Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    r THE OjVIAHA ,
& .
An Eastern Writer Discusses the True Phil-
i osopliy of Plowing.
IllKli Marker Ynluc of Frcnli
JIow Votititr I'\K \ Slionlil Itt ! I''ctl
Moving Ilccs Oily Men
AH Farmers.
A common opinion Is that \vo plow the
ground in order to make a bed of loose
mold in which tlfo roots can unread and
feed with case , thus promoting growth ;
while at tlio butiio time destroying other
competitive growth , or making It easier
to destroy It. Tlio last of these reasons
should bo put first , for It is , by till odde ,
tlio main reason for using u plow , says n
writer in the New York Tribune. It is
common lofl ml plants and trees and oven
vincfl of all torts growing with the finest
health and vigor on soil never stirred lit
nil , if there is fertility .plough ; nnd if , by
u mulch or other means ! the plant is pro
tected from competition by other plants ,
nnd hits room enough nil , to itself for its
full development. Cattle are apt to de
stroy such specimens in the Holds , but in
the garden we find hardy flowers that
huvo seeded themselves in the full on the
Imrd ground , if left alone make bettor
nnd stronger plants than any wo get by
sowing on worked ground in the spring
I hnvo repeatedly , on receiving two or
three plants of fcomii new strawberry ,
early in the spring , put the roots Into a
hollow in some full-worked bed , too wet
to work lit the time , nnd covered each
"with a fire-shovelful of dry mold or
v wind , nnd these have nlwuys cx-
Telled ! these planted later on mel-
'lowcd boll. A largo strawberry
grower In the west I think Mr. Smith
lately stntcd a similar experience on u
largo scale. I have planted onions and
lettuce seed similarly on fall-prepared
ground with excellent results. The
Tribune not long since contained nn ac
count of an enormous melon growth by
the first professor of botany nt the Ponn-
Hylviiniu agricultural college , on u piece
of sod which was never stirred , nor hoed
the only culture being given with u
shovel Ubcd only to scatter around tlio
1411 n thick , wide mulch of chip mold.
A ml another case of corn being brought
into the garden by the Johnstown flood ,
germinating in the inch of mud left on
tlio old strawberry bed , and being
thinned and protected from weeds , etc. ,
made perfect and unusually productive
in growth. This is , on a small scale , un
example of the mode of culture common
on the Nile , nnd indeed in most parts of
Africu and Asia , where simply sorutck-
ing the toil with n pointed block of wood
often produces bettor yield with loss
manuring than wo gut by our assiduous
* * " and often overdone employment of the
plows we take such pride'in , but which
uro undoubtedly u means of greatly
hastening tlio ruin of the soil and of the
furmor , when used injudiciously , espe
cially when the operation buries the rich
MI 'fnco drop under n mass of raw subsoil ;
o wlu n the stirred soil is not sufficiently
recoiibolidated by rolling or drugging to
make it a safe bed for the tender roots
of newly germinated plants , while tlio
surface left on or near the surface , re-
s free and open because it is chiefly
'nnmm ' , which does not consolidate or
compact like tlio loam or clay beneath
it.Vo want the plow , then , not so
much to make an open bed for the roots
of plants , as to sweep out of their way
in the ' jecdiest and completed way ,
thojwoccupants of the soil , which
boiri fjtublishcd there would leave no
room or chance for our crop , and must ,
therefore , necessarily bo extirpated.
Experience lias taught the emigrants
to the west , who have been obliged to
hoarch out the surest and cheapest way
of annihilating the prairie sod and grow
ing corn nt once in its' place , that n very
shallow paring olT nnd reversal of the
entire surface , which then remains on
the surface , is the way to succeed in
both aims. And the same principle ap
plies in preparing bed ground anywhere
for corn or wheat. As a means of re
taining tlio indispensable water longer ,
the soil should bo well loosened up under
the surface , and the iileul plow for such
field is one that will both pure and ro-
voso carbonaceous surface soil , and
bcurify the soil below at one operation
a roller following.
No ono knows the difficulty expe
rienced by those who uro willing to pur
chase strictly fresh eggs in procuring
them , especially persons living in the
crowded cities. They can buy eggs , it is
true , but they are compelled
to do so with n confidence in
the merchant that the eggs uro fresh ;
and yet the me.'chant , with till the cure
ho may exorcise , knows nothing of the
stock ho has on hand , other tliiui the
fact that he , in turn , places his confi
dence in those who supply him. Despite
the euro thut muy bo shown by all pur-
tics , stal * eggs will put in an appear-
unco , nnd when such is the case , nil par-
tics concerned uro more or loss dis
gusted , nnd the result may bo an injury
to the merchant and but few eggs , pur
chased by the customer. Destroy the
confidence nnd prices decline. When n
reliable .party produces eggs on the
farm nnd makes it n point to sell them
dully , so as to render It un impossibility
to make any mistake , ho can build up n
custom that will bo permanent , and can
also command n price nbovo the reg
ular market quotations. IJut such per
son cannot afford to buy eggs from other
parties nlbo. In all cuses where the poul-
tryman has Included eggs fromothor par
ties , ho eventually meets with disaster.
