THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , JUNE 10 , 1890. mtin onpiif i Turn niiiirt To TIIL SPECULATIVE MARKIuS , V _ _ _ _ _ r Wheat Did Not Know Ita Own Mind To day. OATS BULLISH AND -VERY LIVELY , I'rovlnloiiH I'IIKH Anntlicr Uneventful Session Cattle Slow mid Hogs Active , HtroiiK nnd 5o Higher C i -Oloiiny Htiows Strength. CniCAiio , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram lo Tun Hii-Tho : : , ] wheat market was n hesitating one all day. Thcro was some- walling early because of the visible ) supply , the figures for which came straggling In up to noon. There was pome waiting for the public cables , which woic "mixed , " and were returned for correc tion. Thcro was watting for moro definite ciop news than uamo to hand early. Ilcyond L all this there was u disposition to let the mnr- kctufono until the government crop figures mo received. BUM the pit was not dull nor the market neglected. The market opened with prices about the samoas Saturday's clos ing figures. There was nt first u llttlo decline of ' e lo lie , and this wns followed by a fairly good bulge of le In July and about ' ,40 for the other month * . Hcforol o'clock prices again yielded to about the bottom figures early. A ( Icpic-slon ! In both Instances was the result of pretty general local selling on thu bearish feeling In the pit. Hutchlnson wns a seller all ( lay. apparently wishing others to sell , and was keeping the market supplied for that purpose. The upturn before noon was due to the prospect of a very larjio decccaso In the visible Hiipply and to private cable advices , which weie hullluh , and to the Inllnenee of New York , which about that hour was up about lc. Jones & Kennett's cablegram said that Kngllsh erupt were late and the India crop not favorable , The visible supply when posted showed a decrease of Gfi3OUO bushels , or about half the decrease of a year ago. In- glls In a letter to his syndicate says that whatever the government figures may be tin y will not show any damage since Juno I. The action of the market was : July IfJUe toir.'o toir.4r tolll'io toirj'so toOIKciit I o'clock ; Au- gnst l ' ( , e to 01 ? .c tu D2c ? to We ; September .l , c lo)2' ( ) c tolCJSe to fr'c : December oiic : ! tote to ( tic to UI > 4P to Ul'ic. There was a bearish feeling In wheat during last half hour and p es were further depressed. July sold oil' ' .ir under the low price early to OI ? e and Intlll'ic. The other closing prices weie : c , September OIJe , The corn market was fairly active all day nnd tit the close July was steady at thu bottom tom prk'o of the day , while the deferred futures wcro higher. There was a firm feeling for all the months early , and very fair gains were made. Juno Mild up to : " < ; and oil to 'HUc ; July : il' o lo tB'dC to Ill'ie ; August : ! T > ? o to IKi'io to Wa © : iV.U > ; September T > ! o to : 1J ! to ; W.l < Qffllti : There was a great deal of changing from July to September , weakening the former and holding the latter firm. .Much of the best buying was on thu expectation of an un favorable government report on the growing eiop. The receipts were large , and the visi ble supply Increased IMOMI ! ) bushels , with a great Ineieaso In the stoek here. Iho weak- ne s toward the close was on this feat uro , The oats muikct was among the ll\ elicit on the lloor today. Theio was u very bullish teellng , . which was most felt In the now crop mouths nnd inoii'In August and September than In July. The Illinois eiop report showed serious damage In many of tlm counties. Oilier ( Us- palelu s showed that the damugo was wide spread. Thu early market found scalpers liny Ing and outside ordeis were on tlm buying Hide. .Mine sold at i-ie to LN'sC lo JS'.i'SHS'8e ' ' to the uliMi' ; July nt "H'to tolM'no ' toiMiie toWaC ; August ill'.li'io to li.'io ' to 2r * i' ! r-fpti'inberiil iVju loiM'to to ! MV- The ad vance OMISatutday's prices was I'.jC ' for August and September and 'if for -Inly. Tlio pmvlslim tnide bad another quiet day. At the olo-o the prices for laid and ribs were the- same as the cloM'on Suturduv. while July pork was up no. Therti was nothing done In poil ; und only a moderate Iniillng In other products. Mr. Hulehlnson sold July rllnearly and theio was a pretty good local buying on call. W Itlt'll STOCIC. . Juito -.Special ( Tolcsrain to Tun Ilin : 1I'ATTI.K 1 were about Il.OOO Texans In tlinrun , louvliiK only about IXOJO natives , 'n ' iiiiiiibci' only about equal to the receipts of fllondiiy last. IliiHlnoss was slow , with fair to Rood bti'Pis sellliiK about lOu lower than on Friday. Texans anil natlvo liutohor stock was In Rood do- inand and hlcady. The supply of stocker * and feeders was llpht , heiico thoi-o was only a limited business at , steady prices. Choice to extra beeves , ifl.WXiW.W ) ; medium to KiMxl sti'ort. . l.Wto : ) Ifiti0 Ibs. , if l.l.V3l.4l ( ; l.'JOt ) to liV : ) Ibs , , MXyitl..ll ; UTpO to Law Ibs. , li.4.'JO ; ( ) ; hlocl.ers and feeders , fJ.Ti < > ' ( M.OO ; cows , hulls and mixed. HM@\Mi \ bnlU-.l'.avSi.'iO ; slop-fed Mceri , $ l.lliil.70 ( ; Texas corn-fed steers , JIJ.IO © J.lll ; ( { rii'.s steers , $ J.tXEtil.i0eows. ( ! ; f I.TStai'.W , lions llusliK s was aottvo and the prices hlroiiK and Ta' hlijher. In some Instances moro than that. I'acfiois paid ! fi.TXi : ( l.ilarKoly tit f.l.n ; , and shippers SI.M ) to SU'Oj ' llsht soils , ti.0 ; to W.bO. ami hlnKo sorts , J.'l.tO. FJX.tXVI.t/j , NRW YOIIK. Juno 0. fSpeolal Tolnjcriiin to TUB Hr.u.l STOCKS Tlioiii was some Miiiwii at the very start In the stock nuirUut. This may have been on the. strength of the leg islation or forolKii fi-olliiK toward American M'i'urltles. llowovor. It was but temporary. There was but a modeiate volume of business , * S.Suiar liellnerles. as usual , beltiR tlm only plVmliiont stoek. hut the lirst prices werofren- erally from ' > / " ' per cent higher than last eveiiliin's llnnl prices , and Now York font nil was up V Slight further calns were recorded In some cases , hut a considerable pressure to M 11 appeared and the entlro list moved off. ( hlciiKO lias took the lead among the listed stocks and ilcellneil I3 * per1 cent to M' ' . Oreuon Transcontinental and Mexican fentral following wlth.Ta each , Louisville- Nashville 3i , St. I'aul , Union 1'acllle and Hock Island : 'D eueh and thoothurs In smaller fractions. SiiKar , after opening at HI . iij-alnsl M"t ) Saturday , advanced to M , but fell away iiuli'kly to 80 ' 4 , Late In the hour the market rallied and In many cases regained the earlier losses , In the succeedliiR hour t hk'imo liasMit ui ) to TKI and Su ar moro than recovered to h-'i. aciilii Koln olV to M'I. All the active railroad stocks took an upturn , hut dropped UKaln before midday. The mar ket was of a hesltatliiKeharauter all thoninru- ln . The elosln ; ; hour In stocks witnessed a sharp advance In a few stocks , whllo the greater part of the list held about steady. Nearly every trannor stock closed at the last total sales noro"l4.lHX ) .shares. The following were the iliiiiiiK quotatlonsi StookH. NKW VOHK. Juno . O.