THE OMAHA DAILY 13JKB , TUESDAY , JUNE 17 , 1800. THE CITY. Bot'n To Mr. tint ! Mrs. Julius Xni/lu , n ilnufrhtur. A ctiBoofiuiilfltary was received yester day at tlio cuntomi > oiiHo from Kriglamkon- ( jlgni'd ' to ColllriH ft Morrison. A Kiifollno cnn WIIH loft on the aitlu- valk at Hlirhluunthiintl Clark streets yea- U'nlaytnorninffiiinilBoino ' curious children throw a lighted match near It. There WIH mi explosion but no damage. Mlko Grojpj'lnH , the plpomtin of No r how company , who was Injured nt the Carter white lead works lire , was on duty yt"ti'rdny * , though slightly fore from the clTect of the bruise hu received , J. II. C'liunpllt , the man who shot the boy near Elkhorn last full , was trans ferred from the city to the county jail yesterday afternoon , where ho will re main until aftorhls trial Is held , Frank Moris oy , the newly appointed ( unitary commissioner , was at the cllj- building yesterday and took charge of tlie a If airs of the oflleo. For the present J. S. J3unnett will bo retained aa a deputy. O.W. Batch tias been appointed super- liitondi-nt of the Tacoma & Lake City railroad and navigation company , with headquarters at Tacoma , Wash. , reportIng - Ing to II. V. Gates , resident engineer , Portland , Ore. It f-ooms from the kick of II. C. Burr , 2301 L'arruim street , that ho and Ms family had been overlooked by the cen sus enumerator , as staled in a certain dally paper , was wholly without cause. A. 1' . Nicholas covered the district in which Mr. Burr and family reside. Ills books show that all the parties Burr and his entire family wore enumerated on June 3. It was reported in the morning papers of yesterday that the linn of A. B. Meyer ft Co. , coal dealers , would rotlifo from business and close their yards iwid olllccs on the 1st prox. This Mr. A. J. Meyer states is an error. A. B. Meyer will retire , owing to ill health , but the business will be continued by A. J. Meyer under the style of A. J. Meyer & Co. There will bo no change in the business except the retirement of A. B. Meyer. Forty Hours' Devotion. The usual services of the "Forty hours' devotion' ' nrobultifr held at St. Agnes church. This evening at eight o'clock the Kuv. Father 1 Koopiniinf , , S. J. , of the church of of the Holy Family , Omaha , will preach a M'rinon Tomorrow evening the Hov. Father Stephen Carroll of St. J'hilomcna's , Otnnlia , will deliver the sermon. Marriage Ij Licenses were Issued to the following tmrtlcs yesterday : Naino anil address. Age. j Charles Scholandcr. Omaha 25 | Anna J. Anderson , Omaha 20 J Myer Kobinson , Omaha 2. > < Bessie Isaacs , Detroit , Mich 11) ) In TroubleAjaln. . W II. Livingstone , the young man who has figured quite extensively in police court of late on account of having made collections and not remitted , was In durance vile again yesterday on the charge of having defrauded tl > t' Casey hotel out of a $12 board bill , which was contracted lust .lanuary. Livingstone admits that he owes the amount and states that he will settle as soon as he can earn the uionoy to cancel the account. Have You mi Idea ? Tnr Urc'h editorial upon Nebraska rcpre- BC'itutlon at the world's fair lias excited con siderable interest. We luivo received a num ber of suggestions as to what the exhibit fchould be , and the opinion has been expressed that it is not too soon for an interchange of Ideas as to the best plan to adopt. This Is un doubtedly the correct view , for the reason that at this early day the state commissioners have been appointed preparatory to getting the work well in hand. Tin : BUB will bo pleased to publish the views of any one In this .state who may have an original idea to present. Y. HI. C. A. Kcocptiori. A members' meeting and reception was he Id at the Young Men's Christian associa tion building last evening. Thuro were in attendance about one hundred and twenty- flvo members. Hcpnrts were presented from the membership , reception and devotional committees and from the acting general sec retary. The reports showed