Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No iMlvcrllHciiiciitfl will lo Inkon for
these bulunitiH offer ISsJJO p. in.
Terms Cnsli In nilvnnco.
Advertisements under this heart 10 cents per
line fortho first Insertion , 7centsforenohBub-
crmicnl Innortlon , iiniHl.M jicrllno per month.
No advertisements taken for Irssthae 25cents
for lit/it / Insertion. They must run Voiisccu-
tlvoly nnd mint bo paid In ADVANCE , All
ndrurl pemcntH must bo handed In before 12:30 :
o'clock p. m , , and under no circumstances will
Ihoy bo taken or discontinued by tolophono.
Portion advertising In these columns anil
having their unsworn addressed IncnroofTiiB
IIKK will plonio Dak for a cheek toimnbln thorn
to get their letters , as none will be delivered
except on presentation of check. . All answers
to advertisements should bo enclosed In elivo-
All ftdvortlgRmrnlg In thcso columns nro
published In both morning nnd evening edl-
llOntof TUB HER , tho. circulation of which ag
gregate * morutlinn CO.COO papers dally , and
elvestho advertisers the benflflU noV only of
the oltv circulation of Tim HUB , but also of
Council IllnlTs , Lincoln and other cities anil
towns throughout this wcllon of the country.
AilvcrCMnp for these columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , nt the following bus-
ness V onsen who uro authorized to take special
notln.'S , nt the same rates as can bo had at the
QCTrrfl OMAHATriC\NiIOI'KlOK-pornur ;
Oof Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
Gavlngs bnnk building.
TOUN W.HELL , I'hnrmaelst.&W South Tenth
OHABF. &KDDY , StntlonoM anjLJTlntors ,
111) ) , South 10th street. *
S1I. 6'A'KNSWOKTH. I'hnni aclst , 211S ,
Cumlng atreot ,
\\T J > HUGHES , Pharmacist , C24 North
VV. 4 . intti street.
? " 1 EO. W. I'AltH , i'harmacist , 1718 Leaven-
vl worth Ktreot.
H UOHES' PHARMACY , SUh. and farnam
WANTED Employment by gas fitter ; 10
years with Messrs. K. H. &J. Pearson ,
London , Eng. Adujcss G 53 llee. 039-0 *
WANTED Hy ambitious voung man posi
tion where hard work will lie appreciated.
Good writer. Keal estate oillco preferred.
Beat of reference from present employers. Address -
dress O IQ'lleo. 810-7 *
\\rANTED A position by a young man as
T assistant bookkeeper or clerk In grocery ;
can give good reference. Address G JH. Hce.
"VVANTED PosItlon by gentleman stetiog-
' i ographcr ; best of icferences furnished ;
2 years exporlcnce. Address H , 711 E. 10th St. ,
Ficmont. Neb 020-7 *
\VAXT KII > ---MA\t \ 13 UKIiI' .
' \V , ANTED At onoo good slnglo Ucrmiin
> r bread and i-ako baker. Good wages. John
rroythah'r. Norfolk , Neb. ilia
\\TANTED Palcsmon on salary or oommls-
VT slon to handle the new patent clii'inleal-
Ink erasing pi'nrll. The greatest selling nov
elty ever piodueed. Erases Ink thoroughly In
two seconds : no abrasion of paper ; 2UO to500
percent prolit. One agent's sales amounted
1oM20 In six days ; another $ ' In two hoius.
AVe mint one energetic' gcnoral agent for each
state and territory , Sample by mall 33 cents.
For tt'iniH and full partleulars , nildiessTlio
Monroe Eiaser M'f'g Co , , I.a Crosse.Wls. IHO-JO *
* W Ai\TI'll > An nctlvi ) mini for each section
salary ffft to $100. to locally roproscnt a
Biicce.shfiif N. V. company , Incorporated , to
supply dry goods , clothing , shoes , Jewelry ,
etc. . to consumers at cost. Also a lady of
tac-t , salary SKI. to rnroll members ( 0,000 now
enrolled , JlOd.OOO paid In. ) IJeferencos ex
changed. Empire Co-Operatlvo association
eicillt. well ralcd ) look box filO. N. V.
WANTED Man rook for chop house , $7 ;
dlnlng-ioom girls and cook for Iwiardlng
house. White's employment Oillco , 110 N. 10th.
8517 *
\ATANTED-Gcntleman of ability to Intro-
> > diifo among bankers and flnanciors.
Standard semi-monthly banking publication
Addrcs-s. T. U. I'uton , t > ! 1'lnest. , N. V. 857-7 *
" \ATANTED-Salesman on commission to sell
T > manafiio'tiirers' line of blankets , llatincls
and ilri'ss goods , as a sldn line , to th retailor.
Address Curl.Kollnianu & Urotlier , I'hllndol-
plilu. 878-7 *
\\7ANTED-A man lo take an oflicoand represent -
resent n. manufacturer ; $50 per weuk ;
small capital required. Address , with stamp ,
Manufacturer , box 70 , West Acton , Mass.
770-7 *
JDO1CTI1AIT agents ! Do you value line work ,
J. ucmirnto likeness , prompt sorviee , low
iirlceb ? Then deal with the largest copying
house In the country , Shepards , 200 Wnliash
live. , Clilcago. 025-12 *
"I > ( ) V wanted , abi'iiit sixteen or seventeen
-iJycars old , at 507 South Tenth street ; hard
ware Mori' , IWi-O *
A 1IOYI Grand oxpt'iisp-makor for canvassers
Everybody buysW.U.l'rlce.David ! Clty.Nyb
850 Jy5 *
W'ANTED Salesmen to sell goods by sam
ple to merchants ; salary paid to good
men ; samples furnished ; permanent situation.
Model Manufacturing Co. , South llcnil , Ind.
800-15 *
ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
nurscrlus. iitoneAWellingtonMadison.\Vis
\717"ANTED Sub-contractors for rnllrond
" * TT grading ; free transportation. Mc-
Doi.alil , Pcntield & Co. , Fremont , Neb.
818-11 *
A a ENTS-tSO outfit on 30 days' time. JlSrt.OO
pnillt In 4 weeks or no ; pay. Add. , with
htamp : Jarvls & Company , ICaclne , WIs.
"TTITANTKD 1,000 mini for railroad work In
T Wyoming , Dakota. Utah and Nevada ;
wanes $1,75 to $2.50 ; steady work. Albright's
Labor Agi'ncy , 1120 l-'armim st. 8Hly4
WANTED-Salesmen at 875 per month sal
ary and expenses to soil a line of sllvnr-
platrd ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
lioi > u anil team furnished free , write at once
for full particulars and sample case of goods
free. Standard Silverware Co , , Hoston , Mass.
WANTED Energetic men and women fora
uuntcul business unyIng$00 weekly prolit
eusli'r thuii $ CO monthly otherwise ; experience
unnt'cessary ; permanent position and exclu
sive territory assured ; W samples free ; Inves
tigate our money-making business. Address
with stamp. Merrill Manufacturing Co. . II Kl ,
Chli'a'iro. III.
W AN ± K I > FI3M A L 13 II KM * .
ly : best of wages paid. 724 S 10th St. . cor
tier ( it Lcavcuwurth st .Mrs. J. L. Hrundols.
_ _ 177
\ \ ( ANT IvD JI laundry glrisichambermaldir :
T T 5 dining room girls , 10 for hou.suwork. 4 for
the west , and many other place * to fill ; 50
men for railroad work In South Dakota , 10 for
elty work , 1 coachman. Call 318 S. 15th.
TAMNTEIi-Good girl for housework. 2135
Vl i Uunuiy. 014 0 *
_ _ _ _
/ OOD girl wanted at ouco for general house-
VJ work. 2U2Soward st. QUO
" * \V AJfi'KD-T.iiily agents. 1000 Cumlngst. ,
TT upstairs. U54-D *
\\rANTEI-airl for general housework ut
V T fiOil X ! fith avo. D. W. Phclps. 877-0
" \VXNTTn-0110 : llrst-clusa lady cook , one
TT dlulug rtHim plrl and sccona girl : good
wages , Call at 111 S. 17th st. 813-11 *
. .NTKl ) Tlireo uxpericnccd uinm room
i idrUiit lhi > Harkcr hotel , 'MA
\\7ANTKUr\ViUst and skirt umkvn. at JIUs
TT lloii ! > ens,2ir.'a Douglas nt. H.ti.10 *
ENGAHT.MENTS todonress making In fami
lies Millcltuil. Mlis Sturdy , 52o S. 23th uvo.
