Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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liypurricr In nny purl "f thoClty.
rii' * OrriCK. No. U
N. Y. I' . Co.
rouncll IlliilTH Lumber Co. . cord.
It Is stilted that 11 four story brick block
will shortly bo erected on the present site of
the Mint. ' The Odd Fellows nro planning to
erect n buslnesR block , nnil this Is one of the
U w that they nro considering. Tha location
will bo ilcturnilncd very shortly.
The ( ! ( Xd Templnrs will hold n sociable In
the Young Men's Clirlotlun nssociiUIon rooms
tomorrow evening. A line literary mid
imislnil programme has boon prepared. Ice
cream and cake wllf lie nerved after the
exercises , Kvcryimo Is cordially Invited to
attend. No charge for admittance.
Matmwa attracted several hundred visitors
yesterday. Tlio motors wow well patronized ,
and the' boat liveries uxjicrlciicuu quite' u
nisb of business. The crews of the Council
muffs rowing association were practicing
during the forenoon , and the steamers were
well p.Uronl/.cil during the latter part of the
Bpeulnl I'l-lcon on WUHI ! OooilH.
BttK ) yards outing flannel , remnants In
Htripos , ete. Most suitable thing for boys'
waists , misses' blouse waists , men's shirts ,
etc. The price for Monday flu per yard. It
Is the regular Hie quality.
: ir.0 < l yards printed berges In stripes polka-
dots , plaids , stripe border , tints , ete. , L'Jtfc
per yard ; (10 ( yards for --T.U ) ; would bo cheap
2 cases , or1,000 , yards , printed stripe beiges
In nil the latest , tints , double fold , M per
yard ; would bo a bargain at Hie.
fi cases dress glngnams , liij-f ami l.'i'cjmu
ity , In all the latest plaids , strljies , brocades
ete. Among the lot arc the latest in giug
bams , Hacarapn cloth. 1'rlces while they last
lOt ; u yard. Others get 1'J , ' and Ific for same
B <
The latest In strlpesf figures , plaids , etc. , In
nuting llanni-1 is to lx > found lit the Boston
Store. Our price l o u yard , while others
get 111 and 'Ma.
Kill pieces best American sntccns In both
fcoliil colors and figures , finest French de
signs. Our price 1U,0 } a yard.sold elsewhere
ut 15 and ISe. ttOS'i'ON STOUE ,
FotheringhamVhilelaw , ft Co. ,
Council UUllTs.
M : n HO x.i i. i'.t it.itiJt
Mrs. Kit/ Warren is visiting her parents at
Kushville , Neb.
H. JO. Owen of the railroad contracting
firm of Owen Urothcrs of Stanton , Neb. , was
in the city yesterday.
Prof. Charles Xorbaujjh , formerly of the
Oeaf and dumb institute in this city , returned
yesterday from Olatha , Kan. , where he has
been teaching the mute school.
City Attoniev.I. .1. Stewart , accompanied
by Mrs. Stewart , loft last evening for DCS
Mollies for a brief visit. lie goes to confer
with the Ucs Moincs city solicitor upon sev
eral fuses that involve the same points in
which both cltieii arc interested.
From now until July 1 wo are going to
knock all previous attempts at low prices.
" \Ve will guarantee to sell you goods cheaper
than you ever bought the same quality or
money ivlnrncd. liest quality India challies
I and 5 cents yard * Hood sateens it , 10 and
I'JS'j cents yard ; the quality cannot bo dupli
cated In the city at the price. AH of our
faney dress buttims at just half price , .lust
think of it. Where can you get such bar
gains } Only at Cully's. Wo will sell you
yawl wide sheeting flu yard that Is better
than Lawrence L. ti. Good yard wide
bleached muslin lie yard , worth S. Good
dress ginghams I5'4e ' yard , worth
8'jJ. ' Wo will save yon money
on all white goods , lace tlnuncings , gloves ,
mitts , hose , corsets , fans and parasols. Uaby
caps at your own price ; wo have too many. If
you should happen to want n line wool dress
wo will save you at least il per cent. If you
are after bargains wo are bound to get your
trade. Ladles' imported hem stitched hand
kerchiefs , fle , worth lllc. Ilents' Imported
hem stitched handkerchiefs , lOc , . ' 1 for'J.'c ,
that uro worth just double. This is pretty
largo talk ; call and see the goods and satisfy
yourselves. Wo give a hand.somo present
with each and every cash purchase to the
amount of $1.
a'-'S Broadway , C. C. Cui.i.y.
Sunday at tlio I'Jirlc.
The cloudy , threatening weather yesterday
afternoon was the only thing that prevented
un attendance of several thousand visitors.
During the eavly part of the afternoon the
motors were crowded 'vlth passengers both
from Omaha and this city , but they only re
mained at the park a short time , fearing a
heavy rain. The baud concert commenced at
4 o'clock instead of 5:110 : , as advertised , and
was over shortly after ( ( -o'clock. The pro-
grainmo was tno same as was published yes
Itcduotlon in prices of carpets , mattings ,
oilcloths , rugs , lace curtains , portieres , car
pet sweepers and upholstery goods , etc. , will
continue this week. Council BIulTs Carpet
In tlio ClmrulioH.
It required some Christian fortitude to
bravo the heat and attend church yesterday ,
but notwithstanding the closeness of the day
the attendance at all the churches was as
largo us usual1. Interest in the churches and
In all kinds of Christian work is steadily increasing
creasing In Council UhitTs and the city 'is ac
quiring the reputation of a city of churches
and church going people.
At the morning hour tlio pulpit in the First
Baptist church was occupied by Uov. O. A.
Williams of Lincoln , Neb. Mr. Williams is
one of the best and most successful pastors
in the west , and tlio largo congregation
listened to an eloquent and powerful sermon.
In the Congregational church the Uov. Dr.
