Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1890, Image 1

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    " ' H BWHMWBMHMvmwpngBHHlWH
It is Expected That the Talk Will Close
This Week ,
Whether to I'll MS n Federal nicotian
Law , ( mil , IfHO , ofVlnit Char
acter Powell Gels Ahead
ol'SemUor Stcwait.
WisnixoTos BuiirujTin : OVUTIA. BBC ,
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Juno 9.
The senators w ill close up the silver dcbato
tills week , at least that is what they promise
to do , but there is no telling. There are a
number of Intermlnablo talkers who Imvo
not ) ct been heard on the bill and nro likely
to bleak out at any moment. The sliver men
have a majority in thu senate as in the house' ,
and it is their purpose to amend the bill that
passed the house on Saturday and then offer
it as n substitute for that which was re
ported from the senate committee on finance
homo weeks ngo The amendments will bo
Ihsttoicquiro the secretary of the tieasury
to puichase I.IiOO.OOO ounces of silver monthly
instead of l.nOO.OOO worth , which will bo so-
nousl ) objected to by tlio president nnd the
fcecietary of the ticasuiy , mid that may cause
the bill to be vetoed.
The second amendment will botostiiko out
the bullion redemption feature , which was
objected to b ) Mr Pa ) son and others In the
7 hruse 1 nskcd Senator Jones today when ho ex
pected to finish the debate. "Wo mo going
to get this bill out of the way just as quickly
ns we can , if wo have to sit up nights to do
it I e.m not give ) ou any positive date. I
can enl ) sav that we will send the bill to the
piesidcnt as soon as possible "
evict seoxuxiiuuvts.
The republicans hold a caucus tomoirow
night to clc-cidu :
1 Whether they shall pass nn election law
at this session of congiess , and
2 If so , w hat soil of a law thcv shall pass
Thciols a ileeidud eliffcienco of opinion on
thcj subjce t Tlio radical clement in the
house of lopiescntativcs wants the Lodge
bill passed bcfoio adjoin nment , but tlio eon-
hcrvutlves strenuously object and prefer the
Howe II bill if theio is to bu any legislation nt
all ' 1 he latter aio in thu majoiit ) , at least
theie is a sufficient number to prevent the
adopt ion of the Lodge bill as a party meas
ure and ft is well known that-such a measure
would never be concurred in by thu senate
The Lodge bill proposes to plnco all the
federal elections , all the elections of membeis
of congress and piesidentiul electors under
control of fudeial official < at fedeial expense
It takes the federal elections entiicly out of
the hands of the states and it would cost
4 it > OOO.KK ( ) to hold a national election under
* * - ui h a law \
ThcJUowell proposition is simply foivtho
extension of Uio supervisory < . ) stcnr that ,1s
now In use in the large cities over the cntno
coliiitiy Under existing laws supouisors
inn ) appointed in the sevcial districts , but
the ) do not have the sumo pow eras these
whoseivo in cities , which the Hovvell bill
gives them The lattci bill is moii > generally
approved in the senate and it is likely would
pass that body vv ithout much trouble Thu
caucus tomoirow night will decide whether
nn ) such mcasuio shall bo taken up at this
This federal election law has been on the
republican list of bills to bo pissed bv the
iin-sent congicss tine ] bpeakcr Heed has been
in f ivor of it fiom tire beginning Ho has al-
icad ) cariicd out his piogiammo without
changi from Uio beginning of tbo scesion to
the pi son ! time and ho wanU to complete
it wthout nn Intel ruption or bicak To
do that ho will have to use
us mue h foico In the caucus ns ho did to carr )
the silv er bill , but he Is picpircd to go v eiy
fin to accomplish ills purpose I asked tbo
bpi akcr this moining if thu election bill is to
be passed
"Yes , ' ho lepllcd , "if w o , can ngico upon
the Icim in which it shall bo adopted "
' Ili'W doou mean" ' 1 asked
"Tliei - is a ililleiencu of opinion as to the
ineasnu < pending , bomewunt the Lodge bill
nnd some the How ell bill , and wo huvo to get
them together on some sott of n compromise
ineasute , which Ijthlnk will be easy to do. "
* A V llTOlli I OK IOVV I II.
The bitter light between bemitor Stewart
oflSeuiilii and Majoi Powt.ll of llio geological
binvi v , which bus been going on all winter ,
has been won b ) Powell , and tlio indignation
of the simitoi knows no bounds
, , The qunriul began last summer while the
committee cm litigation was mulling a tour of
investigation through thowest. blew in t was
the clmiiimm of the committee and Powell
went with the pait ) b ) his invitation They
were then the best of li lends but fell out
nbont boincthing , Just whut Is not clear
bornesu ) that Stew ait was Jealous of the at
tention Powell received on the Journo ) , that
1'ovvell was called upon to make speeches
Avhcn lie ( Stowml ) sliinld have been , and
that tin guest of the committee phi ) eel the
blur put cm the tiip , which belonged to the
chairman But whatever the cause may have
been the men who stinted out as friends to-
tinned us enemies , and Stew tut has been
lifter Powell evei since At the beginning of
tills session he won a tempoiaiy victoiy , and
though bemitor Plumb seemed an amendment
to the uigenev delUtcne ) bill mipioprluting
& ? uHM , ( ) to continue Uio litigation smves
which Powell bud begun under tlio direction
of the agricultural department , and ho pro
posed an appropriation of $4-20,000 to continue
them dining thu next ) car under the same
depmtment , taking the woik entiicly out of
Powell's bunds Then Stow nit went befoio
the house committee on appropriations nnd
ilemuiulcd that the geological smvey , of
which Powell is director , ho abolished en
tirely The committee dec lined to accede to
tills ilcmund It bus not only made Uio regu
lar appropriation for the geological suuoy ,
but has taken thu iiiigatlon woik from the
iigiicultmtil depaitment and restored it to
Powell again , giv ing him 750,000 to carry out
his plan Thu president and sccretaty of the
interior and thu scctetury of agriculture sus
tain Powell. 'Iho agtlcultuud depaitment
docs not want the irrigation binvoy. It is
out of its line of work and belongs in the geologic
logic ul bureau
Senator Stewuit will doubtless make a
tubboin light when the sundi ) c Ivil bill , In
which the nppropilntton appeal's , comes up
in the senate , but In the house Powell lias
been vutoiious , and with the exception of
Senator Plumb lie has the senate committee
on appropriations with him
THU DANkiiii-ri \ nn.i , .
There is a delegation from the National
Bar association tijlng to secure the passage
of the banltuipti'i bill whkh has bicn pend
ing since ) Uio beginning uf the session. They
visited the mouthers of the committee on rules
individually ibis morning wlioagiied that a
da ) would bo set libido for the consideration
of the bill xtul the prospect Is Unit it will
come t i this within the next week or ten
da ) ; . The pending till ! is tlio result of a
compromise between the creditor and the
debtor interests and Is v cry generally up-
proved b ) all the bar associations throughout
the eoiintr ) . The speaker b.ilel that ho was
in favor of thu bill and there secnis to boa
general demand for it.
