Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Bank clcnrlngH yesterday $ So8,025.-t I.
Chief Gal II pan has filed 11 complaint
t'liiirfjln .1. H. Ilcntli with keeping iv
pllo of Inllaimimblo iniiturlul in MB yard
at 1608 Cuss street.
Elbrldffo nnd Will Pylo of PrcBton ,
Nob. , accused of Bolllnjr whisky to Fox
nnd Hue Indians , were released by Judge
Dundy today on SoOO bonds.
A fnlso alarm called the department
to Twenty-Ural nnd Lcavcnworth streets
yesterday afternoon. The little bluzo
was oxtingnlslied before they arrived.
TJioro IB a warrant out for the arrest
of C. W. Matson , charging that while In
the capacity of a collector ho embezzled
88.65 from one J. K. VanDerglldor.
Three military convicts , W. II.
Anthony , Patrick Kennedy and Henry
Bowers nave been taken from FortOmuha
to the military prison at Leavenworth to
Bcrvo terms for desertion.
Thomas Cook , superintendent of the
census will have his headquarters In the
olllco of United States Marshal Slaughter
in the postolllco building. There ho will
receive enumerators und others until
further notice.
Fifteen thousand Havana cigars con
signed to Max Meyer & Hro. , and a
largo shipment of tailors' woolens wore
pasfed through the custom hotibo yes
terday morning. The woolens were con
signed to Ilelin & Thompson and were
from London.
An Old Sold ICI-'H Story.
In the late war I was a soldier In the
First Maryland Volunteers , Company G.
During my term of service I contracted
chronic dlarrhoua ; since then I have
used a great amount of medii'ino , but
when I found any that would give mo
relief they would injure my stomach ,
until Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrha-a Remedy was brought to my
notice. I use it and will bay it is the
only remedy that gave mo permanent
relief and no bad results follow. I take
pleasure In recommending this prepara
tion to all of my old comrades who ,
while giving their services to their
country , contracted this dreadful dis
ease as I did , from eating unwholesome
and uncooked food. Yours truly , A. 13.
Bending , llalfaoy , Ore.
Itcnt u iMortKHKC Jinn.
George W. Crovur is uiulur nrrost for ob
taining rnouoy undo ? false pretenses. The
complaining witness Is John 1C. Eilwiinls , n
loan ! itcnt , wtin nmdo ti nliuttol loan of $ < ! 7.f > U
on a horse which ho claims was not the prop
erty of tlio mortgagor.
endorse Plait's chlorides
Over 10,000 physicians
rides as the proper household disinfectant.
A IliislncHS Change.
The Omaha hardware company lias ex
perienced a change , of management , Mr.
V. II. Taylor , general manager , retiring , nud
Mr. I. A. Miller , vice president , assuming
the position and duties of general manager.
This change was not wholly unexpected by
the trade , and it is nndoMtooJ that Mr. Tay
lor retires to enable him to devote his time
wholly to his private interests which have
Buffered by his devotion to the affairs of the
Pears' Is the purest and best soap over made.
A New Appoint incut.
An oftlcial circular has been Issued by Ocn-
cral Tmfllo Manager Mullen of the Union
Pacific appointing S. W. Kcclcs general
eight and passenger agent nt Salt Lake
Hy , vice frauds Cope , deceased. Inasmuch
ns J. V. Parker , the assistant general freight
and passenger agent , resigned , that ofllco has
been abolished. lien Campbell , general
freight agent of the Pacific division , takes
charge of the business Eceles lett in Cali
Miles' Nerve niul Ijtvor Pills.
An important discovery. They act on thu
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves , A new principle. They speedily
euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
plies and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
nurest. ' 10 doses for ! i cents. Samples free-
nt Kuhn & C'o.'s 15th and Douglas.
tl tlio Circus.
Sells & Andrcss1 touted show , whoso can
vass is now spread in the north part of the
city , is evidently playing in very tough luck.