Culliss , tlio evangelist , occupied the pulpit
and preached an eloquent , practical sermon.
The music was very line , the notable feature
being the solo by Mr. Sargeant.
The evening services were well attended ,
especially the union service conducted by Dr.
Culllss at the First 1'resbyterinn church.
Choice residence property ccntr.illv located
for sale by K. H. Shoafo & Co.
S , B Wndsworth ft Co.07 Pearl street ,
loanmoncy for Lombard Investment company.
IJuy Wutll 4ius.
Gillette & Freeman's , 28 Po.u-1 stroot.
A HwloiiHltiinawiiy Aouliloiit.
Yesterday afternoon as Mrs. Professor
WyeolT anil two children were driving on
South Madison street , the horse became
frightened at u motor and started to run. The
unimiil turned around quickly , and striking
the curbstone the buggy was overturned ,
the occupants UIH > U a lot of now rails that had
been distributed by the motor companv.
All of them were badly scratched and
bruised , the boy receiving a severe cut undei
the oyo. It was fen rod that Mrs , WycolT's
arm was broken , but It was found that this
was not so. They were all removed to their
homo , at No. Hlil Sixth avenue , The buggy
was a total wreck.
Now Map of Council
J list Issued , -I1 a'xil feet In si/o , with every
addition to dato. Price f IS. Address C. K.
Allen , rooms 2X > and -HO , Merrlam block ,
Council Hhiffs.
For one week , waterworks , 112,00. New
York plumbing company.
J. G , Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway.
An Kngino In the Dlloli.
Yesterday ono of the llock Island switch
engines went through an open switch In the
company's yards In this city. It was running
nt a good lively rate when It caina to the end
of tbo track , und Us momentum carried It n
distance of 100 feet on the ties. It slid off the
ends of the ties und then finished up by turn-
Jug oviron Its side. Beyond the wrecking
of thu air pump und connection ! ! und loosen
ing stiino of the ties , but llttlo damage was
done. The inachino was picked up by the
\vrocklng crow und put uu. the track without
much delay ,
Considerable Damage Done by Last Night's '
\Vind and Rain Storm.
A Itook Iflluml KiiKliio OOCM Throuttli
nn Op n H'wlloli The Iny
nt tlio Parks In
tlio CmtrchcH.
The stonn that had been threatening all
the afternoon burst In nil Its fury about 8:45 :
last Qvenlng. About half-past eight the wind
I ncrcnsedto almost a gale , and the dust was
whirled through the streets in ft blinding
cloud. Largo drops began to fall , hut they
were very scattered for n few minutes , and
then the gates of the heavens wcro opened
For three quarters of nn hour the water ,
poured down In torrents , and It was
Impossible to see across the streets.
The sewers wcro unable to carry off the
water and the streets were soon converted
Into rushing rivers , the water tilling them
from curb to curb , and in many Instances
flowing over the sidewalks. Middle Broad
way was flooded between the doors of the
business nouses on either side of the street.
Motor travel was not Impeded until the storm
was'ncarly over , but on the contrary the wet
tracks seemed U ) facilitate travel , and the
motors glided along without apparent (11(11- (
The driving rain poured through the open
ears and passengers huddled together in the
closed motors. About 1) ) : 'JO , however , motor
travel came to n full stop. The hours rolled
by and no more cars appeared. It was im
possible to reach the cur house by tele-
photic us the line was open and the cause of
the stoppage was n mystery. It was reported
that the overhead wire was down and this
was accepted as the correct explanation by
the dozens of passengers who wcro waiting
for transportation across the river.
The rain stopped almost as quickly as It be
gan , mid In half an hour the streets wcro dry
again , with ridges of mud along the side
walks and paving to tell of the great amount
of sediment brought down by the flood.
Several cellars in various parts of the city
were flooded. Including several Broadway
business blocks.
Indian creek showed a rise of five feet and
n half , but did not do any damage.
This water was all easily taken care of , and
but llttlo trace of the rise could bo seen along
tlio creek banks an hour after the storm was
over. A largo cave-in WHS noticed in the
south bank of the creek between Main and
Brvant streets , where about fifty wagon
loads of dirt was washed away by the im
mense volume of water that swept across Into
the creek from the corner of Vine und
Bryant streets.
The water did considerable damage on
North Second street , where several hundred
vurds of block paving was torn up. Those
blocks were scattered along Washington
avenue to Main street , and a lot of them were
carried down Indian creek. The damage
from paving actually washed away is com
paratively small , as the bulk of the loss will
be from cave-ins , where the paving has set
tled from a few Indies to a foot and a half ,
and which will necessitate relaying the
greater portion of the paving on the avenue
between Fletcher avenue and the foot of the
Lightning struck the carriage repository of
E. T. Waterman on North Main street , tear
ing one lightning rod loose from the building
and bending and twisting another one out of
shape. No damage to the building could bo
At the electric light station the electricity
made n great display , causing more trouble
than had over been experienced there before
from that cause.
The fuses of the lightning arresters were
repeatedly blown out and scattered about the
dynamo room , which was tilled with flashes
of brilliant flame. Considerable trouble was
also caused on the incandescent light circuit ,
which was seriously interfered with , but no
damage was done. The uro lights were not
interfered with. The city lights were not
running during the storm , as the schedule
did not call for them until 10:20 : o'clock.
Another bad washout was reported on Harrison
risen street , but the damage there will not bo
The rain beat Into No. 3 hose house , run
ning down the chimney , and flooded the lower
floor. The firemen stationed there rescued u
dog from an ignominious death. The animal
was chained to a kennel and the water rose
so fast that it threatened to drown htm. The
HIM hids heart ! the creature howling and re
leased him.
The trouble on the motor line was caused
by the wires falling to the ground between
Thirty-second and Thirty-sixth streets. The
linemen repaired it in about two hours. The
wire was simply blown loose from the
"combs" allowing It to touch the ground.