-lSpochil Tolo nun to Tilnlti'.i--Tho : following are the mlnlns stock quotations : Allcu 'il Ontnrlo jixo llruninlck Cull 11X1 I'hirnU. Arl | j Con. fal. * V 4.V ) Sutler Creek , , 14U llalo&Norcromi ' 'TU Unlun Con ' . ' ; o Coninioiiweallli I'.U t .w. OlllCAdO. .In no 0. 1:1. : % p. in. close Wheat Steady ; cash , ! X)4ej ) July , 91jo ! ; Ausiibt. ni'.iffi OlSe. Oorn Plonilyi cash , : U < ' ! July 'IPiO.'Uo. Oats-Stoad cash , S ' July , i3io. ? Ityo Dull atatc. liarloy-l ull. I'rinuiTlmiitliv tl.4031.17. riax-Qulou f.4U. | Whlsuy * I.Wi. 1'ork Dulli cuih , ( IS.TA ; Julyfl ! . 0 ; b'eptcin Iwr. tii.OJ. : Lard-Qulof. cash , W.Xi ! ) July. t.VOTlii Sep tember. H' > --t > ' I'loHr l-'nchniippdi winter wheat , IJ.OO < a5.SOi tiirluk' wheat , * 1.41X8.1-V I'mvlsUmsHhoiilileis.f'S.lOTt'S.'O ; .short clear , . , , ; Khort ribs. i-VOWi. 10. Hutter-MjirUot tlriitt creamery , ilalry , bOil ; . . . . . WlV ; doaeons. you each , Tullow UiichauKuilj packed , ! . ® ! No. 2 , il'iOi uukc. ISO. . . . Itecoliits. Shlpm'ts. I jmr 10.000 IO.IHO u-a 15,000 Corn UUI.OOO MO.OOO Oati Nr.w VOIIK , .Turin 0. WheatItccclpt , 13.MO htuhcNi ptMri | , ftU V ) buihoUs spot unset tled , cloilnvcak. . No , S red , Wio In olovatorj WiP alloatn' : yfl' to bs options dined weak in sympathy with fruo soiling In tlm we < ! ts No. 3 rod , , lunc.O.Vc. | . .rornKicolpu , UEUn ) bu holit export" , 1 00 luiMhi'N ; spot eloHCil ea y : No. 2 , 4I'4 ? & 4l'io ' III clcvatorj rj'4 < f.r"lo atloati unssrailcd d. ju aia c'j options , wo.iki Juno closed ' OaM Ilocolpts , 174,00) btishoU : export ? SWH biiMii-N ; spot , stronser : No. 2 while , June. .Ti'jp ' ! No. 2 wiilto , n.V5in ; ir ! mixed wosl- prn , : tHi.k ! ( , ' ; white western , M&ldti ; ojitlons , llriimri Jtinoctoslnx atiP : { < ! . ColTuo Options closed llrni , t. ' > Tl'3"i ' polnti liluhor. SaliH : Jll.TSO bass ; Juno. tlJ. : ai ? , 'J ' ; July , 8l7.aVuM7.IS ; spot Klo , Ilrmur ; fair car goes , jaj.oo. Hiiaar H.iw. quiet : fulr refining , " l-ICo : eentrlfucals. Wilest , 5S 'I roflncil , hlaher ! elf A.O'.fiiri'ie ' ! mould A , ( I ii : Hie : standard A.UUq ! cut loaf , Tie ; pondered. 7 I-lCuj Kratinlalcd , O'a' . Polroleum-Unllod clo eil for July nt OO' 'c. K BS Lower ; western II. I'ork-Qulet ; IIM-MS fia.7A3ll.K5. fmrd Dull ; western stoain , * 1.l. " > ; July , 19.21 bid. bid.Mutter Mutter SI eady ; western dalry.CUlOc ; cream- cry , r/ttlle ; Kl ln , lie. Cheese Stronger ; western , O 'S' c. HT. r.oum , Junn U. Wheat Closed lower ; cashoi've : ; July , fcS'i1'- Corn lllphor ; cafth . H'Jo ; July , : nic. ? Oats-llluhor ; eush , Wo ; July , 1.KJc. Pork-quiet I.ard Nominal nt $1.73. \Vhlsky-Hteady aULu1. ! . , . Butter I'lrmor ; creamery , 10OI3o ; dairy , . CI.STIS-NATL Juno O.-Wlient-Htoady ; No. 2 red. lKQ.r > " , , : Corn-I'lim ; No. 2 mixed. XiM. OutsijtronKer ; No. 2 mixed , 2U'WC. - . . KANSAS CITV , Juno 0. Wheat Weaker ; N'o. 2 hard , cash , 81u ; July , 78o ; No. 2 rod , BTc ; June , fa.'io bid. forn-Stendy ; No. 2 , cash , 23329Ue ; June , 20c. Oats-Hlshcr ; No. 2 , cash , 27o bid ; June , M4e. ; MlN.VKAPOMS. Juno 0. Wheat Hocnlpti for two days , I2S curs ; shipments , 'M cars ; cash market , steady ; low Krados Inactive. Uloslns : No. I. hard , June , Me ; July. fll ) > ic. on track , llJJi ODIc ; No. I northern , June , ( < 7Jo ! ; July. Mlo ; on track , SIT ) ; No. . ' northern , June , SOc ; July , Sdiio ; on track. wVSSTc. MILWAUKCH. Juno n. Wheat Hasy ; No. 2 , sprlnj ; , cash. s8 > -i.v.ic ( ; July , C.'orn ( Julel ; No. : , ' . ' ! ) ' . Oats-l'lrm ; No.2 white,20 ! c. Hyo Lower ; No. I , fiOVJi1. Hurley Quiet ; No. 2 , ITlaO. 1'rovlhlous Easy ; iiork. tl'-.u lavr.ui'oor * Junn 9. Wheat Market firm ; demaiKl poor ; holders olTer sparingly. Cali fornia No. I. 7s 1'jd per cental. I'orn Market steady ; domain ! fair ; now mixed western. 'is U < 1 pur cental. / , / I'll STUCK. ClilCAno. Juno O.-Cattln Kofolpts , 10.030 ; market steady ; beeves , I l. . " > 0i.OO ; steers , $11.70 ( iTI.IO ; stoekers and feeders. W.MSI.O'J ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl.59tw.aj ; Texas steers , $2.40 © 1.10. Hoes Receipts , 19,010 ; market strong and r > c to lOo hlKlier ; mixed nnd llisht. W.tX ) © I.SO ; heavy , f.'l.iWd'l..M ; skips. iKI.OOS-l.4l ) . .SheepHecelpts. . 1I.OK ) ; marketslow. IOC tol.'o lower ; natives , Vl.'y&3.GQi western , (1.0035.25 ; lambs , f.-.ri'XfW.OO. Droveis' Journal special London eablcRram reports continued heavy supplies In Ameri can cattle , market only steady at last wojk s advance. Tops IHie per 11) , dro-sjd weight. ST. ' Louis , Juno -Oattlo Uecolpts. : i,403 ; shipments , - ; market slow ; fair to fancy natlvo steers , $ .J.WJi4.lW ! ; hlockors and feeders , $2.U X3 1. 00. llws Itecolpts , a,201 ; shlnmcnts , - : mar ket lilKliur ; lii'iivv. $ 'l.6)3'i.72li ; paekln , W.53 © : ) .tn ; IlKht , W.UOa 1.70. KANSAS CITV , Juno fl. Cattle Tlecelpts , ! i,700j shipments. .VJOfl ; market lower ; steers , $ : i.K)7t.M ( ) ) ) ; cows , il. y&ifai stocKcrs and fccd- eis , , i.Cuiil.K > . lions Ueeolpts , 0.703 ; shlpmrnt < ) . 0,503 ; market steady ; all grades , t' ) . : > 2' ' t'ii't.Kt. Sioux CITY. Juno 0. Oattlo Receipts. TOO : shipments , I'i'ij market steady on butchers' stulV ; no demand for others ; fat R'oers. f..SVTt4.iO | : ; htockers and feeders , $ VJ. > © a.85 ; common to fancy cows , Sl.not..M : ; canners and bulls , il.lKXii'.VJJ ; veal calves , J-.W © 1.75. Hess Receipts , 3,003 ; market steady ; quota tions , $3.5.V3i.i25i. : ( _ OMAHA I * it'll urouit. Cuttle. Monday , Juno 0. Estimated receipts of cattle. MOo. compared with 1.40.'l Saturdav and I.'i ' .Monday nf last week. The mnrkct opened I0u lower on beeves and lirnt on cows and steady on feeders. Buy ers seemed anxious to buv steers but were de termined to buy them at lower ll ures. Sales were variously reported ntSu , lOo ami I5c low er , the decline boln # about lOu. Only a few cows were received and Ihi'V changed hands readily at . firm prices. One hunch . of iluo holf- ors hold at { . ' 1.1)0. ) Thcro were twenty-two loads of feeders on sale with consldoraulo Inq'ulr and sales at steady prices. Hulls hold tbel Estimated receipts of hozs 2,500 , compared with a.O'iO Saturday and 4.S01) ) Monday of last week. The market opened active aud firm , all chanxInK hanti.s early. ltiiiiKo8'l. . * > 2i | | ! ( > l.riO ; the bulk sellhi ! , ' at * : ) .57'J © 'l.OJ ; licht J-I..T."i'i51J.51 ; mixed * J..Vgl.57-5 ) ! ; heavy S.' The average of the prices paid was $ I.5S compared with tJ.S'Jii ' Saturday and W.70 .Monday of last week. Sheep. Estimated receipts of sheep. 