Uejt .uoultryman who wibhos good prices ,
nnd whoT-nHjii tlmocommaiul his trade ,
must not attempt ? " to boll eggs from any
vnriln but his own. If ho cannot fill or-
florH ho should not attempt to do so with
eggs from other ytmH In this way bet
tor prices will bo obtained nnd confi
dence retained.Vo can point to parties
who Hell eggs ut (10 ( cents the entire year.
The egirs are no better than seme that
are fold at 20 cents n dozen , bub the par
ties supplied by fhom know that they
will never Incur any risk of having n
Btnlo egg among the lot. These men
sill 40 cents worth of conltdonco with ev
ery dozen eggs , for it is after all , the reliability -
liability of the parties that secures for
them the higher prices.
tt Fcetllnn VOIIIIK 1'lfrrt.
I bollovo that to make the greatest
profit from pigs they must bo pushed and
got into the market at from six to eight
months old , and to do this they must bo
fed for nt least five months on bono and
muscle making food rather than un corn.
The best possible food Is milk , and oven
n small amount of It for each pig mixed
with'tho other food will bo a grout help ,
, dlul bo if thai pig rnleer can
combine dairying wjth pig growing it
will be good for the pigs. Next to milk
IH a slop made from bran , ground outs
and oil meal mixed at .tho rate of ono
bushel of brim to ono bushel of the oats
nnd ono gallon of oil meal , Some shorts
nnd a llttlo corn meal added will not bo
pbjcctlouublo , ami after live or tix
months old I would substitute these for
the oats.
I should prefer that the pigs cbould
run on clover for three mon is nflor
weaning , and if not , give them coino
bulky bucculent food each day , and I find
it an advantage ) to continue this during
the fattening jwrlod. J'orlmpi there is
no cheaper or better food for this pur
pose than sweet corn , fed stalks and all ,
and by planting early and into this may
bo had from the middle of July to ( Yost.
I would keep a barrel of salt in the feed
room and salt all the slops , and I would
always lot slop stand until it softened
and began to slightlv ferment. Tills
will tnKo plat" ) in ten or twelve
hours in summer , but it will ro-
qillro longer in winter , but if your bar
rels are packed outside with sawdust ,
and boiling water is used to raise the
temperature , it will generally ferment
in twenty-four hours. With a 'good
foundation of bono laid , by feeding bran
and oats , you need not bo afraid to feed
heavily with corn during the last three
months of fattcfiing , but if you can get
your pigs to cat freely of pumpkins or
any green succulent food at the same
Urn. . , there will bo less danger of dis
Actual exporiendo is the best teacher
after all. One may plan a thing oVcr so
nicely and yet for some unforseen cause
got into trouble. Wo thought wo know
all about hauling bees to tlio out apiary
on Mill Creek , but caino very near get
ting into difficulty. In hauling bees by
wagon it Is absolutely necessary that
they bo secured so nicely that not a sin-
glo'beo can got out , and at the same time
give them plenty of air. Of course tills
was well known to us , as wo have moved
bees quite frequently , and once got into
serious trouble by the bees getting out
on the road. Tills time wo fastened the
bees in by moans of wire cloth to give
plc'ity of air , and placed au escape board
on the honey board , and securely tied
both bottom and top to the hive
by means of tarred twine. The escape
boards wore now , and each nimlo of
three pieces of one-fourth inch boards.
These had seasoned somewhat since they
were made , and the cracks wore about
one-half largo enough to lot a boo
squeeze out in some of them. This wo
thought an advantage rather than other
wise , as it would afford additional venti
lation. Wo found , however , when wo
reached our Mill Greek apiary with the
first load that ttio hot sunshine had so
dried out the boards that a very few bees
did actually got out. Now had wo had
much further to haul thorn , wo would
have been obliged to have unloaded
th'om , or run the chances of getting into
trouble by getting the horses stung.
Wo moved thorn , twonty-flvo hives at a ,
load , and used a hay rack to draw them
on. The rack was prepared with n level
dock with guards on the outside , so that
no hives could slip off. The time chosen
was during fruit bloom , and as the
combs wew ; quite light did not have a
comb broken down. Wo now have a
very nice little apiary on Mill Creek ,
and tire ready for the harvest. Next
month wo will try and draw a pen pic
ture of this apiary for these notes.
Work of the I3\itrrlinoiit Stations.
