Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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That is the Olaira Advanced by Pike and
His Followers ,
iloHUHMalK"i | : < l.Slandered nnd Trlcil
to , . Injure tlio Ilcpntntlou null
Social Htntulliii : of tlio United
Htnlo.s Jurisdiction.
OMAHA , Juno 7. [ To the Editor of TUB
JJnn.J The southern Jurisdiction claims that
they originated in Charleston , S. C. , In IS01 ;
that the body became Inactive a few years
later and remained dormant until resurrected
by Albert Pike In 1807. Albert Pike hoped
by this move to bo tlio Imperial magnate of
all Masonry in the south when tlio prospect
ive confederacy should hnvo become an es
tablished fact.
'i'lmt their beginnings were feeble Is proven
by Pike's own words In his transactions for
JbSJ , appendix , page 7 : "On March M , 1859 ,
upon a call from me , the supreme council met
nt Charleston , Thcro were present three
brothel's , Maekoy , Lol'rlnco nnd myself , "
That they never had any previous record
ECO Pike's transactions , 1878 , page 19 , where
Pike says : "lam often asked why wo do
not pulillph our old transactions , to which I
nm compelled to reply that wo have none to
publish. Wo hnvo no record of the
transactions from ISOt to 1SCO.
I do not know when I was elected u member
or when grand commander. "
The southern Jurisdiction was founded on
aristocratic principles with n inonarchinl
form of government , the high ofllcluls hold
ing life positions and advancing to a higher
only by succession consequent on the death
of one above and nil beyond the power of the
members to remove them or discipline them
for any Masonic offense whatever.
Head these extracts from Pike's Transac
tions , IS. " to 1800 , page 88 , In the address of
Pike , March -"J , 18IX ) : "For our rite was
never intended to bo a popular rite. The re
cipients of the higher degrees ought to be
select , n few In each place , discreetly chosen.
The Initiate should bo as the initiate origin
ally was , a natural king and spontaneous
priest for the erring multitude. "
See Secret Constitutions of the southern
Jurisdiction , article ! M , which says : "No
pemon in the world has the right to institute
proceedings against n sovereign Inspector
general , grand commander , nor even cause
him to submit to any nominee. "
They claim the right to mnko entered ap
prentices , fellow-crafts and master masons ,
and establish blue lodges under their control ,
nnd they have done so. See Piko's Transac
tions for 18iO ( , p.igo 'III : "The assertion of
our illustrious brother.- * , that our constitution
disclaims all control over the llrat three de
grees , wherever organizations of these de
grees exist ; that the f rnmcrs of these consti
tutions prrohibit their successors from
meddling with the symbolic degrees ; nnd
that their action was to bo confined to the
lodges of perfection nnd to the degrees above ,
and including the fourth or secret master , are
strangely incorrect. "
"It is true , " says Albert Pike , "that Art.
XIII provides that the sovereign grand inspectors
specters and deputies of the supreme council
may delegate to deputy inspectors of at least
the thirtieth degree so much of their powers
ns may enable them to establish , regulate and
superintend lodges and councils in any of the
degrees from the fourth to the twenty-ninth
inclusive ; but this is a mere afllrmativo pro
vision that does not nt all negative or sur
render the power of the supreme authority
of the rite over the first three degrees ; * * *
nnd that the thirty-third degree governs
them all. "
This proves that they claim the right to
control blue lodge Masonry and dictate terms
to all Masonic bodies. See Piko's oillcinl
bulletin , December , 1871 , page -151 , where ho
states : "Tnmnulipas lodge chartered by the
supreme council for Mexico and Central
America , at Vera Cruz , of which the Illus
trious Brother Comfort was sovereign grand
commander : that the supreme council was
regular and legitimate , being established by
the supreme council for the southern jurisdic
tion of the United States and having ample
iiower and perfect right to establish
blue lodges of the ancient and ac
cepted Scottish Kite. The lodge in
question was and Is as regular
n lodge as any In Texas. "
On pagofioof Historical Waifs in tran-
nctlons of supreme council , southern Juris
diction , wo ilml : "February 15 , 1S57 , Illus
trious lirother Albert O. Maekoy thirty-third ,
acting as most puissant sovereign grand com
mander , opened the supreme council in the
lirst degrcoof Masonry. "
On page 71 : "Tho general grand com
munication having no further business to act
upon , the mostpuissant | sovereign grand com
mander closed tlio supreme council In the
llrst degrco of Masonry. "
See also Piko's transactions 1800 , page 125 :
"Friday evening. March ill ) , the supreme
council resumed labor In tlio third or mas
ter's degree according to the ancient and ac
cepted rite. "
They claim the right to print and sell the
complete ritual of the blue lodge degrees , and
have done so , and every Scottish Kite body
of the southern Jurisdiction is com pel led to
buy and keep these rituals , furnished by
Albert Pike. See Piko's transactions 1857 to
16(10 ( , page 258 , where Pike says : "I
have completed the rituals of all the
degrees , so that from the flrst to the thirty-
second inclusive they are either printed or
ready for the printer. "
The transactions of Pike's council for 18S2 ,
appendix , page 01 , gives the price of these
rituals , viz. : "iUtual , blue degrees , a 13
pages , $ , " > ; secret wovk , degrees ono to three ,
forty-three pages , So ; secret work , arcana ,
ono to three , sixteen pages , V
As proof that these rituals were offered for
sale wo hero uuoto an advertisement pub
lished in July , 187'J , In the Evergreen , a
Mnsoujo monthly magazine edited by T , S.
