Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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No nrtvcHlHPincntfl will bo taken for
tlipso uoluiiuiH alter 12JO ! p. in.
Tcrtm Cnnh In nilvnnco.
Atl vertlnemontg under this hcnd 10 cento per
line for Ilio Brut liucrtlon , Tccntsforcneh sub-
uriiupiit Insertion , amUI-Wl porllnq permonth.
Nondrcrtl cmcnu tnkcn for less than 25 cents
fer first Insertion. They must run consoeu-
tlvoly nnd must bo paid In ADVANCI. . All
nil vert Kemcnts must bo bunded In before 12:10 :
o'clock p. nin ntiil untlor no circumstances will
they ho tnken or discontinued by telephone.
PnrtUs advertising In thcin columns nnd
Imvlng their answers addressed In cnroofTiiF
JIKK will plensn nsk for n check tocnnblo them
to get tholr letters , ni none will bo delivered
except on presentation of cite ck. All answers
to advertisement * should bo enclosed In envo-
Atl * nrtvortlsoments In thcso columns arc
published In both morning nnd even ng edi
tions of Tiif : IlK.r , the circulation of which ng-
crtgnlcs morn thnn SO.CfX ) papers dntly , and
Slve * thn advertisers tun benetlt , not only of
the city circulation of TIIK HP.C , but also of
Council muffs , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd
towns throughout thli section of the country
Artvcrtlilnc for thpso columns will he tiiknn
on the above conditions , at the following bus-
npos 1 ouioswho are authorized totakospoolal
notices , nt the same rates as can bt > had nt the
main olllco.
Def Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
Pavings bank building.
TOHN W.HELL , Pharmacist , 6JO South Tenth
O street.
_ _ _
/1HA8E & EDDY , Btntlonors and Printers ,
\J 111 , South Iflth street.
II. FARNSWORTH. I'haru Hoist , 2115 ,
Cumlng street ,
J , HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North
IGtti street ,
"AKO.Vf. PARR , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
Jf worth btrcot.
H UGHKS'PHARMACY , Slth. nnd I'arntim
nTTMl lady ( IcslresrilgjiV < 'nipioyincijt"iitn >
Ing day. Address 11 , II , llco oflice. 272-15 *
oKKnKI'KU wants position nhont July
1st In some mountain town ; Batfsfactoty
ncLai Addicss O VJ IIcc. _ Ltjn-l.'i
"POSITION wanted by compolontl'ooklceenpr ,
4ten j ears' experience. Adtlrpss II 15 Itoo
WANTED Situation by experienced lady
clothes Ironer. Address IM5 Paclfio st.
WANTED A position liy an experienced
clothing salesman , cither In 01 out the
city Addiess. OTO , lleoolllcc. lfiO-15 *
WANTI3IJ aiALjl JtlCfjl' .
VUpNG man""with some knowledge of
bookki eplng. Must boulck | and accurate
figures , state ago , oxpcrlenco and lofer-
CIILC Addiess P. O. box 2n7. 20J-15 *
SMART salesman wanted foi Nebraska ; $1" > 0
pei month to n hustler ; wholesale onl\ ;
wo mean It Enclose stamp. Huslness , 707
Opi ra house , Chicago. 282-lb *
"VXrANTED Traveling salesman. Ppccinl-
T > ties to the trade ; $10 per week elo ir to a
huslloi. John Allison & Co , it25 Dcarhotn
sttcot , Chicago. 281-1.1 *
JD AgentfTfor "IJabor Movement ; "
fastest selling book on tlio maiket. Ad-
Laboi MovementUtW.UIdSt. , Now Yotk.
"V\7"ANTED Active joung mm to maniac
TT olllco. S ilary $7r ) per month. Must fur
nish best reference and $1V ) cash capital. Room
20 , Chamber of Commerce. 261-11 *
rpEACHERS and students everywhere foi
X lucrative employment during vacation ;
full Information fieo : exception il terms Ad
dress Tleld Pub. Co. . Omah t. Neb. 180 r. *
"ViVTANTED Cauvassors , ladles and gontlo-
TT men , on salary. Call nt once , loom ( ill ) ,
Paxlon block. 277-15 *
\VANTED Salesmen on salary ot commls-
T r Mon to handle the new patent chemical
tiik-oiaslng pencil. The greatest selling nov
elty over produced. IIivs Ink thoroughly In
{ wo seconds ; no abrasion f p tper. 200 to 500
percent profit. Ono agent's sales amounted
10 $ ( > . ' 0 lu six days ; another $ .12 In two hours
Ao want 0110 enoigotlo general agent for each
state and territory. Sample by mall : > 3 cents.
1'or Icims nud full partlcul-us address , The
Monioo Etascr M'f'g. Co. , La Ciosso , Wis.
2M-17 *
\\rANTED-Mnn In plens'int business , cx-
T T pei lento untieccssaiy.mustlo in employer
f 110 to $2iX ) . He il estate seuuilty , good wages.
Address II 11 , The lice. 231-10 *
WANTED fi good canvassers , salniv and
com. paid ; leforence required ; 1718 bt.
Mary's avo. 201-17 *
WANTED An educated young man orlndy
to work In the capacity of secretary and
treasuier for n wholesale nmnufactuiliigcom
pany ; $ "iOO capital looulinl ; will pay from i 100
to$110 per mouth. Addiess room 9 , Potvln
block , Lincoln , Nob. 203-15 *
"IS7ANTED-2 energetic young men or
T women , wngeslJSO per day. Call7ilMyn-
storsl. . Council Illulfs. 240-15 *
\\TANTED-A man'and wife without chlld-
T ren. wife must bo n good cool : nnd man to
thoroughly understind farm work and horses ,
Address U 07. Heo olllco 121 17
WANTED Good broad baker at the Star
bakery , Thirteenth nnd Vine sticots ,
Lincoln. Nob. 214-10
WANTED ceno palnteis. None but llrst
class need iipi ] > ly. _ Tor _ Information mi
dress II. Carleton , Ucu O ll k , low a.
STONEMASONS wanted nt Norfolk nud
Hoatrlco. Good wages paid. M. T. Murphy.
A HOY ! Giand expense-maker for canvassers
-tXKvorybody buys ! W.H.Priee.DnvId Clty.Nob
\A/"ANTED Salesmen to sell goods by sam-
TT po ] lo merchants ; salary paid to good
men ; samples furnished ; permanent situation.
Model Manufacturing Co. , bouth Hcnd , 1ml ,
" \\rANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
T uuisoUes. btonoi.WellinstonMndlson.\\
rpWO good men work , $ fifl month.
X Call or addicsswlth reference R.530Rnmgo
bldg , cor , llth and Ilarnoy , IB ! r > *
AaENTS $50outllton30dayH' tlmo. $110 00
prollt In 4 weeks or no imy. Add. , with
stamp : Jnrvls A. Company , Racine , Wls.
_ . _ OB
TVTANTED-i.OOO mon for inllroud work In
I Wiomlng , Dnkora , Utah nnd Novndn ;
wagesSI.75 to $2.W ) ; steady work. Albright's
Labor Agency. HJO Farnam st. ailJyJ
- at $7.1 per month snl-
WANTED-Salesmon sell n line of silver-
plated wure , watches , etc. , by samploonly ;
horse nnd tPnm furnlshod freoi write ntoneo
forfullpirtlculars and s implo cane of goods
Iroo. Stiiitdurd Sllvorwtiro Co. , Boston , Mass.
"ITT ANTED Energetic mon nnd women for a
TV BonteelbusinessiiaylngWJ weekly profit
easier than ffiO monthly otherwise ; experience
unnecessary ; permanent position ana exclu
sive territory assured ; $ , l samples free ; Inves
tigate our money-malting business. Address
with stamp. Merrill Manufacturing Co. . II &J ,
Chicago , 111. bSljylll *
W AN'l'EIGlrl. . for Boiiorni hoiisowork."i
WHlworth a > o. 25(1-15 ( *
WANTED A good girl , Gorman preferred.
Enqiilio at S10 S. 2Jd bt. _ go Ii *
WANTED Two girls to stltoh on shoo up
pers. Those accustomed to running power
flowing machines preferred. W. V , Mot-so X
Co , , llth and Douglas. 274-lt
GOOD grl | wanted In small family ; 2JJI llur-
noy. aia-13
WANTED--2 ladles and 3 youiiK mou to ho
Instiucted In book-keeping. J. H. Smith ,
010 Now York Llfo building. 215 15 *
\\TANTKD Dressmakers ; nl o 1 apprentice
T i til at MUj Mlnnluk'B , 17'4 Lcavonworth ,
ANTED-Nurso girl , 11M S. 2-Jth. Hofer-
CIICO toqlllfCd. 222
_ _
WANTED A lady stenographer who U n
good writer. Answer stating wages. II. it
llco. 2U1 15 *
W ANTED-A nurse girl at 408 N 21 st ,
\VANTEn- servant glrU. Apply 001 B.27th.