the work of the association to bo in a nourishing condition in all departments. Air. A. Nash , state secre tary of the Young Men's Christian associa tion , was present and inadu a fuw remarks In regard to the state bible school to bo held at Beatrice August ITi-liO. In addition to the transaction of business , a short programme , consisting of recitations nv Miss Hesse Hello Jenne , the talented young reader of Indianapolis , and a violin solo by Dr 1C. II. Green , was rendered. The recita tions by Miss Jenno delighted the audience , and she wns heartily encored. Hlw Deeds nre AVortlilesH. A young Swede who enjoys'tho distinction of being named Charlo. * Anderson was busily engaged yesterday afternoon in a search for Jamgs Johnson and the fool killer , neither cf which ho had found at last accounts , though the latter was hot on his trail. Lust August , while Anderson was walking about the streets of the city with the deed to an eighty aero farm near Waketlcld , this Rtute , In his pocket , ho met another Swede , James Johnson , who asked him if ho had any land ho wanted to trade for city property. Anderson was desirous of becoming the owner of some town lots and in a short tlmo he had exchanged his $1'JOO farm for two lots on Cut-OIT island. In blissful ignorance ho remained Imppv until yesterday , when ho learned that hfs deed to the Cut-Off Island lots was worthless , as Johiiion hud never had any title to the same Last night the police searched for Johnson , but not being uule to obtain any trace o ! him , they regard him as a straw man who was mamifnclurcd for the purpose of carrying out the swindle. AVostopii Art The Western Art association hold a meet ing lust night nt Llningor's gallery. About lUtceii members were present , ninny being absent on nocount of tlie school exhibit. Professor Cllstr.ip rend n. paper on Amer ican art , strongly advocating a national school of art anil urging an clTort upon the part of Amerleaii artists to establish such a bchool He offered resolutions favoring sueh a eourse.vhleli were discussed and adopted. Mrs Brlggs read a paper on "Dry Notes on Art , " in which she treated of nmnv vital topics and toueiied up the critics hidden- tally. Suggestions for thn decoration of the panel ; , were then called for. Mr. Burgcoiso suggested thnt two largo paintings for each BIIU the north side representing "IMiluting" and the south side "Sculpture , " the west 1'iul "Architecture" and the east end "Music. " Air. field suggested dliTerent paintings treating of the elements of art. These were illsi'ussed , but the subject was loft open uutil the next meeting. ' J'Kf.SM.V.II'.ltt.Kilt.ll'llS. . Mr. A.V. . Campbell , the popular and en- tirprMng proprietor of the Hotel Bonnvcn- tuni of Kansiis City , the great family hostelry of that place , is on his Hrst visit to this city and is stopping nt the Barker. Mr A. B. Davenport , chief clerk at the Hotel Barker , has returned after a short Visit to his daughter at Kansas City. Charles U. Carlson , who for tlio past eigh teen months has beenkeeplngthebooksof the Woodman Unseed oil works , has resigned his portion and has returned to his former homo nt , to become a partner in the new linn of Carlson & Son , Hour manufacturem. Mr 1'urlr-oii has formed many warm frlend- ttluiH In church , musical and social circles , und his departure will ho note.l witli nvret Lute Wllcox of the Field nnd Farm , Den ver , was lii the city yesterday en route east. I'AVI.VO imiCK. How tlie Ilonrd of Public AVorks IH AN- uertalnliitf KM Worth. At9 ft. in. sharp the board of public works and Assistant City Engineer Orover , accom panied by several brick manufacturers , pav ing contractors and others Interested In pav ing brick started from the court house for the Union Pacific shops , where the "brick test" was to he made. The brick on trial wns the Diamond , manu factured by the Diamond brick company of Kansas City , Mo. , and represented by W. W. Shcrwln , president ; two samples of Atehlson brick , one manufactured by