US.W24 *
MYKA McGlnnltt' IresMiiaklng par'ors
CapltdViiYu. 1 mo und teach the 1'ro ich
tailor system. 100)lt ) >
Kit HENT- Small house * 5 per month. J. J.
fllklnsou , CIS t'axtun blk. U18
"I/lOlt lIUNT Vt'u baivnln , line now clght-
J-1 nxim IKHISO. oil Ilnlsli. 1'lcasuntly situated
und healthy. Only two blocks from cnr line.
Cull at llilcii. . JM12Sowanl ulri > .lt. i8-lO *
710K KKNT'-C-nxnn cottage , furnished or
U' unfurnUheil ; 'JCth ami l.euvcnworlh ; 810
Coif ax avo. Itiqulru 141U Howard , ,011-iu *
XColfax , _ -A , ten-room rusldoiico No. 2011
Jv Harney st. , nil modern ! nipruvunionlswlth
cUlurit. water and gus , uowly painted and
E pored Insldo and to bo painted outside ,
ijuftcd for roomers. Dr. Nuvlllc , U02 Douclas.
, . - . . itKST UcsldoncoH In alt iiartsof city ,
- - - ' List ti > o largo to publish. UIoliu l.oantt
Trust couiuauy , W7 S. YdtU U 571
I poll URST My resul nrc , W13 Farnam t ,
all modem Improvement and very deslra-
ole.Ulehard 0.1'attcrsoii. N.Y _ I.lfc. _ Kl-tt
T/iOH HIvNT fli'niitlful resilience , rast front ,
Jliririi , nil modot-n liuprovc-nioiitM ; ( Jcorglu
ave. Ulch'd C. rattcrson , N. Y. Life uldg ,
KKNT-Dwpllng | , 0 rooms , stnole.
J- all ri'fililiemeirtH for n flrsl-climi liomoj
south front ; 2508 I'apltol avenue ; rental very
Uiw. _ Inquire at ITOI Kiirti nijt ) , Kf > _
" "
"with Rteanrireal. 10th st , near
'Jones , Thomas 1' . Hall , 311 Paxton block ,
( MO
"filOH ItENT At moderate rent , the throe-
JL fliorr and basement hrk'lt bulldlmf situated
lit No. llio notittlfts street , sullablo for manu
facturing , wholesale or warehouse ! purixwos ,
nlio one store and basement No. 107 H. l.lth st.
Apply toChas. Kaufniann , 1U02 Douglas st.
"T71O11 HENT About Juno t , those elegant
-L Mono residence. * on Georgia avc. , S. vuili st.
bet , Mason nnd 1'uclflo sti4. M-o owner for long
tlmo lease. )1. ) II. Henderson , room 400. IUx-
tonblk. - - r > 7
MODEI1N house , nlnu rooms , bath , bet and
cold water , furnace nntl gas , on Doditust. ,
110 per month. I'ifU J. lorthwlel ) < i Ilia S. llth.
1J1OU JMIN'C A flat , of (1 ( rooms. Enquire of
JJ Mr .U. l > iigpanvlloaH. I3tli.roiii1f > . fi7i :
TjUHt llENT House , 10 roomi. all nuMlorn
JLJ improvements ; largo yard , $15 pur month.
Commission to agents. De.itor L. Thomas.
I K YOU wish to rent ft house or store spoil.
E , Cole , Continental block. ft'u
. . . TcENT-Sovon-rn'om cottage on Daven
port sUeetJiiMt west of High school , Kent
} 2C > per month and night-room liouso with all
modern conveniences. Thlrty-llrstjiind Cass.
Kent.MO per mouth. Drennau ft Co. , Chamber
of Commerce. 717-7
" \AfANTEO-Girl to work In kitchen. Derail
> > house , 422 S. 18th St. , 1 blk. S. court house.
'TJ1O1C KENT A five-room house , 2020 Charles
J st. Inquire at 20U Charles Bt. 7M ( 7 *
171OII KENT From July I to October 1 , neat-
JJ ly fiu-nlshed 7-room cottage , conveniently
located. In excellent neighborhood , on liorso
car and one block from motor ; gas , water and
bath ; JlOpcrmonlh ! references required. Ad-
drossGIH , Hco olllce. KM-7 *
ELEVEN-room boarding house , centrally
located , rent $ -10 , furnlturn $275 , J50 cash ,
bal. 125 per mouth. Co-op. L. & L. U.,205 N.lOth.
T A1U1E front room with use of kitchen for
JUhousekei-plng. IKtS. 17th. gTO 7 *
" 1J1UU HENT To gentlemen , nicely furnished
A-southeast front room with alcove and bay
window. All modern conveniences ; private
family ; board If desired ; ngnr Park avc motor ,
No. KM Gcoiglil ttVO IS PJtli st. ) UOO-0 *
"I71OU KENT 10-room brick house , with mod-
J cm conveniences , No. 811 S , 20th st. Apply
ut No. 827 S. Mill st. 67-i
T71OR KENT 2flno pressed brick bouses , east
- ! ' fronts on Georgia ave. . Just north of Leav-
enworth st . 0 rooms , bath , furnace , sewer con
nections , all conveniences ; will rent to re
sponsible parties for $50. M. A. Upton Co , ,
30th and Fariiam. 740
"I71OK KENT Two of thf > finest , residence flats
Jon ? South 10th street , with all modern con
veniences. liot ami cold water , close to llrown-
ell hall. First class surroundings. Apply to
C'lms. Kaufmann. 1302 Douglas st. U.T )
T71OK HENT C and 8 room houses. Inquire
JJ J. F. llarlon. 2010 Capitol avo. 700-10' '
T710H KENT 10-room house. 2003 Hurt st.
JL1 8-room house. 7li ( North 20th st.
5-1 oem house , R 7 North 20th st.
5-room house. 1517 North 24th st.
( ' -room flat , all conveniences. 2119 Farnam st.
Potter & George Co. . 10th and Farnam sts.
_ _
FOK KENT 10 room house , 2107 Douglas.
Inqnlie2111 Douglas. _ 810.
"I71INE residence , modern improvements , 2103
JL1 St. Mary's avc. . $ ft" > per month. Inquire at
premises or at A. Heller's , 1114 Farnam. 150
O KOOM cottage , S. W. cor. 17lh and Clark.
O 829-11 *
/1OTTAGE of 3 rooms in rear of 1215 Chicago
V > st. , near 13th , city water , $0. K'JO ' 13 *
ELEGANT house In choicest part of city ,
south front , overlooking high school
grounds , fourteen rooms , bath , laundry.stoam
heat , barn and carriage house , etc. , etc. ; will
bo vacant Juno 1st. Tlios. F. Hall , 3U Paxton
block. . 521
_ _
FOK KENT 2ncwOiouses , 5 and 7 rooms.
Popplnton park , close to motor. Kent 113
and $15. City water. Stringer & Penny ,
Douglas block , IClh and Dodge. 782.
" 171OK KENT About Juno 7 , 8-room house 33d
-U and Ciimlng sts. KJ5 per month. C. F ,
Harrison. Oil N. Y.LIfo. 489
"VTOUK opportunity to fccui-o the lease and
X furniture of ono of the finest homes In
Omaha , furniture all now , location near high
school , rent low. Will take half Its value ; %
cash , bul. time. Address , E 43 , lice. 211
HOUSES , stores and flats ; all nnw , E. A.
Leavcnwortb. room 14 , Darker blk.
FOK KENT--2 now 10-room houses with all
conveniences , most desirable location. En
quire at N.W. cor. 21st and St. Mary's ave.
FOK KENT Very ntcoT-room houses ; special
teuns made. Apply to Fletcher \oung ,
Ajnblcr jMaciv 203
EOK KENT 5 room house , good repair , nice
yard , cistern water , rent $22. Applv to 1100
South 7th ave. or to Jno , W. Hell , druggist , 10th
l''uU 'ltt7LSa'--Uooi > iis PUTtNT5iri3j > :
"M"EWLY furnished rooms , all modern con-
JL > venlcnccs. lOUOCunilngst , 953-9 *
OOF , , pleasant rooms. 3134 N. 15th , flnt"J , "
wltii first-class board , for gentleman.
I175-J 23 *
T710H KENT Pleasant furnished room with
J ? all conveniences. 212 S. 25th st. 882
1OOMS , with board If desired , 1903 Cap. ave.
IV 794 10 *
T71OII KENT Two furnished front rooms ,
JL ? with bay-windowmodern conveniences. $10
and il per month , with or without board. 221S
Lcurcnworth st. 813
rpo It EOT Bit I to of three furnished rooms :
JL family going away for the summer. 3157
Farnam. 810-7 *
IljEASANT furnished front room. AH con
veniences , 2231 L'urnam. Third floor.
