THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , , JUNE 11 , 1800. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Something in Hutchinson's Manner Scares the Wheat Orowd , CORN LETS DOWN WITHOUT REASON , Holders of Onls .Sell Out I'rovlsloiiH Bliuw no Sl n 4)f ) n Onln Tlio Trade In Cntllc SCUIIIH Dormant. CIIICAOO , .TiniclO. [ Special Telegram to Tun HlT.J-Tlio disturbing Inllucnce In wheat was Iho anticipation of the government crop re port. The market started steady If not strong on u large decrease- the amount on ocean passage. There was little ficsh bull news after that and trade generally pounded the maiket .Mitchell , Dunham k Co. and a few others gave the market support early , but the Kellers vvero too many. Hutchlnson Hold , Lo gan old , Gilford sold , scalpers sold , profes sional bears 'old , many bulls sold out and as prices wtut olT , the great short Interest was Incieascil. Thu fotcnoon passed with out getting the price of July under Iilc , but before 12:10 : p. m. tlio price went to Hi'if. llutehliikon turned thu maiket up to Ul'ioiinil ' seated the crowd by scooping In wheat. Ilefore I o'clock July was on" for the second time to Wu , August to OOVic , Septem ber to CO'H' ' . Deccmbir to oi c. The caily prices were July O.'e. August | ll'c , " ' licrUBe. The belief Unit I bo Dodge II this afteinonn will bo bearish , and a . . . . . tlial some houses hud tips on them , cansid the fice selling of wheat almost to Ilia close. The bottom prices were : July DO'ktt'WiC. ' August IiO' e beplember lHic. Dcteinbir UP.ii1. The clo-dug pilots wcio : July ) ' , ! , August OO'jc. f-i'plcmber 1K4C ) , December Olc On the curb theie wis : a ( Inner feeling when U was dis covered that llntclilnsun had accumulated a big llneof wheat lluongh puts July sold at IH'ji' toOlc , pntsSsiiC to 6SS4C , calls 0410 to . 'I In ro wtiM llttj apparent reason for tlio letting down of price * In col n. It Is iirobablo that the eMremo weiiKness In provUlons uiiil the liru\y selling by llntchln on mlKhlac- imini Tor It. The ehlppliiR moxement today llxht but cliartorx ueto siRiilnT.ircc. Junii Mild at.U'gu and .ll\c , closing at 'Me bid ; July .Ac to .ll'tc , closing at . louohud ITi'ii' . closliiK at . 7'jer , ITi9tc. t'losliiK at .Ci'jC , A number of turtles \sho ha\o been buying oals very freely for u week past , sold out today. A bearish fculhiK was In the air and jukes Hiilloied oierywhere. The S-t. Louis holdhiR In ixith uiisUapoUiriii'li | I.o uuiVCo. , It was thought. The prices did not Kloay much In ( ho eaily months , but In August and H'ptembor , uhero the atharico has been the greatest , thedc'cllne was the shaiprst. Juno was ijuciled utiS'io early and Me nt Iho clo u ! July iiH'iC nit to S7Jc to i.8o at tlio close ; AiiKiist sold oil Ua btralght from -78 ! to "b9tc , b'upleinbol iBi .o toSbc. AlthoiiKh dispatches reported hogs as-sell- liiK alanu < hiinco at thojards this morning , theie was no gain In the pilcts of provisions. NothliiK as ntloinpted In mess pork , us usual , and at the i lo-e Juno was JI2.i > - > " , and July ifl'J.Mas on jestenlay. Theio was H frto olTerlne of laid and ilbs early and Iho prices yielded a tilllc , and at the clo o werofie lower foi sliort tlhs and "ie toflc oil for lard. July ribT 10 ; laid , ? - > > . .I W t.lVK HTOCK. Cnir\oo June 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; IlKil CATTIK Huslness was again slow at the opening and the turn In pilccs rather easier than at the close J esteiday. Late sales , however , \esterdaj weie athlghcr prices than ut the opening. Importers were buying spar ingly , especially those In the Liverpool trade. Slostof thooxpoit stoeu was bought for the London mm ket. There Is nothing now , busi ness being slow on Tuesday , us on that day ni'llliir the diessed beef tiade nor oxpoit- cis , 01 even local tiadc , seems to bn In a huiiy to get to woik. The receipts today of TCMUIS mo about il.lKiOwIIha fair demand and tttcady prlies. The native butcher-'stock Is In fair ( 'omand und hleady The s ( < < cUot and feeder tiadewas also sleady. ( holce lo rxtr.i beeves , $4 SO ® Mill ; nn ilium to good steels , l.L',0 to 1..VMJ Ibs. , W 41464 70 ; 1.201) ) lo 1..1V ) 111IM MKSil 50 ; 0V ) to 1,2(10 ( Ibs. , $ .1 .Wif 125 ; stockers and feeders. $2.40 .l 0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , ti.40W.IO ; bulk , ti.iSititi.ia ; slop-fed steers , $ l.404. ( 5 ; Texas Krasss | $ , ' I04J325 ; H50 to 1OW IDs. , * .J2."il 00. lloos Ilnslncss vuis again actlvo with an- < > * * icr iiniurn of .Ic , making an advance of lUc In two days. 1' p.ild if.17"i to M.UO , largely JJUcO'I.Ki ; shlppeis , Wft5 , largely Jjightsoit" , J.t.soto)85. ) One load of January heavy s > old at * 11)74. ) Nrw YOIIK , Juno 10. [ Hpoclal Telegram to TUB HKK. ] STOCKS There was tin gieat stir In utocKs at the opening today. The street ap- jK'ius to be pretty well divided over the future of themarUet. Nothatsllvci legislation Is almost assiued there Is not a small probabll- Itj that Its onects have alieady been dis counted , A fe'w leadeis have not hesitated to claim that the London and this market were both VHiiKul jesteidny toproduco this linpres- hlon The nmjoilty. lio\sovei , hold that the Incieasoof the cIicnlathiK medium must re- hiilt In an advance fiom whatever tln'ures are nilliiK at the time the legislation becomes n fuel. While the list geneially slatted slow theie was a mail.i d actlv Ity and strength In a few stocks , which compilned Uiu im Tians- contliiental , Noithern I'nclllo common , Klch- iniind > v. West I'olnt , Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati X bl. Louis and Sugar Itc- llneiles. The opening was made at itbnres nhlvh v\eiu In most eases hllghlly IOUIT than last evenliiK'a Hnal liilces. L'ut ' the upunid movement was Inaug urated Immediately and Sugar taking the lead lose iapldl > to M' , , a gain of'n ' fiom the opening pike and .Pi fiom lastovenlng. The uctlve stocks o { the tegular list advanced only fiactlonall ) Noithern I'aellle \ , Itleh- nioml and TinnscontIncutal each Vaml Cleve land , Columbus , Cincinnati anil M. l.ouls i , the lest of the maiUet moving at slight fiae- tlonsonl ) The best pilce.s xveio not fully iimlntalm d and the maiket sho\\ed lessanl- matlon late In Iho houi , but at 11 o'clock It was falih active and firm , The succeeding \iiiurfiiiiilshediio new featuios. The Susar Must lose to K > and dropped buck to sji , ; Transcontinental , after touching .V , dropped nvuiy 'i ' ; Noillii'in I'aellle common advanteil to .ll' and was vu'll sustained. The stock maiKet was featureless to the close , except the stiength In hiiKarand the weakness In St. 1'aul.aiideibllt and the other tiunU lines mid olT on the rate cutting. liraiiKcrs held Ktoady. The Sugar trust closed stiong at 8I'J (7M- per cent up. The total Miles weto 17UbOO hlllllr.H ' 1 he followlni ; were the closinn iiuotatlons : Knsytit 2 < iJ5 percent. I'IIIML .MhiicANTti.i : I'Ai't.H MJO't per cent. STLIII.IMI I\CH\.NOI : : Aotlvo and btioiij ; il\tl-duj bills , . t4.S5 ; demand , tl.87. , n Ilnlnj ; StookH. Nr.w VOIIK. June 10. [ speolal Telesram to TiiKllKKTho following are the mliilns stook quotations : M'KOltVVK .11.111 KKTX. CniCAOO. .lu no 10. 