Yesterday the proprietors iiled a chattel
mortgage for.l,000 ( ) in favor of Allen Sells
of Topcka 'Can. , covering the forty hcail of
horses und ponies , seven railroad cars , ono
elephant , " camels , eight cages of unlmals ,
tlio tents and the entire circus and menagerie
Clmti'ooflifo | , baclcaehe , monthly in-cgii
Inritlca , hot Hashes are cured by Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Free samples at Kuhn & Co. , luth
nud Douglas.
Itnok ( o tlio Old IJDVO.
William Anderson the popular and well
known hotel man , who was at the Murray for
some time- until about six months ago , when
ho accepted the position of manager of tlio
new Hotel Suvery at DCS Moincs , has re
turned to this city nnd has accepted the posi
tion of manager of the Murray , vice Mr.
lligby resigned. Mr. Anderson is oneof the
beat known nnd most popular hotel mun in
this section anil his many friends in this city
will be glad to hear of ids return.
Fits , spasms , St. Vltits ilanco. nervousness
nnd hysteria are soon cured liy Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Free samplcss at Kuhn & Co. , lutli
nud Douglas. _
Too Heavy for the Sewoi" * .
"No city in the country has n sewer system
that will take care of such a fall of water as
that of Tuesday night , " remarked Chairman
Ualcombeof the board of public works yestor-
ilay morning. "And 1 do not think that under
such extraordinary circumstances any
body who may fcol disposed can
recover against this city for dam
ages that may have resulted from
that storm. The courts go a great deal on
common sense aud thoivtoro 1 do not autlcl-
iiato any serious results from whatever litiga
tion may ensue. The city has already lost
not less than f.10KX ) damage as a result of the
Etorin , and the llguro may bo oven greater.
U'ho havoc played with paving was simply
fearful. _
For Tlreil Ilrnlu
Use Ilosford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. O. C. Stout , Syracuse , N. V. , saysi :
gave It to ono patient who was uimblo to trans-
nctthu most ordinary business , bccnnsu his
bruin was 'tired and confused' upon the least
mental exertion. Immediate bcnctlt , nud
ultimate recovery followed "
11. P. Un.xtcVfl Month.
L. P. Haxter died nt his residence Tues
day from blood poisoning. About a week
ngo a mccnnnlo's bench feel on his foot crush
ing the big too , but nothing serious was an
ticipated. Blood poisoning sot In , however ,
mid the attendant physlvnuowlng ! to Baxter's
high temperature , was afraid U > amputate
the foot. Ulcers commenced to form on the
limb , and extended to other portions of the
body , 11 milly reaching thu throat and can&lng'
The remains were forwarded to Papllllon
yesterday by M. O. Maul for Interment.
It was a case which ballled the skill of the
best physicians of Omahn , as the skin of the
bruised too was not broken and the causa for
blood poisoning could not bo ascertained.
Dr. Hlnioy.practlco limited to catarrh-
nl illsuuees of ntwo and throat , lleo bldg.
Oiunlin'8 Uuiioli Show.
The Omaha bench show opens next Tues
day morning nt 1DOO Farnnm street , and
everything Is in renditions for a sti | > orb exhl-
bltlon. Manager W. Q. Ingram is much
fluted over the largo list of entries so far
made , nnd says that the display of thor-
.oughbred nnd fancy dogs will sur
pass any similar exhibition over given
west of Chit-ago. In addition to the
"jeneh shew there is to bo a largo display
tf birds uud aulmals , fish , uud the taxider
mist's work , besides a department confined
exclusively to thoroughbred poultry , \tnong
the entries nro n largo number of bench am-
mals from abroad , and among them is a pair
of * .r > ,000 Irish setters from Chicago. The
show will bo continued throughout the week
until Saturday evening.