the Drury brick and tlio company , represented by Norman Barrett , and those manufactured by Bcatty ft Bennlng , represented by C. W. Bennlng ; two samples of the Beatrice sewer pipe com pany , represented by U. W. Washburn. and that of the Beatrice paving and building brick company ; the D.iwson brick , repre sented by Arthur Cooley , and a sample of Omaha brick , manufactured by Joseph Deiss. The tests nro three : Water test , to show the percentage of absorption ; the "tumbling" test , to show the wearing reslstenco , this being done by placing the brick in a revolv ing cylinder with an equal weight of pig iron , the cylinder to be In motion some twenty or thirty minutes to ascertain the comparative chipping olT. The third test was the hydraulic press ure that each brick will stand. The Galesburg brick was the standard. The bricks were weighed after having been soaked in water for thirty-six hours. In de termining the amount of moisture which had been absorbed , eighty points were taken ns re-presenting ono pound. On this basis the Beatty & Bennlng brick of Atchison ab sorbed li-M ) of a pound : the Galesburg - burg brick , ajhO ; Mio Diamond brick of Kansas City , three and one-half eightieths ; the Drury of Atchison , live eightieths ; the Dawson , Iu. , brick , seventeen eightieths ; the Deiss of Omaha and the Dufet of Beatrice each twenty-ono eightieths ; the Beatrice sewer pipe and tile company's brick thirty- four eightieths. The tumbling test resulted ns follows , there being six of each brand of brick put In the cylinder : The Galesburg bricks lost six pounds In tin ; process ; the Beatrice sewer pipe company's bricks , live pounds ; the Duf fel , Dawson and Deiss each four and one-half pounds ; the Drury , four pounds ; the Diamond mend and the Beaty ft Bennlng each ono pound. The test by hvdraulic pressure resulted as follows : The Diamond brick of Kansas City withstood a pressure of ll } ! > , ( )00 ) pounds before Dufet , of Beatrice , IUUO. ! , The following is the olllcial result of the testing to which the board of public works subjected the paving bricks submitted us samples : The board docltlcil to sillou- contractors to use citliur the Diamond , Ucattic & Bcmminn , or the CSalcsburi ; brick. .Mr. Kicrstciui wanted tlio Drury brick ad mitted also , but the rest of the board did not a rcu wltli him. The diamond brick is the best appearing brick in the lot. The edges sire rounded and the bricks are all uniform in size and appear ance. The Omaha brick made by Joseph Deiss was fourth in the pressure test and llftli in the tumbling tost. The ( jalcslmrg brick did not make n very good showng. The company did not send any samples and the bricks were picked up on a street , that was being paved with them. They had laid out in the storm the other night and absorbed considerable moisture. Ati Alisolnto Cure. The ORIGINAL A11IETINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for all sores , burns , woundselwppcd hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively euro all Itinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ARIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at -3 cents per boxby mail 30 cents. CITY HAMj COllNKIl STOXE. It Will lie Ijaid on Next Thursday Afternoon nt - O'olook. The corner stone of the new city hall will bo laid on next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Since the first announcement of this fact n number of people have visited the building prompted by u desire to see the stone itself and mark the place in which it is to bo de posited. It will bo la'd ' at the northeast foundation cornor. Foreman MeNeill will today commence arrangements for the accommodation of the spectators and the otllcers of the day. The stone will bo laid by Grand Master John J. Mercer of the Masonic- order , the grand ledge of which will bo in session at that tlmo. The stouo is now almost ready. It is from Warrensburg , Mo. , of u dark gray color , 4 ' feet 5 inches in length , ! ! feet II 'inches in width and 'J feet ti inches in height. In the middle of the upper service is cut a hole 'JxltixS inches in dimensions. The north face of the block bears the fol lowing inscription : I.ald by tin- GUAM ) I.OIK5K OPNICI1KASKA , A. . Rand A.M. , Juno 111 , A. h. MOO , A. I ) , l&OO. IJ..W..L'HHIST 1IAKT.MAN , liniml Truas. , H.