Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No ntlVnrtlflOincMtH will 1)0 tnkcn for
tlicwo coliiiiuiN nfror lUii p. m.
Tcrmn Cnsli In nilvitnuo' .
Ailvrrtlnenicnta undrr tlilA licnil 10 cent * per
line fir Iliu first Insertion. 7ccntiforcach sub-
f.'ntii-nt. insertion. nnAtlJM porllno per month.
No nil rcrtlfe incuts tnkcn for less than vnecuU
for first Insertion. They must run consecu
tively and must ho paid In ADVANCE. All
ndvert nemontB must lie handed In before Ki.n
o'clock p. in. , end under no lrnihWtntirM will
they tin trtkcn or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvnrttslnK In tin-so columns nnd
having their unsworn nddrmsed In cnro orTiiR
IIKK will plensn link for a chock tnrnnblo them
to Rctlholr letters. n none will bn delivered
Meont on proscntntlon of check. All nnswnrs
to advertisements should lo enclosed In envo-
lopi-H ,
All advertisements In thcsn columns nro
ptihllsbrd In both morning nnd evonlnir cell-
llotmof TllKllKr , the circulation of which as-
Kregutes mnrathnn HUXX ) papers dnlly , and
elves the advertisers the benefit , not only of
the cllv circulation of TUB HKK , but also of
Council Illtiffn , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd
towns throughout thin section of the country.
Advertising for thr-so columns will bo tnken
on HIP nbove conditions , nt thn following bu -
IICM Louses who nro authorised to tnko special
notices , nt the sumo rutm us cun bo had at the
nuiln ollluo.
' ' -
Oof Twenty-sixth nnd N streets , Nobruskn
nvlnKX bank bulldlnir. _
JOHN W. 1IELL , Phnrmnclst,620SouthTenth
OHASE&EDDY. Btutlouors and Printers ,
113. Month ICth street.
H. FARNSWORTIU Pimm nclat , 2115 ,
Cumlng street.
WJ , HUOHES , Pharmacist , C24 North
ICtti street.
.W. PAKK , I'liariiincUt , 1718 Lcuvon-
worth Struct.
TTUGHES'l'llAKMACY. 24lh. and "nrnnm
" \\rANTED-A position by npharmnclst , reg-
ii Isluied In Nobrnskn ; over 4 vcurs oxpc-
rlener , tempera to habits , letters from former
employers. Addiess Onto , Grand Junction , la
Will 10'
W ANTED-Einploymciit bv gas nttcr ; 10
yours with Messrs. K. H. & J. Pearson ,
London. Eng. Address 0 5.t llee. ltB-9 *
BRFG CLERIC Itozlstcrod In Knnsas nnd
PeUnsylvanlu. A No. 1 references. Address
OB ) , llee. 074-10 *
D A position by n young mnn ns
T assistant bookkeeper or clerk In Krocorv ;
can give good reference. Address G 49. Ilcc.
SS3 10 *
" \\rANTED Immediately , a enrrlajio nnd
IT WH OII wood-worUer. who has bad I or 2
vein's experience , ; tt the CreleCnrrliiBO Works ,
IH to tl-i \\cok and steady work. Also nn e.\-
iM'ili'wed trimmer. ? I2 to JH , without , delay.
r. L. V.inderbur , ' , Crete. Neb. 071 0 *
" \\rANTED first-classhlnok-
I i smith , that iindi'r-.tiinds plow work and
horsi'shoelng. Win. Sjiurllm ; , DoWltt.Neb. _
\\T-ANTED-A Rood man. onn who under-
sl.iinls mllklllf , ' . Good wages. Apply 15th 1
ttnil Htimliton. 1 *
\A7AVrT.D-Miintiiul wife , cooks$50 . : Indy
IT tookj5 , ; ! ; good girl for Wyoming , family
of : i , iM ; waitresses , $ JO ; chamlicrmalds , nurse
plrls. woman us nurse , nnd < > unmstrcsses , $30 ;
iiouscKcepcr for widower ; cook for ollieor's
f'iniily , * ' . ' 0 ; f > 0 girls for general housework.
Mis. Iliega. 311" , S. Ijtb. Uhfl 0 *
" \\'ANTED , At once good slnplo German
ii In end and cake baker. Good wages. John
J'reytlmler. Norfolk. Neb , 010 0
' \\r ANTED Salesmen on salary or commls-
ii slim to handle the new patent chemical
Ink eiaslng piMiell. The gientcst.selling nov
elty ever produced. Einses Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of pnpur ; 200 toflCO
perei-nt prolit. Onu nui'iit's sales amounted
to ifi'M In slday.s ; another $ ; t2 In two hours.
AVe wnnt one unergetle general iigent for each
Mute and teultoiy. ( uinplii by mull 35cents.
Tor terms and full partleiilnrs , address The
Alonroi > Eraser Jl'f'g Co. , La Ciosio.WIs. ! > IO-lO *
"AA ANTED-An nrtlrp iiinii for rnch section
ii stiiaiy S75 to J100 , to locally represent n
Burni's.sfuf N. V. company , Incorporated , to
mipply dry goods , clotlUng , shoes , jewelry ,
do. , to consumers nt cost. Also n Indy of
taut , siilnrv t)0. ) to enroll members (80,000 ( now
enrolled , Jloo.iKX ) paid In. ) Keforcncos ox-
elmiiKed. Emplro Co-Oicrntlvo | association
credit well rated ) lock box ( ilO. N. V.
1JOUTUAIT mients ! Do you value line work ,
liei-uratu likeness , piunipt service , low
pi lees ? Then deal with the largest copying
house In the country , Bhepnids 200 Wnliu1
nve.mse , Chicago. 025-12 *
BOV wanted , nbont sixteen or seventeen
> en i sold , at 507 South Tenth street ; bnrd-
\vnre stoie , 1)30-0 ) *
AIIOV ; Grand expc-nse-miikerforcaiivassers
L\ cry body buys ! Will.Prlce.DavldCtty.Nob
U ANTED Salesmen to sell goods by sam-
ph > to merchants ; salary paid to good
men ; samples furnished : permanent situation.
Model Manufacturing Co. , South licnd , Ind.
MO-15 *
"VIT ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
I i niiisuiles. Stonc&WollingtouLMadlson.Wls
ANTED Snb-contrnotors for railroad
TT uiadlnit ; free tiansportntlon. Mo-
Doiaid , Ponliuld ti. Co. , Fiemont , Neb.
818-11 *
AGENTS $50 outfit on 30 days' timo. $150.00
prolit In 4 weeks or no pny. Add. , with
Mump : Jurvls & Coinpanv , Racine , WIs.
\\rANTED-1.000 inun for railroad work In
T T Wyoming. Dakota , I'lnh and Nevada ;
waKe.sjl.75 to J2.50 ; steady work. Albright's
Labor Aguiuiy , 1120 Furimni st. 8I4Jy4
XX ANTED-SaU-smen at $ T5 per month sal-
TI ary and expenses to soil a line of sllvor-
iil.ited wnie , wntchos , etc. , by sample only ;
iiorsc nnd team furnished free , write at oneo
for full particulars and sample case of goods
free. Standard silverware Co. , lloston. Muss.
"VW ANTED- Energetic men nnd women for n
IT ccntccl business pay 1m ; f < W weekly piollt
pas'er than fOO monlbly otherwise ; experleneu
' ' . nnd exelu-
uniu'i'o.ssary ; purmanent position -
. territory assured ; J.I samulos fruo ; Inves
tigate our money-making business. Addioss
\vllhslainp. Muirlll Manufncturbig Co. . 11 53 ,
Ohioutto. 111. M.-IIVI3 *
Tl\rANTKD-Kl , nnd 3d girls In private fuml-
TI ly : best of wnces paid. 721 S lllth St. , cor
tier 01 Lea\imworth st Mrs. J. L , llrundels.
_ 177
\\'ANTED-Good , girl for housework. 2435
Hniney. 0140 *
\ \ T A N T E D-A competent U'lrT SW cor 20th
uml California sts. 975-11 *
" \\rANTED-Immcdlntoly poinuotont girl to
IT work utdiessinnklng. 2 21 huward si.
977-11 *
/ jiiDD girl wanted at once for general houso-
jJ.woik. ' 'IIS Muwnnl st. tKX )
\ \ ANTiD-Liidy : ngvuts. 1U09 Cumlngst. ,
T I up Mall- * . 1151-9 *
\\TANTiD-lllrl : for hoilbowork ut
f S. iOthliVQ. D. W. Phelps. S77-9
\\TANTED-Ono jlrst-flass liuly cook , ono
ii dining . . room _ girl _ und second girl ; coed
Cull at HIS. ITtli st. 813-11 *
"tA ANTED-Thrcp experenood uiiimg rmiiu
ulrlsuttho liarkor hotel. tins
VX' ANTIuTVViiist und skirt mnkcrsHnt
11 llenson'i ) , 2UJ3 Douglas st. u.12-10
o do nross making In faml-
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 525 S. 23th avo.