1:15 : p. in. close Wheat rirnii eiish. h'lHi&KU'ic ' ; Jiily.lUHftW.tu. Corn -Ste.iilyi fasli , : i4u ; July 3I,4SJ1J4C , Outs n.isy ; cash anil July , Uae , Kj eVuk at 50c. Hurleyslow. . I'riiiiuTlniotliy hnsy at II , 3(1 ( ® 1. 37. riax-bU'.iiiy at 11.40 , \\lilskj ll.uii. I'ork-l ) ! ! ! ) ! cash. HS.m ; Jnly.ll2.SO. Liir l hti'iulj i oiibh. W Wi July. t.02 ! © 5 P5. \veivltibt. The ivnuiinliiK inoinbci-s ot tlio crow have arrived nt lluenos Ay res. rimir No sioolul eliaiiKe : winter wheat , I.MKXit.VSOi sprlnu wheiit. II..M1 ' . " > . Provisions Slioulilers anil bhort ribs , (5.00 ® 6.10 ; short i-Ioiir , fX.VKUMO. Hutter Market slo.uly ! creamery , lOffllloi dulry , K81 'o. liccsKrinnj full ercatn clioililars and lN , vjiQH'i Vouiiff , T'iii o. I'KKS hteiKlyj fntsli , UCr.V. Midi's htfiulj i llKht Kri'Cli biiltoil , 5VG/-CJ mltoillmU , 5 < ! Kit'tfii .ilti'ilcalf,0'i7oi dry flint , ( Ktici diy s.vlloil hides , te : diy calf , UtlOvt tleuitinsJJo each. 'Utlow-situud ) i packed , 4)lO4'io ) ; No. 2 , I)1 ) it ; vul < e , 4 > c. Hoctilnts. Shlniu'ts. > OIU 17.1XW 5.000 \Vbcut 37.0JI1 10,1100 Corn 4VIXX ) 1CO.OOO Oils . 'AS.OOD ISM.OOO VOIIK , Juuo 10Yhcat Uecolpti , C,100 Inmlirls ! rxnorts , fl.OOO bil licl < l spot weak , noinliiiilly lower No , 2 ri'd Wi\Vi 'i < * , fT i In rli'vntor. Pfl'iP nllv t0.'i'iWtrlie ! fo Ii ; options wnk ! > o. S rod , Jnnpplnslnit nt OI'iO. C'nrn - Uci-olpls , I10.7.V ) biiihels ; export" , SOI U" ) Inmhi'ls ; spot limur : No. S. 4l'4 l 41e In PI | vntori IS'i ' tUUi * nlloai : nnjrrndi'd mixed , 4091 to ; optluusveakurjJunucloslni ; iit4lc. O.itsllocclpt" , 27,300 } busliplsi exports rm.too bushuln ; upot , weaken No. 2 white. JHyiMVjC ! mixed western , iWfcWcj nhlto vostein.MQlIc ; optluii < , uislurJnnucloslng : ; at IH'tc1. Ciiffco Options baioly fltcidy. nnclinnscd to 15 i-olnls hlchcr. Hairs : : t * , Wt.f \ ; June , tl'.WWMt JnG'tI7.20iJ 17.25) ) spot Kio.sti'uily ! fair car oos , KUOO. HiiKar n\r. stcndy : fair roflnlng , 4 13-10 @ - ' 't rpnncd llrni ! oir 'A"ni-ir/finuc. : IVtrnluiini United closed fur July at 01. 'jc. Ptru's-Weakcr ; western ll't ' ll'Sy. I'ork Moro active ; mess tM.i.VQtl. ' i. I > .inl Ixiwor ; western steam , J'l.12'5. lluttrr flxtra linns wentern dairy , oaiOc ! cii'innery , l/aUe ; KlKln , USH'ic. Cucc e Strong ! ncsturn , TQ c1. ST. Iouif , Juno 10. Lowers cash , cashfHijei July , Oats Lower ; cash. ! i < 4i'blil : July , SMUe. Pork-Dull , lower , tlI.V > ttll.T5. Lard Nominal HlJ'iTJ. Whlsky-JI.O1) . lluttur-Stu.idy ; cicainory , 1013o ; dairy , © llc. MII.WAUKKR. JunolO. Wheat Quloti No. 2 , cn h ,'ie ; July , H'4c. Corn-Quiet ; No. , I , 'Etc. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 20'iC. HviDnll ; No. I. M'lO. llarloy-Quli'l ; No. 2. 40c. I'rovlslons-Kasy ; pork , 112 , Juno 10. Wheat Kccelpts , 55 cars ; shipments , ii'i cars ; Nn. 1 northern rather actlv P ; low Kradi-s slow. Closing ! No. I , hard , Jnne.l-Si ; ; July. i J e. on track , Wi5 fc'l'ic ' ; No. 1 northern , June. ! io ; July. We ; on tiai'k , J-Sc ; No. J northern , Juno , Hoc ; July , fcii'io ' ; on truck,85c. KANSAS CITV , Juno -Wheat-Lower ; No 2 hiinl , cash , TU'iiisOc ; Junc.TlKitfTlVtu ; No. 2red. June , & 4C t'cirnSteady ; No. 2 , cash , 2flo ; June , 281i'o. Oats-Lowui ; No. 2 , cash , itlua-Uiic ; June , 20'fc. CINCINN-ATI , JunolO. Wlicnt nuruly steady ; No 2 red. ( ( .V. C'liin Mronji ; No. 2 nil\cd. WJStC. Outs Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 30 o. Whisky II 07. LIVI ni'ooi , . Juno 10. Wheat Market quiet but steady ; holdeis olTer moder-ituly. Cali fornia No I , 7s l'/il ' per eenlal. Corn JlarUet sleady , In fair demand ; new mixed weatein Jsul pel . Lin : srouit. ( 'lilCAOO. Juno 10. Cattle Receipts. 0000 ; market slow , closing 549100 lower ; bee\es , $1 80 ® . " > ( K ) ; steers , M 50414 70 ; slockers and feeders , fJ43a.UHJ ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.1JQUJJ ; Texas slrers , t..IO ® ! 03. HORS Hocolpts. r > , ( Kr ) ; market strons ; and fiOIOihluhcr ; mixed. LKWRJl 'i ; heavy , W05 ® .l')7"i ) ; Iliiht. J.JOO.IK > ; skips. J.l.joai.r > 0. Sheei ) KecolptH , li.OX ) ; tnurkut Bteady ; na tives , SI MKti.70 ! ; western , * 4.50SJJO ; Tuxitis , JI.'J5I.SO ; lambs , $5007.UO. ST. Louis. June -Cattlo Receipt * , 4.000 ; shipments , 1,300 ; market steady ; fair to fancy native steers , JJ/JOiiS 00 ; stockois and feeders , M ooa.1 00. Hoes Kocolpls , 4,400 : shipments , 1,001 ; mar ket hl her : heavy , WwJ.75 ( ; packing and llKht , * JOOT70. KANSAS CITV , Jnno 10 Cattle Receipts , fi.fiOO ; shipments , : tIOO ; about steady ; steers , $ .IWXai$0 ; cows , J1.T5'I.T5 ! sloclters and feed- eis. f.liy/W > 0. Ho b Kcelits [ , 11 2 iO ; shipment1) , none ; maiket louer ; all grades , Jl.ji'j'ii.l.dJ ' . Sioux CITV. Jnno 10. Cattle Receipts , 1,300 , shipments , OKI ; maikctdiill and iiiiclianeed ; fnt s'eers. f I K.Y&I.IO ; stockurs and fuudors.25 f.IM ; common to fancy tons , $1. WQ'120 ; c.inneia und bulls , 51.00 ® , ' IX ) ; veal calves , $ . ' 00 © 1.75. Hon'- , Receipts , , ' 1,2'X ' ) ; mlirket opened strong and hhjhoi , closul steady ut W COiW.07ii. OJ/.I//.1 Il\'i : STOCK. Cattle. Tiicsduv , June 10. rst'matcd ' receipts of rattle. : iVJo , eompan cl with U.l'l'l ' jesterduy and .LIIT Tuesd.iy of last week. The market on sleei-i opened slow with a di-eldedly sauglng tendency with iiulto a nnmberof sales lepoited lower. Cows , with iLcolpts , vveiu active at steady prices. The receipts ( if Mockeis and fucdeit. were small with a slow matket and prices un- ch.uiKtd. Hulls weie aellvo and sleady. Good veal continued in demand with ptlccs , steady. lions. Kstlmated receipts of ho s , r ,100. compared vv Itli 2ljOycstfiday ( and ' .1.371 Tuesday of last week The ho { market opened active at an advance of 5c , closed easy with all wild. Knnco of prices if I ( > 0.l 70. tlio bulk bringing $ . ! Mtti. ) ( ,5. Light. WlitxajIdJ' , ! mixed , JIU2H © : i ( > 7't ! heavy , jj ( > 5 < a.,70. ) The average of the prices paid was J.I Ul compared with J.1.5S yes terday and JJ.uJ Tuesday of last week. Sheep. Estimated receipts of sheep , I.lVi , compared with 12h yesterday. The receipts continue less than the demand , and good muttons are ac tlv e and Him. Prices. The following IS a table of prices paid In this market for the grade of stock mentioned : l'i line steers. 