Farmers' Bulletin , No.-2 , issued by the
department of agriculture , through the
office of experiment stationsis now ready
for distribution. This bulletin presents
in a brief and practical form some of the
more important results of the work done
at sundry experiment stations. The sub
jects presented in this bulletin are better
cows , the oiTcot of heat and cold on milk ,
silos and silage , alfalfa and field experi
ments with fertilizers. The bulletin is
a handy aixtcon-ixiiro pamphlet , pro-
espccially , as the title indicates , for the
information of the practical farmer , con
densing for his use the results given on
the subjects indicated in bulletins issued
from time to time during the past year
by the various stations where these sub
jects have been the object of special ex
periment work , Application should bo
made to the secretary of agriculture ,
Washington , D. G. A considerable portion
tion of the edition will also bo distributed
through members of congress.
The Animal Parasites of Sliccp.
"The Animal Parasites of Sheep , " by
Dr. Cooper Curtis , is 11 special report of
the bureau of animal industry about to
bo issued by the United States dopurt-
mentof agriculture. It is a volume of
214 pages containing thirty-six plates ,
and gives an interesting description of
all the various species of animal para
sites known to alTcct sheep in this coun
try , with the symptoms of the diseases
which they cause and the methods of
treatment which have been proposed.
The principal subjects covered are ,
"Grub the " " " " "
in Head , "Ticks , "Lice ,
"Scab Insects , " "Tape Worms , "
"Flukes " "Stomach ' ' "
, Worms , "Intes
tinal Worms" and "Lung Worms. "
The illustrations ate a prominent fea
ture of the work , having been drawn and
lithographed with great caro. They
show the parasites in the different
stages of growth , and in the most im
portant diseases they illustrate the con
dition of the affected organs. There are
four colored plates showing the condi
tion of the lungs when tilToctod with the
hair lung worm and the thread luntj
worm. The article on the modular dis
ease of the intestines is also of special
interest , as it is the first information
which has boon given to the public in
regard to the cause of the difeoaso , extensive -
tonsivo investigations of which have
been made by the bureau of animal in
It has boon the aim in the preparation
of this report to make the descriptions
and illustrations so plain that any one
will bo nblo to identify the p ir.isites
which bo may find in his Mocks and
apply tiO ! appropriate treatment for the
prevention and cure of the disease which
they produce.
Ton Mouths1 Foreign Trntlo.
Brtulstrcots : April's foreign tr.ulo showed
a noticeable gain over the total for the llko
period of the preceding year , mid still further
oiilu-Kol ; the porcoatagus of gain already
shown in the figures for the expired portion
of the fiscal year , livery branch of tr.ulo in
Urn month allowed im increase , but that made
in the item of free imports was proportion
ately the greatest , Doing 23.7 per cent.
whereas the gulii la imports as n whole wv.
only II per cent , the train in dutiable imports
being only S.5 nor cent. Exports gained S. 7
per coat , whllo foreign trade us u whole
gained fully 0 per cent. The details of the
Month's tnulo uro as follows :
1MX ) . ' "IhSa.
Krcolmunrti . 27.4UUI3 * 2 > , WO.2
liitliilliilnilrt.s ) . 41,473,8- ) 4'ilW7 : ) (
Tulal tnulo . tiil/JJ7,8l3 : $13-t,007'l73
A Matter of Interest to Travelers.
T ofirlsts , emigrants niul mariners find that
Hosteller's Stomach IHttora Is a medicinal
safeguard ngulnst unlieultliful influences ,
upon which tlioy can implicitly rely , slnco It
prevents the uflecta that un unhealthy ell-
nuito , vitiated atmosphere , unaccustomed or
unwholesome diet , butt water or other condi
tions unfiivorahlo to health , would otherwise
produce. On long voyages , or Journeys by
land la lattltutes adjacent to the equator , it is
especially useful 03 a preventive of the febrllo
complaints and all disorders of the Htomach ,
liver and bowels , which uro apt to attack nn-
lives of the temperate zones sojourning or
traveling in such regions , and Is un excellent
protection against the intlucnco of cxtrcmo
cold , sudden changes of tcinporuturo , expos
ure to dump or extreme futlguo. It not only
prevents Intermittent and remittent fever
niul other diseases of uialirlal type , but erad
icates thorn , a fact which has been notorious
for years past in North and South America ,
Mexico , the \Veat Indies , Australia and
oilier couutrlw ,
Tito Wclorn Iron Markets GrowliiR In
A matter which \\ia \ \ been the source nf
some comment lately is the prominence which
'tho west occupies as u leader in the Iron and
steel markets , Buys the Iron Ago. llelutlvoiy
the oust hus declined In Importance , niul this
is more particularly true of New York. Ono
cause for this decline Is not fir to seek. The
falling off In Imports , through the growth of
our homo Industries , bus shorn the seaboard
cijlea of a trade which oncn win lar c1. Ono
by one the branches which wore Influenced
by foreign markets have cmancip itcd them
selves. The Scotch Iron Importations have
dwindled until only these nro willing to pay
for the metal who cling to tlino-honore.l mix.
turcs , or who huvo not learned or will not
learn how to substitute American Irons.