Senator Paddock has propo ed the follow
ing nmendmenU to the river and harbor bill :
\H'thu general and svbtonmtii improvements
of the liver from Its mouth up , includ
ing office and traveling expense * , sal
ary of tlio commission , surve.vs , gaugctt , etc ,
(1,000,000 , for woik in iie'cfliMiinco with the
plans and ftpivillcutlons of thu Mlssoml river
commlssloii all regularly ettlmated for at
Sioux City , In , SlftO.OOO ; at Omaha , Neb ,
tl.MUOO ) , ut Plattsmouth , Neb , ? 100,0K ( ) ; ut
Isebnukii Clt ) , $160,000 ; ut lulo { , Neb. ,
.Senators AHUon , Parvvell and Paddock ni > -
ptinvd before the > % enuto committee ou coin-
meive this aftenion and made inguments In
bupprtoftho uppropuutlon for beginnlug
VVOIK ou thu intpebcd lUuuc-pIu cauul , whKU
Incorporated In the river and harbor bill
by the homo ,
The Brotherhood of Railway Brakcmcn is
now at work on the house committee on rail
ways mid canals as It has been with the son-
nto committee on Interstate commerce and
will probably sccuio n favorable report on
the bill requiting railway companies to use
safety appliances couplings and breaks on
freight cars. The commlttco is not disposed
to go as far as Mr. Coflln , the agent of Uio
brotherhood , desires , but It will report
some kind of a bill.
The postmaster general has appointed II.
W. Cole postmaster at HulTtoti , Brown
county , South Dakota , vice U. T. Payne , 10-
Congressman Dorsoy has been trying to
pet the approval of the officials of the war
department for a temporarary bridge across
thoMissouliat Sioux City. The absence of
the secretary and the chief of engineer's to
day prevcritcd the success of his efforts.
Matthew Signor of Lexington , who has
Just been graduated from tlio naval academy
nt Annapolis , bus been assigned to the now
cruiser , Uio Chinle * > ( pn , which carries the
admiral's flag in Pacificsquadron. .
Ho was the ) oun est man in his class , and
his assignment is looked upon as a great
W r. Gurlcy of Omaha Is in the city for a
, fevv divs
II. w. Oxnnrd of Grand Island , who has
been he-re for some davs looking after legisla
tion affecting the taiill on sugar , stints west
tonight to attend to matters in connection
with the opening of his new factory. Mr.
Ovniird expects to produce a many tons
of beet sugar at Grand Island this
W. P Klls.vor-thof Holdiegc , clerk of the
comity couit of Phelns county , is in the city
on business connected with the pitcnt office.
Miss Stlnson , a teacher In ttic state reform
school tit Kearney , is in the city on a visit
and is accompanied by Mrs Dildino of Kear
ney. Puiuv. S HLLTII.
XO A 1,1 EX I. I
A Bill to Prohibit Foreigners I'roni
Hii ) In American LandH.
AVvsniNOfos , Juno 9. KepicsentatSves
Dates from the committee on Judlciaiy today
rcpoited to the house a bill to prohibit aliens
from acquiring title to or owning lauds
within tlio United States. Air elaborate ic-
poit accompanied the Dill. In It the cominit-
tee says the power of the government to
totally exclude aliens from coming within its
Jm iscliction , as has been done in tlio ease of
the Chinese , no ono questions This sovereign
eign power certainly inel-ides the lesser ono
of defining what property rights they muv
exetciso after they me admitted , and
dming the continuance of their
alien condition. "Your comtnitto has
nscci tallied , "sas the icpoit"w it ti reasonable
certainty that certain noblemer of Kuioi c.
principal ! ) Englishmen , have acquired ami
own in the nggiogato about Ul,000,000 acics of
land within the United States. AVe have not
suflleiont infoimatlon to state tlio quantity
owned b ) untitled aliens , nor Is It Important ,
us it is general ! ) held in smaller bodies This
alien non icsulent ownership will , in the
couiso of time , lead to a sstem of landlord
ism ineompitiulo with the best intcicsts and
fice institutions of the United States. The
foundation of such a sstem is being laid
broadly in Uio western states and tointoiics.
"Iho aval ice and enteipiise of L'uiopc.m
capitalists , " the lepoit continues , "have
caused them to invest many millions in Amer
ican railroads and land bonds , eovei ing per
haps 100,000.000 ucicsthegr eater par t of which
under foreclosure sales will most llkcl ) before
ninny years become the property of these for
eign bondholders , in addition to their piesent
pi nicely possessions. This aggressiv o loieign
capital is not confined to the lands it bus pui-
chuscd , but o\crleaping its boundaries bus
caused hundreds of miles of Vublic domain to
bo fenced up for the gra'lng of vast he-ids of
cattle , and has set at defiance tbo rights of
honest but humble settle-is. "
The bill proposes to place thcso aliens
under disabilities of civil law us to all future
attempts to acquire lands in this country.
"In other words , " tbo report sas , "tbo bill
is a declaration against absentee laiidloid-
isin "
It declares that all foicigu born persons
who have not been naturallied me incapable
of taking a title to lands an ) w hero within
tlio United States except for lease holds for
not exceeding five v cars The bill contains a
provision which will compel alien landowneis
to cease to bu such or i become cituons of
tlio United States within ten ) ears
"The bill , " the repoit us , "would pre
vent any moio abuses llko of n Mr
bcully wtio resides in England and is a sub
ject of Queen A ictoila , but owns 90,000 acies
in Illinois occupied by tenants , mostly
ignoiaut foieifiieis , from whom ho receives
us rent SitKi.OOO u ) ear aid expends it
"The Sehuly estate of about two thousand
. acres w ithln th cit ) limits of Pittsbmg and
Allegheny City , from the rents of wbieh tbo
Schulvs , who mo subjects of the Hutish
queen , cK-aw i nnuiilly not less than ? IOJ,000 ,
is another it stunuj of alien landloullsm In
Aim i lea Tie tenth census showed Ui it the
United States , had : > 70,000 tenant fanners , the
laigest numler po .sessed b ) any nation in
the wotld "
In conclu-lonthMcportsnys. "
inereaso in our people and the forc-ignei'd who
Hock to out shotos annually and who uy com
petition aio reducing the wages of labor , is a
problem for Amotican stitesmen to solve
Multiplication of Uio ow nets of the soil is a
correspondingenlaigoment of the number of
p.itiiots , and every land owner in this coun
try should owe allegiance to the United
States. "
The Cotton Section of the Tariff BUI
WvsnixoTox' , Juno 9. The cotton schedule
of the taiilt bill formed Uio basis of action by
the icpubllcan mcmbuts of the senate finance
committee thin morning. The consideration
theicof was completed. The changes decided
upon weto few mid unimportant Some mem
bers of the majority of tlio committee nro
Inpeful of concluding work on the bill by to-
rnoiiow night.
