Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    H0T ' '
THE OMAEfA' DAILY BEllj MONDAY. 1 23 , isoo. 7
ffo ndVcrtlnfmonU will l > o tnkcu lor
tlirrto column * after Ii30 p. m.
Termfl C/iflh In advance.
Adv xrtl pmont under thin head 10 ernU per
linn for tlio flrnt- Insertion , 7r nt foreach ub-
ftaurni Innrrtlon. nmU1.50 prrllno pormonth.
No ndvortlftcmrnu taken for IMS than 25 cnnti
for tint insertion. They tuii t run consecu
tively and must Do paid In ADVANCE All
tcmrnUmtift bo handed In before 15:10
p.m. , anil undrr no circumstances will
iy bo tnkrn or dlicuntlnurd by telephone
I'nrtfrs navcrtlsInK In tlrso columns nml
bavlnir Ihdr rmwori ildrn eil In earn of Tn
nrywlil plri n n k for n chcok foennble tlif m
to ( tot tlmlr letters. as noun wtllbn delivered
except oh presentation chock. All an wer
to mlvprtUcmonta nhould liu enclosed In cnvo-
All' advertisements In tficnn column * are
IHibllNhPil in both mornlntf and ovonnB edi
tions of TUP. Ilrr. tlio circulation of which ng.
CroKutu morn than papers dnlly , niul
flve tliniilvertl tirs.tnn benefit , not only of
the city circulation of TlIK I1BE. but also of
Council IHurfc. , Lincoln and other oltlca and
towns throughout thin section of the country.
Aflvcrtlnlne for tbeso columns will Tin tnkon
on tlu abovj ? conditions , at the following bus-
nc * I ou > c % who arc authorised totako npeclal
uc.tlccx. nt the s.imo rates as can be had at the
ir.nln ofllcu.
ofTwnnty-slxth and N utreotm Nebraska
bank building.
TOHN W.HELL , I'harmaclst , EJ3 South Tontb
J BtrcoU
CHASE &KDDY , Htntlonors and Printer * .
11.1. Sputh ICth Btreet.
. KARNSWORTH. I'harit cl t , Zlli ,
Cumlng street.
J. HUOHES , rhnrmacUt. C3J North
. ICth street.
P.O. W. 1'AIIR , Pharmacist , 1718 Loaven-
worth Street.
_ _ _ _
TTUOIlKS'l'IIARMACY. S4th. nnd rurnnm
ysVANTIil ) .
WANTnn-I'osltlon In wholesale or retail
house as HalcHmait or assistant book
keeper. lln\o long experience In retail busi
ness nn buyer und salesman. Can give refer
ence or seuiirlty for ruipiinallllu position. Ad-
ill-ens II 41 , The Heo. 403-2:1 : *
MKA'P nnd pnstrv coolc ; references given
fiom present employer. Addiess 11,17 Itee.
427-21 *
QlTl' ATION wanted by a young man to learn
VJa trade , blaoksmllhliifr or horsa-sbooltu pre
ferred : have homo exporh-ncc : will take any
Kind of steady Job. Address C. Obon.awi N.20th.
ANHED-l'osltlon In store or olllcu by
bright , Intelligent boy of thirteen who Is
not afiald of woik. Alludes * U , The llee.
) A JlrsPcTa s ciiatinaKi i at oneel
steady work. Opera House T.illors. Sac
City. In 4' ' > 22i : *
" \\MNTED An active man for each section
ii Miluiy J75 to $ IK ( ) , to locally represent u
pnccessfnf N. Y. company. Incorporated , to
hupply dry goods , clothing , HIOCS | , jewelry ,
etc. . to consumers at cot. . Also a lady of
tact , salary 40. to cntoll members (80,000 ( now
unrolled , Jinn.OOO pild In. ) References ex-
' nged. Empire Co-Oporntlvo association
credit well atj-d ) look box- fill ) . N. Y.
I > A INTERS Wanted at once , 3 or I ordinary
brush hands. M , G. EdwardsOlcnvvi > od. la.
"VV 17 ANTI'D Pour mou 21 tq5 : ! yrs. old fair
- cd m ill Ion and good addiess. foi Nehr. J.
M. I'lunch .V Co. , 512 I'aMon blk. , Om.iha.
AfinNTti wanted , 1C now specialties , all fast
sellers : no experience necessary : big
mom * } : sample fruo. Addtcss Ii 0. llrowstor ,
llolly. Midi. fil'llyli ) *
" \\7"ANTl4l , ) Salesmen on sal iry or eommls-
> sloii to handle the now I'atcnt Chemical
Ink I'r.iHliiK I'encll. The greatest soiling nov
elty over produced. Krases Ink tboronglily In
two seconds : no abrasion of papoi.a * ) to fioo
per ueiit pi ollt Ono agents salet , amounted to
&OJO In six djiys ; another * U In two hours. Wo
want onn onergutlu general agent for each
Ht.Tfo and territory. Sample by mall . ! " > cents.
Per terms nnd full partlculari , address The
Itlonroo Kras > er Mf'g Co , La Crosse , WIs.
COU-2J *
WA N'l'ni ) I'lrst-class tailor. Como atoncc.
Peter V.horle , O'Neill , Neb. 481 at *
WANTI',1) A barber foi batuiday and SIIM- ut 11X14 L'ltlist- _ _ 4M-21 *
ANTED Atonco a praetlcal baker. Oer-
man prufoired. Call on 01 addiess C'harleS
tlastcyei. LoiipUlty. Nob. 4U ' . ' 1
WANTl'.I ) ( jorman registered drug clerk ;
no boys or liiHhors need apply. T. J.
I'legeiiliaiim .lliimptoii. Neb. 405 21 *
't.'JT'ANTni ) Hood rellablo agent. Salary
V > aiiiU-ommlsslon paid. 1104 21th st , 44J21
AnHN'IS WANTHD-l ( impotent m'oii can
now ntuKo Milunhlo contracts for general
nnd special agencies In Nebraska , Iowa nnd
KaiiMis nlth thodiintanty Iliilldlng and Loan
nsioclatton of Minneapolis. Minn. , ono ot the
oldest associations In the Held and well estab
lished. I'm ties desiring lemuncratlve posi
tions should fjlvci this piompt attention , as
these-openings will soon bo tilled and such
v aoanclLH w 111 not occur ugaln for years. Wo
furnish our agents valuable asslstniico In
their vvoik. Know what to do and do it. 1'or
further informut'on. desurlptlvu circulars.
< itc' . . ( uldioss II. JJ. I'alrchlld , socrelary , Mlnnu-
Minn. -te-yr *
WANTED Hey about n years old lo learn
the jewelry trade , bwcdu preferred. Room
] Q. l.M 1 Dniiglnsstj KIM ! *
V\/"ANTED Two men to travel , must bo
ii willing to Htart on small salary. Address
Lock llox 021 , Columbus. Nob. 50.1-21"
S A LI > MKN to null specialties to merchants
by sample ; baliiry paid to good men ; Ham-
pies furnished ; steady situation ; Model Jlan-
ufaeliitlngCo. . South llc-ml. 1ml. ' '
W ANTE IVA salesman to carry Htm of
teas nnd elgais on commission thiough
soutliwfsti'rn Iowa. E\tru Inducements of
fered ; iil-oman to work Omaha < -lty trade.
Addict * Gcorgo A. uennurd , at. Joseph. Mo.
477 27
WANTED 200 Itvbnruis for e\tr.i road
KiiiigH. Apply to I' . II , Johnson , 11. fc M.
littsSc'iigur depot , Uniaha. 4s8
\\rANTED draughtsmen. .1
lliulgaon , Jr. , fd5 llronn bloolf. litlh and
DouglaH. 4.M2I
\\nntod ; Inc-itlon llrst-olnss ; ulato
\\IIPII and where graduated , whether dmn-
ocrul orii'pnbllcnn ; gl\n refeiomvs. Incloso
lamp ; regular only. Address II 31. Dully
lieu. Omaha. 4122 : .
TONEMASONS wanted nt Niirfollc and
lleatrlcu. Good wages paid. M. T. Muiphy.
AlfOYl Grand o\poiise-mal > er forcanvassors
Everybody buys\V.Il.l ! > rlceDavldUlty.Niib
, ) Men to travel for our Canadian
t nurseries. Slone&Wellington.Mndlson.WU
' ' - : ' time. $13000
prolltln.4 weeks or no ji.iy. Add. , with
ttamp : Jarvla ii Company , Kaolin.WIs. .