Once thousands of-tons of foreign Uossemer
pig iron were sold In tidewater markets , Now
only occasional small lots of special iron uro
purchased for American account. Enormous
( lunntltics of steel billets , blooms and slabs
came into Nojr York , Philadelphia nml Haiti-
more. Now sales huvo become so infrequent
thut few Impoitors can quotooff haiiil. The
American rod mills huvo captured the mar
ket for common' wire rods , so that
that business has nlso practically
pone nt least for the present. There Is very
little prospect too , tlut steel rails will flguro
prominently in the Impart lists , unless thu ile-
innnd for them develops in un unexpectedly
extraordinary degree. The only article for
which we still largely depend upon foreign
makers for the greater part of our supplies
nre splcgclciscn and fcrromaiiganesr ! . In both
tlio American production hus very considera
bly increased ( luring the past six months ,
more rapidly probably than the total demand.
But there Is , wo believe , another very po
tent cause for this movement , general in its
character. With the westward movement of
the center of our population and our wealth ,
the consuming markets have moved toward
the Mississippi. It h west of tlio Allegheny
Mountains , nml in the south and southwcs't
in which the greater part of the new develop
ment Is progressing. For new work the re
quirements of iron nail steel are always enor
mously larger than they are for simple re
newals and repairs. Local productive capac
ity has fully kept puce with this development ,
unit In many places has gone ahead of It. The
result has been that the share which once the
eastern mills had in this business hus
dwindled down to small propor-
portions , nnd that nt times the
western works have turned the aggressors ,
Invading the castein markets. As soon as
the demand in the west shows signs of fall
ing off , western mills appear us low sellers in
eastern markets , which recover only when
their competitors Jlhd more remunerative
business at home. The result has been that
the leadership in the markets of the country
lias , been assumed , and seems destined to re
main in the future , with the western centers
of production. This has , of course , been u
mutter of gradual growth. It hus been fore
seen by fur-sighted men. It is no new dis
covery , but it has never been so emphasized
as during the past year.
There is no remedy for It. It Is the result
of natural causes. Wo do not believe that it
is the duo except in an unimportant dcgreeto
a luck of enterprise on the pat t of the trudo
cast of the Allegheny mountains. Wo do not
bcliovo that the temperament of u body of
men in the different sections plays a very im-
portunt part , but no one will question that
there is such u difference. The eastern trade
is mure conservative. 11 is less likely to be
curried away by sudden revulsions of senti
ment a 4uct which , probably duo
to the circumstance that fluctuations in the
demand arc less violent.
A lint Mriiitf' ' a AVirc.
The main telegraph wires in London
run through the subways in which the
gas pipes and sewers arc placed , says the
Boston Herald , Tlio principal arteries
are so largo that it is easy enough for
men to work in them , but the pipes
through which tlio side wires branch olT
are much smaller. Some years ago mon
wore repairing one of these latter , and
carelessly omitting to attach it to a lead
ing line by which it could be drawn to its
plaeo when mended. It was thought
the whole of tlio lateral pipe would
have to bp dug up in order to got at the
broken wire. But one of tlio men sug
gested that a rat should bo procured ,
and with a line niece of wire attached to
it , sent through the pipo. This was
done ; but , to tlio dismay of the work
men , tlio now hand came to a stop after
it had gene a few yards. A ferret was
procured , however , and started on the
dilatory rat's track. There was a mo
ment of suspense before it was settled
whether the rat would show light or
run away ; but this was soon ended by
the paying-out of tlio wironnd in a short
time it appeared tit the other end of the
pipo. It was a long and laborious piece
of work saved.
For 25 years I suffered from bolls , crjfIpdna
end other blood affections , taking during that
time great quantities of different medicines with
out giving mo any pcrccptlblo relief. Frlcnda
Induced ino to try 8. U. 8. It Improved mo from
the ttart , and after taking moral Lotties , re-
ctorcd my health aa far ns I could hope ( or a. ,
my age , which la now eeventy-flvo years.
Mna. 0. II. Lucio , Bowling Green , Ky.
Ticatlae on lilooil nml Skin Diseasesrnnlled free.
SWJIT Sl'JJCinO CO. . Atlanta , Ga.