12s , eompartfd with none Saturday and IKW Monday of last week. The receipts continue lo-s than the de mand , one packlm ? house alone wanting twice as many good muttons as are received. 'rlocs. The following Is a table of-prlcoi p-ild In this mnrket ftir the gradoof stock mentioned : I'rlmosteers. IM ) to IC.J Ibs . M.S1 W.1.75 ( Jood ! steers. 125) to 1153 Ibj . a.7i ) SJI.45 Rood steers , 10V ) to tail Ibs . a.lVi fel.ltu Common , 10'J'J to IDJ Ibs . % . . 'I.25 ( WI.70 Common canners . LOO ( fo'.OO Ordinary to fair cows . 1.113 © . ' . : Knlr to good cows . un QtaM ( food to choice cows . 2.75 fJ'1.15 Choice to fancy cows . 2.01 ff/.KH Pair to good hulls . l.7.i ( ft'Hn Cholco to failey hulls . 2.51 WI..V Light stoi-kers andtecdcH . 2.5J Ct'1.25 Keeders. 950 to HO'llbs . 2. ! ) . ) ( T 'l.70 I'alr toeholoe light hogs . : i..VJ'Si-'l.5r ! I'alr to choice heavy hogs . a.55 @ : i.(10 ( l''alr to choice mixed hogs . a.55 < &X57i ! Conipuratlvo Tables. The following table shows the range In prlecson hoS ditflng tills uirl last week : ltauiu 110(13. ( The following table sliowj the ranio of prices paid for IIOS Killrtiicliulou lluht bo-is . $1 , VJiM | ( K ! r'ulr toeholue-houvy hox- . rll.Vi 6KI m 1'ulf tochutco liil\uil ho. s . 355 dl.'l 07 ! siitip. : : I'rlmo fnt sheep . n .11 < PT TS ijiuxl fulslieuu . 4 M @ "i IIJ fommuii tome.llum sheep . U UJ Wl 50 AvtJrajjo Cost of The followbr ; t iblo clv.x the avora o oiit of hojsoii the ilntiH mdatlmij I , liulu tlm tu ! cost to lay , : n b.isatl iip'iu ' s ihn reported : Juno 2 . IITO JuiioO . 3 SlTf .nun' t . ; iii'i ' Juno u Juno 5 . ; IW llljjltost and Ijuivost Siilo ol * llo i. Today. Yostorday. Highest . ti : CO Illirhest . $ 't ( 'i ' Lowest. . . . . : i.V.Mi Lowest . U 13 Ktoulc ICouulpts. Oniclal vostorduy. Kstlmated Todav. Oaltlo. . . . .1W ours. l.4ni ; Tattle. . . lu'l cars L'.WW llo s . 411 cars , ; jtksO HOKS . M cur.siMUO llurstvs . V ! oars , 1G Hheop . 1 car. i8 O I'i'ioo of llo i. thu avenue prlcjpihl forloal of tliodayslnilloatotl In ISj , ' , laj ) , HiJ ami Dny. June-.iJ Juno V.i. Juno 'S3 Juno ' 7. ' 14 Otl 14 CO f : 4 03 , 3.1 BundAr 4 U7 f i'l 4 ia ' aa7 ; 4 04 4 M R. Hun lay 4 W 6 SO 4 M I ) . . Sunday 6 ) U 4 M Disposition of Stock , lions. The Armour-Cuilahy I'Co 20J. ' Oniahr I'acklugCo i , sa SwIft&Co Vi The O. II. HamiuundCo. . , ajl lAiftliu Week. CATTI.- . nuyers. NO. Swtrt&ro anw : The O. U. Hammond Co i.nil Armoui'-Ciidaliy I'acklugCo iits : Omaha racking Co Ur,1 Other buyers 5,700 Total , ' . ' . 11,61 nous , Armour-Cudaliy 1'jU'klng Co 15,000 Omaliii I'ackliiiCo lO.lhd Hwlft&Co aUOfl Tlio U. U. llaiuiuoua Co , 1,150 J. I1 Sitilrrtvco ) Klniran , t Co . , I'udnliy Iliothurs Total SIIRKP. Swift * Co . Armoiir-Ciidnhy I'aeklnxCo ThoU. H. llanimond Co Total lopr'Honliitlvo Hulcs. DiiHsar.o iinuK STHKUH. No. Av. . I'r. No. Av. t'r. No. Av. I'r. 8i..irn : M 40 . . . . . ? l 15 2. . MOT a 50 35. . 1IJI 3 to 2fl..ll ( 4 15 11. . W7 II.VJ 12. . 1 153 93 42..IIJ 4 15 1. . 1)10 ) 45..1011 i is .n.r , I 17 ! i ! ' . . ! 1 13 aw i. . VM a 95 ; i3. . larri I 20 a. . oo : \m \ 21..HID a 9.5 ii..i2S'.i ! 4 20 4. . 815 : i co 23..UKI 4 oo 1I..1I3I : 4 20 21. . m ; 'I 70 ' 'I..H5i | 4 00 40..I22S 4 20 1..iiOO : 375 21..111(1 ( 400 4..1270 4 25 li. : . I20t : 3 75 4 . . I IW ! 4 00 77. . 122 ; ) 4 2. 3..1UN7 375 02..rwo 40.1 : 4 25 22. . UT ) UN ) M..1148 405 1W..111)0 ) 4 25 40. . iivi : ia23..i032 410 2i..rj3o 4 45 ar .low a HI SIIII'I'INO AND KXI'OIIT 8TKRUS. SI. . 1KB 4 a" M..12H7 4 20 31..1.W 4 30 III. . I2i 4 15 4 40 W..12i 4 15 20 ! J2.iit 4 23 oiiiiitsi 4 40 17..ISKI 4 15 41. 1450 4 30 32..1133 4 55 UO.J20S 4 20 COW ? . 22. . 87. . 2 10 I..IIN ) Bra 2..102.5 273 II. . 910 2 13 as. , us ) 2 53 10. . IKI ) 2 75 1. . KW 2 25 4..1040 2 IV ) 17..10711 2 85 5. . M4 2 40 4..iiri ) ! a. . 1177 2 S3 I. 750 2 40 0. . 823 2 ) ) 2 110 4. . 10117 2 40 4. . 075 2 < ! 5 S..I2CO 3 00 8. . 8i2 2 45 r > . .iui 2 IB 2..1215 a 15 1..10M ) a no 13. . tttl 2 70 12..1017 a 25 4. . 1115 j M s..1125 S 75 2..1035 3 25 15. . U1S 255 4. . 1S20 323 nur.r.s. 1..12TO 2 00 1. .H70 2 25- 3..15TO 250 1..142I ) J ISO 1. .1IKJ ! 2 23 .1700 2 M . . . 11W ) 2 0) ) S. . 1.110 2 30 .I4IW 2 50 1..I.VCI 2 10 ' ' 1..I.170 250 1. . l.'IIO 2 10 I.'l700 2 40 1..I750 2 DO 1..1IOO i ! 15 1..I7.VJ 2 JO 1..H70 3 00 1. . CIIO 2 25 13. . 1473 2 40 : . .io20 300 1..121W IlEIFRttS. M7 205 41. . KK ) 2 75 I. . ro 3 25 410 2 15 31. . 511 a 50 S-.U-OO 3 UO 470 2 25 BTOCICIIItS AND KEROinS rae 275 870 3 llfl 2. . 795 340 1110 25 DUO 3 TO 1'J. . 791 3 43 510 3 W ) 6TACIS. 1.1500 300 1..I400 3 25 1..1750 3 50 3.1117 3 00 L.ii'oa auo CAI.VM. 1. . 150 4 50 3. . 170 5 CO 1. . 210 5 00 1. . ISO 4 75 fiTKKUS AND URIfCHS YEAIIMNQS. 22. . 740 343 CANNKII9 , 2. . 010 1733 VKSTEIIJJ CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. 35 feeders. Tex 7U' ! 2M 40.steersdrossed bcof.2s2 ! 4 20 2steersdressed beef..1310 4 2J Standard C'attlo Co. 00 steersdressed beef. . . . 1233 4 40 nous. No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. II. . . . -.2fiO $ . ' ! 45 fit 2(11 ( 120 $ a 57' 5 07. . . . .21:1 : fO 3 , r > - . " , { fitKi ,27 , fiO 71. . . . .211 120 3 Ri 00. . . ,2.-5 120 no lit . . . , ' t ) bO II .V5 C.2. . . .2S3 80 ra 12. . . 3 .V m. . . .231 no ( il. . . . 277 40 3 , V 102. . . .300 200 00 ( XI. . . . .2 : ) f-fl 3 . " W. . . ,21)7 ) 200 CD 51 . . . .271 3 .V ( il . . ,28. 1IJO CDK ( ) m. . . . .2,51 210 3 " > 111. . . ,251 , 20. ) OS . . . .247 IIV ) 3 , V (11. ( . . 25S 80 M. . . . .2I1S 1(10 ( 3 57' ' i ' 255 80 a ono 7fi. . . . .235 40 3 57' 5 71. . . W 20 , ) om fi7. . . ' ' 2 : > 5 KM 3 57" M. . . ,291 , 80 no 50 . . . . 