> V Dr. Coif man. SB
\X7 ANTED-Qlrl , Scanaiiiuvlan , for general
> T hoiuework , good waged iuld. liW N. aoth.
ANTED Olrl for general housework , two
W In fuuilly , 1112 H.loth st. 191
TITANTED CompotuntBlrl for second work
V > uUo Ilrst-olass kitohon girl. Cull at 41 :
Now York Lift ) bulldlutf ut 6 p. m. iXll ID
good second nlrl Mr" . M T.
Patrick , n. w. cor. 21th and L-ikc. 19
rUOD girl for hon-e work ; must
vJlltnvo Iwst of tecommetiantlonsjgood wages.
Mrs. I ) O MrEwntt , UtljH.SOth st. _ WW _ _
WAM'E-nirT for general housework tit
St. H.irnabar rectory , fCl Noitli Wth.
lTrn'TgotiuTirdy rtotrtrv"cTteacher
preferred , No eanviissln . Salary HO
per month Call nt room al , Cli.uuber of Com-
morvc. ' ShO-10 *
_ _ _
- nnd 2d girls In prlvato fami
ly ; best of wnncs pahl. ? JI S 10th St. . cor
ncrot Lcnvcnworth st Mr . J. L. Hraudols.
W ANTED Inrco experienced ( lining room
qlilsatthu llitrkor liotcl. . ii
ANTED-Lady clorks.320 lo $40 ; paTitry
girl , KO ; 2 German housekeepers ; 10 wait
resses ; I cooks for prlvato families , JS , no
washing ; muse girls ; housemaids ; kitchen
nnd laundry girls ; plain Ironnr ; nny amount
of good places In prlvnto futilities ; 0 girls for
olllcor's families. In nnd nut of city , * , " 0. Mrs.
S. nth street. 270-15 *
ANTED i'wo good girls. IK ! Capllol n vo.
2 U-17 *
Ii ) 1 ( JKHR a 1 1K I NO.
rsyslem of giirmont cutting ,
consisting of n tailor's wooden square , wooden
dart nnd Hleevo mhi ; graded scales , life-sue
diagrams , 40 pngc Iwolc of Instructions and
diploma ; $ . " > pnjs for > stem complete ; Wmoro
for thorough Itistrurtlons , Remember you
piy nothing for system until you le.irn to
ctiLnnd hnsto your dresses in the latest Trench
, styles without rellttlng ! lessons not limited ;
no extr-i cliargo for Icuinliig to cut Worths
luteit Trench bins dnrt. front , Irick , alcoves
nnd skirts. Lessons given In drnplng. There
Is hut one exclusive school of drts-i cutting In
Otiiiha managed petsonally by Mine.
Plinlen Howaro of Jiion dressmakers. The
Kolltigg Tieiich Tailor system was Inven
ted ) ) y n woman and wo wantonly women to
tench It ; learn no model or machine. Call or
nddruss for circular fine , Mmo. Phalou's
school for Hdles' Trench tnllotlng. Dress-
miking parlors lu connection with school ,
cutting and lilting n specialty. 1800 b. Kith st.
2i)5-ir ) > *
HS. It. 0. Sansome. 014 S. Ifith. fashlonablo
Hailoy system taught.
E NUAljJIMKIy'lB touonrcKsjnakingln faml-
.llcs solicited. Missbttiidy , DJ5b.2Jth avo.
M'YRA MtRIunls' Irossmaklng'ofs H22
Oapltol avo. I moand teach the Krojch
tailor system. 100)lf ) >
Yjj1OH fil N'l1--5 rb6hr'nmvnm
JUliarnlf want cd. 3325 N. 10th st. 173 13 *
1 0 ROOM house. Rout , SCO. Furniture $11)00. )
J. $ .WO cash. Cost tlfQO. Co-op. L. fi L. Co ,
205 N. 10th street , SU4-16
rnEN-room house within a stone's throw of
X com t house , full of boarders and loomcrs ;
board nil JmymonV A bargain at SSOO. Also 4-
loom house , rent $15 ; fmnltiire , $ 'V ) ; or will
lent furnished. Co-Operative Land & Lot Co. ,
S0.1 N. llith st. 244 10
_ _ _ _
TflOR HENTA nicely furnished house In
X1 KoutiUo Place to pai tics without elilldi en
and wising to board man and wife. Enqulto
2115 Everett avonuo. 275-17 *
O NEW houses , one 0 and one 5 rooms. In-
iiulro of John L. lllll , cor. Uth ami Vlnton.
257-17 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
T71URNISHED house , 10 rooms ; modern eon-
X' voiilentcs. Cash or man and wife will
bo ird with p irtlcs for rent. Addtcss II 12 Hoe
olllce. gl8-10 *
" "
MALL HOUSE on Dorcas St. , near ISth ; $7
a month , H. A. Thompson , at Thompson ,
lloldcn & . Co.'s , Kith and Douglas. aul-ll *
. flrst-clnssboaidlnghouse ; rentfTiOD ,
I Income M 1)0(1 ) ( ; this is the only fine family
hotel lu the city. C ill and Investigate. Co-
opcratlv e Land and Lot Co , 203 N. 10th st.
211 1C
_ _ _
I fi ROOM ll-it neiv battle of Gettysburg , rent
1.V > , full of loomcrs ; fnrnlturo $ < i01 : 8 > 7i cish ,
biilnncomontlily. 12 room lint , now , $70 ; fur-
nit mo cost $ ' 12.1 ; lieen used 1 month. Parly goIng -
Ing away and will sell for $ fiK ) ; easy terms.
Co-oper.itlvu Land A , Lot Co , 203 N. 10th. 21 J 10
171011 HENT-Reslrtcnccs In all parts of city.
X1 List too largo to publish. Globe Loan &
Trust company , J07 S. llith st. 571
THOU RENT At moderate rout , the thieo-
JU story and basement brick building situated
nt No. 1110 Douglas xlrcot , suitable for manu
facturing , wholCb'ile or warehouse put poses ,
also one sloro and b isomcnt No. 107 S lithst.
Apply to Chas-K.lufnmnii , 1JW Douglas st.
" ] j"iOR RENT Nine-room house and furniture
X1 for sale , finest locution In the elty and an
excellent place looms. IU s. 2 ith St. ,
or apply ntl515 Douglas Bt. 101 15 *
T710R RENT About Juno 1 , those elegant
X1 stone residences "on Georgia av o , S. 2uth st.
hot. Mason and I'aelliosts. bcu owner for long
tlmo lease. H. H. Henderson , room 400 , Paxton -
ton blk. 574
MODERN house , nine rooms , b ith. hot and
cold water , furnace and gas , on Dodge st. ,
$40 per month. IfrcclJ. Iioithwlolr , 21JU. 14th.
"I71OR RENT 2 fins pressed biick houses , east
X1 fronts on Georgia nve. , Just noith of Le.iv-
cnworlh st , ' ) looms , bath , furnace , sewer con-
nectlonSf all conveniences ; will rent to re
sponsible parties for $50. M. A. Upton Co. ,
llith nnil Tariiain. 740
T71OK RENT Small hotiBoW par month. J
JL1 Wilkinson , CIS Paxton blk. 013
FOK RENT House , 10 rooms , all modern
Improvements ; largo yard. Ml per mouth.
Commission to agents. Dexter L. Thomas.
_ _ _
IP YOU wish to rent a house or store see II.
E. Cole , Continental block. 03
TT10R HENT Two of the finest residence flats
X' on South 10th street , with all modem con-
vcnlcnccs.hotnnd cold water , oloso to llrown
ell hall. First class Hut roundings. Apply to
Olins. ICauf matin. 1.102 Douglas st Utj
NICE , convenient 5 inom house 1539 HSist
st. between Center and Dorcas sis. 229-10 *
fTIWO-lloor cottage , till modern Improvo-
JL ments , cornor21th and Chicago. Apply at
1.100 li'arnam st. 217-n
" 171OH HENT Modern Improved houses , con-
JL1 vcnlout to now union depot and wholesale
district ; jjood locality. Apply 111-1 S. 10th st.
FOK KENT Dwelling , 0 rooms , stable , nnd
all requirements for a first-class homo ;
south fiont ; 2OS Capitol nvcnue ; rental very
low. Innulro tit lull I'nrnam fit. G.1U
8-UOOM Hat v , Ith Rtoam hout. 10th St. no ir
Jones. Thomas F < Hull , 311 Paxton block.