Till' LAND 0V
* CoToRnvii.LECAu _
Santo L Able j and t Cat : R Cure
\ I
from ilatt of this paper. WMilnR to Introduce our
nod at the same tlmo extend ourbuslncw ami nuke
new customer * , wo have declilcil to mnko tills
special offer. Sciul us a Cabinet ricliire , 1'ho-
- ' - * - * v ' toeraph. Tin Type. Ambrotype , or D.iRiicrotypo ol
yourself or any member of your family , HvltiR or dead , and wo will make youn LIFE SIZE 11 AY OX roilTUAIT riiEi : or t'H Audi : ,
provWed you exhibit It to your friends as a sample of our work , and use your Iniluenco In sccurlne us future orders. 1'laco name and address
on back of picture and It will be returned In perfect order. Wo make any chanRO In picture you wish , not interfering with the llkentss.
Jtefcrtoony banklnSt Louls. Address all malt to PACIFIC PORTRAIT HOUSE , Odd Follows' Building , ST. LOUIS , MO.
3FO ± 3.A.D : 2 3r.3 ± ! jSLID I
From the Eminent Attorney , JOHN 0. MIU.KIt MAnstiAM * Mo , May sotli. 18SO.
1'ACIFIO I'OilTIlAlT HOU8K , 8T , I.OUI3 MO. r Or.NTLKMEN-1 am very much pleased with the portrait which has Just been McelrcU } It
Is much better tlian the ono I Rot from the Chicago outfit. Yours Is a portrait that I can be proud of. JOHN 0. MILLE1U
Waller Bcsant
mar is
Within less than a year three different Judges have
granted Injunctions protecting the Avell-known Yellow
APOLLINARIS LABELS from infringement.
The last defendant used an oval yellow label and a yellow
neck label on Mineral Water , and employed eminent Counsel
who vigorously defended the suit. The Supreme Court ,
when granting the injunction , expressed the opinion that
bottles of other Mineral Water put up with orange coloured
labels may well be mistaken for Apollinaris at a short
distance and without close inspection.
MAljKS'1'AI.VSl.VTHK BAOKD.l \ ( ! ilVI b'KUM SS , ir " . , IN ) l HIH PT ) V , IIILTjIOUSNKi j , KKVKU
NFJMMAT10.V ( Ib'TIIKllOWHI , ' ! , I'M.KS anil nil ilcr.uuonint < of the Intcrnil Vlsc-ora.
HA\VAV'S ! I'lU.Snro.ii-nr.i furUiN eoninl ilnt. They tone up tlio Internil secretions to healthy ac
tion , restore DtreiiKth to ttio titoinarh nnd cnablo It to Perform Its function * .
ITlcoScpor box. Sold byall dn , ,8t , ,
BADWAY & CO. . Now York.
The Omaha Medical and. Surgical institute
For the treatment of all CHHONIO AND SUIUJlPATj DISKASKS. Brazes , Appliances for rt forniltle % ano
Trusses. Uo < t Facilities , Appirntiif and llemudlei for Kiicco sful Iroatment of ovi'ry form of rtHoaia re-
qutrltiR Mvillail or SiMKlanl Treatment. 'l nTlr UOOMS rOK I'ATIKNTM lloanl and nltrnilmico. Heal
AccoiumodutlonB WistVrlto for clrrnlari on Dcfc'inltlei find llruioi. Trua.os , ( Muli 1'cot. Curvature ul
Spine , I'lk'i , Tuniom , ( niuir , Cutirrh , llronililtlH , Inhnlntlon. Klcitrlclty. I'nrnbhln. iillrpiiy. : | Kidney
liludiler , Hje. Kur. Skin nnd lllood.nnd nil Hiiritlaal operations , DISlCASKrt OFVO.MKN n specialty , llnob
of D | C.IM of Womun 1'ri'OVo have lately added a lyliiK-ln ncpirtmenl for Women durlnu Oinllneiucnl
( Strictly I'rlVHtei. Only Uollablo Medlcnl Instlt-ito muklnv n specially of I'HIVATIC niSKASKH ,
All Hlood DlHCiispinucie'ifnlly treatpd. Byphlllllc noHon remorcd from the system nllhnut mercury
New lle torutlvo Treatment for Loss of Vital Toner. I'altlca unable to visit IM m.iy Lo trrnlcd at homo lij
co ro pondenco. All mirations conlldentlal. Mcdlflno or Instrument * sent by mall or eMueis. se
curity packed , no mnrks to Indie ito rontnnt * or sender. Ono i crsonal Intervlow preferred. Call and consul !
n or bend history of your rail1 , and wo will sonil In plnln wrnpper our HOOK TO MK.V FKICH. upon Private
Bieclnloi | Nervous IlHcnse9iImpotcni'y , HyphllU , ( iicctnndarlcoeclu , with iinuatlon list. Addrusi
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 9th and Harney Sis. , Omnha , Neb.