Parvin , grand secretary of the grand lodge of
Iowa , and sovereign grand inspector general
of the supreme council for the southern Juris
diction :
" \Vo are requested to publish the fol
lowing advice : The following works
hnvo been published by the grand coun
cil for the southern Jurisdiction of
the United States and nro for
sale by the secretnrv general , Illustrious
lirothor Albert ( J. Mackey at 220 I street ,
Washington City.
" 1. Hltual ofoUcgrccs-1 , 2,8 : 1 vol. 250
' 2. Ultunl of Degress 4 to 14 : 1 vol.315
pages , " etc.
See also transactions of October , 1SS1 , sec
tion : "Every lodge of perfection must have
ono copy of the ritual of the blue degrees
with the secret work and may have four
copies of that ritual. "
Urethren of Nebraska , what do you think
of this southern Jurisdiction that will open a
lodge of symbolic Masonry without a warrant
of authority for so doing I Are wo not taught
that It is wrong to write , print , sell or
nvitnulof these degrees I Do you not think
Uiis nlono Is suftlciont reason for declaring
all southern Jurisdiction Scottish Ulto Ma
sons clandestine I They claim to bo the
mother of council of the world.
See Piko's transactions , October , 1SSI , page
6 , section 1 : "Thonan.oof this supreme council
is 'Tho Supreme Council
( Mother-Council of
the World.1) ) " This Is , Irdeed , u strange claim
for a council that began in 1857as Piko's own
words show , and 101 years after the rlto was
originated lu Franco , and llfty years after
' I the United States was begun by Joseph
CVrnenu in New York.
They claim to bo recognized by all foreign
Scottish Kite bodies. This Is not true , as
i witness Piko's words in the Truusetions , IStW ,
i I page 2NI : "Youlll see that the grand
orient of Franco has once more with iiuiecent
luisto acknowledged ns legitimate the supreme
premo council of the United States , its terri
tories nnd dependencies , although oursupromo
council , which it thus with alacrity insulted ,
had a grand representative near it , and it bad
ono near us.1' '
See also Plico's Transactions , 1879 , page 11 :
'I moat respectfully report that ) I have had
no corrospondoiieo whatever with any supreme
premo council , mid consequently have nothing ;
to report. Ituspcutfully submitted ,
"H. 1J. Fauxcii.
" ; = > , Grand Chancollor.11
In Uiolnst onietal bulletin of the supreme
council ot Colon ( island of Cuba ) 1SSU , Is pub-
lUhod a'lijtter from Aloort Pike , wherein no
"Souio Umo sincq the grauil orient of Spain ,
\SL \
which ha * a supreme council of the thirty-
third within its bosom , entered into relations
of nmlty with the supreme council of the
United States ot America , of which John J.
Oorman is nt present the grand commander ,
exchanged representatives , guarantees ot
friendships , and even went so far as to elect
Gorman nnd othoY member ? of ills council
honorary members of the supreme council of
"It Is Impossible for us not to sec nn act of
hostility toward us , nnd a formal declaration
of no dcslro to maintain further relations of
nmlty with us. "
Considering the fact that Spain nnd her de
pendencies have more- than seventeen thou
sand Scottish Kite Masons , the United States
Jurisdiction more than six thousand members ,
nnd Piko's lllegltinialo Jurisdiction all told
less than ono thousand members , it
Is not strange that Pike feels down
cast. Concerning tlio council of Costn
Illca , which Pike claims has organized his
supreme council , ho says In his Transactions ,
ISsO : "Urother A. 1C. Osborn was commis
sioned ut grand representative with orders to
run the machine in his own way. This ho
probablv did , although nothing has been
iienrd from him for more than three years.