120 357' 5 72 251 40 IK ) 252 3 57' i 74. . . ,250 120 none . .249 120 3 57" 51. . . .Ml 40 no 80 3 57'S ' 51 . . .2 > 5 40 : > in ( it 2W ( 80 3 57 " 2 . . . .2 : > 3 40 i ( to ( iS 2SI 200 a 57"a 111. . . .2JO ICO 3 CO 01 272 40 3 57' 1 Slarkct Jlention. Hogs firmer. " ' ' Muttons In demand and firm. , Heoves lOo lower , cows firm and feeders steady. A. II. Johnson sent In u car of hogs from Cen tral City. 1) Ougganof Hubbard came In with two cars of cattlo. James Hughes brought In a car of cattle from Hattlo Creek. E. II. Wllcox brought In four cars of cattle from Wuhoo. Jrfincs H. Humcof Madison had a car of hogs on the market. I ) . S. Draper of 1'lattsmouth was on the mar ket with a oar of cattlo. J. U. Vallory came up from I'lattsmouth with a car of cattle. Hipp & Lamportoxtehslvoshlppers of Hum phreys , marketed two cars of hogs. SI. Cunningham , tlio well known shipper of Mulvcrn , was over with a car of cattle. J. Ii. Hitter of Morse , Itogors k Co. , Morse HlulTs , was In with four cars of cattle. Alexander Crulckshank. the extensive Crete hhlppor , came up with two cars of cattle. 0. I < \ Hentley , a prominent .shipper of Schuyler , was on the market with two cars of cattlo. John Wiggins , the well known Columbus shipper , camu In with u cur eauh of cuttlu ami hogs. Hotli members of the firm of Perry .t Mllens were up from Wuhoo with eight ears of cattlo. Manager Charles II. Kleh , of the Stockman , has to Wisconsin for ' gone a fortnight's fibb ing. ing.R R X. llaonslor. general manager of the Chicago cage packing aud provision company , of Ne braska City , was among the visitors at the yards. O.Jl.tH.1 1t'lHKSAfH 31.1KKETS. Produce. FISH Per Ib : Fresh whlto and trout. lOjltlo ; pike , ( ViSIOe ; pickerel , lOe ; salmon , J5c ; bass , l24u ; halibut , 15e ; lobsters , 13150. llliiES , I'EI.TS AND TAi.i.oiv Oreou salted hides , J4 < iL. > u ; dry salted hides. 4ii&iJo ! ; dry Hint lilies , So ; culf hides , .liJfftO'Jc. ' Diimaged h Ides 2o less. Sheep pelts , green , ouch , flOc ® $1.25 ; sheep polls , dry , per Ib , ( iiillc ; tallow , No. I , Il'/ato'llio ; No2 , 3'i ' < iii-io ; ! ; grease , Wh.te , 3 ! . © le ; yellow , 2'Wle. , HKA.NS Hand picked nuvv , J1.G9S1.75 ; hand pleked navy , medium , $ l..vrul.a ) ; hand picked country , il.IotX ( ) ; good clean , il.ZYQ.i.40. Ari'i.K HtiTTKii I'or Ib , niftsc. WOOL Kino unwashed , l iiUio ; medium un washed , lM&lu ! ; conrno nuwiislied , IKtulio. Fims Heaver , per Ib. $ . ' . ; each , # 1.00 ® 7.00 ; otter , each , sUKHi'.UO ; wolf , each , fiOftbOo ; coon , each , 403tli5o ; mink , each , : K)5i."iOc ; musk- rit : , fill : , MM-'c ; muskrat , winter , KKifil.'ic ; skunk , 2.Vlilo ? , ; badger , 40c4fl.)0 ( ) ; deer hkins. per Ib. 20ittOo : ; deer bklns , winter , pur Ib , 12 OitAxnES Per box , Mcdlternncan sweets , 8 > .00 [ Los Angeles , 11.00j fancy Uuurtu beed- llngs. $ I.W ) ; Hodl , W.OO. I'lNKAl'l'l.US I'er ( lo > ! , J2,5tI.OO. ) STIIAWUIIIUIIS : : I'or easii. eholco shipping stock , * J.7.Vii'l.K ( ) ; good , IJ.UlKl 'I..Vl. riliKlt Per lhl ) , refined , Jii.M ) ; half bbl , $1..V ) ; hard elder , pure , per bbl , 1500 ; orange elder , half bbl , $7.00 ; pear cider , half bbl , t7.0J. UAMfoilNlA ClimiillES I'or 10-lb box , Jl.OO ® I.SO. I.SO.CHEIIItlES St. Louis , 2-bn stands , $8.00. Onr.KSK Fancy Y. A. , full cream , lie ; full cream twins , lO'Jc ; eholco full cream twins , I ai0c ; skims , ( ViOe ; Swiss , domestle , 1517c ; llmburger , fanev. ISitVIe ; brick , 12ffiiie. ; VwiKTAiir.KS New southern onions , per bbl , l.CWi-'l."i ( ; ) ; her > oradlsh. per doz , tl.2. " > ; now houtlieru potatoes , JJ.5D ® J.UO per bbl ; half bbl bucks , J1..V ) . POTATOES Old , per bushel , choice. 20iRiOc. SIiiATS Smoked hams 111 Ib average , lOc ; smoked hams , 20 to 2J Ibs. ti'ie ' ; smoked hams , 12 to It Ibs , lU'io ; breakfast bacon , SVie ; ham sausage tHc ; plcnle hams,7c ; dried beef hams , M.e ; beef tongues , per do/ . , t'i.UO ' ; dry bait meats , I''iiO'pc ; moss pork , pi > r bhl. , } ii..V : ) . LEMONS-l'or bov , Messina , fancy , tS.OOi3.ViO ; Ktrlctly choice , { I.7.V35.UO ; extra fancy lemons , $7.W. Hi'TTEii Creamery , fancy rolls , print. 17@ ISc ; creamery , tam-y , solid packed , 15l7c ; creamery , choice , lOfttr.'o ; dairy , fancy rolls and prints , IkSillte ; dairy , fancy , holld packed , llrtUie ; dairy , choice , IKSlOc ; country roll , fanny , 8Ue ; choice , 7 8c ; Inferior , 2 < 33o. Kdds-llo per doz for strictly frebh ; atulo stoek not saleable. llo.NKAjuotatlflii.s ( arc for delivery In Chi cago. ) Dry buffalo , per ton , $10.oo18.00 ; dry country , bleached , floooJiia.tX ) ; dry country. damp and meaty. } 8.lHK3lo.W. , JKM.IKS 3iiIo per Ib. lUKHsin ) : VKAi. ChoIce medium , C7o ; light , 5.V4c ; heavy , 4f.V. ? LI.NHKKII Oii--lilinvo. : Coco ANUTtt" Per hundred , $5.00. l'ic'Ki.KS".Mi'dIiuii. per bbl , J5..VJ ; gmall , } n..V ) ; gherkins , $7.50 ; C. k U. chow chow , qts , $5.85 ; PotiLTiir Per dozen , choice hens , $1.00I.O/1 ; choice , mixed , $ . ' .75 ® 1.00 ; nxisters , * 2.Miia2.73 ; spring t'hli'kuni. V..OO for small ; $2.25& : . > .5o for medium ; W.iOiil.W for large ; llvo turkeys , per Ib. uaiOtf. CAI.ICOUMA VKnKTAiii.ES-.l'otatofs , per Ib , 2o ; cabbage , pur Ib , D'i'iClc ; onions , per Ib , 3iiu. QrouoricM. SuflAiis Cut loaf , 80 ; cut loaf cubes , 71 0 ; Btaniliinl , powdered , 7JoXX.V ; , powdered , 7.'io ; granulated , htandard. ( lUc ; confeetlon- irs' A , C e ; white , extra , 5.'io ; extra U , No- brimku , SJic ; amber , 5'jo. ' Arbucklo's Arosla , 25Jio ; MoLaughlln'A XXXX , 25.\e ; ( ierman. 25Se ; Ullworth , 25Se ; Alnromn. SVSi'J Uttl Cross , 2140 ; Planter , ic ; Homo HJcnd , 24ic ! ; 1'uio Mnclm , 3le ; O. U. Java , 33o. UonrKKOrconl'unuy old go'don ' Illo , 22e ; fnney old peaberry. 2Ho ; Klo.cholco to fancy. 2tO : ! llto. lirlme , 2U e ; Rio. eiKMl , 22'io. Bniitxw und commou Rio , 19U2lu ; Mocha , rue : Java , Konuluu , O , U. , &oj Javu , good lutfrlor , 25u ; Afrkmii ' , 22'io , FAKINACKOUS GOODSHarloy. . 3Uo ; farina , &Cj I/U-JLM / , 3c ; outuiuul , l UJUoi uiacaruul , lOuj vermicelli. IPc , ' rlee 4 Irt'tos Mi ) nml tnplocn , n id llii.a beans , CC ! spill if | _ .ii , Ipaglltl , l ANN en ( loons Fruits , California standard liriiuK 2VII > . | ) er doApricots. . ti.Tiftfll.Mj apricot. * , iih ) fmil , $ l. ' 0 : gnlloni , HAit black berries. J.Vili cherries blaok'JJ.o } > ( i2.25 ; cher- iles , white. $2.25 5M.M ; KMIIOS , ; pear * . Harllctt. J.MO J/JS ; peaches , yoilow , tMoii&2.2.i ; peaches lemon cling. M.t'J ' ! plums e g. 11.113 ® 1.W ; plums , golden drop. ; plums , greru gages , * I.iv > ) peaches with piis In , $ I.Go ; currant" , J.'H ) : goiXi'bcrrloV ! f2.25 ; iulnci | , 13.10 : raspberries , $2HO ; strawberries. $2.50 ; pouches. a-lhoiiMorn .standards , | ls5 ; 3 Ib pie , f 1.21 ; gallons , pie , $1.0.1 ; applet , hluii standards 11.1.1 ; 2-lbgoos.'berrlos , Wo ; : MK strawberries , IWrx'S 2-lb raspberries , f LOT ; 2-lb blueberries , S'-KiJ'Mc ' ; 2-lb blackberries , ( VJTJ7.W ! 