427-7 *
"I71OK HENT 3 furnished rooms for house-
-L1 keeping to man and wife. No children.
Kent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. UCO 7 *
ROOMS furnished with board , 2103 Douglas
720-7 *
\\7IDOW lady without family would lllie a
T T few young lady boarduis , with references ;
block from cur linn , Address G 33 , Hct > .
810-11 *
T710U KENT-Furnlshed rooms. 1J1 Capitol av
_ _ _ 817Jy4 *
FOK KENT Pleasant , furnished roomsat No
514 So. 10th St. , Hat A. Ilur bib. 707 12 *
JJIFKNISHED rooms , light housekeeping ,
JJ 2020 St. Mary's ave. 4J3-0 *
T7IOK KENT New furnished rooms. In Now
J- Terrace , with or jvlthout board , at reason
able rates 2128 Harney ht. 360
TOOK KENT Furnished rooms. 1009 Douglas ,
T71OH KENT Nicely furnished room , all
JJ modern convenience , 2 blocka from P. O. ,
U18S17thst. 577
_ _
IflOK KliNT A larso vud"nlcely furnlslieiJ
room fronting on Capitol avenue , east of
the high school. Prlvatu family. Suitable for
two or thiTO gontlomen. Address G , 51 , Heu ,
XT1CELY furnished rooms , from $5.00 up. nlO
JL > north Stivuntecnth street. 035.9 *
T AKtiE soutli room and boaul for two ; all
-LJcouvunfunces ; close to Imfilnrss center.
Home comforts guaranteed , 1919 Dodge street.
937-9 *
"I71OK KENT Several nicely furnished rooms
-L1 hlnglo ami double. Apply Will Chicago st.
IJIOH KENT Furnlshetl royms ; gas , batli and
- * - ' steam ; 1513 Howard. 678
_ _
ST , OLAIU European hotel , corner tilth and
Dodgo. Ppeclaljratos by weuk or month. 579
NICELY furnished fnjnt rooms with alcovu
to let. Inquire 20 { a't. Mary'a avenue.
. 350
_ _
1pK KENT A largo front'rooui , furnished.
A. ' in one of the Bncst residences in the city ,
r.MB. 191 hbt. , corner Leavunworth. Bit
T. .
O UOOMS.for small I famlVes , 60S N. 13tli.
* > 79.1 10
TTIOlt KENT 4 unfurnished rooms to family
JL1 without children ; modern Improvements ,
ITOt Webster ht. Price t5. ! MO
171OU KENT Two or three largo rooms , front
JL1 and back parlor. 1\ ) Capital avc. D10
ov EIt hardware store IG-'l Howard st.
TTNKUHNISHED rooms for housekeeping ut
- - > greatly reduced prlcon. Clioupo.-it runt In
the city. Hutu Kcntlui Agency , ilH H 19th at ,
of largo ofllces , for light miimtfnotiirliiK
and Mamplo vommlNilon. In Stranit building ,
lOtli ami I'arnam ! clovator sorvleol rent low.
rl\H. ciarkson , 2lu 8. 1 Ith t. KVS 10
" " "
"iTfuirifENf - ! < miiTT sums room , J.v" mith
JLJ Trnth. Pour doors from depot. Siiltahlo
for fruit orrlgar store. Apply ticket olllce ,
go ? Soiiin mill. 8a > .
OTOIIKS at TU7. TOfl , 711 P Wtli. 22x00 imcli ,
rj how \vlndo\vfi , stiMiin heat furnished , TUM !
I' . Hall. 'Ill I'axlon blook. Ml
I flOU ItKNT-Tho 4-story brick bnlldlnp. with
1 or without power , formerly occunlril hytliu
lloo Publishing Co. , fill ! I'atnam st. The linliil-
ln Ims n liroproof cnmcnt la cmciit , complete
stuaiii hunt hit ; llxturei , waturnn all the lloors ,
gas , etc. Apply atthoolllcoof The lice. l'l. ' > .
It UKNT-ritoro 018 a. lUtli su
OFKIOES In Wlthnoll block , 13th and llanmy
troots. M per month and upward ; nil mou
era liuprovumunta. .Call and co them.
roll IlliNT 1 A8CUIIK.
V\rANTKl-Horse9 lo pasture at K.flO n
> month on farm near IrvliiKtonj horses
called for and delivered.V. . li. lloman , Uoom
. Fren/.er block. 58't
BJ. IllEY , rental agent , 200 N' . Y. Life.TI
FOH HENT Houses In nil piirtsof elty. The
O. ! ' . Davis company. 1W5 1'arilain st. f t
OKToTfS ren'tal agciiey , 017 1'iixton b lee It
E. COLE , rental agent , Coiitliieutal blk.
& 0o
K " 1 liavSaRr'niiinohiad ato'iio .
I , , llenbow. 12H ; no. Ml t KSI-Jy 4
IADIKS , It rrlll pay you to call and Invcstl-
J Kate our Lightning Wnltt I'll tori price M :
ciittliiR done to order. JI17J4 N. ISth at. 87tni : *
WOOD tumors , machlno hands and bonoh
carpenters , keep away from Denver , Col. ,
as the planing mill employes are out , on a ,
strike for a nine-hour day. Executive Com tee.
EC8 7'
rpO Whom It May Concern I herewith wlth-
-L draw from the market lots blook. 11)7 ) , elty.
Louis Schrooder. 1)01 ) 7CU
boarders wanted atI03N. . lOtlist. .
cor. Chicago. Mrs. Q. Sattcrthwlte. igj-7 *
' \\7ANTED To buy for spot cash , city or
TT country , parts or whole stocks of dry anil
fancy Koods , clothing , boots and shoos , inllll-
uery , stationery , ( tciitft * furnishing goods , etc ,
Call on or address J , L. Ilrandcls & Sons , cor
ner Kith and Howard , Omaha. Ml
KOl'OLD Highest prices paid for ladles'
and Ki'ntlomon'Hcast-olT clothing , shoes ,
&u. Send notice to G16i ! South 10th .St.
7ill 10 *
"OARAHOLS and umbrellas covered and rc-
-L paired , II , Italor , 1515 Douglas ; basementt
TTMHUELLAS repaired. Inwn mowers sharp-
tJ ciu'd , key II U I ML' and locksmltlilii ! ; at
Hullln'a gun sliop. Hi ) N. llltli St. 2Hi ) Jlil
ADAJl : iyEL"XiEU. ; in7i , Is ai'kowl-
edRod by all competitors the queen of
massafti ) and magnetism. Parlors over 010 S.
13111. IlouisO to8 ; Sundays 10 to strlct.
UJOjly7 *
AS AJB treatment. oli'ctro , tliermiT7mi'iI- !
icated baths.spali ) ft hair treatment , mani
cure & chiropodist , Mrs. E. JI. I'ost , 113 S. lUth.
_ hi5 ( Jy5
JSS U. FOHSTEU. midwife and M. D. for
children and fcmalo dlseahcs , 11.11 Satindurs
st. . In KCcinuI story. L"Jl-l-Uf
EN. OLINGMAN , exclusive , pension nttor-
ney , 1C Hi.VUl. Krcnzor blouk , Omaha ; also
Cincinnati & Washington. Stamp for circular.
rpUACKAOE storaso at lowest rates , \V. 31.
X Hiihliman. 1311 I.eavenwortli. 83
GOLD storage. David Cole , 815-817 Howard.
ST' ' - & Co. , 1211 Howard.OS
"fjlUUNlTUUB storage , scparato eomnart-
JJ incuts. 815-817 Howard. _ S57
TRACKAGE storage , David Cole , 815-817
Howard. 257
BOAHDING and rooms. 1318 Jackson.SSO
SSO 14 *
T71AIIM wanted Improved farm 100 acres
J- ! near railroad and Omaha. Addres O 52
live , stating price and terms. Oil ! 12 *
"V\7"ANTED Good commercial panor. NeT -
T T Draska Mortgage Loan Co. , 51U I'axlon blk.
WANTED A wall map rack. Omaha Real
Estate and Trust Co. . 220 S. 17th St. , Hco
building. 7 7
WANTED Good short tlmo paper In small
amounts. l > . 130-1 Farnam st. 500
"rnUHNlTlJIlE , householdgoods.eto. Highest
JL1 cash price. m7S Kith. TO
WANTED Second-hand liirnlturo of all
klndd at thu highest , price , 71G S. Kith st.
"JjlOU SALE I'liaetoii , side bar buggy .double
J- ' and slnglo harness , nil nearly now , : ! lior es.