-.W..W. It. IIOWKN , Cirand i-i'i' . , M..WV.J.NO. .1. MIIICIII. : Grand Muster. The stone is still in the yard of A. Schnll & Co. , where the names nro yet to bo carved. It was shown a I5iu : man by Foreman Ileriug of the yard. No other names lire to bo inscribed upon the stone , thus the councllmen who have been thirsting for the distinction must cither select another place or bo deprived of the pleasure of looking upon their names in a public place. The copper box which is to bo laid in the liolt in the surface is now being made by Chris tipecht. Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Or. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuliu & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. T1IH COUNTY' HOARD. They I'ass Upon n Number of IlillH nt Yesterday' * * Session. The county commissioners" held nn ad journed meeting yesterday morning. A communication from J. II. Dumont , vice president of the Nebraska Central railway comp.iny , under date of June 13 , notified the board that his company had , that day , let the contract for the construction of its bridge across the Missouri river at this city and that work upon the same had been begun. Filed. A communication from n publlo meeting held Juno 7 asked the construction of a via duct over tho.Mlssourl I'.iclllc tracks at West Leavenworth street was filed. Several applications for minor positions at the now hospital and requests for charity were referred. A communication iVom the National Hunk of Commerce said that they claimed all money duo Ryan it Walsh from the county under an assignment was tiled. 1'eter Sharkey tendered his ivslitnatlon ns constable In the Fourth ward , and J. C. 1'ent- zel asked for the place , lloth communica tions were referred , A grist of vouchers for small rotlno ex penses was referred. The claims of the assessors who have Just completed their work , aggregating fs,6st.a5 , wore referred to the committee on finances. The report of T. A. Megeath , register of deeds , for the tlrst quarter , was received and referred. Jt slewed receipts , & .AU1 * 5 ; ex pcmhture * , f' .U15.1'J ; bniance , J ) fto ? 60. Ullls of wc-hjbcrlff Coburn for mileage ami service ou lusmiu account , uiuounuut ; U > fj,0.'i" .V > , were allowed , ns were govern ! small ones for various other pnrllr * . Appropriation sheet No. or of the general funil. calling for I7JUIX ) , was passed. A resolution by Mr. Ucrlln , chairman of the committee on finance , Instructing the county dork , with the aid of the county au ditor , as early as practicable , to make a com plete list of all county taxes cancelled , re bated or otherwise uncollcetablo ; also , addi tional taxes from the ytwr 18.VJ to lb.Vt , showIng - Ing the amounts on personality , lots and lands , separately for each year , and that they be allowed any necessary help for such pur pose , WiW piWSItl. The board adjourned to 1:30 : , when they met as n board of equalization to hear com plaints. _ _ _ For TS'orvoiiH ICxhaiiNtlon Use Hereford's Arid Phosphate. Dr. II. C. McCoy , Algona , la , , says : "I have used it In cases of dyspopHla.norvoits ex haustion and weaknessjwlth pleasant results. Also think it of great service In depressed condition of the system resulting from biliary derangement. " THIS HHAHSIIiYW FUND. Additional Ite.s ] > onCH to tlio Appeal 1-Voiii tlio Tornado SufTcrerH. Tun BII : : invokes prompt and liberal aid from every man and woman whoso heart throbs in sympathy with the stricken people of IJradshaw. Remittances In any amount sent to this oflleo will bo acknowledged through our col umns from day to day. The subscriptions so far recelued by TUB Bci : are as follows ; Previously reported ? .1in. ( i Mrs. II. li. Himiott