Thu republican congressional cnmpiign
committee will open rooms tomouow iit-JJ
Madison phuc , opposite Lafactto sqiuno
The postotllco deii.ii tment has offoroel a re-
waul of l.r > ,000 for the aricst and conviction
of Uio jjitle-i who robbed the logistoicd mull
pouches w hen they held up the train in South
Dakota Saturday.
Thopiesident and family returned to Wash
ington on the Dispatch ut noon.
Kepivscntatlv o McKao of Arkansas today
introduced In the house a bill providing for
tlio fico coinage of silver , for Increasing
United States tic-usury note } c.ulicnito
nuke the total issue thoicof equal In amount
to thoioveiiucsof the go\eminent for Unit
M-ar , lor the Issue of tu-asur ) notes to ic-
phiio the national bank notes sinicndcred for
thu iv peal of the laws iiuthoii/tng the sale of
United States bonds and for tlio ire-cumulation
of a gold la ono of < tOO,000,000 and finally
for the cove-ring of that rcsuivu into the
trcusuiy as available assets.
benutor Plumb today reported adversely
from the committee on public lands a bill to
prote-ct hind claim mts within railroad limits
bv petmtttlng them to pmclmsulund from thu
- - ovc-i nine-lit tit „ ' BO per aero w lie-never It is
held not to bo w Itlnn the land giaat to a rail
road company. Acconipuilng thu bill is a
letter from the commissioner of the ge-netal
land olllco recommending that tlio bill bu not
lussud fur the teason that the interests of
buna lido settlers weio sufileientl ) protected
Under tlio present law s
This aftei noun Senator * ) Allison mid Par-
well mid members of the house from Illinois
and low a appeared bofuto iho senate committee -
tee on commuivo In siippoit of imnppiopilu-
tionof sf.W.OOO to begin wenk on thu Hcnne-
iiin canal project contained in the river mid
liuibor bill. The item wus retained la the
bill , only ono \ ote , Unit of Vest's , being eust
against it in committee.
Killed HIAVIto and Hnlolcicd.
CIIKUO , Juno V. Joseph Montiv , a carpen
ter aged tlfty-sovon. this nfteinoon killed his
wifonnd fatally sliDt himself. Thocouplo
had separated some time ago.
Ver ) Seveio Hall Storm.
Coi i Mill's , Ml&s , Juno 9 The most sovcro
hail storm ever known about lie-ro vUltcd the
vvesliin pint of the count ) ) cstcrduy Great j I
ejanuyo was douo to tire croi uud la catllo. i i
The Schema of the Union Pacific to Issue n
Now Batch of Bonds ,
Passenger ItntcH Itcstorcd to Their
Old H.islH on All LlncN i\cept :
Between St. Iionls and Kan
sas City llailrond Gossip.
BOSTOV , Mass. , .Tuno 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tnc BI.E. ] The announcement in the
World today that the directors of the Union
Pacillo railroad hud secretly determined , in
dellanco of the law of Ib73to issue $12r.00,000
gnai-anteo Oregon Short Line bonds was a
supilso to the Union Pacific people hero and
their friends , as it was supposed to bo a state
secret. The firm of Lee , HIgglnson & Co ,
bankers ho have the deal to manage , wcro
astonished and made a futile ctloit to Imvo
tlio matter suppressed , but wcro foiccd to ac
knowledge that they were about to issue a
circular to the Shoit Line bondholders , which
was to htivo appealed tomorrow , and the ex-
posuio befoio their explanation is annoying.
The rallroid people referred till qucstioncis
to their bankers , who , through their execu
tive manager , Colonel Fairchild , flatly re
fused to enter into any explanation as to tlio
nnturo of the circular. Nevertheless the fol
lowing correct digest of the plan was ob
tained , v iz. : That Lee , Higglnson & Co. will
bring out in New Yoik mid Boston simul
taneously with London and Amsterdam 512-
500,000 Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern
per cent collateral trust bonds secured by
a like amount of Oicgon Hallway and Navi
gation stock deposited with the American
loan and trust company in Boston as trustee.
The bonds bear date of September 2 , IhbO.
and mature In IM ) ' * , nregold bonds guaranteed
by the Union Pacific compiny , subscriptions
to open June I. ! and eloso Junr 18. The pnco
will bo ! ) i and interest fiom March 1 , 1M)0. )
To confirm this a letter is published hero
today fiom President Adams of the Union
Pueilie , now in Oicgon , in which , among
other things , he saj s. "It is a very dimple
pioblcmto pull the Oregon Short Line and
Ut ill Nnitluin tlnough and make it a ic-
niuncrativo load. In spite of the navigation
companj's ' lease the Short Line is riot over
capitalized. "
There- Itlood on the Jfoon.
CHICAGO , June 9. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bri : ] The battle cr" is sounded and
the war in rates among the central trafllc
roads begun. To meet tno reductions made
Saturday by the Grand Trunk road the other
ecntial tialilc lines ngiecd to quote , begin
ning Mondav next , the following reductions
fiom Chicago to the seaboard : Beef , -12
cants , i educed from ! " > ; laid in tieiccs and
poik in banels , iM cents , reduced from 25 ;
live cattle , 21 cents , reduced fiom 20.
No ono knows and apparently no ono caies
where the see saw reduction will end. Tr.vfllc
Manager Hce\cs of the Gland Trunk sajshls
road wilt maintain at all hazaids tholi cent
differential it fought for and won two jcars
On the other hand the Lake Skoro says It
will meet any rate made by a competitor.
Tills see-saw reduction will soon have the
rates down to nothing unless one side or the
other weakens.
The Grand Trunk will probably tomorrow
quote ! 19 cents on diesscd beef and corresponding
spending icdifctions on the other commodities ,
to go into effect on the Minio day as the 4J
cint ! basis of tlio other lines. The Canadian.
Pacific "is on easy street" in the fight.
The reductions ere caused in the first
place by the Canadian Pacific and its
Wabash connections quoting tlio Grand
Trunk differential rate ot 11 cents and gob-
Wing up all the diessol beef business , while
the others were dunging ls > cents. Now the
Canadian Pncitlo has only to follow the re
ductions of the Gi and Ti link to keep rn the
swnn , and the llriht will apparently lie be
tween the Grand Trunk and the other lines
Passenger rates were restored to the old
b isis this morning by nil lines in the old
Western States Passenger association teui-
toiy. The onlv exception is by the lines be
tween St Louis mid Kansas City , where n > .3
round tup i.ito will bo made until the Bur
lington's issue of tickets at that ratoaro
This block of MO tickets has caused no end
of trouble They wcio issued bj the Hanni
bal & St Joe line of the Bmlington. In spite
of pledges to the contiaiy they aio finding
their way into brokers' bunds , the Alton hav
ing bought six on Satuiday at dlfteient Kan
sas City scalperollkcs
There is little doubt that ex-Vice President
Goddirrd of the Atchison will bo elected
chairman of the now western p issengor asso
ciation at tomoriow's meeting The commit
tee appointed to select a chairman has ngiecd
to report only Mr Goddurd's iiiinio and an
election is suto to follow , unless he refuses
to tal.o the olllec.