Wiilworth , ! Ki Douglas block. MH 0 *
THOU SALE A $200 Slmnson phaeton for $100 ;
Jt ? used 0 months. G. 0. Hobble , telephone 838 ,
OK SA LE I'haoton , side-bar buggy , 2-seat
carriage , all nearly now ; also 'A horses ;
cheap for cash or on easy payments. G. V.
KontI , 1022 Sherman ave. 815-11 *
PONYforsale. Kind , gentlu ; lady orchlld
can handle It ; never scan's at anything ;
Is very ambitious. Good for light buggy or
saddle , ( 'heap. Call and see , S. Ei corner
ISlh and Mandur.son HI. &H.
T711FTEEN span work mules , long time at 7
JL per cent Inteicst. Selby U Hoaru Trado.
_ _ M3
$50 will buy a nice mare. II. E. Colo. Conti
nental blk. 70S
TJARTIEd looking for Uno driving or saddle
JL horses , would do well to call on , or corres
pond with T. ,1. Fleming , malinger W. H. Mil-
lard's farm , Calhoun , Neb. Hu lias for sale
souio first-class single drivers , carriage teams ,
and saiUUo horses , at reasonable prices. 502
FOIt SALE Flno family carriage horse
sound and gentle. Inquire 514 N. 10th st.
ORSES-Llght drivers , bargain. The late
tire has made them cheap. H. K : Cole.Con-
_ _ _ _
ONE good learn of horses with harness , also
mule team $125 ; quiet , stylish slnglO'drlve
for lady 275. 1C. F. William * , 203 N. llith st. . up
stalra. 011-il
\\7ANTED Hy a small family , a pleasant
Tl cott.igo of six or seven rooms near or on
the car linca. Will bo permanent. Address
G Ul Hce. 770
\\rANTED-A furnished house with six to
TT eight rooms. Centrally located , Address
O 30 Hce. 7KJ-T
\\TANTED-Tn rent a to 3 unfiirnlshea
TT rooms for housekeeping , small family ,
near business center. Address G 18 , llco olllce.
_ 701 _
\7"ANTED Furnished rooiji In private fam-
TT lly ; must be close to town and on street
car line ; rent moderate. Address Win , Ander
son , chief clerk The Murray. 063 ! )
I WANT more houses to rent ; moro demnjid
than houses , Parrotto KenUl a enpy.
FOR SALE Furniture , carpets and house
hold gtMds of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday und Saturday morning at HlLFur-
luiinst. Cash paid for goods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Crolghton , auctioneer.
FOU s A i < ! : an s uii , ij ANKO \ us.
brlo luqulro wo N.
st. bUl 0 *
MA-LL Job printing oillco In thU city for
siilo. Material all new , ami bootia will show
olltco doing line business ou light expense. No
bonus , Hlg discount for cash or uun Do had
terms. Address ( i 32 Hue. 71O-7
rpo PRINTERS-A bargain In a paying
A newspaper and job olllco In eastern Ne
braska town of 2.500 Inhabitants. Particular * ,
prlco and terms to thosu who mean business
and have a fovr hundred dollars cash to Invest.
Address G S3 , euro Hco. 825-7 *
T7UU SALB Cheap , one second-hand UreA -
A- proof safe. In Rood order , 'JU In. deep. < 5 In.
wldB. 64 In. high , Inquire Grant ) Co. , 022 and
U21 Furuuiu U biO 12
FOU SALE A ttoodbTn | , MxlS. plieap. Ap
ply to Sidney Smith , ! : * ! Urst Natl. batik
bldg. 8JW-7
BEST quality moat * , lowest rates , at Fred
Hoe * ' meat market , ? ia Cum Ing st , 7S1 Srt
SALE-Sprlnglfctd Koadstcr or high
wheel safety nlojult * good condition : full
ballbearing. AddreHiUfto , Hco oillco. i 2- ! ) *
TJ10U SALE 100 piano boxes , prlco $2.
JL1 ft.8M a 4 _ _
"iTlOlC SAMv-riic-np. a
eomplfto sot of Enojr-
-L1 clopoedln llrlttanlcnr 70U 8 18th Ht.
Ht.ttujia *
TTIOH BALE-Cottagc" . r , rooms , liosldo bath
JU room and water closet , baseincnt , laundry
and coal sliill.s , 10th tU. . between St. Mary's
live , and Leaveiiwortlii Inquire at 017 S. 10th
st. , after 0 o'clock p. t , i. ggi 7 *
T71OK SALE-Sonio coed watches nnd illa-
JJ momls cheap. U. Master * , room-4 , With-
ncll block. 691
T71OU SAlE-Goo < l square piano , * 40 ; also
JJ featherbedcheap. InquireU05 I'Ji'rco st.
GOODsodn fountain , In running order , for
less than half cost. O. I'etersou , 018 i > . iith. :
. . MW-JSI
fjlOIl SALE , cneap M-horso power steo
J.1 boiler , good ns new , with tlttlngs compluio ;
boater , mud-drum , plunge nump.s , and No. II
Knowles ; will sell for one-half original cosi
JcirW. lledford. tm
MIMt delivered In ono gallon packages
dally. Guaranteed absolutely puru. Ilia
llrown building , telephone l.VJS. 'M
FOH SAI E Cheap , n beautiful fawn colored
greyhound. Emiulro VJ1 a. 19th su , corner
of Loavenworth. 814
B Kl'OHK hiiyliiff a piano examine tno new
scale Klmball piano. A. IIospe,1313 Dougla.s
_ MB
GKO. K.nKLLKNllKOK.tpachur of the banjo ,
with llospc , l.'iii : Douglas. alii
loan on fartiH and city property. sn
LOANS Money on hand , low rales. Umalui
Heal Estato& Trust C'o.0 a. 17th St. , Heo
building. wr'
MONfciY loaned ut lowest rates , long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "oxtras , "
no delay , Globe Loan & Trust Co. , IJ07 H 10th.
( Xtt
BUItiDINO loans , 6 to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges forcommtsslon or attorney's
fees. W , 11. Mollclc , 1'lrst Nat'l bank bldg.
_ _ ( Ml
MONKY 30,00 or 00 days on furnltiirc.plnnof ,
liorses , housed , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , U1S
1'axtoublk. 500
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I11KKAL real estate loans made by W. M.
Harris , room 20 , Krenzer block , opp. I' . O.
FIHST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. D. V. Sholes Uo , , 210 1st Natl bank.
C HATTEL HANK , room 3 Wlthncll block.
"It/I / ON'EY to loan on horses , wagons , mines ,
.i'-Miouschold goods , pianos , orgaii9illamonds ,
at lowest rates , The first organized loan of
fice In the city. Make loans from I0 ! lo ; ! U , " > days ,
which can hu paid In part or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
L'all and see us when you want money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on hand , Nodolav In making
loans. O , K. Heed & Co. , 111 ! ) S. ' 13th St. : over
lllngliam & Sons. , ( , ! W7
PKlf CENT resldento Ioan . $3,000 to * (0,000. (
Ilulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , Heir building. 008
/1HATTEL loans at .lowest rales ; business
VA-oiilldonllul 510 fax ton blk. J. 1 ! . Emlnger.
( iOO
" 1" OANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa-
J-Jpor bought. McCagtie Investment Co. GO'J
KVSTOMC Mortgage Co. Loans of JlOto
J1K)0 ( ) ; gut our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan out horhcs , furniture or nny
approved security wlfhout publicity ; note *
bought , for new loan , ' renewal of old and low
est rates , call It 20S , ' , Slieely blk , l.Hh and
Howard sts. ; 003
/ 1OMMEHOIAL and general short time paper
V boiiKht ; also rcguUwi live-year loans made
on Improved property. Geo. K. Ulust& Co. ,
203 Kamgo blilg. COC '
QECONI ) mortgage loaiirt. Second mortgages
Obought. Loans on ivacant lots , llcod &
Solby , room 13 , Hoard 3ide. ? . _ tip"
M ONEY to loan on 'any bccurlty
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company -
pany , room -100 , I'a.xtou block. _ 008
WANTED First claw Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and bvo us. Mutual Invest
ment Co1504 Farnam. 600
BKl'OKK negotiating a loan to Improve
your real estate get terms from
ThuOdell Investment Co. , IJOl N. V. Life bldg. ,
Tlioa. S. Itoyd , representative. _ 010
I'hlladelphla Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first
mortgages wanted (7c6rgi ( ) \ \ . 1 * . Coatcs , retire-
.sentatlvc. room 7. Hoard Trade. _ ( ill
" 171 ASTERN" money to loan on city property ;
-i-'mortgago paporuought. II. It. Irey.N , Y.LIfo
LOANS made on any available security ,
Central Investment Co. , Koom 25 , Chainbur
of Commerce. 01.1
MONEY to loan on long or short tlmo ;
county warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. , 1COOK I'arnam at. _ 023 J iM
SHOUT time loans on vacant lots. Solby Se
Heed , 13 , board of trade , ! > 8j
MONEY to loan In any amount from $10 to
$10,000 for any time from oneto six months ,
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
norses. mules , wagons , houses leases , etc. , In
fact on any available security In any amount
at. the lowest possiblu rates without removal
of property. ,
Payments can bo made at any time reducing
botli principal and Interest. \ ou pay interest
only for the tlmo you use the money. If you
owoa balance on your property I will taku It
up and carry it for you.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rates.