Since then I have learned that Brother
Osborn , unaided hnd nlonc , has continued the
existence of the supreme council. "
Pike hu not much to bo proud of from Cen
tral or South America when ho is recognized
by n supreme council consisting of ono man ,
and that man appointed by Pike himself.
They claim to bo recognized by England
nnd Ireland. Let us sec. Under the supreme
council of England and her dependencies
there are only about four hundred members
who have taken the thirtieth degree , nnd of
these 120 have received the thirty-first de
gree , nnd again of these lost llfty-Ilvo have
received the thirty-second degree , nnd only
thirty members have received the thirty-third
degree. Scotland nnd Ireland have no thirty-
third degrco members.
The southern Jurisdiction claim the right to
exclude the bible nnd not bo governed by it.
See Piko's transactions 18(0. appendix , page
2M. In the words of Albert Pike , viz. : "Tho
blblo is the only rule nnd law of York
Masonry , whllo wo without requiring our
brethren to reject it , do not accept it as our
code. You are. nwaro , my brother , that it
docs not take u very cunning casuist to find
In it the Justification of every Injustice per
petrated by man. "
The southern Jurisdiction members refuse
to discuss the history , use or legitimacy of
either or any Scottish Kite , knowing full well ,
ns many readily admit , that they never had a
legal Masonic right to nn existence of any
kind. Their Idea Is best expressed in the
language of Albert Piko. See his transac
tions , 1800 , page 09 : "Our supreme council
proceeds upon the principle that prescription
is a good foundation of title , in Masonry as
well as elsewhere ; that after a long lapse ot
years , thQ undisturbed possession of a Juris
diction and mul.itcnnnco of it when disturbed
is sulllclcnt evidence of a good original title ,
and dispenses with the productlonof n paper
title , and that this is n principle established
for the Interest of those who in good faith
have acknowledged the legitimacy of the
given power , and received from it the de
grees which it has so lonp administered. "
If this is good law what right hnd Piko's
council to bo born in 1S57 , or exist in 1SOO ,
when the United States jurisdiction had been
in undisputed possession of the United States
for fifty , besides having n clear title
from the grand orient and the grand council
of Franco with full nnd ainplo power to con
fer and control these degrees anywhere and
everywhere in the United States of America 1
The Pike followers claim it is their prov
ince and right to rule and control nllMasonry ,
hence they have captured the grand lodge
and propose to dictate terms to blue lodge
Masons. They claim that might makes right
and that the ends to bo reached justifies the
Having been beaten on every other point
the Pilio men now base their only claim to an
existence in Nebraska on the fact that they
had bodies in Nebraska established prior to
those established by the legitimate United
States jurisdiction.
They claim that the members of the United
States jurisdiction have introduced discord
nnd dissensions into the blue lodges. This
claim is absolutely false in every particular.
Tile Pike men hnvo always been the aggres
sors.Thoy have maligned , slandered and at
tempted to injure the reputation , social
standing nnd business ot the members of the
United States jurisdiction.
The grand master in 18S9. n member of
Pike's bodies , introduced the flrst element of
discord In his address to the grand lodgo.
The present grand master , a member of
Piko's bodies , next introduced extensive dis
cord by sending hlsnmwise , uncalled for and
very unmasonio edict to the lodges in the
A master of a blue ledge , n Pike member
nlso , has kept up this discord by preferring
charges against and suspending worthy mem
bers of the United States jurisdiction for be
longing to the snmo.
Pike men have introduced discord
by preventing worthy Master Masons
from visiting or ulmiating with their
lodges , and all because they happened to
belong to the United States jurisdiction.
The members of the United States juris
diction have never boon the aggressors , and
have only defended themselves when they
have been maliciously attacked.
The south"rn jurisdiction claims to bo gov
erned by the so-called constitutions of Fred
erick the Great , said to have been promul
gated in 17Mt.
Pike says in a lecture delivered before the
grand lodge of Louisiana in February , 1858 :
"That the constitutions of 1780 wore llrst
promulgated at Charleston , S. C. , which gave
the law of the Uito , In the constitutions that *
claim the date of 17SO , nnd for their author
Frederick the Second , king of Prussia. I believe
lievo that ns Mines claimed .Tovo for the
author of the laws ho enacted for Crete ; as
Numa pretended to hnvo received his from
the goddess Egerin ; as Mahomet assigned
the authorship of his to Gabriel ; as
these and all the ancient lawgivers
sought to procure for the codes they enacted
a higher and generally a dlvlno sanction ; so
these constitutions referred to the year 1780
were credited to Frederick the Great , that
they might seem moro imposing and bo more
readily submitted to.
