band Is beautifully illustrated in the case of
Mrs. Hiuvthorno' Ono wintry -day Haw
thorne rccplvetl at < lho custom house in Salem ,
of which ho was the surveyor.notice ) of his
being removed from olllce. Ho went
homo dejected. Stio saw something
was the matter , nad with true wifely .instinct
she waited for him4" to hroaic the sllenco.
Finally ho faltered out , "I am removed from
oftlco , what shall wo do ! " Did she look
L'loomyl Did sbouporald html Did she sit
helpless In u chair anil say , "what are wo
going to do youliuvo lost your place ! " No ;
she left the room and presently returned ,
bringing fuel , and with her own fair hands
kindled a vheory nro in tha open hearth.
Then pun , paper and Ink and placoil
them ontbo table Di'sklo him. Then she
touched the dcai > oudcut iuuu ou tlp ; shoulder
ns ho sat brooding niH looking Into the fire.
Ho looked up Into her xsamh ! ' ' fnctt "Now , "
sidd she , "you can wrlUs your book j I l U1
Bind you have the chance. " His gloom was
gone. Ho sat to work , nnd the "Scarlet Let
ter" was the result. It was a great success
nnd reworded them both.
Dldyou ovorscoa R > 'cat ship In the dis
tance , with sails nil reefed , and yet in some
mysterious way It seemed to bo moving ran-
idlyalongl You could not understand It till
by and by , as YOU came nearer , you saw that
on the other side of the great snip was a lit
tle steam tug convoying It into port. Evca
so It Is the honor which a true wlfo bestows
upon her husband that gives him motive
ixnvcr in many an hour of need. When wo
see some great man riding into success and
fa mo let us remember thu little steam tug of
the devoted wife that is helping to pull htm
along. .
There Is something touching nnd grand in
the account Dr. Cobbett gives of his honor
for his wife. They lived In Philadelphia. It
was midsummer. Ills wlfo was suffering
from want of sleep. The dogs barked In
cessantly and she could not sleep their
bowlings disturbed her. About * 0 o'clock in
the evening she said : "I thitilc I could go to
sleep now if it were not for the do'gs. " Down
the stairs Cobbett posted In shirt nud
trowsors and bare feet. Going to a heap of
stones ho started to work upon the
dogs. Ho thus pelted them
through the whole night and kept them
several hundred yards from his homo. His
wlfo slept. At 8 o'clock lu the morning ho
came Into the house and made his toilet and
went off to his work , which was to end nt 0 ,
happy thnt ho had by all night's work pur
chased blessed rest for the wife of his bosom.
I wonder how many husbands listening to mo
tonight would do so grand a thing for their
wives ?
Again , the model couple are constantly re
newing the old love. They remember that
love , like a ( lame , must have fuel to feed
upon. Their love-making did not end with
the .courtship and marriage , butthoflamo of
their love burns strouger with each year , be
cause they furnish a plentiful supply of fuel.
Ho is as gallant as ho used to bo in the days
before their plighted troth ; she is as careful
to bo as winning as she was when she waited
for her lover at the door in the evening hour.
Why should it not bo sol To keep love is' of
greater Importance than to win It. Indeed ,
love Is to married life what wind and water
and sail and pilot and rudder are to a ship.
Some couples , simply for lack of this , seem to
have lost their way.
If I were asked to suggest the organization
of n new society It would Do ono for married
people. There should bo but two articles to
the constitution. The llrst article would de
mand that these "entering the society sh/mld
solemnly covenant that throughout married
life they would carefully observe all these
courtesies , unselfish attentions nnd loving
kindnesses that they indulged in in the
courting period. " The second article should
bo that "neither member of the 11 rm should
allow ; nny criticism of tjie other from father ,
mother , relatives , or any ono else in the
world. " Let mo urge upon the husbands
and wives to indulge in a llttlo retrospective
view this night. Are you drifting apart ?
Have you unconsciously fallen Into tilings
that are slowly but surely separating your
affections and alienating love and marring
your harmony and blessedness ? I beg of you
to carefully consider and retrace your
steps. Go back to the old love
appologlze to each other for past neglects , and
brighten up your old flame. Open tbo fatnlty
bible and look at the record of the marriage
day. Bring out the little keepsakes of the
courting days. Hunt up the old letters and
read them over again. I see a bit of faded
flower fall out of ono of these letters ns you
open It. Take It up and press it to your
heart again. I trust its failed condition will
not be the symbol of your love , but that the
fragrance that abides with it still shall more
fitly symbolize the love thnt you still cherish
in your hearts for each other. If a blast from
hell blew out the flame of your love , a blast
from heaven will fan it into life once moro.