TI YRA McGlnnls' hessmuklng par'ors U23
JT ! Capitol ave. 1 ujo and touch thu Fro ich
tnllor system , looilb
FOlt lU3NT-.lioU81- :
. . RENT Small house W per month. J. J.
. * - Wilkinson. UIH Paxton blk. 043
TjUiTniNr-At : n bargain , line now ulght-
J. mom house , oil tlnlsh. Pleasantly situated
nnd healthy. Only two blocks from car lino.
Cull at once. 2312Sowurd street. U33-10 *
(1OR ( RF.NT 0-room cottage , furnished or
- unfnrnlshiHl ; uoth nnd Lcavonworlh : 810
CoUax mo. Inquire 1419Howard. 041-IU *
f > _ IflOR RENT-A ton-nHun rcsldonoo No. 2011
* * .u Hurnoy st. , all modern lmpruvumcntswlth
cistern water ami gas , newly painted nnd
pupered Jiuldo and to bo painted outside ,
suited fop twiuors. Dr. Nuvillc , U02 IXmglas.
RENT ItcsldviK'M In nil parts of city.
List tixi largo to publish. Olobo Loan &
Xrual cowpuuy , 347 H. Iflth kU Ml
FOR RFNTMy rrsldennp. I3 Fnrnniii t
all mixU'rii Improvement und very deslrn-
blc. Rlchanl C. Patterson , N. Y , Life. 851-12
I7 'OR KKNTxIlnttiUfitl rooitlnncn. onsTfroiiTI
burn , nil modern Improvements ! Georgia
nvc. Klch'd C. Patterson , N. Y. Life bid * .
IjAolt Til".Nrlr'lveTffiT ririi > onis , stalifo. mill
- - nil roqulri'ineiilH fet u flrst-elnss home ;
south front ; MBnS Cr.pllol avenue ; rental very
low. Inquire nt inoi Ijitnunist. BM _
' '
8-lUO.M'wltb stennf'bent. IRIh st. neur
Jones. Thomas F. Hall , Illl Paxton block.
T710K KFNT--AI moderate rent , tluf throe-
-1 stori and bti < > eiiu > nt brick building f Hunted
at No. fllO Doilitlasstieot , siiltalilc forinaiiu-
fuctnrlnK. nholesnlo or warehouse purposes ,
ulsootm Momund basement No. 107 S. Iflth ut ,
Apply toChas. Ivaiifmnrln , 1302 Douglas Nt.
FOR F.ENT About Juno i.tiioso elegant
stone residences on Georgia avc. , S. 29th st.
hot. Mason and Pacific xts. , Si-o owner for long
tlmolensu. H. H. Henderson , room 400 , Paxton -
ton blk. 574
MODKK.N hou < c , nine iitoms , bnth , hot and
cold water , furmicoiind en . on DodRest. .
JIO per month. 1'rcd J. Itorthwick , L'lljy. llth.
ftjl *
FOK KENT A Hat of 0 rooms.
MrstC. DIIKKIIII. Illf-'S. iilli.jMO ;
RENT House , 10 rooms , nil modern
Improvements ! largo yard. S.15 per mouth.
Commission to agents. Dexter L. Thomas.
11. ' YOF wish to rent n lwii o or store see H.
- E. Cole. Continental block. M5
5 TtOOM' Tiouse , well liml cistern , good loca-
Otlon , In < iulte271l DoiigliiSHl , ' .107 _
"T71OR RENT To gentlemen , nicely furnished
J. southeast front room wllh alcove and hay
window. All modern coincidences ; prlvnto
fnintlv ; bo.ird If doslrud ; ne-irPurknvo motor.
No. ( .22 Georgia uvo ( S 29th t. ) 1VJ-9 *
J71OH KENT 10-room brick house , with mod-
- ern conveniences , No. Sit S. 30th st. Apply
at No. tfi.7S. Mtli Ht. f' " ' . . . . . .
FOK KENT 2 fine pressed brick houses , east
fiontson Oeftrsla nvo. , .lust north of Lcav-
cnwoith st , II looms , bnth , furnacesewer con-
ncctloni , all conveniences ; will rent to ro-
uponslblo parties for J50. M. A. Upton Co. ,
lUth and I'uriKun. 740
monlli new 8-room brick , every modern
convenience , 2125 Luke st , on motor linn.
FOR KENT Two of thn llnost residence Hats
ou South lOtli street , with nil modqrtvtcon-
venlences. hot and cold water , eloso to llrown-
ell hall , l-'lrst class surround Ings. Apply to
dm * . Kaiifnmnn. 1302 DoUglas st &t.
IflOU KENT- * and 8 room houses. Innulro
1 J. ! ' . llnrton , 2010 Capitol avc. 700-10 *
FOK KENT 10-room house. 2003 Hurt st.
8-room bouse , TIG North 20th st.
n-room house , b07 North 20th st.
! > -room house. 1517 North 21th st.
d-room lint , nil eonvenlciiecx.2110 I'nrnam st.
Potter & George Co. , llitb and Kuril it m sttt.
FOK KENT 10 room bouse , 2107 Douglas.
Imiullo21ll Douglas. 810.
FINE residence , modern improvements , 2)08 )
St. Mary's live. . M5 per month. Inquire at
premises or at A. lleller'H , 1114 1'arnnm. l.V )
3 KOOM cottage , S. W. cor. 17tb and Olnik.
829-11 *
COTTAGE of 3 rooms in rear of 1215 Chicago
St. , near 13th , city water , W. S'JG 13 *
371LEGANT bouso In choicest part of city ,
i outh front , overlooking high school
grounds , fourteen rooms , bath , laundry.stcam
heat , barn and carriage hoiiso , etc. , nte. ; will
bo vneant June 1st. Thos. F. Hull , 311 Paxton
block. 521
" 171OK KI'.NT 2new houses , 5 nnd 7 looms.
JL1 Poppleton park , close to motor. limit f 13
and SI5. City water. Stringer & Penny ,
Douglas block. ICth nnd Dodge. 7H2.
Mill ItENT About June 7 , B-iooni houyilCId
- and Ciimlng .sts. $ : I5 per month. C. ! ' ,
larrlson , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life. 4S9
"VTOUIt oppoltunlty tohceuro the lease and
I fuinituicof out ) of the IInest homes in
Omaha , furniture all new , location near high
school , runt low. Will take halt Its value ; ' /
cash , bnl , time. Addiess , E43 , lice. 211
HOUSES , stores nnd lints ; nil new , E. A.
Lcuvcnwortli. room 14 , Darker 1)11 ) ; . bMiJII )
" 1T1ORIfENT Very nlcirt-room houses ; spcclul
JJ trims made. Apply to Fletcher Houng ,
Ambler Place. 293
"IT1OR RENT 5 room house , irood repair , nice
-I ? yanl. cistern wuter , rent J22. Apply to 1409
South 7th avc. or to J no. W. Hull , druggist , I'Jtli
O KOO.MS for bousokceplng to man nnd wlfo ,
Ono chlldien. Kent taken In board , 310 N. 17th
IHJ5-15 *
TnilRNISIIED rooms for housekeeping. ll3S.
JD 17th st. 008-11 *
FOR IJENT Two very handsome rooms ,
newly furnished , also s room for gen-
tlemnnwlth _ first-class family able. Inqulio
till N. 25th near Dodge st. Of > 9-
J UKNISIIED room for mnn nnd wlfo ; refcr-
-1 onees. 1707 Lenvenwortb. 073-0 *
" TEWLY furnished rooms , nil modern con-
JL > venlences. liJ9Cumliigst. ! ( U55-t > *
GOOL , pleasant rooms. 313V > N. 15th , Hat "J , "
with nrst-clnss board , for gentleinan.
375-J 2.1 *
FOR KENT Pleasant furnished room with
nil conveniences , 313 S. 25th st. 883
OOMS , with board If deslicd , 1908dip. avo.
7IH 10 *
TTIOK KENT Two furnished front rooms ,
JL ? wltli bay-window , modern conveniences , $10
nnd $4 per month , with or without boaid. 3218
Lonvenworth st. 812
flO\V ) \ lady without family would llko a
few young lady boulders , with icfeiences ;
block from cur line. G 3'J , llee.