"As these constitutions of 1780 became the
laws of our Scottish Kite , because they were
accepted as such by all who became members
ot that right. It was , indeed , from that ao-
ceptanco that they derived their whole au
thority. "
The Scottish Hito Jurisdiction for thoUnitcd
States of America , their territories and de
pendencies 'claim and prove that they were
organized in Now York city In 1S07 , with
full and ample power and letters patent from
the grand orient and grand council of Franco
( the mother of the rltu ) , to establish bodies
anywhere and everywhere they saw lit , in
the country known as the United States of
America , their territories and dependencies ,
and to have supreme control of nil Scottish
Kite bodies organized In said country.
They claim nnd show that the body organ
ized in Charleston , S. C. , In 1S01 , and which
died soon after , was an irregular and illegiti
mate body , with no authority and no powers
They claim nnd prove that the resurrection
of the southern jurisdiction by Albert Pike In
1857 , or soon after , was without authority and
that it was contrary to the established prin
ciples of the order.
The United States Jurisdiction claim nnd
provo a continuous oxlbtenco from 1S07 to tlio
present time. They claim and provo that the
grand orient of Franco in 1 01 relinquished
all claim to the blue ledge degrees and that
the supreme council of the United States ju
risdiction so announced to the world as their
law when they were organized in 1807 , and
that from that day to this they have never in
terfered with the llrst three degrees of Ma
sonry , known ns symbolic M.isonrj that
they have never worked , communicated or
conferred the degrees of entered apprentice ,
fellow craft or master Mason , and have al
ways claimed that they had no right to do so ,
or that they had any authority over these de
They claim and show that theirs Is n repre
sentative form of government , and that their
supreme council is eomi > osed of delegates
elected by the members of the subordlnntu
bodies ; that all ofileord in nil bodies from tlio
lowest to the hlghost , are elected bv ballot
each year , and that tholr thirty-thirds nro
nlso chosen by the ballots of the brethren ,
whllo in Plko'ii ' Jurisdiction ho ( Pike ) ap
points whom ho dckjros.
The United States Jurisdiction deny the
right of any Scottish Hlto body , or any ono ,
to write , print , publish op soil any rituals of
symbolic Masonry us Albert Pike has done
for many years and , still 'continues to do.
They claim that by so doing Albert Pike nnd
his followers are violating the fundamental
teachings of symbolic Masonry mid breaking
their sucrcd obligation * , as all Masons well
know. '
They claim and provo that Scottish lilto
Miuonry prjgjnatoil Franco and that the
11.1-bV supreme cohncil of the world was organ
ized lu Franco lu 1750 under the
control of the grand orient and grand council
of France.
They claim to bo governed by tlio amended
constitutions of 170' , ' , which gave the law of
the rlto and which had existed twenty-four
years prior to the tlmo Albert Pike says his
originated with Frederick the Great.
They claim nnd provo that they have the
authority , the history , the records and n con
tinuous legal succession nnd existence that
cannot bo controverted , and the southern
jurisdiction cannot nnd dare not attempt to
discuss or disprove the samo.
They claim that the blblo is an essential
book In nil bodies of the United States Juris
diction nnd that work cannot bo dona with
out it ,
They claim that blue ledge Masonry is sop-
nrato and distinct from Scottish Hito Masonry
nnd that neither has n right to interfere wltti
the workings of the other.
They claim nnd provo that Albert Pike re-
reived ids thirty-third degree April > , 1853 ,
from Claude Samory , once lieutenant com
mander of the Orleans body In Loulsnnn ,
which had been under the obedience of the
United States Jurisdiction.
The United States Jurisdiction claim nnd
teach obedlcnco to the laws ot the United
States of America , nnd to bo ever ready to
defend their country from foes without nnd
foes within , oven , If necessary , to the sacri
fice of their lives. ThoUnitcd States Juris
diction admits that grand lodges have supreme
premo control over all symbolic MasOnrv
conslstlnc of entered apprentice , fellow craft
nnd Master Mason's degrees , but they deny
that nny grand ledge has it right to introduce
innovations in ancient craft Masonry in violation
lation of nny of the ancient landmarks ,
thereby interfering , with any of the exalted
duties wo owe to God , our country , our
neighbor or ourselves.