TX/'ANTlil ' ) 1,000 moil for ralltoad work In
> \ Wvomlng , Dakota , Utah and Nevada ;
ncoHil.TS to fti.50 ; steady work. Albright's
. . .riii < r.ig0-y' tKO _ Varnam at. BltJyi
\\7AN rHrJ faulesmen at * 75 per month sal-
V ary and uxpunses to soil a line of sllver-
jilatcd io , watches , ote , , by sample only ;
liop"'lind tt'iim furnished fren , wrlto atbnco
for full paitleulars nnd sample ease of goods
free. Munilnril bllverwaro Co. , Iloatoii , Mass ,
" \ \ ANTKD KiuirxB-tlo men nnd women fora
TV genteel business pay Ing JfiO weekly profit
caller than too monthly otherwise ; oxporlonca
y ; ponnniu'iit position and oxclu-
nlvc territory iikjuied : flHimples free : Invcs-
ttgiitntmr inonoy-inikkbi ) ; buslnoHS. AUdrttss
with st.iniri. Merrill Munufuaturlnj ; Co. 11 w ,
ChlciiKb , 111.
> ate. I' . Whitney's book blmlnry cor. I''tb
nd nniutjn. _ 4SJ 'Jii * _
X V AN I'KIJ A cnpitblo ulrl to doU'lienil /
> > hiuiM'work for sniull fiuiilly : coo'l ' wuscs.
Call at. "VI J North gnd btrut-t. 4i S tl'
/ * " > 0f > cltl for KenuruT hoiise ork , vtnge tt ,
V"iuil I tiniiettgt. _ _ 4 aP _
\\7ANTK1)-A nurse Rlrl at 403 "N. Khl it , ,
KQt'd ' wngcg. 400 i.'t
< \\7"Ar'"l'Kl ) l'0l | " 0' 'r'f ' 0llully ! rtSOnt * . Ad-
< i ilrcssor call &t Jbto llurkor &t. , Oivh.itd
imi.G lltll ) girl ut Rood wapcs for fuinlly of two.
Coini'utonco. < im lliimlltoniit. til SI *
" \\TANTni > A romp tcnt Rlrl lor convral
J ; lionauworkt need wastes. Apply to Mr * . A.
V-JlopkhiH. ma i C'apUnl ' _ UVL' . 417 21 *
GOOD wulst haild . UJO Capitol ave.
X jr.TmuIl widow 'Udy'fo ?
J J l i-ooK. ana lioiiHki > i < pi r wlih ion ( rum cUlit
to Oftt'on ymr old , oml ref renco * uuU nu ui.
11 _ loo. _ _ _ _ 411
\VAMHiV A KCXK ! Ctrl lo'itociioklui ; luul
7 ' Kcncrul housi-woik In f ml < \ uf two. Sirs.
U < iiiottuJI , ill Nortti lutu U , up italr * . UM
TXTANTHD-lloocl cook mid laundress for
VV small fitmily.,121V. I'lh Ht , 35I
IWtIT < pijr Indies n viltiryof IIO per week
to work forniaJo tholrlooallty athiini\II ( ht
work , peed nny for part tlrni ! . V > rltn wltli
stamp , Mrs , II , F. rnrrliiglon. box 703 I'lilcnso.
WAN'rKT- ! ! ! for illnlim nnd chnnilM'r
work , Dornn house , 4 . ' a Uth itM 1 block
BOtiUi of cqiirtjKMiso , .t
_ _
W ANTKD-OIrl forKPiirrul lieu > owork , two
li1 "lilLuJ- ! 'I11' ' ! " ' _ " " _
W AKl'llD-lst niiTTld IslrTsTn private fami
ly : host of wnaos paid. 721 S l"tb st. . for ;
tier ot Lcavciinortli st JIr . J. L. llrandiMi.
W ANTED 'Inrtp oxjH'rlencPU aining room
lrlHiit the Itarkor hotel. H
M HS. It. 0. Hanwmo. fill S. 16th. fashionable
Uresfiiimklng. llallcy system tatuht.
ENOAoT'.MKNTH toilnrtreos Jinking In fami
lies solicited , Miss Sturdy , K a. SSJ" jvo.
lJ1fR KENT'twill hou p M pjr moi'itnf. .
JJ Wilkinson , OH I'uxlon blk. OH
FOR KENTrurnlshril house of 7 rooms
from.Iulylto October 1 , near Hnnscotii
I'ark , I Jit. ' . H. aiil. 6B-31
EOR IIENT Renldencps In all parts Af city.
List too large to publish. OloboLoin&
Trust com my. 307 S. 10th st. T'TI
F TmitilNT-Jlouse"tmSlst ami Davenport
Hts. opposite high school giounds , Impilro
of HowardII.Smithroom012 N.V.LIfo Ins.big.
FOIt IlKST At moderato lent , the thrce-
storv and basement brick building situated
at No. illO Douglas stirot , Kttlttible fornriuu-
faeturlng. wholesale or warehouse purposes ,
nNo ono store and basement No. lor S. 1 Ith st.
Apply lo Clus. Kaiifmann , J.KB Douglas st.
FOR RENT Al.otlt Juno 1 , those elegant
Htono icsldenccs on Georgia IIVP. , iJtli wt.
bet. .Mason und I'aclllo sts. eo owner for Ion. ?
tlpio lease. H. II , Hendcison , room 100. I'av-
ton blk. f-74
FOR linN'T l'urnl'hctl for the summer , a
7-room house , all Improvements. 1 block
from ii"loi. .Call or address R. U. McClure ,
5.U I'ark are. an
" 171OII RENT S line pressed brick houses , cast
- Ufionts on Oeorgl.v ave. , just north of Lc iv-
enworth st.O looms , bath , furnacesower con
nections , all conveniences ; wilt rent to re
sponsible pirtles for * V ) . M. A. Upton Co. ,
Ititlt and I'arn.iin. T40
T71OR RENT Hoitso , 10 looms , all modern
Ju Improvements ; largo yard. SB per month.
Commission to agents. Dexter L. Thomas.
[ "I ? YOU wish to rent n house or store see H.
LE. Cole , Contlijcntal block. 0(13 (
FOR RENT Two of tha finest residence Mats
on South loth stieet , with nil modem con
venience1' , hot and cold w.itor , eloso to Ilrown-
cll hall. I'lrst class surroundings. Apply to
C-Iias. ICaufmann. 1.W4 Douglas st KVt
TUNE house , ( > rooms , water , sewer , at WOTN.
- 'J3th st. ; U rooms at U)3 ) North 1.1th street.
47224 *
FIVEidoni collage , 2. > l I Davenport Rt. . $ JO.
W. L. .Stlby , J J llo.itd of Hade. 471
TT1OR REST Oood 10 room house. cwcr.
J water , gas bath , b irn. futnace. In elegant
shape , cheap. D. V. faholes Co. , 213 first Nat'l
bank. . ' .St
READV for yearly tenants , jew month. The
lie.iutlful new brick t-ioom modern houses
on Lakcst. ImUlro24-1) | ) . Take 10th st. niotoi.
4SJ-21 *
RENT-12-ioom brick house with all
JU modern imptovcmonts. 11 l.s.auliHt. Cheap.
Also a nice 4-room cottage on N. 17th st. .Itidgo
Anderson U
GOOD boarding house fet rent very < -hc ip In
youth Omaha. Inquire OOU botith loth sr.
40J 2" > *
FOR RENT Dwelllni : , ' ) rooms , st.iDie , and
all requirements for a first-class homo ;
south fiont ; 2W)8 ) Capitol avenue ; rental very
low. Imtulro at 1COI KarnaniHt. < P >
8-ROOM Hut with ste-un heat. IBth st. near
Jones. Thomas I' . Hall , 311 I'axton block.
fii < i
17TOR RENT I0-rooni brlok lioitso , with mod-
JJ eui conveniences. No. 811 b. 20th st. Apply
at N o. 8C7 y. 2th ( ) st. ' .r > 7. ' >
171OK KENT 7-ioom house with barn ; nom-
JIti'il lent to good party. C. ! ' . JIairhoii , Oil
N. Y. Life. 111
. . IJIJNT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
_ IniitilrfSlll Douglas. 81U.
PINT resldenco , modern improvements 2tiM
St. Mary's a\e. . ftVi per month. Imiuho at
iremlstiinrat ' A. llwllei's. 1114 I'liniam. 150
1T1INn7-rnoin dwelling with vaid , Jii.
J2 Also. 8-room dwollliig vv Ith yard , WO ,
0 and 10-room dwellings , * B to J < W.
bmeaton & Allen , lOOOJi Karnam st.
15J Jy 12
TESIDENOES-2-th and Ilurney. Tor prices
JVseo I'.uil. lliOOriirn.ini. 173-ilO
FOR RENT About Juno 7 , 8-room house Xld
and Cumlng sts , W > per month. C. K ,
Harrison. Oil N. Y. LIfo 46J
T71OR RENT Very nlcuT-room houses ; ouncial
JU terms made. Apply to 1'lutcher ounj ,
J'laie. _ VU
" 171OR RJ.NT 5 room Iiou-iP , eood ropiir , nice
-L yatd. cistern water , tent $ JJ. Apply to 1400
South 7tli ave. ortoJno. W. Hell , drugg'lst , 10th
FOlt tKNT---UOOMriI-'lJSin3
Ul'lTl ' ! of three 1'irgo rooms complete for
O housekeeping ; nice } aid ; near car lines.