810-11 *
OR KENT-Furnlshed rooms. 1721 Capitol nv
817Jyl *
TJ1OK KENT Pleasant furnished rooms at No
JL' fi4 ! So. Kith i > t. . Hut A. Her blk. 707 12 *
17HTKNISHED rooms , light housokee
J-1 St. Mary's avc. 4VJ- {
"TT1OK KENT New furnished rooms In New
J. Terrace , with or without board , nt reasoii-
ublo lilies. 2128 Hnrney st. MO
1/1OK RENT-Furnl-shud rooms. 1C09 DoiiKbisi
JL1 57U
7/UK KENT Nicely furnished rooim iiU
- modern com enlenecs , 2 blouks fiom P. O. ,
OI8i3l7thst. 577
"I71OK KENT A Inrgo and nicely furnished
-i loom fioitlng | on Capitol avenue , eastof
the hlKh school. Private family. Suitable for
two or three gentlemen. Address G , 51 , llee.
, W.5-
VflCELY furnished rpolurt , trom $ j.uo up , ulU
Jsi north Suveiiteenthstjoot. D.15-9 *
IAROI- . south room and board for two ; nil
Jcomcnlcnc'Cb ; clp.sii to bnslncns center.
Home comforts guaranteed. 1919 Dodge sticut.
KI7-0 *
"IjlOK KI'JN'U Sovural nicely furnished rooms
JL1 singleniuLilaublu. . Apply 1S10 ( Jliicairo st.
' 711U-9 *
TpOR KENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bulb nnd
-L' btenm ; 1519 Howard. 578
QT. OLA1R European hotel , corner Kith and"
ODodge. Siioelul rates by week or month. 579
NICELY fufulshell front rooms with nlcovo
to let. Inquire 202 : . ' St. Mary's avenue.
"T71OR KENT A I urge front room , furnished ,
JL1 In ono of'lhu residences in the city ,
721 S. 10th st. , corner l.envcnworth. 811
O ROOMS for small fnmlles , COS N. l.'ltli.
70J10 *
. . . . KENT I unfurnished rooms to family
without children ; modem Improvements
1701 Wobsler st. , Price J15. ftSO
" 171OU KENT Two or throe largo rooms , front
J und back parlor. 1720 Capital nvc. 610
' "
'o YER hurdUHi-u store IG21 Howard st ,
r > i8
UNFURNISHED roonls for housekeeping at
greatly reduced prices. Choupost rent In
thoolty. Hulls Hunting Agency , 2ISS 15th st.
219-llti *
1OR UKNT-Pocond Moor. 4lxi : and sullen
X' of larcu oltlcoA for light manufacturing
niidimmplo commission , ( n StraiiK building ,
10th und Farnam ; nlovator survlco ; runt low.
Sll . " ' 21U s'Ul ' 8t- b. 10
"irfoTTI t ENT § i 1 1 oTF b foTiTroo m , $57"go iitTi
-A-1 Tenth. Four doors from depot. Suitable
for fruit orclgur store. Apply ticket oil Ice ,
b07Soutli tOth. 820.
STORICS nt 707.709,711S Iflth. 22x00cuub , largo
nliow windows , steam heat furnlsliod , Thoi
F. Hull , 311 Paxton block. Ml
FOR RENT-Tho 4-story brick building , with
or without poucr. formerly oceuiilcd ythu
lleo Publishing Co. , lilU Farnam st. The build
ing has n tlreprtwjf cement basement , complete
steam hoatlng lixturus , water on all the lloor ,
gus , etc. Apply at the olllco of Thu lleo. 1)13. )
Jj < UK KK.NT dloru U18 S , lotli st
OX )
OrriCT' ? In Wllhncll blook , and
strcct-t. f.-f per month and upward ; nil moil
oni ImpniMMnents. lull nnd MOO them.
them.Ml JI5 *
WANTED Hornet tn ) ttsturo : nt J2.W n.
inoutli on farm near trvlmtton ; horse *
culled for nnd delivered. W. R. llomnn , llo
0. Frcnrer blm-k. r.-O
" "
Tf'"jMin-fY. ' rcntiil ngent , 20(1 ( N.Y. Life !
_ _ _ _
' ' '
ij\'roRTO'K'S irTitnl ngency , 517 Pnxton bloc'kT
EfcOLE. rental n cnt , Contlneutnl blk.
M I f hiiviVngenuiiioiunil Vtono.
L L. Ilenbow. 12.12 no. 20t t KCI-Jy 4
T ADIES , , It will pny you to call nnd lnve tl-
JLJ cntoour Lightning Wnlit Filter ; price V
citttlnuf done to order , 81 ? ! } N. 15th st. 870-13 *
SKOPOLD-HlKbest prices paid for Indies'
nnd Kcnllcmcn'scast-oir clothing , shoes ,
&c. Send not leu to OlOJi South 10th St.
IDAIiASOLS nnd uiubrollas covered nnd ro-
JL paired. Ii. llalor , 1515 Douglas ; basement ,
5 *
TTMIIHELLAS repaired , lawn mowers shnrp-
LJ rned , key fitting and louksinlthlm : at
Hcllln's gun shop , 119 N. 16th st. 201) ) JIO
J\L \ IASSAOEnnd mnKiietlc treiitnient , 1113 Pu-
_ _ etnc.hnlf _ block tnjiii motor line. .MO-IS *
MASSAIJE treatmentelectro ,
leated batbscal | ) & hair treatment.muni-
euro & chiropodist. Mr * . E. M. Post , 113 S. 10th.
MISS II. KOKSTEK , midwife and M. D. for
children nml female discuses , I m Snundcrs
St. . In Micoml story. 21)I-J-21 ) -
EN. CLINOMAN , exclusive pension attor-
ncy , K HLV31,1'ren/.er block , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati & Washington. Stump for circular.
M1RAOKAGE storage at lowest rates , W. JL
JL Itushmnn. 1311 LeuVonworth. f > S3
10LD storage. David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
STOUAUi : llrnnch & Co. , 1211 Howard.
1J1UKN1TUKE stornge. separate comnart-
JL1 monts. 815-817 Howard. 257
MIKACKAGE btorago , JJavld Cole , H15-817
JHownnl. . 2.)7
T71OUND A red nnd whlto mixed horse. An-
-L1 ply to Frank Uannochle , caio N. 11. Knl-
HS5 0 *
OST LVro Irs -eirsT pTn
back , between Corbv and Howard on motor
line Sunday. Howard for leturn to 1U18 Cot by.
T OST Iletweon elovntor In Paxton block
-1 'and 151U How nro .St. , Knlirh t Templar ehariii
beailn' ; name ot owner. Kinder will bu ic-
wauled by leturnlng to 409 Paxton block.
to-10 ! *
$5 KE WAHD Lost , Saturday , on Cnmlnc. or
Hninllton sts , a brown leather valise. Leave
at Itotvmnn'b store , 1217 Turnum st and ru-
eelvo lewiiid. 1 > S.-11 ! *
BOAKDING nnd rooms. MIS Jnckson.8S011 *
AVANTIC ! ) XO JiUl' .
FAKM wanted Improved farm 100 acres
near rnllroad and Omaha. Address G52
Dee , stating price nnd terms. 913 12
W ANTED Good commercial natior. Ne-
urusku Mortgngo Loan Co. , 519 Paxton blk.
f > .s9
WANTED A wnll map rack. Omaha Kent
Estate nnd Trust Co. , 220 S. 17th St. . Ilcc
building. 7)7 ! )
"OTANTED Good short time nupor In .small
IT am ounl s. P. 1501 Fi i mam st. 690
I7tURNlTUIK7iiou < .ohoideoodsotu. Highest
J cushpilee. 317 H 13th. . ' 173
W'ANTED Second-hand tnrnituro of all
kinds ut the highest price , 710 S. 10th st.
U.MH4 *
TTtOR SALE Phneton , side bar buggy.doiiblo
JL1 nnd slnglo burncss , nil nearly ncw,3 liorhcs.
Wnlworth , 32DouglaSjjlock. b03 9 *
TTIOK SALE A $200 Simpson phaeton for $100 ;
-t ! used 0 months. G. O. Hobble , telephone 838.
"I71OK bALE Phaeton , side-bar buggy , 2-sent
-L' carriage1 , nil nonrly now ; also 3 horses ;
cheap for cash or on easy payments. O. F.
Head , 11)23 ) Sherman aye. 815-11 *
T > ONY forsale. Kind , gentle ; lady orchlld
JL can bundle It ; never scares nt anything ;
Is very ambitions. Good for light buggy or
saddle. Cheap. Cull und see , H. E. corner
Ibth und Mandersonsi. _ KU.
TT1IFTEEN spun woik mules , long time nt 7
-1 ? per cent Interest. Sclby 13 Hoard Trade.