Tlio United States jurisdiction claim to bo
frco men , with n perfect right to Join any
society , church , party or creed , so . long ns
they do not violate any of the rules , precepts
or teachings of blue ledge Masonry , nnd they
propose to stand by these principles so dear
to every true Mason nnd frco man , nnd to
strongly oppose the aristocratic and mon
archical intrigues of the southern Jurisdiction
who nro attempting to rule nnd control nil
Brethren of Nebraska , in view of those
facts , and they cannot bo successfully con
troverted by nny one , nro you willing to al
low yourselves to bo bound captive by the
tyranny nnd depotism of the southern juris
diction , which seeks to rule and control all
Masonry and render it subservient to their
Interests ! Usurpation of power to suppress
another , for any purpose , is not what Ma
sonry teaches. Wo nro taught at the very
threshhold of Masonry that justice is that
standard or boundary of right which gives to
every man Just duo without distinction.
"Truth wears no mask , bows at no human
shrine , seeks neither place nor applause ; she
only asks a hearing. " "SuxsmxB. "
Adolf Lalloz , carriage manufacturer , 119
Carroll Street , Buffalo , N. Y. , states : I was
troubled with nausea of the stomach , sick
headache nhd general debility. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me.
Family nnd Markets.
The city markets are Just now abundantly
supplied with flsh , flesh and fowl , and the
most epicurean tnsto can be gratified with the
choicest food at most reasonable cost.
A visit to the loading purveyors of un
dressed provisions gavoassurancotlmtOmaha
is certainly metropolitan in all that pertains
to supplying the wants of the inner man. At
the fish markets wo found fresh trout , white
fish , pike , eroppie , perch and cattish at 12' < ; C
per pound , buffalo foruo , bass and lobsters 15c ,
salmon 20c , halibut 17J < fe , flounders lOc ,
shrimp 2. > c , scallops -10c , soft shell crabs 53.01) )
per dozen , sea bass 20c per pound , Spanish
mackerel and pompano ; t. > c.
At the butcher's choice sirloin roasts were
quoted at 15 ( ! l3c , rib roasts 12Vfij)15c ) , porter
house and sirloin steaks 15 to 2tc ) , rump nnd
round.l2j @ir > c , veal 10 cto 12c for roasts and
15 to ISc for cutlets , lamb is becoming plenti
ful nt 7"e to Sl.OO for forcquarters and § 1.00
to $1.50 for hindquarters. Pork loins are 10o
to 12c nnd chops and tenderloins 12 to 15o per
pound. Mutton is worth 12c , ' ; to 15o for the
leg and loin and lOe to 12e for the ribs nnd
In poultry old chickens nro plentiful nnd
cheap , quotations being from lOc to 15o per
pound , depending on quality nnd ago. Spring
chickens are still rather scarce , but there Is a
fair supply at thejprlces asked say 50c to OOc
each for tlioso weighing ono pound each and
50c to 75e for the larger ones.
Vegetables are coming in fresh
from the many homo gardens
around the city ' and nro of excellent
quality , tlio late rains nnd warm
weather having proved very beneficial. As
paragus is selling at 7c par pound bunch ,
Onions , beets and turnips two bunches for a
nickel. Lettuce three heads for 10 cents.
Cucumbers f 1.25 per dozen for choice homegrown
grown and OOc to 75e for southern. Radishes
are two bunches for 5o. Green beans three
quarts for 2oc , and you can buy two quarts
of wax beans for the same money. Pens are
40o to f)0c pcr'peck for homo grown , whllo St.
Louis shipments are sold by retailers nt 25o
to JiOc per peck. Summer squash can bo had
for 5c each. Now cabbage ' Oo per pound. New
potatoes 30e to 40c per b'cck and old nt ! 50c to
40c per bushel. Tomatoes nro worth 15o per
pound. Apples uro 80c per peck and very
In fruits wo have cherries for cooking nt
123 0 to 15c per quart , while the large Cali
fornia variety is worth 150 per pound. Straw
berries are plentiful and line nt lo ( ) to 12j e
par quart , with blackberries scarce ns yet ,
selling for 20e. Gooseberries bring 12c , ap
ricot * 2c ( ) per dozen , and with this list to se
lect from , a liberal disposition and a well
filled poclcetbook , the housekeeper can cer
tainly supply the wants of the most fastidious
guest , if the cook has not taken French
A pure nnd Reliable Medicine. A com
pound fluid extract of roots , leaves , barks
and berries is Burdock Blood Bitters. They
cure all diseases of the blood , liver and kid
neys. _
Licenses were Issued us follows Saturday.
Namoand address. Ago.