One nrmaturo was burned out at the power
station , but the reserve dynamos were started
up and the curs were running again shortly
before midnight.
The storm wus very heavy nt Manawa.
The greater part of the visitors had returned
to the city before the storm commenced. One
motor was coming up to the city during the
storm and the pussengtrs were drenched.
The curtains of tlio open cars offered little
protection from the driving rain. Arriving
at Broadway the train was allowed to re
main there for half an hour until the storm
was over. No accidents were reported and
the total damage done will bo very l.ight.
J. C. Btxby , steam homing , sanitary engi
neer , IMIl Life building , Omuhu ; 202 Merriara
block , Council BIulTs.
A good hose reel free with every 103 feet of
hose purchased at Bixby's.
Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and bridge
work , No. 12 Pearl.
_ .
Desirable dwellings located in all parts of
the city , for rent by E. H. Sheafo & Co. ,
Broadway and Main st. up stairs.
If you wish to negotiate a loan on chattel or
real cstnto security , ut lowest rates , see E. II.
Sheafo it Co. , brokers , Broadway und Main
street , up-stairs.
Kemmmts of carpets at costs. Council
II hi Its Carpet company.
Tin ; Sprout'of ' Dlplitlicrin.
"Tho sudden reappearance of diphtheria In
the city has somewhat btartlcd the medical
profession , " said u physician yesterday ,
"Tho skilled physician realizes that It Is a
notont danger , and ho is only conscientiously
performing his duty when ho sounds n word
of warning. There Is no more danger of an
epidemic in Council Bluff than there Is In any
other city , but unquestionably a great deal
loss danger , for the sanitary condition of the
city never was better , but there Is a danger
of an outbreak of the disease all over the
country. A midsummer cpidcmio of diph
theria Is something to bo dreaded. I have
watched the dally papers of the state closely
for the last month , and nn unusually largo
percentage of the deaths has been caused by
diphtheria. It seems extraordinarily malig
nant everywhere , and Is claiming a largo portion
tion of adults for Us victims. In all cases
there uro violent febrllo symptoms , the most
marked being of u typical character. This
produces a complication that any intelligent
physician will drcadund hoought not to liosl-
tate to glvo u few words of caution to the
public. In diphtheria , as well as In all zym
otic diseases , the germ is almost always car
ried Into the system through the water people
ple drink , and no mutter how zealously the
sources of the water supply nro guarded , the
water wo drink In summer will be found
teeming with zymotic life. The only precau
tion necessary , boyoml scrupulous cleanli
ness always , Is the drinking of us llttlo water
us possible taken direct from the wells or
hydrants. All water should bo boiled before
It Is drunk and there is nothing more whole
some or uleusnnt than Iced tea for a summer
drink. It should bo inudo In 1'bcral ' quan
tities and kept in the teapot and kept hot ,
until It Is needed to be cooled for use.
' 'The use of vn t quantities of fluids In hot
weather is much more the result of habit
than u compliance with the demands of na
ture. People can accustom themselves to
drink only nt meal times and suffer less from
, thlrst than those who swill down gallons of
'Ice water. When you Imagine you uro suffer
ing from thirst. Just take a piece of Ice uud
hold It In your hands or lay it on your wrists.
It will reduce the touiuoraturo of your body
Bud remove tUo necessity of making u water
tank of your stomach , or wash your hands
and fnco In cold water mid the sensation of
thirst will disappear without swallowing a
drop. There would l less summer diseases
of all kinds If ixioplu would only follow the
simple hygienic rules mid use as much Intel
ligence In caring for their own lwlea < as the
tenniftcrs do In caring for their horses. And
thorn would bo no cases of dlphthcrlit among
adults. "
If you wish to sell your property call on the
.Tudd ft Wells Co. , C. B. Judd president , CO'J
The Manhattan sporting hcadq'rs , 413 B-
Tlio gasoline steve is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save llfo and proiwrty by
using thoC. B. Gas uud Electric. Light Co.'s
gas stove. ,
Dcmpsoy Bros. , 10o Main street , Is the only
place In town where you can got fresh and
delicious confectionery.
IJulitcH Drowned by Mothci-H Nuns
and MIsRlotmrlcH Tortured.
Rov. Father. Lawreneo , a French
Catholic inlMHloniiry of thu order of the
Iminiieulutu Conception , has just con
cluded a HOI-ICH of meetings at St. 1'hllo-
inuna's church , PittHburtf , sayH a Pitts-
bmv dispatch to the Globe-Democrat ,
lie Is now In Now York whence ho will
sail for Franco and repair to the mother
house of the order. Father Lawreneo
has spent twenty-three years as a mis
sionary among- the Maoris In Now Xea-
land , and after his retreat will return
thither to take up his work. Ho tells a
most remarkable story of his experience
with the Maoris.
"Tho people , * ' ho says , "exhibited
some of the worst forms of savagery.
The killing of infant children was an or
dinary occurrence. I have seen inhu
man mothers take their little ones to
the water's edge , plunge them in until
they died of suffocation , and then rend
the tiny , lifeless bodies limb from limb.
Wo missionaries , although powerless to
break up this practice , exerted ourselves
to rescue as many ef the children as wo
could , with the ultimate object of bring
ing them into the Christian fold when
they reached mature years. The
first time that I was fortunate
enough to capture a mite of
humanity in this manner , I felt
sorely perplexed as to how I wns to take
care of it. There was no milk procura
ble , and I knew that solid food would bo
useless as a sustenance for an infant. I
went into a rude church which had been
erected for our mission , and , falling on
my knees , prayed to God to send mo an
inspiration. As I loft the church the
first object that mot my gaze was a owe ,
her udder heavy with milk , and to all
appearance placed there by Providence
for the very purpose concerning which I
hud been in such embarrassment. With
out more ado I placed my infant charge
in a position to absorb the needed nour
ishment , which it did with evident
gusto. I had the child und its strange
foster-mother lodged in my own quarter : * ,
and the dumb animal discharged its ma
ternal duty with a fidelity equal to that
of a human being , sometimes oven rap
ping on the lloor with its foot when the
baby needed attention. This was the
beginning of a .system which has since
developed , until there are now over 700
infants in tlio hands of the missionaries
in New Zealand , whoso sustenance is de
rived almost exclusively from the milk
of owes.