2-lb straw berries , preserved , JI.HO ; 2-lbra-jyuerrIO't , pro- UltlMI , TI.OJ , 2 Ib blackbofrm , preserved , 11.20 : pineappleHalmmii cbonped , M $ . ' .00 ; 2-lb Hahama grated , $2.7.1 ; 2-lb llahanm sliced , J'.MW ; 2-lb standard , sliced , tl.2vn.V ) ; cherries 2-lb rod , llaltlmore , S305o ( ; pears 2-lb , $1.30. VEOETAiir.ES Tomatoes Jib extra , 11.00 ; 3 11) standard vresteru brands. We ; gallon1 ; , strictly standard , J3.1W. Corn-Finest grown. II.IKII glltcdgcd sugar corn , very line , $1.30 ; ehole < ' 2 ; 2 Ih extra western brands , Meirtfl.UO ! 2 11) ) ftturdard western brands , ilVf&Me ; . MiHirooms- l ib French ox- trn line.' ; t Ib French , flue. IHfJT.'o ; 1 Ib French , ordinary , KVUlSe. I'eas Tros Hue per can , 25c ; deml-llne , per can , liic ; 2 Ih sifted , fl.iio ; 2 Ibe.irly June , ll.syill.33 : 2 Ib Mnrrrow standard brands , ; 2 Ib soaked , 57c. String boaus-a Ib high grade , Hefugee , H5c ; 2 Ib Clol- den wax beans , 70c ; 2 Ib .string beans , ( We : Lima bonus-2 Ib .soaucd , i.V. lloston baked boiins-il Ib Lewis , JU15 ; Crown brand. JI.M. Sweet potatoesIb : ! Now Jersey , 4i. o. Pump kinsIb : ! , jl.10. Okra and tomatoes. Jl.W ) ; okra , JI.W ) ; succotash , * l.20. DIIIEII FitfiT.s t'urianlsnow.5'.7e ( ; ; prunes , casks. 1.300 Ibi. ( l"ae ; prunes , hhl or hag , C.'ie ; citron peel , drums , 20 Ibs , .v ; luiium peel , drums , 20c ; apples , choice evaporated. lOc ; Jllehlgau'is , lie ; Pei-sIun dates , to ; blackber ries , ovuporatod , 50-lb boxes. .I'je ' : cherries , pitted , dry cured. 13c > raspberrles.evuporated , N. Y. , now , 30o : prunes , K. I' . . (10-70 ( , lTJ2'JCi ( ) ! ' orange peel. Me ; raisins , California , London crop 1MX ) , f..35 ; California , loose muscatels , crop lbKW.OO ! ) ; Valenclas , IfeS , fiValeuclas ; , new , Uc ; Ciillforuia. seeds , sks. . sijp , FISH Codllsh , ovtra tleorges , > ow. 6Mcj grand bank , new , 4'je ' ; silver. 2-lb blocks , ( ie ; snow white , 2-lb bricks , now , 7V ; Turkey cod , htigt ! mlddlo bricks. h'lCj ' snow whlto crates , 12-3 Ib boxes , 7Jfc ; medium s"iilcil herring. 25c : No. 1 sealed herring. 20u ; douiestie Holland herring. 4e ( ) : Hamburg spiced herring. IWe ; Kusslaii sardine" . ( Vic ; Itusslan suidlncs , plain , Mie ; Imported Holland herring , crnwn brand , Me ; do fancy milkers , Ole ; in..ekeiol.No.I shore , half hUKmo. ) : bloatcJ , balf | ) ) ; whlto llsb , half billsitr.OJ ; trouthalf bbls.t.uV ) ; fam ily white fish.Sl.50 ; salmon. ; l-lbmackeral ( herring ) , } l.0l ; 1-lb finnan huddles , fl.d'i ; 1-lb lobsters. $2.1.1'i4..25 ! ; 1-lb Alaska .salmon , A lout. If 1.35 ; 2-11) oysters , 10 oz , * l.fl3j I Ib oysters. So/ . $1.1.1 ; 2-lb selects. 12 o ? . * ' . ' . : i.1 ; 1-lb elams , llttlo necks , $1.23 ; 2-lb uliiniH , little necks , $1.7.1 ; ' 5-lu sardines Imporled , per case , KWs. * 1.1.0Df620.iO ( ; ! i-lb Imported bonclets sardines , key , $23.00 ; ! .i-lb siirdlues. American , per case , 100s. French style. $1.4xa.i.oO : ; ! 5-lb .sardines. American , per case , 100s , French style. t Mnx.uo ; 'ilbsar dines , mustard , per ease , &Us , J3.75SI.OO ; Im ported Uey sardines , $13.00. SAI.SODA Hbls. l ? c ; granulated , 2ej kegs , ' ' 'SO'DA Pkgs. CO Ibs to box , aUa.iije. NUTS Almonds , l.lo ; llrn/IN. lie ; nihcrts , 12 ! o ; pecans , lie : walnuts , 12'ic , peanut cocks , tc ; loasted , lie ; Tenne s > eo peanuts , 7'Jc. Dltuos ( tiiOL-er.s ) Per Ib , borax. lUc ; cop peras , 2'/ie : bay leaves , 1lc ; glue , id.1 ; epsom salts , 4e ; glaubcr.salts , 3c ; sulphur , 2 o ; blue vitriol , Do ; alum. 4e : reslu , 2e. MOLASSES Hbls , N. O. fancy , tier gal , 53Q.170 ; choice. 4.V3I7C , good , IlOffiKc ; Cuba baking , 2lc ; blnek strap , 3 < k' . I'Ai'Eii-Straw. per Ib , lH2'Sc ; nig. 3ie ! : .Mapilla H. .MJile ; No. 181- . HACS I'lilon Squsire. ! | . aoBi'lSo per cent ofT list. SAi.T-Dalry-'hU Ibs in bbl , hulk. J2.IO ; best grade , ( P , fls. J2.0 : ; : host grade , 100 , : : s. J2.IO ; best grade , 18. 10s JJ.20 ; rock hiilt , crushed , il.bO ; common , bhl. $1,23. SOAV Cnstlle , mottled , per Ib , t10o ) ; do , white , perlb. lie. HltooMS Parlor. ! i tie. $ : i.OO : 4 tie. K.75 ; 2 tie , $2.2.1 ; stables , $2.M ; eominon , il.5JiiI.73. ( COCOA 'j-llj tin. 40 per Ib. CHOCOLATE 22W5u per Ih ; ( jerman chicory , red , SHc. Koi'E Basis Manilla rope. Me ; steal rope , 12c ; cotton ro)0 ) , lle ! ; new process S'ic. ' UoTTONTwiNE Ulbb. very line. 3 or I ply , 22c ; line , 2Je ; Oalsv , It-o ; eandle wlelc , 2'c. OMVDS Quarts. ; pints , perllo/ , $7.50 ; bulk , per gal. Hie. VINWIAII 30 gr. elder , lOc ; good , 12e ; whllo wine. Me ; fancy fruit. Hr. ' STOVI : 1'oi.isii W.00@Ti.S7 per gross. ; HAOS Am. , per 100 , J17.00 ; l.ewlston , per 100 , $17.00. Oii.s--Keroscno-P. W. . He ; W. W , , 13j ; headlight , ll'/5e ; gasoline. Ho : salad oil , A I , $2.0J3'J.OJ ' per dui LlnSJed Haw , Ole ; boiled , O'if. ' LAUD Purolard , tierces,6Uc : kettle , tierces , 'CANNED MEATS 1 Ib lunch tnngue , 82 75 ; 2 Ib lunch t'.mguo , $1.7.1 ; lib corned hoof. $1.33 : 211) ) corned beef , $2.01 ; Ii Ibeorucd beef , J0..1U ; 14 11) corned beef , $14.00 ; 2 Ib boneless pigs feet , $2.20 ; 1II ) Kiiglish brawn , $1.30 ; 2 11) English brawn , $ . ' .15 ; ( i Ib Kngllsh hrawn , 83.75 ; 11 Ib chipped beef. $2.10 : 1 Ib compressed ham , $1.7.1 ; U Ib potted ham , ( Me ; U Ib deviled ham , OOc ; 2 Ib tripe , Jl.bO ; 2 Ib turkey , $2.70 ; 2 Ib chicken , $ . ' .70. ] M ( Stills. Hr.ocic TIN Small pig , 2Sc per Ib ; bar , 30c perIb. Coi'i'EU Planished boiler.sbes , 32'5c perlb ; cold rolled , 2Uo per Ib ; sheathing , 2 o perlb ; hltts and Hats , 2tio per 11) ) . ( iAiVANi/in : SHEET Iiio.v niso't 50-10 per cent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 2I&37 , A , 105 ! ; II , 0"C. ! oOflNa-Cliarcoal , I. C. , 11x20 , 112 , $5.15 ; 1. X. , $7.25. , SIIUKT Iito.vXo. . CC , $3.C5 ; No. 27 , $3.75. Soi.DKIl ll < Qit5c. TIN Pl.ATE-1. C. , 10x14 , 2-15 , $7.25 ; I. X , , 10x14 , 825. i ! ) 00. TIN Pl.ATi-Coke , Ifl\l4 , 225 , $ .125. STIXIJ NAII.S la ! e , $5.25. STKBIVnti : NAILS-HUSO , $3.05. Wiuu-Jap. barb , turn ; galv. . $1.15. Dry CioodH. HBAVV HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , Wje ; Atlantic H,7e ; Atlantic I ) , ( i' o ; AtliintlcP. Cc ; Aurora C.4 c ; Huck's Head , ( lye ; Uabot \V , lii'jc ; Darlington , liye ; farmer's No. 1 , 7a' . 4ie ! ; . Hoosler LL , 5'jc ; Indian Head , 7 > 4c ; Lawrence LL , Slic ; Henrietta LL , 5\c. I'INB Hitow.v COTTONS Atlantic LL. Co ; Au rora H , ( i'ic ' ; Aurora R , ( Hfe : Atlas O N II , 7'/e ; cheese cloth , 4c ; Clinton Kl'.SUc ; Pcpperell 11 , tilie ; Liingdon ( J H , Oc. | ! IIACIIII ; : ) COTTONT Herkelov cnmbrle No. CO , lie ; llest Vet. ( i c ; liuttcrclotli XX , 4'ie ' ; Cabot , 71je ; Dwlght Anchor. He ; Kllerton \ . S. 7'j" ! Mrst Ciill. ( i'ic ; Krult of the Loom , , Lonsdale. b ic ; l.onslalo : cambric , lOu ; Now Vork .Mills , lie ; Oak Lawn , 7c. Siirjr.TiNds AN ! ) PII.I.OW CASINOS Ilrown Net Peppeiell , 45ln , 10c ; Pcpperoll , 8-4. iH1 ; Peppcrell , 9-1. 