$50 will buy a nice mare. 11. E. Cole , Conti
nental blk. 7CS
i ) AKTIES looking for line driving or saddle
horses , would do well to call on , or corres
pond with T. J. Fleming , manager W. H. Mil-
lard's farm , Cullioun , Neb. Ho bus for fcalo
some flrst-clnbs single drlvets , carriage teams ,
and saddle horses , ut reasonable prices. f > 92
"TilOR SALE Flno family carriage horse
X' Bound und gentle.- Inquire 514 N. Kith st.
OKSES-Llcht drivers , bargain. The Into
Iliu Ims mndu thcmchcup. H. E. Cole.Con-
tlnentnl boek. _ Sg
ONE good team of hoiscs with harness , ulso
mule team $125 ; nulut , HtvIIsh single drive
for lady Z75. K. F. Wllliums , 205 N. 10th St. . up
stairs. pii-9
WANTED lly n small family , n plonsunt
cottage of six" or seven rooms near or on
the car lines. Will bo permanent. Address
G 31 Jlco. _ 779
VYTANTED-To rent 2 to 3 unfurnished
T i looms for housekeeping , small family ,
near business center. Address G 18 , Hoc olllcu.
_ 70t _ _ _
A AjTANTED Furnished loom In prlvnto fum-
II lly ; must bo eloso to town nnd on struct
cur line ; rent modernto. Address Win. Andor-
son. chief elerk Tim Mm ray. _ JKJ31I
T WANT more houses to tent ; moro demand
than houses. Purrottu Rental ngency.
" " " ' ' '
sell'thelr houso-
liold gi ) ds ntW ) ; everything rondytostnit
housekeeping ; house for rent ut I3:5I : ) pur
month , unsjlnmllton st , _ 1)78-10 ) *
[ 7IOR SALE At a bargain , the furniture of
JL1 a completely furnished 0-room bouse ; will
.tako iiart pay In room lent ; tlnest location In
thu oily to tent rooms , 111 S. 25th. Apply 1515
Douglosst. _ _ IM-IU *
TjVJll SALE All the furniture , eurpets. etc. ,
.1 of the huge 9-i oem boiise.No. 021 North IlUh
st. , will bo sold by auction ut 2 o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon. Henry Ciulghton , auc
tioneer. _ _ C',181 U j
1710R SALE Fin nlture. curpelH and houso-
J- ' hold goods of nil kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday nnd Saturday morning at llH'Fur-
numst. Cash pahl for Koods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Crclghton , auctioneer.
771l ( SALE 500 Uro brick. Iniiulro WJ N ,
J' lllth st. b'.li l )
IjlOlt SALE Cheap , ono hceoiid-hand tli-e-
X1 proof safe. In good oider. iu In. deep , IMn.
wide , 54 In. hfih , Inqulru Cruno Co. , U32 and
1)21 ) Farnnmsl. 840 12
JEST quality incut * , lowest rates , at Ficd
'Koos' moat market , 2232 Cumins st. 7H1 'M
1710R SALE Springfield Roadster or hlith
J. wheel safety bloyolo ; good condition ; full
balHunrlng.Addross _ U 5 < ) , Heoollleo. IVJ2-0 *
TT10R SALE 100 piano boxesi price J2.
J ) MO ii 4 _
iTlOlt SALE Cheup. a complete sot Of Euey-
J ? clopocdla llrlttunlca. 700 S ibth st.
HIS-13 * _
FOR SALE Some good wntches nnd"dia
mends cheap. 11. F. Musters , room 4 , With-
neil block. ll | _
SALE Good &qiiurt ) pluiio , * luj also
feather bed , cheap. Inquire 1302 Ploreo st.
/"JOOO sodii fountain , In running onlor , for
VJ less than halt cost , O. Peterson , hlH H. Kith.
_ . _ _ _ tgM.J2U ;
MIIIE famous WuTrunsburg white and bine
sundstonu will stand In any cllnijUo , Is tire
and frost uroof and Is suitable for nlrpnriioses
where stone Is preferable to other material. 1
11 m prepared to furnlnli thls&tonoon slioit no
tice In uny quantity , raiiKh.iiawisj or dressed
ready for iiso. For further Information address -
dross Jacob Plckol , Wurruiibburg tyiiarrlcs.JIo. )
Jyb *
, SALE. cupai > fiO-bor o power stoo
iKiller , good as nuw , willi llttlius complete ;
beater , iiiud-druni. plun o minips , and No , 3
Knowltui ; will sell for ouo-balf original cos.
JuIIW Uudfonl. Wl
TPOR H VLF Cheap , n h/Iutlfut fnwn colored
'greyhound. ' EnquireTirtS. I9th st. , corner
of Lorivenworll. . 814
_ m , ,
- - + w w
iTEINWAYplnm : > forJsl. V Part cn b. bnl-
in time. Addryy iU do. Hoc , O'lMI *
r.FOBK Wiylnit ft piano oxamlnn the new
ionic Klmball plnno. A. Ilospe.l.'l : ! Douuln.s
/ " 1KO. K.OEI-r.KN' thn banjo ,
" with llospc , I5ll : Douglas , 21 ! )
/'vftoT T'AVr MiWj'KoMuui
VI loan on fnrms and city property. w\ '
7V1O.NT.V In It ! now .Invention ; want small
I'l mnnufncitircr to takoliold of It ; trei N loth.
A. I'lckorliiit. IKMO
LOANS--Mom'v on hand. low rates. Omahn
Itonl KstntoA Trust Co. , S3) ) a. 17th st. , lleo
11)5 )
_ _ _
MONKV loaned at lowest rates , lonff time on
Improved Oinnlm real i < stutiMio''oMra , "
no delay , Olobo Loan & Trust Co. , 807 t * 10th.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ H"5
BTTi7fTSo ) loans , 0 to 7 per cent ; no lidiTu
tlomil charm's forcommlssloti or attorney's
fees. W. II. Mclkle , 1'lrst Nufl bnnk bldg.
_ _ _ _ _ . _ lt
ONKY JW.COorliUdnyson furnlture.planos ,
homos , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , Old
I'nxton blk. M > J
_ _ _ _ _
IIIIiltM , real estate loans nmdo by W. M.
Harris , room SO , Krenzer block , opp. I' . O.
PIKSTmortRiico loans at lo\v rates anil no
d _ I ) . V. Sholes L'o./JlUlst Natl bank.
_ _ sue _
HATTKh HANK , room \Vlthnell bloolc.
_ _ sii-jiiiy
TIIONEV toloiin on lior p , wniron . mini's ' ,
I'l household goods , pianos orgaus-dlamonds ,
at lowest rates. The llrit orjjaul/ed loan of-
Ilue In the city. Make loans fiom ; ) to ; days ,
which can bo paid In p.'irt or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal nnd Interest.
Cull and see us when you wnnt money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In making
loans. C. I' ' . Heed & Co. , at ! ) S. 13th St. ; over
lllnplinm & Sous. f.'J7
_ _
f HFfiFKST residence loans. J3,000 to if 10.000.
Itulldlng loans at special rules. The Mead
Investment Co. , lleo building. & 'JH.
/ 1IIATTKj loans nt lowest rates ; business
Wconliaentlal 010 1'axton blk. J. 1J. EmbiKer.
_ _ _
WANTED Jl to 5 years at 7 per cent , $30,000 ,
Hrot inortKaBO on brluk Impiovemont
worth 137,500 , no brokers , Address G (1 ( , Iteo
olllco. 031-1 1 *
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa-
_ per bought. McCaKiio Investment Co. 003
K"EYSTONK Mortgage Co. Loans of 110 to
$1,000 ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call It 203 , Sheely blk , 13th nnd
llowaidsts. BO. !
OOMMEUC'IAIj nml general short time paper
bought ; also regular live-year loans made
on Improved property. Geo. V. lllust k Co. ,
' . ' 0 > Kaingo bltlg. _ ( JOU
QECOND inortKaRO lonns. Second mortgages
VJboitjjbt. Loans on vacant lots. Ueoii &
i-elby. room 13. Ho.'ird Traile. _ U07
T\TONEV , to loan on any security
_ L'L for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
Tlio ITen < Ier.-on Moitgago Jnvustmcnt Com-
] ) any. room 400 , 1'axlon block. B03
WANTED-d'lrst class Insldii loans. Lowest
lates. Call nnd bee Ub. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . 1MI Tarnum. ( i09
BEI'OHK nofjotlatlng n loan to Improve
your real estate get terms from
Tlio Udell Investment Co. , : al N. V. Life bldg. ,
Thus. . lloyd. " roiirfCiit alive. _ lilU
Philadelphia Mortgage mill Trust Co. ,
always icady to loan and piy : promptly ; first
iiiortgiiges wanted George ! ' Coates. reiiro-
sontiitlvp. room 7 , Ho.'ird Trade. _ till
EASTKKN money to loan on city property ;
moitaago pnpurbouglit. II. If. Irey.N , V.Llfo
( illi
IOANS made on any available security.