"I have been subjected to shocking
tortures. I luivo been strung up for ten
days bo a cord attached to my hands ,
which wcro tied behind my back ; my
too nails wore torn oil , and see these
deep groove.4 in my arms , they are the
scars remaining where the llesh was cut
out from the wrist to the shoulder in
strips nearly one Inch thick.
"I have also been to China , " con
tinued Father Lawrence , in response tea
a question , "and I don't want to go back.
1 was one of a number of priests and nuns
engaged in missionary work at Pekin.
Wo wore arrested , thrown into , prison ,
and arrangements made for our execu
tion. One day the nuns , twenty-four in
number , wcro taken forth and thrown
into hugo coppers filled with boiling
pitch. It was a horrible doutji , and
made an impression upon my
mind which time can not eradi
cate. On the following day tlio
other priests and myself were to meet ,
the snmo fate. The suspense was terri
ble. Our only solace was in prayer.
Toward evening on the virgil of our ex
ecution a great commotion occurred out
side the walls of our prison. There was
a measured tramp of foot , a clash of
arms and a murmur of voices which wo
believed to indicate the coining of the
executioners. The voices grow louder
and wonder of wonders , the words that
foil upon our cars were in the French
languugo. Then the prison doors wore
broken in , and wo found ourselves in the
embrace of a detachment of soldiorstho
vnnguardof a body of troops sent to pro
tect French citizens in China. Shortly
after this occurrence I left that country
never to return. "
Father Lawrence is past sixty years of
ago and has expended nearly all his pri
vate fortune in Now Zealand mission
work. IIo was the guest hero of Captain
J. J. McGuiro. ' '
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for all sores , burns ,
wounds.cnnpped hands and all skin eruptions.
Will positively euro Till kinds of piles. Asic
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company ut
iu cents per box by mail 0 cents.
1002. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Is
the now Rock Island ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
ObservntorlcH , Ancient and Modern.
Probably the earliest structures
erected as astronomical observatories
wore built by the early people of Egypt ,
for many Egyptologists now incline to
the belief that the great pyramid itself
was a mighty observatory constructed
to facilitate the observations of the
Chaldean astronomers says a writer
in Frank Leslie's Monthly. Magnifi
cent as were these ancient build
ings , the limitations of human vision
prevented astronomical progress until
Galileo's discovery of the tolcscopo
opened wide the gates of heaven to hu
man observation ; for , while to the un
aided eye only pome 6,000 stars are visi
ble , the great Lick telescope brings to
our knowledge nearly 100,000,000 , and by
the aid of photography the celestial horizon
izon stretches to infinity.
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous"
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles'Nervine. Samples free ut.Kuhn As
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
An K'nrly Chinese Hank Note.
Within the last few days the trustees
of the BritUh museum have become pos
sessed of a Chinese bank note , which was
Issued from the imperial mint just ItOO
years before the circulation of the first
paper money in Europe , says the Lon
don Timed. Whatever doubts may
attach to the priority of cur
tain other inventions by the
Chinese , it is impossible to
deny that they wore acquainted with
the art of printing many centuries before
fore the days of Guttenborg. According
to native records , the art of printing was
in use in China in 5li ) : A. U. , but it docs
nut appear to have boon employed In the
preparation of bank notes until the ninth
century. From that date notes wore
periodically issued until tlio middle of
the fifteenth century , when the practice
foil into diauso , and was only revived
ubout forty or llfty years
Preparations for tna Event Going Ahead
It Will Ho. the M | pjt Important Secret
Society Ontherlng of the Vcnr
How DoloyutoH ami Visit-
OI-H Will llQ'Entcrlnlncd.
Mn.wAUKnn , WIs. , Juno 21. [ Special to
Tin : Bun. ] No batter cholco could possibly
have been made than Milwaukee for the placa
of holding the sixteenth session of the supreme
promo ledge , ICnlghts of Pythias of the world
and the first onciimpmcnt of the Uniform
Hank of that order. The "Cream City , " as It
Is called because of the fact that Its houses
uro built of cream-colored brick , is the most
be.iuttful In Its location and artlllelal adorn
ment of any city on the great l.ikoi. lit hir- ;
bor has boon likened by many traveler. * to the
Bay of Naples. The high b.iuk of the north
ern border of the bay Is HnoJ with handsoino
residences and park * , while tlio graat facto
ries at the extreme southern oxtromlty , away
from the residences , belch forth a veritable
Vesuvius smoke. The streets nro well kept ,
and within a half hoar's ride nro numerous
beauty spots well worth a visit on a summer's
While the people of the United States are
on the o.ul vivo to know what they will bo
uhlo to see In Milwaukee during the week of
the great biennial conrlavc , the citizens of
this city are actively at work preparing
for the quarter of n million strangers ,
wno will be their guests during the week of
July 71next. . The first requisite , of course.
Is the money question , and this has been well
attended to. Not loss than 10.000 have been
pledged by the entcrprisimr business men of
this city to pay the expenses of entertaining
the visiting knights. A magnificent camp
ground has been selected on the western edge
of the city , In which I'.OOO Uniform Knights
will go into camp , fully thirty-live hundred
tents being furnished by the Milwaukee com
mittee free of charge.