FOH HENT 10-toom brick Itouso , with moil-
oii ) eotnenlenceb , No. 811 S.SOth st. Apply
ut No. tt7 ! H. 20th St. f > 7.- >
FOH HENT 7-room house with hirn ; nom
inal rout to good p irty. C. 1 < \ Harrison. 911
N. Y. Life. 111
T710H HENT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
JJ Inquire 2111 Douglas. 811) ) .
PINE residence , modern improomonts , 2103
bt. Mary's % o. . $ < r > pur month. Inquire at
premises or nt A. Heller's , lilt lfarnam. 150
TTHNETTOom dwolllng with vnrd , $ . ' 5.
JL ; Also,8-room dwolllng with yard , $ JO.
0 and lo-ioom dwellings , $ . to ffiO.
bmentou A. Allen , HWJ'i ' I'm mini st.
l".j Jyl2
ESIDENOES 25th nnd Ilarnoy. Tor iirlcel
sen Paul , UKIO rarnam. 17.l- :
TJIOTt HENT About Juno 7 , 8-room house : cid
.1. and Cumlng sis , Jn per month , 0. T ,
Hnirlson.UHN. Y.LIfo 4S9
ATOnil opportunity to seouio the loiiso and
L fiirnltuitinf ono of the finest homes In
Omaha , furniture all now , location near high
bohool , rent low.Vllltnkn half Its value ; ii
cash , bal , time. Address , E 4 1. lloo. 311
"TTIOH HENT Vjry nleo7-room houses ; special
JJ terms made. Apply to t'lotchur Young ,
Ambler IMaeo. _ U .
171OH HENT 5 room houso. good repair , nirn
-L1 yard , cistern water , rout JSi Apply to 14W
fcouth 7th nve. or to Jno. W. Hell , druggist , 10th
411 N\lUst-
_ _
rilllREE largo rooms , oomploto for Hglit
JL housekeopln ; nice ynrdi two hlooics from
motor and cable cars , loia N & nd struct.
X'oO-18 *
M1WO nlco rooms with gas and hath 1 and * 1J (
JL per mouth. IL'l Jj. I'Jtli at. _ JHI-16 *
" 171IHHT class nccommodatloiia for 3 or 4 n n-
JU tloiiiLMi , nil modern eonvonlonces : gas , olo-
guut buth , hot and cold water , ote. 707 8. IClh.
guO-ltt *
HENT Till BoptomlMjr I. a furnlshod
-L' parlor and bedroom. Cull between 0 nnd 7
p. m. , 2 Ml L'uriium. 215-10 *
"OOOMS , with hoard If doslrcd , 11)08 ) Cup. avo.
TT1UHNISHED front room , 13 | bedroom. $5.
JUgHHIlarnoygt. _ 218-15 *
1T10K HENT Nicely furnlshod rooms , with
JU or without board at 201J llarnoy t. 100 19 *
NKV.VjY f urnl.shert rooms , single or on suite ,
with ur without boarU. IWyllowurd.iM Hour
171OH nENT ToboardlnteInb.sK mciuhors ,
J1 nil of second Iloor , three Sleeping rooms ,
bath rixim and front ilmuIng room ; breakfast
nt 7a.m. . dinner 8.Bp : ) , nn ( onus forclub ,
JIN ) per month ; references required. Iiinulru
Ilt22\4 \ Wlrt st. ITU
OOM nnd hoard for two , iiUo day board.
li Satisfaction assured , 101U Dodge si.
1J2-10 *
17WR RENT I or 2 picns-uit room * with
X1 board , prlvato fninlly. 2013 Douglas.
HUNT I furnished nnd 4 unfurnished
Foil . Hont reasonable. Inquire nt 1123
N. ICtli l. . upstairs. 121 15 *
"VTEATLY furnished front room , with bo ml ;
J- > all inodoru Improvements. 2010 California ,
110-lb *
rilO young Indict whohavo no liomo In this
Xclty , can furnish rooms and board In
respectable prlvato .family nt roasonnblo
rates. Apply nt 2.115 Oaldwoll , 1 block front car.
OOL. pleasant rooms , ami N. nth , Hat "J , "
with llrst-clnss board , for gentleman.
375-J23 *
TJ10H RENT-tPloasant furnished room with
J1 all conveniences , 212S. 2-Hli lit. 882
"T71OH KENT Two furnished front rooms ,
JU ullli hay-windowmodern conveniences , $10
nnd S4 JKT mouth , with or without bouid. 2218
Lcavcnworth si. HI3
"filOlt HENT/-l'urnIshed rooms. 1721 Capitol uv
X1 8I7.ly4 *
"I > OOMS , t" and 110 ; Bio fa. 22. 2M-20
71OR IinXT Nicely furnished rooms , July 1.
1T22 Capitol ave. , 2S.S-21 *
"filOR RENT Now furnlshod rooms In Now
JU , with or without board , at reason-
iiblo rates. 212Hllurtioy st. : 0
"IpOR KENT Turnlshed 1-001113. lijOi Douglas ,
RENT Nicely furnlshod room , all
FOR conveniences , 2 blocks from 1 * . O. ,
018 it 171h st. 077
_ _
FOR HENT A largo and nicely furnished
loom fiontlng on Capitol avonuu , cast of
the high Hchool. Prlvato f.imlly. suitable for
two or three gentlemen. Address G , 51 , lloo.
T71OR RENT rurnlshed rooms ; gas , bath and
JE steam ; nil ) Ilowartl. _ 573
Q T. CLAIR Eitropoan hotel , corner llth nnd
O Dodgc. iiitos by wcok or month. 570
" \TICELYfiiinlshed front rooms with nlcovo
J-N to let. Inquire 2022 St. Mary's avenue.
"iron KENT A largo front room , furnished ,
JL1 in ( mo of the finest residences In the city ,
724 S. liHh St. , coinur Leqvcnwortli. _ 811
200-10 *
5UNTURN1SHED rooms , nlco ynicl. 0:11 : So.
17th st. , between Jackson and Lcav ciiworth.
11)0 ) 10 *
TOOK RENT 3 unfurnished rooms,20s N. IJlth.
"IT1OII KENT 4 unfuiiilsht'd rooms to family
JL1 without children ; modern Improvements
1701 Wubbtor st. 1'rlco 3i : > . 5 0
VEU haidwaio stoiolOJl Howard st.
UNKUIJNISIIEU rooms for housekeeping at
gie.itly reduced prices. Cheapest imit In
thucity. llutts Keiitiu , ! Agency , JlShJ'ith bt.
olllco at small figureon giound Iloor ,
In Itojd'sopot.i house. Iiujulio of Ameri
I'lio ! Co. , ai" b. 15th st. liW
flOKNEIt hast'ini'iit Slth and Le.i\enworth
\J st. ; good place foi barber shop. $ . " > per
month. 1W-25 *
OITIOES In Wlthiicll block , nth and Ilarnoy
streets , fd per month and ; all mod
crn Improvements. Call and see them.
101 J15 *
FOK KENT Small store room , So. South
Tenth. 1'our doors fiom depot. Huitablu
for fruit Orclgai stoic. Apply ticket olllce ,
fe07faoutlilOth. 8-0.
STOKES at TOD , S 10th , SixfiO e ich , largo
show \\lndotts , heat furnished. Thoa
V. Hall , ail Pa\ton block. 5SI
FOU KENT The 4-story brick building , with
or without power , formerly occupied by the
Itco Publishing Co , 010 st. The build
ing has a Uri'pioof cemprt basement , complete
steam hoathij : flxtuies , uulcron all the floors ,
gus , etc. Apply at the olllcu of The Itco. 01" > .
ADAKDEIlshop In the Ruwo hotel baso-
ment with four bath tubs , two chairs ,
watonsotks. with fixtures complete. Tor par
ticulars address Win. Ituwe , rromont Nob.
WANTED Horses to pasture at $250 a
month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
called for and delivered. W. It. llomaii , Uoom
0 , Frenzor block. 58 , (
EJ. IUEY , lontal agent , 200 N. Y , Life.
700 !
MOUTON'H rental agonoy , 517 Paxton hlock
HE COLE , rental agent , Continental blk.