I Francis C. McDurmott , Omaha . 2'J '
J Ann Teresa Lyons , Omaha . , . ' . . 21
( Erick J. Erickson , Omaha . 24
| Martha Johnson . 22
( Frank Erlich , Omaha . 29
( Mary Conrad , Omaha . , . 22
i Charles M. Segor , Omaha . 23
I Beda Malmstrom , Omaha . 23
i Charles II. Grlflin , Omaha . 09
I Mrs. Ella Briggs , Omaha . 'M
i John Banger , Omaha . 20
I Lauretta iSiegler , Omnhu . 15
Thcro are many accidents nnd diseases
which affect stock and cause serious Incon-
venlcnco and loss to the farmer In his work ,
which may bo quickly remedied by the use of
Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment.
Arizona Cattle Shipments.-
The Chicago , St. Paul. Minneapolis it
Omaha road brought in three train loads of
Arl/ona cattle Saturday night which wilt bo
fed on the Indian reservation near Bancroft.
Owing to the extreme drouth on the south
ern ranges , largo numbers of the cattle nro
being brought north , thla being the third
shipment that has como to this state.
Dr. Blrnoypractice limited tocatarrh-
ul discuses of and throat. ] luu bid' ' .
Its superior excellence proven In mlllloni of Immcs
for moru thiin u quarter of n century , u It nto < l " /
tha l.'nltccl Htutcj ( iovcrnmout. Kn > l rm t t > r tliu
linnilHiif tin ) iiiilyorsllln * . in tlio Stronsoit ,
I'nrt nn.l iliut Healthful , Dr. I'rlco'n Cruum link-
Inn I'owilBr , iluoi nut contain nmuionta , lluiu ur
uluui. boMnnlrliirnni.
Now York CtilcuKt ) . San I'ruucltog. St.Louis
IS a blood dlscrauv Until tno poison la
expelled front the system , there can
lm no euro fan this lonthsoico nnd
dangerous nmlmlyt Therefore , the only
effective treatment Is a thorough course
of Aycr'sSaranpnillln the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delayjis dangerous.
" I was troubUdiJvlth cntnrrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies ,
nnd waa treated br a number of physi
cians , but recclvnu no benefit tmtil I
began to take Aycr'fl Saraaparllla. A
few bottles of this mcdlclnu cured mo of
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
Boggs , Holman's Mills , N. 0.
"When Ayer'a Sarsnparilla was rec
ommended to mo for catarrh , I was In
clined to doubt Its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies , with little ben
efit , I had no faith that anything would
euro mo. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and Impaired digestion. I
bad nearly lost thn sense of smell , nnd
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged , when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Snrsaparilla , and re
ferred me to persons whom It had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this medicine , I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease Is through the blood. "
Chnrles H. Malonuy , 113 lllvur at. ,
Lowell , Moss.
fer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
rnr.rAnrn JIT
Dr. 1 , C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
1'rlco $1 ; U bottles , $5. Worth * 5 a bottle.
Circulurv ? ! lUMill3 t > r Q.S-
. , CUH.E TOT\
( LR OVUlE f * i
Santa : Abie t.and : Cat : R : Cure
I'orsalo by'GpoUmau ' Drug C'o.
To cure Illlloiifiness. Sick Headache. Constipation.
Malaria. Liver Complaints , tnko the eafo
and certain remedy , SMITH'S
T7EOthoSMAU < SIZK-10 ( little bcnns to the hot-
tie ) . They nro tlio most convenient ; bull all ages.
1'rlcoof either size , 15 ! cenU per buttle.
WBQCiHEMir" * nt 717 > 70 : rimto-cmvuro.
I .Hv3OHaU panel size of thlfl picture for .J
ccnta ( cuppcra or Etaiups ) .
Sinkers of "Illlo Boons , St. Louis. SIo.
The Purest and Best Drlnlc in the World.
Appetlzizing , Delicious , Sparkling and
the Best Blood Purifier and Tonic.
A I'ackage [ liquid ] L'JCmokes 5 gallons.
EVERY BOTTLE Guaranteed.
No Trouble. Kas-Ily Made. Try It
Ask your Drugslst or flroeer for It and take
no other. Pee that you ( 'et HIUICS' .
Jlado by 0. E. HIKES. Philadelphia , I'enn.
HE , J , E. McC REW ,
Tlio Doctor U imsiirpnucil
In tlio trvutineiit of all
foniw of 1'rlvntu Discuses.
No treatment lint ever hoen
mute tmcct'esfiil nnd none
lias had etronxer cnilorrc-
mcnt. A enrols Kiwi-iintc-cd in the \cry xvnrnt cHees
In frnmltoSilnvi without tlio loss of tin liinir't ! time.