The detailed programme of the week's per
formances has been published far unit wide ,
and a most attractive programme it Is. The
parade of uniformed and uiiunlformed
knights , which will start promptly nt 4
o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. July S , will bo
the finest semi-military display over scon , in
the west. Not loss than twelve thousand Uni
formed Knights have been cxiwetc.l to par
ticipate In the parade , but as reports come in
from all directions there are stiong indica
tions that the number will bo increased to
fifteen thousand or more. Casn drill-prizes
aggregating 4,800 have been offered to com
peting divisions , of which there will be not
less than fifty. Especial efforts arc being
made to secure a large array of fine
lu-ass bands. Prizes amounting to $ S)0 ( )
will bo awarded to competing bands in a big
concert to bo held at Schlitx. park on Wednes
day evening. On Friday evening the exposi
tion building will bo the scene of another
monster concert , in which all the bands will
join. There will bo nearly n thousand instru
ments , udder the direction of Mr. T. P.
Brooke of Minneapolis. The anvil chorus
will be bo given with an accompaniment of
twenty anvils , and the darkened auditorium
will be illuminated as the strokes of the ham
mers fall upon the anvils by the light of a
hundred flambeau torches.
The fireworks display on Thursday evening
will alone bo worth U visit to Milwaukee ;
from any part of the United States. It will
bo riven at Cold Spriiig park , which will also
, be used for the military maneuvers. Com
fortable seats will be provided for three or
four thousand persons in the amphitheater ,
and the other thousands will find good oppor
tunity in the wide park grounds to see the
brilliant display of elaborate set pieces , which
will last for more thiuUn : hour. Nor should
be forgotten the mammoth reception to the
supreme ledge delegates , which will bo ten
dered at the exposition building by the stuto
of Wisconsin , represented by its chief execu
tive , Governor W. D. Hoard ; by the city of
Milwaukee , represented by Mayor George
W. Peck ; and by the Knights of Pythias
order in Wisconsin , represented by Grand
Chancellor Hosklns.
At the previous conclaves the Uniform
Knights have been content to stop at hotels
and private houses with the other members
of the order ; but on this occasion they will
for the first time go into camp in true mili
tary stylo. The camp will be on a sightly
piece of ground which lies just soutn of Cold
Spring park. The tract is divided into six
largo blocks , three of which lie on the east
side of Highland boulevard. Tlio two blocks
at the western extremity will not bo used for
the tents of the cuinpew , but upon them will
bo located hospital tents. The tents will
face both ways on Highland boulevard , and
will be laid out from right to left in the order
of seniority of the commanding oillccrs. The
tents of the brigade and regimental ofllcers
will form the front line , back of which will
bo the division ofliccra , and in the rear the
tents of the sir knights. The even-num-
oercd brigades will bo arranged on the north
side of the boulevard and the odd-numbered
on'the south side. There will bo sixteen bri
gades in all , consisting of about seven regi
ments each. A few regiments , battalions
and divisions which are not bri
gaded , will be assigned to one or
another of the sixteen brigades In the camp.
The Louisiana knights will camp with their
brothers from Illinois. Most of the southern
battalions which nro not largo enough to
form u brigade will bo brigaded with Ten
nessee and Missouri , while Virginia will bo
assigned to Kentucky. The order to ho ob
served In the laying out of the camp will give
Indiana the place of honor at the right , wlillo
Jllinols will bo nt the extreme loft.
The list of brigades In the order of their
Cosition in camp will bo as follows : First
rigudo Indiana.General J. 11. Hess ; Second
brigade Pennsylvania , General S. S. Sim
mons ; Third brigade Missouri , General
Frank Parsons ; Fourth brigade Now
York , General M. A. Scveraneo ; Fifth
brigade California , General H. SchafTner ;
Sixth brigade Michigan , General H. F.
Hastings ; Seventh brigade Nebraska , Gen
eral W. L. Dayton ; Eighth brigade Ken
tucky. General George Fowlass ; Ninth
brigade Ohio , General J. W. Green ; Tenth
brigade Kansas , General J. II. Lyons ;
Eleventh brigade Massachusetts , General J.
H. Abbott ; Twelfth brigade Iowa , General
J. C. Leper ; Thirteenth brigade Minnesota ,
General G. 1C. Shaw ; Fourteenth brigade-
Tennessee. General D. B , Anderson ; Fif
teenth brigade Wisconsin , General L. W.
Hulsoy ; Sixteenth brigade Illinois , Colonel
J. H. Barkley.
While the pnmdQ pf the Uniform Rank wllj
bo the grand event df , parade day , It is In
tended that the llnq , p | uiiunlformed knights
which will follow bnall contain nearly ten
thousand members of the order. These
knights will bo unffcr the command of Col
onel J. A. Watrous'of ibis city , who oy vir
tue of his military experience Is well fitted to
make a creditable showing of that part of the
parndo. Commander Watrous will ask that
the grand chancellor of each jurisdiction
imino seine capable'luilght to take command
of the knights from 'his jurisdiction. The
jurisdiction will 1)6 lormcd Into corps. In
Bomo Instances the knights from four states
will constitute corp , . , Wisconsin und Illinois
will have largo , . delegations , and will
each form a single corps , as will
other neighboring states. The terms
"delegation" and , "ijorpi. " 111 applied to the
ununuormcd punilp,4iro ( used so that there
may bo no con fusion , ! tlio Uniform rank being
designated by divisions and brigades. Com
mander Watrous1forces will bo formed in
line on the west side , In such a position as to
enable the knights to sea all of tlio Uniform
rank parade , und will therefore not miss this
great feature , whllo at the sama time con
tributing to It themselves. Lodges to take
part in this par-ado will bo expected to bring
their own banner * and flags , and. as far as
possible to bring bauds of muslo to enliven
the parndo and make a creditable showing.