' '
ur. ' < N5S * § > ' Jiffi .
$ < l&
/ > wj
, ffl1//7/J7//f > / . \ KORNI A * S i fill
i m
m ChoicestProduction. : : . iffl
' vo
& roii SAM : IIY
Bros. , ) wholosola
'Co. , ( Liquor Dealers.
Helmrod & Hnnsen ) Grocers and
Henry Pundt , ( Liquor Dealers.
JoTuilc s"Xlnfaiiilol"iasiiopci'riiiiioiis ) Ai'nurl-
can Win us. wlillultennals thu bu-,1. linpoitt'il ulatuls ,
To euro nillousnesn. Sick Itcadacuo. Constlpntloo ,
Ualarln. Liver Complaints , uiko the Bafo
and certain rcruody , SAllTll'S
U60tlioSMAIJfiIXn(40 ( Ilttla beans to f no bottle -
tlo ) . They are the moat convenient : suit
1'rlcoof cither blzo , US ccnU per buttle.
nt 7I7' 70t Photo-imiviiroL
panolGlzootthU iilctuto rorl
ccuui ( coppera or fclaups ) .
j. F. SMrrn A co. .
Makers of "llllo Ueaiw , BU Louis. Mo.
- , „ , - , DISTRICTS , WATER
Correipomleucesolicited. COMPANIEO , fTC.
. , & , Bankers ,
103-103 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
7o state street. BOSTON.
SYPHILIS C'un lie cured In 0 toOO
days by iibu of tlui nmr-
vclous Muulo Itemedv. WXI.CO fur n cnso It will
mitcimi. OAUT1ON to got the Ki'ituliio iimi-
iMly , Write or cull mi II' . .lu&lyn , soia llur-
uuy Street. Oinalm. Nubniskn.
Specimen ! can te lent > lafelr br
mall or jft i Ecad Ivr GtUt * . UAtl >
13O3 Fnrnnm Stroot.
City PaeBOiigor and Ticket Agent
A WHIIonOuarnnloolo
Our euro In ( imminent
Ami nut n imtililnit up
fliicc. lly iKpcrlblntt CHIP
fully wo rim trvnt } < w liy
litatl , niul o pl\e tnopnmo
ttrontr punrnnlco toctiio or
ttfuntl nil money. Tlio o
* l o I rrhi'toi'oinohciofor
tirnttncnt rnn ilono nnil wo
vtll | > iy inllivnj fnrolioth
wit ) i nml licit I lilllt whllo
hero If wvfnll to cure. Vo
ciinllniKO the Win M fora
riuo ( tint our tl.VOlU KKM
KDYwIII not rum. Wlllo
for full purtlculnra nmlpfl
JoumonUiitlnvl , judlytc
Ion , n tlio moit rmlnrnt
phyMtlnm hiupiier * rbun
nblo lo Kltciuoro tlmu trm
| > ornry ii'lUf. In mir lUo
) Cfim' lirnfllco with tll
MACHO IIMIDY : : it imn
licrii mort illlllctilUii < m < r
allrn-cAlliiUl'fiincr. Hut
muter our rtrvnir Kunrnnti o
jourliouM not lu ltato tr
try tlilt * 11 nuily. You
no .rlianco of
„ „ „ , (1 | 1Iotclf , „ ) , „ „ „ „ , , .
an * ; going ntarln around , . , „ , , , , . . | , Of ( 300,000 , It
< ' l. ! Krfntly mfoto nil vlio
\ \ \ \ \ try tlio tti'atimnt. lliTito.
fou < ) oulia > o Inn ] > utlliiK up
nntl paying nut > our mom y lur
ilifTcrent trnitimutu , ami nl-
thoiiKli } ou at o not jctcuieilno
ono lion pitil lmck > oi.rnunto }
lo not WA | O nny 111010 money
until Jon tiyu * . Old tliionV ,
( leevFent | ( il encea cured In SO to
( Oiln > s. Imcdtlitntjour
elnl ptanillnf ? , ouriiiiutiitlon i.p
ImstncFs men. Wilto un for
imnenamlniMrcPpctiof tlioto vc
) im c cm i'il w ho have R | i n JKT
mission to refer to them. K
coi.t joii only jiontnRO to do
till * ; Itwlllfiivejoii nwoilitcif
lulTerlnR from mrntnl utraln. and If > ou are m.iuliil
what riayj our ofh | > riiR ! nulfer thnuiKli jour mitM
uenettlf jour fyiiiptoiutaiof 010 tli runt , miKouspnlili
rs In mouth , i hi umutlMii In boner nml Joint * , hnlr fall
liiBoiit , eiiiiillonionnny | mit of tholimly , ficllnifof
Kilutaldipu'tiitlon , pnlni In head or hemp , 3011 hnut
nolhno tow ust e. The * ) who aic constantly tnMntf mer
cury nnd potash Flioulil dl eontlnuo It. Ciuulant luo
of lit ! i-odiuKX will KUI ily lirliutforealn the end. Don't
f.l.l toullto. .AIIroirntKindriicoMiit feaVd In plnl i
enutopt * . Wo iiiTlto the mo1 1 il ld limftltfntlonnii'l
ulll do all In our pouu * to aid 3011 In It. Aililmn ,
COUlt liiaiai ) l ( > . , Omnlni , .Yrbf < i /i.