1 WJ loloO ) R > 3 . tl-v'i © I 7' ( lood hleors. 1J5J to HV ) Ibs . 3.70 641.45 Uoodbtceis , low to IIJ ) tts . 3 l > 5 601.11) ) Common , 1IMH ) to 11'iJ Ibs . 3.-J5 Gf.1.70 Common dinners . ! ( ) fit.1. 00 Ordlnaiy to fair cows . J.O ) © 'II5 Pair to good cows . l.'W Coed to choice cows . 2.7" Choice to fancy cows . 2.'t" Tall to good bulls . 1.75 4i2fi5 Choice to fancy bulls . 2.VJ iiW. " > Light stockers and feeders. . ' - ' ' > > 4H.'J"i 1'eulers. 050 lollXlbs ( ) . 2.'t ) < fji 70 Kulr to choice light hogs . 31,0 & : iAX' 1'alr to choice lie ivy lie s . 305 0.170 Pair to iholcu mixed hogs Conipnratlvo Tallies. The following table shows tha ringo In ptlctson ho s during this and last wciilc : of Prices. uons. Tlio following table show * tlio r.inje of prices p ilrt for IIOK S I'lilrlouholcullulit hess fl ? W r,2"3 1'ull toclldluo lliMW ll(1 ( 4 J IM C01 TD r.ilr tocholuu inlYutl ho s > 1 u 'i'i ' J G7'/i SlltKf. I'rlino fat slicop 5.11 W > 71 IIiKMlfutMliuon 4 30 ( ffi-i.ll Cuniiiiun toiiioilluni shuoi ) 3 OJ ® l 5U Avornjjo Cost or Tlio following tiblo nlvjs tlio , vvor 143 out ofluuson tlioilutoj inaiitliiiioil , Inolinllii tu ! cost to lay , ub isj I iiiun s.iles ropjrtoil : JunuS . y TO .TiinoO . . . . 351' Jiinu , ! . 3 li. ) Juno 7 . 3 wiy JnnuJ . II .11" JmioO . 358 Juiiu 5 . 3 , ' .U Jiinu 10 . 3 OJ Avornjjo Prluo of SliowliiK tlio .ivor\.ro prloo pilil for loali of huil.iydliKUc.Uu.1 In ISi ! , ISiJ , Ml Ik'tl ' : Highest null Ijuxvest Snlos of Hogs. Tudav. Yesterday. " Illslicst. . . . . . . .tl 70 HlKhost n fiO Lowest J CO Lowest J 5Ji ! Stoclc Kucclpts. onii-lal Vestonluy Ksllinatnil Toilav. Cnttlo . . .ISfleius , .1.1 n Cattle . . .J 7cars. 3,500 ll ( s. . . y ) e.ll-8 , "i.t'a ' llivs . . . . 77 curs. 500 bliucp. . . . Icar , U'3 fahoup. . . . 5caral,155 Jlspisitlou of Htoclc. SliowliiR the nnnibor of oattlu , ho s anil hlii'i'pboinilit by tliu loading Uuyori on to- day'timailiut : TATTM : . SwIft.V Company . 475 Thud. U. Hiiiiinionil Co . M Tlio Arinnnr-Ondaliy 1'auUIni ; do . 307 J.t'O Kullibi'lilld . . . . . . . ) , OH Ili'ntim.V Umlurooil . ul Hooker & . Di-Bon . KM iiunii , t Truucrtmiu . 3 7 Iluinllton.Vbtoiiliou . 1S5 Other lluyuts . , . 301 1IOG3. Tlio Arnionr-Ondaliy 1' Co . 1.7M Omulir 1'iicUlns Co . aoi7 SwIft&Co . 60 TliuO. U. Hammond Co . 170 UoprcHontutlvo Sides. UltESSED HKBf STEEU8. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Tr. 1 M3 3 M U 1011 3 83 13 1000 4 05 1 050 3 50 7i KH 3 K1 Z ! 1140 4 05 i 1000 3 50 18 Ij7 3 10 l. 1UII 4 05 1 ll.V ) 350 7 10J7 3 W 17 IUU 410 3 10JO U 0.1 U 1010 3 W l'i 1078 4 15 18. . UU 305 H 1077 3W M 10M 415 17 W. 3li5 U ) 1117 3U7i ! 19 , 12t > 3 i M 13 OKI 3 TO 10. 10.V ) 4 00 Ud' 1.140 4 1U 1 1000 3 75 1 12M 4 M 0 Ut. 4 25 10 1)11 ) 4 T5 41 1111 4 05 34 U'J3 4 13 3 UVkl 3 75 17 ll.CI 4 05 1 IJbS 4 50 Id UM 3 75 Ki 101)7 4 05 34 1J4S 4 50 5 10CQ 3 75 6. 11M 4 05 40 , 14JO 4 60 19 , fcJ4 3 60 IIOOS. A > IarkctMention. . Hogs advanced 5c. 1' . hchmldt brought In a ear of cattle from O&ueul.i. Steers lower , cows firm and feeders un changed. i II. V. Downer had a cai of hogs bore from Ar.ip.ihoo. A. II. Bryant in from M.ulUoti with a car of cattle. AV. B. Hodges brought In three cars of cattle fiom Madison. M. 1'oley of Hastings was on the market with a car of cattle. Joseph Kankln came up from I'lattsmouth with a car of cattle. Tobias Speieli of Button had three cars of cattle bete fiom Button. T A. Alheo , a regular shipper , brought In a car of hogs fiom Aiapahoo. J.V. . LyiR-h of I'latto Center was on the market with a ear of cattle. C. W. I'uiks , a well known dealer at Harwell , was hcie with a ear of hogs. Charles Welch , the well known Papllllon blilppei , maiketed two cars of cattle. John Domingo of Domingo Ifios. , Weeping Water , was up with two caw of cattle. I ) . W. Montgomoiy of Oak was on the market with a car of cattle of his own feeding. II. L. Oldham , the "veteran stockman of l'i ittbinouth , came up with aiai of steers. Ci. L. 1'ayton and l' H. Vonng wore In fiom Itiokui liow with three cars of cattle. Mart'n ' llaiinauolil , the well known feeder of Auiui.i , stopped oil ut theyaulson lib \\.iy O.lbt. J. M. McMahon of the Hank of Coin , Coin , la. , was at the yatds looking after t\vo can > of hogs. Henry Schlnstock , the every day We t Point bhlpper , maikeled thice cais of cattle and one of hogs , Lawion & . I'ngatoof Klba and IM Lancaster of Holmcsvllle were among thoau that mar keted hogs. George II. Loucks , accompanied by A. A. Stone , was up fioin H.IU&UII with tluceeaisof ho sand cattle. Patrick Chnjiman , a snceos ful farmer and stockman of Ko uis.biought up a ear of cattle of bib own feeding. Thomas West , a prominent farmer and fculoi of Dorchester , In with a car of cattle of his own feeding. The Stanton HieedhiK Harm company of Saiiton ( maiketed a load of hogs of Its own lalslng and feeding at the top pi Ice , if J.70. S'pelts , Hitchcock A , Co. Is the style of a now commission firm which has opened for busi ness at thoyaida. The membeis of the llrm nio Low Spells of David ( JItv , Hugh Hitchcock ami.Major J U. llliney , All aio vrull known stockmen. They need no further Intiodue- tlou to the countiy. wiiotis.tLi : Ji. t'roilnoc. I'isii Per Hit Fresh white and trout. 