The now ngi cement will make a i evolution
In tlio sale of tickets It lias been the prac
tice among western loads to have
an unlimited number of 'igents at all promi
nent points. The new agreement provides
that theio shall bo only one city ticket olllce ,
besides the depot office , in each city , except
Kansas City and Topeka , where mi additional
ono vv ill bo allowed.
This rule goes into effect July 9 It will
wipe out the hotel ticket ofliees , as the Cen
tral traflic lines took a similar action three
months ago.
juoiinr.n itvsTJtiKiits.
Air Unsuccessful Attempt ' to Itnn
Coliiinlins Htrcct CiirH.
CoitiMiiL * , O , Juno 9 At noon today the
Consolidated street railroad compiny made
nn attempt to run cars The police weio
massed at the barn where the attempt was
made and mound which somo2,000 people had
assembled. The fli-st cur was derailed after
running a mile. The dtiver was pursued
through the alloys and finally oscrped.
The second cur vv as also thrown across tlio
tracks and was damaged bj the stiikcrsaml
the conductor and di Iv er stoned. The pollco
hud no contiol and did not pretend to give
any protection to the new employes , their
s } inpathies being plainly w 1th the sti ikers
Overtoil thousand pcomowoiomassed within
a couple of squares and the excitement was
The driver of a second ear was afterwards
cscoited to the depot and placed on a train
Mayor Biuck then issued oidcrs that no moio
caw bo run today. After this older was
soon restored and the stiikers dispersed very
'llicuompan } Is discouraged and attilbutes
its Inability to inn cars to lack of pollco pro
tection. A consultation was had with Ad
jutant General Hawkins in regaid to calling
out the mtlltia , but ho thought the necessity
liiut not arisen.
The city council tonight adopted a resolu
tion calling for arbitration of the mutter and
Instinetingtho city solicitor that if the com
piny refuses to arbitrate to institute proceed
ings for the revocation of Its charter.
The company contemplates another effort
to stint Its cara tomorrow. The manager
sajs tlio company will neither arbitrate nor
ad vane o wages.
Ituso Dull .Men Ari'CMod.
KouiifTHt , } Y , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuu Bi c ] The members of the
Philadelphia ( Athletic ) and the Hochestcr
biiRobill trinn , AmeiUun association , with
Umpire Toolo , woio in rested hero this 1110111-
ing and coinmunded to appear foithwllh before -
fore Justice Co > of the town of hondcquult
to stand examination on the churgo of pbiy-
ing base hall on Sunday last at Wlnsdor
Uiuh In that town The members of the
two teams waived examination aud wcro
Ueid. in 100 for the fraud ] ury.
vii / : . t cur.Mts Airiitt JGx
lr , Pattern Decries UIQ Present
.Methods of I'li
Pinxcniov , N. J. , JUno'tV-Tho exercises
of tlio ono hundred find * forty-third annual
commencement at Prlncet6n college began
jcsterday by the baccalaureate sermon by
Dr. Patton. Spcaklrigof the study of tlio
blblo and methods of interpretation , Dr. Put-
ton said , in part : "Tkcrffnro men who stand
in our pulpits and preach on the patience ot
Job and the moral courage of
Daniel , who find material for
sentimental sermons on thp seasons and en
tertaining sermons on thojloclal follies of tlio
day , and practical sermons on tlio Importance
of sleep or the need of restraining the imagi
nation , but who me silent respecting the tre
mendous fact of sin and the doptnatlo signifi
cance of atoning blood. ITdo not say such men
mo handling the word of God deceitfully for
I am willing to have them plead guilty , if
they prefer , of literary incapacity and an un-
scholastic stupidity tunCprovc'nts them from
seeing that the bleeding Clnlst is the central
fact of the scripture. Cultivate disci iintn-
atlon. seize upon master thoughts , get hold of
the big end of till questions , rest your opin
ions in broud and deep rational foundations ,
Follow the gi eat trend of evidence and do
not halt for minor difficulties , and do not let
trifles feed doubt.'o
for mulate our faith in crcfcd statements , and
aitci * a centuiy or two find that the church
and creed in o not in exact accoid. This is
nothing to wonder at. It is the same old
question of the letter tud the spirit. The
science of ethics is becoming the science of
what is , rather than what ought to be. and If
the doctilne of rlghtucctcds at all it is w Ith
the determination that whatever is. is right.
In the name of reason I protest against this
tendency in thought. I rcfuso to abdicate
under the ten or ism of public sentiment. The
historic , monument , as wijll as the actions of
individuals , must bo Judged bj fixed piinci-
plcs. Wo cannot eliminate doctrines because
wo do not llko 'them ' , nor can
wo insoit new yones ourselves
because popular clamnr calls for
them. What is wrltteiu Is written , but It
will bo i cad with different emphasis in dlf-
foient peiiods and will bq intcipieted in the
light of tlio binning questions of these peii
ods , and will bo brought | nto relation with
science and philosophy. Do not hastily as
sume that every great movement is nn in-
spiied movement. I have no faith in the In
spiration of largo masses of men. "
Reformed I'ic.stij tci lans.
Ni vv Yontt , Juno 9 At todaj 's session of
the Uefoi med Pi csbyrcr Ian sj nod the report
of the committee on temperance was read.
It provides for the total abolition of the liquor
trafllo and only tiiifcimcnted wine will bo al
lowed at the Lord's supper In regard to
tobacco the report declare ? that no joung
man should be eligible to Uio mlnlstrj who
uses tobacco in any form. '
The report savs ' : "Wo note with special
satisfaction the 'example , set by Mr. and Mis.
Wanamakcr in giving ther ? entertainments
without wine. "
The report touchcs-upon the discussions in
congress on the temperance question. The
recent decision of the supiome eouit respect
ing "original pickagcs , " the report snjs. has
a fuv oniblo side , in that it makes national
legislation upon the liquor traffic necessary.
Speaking of the influence and power of the
liquor interest it says"On state
occasions liquoisweigh down the table
picsidcd over by our Christian president and
Ills lady. The \ ice-prcsiduit goes in this 10-
spcct to greater excess and besides this dc-
nvcs piollt fiom the sale of liquois on
property which ho owns anjil controls. "
The report closes by saying the law of total
abstinence should bo most rigidly enforced
by the courts ot the church ; "that w o record
our emphatic disapproval of the example of
all pei-sons , especially higlf officials , in so far
as they aid or abet the direful evil of liquor
indulgence. " *
Oillfornin Presenting Her Claim to
the "World's Fair Committee.
