Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No mlvcrtlsrniciit * will l > c tnkcn for
OICHO coluninH nflcr 121.10 j > . in.
Terms Cnnli In nclvnnco.
Advertisement- , under tlilfi heart 10 cents per
line /or tlio first Insertion , 7cenM foroach * ub-
pmtcnt Inaortloti , nnd 11.60 pprlhin permonth.
No advertisement * tnkcn for Ir-sthao23ci > nt
for first Inftortlon. Tlioy must run consecu
tively nntl mint be pnlil In ADVANCE. All
ndrert Ruinonta must bo banded In before J2.TO :
o'clock p.m. , and under no'-lreumstnnces vrlll
they bo tnkpn or dl-cuntlniied by tcloplione.
Pnrllcs ndvnrttMnj- tho-o column * nnd
having thnlr answers addressed In euro of THE
HEE will pldisonsk for acheek tocnnblo them
to got their letters , an nnno will bo delivered
except on presentation of cheek. All unswer )
to nrlrertlsmncnt * Miould bo eneloied In PIIVO-
Tn'ndvprtlmenlK In those column ! arc
publlnhcd In both morning nnd even ng edi
tions nf TUB HIK. the circulation of which HR-
Krogntosmoro thnn SI.COO papers dally , nnd
elves tlio advertisers ttin bonnflt , not only of
the city circulation of Tiif. Bur , but olio of
Council muffs , Lincoln and other cities nnd
towns throughout this section of the country.
Artverllslnir for thnsn rolumns will bn taken
on the nbore conditions , nt the following bui-
HPS < I I oiMcswhoaro authorized to take special
notice ! ) , nt the snniu rates as can bo had at the
tr.aln olllco.
8"of Twenty-sixth nnd'N streets , Nebraska
ffnvlngH bank building.
JOHN W.HELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
OHASK 4 EDDY , Stationers and Printers ,
113. South ICth street.
SH. PARNSWORTH. Phamaolat , 2114 ,
Cumlngntrrot ,
J. HUOHES , Pharmacist , C24 North
ir.tli street.
/ 1KO. W I' AMI , Pharmacist , 1718 I.caron-
Vt worth Street.
rs1 1'IIAUMAOY. 2lth. nnd Fnrnam
"I JOS1TION In private family by experienced
Jvountrmnn. . Will furnish good reference.
Adificss II. I ) . , lice. BlJ-14 *
\S7"ANTni-Hltimtlon br reliable young
VV man Address II 2 , lice. 1M 14 *
i ! > OSITlON wantcdbyeompetentboiVikepper ,
JL ton years' experience. Address H 15 lice.
2SI-W *
JT.D A rosponslblo boy ut Stimuul
Mot/'h , 1517JJ I'ainam st. 2til 14
"V\ ANTED An engineer , young mun not
TT afraid of work. KumtlerHteum Lunmlry ,
1512 Hownrdsl. 221 11 *
"AArANTED llrst-oluss ( oh blacksmith ut
V > Hlalr. Nub. Addiuss N. Hump. 183 It
WANTED Active young man to mnnugo
olllco til Lincoln : sul'iiy iKX ! ) pur jour ;
must fiiinlsli best inferences und tlW ) cash
capital. Room 20 chamber of commcice build
ing yrj-lt *
L'ANTED Harbor for H-ituidny and Sun
day. Wagus $5. M)4 ) South Tenth.
211-11 *
8MART salesman wanted for Nebraska ; $150
pet month to a hustler ; wholesulu only :
wo mean It Eni'lo o stamp. Huslness. 707
Opoi.i bouse , Chicago. 2 2-llj *
TAT A NT ED An uetlve man for each soot ion
TT silmy * 73 to JIOO , to locally lopiuscnt u
successful N. Y. company. Incorporated , lo
supply diy goods , clothing , shoes , jewoliy.
dr. . to eoimnmeis ut cost. Also a lady of
tact , s.ilaiy IN ) , to onioll members ( SO.OOO now
eniolled. Jino.OOO paid In. ) Rofeiences o\-
clmnged Emplio Co-Operntlvo ussoolut
credit well ruled ) lock bov 010. N. V.
\VANrED-Sulosmen on salary or commls-
T i shin to handle thu new iiatcnt chemical
Ink ei.islng pencil. The greatest selling iiov-
olty OMU puiducod. Erase Ink Ihorouglily In
two seconds , no ubiaslon of paper , 200toCOO
pel cent piollt. Ono ugent's sales amounted
to fi/'O In sl\ days ; another $ . ! 2 In two houis.
Wo want one energullo geneial agent for each
Htutound toiiltoiv. Sample by mall 35 cents.
KOI lei ins and full pai tli-ulars addioss , The
Momoo Eraser Sl'f'g. Co. , Lu Crosse , WIs.
255-17 *
\ \ ' ANTED Man In pleasant business , ox-
> ] ieiienco unnecessarymust loan employer
8150 Inoo. . Kraistain suuuilty , good wages.
Addri.s 11 13. The lice. _ 23I-1I > *
\\T ANTED 0 good canvassers , salarv nnd
TT com. paid ; refeienco required ; 1718 St.
/'sine. 201-17 *
WANTED A man and wlfo without child-
i en , wife must bo a good cook und man to
11ioioii''lilv undoisliind fuim woik und horses-
Add loss li 67 , Heo olllco 121 17
TAT A NTEfT Oood bread bnkcr at thoStnr
b.iUoiy , Thlitcuiith nnd Vine streets ,
LI in-ilii. Nub. 214-10
"l\"ANTED , Suonu tvilntcis. None but llrst
T T class nerd applv. I'or Information ud-
diess It Cailelon , Hcd Oak , lowu. 21'- ' 0
Q'l'ONr.MAbONS wanted nt Norfolk and
k.J'Heatrico. ' Good wuges paid. M , T. Murphy ,
. 118
A HOY' ' ( Irand expense-nmUcrforcanvassers
EMjrybody buysiW.ll.l'rlce.DavIdClty.Nob
" \ TTrANTKI ) Mim to travel for our Canadian
TT nuiseilcs. htonc&WcllingtonMadlMin.Wls
AOENTS--JW ) outllt on IH days' time. S1W.OO
piollt In I weel.s or no nay. Add , , with
btump ; Jur\U& Company , Kaulno , WIs.
WANTED- mun for rallioad woik In
Wjomlng , Dakota. I Hah and Nevada ;
wagesfl7ri to fc'.W ) ; steady work. Albright's
Labor Agency , ll'JU st. SMJyt
"V/\rAN / TED Salesmen ut t7. > per month sal-
my and expenses to sull a line ot slher-
jilaled'wuie , watches , uul l > y kuniplo only ;
lioiso nnd tonm fninl-jhed fieo , wrltg ut oncu
foi full particulars and sample easuof goods
fiee. M.indaid blherwaiu Co. , Honton , Slass.
\\T ANTED Energetle men and women for a
TT irenteol business pay Ing Wl weekly profit
easlei than ) monthly otherwise ; exnetloncu
linneei'ssary ; peimanent position and exelu-
M\i > ten llory assured ; llsunples fi-oo ; Inves
tigate our mouey-muklng nusiness . Addiess
with slump. Murrlll Munufucturlng Co , H 53 ,
Chicago. 111.
RANTEDDro.ssmakeis ; also 1 upprentlcu
T iltl ; at Miss Mlnnlck's , 1724 Leiuenwoith.
10 *
A l.adj agents ean maLe M to # " > u day ut
uV. homo set I Ing tin ml Iclu of tiuu meritto
ladles. Send two stamps , 4 cents , to pav iiost-
ngu for fine sample. Sfnyllower Medical Com-
panj , 85 East Luke stieet , Chicago , 2011-14 *
\ \ - ANTEDOoifd girl for seneialhousewlirk ,
713 N.ildst. 157 U *
AUANTED-Nuisu girl , 1130 S. 20th. Hofur-
T eneeieiiulred. ttS
" \\7ANTED-A nuisu glil at 4Us N ZM st.
T T 227-10
- "V\rANTr.D 2 servant glrN. Apply 004 S.27th.
JTT Dr ColVman. SB
\\7ANTr.D-airl forgenerul housuwork , two
T T In family 1113 b 10th st. 11)1 )
\ \ rANTEDCompetent girl for second work ;
also llrnt-cluss kitchen girl. Cull ut 412
Now YoiU Llfu hnlldlng at r > p. m. 201 10
TVrANTn goon second glil. Mrs. M. T.