IblO N. 22d st. OJI-21 *
L KH > ms wltlTllrst class bo.ud.
1H14 Dodge street. 403-24 *
A LARGE np-stalrs front parlor adlolnlng
budi-oom with Uboof gas and bath ; will
rent cheao. 101. ) Douglas st. 4Gti 22 *
411 N. 10 st Rooms with board at Mrs.Cnuroh-
II ' . -
_ I'M. 27a-21
THOit RENT Nicely furnished looms , July 1.
JD 1722 Capitol ave. 2 ! > S-2l *
M KS. OlIUROIULL. 411 N. 19th stieet. 'has
now bovuriil desirable rooms with board.
r > 2t-23 : *
ROOMS for housekeeping , ll.Jb. 17thv
lilX ) Mi
"IJOOMS Toionf2ia Dodge , for gcntlomen
J-loiiIy. I'rlco moderate ! ; modern conveniences
4s7-Jl >
RENT -2 cholco rooms with board , in
ptlvuto famlly.nlcely situated , SUM llnrnoy
) -n *
LARGE Kouth loom for t o , with board.
llomucomfoits guaianteed. All conven
iences. 11)10 ) Dodgo. 4 0-2:1 : *
1 > LEAhANT outh room , with board. 1S22
Chicago. Mga >
FOR RENT-All now and tasllly furnished
rooms at J17K NI5th st. 4JS27 *
"T710R RENT rurnlshcd or unfurnished
-L rooms ut 1310 [ .oavenworth. 30121 *
1010 Capitol avenue A youth secon tory
nxm and ali-ovo with board , suitable for
three youngmcn or gentleman and wlfo Ref
erences OMihanscd.
lilOR RENT Cool , pleasant furnUhed rooms ,
JJ 1.S14 Davcnpoit. SI.I-21 *
O ROOMS for houseKeepIng toman und wife ;
tJno children ; rent taken lu board. ill'J N. 17th.
IWI-Sl *
13OO.MS , with board If desired , 1003 Cap. uvo.
IV 2K27 *
COOL , pleasant rooms. 3HH N. lf > th , Hat "J , "
with Urst-ulass board , for gentleman.
. TO-J 23 *
'I7IOK RENT I'loosunt furnished room with
J ? all coiiNuiileiice- S. 25th bt. 882
T71OR RENT Two furnished front rooms ,
JL1 with bay-window.modern coincidences , * IO
and il per month , with or without board. 2218
Le.ivonworth si. B12
T71OR RENT-rurnliled rooms. 172J Capitol av
JU 817Jy4 *
TpOR RENT Now furnished rooms In Now
-U Turracu , with or without board , at roason-
ublo rates. 212S llarnoy st. _ : K U
TJ1 10R RENT-KurnUhed rooms. 1000 Douglas ,
OR RENT-Nlcely furnished room , all
modern conveniences , 2 blocks from I' . O. ,
sntiiHi. r.77
"TOOK Rr.NT-A largo und nicely furnUhed
J. loom front ng on Capitol avonuo. cast of
the high school. I'rlvato family. Suitable for
two or three genllumuu. Addrcaj G. SI , lieu.
_ . . _ 10.1-
" 1T OR RENT Kurnlshed rooms ; gas , bath nnd
JL' Htcumi mo Howard. _ 571 }
ST.OLAin European hotel , corner 13th and
_ Dodge. Special ratf-a by v , cok or month. 67U
TfjIOlf REN'T A lurso froTTt room , furnished ,
JIn ono of the flneat rt-sldenee * lu the city ,
7JI a. lOlh at. , corner Leavoimorlh. tilt
OR llENT-JunfuruUlicd rooms,208 N. 13tU
_ I2U
N il Wlnillifing , 'handsomoly Dnlshed utores
nnd Hula ; all modern lniDrovomenlH ; team
heat In koawm ; cor. l.onvcimorth und lUth sts.
Iminlru ICulkoiiny St llray , Coutltioutul blk.
T71OR UENT-Cornor store , 701 b. IGth st. , too ;
.1. bt'St flora and location on btruot ut the
price. Uuorge Clouier , 7U1 BoulU 10th st.
TT10R RENT nrlck warchouso , two Mnrlos
JU nnd b.isompnt , 27,000 sonaro feet , with lip
fcntof donblo track on U. 1' . railway. Mouth
20th nnd Tlorco gtrcels. Address O. G.-Ottimp ,
Omaha , Nub. 013
1/IINKonii'e nt small flguriMOii gnmnd floor ,
JU In lloyd'.s otM'ra houso. Iniiulru of Amcrl-
can Piiof U . , an S. I5th st. Iff t _
I1ORRKNT I unfurnl hcil roomn to family
without children ; modern Improvements
1701 Webster st. I'rieollS. ( of )
/"lORNER bawmcnt 24lh nnd Loavettttorlli
Wst , ; good place for barber shop. K > per
month- im-2.- '
TTIOR RrNT-Small Rtoro room. * . * > . South
JO Truth. Four doors from depot , ynlt-iblu
for fruit or cigar store. Apply tickut olllco ,
10th. H-J ) .
STOREd .it 70J. 8 IGth , iBiOT eich , largo
how windows , steam heat furnished , Thoi
1' . llnll.illl l- : > \ti > ii hloek. Mt . _
371OR RENT-Tho 4-story bricklllldlng. ) ( with
1 or wit bout power , formerly occupied hy thu
Hco rubllshlug Co , BIO I'nrnam st. The build
ing has a fireproof comer I basomenUoomplolo
steam heating ll\luris , water on all the floors ,
gas , etc. Apply uttho olllco of Thu lice. I'll. '
EJ. IREY , rental ugent , 200 N. V. Life.
MORION'S rental ugoncy , 017 1'axlon block
f > 8. >
HE. COLE , rental ugent. Continental blk.
. O0. " >
TAIITIE3 wanting th-'lrlawiis cut and taUoit
J currof address or callon John G.sVhmllt ,
ft.'l N. 27th no. . 5Jl-2i ; *
\\T II , DAY , plumbing and gas fitting , 202:1 :
VV . rarnaici , formerly of the Hussvyft Day
Co. ; has opened n plumbing , dleani and gas
lilting establishment where ho Is now ready
to make estimates and do nil kinds of Jobbing
at reasonable prices. Ulvo him n call. Telu-
pliom-jm 271-21 *
MADS fONH I have a genuine mad stone.
L L. Hcnbow. 12-12 no. 20s t
WANTED Ten to twenty-horse power en
gine and boiler. Address 71J N. 2-ith avo.
471 ZJ
TXTANTIID Houses or stores , clear of in-
VT eiimbiance. In other Nebraska or Iowa
towns for Ineumbeied Omahi real estate.
Stilngcr & 1'eniiy , Douglaa block , 10th and
Dodge. 2Ul _
VA/'ANTEU Coixl commercial nancr. NeVi -
Vi uraslut Mortsago Loan Co. , 5K ) I'axton bile.
| 7IURNITURE , household goods.ete. Hlahebt
JD cash price. :117 : d Uth. TOi
TTMnKEMiAS repaired ; expert locksmith
U key titling at Hellln's gun shop .III ) N. Ifith.
_ 1 11) ) .lyll )
PARASOLS , umbrellas and wigonumbroi-
lastovercd aiid rejiilted. Walking canes
repaired. II. Haler , 1513 Douglas ; basement
_ _
TTR.Jann > s A. LoiisdauChiassenr. Nervous
\J diseases of women a specialty. Rooms
1 and g over 010 ri. l.lth. p--l
_ _
LOUISI ulNNETT , from Chicago , the fa
mous masseur and magnetic manipulator.
I'arlors .110 N. IBth st. ! ? -34 *
C.MOVAL Mrs. Dr. I ) i.v has fitted up elegant -
gant b.itli rooms. No. I4IM Dodge st. . the
ground Hoot , and Is now piep.ued to give Hot
SptJngs baths with electricity. All buffering
from iheuniatlsin , la gilppe , ptialysis or
dtopsy vv III do well to call upon her. ' '
MAbSAGE tieatment.olectio , thermal , med
icated baths.xc.ilp hair treatment. mani
cure & chiropodist. Mrs. E. M. I'ost , 41.1 h. 1'Jth. '
SIB Iv fi *
A RE you going to takeaaeatlon or a till ) ,
xXlf so don't go until you buy ono of Hcyns.
nmatcur photo outllts. iO styles to select from.
1414 lodn'o ) st. Zll
N.CLNllJI\NeclnslMi pension attorney -
ney , R li ) & .21. 1'ren/or block , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati Ac Washington. Stamp foi clicular.