Th'ife who have \ > wn
under las trfnlment for
( jlrlvtiiroordlfllcnlly In
relieving the lil.vJckr. pronounce it a innHvnnilcr -
fill 8I1CC08H. A coiniilcto euro In a few UIIJB hlioul
tmln. Ins'runienU or loss > ( tinio. _
I Amlnlhvcok.
of the
timidity nr ntTVoiipncM , In their wor > > t furina ami
mott ilrmdfil result * nro nt > * oliiti > ly cnreil.
- - Ami all FKMAI.K
nt homo ultliont
InstrnmcnU , A wonderful remedy. IIOL'HS fur
ladles from S to 4 ONLY.
" - B'niiil all Dlffncrs nf tlio Skin ,
flllood , Ili'ntt. Liver , Kidney -
ney mul madder cured.
fulfil in 33 to to days. Tlio
ni'ift rnind , fafo nnd effect-
no tre.iiincnt knoun to thu
medical jirnfesulon Every lr ce of llie ilitoniio rc-
l from tlio Mood : acompldecuro guaranteed.
( fl I-'or "mnn" nr "vvomnn" , em li inc
( slumps ) . Treiitiiiciit by corn1-
Nponclenco Hlnnii for reply.
' N K I'on. UTII AND KiitNAM ST.
Open from 8 A .M to U P. M.
KutranrH nn r'urnam or lith bt. ,
It cati be * Rlirii In u cup uT rofTce ur tt'U , or lu r.
tltlr. offooU , without luo kuowledee ol llie imlUnt ,
if noco ry. It U atuolutely liarmle > < and will cflect
permanent and tpeody cuio. wliethcr the patltut It
moUeralodrlnkeroraaalcotiolianreok. IT.MKit :
FAIL * . It operate ! o quietly anil with such cer
tainty that the putluut uudercoe * no Inconvenience ,
anil ere ba la uwartf , hla complete rcformatloa la
enroled. 49 pace book of parUouUm tree. Tobebadol
KUIIH It CO..JClim UougUaa.i : lHh A CumlliBbH.
0-i-Trada eunplled by 111. A KB. 1JHUUE & CO , aDd
DK\JO \ COM O in all a.
DEADWOOD , S. 1) ) , , May 22th , 1890.
Dear Sirs : My suit of clothes came last ' night in good shape. I thank you ever so much. I am
mbre.tlmn satisfied with my bargain , They'fit just as nice as if they had been made to order in
this city. I will do what I can to advertise your house. I have shown two of my chums the suit , they
were surprised and said they intended to write to you at once , Shall order my fall or winter suit and
oygrcoat from your house. ThanRing you forthefaiV treatment I have received at your hands and
wishing you good success and prosperity , I remain , , very respectfully ,
, ' , TIIIiODORB BLAND , Deadwood , S. 1) ) .
The above is a copy of a letter just received it speaks for1 itself. "We
have dozens of them of a similar nature. They all come unsolicited.
Our mail order department has assumed enormous proportions. "We
supply thousands of customers from a distance and have saved them
considerable money. "We send samples of cloth and measuring blanks.
Our instructions for measuring are very simple , and in nine cases out ol
ten insure a good fit. Our goods are sent with privilege of examin
ing and trying on , and if they are not in every wq - satisfactory , you
need not take them , so you run , no risk in ordering. We also fill orders
for Hats , Shoes and other Furnishings.
Clearance Sale of Boys' Suits. .
The season is Hearing toward the end and we now commence to clear
out our Boys' Suits. The finest must go first , and we announce heavy
reductions to make them move fast. Extra fine knee pant Suits of wide *
wale ali worsted goods , in light and dark shades , formerly selling atr
$ S.5O and $7.9O , reduced to $6.SO. These are of exquisite workman
ship and no finer or better made suits are sold in this city.
Very fine knee pant Suits in beautiful mixtures of worsteds and
cassimeres , formerly selling at $7.25 and $6.75 , reduced to $4.75.
These are extraordinary values , and we would advise an early call
while the sizes are yet complete , as they \vill not last long.
In lower priced Boys' Suits we still have an immense line. We have
done this season an enormous business in our .Boys'Department , and
our buyer has been rather reckless in quantities. You are doing yourself - *
self an injustice if you buy a Boy's Suit outside of our house.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
Light Weight
o o
Heavy Weight ?
Nowadays , it is wiser to
regulate one's wardrobe by
the thermometer rather than
the almanac.
If the morning is sultiy ,
you are sure to need heavy
trousers by evening , and
vice versa.