T T Putrluk , n. w. cor. 21th und La Ifti
\\7ANTED Girl for geni rui lunisuuink nt
T > el. Harnabas' n'otoij.W ) North luih.
_ Ul 7 _
\\rA"NTni-E7iergetle ) liidy to truvof.tu.icher
TT pivfuireil No oniiMisslng. Saluiy fso
jiur monlli Call ul room .M , Chamber iiY Coiu-
iiiurva. 2SO-1G *
.v.i LiMi-'lst und 2d girls In prlvnto fami
ly I host of wages paid. 721 s loth St. , cor
net ot l.ea\uuworlh si Mrs. J. L. Hrunduls.
r i
Inroo o\iorlonccd | uining room
llarler hotul. 30d
NXN7'EDTwo good gills. 1J2 Capitol nvo.
fits. It 0 Hansome. 014 S. Iflth. fushlonnblo
K. Hulluy system tuught.
, . . _ „ .o do u russ iniikihg In fanif-
Ik's sollvtted. Miss bturdy , Ki5 b' . 25th avo.
JM-J2I *
"IAREhbMAMNO-212 North 17td. Satlsfue-
A-'tion isuuruntL'iHl , 1UJ It *
"i\FXIlA MoHliiuU' Iressmukliia pur'ors it3
--Capltolu\o. . luioiiud tuuchtha t'roicli
tailor . *
REST A nlco deslrTblo 5-roonre7I
M. . located ut $10 S , I'JtU at 1W II *
-10 ROOM homo. Hont WD , FitrnltunMHOO
Jl t cash , Cost * JWO. Co-op , L. A L. I'o. ,
80S N. Ifttli Rt reel ' "M-W
rpEN'-rmim hoii-o within u stone's throw of
J c-ourl IIDII-O , full of iKinrdcrs und roomers :
board Ml Jurymen ; n bargain nt { MKI. Also 4-
rHtn IIOIIM- , rent $ ! . * > ; furniture , )2.V ) ; or will
rent ftirnl'hed. Co-Oporatlvu Land ft Lot Co. .
205 N. Hltli t 211 M
FOH ItHNT A nicely fnrnlihed liouw In
Koilnt/p I'liu'o to parties without children
nnd wising to board man mrl wife. Eminlru
2lir > Everett avenue. 273-17 *
T7IOK RENT-Hotol 31th & . Hroadway Council
JL1 Illtillfl. 148-11 *
TOOK RENT for the Hummer-Well furnished
JL Buvon-room housewit Iipl.ino.l5 per month.
Locution desirable. Refetence rcquliod. Eu-
quiltNethurton Hull , 22t S. 15th si. , Sd lloor.
O NEW houses , oiutfl and ono fi rooms. In-
ijiilre of John L. 11111 , cor. llth and Ylnton.
557-17 *
"T7UIHNISI1ED housn. 10 rooms ; modern con-
JL1eiilenees. . Cush or man and wife will
Ixmrd with parties for lent. Address II 12 HOB
oiiicu. aa-iii *
T5.ISOOM llrstclass boarding house ; ronl500 ,
I Income pi 000 ; this Is thu only line fumlly
hotel In the city. Cull nnd ImestUale. Co-
oporutlvo Lund nnd Lot Co. . 205 N. Kith sL
211 111
1I1KOO1I Hat near bnttluof netlvsburg. rent
J M5 ; full of loomers ; fuinltiiru WOO : f"5 cash ,
bulanco monthly. 12 room Hat , now , J70 ; fur *
nlturocostilCTi ; been used I month , Party goIng -
Ing nway und will sell for J0)0 ( ) ; ensy toims.
Co-nperutlve Lund & Lot Co. , 20i N. 10th. 211 10
J710U UKNT-Uesldences liTull partsTif elty"
1. List too large to publish , Ulobu Linn &
Trust company. iQ7 ) S. liith st. _ 571
TTIOH KENT At nioderuto rent , the thrce-
JC story nml bii'pment brick building -Hunted
at No. JIIO Douglas sited , suitable for inunu-
faeturlng , wholesale or wuiehouse purpoius ,
nlsiiiine store und basement No. 107 S. llth st.
Apply to t has. Kaufinaiiii , 1'Wl Douglas st.
FOR KENT About Juno 1 , those clegnnt
stone icsldences on Georgia nvu , , S.20lh st.
bet. Mason and Paellle sts See owner for long
tlmo lease. H. II. Henderson , loom 400. Paxton -
ton blk. ! > 7J
MODEIIN house , nine rooms , bnth. hot nnd
cold water , fiiinueo and gas , on Doogust. ,
tlO per month. 1'icd J. llorthwlck , 2I3S Uth.
_ _
FOH KENT 2 line piesscd brick houses , east
fronts on Oeorgln nvo. , Just north of l.cav-
cnwoith bt , 0 rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections nil conveniences ; will rent to ro-
Hiionslhlu purtle.s for $50. M. A. Upton Co. ,
liilh and r.'iriiiiiii. 710
"l/KlIt KENT Small honso W per inontli. J
JU Wilkinson , CI8 Pa.xton bile. UI8
" 131OK KENT House , 10 rooms , ull modern
JL' Improvements ; lurgu yard , KB per month.
Commission to ugcnts. Duxtur L. Thomas.
_ _ _
IK YOU wish to rent 11 house or store see H.
E. Cole , Continental block. 503
THOU KENT Two of the finest residence Hats
JL1 on South inili slrcot. with nil modern con
veniences , hot nnd cold wutor , close to Hiown-
ell hall. 1'lrst class sniroundlngs. Apply to
CSiaa. Kailfmiilin. 1302 Douglas st ( >
A NICE , convenient 5 room house I5."l h2lst
st. betvicen Cunterand Dorcas sts. 220-10 *
"TTIOK KENT Modern Improved houses , con-
JL1 vonient to new union depot nnd wholesale
district ; good locality. Apply 1112 S. 10th st.
101 li )
TJ1OK KENT Dwelling. U room * , xt-inlo. and
JL1 all reiinliemcnts for u Ilist-class homo ;
south fiont ; 25ns Capitol avenue ; icntal M > ry
low. Inuulie ut 1 ( )1 ) ruinum st. b'iO
8-HOOSlllutwIth steam 10th st. near
Jones. Thomub 1' . Hull , 311 I'axton block.
"IjlOU KENT I0-room brlel : honso , with mod-
JL' crn coiuenlences , No. 811 b. 20lh st. Apply
nt No. K.7 S. 20th st. 575
IT1OK KENT 7-ioom house with bum ; nom-
Jl Inal lent to good puity. C. lHanlsoii. . UU
N.Y. Life. HI
FOK KKNT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
lmiuliu21UDuualas. 81 ! ) .
PINE lesldunce. modern improvements , 240S
St. Mary's ave. . tOS per month. Inqulro ut
premises or ut A. Heller's , 1114 1'aniaiii. 15G
FINn7-room dwelllngwlth yard , $ r > .
Also , 8-iooiu dwelling with yaid , JJO.
U and 10- room dwellings , $ .15 to $01.
bmcaton & Allen , lGO'J-i ! I'arnam st.
_ 152 Jy 13
rSIIENOES-23th und Hurnoy. Vor prices
sou Pnul. I WO Knrnum. 1.J-.10
POH KENT About June 7 , S-room house 'l.ld
und Cnmlng st > . $05 per month. C. F ,
Harrison. Oil N. Y. Llfu 4S9
\7"OL'K opportunity to secure the lease nnd
L furniture of ono of thu finest homes In
Omaha , furniture all now , locution near high
school , lent low. Will take half Its value ; y
cush , bul , tlmo. Address , E 43 , Hee. 211
T7IOK KENT Very nlco7-room houses ; special
X1 terms madu. Apply to I'lutchei Young ,
AinblprJ'laca HL1 :
FOK KENT 5 room house , good repair , moo
yard , cistern water , lent 4J2. Apply to 1400
South 7th ne. . or to Jno. W. Hull , druggist , loth
/Ill N. 10 st-Kooms with board at Mrs.Ciiuieh-
T" Ill's. 273l : *
SUIT of furnlsluiil rooms : housekeeping. 1st
lloor , 202ij St. Mniy's uvo. 202 I.I *
"I71OK KEN'T To gontlemen. nleoly furnished
-L soulliriiist front room with alcove nnd bay
window ; nil modern conveniences ; board If de
sired ; near Putk u\o motor. No. hi ! (5eorgla
ilo. . ( S. 20th St. ) 111 1C *
rilHREE Inigo rooms , complete for llghl
JL housekeeping ; nice yard ; two blocks from
moloi and cable cars. ItilO N 22nd street.