For Nervous Debility
and Lost Manhood
A spicily nml pcrnmmwt ruro Tlioimnnds nf case *
cured without n fill line SI and $ . ' tiuxos. l curoi
mill ! ciiBiji. fi curu obitliuiti1 di "t.
13th and Dodge Streets.
Opposltu Hoyil's Opoia lltmM ) .
To AH Cases Talcon During the First
Three Months.
Tlirsp eminent Physicians , Surecmm nnd
Specialists arc pro-cmIm'iitly nhiivo all others
in tlm tiojitmuiit of all Cliioiili' , Nurvous. Skin
anil Blood UKi'HM's , anil diseases peculiar to
\\iiinen. No matter uhat your complaint ,
consult these skillful Mirxcuns. who aieahlu
to ellect euies In many casus that have been
pronounced Iiopelrs- , . All surgical IM | | > IISUS.
tumoihaml tloformltles removed with aston
ishing ii'sults. CJenlto-uilnary stnsery , Mrle-
ture , all illse.isos anil defoimltles of either
sex , all Impediments to manliiKu quickly re-
IIIOMM ! . IM\K \ e\pi'ileiici ) , with iinpaiallcled
siu'i-ess , Is the bust evldeiico of a Doctor's
Ullico Hours n a. in. until 8 p. m. Sunday , 10
to IS Thousands successfully Heated by
coiicspomlcncc. All confidential. Send 4 cents
In stamps to Insure niompl reply.
Tvciy partli'iiliulioiihoki'cpoi wants nice
lliiitMi she must anil will huvo It.
Wo iiru lnnii.urd to scnil sanilo | ) to the
ladles of OiiKihii , fioin whluh tliuy uin : niukii
tliulr Huk'c'tlons.
Wo dual iixolttslvoly In Mucus ami carry
only the I'liolcMiSt Iniixirtatliiiis ( lltrrt ftiiiu
I hu inanitfactiiior. Von stivu the nililillo prollt.
ruii'luiMTs have the lii'iiullt of 111:1. : IAIIII. irv nf
cooils , itnil tint lowest prlcos ronslslDiit with
lilcli iiiallty.Villo | us foi liifiiriiiiitliin.
The 1'lftli AM'iiuo Linen HOM- ,
388 Fifth Avenue , - New York
It can be | tUrn In > * f'Uf * uf rulft * ur l < * r In ur.
tlclr. of faail , without the knowledge ol the rall nl ,
tf neceitary. It U absolutely liarmUM and Kill tflcct
porraauont and apeedy euro , whether the patient !
moderate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. I'l AKt Kl !
KAILS. It operate * ao quloiljr anil with auch cer
tainly that tbo patient uudergoea no tnoonvenlence.
anil era ha la aware , Im coinpleta rcforraalloD la
erlecied. 8 page book of particular * free. Tobehadof
KUIIN & CO. , lt.Ul U Uouglam & IMUft Curulng Mtu.
J-i' Trada aupplled by 1JI.AKE. UUUOi ; H. CO. , anil
lUUUAHIJbOW DUl/U CO. . Umaha.
Near Newport , R. I.
\\riuliiisHili > u J\ini ) UO.
A ilclliihtful tumincr homo for families. Aroplo
Kronmli , ulwurii cool , perfect OralniiKU line ttatur.
Una vluim , bontlnx nuu llnhlntf , Aililr > ' * 9 6IU llrouii
Ht 1'ruTlJenco , U. 1 Afl r Juno W , . Hotel Coinuil-
cut , Newport , U I. O , 1. bluiliT. .Miuiuuor.
tg uif | ! * ( in ! ( * UmUii feuui ilio , lut ;
" im-f ri , Hjeytlw , b frliri itnl OirU' Tr C7
lt. Obt cr Dtbrt kt wLoUtitt rile * * bt
LC. O. adir tfrvm I. U rt < tr'tM.
| lory , 211 W , MkJlMii Kt. . C tc fo. M U
. . . . . .
* < f. 4 L..A
luwp ( r i * w fi * *
Provisions and Stocks.