Lot the wife begin to practice these pretty
wiles she used to exercise in order to seem
fair in his eyes in the days of love's young
dream. Double your charm and try to make
home to him the sweetest place on earth. Let
the husband not only love bis wife , but let
him toll her so as ho did iu other , days , and
toll her so often , nnil yield to her not ouco , but
twice nnd thrice nnd many times in unselfish
devotion. Kemember that the secret of a
vigorous love is demonstrative affection. Go
back and plan little pleasures for her as you
used to do. Show her that you think about
her and do not get absorbed in yourself or
your business as you have' been doing for a
long while. Probably that wife's heart is
just dying for a little love. You say , "O , she
knows I love her. " Yes , but she wants you
to tell her as you should. A declaration
made ten years ago will not sufllec for today.
She wants it fresh from your heart as a
flower in the morning sun. Do it , and do it
this very night. Tell her that she is the
dearest in your eyes of all the women that
that walk the earth.
George Elliott says a very true thing when
she declared that every marriage is a relation
either of sympathy or'of conquest. You
want your way and the wife wants her way ,
and neither is willing 'to compromise. In the
mean time your love is dying. Pat was ono
day asked why it was that ho and
his wife were always disagreeing.
Ho replied , "Becauso wo are
both of ono mind. She wants to bo master ,
and so do I. " As another bos said , "I think
1 could show you ho'mcs wliuro poverty has
never left its pinch , where sickness has not
paiil its visits , where there is plenty of food
and health , and yet where there is u skeleton
which haunts the home , moro terrible than
poverty or death. Why do the wifo's.shotil-
ders droop so untimely ( Why docs she look
old. and yet she is scarce thirty ? She heaves
a sigh of relief when her husband goes out to
his work. She dreads his coming home.
But ho is not a drunkard. Listen to her
soliloquy : Is this his Cnnaii I was promised
when I man-led ? Our walks amid fields and
flowers were all all too short. His whispers
were all so loving , nnd the pressure of his
hand so fond. 1 believed him. Isu-rcndcicd
to him youth , beauty , love , freedom all a
woman has to give , but now all
I receive In return is harsh tones ,
cold loolcs , steam words , short answers and
sullen reserves. You say , is that nil i Yes ;
but that is a mountain of polar ice to put on a
woman's heart. Husband , listen to me. That
wlfo of yours is wretched , because you arc a
liar , because you perjured yourself when you
vowed to love , cherish nnd comfort her till
death do you part. You nro a coward with-
all. The fear of the gallows keeps you from
knocking out her brains with a poker , and
yet you poison her life by a slow cruelty and
by an oath dally ignored. May God awaken
you. Stop where you are and go back and
begin over.
I pray God that each couple there may uo a
model couple , may bo a blessing to society
and the world , and to the kingdom of God on
earth , and that they may bo a part of the
heavenly throng when when Jesus Christ
comes to take homo his bride to eternal glory.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Miles' Norvlno. Samples free at ICuhn St ,
Co.'s , 13th and Douglas.
flair KntcH to Denver via HurlliifUm
Juno 14 , 15 , 22 and 2. , tlio Burlington
will sell tickets to Denver at ono faro for
the round trip , good for ! IO days , , Ticket
oIllco 1223 Farnum atreot , W. ' R Valll ,
It * iiportoreYcollanroproTcn In militant of liamci
for muru n quarter c-fn century It la u e-l l > y
tli L'nltcil Slau-j ( iovi-rmji-nu KmloriiMt l > r * ! '
huatliof Ihu uri'U unlveriUlfM , n > tlio WirJiuoit ,
Turrit nnil Mint Healthful. lr 1'rlce't t'rcam link-
ln I'owilrr , iloi-i not coatulu ntuuionln , lliuo or
aluiu. SoM < > nlr I'l cam.
I'llICK lUKI.Vtl I'OWHKll CO. ,
Ncw York Clilfuii > fnuwlaw.
Rheumatism ,
BEING duo ioilic presence of urfc
acid In thoirfood , Is most effectually
cured by tlio usoiof Aycr's Sursnpa-
fllla. Bo sure you get Aor'a niul no
other , nnd take Jt till tlio poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from tlio
system. Wo clidllcngc attention to this
testimony :
"About two yt HIS ago , after suffering
for nearly two.'ytars from rheunmtio
gout , being abloiupwnlk only with great
discomfort , nndl having tried various
remedies , including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw by an advertise.
mcnt In a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint , after long suffering , by taking
Ayer's Snrgnpurllla. I then decided to
make n trial of this medicine , nnd took
it regularly for eight months , and am
pleased to state that It has effected a
complete cure. I havu since had no re
turn of thn disease. " Mrs. 11. Irving
Dodge , 110 West lUStli at. , New York.