To meet the demand of
our varying season , we carry
a full supply for hot days or
. A specialty in extra trous
ers. You can afford to be
Dinner Sets
- >
' -At Special Prices.
.Greatly Reduced.
Grand Lottery.of Juarez.
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concosslon.irioi.
Will Uilio place In public nt tlio CITY OF JUAREZ ( formerly I'iiso del Nurlo ) . MoxloO
Under the personal suporvisfon ol GEN. JOHN S. 310S15Y , and MU-OAMIM )
the former a gentleman of such prominence In the United States that hi" nrcsi,1i o alone \1 \
siilllulL-nt Kunrantcc to the public that the drawings will bo hold wltll strict fionuity and fair
ness to all , mid the latter ( the Supervisor of the Mexican Qovornmon' , ; Is of equal utanclmz
and Integrity.
Only 6OOOO TicketsI Only 6O.OOO TicketsI
1 Prize of $60,000 , $60,000 $ , 100 I'rlrni or Approximation I ) oacli Prizes. 5 . ' > . ( X
1 I'rl/oof 10,000 10,000 100 I'rlzin of 30 oaeh it.irx )
1 I'rlzoof 6.0UO Cl > 0 100 I'rlzoJ or 23 oacli
I'rl/cc of i.uuo cuch a.uiM Tnrmlnal Prlzo3.
JO Prizes ( if XU rnch. . . . 2 , ( K Terminals to JCrt.lXXJ I'rl/o or f.'J eacli. . fll ( W
l 1'rlzcs or. 100 encll 6,000 tVJ Terminals to SIO.OJU I'rlzo of 513 each. : . : f.yjo
100 rrlze.i of 1C ouch 6,000
2M I'rlzos of CO uacli iM ) 1014 Prizes amounting to
Wo tlio unrtorslKnccI herpbjr certify Hint the Ilnnco If any ticket rtrawlnz a prlzo Is sent to tlio un-lor.
Nndnnnl nf Mexico In C'lilliuiilnin linn on < elBiiert , Its face vnlnn will l > o collected ami romlUo4
from tlio Mexican Internutlonnl JlHilkln ; , ' C'oinpanjr , to the owner thereof free nt charuu.
the necessary fiimls to Riinrnnteo the payment of all KIKMII II. lluo.VHO.V.
the prizes ilrnwn In the ( imml Lottery of .limroz. President Kl Pain Nntlunil HanW , Kl Paso , Tot.
Wo further certify that wo wlllsniiarvlvinUtho nr- AOBNTS WANTUU3.
rntiKomunt'S ami In person nmnngin uml control all For club rates , or any other Information , wrllfl to
tlioilnnltiKX of tliln Lottery , unit Hint the amo nro ttioumlornlKiioil , Hlullnic your aildrci * clearly , wlttt
conducted with honesty , fnlrncjs nnd In Kood fulth Stnte. County , Straotiiii'l ' Number. Moro rapid mill
townrrti nil parties. tellvijry will ho nsnured by your oncloslim an envoi'
UOUM a. MOSHV. Cominlsslonor. opolinnrlnityour full aildreis. „
Supervisor for the Uovoniiuont. Oltyof JtturoMexico. .
'M'OpT'T ' ( 'Trl Send remittances fort leltcts by ordinary loiter , containing Money Order.
J.N \ t x i ocj. tMHVtty \ , nil Express ( Juinpunlos , Now York Kxuhtingu , Hank Uraftor rostal
Note. Address ull rt'Kl ' tered letters to
GiUj ofJuarez. . Mexico , via El Paso. Tex.
Jewelers and. Silversmiths ,
We invite pnrllculnr attention to our Inrgo variety of arti
cles appropriate for Wedding Presents at
Solid Sterling Silverware , single pieces or In sots , combinations , 4cc. , from
$ Bnpto$600.
Fine Quadruple Silver-plated Ware , In new and elegant designs , embracing
about everything known to the tradu in both flat and hollow ware , so low in
Price that wo dire ; not natuo the figures , being only about HALF OUH FOIIM-
Lamps , Toilet Sots , Candelabra , Bronze Ornaments , Mirrors , besides the
largest assortment of Clocks to bo found west of Chicago , from $1 up to $2 JO-
Ilundsomo Mantel Clocks at $6 , $7.60 , $10 , $16 , etc. , with half-hour stnlto
attachment , cathedral gongs , ice ,
Diamonds , Watches , and Rich Gold Jew
elry at Greatly Reduced Prices.
t Lowest Kates ana All Work Fully Warranted.