Mil ) J. H. KuonyOnmha fi.dO Total .15J.OG 'Jlie Itctiellt Concert. The plans for the concert to bo given at Boyd's opera house next Thursday evening under the auspice ; , of the "T. 1C. " quartette for the benellt of the Hrndshaw sufferers are nearly complete , nnd an excellent entertain ment is assured. The Musical Union orches tra and brass band , numbering twenty-Hvo pieces , will furnish three line numbers. Mr. Martin Calm and Miss Henderson will bo the accompanist * . The Apollo club will fur nish two numbers. All's. J.V. . Cotton nnd Walter Wilklns have coasented to sing solos. The Siltorius mandolin club will play two numbers. The proceeds will bo forwarded to the reilof committee ns soon as the tickets can be sold. The expenses are to bo met by donation entirely. KxprcHM Keller. C. S. Potter , agent for the Wells-Fnrgo ex press company , says Unit his company will cheerfully forward to Uradshaw , free , all goods for personal use which are urgently de manded by the sufferers at that place. The Pacific express company announces that its lines will forward to York , ten miles from Bradshaw. goods intended for the relief of sufferers at that place. STUIH3XTS' AUT. It Was Displayed to the Public in the Iteo Huildini ; Ijast Nl lit. The school exhibit opened yesterday morn ing , although the rooms had not.been entirely put In order. Miss ivato Ball , the instructress in art , was ill Saturday and unable to attend to the arrangement of the different displaysbut she has recovered and under her energetic man agement the rooms were in perfect order tt nignt. This exhibition is five and it is hoped that everyone in Omaha who is interested in the public schools will visit the rooms , which are situated on the office lloor of Tin : Bii : : build ing , entrance to them being across the court and up the broad stairs on the north side of the structure. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free tit Ku'hii & Co.'s , 1'jth and Douglas. _ > i _ _ _ W Fire and Police Commission. The mayor and all of the members were present at the meeting of the 'flro and police commission last night , and the first business was the consideration of Dr. Rnmnciottl's bill of $ lt.20. ! The doctor eared for a horse belonging to Mounted Olllccr Haze , which wns shot while the ofllcor was in pursuit of a burglar. The bill was considered and re ferred back , with the request that it be item- i/ed. ied.Chief Chief Scnvcy asked for six copies of the city directory , that ho might exchange them for the directories of other cities. The re quest was referred to the committee on prop erty.Tho The chief nlso asked that his detective force be increased , by the addition of six new men , four of whom two to go on duty July 1 , if appointed. Tlio matter wns referred to the committee on men and discipline. Ofllcer Ronbins was given a leave of ab sence of live days. A communication stating that the seven new lire alarm boxes were on the road and would bo in place by tholirst of July was re ceived and placed on lllo. The resolution from the city council to the effect that ? . " > ( ) nor month had been appropri ated for detective services was placed on lllo. The resolution proUdos that no portion of this amount shall bo used for ascertaining whether or not liquor is being sold on Sunday by the saloon keepers. The bids for bunding- the hose wagon were opened. They wore as follows : W. R. Drilmmond & Co. , $125 ; A. J. Simpson , $500 : E. B. Meadimber , > 00. On motion the bill of Drummond & Co. was accepted and the committee on property au thorized to enter into a contract with them , subject to its approval by the mayor and the city council. William Hogan was granted permission to remove his saloon from 'JU South Twelfth street to the southeast corner of Fourteenth and He ward streets. L. M. Rtieem , representing the American district telegraph company , appeared before the commission , asking that his company bo allowed to put in and operate a night watch signal and automatic lire and burglar