20c ; Pepperell. 10-4. 2-.V ; Utk'ii , 4sln , I3a ; Utica. 5SIU , 17'Je ; Utlea , 78 In , 2lc ; Utlea. Ml In , 2ic ! ; Utk'ii. ! In , 2S'4e. Bleached Net Peppcrell , 42 In , lOc ; Pepnciell,4i ( In , lie ; Pcpperell , n- ) , ll'ie ; Pcpporell , 8-1 , 2.e ) ; Pep perell. 9-1 , 22c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 2'c ; Utlea , 8-4 , 2lc ; Utlea. 9-1. 2t'K. ' ; UllCil. 10-4.S8'ie. ( jiNOllAMS Amoskeiig. li c ; Amoskeaj : , ( Ires- , , 8'.ic ; Hates , ll'jc ' ; Warwick , dress. 7'Jc ; Liiuciihter , Che ; Lilenalre , U o ; Whltteuton , dress , 8'/ic. I'uiNTS Indigo blue Net Martha Wash ington , lc ! ; American , li'ic ; Arnold , ( i'ie ; Ar nold II , long cloth , lOe ; Stlfel. A , 12c ; Jierrl- mack ' , , lOc ; ( iold Leaf , 8 e ; Hamilton , 5 > ] e ; Allen Pinks , GHc , Allen Chumbray , Uc ; Cilou- cester , 5'jC. PliiNTS-I'ancles-Eddystone , C'K' ! Steel River , ( ! c ; Kiimniio , 4'H'S ' St. Leger,5'ie ; Shirt- Ings Martha \Vashlnuton. 4 > . ] 0 ; Merrlmack , 4'ic. Turkey Reds Fountain , ( i'o ' ; liurner , 7c ; Crolleld.ic ; Herlln , ( i'ie. WKIANS Net , Thistle , 7'io ; Red Cross. 7c. COI.OIIKD CAMIIIIICS Crown , 43ic > Red Star. 4'ic ; lolled Clover. 5c ; Slater , Co ; high colors , lc extra. CUASII Stevens' II , lil-In , 5'Je ; Slovens' I ) . 18- In , ( k,1 ; Slovens' A , Iti-ln. 7e ; Stevens' P , I8-ln , ? 4C ; Stevens' AI. 16-ln , 8'ic ' ; Slovens' N. 20-lu , 8'sc ; Steven ! , ' NN , 22-ln. O'ie ; Stevens' SRT , 2J- ln , ll'io ; bleached , lc extra. DKNIMS Net. Amoskeug. OoKi'ic ; York , camlet. 12e ; Everett , standard , 12'io ; Hay maker's , 7' c ; Old York. XX. 10'Jc ; Lawrence. 220 , 131 Je ; Lawrence , 9-o , 13 ! Jc ; fancy stripes and checks , ll'je. CorroNADKS-vVork Nankin , 10'c ' ; EverettR- oz. , 18o ; Lewlston lu-o/ . , 22'j- ( ; Worklngman's , 14c ; Corkscrew cushmero , 22lic. Dl'llfJH. Quinine , per oz. P. fc Vi'j , 40o ; German , 45c ; In digo , peril ) , T3c ; Insect jKiivdcr. 3k' ; opliiin , $1.75 ; morphine , per o/ , $ . | ,10 ; hops , perlb , 30c ; glycerine , 20c ; dovtrlne , lOo ; cuttlebouo , 35e ; eieam tartar , pure. ll'lojcoiifn'iorclul , I8e : cam phor , 47c ; am , carl ) . , 14e'bluo vltrol , 7ie. ! Acids Carbolic , 4 ( > Ii.4io : ; citric. 4.Wrl7oi lar- I a I'ic. : iii'.Ki ( ! : ' ; hiilpbuilc , Lisr Ib , 3o. Oils- Sperm , fl.20 ; turpentine. We ; Tonka beans , $2.2.Vl62.t5 : ; balsam tolu. 3S'ftlOe ; calomel , 951it 97c ; eanthanidlcs. $ L30ffll.a5 ; ciu > slu buds , 20 ® 22c ; chloroform. 4935''c ; in-got , 47 < & 52e ; gum arable , f UlCio ; glycerine' , 22 < iJ,23o ; lycopodrum , 42'ilOc ' ; mercury , f5c. " Tlio VlHlhloHuppIj- . CHICAGO , Juno 0. Tlio visible supply for the week ending Juno 7 , us compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade Is m follows ; Hushels. Wheat 8l,17i.ouo Corn H,2I5KX ( ) Oats. . . . ; U14.900 R.VO G)7,000 ! Hurley . , 087,030 Swallow TiiIIH in Alaska. W. J. Hyde , who registered nt the Leland - land in Chicngo from Sltka , Alaska , says that the big territory Is progressing too rapidly. "Why , do you know , " ho said , to a Tribune reporter , "that when our now governor was inaugurated ton of. our citizens were regular evening sultsy "When Alaskans got to wearing swul- low-tall coats there in no telling what will happen there. 1 have heen In Alaska llftoeii years and peon some great changes , but a elaw-hammor Is something I never dreamed of. Most of our people hud rather tackto n grlz- than 'such a funnv-looklng coat ; but T suppose wo nro nil coming to It. In Sltka wo Imvo churches and schools that would bo n credit to any eastern city. During the last few years many people of Intelligence and culture Imvo come to Alaska , and the olTect Is good upon the land and Its people. While the fisheries form the leading Industry , It Is by no means the only one. There i u deal of mining and timber cutting going on and the agricultural possibilities are not poor. Wo have some of the best farm ing lands in the world , but they are so many miles tvway from clvIUxatum that It will take years to dovelopo thorn. The mining prospects are encouraging. Several now companies have been organ ized and prolltablo developments are ex pected before long. If a railroad were to bo constructed up there , as contem plated , that country would have n'boom which would far outstrip the excitement in California in Ml ) . If the road did not pay for n year or so it certainly would after that , and it would bo a good invest ment. * ' AVIlIll It COKt.M Must be carefully considered by tlio proat majority of people buying even necessities of life. Hood's Sarsiiparilla , commends Itself with special force to the Ki-cnt middle classes , because It combines positive economy with Kivat medicinal power. It Is tlio only medi cine of which it can bo truly said " 100 doses Ono Dollar , " und u bottle taken according to directions will average to last a month. A California Democratic HOSH. Christopher A. Buckley , proprietor of the democratic party of California , passed through Chicago the other evenIng - Ing on route to Now Xorlc. Ho has a private dining room cur , private physl- peian , and seeretarv and servants. Not ' 'long ago ho was a San Francisco bar tender. Now ho owns houses and lots , vineyards and ranches , says the Chicago Tribune. lie is one of tlio best known politicians in Iho land , and is as well acquainted in New York as in San Francisco. It is said that ho is now going east to confer with Governor Hill regarding the next presidential nomina tion. It is also said that "Boss" Buck ley controls probably the largest whole , sale political shop in the west. If a California ! ! wants to bo a jndgo , or a olllccr , or to go to Washington ho must first consult Mr. Buckley. Ho manages the campaigns of those who have money and not strategy , and superintends the construction of public buildings. A few years ago the press rehollcd against his rule , but ho is seldom criticised now. In appearance Mr. Buckley is interesting. Ho wears line clothes , diamonds as big as ha/.lonuts , and would be handsome were it not for his diseased eyes. Ho says Senator Stanford will bo returned ' to'tho senate if ho is so disposed at tlio expiration of Jiis term. An Absolute Cure. The OKIG1NAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-ounco tin boxes , nnd is an absolute euro for all sores , burns , wounds , chuppod hands and all skin