JCentral Invcbtment Co. , Koota > , Chainber
of Comincree. . liKl
MONEY to loan on Ions or short time ;
county warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. , 1COOK I'iiriialnM. Pi. * ! ) J L'S
SHOUT time loans on.rncunt lots. Selby &
Head , 13 , board of' trade , ( KB
MONEY to loan In any amount frrtm $10 to
$10,000 for any time from OTIO to six months.
Lonns made on household goods , pianos ,
noises , mules , wagons , houses , leases , etc. , In
fact on nny available bccurity In any amount
at the lowest possible rates -without removal
of property.
Payments can be mndo at anytime reducing
both principal nnd Interest. You pny Interest
only for the time you use the money. If you
owu a balance on your property 1 will take It
up and carry It for you.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rates.
It. R Masters ,
Room 4 Wltlincll block , 15th and Barney Hts.
5 PER cent money to loan on renl pstnto se
curity. Loans can bo paid on * In Inslail
ments. Jiio. W. ItobblusOUN. . Y. Life bld .
T OANS wnnted ou productive Omaha real
JLJcstnto. 3 und 5 years' time , optional pay
ments , fnvorublo terms nnd rates.
lumixui , Liliamp .v uynn ,
IQOOJia 1305 Fanium st.
/1HATTEL loans , R. 19 Continental blk. . 15 fc.
V Dougius ; business confidential. M.J. Hnllj
* )37
/COLLATERAL bank , 312 So. 10th st. , room 5 ,
vycimmbor of Commerce , lonns money on
commercial paper nnd nil articles of value.
Also on horses , cattle , furniture and other
chattel property without removal , at lowest
rates of Interest. All business strictly confi
dential. U5 * JI5
PONEY to loan , f > yenrs on easy terms on UO
percent on good eoiiservntlvo valuations ,
anywhere-lii the city limits of Omnlm. at 4111
Shccloy bldg.,15th nml Howurd sts. Sum' ITnto.
991 JIO
MONEY to loan on city property ; money on
hand and no delays , ilatcs , Smith & Co. ,
10th nnd Farnam H.H. 9I5-J14
ANTED-Educaled young ladles and gen-
tlcmcnt to learn shorthand and tyi > ewrlt-
Ing ; good salaries ; .students assisted to posi
tions. Standard Shorthand Itnslness College.
Frank E. Hell , Instructor. Oil
SECOND HAND-Cnlogruphs Hammond and
RemliiKtous. John H. Comes Co. Letter
Files und office spct'Inltlcs , Itiiingu bldg. 540
AKKlYALexlraoidlnary of Mrs. Dr. Eddy ,
the distinguished , world-fumed und only
leal natural trance clairvoyant anil spirit
medium In this country ; .seventh daughter of
thu seventh daughter , born with veil nnd
greatest prophetic gift of second sight. While
entranced will reveal every hidden mystery
In life. Has long been pionounccd In Eurono
nnd America tboKieutost living wonder of the
present age. Understands the science of the
"Persian and Hindoo music. " or ancient
charm working , and propaies Egyptian tnllv
innns which will overcome your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
nlFcctlons , makes miii rlilgo with the ono
you love no failure * removes evil lu
ll iiences , bad hablw , " cuios witchery ,
fits , and all long Ktaiidln ? und mysterious
diseases ; will glvo corrx'j0 ! Information on law
suits , tdokncss , death , dnoico.'abbont friends ;
everything ; iiover-fulllnR ndvlco to young
men on marrlago und how to ehoose a wife for
hanplness und wlnil Im.ilni'ss host ndiiptod for
speedy riches. Htook smumliitlon aspeulnlty.
Also gives IndlsponslbW advice to young
Indies on love , courtshlpjiiiid marriage , and If
your lover Is true or fnl * > rnnd gives plcluro of
future hiibband , with iiAme , ago und dale of
murrlaco. Hours , Da. in.'to U p. m. , strict.
N. 11. For the bonulltoftboso whoaio unable
to call upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy.sho would tespoct-
fully announce that she- gives perfect satisfac
tion by letter. Your ciittiil life will bo written
In i clear and plain nliuincr. Letters with
stamps promptly answered. Send for largo
Illustrated circular wltti slieclul terms. Mrs.
Dr. Eddy , 321 N. 15th. TJ7 13 *
Hit. NANNIE V. WAH1I , , clairvoyant
J-'mcdlcul nnd buslnrss edlum. Foniulo dis
eases a specialty. 119 Width st. , rooms 2 and 3 ,
MATAM ) DE YEItE. the youngest clairvoy
ant nnd natural muunellu healer in the
United Mates ; will spread buforo you n pano-
rutuu of cvunlH past , present and future ;
cures diseases by her magnetic power ; 50
cents and upwards. 317 J15th st. 875-1.1 *
MADAsTI > ELJUER. nuignotlst. Is acko\vf-
cdKcd by all competitors the queen of
massiiKu and mugnollsin. Parlors over C1US.
Utlu Hours U to 8 ; Sundays 19 to U strict.
UMJIyi *
1 > ROF , lAiree , the renowned pnrvnologist ,
medium and palmistwho has been publicly
tested und challoiiKcs the world lu rivoullng
mysteries , disperses jealousy , evil Inlln-
oncos , gives full numosof prvHontor futuru
lushand or wlfo. also tolls your faults and
qualities , trade business or profession to
mnko a SUCCOSH. JC3 North Iflth up stairs. Con-
sultatlon il. Satlsfuctlou elvou or no puv.
V9I-J-21 *
i good lowi'iioiiTw'lH
at Invoice . Address , G. 10 , llee
Notice Ishereby given
thnt I will sell nt public auction to thn
highest bidder for cash the furniture and fix
tures mid remaining portion of the stock of
rs. tolmeco , plp < s etc. , of ( I. II , Mnek ACrt ,
1'iirnam st , Halo to commence nt 3 o'clock
p.m. Thursday , June ! 19. I" * ) , and eontlnun
from day to day until nil of said property N dis
posed of. In the menu tlcio nny portion of the
NtockcnnhopurchiKcdat prlvntosiilent prices
to suit. Wm. Coburn. Agent for MortKagecs ,
Oimibn. Neb. . Juno 7. 1SW. IWJ H
JF you waning Interest In n busbies * that
will pny fl.uuon mouth profit cull between 4
and IS p. m. or address N. IX Sherwood , Mis
Drown block , cor. 10th nnd Douglas sts. , Omaha.
UI5-9 *
_ _
/ioM"M irjfiTTS1"liusTmM Tor' Tiiltir fixtures ,
whor.on nnd wneon , will Invoice to .suit pur
chaser * .Y > o to J500. Flmt-cluss locution. Address -
dress 0 ! ! 9 lleo. Ml
"T/IORSALE Urnln. coal nml lumber yards.
J : Address , F. J. Hale , llattlo Creek. Neb.
wn 20 *
TT1OR SALE Flno estnbllshed cigar and nnws
J. biiMlncss. Hcst location In the city. Address -
dross lKX O , 6s2 ( KMlOlllCO. I'O 9
FOR RENT or Rnlo A llr t olnsscreuiucry in
good agricultural district. Plenty of cream
can IHJ liad. Addiess J. P. Rcnshuw , Sterling ,
Nob. HI2-J29 *
_ _ _
OR SALE or For Rent--Ouoof the host lUed
up bonrdlm : houses In Couth Omnlm , In
mosldcslrahlo locution. Apply to H. H , Ruvon ,
27th st , , Hunt Exchungo ciudslng , South Omaha.
112 JIG *
"filOU SALE Hulf Interest iii my retail
-1 ? grocery business to n good reliable man ,
capable of mumming the same. The only nx-
clusivo cash grocery house In Omaha. Es
tablished 5 yours nso by Ed. N. Hrown , the O.
O. D. , 522 North 10th st. 715
" '
for Omaha property or mouuy. T. S. Clark-
son , 219 S. llth st. KxSlO
CLEAN stock of general merchandise , well
assorted , wnnt icul cstnlo and cash. Hex
70 , Frankfoit , Ind. 69J 13 *
LOT In Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merchandlso
Address Wm , liowurdlnk , Hlckmun , Nob.
KENTUCKY Jnck to tr.ido for land , lots or
incrchundise. Address U 31 , lleo olllco.
"I71AU5I and city property for sale or ex-
Jchnngo for nny kind of merchandise or
eliiittoKhorsos and cattle1 would particularly
llko to trade for stooi-s. Willis Cudwoll , Hrokou
How , Nob. 559 J 2s *
mo EXCIIANOE My residence at York ,
J-Nob. , coiisl.stlng of n n-room brlek house
and 4V acres of ground , 3 blocks from the pub
lic square for Improved property In Omaha ,
Chicago , or Denver , or nn Improved farm ,
Omaha property preferred. York bus n pop
ulation of nver fi.OOO , with tluco railroads , 11.