The Hupremo ledge session will bo tbo nu
cleus around which the performances of the
week will gather. That body consists of two
delegates from each of the grand jurisdic
tions , and though comprising a small number
of men , Is composed of the most prominent
members of the order from all parts of the
United States and Canada. Many mutters
affecting the Interests of the order
will conic up for discussion. The
question of sustaining or overruling
tno action of the Ruprcmo chan
cellor In suspending the celebrated
Kokomo , ( Ind. ) division will create general
Interest. Up to the Cincinnati session of the
nuurcmo lodfo , tug Kokorny division bad for
Bomo vents carried off nil the Iffcst competi
tive drill | ) rl M. At Cincinnati they wcro
awarded the second prlzo by the Judges ,
although there was about j of 1 i > or cent
between their marking uud that of the Win
ning division. The members of the. Kokomo
division published some very severe censures
on the decision bf the Judges. For tliN they
were ordered by the supreme chancellor to
publicly apologize , which they refused to do.
Tim supreme chancellor tticreuixm Issued an
order suspending their functions ns a divi
sion. A strong clTort will bo mudo by the
friends of the Kokomo division , who think
the supreme chancellor's action arbitrary
and uncalled for , to huvu It .set aside , and
the crack division rc-lnstutcd.
Perhaps tin ! most Important matter to come
bofoi-o the Supreme lodge will bo the question
of declaring illegal nil associations doing n
llfo insurance business lu the nainuof the
order , with the exception of the Endowment
rank , which nlono Is recognized by the Supreme
premo lodgo. In numerous states life insur
ance associations have been Instituted under
the name of the order , thereby trespassing on
the field which properly belongs to the En
dowment rank. There Is no other society
which permits such trespassing upon the
ground which belongs to It solely ; but
Inasmuch as some of the state'
Institutions will doubtless make
a vigorous prptest and i strong light up on
being summarily deprived of their revenue ,
It may be that the hottest contest of the en
tire season will bo over this question. An
clTort will ho made to increase the efficiency
and success of the Endowment rank by ele
vating the members of the board of control to
the position of supreme lodge onlcers.
The claim of the Uniform rank to direct
representations In the supreme ledge will
come up for discussion. The question has
been mooted only within the last two or three
months by the members of that rank. Such
a change would cause an entire remodeling of
the order regarding representation in the supreme
premo lodge.
A Fiendish Father CrnoillcH HlH Son
in a Cellar.
.Tiicob Aekcrmnn , a German farmer in
White Haven township , was lodged in
jail at Wilkesbarre , 1'u. , recently ,
charged with u heinous crime. Acker-
man has the reputation among his neigh
bors of being a man of ungovernable
temper , says a dispatch to the Globe-
Democrat. On Kriclay he told his little
son Jacob , aged eleven years , to go to
the Hold. The lad did not go as quick
as his father wished. This caused the
hitter to lose his temper. IIo forthwith
ordered the boy to go into the cellar.
The youngster delayed , and the
angry father proceeded to make a
cross of heavy timbers in the shape of
an X. After ho had nailed the timbers
together ho lashed the boy to the back
of it , tying his arms and legs. Tlio
father then went up stairs , and at the
point of a pistol drove everybody out of
the house. The inhuman boast then
stood guard around the premises , hold
ing in ono hand an axe and in the other
a revolver. IIo threatened to Khootany
body who caino near the dwelling. The
agoni/.ing cries of the boy on the cross
in the collar could be heard for some dis
tance from the house , but there was no
ono at hand to give him relief.
At G o'clock in the evening the father
went to the stable. His daughter , who
had been away on a visit , came homo a
little after 0. She beard feeble erics in
the celler , and went down to see what
the trouble could bo. She found her
brother almost'ready to expire. He had
hung for seven hours on the wooden
structure , and his llcsb was badly torn.
His chin found a resting placeon the X.
This circumstance saved his life , but
made his sun"erings the harder. The t-is-
tor took down the crocs and released the
boy. The doctor says the boy cannot
As soon as the news of Ackorman's
brutal work became known to the neigh
bors , the latter organized and would
have lynched him hud ho not made him
self scarce. To escape the irate neigh
bors , Ackerinnn surrendered himself to
the authorities. Ho was committed to
jail without bail. A guard of constables
protected the prisoner during the hear
Live pigeons wanted before July 1 at
$1.50 per do/en. Ship to F. E. Mockott ,
Lincoln , Nob.
The new ollices of the great Rock Is
land route. 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
street , Omaha , are the finest in the city.
Call and seo-tham. Tickets to aril points
east at lowest rates
Dnrion.s Table JInl > lts of the Ijittlc
I was taken into ono of Lapp's huts ,
says a writer in an English journal. In
the centre a wood fire was burning
crightly on some stones , and at first the
smoke was very unpleasant , but soon ono
becmao accustomed to it , and jt served
tlio useful purpsa of driving away tlio
winged ploguo , wihch had followed us
all day ,
The man proceeded to boil some coffee
which in a few minutes was Hot before
mo , together with a wooden bowlful of
reindeer's milk. The coll'eo was not
very palatable , but under the circum
stances wot-so fare would have proved
acceptable. The milk I found to bo lee
thick and rich to drink much of.
A sugar loaf was produced from be
neath some cloths in a corner , and a few
pieces wore chipped oil' and handed to
mo.I accepted them with my politest
Hinilo , accompanied by a bow ; but when
I proceeded to sugar my cotl'eo in the
orthodox style the action caused much
amusement to tlio juvenile Lapps , who
roared with laughter , and Uppoarcd to
enjoy the fun ftnmonsoly.
I found that I ought to have oaten the
sugar separately , as they did , and they
ovldrntly considered my way of sweeten
ing coll'eo inexpressibly funny.
Cakes wore then served to each one.
These were about the sixo of U penny
bun , but of the consistency of putty or
dough , which they somewhat resembled
in appearance. Sour cream was eaten
with them. So nasty wore they that a
mouthful gave mo "quite a turn , " and
I was glad to smuggle the remainder
undorndath the rug on which I was sit
ting. I did not like to throw it away ,
for fear of offending my hosts , but
trusted to the sharp noses of the dogg to
got mo out of the dllllculty.