2U18 > *
rpWO nice looms with gas und bath K and j(0 (
per month. O''l S. 10th st. 251-Hi *
TTIIHfaTeliiss aceommodntlons for 'i or 4 gen-
JL tlemiiii , nil modern conveniences : gas , elu-
gant bath , hot and eold water , etc. 707 b. Kith.
200-10 *
HENT-TI11 September 1 , n fuinlshed
parlor and bedioom. Call butw eon fi und 7
p. m. , 2101 I'nriinm. 213-10 *
1 OOjfs7wIthbooTd It deslied , 1WOS C'up , H\Q.
1 2322 *
TjUMiKENT Nicely fninlshed looms , wltb
- or w Ithout boutd ut : X)13 ) llurnoy st. I1X ) 10 *
'VTEU LY fninlshed looms , single 01 en suite ,
-L > wlthor without bo.ud , 100lllowurd.3d lloor
1U7 10 *
IOM ) und boaid for two , also day boaid.
Ji i Satisfaction assured. Ill 11) ) Dodgu st.
112-10 *
T7IOK KENT I or 2 pluasunt moms with
JU Uoaid , private family. 2013 Douglas.
170 10 *
XTEA/CLY furnished fiont room , with boaid ;
- - > all moduli ) Impiou'inonts. 2olu California.
110-10 *
COOL , pleasant looms , 31. ' ! ' , N. 15th , Hat "J , "
wlthllr-itTOluss board , for ientloimin.
375-J 23 *
T71OK KENT furnished loom with
J. ull conxeiilcnces , 2l2b. 23th st. btfJ
1J10K KENT-Two furnished front looms ,
JL' with buj-window , modem eoinenlences , $1)
nnd it per month , with or without bourd."IS
luu\enuorth st. 812
FOK UENT-riirnUlicd looms. 1721 Capitol nv
_ hl7Jyl *
" 1 > OOMS , $7 nnd"JU ) ; MO S , 22. 27S 20 *
OK RENT Nlcoly fuinlshed moms , July I.
1722 Cupltol uvo. a S-31 *
TitOIt KENT New furnished nxmis In Now
JL1 Terrace , with or without board , at ruason-
nblo rates. 2128 Hurney ht. 3'jO
F OR"RENT ruriilshed looms. 1000 Douglas
U1OR RENT Nicely furnished room. uU
modern conveniences , 2 blouks fiom P. O. ,
018 b 17th at. -077
TT'OR ' RENT A large nnd nicely furnished
-i rjHm flouting on Capitol avenue , oust of
the high school. Prlvutu fumUy. Hitltublo for
two or throe gentlomcn. Addioss U , 51 , Hoe.
TOK RENT-1'urnhhea rooms ; BUS , buth und
J-htcam ; l-'I'J llouatd. & 7 < i
ST. CLAIR European hotel , eornor Uth and
wUjgo. bpoe lnl rates jy weuklor nionth. 579
"VflCELY furnished front rooms wltiTIifcove
J. > to let. Inquire 2vttJ &u Mary's uvunue.
TOR RENT-A largo front room , furnished ,
JIn ono of thu finest residences in the city ,
724 S , I'Jth st. , corner Luuvonworth. 811
llOAlU ) ANI )
OOOMS for housekocplug. 113 3.
-auiif uxulshud room3,208 N. liith
I'NFt'RNISHKD roomtileo yard. SI I 80.
Ktli st. , botweeu Jnckson nnd Irtjatonworth.
1UO 10 *
FOR KENT 4 unfurnl hed roomi to family
without children ; modern Improvements
1704 Webster st. Price M5. _ 6 * ) _ _
OVER hardware sTore 10JI llownrd it.
_ _
U"NnjTrNI UEDroonia forliou-ekooplng at
greatly reduced prlroo. Cheapest 10 it In
thu city Units Renting Agency , Sis S 15th st.
KOIl lliN'r : HTOUKH AXI ) OKriOlia
"ITUNEollloe at mall figures on ground lloor ,
JL1 in Itoyd's oprrn honso. ln < | ulro of An rl-
oan ruol Co. . 215 H. st , IfW
basement 21th nnd I.oavenworth
Ht. ; good plnco for barber shop. K JUT
month. IlH-25 *
F RENT-Smnll store room , W. South
? Tenth. Tour doors fiom doKt. | Suitable
for fruit orulgnr stoic. Apply ticket olllce ,
M7 Soittti 10th. 8J1.
OTOUlf8 at 7OT , S Iflth. 82x00 oath , larse
v Jsliuwimlows , steam heat furnished. Thos
P. Hall , illl I'nxton block. ftil
1710H : KNTTho4lory bilck bulldhiff , With
401 without power | , formerly occupied by tlio
lee ! ' illshliiK Co . Mil rarniim st. J'lie bullil-
IIIK has n fireproof cetnert bnsemcnt , complete liuatlntf IIxtun's , uateron all tlio MiHirs ,
pas etc1. Apply nttlip otlk'c of The Dec. HIS.
WANTKD-Horins to pustnro lit S'J.M n
month on farm near lrvlnttoii ; ; horses
called for and d Itvered. W. K. llonuui , Kooiu
0.1'renzer block. fiS.1
-Hi .1. IHEY , i-cntul ( iguiit , 200 N. Y. < Mfe
OHTON'S rental nRunoy , BIT I'axton b lock :
K. COLK. rental URi'iit , Contliientul blk.
[ T you want a position where you can make
$125 pei month , uddiess Union Publishing
Co , . Columbus. Neb , 251-10 *
H. DAY , plumbing and gas lilting , 2021 !
Varnam , formerly of thoHussoy & Day
Co. ; has opened a plumbing , steam und gas
fitting establishment wheiu ho Is now ready
to niUKe estimates and do nil kinds of jobbing
ut rcusonablo pilces. Give him a call. Tolc-
phone 1581) ) . 271-21 *
OLD llrownoll Hull for sale. Onfof thu
largest framu buildings. IGth and Jones
sts. , 4 stoilcs , very sound , to bo moved or torn
down ; will lecelve bids to Juno 25th. Addresser
or .sec W.I' . Lorcnzcn , 020 South IGthst.
158 10 *
'V\TA"NTlTr ) To know the whereabouts of
W Win J. Meridlth , by his parents of Mo-
bily. Mo , his 1 ist letter wus wi itten nt Chl-
Qiigo July 10. IS'K ' ) . M | . ' Moildlth. 207-11. *
MAD STONE I liavu n genuine mud stone.
L L Honbow. 12.U no. 20-11 Kll-Jy 4
A TEAM nnd moving ex in ess wagon. Call
Augustus Hiown. St. Clulr hotel. Uth and
Dodge. a.U-17'
\\7ANTED Second-hand tninlturo of ail
> > kinds ut the highest pru e , 715 S inth sU
U.MJ14 *
WANTED Houses or stoios. of In-
cumbranee. In other Nebraska or lowu
towns for lucumbcied Omaha leal estate.
Slilnjfor & I'enny , Douglas block , 10th and
Dodge. Wl
\v TINTED Oood oommeiclul paper. Ne-
uiusku Moi tgugu Loan Co. , Ol'J ' I'axton blk.
ITIUHNITUUE , boiiselu > ! ld goods.eto. lligliest
-U cash pi ice. ,117 S Uth.
1 > AUAPOLS nnd umbrolllis covered and re
paired. H. Haior , 1315 Douglas ; basement
UMHUELLAS repaired , lawn mowers shnrp-
ened , key fitting and louksmlthing ut
Hollln's gnu shop , 119 N. IGth St. SOU J19
LOUISE HENNETT. fiorn Oblcago. the fa
mous masseur and magnetic manlpulatoi.