& M. , C. & N. W. nnd K. C. & O. , nnd Is a thriv
ing prosperous place. Mrs Kato Harrison ,
York , Nob. 795
TTIOK EXCHANGE Good fnrms. city propor-
J-1 ty and wild lands In Nob. and Iowa forgood
pen'l m'd'se ; property clcnr , tltlo perfect. Ad-
dress i Lock llox W , Fremont , Nob. 993
I WILL tradoagood clour lot In So. Omahn
for piano or horse and buggy. Addiess O 4
Heo oillee. 305
"T7IOU SALE Largo two story frame boilso
Jand 10151x120 fronting on ono of the best
resldoiicostiects In the city. 1 Intend making
my home with friends in the east nnd will M > !
thispiopoity cheap. Addiess Widow Gia"
Iloo olllc.0. U3811 *
" \\7ILL sell you n new fiorT-room house In
IT good location nt actual cost , for tin ) cash
and monthly payments. Stringer & Penny.
Douglas blk. IGlh und Dodge. 8H8
/10TTAGE nnd full lot , sl.350. $50 down , bnl-
v/anco monthly ; a grout biiigiiln und a nlco
home. 15 minutes from P. O. T. S. Clarkson ,
219 S. llth st. 653 10
FOK SALE Yery cheap , no ( rude , farm of
5I.I.7H ncios hoc. 5 , 12 , N. G W. , Hamilton
county , Neb.,1 ! miles fiom Murquotto ; small
bouse , .stable , .no acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water : prieo only $10 per acre , J5,4'I7.00.
Tel ms. 2.300 cash , balance (1 ( per cent Interest.
I1C. . Atkins , on nur , railroad building , Denver ,
Colo. G13
" \\7"AUGH & Wosterfleldreal estate , S.Omaha.
IF YOU Imvo anything to sell or exchange ,
cull ill GI8 I'axton block HI5
FOK SA LI ? $200 cash buys a line house and
full lot In linker Place ; only one block
fiom Clifton Hill , with enoumbranco of $9 > t ) ,
payable $ i > qunitcrly. Inquire of E.G. Meirlll.
Walnut avo. . Walnut Hill. 707-9 *
TT1OK SALE Twenty-six foot frontage at
JU1 junction of Suundors und Cummlncstreets ,
nt simp figures. Would exchange for good
dwelling property located to suit. W. A.
Spencer. 152 > Douglas street. 0.11-10
T71OK PALK or exclmnge , houses und lots ;
JL1 good homes forluboror , clerk or capitalist ,
from $1,500 to 120,009 , on cusy payments. W. A.
Spencer , 1521 Douglas stieot. 034-10
" 171OK SALE Corner 28th nml llowiiid , 104 ft.
J-1 south front by C2 ft. on paved .st. On
crndo ; worth $150.1)0 ) per ft. ; for one wcok nt
} I10.00. Hamilton llros. , builders , 411 So. 1Sth.
Tol. 1179. 1)12-15 )
INCOLN Place and Carthagu lots , pilco
fl.OOO. * 5 down , balance $15 monthly.
W. L. Sclby , room 13 , board of trade. 017
" 1J1OK SALE A homo on monthly pnymunts.
-1 } A nlco 8-room house , $25 permontb , S > .OW ,
first payment ns arranged. A ptetty cottngo ,
5 rooms Mulshed , upstairs for as many more ,
lot 50x130 , V.,00i ) , J15 per month , small payment
down. A similar cottage , lot lOOxM ) , * 2,200 , UI5
purmonili.MIIUIIIIU on vacant , lots to suit.
Norman A. Kuhn. druggist , 15th nnd Douglas.
051 J30
_ _ _
"VTEW oporn housu on Ilnrnoy st. Next will
-Lx bo new holel nnd business blocks. Hots
grndo on Ilarnuy from tub to 20th street of
any east and west business sticot In the city.
Wohnvo two lots between 17th nnd lIHh that
wo can sell at price thnt Is sure to make pur
chaser big money. Wo also have property In
thu vicinity of nnw opeia house thnt will
doublu In value In next live years. M. A.
Upton Co. . solo agents. _ Ktt-i ) .
ELEGANT residence nnd lurgo lot. location
Miry choice , for sulo nt Ksnsonnblo prluu
nml terms. T. S. Olnrkson , 219 S. 14th st.
_ _ fa53 10 _
TT1OK SALE On monthly payments , will
JL' build you a neat four , live or six room house
on corner lot In Wise & Pnrmnloo's addition to
suit imichabcr. Geo. J. Paul , 1009 1'ninamsl.
_ 50S
171OUSALE A flnonow 5-room eoltnKO near
JL1 elect lie ear line on N,27th st. Will tnko us
part of cash payment n good horse or horse
u n dji 1 1 1 telon. P. I.V > I Fnrnnin si. _ 590
FOR. SALE Furnished lint of 7 rooms at No.
514 So. Kith St. . Hut A , Her blk. Terms rea
sonable. 7i7 ( 12 *
/1OTTAOE / bomos In most any addition for
v sale af from 1 1.009 up , on easy monthly pay-
inenUi. F. K.Jarllng. 43 llarker block. Ulil
A SMALL payment down nnd15pcr month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on llith , 2
blocks fiom motor ; llrst-eluss ehunuo to ae-
ii n I co u home on easy terms. Apply to H E.
Cole. I'onllmuital bloek. _ 5K5
- . cottages , $1,500 oiich , f IIX ) cash down ,
'Jhalanco $15 per moiilh. Thos. F. Hall. 311
Puvtoubjouk. 5-Sl
" \\7 A K E up and buy n homo on monthly pny-
II meiits. Choleo of seven dllTcient houses ,
south frontson Farimm st , E ory eonvenlenee ,
Includlni ; furnaeo nnd gas. Plans can bo scon
at my olllco. Call Ii. D. V. Sholes Co. , 'Jill 1st
Natlonnljiunk. _ 8'B
"I71OK SALE or Trade My residence on So.
JO 4.9th St. , neat' ' Park school , house of seven
rooms with bath room , water closet , hot nnd
cold wntor. all In good repair ; will soil foro.ish
very cheap or will take vacant lot ou Wont
Fainnm Kt. us part payment. For particulars
n d iliess Iv2illc ) olllcu. 0 1 1
TreK SALE llrlcik warehouse , 2 stories and
JF basomimt , lOiixtW ft. with lot lOOxIW ft. ; to
double track on south 20th and Plorco sis. Ad
dress O.sknmp & Halnes , Omaha , Nub.
"VTEW R-room IIOURO , near motor line ; will
- ! > sell cheap and onsniull monthly puvmont.s.
Call quick If you want u bargain. J. J. Wllktn-
soji. tild ration blk. 129
171OK SALE-Qulck. business lot , Improved ,
JL only 5 blooks from court house , * I5J per
foot. _ J. Mlulml. 1338 S. 13th st. ' 'J'L '
"TOOK SALE 8,000 ncros best farming land In
-I Ni-hrusltu nt a grout sacillioe. lininlro
OU South 13th st. Geo. H. Peterson , owner.
171 J 13
UCI100L SUPPLIES-Dopot : ( Jimrlormast-
O ur's ODIco , Omaha , Nob. , May lOlh , MR ) .
Scaled proposals In duplicate , will boieeolved
at this olllco until 10 u. m. Tuesday , Juno , 10th ,
IstM ) . at which time nnd place they will bo
opened In presence of allondlng blddcus for
delivery of School Supplies of the following
kind , School Hooks , .Maps. Aliases , Stationery ,
Desks fen. Lists glIng spec-mention * , quanti
ties and other Information will bo furnished
upon application to this otllco. I'refercncu
w 111 bo gl von to urtlclosof domestic prod notion
or manufacture , condltionof quality nnd prieo
( Inoludlng in the prieo of foreign pioductlon
or manufacture Ihoduty theicon ) liningciiial | ;
and further , that no contract * shall Ijouwnrd-
cd for furnishing articles of forolgh produo-
tlon or manufacture when the articles of suit
able quality of domestic production or maun-
facturo cun bo oHalncd. The Govorniuont
reserves the rluht to reject nny or nil pro
posals. HldderH should attach a cony of this
advertisement to their bldH JOHN KIMP-
HON. Captain and Asst. yr. Mr. F S Army.
m 10-11 jH-9
WAKEN UP IIuy iSre. " stiir HOIIIO
J * wlro cuts , 11 bunds high 7 lu.les west of '
Omaha , John MuAidlu's ' ' .
farm. j'-9-ia-2U-UO
IX ) not be Impose * ! on by nny of tlio nnmcron *
ImlUtlont , KnbjtItntM , etc. , which nro flooJing
the world. There Is only ono Swift's HpoclflC- ,
and thcro la nothing like It. Onr rcraiily con *
taltn no Mcrcnry , Pototh , Arsenic , or any pol -
onoua iiiibitAtico xvhatcrer. It bulMt up the gen
eral licnltli from the flrrt tlo-c , anil liis never
failed to oraJIcnlo cotit&gluug bloixl polron and
itacllccu from tlioryttum. llo euro to get tlio
Cenutno. Send your aJilrcea for onr Tn-atlso on
Bkxxl and Skin Dheasethlch will bo mallei
free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . AHiH * . On.