TTANDf-OMEiW furnished house ,
JT-iiow furniture , excellent board , all mod
ern conveniences , strictly first-class , prlvato
family. Address II8 , lioo. sr-tl 15 *
fllWO handsomely fuinlshed rooms suitable
JL for three person's , with good board , prlvato
family , first class In o ery respect , terms rea
sonable. Address It 10 lloo olllco. 8B3-13 *
IT vou want a position where you can make
Jl .r > pci month , address Unloii Publishing
Co. , Columbus. Nob. 2 : > .I-1 ( ! *
WH. DAY , plumbing and gas llttlns , 2033
Kariiam , foimcily of the llusscy & Day
Co. : has opcnod a plumbliu , fltoam and gas
lltting eslabllshment whom ho Is now riuidy
to make estimates and do all kinds of jobbing
ut icasonablo pilcos. Gho him u cull. Telephone -
phone 15hO. yri-21 *
OU ) llrownoll Hall for sale. Ono of the
largott frame buildings. lUth and Jones
sis. , 4 stories , \ory sound , to bo moved or torn
down ; \vlll iciolvo bltls to Juno 25th. Addresser
or see W. 1' ' . Loroiuun , UO South IQtti st.
18 ! 10 *
ANTED To know the whoreabi ( its of
Win. J. Morldlth , by his piionts of Mo-
bcrly. Mo , his last lotlui was wrlttou at rhl-
cugo July lii. l ; xi. M. 1' Mcrldlth. g07-lfl *
IAD STONE I hnvo a genuine mad stone.
L L L. Hcnhow , 12.12 no. 204 t Wl-Jy 4
WANTED-Tor the summer , for llrst-olass
country board , n family or number of in
valids , Ti nilniitns fiom Hnnscom Park car ,
usoof pony nnd cart If desired ; shade auu
lawn , Address 1 ! 5 , lieo. 2.11 n *
ATEAManO moving express wagon , Call
Augtihtils lltown , at.Oliilr hotel , 1 Ith and
Dodgo. S.VJ-17 *
WANTED Houses or Stores , clear of In-
cumhranco , In other Nobinsknor Iowa
towns for Incumbored Omaha leal ostnti' ,
Htrlngor i Penny , Douglas block , 10th and
Dodgo. 291
\\7"ANTED Good commercial pnpor. Not -
t > utusUu Mortgage Loan Co , 519 Paxton blk.
TIL'HN 1TUHE , housoholdgoodb.cte. Highest
- cash pilco. J17 S lath. U7J
PARASOLS nnd umbrellarovorod nnd ro-
ptilrcd. H. llalor , 1515 Douglas ; basement ;
UM IIHELLAS ropalred , lawn mowers sharp
ened , key fitting and looksmlthlng ut
Ilollln'H gun shop , 119 N. IDth st. 209 Jl ! )
M ABSAGE and mngnotlo treatment , 1113 I'.i-
clllc ; , hulf blook from motor lino. DliJ-l'i *
LOUISE 1IENNET11. from Chicago , the fa.
inouK mnsHoiir and miigiiutlo manipulator.
Parlors , . ' 110 N. Idtli st , 202-18 *
. .Ai Jlw. Dr. Day has fitted up olo-
. 'L'gant bath rooms , No. 140ti Dodge Ht. , tin )
prouml Iloor , nnd Is now prepared to glvo Hot
Hprlngs baths with olcctrlolty. All sulTerlng
from rheumatism , lu grippe , paralysis or
dropsy will do well to call upon her. 21SJyl3
rASHAOK treatmont.olootro , thorinul.meil-
i'1-lciited buths.RcuIp ihulrtroutmontmanl-
curu & ohlroyodiat. Mm. E. M. I'OHt , 4111 S , 19th.
885 Jy
M IBS II. t'OHS TEH , midwife and M. D. for
children and fuiualo dlaouuos , 1U1 H.iundurd
it , , In kooond atory. 201-J-21 *
A HE you going to t.ikoa rncatlon or n trip ,
-cVlf Hodont go until you buy ono of Heyn'a
amateur photo outflu. 0 sty lea to select from.
1111 Dodge at. SO
BN.OLlSJ.flAN , oxclusUo pension 7iUo >
noy , It IV JI2I. Krcnrcr hlock , Omaha ; also
Cinclnnnll W shlngton , Stamp for circular.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f > S7
qE storage lt owost rale
llushtnail Hi Lcavoiiwortli. 683
pOLO storngfv David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
} _ ij. . _ gW
STORAGr > llraneh & Co. , 1211 Howard.
, 023
. , . . , . . scpnrato eomnart-
mcnts.lJlWr'llowiird. ' 2.17
niRACKAOK flotage , David Cole , 811-817
X Howard. , . 2.17
LOST Large red cow wltli white spot on oncli
sldojalso , piece cut out of each ear. Howard
will bogl\cti at817 a. 18th M. 2.f ) 15 *
I OST-IlIgh school class pin O. II. 8. 1&90.
'Return ' to Hoe olllco. 278-10 *
IOST A lady's gold watch and chain with
Jhcr full name engraved on Insldo of cover.
Tinder lea\e HIIUO at this ofllco and recall o
reward. Elo Williams , Tel. 1174 , Omaha.
21710 *
LOST Smnll hay mare ; 2 white hind foot ,
1C brand on side he id. 1'rod Peters. ; t blocks
north D. and D. Institute. 200 r. *
' l'AN"liorses'wortiii'5TiM Tiri buy tlietu.
Span mules , hound , and good workers , $12. > ,
Slnglo dilM-rs. $7."s Sotno hainess , a wagon , a
buggy and a phaelon ; having no use for them
Ilitne cut the price In two. It , \\lllhirns ,
2OT N. llith ht. 214 10
I71OH HALli A good .l-sprliigdellveiy wagon ,
JL1 Diummond'u make. Call at 1121 S. ! Uh Ht.
212 r > *
1710R SALE A good , stylish carriage horsn ,
X' Round and gentle. Etuiulioat 1G07 Howuid ,
2d Iloor. SI'MS *
TT10R SALE A full plntlorm sptlng , leather
JL' topcnrrlago.aimostnew , and one Columhirt
nrike buggy ; also ono set double harness for
$ .1.1. Appli at 2213 Webster .
30 and up. IL E. Cole.
T71ITTEEN span work mules , long lime ut 7
X1 per cent interest , faolby 13 Hoard Trade.
"PARTIES looking for fine driving or saddle
X horses , would do wall to call on , or corres
pond with T. .I. Tlemlng , manager W. H. JII1-
lafd's farm , Calhoun , Neb. Ho has for sale
some flrst-class single drivers , carriage teams ,
and saddle horses , at reasonable prices. 5U2
T71OH SALE I'lno family carriage .horso
X bound and gentle. Itiquiro D14 N. '
" OHSES ijiBtitdtlNors , bargain. The Into
fire has made them cheap. H. E. Colc.Cou-
tlncntal block. r > 23
T/\7"ANTED / Hy a young married couple ,
TV pleasant room with bo ird In prlvato fam
ily , vicinity of I'arU or GcoigU nvcs. pte-
ferrccl. Address II 1 , lloo. ftiii
" \\7 ANTED Hy n small family , a pleasant
IT cottage oC six or so\en looms noai or on
the eai Hues. Will bo permanent. Addrobs
O M Heo. 771)
W'AN L'LD To icnt 2 to .1 unfurnished
rooms for housekeeping , small family ,
near business center. Addtcas G IS , Itco olllce.
T WANT more houses to rent ; more demand
Xthau houses. 1'airotto Rental agency.
FOI t S < V TJ KrF V 1 1 N IT U 1 1 13 m'C.
T71OR SALE rurnlturo , carpets nnd houso-
X1 hold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and 3 iturday moinlngat 1111 Par-
iiiim st. Cash puld for goods. Omnhi Auction
and btoiago Co. Jlenry Ciolghton , auctioneer.
S'Xt '
A' ' line uptight rileluwny
-tVplano w 111 bo olTcrcd for sale at 2 o'clock ,
Tuesday , Juno 17th , at the coiner of 44th and
Hurt sis. Come and got a bteluwuy at a bar-
galn. 2H-1C ( *
FOtt SALE A llrst class bakery , confection
ery nnd lostaitrnnt , In one of thobcstcitles
of Nobuska , 4.IXX ) Inhabitants. The only est -
t ibllshmont of the kind In the city. Good
ehanco for thn right kind of man. Address
Lock Uox 130 , Crete , Nobi aska. 144-15
I7TOR 8ALE , encap 80-homo power steo
X' boiler , good us now , with fittings complete ;
heater , niud-drnm , plunge pumps , nnd No. J
Knowlcs ; will soil for one-half original cos I
Jotr W. Hodford. OJt
fTTHTTfamous Warrensburg whlto and blue
X sand stone will stand In any cllm-ito , Is fire
and frost proof and Is suitable foi all purposes
where stone Is profor.iblo to othoi material. I
am prepared to furnish this stone on short no
tice In any quantity , lough , sawed or dressed
ready for use. For further Information ad
dress Jacob 1'lckcl , WurroiisburgQuarrlosSlo. ( )
079 Jj8 *
SIXTY head No l.Tersoy cows forsalo of best
strains. Hyuhatu & Loclcart , Red Oak , la.