10lloj pike , IxaiOc ; pickerel , 10c ; balmnn , 13c ; U.iss , IS'io ; halibut , r > c ; lohsleis , U'Je. HIDI1'hi.TS ! * ANIJ Tuwjv Hrecn salted bides , 4'45Ldiy | sailed hides , W&t\v ; tlry Mint hides , tie ; calf hides , J'.Gd'ie. ' Damagid hides ' 'u less. Sheep pelts , gieen. each , ML ® II ai ; sheep pelts , dty , per ib , Otillc ; tallow. No. l.i'4 : ' < a , ) > io ; NoL' , aUwJ'io ' ; grease , white. .li.aic ; yellow , 2' ' , < iMe. llDAN.s-IIanil picked navy , $1 C0l.7.'i ; hand picked navy , medium , ll.Wlt/n.W ) : hand picked countiy , * 1.40l)0j ( goo < l clean , * 1 'J'til.W. Ai'i'Lt : Ilimiui Per Ib , Wf8c. Wool/ Kino unwashed , l.tJH'o ' ; medium un- wiKhcd , IMt.'le ; coarse unwashed. IMtJDJOc. runs llou % or , per II ) . $ . ' flOiil.UO ; each. * I OOO 7.00 ; otter , each. W.K ( > i67.00i wolf , each , DO iSOo ; coon , each. 4Kuu'u ( ; mink , each , UOfflMc ; muskrat - rat , fall , sffla'o | muskrat. winter , HKiiljo ; skunk , ' .vrdue ; badger , 40c < 2tl.OO ; deer skins , per Ib , .HXii.iOu ; deei bkliia , winter , pur Ib. U ftS.-c , On \ vnESPer box , Medlteranoan sweets , MOO ; Los Angeles , II 00 ; fancy Duarte beed- lln s. JI.M ; Uodl , W.K ( ) . Pl.NhAi'i'iKS-Per iloJlilvat.OO. . STimwihimiM Per case , choice Ehliiplng stock , * iwai.oo } gooii , , ixkai/xi. ( Jtifcu Ptr bbl , rellnoil , ( o.'iU ; half bbl , KM ; hard elder , pure , per bbl , foOO ; orange elder , half lib ) , J7.00 ; pear elder , half bbl. J7.0J. CVLtion.Niv Untnititij Per 10-lb box , II. CO ® l.M , C'llKituiGs St. Louis , 3-bn B ( units , IS.OO. UilEhSB 1'anoy V. A. , full cream , lie ; full cream twins , 1040 ; choice full cream twins , DOlOo ; skims , ( ruhe ; Swiss , domestic , liftlTo ; llmburxur , fancy. l SI.Ic ; bilok , ullu. VLiiKrMir.u.sNew southern onions , per bbl , HOOni.-VJ ; horseradish , per doz. 1 1 iij now bonthern potatoes , t..30 < 2J oo per bbl : half bbl backs , JI..VJ , I'OTtTOts Old. per bushel , choice , SOia-IOc. AtKiis-bmokcd hams 10 Ib uvcragr. lOo ; smoked hams , 'M to I. " , ' JbsOKu ; smoked hams , IS toUllH , IOJc ) ; breakfast bacon , fe'ie ; ham Hausago Bio ; plcnlu hams.To ; dilcd beef hams. bSic ; beef tongues , per doz. , JO 00 ; dry bait meats , U30ic ! ; mcbS pork , per bbl. , IIVA. LEMONS Per box , Messina , fancy. (5 00(2.1 ( 0 ; strict ! > choice , f 1 , 7MW.UO ; extra fancy Icmoni , t ? 50. BUTTBII Crcnniery , fancy rolls , print , l"Q ISu ; creamery , tanov , solid packed , l.XJ17c ; creamery , choice , loaf.'c ; dairy , fancy rolls uml prints , rJUlUc ; dairy , fancy , solid packed , lUQtlo ; dairy , choice. uatOi ) ; country roll , fancy , 80o ; ohnlce,7 < iISo ; Inferlor.MWo. Oios-llo nor dox for strictly fresh ; stale stock not ktilcablo. HONES iQuotutlons arc for delivery In I hi- CHgo. ) 1) buffalo , pur ton , tlO.oo4tlS.tX ) , dry country , bleached , liooOBi3.00i dry country damp and meaty , tS.uoiMO.W , lo per Ib. lnr in Vl'AlCholcc medium , CdJ.oi light , f/i'5 icMirnvy , 4 V ( ! oco'.lTi "l'tr hundred. I'ifO. I'tCUM-'s Medlnm. per bbl , M.Wj small , tfl VI | gherkin' . I'-fli C. A. 11. qhow chow , qts , M.83 | pints , n.15. . l'oin.TiiV"l'cr do/on , eholro hens , flOOttl.rO1 cholcp , mixed , tA'VUOOi nxisters. t'i m"- ' ; spring chickens. liM for Hinnll ; $ J.2Va. . . for medium ; $ , ) : > x\.W \ for lurgu ; live turicjs , per .o. . t'Ai.tioit.MA VriiT ntE'"Polaloc , per Ib , 2c ; cabbage , perlb , J'ililc ; onions , pcrlb , U'ic. ' Mn\T < Packers prlccs-Slnoked hams 18 Ib average. lOc ; smoked hams , 20 to 22 Ibs , 1140 ; sun hcd hams , ja to 14 Ihs , lo'u'j ' breakfast bacon , be ; ham sausago8)e : picnic hams , 7Het dried beef hams. 8'4e ' ; beef IOIIRUCS , per dor. W.X ) ; drv salt meats fiwilu : mess pork , per bbl , Jl'.ViOjIextrii mess licof , tll.50 ; sausage , peril ) , bologna , 4ostnr,4'ic ; ; liver , 4'ie ; blood , 4'ic ' ; bead cheese. 4'i ' < f. Add ' 4e | ier Ib for lilus lui'l , llllli iiui * * , f i ' , > | iiiiiur L eighth bills. 8H ) ; kits Ii Ibs cat h , G.V. DIIUISKII IlHl.f-SH.eis. MO to 0X3 Ibs , uvg , native. OUftd c ; steeis , 4r looOO Ibs , avg. n i ; live.ail'ic ( ; cows and belters , 4outo&Wlbs. UA.N.NKtl JlKATS C'OI llctl herf. 1 111 , JI.SO ; corned beef , 211) ) , W.10 , lunch tonsuc. 1 Ib , & ) ; lunch tongue , 2 Ib , il.7" > ; bi'iwn. 1 Ib , tl.SO ; brawn , alb. WOO ; ox tongues. I' , Ib , j.ioi ) ; ox tongues , a Ib. $ < ! OJ ; chipped beef. U Ib , II.SS ; chipped beef. I Ib , * . ' .1 ( ) ; roast beef. 1 Ib , round cans , tl ' . ' 0 ; roast beef , a II ) , louiid cans. W.CO ; polled bam. > i Ib , round cans , uV ; ; potted ham , > , ' Ib , round cans , tl..t ) ; deviled ham , U Ib. louiid cans , Me ; deviled h.un. " , lu , round can * , ) ; potted ox tongue , 'i ' Ib , louiid cans , ( ej potted ox toiiirnc , 'i ' ib , round cans , Jl.'O ; comptessed ham. 1 II ) , sijuaie cans , $ l.7. * > ; compressed - pressed ham , a Ib , square cans , if J7i ; tripe. a 11) ) , louiid cans , { ; minced eollops , - Ib , ion ml cans , j..L'O ; boneless pigs feet , U II ) , simie | cans. $ „ ' . ' . ' " > . LAIIII Oit.s-Kxtra lard oil. ws,4ec ; extra No I , laid oil , 4 le ; No , I , laid oil , : Hci No. ' - ' , laid oil , .fie ; extra neatsfoot oil , We ; No. 1 , neatsfoot oil , 'Wc ; tallow oil.T'e Si'icKii Pins' TIINHUKS Half bairels , ill. SO ; ( | tinrter barrels , jl)0 ( ) : eighth baitels , if.lUO ; kits. 11 Ibs each , J.Vli Pu'Kr.mi Ili.hi' To.sotus Half barrets , JIl.Vi ; ipiartor barrels , WCJj elghthbairels , Mini Tierces Hefined laid compound , PiSe ; nine le if , ( pc ; kettle. To. Add ' 8 to 'iu pel Ih forsmallei jiackages. PICKI.PII Tltli'll-IItilf binels. JJ.V ) ; qiiaiter ban els , * 1.T > ; olglith bariels , soc ; kits , 1,1 Ibs. e leh , 05c. HoMlicoMnTitli'K Half barrels. $171 ; n.uar- terbaricls , } .MO ; olghth bauels , Jl.11 ; kits , 1.1 Ibs. each , UOc. Oiourrici. FUOAIIS Cut loaf , S'ic ; out Inn f cubes , T'.e ; slandnid , jwvv tiered , to ; X.\KX , powdeied , 8'jc ' ; giantilattd. standard , 7 'ne ' ; confection ers' A , 7c ; v blte , extia , Oisc ; exti.i C , Jie- biaska , ( i' e ; ambei , ( > 'ne. CotH.i'rltoasted Ai buckle's Arosla , 2.1'ic ; AteLaiighlln's 7CXXX , - " > 'ie ; ( icimnn , - , " ) ' ; Dllwoith , - . ' .e : AlinomaIHc ; lied Cioss , J4'jc ; I'lantei. lic ; Homo lllcnd.lH c ; Puio Jlocha , 'lie ; O. 0. Jav a , .Tie. COIHT flicen r.iney old golden Klo , Sic ; fancvold peabeiry. il'jc ' ; Itlo.cholcu to fancy , Sic ; lilt ) , pi line. iJj'e ; Kio. good , U'J'c , Santos and common Hlo , llXjfcJIc ; .Mocli.i , L1)e ) ; Java , genuine , U. t < . , We ; Java , good Intcrloi , - . " > o ; us Goons IJarlej- c ; f.irlna. fie ; jieas. .le ; oatmeal. IVfil'-f , macauml , Kle ; vermicelli , lOe ; rice JQdhe ; sago and tapioca , ( > TCc ; lima beans , dc ; split peas , .le ; spaglttl , lie. lie.CASNUD CASNUD Ooons I'mlts , Callfouila standaid bi.inds. l"j-lb. per do ? Aprliots , J1.7IKB1.M ; apilcols. plo fiult , ? I.V ) ; gallons , tl VJ ; blaek- benles. J.VJ.1 ; ehenles , black , f.MKKfW.Sij cher ries. while. i..WW.K ) ; gr.ines , $1 ( > .Y < l > l sii ; jicars , llaitlctt , ti lOBS'-ii ; peaches , veiloH , li.lXtl3.yf ( pe iches , lemon cling. $ . ' .40 ; mums. e g. Jl.lkiS ) l.M ) ; plums , golden drop , Jl sii ; plums , gieen gages , fl.uvai.r-ll ; peaches with pits In. il.W euriants , $ . ' .111 ; gonseherrlos , { . ' . " . " > ; iiiilnces , J-.IO ; i.isplieiiles , $ ; sir iwbei lies. J..W ; peaches. .l-lbeaslein standards $ IK1 ; , ! Hi pie , l. i ; gallons , pie , j.1 OJ ; apples liUli standaids. $1.11 ; a-lbgooschei lies ! Xio ; L'-lb stiatv hurtles , UOiJl'lic ' ; L'-fi ) i aspbei i les , $1.00 ; 'J-lb hluebei i les , soci5 ( ) ; 2-lb blaekbeirles , uimTialb htiuvv- benles , puei vud , fl.sO ; 'J-lb laspboities , pio- erved , $ is > ; --Ib bhickbeiiles , pie uived , II..M ; pineapples , Itahama ehonpcd , $ . ' 00 ; 'J-lb llahama giated , KJ.7.1II ; ) H iliama slked , $ . ' 0i ) ; i'-lb standard , sliced , fl.a.ViM.10 ; ebonies , L'-lb led , Italtimore , tvi'iiOJe ; pcais , 1Mb , 'JI..IO , VI.OKTVIIM.S Tomatoes . ) Ib exti.i , Sl.Od ; . ' ) Ib standaid vrestein In amis , IHIC ; gallons , strictly standaid , { Coin I'lnest grown. JI.W ) ; glltedgcd sugar coin , veiy line , tl.10 ; choice S Ih sug u- corn $1 10 ; 2 Ibextia westein brands , &Vff ! jl.OO ; U Ib stardafd westein biamls , ( o@7.1c ; . Mushrooms 1 11) I'lench ex- ti.illnu , } tC.iu ! ; 1 Ih I'lendi-flne. IS'SJ'-'o ; 1 Ib I'tcnch. ordlnarv , KxJJltc. Pe. is Ties , tine per can. - ' " < ' ; deml-tliie , ] ier can. lav ; 'i Ib blfted , JI.W ) ; Ulb early June , $ l.2.Vil..t.1 ; a Ib Man row btandaid brands , tl.10 ; a Ib soaked , ! > 7c. Siting beaiib aibhlgh grade. Hefugeo. We ; 3 Ib Gel den wax bcaiix , 70c ; a Ib * siting beans , roc ; Lima beans 2 Ib soaked , 71c. Iloslon baked be.ins : i 11) Lewis , ? ] . ( > > ; Ciown brand. 81..10. Sweet polatoes--a Ib New Jersey , $ l.iO. ( Pump kins 1 Ib , $1.10. Okr.i and tomatoes. Sl.U ) ; okiii. tl M ) ; siacotash , K1.20. Din i.n I'IIUITS Cm rantsnow,5' @ 7c ; prunes. casks , l.iOO Ibs. O'jc ; prunes , bhl or bag , ( iv- ; cltion ] icel , drums , ao Ibs , aac : lemon peel , drums , auc ; apples , choice evaporated. lOc ; Michigan , 'is , dc ; I'oislan dates , tc ; blackber ries , ovapoiatcd , M-lb boxes , 54o ; ebonies , pitted , diy , ; i.ispbeirles evapoiated. N. V , new , : ) e ; piunes , K. ( ' , . 1,0-70 , lKTjia'e ( ; ' ; orange peel , lie ; i.ilslns , Callfouila , London eiop IS'H ' ) , ii.Kt ; California , loose muscatels crop Ib'U , if..Ofl ; Valenclas , ISs > , ( io ; Valenclas , nou , lie ; California , seeds , sks. , fe4c. I'tsii C'odllsh , extia Geoi es , Now , .r > ' 4c ; grand bank , new , 4'c ' ; sllvera-li ) blocks , ic ; snow white , a-lb bilcks , now , 734c ; Tin key cod. l.u o middle bricks. M > ic ; snow white ctatcs , ia-1 Ib boxes , 7Jio ; me liiim scaled hcrilng. a.ic ; No 1 scaled heiilngdo ; domestic Holland herilng , 4Uc ; Hamlmig spiced honing , OOe ; Itiisslaii sardines. Me ; Ktisslun saidlnes , plain , ric ) ; I m poitud Holland herring , ciown In and , SOc ; do fancy mllkeiOJc ; m.ekeiel.No 1 slime , half hhls.jHOO : bloateis.b ilf bhs.ISOi | ) ; unite llsh , half hbls.f * ( M ; trout , half l > l > N.f.V > 0 ; fam ily white llsh. JIM ; salmon , W.M : 1-lhmaekeral ( hen Ing ) , $1 oil ; I-lb liiinnii baddies , $1.00 ; 1-lb lobsteis.'S.'J.i ; I-lb Vlaska salmon , Aleut. $1 11 ; a-lb oyster. 11)07 ) , Jl.'O ; 1-lb oysters , To/ . tl. 11 ; a-lb selects l.' ; 1-lb ehims , little nteks , $ ! a-lb clams , little necks , $1 7,1 ; 'i-lb ' saidlnes , Impoited , per case , IOOs , Jl.l.OOfC.'JOUO ; 14-11) ) Impoi ted boneless saidlnes , key , $ J.iOO ; 'i-lb sardines. Ameilcan , pel case , IOOs , 1'iuncli stj le , f4.40.oo ( ? ; 'i-lb sardines , Amei lean , per case , llXIs , I'lench stjlo , $7.MrW.)0lb ( ) ; sai-- dlnes , mustaid. per c.isu , Ms , $ J.7jl.W ) ; 1m- poitcd key s iidlnes , $1.100. > -Ar.soi > \ llbls , . IV ; granulated , 2o ; kegs , so'lii Pkgs. ( V ) Ib * to box , ,1'45'Se. NUTS Almonds , lie ; lira/Us , I4c ; filberts , IS'iC ' ; pecans. He ; walnuts , l.'JJc , peanut cocks , be ; toasted , lie ; Tennessee peanuts , 7'/jC. Duties ( ( Jioceis ) Per Ib , borax , IDo ; cop- pei as , a'je ; bay leaves , 14c ; glue , lOc ; epsom salts , 4i'i glauher salts , .le ; siilpbur , a'/io ' ; blue vltilol , ( le ; alum. 4e ; lesln , ae. Mni.Assrs llbls , N. ( ) . fanev , tier gal , M.17c ; choL-e. 413 17e , good , IJOfflJicj ( Julia baking , ale ; blnek stiap , aoc. Winri'isd PAI l.u Straw , per Ib , l52'jo ! ' ; rag. il'So ' ; Manilla 11. .K3Gc : No. 1 80. 11 tos Union Square. , )0.1o ) ! tier cent off list. Su/r Dalivasu Ibs In bbl. bulk. fJ.IO : best grade , ( V > , os --0 ' ; bobt grade , 100 , Us , J2.40 ; best giade , 18. 10s t''M ; rock salt , ciushcd , $1.80 ; common , bbl , $1.25. SnAi" Castllo , mottled , per Ib , IKSlOc ; do , white , pet Ib. lie. llltoovis Pin lor. R tie , M 00 ; 4 tin , $ J.75j S tie , $ ja.1 ; stables. $ JK.i ; common , * l..r > > 31.7 , " ) . Coco\- < -lb tin , 40c per Ib. CHOCOLATE aawJSo per Ib ; German chicory , red.b'Jc Koi'K Il.isls Manilla ropo. Ho ; sisal tope , 12e ; cotton tope , Idc ; now pioccss , 8'Jc. ' CorioNTwiNh lllbb. veiy line , a or 4 ply , Sic ; line. 20c ; Daisy , Ife ; candle wlclf , ! Sc. OI.IM.S Quarts , pordoz , < lee ; pints , pur dor , l.M ; bulk , per gal. Die. VIM ( lAii .V ) gi. elder , lOo ; gpod , 12e ; vvhlto wlno , Me ; fancy f i ult , sc. STOVI : POMSII } J oiKiii 87 per gross. ; llAns Am. , per 100 , tl".00j Luwlslon , per 100 , On.s-K'erosono-P. W. , lie ; W. W , , l.lo ; headlight , I44e ; gasoline. lie ; salad oil. A I , i-.UJIW.OO per doLlnsucdUaw , flle ; boiled , We. Dry Goodn. Lawrence LL , five ; Henrietta LL , 5'ic. I'lNB IIMOWN ConoN.s Atlantic LL , oo ; An- ror.i 11 , OUc ; Aurora H , 0 > iet Atlas O N II , 7 Je ; checso cloth , 4c ; Clinton ri\ft' ' u ; 1'eppciell It , G o ; Lungdon ( i 11 , Do. lli.KAcnKii COTTONT Berkolev cambric No. GO , Oc ; Ilest Vet , G3io ; Iluttercloth XX , 4he ; Cabot , 7'jc ' ; Dwlght Anohor , Oc ; Kllcrton W. f\7'ii' ; llrstCall.U'ioi 1'rult of the Loom , SIIKhTJNUM AND I'll.LOW CASINflS-IlrOWIl Nel Penperell. 4iln , lOe ; Pepporall , fe-4. Ir-uj Pepperclf , 0-1 , wk-j Peppuroll , 10-4. tie ; Utlen , Win. 15e ; Utlea.teln. 17e ( ; IJtlcn. 7b In , 24c ; Utloii.SUInSi'itfi I'tlea.OOln 2d'jo. ' llleached- lll.MlllMSAmoskcag. . 