Parlors. 310 N. Jlith st. Slfi-JS *
REMOVAI Mis. Dr. Day has nttcd up ole-
LJguntbath looms , No. 1403 Dodge St. . thu
ground lloor , and Is now piepurcd to gl\o Hot
Spiings baths with electricity. All sulTeilntt
from rheumatism , la gilppc , paiulysls or
diopsy will do well to call upon bur. JMSjylJ
" ] \ TASSAGE treatment , nlectro , thermalmcd-
-I'l-leatcd bathsscalp it lialr Ircatment.mani
cure & chiropodist. JIis. E. M. Post , 413 S. 18th.
805 Jy
MISS U. 1'OKSTEK , mldwlfo und M. I ) , for
children and female diseases , H31Saundura
st. , In second story , ail-J-21 *
A IlEyon going to taken vacation or a trip ,
- " - so don't go until you buy onu of lleyn s
amateur photo outfits.0 styles to select fiom.
1414 Dodgu st. LUI
, exclusive pension nttor-
nuy , 1C 10 Ac 21. I < 'iiMi/or block , Omaha ; also
Clnclnnutl & Washington , btump for clrcnlur.
rilHAOICAGEstoiagout lowest lutes , AV. 11.
-L Hushman , l.lll Louvenworth. 'xSS
/ 10LD storugo. David Cole , 813-817 How aid.
STORAGE Hninch & Co. , 1211 Howard.ffi
( ffi
ilJltNlTMCI' ; storage , separate committ-
mentH,813-817 llowaid. 257
rilKAOKAGE storage , David Cole , .811-817
JIlowiiid. . 237
i osr.
I.OST-HIghschwlcluss pin O. H. S. 1690.
JUeturn lo Heu olHco. S7U-10 *
LOST Juno H , u heavy"oxydled silver ,
llexlblu link brucelet , murUed either
"Joe" ot "Jiiuk" on clasp , Tinder will | io
suitably lowurdcd bj leaving at S14 S. 20th
a\o. 112-11 *
LO T A lady's gold watch und chain with
her full name ongiuvud on Insldu of cover.
Kinder leu\e same ut this olllce und icvuho
luwaid. Evle Williams , Tul. 1174 , Omaha.
217 1C *
LOST Small bay muiii ; 2 whlto hind font.
K brand on sldo head. Tied I'utcrs. II blocks
noith 1) . and I ) . Institute. 200 15 *
l-'OUXl ) .
FOl'NIMonday. . Juno H , ponkotbook con
taining money nnd Jeweliy between Illtb
st und l'ul-ll lake. Oivnureun huvo same by
calling on Heu olllce. 210-14
SPAN hoiMbi woith J22JS # 150 wIlTbuythem.
Span mules , souml , und good workers , $ I2 > ,
Single drl > eik $75. Some huMiess , uwugon , u
buggy und u phaeton ; huIng no nsu for them
I haw * cut the prlcu In two , U. 1' . Williams ,
205 N. Kith st. 211 10
FOK SALE A full platlorm spring , leather
topcnri lagu.almost new , and one Columbus
make buggy ; also one sut double harness for
* . ! . - > . Apply at 2215Vubster st. 11M
TJ OllSKS } M and up. 11. E. Colo.
"ITHl'TEEN span work mules , long time nt 7
JUV per cent Interest , belby 1J Hoard Trudo ,
IJAHT1ES looking for line driving or saddlu
-L horses , would do wull to cull on , oreorres-
nond with T. J. Klemlng. nmniigor W. H. MII-
lard's farm , Calhoun , Nell. Ho lias for salt )
some llrst-elasssingle drUert ) , enrilugo tcums ,
and saddle horses , ut reilsonablu prices , 6'.U
POK SALE Kino family eurrlago horse
sound und gentle. luijnlioSlI N. 10th nt ,
HORSES Liclit drlvoi-s , bargain. Tlio Into
fire has madu thorn cheap. H. E. Cule.Con
tinental blaok. K. > 8
T\7AN1TD Hy n young married oonplo ,
T T pleasant room with hoard In private fam
ily , vicinity of I'nrL or Ueorglu axes , piu-
forrod. Address H 4 , Hue. BW
7ANTED Hy a smull family , n plousnnt
( cottiigoof MX orsxnon nMms near or on
thu car lines , Will bo permanent. Address
a 31 Heo. 770
AVANTED-TO rout 2 to ; t unfurnished
T T rooms for housekeeping , small family ,
near business center. Address U lit , lieu otllcu.
I WANT moro houses to rent ; moro demand
tluu houses. Parrotto Rental agenoy.
fOH BALE riirnituru , carpets and honse-
l' hold Botxls of nil kinds every TuPsduy , and Saturday ptornlng at 1111 I'ur-
nuinst. Cush puld for good. , Omaha Auction
und Storugo Co. Henry Crclghton , auutioneur.
TOOK SALE All the > hnhrly new furniture.
JL1 onrputs , Ptolnwny upright piano , etc , of
residence oornnr 41th iMKlfHiirtstrcotMWalnut
Hill ) , will 1 sold nl auction Tuesday nt 2 p.
m. , on the promise * . Aj4 liiMirdidoy , auctioneer.
AtVTION BALK-A'.fflio upright Stolnwny
plnnii will boolfoiod fi\r \ < wlo ut 'J o'clock ,
Tucsdiiy , Juno 17th , ntnllo corner of 41th nnd
Hurt sts. C'onio nnd gut uSteluwny nt bar
gain. - 201-10 *
_ _ _
"T'TTKEE chulr barber i < imp with biuli rooms ]
JL reason for solllm ? , Iwd health. Apply A.
L. t'ndorlnnd. barber sTjpply house , 1V.MI *
JE Iriig ) l k , llxluiuiiind buildIng -
- - Ing In u good llvo rulluiud town In western
IOTYII. Good locution for n nhjslelan with
family. Ooo < l reasons for soiling given- Address -
dress lock box SKI. Uti . lowu. 101-14
I7IOK SALE. cneapWVhorso power -too
X1 boiler , good a. % nuiv. with fittings complete ;
heater , mud-drum , plunge pumps , and No. 3
Knowlos ; will sell for one-half original oos |
JeltW. Hud ford. Ml
rplllj famous Wnrrensburg whlto nnd blue
A sandstone will stand In any climate. 1s Hie
und frost proof and Is suitable for ull purposes
where stone Is piefcrnblo toother material. 1
iitn prepared to furnish this stone on short no-
tlco In any quantity , rough , s.iwed or dressed
rcndy for use. I'or further liifoimutlon ml-
dress JucobPlckel.UurronsbiirxiQunrrlosl.Mo.
C7U Jyrt * .
SIXTY bend No. 1 Jorsov cows forsulo of best
slinlns. llyshum & Lockurt. Red Oalla. ; _
BEST quality meuts , lowest rules , at I'roil
RM > s' meat market , 22 ! ) Ciimtng st. 781 2i )
TOOK SALE UK ) piano boxes , price ! 2. A.
-1 ? llospo. 1513 Doughis. bOH q 4
/"lOODsoiia fountain. In running order , for
VJ less than half cost. O. Peturson , CIS a. 11th.
1CK for sale In carload lots. Andress Mul-
hollnnd .V : Co. , Council Hlulls , In , 141-10
TOOK SALE Hotel 8 rooms on second lloor ,
JL ; 5 looms on llrst lloor I'uuilinro good.
Noutest hotel to depot. Only two hotels In the
place. Llvo town , good business. Terms rea
sonable. Addru s , Mis. J. W. Hosier. Dodge ,
N'ub. 143-10 *
SALE Cheap , u beautiful fawn colored
greyhound. Enquire721 S. 10th st. , corner
of Loavenwortl , . 844
TT1OK S.VI.K Some uood watches and clla-
J. mends flit-up. 11.1 > \ Masters , room IVlth I -
nell block. f > M
HOAN for sale nearly new. cheap If sold
boon. Address 11 7 Hee otlleo. HJO-IU *
AE. KW1NOTON , tyncherof piano , several
years'experience ; methods easy and nat
ural. Studio , IAIN. 15th st. 177111 *
BEI'OKK buying a piano examine Iho new
sculo Kluibull piano. A. Hospc.l.'iU ) Douglas
EO. r.iELLENIUCIvteueherof the banjo ,
G with Hospo , r.1.1 Douglas. mi )
GEO. J. 1'Al'L ' , 1 ( ) raiirnnst. Money to
loan on faimsandelty piopcity. &T >
MONEY to loan on city nropeity ; money on
hand and no delays. Hates , bmlth & Co. ,
loth and rarnam Ms. Olo-JU
LOANS City und fuim loans , mortgage pa
per bought. JlcCagUe Investment Co. OO
MONF V loaned nt lo\7bst rates , long time on
lmpi < ncd Omaha rent estate , no "extras. "
no delay , Olobo Loan .t.Tinst Co. , J07 S 10th.