"One year npo I was taken HI with
Inflammatory rheumatism , being con
fined to my house six months. I cnmo
out of the sickness very much debili
tated , with no appetite , and my system
disordered In every way. I commenced
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to
Improve tit once , gaining in strength
nna soon recovering my usual health.
I cannot s y too much In praise of this
well-known medicine. " Mrs , li. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. II.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass *
Price * 1 ; Biz bottle , $5. Worth $5 a fcottle ,
A woman who once puts
on Ball's corset will wear that
make as long as she lives.
That is why the .makers
do as they do.
What do they do ?
They tell every store in the
United States to take Ball's
corset back and return the
money paid for it any time
within three weeks , if the
woman that buys it don't like
Do the stores do that ?
They do if they have Ball's
corset. They are glad to ;
it costs them nothing. .
Your store has a primer
on Corsets for you.
CHICAGO CORSET Co cucagoand New York.
The Purest and Best Drink in the World.
Appotizlzlns , DoUcious , Sparkling and
the Best Blood "Purifier and Tonic.
A 1'nckago [ liquid ] 23c , mokes 5.gallons.
EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed.
No Trouble. Kasily Made. Try It
Ask your Druggist or Oroocr for It anil take
no other. See that you get HIKES' .
Made by C. E. HIKES. Philadelphia , 1'enn.
HR. J. jfi. Btcti&EW ,
Tlio Doctor is nnRtirpnsscd
In the treatment or all
forms of 1'rlviile Disease * .
No treatment 1ms ever been
more f ticcessful anil none
lias hail stronger endorse
ment. A enrols guaranteed In the \cry worst cnccs
In f rom 3 to 5 days without tlio loss of nn hour's time.
TliOhevlio liiuc liecn
under his treatment for
strlcturoorUiniculty In
relieving the bladder , pronounce It n moot wonder
ful succcs * . A complete euro Inn few dnj-flwl.Uout
pain. Instruments or loesof tune.
timidity nr ncrvnupncse , In tlielr worst forms und
most dre.idf'il results are nlisoliitely cured.
Q B BJJHJ& * ltj | KB a"n A And nil KK.MAI.R
' " " ' " ' B " " " ' " > * " ' nt lionio without
Instruments. A wonderful remedy. llOUJta for
laiilea from 2 toI ONLY.
and all Dlfeiues of the Skin ,
Ultfoil , Heart. Liver. Kid-
neyu nnd llludilcr cured.
. Tlio
inupt rnpld , fata nnd t'ffcct-
Ivo treatment linown to tlio
medical prnfesKlon. livery tnico of llio dlsenee re-
mm l from Hut blood : n complete cure guaranteed.
EBtffeff E/F * lj'or "mau" or "wniiiiin" , each ] 0c
l ( Blamii ! ) , Treatment by corre
spondence Stamp for reply.
n N. K foil. Urn AND PAKNAU ST.
Opun from H A. M. to 0 1 > . JI.
1 liutrann- I'nrnnin or llth bt. ,
Denifer Lotterij
Deniver , Colo. ,
Capital ( Prize $7,500.
Address B. F , R1IODUS ,
"SANATIVO , " tie
IViunIuiTiil SjianleU
_ _ vjn Hi'iiiedy , In mid with
I C ? KJ \Vi-ltton < iuuiun-
v v * tea to cuie ull Nerv-
Weak Hemory , Loss
nf llruln I'liwer.lK'ud-
_ actoc , Wukcfnlncie ,
BoforoA. ' After llso. I t Manhood. Nery
I'liutugrniTliiil Irum Die. OIWICM , LassUude ,
alldmlug and lu of power ol tbo Uvncrulltu Or
gan * , In cither eex , cnueud ly ) over-cxettlon , youth
ful IndUcrctlnni , or tlio exceCHlvo m > o of tonaico ,
opium , or stimulants , \vtilclt ultimately lead to
luflrmlty. Consumption and Icpaully. rut up In
couvunluut form tu carry In the ve t | > oclcl. : 1'rlco
81 n packaee , or f r S3. With every $3 "rdi'r wo
clvu a written uituntiiteo tu cure or refund
the inonru. bent by mall tu any address. Cti-
cnlnr free. Mention thla piper. Addrcts
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. llrancli Olllco for U. 0. A
41T J > " -lvrn Sln-i-l. CHIPACO , ll.L.
roitCALK IS' CIMAI1A. Mit. : . HV
Kulin.VCo. , Cor-litliandlloiifbt ) Strujtt.