CHICAGO , Juno 9 [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BLIThe Hon. W II Mills , a Califor
nia land commissioner with a letter from
Maj or E. B. Pond of San Francisco , visitid
Mayor Crcgier , chairman of the woild's fa r
grounds and buildings committee this morn
ing. Mr. Mills was selected at a conven
tion or delegates held in San Finncisco lo
represent the claims of Cnlifoinia nt Chicago.
That state wants ten acres for its exhibits.
Major Crogier informally and unofficially
told Mr. Mills that ho dill not think the de-
shed ten acies would bo allowed. If it is not
California will confine her exhibits to tlio
margrns of the v.nious diives , wheio the
floral and vegetable products will bo arranged.
according to localities. It is planned that a
restaurant whore only California products
can bo obtained shall bo elected. Olive oil
will be made on the grounds , a department
will bo reserved for the manufacture of silk
fabrics , stumping mills and mining machinery
will bo displaced and there will bo n gioat
variety of raisins and fruit exhibits. Call-
foinir intends to pav tlto entire cost of the
buildings to bo used for its-exhibits. The
citl/ens are asking that the legislature appro
priate 5)00,000 ( ) for the purpose , bat conserv
ative business men thinkfiOO.OOJ will bo suf
ficient. Land Commissioners Toisjth and
Do Young , also fiom California , will aid Mr.
Mills in presentihg the westein state's claims.
ix TIII : sojuioxs.
Attention Called to the Provisions of
tlio .MelCinley HI ! ! .
Lovnov , Juno 9 In tlio commons today
Vincent called the attention of the house to
the fact that the house of repiesentativcs at
Washington had passed a , bill for enhanced
prohibitory duties on cutlery , tinplate and
other articles of British oxpoit. Ho asked
whether tlio Ihiglish government , having 10-
gaid for the disastrous effect while tlio
senate's approval must have upon Shef
field , the Midlands , Soutli Wales
and Belfast , would nilhoro to its
views that the free imnoit sjstem of the
United Kingdom precluded Instructions to
the Biitish minister ut Washington to repre
sent to Uio United states government the
injmj which such legislation would do to the
industry of a friendly power which in IbV )
gave a free maiket to JLy" > ,000,000 worth , of
Ami'iican competing goods
faeuctniy Fcigrison said the government
hud not been Infoiined ot any impeitant al
terations In the tariff bill.
Dillon spoke of the danger to the public
peace from the violent and unconditional
action ofjtho magistrates and police of Cashcl
and Tipperarv ut the rocqrit nationalist meet
ings. " '
Glnditono supported Dillon's motion.
Baifonr said tlio force was sent to Tipper-
arv to preset v o order If anything &eiious
hud happened the blaine would rest upon
these vv ho dolled the government proclama
TUT. it KST iii.onit JTA iGT.A M > >
A CoiiHlKiiinnnt of Valnahlo Horses
Shipped for Aineilua.
lCu ) > irfi/M It&i l > u Jnmti fionlim Jlennrtl 1
LONIIOV , Juno 9 [ New York Herald
Cable -Special to TUB Bri-Tlio ; ] steamship
Dcinmnk loft the Thames today for Ameilca
with a consignment of horses which for ele
gance , quality and pedlgieo could not well bo
surpassed Thoyinoof the vorj boit Hack-
my blood In Unglaud. Brown rushlon , the
well knonn Hiicknoy htulllon dostlncd fern
n season In Aincitca , will bo sent
back. These horses aio for Dr.
Webb , hon-in-law of the Into Comoduio
Vandeibllt. and there aio six riench coach
ing maios for Vandorbilt. Of the full con
signment the most notUeiiblo is tlio famous
mine , Hud of Alice , the well known chestnut
which caused such a sensation at the Hack
ney show at Islington in IBtO.
- -
llo Defended Ills Ilrolliur.
LI.MNIITOX' , Ky. , Juno 0. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.fcJ-Owen Bradluj , a well
known nice horse tinlncr , shut and moitully
wounded Prko Jcnldns this moining Ji-nk-
Ins had a light with Brudli-j s tirutha U 111
lost night and this mouiin Owi u tuuli it up
U r i J 'Icr the shoot , n g
Seven Men Killcil anil Several Seriously In
jured Near Warrentown , llo ,
It IH Not Known to AVhom the Animals
IJeloiiKCd The Persons Killed
oWero GrooiiiN anil
Stable Bojs.
ST. Loui , JunoO A serious railway wreck
Is repoited from Warretitown , sixty-one miles
\\cst of hoioon the Wub.ish road. The ills-
patches to the headquarters of the road sny
Unit two freight trains collided just out of
Wairentown at 1:2 : > this moining , that both
engines and eighteen caw wcio wieukcd , and seven men \voio killed and
Theio w'ero eight palace horse cars at
tached to ono of the ti.ilns , laden \\itli lace
horses en ionic to Kansas City , two of which
were wrecked , and the seven men in chin go
of the horses are leportcd killed. Fiften
horses aioIso rcpoitcd killed.
Of the trainmen several received severe in-
Juiics A wrecking ttain was send out from
Mobeily mid surgeons fiom scvetal points
weiosent to the scene as soon as possible.
The race horses were eniouto fiom Latonln
to Kansas City , and weio consigned to Bcr-
niml Cot rigan , pu'sidcnt of the Kansas Clfy
jockey club , but it is not known to w horn they
belong. The persons killed wcio gtooms and
stable boys. -
The names of the killed nro :
WILLIAM H. THOMAS , Cvnthlann , Ky.
IIENHY STONL3 , trainer.Huuodsbuig ,
JAMHS and PUANK KULLY , Chicago.
ii3 SIMONS , Lexington , Kv.
MOHKIS GHUHN ( coloicd ) , Frankfoit ,
SAMUEL DAVIS , jockey , Lexington , Ky
Five others iecei\ed injuiies moio or lea- ,
Mrs. Gifiniscm oC hc-liujlcr Admitted
to the liar. , Neb. , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Btr ] Distiict couit convcnod
hcto this moining with Hon. A. At , Post pro-
siding. A largo number of non-resident at-
toineys weio In attendance , among whom
were Hon. W. It Kelley of Lincoln , Geoi go
Legge of Omaha and C. O. Sabin of Chicago
The morning was taken up with calling the
At the opening of couit in the aftoinoon
the committee who weio appointed on the
examination of Mi * Annie I ) . Giimison , for
admission to piattice , hiindcd In their icpoit ,
which entitled her to admission. She
thereupon took the oath of ofllce , ic
cclving the many compliments of the com land
Mrs G i unison is the accomplished wife of
ex Judge James A Gumison , Who has been
one of the leading members of the bar tieio
for the past eighteen J eais and now has a5
uutcd with him in hib practice
H. Thomas.
The case of the state vsA. .
charged with obtaining money b
tcnse , was then called and the Httornoys for
defense caused consternation in tlie couit
room by filing a motion to quash ( he regular
jmy panel , which motion was sustained and
the regular jurj dis 'liaiged. The sheiiff was
sent for and ordered to impanel a new jury at
oneo , which was obtained about ! o'clock. It
will exhaust at least seventy iivo jurors by
the time a jury Is selected in the case.