BUILDING loans n to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges foi commission or attorney's
fees. W. H. Jlclkle , 1'Iist ,'1 bank bldg.
( .01 .
MONEY , ' 10OOorKdayson ! ) fin niture.planos ,
horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 018
I'axtonblk. ' ! W !
/CHATTEL loans at' lowest tales ; business
Vyconlldentlai 510 I'axton blk. J. H. Emlnger.
t MX )
and geneial short time paper
onght ; also leguhir live-year lo. ins made
on Impiovcd propcity , Oeo. I' . Ulust it Co ,
20J Itamge bldg. ' tiOrt
SECOND moitgago loans. Second mortgages
bought. Loans on " lots. Itced &
Solby , loom 13 , llonid Trailo. 007
T IHERAL real cstutu loans mndo by W. M.
JLJHaiils , room 20 , Kruntpr block , opp. P. O.
TT'EYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of JlOto ; get our rates before borrowing und
have money ; loun on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notca
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low
est lutes , cull 11 MS. bheely blk , 15th and
Howard sts. GOT
TOIHbT mortgage loans at low latosandno
JL ? delay. D. V. faholes Co , , 210 1st Null bunk.
/CHATTEL UAMC , room a Wlthnell blook.
Gl'EU CENT residence loans , $1,000 to 110,000.
Hulldlng loans at special intes , Thu Mead
Investment Co. , lieu building , OtW
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mines ,
household goods , pl.inos , organsdiamonds ,
ut lowest rates. Thu Hist organised loan of
fice In the city. Jlnko loans from II ) to 80S days ,
Avlilchcan bu paid In part or whole at any
tlmo , thus lowering the principal und Interest.
Cull und see us when you want money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your udvuntugu
without remoMil of pioporty or publicity.
Monuy always on hand. Nodeluy In making
loans. O. K. Ueed & Co. , 319 S. 13th St. ; o\cr
Hlnghiim & Sons , & 'J7 '
LOANS Money on bund , low rates. Omaha
Iteul Estate & Trust Co. , M b. 17th St. , Heo
building. D0 ; >
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
i all's. Lowtmt rates
on personal piopeity.
The Henderson Sloitg.igo Investment Com
pany , room 400 , I'axlon block. _ MS
WANTED Klrst class Inside loans. Lowest
laU-s. Cull und sou us , Mutual Inxest-
meiitCo. . liQ ! > rurnniii. MX )
BEl'OUn negotiating a loan to Impicno
your ical estate gi't terms from
The Odell Investment Co. , Ml N. Y. Life bldg. ,
Thos S. Hoyd , lopiusuntntlvc. 010
r Al7"15A STE1N ! : MONEY-
rhlladelphlii Mortgage und Trust Co. ,
ulways teady toloan and pay piomptly ; ( list
moi tgages wanted Cicorgn . I' , Coates , lopru-
sonlulUc , loom 7 , Ho.ud Trado. Oil
EAbTEHN money to loan on city pionertv ;
moitgago paper bought. II. H. liey.N.Y LIfu
ONEY to loan on long or short time :
county wananUs bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. , ICOiHj I'urimni HI.
SHOUT time loans on vacant lots. Selby &
Keed , 13 , board of trade , BUS
MONEY to loan in any amount from $10 to
J 10,000 for any tlmo fiom ono to 8lmonths. .
Loans mudo on household goods , pianos ,
ruirsos , mules , wagons , houses , leases , etc. , In
fact on any available security In any amount
at the lowest possible rules without reniovul
of property.
Payments can be iniulo at any tlnm reducing
iMilhpilnclpnl and Interest. You piy Inteiest
only for thu tlmu you MM ) tlio money. If you
owen balance on your .propcity 1 will tuku It
up ami can y It for yum'
Money ulwuys on hmuU No flolny. No pub
licity. N'orcmovul. lowest rules.
-1 H. ! ' . Musters ,
Itoom 4 Wlthnell liloek" , L'ltli und Harnuy His.
_ _ . . , ,1 _ ; SL ?
K 1'ER cent money to loan on real estate so-
J cnrlty. Loans can , bu inild oil In Install *
mentb. Jno , W. Hobblns. io < > N. Y. Llfo bldg.
T OANS w tinted on productho Omaha real
JUestnto. 3 und 5 yournHtlmc , optional pay
ments , favorable tumid- und tales.
KlnibuII'Champ ft Rynn ,
1000J10 i i 1205Kniiinnist.
pHATTEL loans , R. inuintlnontal blk. . 15 &
V Douglabi huslness cuflltdentlul. M. J. Hall :
MONEY to loan , ft yeAVs on easy terms on 00
per cent on good cnnkorvutlvo valuations ,
nnywheru In the city IImils of Omaha , at 110
bheeley bldg.l5th and Ujjiyrurd sts. Sam'ITuto.
HUOin'llAXI ) _ ANi ) ; TVIM3WIUT1NQ.
\\7ANTED Eduentod young ladles und gun-
TT tlementto leuriiHhoitliund und typewrit
ing ; good -ulnrles , students assisted to po-,1-
tlons. Standard nhuithund Huslnuss Collogu.
rriinlc E. lloll , Instructor. 014
ECOND HAND-CuiegruplH , Hummond ami
Hemlngtons. John II. Cornos Co. Letter
I'lles und olllco specialties , Uumgu bldg. IVN )
MADAM DELZ1EK. magnoilst , Is uckowl-
edgcd by nil competitors the ( | iii'cm of
mnssagu and mugnnllsni. Parlors over 010 S.
mil. HouitUtotj ) Sundays 10 to U strict.
Ij30jly7 *
" 13HOP. Loreo , the ronownud plironolozist ,
J medium and palmlst.who has been publicly
tested and challeiiict'H the world in ruvoullng
mystorlt's , Ulsjiorsos Jealousy , ovll Intlu-
MK'e.s , gives full nanitis of present or futum
lu-buiid or wife , ulso tulU your faults und
qualities , trade IMISIIKMH or profeislon to
inaVe a succe s. 'JL" . ' North loth up stairs. Oon-
sullutlon II , Hatlsfaotloa given or no puv
.W-J-'l *
MllS.lin nDDYhnsrolurno < l , Thoronowned
clairvoyant U the seventh diumhter of
thu seventh daughter , born with veil nnd great
pronhe tlo gift of second High t. While entranced
wlllrevonl to her pnlroti" every hidden mvstrry
In life , lias lung boon pronounced hi Europe
nnd America thu greatest living wonder of the
pro ent nge. t'ndcrstands the science of the
' 'Persian and Hindoo magic , " or ancient
charm working , und prepares Egyptian lulls-
mans which will oturcomu your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
uircclloni , makes mnrrlaqo with thn ono
you lovo-no failure. Itcmovcs evil In-
lluences. had hnblts , cures witchery.
Ills , nnd nil lorn ; gtundlnz nud mysterious
dlscasus. roofl.Wund f > , hours U n. in. to H p.
m. , stilet. "end stump for Illustr'ited circular.
Pallors IC.M North 15th st. Always ut home.
220 20 *
_ _ _
DTtT NA N'N7iT "VnVA HUEM , iMairrTTvanT and business medium. Kcmnlodls-
o.ises u specialty. Ill ) N. 10th St. , rooms 2 und X
9 HOOD openings. Host puylng ehop house In
the cltv. feeding 000 dally , * 2,50J. Lunch
counter In s-iloon JJ50. 21 room hotel In South
Omaha foi fooo. Cigar stoio In fine location ,
Involco il.OtU , Saloon In the honrt of the city ,
JH.OOO. Restaurant In good location. tl , UO ; also
restaurant. * flOt ) . leo ereani parlor and bakery.
Restnuinnt. bonding house ami rooming
honsH near court house. All In good .shnpo
nnd running. Co-oper.itlvo Lund & Lot Co. .
attN'10tli _ st 2U 10
ELEOANT ( list i'lns boarding house und
family hotel. 75 rooms , nil oceiiplod , and
nearly 10. ) boarders. Rent , * 50U per month ; In
come. 11.000 monthly. Co-Opeiatlvo L. . * c L.