The Only One.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway Is the only line running solid
vestlbuled , electric lighted nnd steam
heated trains between Chicago , Council
LilufTs and Omaha ,
The berth reading lamp feature in the
Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines
is patontc4 and cannot bo used by any
other railway company. It is the great
Improvement of the ago. Try it and bo
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot , Omahn , nt 0 p. m. daily , arriving
at Chicago at 0:80 : a. m. Passengers
taking tins train are not compelled to
got out of the cars at Council Bluffs nnd
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Get
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket olllce , 1601 Fnninin st.
F. A. NABII , Gen. Agt.
A Strange and Venomous Visitor.
Peycko liros. company have on exhibition
in their counting room a very venomous look
ing specimen of the fcmalo tarantula encased
In n glass jar. The Insect Is nbout three
Inches neross nnd has n nest full of young
tarantulas which she watches closely , never
leaving them for a moment , nnd seems to bo
rigidly on watch ready to attack nny tres
passers. This inteivMtlng family arrived
vestorday In a bunch of bananas from Huatan
Island , and will probably bo electrocuted as
soon ns sufficient study has been given to its
An AliMHtitc Cure.
Is only put up In large two-ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is mi nbsoluto cure for nil sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and nil skin eruptions
Will positiveiv euro all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
i5 ! cents per box bv mail 'M ' cents
Trains on All of the Chicago K ouls ;
Delayed by AV'ashonts.
Another heavy ruin storm swept over the
western part of Iowa Tuesday night and leftso
much destruction in its wake , that the North
western , Milwaukee and Hock Island trains
were very badly blocked today. On ttio two
latter roads there were such heavy washouts
near Underwood , Neola and Avoca
that when the west-bound trains
duo to arrive hero at 10 o'clock > j-cstcrday
morning reached Neola , they turned around
and started back to Chicago. The out-going
trains did not leave Council Bluffs. Dis
patchers along these lines reported to the vari
ous officials here that it would bo impossible
to get trains through either way today.
Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson ,
was on the Hock Island in a special car en-
vouto to Omaha , but had to return to Dos
Moines and will not get hero until today.
Ono report has It thot _ there was some loss
of life below Underwood and considerable
stock drowned , but nothing definite- re-
gnrd to this could bo ascertained.
The bridges on both the Milwaukee and
Hock Island were washed out and telegraph
lines prostrated.
The Northwestern train arrived this after
noon. It was detained by n break in the
track east of Missouri Valley.
The Question of the Day.
The lending question now is : ' 'Are
you provided with n bottle of Chamber
lain's Collie , Cholera und Diarrhoea ,
Kemedy , as u sa feguard against an nt-
tuclc of bowel complaint during the sum
mer months ? " No family can afford to
risk being without this invaluable
medicine during the hot weather. It is
almost certain to bo needed , and is a
friend indeed when required , as it never
fails , nnd is pleasant nud. safe to tako.
2" ) and f > 0 cent bottles for sale by till
in nit.
JOIINSON-CathoriiieTT. , wife of S. W.
Johnson , nt 1 o'clock a. in./L'ucsdny , Juno It.
Funeral will take place from her late res
idence , 1302 North Twentieth street , Thurs
day , June 5 , at 1 1 o'clock a. m.
A DniigcroiiH Policy.
It is a dangerous policy to wait until
taken sick before buying a bottle of
Chamberlain's colio , cholera and diar
rhoea , remedy. Every family should be
provided with pomo reliable remedy for
bowel complaints , ready for immediate
use , whcMievcr required , during the sum
mer mouths , and this remedy is unques
tionably far superior to any other. It
can always bo depended u'pon , and is
pleasant and safe to take , it is put up
in "o and 50 cent buttles.
A Campbell N Coming.
S Last night Detective Vaughn departed for
Baltimore , and when ho returns ho will bo
accompanied by J. II. Clampitt , who last No
vember jumped a.1,500 , bail bond , on which
ho was being held to answer the charge of
assault , with intent to murder.
During the early part of November , Clam
pitt , In company with a few friends , want up
near Elkhorn to shoot ducks. Ono day as
they were passing through a field several
boys cntno out from n house near by and com
menced to guy the shooters. This caused
Clampitt to grow angry and drawing his gun
ho fired at the boys , filling ono of them Carl
Paul , with bird shot. Clampittwas promptly
arrested and gave bail for his appearance nt
the preliminary examination , but when the
cnso came on for trial ho was missing.