Attontlon , ( 'ontrnctirH.
IIfits wnntt'd nt oticoon foundation foropnr.i
botiso. at Kearney , Neb , alziiot bulhllnt ? 7J.X
KX > feet ; live xtories blub.
Plans and speelllentlons rcndy.
Comu nt once or uddrnss
KKAIINKV Oi'uitAHoti'sr. Co. .
jCd.1t Kearney. Neb.
'Jo I'YndorM nnil Cat I to Men.
On and after the2 < Hh Inst. . we will Imvo for
sale four thousand or more irootl. lilt'li rnlo : ,
one , two and three year old Utah feeders , that
we can furnish at the Union Slock Yards ,
South Omnlm : or If desired , wn can arrange to
< < ell cattle nt North Plattc or Hastings ,
Parties wnntlne anything In this line , will
please eoriespond with ua.
Uuo , HUIIKK ft I'liA/iF.iiSouth Omnhn.N'eb.
To Nolii'a.skn Cattle Kuoilors.
\\'o will bavfr for sale in trnnslt nt North
Pintle , Nob. , on Monday and Tuesday , Juno 8
and 0 , nbotit 1,500 head of one , two and three-
year-old Utah fccdliiR steers.Vo will deliver
these cattle nt any point on the mnln line of
the Union Paellic railroad between North
Platte nnd Omaba and give the buyer n rate
of JIO per car toOmabu when fattened. Buy
ers wishing to tnko advantage of this ratn
.mist meet these cattle at North Pintle aud
make purchases there.
Junc. xl4t Giounn : IIUIIKR
rpAKEN UP llluo ini d whltu * To\"aliout8
JL ycnrs old , 5 miles west on military rend
nnd 1 mile north on Martin Tlbkn'n farm.
Christ Miictgmiliorg. _ m l'Jil ! ) J 20 1G *
* OMAHA.-f
I plaood on record duilnR
ycstordav :
A .1 Potter to H S Hood , lotO , blk 7 , Al-
bil htSaiine\ d . $ 2M
V Mold and wlfo to C S Kood , lots II , 1'J
and ii : , blk 5 , AlbrlKhl's niinex. wd. . . . 1.500
Win Colfav to K S Kood , lot 10 , blk II , Al
bright's imnev , w d . JjO
J K Schmidt and wlfo to C S Kood , lot'J3 ,
blk" , Albilsht'.siinnov. wd . 300
G W. Loonils , admlnlstiator , to T L
Phelps , lots 1 tofl , Loomls' sub , and
lots I toli. blk 1 , Li tomls' "d sub , \vd. . . . 8i)0 )
I ( i ItarlKht nndlla to K.I GI11U lots 11
nnd 13. blk ( ! , Lewis add. wd . 4,000
n It Sill et nl tii J K flack , pt lot 51 , llor-
bneirs Jstndd , wd . 3,300
T .1 Maboney to M J Dullic , lots , blk 1C ,
Ilniiscoin Place , q cd . 1
C L Van Camp nml wife to. I l < Kedlleld ,
lotfl , bllcB , CottiiKU Park , wd . 1.170
V II Illshop nud wlfo to L V Crum , lot 13 ,
blk l. > . Nt mid to South Omaha , wil. . . . 1,500
Central Inve.stment company to M S
Lindsay , lots'.11 } and 2t , Iturdetto Court ,
lot 3 , blk 1 , Clarendon , lot 0 , Wood-
lawn , nnd pt lot" , blkSISouthOmnha ,
wd . ! . . . 10,000
Nathan Ln/.arus and wlfo to Wm Illom-
( inlst , lot 38 , blk 1 , llolViniiu Terrace ,
wd . 22.r
rannlo Cover and iiiisbnnd to Christ
.lant/en , lot 1 , blk H , Orchard 11111 , wd 5,000
Mary Woods to U P Ky Co , lot 7 , bile 3'j ,
Omaha , nod . 10
John Moldllnnen and wife to L i-ehenf , s
JS of n 100 feet of lot 3 , llarkor's allot
ment , wd . 550
S U Denmud nnd husband toS f Wlllct ,
w H of sw 31-15-11 , wd . 500
Ilerinan IConnt/.o and wlfo to 1 E llur-
Cdlek , lotli , blk JIB , Kounl/o Place , w d. . 2,3.)0
A PTukeyetal to J H Hriinuer , lot 3 ,
blk 10 , Clifton Hill , w d . 2,250
A P Tiilv'oy ut al to ( ieortfo Chaplin , lot
15 , blk S , Clifton Hill , wd . 2,250
Pat rick Land Co to Paul Cliurlloil , Iota
23 and 2J , blk 102. Dundee Place , w d. . . . 2,750
United States to U W llulluw , 11 ! i of so
: c.-ir > -ii. : deed .
0 13 llolllday and wife to U P Ky Co , lot
7 , blk 1135 , OiiKilin , ic d . 20
E M Mole and husband to Delia Ernest
lot 3 , blk r . tiolomon'b add , lot 55 , blk 5 ,
Noithlleld , wd . 3,750
L Schiocdor tr to M L Dlmluk , lot Hi , blk
12 , llrown 1'aik , wd . 300
Twenty-four transfers . $ -11,781
ItiilliliiiK Permits.
The followinir permits were isbiiod by the
buildimr inspector yesterday ;
linns Lnrscn , ono-story frnmo ( hvolllns.
Weslerllcld avenue- between I'our-
ftcenth nnd Sixteenth strents $ 500
George A. Iwyorone-story ! franio dwell-
IiiK , Mnplo near 1'orly-tblrd street 700
James Woodntd , two-story fratnu dwoll-
injr. Hurt near Thirty-fourth. . . . 3,500
David K. Shannon , two-story brick1 icsl-
dence , Lowe avenue uuur Chicago 10,000
1'our minor permits. . . 700
Eight permits , nKKroK.itlag J15,100
Ticlfots ut lowest rates and superior
accomnuKliitions via tlio great Rock IH-
land routo. Ticket olllco , 1002 Six
teenth and Farmim etroets , Oiniiha.
lluslncss Transaotod liy tlio Hoard
"It has bcca many weeks since Mayor
Cushliiff has presided nt a meeting of the ilro
and pollco commission , but lie was in at
tendance Inst n'ht ! ( , and as soon as the body
was called to order Officer Foley was willed
up to state why ho spent fifty minutes In a
switchman's shanty between ! ) and 1 o'clock
Friday morning. The charges were pre
ferred by Sergeant Hlgwart. Fuloy explained -
plained that ho was in the shanty but seven
minutes , and during that time ho was merely
warming his hands.
The pollco department slclc roll for the
month of May was presented and placed on
file. It .showed that 151 days had been lost
by sickness of the men.
Chief Seavoy again renewed his request
that the polli'o oftlcors bo graded as follows ,
as to pay ; First class policemen , $75 per
month ; second class , fTO pur month , and third
class , $ ) X ) per month.
Mr. Hnrtman thought the plan a good ono
and the request referred to thu commit
tee on men and discipline.
Chief ( JaUlgan was granted four days off
that he may visit tlio Iowa tournament. '
Frank Messer 'of hook mid ladder company
No. 1 was granted ten days' leave of absenco.
The following special oflleors were ap
pointed ; Henry O'Nell nt Jefferson square ;
M. Winters aud ,1.V. . Illnkman at Huuseom
park , tlioir salaries to bo paid by the p.nk
commissioners ; William Ilultcrmim at
Nauglo's lumber yard ; W. E. Allen at Met/
hall and Kessler's hull , en South Thirteenth
A list of the police officers , showing the
day and night beats over which they travel ,
was presented by Chief Scavny mid referred
to the committee on men and discipline.
Jamas U. Graves , Lawrence Dwycr , J. K.
Lynch , Andruw Hognn. Martin ICddy , A. L.
Jackmun and John Kenan appeared before
the commission and were examined for posi
tions on tlio iK > llco force.