A Novel and KxpniiHlvo Method of Ad
vertising Heal KHtute.
Commencing Monday. Juno 30th , wu
will give away 100 choice lots to any ono
sending us their full name and address
with "c for return uostngo.
These lots are Soxl25 ! feet and will bo
worth iMO each in loss than three
The present population otiSalt Lake
City is ( iO,000. In live years it will bo the
largest city between Chicago and San
Francisco. Wo moan business and if
you want a warranty deed to a splendid
lot Bund on your nuino to the Salt Lake
View addition company , Salt Lake City ,
Through coaenos Pullman palace
sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening points
via the great Itock Island route. Tick
et ollico 1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam.
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Itock Is
land route- Ticket olneo , 1(1012 ( Six
teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha.
How a 'Maniac- Had Thln w Ills Own
Way for Two Duyw.
The schooner C'lytlo arrived at Glou
cester , Mum , the other morning from
Gas Stoves 'and Ranes
These stoves arc the' very best of their A
class. They arc made in all designs and
sixes , for all purposes , and their durabil
ity insures them to last a lifetime. Gas
only costs $1.5o per 1,000 , in Council
Hluffs , and' one burner consumes 10 feet
an hour , making the cost of runningaboiit
equal to gasoline , with none of its danger
and disaoTecablencss.
JBWB ! Circulating
Water Heater ,
Till * Hcnlorls In lie rimru'rtiil with tlio kitchen
hetwtilerluillcr It will Inko tins plnciuif tlinnnter
fiunt In u milieu or rook Move. It "my nl o In * u cil
In loiiililnnllon with n r.iniio or rook Klove. If ilo-
nlmt. It l iimilooiillroly or in t Iron nml I * ( "irkrtl
with lulnurnl wool lii'lwiHm tlio llnlnx mill outnlilo.
It will In-lit u iJU-Kiillitn liolhT of ntiT from 44)a ) to
laio In ontf hour , on ; fl fwtof un * , nt 10-10 | iresuro
Tlicro nro tliro. ' btirni'ri tolow tlio iloiililc plno
roll. It l Id in. lonit , 8 la. whlo nml 10 In. lilch
\\VlKlitro HIM.
Tlio Jpwi'l l the only ( Jus Clrcnlntln \Vntcr I
iloid'r In the worlil that Is ronipnct , i > oworful nml
( IA.U ) , tlilitknf III Try to nmtcli It. Hay ono , for
It IH jiiat wlilit > ou wnnl.
.More thnnW \ illlTcriMit klmtn of itiin Move * In select
from , I.ii'lloj , conic ami ma tlioin nnil try Ilium.
Council Bluffs
- : - FURNITURE - : -
When you can Rot tlio host tliero It made In ovorv linn ut , pi-low Unit , will not. liunkriipt you
Thi'i-o Is no taste nor purse that , wo oiitimrt suit. You want to liuuutlfy your lioino. don't , you
ilion L-OIIIO In ami sco ! io\v oliiRiintly and vhoaply you ran ai-uoiiiplMi It.
MA'-NDEb & KMIX : , ! llioiulwuy , Council IlliiiTs , Iowa , i
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
1 nrsrst Ptoi-U and Lowest Prloo * * . Denier ? . spiuTfor Catalogue.
Nos. 205 and 207 Broadway , and 201 and 2Ki ( Pierce Street , Council UlulYs.
TT1OU SALE or Ut-nt Harden land , with
JL1 houses , Ijy .1. K. Hicc. 11A ! Mala st. , Council
\\7"ANTKI , ) Two eneriiiiic youiiR men and
' women.Va es , ifL'"i ( ) pur day. Ni > . Tl.'i
Mynstoi-bliwt , Coum-ll Itlnlls.
TJAlXTEKS-Winiti'cl at oueo. : ior oiilliiiiTy
- IIjninli hands. .M. U. ICdwartN , Ulouwnod , la.
\ \ ; A XT KI ) - . \ K ! 11 tndollu'lil hou.-ework for
.small family ; good \\a es. LI ) " Xorth
Klrststroot. !
LOST A valmililo siiuare waleli ehann , set
with a diamond. Kinder will lie liberally
ro warded for same at lieu olHL-e.
Alll'SINKSS Chanei1 A party with $ VKM to
. find a KCKM ! Investment and em
ployment In a profllahh ) linsliie s. For par-
tlcnlaisaddreusiC , Care llee , Council Illnir.s , la.
rpVI'KNVKITIXG and Sluirthairl Lulu
-L KhodoH has opened a general olll o for
shorthand and typewriting and K prepared to
take dk-tatlon either at thu nllli-u or outside.
Impositions and le al copying itlvon special
attention. Uoom4 , Blown imlldlnu' .
" \A7HV pay lent when you can buy a homoon
T thesamo terms , awl In ease of yonrdi-alh
at any time leave your family the Iiomu clear
on thu following terms :
A homo worth i I.ODJ at $ l'j per month.
A homo worth fl.'VU ' at { IS pur month.
A home worth ? - ! . ( . ) at , Wl pur month.
A homo worth i'U'.K ' ) at iMti per mouth.
A himiu worth 1'IJ ' , ) atIS per month.
Uthur priced homos on thu same terms. Tim
above monthly payments Inelndu
and Interest. Korfifll particulars call on or
address ihu.Iu.hUtVulW Co. . CUJ Itroadway ,
Council liluirs. la.
"ITKHIKEXT TWOROO-I modern housus.V ,
-I ? W. lIllRer. : S 1'carl Mi cut. _
KEXT Tlio store room , Xo. IS , fronting
FOR 1'uarl st. W. C. .lamus.