_ _ _ f > 87
rilKAClvAOR storage at lowest rates , W. M.
JL Huslini'in. 1J11 Leayenworth. . MS
COLD storage. David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
1J7 !
TORAGE-Hranch & Co. , 1211 Howard.
K. . storage , sep irate comn.irt-
inents.8r-817 Howard. _ gi" _
rpRACICAOE storage. David Cole. 8H-817
JL llowanl. _ g : > 7
vYanted of I'rwl
JLmoro commonly known as .loo Dasher.V hen
lasthoaid from , two yours ago , ho was in Kun-
sis City , Mo. ; Is VS years old medium height
and weight and light complexion. Any Information
mation as to his whereabouts will be gladly
received by his motner , Mrs. Dora BormnsUjr ,
Oration. Neb. 374-'l *
V\TANTED Hy n bachelor , a lady partner
for life with some means to help settle : i
newfaim. I am 28 years , weigh Ip. ( > Ibs , ! ) ft II ,
black hair , dark eves. Use neither tobacco
nor liquor , bend photo In first letter. Will ex
change or return. A 1 references given and re
quired , Address box 28 , Medical Lake , Wash.
_ _ _ _
LOST On Wednesday evening. Juno 18 , on
Dodge between 14tn and ! i > th streets , a
lady's watch with dull jet fob. Tinder please
leave same at l. > . 3 How ard street. 4IM1 ( ! *
IOST I'ocketbook on Lowe avo. between
JFurnam and Hamilton. 1'Indor row-anted
at 1B20 Cap , avo. 4.10
'ijlOK t < AljlA fuirplatforiu spring. leather
JD topcarilago , only used twenty times , also
ono set donlile buggy or carriage huiness. Ap
ply at 2215 Webs tor st. IDS
IflOR SALE A good black horse , well hioken
Jjojho elty. 122 8.17th st. 'IIKI
T71OR SAIiH A full plattorm spring. le.Ulier
JL' topcarrlage.almostnew , andoiie ColnmhiH
make buggy also ono sub double harness for
8.B. Apply nt 2211 Webster st. IQb
TTORSiS$50amlup. H. E. Colo.
"ITUl'TEEN san | ) work mules , long time at 7
JL ? per tent Interest , belby 1J Hoard Trade.
13ART1ES looking for fine driving or baddlo
X horses , would do well to call on , or corres
pond with T. J. I'leming , manager W. 11 Mil-
lard's farm , C.illioun , Neb. He hax for Sale
some first-class single drivers , carriage teams ,
and S'lddle horses , at reasonable prices. 6iO
FOR SALE I'lno family carriage liniso
bound and gentle. Inquire 014 N , lUlli st.
HOUSES Llght drivers , bargain. The Into
lire has made them Cheap. II , K. Cole.Cou-
tlnuntal block. 528
Y\r flfD Hy imn fTfmiry7a e in
ii cottage of six : or seven rooms near or on
tlio car lined. Will bo permanent. Address
U 111 Doe. 771) )
\\7ANTED-To rent 2 to 3 unfurnished
ii rooms for housekeeping , small family ,
near business center. Address ( i is , Jloo olllcu'
T WANT more houses to rent ; moro demand
J-thuu houses , ' Rental
- ,1'arrotto agenc
"IJ10R SALE rurnlturo of 10 room house ;
JL1 reasonable tur ms. 015 N. 20th st. Plf-Sl *
SALE of rurnlture The stock of It.O. Llad-
rolh , lately deceased , Jens Monson. ad'
mlnlstrator. Craig. Nob. SH-iiS *
T710R SALE rurnlture. carpets and house-
JL1 hold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and S iturday morning at 1111 l 'ar-
iiaw st. Oash puld for goods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry tirelghtou , uuutlonevr.
( HO
f j Vff fuTnous vT rroiislittrtj wiilto anil bliio
JL Hand stone will stand In any cllmato , Is tire
and frost proof und U suitable for all purpose *
whore stone. Is preferable ! to other niulorlal , I
am prepared to furnish this stone ou short no
tice In any quantity , rough , sawed or drussed
ready for use. Tor further Information ad
dress Jacob 1'lckol , Warrensburg ( Qimrrlos.Mo. )
BTp.JyS' '
T7 > OR BALE Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored
JL1 grey hound. Enquire TH S. IVth st. , corner
of Lt'aronworth. 811
IM-In. Victor bleyole ; IDttoy 2manual pedal
oruaii. 11. U. Allen , otlk-o Chtuago Lum. Co.
4m u >
T71OR SALE 1U ) pluno boxes price IS. A.
JJ llo-spo. 1S1J Douglaa. ftfl q t _
| 7 > OU SALE , cnoap 8lior o power ( too
-I ! boiler , good ts nuw. wuh tittlngn cmpu
ho.iter , mud-drum , plunge pumps , und No.
Knowloit will sell for uue-lialt orlBlual CDS.
Jeff W. UodforU , Wl
/"lOODsoda fonntalnJU ( running onlor , for
VJt Ic.13 than half cost. HM I'eterson , 61S S. 1.1th.
_ .
SALE Some ROntf watches nnd diamonds
mends cheap. 11 , 1 Masters , room 4 , With-
neil block. a gtl
BEFORK tiny ln t phtno examine ino now
scale Klmball piano. A. Hospol313 Douglas
G EO. I'.OKLLKNUCOIC.tpaehor of the banjo ,
with Hospo , 13KI PonRTH. Sin
' " " " "EO ! , J. PAt'lTriWiirnjimst. Sloiiuy to
loan on farmland cli-jyropurty. tfVi
ftvrtii > tlo'ii
OANH--Ulty und ,
per bought. McUaguuItivmtnicnt Co. OU
MONKY loaned nt lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , nu "o.xlras. "
no delay , Ulobo Loan & Trust Co. , 807 S lilth.
B ifIJjlTSu loans. 0 to 7 per cent ; no ntluTP
tloiml charges forcommUvsloti or attornuy's
fees. W. II. Jlelklc , first Nafl bunk blile.
. tan
ONKY ao.OOorliOdaysonfiirnUiirc.plamH ,
borsi-4. houses dtc. J. J. WllKlnsoii , ULS
I'nxtonblli. U
/"iilATTK L loans nt lowest rate * ; business
Wconlldentlal filO I'axton blk. J. U. Kmlmtcr.
and Ronpnil short tmio paper
V > bouKbt > aln < > rcRiiliir llvc-yimr lo-ini imulo
on Improved property. Uoo. F. lllust & CoM
Ml Uiimgo bldtf. Wrt
SECONO inortRnse loans. Second mortgages
hoiiKht. I.oins on vacant lots. Hi'tvl &
rk'lby , mom 13. lloar < l Troilo. oi)7 )
OIIATTE1/ Hank , : il S. 131 h st. will loan } ou
money on elmttuH iiMiunk rates. Call 4IU
LIHKItALroalPstato lenin made by W M.
llarrH room 3) ) , Krcnxur block , opp. I'.O.
KKYslOM : Mortgage Co.-Loans ofto
? l,000 ; get our ratot before bonowlng and
save money ; loan on horses , furiiitmo or any
approved security without publicity ; notoa
bought , for now loan , renewal of old nnd low
est rates , call It 203 , Sheely blk , 13th and
Howard sts. MM
TTinl.s'P mortgage loans at low rates and up
J ; dcl.iy. D , V. bliolc * Co , , 210 1st Natl bank.
: . ' !
Gl'EIl OKNT residence loans. $3,000 to Jioooo
Ilulldlng loans at special rales. The Mead
Investment Co. , Ileo building. _ _ 503
MONBY to loan on horses , wagons , mines ,
household goods , pianos , orgaiitdliiniotids ,
nfc lowest Rites , The first organbcd loan ot-
lleo In the elty. MaUe loans from : n to Uiii dayn ,
which can bo paid In part or wliolo at any
time , thus lowering the principal and tnteiesu
Cull and see us when you want money. Via ean
assist you promptly mul to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. ' No delay In making
loans. C. IMtPPd & Co. , 31 ! ) S. Uth St. : ( Her
Illnifhain ft Sons. frff
T OANS Money on hand. low rates. Omaha
JLJltoal Ustato&Tiust Co. , ! MS. ) 17th si. , Ueo
biilldliijT i)05 )
MONEY to loan on any security
for short tfme at low
rates. Lowest tales
on personal properly.