In executive liossiim Ofllccr Foley was
lined live days pay ; the committee on men
and discipline instructed to Investigate the
rules applying to mcu mlsslngroll call and the
committee on llnnnco wtia instructed to ascer
tain whether or not thu commission had
funds at its disposal siifitclont to justify an
Increase of the pollco force.
A pllo of blazing rags under the sidewalk
In front of ICulloy & Stlger's store drew the
flro department and a largo crowd to the
corner uf Fifteenth and IJodgo streets lost
nvht _
Aliliuugh Plait s chlorides is un odurlcss
ll'ihiJ its disinfecting 1'owcr is great. U'rj > t ,
\\AKKAMM \ \ a , lllb KfclULllto ,
The Former Show LwThan $4,000 , Duo ou
the County Hospital ,
A Clmneo Cor the Member * of tlio
Itoai'il of County Cotiiiumsloiicrfl
to Mil Ice nn Iiitercslliiff
Kvplaiiatlon ,
Tlio minority report of County Commis
sioner Anderson , as 11 nii'mltor of tlio committee -
too on construction , relating to tlio wind-up
of the new hospital building matter , scouts to
Imvo almost entirely escaped notice in llio
press of other mutters which oamo up for
notice lit the reports of last Saturday's mootIng -
Ing of the county
This report of Mi' . Ainlcrson contains
within its many ample liiyors of foolscap
statements which nro not only Interesting
but nro deeply tinged with the sensational.
" 1 also llntl , " it says , "that there worn
warrants drawn In favor of Messrs. lyun ! ft
Walsh as follows :
Warrant No. 15 , Nov. 5 , H T $ 7VROO (
Wnrrunl No. 111. Doe. 3. IM ? 'MWil III
Warrant fu > . at , Jan. 1 , 1SSS 6.110.20
Total rl,40l.'O ( ]
"Tho aliovo thrco warrants appear to Juivo
been drawn on estimates approved by I'lmrle.s
Koss , superintendent , but the commissioner.- * '
record docs not show that Charles Hess was
appointed as superintendent of the hospital
building at that time or at any other time before
foreor since.
" .Neither docs the commissioners' record
show that estimates Xos. 1 , y and 11 were ever
before the board mid allowed ; nor is them
any question as to the fact of Kyati ft Wiilsb
having ivceived the amounts on the above
named warrants.
"Warrant No. 7 , September 10. 1SS7. ffl.OOO
was drnwn on tlio hospital fund in favor of
Krmi it Walsh ; the warrant being signed by
\v , .1. Mount , the vouchers signed by It.
O'Ifeefo and W. .T. Mount ou account of
gradlmj nt hospital building , nothing to show
now many cubic yards or how much per yard ,
neither does the commissioners record show
thnt the board over acted ou the above
claim , "
After citing numerous other Incidents
though not as strictlv "interesting" as these
Riven above , this minority report clases as
follows :
"Now , in view of the above facts and tlio
commissioners' ' record being silent as to nil
of the payments made to Ityiut & U'alsh dur
ing the year lbS7 , the warrants showing that
durings.ild year they had received $ : itr ( > ll ! .it
and during 1SSS and IHss , $ S7iil.l : : ( ) , makingu
total of $ l'JH.Sir > . 'J. > paid to said contractors ou
account of tlio hospital ; and , as the contract
price thereof , together with the extras ias
allowed by superintendents ) , amounted to
? 127SS.-.S2 , leaving a balance of si.WH ) r > 7 duo
the contractors , 1 therefore recommend that
the amount as above , viz : KV.W..17 , be al
lowed , " etc.
Through coaches Pullman palaeo
sleepers , dining caw , free reclining oliuii1
cars to Chicago nnd inturvoiiing points
via the great llouk Island route. Tick
et olllco lUtU. Sixteenth and Farnain.
Sir. Heeil'H I'atont.
AVOCA , In. , May 20. To the Editor of TUB
BKIJ : Having observed In your papi r \ our
statement in regard to "A 'Patent Might
Deal , " and knowing that the statements
made in the article so far as they relied upon
M. U. Hood of Avocu are Incorrect , tlio fol
lowing Is sent you as a eonect statement i f
the affair :
Jerome Hucon claims to bo the owner of n
patent to the Dacon clothes wringer and In s
in his possession a patent deed fromiho
United States government for the sum \ Ho
employed M. IX Kood of Avoca as Ins saloa-
man to assist him in selling territory.
Mr. Heed succeeded In Belling t/i one At-
Iclnson of South Omaha the right to the terri
tory of Wyoming and the state of Nebraska ,
"except iilno counties in the southeast cor
ner of tlio stato. " The consideration for this
sale was ! ! 20 acres of Kansas land subject tea
a mortgage , the land being in the extreme
western part of Kansas.
The patent deed was In the language nbovo
sot out and was made on May It. Tlio counties
retained by Bacon were marked out , ui.on a
map with a lead pencil , the IMatto river being
their boundary on the north line , and are us
follows : Cass , Otoo , Nomaha , Hichardsoii ,
Pawnee , Johnson , Gage , Lancaster and
Afterward on the 5th of Mnv , Heed and
Bacon .sold the nine counties reserved to M.
D. Archibald forliO ( nnd g.ivo him the pat
ent deed , naming the counties.
Atkinson attempted to sell the territory
purchased by him and the purchaser objected
to the form of his deed , claiming that litiga
tion might arise bv reason of the counties re
served in the southeast corner of the state
not being named. Ho then went to Kansas
City and requested Bacon to write in his deed
the names of the counties reserved and gave
Bacon the names which were to bo Inserted.
By mistake Sarpy county inserted in
Atkinson's deed as one of the counties ox
copied instead of Samulers county.
This change was made about the 18th or
1 0th of May. Archibald in the meant line
sold Saunders county to a man by the nuuio
of Crawford for the sum of fcllK ) but At
kinson Ilnding that Humidors county was
valuable and more so than Sarpy , insisted to
Archibald that Saunders was contained in
ills deed. Tlio imiehaser from Archibald
then threatened his arrestand both Archibald
and Atkinson having become dNsatislled with
their baivr.dll consulted an attorney , who Hied
in behalf of Archibald an Information charg
ing Bacon and Heed with having obtained
SltiO by means of false pretences ,
by having sold to him Saundurs
county , whereas the county had pn-vious-
ly been sold to Atkinson ami sought to take
advantage of the clerical error in the deed
ami by the criminal proceeding foivo Hoed
and Bacon to repay consideration and re
lease them from their contract.
Heed resides at Avoca with his family.
owns his property hero and bus made a good
reputation dm Ing the time he lived here.
Kvery offer was made by both Heed anil Bacon
to remedy the matter mid correct the dcn.l ami
euro the clerical defect , but Archibald
and Atkinson both insisted that they wuro
entitled to S.iumlw.s county , binding that
no agreement could Iw wade ItciTd rt turned
to his homo la Avoca , whore all the p irtics
knew ho resided and made no attempt what
ever to escape , believing ho , had ai ted law
Upon the Information being Illed a < Mlnst
him in Omaha ho consented to return and de
manded an immediate , trial whlili wn. < i
granted before Judge Hulsloy and upon the
evidence upon the pait of the state having
been produced , the defendant ! ) ; ' hlsaiti.nioy ,
Fremont Benjamin , moved that tin case
against Heed bo dismissed on the ground that
the state had wholly failed to nmlc out a
case. The motion was sustained and Heed
The county attorney was then Informed
that Heed vumld remain If ho dcslrod to Iliu
any furtlmr proceedings against him end ho
did remain In court until time to take hl.'t
train for homo , being Informed thU ; no crim
inal proceedings could bo commenced.
Before his return to Avoca , however ,
Archibald brought suit In the county court
for damages , but the same evidence which
defeated the case before Judgu HuLsuloy will
undoubtedly defeat the civil action. Hoed
then returned to Avoca where ho now Is and
claims that no mibrejirusunlations w ru made
and that both Archibald and Atluiihon got
exactly what they paid for , that Is , ii.itont
deeds to the territory purchased. t . B.
Peal's" Koaplsthomojiteleaaiittoilei adjunct
I , .TOO Mon.
s president of the Hast Omaha land com
pany Mayor Cashing says that his company
has Just arranged to put a four-foot till upon
all the blrceU in their Hast OmuUa posses *
alons. *
Tlio Job Is tlio most glgantle of Its kind
ever contemplated In the wottt , and probably
has never boon surpassed anywhere In tlia
United Slntcs.
Tluvo million cubic yards of dirt nro to bo
br night from the vicinity of Florence , at n
oxiieiise of tl.rco ijuurU'i-MO/a million doltani.
Wurlc on the great undertaking will bn com.
in need immedlat"ly , nnd mil t' vu employ'
uint to about 1,000 men.