K IIAVEsuvoral bountiful mo. turn IKMHO
that wu will trade for onunmborjil vu'i inlets
lots In Omaha or Council bliill's. The Judil &
Wells Co. . Council HIiiiTs. lit. _
J.D. F.HMUNU30.V , E. | j. SlIUOAHT.
i'res. Vlco-l'rus.
CliAS. It. HANNAX , Cashier.
Citizens State Bank
Paid Up Capital . $160,000
Surplus nnd Profits . 60,000
Liability to Depositors . 350,000
DlllKCTOlW I. A. Mlllur , V. O , Gluason , K. fj
Shuisarl , K. E. Hart , .1. I > . Kdmnudson , 01 in
U , llumitm. Transact Ronnral bankln busi
ness. Largest capital and surplus of any
bank In Southwestern Iowa.
InharesL cm Time Deposits.
Georges with Alexander Dixon , ono of
the crow , bound securely and reported a
thrilling experience. She sailed about
eight days ago for Georges , and shortly
after arriving on the banks Dlxou was
talcon violently insane , says a dispatch
to the Glob'o-Domocrut. Seizing a
largo ax and halt-knife ho made
an onslaught on the crow , obliging
them to llco below decks. IIo then took
possession of the cabin and remained
there for the night. The next morning
ho came on dock brandishing the knife ,
and proceeded up the main rigging , the
crow being obliged to keen at a safe dis
tance. IIo perched on the cross trees ,
where ho remained all day. About 7
o'clock at night ho ciuno halfway down
the rigging and jumped ovorbourd , still
retaining possession of the knifo. Will
iam Guitar , ono of the crow , cut the dory
loose from the lashings and secured the
man , the bath seeming to quiet him con
When Guitar got on hoard ho got pos
session of the knlfo and lied Dixon hand
and foot. Leaving him in charge of
one of the crow , ho wont forward to got
something to oat. Shortly uftm-wurd
the cook cried that Dixon had broken
loose. Dixon is a powerful man amV had
broken from bin strong fastenings. Ho
made his watchers beat a hasty retreat ,
and , bccurlng a section of iron chain ,
made an onslaught on the captain.
Guitar jumped from the forecastle to the
deck and made a Buring for Dl.xon and
delivered a heavy wow under his loft
car , foiling him to the deck. With the
assistance of the sklppor the man was
then ( securely bound and brought to
1'ortland. He is now confined in the
police station. Fishing operations wore
completely broken up by this eiilsodo
and the voyage was a failure. Dl.xon
has been tukon with these Ills before ,
but not in so violent a manner. Ho is a
single man , and his parents belong In
Entry Island , N. S.
" 'Tin Rtrnngo , passing strange , " that
parents will lot their children die with
dlphthoriu when it is a noted fuel that
Dr. Joll'ilos * preventive and cure never
fulls in any CUMO. Twonty-llvo yearn'
trial has proven It. No physician re
quired. Host roforowivs givon. Price
$ J. Address box 057 , Oiuuim , Neb ,
Ever brought to thu west nro now on sale at
our store. Thu L'oods comprl-u the entlro
wholesale stock of M. Adlur , and were bought
at shuriir's sah ) at less than 'J. > per cent of
wholesale value.Ve will 'sell you plctnro
f rames cheaper than yon can buy the iinlln-
Ished mateilal for. The sloclc comprlscstlio
hrst Kraduof Koodsmade. Come and .see.
Xlles.t Whalcy.Hie. . llradway. Council lllulK
The J. A. Murphy
1st Avenue and 21ht Ktreet.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand and Scroll Pawing. Ito-Sawln and
I'lanlii ! ; . Puwlnt : of all kinds. 1'orch Ilrackiits.
Kindling wood SJ.M per load delivered. Clean
sawdust by thu- barrel li'io. All work to ba
tirbt-class. Telephone .
Tnos. OFFICKII. \V. II. M. 1'USEV.
Corner Main and Uroiulwuy ,
Council Bluffs , - lown.
T ) ( > : ilors In foreign and domestic oxcliniiga.
Collections Hindu uud Interest paid oil tlmo
Room 1KO Men-lain Illool : , C'onnull HlnffH , In.
ituoin 1U X. V. lAte Itiillillnh' . Uniuliii. Xt'b.
The Only Iixclusive Sign Shop
in the City.
HlKii wrltlnB and Ki'iilnlii tauilit on nppll *
uatlon.D. . A. BENEDICT ,
419 Stairs
Broadway - - Up
IH.still at
14 Pearl Street ,
Mrs. I'fpliror'H Millinery
Store , with her
A portion of her splendid
stock still remains unsold.
This Is HID last opportunity
fnrsacrllictiharKalns In huti ;
Koods and ornaments.
First Class worlc guaranteed
every respect.
00 Fourth Street.
Council Bluffs - - Iowa
Guaranteed Dentistry ;
( i lil iT4iwn nml lirlilk'u work. IncliiilliiK nil llni'n < > C
iilalnn.inlil ( , riatlmini , Alinmiliiiii nml Cvlliilnlil . ,
Ctiiit4)iirllllliit { unit cinilliiiiiiiiit KIIIII wurk special.
C4An Hllirtlc < iilvi : > ii when iloHtri'il In cilractlnj
U'fth. Olllen hiiurn. 8 to I''u. in. uiiil' lull p. in.
Olllcu rnuiii , VS Murrlum block , Council llni ! : .
HhlrtH lOc. Colhin 2e. CuIN 4e. I'liilcr-
hhlrlH 8e. Handkerchiefs . S-o.-ks M ,
Ladles' clothes cheap.
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
Uooms 4 : > und 4'fi Hen Iliilldlntt , Umnhn ,
Nob. , und Hoomu UU and 21(1 ( Murrlam llloolc
Council lilutTu , lu. Corre iouUou u bullcltuJ ;