The Henderson Moitgago Investment Com-
panyrmii _ too , 1'iixtoii block. MM
WANTrJl ) riist class Inside lo ins. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Inxest-
inentCo . ! " > ) ! I'ain.ui' . t > 0' ' )
Bni'OKK negotiating a loin to Impiovo
your real estate get terms from
The Odell Inestmcnt Co , : wi N. Y. LIfo bldg. ,
Thos. S. llod. n-prCM-iitatUu. CIO
HAT nASTiilN :
I'hlladelplda Jlor .igo and Trust Co ,
always i eady to loin ana p iv promptly ; Hist
mortgages wanted GeorKoU 1' . Coatus. repro-
si-iilatlve. room 7. Ho irdUI'i ade. _ fill
TjTASTlJilN money tri'loin ' imelly pionertv :
Jl'mortfjago ' paperbougbt. II. 11. IreyNY.llfo
ONKV to loan on ' 'long ' or short time ;
county warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. . ICOQv I' _ ( El ) J 'J8
SHOUT tlmo loins onauiint lots , fcelby A.
_ _ Itep < lJ J.boanlof _ _ Ijuill ) . _ fiSTi _
MONEV to loan in any amount rrom ifll ) to
J10.00) ) for any time f iiu ) ono to six months.
Loans iii.ulo on housujiold gix > .K pianos.
Horses , mules , wagons , , houses leases , etc. . In
fact on any available security In any amount
at the lowest possible rtitps without removal
of propei ty. H
I'aymentscan be inado at any tlmo reducing
both principal and Intqresr. You pay Interest
only for the tlmo you Vfttlio money. If you
owe a baluncnon your roperty I will take It
up nmi carry It for you.
Money ilways on hand1. 1 No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. .Lovufit'r.itov '
li.P. M liters ,
Room 4 Wlthnoll blocknI5th and Hartley Sts.
J u
5 PER cent money to loan on real estate so-
cnrltv. Loans can bo paid elf In Install
ments. Juo. W. Hobblns , iO"N. Y. LIfo bills.
loans. It. 10 Continental blk. , IS &
v louglus ; business confidential. M.J. Ilallj
SECOND HAND Calegraplis Hammond and
ICemlngtons. John II , ( > - > rnes Co Letter
Files and ofllto bpecl.iltlos , Uamgo bldg. 540
MRS. IK. EDDY has totui nod. The renowned
clairvoyant Is the seventh daughter of
the seventh daughter , born with veil anil gteat
prophetic gift of sec end sight. While entranced
will rove it to her patrons every hidden in vstcry
In life. Has long been pronounced In Luiopo
nnd America the gieatost living wonder of the
present ago. Understands the science of the
'Tnrsliin and Hindoo magic. " or , ancient
charm working , and prcpaiesr Egyptian talis
mans which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
affections , makes marriage with the one
von love no failure. ICcmovoa evil In-
ITuonccs , bad habits , cures witchery ,
Ilts , and all long standing and mysterious
diseases. Fee $1 , jU and & > ; hours 9 a. m. to 8 p.
m. , strict. Send stamp for Illustrated ulicular.
Parlors J21 North 15th bt. Always at home.
22027 *
PROF. Leree , the renowned plironologut ,
medium and palmistwho has been publicly
tested and challenges the world In rovoallns
mysteries , disperses jealousy , ovll Influ
ences , gives full namesof prcHcnt or future
husband or wife , also tolls your faults nnd
qualities , trade buslnnss or profession to
make a success. 3S2 Noi th Kith up stairs. Con
sultation 41. Satisfaction given or io pav.
189 U. rOKSTKK , mldwlfa and M. D. tor
children and female diseases. 14.11 Saundcrs
st.Jn second story. 2)1-J-21 ! ) >
MADAM DELKIEU. nmgnoflst , Is aokowl-
edged by nil competitors the queen of
massage and magttotNm. I'arlors over 0103.
lath. HouisUtoB ; Sundays 10 to J strict.
050Jly7 *
DR. NANNII ; v. WARREN , cmrvoyant
medical and business medium. Female dis
cuses u specialty. HU N , 10th Ht. , rooms 2 and 3.
\\7ANTlil ) rVirtv u Ith $1,00 > to take an in-
ii torest In established manufacturing bus
iness Money wanted to moot growing de
mands of the trade. Investigate this. Tor
paitlciilars address H. L. Hart , 222 East 2d st , ,
Kansas City , Mo. 527 2 < i
FORljAL'E First-claw saloon In good town
In New Mexico , doing good business ; 7 fur-
nUhed rooms in conneotlon , about pay rent.
Ad lrcssjj I8pmnlia Ik-o. illil 21 *
ITIOH HAIjU Ono ofli(0 ! ( oldest established
JL grocery businessesIn , l ho city ; good trade ,
good location and sr > * cndld chanon for live
man. Address II .12 , IAH > olllce. K121 *
P. want a good inaii.y.ttli t-.MO to W.OOO to
take an Interest Iq Juo best paying miinu-
fucturlng business In trio west , ft will pay
you tolnvestlgato tlilafJ'Address H. L. Hurt ,
3d and Oak sts. , KiinsayiOlty. Mo. 6.7 2U
HOTEL for sale or writ. Two-story brlok :
Is ono of the best hlL''tK ' doing an excellent
good business , on ono oitho best cm nuts In the
cltv , Addiess Commercial Hotel. Ilroken
Itow. Nub. \Jjl ! j7024
o ; 10AR state , contral'loctttlon ' , Inxalce about
' * BJO ; will take IW ) , JJ.V ) cash. I'arty going
to IO.IMJ ully mid innst/hQll. This Is 11 fiarkuhi.
Co-Opuratho Land & LovCo. , U03N. lilt list.
4 471) ) Si
DItUG store , wldowJ'Tndy wishes to soil nt
onuohur late hUHpibtra liulf Interest In
coed piiyinK drug liu lntSs. Invoicing about
47,000 , In l.iiniler , WyoJJ ns ho wishes to 150
east. Address Mrs. J , Wubulllvnii , Lauder. Vyo.
T710H SAIjIA stock of drugs , store livtures
-L. und u Him Kodn fountain , located In u pros
perous county seat In Nebraska. Krerythlng
I < of the best. The town U alt. U. division
station and the K , K. shops are located thuro.
Tor full purtlenliira call or address H. H. Ilon-
dvrsou , room 400 , 1'axtou block , Umaba , Nob.
Ol-room hotel In Omaha , doing good business ,
' * 1,500. clear , nnd will trade for aero prop-
ertvorhousn nnd lot. Co-Operatlvu I.und i.
Lot Co. , S0 N. Kith at. 64J-23
OMMTIfflClN uualnvici for sale , nvtures" ,
borso and v zou , will invoice to suit pur
chaser KTx ) to Km. 1'lwt-class location. Ad-
lue. 8.11
7UU hAljHclioap A good lint class 2i room
- hotel well furnished , the only hotel In town
u iiood chance for the right muii , JauohThuni ,
ColerldKo , Nob. a7"i S4
T7IOU 8AI.K-Or Itcnt-A uin.ill hotel In a
JL1 uoocl railroad town , doing a good business ;
will lcus ) the building und bull the furniture ,
elo. , nlruasonubloprlco. cvorythlni ; iiuviy
reason for BUtllutf. Addreai II ' , lite otlloe
for tout. MrnlMied. near 0 I' , A
Jtvrf ilpp f , .a tllYKUni | Miut ; twift snap for
right l > imy. Add. Moat Mtiun , I'nlrbury , Neb.
POU KENT or sale A first clnsscrcaniorytti
RrxKl ugrk'Ultural dlstrU-f. I'loiuy of crnam
can bo hud. Address J , L' . Kcnsliavr , yti-rlln ; ,
Nob. ' *
_ _ _ _
THOR SALi-rtmiIttiro : anil flxtnrrs of M
J- rooms centrally located , sult.ibh' for hotel
or toomltig , Addtesa U 1U , Heo olllcu.
_ i , _ 4"i gn *
Foil SAMI Klrst-elnssstoMnlntmdrvtilnnt ,
ln st location In Onmlni.or will sell Vt hiti-r
esc to vnltinblo man capable of minusln ;
samo. j\ddrevs II illlee. . _ UI P
TnOHPAlE-l'liyslcl.iu desires to sell bis
JresldoiR'o prou'rty nnd praetloo worth
from fAino to twM per year. In n Krowlnit
town In Ni'brjska. ROIM ! elianeo for n doctor.
Address. M. U Koedor X llru. . 4Jil 1'nxtoa
block. tiiiiihi. ! 15) ) a I
TTlQi : SAMVI'Ino established eUarantl tu-ws
X1 business. Ilest lee itloa In the cltv. Ad-
dris lM > T I ) . CS3 iHistolllrp. 4t-i >
l-roi r i-ix < ai AX
TV HAT have you for n quarter * of land
IT hoiiM'H niuf lou , also mortgages ? May
assume.V. . .1. I'aiiKKioo Farnam. ITJKH )
" \V l ! havetxa.otri worth" nTalostatrTto ex-
* chatiiti > for nnlne. What liavo voit tooffer ?