1.15 17 *
BEST quality meats , lowest rates , at Fred
Hoos' moat market , 2222 Oumlng st , 781 20
T7IOR SALE 1X ) piano boxes , price $3. A.
X Ho&nc. 151J Douglas. _ 800 a 4
-OOD soda fountain , In running order , for
G less than half cost. O. I'etorsou , 618 S. 1 Hh.
I OK for sale In carload lots. Address Mul-
holland A. Co. . Council Hluffs , la. 141-18
TTlOUSALi : Hotel 8 rooms on hecond floor ,
JU1 0 rooms on llrst Iloor ruinlturo Rood.
Nearest hotel to depot. Only two hotels In the
place. Lho town , good business. Terms rea
sonable. Address , Mrs. J. W. Moslor , Dodge ,
Neb. ll.l-lj ( *
FOR SALE Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored
grey hound. Enquire 724 b. 10th St. , corner
of Leavonwortl. . 844
T710U 8ALISome coed watches and dla-
J- mends cheap. U. 1. Masters , room 4 , Wlth-
nell block. 591
OHOAN for sale nearly now , cheap If sold
soon. Address It 7 Hoe olllco. 2V10-10 *
AH. EWINGTON , teachot of piano , several
} ears' experience ; methods easy atidnat-
uial. Studio , 120 N. 15th st. 17719 *
"OEl'Oltn buying a piano examine tno new
-Oscalu Klmball piano. A. llobjie,151.1 Douglas
G EO. r.OELLENHEOIC.toaoherof the banjo ,
with Hospo , nil Douglas. 219
G EO. j > AlJLrii0
loan on fauns and city piopcrty.
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought. McOaguo Iuestmunt Co. U02
MONLY loaned at lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "extras. "
no delay , Globe IMUII & Trust Co , 307 H Kith.
BUILDING loans , U to 7 per con I ; no addi
tional charges foreommfsslon or attorney's
fees. W. H. Molklo , l-'lrst Nat'l bank bldg.
TXfONEY 30,0orOOdaysonfiiriilturoplanos ! ,
'Lhorses , houses , oto. J. J. Wilkinson , 018
Paxtonhlk. . ( , sou
1IAT T E L lotfils at lowest rates ; business
confidential 5JU Puxton blk. J. H. Emlnger ,
j WO
T.UTHER L. Cl'iWING , Hoston will loan"to
XJtiny amount : Omaha or Council Hluirsln-
sldn property. Apply E. R. Tronuli- attorney
Now York Life build Ing. 12.1 11
COMMERCIAL and general short time paper
iHiught ; also ; pgular fivo-year loans made
on Improved ilrouerty. Gee , I' , llluat.t Co ,
201 Hamgo bldgj , , im
SECOND mortgage loans. Second mottgogcs
bought. Loans on vacant lots. Reed &
Solby , room 13 , Iluni4 Trudo. 007
I11ERAL real cs tito loans made by W. M ,
Harris , loomiwOfiTrouzcr block , opp. P. O ,
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of 110to
$1IXK ) ; got oilrvUtos before borrowing and
save money ; load on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , cull U 'M. Sheely blk , 15th and
Howardsts. Oftl
Ijlllis'l1 mnrlgaga loans nt low rates and no
X1 delay. D. V. bholos Co , , 2101st Natl bank.
0 HATTEL HANK , room a Wlthnoll block.
GPEH CENT rcsldonoo loans , Kl.000 to
Ilulldlng loans ntHpoolalrntoa. The McuU
Investment Co. , Hoe building , SOS
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , muipi ,
household goods , pianos , orgatts.dlamonds ,
at lowest rates. The ( Irst orgiinlzod loan of-
llvo In the elty. Make loans from U ) to ittl5 days ,
which culi bo paid In part or whole at any
tlmo , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call nnd KCO us when you waul money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No ( Inlay In making
loans. U I' ' Reed ic Co. , 1119 8.\ur
Illngham & lion * . W7
T.OANB"Mnney on hand , low rates , Onmlm
jRpM Estate i Trust Co , 220 S. 17lh St. , Hoe
building. D05
MONEY to loan on any dccurlty
for .short time at low
catos. Lowest rates
_ , , . , , "n personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com-
room 400 , I'nxton blook. 008
WANTED-I'lrst class Inside loans. Ixiwosl
rates. Call and sco us. Mutual Invest *
men t Co. . 1J.M rariinm , CO ! )
BEI'OHE negotlnllng n loan to Improve
your ronl estate got terms from
The Odell Investment Co , UOI N. Y. Llfo bids. ,
Tlios. tj. lloid , loprosontnthi' . 010
" "
1'hlhidelphl.i Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and p y pnimptly ; first
mortgages wanted Ooorgo \ \ . I' . Coates , ropro-
Heiiliitlve , room 7 , Hoard Trade , OK
' 17ASTERN * money to loan on olty property ;
Xumortgagu paper oought. II. U. IroyNY.Llfo
MONEY to loan on long or short tlmo ;
county warrants bought , Hlnr Land &
Loan Co. , IWHi rnrnam st , n.1) ) j S3
SHORT tlmo loans oniicunt lots , fcelliy.t
_ _ Reel , 1.1 , bonrilolM _ ndo , t > V <
TIITONEY to loan tu tiny amount from $10 to
J'l.JlO.OW for any tlmo from ono to nix months.
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
horses , mules , wagons , houses , loasm , etc. . In
fact on any available security In any amount
at the lowest possible rates without removal
of property.
Payments cnn be made at any tlmo reducing
Iwth principal and Interest. You pay Interest
only for the time you use the money. If you
owe n balance on your property I will tuko It
tip mid carry It for you.
Moncv always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Noicmoval. Lowest riles.
Room 4 Wlthnoll block , 15th and Hainey Sts.
5 I1 Ell cent money to loan on ronl estate se
curity. Loans can bo tiald oil In Install
ments. Jno. W. Robblns , 20"N. Y. Llfo bldg.
„ _ _ „ _ „ ' "
T.OANS wauled on productho Omaha
JUestato. II niulR years'time , optional pay
ments. fa\omble tetms and i.itos.
Klmball , Champ . Ryan ,
1000J10 1205 rarnam st.
/-1HATTEL loins , II. 10 Continental blk. . 13 &
v Douglns ; business confidential. M..I. Hull ,
COLLATERAL hank , 312 bo. 10th st , room fi.
Chamber of Commeice , lonns money on
commercial vapor and nil articles of valuo.
Also on horses , cattle , furniture and other
chattel property without removal , nt lowest
rates of Interest. All business strictly conll-
dcntliil. O'.t J15
MONEY to loan , ft years on easy terms on 113
per Cent on good conservative % nluatlons.
anywhere In the city limits of Omaha , nt 410
bhcoloy bldg.,15th mid Howard sts. Sam ITato.
WANTED Educated young ladles and gen-
tlcmontto loam hhoithand and typowi It-
Ing ; good s ilarlos ; students assisted to posi
tions. btandaid bhorth ind lluslnoas College.
Frank E. Hell , Instructor. _ OU _
HAND Calegt.tphs , Hammond and
Remingtons. John II. ( Wncs Co. Letter
Tiles and olllce Specialties , R lingo bldg. 510
V cl tvoyan t
/inedlcnl and business modlutii. remalodls-
easc'j.a specialty. 11'JN.lOth St. , rooms2amlJ
MRS. DR. EDDYhas returned. The renowned
cl.ilnovant Is the sesenth daughter of
the soicnth daughterbout with vollaml great
prophetic gift of second sight , \\hlloeiitranccd
will ro % cal tohur pationao erv hidden nn stery
In life. IIis long been pronounced In Imope
and America the me itost living wonder of the
prt'sLiivUgo. Uiidotstands the stletiLO of the
"I'oislaii and Hindoo magic. " or undent
charm wotklng , and prep lies Egyptian talis
mans which will oorcomo your enemies ,
romines family troubles , lostorcs lost
affections , makes m.urlago with the ono
jou love no failure , Itomotes evil lu
ll nonces , bad habits , cutes witchery ,
fits , and all long standing and mystoilous
diseases. Koo # 1 , f- and $5 ; houis 0 a. m. to 8 p.
m. , stilct. bond stamp for lllustinUd olrculai.
I'arlors J21 Noitli 15th st. Always at homo.
220 20 *
PROK. Lercc , the rcnownod pnrenologist ,
medium and palmistwho has been publicly
tested nnd challenges the world lu rexoallng
mysteries , disperses Jealousy , evil Inlln-
cncos , gives full names of present or future
husband 01 wife , also tolls your faults and
qualities , trade business or profession to
make n success. I22 ! North Ihth up stairs. Con
sultation $1. Satisfaction given ot no pay.