It. F. Masters ,
lioom 4 Wlthncll ulock , 15th and Harney Sts.
K 1'Ell cent money to loan on real estate so-
* J cnrltv. Loans can bo paid olV In Install
ments. Jno. W. Kobblns , 209N. Y. Life bldg.
LOANS wanted on productive Omalia real
estate. : i and 5 years' time , optional pay
ments , favorable terms and rates.
Klmbull , Champ It Rynn ,
lOOOjm 12U5 Karnam st.
/ 1I1ATTEL loans , U. ID Continental blk. , 15 fi
v Douglusj business confidential. M.J. Hallj
_ W7
riOLLATEUAL bank , 312 ! < o.llUh St. , room 5 ,
CIiamber of Commerce , loans money on
commercial paper and all articles of value.
Also on horses , cattle , furniture and ether
chattel property without removal , at lowest
rates of Interest. All business strictly conll-
dentlal. 057 JI5
MONEY to loan , 6 years on easy terms on ( ! 0
per cunt on gix > d conservative valuations ,
anywhere In the city limits of Omaha , at 410
Bheeloy bldgl5th and Howard " sts. Sain'lTato.
; wijir ,
MONEY to loan on elty property ; money on
hand and no delays , . Hates , bmlth & Co. ,
llitli and Karimni sts. , , , 015-jlt
sl i o iiTiiA"N'I > A jfJ TTY p B wuiTiyo"
\\rANTED Educated young ladles and gen-
> tlement to learn Khnrthand and typewrit
ing ; gMd ( salaries ; stilllonts assisted to posi
tions. Standard MmiUind ) College.
Frank E. Hell , liHlrutitvr. ( ill
SECOND IIANI--Chletrnilia | , Hammond and
Hemlnglons. Johrt ' 11. Cornea Co. Letter
Files and ofllco speel.tUles , Uamgo bldg. 510
lluAL oxtrioirtiuqryfM"raV
the dlstln8uUhed"world-famed ; and only
real natural trance i'lAlrvoyant and fiplrlt
medium In this country ? soventli daughter of
tliti seventh daughter , born with vull and
greatest prophetloTjlftt * > f second sight. Whllo
ontranceil will ruveal-.overy hidden mystery
In life. Has long beun pronounced In Eurniio
and America tliu greatest living wonder of the
present age. Understands tho-science of the
H'crsian and Hindoo magic. " or ancient
charm working , and prepares Egyptian tails-
maim whluh will ovurcomo your enemies ,
removes family troubles , restores lost
affections , makes murrlago with the one
you love no failure , removes ovll lu
ll uuncc * . bud hablu , cures witchery ,
fits , and all long ( Handing and mysterious
diseases ; will glva correct Information on law
suits , sicknea , death , ( livorcc.'absonl friends ;
overythlng ; imver-fulllng uuvlaa to young
men ou marriugu and ) iow to cheese it wlfo fur
Imuplncsa and whutliitslness best adapted for
upeetly riches , fitoeksneoulatlon a specialty.
Also gives IndlspunMme udvtuu to young
Indies on lovo. courtship and marriage , and If
your lover U true or false , and gives picture of
future husband , with name , ago ami date of
marrlatiu. Hours , Ua , m. to 0 p.m. . strlut.
N. ll. li'or the benefit of these who are umtblu
to mil upon Mrs. Dr. Kddy , she would rtupcct-
fnlly announcd that ho gives perfect satisfac
tion by letter. Your on tire Ufa will bo written
In i uloar and plain manner. Loiters with
stamps promptly answurcd , Send for largo
Illustrated olrfiilnr with special terms. Mrs.
Dr. Kddy , US ! N. UtU. 7S1 U < *
A clmllnngorfl accopleiT Mrs. Dr. Tllll of
Now York CMty can bo consulted i\t her
parlors at 32J North l.Mh t , on all a Hairs of
life , liolng a celebrated business clairvoyant ,
aitrologut nnd palmist , who has a ropntatlou
throughout the world for accurate nnd truth
ful readings of the paM. present ami future
through her wonderful Egyptian mnglo mir
ror ; removes all ovll Influence : * nnd family es-
trangpiiicntft : unites the aeparated ; causes
speedy marrlapc.i ! brings success to the un
successful and tell when tomakoprolllnblolu-
vestments ; consultation from II to K ; also
tells full namonml show * plcturo of the one
you will marry ; Mrs. HIM has been consulted
liy the mostsuccessful business men and Indies
of Now York , lloston and Chicago. Hours
slrictlv from 11 a.m. tea t. m Ml 17 *
D . NANNIE V. WAUHEN , rlnlrvoyaii t
medical and business medium. Femaludls-
eascs a spooliilty. 119 N , 10th St. , rooms 2 and 3.
MADAM DE VEIJE. the youngest clairvoy
ant and natural magnetic healer in the
United States ; will spread before you a panorama
rama of events past , present and future ;
cures diseases by her magnetic power ; 50
centa and upwards ) . 317 N. 15th st. 875-13 *
"I5UOF. Leree , the renowned pnrenoloaiit ,
JL medium and palmlst.who has been publicly
tested and challenges the wotld In revealing
mysteries , disperses jealousy , evil Inilu-
encas , gives full names of present or fit turn
husband t wlfo , also tolls your faults and
qualities , trade business or profession to
make a success. : t ! North Kith up stairs. Con
sultation $1. Satisfaction Riven or no pay.
TVrOHTOAOEES' Sale Notice Is hereby given
1 1 that 1 will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for ca.sli the furniture and ll.x-
tures and remaining portion of the slock of
cigars , tobacco , pipes , etc. , of ( > ' . 11. Mack &Co ,
iwa : Farnam st. Sale to commence at U o'clock
p. in. Thursday , Juno 10. 1MH ) . and continue
from day to day mil II nil of said property Is dis
posed of. In the mean time any portion of the
stock can be purchasednt prices
to suit.'m.Coburn. . Agent for Mortgagees ,
Omaha. Nob. . Juno 7 , IS'.W. IKW 18
IF you want a " Interest In a business that
will pay Jl.OOO a month profit call between t
and 5 p. in. or address N. E. Sherwood , MS
llrown block , cor. 10th and Douglas sts..Omaha.
UI3-0 *
jlOU SALE Feed store In good location , will
sell at Invoice. Address , G. 40 , Dee.MO
MO 12 *
COMMISSION business for sale , fixtures ,
horse and wagon , will Invoice to suit purchaser -
chaser J350 to $ .V)0 ) , First-class location. Address -
dross O 30 Hec. 831
"IJ1OUSALE Urnln , coal nnd lumber yards.
JL1 Address , F. J. Hale , Hattlo Greek. Neb.
1103 TO *
FOH SALIv Flno established cigar and news
business. Hcst location In the Olty. Ad-
drcss box O , Ca2 poslofllco. 4SO 0
"I71OU KENT or sale A first class creamery In
J- good agricultural district. 1'lenty of cream
can be had. Address J.I' . Kcnshaw , Sterling ,
Nejj. IU2-ja ) *
"I710U SALE or For Itcnt Onoof Hie best ilxod
Jup boarding houses In South Omaha , In
mostdcslrablo location. Apply to H. II. Kavcn ,
27th St. , near Exchange crossing , South Omaha.
112 JIB *
T710H SALE Half Interest in my retail
-L1 grocery business to a good reliable man ,
capably of managing the same. The only ex
clusive cash grocery house In Omaha. Es
tablished 5 years ago by Ed. N. llrown , the C.
O. U. , .V.1J North 10th st. 715
FOR E.\THANOE--1.-0 marcs and geldings
for Omaha property or money. T. S. ( 'lark-
son , 219 S. 14th St. 659 10
CLEAN stock of general merchandise , well
assorted , want real estate and cash , llox
70 , Frankfort , Ind. SOJ 13 *
LOT in Lincoln. Neb. , for stock merchandise
Address Wm. Howerdlnk , llickman , Nob. .