Westein ExchangoCo.Coliimbu < , Neb. 502-21 *
TTIOU BALE or trade Oood family horse nnd
JJ phaeton. Address. II UI. lice. I2J 21 *
FOR EXdllANOlV-Ok-ar land In Iowa and
Nebraiku to oxehangu forOm ilia or South
Omaha vacant lots ; will utsttmo smalt cnuuui-
branei' . M.S. Stur oou , Room U ltoar.1 of
Trade. 1-
1 WANT n stock of merchandUu for laud
J-aiul cash. Ueo. H. Dourlng , Stuart. Nell.
LOT In Lincoln. Neb. , forstoc.nicrcli.ituUiO
Address Win. Uowerdlnl , . lltuLman. Neb.
rno TUAOr. Clear pioputty and bind teL
-L trade forstoelc of runeral nn'ivhiiiidlstt and
groceries. Address , llox 1" > I , Thurm in. Iowa.
TTIAUM and elty property for sale or ox-
Jv cluinao for any kind of merchandise or
chattuKliorsi'S mul cattle : would p irtleularly
like to trade foi steers. Willis Cachvotl , Ilroken
How. Neb. 5.VJi ) *
n ( Jood farms , elty propcr
ty and wild lands In Nub. nnd Iowa rorKoo
Kun'l ni'dXe : property , tltlo perfect. Ad-
drcsa Lock HoXUj. rreiniint. Neb. Oft ?
TWILL trade a Rixid clear lot In So. Om.iha
.If or piano or hotso uutl buggy. . Address U 4
Uco ollieo. M. '
F SALE ( J-room cottage , Davenport
J street near High school , lot : a\115 , * 1,000 ;
LotOtKlii. rflilsldo No I , near Yates' resi
dence , south front ; If sold at once , Si.IOD.
I''Ino re-ldenc.e , L'lth and 1'aruam streets ;
model n Impi-ovements ; { M..OOO.
O. L. Green , KXin . ) , Hrrker block. 4M
F SALE-Ono of the llnest stock ranches
. 1 In the Hluek Hills. Dak. , together with
about 2.0 head of high grade sheep und I'D
head of American mares ; rinch Is well
watered , haspli'iity of tlmbei and hay land
and controls 000 aeies of langc. Located bo-
t\vi Oil-'main lines of i.illroul , close to the
famous Hut-aprlims and tin mines ; rare op
portunity to make a foilune and a line
health } eouiltiy to llvo In. Will sell sepa
rate ! v : might tnko clear property In pirt.
Wright A. LrthHuiy. Atllnglon blk. fi'K-23
1I\OR \ SALE--C'holce south front lot , facing
JJ Haiibcom I'ark. filvIOO , U..njU. Uhnliti build
ing slte < cheap. O. V. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life.
r,7 " >
CIIKAl * HoiHos 2 houses. 4 rooms each. > ' ! 0th
and diaries sLs. , $1,2.TO , $ i" cash , bul. * I2 per
month. House , I looms , well , cistern , etc. . full
lot. on : rth and Patrick live. , $ lb ) ; $ V ) cash ,
hal on easy monthjy payments. 5 houses of 7
looms ivioh. - ' full lots with each , only SO ;
$ . " > ( ) e ish , bal. til ) per month , 7 per cent , and a
number of others. Gco. J.l'aul , 100U rariiam.
> r.iti-'ti
Ijl Jrf biVlii : L'almagesiys to the young man ,
JL'Do not go InUoliU for anything exeunt a
home. " 4e | might hav added , "buy One with
in iour means. To anyone who would t il > o
this advice , t offer a very choice full lot for
jr > i > . good neighborhood , with school , eliitrch
and street car ptlvllegc-s. A complete and olu-
gunt lttlo | homo e.ui uo socuied with $1,000 to
* 1MW. Only a small amount of cash renulred.
U.j'Hairlsim.Oll N. Y. LIfo. IS1) )
T71OR SALE Largo brick warehouse , 681.12 , 4
JJ stories. Also bargains In choice residence
property. Inquire room 58 , Chamber of Com
merce 402 .TO
TTUDlfSALE Or trade at a baigalntoom (
JL' hou-o near ball ground. Call on Wood-
brldgollros. . 1413Capitol avo. 44H 26 *
NEW fi-room liousn , near motor line ; vvil [
sell cheap and on small monthly payments.
Call quick If you want a bargain. J. J. wllkln-
soif.fiisraxtoiiblk. t20
T INC'OLN IMaeo and Carthage lots , price
JUM.OOO. J.V ) down , balance # ! " > monthly.
W. L. Bolby. loom U. board of trade. (117 (
"IIUMt hALE A tiomo cm monthly payments.
I ? A ulcoS-room house , $ J. " > permonth. J > , OW ,
first payment us arranged. A pretty cottage ,
r > rooms llnlslieil , upstairs for as many more.
Iot50\120.lioo0 , J11 per month , small payment
down. A similar cottage. lot 100x80 , W,2W ( , Jlri
per month. Wiilbnlld on vacant lots to suit.
Norman A. Kuhn , otruggNt , 15th and Douglas.
aiAKR Notice Wo have the nicest l.WxlOJ
south and east fiont on l''urnam , cast of
Uith st.
Wo hftvo fiGx272 In Glso's addition , Just west
of 24th , fronting two streets ; trado.
We h.t\uixl.Konb ( ( ! E. Cor. 15th and Jones ,
for sale or
\Vo have KXK12H S. and E. front on Spauldlng
street , paved , for $ i 000.
ThealMivels all gilt edge property and can
be bought right , bee M. A. Upton Co. , sole
agents. 410 23
TIlOIlSiALE A.llne now 5-room cottage near
JU oleetrlo car line on N.27th st. Will take as
part of cash payment a good horse or horse
and nli.icton. 1' . 1MI4 I' st. fi'JO
/1OTTAGE homes lu most any addition for
Wsalo at ft om $1,003 up. on easy monthly p'iy-
monts.K. _ K. Darling. 4J Harkor block , till !
A SMALL payment down and tl" > per month
will buy a 4-room 1ioiu.o nnd lot on Kith , 2
blocks from motor ; first-class chnnco to ac
quire n homo on easy terms. Apply to II E.
Cole , Continental block. W13
5-ROOM cott-iges , 81,500 each , ? IOO cash down ,
bilanco * I5 per month. Tbos. ! ' . Halt. Ull
I'axton block. Ml
WANTE-About | 100x100 ft or more , close ,
Insldo ; pirt trade , cash and tlmo or cash
and time. 11 1. Heeolllou. 1 J-M :
K up and buy a homo on monthly pay
ments. Choice of sOM'ii dllTdrent houses ,
soutb fronts on Farmim st , Ex ory convenience ,
Including fuinaco and gas. 1'iuiis can bo seen
atmyolllcc. ( Jail lu. I ) . V.bholcs Co. , 21.11st
National bank. b.t )
"I710R SALE HO acres unimproved land In
- - Wayne county , two miles from Rapdolph
Also 1(5) ( ) acres In CedaJ county. Address E. M.
Towlcr , 5.VJ Wabhlngton bouluvard , Chicago.
171OR SALE or Trade My resldenco on f o.
JU suth st. , near I'ark buhool , hoiiio ot seven
rooms with bath room , water closuU hot and
cold water , till In good repair ; will suit forcash
very cheap or will taKe vacant lot on West
rainain st. as part payment. For particulars
address C201 too ollleo. 01.1
FOR SALE Nlco 7 room house ready to
moo Into with full lot. W.SUJ , WOO cash. 0.
V Harrison , till N. Y. Life. 1.B
\VeaterIlelillealebtate , b.Omaha.
OU )
IF YOU have anything tosullorexchangu ,
call at ( Hti I'axton block 813
Not lee to ContrnotnrH.
imaha. Nob. , Juno 17tb , 1600.
Foaled proposals will bo received by the i
dot-signed at tills ollleo until twolxo ( I.1)o'clock )
linoii. .lulylit , IMW , for furnishing all the ma-
tctlals ilnd doing till the work necessary to
grade3ixi.ooocuhlo yaidsof oaith moio or loss
at the I'liloii Stock Yards , South Omaha , Nub.
I'lans and specltlcatlons may bo seun and all
Information leltUivo to Uiu work obtained at
tills otlli'u.
No proposals will bo considered unless ao-
companled by acortllled check foi Jl.ow , to ha
returnud on all bids not accepted. Thu tight
tb reserved to reject any or all bids.
W. N. \nrocK , Qonural Mnnagor ,
Union ritouk Yards Co. , ( Llmltod. )
Juno 17 d Ht ,
NotIce to Contractors.
Potitli Omaha , Neb. , Juno 17th , 1890.