The Woods-Poolc sensational mnrriugc case
will undoubtedly go over the teuu.
IllclumlB lit the King- .
rnr.MONT , Neb , Juno 9. [ Special to TUB
Bi r ] The first authorised announcement of
the candidacy of L D. Hiehards for governor
was made this evening by the D lily Tribune
The- piper concludes its editorial as follows
"The republicans of Dodge county w ill delight -
light to honor Mr Itlchards Dining his
long rcbidenco hero ho has built for himself
a reputation which is woith farmoio to him
than the olllco of governor. And so , in pre
senting him as a candidate for that high
place , his friends and neighbors feel that the )
are at the same time iccogniziug worth and
Uuo nobility of character , as well as con
tubuting a sei\ ice to the state "
The Tribune , which has in a certain sense
been Congiessm.m Dorsoy's peisonal organ
for the past twelve years , savs that Mi
Dorsoy has pledged his suppoit to Uichaids
and that ho can not be a candidate On this
point it says : "It assumes that ho will not
bo n candidate for reelection It does not
know that ho is a candidate Ho made the-o
volunteer pledges deliberately and without
anv outside influence ; it is thciefoio natural
to suppose that ho made tlicm fully expecting
to keep them To assume that ho did not ex
pect to do so would bo to do great \ ioleuco to
his personal and political integiity , "
Volition AVeio IHsonsm-d.
Nusos , Neb , Juno 9. [ Special to Tin :
BLJ ] The Nuckolls county alliance mot
hero in secret session on Saturday with an
attendance of sixty-live delegates , represent
ing all the alliances of the county. Aiiangc-
mcnts weio neatly completed for celebiating
the Fourth of July. They accepted , with
thanks , the $400 subscribed b ) the citizens of
Nelson to miiko the celebration a success.
This was quito liberal on the pait of the elli
/ens after the alliance hud decided to monopo
lize the celebration and had seemed the giovo
which the i iti/ens me accustomed to use for
that pin pose The membeis mo veiy close
mouthed about the rest of their business , but
it has leaked out that politics cai'io up for dis
cussion and that action was taken in favor of
putting n complete ticket in the llcld , and
delegates weio elected to go to the conven
tion ut Hcd Cloud for that purpose
Yesterday was children's day in four
churches. Thoio was a profuse decoration
with ( lowers , handsome emblems to please
and instinct the little ones The day was
beautiful and the churches wcio all well
Anll-PrnhibltinniNtH at Il
IUsrtV ! , Neb , Juno 9 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : lUe. ] Colonel E 1' . Koggcn ,
secretary of the State Business Men's and
Bankers' association , was in Hastings today
and in company with Banker Doltilch visited
the unions business liouse obtalnlni ; endorse
ments and slgnatnies favorable to the anti-
piohihltion amendment , and succeeded in en-
lollmgtho names of neaily every huslnuis
firm in the city. Mr. Ho gen sa\s ho finds
few business men who , while they oppose
prohibition , do not evince n disposition to
openly or publicly decline themselves Sev-
eial instances of that character wcio encoun
tered in Hastings.
Died at a Kipo Old Ago.
Krviixuv , Neb , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : 111:1 : : . ] Miss Milllo Dunnolt ,
aged ninety-seven years and six months , died
lieioymtoidur. She was In good health up
to a fevv days before her death. She took the
first promtum at the county fair list full on
fancy needlow oik , which aho made without
the aid of glasses. Stio was the oldest pin-
sun living in NubiaMm.
One-nil Weaver Will llo There.
UHVTUICINcJ , Juno 9 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UBP ] Tito Beatrice Chautuu-
qua manager announces that they huvo so-
euiod thu services of. General Weaver , the
famous greenback advocate of Iowa , fur one
or mote iiddiiMboii during the assembl ) which
begins hcroJunu L'O , to contlnnu eleven du)8.
I'll D Caused l > ) a Child.
Ill ITIIH t , Neb , Juno U Spiilal T'U
gram to Jiu , Hit llio bain e > f ( jeuigo
HuiiUl , foul iiillcj uvilU ut Ihla vlt ) , was
destroyed by llro Saturday evening. The
lire was caused by n child phi ) lug with
matches. The bam and all of its contents.
feed , agilcultural implements , wagons and
harness , were burned , mid two adjacent coin
cribs with 1XX ( ) bushels Of coin. Loss ? 1,000 ,
pnitlally Insured.
A Legal Knock Dim n.
GIIVND 1st. . - , * , Nob. , Juno 9 [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Urn ] In the tilal of n ease be
fore Justice Uoodall today Attorneys W. II.
Saunders and C. 1' . Logan indulged In n legal
knockdown , the llo having been given by
Logan. ThO gentlemen * paid their line and
the couit ad Join ned.
Hcor Shipped into South Dakota. '
Nionuun , Neb , Juno 9. [ Special to Tun
Bi r ] The Nlobmra brewery has opened up
quite an extensive business on tho"oilginal
package" system Last w eek UIO kegs were
shipped over the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul 10 id into South Dakota , forty kegs of
W hlch went to Yankton. ,
Lively Time at Nelson.
Nn ov , Neb , Juno 9 [ Special to Tun
Bur.- witnessed the dover
Bur.Satuiday ] largest crow
over sc n in Nelson outside of some holiday
celebration. Tlio causes seemed to bo the
circus , the alliance meeting and the conven
tion of the labor pmty , nil of which wcio in
successful operation on that day.
A DofootUo Kltie.
* KBUISPY , Neb , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bi r ] The farm house of Mrs.
Charles Black , on the island southwest of the
city , burned this morning , together w ith pai t
of the contents Loss about Sl.fiOO. The
building w is fully insured. The ilio caught
fiom a defective liuo.
The Itc-Hoot'tlio nine.
Brvrmcr , Neb. , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BFI : ] Klaborato preparations
nro being made for the landing of the steam
boat Belle of the Blue at this point Wednes-
daj next. The event will bo signalized w itli
impiesslvo ceremonies , music , speeches , etc.
Cm-bint ; Contract Awarded.
Biv rinciNeb. . , Juno 9. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bi r. ] Swigiut & Shepherd of
this city wcio today awarded the curbing
contract for paving disti lets 1 and fi at 00 7
cents per lineal foot The ouibing is to bo
ol Colorado sandstone.
HaccH nt rie-e.
BrvTHici' , Neb , Juno 9 [ Special Telc-
giam to Tin : Bi n ] The Beatneo laces vv ill
begin on Juno IS and continue through until
Juno 20. The meeting ptomiscs to bo ono of
the most inteicsting evci hold in this section
Itiondy on the Bench.
Bi-VTinci : , Neb , Juno 0 [ Special Tele
gram toTiinBui ] The disliict coin t for the
summer term convened this rnorniiig with
Judge Broad ) on tlie bench.