Co..j * > 5 N. IrttlijU 244 10
TOOK. RENT or sale A first class creamery in
JL1 good district Plenty of cream
can bu hud. AddicssJ. P. Ronshnw , Sterling ,
Neb. 012 | 20 * _
FOR SALE A dainty cottugo of 0 huge
looms , puntry.ckiscts , stoioioom und Inigo
h-ithioom , with water closet , east ftonU In
Hiinscom Place. A baigaln , on uasv terms.
J. 11. Ev ans. 308 , N. Y. Llfu. 108-11
TOOK TALE--Tru stock ; an old oslabllshed
JL ? and Well located ; will Involcu J.t.00) ) toto.OOO ;
jiart cashbalance on time or Omaha elty prop-
city. The Mead Investment Co.lice building.
POH SALE A stock of drugs , store IKtttlos ,
and a line .soda fountain , located In n pios-
pcrous county boat in Nebraska Everything
hof the best. The town Is u R. R. division
station nnd the R. K. shops are located thoie.
I'or full partlciilais cull or address H. H. Hen
derson , room 100 , I'axton block. Omaha , Nob.
SALOON for rent or trade , centie of Omnha ,
very cheap. Adilruss H 0. lice. 223 10 *
TO- * " ' SALE Cigar , confectionary nnd fruit
JU bland , with live rooms , 200 South 12th Bt.
TOOK SALE A half or entire Interest In n
JL ! piosporons hnrdwaru and grocery business ,
llox 50.J , York. Neb. 107-10
MOKTGAOEES' Sale Notice Is hereby given
that I will sell ut public unction to thu
highest blddwr for cash the furniture und H\-
tuivs und remaining portion of thu stock of
elgurs , tobacco , pipes , etc. , of G , H. Muck it Co ,
1.IOS Km num st , Sulu to commence nt 3 o'clock
p. m. Thursday , June 10. 1NW , and continue
11 oin ( In v to day untllallofs.iid pi opot I y Is dis
posed of. In tne muan time any portion of thu
st oak can be pin chased at private sale at pi lees
tosult.m.'obnin ( , Agunt for Moitgagccs ,
Omaha. Nub. . Jiini'7. IB1 * ) 5lls ! !
E business for sale btook tl.TOO.
JL1 Uood It. K. town ; no competition. V H.
I.amb , Cedar Kiiplds , Neb. 5.1)7-17 ) *
COMMISSION business for sale , fixtures ,
horse and wacon , will involco to suit imi-
eh.isertlV ) to if. > IA > . I'lrst-uluss location. Ad-
diessG J'J llec. 811
FOK SAIi-Ginln ; , coal and lumber y.uds.
Addrc a , I' . J.llale , llatllo Cie-k. Neb.
_ IKU ai *
THOU SAhr Klne established cie-iriiml news
J business. Hist local Ion In thu city. Ad-
diess boO , CSS postolllce. -1 0
TOOK SALE or I'or Kent Onoof thobestllxod
JL1 up boanllng houses In South Omaha. In
mostdeslrubiu locution. Apply to II. II. Itaven ,
27th st. , ncur Exchange ciosslng , Sou th Omnliii.
1T1OH SALR Hnlf interest In mv lutall
JKiocorv business to a good reliable mun ,
capable of mannRln the same. The only ox-
oluslvo cash groceiy honso In Omaha. K -
tablMied f years a o by Kd. N , Biuun , the 0.
O. I ) . 5-J North 10th st. 7
; HAT have you for 4 * > quarters of land
liouses and lol , also moi tinges ? May
me. W. J. Paul , inirt Tainani. 17.1-30
FOR nXCHANGE-Cluar land In lowu und
Nebraska to exchange for Omaha or South
Omnha vacant lots ! will assume small encum
brance. M.S. Sturgeon , Koom U , Hoard of
Trado. 1J
OT In 1/lncoln. Neb. , forbtoolcinerchnndibu
ssVm. . Kowuidlnk , HlcKman , Neb ,
HOUSHS wanted In exchange for i 1,000 gim-
onil moichandlse , western nnbrokon pre
ferred. Address bo\il , Ciolghton , Knox ( Jo. ,
Neb. 1(11-11 ( *
FAltM and city property for sale or ov-
cliango for any kind of merchandlsu or
chattelshorses and cattle ; would particularly
llko to ti ado for steers. Willis Uadwoll , Broken
How , N b. flvi J SS *
FOH nXCHANOn Good farms , city proper
ty and wild landH In Nob. and Iowa for good
pon'l ni'd'nu ; piopurty clear , title perfect. Ad
dress Lock HoUS. . Fremont. Neb. DOS
TWIIjIj trade u Rood cluar lot in So , Omaha
foi piano or horse and buggy. Addict U 4
Heo ofllik ) , )0'i )
_ _ _
' OljTsATjK Qiiicic" mislness Tot"lmH | < 7voT
onlv 6 blocks from eouit house , $ ! . " > ) per
foot : t. Mlchal. KUSH. l.lth Ht. unjIJ
"T71OK SAU : 140 ndies iitilmmoveil land In
-L Wnyno county , two mlliis fiom Uainliilpli.
Also 1,0 ( acres In I'cdai county. Addiens U. M.
TowIoi,5.VS Washington boulevanl , Chleano.
S10-11 *
FOS SALE Talmage says to the young man ,
"Do not go In debt for anything except a
home. " He might have added , "buy one \vlth-
lu yoni means. " To any ono who would t'ike
this aihlee , 1 olfor a vtiry choleo full lot for
M3.1. good nolghborliood. with school , elinieh
and street ear privileges. A complete ) and ele
gant little homo ciin besccuiud wllli Jl.oiio to
JI.500. Only a small amount of cash leijnlred.
C l'.JIiiirlJlUn.lU ' ) N V JJfo , Is'l '
I71OK SAUr-HHek warehouse , 2 stoneand"
JL1 Imsuinent , lOpx'JOft. with lot , lOUxlv. ft ; to
double track on Koutli''Olli and 1'lereo bts. Ad
dress Oskamp it llalnes , Omaha , Neb
"VTEM H-IOIHH house , near motor line ; wil [
i- > sell cheap nnd onbiualt monthly pivmenls.
Cull iiulck If you want u bargain. J. J. Wllkln-
soii.Ul'j ' I'u\ton blk. IJU
TJ'ORSALE ' X.OO ! ) aeros best fnimlng land In
1 Nebraska at u gicat sacrifice. Imiuito
01S south llth st. Geo. 11 , Petetson , invnei.
_ 171J IS
I'laco and Carthage lofs , pnco
JJf l.WK ) , JS' ) down , balance * i : > monthly.
_ \V I. . K-lliy. loom 1.1. . board of trade _ fil" _
IjlOH t-AI < i ; A boiuo on monthly payments.
J A nlces-i-Dom 11011x0 , * 1 permonth , fi.OM ,
first payment as arranged. A pretty cottage ,
5 rooniH llnlsbed , nprflalrs for as many more.
lotnoxr.l ) , f..ixx ) , Jl. ) per month , Hinall payment
down. A slmllareotlage. lot 100x80 , W.JfiXl , tl.1
per month. Will build on vacant lots to suit.
Norman A. Kuhii , druggist , 15th and Douglas.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ( tit .iin | _
K A line new ft-room cnttagi < near
eleotileeai llnoon N.STth st Will take as
purl of eitsh paymimt a good hoiso or horse
and uhaeton. I * . l.'nil Kuriialn at. _ 5'JU ' _
COTTA ( < K homes in most any addition for
sale al fiomOii'J | up , cm easy monthly pay
ments. I' K Palling. I.I Hiirkor bluelc. t > Hi
A SM \ Mi payment down and f li per niiinth
will buy u 4-ntnm honso and lot on lilth.S
blocks fiom motor ; flrst-clas-i ehiince lo ac-
qiiliu a homo on easy terms. Apply to II K.
Cole , Continental block. Vi
C-UOl.Mcittiius ) | , ll.rM each , f 100 i > i-ili duu n ,
Jlmlimee * ! . " > pur month. Thos. 1' . Hall. .Ill
I'.lMon block. TiSl
\\7"AN I'niAbout lOUxlM ft or more , close.