Foaled proposals will bo received by the un-
darslgncd at tills olllco until twelve-U ( ) o'clock
noon , J uuo Mt h , IbDU , for f in nlshlng all tlio ma
terial and ioliig | all thu work necessary to
build and complete a plln box stonn water
HQwnranproxImatoIy 1,100 ft long at the Union
block Yards , South Omaha. Neb. 1'lans and
iipeolllcatlons and all Information relative to
tlio work can bo obtained ut thU ofltco.
No proposals will bu consldurod unless no.
companlcd by u uortllled chock for ( -VJJ , to bo
ruturiKd on all bids not accepted.
Tim rlsbt Is rusorvcd to reject any or all
bills. W , N. IlAiicoc'K , Doneral Manager.
Unlcui Slock Yurds Co , , ( Limited )
Juno 17 d Ut.
C/iMp Julin Ilout4 art Trylni ; to Imitate
0 $
Not lee of Dissolution t > f S
To Whom U liny Concern ! Tlio eo-p irtner-
sliltt heretofore existing between W. U. At-
hrluht and A II. Cooleyt under the ( Inn niniio
ofV (1 Albright * Ho. , has this day beonilU-
soUed hvmuuinl content , und uld llrni Imvo
retired from binlne-n.
Alt unsettled nnttrr ( ) f the flrtu 1mvo boon
placed In thu hands of Mr. Arthur Hast , room
Ml N. Y. LIfo Ins. IHdir. . who Is authorized to
innktt nit collodions mid adjust alt settle
ment. * .
Mr.V. . 0. Albright c'.nvbn found nttlinofflVa
of tlin Alltrlulit I.ami and t.ol to. , rooms GJl ,
5J2 ami GSJ N. Y. Life Int. lUilA
Mr. A. II. Coolcy crtu bo found tU tlio ofllco
of Uawson HrlokCo. lSHoulli ir-tliit.
JiinoSI , ISM. W. ( ! At.iinimiT ,
JiltinZid't A. 11.
CilUATIu lUTlfCTNOYON vvlj. ArrlTin
01 lOUiaml M.viou ttroot > . Oinihx it m
Ml ) p in
9 VI n m
lAcil . . : . . . . . . SIU 111
lA'tiriM illUUMNiilOS' A "MOT IllVldt.
Uunliv I Depot lutii jiul Mmon mrt'utv Oimho.
fn'llnni1 . .llenrrr IMjr Kxprost . . . . 4 IV , p ni
10.11 a In , Denver I'xpn'aa III. ) p m
U.IO | > lu , . . . Dourer Malit Kturoii .I li n in
tjl ri tiii _ . . Lincoln l x n\ \ . . , . . , , . . . UW ) p m
U-nvui I 1C. tl , dl' . J 4 U il. I Arrlriii
Uiimlii I lopot 10th ami M won ntn'Oti. Umilit
"it li a m ! . Kim i City Dnjr IUiir I ( LIU p ill
HIS p mCNUht [ ! Kip Tit I ; f TrniK | I ! IS m
( Imnln | Depot IDlli mill .Mn ri'y atroot * . Oinnlin.
flO p m , . . Ovrrluiul Urcr
' .nip nil I'acHlc Kvprois 7IS i m
in Denver Kxpnm 4 0p m
4 I j l > in Grnml Islam ! Ktp. ( xcui > t Sun v 12 15 p m
12 a > m
Irf-nros I ClfllUdtrir I. A I'Adfc'li. I Arrive *
Onmliiv. 117 I' , depot , jlKlijuul Mnrcr ait
M't p m Nlulit KtproHj . . . . . . . lo > > : \ m
! ) IJ u m Atlantic Kxprcn (1 ( M p m
JJS p m . .Vcstlbnjn l.lnillni. . % . IH4\ji m
l unru ? i SloUx : Olt'Vv * I'AOlr'IC.
Uiimlm | U 1' ( lop ) t. 10th nn I Murcr 3t I Onnlii. n nil . iluiix * City ln ianiior. . . .I
SJ < p nil Ht. 1'aiil KxjotMi _ . . . . | IOM _ m
7oaxui ] UTlJ.'rTTi'l'YST.CtnVHiD. [ SfrTrof
Oaialn. I l ) p t loth ami Web'tnrtfti. | ( liinhn.
( Jljp"m ) | . . . .Hi. Paul l.lmlU'il. . . . . . | tf Tnni
U. 1' . ilupoU lutli und M irrr
! l 15 ii'n'i . . . . . .Ctilcntfd BTpro s. .
4TU p m Votlt > to l.lniUml
0 15 p ni ( I.T. ex. Sit ) Mall ( Ar. tut. Muu )
. , . K-uturn Vljet . . 3 Up ni
iiiToi TClTTCAllTF , 31 1 u , A "ST71CC
jitiiiihii I U I * , depot , lotfi nnitMiircy _
tU" > n nif..L'lilciKU Mnll < otcept unil
GUI p ml . ChlcoKO Kxprc3.i
y jU p m [ . rii Icngn Kxprons
LeivorJ I OMAIlA.vdr I.OIJ | .
_ Oin ilin. | U. P , iloiKit. IQtli nnilJIarcj _
I Op ml . . . Ht. l jufs I'liimiiii Unit
Letivoi I ! , U AM ) V Vl.r.SV
Oiniili'i I DopiitlU'iiinl W.i'iitur Mt <
UCO t ni . . lltm-k IIIIM Kx
tl HO a in Iliutliii ; llxp ( Kx
1 IU p m . \Vnlmo A Ltneulu
S 10 p m Vork , V Norfolk ( Kr
U'liTu * I C r T. V. , M A ( }
Umn i I Depot titliiincl Webitu
8 10ii in . Sioux City Aiiommnitattiin
1 00 p in bloux Clly IJxpriiM ( lx Sun )
i 05 p in St , Tunl Umlte , !
5.1S p m Minroft l' s < unKdr (12r ( rtun )
IxjurcM I iiTBdOlJIll I'AOltTC TArrlviu"
OinaliO I)0idtlr | > tli aniMVi'luterbti Mm iln.
10 ) n ml .fit IjiulH , \ K CT I'.ipnm , . | i VI p ni
U 1' , p nil _ St I iuli , < t K. C i.npri- : - . . I I , 10 n m
UNION 1'AClnr-tiUllimUAN TIl.V NB "
Thrvj trnlni alu > stop nt Utli , 17th , Suth nmlSlth
KtrcoLs. Hnmnilt nml SnvlilK < > Ciattlat. 'Working-
uifn s trnlm do not run blindly
Trnnaf 'r | Union llopou Council lllults. Trnnifer
( L U ) p m Kxpruss . II 15 n iii
* i .1) u in . . . .Atlantic Kxpreis. . 5-.15 p in
ft 00 p m . .Viutllmlo Llnillud. 10-10 u m
lllutlMNrarrTii. ' . !
Triuiifer Unli n Dupot , Council lllutlM . jTrunsfer
11 40 n in . Clilnmo Kiprosa but ) p m
r , U ) p m . Vuatlbula Limited 9.i n m
10W p M . Knstorn I'lycr. ZOO p m
. Atlantic Mall . . 7-Wji.m
Union Dooot. Council lllutT . jTraiufer
.UiltiiKn .MnltU'xicpi Hnndiir ) . . ! < " > p m
ChlciiKO KxproM. . . . . . . 911am
. . . . .iiClitHKO Ku > riMi _ . _ MiJ.QO P ' 1
iviw T 1C. iT.'Br.JOr. iC.lC TArrivo ? "
. . .m fer | Union Doput. Coiuicll llluil ITramfer
10U7 a ml . . .Knmaa I'lty liy KTprass,7. . | 6 It p m
ia.2s.pjuJ - _ Ki > ! isa * cl | > r l'iiiiJ4Timi-iL > - a ! i >
Trgnaler | Union Depot , Council llhitla. JT.miiifer
6 eO ) > ml. . . .hfToult Cjiiiiin Hull. _ . .jIJ [ IS p m
I nvia | OIlTiTAiO. llUltl/N & otflNOV l Arrlrci
Tr.'insfnf | Union Depot , Cull neil illuHa. | Triiii ft'r
'J4Oauil CUIciifio l xpre ! i , . . . . . . . . dJU p m
1000 p ri Clilcnuo Kxpn a 940am
- I Cruston IXH-nl . . . . . . tl 'JO m
. . . -U. THTYTT.
Trunsfer Union Hopot. Cimncll lllutTn. ITraiufor
745 n m' ' . .aioili CHr Accommodation..I 9 ! ' > a m
650 p ml St. 1'aul Kxprta I tf S p m
Kaitwnra. I
An EiiRllHh Nobloinnu'fl Invcatnicnt
in a NolraHlcu Industry.
C. A. Hastings , n western morchnnt ,
who dined ut the Pulinor tlio other even
ing : , told a Chicago Tribune reporter a
Blory at tlio oxpunso of uu English nohlo-
man who was in this country lust year.