Nothing could bo learned of his whereabouts
until yesterday , when a telegram was re
ceived by Chief Se.ivey to the effect that
Clampitt had been arrested at Ualtimoro.
Unpleasantness Avoided.
Several months ngo Mr. Henry Plum
met1 of Clements , Cal. , who is subject to
cramps , was taken with n severe attack.
IIo had been accustomed to get relief by
dofiingyith morphine , but the disagree
able effect that followed would make
him miserable for hours after the cramp
had boon relieved. I iiei'Miadcd him to
try Chamberlain's colic , cholera and
diarrhoea remedy. Ho was much
pleased with It , us lln oft'cct was almost
instantaneous , and no disagreeable after
effects accompanied its use. Charles
IJiimort , mnrngor farmers' trade union ,
Clements , Cal.
Vacated thu Imposition Annex.
At last the city has vacated the old exposi
tion annex , the hiat officer to move out- being
Building Inspector Whltloek who last night
went Into the southwest corner of the court
house basement , where ho will remain for the
Chief Galllgan who vacated the annex Mou-
dny morning Is quartered at engine nouso No.
II. while the balance- the officers are nt the
Cioos hotel.
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council IHullV , Dos Moines and
Chicago business is the Hock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha at1:16 :
p. m. daily. Ticket oillco 1002 , Sixteenth
and Fariuun St. , Omaha.
the llaiilcn.
Chairman Baleomoo of the board of public
works said yesterday that It would cost
(5,000 , to slope the banks In the city this year.
Two years ago it cost only fl.OOO to do this
work. The tncronso Is occasioned by there
being niovo buulcs to cut this year than then.
But the property owners pay this bill , no part
of it coming out of the city.
1002. Sixteenth and Farnnm streets is
the now Rook Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to nil points cast at lovoot rates.
A Victim of the Flyer.
The B , & M. section man who was run Intel
l Y tuo flyer at AsUlaud , Tuesday
died nt St. Joseph's hospital nt 1 :50 : yesterday
afternoon. The man was thirty-two years of
ngo. Last night the remains were taken to
Drexel ft Maul's nnd today will bo burled by
the county. _
Through coaches Pullman palace
Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and Intervening points
via the great Rock Island route. Tick
et olllco 1002. Sixteenth nnd Farnnm.
Marriage license.
Only ono license was Issued yesterday , tbo
following being the parties :
Nnme nnd residence. .Ago-
J John U. Lowroy , Omahn . iiS
1 Henrietta C. Murks , Omaha. . 30
Mrs. WInslow's soothing syrup Is the best
of nil remedies for children teething. 25
cents u bottle.
President Adams Snld to Do After n
Ijcnsc of the Central I'aellle.
It seems to bo qulto generally understood
hero that the conference of Union Pnctflo
officials at Salt Lake will result In nn-cxplo-
slon of some kind nnd somewhere. Attention
is directed to the freight department , where
according to rumors afloat ono or two import-
nut chnnucs nro being seriously considered.
Tebbotts'nnd Lomax nnd Dlckenson were nil
sent for with an Injunction that Mr. Adams
wnnted to moot and consult with them in the
Mormon capital.
Another report says that ho proposes to ef
fect n lease of the Central Pacific nnd thus
secure an nil-rail route direct from Omaha to
San Francisco. "That sort of n scheme , "
said nn attache of the road , "looks qulto feas
ible , " and ho Inclined to have more faith In
something of tno kind being under contem
plation than nny further removals.
The Southern Ps-ciflo company has long
manifested such supreme indifference regardIng -
Ing the CentrnljPacille system that the Union
Pncillc has been getting away from It ns
much ns possible every year. Since acquiring
the Short Line nnd the Oregon Hailwny Navi
gation road the Union Pacific has been divert
Ing every bit of traffic it could to nnd from
California by way of Portland.