204-1-21 *
MADAM DELX1ER. mngnotlst , is ackowl-
edgcd by all competitors the quean of
mnssago and magnetism. Parlors ever 010 S.
Uth. Hours 0 to 8 ; Sundays 10 to 3 strict.
aVJly7 ) *
W T SlLRN mnnufactuiors of novelties ,
statlonors , spcclaltlos nnd light ma
chinery dcslilng New York roptcsontatlvocan
secure ser % Ices of a pushing agency by ad
dressing Scarlng-Portor , JOi ) Uroadway , N. Y.
FOR SALE A clean now stock of boots nnd
shoes In Nebraska City , Neb. All goods
bought tills hprlng nnd Includes only goods
from the best manufacturers. To bo sold for
cash. Address H. 10 Omaha lloo. 2S."i-15
BUSINESS Oppoitunlty Tlio pilntlng and
bookbinding establishment together with
the dally and weekly Gorman Nobtasku Trib
une newspaper at Omaha , Nobiaska , belong
ing to the estate of K. O. restnet , dccoiiscd , Is
hereby offered for sale at a fair valuation
with good will , either business .sepniatoly or
to'othor. Thu business Is now kept In MILCCSS-
ful operation , oloaiIng n weekly net prollt of
fiom two bundled to two hundred and fifty
dollars. For particulars wilt to John H. F.
Lolimanu. executor. Omaha , Nob. SdS-ll
SMALL Job Diluting ofllco In this oity for
salo. Material nil now , and books will show
olllco doing line business on light expense. No
bonus. Hig discount for cash or can bo had
on easy terms. Address O 32 Hee. 21)7-15 *
9 GOOD openings. Rest paying chop house In
the oity , feeding IWO dally , WfiW. ( Lunch
counter In saloon , JilO. 21 n om hotel In bouth
Oi.nihu foi MOO. Cigar htoro In fine location ,
Invoice $1,000 , Saloon In the heart of the city ,
vi.COK Hobtaiti ant lit good location , $1,000 ; also
< , $100. Ice orcum pniloi nnd bakety.
Rostliuiant , bonidlng house and looming
house mini com t houso. All In good bhnpo
and limning. Co-opoiatlvo Land & Lot Co , ,
201 N. 10th ht. 214 111
ELEGANT llrst class bontdlng house and
fninlly hotel , 75 looms , all occupied , and
nonilj 10J hoarders. Hout , J.VX ) per month ; In
come. $ .1000 monthly. Co-Opeiatlvo L. A , L.
Co.SPIN. Kith st. 214 ll >
"I71OH HENT or sale A llrst olnss creamery in
X1 good agricultural district. Plenty ot cream
can bo hud. Address J. P. Kenshuw , Sterling ,
Nob. ( VISJJ1) ) *
_ _
T71ORTALE--Drug stock ; an old estahlihhed
X1 and well located ; will Invoice $ .1,000 to\WK ) ;
part cashbaluneo on tlmo 01 Omaha olti ptop-
orty. ThoMoad ln\estmoiitCo.Heo building.
FOR SALE Ono nharo Nobi.iskn tolopliouo
stock , by J. U. Kllnor , 70(1 ( Warren avenue ,
Chicago , 111. 10.--15 *
SALE ARtookof drugs , store llxtutes ,
. u fine soda fountain , located In a pros-
pot ous county sent In Nobnisku. Evorytlilng
ll of the best. Thn town Is a R. R. division
fltatlon and the H. R. shops are located thine.
Tor full ptirtloulnrs call or address H. H. Hen
derson , room 400 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
WANTED-To sell or trade harbor shop ;
good reasons for selling. Will soil cheap.
Addiess box219. Neola. In. grr iri *
SALOON for rent or trade , centre of Omaha ,
\oiyul i o n p. Address HII. llco. 22810 *
T710H HALE-Clgnr , confootlouarv and fruit
-L1 btand , with ll\e rooms , 20 ( ] bouth Uth st.
221-20 *
TTIOR bALE A half or ontlro Interest In n
* . ' piosporous haidwniu and groouiy biiHlness.
lloxfiU.1. Vork Nob. IW-lil
MOHTOAGEEh'Halo-NotloolshoroDy given
that I will hell ut ptibllo niictlon tn the
! ilglKis.fbldler forenxh the furtiltuiu and llx-
tuies and romalnlng portion of Ihn sleek of
cigars , tnhaioo , pipes , etc. , of U. II , Maok &Cti ,
1108 Tarnnm st. Hale to commence at 3 o'clock
ii. m. Thurniluy , June 19 , imo , nnd contlnuu
[ lomdaytoday until till of said property Isdls-
[ tosed of. In tnu moan tlmo any poitlon of the
Uouk can he purohnscdut private sale at prices
losult. Win , ( 'obiirn. Agent for Mortgagees ,
Lhiiahn. Noll. Juno 7. IB1 * ) 002 M
FURNITURE business forHiilo. Htock $ IWI ) .
Uood H. H town ; no competition. 1. H.
Lamb , Ccdnrjtnplds. Nob. ao7'1T * _
/ 1OMMLSbION lninlnohs for nalo , llxtures ,
Whorso and wagon , will Involeo to Hult pur-
ohtiHor i > l. > o to 1600. t'lrut-ulusa location. Address -
dross a 39 neo. KII
TT1OH SALE-Oraln , coal nnd lumber yards.
JU Address , If. J. Hale , llattlo Or'-u Nu' '
ITlOR SALE I'lno ustublliihed olKiirand IIOWH
JJ business. Host lou hi the cltv. Ad-
drosx box O , ( MS poslollloo. 480
OH BALK or Tor Rent Ono of the bestlUod
up boaidlng hoiihua In Hoiith Omaha , In
moildu ! Irablu lotintton. Apply to H , H. Ruvon ,
. 7thst .iiutirKxchunuourObiiiiii , ' , youth Oinnhn.
113 Jia *
171OR SALE-Ilnlf interest In my rotull
X1 grocery business to a good rnllnbln man ,
capable of managing the miniu , The only x-
: lusl\o onsli grovury house In Onmlm. K-
. . ililUhiHl n yuara IIKO by Ed. N. llruwu , thu U ,
O , U. , l'-"J North 10th aL 713
' \Il IIAT"liitxoyou for 4S quarters of land
TT houses ntui lots nho mortgages ? May
assume. W. J. Paul , IWi 1'ariiiun. 17J-.M
WR hnvo $180,000 worth of llvo stock , mer
chandise , real estate nnd millinery goods
for Rule or exchange , what have you to oiTer
forsnloor Irado. Address , western Exchange
Co. Columbus. Noli. gU-15 *
rpo EXCHANGE-NOW wholes tin Btocu of
JL notions nnd furnishing goods In original
packages , no remnants or out goods , to ex
change for good unencumbered ronl ostnto
nnd one-third In cash or good paper , any
amount from $3,000 to fcW.OOO. II , M , Young &
Co. . Rod Oloud. Nob. _ 2.V-ly
ITH'R EXCHANGE Clear land In town nnd
JO Nebraska to exchange for Omaha or South
Omnlia vnennt lots ; will IIS-UMIIO smnll oncum-
hrnuco. M. ti. Stuiguon. Room 13. Hoard of
Trade. 178
_ L _
LOT In Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merchandise
Address Win. Rowcrdlnk , Ulokman , Nob.
mo EXOIIANGE-Lnnd In the Jamea River
JLalley for horses or merchandise. Carroll
Atwood , Abordeon. Houth Dakota. 14'1. . *
TJ1ARM and city property' for sale or ox-
JU change for any kind of mnrchandlso or
clmttols.horses and cattle ; would particularly
like to Undo for steers. Willis Umltt oil , llrokou
How , Nob. _ _ *
TI1OR EXCHANOIVanod farms , elty proper-
JL' ty and wild lands In Ncb.aud lown rorgood
gen'l m'd'so : properly I'lear , title pcrfeot. Atl-
ilrcss Look Hex u.'i. Kremont. Nob. _ O'M '
I WILL Undo a good clour lot tn So. Omaha
for piano or horse and bug < ; y. Address O 4
Heo ofllco. ! W
THEN acres just south uf South Omaha , $ .1,000
JL u acres In Hrookllno ; make oiler ,
TwoUl-footlots In Clink's add.onSAtn avo. ,
very line. Thlulcl Price , * )
The Dosttraekago right down In elty ; over ! {
acre ; pt Ice , $10,000 ; toims tosult eustomers.