eruptions Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the GUltilXAL ABIETINK OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box bv mail 30 cents Calamity .lane. "Bushels of chills and fever literature have been written about 'Calamity Jane , ' " said Cussius Reynolds , a Wyom ing ranch owner , in the Palmer the other evening to a Chicago Tribune re porter , "but a true story of her has never been given to the world. These stories reilected on her character , when , as a matter of fact she was a good and bravo woman. I saw her a few weeks ago at Rock Springs , Wyo. , whore she is now living. Her name is Juno Steers. She was the best known person in the west in the west in the ' 70's. She carried military messages for Custer in the BigHorn - Horn country , where savages wcro so thick that a white man dared not enter the basin. She dressed like a man , al ways wearing a buckskin suit. She could ride any horse that ever bucked and never heard of the word 'fear. ' After General Custer was killed she went to the Black Hills and was the first white woman to enter Deadwood. When 'Wild Bill' died she tenderly nursed him. When the Indians ana outlaws were driven away from the Black Hills , she drifted from place to place and finally located at Rock Springs. Kiiroku. Tlio motto of California menus , I linvo found it. Only in that laud of sunshine , where the orange , lemon , olive , lig and grupo bloom und ripen , und uttuiu their highest perfection in mid-winter , uro the herbs and gum found that uro used in that pleasing remedy for nil turoat and lung troubles. Santa Abio , thorulerof coughs , asthma nnd consumption , the Goodman Drug Co. lias been appointed ngcnt for this valuable Cali fornia remedy , und sells it under u guurantoo at SI n bottlo. Three for S'.uO. Try California Cut-r.cure , the only guaran tee cure for catarrh. $1 , by mail , $1.10. Some Narrow Tho' late Count Adrassy was con demned to death after the failure of the Hungarian insurrection of 1818. This did not prevent him from afterward be coming the head of the Austro-IIungar- ian ministry. Signor Crisp ! , now prime minister of Italy , was condemned to death after his first revolutionary at tempt against the bourbon king of Naples. Senor Sagasta , p 'imo minister of Spain , was twice proscribed and would have beoA shot as an insurgent if ho had been captured. Franco contains in MM. Rochefort and Rano two men who Imvo been condemned criminals and members of the government according to the turn of the political tide. This has been the situation , indeed , of many Frenchmen. When M. do i'ollgnae , in 18'iO , was con demned to "Imprisonment in perpetui ty" the legal phrase for life Imprison ment ho exclaimed : "I am condemned to Imprisonment in perpetuity , oh ? Lot mo see ; how long does perpetuity last in Franco ? " In his case It lasted six years. Ho was liberated In 18:10. : Miles' Ncrvo und Ijivor I'lllH. An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedily euro billlousness , bad tusto , torpid liver , piles nnd constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 'Ml doses for 25 cents. Samples free utKuhu &C'o.'s 15th and Douglas. p for Two MnntliH. Gruco Grldloy , the ten-year-old daugh ter of a prominent business man of Am- boy , III. , has been bleeping soundly for nearly two months. She went to bed In her usual health the night of March l > r > and could not bo roused from sleep the next morning. After sleeping about a week she roused un bomewlmt , and get ting out.of bed walked over to a rocking chair , whore she immediately went to sleep and has not awakened since. Her cheeks are rosy and breathing regular and bur sleep Is seemingly as normal as that of an infant. All attempts to arouse her are fruitless , says a dlsimtuh to the Chicago Times. She Is fed regulanly with liquids. Her case puzzles all the doctors. The night that she foil asleep tmo attended a religious revival and it is thought thu Influences thcro exerted so overcame her nervous forces as to com pletely paralyze them. For delicacy , for purity , and for Improve inentuf the cGmuJexiua uothmt' equals 1'oz- zoui'3 powder. RHILWRYTIMEGRRD SIOUX CirV * I'Al'IKIO I'AtrlvoV . I' , ilopot. loili jiiul .Mnrrr _ StJ Uin.-ilin. 7.I5 inH tTloiix i'lliT rnnongcr . I _ SJ5 p ml . . _ . . . _ , . St. IMMI K\pri' _ ! i . IIOOTi n in 1.c. Tes"j fiOiI'l'ftH ( ; ' I'ACIl-'ll' . I .mi VIM Omnlin. I Di'pot IStli niiil Velmtor ft' . I Umnlm. Tst.Tiiul T.linltiVl" . ' . ; .r.l ll.Ii nm l nvci iflUCATiO ft .S'OU'niWHSl'MILS' ' . ; Arrivei JJiunhn. 11. ' . I * , depot , 10th niiilMnrey _ Sl. . | Onmh.i. " fl.lSnm" Clilpniio K\iiro O.'J | i m 4.u : p m Votlbllln Lhnltoil V..V ) a m 0.15 p in , uv. Mnll ( Ar. OT. .Mom "M n III 1V.M p in . . .Kiitern J-'lyer Z. 5p in J nves iITilO.xiiO , Mlu , A"s'r. . 1'Al'U Arrivci Oninlin. 'IT. ' P. depot,10th ntnlMnrejr _ St < . I _ Omnlm. "li.lSIi m . .Chlc.iKi ) Slnll ( except Stiiiilny.j ) ai p in 11.00 p in Clilentio Ktprosi ' .i.lj n in JD..10 pin ( 'lilcnin > Hxiire" J 2.M p ni Loiivcj OM.\HA A 3T. HrtUlsT I Arrives jOnmlin laj1. dcjiot , lOth ami Muroy Sty.j Onmlm. 4.80 iria Ciiiiiinii iTnll | U'u ; p in 1/cnvcs K , K. A MO. VAM.Ky. I Arrlvoi Omnlm. > t I.Mli nml Wtilxter St . | ( ) , n 'n. TI.OO "iTiSi lllnck Illllf P. ( n in " ( Kx. Siimlny ) . . . . 6.10 p m . .Wnlion "ft Lincoln _ . . . . . . . . . Ifl.VO ii in _ 6.UI p in . .York ft Norfolk < Kr. Siniitny ) . . 111. n in T.t'nv J Pn flf. P7. M. ft 0. I Arrives Onmlm. lcpot 15th nnd _ Wolijyer 8H IOnmlin. _ ; P.1U n in r.Slinix City Accumiiiodntliin. . . l'.U.'i p m l.UU p in .SiouxCity iiiri : | > H9Kr. ( Sun. ) . . 1.-MI p m 6.U.1 p in St. 1'mil l.lmllcil I'.V , n in 6.15 11 in llimrort I'n Hoimur I Hi. Sun ) . . ) 8.45 n in I.cnvos I .MISSOlMlI i'A TFHlATrlvej Omahn. I _ JopotlJtliniM Webster Sts. _ | Oiiml.n. lb. : ) irmr . .SI. Iouli A K.'t' . KxlirV.i9..T4..V.l p'tu JM5 p ml . . .St Uinls A K. C. Kxpri'.v , . . . . ! : n in UNION l > ACl > 'lO--SUlllJltllAN TltA Nrf These trains al-o Mop nt liltli , Kill , atli ) nndSUli streets , Humnilt imd Snvlilxo CroJslnir.VorklnK - men's trains do not run Sunday. "U-nvot I'ClttUAIiU. H. I. A l'AtiI''IC ; . " i Arilvc.i Transfer I Union Depot. Council llluffa. I'l'mnsfor ' l.enve > " | ( . ' ( ' ( ( ) , MIL. , V hT. "i'AUL.Arrives [ TrniinforJ I'nliin Deiiol. Coiincll lllutlf. ITrnnafer " ' 1tTiO"irin'T7tlilciirirjfnlI : ( ( except Siuuliiy ) . . n. : ) pin iai ; ; p m Clilnino K.tpro'is H.15 n in 10.iu p ni . . . . . . . . .Clilciipo l.'xpress. . . . _ . . . ' . ' .IK ) p in "Lenvest T K7 ( " ' . , riT. .lOl'i'.V L'.ll. I Arrivci TrniiHferl Union leiot. ) | Council HliiITi ll'i'iiinlur i o7"iiTnT7.T.TCniisns ( 'lty Day Kxpr ! i > M. . . . | .1.41 p m lU.'S p nil. . J < nn < ni City Nlnlit Kxpreii..1 li..M in "Lenve-i I OM.fllA A ST.T.OUlS. I Arnvei Trnniferl Union Dcpm. Cmnirjl UhilT . iTrnnifer 27lTrin ( | ] . 