KENTUCKY jack to trade for land , lots or
merchandise. Address 0 31 , lice olllce.
PAUM and city property for sale or ex
change for any kind of merchandise or
chnttuls.horscs and catttn ; would particularly
like to trade for steers. Willis Cad well. Hrokcn
How , Neb. &VJ J 28 *
r"pO E.\o7lANGE My residence at York ,
- 1Neb. . , consisting of : i 0-room brick house
and 44 acres of ground , 'i blocks from the pub
lic square for Improved property In Omaha ,
Chicago , or Denver , or an improved farm ,
Omaha property preferred. York has n pop
ulation Of over 5,000 , with three railroads , 11.
& M. , C. & N. W. and 1C. C. fi. O. , and Is a thriv
ing prosperous place. Mrs Kato Harrison ,
York , Neb. 705
FOH EXCHANGE Good farms , city proper
ty and wild lands In Nob. and lowu for good
ften'l m'd'so ; property clear , title perfect. Ad
dress Lock llox Ifi , Fremont , Nob. 008
I WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or horse- and buggy. Address O 4
Boo ofllce. 205
_ _
sell you a now 5 or 7-room house In
good location at actual cost , for 8100 cash
and monthly payments. Stringer & Penny.
Douglas blk. 16th and Dodge. feSS
/ 10TTAGE and full lot , 11,350 , JM down , bal-
V anco monthly ; a great bargain and a nlco
home. 15 minutes from P. O. T. S. Clark.son , st. 853 10
FOR SALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of
Ma.76 acres , tco. ! i , W , N. 0 W. , Hamilton
county , Neb. , a miles from Mnrquotto ; small
house , stable , MO acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water ; price only 110 per acre. $ .1li7.0ii. :
Terms , fc''Ji)0 ) cash , balance 0 per cent interest.
F. K. Atkins , owner , railroad building , Denver ,
Colo. 018
w iVUGH & Wcstorilcld.rcal estate , S.Omaha.
( ilO
IF YOU have anything to sell or exchange ,
call at 018 Paxlon block. 845
FOR SALE lUOOcash buys a. line house and
full lot In Itaker Place ; only ono block
from Clifton Hill , with cncumbranco of $05u ,
payable $ ' 3 quarterly. Inquire of E.G. Merrill.
Wiilnut uvo. . Walnut Hill. 707-0 *
FOR SALE Twenty-six foot frontage at
junction of Saumlors and dimming streets ,
at snap figures. Would exchange for good
dwelling property located to suit. w. A.
Spencer , l.Vit Douglas street. 034-10 ,
FOK SALE or exchange , houses and lots ;
good homes for laborer , clerk or capitalist ,
from tlnoo to SiO.OOO , on easy payments. W. A.
Silencer , l.VM Douglas street. nil-10 :
T710R SALE-Cornor Etith and Howard , 1QI ft.
J south front by C'J ft. on paved st. On
grade ; worth 1150.00 per ft. ; for one week at
* lIDfK ) . Hamilton llios. , builders , 414 So. 18th.
Tul.JlTO. W2-15
IINCOLN Place and Carthage lots , prlco
Jfl.000 , JM down , balance * 1. " > monthly.
AV. ISolby , room 111. l > oard of trado. 017
TjlOR SALE , A homo on monthly payments.
J A nice 8-room house , * per month , $5,000 ,
first payment its arranged. A pretty cottage ,
5 rooms finished , ujieitalrs for as many more.
lotNlxUI ) , J'.OM , Jl.i per month , small payment
down. A blmllar cottage , lot 100x80 , te.200 , * I5
per month. Will build on vacant lots to suit.
Normdii A. Kuhu , druggist , 15th and Douglas.
054 J30
"VfEWOperaliouse on Harney st. Next will
-i.i be new hotel and business blocks. Ilcts
grade on Harnuy from Oth toOth street of
any east and west business street In the elty.
Wohiivo two lots between I7th and 10th that
wocaii sell at prlco that Is mire to make pur
chaser big money. Wo also have property in
the vicinity of now opura house- that will
double. In value In next tlvo years. M. A.
Upton' Co. , solo agents. 8K-0 ,
ElTEGANT resldenco and largo lot , location
very Choice , for sale at reasonable price
and tornis. T. S. Ulark on , 210 S. llth st.
s ; > rt 10
FOR SALE On monthly payments , will
build yoit a neat four , live or six room house
on corner lot In Wlsq & Parmalcii's addition to
biilt purchaser. Geo. J , Paul , HXX ) Farnam t > t.
_ _ _ [ SOB
T71OUSALE A line now 5-r'oom cottage near
J-1 olcctrlu car line on N.27th st. Will take as
part of cash payment n good horse or
and uhaoton. Pri.'iiu Farnam st. &i
"ITlORSAMFurnlshed flat of 7 rooms at No.
J-1 5M So. 10th st. . flat A , Her blk. Terms rea
sonable. . 707 1'J *
/10TTAOR hnniud In most any addition for
V/salo at from tl.OOQ up , on easy monthly pay-
inentsi' F. K. Darling , 4t : Darker block. 010
A SMALL payment down and 115 per month
will buy a4-room hoiiso and lot on
blocks from motor ; llrst-cluss chancii lo au-
niilmahomeon eusy terms. Apply to H. E.
Cole , Coiitlnnntufhloulc. UK
- cottages , il.MX ) eituh. $100 easli down.
'Jntttancu $15 pur month. Xhos , . F. Hall , ail
Paxton block. Ml
T\7"AKEup and buy n home on monthly pay-
Tt ment.s. Choice of suven dllfuiont houses ,
Kouth fronts on Farnam t , Every convenience ,
Includlnir furnace and gas. Plans can bo seen
at my office. Call lu. U. V. Sholos Co. , 2ii : 1st
National bank. _ S.T
"TT'OK ' SALE or Trade My roHldonco on Ho ,
JHOth St. , near 1'urk school , housn of seven
lOoniA with bath room , water closet , hot and
cold water , all In uotxl repulr ; will sell forcash
very cheap or will take vacant lot on West
Farniim st , us part paymunt. For partleulan
adilrusi K'M Hmi cifllot ) . 0 3
_ _
"irioi ; " 8A LE Hrlck warehouse. , 8 stor'ltn nd
J" bKiiemont , 100x00 ft. with lot U0xi * : > 3 ft.t to
doublii track ou aouthSOth and Ptnrco t > U. Ad-
dreas Oiuamp & Iluiuc's , Ouiittia , Neb ,
NEW R-room house , nonr motor line ; will
soil rhcap nnd ou small monthly payments.
Call quick It you want iv bargain. J. J. Wllkln-
SOI1.JI18 I'axtou blk. iat
TJIOlfSALE .Quick. _ . . . lot. Improved ,
only flhlook * from rourt house , 1130 per
fiNU. J. Mlchal. IICJHS. tith : st.
best farming laud In
JL1 Nebraska at n great nacrlllco. Iiuiulro
013 South liitli Ht , ( ! co. H. Pctenon , owner.
171 J IS
SCHOOL StlPPLIE8--ler : ) > t ( Junrlermail-
or's Oillco , Omaha , Neb. , JInv 10th , 1MH > .
Sealed proposals In duplicate , will bo received
nt tills ollleo until 10 a , m.Tuc.-ulay , June , 10th ,
1KOU. nt whloh tlmo and place they will bo
opened In jiresonco of attending bidders for
delivery of School Supplies of the following
kind , School Hooks , Maps Atlases , Stationery ,
Desks , Vc. Lists giving specification * , quant I *
ties and other Information will bo furnished
upon application to this olllcc. Preference ,
w 111 bo given to art teles of domestic ; product toner
or manufacture , condllhmnf quality and price
( Including in the price of forulgn production
or manufacture the duty thereon ) being equal ;
and further , that no contracts nhall bo award
ed for furnishing articles of forolgh produc
tion or manufacture when the articles of milt-
able quality of domesllo production or manu
facture can bo obtained , The Government
reserves thn right 10 reject any or all pro
posals. Didders .should attach a copv of this
advertisement to their bids. JOHN SIMP
SON , Captain and Asst , Qr. Mr. , U. S. Army ,
Attention , Comractorn.
Illds wanfed nt once on foundation for opera
house , at. Kearney , Neb. Size of building 73x
aim feet ; five stories high ,
Plans and specifications ready ,
Come at once or add ress
KEAiiNur Oi'KiuHouar. Co. . Kearney. Neb.
'Jo Kemlors and Cntilo Mon.