"Lord Wynford stopped at North
PJatto , Nob. , " related Mr. irastiiifrs ,
"during his tour of the pralrioH. Ho
soonicd greatly plciiHcd with the wild
west and Intimated that ho would like
to invest bonio money liibomolhinggood.
There was a smart young Irish lawyer
In tlio town whoso parents hud had boino
unpleasant dealings with Lord Wynford
In the old country. ' Tiila young fawyor
had lived In North Platte about two
years. Ho came there to examine a
claim ho had purchased on paper. To
Ids disappointment his farm was nothing
but a panrio dog town.
"You could not raise oven sago brush
on the claim , to oloso ; together wcro the
burrows of the little animals. Ho had
about given up all hopes of disposing of
his land \vhou ho learned that Lord
Wynfotd was looking foi' a good invest
ment. Thou ho called upon the weaHhy
foreigner and offered for sale what ho
called 'tho most profitable investment In
America. ' Ho told the British lord that
ho had -boon ten years establishing a
minlc farm and Justus thoontorprlbu was
beginning to coin money houts
obliged to go bouih on account of
his poor health. Ho explained how
tlio minks wora rained , how their skins
were disposed of , and the great demand
for mink fur In this country. The young
Irishman nlodgod Lord Wyuford lo tay
nothing 01 thu deal ju > his mink farm
was only known to a few \\lio uvro In
similar nntorprises. Then hu droto his
gtioHt out to the prairie dog farm
"Hero an oxtonslvo tract of land desti
tute of Ircoti and all vo with little ani
mals Wiat burrowed In thu gtound und
barked H ! < o n small tlog wn Uioroitghly
ItiHiwutcil. The iHis-slbllttloH of furnish.
Ing the west with mink fur in the ntir
tttinn delighted Lord Wynfont and ro
t\irnl g to tlio city ho givvo $ , ril)0 ) for the
dog town. He owua II now ami the gotxl-
for-iiothing place U called "tho lord'rt
mink farm. "
"Tlmt tltvti ffoliiitf" Is dntltvly ovcreomo
by Hooti'.s Sursiiimnlhi , whloh Rives n fcx'llnir
of buoyancy utiil strength to the wholes ) stem
Itow It Traveled tlio Itoitiula and
ItroiiKlit Joy anil Morro\v.
The family of ex-Mayor Wntlo of
Cleveland might tell tt story of the nil-
ventures of a diamond which would tlls-
close a oiu'iuim phaao of Now York life ,
wtys a dtHiiatch to the Globo-Uomocrat.
Mrs. Wade whllo in this city in April ,
lost u diamond from an oar-ring. The
pair of Htonas had cost her $3,000. The
stone last was found in a oruvieo in
u street crossing at Fourth two-
ntto nnd Twentiotli street by Mrs.
llornard Horan of Scaraborough. Mrs.
lloran luudo no secret of her luck.
Among her neighbors is u family whoso
son is employed as tt clerk in the grocery
of A Kohoo at Sixteenth street au'd
First avonuo. Shortly after she found
the stone the clerk called otv her to
say that the o\vnor had turned up and
would give $170 to have it restored to
him. She delivered it to the clerk , who
in duo time paid her the monov. A pub
lished paragraph stating the fact of the
llnding of the diamond , and reporting
that its owner had roco\ered it , was
brought to the attention of a son of Mrs.
\Vado , from whoso earring it had been
As ho was in this city purpoboly to
try to recover the stone , and hud failed ,
he naturally traced the paragraph to its
source. Ho learned from Mrs. Horan
that she had received money as a reWard -
Ward from Mr. JCohoo's clerk , and of
course btipiiosed that the rightful owner
hnd the diamond. Mr. AVndo sought
Mr. Kehoo and eventually recovered the
Htono. From all accounts ho hnd a hard
tlmo of it. How much it cost him in ad
dition to his trouble Is not clear. 13ut ho
has written to Mrs. Horan , advising hornet
not to return the S170 under any circum
stances , for she , at least , had been
honest in the matter.
Mr. Kolioo tells a singular story concerning -
corning the diamond. Ho saw the adver
tisement at about the time that ho heard
through his clerk of Mrs. Tloran's Ilnd.
Not wishing to have anything to do with
tlio matter irimsolf , but wishing to help
poor Mrs , Horan , and to help also a
friend of his , ho advised his friend to
write to Mrs. Wade. Ho says that in re
ply Mr.Vado ollou'd Sl-'OO for the recov
ery of the stone. Kohoo says that the
next ho know of it his friend sent him
$175 , of which ho gave $ < r ) to his clerk
and sent tlio balance to Mrs. Horan.
Not hearing again from his friend , and
supposing of course that Mr. Ward had
the htono and the friend $ L'.5 for his
trouble , ICohoo was annoyed to rccoivo
a call from Mr Waul , who wanted the
stone. Ivohoo tried to lind hii
friend , but could not. Ho says that
he gave Mr. Ward references , and
assured him that the stone would surely
turn up as soon as ho could IImi his
friend , and failing to lind the friend hu
( Kehoo ) would bo rcsnonsiblo for the
value of the stono. Mr. Wade does not ,
appear to have boon specially impressed
by Kohoo's philanthropic avowals. Ho
bceuib to have boon disposed , indeed , to
call in the police. It is said that ho did
actually consult Inspector Byrnes.
When Mr. Wade had gene thus far
Kohoo had found his friend , who had
been otr on a spree , but being nn honest
man ho hud held on faithfully to the
diamond. What arrangement tlio friend
and Mr. Wade miido before the stone
was restored Kohoo professes not to
know. Ho is merely content in the
consciousness that ho was an humble
agent in bringing the Wade family
again into its own.
Burdock Blood Bitters tnkcn nftcr Gating
will relieve any fooling of welRht or ever
fulness of the stomach. Sold OA orywhere.
Tlio loliliti'iil ( Summer UcHortH of
the lOiiHt.
Tourist tickets , both single and round
trip are now on sale via the Lake Shore
route , ( Lake Shore & Michigan South
ern ) to Uhatauqua , Niagara Falls , Tor
onto. Thousand Islands , Tlio St. Law
rence , Tlio White Mountains , Lake
Champlain , Saratoga , Portland , Bar
Harbor , .Vc. , in fact all of the principal
mountain , lake and seaside resorts of the
oast. Tills is the direct line botweou
Toledo , Cleveland , Buffalo , Now York ,
Boston and ititormedhito points. The
route of the Chicago and Now York
limited , the only solid vostibulod limited
train between these points without a.
chnngo or transfer of any kind. Send
for tourists folder and full information
concerning the train service. B. P.
Humphrey , T. P. A. , 5U2 Main st. , Kau-
biis CHv , Mo. , C. K. Wilbor , W. P. A. ,
Chicago , Ills.
A San Francisco Dog Saves a ClilId'H
III fa.
The bar on the steamer Tiburon baa
heretofore been chiolly distinguished for
its big Newfoundland dog "Nop , " suya
the San Francisco Bxaminor. Ho is a
mtibs of wool and looks like a hugo mat
when spread out in front of the thirsty
The barkeeper is called James Hay-
pen , and today ho is a hero because ho
is that dog's man.
On a recant Sunday "Nop" took a day
oil and went to sleep on the railroad
wharf at Point Tiburon. A lot of ex
cursionists were fishing ever the side ,
waiting for the tide in Itaccoon Btraitn
to turn , and among them happened to
bo a family which included half a dozou
children. Ono of the party hooked a
fish and during the excitement of the
capture ono of the children , a little tot
about three years old , tumbled oil tlio
landing into the water.
The mother of the child saw the acci
dent and began to bcroam.
Most of the people took no notice of
the screams , but old "Nop , " who was
fifty yards away , bcemcd to divine trouble
in an anstant.
Like a shot ho dashed down the wharf
and ran to the mother. Ho saw u num
ber of men gesticulating wildly and
poiiiling inoiToctually to the baby strug
gling iu the waves.
Like a ( lash "Nop" wont head first off
the high wharf into the water. Tlio
little ono was not ten foot away , and in a
monumt ho had a pleco of the child's
clothing in his mouth. Ho turned to the
hhoro , and before the uion in the party
could got their coats oil the dog had
landed the baby wife and bound.
TJio mother hugged the baby find
hugged "Nop. " Hno oried and the
family cried , and , it is mild , borne of the
men cried , too.
Then tlio mother went to the boat
and hogged Jamus Hayden to soil hot *
the dog.
Hayden refused , of , and if It
had boon loft to "Nop" ho'would have
roftibud also , for ho prefers a public lifo.
Tlio only railroad train out of Omaha
run oxproHHly for the accommodation of.
Onmhn , Council HlulTr , Dos MUIIIOM and
Chicago huainofw Is the Hock Island
voBlibulr ; limited , Itiaving Omaha 1114 15
p. m. dai'y. TioKot olllco 100:1 : , Sixteenth ,
und Farnum at. , Omaha.