7r. ! lTliMili Cnnon llnll | 12.I5 p in "U-nves | ClllCAi ( ) , IllJUL'X ft ( tilNCV.i Arrivci Tmniifefl Unlnn Depot. Council mulls. iTninifer 1T4U iPnn T.Tl'lilcnKO Kxproia li.l"0 p in 10.i ( ) ) p ra Clilcnso Kxpross ' . ' .40 it ni _ 7.iO : j > inj . _ . . .C'ro tini Uicnl ll.'JOjiin TA-nve aioUX'OlT ? I'St'lMC' " - n & . fArrfyea" Trnn fiT | Unliia Depot. Council lllnlla. I'l'rniiafer 7.45 n nil..S-lunx C.lty Aeconiinodiitlon. . . I ! U5 n in C.50 p ml St. Paul Kxiircm I D.65 p ni MISSOUlll I'ACit'lO UUOUItllAN THAINS. Eastward , j PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Farnnm Street , HARRY P. DEUEL City Passougor aud Tiokot Agent , ific flt'iii- IMFROVED ? IJyr CUCTRIC BEIT AND SUSPEIISORT or lit H.Ml - - iiTraslll.Mir , Uidc for Ililliptclllepur- l > of Car * ol Ornmlhv hi Mi , Klvlnf Irvflf. nlU , Kaolb * Inn. foollouou. CurrfoU or KlfclilcItT Ilirauth nil WK K I'i ICTH. rriMMui llif m la IIKAI.TII nil Vll.lllllll S KTHKN01II , Klrtlrlc ( iirrrnl ft'.t Indinll ) , cr JS.OCO In cub liKl.T * iid Hu p iitrY Cuniilrlf | f & . and nil. Wor l CRlfl I'fr * ninfiill , CurrJ hi lhre munlhi. Hralr < ) riimihlrl Vttt. BAKDEH ELEOTUIOCO. . , dHICAQD.UL NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment SPEED , Strength , Sold Under n POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H. SMITH & CO. , General AgonU Nebraska ami Iowa. 01O S. 10th St. , - - Omahn \ i r 1 7 7T T f Mf'V inifforliiB froiu uffuot" \ AV / ( IA lA illl < l'of l-osl Miinhond , , IB LAr II \ YoulhfiilKrrorc , Impotoniij > and DIseaM'sof Men can be curuil permanently and prlraluly by our Suiinil biiu- clllu. bent by innll im fl. llouk tent Inculuil ) fur itamp. Ilearun Medleul Coinpun107 WimlnuKton ttrcvt , HuJluii lliim. i'an bo enroll In y > to GO days .J by u > , o nf the mitrvflouH Matilo Itcmody IUU.U ) for n < It will nut cure ( 'At- TION to k'ft the genuine remedy Wrlto ur cnll un . . U Juilru , 'M't UIUUC7 bu ot , Umatia , NEBRASKA National Bank U. 8. D ? O8ITCWY. OMAHA , Capital , - $40OOOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , 180O , - 07.COO Dlrccton-llenry . T tM , I-o-lsH. 1U .I , TlrodriMldpnti JnmoiV. . Hiir fo | V' lor e , John S. Collins It. 0. Cuihlng ) J , N. rtrlck | W. U. U. llughei , c.ihlor. THE IRON DA.NIC. Corner Ulh nd F rn in Strcrti. A Ocnernl Ilinklnir H' ' < I CM Trnn itoti1. OOMMElUOIALx National Bank Cnpitnl , - $4OOOOO Surplus , /iD.OOO Officer * nnit tlroftorK. | . M. Mor'cmftii. ( I St. Illtclirork , Jo cpli ( JnrnMH , Jr. , A. llrnrr K M , Amlcmni , NVIIMnm 11. Mnitl , vlra-preilitont. 1 * It. WllllAUl.'i , A. I * . lloi'Mn ' * . ITO.iMont. A MllllnrO , cnihlcr ; K. II. llrjunl , niilitnnl cnshlpr. Omaha ManUfaotiJrBPS , llootH nnd Mhoos. KIKKENDALL , JONJCS Je CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots & Shoes Igentafur llonton lliiblicr Shoo Co , 1103 , 1101 nuilllCJ llnrncT Stioot. < 1nmlin , Nvli. llrowurH. BTOHZ iV 1LEB , Lager Deer llrcwcrs , 1M1 N'crtli IMIi Street , Otimtm , Cdrnlco. EAQLK COHNIC12 WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window cnp * nml mptnlloskjrllKlitr Jnlin IC proprlftor. llMnr.,11 ID South lutli trrct. ArtlHtH * MiiturlnlH. " " ' "A. HO3PK , JrT , Artists' Materials , -Pianos and Organs , 1513 DoiiKlns Hlroot , Omnlm , .Vi'l > . Coal , Coke , 1C to. OMAHA COAL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. B. K. Cur. ICtli nnd DouKlas Btrools , Omali.i , N'cb. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 511 South IStli Street , Om.ihn , Neb. DEAN , ARMSTHONQ & CO. , Wholesale Cigars. 403 N. ICth Stroot. "Hi-llol" lir,3. and XolloiiH. M. E. SMITH tc CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner lltli ninl llowanl Stroots. KILPATRICIC-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , GetlU1 t'urnlBlilncCooilt. Cornur lltli unU llainof Htiocta , Oiiuilni , Not ) . l''iirnltiiro. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Knrnnm Street. Omnlm , Nebraska. CHARLES SIIIVERICK , Furniture. Onmlm , McCORD , BRADY k CO , Wholesale Grocers , 18th nnrt Icnvcnwortli Streets , Onmlm , Nobrn * n. liiiinlicr , Kto , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc. Imported nnd American I'nrtl.ind Cement. Htalfl Uk't'iHfor Mllmiiikuu Ilydrnulla Cunient , and ( julncy Whllu I.lme. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood carputs nnd pnrquot llonrlnv. OtU nud Dougl&f Hlroots , Uniulm , Nubruskit. \V7TJHEY ; Lumber , Lime , Ccmc-nt , Etc. , Etc. Corner OIli nnd DnuglHS Streets , Onmlm. Millinery und Nntlonn. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , Importers and Jobbers in" " " 203 , 210 nnd 213 South lltli street. N'otloiiH : J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1124 Ilnrncy street. Omnlm. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale IMfincd and Lubricating Oils , Allu Krcnao , etc. , Omnlm. A. II. Illnliop. MnimECr. I'npor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry n nlco gtork of printing , wrnpplnu nnd wrltlni jinper. Hpeclnl nttuntlon vlvi'ii to curd paper. Sn fcH , IClc. * _ A. L. DEANE & CO. , Ucnural ARCiits for Halls' ' Safes , ni and 323 South lOtll St. , Oakha. * _ Toy it , Kto. _ H. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , IIouio Kurnlnlilnit ( Iood , Children's Cnrrjnii § . 1201 Knrimiu Htreet , Onmlm , Nob. " \Vutcr SuppilCH. _ U. S. WIND ENGINE ic PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , tlnllldaj wind mills. 018 nnd DM Jone it. , Omaha. 0. 1' Hosn , Actinic MuniiKer. Iron PAXTON & VIERLINO IRON Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Engines , lrnn work , Kunentl foundry , mnrlilno und blackimlth work Olllco nnd works , U. 1' . Hy. und 17th ottoot , Om.iliu. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Hanf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar I'rouf ' Safes , Vaults , jnll work. Iron shutter * nnd tire cn'npes. (1. Andreea .prop'r. Cor. lltli and Jiwkiuu tits , i _ HUHll , 1)I'H ( , lOlO. M. A. DI8BROW U CO. , Wholesalu umnufacturiir * of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch ofllco , 12th and Uard street * , Onmlm , If . Otn ili SSL. I7NION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited , SHROEDER & DEANi GRAIN , Provisions and Stocks. Basement First National BaiiK. OOB South 10th Street , Qmnhn. Taxidermists Speclmeni c a bo ont safolr b mall or jyt ll uui auot. OKUU * .