On and after the 20th Inst , , wo wilt have for
sale four thousand or moro good , high grade ,
one , two and threu year old Utah feeders , that
wo can furnish at HIM Union Stock Yards ,
Soulh Omaha ; or If desired , woctin arrange to
sell these cattle at North Platlo or Hastings ,
Parties wanting anything In this line , will
please correspond with us.
Uio. : HUIIKI : & Fiu/.iuuSouth Omaha.Ncb.
m2ldiOt ! :
To Nelirnsilcn Cnttlo Feeders.
Vfo will have for sale In transit at North
Plattc , Neb. < on Monday and Tuesday , Juno 8
and 0 , about 1,000 head of one , two and three-
year-old Utah feeding steers , Wo will deliver
these cattle at any point , on thn main line of
the Union Paclllo lailroad between North
Platte and Omaha and glvo the buyer a rate
of If 10 per ear toOmahu when fattened , lluy-
cm wishing to take advantage of this rate
.nnst meet , these eat tlo at North Platte and
make purchases there.
J un cod H Uuoitnn ItunicK
J.OUVM T CTnCATfu.lTPIfnftraTWK'S ( F T Arrlvu *
Oinnhn. | Depot 10th nnil Mason streets.Omaha.
4.IJ ) p ml ChluiiKO Kxiri)4 | 8.11) n in
.1.45 n in ( lilra o ICxprens. . . . . . . . . 11.20 p m
D.l.1 ! 11 HI CIilcnRn KxprCHtt. . . 11.50 u 111
fi.50 P ' ! . ' ' " ' ' 8.1)1 ) n in
'y. ' ' ' - ' - ' . ' , ! Jjic'i-i-ii'-- ! ]
, . . . . . . . . jrnavRii.rAfrivuj-
Umnlm. | Dupot 10th anil Milton utroutn. _ [ Oninlin. _
lo.l.'i a m 4.05 p in
1(1.1.1 ( n in Denver Kxpress. . 0.15 n m
0.40 p m Denver Night. 'Cxpresi. . . ' . ' " < " > : i in
H.I.a m Lincoln Local
I , 31V .1" & < rir. I Arrlvo
Oinnlm. | Depot 10th unit .M.iion utrootii. Om.'ilui.
H.JIS n in.Knnmn | L'lty D.iy Kxpress. . . . ) 11.10 p in
iU.1 p mj K.jN | ( < litKjip. via U. _ r. Triuiri. l.l. _ ( ! < n 111
l , afu C. fArrffui'
Uiimlia. Depot Kltli nnil M rcy utroot . | Omaha.
2.50 p iu , .Ovcrlnml Flyur I H.10 p m
T.I10 p ni . . .j.l'nclllo Ktpresx 1 7.1.1 n m
10.20 n in . . .Denver Kxprons 4.05 p in
4.45 p m Grand Inland Kxp. ( except Siin.MI2.Ci p m
5.0 111 111 Kaunas Cltjr KxprqM.I3.0. | > n in
leaves CllilAJ ! ! , It. f.ftl'XdlW.I ArrlVcs"
Ouiahn , U. I' , depot , lUth and Mnrcy Ht.i. | Omalm.
11.15"p" m Nlulit Kxprmii . . . I 1D.U5 n in
! U5 a m Atlantic Kxprim. . . . ( I'M p m
- ii"E - ' " Vostlbulo Limited . . .110.45 a m
cvtt s i'A0 ,
Omiilm. U. 1' . depot , lOtli ana Marcy Sts. | Oinalin. _
7.15 n ni Hluux City I'ufBciiKur I
-LLu iii.-J5 * ' 15 ! ! ' Kxprnm , . . , . [ 10.05 n m
TXJHVOJ I Arrives"
Onmlm. Depot 13th nml wehitor Hta. Omnhn.
' '
p'nil' . . " . . .T..ritrraTrri.liiiUe < ir,7..W..I U.- " ' am _
Omnhn. | U. I' , depot , 10th mid Marcy Hla. Omaha.
0.15 n m Clilcairo Exproia IL-2U p m
4.30 p ni Voatlbulo Limited H.M u m
U.1.r > p m ( Lv , ex. Hut ) Mull ( Ar. ox. Mon ) M a m
.11.20 pm vi-ii-i.52t""i Flypr. . . . . . 2.45 p m
Onialin. | U. I' . < li'pot , 1
9.15 a m ! all ( except Hundny ) . . U.0.1 p m
(1.1)0 ( ) p m uinct ) > ; u ] 9.4.1 a in
JUW.Pm Chlcin-o Kxprc a Z.ljO.p in
" T OJIAHAA8T. Arrlvua
) nmlm. | U. P. ilnpot. 10th nml Mnrcy 8t . Omfthn.
4.tO ! p 111 yt. Ixinls ( 'annon UntU. . . . . 1 ; . ) p m
Lcnvca f. , E. i MO. VAIiMiV. Arrives
Omnlm. Depot 15th nnd Wctislor Hts. Omiln.
' . ! . ( ! n m Illack III1I.H Kxpross p m
fl.tx ) n m . , .IIantlnK Kxp. ( Kx. Sunday ) . , . iUO p in
6.10 p m . .Wnhoo & Lincoln 1'nHnon ur. . IO.W n m
6.10 p m > ' < " * NorfolkBx. _ Hiinilay ) . . 10.20 a m
TohTvos" ( J , , ST71'TTSt. A O. Aiilvai
Oniaha. Depot lith nnd Wt'tjator 3ta. OmuliQ.
[ 8.IU a m . . .tffuux City Accommodation. . . V.UTi p m
1.IM p ni . .Sioux City Kxnresi ( Kx. Sun. ) . . 1..10 p m
9.05 p in Ht. I'nal Limited U.25 u m
5.15 n in .Ilnncoft r/i oni r ( Kx. Hun ) . . ) B.4.1 n m
Omaha. | Depot 15th ami Welntnr Pts. Omaha.
10. : ) n nil. . .Ht. Louis A K. C. Utprcis. . . . J..V. ) p in
JU5p mL..Bt. Ixmla A If. C. ISxpreii * . . . . B.iO : u _ in
V'fj (
_ . "trains niao stop at' iitli , 17t4iT 20th and 21th
atrccta , Summit und Saviilxa Crosjlnj.
mou's trains do not run Hiuulny.
llrOad- Trnna- Slicul'y
way for Oraahft Sta South Albrl't
ClllnlTa Depot.Oraahft . tion. Omnlm. Dopot.