alarm service. The matter was discussed nnd its consideration deferred until the next meet- Ing. Itsunpcrloroxrollonco proven in inllli n < "f homo * foriiuiru limn iniuiirlur if u cuntiiry It IH uiioU of thi ) I'nllfd Htinuj tlorvrninunt. Hndorsi'il by the iK'adiof lint uro'it iiiilvc'rslllus. im tlio HtromiO t. I'lirimtniiilMiutllunltlifnl. Dr. I'rlco'n freain HaK- IIIK 1'oiviitr , lines not contain ammonia , llmo or aluni. bold only In ruin. 1'UU'K llAvlNC | I'OWDKH CO. , New Vork Chlciu'o. S.u > Kninclscu. KUUmH A 'N 'OOBIJ ) ) JBd H , 19 CE ' < > ! > ! JIO 1IO.I M tl 3411 . lUi IIIITIII Mjij | | xt ii | mil JV.MI oi | ) kii III.HH ini.iuiiiiii.M4 i [ uio.'iiiJiiiii ouumup ni 3'iii | | -.Ciniiui | J.IV.MI i kw.iiuiiotJoti pun ijiiiuiii < IlliI MCI uq IV U | 1.11114111111 .IAJII UV3 I'l.L 'p'X'J oiinik.iiii lit Xiiuni | | > aodoJil U uUimktl | | | iu i .i 'ni.i oj auiioil oil uf , jo Save Your Hair BY a tlinoly niool Aycr's Hnlr Vigor. This preparation lias no equal ns n dressing. It keept the scalp clean , cool , and healthy , and. preserves the color , fullness , and bounty of the hair. "I was rapidly bocomlnji bald and crny j but after .using two or thrco bottles of Ayet' * Hair Vigor my hair grow thick and glossy nnd the original color was restored. " Melvlu Aldrich , Canaan Centre , Nc II. " Seine time ruro-1 lost all my hair In consdpionco ou uioanlcft. After duo waiting , no now growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair gtuw Thick and Strong. It has apparently coino to stay. The Vigor IH evidently n orcat aid to naturo. " J. II. Williams , Florosvlllo , Toxas. "I have used Ayor's Hair Vigor for the past four or 11 vo years nnd find it a. most .satisfactory dressing for the hair. It U all I could desire , being harmless , causing the hair to retain Its natural color , and requiring but n small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange. " Mrs. M. A. Halley , U Charles street , Havcrhill , Mass. " I have been uslnp Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years , and bollovo that It has caused my hair to retain its natural color. " Mrs. H. J. King , Denier In Dry Goods , &c. , Blshopvillo , Mil. Ayer's ' Hair Vigor , Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Moss. Bold by Urufjglitaaud IVrfumori. CALIFORNIA TUP LAND OF DISCOVERIES. 0-5 r-Soid CcrcuIap.4lHrUttlt.3frr9.g- l/JflimNEMEfrCnVOflflVlLLECALj / Santa : Abie t'aijd : Cat : R i Cure Forsulo by Goodman Drug Co , I took Cold , I took Sick , I TOOK RESULT : I take My Meals , I take My Rest , AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANDS ON ; 4iit < < > , FOR Scoll's inulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphitesof Limcand SOfJa NOT ONLY CURI'.O MY Illfip- i ( . nt Goiisiiinptioii HUT IIUILT 5 ME UP , AND IS NOW I'UITINB FLESH ON MY BONES AT THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. I TAKi : If JUST AS EASILY AS I DO MILK. " SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHISO NEW. SCOTT'S EMULSION is DOING WONDERS i DAILY. TAKE NO OTHER. HE. J. E , McftEEW , THE SPECIALIST. The Doctor Is uneurpnsBcd In the treatment of all forms of Private Discuses. No treatment line ever been more Biiccci-Bf ill und none has ( mil stronger endorse ment A enrols ( uardntriii in the \rry worst cnces In from 3 to 5 day without the Iocs of nn hoiir'b time. - - ' - Tlion ) who hi o been under Ins treatment for Stru'liircorflimciiliy In relieving the bladder. jironomn'O it n inout u-omler- fill succeed. Acoiftplotuciiroui n few dnjgtlihout luiln. Inolriimeuta or lt > i ) ( tiuio. - - - - - - Ami nil xvrfik- wea of the timidity or nfrvourncn. In tlu-ir worst forma und mo t tfrcudf il rcsiilla are absolutely cured. - - Ami all I'UMAL-E DIHRASns cured nt homo without Instruments , A wonderful windy. HOUKS for Imhea from S to 4 OXMT. . . , , imulall Din'asesof thcbkln , Hlood , lli'iirt. l.lvtT , Kid- ni' > nnil Illndder cured. tiiiriiliii 30 to CO ilayH. The iiiottruinil , Fafo nnil rfTcct- lie tnniment known to the medical