J.A.fuller&Ca. , for. lltli A HJIIL-'II ' Htieet
A.DFoiter .VCc. Ccuucll Ulullt. lowit.
Bulletins from tlio HI ecu r youthful errors , rnrlr
drcny. wuilnv wr n 4lo t inanbontt , etc. , I will
eml a valuable trenlluj l > < 'i > l < * 'li i-cnlalnlnit full
particular ! fur linuiu curr , i'lllil ! if chnrKd. A
plcmllil urillcal work , liouhl l > u ri.-U l > y eittr
man who U urrvtnu ami delillllatnl. Adilrru ,
. r , c , vo\VLiiiclug < jUu tC' < uuif
, Our great sale of thin coats and vests has commenced. For custom
ers -who remember our former summer sales the mere announcement
of this sale is sufficient. They know that it means an opportunity to get
their goods at about ONE-HALF THE PRICE THEY HAVE TO 'PAY
ELSEWHERE FOR THEM. We have this season an enormous stock ,
and it consists mostly of the better grades of goods , but these \vill be
slaughtered at prices \vhich others will charge you for inferior and low
grade goods.
Fine plain Mohair Coats and Vests in several shades at $1.75 worth
Fine striped Mohair-Coats and Vests in several shades at $2.28.
Very fine Drap D'Ete Coats and Vests , elegantly made up with
French facing at $3.28 ; you have to pay for similar goods fully $6.
The finest Black Serge Coats and Vests at $3.8O , worth about $7.
Very FrenchFlannel Coats andVests in beautiful stripes at $2.9O.
A large variety of black Alpaca Coats at $1 , $1.60 , $2 and $2.28 ; also
extra long Alpaca Coats.
To get a correct idea of the values we are offering in these goods-
you must see them. - *
We will not take any chanced this time. The season promises to be the shortest we ever had ; and we
commence an early clearance sale , We offer today two lots of suits at such reductions that buyers can
readily see the superior values we offer.
One lot of all wool plain grey cheviot sack suits at $6.50. This is a suit that has been made up
to retail for $12.50 to $15 ; the quality of the goods is excellent. It is lined with double warp Italian ,
made up-stylish , with patched pockets , and makes a splendid business suit.
The second is a large lot of sack and frock suits of black cheviot , the most fashionable material
this season. These are made up in fine style with worsted binding and fit elegant ; the suit is wortliC
over $15 , and we offer them at $8.90.
Ask our salesmen to show von these suits.
It is astonishing what a quantity of flannel shirts we arc selling this season. The enormous sales
induced us to buy very heavy. We have recently closed out a manufacturer's entire stock and place
them on sale today at abouttJne half their former prices. Among the lot we offer :
70 dozen Oxford Cloth Shirts , excellent patterns , woven colors , made up with yoke and in good
style at 50c ; a few weeks ago these shirts would be considered cheap at $1.
40 dozen silk striped French Flannel Shirts at 90c ; worth $1.75.
Never were such bargains offered in flannel shirts as we have this week.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
Sydney Smith's sugges
tion of taking off one's flesh
and sitting down in one's
bones , was made before the
days of modern improv-
ments. Now comfort may
be secured and good taste
not be offended by simply
donning a thin coat and vest
and a light pair of trousers.
A full supply of the same
for the heated term may be
found at
Btwclflo for 'lytferla. Iiltilrn1" , K ! | § . ' "euralBln. Wnl-e-
tuliiox , 5'tntul lK < prcKhlon , tiotienlnirnf thu Ilialn. rt-
lulllnit la In/anlty nuJ Icaitlni. to mlsi-ry ducav an I
ituth , Prem-Htmi OIU AB . llarrennnm. I.o i or J'owcf
Inctltior wx. Involuntary l.ot > cnaiul Hpmimlonl.rr.j
cau ud by uvfr-vkbrttu. or thu hrnln , fco f.iluroor
ovor-liidulKt-nto. Koch liux cantalnionuninniL'ii Irt-at-
ntptit. labox. or elx lor 8) , tt'nt by iriatt prcpiM.