Basemen ! First National Bank ,
ODJSputh 13th Street , Omnha
National Bank
Capital , - $ /.OOOOO
Surplus , . - 4OOOO
OHcr mid Plrcclori-E. M. Mor * < tm n , (1. M.
Hitchcock , .To i > tili iliiriiMii , Jr. . A. Henry. K. M.
Amlerion , VVIIIInni II. Mnni. vlr < virr9litr-ntt U II.
William * . A. I * . llo | > ln , prrnliti'iitl A. Milliard ,
CMlilen K. II. llryunt , mulMnnt cmlilor.
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Hoots nml HIiocN.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
tgonttfor llonton llubhcr Shoo Co , 1107,110 * andllM
llnrnej Htrcet , Onmlm , Nel ) .
8TOKZ .te ILEU ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 Nirlli Iflh Btnot , Onmlm. Nct > .
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window cnp < nml luetnllcukyllBhta John Kponotcr ,
proprietor. 1UH nnd 110 South lUth ntropt.
ArtlHtN1 Materials.
A. nO3PE , 7r7 ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Doimlnn Street , Onmlm , Noli.
Conl , CoUo , Ktc.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. K. Cor 16th nnd DoiiKlns Strccliii Onmlm , Neb ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
3U South 13th Street. Onmlm , Neb.
Wholesale Cigars.
< 03 N , ICth Htri-ot. "llullol" 1439.
Dry GootlH mill Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
Corner lltli nnd I Inward Stroota.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
GonlJi'Furnlslilniiodil.t : ( Corner lltli nnd llnruo/
Stri'uta , Oninlin , Nob.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Knrntini btroot , Oiunhn , Ncbrnnka.
Furniture ,
Oninlin , I'fUi , , _ .
Wholesale Grocers ,
lath nd LonTCiivTOrtli Strccta , Onmrm , Nobrni > .
luiuilicr , Ktc.
Lumber Etc. Etc.
Wholesale , . , .
Imported and Ainorlcnn I'ortlnnd foment. StaU
naontfor illlwnukeu llvdrnullo Omunt , and
Cjulncjr Wtilto l.lma.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpels nnd pnniuet tloorlnx. Uth nnd Douglu
Slrvou , Ounihn , Nebrnikn.
Lime Cement Etc. Etc.
Lumber , , , . , .
Corner fth nnd Dougltu Streets , Onifthn.
Millinery nml Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
208 , 210 nnd 212 South llth street
' "NOTION co. ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1124 llnrney utreet. Onmlm.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle giounc , etc. , Onmlm A. II , llnhoi ! > , Mniugor.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nice Block of printing , wrapping > n < 1 wrltn ! |
paper. Special ntluiitlon nlvnn to card paper.
HnfeH , Kto.
A. I , . UEANE Ac CO. ,
General AgenU for
Halls' Safes ,
Sal and 323 South 10th St. , Pratt * .
TOJ-H , Kto.
. .l.l.l.- . ! . . . II - - - ! - . 1.1 .1. . . .I I..I . . * .
II. HARDY ft CO. ,
Jotbur of
Toys , Dolls , AlbumSi Fancy Goods ,
Ilouie KiirnlMiIng ( loodn , Clillilrcn'n Cnrrla < i. 1SJI
Karnnm itrcot , Ouiaha , Neb.
Wntcr SuppllcH. _
Steam and Water Supplies ,
r wind -iillli 018 nnd 920 Junei it. , Omaha.
U. K Him , Acting Maimgor.
Iron \VorkH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Knglnen , bran work , general foimilrr , inacliluo unit
blackmnlth work onico and mirks , U. 1 * .
Hy and 17th itreet , Oniahu.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vuulti , Jail work , Iron ( hnttcri and tire cw i > ei.
O. Aiidr enprop'r Cor 14th nnd Jwkiiii HU.
, Dourw , Kt .
Aoismtow u co. ,
Wholuialo manufacturnri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Brunch cnico , I2lhond Unrd itroeti , Omaha , tt A.
Q o ti th Om. EL.
Of South Omaha Limited.
_ , . _ ,
National Bank
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1SOO , - B7.0OO
Ofle rs anil DlrncUirs Ilenrj W. Yttw , preitdint )
L4KH9 Hied , Tlcudratldonti Jamti W Strut : VT ,
f-Morie , Johns. Colllnn II. 0. Cuiblngf J. II. K
r tflok | VY. U. U. IIuvlKi , cmliltr.
Co'nor Uth and Ftrntm Blrotti.
A nenfr l tlapkini Jliuklnf" ! Traninoterl *
A GOODRICH , Luwyrri 121 Denrlmrii Kt"
Clilcugo. .11 yniirn' biiecusHful iiruulloe.
AUvlcufruej uoyubllgHy. bpuuiuttaullltluiil
tuuuy ktutc * .