The Central Pacific management has shown
Its Indifference towards the Union Pacific in
many ways. There has boon no such thing ns
inducing that outfit to oven run its trains on
such schedules ns the Union Pacific officials
wanted ormako decent connections nt Ogden.
The Southern Pacific people care nothing for
their line between San Francisco nnd Ogden ,
while could the Union Pacific secure operat
ing control of it there would no longer bo any
thing to prevent the road being the shortest
and best transcontinental line.
ObntnclcH in the Way.
There was more talk among railroad men
today over the rate question nnd proposed or
ganization of a new passenger association
than has been heard for a long time. The
situation Inspires them nnd they seem to feel
alarmed lest the scheme- may fall through
and precipitate another outbreak. According
to reports from Chicago , those interested in
getting the new association organized nnd in
working order arc not having smooth sailing
by any means. There are numerous obsta
cles in their way. The AViscousin Central
still insists upon its demand for differ
entials or the nbandonment of fast
trains by its competitors. Then again there
seems to bo considerable apprehension as to
what position the AVabasli may tako. It
already pursues different courses on its
eastern nnd western lilies , therefore refuses
to put its eastern business under the juris
diction of a western association. This leaves
a loop hole for the Alton to crawl out at with
n declaration that it would bo compelled to
meet any rate the AVabash might make.
A free dispensary has been opened at
the Bishop Clarkson hospital , 1710
Dodge St. , for the free treatment of the
diseases of women and children. Daily
( except Sunday ) from 11 u. m. to 12 m.
The Dead Drummer.
O.MMIA , Juno-1. To thoEditor of Tnr. Bnn :
A. M. Lyncman , a traveling man , started n
subscription list for the proper burial of our
brother traveling man , Hobert Peyton , nnd
has met with the encouragement usually
given by the boys when ono of the craft meets
with misfortune. The boys responded imme
diately upon request nnd so far $30 has been
raised to give Hobert Peyton , n
decent burial. The remains will
bo disinterred nnd buried at Forest
Lawn cemetery some day next week , notice
of which will be published a day or two
prior. Traveling men are requested to sub
scribe to the fund and may send their names
and the amount of their subscriptions to A.
M. Lyneman , care of M. O. Maul , Omaha.
The subject of purchasing a lot a Forest
Lawn in wliich to bury other traveling men
who may die without friends in Omaha , or
the vicinity , is broached , and any money sent
to Mr. Lyncman for the purpose- will bo
turned over to a committee of traveling men
appointed to look after the matter.
now ofllces of the great Rock Is
land route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnnm
street , Omaha , nro the finest in the city.
Call and see them. Tickets to all points
cast at lowest rales.
Its nil norlnrcteellcnco proven In million * of homei
fnrmnri' Ilinii iMiuiirtur nf n ciMitnry. It Is u ril liy
tlio ( ' ytuti'H ( ! ovi'rmn" % Kniliirn'H by tlio
liomls of tlm ns tlio Stroiiix * ! ,
I'lircstimilMnitllonltliful. lr ) I'rUu's Cream link
ing 1'uwilcr , iloon not contain ammonia , llmu or
alum. HeM only In cans.
JfoivVorlc Clilfiuo. Krancboo. Et.I.ouli
llovn X UAVNKM , Managers.
I'roductlon of tlio Latest Jhibloai 1'urcc
Comedy ,
Hy II. Orattan Dontinlly Ksi | . , uiillinr of
"Natural Has , " "Later On , " etc.
n. G. Knowing . as . Jndgu Jnolc
Win. J : Kusitll . as . Doctor Jack
And u Kupoi-li Coincily C'oinpany , Imroduo-
Inn llrlKhtoit I'euturo.s , Uieateat Novelties ,
Latest i-units.
ItuKulnr prices. Scats will bo put on sulo
Tuesday mornln ; ; ,
Dime MuFee.