profess Ion. JJvcrv Inn oof thu dltente re- from the blood : ncompii'te cure guaranteed , I'or wroan" or "uoinau , each lOc ( etamjiu ) . Trratmciit hy corre- Hiiondi'iico Slump for reply. N B ' 'on MTII AND KAHNAII ST. 0iri | Inim H A. .M. to U I' . M. Kulruii'1'1 ' < " ' F'irnam or Ulllbt. , OMAHA. NEQ. ArTeeU dlacharRoa from the urinary organ * la ulther ccx in 43 hours. U 1) euporlor to Copaiba , Cubcb , or liijoe- tloni , ami frco from all tad tmcll or oiljor Inconvenience * , Ciptulti , vMchUar the namt In tl ' ll ri wlihoul ! il < h non arl cinuiii' . I f T 7 * TT T S MI'Y milTfrma frum I'fTVrti \hl \ ] / ' l\ I/ " ' " ' " ' ' " ' Muiili. . . . . . ! , W jVrVr\ . Y.'utiif ui ! ' " . ' I nip.-u i.'y 11 ui n v , . , , , ( lm , Ills , „ , Ml1 l.llll Oe cureil pcrmanunilj aii'l ' i vuic i > u. t-xual > m cltlc Henl ty n'iu ! r t Ik . > ! " > ' .r klHIIIP llcnr'-'l MtJll-Ui IVWI'UIIJ . . . . U .lUi-'llit JU ttrvvt , Uvilou Musi nrv WARM Is slow but its coming sure. We are prepared for it , we have made last S week the heaviest purchase of summer clothing ever made by any retail - tail clothing house. Owing to the backward season manufacturers are overstocked , and we have closed a deal for a very large stock at prices far below the cost of manufacturing. We mean to sell the goods with out any profit , just for the sake of making a big advertisement with them , as we find this the most effective way of advertising. Our custo mers will remember how we monopolized in former seasons the trade in summer clothing. W < 3 mean to do the same this year , and if it is pos sible to givegreater values wevill do so. We have prepared for a greater rush more than half of our second floor is filled with summer coals and vesls. If you will look at our stock you \vill think we have enough of them to supply every man in this state , and such a variety has never -X been seen in any retail clothing house in this country. The season \vill be short and we intend to make short work with the goods. "We pre dict that this will be the most sensational sale in this city. SUMMER NECKWEAR. In connection -with this coat and vest sale we commence to-day our annual sale of Summer Neckwear. Our patrons need not be told what this means. Thousands of dozens will be distributed at mere nominal prices. We say "dozens" purposely because the most of our Summer Ties are sold by the dozen for the same price as other houses charge you for one or two single ties of same quality. For instance , the Pique Tecks , which you see in our window marked 25c a dozen , can not be bought elsewhere lor less than 12 G or We apiece. They come in hand some new patterns and latest shapes. Other Summer Ties and Scarfs in proportion. We keep them in the finest grades. One of the prettiest novelties in summer neckwear this season is the new Ring Scarf , made of Washable material. This is the very latest. We have a large variety in handsome shades and patterns , guaranteed to stand washing. Our' ( price for these is 35c each other houses charge 7Sc for them. Our assortment of men's low shoes is the largest in the citv. What yon can't find in our slock fo not worth looking for , and our prices arc by far the lowest. We sell you a good Oxford tie shoe with solid leather sole and counter , made neat and shapely , for Si. 15. You could not buy the same shoe elsewhere for less than $1.75. Russet low shoes , of a good quality which will stand service at $1/H > , worth $2 ; and excellent Dongola southern tics.honest . st k and well $1.90worth fully $2.50.Very fine calf Oxford and southern ties , very flexible and easy shoes , at $2.15 and $2.25. Shoe stores would charge at icast $3 for such qualities. We can save you considerable money on your footwear. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. SUMMER CLOTHING Is Now in Order. A choice assortment of light coats and vests may be found upon our counters , with all rcqusite articles of com fort and good taste , pertaining to Men's Furnishings. No gentlemen's wardrobe com plete or safe without one of our elegant Umbrellas , GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. f tins , by - labvlt-tl ihui ; 111 half piiuixl giui-pri . | , 'C LMlllv : . . ( ' ( I . Uoiiiipciiiillilf-l'lipriilht. . . , , . , , , Ut ) LI 1 O U vU. , I , ! ! ! Kii luuU. MAX MEYER & BRO. \ Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND FAKNAM STREETS , - OMAHA , NED. We invite particular attention to our large variety of Arti cles appropriate for Wedding Presents at POPULAR PRICES. Solid Sterling Silverware , single pieces or in sets , combinations , to. , from $2 up to $500. Fine Quadruple Silver-plated Ware , in now and elegant , designs , embracing about everything known to the trade in both Hat and hollow ware , so low in Price that we dare not name the llsurej. belli ; ; only about HALF OUU FOHM- EH PRICES. Lamps , Toilet Sot ? , Candelabra , Bronze Ornaments , Mirrors , besides the largest assortment of Clocks to be found west of Chicago , from $1 up to $200. Handsome Mantel Clocks at $ > , $7.00 , $10 , $16 , etc. , with half-hour btriku attachment , cathedral gonjjs , &c. Diamonds , Watches , and Rich Gold Jew elry at Greatly Reduced Prices. Miring al Lowest Rates anil All Work Fully Warranted. Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Mannccment of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take plnco In publlo at the CITV OK JUAKEK ( formerly I'aso del Norte ) , Moxloo WEDNESDAY , JUNE 25th , 1S9O. Dndor the personal supcrvlsfonol GEN. JOHN S. MOSHY , nnd Mil. OAMIU ) AUflbKU < B3 , thu former nKi'ntluiiian of such promlmmco In the United Status that hN presence aloiio I * sulllolt'iit Kiinrantrfi to the pulille that the drawing will l > o huhl with slrlut honesty and 'iilr- iivhHtotill , and the lattur ( the Supervisor of the Muxlcun Uovornmuu1 , ) U of uijuul standing und lutugrlty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $ GOOOO. Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO TicketsJ WHOLE TICKETS. K HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS. . $1. LIST OF 1 Prize of $60,000 $60,000 . Approximation Prlzoi. , , 100 I'rliei of I M imcli . i . 'rlioof IO.UIKJ li > J I'rliHi f W ) ciii'li . 1 I'riioi f 6.1m ) 6.IMI 1UJ 1'rltui of 25 finch . . . H 1'rlivi.of c-Bch Tnrmlnal Prlzos. 1U I'rlies of .1X1 catli . S. " MOTrnnlnali to W > . < * > ITUu of fit oncli . Ill 380 ( / ) 1'rlioHOf 1UI until . t.UO WJ Tvruilnnli lu tlll.WJ I'tUo of I1U onoli . V/JU 1X ( > I'rliciof K cucli . I.M9 aa - - U ) uuch . " , ' " > 10U Prlzos amounting to $1SJU7U Wo tlie umlenlBneil hereby corllff thnt the Banco If nny ticket ( IrnwInijniirUo Is ent to th . ' Nnrlonnl of Moxlco In Chihuahua hni on iliipailt iilKiieil , lit fncn vuliio will bo colk-ctod nnil rumi.MM frumthu Mexican Inlernntloiml lliinklnK C'oni | > nnr. to the owner thorunf free of chnruo. lhi > ru'cusinry funiti lo uuiirnntco the imyuiunt of ull KIHIAII II. iniosHOM' , Hie | > rl > u itrnwn In thofimnil Ixitlrry of Jiiiirm. 1'reslUcnt HI I'nio Natlonul Itinfc , ll ! I'mo. TV * . We further cor llfy thnt wo lll ii | > er l"oiilllhoar- ACllSNTa WANTHD. rantocm'nts , und In pursuit immune niul control ull Vor Hub r > t i , or nny ollmr InfonniUlon , wrii" to IhfjilrttvlnKi of Hilt Ix/tli'ry , nnil Hint HJU x.'imt ) nro Iho iinilvmlKimil. sliitlnK your Hiiilro cloinjr. * ua cumlui'tvcl with honesty , fnlrnota unil In gooU faith Jlnlt ! . Counly. Hlrcot im 1 Nuinliur. M"ro rupbl " tuwnnln nil inirtloa. ( lullvery will bo usiureil by your unclutliu an ui JO1JK a. MOBHV , f'filiiiillhsloncr. olio liuitrlnu your full nitdru i. . , , ( 'AMU.O AlKIUKI.I.KS , MK.XIOA.N INTKIINATKINAI , IIANKIMI t „ tuM'rvlbur | fur the liuvcrnmunt. City of Juuru/ , - TP.TV fiPnil romlttiiiiPOHfor tleknls by onllimry Inttcir , roiitiilnliiK Moiji'y < > rl"r. 1 v-/1-'t ' Ishiii'd by nil ICvprfss Compunlus , Nuw Vork Kxehangu , llauK Drafter I " i-u Noto. Aililri'ss ull ri'Klbturud letters to MbixiOA.N JNTLURNATIONA.LX BANKING oo. , OlLtj orJuarox. , Moxloo , via hU IJaao. Tux.