Lot In Jerome Park. $ ? , ( M > 0 takes It , Lots
In Patrlck'a 2nd add. Hlock r < , lots 00-91 ,
Wlndboi L'laco. 2 line lots In Lca\onwoith
Toiraco. Lot 2J. hlock 12. Lots In Omaha
View. .Can make building terms
Council llhill's piojiotty fet sale noarmotcr
line , clear. Equity o houses near motoi i , 4 and
C rooms , small payments dow n.
List vour propet t > with uft , for rent or lease ;
nroof property ; collect Ing rents a specialty.
Roberts & . Wateinmn , fM Puxlon block.
210 11 *
POS SALE Talmagos tys to the young man ,
"Do not go lu debt for anything except a
home. " He might have added , "buy one with
in jour means. " To any ono who would l-ike
thlsmlvlec , I offer n very choice full lot for
$5J ) . good neighborhood , with school , church
and street cat pilvllegos. A complete and elo-
gnnt little homo e in be secured with $1,000 to
$ ] , " > no. Only n small amount of cash resulted.
° - ' " Harrison , nil N. Y. Life. jb ! )
iJlOR SALE Hrlck warehouse , 2stories nnd
X1 basement , KMxIW ft. with lot IOJxl.72 ft. ; to
double trade on south SOth and Pierce sts. Ad-
dioss Oskamp & Hulnes , Omaha , Neb.
N EW ft-room house , near motor IhTe ; vvil [
sell cheni ) and on small monthly p lymunts
Call quick if you want u bargain. J. J. Wilkin
son. Iil8 Paxton blk. 121) )
"IjlORSALE b.OJJacios best farming land In
X1 Nebraska at n sacrifice. Imiulie
018 bouth Uth st. Gco. H. Peterson , invnei.
171 I m
IINCOLN Place nnd O.nlliago lots , price
JM.OOO. J10 down , b ilnnco$11 monthly.
W-J.-Jelb ) . room 11. board of li.tde. 017
" 1J1OH SALE A homo on monthly payments
X1 A nlceS-toom house , $ J3 pei mouth , $ > ,0)J ,
llrst p lyment as arranged. A ptetty cottage ,
! > rooms finished , upst ilrs for as m my moie.
lot MX 120 , $ -,000 , $11 per month , small payment
down A similar cottage , lot 100\80 , WIw , $11
per month. Will build on vac lilt lots to suit
Norman A. Ivulin , druggist , 15th and Douglas.
Ull J.ID
"TJ1OI5 .SALE A Hue now l-room cotfige neil
X" oleettio c.u line on N.27th st. Will take as
part of cash payment a good horse or
and iihiiclou. P. 11U Taiimm st. fi'iQ
inOTTAGE homes In most any addition for
VAalo at from$1,009 up , on easy monthly p iv-
mcnts. r. 1C. Darling. 41 Hat kor hlock. till ?
A SMALL payment down nnd $11 per month
will buy a 4-toom house and lot on llitli , 2
blocks fiom motoi ; first-class chaucu tn tie-
quite a homo on easy leims. Apply to II E.
Cole , ' block. wr
5-HOOJ1 cottages , $ lr.OO each. iflOU cash < low n.
balance $ li per month. Thos. 1' . Hall. .Ill
I'qxton block. f > St
F OH SALT : 0 room house and barn , ll10 !
S. E. coi "Jd and Locust sts S. O. Iteiiuelt. u
llfi-li *
WANTED-About 100x100 ft ot inoic , close ,
Insldo ; putt trade , cash and time or cash
and tlmo. Ill , lloeollicc. 17"i-i0 !
T/ioitSALE-LOIS r. and N. M 10. binek 4 ,
X1 Plalnvlow , $3,003. Addtessbo\05 , Colum
bus , Neb. 200-17 *
WXliE up nnd buy a homo on monthly p.iy-
ments. Cholcoof seven dllTetenthouses ,
south fronts on Tarnam st , Every convenience.
Including fuinace and gas Plans can bo scon
at my olllce. Call In. D. V. faholes Co , 2111st
National bank. 813
ijiOR SALE or TradoMy residence on So
X1 2iHh st. , near Park school , house of seven
rooms with hath room , water closet , hot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will sell forcnsh
very cheap or will take vacant lot on West
Fur mini st. as pint payment. For particulars
address E 20 Heo onlco. OU
H I have for sale propoity nt
. .suburb of Lincoln ; location of
Central H. & M. shops. Also propeity at Unl-
vorHlty Place and : Iniliorf'ft addition to
Addiess W. II. I-'Isher , Lincoln. Nob. 270-10 *
TT1OU SALK Nice 7 room house toady to
JL1 move Into with full lot , $ , ' ,20J , JOO cash. O.
V , Harrison. Oil N. Y. Life. IB
T\7"A UOII & . Wcstorfleld.i oal estate , b.Omaha.
IF YOU have anything to tell or oxclningo ,
eall at (118 ( Paxton
TTlORbALE-Corner 2Slh nnd Howard , 101 ft.
X1 south front by 02 ft. on paved st. On
grade ; worth $11300 per ft. ; for 0110 week at
$110.00. Hamilton Uros. , builders , 414 So. ISth.
Tel. 1179. l)4.-ll )
T71OR SALE-Lot S3 feet ftout on Vligln
X' avo. , car Hue , near Loivonworth st. . with 2
cottages , will sell one house and half of lot
separate , easy terms. Joint T. Hell , .111 S. loth.
18J 19 *
ToVhitit It , Muy tjonci-rn :
Tlio County Commissioners will sit as a
Hoard of Equalization , commencing at 0
o'clock a. m. , June 8th , 16'W ' , and continue In
session from day to day as icqulrcd by law ,
until work bo completed ,
J12d7t P O'MAM.EV. Cloik.
'Jo I'"ool ( < > M mill Cat do
On and after the 201 h lust , wo will have for
hfile four thousand 01 moid JO < Hlilsh \ ci.ulu ,
one , two and three year old Utah fccdois , that
wo e in fiitnlsh al thn Union block YaidH ,
South Omaha ; 01 If desired , we can iiirniiRO to
sell thcso eattlo it Noitli Pintle or Hastings ,
Paitles wanting auythlny In this line , will
plo-ibo coi respond with us.
tint ) . HUUKI. Sc l > 'iA/.uit ( : , bouth OmahaNeb.
i avsr | KTOT ;
7iop miTSt _ L' ii i'U ml uicT"
Omaha. U l\ \ ( Input , lOlli atiiil Mnruy BU | Ojiiajin
* " "
" "
4 W p ra
(115 p m ( I.Y UK H-it ) Mall ( Ar vi Mull )
3i ) in . . ( . . _ . . .K.5UornHzor J 15. p in
. ,
Onmlm. J U. 1' . lUjiot. luili anil M
U 15 u m ilall ( uzcvpt Uuudaf )
8 00 p m . . . .OlilcaKO KiiJfdU D Ii a m
W I is .OliUmKo ItxttroHi 2 ID p m
L Te T - -TIMniTTS iXlIB" ) rArrTrus"
Onmlia. [ II V. dajHlt. lOlli na I to _ 8li Oiualia
P m Til iKiuir Cannon Hall
lioavet fe. , K AMD VAfifjHtr ArrlTOi
Onmlia. Dopol I.Hli niul Wulntor Sti I Oinlii
ll ( J ) it m . . .Ulack llllli Kiprion. fi Al l III
OUU a m ItnilluRi Kxp ( K * Hunilay ) 8 so p m
6IU p m . .VVnlioo A Lincoln 1'nKOHKer lo to a m
1JOJP.J" < irfiil > ( lr Hiiinlay ) MLS " . 'I
Mia o , , iTH * 0. Arrlie *
hilaha | Hopot 18th nnilVuliiiBr Hti
BID * muni our
' '
1 00 B n J Bloux 'CAji'Kiiirvii ( Kz , Ban )
fl 06 P " HI l' ul I.linliud
t Ii p .Usuootl I'mionifor ( Hi Hun ) )
I-oarc * I MtSSOtmt I'AntPtf
Onmlm. I Dopotl.Mh ami WoHlcr SI1 I Onmlm
fO W n ni | . . " l.1 iitB V. Mxpr M. . . . | 4f.'l P m
IN p ml . _ . St Until A 1C 0 KxprOM I 1110 n nj
ONION l < AUlKIC-801iiJllliAN'l'ltA NS
Tlio o trains nUO ( top at 13th , Kill , SOth nndDIUi
tree ! * , Hiimiult nn.l MvlilKO frosilntr. 'Wotklitf *
nion'a tr.ilni do not run Sunday.