\Vltli rnfli order inr tlx lion's , will tend inirrliiiur
'rilnranfo ' ' " f'l moni'v If ih'i iroiimi-ii' raiUtu
' ' " '
I'llO arutiiuatrcct , Oiimlia , Nob.
iOoncral and IIEUV _ .
IWealiBecjof Bcdyaaailiad , Effect !
_ JofErrflroor Electees laOldorYounp ,
lUUit , k > Jil ] ltt < lllniirullr ll.norfj. lloirlotnllrfe > i
l/rri.KiOiil > l < > i. Urlltltcu
btl" Ilcck , fpljail3n ! H.J vrott * r tll'd ( inlcdUrf-l.
uvi.v--fr ) 1'iTluilu-nl
eli reiiinljr , net i < n I lit ) menstrual njrutum nna
ciiroupi'rci lon from wlistaror can ia 1'runulu
nieintruutlon. Tli o tillu iiliuulil n t bi tukon dur-
[ Hit pri'iriiitr. : ; Am I'lll Co . llujr.ili ) \'rnn \ [ Hpca-
rer , t'lsiy t'o lu liunulno bjr blivrninn & Mir'urni-ll ,
DuilVU tt. . nrar I * C Oiunlut , C A. Mulrliur . n.ull
Uiuulm 11 1 * Kllu , C > iincll Illutlj. t ; ot , i ij.
r * l"rtil l . rltmtleorril. 1'urUuiUiiT' 'I ' itrriiiMtu'i'eii '
I'rlio I
l ifjf"11-1 o * lift yuiuafrt. , .I.T.
Sole Agts. for Om iha , 1514 Farnam St.
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Untlor the Mimagament of the Mexican International BanUlnc Co. , Concessionaries.
Will talio place In public at tha OITV OP JUAREZ ( formerly I'uso tlol Norto ) . filoxloo
WEDNESDAY , JUNE 28th , 189O.
Umlcr Iho personal supervlsfnn ol GEN. JOHN S , MOSIiY , ami MU.OAMILO
the former a Kontleman of such prominence In the United Htntos Hint lila nrosunco tilono l
siilllok'iitBtmnintiiu to thu publlu thtit tliu drawings will bo hulil with strlut nonuaty nnd ' | } | rw-
iit'hs to nil , niid tliu lattur ( tliu Supervisor of thu Aiuxlcau GuvurnmonO is uf oijuul standing
and inttigrlty.
Only 6OOOO , TicketsI Only 6OOOO Tickets ?
l ft.ooa
* % & -
B5,07tt ,
Wo tlio undcrilencil hereby certify ttint tlio llnnco If any ticket drnwlni : artrlia Is ont to thn unlor-
Nnclonnl of Mexico In Clilliimlum Inn on doponlt nlk'ncil , 111 fuca ralue will ba cnlloclud and ruuilil-jO
from llio Alo.xlrnn Inlcnmtloniil llankliii ; Company , tu tlio unnur tliurent free nt nhariii ) .
Ihu ncct'SMnry funili to iniarnnlHi the pnrincnt of ull KIKIAK II. IIiioNHoy ,
ttic prltUH drawn In the llmnil Uiltury of Juarei. 1'rcslJcnt Kl I'n-u Nittlunal llnnk. It I I'nso. Tor.
Wo further cortlly tlmtiru will iip rvlso nil tlio nr- ACJliNTS WANTian. -
rnnzomonts , nrnl In pcrum ninnnx's uinl control nil For club ratm , or liny otlior Infnrmiilliin , wrll Mk
lliuilriHliiui of this lottery , niul lliil thu asmo uro tha unilcrnlk-noil. stftlhiB your mlilro > rloiirlr , nllfv. <
l wild hoiioity , fulriiuii nuil In uood faltli Hlnto , Ootinly , Htruot un'l ' Nunibor. Mi o rupld m H
' ' ilullYory will bu usiuruil by your onclotliuun oural *
M a''MOSnv. Commissioner. opobi' rlniyuur full n'Mroju.
C'AMll.O AlKIUUI.MIj , MEXICAN iMiuiiMATiosAh Co. .
Bnporvbur fur tliu Uovoniinont , CJlty of JuuruMuxluo. .
TT Scnil rninlttnnccsfor tleltoti by prdlnnry loiter. contiilnliiB Slonuy Onlor. .
* - " IbHiicil by nil Kxi > r ss Companies , New Vork UxchuiiBO , llankliruftorrostas
Note. AiUlri'SHiill rulsturul ; ; Ictturs to
City ofJuarox. . Mexico , via Lul IJaao , Tox.