5.31 ! 5.45 5.50
0.151 li.35
n.10 ti.Oft IT.IT B.37 11.50 I155
fi.40 < 1M .47 0.27 7 ! ( l II. IS 7.IH 7.20 Mil 7.25 5.55
7.45 7.40 7.M 7.32 T.-M 8.13 7.15 8. ; 7.05 " " ' 'T-OU '
8.27 8.15 8.07 7.55 7.50
11.37 IOJW D.07 8.55 8.60
I'M I'll
3.05 ; i.ia 3.25
4.35 4.l 4.11 4.U 4.07 4.25 ,1.58
4.j 5.35 4.53 5.27 5.05 S.I. ' 5.13 5.07 t > .X > 4.55 5.iu : 4.50
' ' tl.10 5.5(1 (
i'ii 11.35 5.5'j ( UK 0.15 0.13 U.25 5.55
li.4.1 JW 7.15 7.07 (1.55 ( H.M
Te vo8 | CIllUAOO ? H. f. Is , 1'AUifriU. I ArrtW
Trnnxfer | Union IK'put. Cdimclt HlulH. H'riuiHfor
'OJIU iTlu . Nlxlit KxprooB. 0. % n m
HJV ) u in . Atluntlo KiprOHH. . 5.55pm
inm Vfatlhnlo Lhnltoil. . . . . . . . IO- " > l'L"i ) '
. | ArrfvuiT
Tranifcrl Union liopot. Council Blulfj. ITranHfor
11.411 iTinl . ClilriKjo KxpruiJa. , . I B.dO p in
S.UO p ml . Vostltiulo Mmltcit. , . U. : ) n m
10.110 p m . . . . . KaKtarn Flyer. . I 2.00 p m
8.1)0 ) p m | . . , . , , . . . . . A I lantln .Mall. . . . . _ . . . I 7. : l n m
/UjAVrl vcV
Transfer I Union Duixit. Council lllulli , iTrnii.sfur [
( exce . I f ) . : i p m
Uf I . a m
: ' o KjproM U- ' mra
{ . - P. , wr''Jffirefrnr1"
Trnnnfer Unlor IKjpot , Cioiincll lllulfi | Triin fur
10 Of u in .T7lCnn a City Day Kipfo's. . .7fs.4.1 plii
1U25 | i m . .KnnniiK Oily NlKlit lC 1iri ) < a . . | H.2U n ill
TV TO - j -T
Tramfyrl Unloji Depot , Council Illutfi. Triiii for
S.UOji iii7 | .TT.8tI Ixiula Cnniin lliilT. 7r lU.lS p m
Tramfurl Unlfm DoiKit , Council iljulls. I'l'rnnafor
U.W a in Clilcngo Kxpruni ) I 0.'M p m
10.U ) p RI ClilciiKO Kiprons I 0.40 n m
. . .Creston Luynly 111.20 n m
WOCTxCriY"I'AlTrPlTi. ? . "f Arrlviw'
TrittiBfor Urilun iwpjit CoimclMlliiiTiij [ I'mnator
7.45 n in . . .HIOux"ity : Acc'Oinniodatloa. . . | MS a m
e.50 p in Mt. I'niil Hxprc9.i I ll.Ui p u
OP twnaiCAii
A Woinnu AVIioHo llinlnVIIH I'lcrcctl
by n Kullct lleuovuriiiK'
A wonderful cnfto ia occupying the nt-
toiitton of the phyHlciiitm ut the city
hoHpltiil horo. A iiiunth n o Mluhuol
Liino ubsaultud bin wife with u pistol
uinl n htumnor , snya n Sun
iMiteh to the Now York Slnr. Ono Inil-
lot entered her brnln nntt nnothor lior
jaw. TJio skull \nts ( racftired by blows
in four places , nnd the scalp on the back
of her head was latd OJKMI for n ( Untnneo
of four liii'hos. Having inlUctod lho o
injuries , Lane choked hm wlfo until ho
thought the last btx't\th \ had left her
body. Then ho leveled the murderous
pistol at his own head and committed
The trnjrcdy wan the sequel to n bitter
quarrel between husband and wife. The
hitter , on discovering that the former
had drawn from the bank $ : i,000tho
savings of a lifetime and lost the BUIU
in speculation , reproached him bitterly ,
ami ho replied in the cowardly manner
above detailed ,
But the wonder of the affair is Unit the
woman did not die. When the tun-noons
reached her she was exhiuiHted from
loss of blood , and the exudation of brain
matter amounted to nearly two ouneoa.
Despite the apparent hopelessness of the
case the doctors went to work , removed
splinted bits of skull , cleansed the bul
let wounds , and used knife nnd needle
with such skill that doubt gnvo place to
hope nnd hope almost to certainty. The
prrent dlllicultv encountered Unit of
draining1 and cleansing the track of the
bullet through the brain was overcome ,
and Mrs. Lsyio , instead of dying , showed
promise of ullimulo recovery.
After days of delirium she has become
quiet and docile. There are indications
that her mind will remain at least
partially a blank , but her physical
health may be fully regained. Mrs Lane
Is fifty-two years old and the mother of
nine children.
"That tireu feeling" Is entirely overcome
b.v Hood's Sarsananlla , which given n feeling
ol buoyancy mid strength totlmwliolosystoin.
A Father of QuatlriiilctH | KCmovctl.
The postmaster general has received u
letter from u Texas democrat complain
ing that injustice has been dona n good
cause by the recent removal of K. T.
Pnge , the democratic postmaster at In-
gorsoll , says a , Washington special lethe
the Globe-Democrat. The basis of the
complaint is that Mr. Page , as the father
of quadruplet 8 , ought not to 1mvo been
removed from olllce. Mrs. Page , it
appears , gnvo birth to four girl
babies last January , and the
happy father , it Is said , made n
model postmaster. Mr. Page happened
to bo a democrat , however , and waa a
short tlmo ago removed by First Assist
ant Postmaster General flarlfson. The
letter of complaint to the postmaster
general sets forth that Mr. C'larl.soa
probably removed Mr. Page bocau.o
the democratic house of Page was in
creasing nt too rapid a rate.
"Evidently , " says the writer , "tho
first assistant postmaster gone nil la
bored under the impression that the
four little Pages wore boys and would all
tjrow up to vote the democratic ticket. "
It is urged that tills Impression is er
roneous ; that the quadruplets are all
girls , and the prediction is Ventured
that when they grow up they may all
marry good republican voters. For this
reason , the complainant thinks , Post
master Page should not have boon re
Wherever Jliilarla Kvlsts ,
the billions are its certain prey. In intermit
tent inul remittent fever , dumb iifruo uml HKIIU
cuke , the liver is always seriously ntTcctoil ,
and the blood contmninutetl with hilo , Ono
oC the chief reasons whv Hostottor's stomach
bitters is such a sure defense against chills
mid fever ami every form of malarial disease ,
is , that it does away with liability to the dis
ease , by roformiiitf irregularity of the biliary
orpin in advance of the arrival of the season
when the disease is prevalent. There is no
liner fortifying preparative for _ those about
visiting or emigrating to a locality whcro the
miasma-taint exists. is no curtain im
munity from disease in an epidemic or opi-
dcmlu form , to bo secured by the use oC the
nrcraffo tonics or antl-spasuiodlcs. Hut
whcro quinine fails the bitters Miccoods both
in preventing and curing. Moreover , It re
moves every vestige of dyspepsia , nnd over
comes constipation , rheumatism , inactivity oC
the kidneys and bladder , and tninquili/.eaund
strengthens tUo nervous system.
Mnmil'actiirlMK "Western " Souvenir * .
It bus often been claimed that people
are moro willing to spend their money
while traveling than at homo- says tlio
Now York Star. A case in point is that
of voyagers buying souvenirs of their
trips and enterprising mou have taken
advantage of this fact. On a down-town
street in this city are several establish
ments where birds , boasts nnd reptiles
of all kinds are stuffed , mounted and
sent out west , where thcso "specimens"
are bought up by local taxidermists and
resold to tourists. It is not unusual for
gentlemen from this city , while on a
hunting excursion in the , west to lay In
a stock of mounted birds and beasts and
bring thorn homo as trophies of their
skill with the gun.
A curious incident of this kind oc
curred recently. A gentlemen , well
known in club and society circles , started
last winter on an excursion to Wiscon
sin , with the expressed intention of dec
imating the largo gama In that slato.
His friends at homo received , from time
to time , thrilling stories of his oxilorl-
once In letters which ho forwarded. Last
month ho returned and , among other
things , presented to a "dear friend. " a.
handsome specimen of a cinnamon boar ,
mounted , standing on its hind logs.
When this boar was unpacked tlicro
was found fastened to Us foot a card with
the name of a taxidermist. This , with
the knowledge that cinnamon bears do
not haunt the wilds of Wisconsin ,
brought about an explanation ami n din
ner at the expense of the gallant hunter.
The bear could have boon bought In this
city at two-thirds the prlco paid for it
out west.
For Knnichc , Toothache , Sere Throat ,
Swelled Nock , and the results of cold and In
flammation , use Dr. Thomas' Electric. OU
the great puia destroyer.
Through coaches Pullman palnco
slcopors , dining cars , frco rocllning chair
cars to Chicago and intervening points
via the great Rock Island route. Tlolf
ot ofllco 1G02. Sixteenth and L'arnam.
Drowning of Forty-two < JIill < lr < > n.
Details have now reached Tlroslnu ol
the accident by which forty-twochildron
wore drowned in the Oder , near Thur/.o ,
says the Pall Mull Uaxotto. A number
of church-goers , including about forty
young girls belonging to the villages of
IJiidxiok , Sledlisk , Kudu , and Thurzo ,
were returning homo from Slawikau ,
where they had boon to roclvo InstruQ *
lions for their ( Irst communion. When
they arrived nt the bunk of the river tq
bo conveyed to the opposite flido the for <
ryninn , instead of using the weight'
carrying lint ferry contented himself
with the ordinary ferryboat , Into
which the children all crowded togdthot
BO that the gtmwulo of the boat , whloh
should have been thlrty-livo centimetres
out of the water , was depressed to the
water's level. Nevertheless , the boat ,
with its living freight , crossed to within
n few yards of the opposite shore , whoa
It suddenly cnpsl/.cd und punk , carrying
most of the children in it to the bottom ,
Ono great shriek of horror Issued from
the lip * ot the spectators on the bunk
from which the boat btnrtod. They saw
for a second the look of terror ou the
children's faces ; they heard their heart
rending cries ; but could do nothing suva
watch ono llttlo head after another dh >
appear beneath the wntor.
Nervous debility , poor memory , diflldence.
sexual wcukucM. pliiipliM.curcd by Ir Mllcf1
Nervine. KutiiuloK free at Kutm it Co'a 15th
und Douglas.