_ _ _ - * *
TIII : jKESi > EX < iEittjr"\ii XEHVE.
And by Displaying It Sn\ed His Com
pany ThoiiMindH.
ST. PAH , Minn , Juno 9. fBpcelal Tele
gram to Tin Bu > ] The postal authorities at
St Paul , Tacoma , Helena , Portland and other
points have been in constant communication
today to an iv o at some conclusion as to the
amount of money stolen at the tiain lobbeij
near New Salem just bcfoio midnight Satur
day. The lo s in the postal car was vci )
* , ptobablj ? 10,000.
Seventeen legisteied pouches wcio lipped
open vv ith bow ie kuiv cs , but the highwaj men
compelled the mall clerks to sweep their cou
tents Irfto laigo sacks for tjio conv enlcncc of
the robbcis while traveling. There wei o ov cr
tliieo hundred registered letters in the pouch
which was sealed at Portland and ordered di
rectly through to St. Paul.
Whogitho robbers entered the ear a clerk
was setting forty registered letters. which ho
had picked Up nt Miles City , Glcndfvo. Dick
inson rind New Salem. Ho attempted to hide
them , but the cocked revolver's of the robbers
thieatoilcd instant deatli and ITU yielded It
is stated 'that the Northern Pncillc express
company ivlll present the express messenger ,
Angevlnc , W ith a check for lUOU forhls brav-
ci v and coolness
His lion ticasuio box has been sent back teSt
St Paul. It contained > lb.VJO. The only
thing taken fiom his car was a shotgun
Dispatches fiom Bismarck and New halem
state that the whole country round about is
sw aiming with c.ivahymen from Toils Bu-
loid and \ates.
A fiesh trail going townids the Black Hills
has been discovered and it is believed the
desperadoes will bo captured dead 01 alive In
the next few hours The tracks of hoises
going at great speed indicate that thcio weie
at least six of the lobbeis Not mote than
Unco or four wcio seen on the train , but the
other's weio doubtless on watih
Alaimmg stones aio told by passengers
who in-lived hi'io when the Hist shots w tie
hcaid Thciu was a gnat commotion , Con
ductor Stillw ell and the porters ran thumgh
the cats crying to evei.vbo'ij to got out then
revolvers , but not ono to bo found , how
ever , among the passengers or emplovcs
Theio was u great scuimbling to hide their
Mrs Henry Dellavcn of Portland had
8,000 in bills on her poison. She was equal
to the occasion , however , as she cut the plush
on her seat In the blecpcr and shov cd the
I Valuable Discove'i ) loi-
M vusii M ITO N , la , Juno 11 [ Special Tel
egiam to Tin : Bi i : ] C. H Brock , a inem-
llcr of the Eighth low u cavalry , in lumning- ;
ing tlnough the old records of the count }
this aftoinoon , discovered among the pio-
ceedlngs of the board of sup nison in
fbU ( , that on December 7 of thatyearit passed
a resolution giantmg ? I5) ) to overj mm who
should enlist alter th t date In Janu ir > fol
lowing the boaid pa isrd another resolution and
gianted the afuiesa I bo mty to all who had
entered befoio or sliould enlist after that
d ite , duo in * M ami i il p i > inents , w ith l > per
cent Interest on unp lid amounts. Brock ac-
loidingly HUd a ciilin today amounting to
over i jK ( ) . He fmt'icr ( liscoverol tint it
would take $ ( )0MK ( ) to pay the claims to which
the soldiers enlisting in this comity are en
titled Tlio only thing that can ] ) i event the
collection of these . alms Is the statute of lim
itation , whli i , it Is sild , docs not apply to
government debts to Usdcfl.ii leis ,
Pour t'hlldi'i'ii Drowned.
Dvvixi-oitr , In , Juno 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bi v ] Kupld City , a co il min
ing town of four or live bundled souls , lo
cated on the Illinois slduof the Mississippi a
few miles above Divenpoit , wltnoised u
diowning disaster Sunday. 1'ivo children
John Yost , Magglo Baker and Albeit , Chillies
and Lela bhoib of ages between Unco and
eleven j care went out In n HliifT above the
dam at that place , intending toroaoli the Is
land near by. They wcro tikon in by the
cinrent that ran to the mill race , and before
any ono on the bank could help them they all
went over the dam. John Yost was rescued ,
nu uly cli owned , below thu fulls , but the uth-
ocs i erished. The body of the Baker girl and
ono of the boys 1ms been recovered , but the
others aie still in the river No ono in the
village know of the intcnliun of tuu chlldicn
when tliuy cmbaiked.
. -
The IloHolnid Tionhlc Sullied ,
WUHIXIITOV , Juno 0 General Scoflcld ,
who is acting scctetary of war , has received
Information from Geaeral Hugur to the uiTect
that the ti outdo on the HnKcbud between the
settlers and tlio L'he'jennes seems to hnvo
Mibsldod. The Indiiins Imvo a ieed to sur-
rcndnr the piUoiicTd ( lemiiiidcd by the mi-
An I'x-Stato 'l'i caKiiicr IndlutcMl.
JACKSON. Miss , Juno --Tho Jury
today returned two IndlitmenU iiKainbt ox-
Klato Treasurer HemiiiKvviiv for the alleged
( . 'inbLwk'munt of fll' > , ( Kh > of state funds Ho
iik.idcd lint jttiHU uiut ti | > ju'l- ' | ) X < H ! Inn
ball ul f i > ( XK > en < . , ! < u > ' 'l tun i * I liO bail
Will I'lVliabli Uo fuiUi Ui i tuiiiui i vV
The Omaha Quanta Onrry Away the lirsl
Prize of $1,000. ,
j . *
. *
v A-
The Giiardi Leave Kansas City Amid
n Storm ol' Doafcnlnt ; Chc'cis
Xlio Veidlot Heartily In
dorsed hy All.
, Mo. , Juno 9 [ Special Nrolo-
gnim to Tin : Bri' ] The Omaha guards
marched through an immense crowd at tlio
Union depot tonight singing "Woiuo the stuff ,
for that's what the Judges all suj " The im
mense crowd cheered wildly and the gallant
guards lifted their caps with a wild Inn rail
for Kansas City and liergi and national en
The guards left for Omnhu tonight covered
with honors and $1,000 richer In n grand ptlro
than they w ere upon ai living hero The com
mittee Into this evening made the nvviiuls
and Omalur got the first piio of
$1,000 for tlio best maiden In
fantry dilll , with n line gold medal
to Sergeant Toyo. The boigennt was so
picatly surprised when his piizewasin-
nounced that lie did not have words at his
command for a response.
The check of 61,000 was handed to Captain
SchaifTinnncdiatclj upon the announcing of
thopiize. Kx-Governor Thomas T ( iltten-
dcn , ex-Mavor Divenpoit , Captain \\ihon
mid Geneial Devol inailo huppj Hpcoilics in
the inosculation Just before the n suit was
announced Captain Schaift of Omaha denied
the right of contest to the Mnsuitinc > , la ,
lilies on the giound that the foimoi bad com
peted bcfoio and weio not In UK maiden
This gave rise to a dispute whli li 1 1 suited
in the questioning ot whet her ( . 'aptaiu
Schnrft was a commissioned ollliei 'llio '
trouble was settled in a moment , however ,
and Omaha was the victor.