T T Insldu ; nail trade , cash und tlmo or cash
and tliuu. ll 1 , Heo olllce. ir.l-.10
IfUJK : ir , and N. ij II ) . blouk I ,
I'lalnviuw , * .1,00 , > J. Address box Ui , Colum
bus , Neb. SOII-l ? *
\\TAKE up nnd bay a homo on monthly pay-
T ments L'liolco of seven dllloicnt houses ,
smith fionts on rurnam ht , Uroiy con\enlunee ,
Ineludliu fiiinueo and gas. I'binscan ' buNeen
at my olllee. Call In. I ) . V. Sholes Co. , iil.l 1st ,
National bank. s.1' )
FOK HAM ) or Trade My residence on Ho.
L"itb H ( , IHMI I'arU srhiml. house of Nuven
rooms with bath room , water closet , hot and
cold wnter. all In good rop.ilr ; will sell foreash
% eiy cheap or will taUu vacant lot on West
I'lirniini st , is part paymunt. I'or iiurtlcnlan
address ELD Heo olllce. Qia
HAVI'I.OCK-I have for sale pioporty at
llavelock. suburb of Uncoln ; locution of
centuil 11. A. M.ahops. Also propurty at I'nl-
\erslty I'luuu und Imhoir'ii addition to Katun.
Address II. Klshei. Lincoln. Neb. 870-lb *
1T1OU SAM7 Nlco 7 room house niady to
J- ' move Into with full lot , JSW , tifl cash. 0.
' ' llllrrl'- NY - l < lfu- IB
W 7r"JoIl&\VesturUoldruat estate , S.Omaha.
lilt )
IK Vor huvo anything lo soil or exchange ,
_ _ Call atlilS IJaXlon blook _ _ _ _ _ _ * < 5 _
I710USAI.E lot > 2 feet fmnt on VlrglnU
-L ave . oar line , mar lieuveawi > rth 5t . with 1
cottages , will bciloiio lunise und half uf lot
ucnurutu , uasy tvrmi. Juhu 1' Hull ill S liilli
To Whom It "tiny Concern !
The County rommlMtonor * will sit nt a
Hoard ot Eu.iiu1rntlon ! , eominenclng nt 0
o'clock n , m. , Juno Hlb , 1KX ) . nnd continue In
M | UH from day to day na required bj * law.
until work bo completed.
Jl'Jd't _ il' Pl * ' t-t.KV. Olorl ; . _
'i'o KoodorH nntl U.ittln Man.
On nnd nf lor the Sflth I nit. , wo will hnvo for
s.ilo four thousand or moro gixnl , bluh grade.
one , two and three year old ( Hnh feeders , that
wo imn furnUli nt thn Union Ctook Vnrds
South Omaha ; or If desired , woean art-mine to
sell these cnttlo nt North 1'latte or llnstlngs ,
Parties wnntinir anything In this line , will
please correspond with ux.
GKO. HlTitiu : ft I'ltA'/lun , South Omalm.Neb.
I'ulillo Notluo.
I'ti bllo notice N horehy given thnt the Ho.nnl
of School Trustees of School District No.I of
the County of Sweetwator. and Territory of
Wyoming , will HO II lo the highest bidder for
cash the bondxof said dlsti let to theiimountof
$ .11,1)00 ) , ut I he olllce of thu 1'lrst Nntlonat Hank
of Hock Springs , Wyoming , In the county of
Sweolwaler. and Teirltory of Wyoming , on
the 1st day of July. A , I ) . 1W ) . SuldbondH will
bo Issued in denominations of f.V)0 ) each , bear
ing Interest at thu rate of 7 percent nor an
num , payable Heml-aniiiiatlv. and said bonds
shall run for ten years with the privilege on
the part of said trustees to redeem thesnmo
ut thu end of llvo years.
JOHN T TnKAsttnR ,
Ghalumin School Trustees.
JIJd.1t HoeU Springs , \Vyo.
In Xot a Clioorful I'liicc Glimpse uf n
Cliainlcr ) ol' Horrors.
I stood in ti long roomy npartinunt on
thu fourth lloor of ti lai-fjo building1 at
the northwest cornui * of Kourtli and
Plum sti'oels , SIIJ-H n writer in the Cin
cinnati Times-Star. The room possessed
cot-tain peculiarities that forced them
selves upon the senses of the observer.
The lloor was stained but rubbed and
scrubbed to n shiny cleanliness ; ' the
walls and woodwork were carved and
pencil-marked like those of some
famous lower frequented by travelers ;
dozens of fjas jots reached down from the
ceiling1 and spread long arms at right
angles n few feet above tlio lloor ; long
wooden tables , also splotched with dark
staiiib and evidently meant to bo placed
underneath the RUB jots , were piled
along the walls. An immense chest-like
structure , surrounded by a lot of barrels ,
occupied a goodly space In the room ,
from which there came a morbid ami
horrid odor like that of a grave vault
the odor of dried blood and decayed
The place described is as the reader
has probably guessed _ tlio dissecting
room of a college. It is quiet now and
without the life and bustle occasioned by
the thoughtless students , for the winter s
lorni ih just finished , and nothing re
mains in tlio apartment but the scat
tered parts of innumerable cadavers that
have como up from the alloy through the
elevator in the roar , and that will in
time return to the sewer or tlio desiccat
ing wagon through the shuto by its side.
Pitiful remains tlioy are of men and
women who were once alive and who
laughed , cried and toiled their little
snaeo of life only to reach at last the
pickling vat of a dissecting room.
" Hero lies a grinning lower jaw that
was once hidden under the coral lips of
beauty ; there the framework of a hu
man leg , with tlio dried and decaying
blood vessels clinging to the white bones
like ivy on some ancient oak. From a
peg on the wall hangs a long , tangled
string of dried intestines. On every
faldo are detached organs and particles
that once coribtituted a part of tlio mu
ch ! nory of n human being. Tlio chest
mentioned is the pickling vat , the store
room for the still's , but now empty of
everything but a sickening odor ! Tlio
barrels arc filled with fragments of hu
man bodies carved to bits and jammed
together in a horrible mixture of bone ,
blood and dried tissue.
It was through the kindness of a physi
cian of Walnut Hills and a inc-inbor of
the college faculty that the writer was
bliowa through the various departments
of this institution.
"You should see this room in winter , "
said the guide , pointintr to the gas jots
and tables' , "when porhupi fifty students
are working upon the cadavers. Now
everything is ( lull ; the vat is empty and
all apparatus is boxed up or laid away. "
Below the dissecting room is the
ampiUioater , a spacious room with seats
arranged in tiers , like the benches in
the gallery of a theater all circling
about one long board placed hori/ontally
upon a pivot fastened in the lloor. Hero
stands the demonstrator , who , with a
corpse before him , skillfully carves the expounding as lie works to the
pupils above him. Hanging suspended
in mid-air is a skeleton that by a rope at
tached to a nail in the 8 > 'kull can lie
hoisted to the celling when not in use.
Under the seats is a .small anto-ropm
whore are stored tlio subjects hoon to bo
cut to pieces , and the instruments , blood
stained gown , etc. , of the demonstrator.
The clinics are over for the season.
The museum 11 at present perhaps the
most interesting department of the in
stitute. Here scores of manikins \\lth \
the raw internal organs exposed , glare
at the visitor with startling eye balls.
.Skulls , with cavernous orbits and pro
truding jaws , lie scattered about among
bottles containing monstrous tumors ,
jars holding Chinese doll-liko remain * ,
bones changed in form by accident or
disease until only the surgeon can desig
nate their positions in the human frames
that once were thorn
"This is the tibia ot a man who was
diseased , " said the professor , handing a
yellow object to the visitor. The bono
was heavy as lead. A femur that had
lieon broken exactly In the middle and
then repaired was next examined. The
two broken halves had united In such a
manner as to leave them at an angle of
twenty-live or thirty degrees with one
another. These and many other curiosi
ties of disease , of surgery and of appar
atus characteristic of such institutions
lined the tables and walls of tlio mu
In conjunction with the college a visit
was paid to a wholesale drug establish
The professor in charge follows the
olectic system in preparing his drugs
that of separating the substances used at
once into inert and active matters and
using the latter without destroying the
combination in which they may appear.
This establishment contains a 'JOO-gallon
stone jar , said to bo the largest in the
country. The olectic system of medicine
has always inuilo a specialty of using in
digenous plants in the preparation of
its medicines.