Ill-mil- ' 1 mill
war for Omolm South AUirl't
CllhlltK lK pot Depot ( hnaha DOpot.
e M i I
RIO a so & < ' > fiCQI. . , .
6 MM
rt'io cm it 17 RM 11 (0 ( A 45 I1S7 11. V )
( uo IISJ 617 oj ; 700 l | 7ll. ' . nto 7.0
7. J 740 T65 731 R05 ? 50 a M 7 n s-u
P IV HM t 52 911 V W fin sin 7MV
u ij U 1A U 52 (157 ( 1005 u n l > 07 V > IH.M
I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M 'M I'M
HOt * 41 ] S.5" , *
437 40J 4n 4,1.1 , 407 42.\ 3 < j | < .w 1W
441 M .137 cut r > n 8 II ft 07 4fv , : < u I 51)
' ' MtO ' . . . 'ivi
i'ii si A'ii o- nn i'iJllOT.07 J2.V SM U 10
0(5 JM 7IJ . -.07 UM II'O
Loaves , i. * 1'AI'IHO. ' . Arrlvoi *
Tritmfor I Union Dopm. Council lllull < ITrnnifar
(130 ( p in .NlKlit KxprOM , . . . . I VIA n tit
P M a m Atlantic itprpi9..i : | f > M p m
J > 00 Ji 111 VmtllinloJ.fmlfoil ( lO.Wn m
I'l HCAuO A N0IiTf t\V \ Hn i h/ifN.l .Arrlrui *
Union loK | > t , ( nuiicll
.Ve'tlbulo l.liiiltoil. Oliln
. . . .Ila'turn > lyor.
10 n
" ; T.v _
arnn for | Union i'oiot. ) Council lllulla. I'lriunfer
"iM ) u mfM.'lilcaKO Mall ( except SumliyfTTfi. * ! p tit
O..W p nil ciilciRn Kxpro ! ' 11 u in
1000 " | > tn | . . . Clilrii. ! ) Kxjirc i I ' 'HO ji m
" , 7 If-TV S f JrtWS U II TArrlvei
Trnintorl Union lop t roiintlljlhittj | Trnnsfer
lOOTuTnl . KniisanfMty niijr'Ktliru'd * lTil p m
102'ij > m | .Kniivu. City Nlilht Kxpn' I II W.1 lit
r.oiTorr oMXinv"Xsi'"iibuK i AmM-i
Trnn for | Union popiit. Council IthilTa. jTrnnifur
fiCU p iu | .st IrftulsJ'nnnnTinlt. 'I. ' Tip in
Loavoi Arrives
. Clilcniio Kvprosi
, . Cri'iton
Union lopot , Cuiiiicll lriinilt > r
Hloux Cltr Arconinioilntlon. . . ! irirn ; m
. . . St Paul ICxprem | 0ii vm _
A Skeleton anil a IJovofMoncy Found
In a Hollow Tree ,
Two boys , Jerry Coons and Frank
Lyons , while trout 11811111 } ; in Bltii'k
cfcok , found the skeleton of n iimn in i
hollow tree nt the foot of Ko.u-inj * f.uN ,
hiiyb a Co.ilton , Pj , , dNpatoh to the ban
J' ' fanclsco Exaininei1 , A tin bov , si\
inuhos square , lay by the side of the
skeleton , which was btanjing erect in
the hollow trunk. *
The boys piinio home with thn no\vs of
the dibuovory and the skeleton was taken
out and the box opened. The bov con
tained Sl ! > " ) in tfold coin , the latest d ilo
boiny 183" ) . Tliero was nothiiKj in t'lo '
boor anywheie about the skeleton Hi it
thro any light on the identilj of Hit *
No ono ever disappeared fiom the
neighborhood to whom the skeleton -uul
box : of money can ha\o belonged. The
boyt , divided tlie money between thoiu
nnd tlio bones wore buried in the Moth \
odibt giioyard. . Tlio old linllow o uc " *
lias been known for many jears. It is a
gigantic OUB , and it was known to bo
hollow , but was never explored. Theio
ib no possible w.iy ot determining who it
\\as _ who chose this gfitvo or how ho
'JL'Iio Parents of AnieriCnn
Burlesque upon the American stage , nl-
thouRh not yet Auiotic.iu builcsiuo , I'atea
back to the very beginning of tlio history of
tlio theater in this tountiyhua "Tho IH'K
par's Ojicia , " by .lohn Oiny , "wnttcii in
liJiculo of the musical Italian drama , " was
tucsonted ut the theater in Nassau stu'ft ,
Now Yoi It , on the ! ! d of December , 17iit ) , \ \ ith
Mr. Thomob Kvan as Capt liu Muvhcath
'iThe's Opera" AMIS Jiist acted at
Lincoln's Inn Fields in the year 17J7 , and
took the town by storm , wiites Liuueuco
Hutton in Harper's Maga/iuo The anh-
bishop of Ciiutorhuiv tnvacliod n soimon
against it ; Sir John ridding , tlio police Jn
tico , oftlci.illy bcggod tliu iniumgi'r not top
scat it on S iturday oveiiiugs , as it inspiio 1
the idle npm'enticos of London , who saw it on
their niglit off , to imitate lUs hoio'.s thlovltifj
deeds ; and Dr W.utou coudomnod it us "tho
patent of that moit monstioiis of all ubsuuU-
tics , the comic opi'ia " Novoi thelcss , it was
immensely popular , and enjojed nn unusu
ally long fun As a literal y production it is
distinguished for its combination of niitmo ,
pathos , Mtiro and builcsime It luoiight
fume to its author , and , Indnectly , oniothint ;
lilto wciltli ; and It mailo u dnehcss of j nvl
nin Feutou , who was the Polly AH
that monstrous abiuulity , tlu comic oiwra , is
without ( luostiou the patent of that still mou1
monstrous absurdity , the btirlosquo piopoi ,
Pollj Pi'iuhum and Captain Miioho.ttn mav
bo coiisidciod the very I'llgiim I'uicnts of
uuilesquo in the now world.
Joseph JellVrsou in AiiHtraliit.
As I look back upon tliocarsl passed In
Aiibtiallia I can only ivoall u dear icinciu.
liraiito of the ulnilnubs that was shonn to mo
by the iclluod and hosiutablo people of that
country. For a long time after I left thoto I
Lontomplntod imiiif ? it anot'teilsit , hut
i ear uf lei j oar i oiled on , and now I fc.u It is
too late , wiltcs.IoVipn1 Jefferson In the Juuo
Ccntuiy. To wander thiotiKh the streets that
I boell reinombor and Hud them , altered
would bo nothing , woitiotoo iibcd to thaso
changes in our own countiy to bo nffeotod by
the wardariiilKiowtliof ciuei.aiidtlioHUJden (
shlftiiiK of localities , but I should feel lonely
indeed to miss the fiiLCsthatwcioso fruiillim ,
and to think over the olden time when 1 W.LS
joung nnd full of hope uiioumlod by loving
companlon.slio had gatheicd mound niu
when I Was a iitaingor among them It is
ncaily a inmi tor of a contnry hinco 1 loft that
distant land and those dour fi iumls , but 1 liuV"
never forgotten thorn , and I tun told Tl'Ti ' ,
there are many who remember mo. And now
farewell , Australia ! I have no feeling hut
loving ( { iixtltiido for you , nnd should t ios.i
pages moot the oya of Bomo old fi lend , let u- .
fcul tliuto huvo once moio como togitlut
upon this earth and .shaken hands.
Dr , Ulnioy euros catarrh , Ui-e bldg
tlio Itodlc'o in Good Shape. *
may oomo and go. f on'
babquos may hnvo the same oxporionci ,
but the trig woll-lltting postilion Imsqim
is always in good form , if It ( its well ,
says the Detroit .Tournul. A basque that
Jits well is ono that is not too tight to
penult eiiHy inovomont of the arms and
IH ono that docs not need to bo closed
with n Hlioo buttonor. The WHO ! woman
who wuntH to Icoop her basque in good
Blmpo puts on her bomiot before Hbo as-
mnnoH it. Thou before any fusloning begins -
gins tlio insldo bolt should bo dinwn to-
gather , and it isn't the best thing to
hnvo the bolt very tight , for that does
not make tUo basque lit closer , nnd deus
make tlio drawing of It together mofo
dilllouK. Jly the by , no matter how you
may bo tomptud to put largo buttons on
your bodice , remember that only Bumlls.
onofl are considered good form. There v
iiuiHt bo n great many of those , BO that
the possibility of the oponlng standing
npart oven nn Inch botwcon tliom dee <
not exist. You think people don't htiv *
Buoh ill-nttlng busquoa ? Ju t wait till
the next time you get into uutrootcar
and bo satlsuou that this Is the truth.