The contestants in this class weio Omaha
Gmnds , $1,000 and medal ; WaMnngtoii
rcncibles , WOO , Himisvvlik Killis , $ UK ) ,
Company G , St Louis. Mnscatlne Ulllcs ,
I'luunK KUIcs , Marmaduko Guards , Hulk no
Gmnds , Companj G , Third legiment , Denver
The vv oik of the Omaha gnaids on eveiy
dull , exhibition or competitive , bus been
excellent and the gcncial veidlet of the
public as well as the Judges was that they
should hav o the pii/e.
Tin : ctio\iX' < ' .i s.n ; i f.v.
A Trip to ilolict UesnltM In an Imp > rt-
ant Discovery.
CIIICVGO , 111 , Juno 9 [ Speilul TiU'piam
to Tin : Bii.J The Journal this moining
publishes a long sensational article In regard
to the Cionin case , alleging that 'mpoitant '
new diseovoues hive been made tlnough the
instiumcntalitj of John Kim/ , the ( icuium
suspect , who was i gi an ted a new timl and
finally lelcascd
"It bus Just transpired , " snvs the Journal ,
"that Kmu , in company wlthJ A ( j nun , u
prominent member of the Cronin committee , '
and a detective left the city Satuulai night
foi .Tolict , vv hero it is said they transacted
some business witlt the state's aMoincy
which will bung consteinution in the at
present defunct camp 120 of Uio Clan nti-
"In addition it is also confidently stated by
those on the inside and in a position to know
that Jollet will lose at least ono of its most
inteicsting inmates , and possibly two The
ono who is said to bo certain of pndou is
Pntiiek O'Sullivan , who , it Isdoclaied , has
made a clean breast of Ida w hole know ledge
of the conspiracy at the urgent pkullngoC
his former prison mate1 , and in coiw .iionco
of certain liu ts which have come to Kun 's
know ledge biiuo In
A Ilcmlci Intr l > y the Callfoinlu Conit
Hesnlls In a Diop in hiiir. .
Svv Pn VMMMO , C.d , .luno9 The --upiemo
couit rendered a decision en bane todaj in the
ease of Theodore Haveinoyer and otheis
against the supcuoi couit of thu clt > and
county of ban Francisco , being an application
for a wilt of prohibition to lestraln tlio
supciior court and receiver fiom acting on
thooideis of wild omt appointing SHid ri1-
ceiver Tlio oidei was granted on tlu > giound
that thci compinj h.ul Joined Uio sugar
'I ho practical eftv < t of the Jmlgnp nt of the
snpienie tourt tod.ij is to lele'iise tht i < llnoiy
fiom the control of Uicioeelver mid .ill older * !
of Uio supeiini eom't , pending the n - > ult of
the appeal It is tin * niidi'istaiidlng Unit the
icllnc'iy will bo allowed to lesnmo business.
This means the throw ing on the loial mnilict
of o\or sixteen thousand bnicls of sugar ,
which have been lei knd up in tbo wuuhouso
since I-Vbruaiy 17 Manager Molt of tbo le-
llncrythls iiftcinoon reduced the rate from
! i to 0'a cents on gi inulalcd sugar.
riro itiv i , iitn : v.
Piopai'iitloii- FlKhtlnt ; Ono of the
( i I'.H 'I rusts.
KvxsvsCm , Mo , Juno 9. J. D Ilei the
well known hi c vv er.has . i cturned fi om ( 'hu .igo
wlioio lie hud been the p ist week looking in
to matters pci tinning to tbo coming wai be
tween the distillers nuotporation Inuuuag
the distillcis and latilo fecdcis tiuttt and
these not In m < oid with It It
Is jnoposcd to eiccl two distiluiiia
tit a < est of about * , ' ,0 < X ) , < HJO Tin n joint
can.ulty will biv-ubout ; o)00 ( ) bushels .if pmlu
daily , which will bo m cat enough toiupvw'tli
the ( omblncd nutput of the tinst noith of the
Ohio liver The locution of the dintiiu ncs Is
not jet ugiocd upon , but it islilti'lv that Kan-
has cllv will si'curo one of them Itisu.cited
that dlstilieiii'S Will bo cicctcd and uu Iv for
work sixty da\s from thu time one of the
capitalists diiei ll.v inteicated and vv bu is now
lit Uuiopo , letuins
.loo Menlino'
Nivv YOIIK , Juno si [ Special T < lepi am
to Tun Her.I .loo McAullfto and Bill * . Mad
den will sail fur England tomoium > j | > the
steamship Wisconsin MoAullfli- xpi i ts to
whip Sluvln without mtich trouble mid sus
If his expectations inn iiiU/ed Sullivan will
Imvo to lU-lit him I shall light stannprob-
nlily in bepiembiu , ind 1 am couii 1 i > > that t
shall \vin , heenuso I urn well ncqiiun.u I with
Sluvln'H porfoimiinces am1 knmv us umili
about him us any .Vmi-i'leiui Meant ! " Mud-
don will UMVO up the WIHJ foif'ii uimii ha
posted with WaUi-lv to mul.u a mut. li i tvvecn
Sullivan and mv- > elf , ami the bitifili > v in.iy
coven1 it Just asKOOII u bo pleases "
Died In Hfri Pow.
Pun VDCii'inv , JutieO' Hov J B liif'st ,
aged llfty-flvo .Vi'ais , ellod lust ni.i ' < > h < 3
pow in tbo iZinumiel Knfniinid I i rua
C'huieh , the pllbtemiU ) olvvblill li' i i nuel
twoye.irs ugo after u paialvlli MI . . Iho
deceased w us at tin ) time of hit , , \ico
presidunt of the' Kcm-ial synod of nc lo-
lonncd Lutheran chuu h of thu L'inu < i btutcs.
AValved an Kvnmlnalloii ,
Hi nox , S B , Juno U [ Spr-eiul IVIc-grain
to Tun But. ) Pix-d Hundloy , who was tultea
before Justlco ( jiiint tuduy , cliuigc 1 uiili tin )
muide-r of Ills fatbe-r , Hon. / T Hundley ,
lust Tuesday , waived anoxamlmitu < n oixi wun
committed to Juil to iiwult the uetuuuf the
gi ami Jmy at thu bepiembor distin t court.
Mrs. Hundley and duiiKlitur lUiU guvo
bond for Ins uppeaiumu 'llio bm nee-ins
holly uuc ( jiu < ten el and is in ti ! > nc tot
hMUtl 'IllelC' In II IliVtti IV NuriJIUHltUf * till !
tuuidui that , wtll i'tuUubt ) livel Uu Kuuwu ,