0\e ; AmoskoaB , rtress , bttc ; Hales , Oijo ; Warwick , dross , 7dc ; Luncithler , U'ie ; Qlunalre , CJioj Whtttcntori , IndlKO blue Net Martha Wash ington , o ; American. o'4e : Arnold , 0'4e ; Ar nold II. long cloth , lOe ; Mlfel A , vie ; > ii > ril- inuck Ti , lee , ( Job ! Loaf , h'i' ; llumlllon , nvtu ; Allen PliikbGSci Allen L'buiubruy , Cc ; Oluu- cestcr. 5'je. I'anclosKddystone , OSJo ; Steel ; Hannipo. 4'ie ; st I.rger , IV : Sblrt- Ings Martha Wablilnu'ton , 4'4o ' , Merrlmack , 4'tc Turkey HeiU 1'ountaln , O'iu , Uarner , 7o , Urclltld S'to. Hcrlln , U'e. ' Wio\.ss Net , riilhtloi . Ited Cross 7c , CiMJJUICB0'IOWU , < i , 4'jc | rolled C'lovcr.Sc ! Slater , Cot high color * , Ic extra. C MASH SlovonV n. lWn ( , S'tot ' Sto\en ' H , 19- In , 00 ! Hloveus'A , Kt-ln.-Tc ! Slovens' P , 18-ln , Met Slovens' M . lln l , sScj Slovens' N. VM-ln , J-ii' ! : StovonV'iCiSloveils'SllT.SJ * In. ll' c ; bleacheil , K1 extra. DfNivm Not. Amoskeag , 0-nr , lft'40 ' ! York , camlet , I2e ; Kverett , tandard , IS'id ' liny- maker's , 7Mt" Old Vork , XX , 10'iei Lawrence , aw. ll'ic ' ! Lavvronce , 0-or , 1,1'io ; fancy stripes uml checks. 1 Hie- . COTTO.VAiirs York Nankin , 10'jc ; nveretta- or. . l oi I.ewlston lo-o ? . . 22' ej Worklngman's , 14e | Corkscruw ca limore , 'Ja'jc. ' Quinine , ppr oz. P. ft W. , 4Coj Ocrmtn , 4V ; In digo , jierll ) . 7k'j Insect powder. : i4e ; niilum , $ .1.73 ; morphine , pero/ , $ .1.10 ; hops , pcrlb'Ho ; glycerine , 20o ; dextrine , 10o ; eultlebono , Jllo ; . .lei chloroform , 4f > ! M.V ; ergot , 47.1-'tf : gum ninlilc , fi-VBIOc ; glycuilne , Sagi'So ; lycopodlum , laaiCc ; mercury , sio. MetaN. HtocK TiN -Small pig , 2Sc pcrlb ; bar , 30c perIb. Coi'i'Pit Planished boiler sires 324c per Ib ; cold rolled , -"lie per Ib ; sheathing , "to pcrlb ; bills and Hats , .tie per Ib. GM.VAM/hD SIIKIIT Iliov Dlso't 60-10 per rent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 2ia2 * , A , 10i ! ; 11 , O'lc. ' .iiopMNa-Charcoal , I. C. , 11x20 , 112 , } > .1.V I. ' ' s'niV/r Inorf-No. 2(1 ( , $ J.C.1 ; No. 27 , M.75. SOt.IIKIt-ll'ff lie. TIN Pl.tTK-1 C. , 10x , 835 , $72.1 ; I. X , , 10x14 , 22.1. W (10. ( Purr.-Coke. . 10x11. 2ii , 8,1.23. STPKI , Nll. . - Huso. Vt 21. STKUI , WtiiK NAILS lli o , $2 0.1. Wlliu-Jap. bail ) , $3.1.0 ; galv. . $1.13. The Ijenl' Tobaceo Jlarkcl. Mr. Kmll Wcdoles of Wedelcs .t Co. has Just returned fiom New York , and reports the leaf tobacco market In a very nervous and excited condition , and the belief universal among jobbers and biokers that the taiilTof $ J per pound Impostil by the house will bo concuried In by tile senate , us the finance commltteo of lhat body passed Ihclolmccoschedule without debate , and furthermoie , the trade both dealeis and maniif.u'tuiers the foimerbo- cntiwu Ihey will make money on stocks on hand nnd the latter because Iho smaller manu- facluteis unable locompete In Iho manu facture of tliu high priced goods which Ihey must make If ( he tarllT Is Incieased , will bo compelled to go out of business are honing that the bill will imssWlth Sumalta laxed as piopnsod In the nonse at $ J.Ol ) per pound on all grades having 20 per cent of wrappeis to the pound. Thu ti ado In New York has not In many years had so favorable an opportunity to m.tko n oney and thu transactions are enor mous , limited only by the amount of leaf In sloio or cables to arrive ; brokers aio growing rich and staid old merchants aru amarcd ut t ho fuver of speculation wh'ch prevails. Tliu fact that the New York delegation of tobacco men worocoldly received by the ways' and means commlltee of the hoiiso and the action of the senate commltteo In p isslng the tab.ieeo schedule without debate seems lo eonllini the Impiesslon that Major Mclvlnley's llguies on tobacco will stand and smokeis must expect to pay higher prices or moko pooiet cl/ars than they have been accustomed to. The Amsterdam markets ate In the same excited condition , and llav ana goods are sym pathetically alfcctcd also. Through cojieliob Pullman palnco bloopers , dining cars , free reclining' chair cars to Chicago and intorvoniny points \ in the real Rock Island i onto. Tick et olllco 1602. Sixteenth and Farnam. THU STAUGH TRUST. Another lllfj Combine Formed With Tun Million Dollars Capital. After much negotiation nnd much moro talk , thu coin starch trust Is at last an as sured corporation. It has been organized tinder the laws of Kentucky , as the National Ht.iicb ntantifnuturing company , with a cap ital of $ ll,000OOJ ) , says the Boston Commer cial Bulletin. The general veuhct of dealers and iiKuiiiractatei-s is that m my of the st.uuh factories have been doing n ruinous business for some time ; Unit is to say , the competition has been MJ shaip and the pi ices so i uthlcssly cut by them that one or two have been foiced out of business , nnd most of tlio rest , it is al leged , have been selling corn starch at Htllo or no profit. This uns > utis factory nnd profit less condition of the industry has probably been the prime cause for the foimutlon of the trust , 'i'heio are those , however , who say that the above statement of affairs is n false one ; they say that n stuich fnctoiy can easily and docs earn 1)3 ) per cent on thu capital every This Inigo earning capacity is to be doubted If llpnus .mil appearances count for anjthinjr , however. In ISbl corn stnich sold at .l c toyjic , and some sales iveio as high as Ic. In 1HM ) the price was -lo btiong. Since Ibb5 , owing to indiscilininato cutting1 , piiccs have stcadilj declined until they icaehed4O ! ' to U , when , within two or tlneoveelis , the , trust caused an advance of 'jc per pound. These llguies joined with the apparent icadi- ncssv lib whicli all of the companies sold out to the ti ust indicates that there is not quite so much bouyancy to the industry as some would fondly believe. If n factory cams now IS ! per cent with the price of 'J' ' c it must have earned over 70 per cent when the price was up to 4 cents , which is an altogether impiob- able pereontago of earnings. The capitalization of about nineteen corn Starch faetoiics at $10,000,000 is lather in flated , despite the protestations from trust men that all the water has been s uccm ! out. If there i cally is no water in this jlO.OOJ.OOO , then the inflation must bo in the capitali/a- tion of some ol the individual fuctotles. The trust p ild for each plant " .I per cent cash and 75 per cent in stoclc. The fact that