"That tlri-ii feeling" is entirely overcome
by Hood's Karsaiiarnln , which ( fives a feeling
of buuviuivy iindHtroiiutli tothowholosystoui.
A Great Kmiuioiul Operation ,
The greatest operation by brigands
lately has boon aohioved by uTonquinoHo
hand near Haiphong. Two l-'roneh gen
tlemen , M. Uoquo and M. Costa , had
l > eon captured by a chief , Lun-Ky , and
were permitted to choose botNveon hav
ing their heads cut oil and paying a sum
as a ransom. The French president at
Dong-triun , at tlio ontriiaty of the prls-
nnoi'ri , advanced to the brigand's Mtrong-
liold with an escort of mai'iium carrying
Iho ransom Wlion they ruaeln-d tin *
tump Kim Ky ii'uuiri'tl tin- | > n -iidi'iit to
t onto up to the fort with on'v ' iipn < -.i ,
whoucUd as liitorw'oU > r , ami m u oM <
clout to carry the ransom. That was In
llvo ohoat , and consisted of 10,000 lit
money , 100 pieces of silk , nnd twelve
watches. The brigands at first objected
to the quality of the silk , but on being
assured that It waa the boat which could
bo procured In Haiphong nt such not too ,
allowed it to jmns. The captives were
then released and the brigands rollrod.
Luli-lCy Is described nt < bolngonly twenty
year.s of age , and to have bolmved with
great Insolence to the French president.
\Vhllothuraii8om was being examined
the president was surrounded by about
four hundred brigands , kneeling , with
their rltles ready to lire nt the least sig
The Only One.
The Chicago , Milwaukee f : St. Pnul
railway is the only line running solid
vestlbulod , olectrle lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , Council
UlulTs and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature" In the
Pullman sleeping ears run on these line.- *
Is patented nnd cannot be used by any
other railway company. It Is the groa't
Improvement of tlio ago. Try It and bo
Slooplng cars leave the Union Paellle
depot , Omaha , at 0 p. m. datlv , arriving
at Chicago at 0:30 : a , m. Passengers
taking this train are not compelled to
got out of the ears at Council HlulTs and
watt for the train to bo cleaned. ( Jet
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket otlleo , 1501 Larnam st.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt ,
J. E. PKISTON : Pass Agt ,
AVliere the Old Ships Go.
A man stepped into one of the shipping
oftieos on Front street the other day to
have a look at the Maritime Ivogister ,
says the New York Hun. An old sea
captain who had been reading It re
marked , us the \isitor laid the sheet
aside , after an apparently fruitless in
spection : "Don't IIml what you were
looking for , oh ? "
"No , was the answer. "I was looking
for tlio U , but she isn't listed in this
number. "
"Old ship ? "
' Yes , I sailed In her twenty yours
ago. "
"Oh , well , then , she belongs to the
Germans bv this time. "
"How's that ? "
"Well , the Germans don't build ships ,
leastwise not wooden ones , so much as
some other people do. They buj second
hand ships , and they do most of their
buying in America. The German mer
chants operate on smaller capital than
ours , and they can't and won't put as
much money into timber as tlioy do horo.
They have a sharp eye for bargains too ,
let mo tell you , and when they tind a tub
that's somewise slow and leaky , but pre
sentable and cheap , they buy her , cop-
por-boUom her , and start her on her
travels again. Lord ! There's lots of
American built ships Hying the Dutch
man's Hag at our wharves. Some Nor
wegians buy 'em , too , but it's mostly
Germans that get 'em. "
That throws a light on the old ships ,
but the pins , pianos , and sowing machines
are still to be accounted for.
Deal OtMitlyvilli the Stomach.
If it proves rofiactory mild discipline i.s tuo
tiling to sot It right. Not all the nauseous
droiiKhts nnd boluses ever invented can do
half us much to remedy Its disorders us a few
wiueglussfiills saythrco a dny-of Hostel
ler's ' Stomach Hitters , which will nlTorJ It
speedy icliof , and eventually banish every
dyspeptic and bilious symptom. Sk'lc Uoaii-
aclie , nervousness , s.Ulownoss of the com
plexion , fur upon the tongue , vorllgo nnd
those many indescribable and disagrcftablo
sensations caused by indigestion , are too
often ucrpctuntcd by injudicious dosing : An
Immediate abandonment of such random and
lll-udvlscd oxperimenls should bo the first
stop in the direction of a cure : the next step
the use of this standard tonic nltorimtlve ,
which has rereivod the highest medical sanc
tion und won unprecedented popularity.
ill Natural Color.M.
The more that is learned about the
alleged discovery , oy M. Vorres or
Veresoz , of the secret of photographing
in natural colors , bays the Illustrated
American , the hmaller the actual re
sults seem. In a letter ho himself says :
"There Is entirely lee much noise made
about the innovation. In its present
state of imperfection it is liighlj inter
esting as a scientific attainment ; much
time nnd money will bo required to make
it available for practical workers. " In
some of the glass pictures taken the
foliage a dark green is feebly repre
sented. In others , red , yellow ,
and to a certain extent , blue , are shown ,
and in pictures rod , orange and violet
are seen by transmitted light , and by
rollocted light tlio red tones assume light
green and violet a dark orange. On the
i > nper pictures the ground is gray , not
, vhito , and black is reproduced black. In
i photograph of a vase of ( lowers , a ' 0p-
> ory red and orange are the most prom-
nont colors , and the leaves show hero
and there a feeble blue. The opinion of
tOuropoan photogra pliers HCOIIIH to be that
M. Vorres 1ms not advanced beyond thu
results reached by Bequerell , perhaps
lot so far.
Mn ( It led to tin ; ItcHt.
All nro entitled to the best that their money
will buy , so every family should have , at
nice , u bottle of the bust family remwlj ,
Syrup oi Kigs , to cle.mso the system when
costive or bllloun. For s.llo In GOoiiml $1.00
Kittlfb by all loading druggists.
An Orphan' * Couliler.
Ono of the problems that trouble the
nanagors of orphan asylums is how to
< ccp the children decently shod , says
, ho Now York Hun. The shoe repairing
jill for a year of a largo institution is
lountod in hundreds of dollars. Mrs. S ,
A. Hill , the matron of the Brooklyn
> rphan asylum , snys that the hushind ot
mo of the ladies of the institution's
joard of managers has presented tha
isylum with a cobbler's complete outfit
md material enough to last a year. Tim
adios iiiadou two months' contrail with
i cobbler , who IH endeavoring to teaoh
some of the older boys sulllcient of his
rado to assist him. Heretofore tlio work
ins been sent out to different cobblers.
3no man who received abouty fifty pairs
to mend returned thirty pairs. Ho re
lortod that the rest were scarcely worth
nending and he had burned th"in A
good cobbler says that it Is almost 1m-
loisiblo to wreck a shoo so that It can-
tot be repaired with advantage to tlio
Dr ,1. II. MeKcan's htreiicehlng rordlnl
md blood purlllor , by Its vilill/'iiig piuiiertlos
vill lulglileil palo cheeks , und tnimfui'm a
mlu , haggariMi , dispirited woman into cmo ot
sparkling huallli and beauty. $1 pur liotllo ,
A flOgCIKl Of till ) SIOUX.
A strangn legend comes to us from tha
Sioux , who alone can tell the true his *
, ory of that deadly ambuscadf , sa.ys thu
Denver Republican. They say that on
the hillock where Custor foil now grows
i plant never seen there bofoma curl-
> us plant with tall , slender loavos. i urved
n the exact form of a salm , with edges
so sharp as to inlllet keen wounds upon
unwary hands , and those who pluelc It
once soon drop it , so strangely cold and
clammy are its leaves. It bears a golden
Hied , heart shaped blossom , and in the
enter is ono small spot of brilliant red ,
iko a drop of blood. The Indians ro-
jard It with flinwrstltlous awo. They
mil It "Ciifller'H mmrt , " and cannot bo
nducud to touch U , claiming that the
) liHsom erushixl In the hand leaves u
jlood rod stain Impossible to romovu.
Ili.idarho , iicurttiKin. dimmest
in Mia in- , oh nji SIIM'HS , mi i-l iiy lr
Mi , . N < i i > S.iini/li' . lu-o at Kudu &
I u u , ICitll und