the own- era were willing to take as much as 7. > pol ecat in stoclc in the new coipoiation indicates that they have faith in tlio success of the movement. The plan of consolidation 01 igi- natud from n Mr. Uh.ipin of Worcester ho is not n staich man but who was ably sup- polled by Hiram Duryea. Thoie are twenty- one diiectois , fomtcen of whom uio starch men untl seven outside capitilists. The several faetoiics will be run and man aged by their former owners , who w ill re ceived u stipulated salary. The trust intends to economi/o as much as possible in every direction , It pioposes to cut commissions , to icdnco the number of ofllccis , and the three men forming the executive committee are ex pected to do the woilc formerly dibtiibuted among twenty or thiity men. Agents will also receive less money. The only important companies outside of the trust are the Klngsford nnd Chicago starch company. It Is understood that the Kingsford plant Is owned by several heirs , and is so tied up that it cannot bo trnns- f cried The Chicago factory , while refusing to bind itself to the trust , promises that the tiust pilccs shall bo scrupulously maintained. As thu trust docs not and cannot control the production of 'corn such a promise is of little value. Should , the Chicago or any other fac tory wish to undersell tliu scheduled pi lees they could do so with absolute impunity Thcio Is nothing to piovent further compe tition by the outside conccinsor the estab lishment of now faetoiics in opposition to the trust. The latter is solidly and conserva tively organised , however , und If they do not attempt to crush or abuse the Jobbers , the National Stuich manufacturing company will probably bo a success. The only rnUrond tram out of Ornaha run expressly for -accommodation of Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Moines nnd Chicago business IB the Itock Island vestibule limited , leaving Omaha nt ll-r : > p. in. dally. Ticket olllco 10Q2 , Sixteenth nnd Fumum bt. , Omaha. TIlO Ijfll'KCHt HllC ( ! | ) ICllllOll. The largest Hheop ranch in the world IH in the counties of Wobh nnd Dimmott in TOMIH. It contains as many an 100,000 acres and generally pastures 800,000 bhcop. _ _ 1G02. Sixteenth nnd Farnnm streets Is the now Rook Inland ticket ollico. Tick- otu to all pointH east at lowest rated. A Mntlior'M 1'utlictlo A woman droned In mourning called nt a Montreal police btntlon nnd request ed that bho might bo given her son'u pic ture. When told that there \\iis none there she answered that it was in the rogues' gallery. "Ho wawonco necuhed of picking pockets , " fald the vlHitor , "but was discharged. Tlio picture was taken at that timo. I have none , except one uhovving him as a child , and now ho Ibtlead. " _ _ _ Alvvajs L'ho I'iatt's Llilorldes tor housenold dlaiufCLtluu. You will like it. RR1LWRYTIMEORRD cmt Aiio.m'iir.isoTov A y. i Afrif IWjjot lOtfiAnilMiuanMrt-pt * . " ' 4.10 p ni . . .llilcngo P 41 n in , . . .ChlritffO P lip mni ni Clilriifio I ornl . , . „ , . , , , .lltMlUNdl'ON , C .MO UIVKK.I Uirmlin. | Di-iKit loth anil Mmon Mroett. | Kits n m . .Denver IM 10 15 n tu . . . . Denver K prc. > i a ( J | i in . . Denver .NUlit tjture J * II n in l.lnroln tinrn\ _ . "I.onTo't i K , T A P II " Oinnln Depot lOtli nnil Mnxin olroctt. P3.1 n m TKntKinsCUr Diy KtpFi < . . . MO p m IMS p in 1C I1 Mulit KJJI Tin V P Train . ! * _ lu Ti.n cV i T.S IO.ST rACU.'IC ; 7 ATFTtM Uinnln. I Depot lOtli ami .Mnrey Mroot * . lUniilm. 2 M p m .Orrrlnnil Hfcr , V ID p in T-W p in , ,1'nclllo Kxpro" . . , . 7 15 n m 10 70 n ni llciiTvr Kxprc" , . 0.1 p ni 4 4J p in ( irnml Islnml Kip. ( except Sun 12 II p in AO In in . Knli n I'll ) ' Kxpi U 0.1 n 111 es" | CIHCAilO. H. 1 A lUOIKia"A ! > rTve Omnlm lUJ jloi'Olt 10thnnil _ _ MnrryMti | Oiiinli'j. (115 ( p m T.NItiTit ixpro : KIM n in IMS n in Atlantic Kxpri' ( ISO P m 4J5 p m "Lonvoi ] SIOUX TMl'V it I'ATIt'IOT" fAfrTvoT Omnlm III I' , ili-pol. IDtli nlnl M ircr SH I Onmlm 7 IN nnil . . . Slant Cltr I'nsn'nucr . . .I _ ISpjii [ _ . _ , * * t. I'nul Kxpro , , . .UI005 | n in Ii uj rSIOUX C1TVA VSOIPlli I Arrive * JJmnlm | Depot mil nnilWob _ tiT 8l . [ Onmlin. ' ( L ° M'mL i _ 5t , I'niil l.lmltBil . . _ . ll''J ' > nm 'Unvu T < 'IIIl'AIo5"S'OltrmVWl1Kn.V ( : I ArrTrci OmnlmU \ I' depot , lUlli mill MnrcjJHi I Oniiliil II l'i n In Chlc.uii llxiircx \\Xl \ p Ml 4.Upui . . . Vixllluilo Llmlloit I'M ' n m CIS p in ( I.T. e < r. Hull Mill ( Ar. o Mon ) 7 V ) n in JTJU ji m . . lliiiti'rn Hjror Z 4ip _ in "u-nvus ( ( 'lllCivOO , Mil , . , 5 SI' I'Al uTArrTvoi Omnlm ; U 1' . iloput , loth mill \lnrcr Sti | Omnlm. W l'i n m' ' ClilciiKii Mnll ( except Siimtn ) ) I ( ,05 p m run ) p in . Chlcnifo I2xpr . . U r > n in I" " K ) ji niL Oildiro Kxnn _ J 3 HI | . m Omnlm ll > I iloput 1011 nnil .Marry Ht * | I Omnln ! 4 .a p ml . . < t l.ciuN CniiiinnTlnll , | U M l > m 1 , K A MJ VVI.IiKV. lArrlvji "itli nnil Wi-lnU'f qt I Oiinlit iIK ) n in lllTli Kxpresii A 7U p m 11(0 ( n m Ilii'tlllK' ' l\i : | ( Kx Mltulny ) A "J p m 6 10 p in .Wnlioii A Lincoln I'ni'uiiiri'r IU .M n ill JtlO ( Mil York A Norfolk I Kx Sniiiln ) ) II ) .1) ) n m Al [ 'Arrival OmnluiJ Ijopot l.'illi and Wointor Sti | Omilii 8 10 n m iTliiux City Ariummoilnlloii ( lO'i l > in 1 00 p m Sioux City Kxprp slx ( ! Sun ) 1 IU p m JU.'i p m St I'aiil Umltinl 1 > ' . ' ' ) n in 6 15 u in llnnooft rns otiKi > r < ix : Sun ) 8 O in IX-ITOS | MlSHOL'lll ' PACiriC i Arrive * JJninlin I _ Jeio | 15tli uiul VVi'lviter M < Oiiinlin 0 ririn | t .V K C Kxpri'Hi I 4 .VI p in .115 p m | fH LiiiiU \ K C ixjiro : [ d.ltliiiii UNION I'AClKIC-SUIIb'llllAN ' TIIA NS Tlic-o trnln-i m o Mop nt I Itli , IJth , 2Utli nnil 2ltli strcot < , Hiimmlt nnil ynvliliro Crosslnit.Vorklni - uic'ii'D tr.iltn do not run Hiiiulnv. l nvel I OIllUAIiG. It 1 A. 1'ACiHU Arrives Trnnsfcr I Union Depot. Council llliiI ( 'Irnnstur "l , a p in Nlehl Kx press U 15 n in ' . ) 10 n m Atlnnllc llxiin-'S B Vi p in 100 p ml Veitltiiiln l.lmltcil 10 10 n in lx-uTi-s lClHOA ( . A. XOTU'llWhsrirllN I Arrives Triinsfvrl Unjpn Depot. Cdimcll llhirn [ Trniisfvr .I (0 n in ( , ( J p m .100 p in , l"mltea < U a in 10 ( JO p .11 Knilern I Ircr ' . ' 00 p in JfU ) p III Atlintlr M ill _ 7 EU n ill IXHtvut ICllll'Ait ) , "Vll r A Arrives 'Irnnsferl I'nlon Douut Council lllntla Trniisfor IKO Mnll ( uxccpi Siniila } ) 1 R ) ; i m I , a p in Oilcn i ) llxprcsti II1 " > n m IU OU p in < lile.miiKxpress _ _ „ 2 OU p in ' K i\sr Joii x n Arrives Trnn forl Union Depot. Council minis iTrniiifcr lli)7 ) ) iriii | " "KiTnsnH CltTTlny Kxpreis TVll p 111 lUSSji m | _ Jfim nt City Nliiht Kxprum I ( , -1) ) n in Loiivcs I" " QMAliTf A Ml' ODI C f Arnvoi fer | Union Jlppot , Coimrll lllufH ( Transfer 6U ) irnil .stTJniTs' ( nTiiiii ItiTll llinpin U-nvcs | OIIICA.0.1ltnir , N" 4 qiMNCYlAnlvei IrniKtcrl Union Depot , Council Illiill. " . I'lrnnilcr MISSOUUI PACIFIC UU11U1UIAN TRAINS. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $ .4OOOOO SURPLUS 6OOOOO Accounts of Hunk" , Ilankurs nnil Corporation i llclted. Our fncllltloH for COIJ.KCTIONS nro cxcollont nnil we ro-ill count fur bnnkt nlicn balances w.irrnnt It lloston Is n Hoiervu City , and hnlniiccD with na fiom biiiiKs ( not loc.ituil In other llcservo Cities ) count ns n reserve. Wo ilrnw our own cxclunio on I/ondon nnd the Continent , nnil niiiku cable transfers nnd placoiuonc ) liy telegraph thruuxhout tliu United States und Cuu- mln Welnve n market for prime flrst-dns" Investment Securities , and Invlto proposals from .Stales , Counties - ties nnd titles when lusului ; bondi Wo do nicnvrul unnkliu business , and Invlto roi- tCHpondonca ASA P. I'OTTEU , PUKSIDKNT. JOS. W. WORK , CASHIKH. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH AT-- 13O2 Farnam Stroot. HARRY P. DEUEL Oity PuBSongor and Ticket Atront , W"A wTifD" IGSUCO DY CITIES , | COUNTIES , OCHOOt _ - - DISTRICTS WATER . , , , , solicited. Correspondence COMPAHII3 , ETC. H.W HARRIS COMPANY . , & , Bankers , 103-109 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. 70 Otattt airoot. DOSTOM. FjOentr l and HEavoUS Dtl , . , . . , -n-dilfjlj Wnkn.nof Diy uJMInii , Effioti _ _ JilailiUJJof Erronor Kioeiill In OMfcr Tcusr , Uotui , bUHiimnouniirliitiorxi. n.wil.Vi.rT.Ji Bif..jik. irik1i i' > UJriiioKii 8i-iBiurCour. ( filllx HOJIK T mTB T-L..Bl. I. t , , . B.a liillltitm to UU4 4 r nl * < ( oilrUi. nriu lie * . K > f > < rlfiU Dok tclAJitU a lro , fMUI. < IMftltJfr ) . Uitut BRIE tdtfOIOAI. 00 , , BUrrALO. N. Y. NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. D VOSITOUV. OMAHA , NED. Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplvis Jnn. 1st , 180O , - 07.0OO OfflMn unit niroftorttnrr W Y te , pr ild nlj MwlsH lined Tien itro.lilonti JnttiM W 8ntM lTt l Mori * , John H Collln | It 0. Cuihlngl J , M. lib r Utck | w. II. 8 Hiiglioj , cmhler. THIS IRON B7VNK. Corner Kthnml Knrnsm Btrpcts , A HsnVIn" n.n ln < TriinsiMafl. _ _ OOMMlSUOIAlx National Bank Cnpttnl , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 4OOOO Offlfpr nnil nlrcrton-R M MorKnmnn , O f. llllcliriTck , Jonopli ( inrnpiil , Jr , A lltMtry , 1C M Amlrrton , Wllllnm O Mnul , Tlrn-prcililrnti I. Ill Wllllnnn , A I * Hopkins. i < rrMilctif A Milliard * casliler , K II llrynnt , n sl t4viit cnililcr Omaha Manufacturers , UootH and Hliocs. KIHKENDALI , , JONES Je CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Iioots& Shoes \dontsfor Ilostonllublirr Shoo Co , 1103 , 1104 rvmlliOJ llnrnej flieel , Onmlm .Sell BTOKZ ft. IL.ER , Lager lleer Brewers , 1M1 Ncrtli Iflli Blrrct , Omnhn , Neb. Cornice. KAQLE COUNICE WOUKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Wlmlow rnp nnil melnllc ukrllxlit' John Kpenetor , pruprlltor lOHnn.l llOHontli llltli i > trppt ArtlHtH' MutorlalH. " ' A. HO3PE , j'r. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1413 Douglna Street , Uinnlm , Neb Coal , Coke , Kto. OMAHA COAL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers , of Hard and Soft Coal , 8 1 ! Cor irtli nnil Donglni Streetn , Omihn , Neb. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Colic , 211 South 13th Street , Onmlm , Nob. DEAN , AUMSTItONO A : CO. , Wholesale Cigars. 4BN ( IMIiStreet "Hollol" 1419 Dry Goods and Notlonn. M. E. SMITH ic CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner llth nnil jownnljjtreet _ KILPATFHICK-KOCH'DHY GOODS cb. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Gents' KurnlBUlnclJooili Corner llth nnil Humor Htreeta. Onmlm , Neb Furniture. DEWEV Ar STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , , Knrnnni htreet , Omnlm , NcliriHka. CHAttLES SHIVEKICK , Furniture. Onmlm , GioucrlcH. McCORD , BRADY A : CO , Wholesale Grocers , 13th nnrt I.cnTCinrortli Btrccts , Onmlm , Nehrnnkn. Ijumlicr , Kto. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. Imported nnit Anicrlcnn I'ortlnnrt Cement StnW nueutfor Mll nnkio Hrilniullo Couicnt , oud gnlncy nlillo Ilino. CHAS. U. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood carpets nnd pnniuct lloortnn Dili and DouglM Streets , Onmlm , > clirnskv ! Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Corner 9th nnd Domlnn Btrcctn , Omnhn = - - . _ = Millinery nnd NotloiiB. _ I. OBERFELDER d. CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 208 , 210 nnd 21. South llth street. Notloiifli j. T. nofiiNSOiTNOTiorrco Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1151 llnrney street. Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axlogrenso , etc , Onmlm A 11 Il'sliop , MmiaBor. ) I'll HOT. 1 CAKPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Curry a nice stock of printing , wmpplnKAnd writing paper. Upeclnl attention iilvun to card paper HafcH , Kto. A. L. DEANE If CO. , General .Agents for Halls' ' Safes , 1 and 323 houth 10th Bt , Omaha. Toy H , Kto. " H. HARDY Ac CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Ilouse FurnlshlnitOoodi , Children's Carrlants 13)1 ) amain street , Ouiaba , Nob. Water Hupplli's. U. S. WIND ENGINE ic PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Ilnlllday wind mills 918 nnd 620 Jones at , Omaha. ( J K Hou , Acting Manager. Iron WorliH. PAXTON &c VIERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron liuilding Worlf , Engines , brass work , general foundry , maihlnu unA blacksmith work Ortlro nnd works , U P Ity nnd 17th stieet , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE Jc IRON WORKS , Mant'rs ' of Fire and Burglar.Proof Safes , Vaults , jail work , Iron shutters and lira enrape * . U Andrtuuirop'r Cor 14th unit Js'.knon tits , HnNh , Doors , 10to. M. A. DISI1ROW te CO. , Wliolcinlo manufnclurrrs of Sash , Doors , Dlinds and Mouldings , Branch oRIco , Uthnml Itnrd streets , Oniahn , It ! > t UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited , I SIIROEDER & DEAN ; GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks. liascmcnt First National lianK. 8O3 South 18th Street ,