Mclntyre fie Heath's
The cat minstrel ahow over K'TCH ' In Omnlia. ! 3
grout liir In uilnttrHtjr.
\Vatcli fur ttioRrcat iticet parades.
TUo nurvlTOrof lunny arctlo ctinllllon | > nltb UU
culluctlon of curloi Irum ( lie fretun nurtli.
One Dime Admits to All ,
Both the method and results \vhcn
Byrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
contly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs IB the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac-
ccptahlo to the Btomnch , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrccahlo substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have roado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
In Its First Stages.
He lure you gel the poiulne.
> S -Sou on
encTJor circuit ivl Itr M\t \ 3 fr Q.S-i
pnyjurr-1 -
Santa : Abie s and : Cat : R : Cure
Korhulo by Uooilumn OniR Co ,
HE. J , E. fflcftREW ,
forms of 1'rlviitu Diseases ,
i N" tri-atinftit has over been
I more mciTssful anil none
' IMI had stronger endorse-
nu'iit. A enrols gunrautrril Hi Iliu very worst capes
InfiomltoSdiUH wHIioutlho loesof nn lioiir'ntlme.
'I'10 ' * " w''o ' ' liivo been
STFtJSWtJTBHVIlIC u.ider Ins treatment for
u u , '
iw \'uaua stricture or dlftlcullylti
relieving Hie blaJilcr. pronoiinco it n mnet tvnnilrr *
fill 8urcw ) , A cumplutu euro In fc\v cJuye wllliout
limn. liu'runn-Mla or Um if tune.
I And all weak-
j of the
tlmlilltyor nrrvonrncM , In their \voret forms nnd
tnj t ( Irciidf'il remit ? nb uiiiU < ly cnreil.
Inttnimeiils , AvnmU > rful rtnutly. llOUHb for
laillca from 8 to 4 ( ) NI.V.
and All Diseases of the Skin ,
HlLOil , Heart , I ivir. Kill-
iicys nml llliulikT cured.
Cured in 30 to 10 dim. The
nibit ruiiul , mfo and effect-
l o treatment koovin to the
medical profession , Every Imco of the dUease re-
ruovrd from the bleed ; ft compute curl guaranteed.
' " " For "mau1 or ' "woman" , each IQo
( ttnmiK ) . Treatment by rorrc-
Hpunilonco tjtamp for leply.
1 N. 14 Con. HTH AKn KAHNAII ST.
Open from ft A. M. to U 1' . .M.
1 EuUimco nn Ftirnnm or 1HU bt. ,
' ' "nil Hi" I'IM-KSS
iri'YTQ UMVTI'n to " " -
nul.iMO tUUII.U UI.OTIIKS I.IM : ; pati'nt
m-Biitly Issued. H holds tlio flutlicrt MM hunt
jiliis ; thvy dn not fri'c/utii It uud fuiiiiut bluw
nir. Suniplo line hunt by mull Me : W-fi/i.t linn
by mall tl.aj. Tor fln-nliir * , tirli-i'-hat anil
ti-rniH address The rinlesj Clothe-i Co. .
17 Herman St. Worcustor TW -
Overstocked , but we are determined to do the clothing business of this town , and our goods are
marked to obtain that end in view , and because our prices are lower than others , don't let it
prejudice you against the quality and workmanship of our goods. Depend upon us to sustain
our reputation for honest and reliable clothing.
We arc the originators of , and have been since we started , the leaders in popular prices ,
not only for clothing , but for all other goods which we handle. Our large business gives us ad
vantages that arc not enjoyed by other dealers , and we assure you that we can always save you
from 25 to 50 per cent by availing yourself of the popular prices at which we mark all our goods.
During the ensuing week we shall offer some extraordinary bargains in our Undcwcar De
partment. We have closed from the manufacturers 25 cases of fine Summer Underwear at an
enormous reduction from what the same goods cost us early in the season. That explains why
we are able to make slaughtering prices on them.
Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 350 ; regular price 65c.
Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 6oc ; regular price $1.00.
Extra fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at Soc ; regular price $ i.5o.
These goods are of an extra fine quality and handsome shades , and arc worth fully the reg
ular prices stated above.
above.NECKWEAR. .
Another immense purchase just made. * We have bought the .entire stock of Tccks made
by one of the leading manufacturers in the country. There are about 500 dozen ; all this season'
novelties , and we shall almost give them away. We have classified them into three grades : 350 ,
450 and 65c. Remember , these are all high grade goods , and the prices we quote represent jus !
one-quarter of what such qualities would sell at regular retail prices.
One of the season's choicest offerings in the Shoe Department is the following :
Russet Low Shoes , excellent stock , solid leather throughout , at $1.40. They are worth i
fully $2.50 ; and Russet High Cut Lace Shoes at $1.75 , positively worth $3.00.
In Men's and Boys' Shoes you will not find anywhere such values as we are offering , and w6
kcep..only shoes from reliable makers , such as we can recommend and as we can guarantee.
In our basement AATC offer as large a line of Trunks and Traveling Bags of all descriptions aa
you can find in this city. Our prices for these goods will astonish you.
Mail orders solicited. Samples of cloth with rules for measuring sent to
any address.
Corner Douglas and FoUrtBBnlh Streets ,
So long ; as "Men
may come and Men
may go , " it behooves
us to help them to be
well dressed. To
this end we continue
to offer for their in
spection an excellent
assortment of Men's
Clothing , including
everything that is new.
nobby and durable.
A full line of Men's
trousers of first-class
fit , make and material
Make Your Selection Early ,
SG ,
SG ,
1OG ,
El A OH.
All Kinds. Price reduced for 10 days
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessiouarlos.
Will tnko plnco In pulilio nt the OIl'Y O1 ! JUAHEZ ( formerly P.iso dot Nurto ) .
WEDNESDAY , JUNE 28th , 1890.
Under the personalsuporvisfnn ol GEN. JOHN S. 5IOSBY , and MK.OAMIU ) AUCW
the former a Rentleman of such proinlnoneo la the United States that his presence alone li
stilllclent euaraiitoo to the pnbllo that the drawings will bo hold with strict honesty and fair
ness to all , nnd the latter ( the Supervisor of thu Moxloau Government ) Is of equal sliudlu ;
und Integrity.
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO TicketsI
Prize of $60,000 , $60,000 $ , 100 I'rlnoi of Approximation I W oai-li Prizes. 5 J J1
rlioof IO.UOO 10.000 100 I'lUni of oO pacli a.'JW
ilioct fi,000 fA ( ) : UO I'rUes of 25 Ciicli 2.JU )
'rlteaof ' iuju cech Ji.'juj Terminal FrizM.
' ' ' . ' of f-'O p.i"h > I'J13 !
'rlteaof SOO each . ,000 Kf < TormlnnU to ful.OW I'rlJU - '
rlzesof 1U ) CHC.U 6,000 6U'.iTerminals to tlO.OJJ 1'rUo of till oauli. . . . . V-ttj
'rl7030f K each 6. ( J
il'rlieaof Ul cuch 7,600 1014 Prizes amountlns to $ ia5,070 ,
\Vo tlio undCMlcned liorebjr certify tlint tlio Bunco If nny tlekot ilrawln'-r n prl/o li wnt to tlm iiii'lor '
Nnclontil of Mexico In Clilliinilnia Ims on deposit eluiicit , lt fnco v.iluo will bo rollcotuil iiuil ruu.Ul34
from tlio Mexican Ilunklni ; Compiuiy. tu the owner thgroof free nf charBO.
the necosiary funds to guarnnteo the payment of all ICIHIAK II. JIHONHO.V.
the prize * clnnv'i In the ( linnil Ixittory of .lunrcz. 1'rcslilont Kl I'aio Nntlonnl Ilinlf , Kl 1'aio. Tor.
Wo further certify that wo will siiporvlnooll the nr-
rnngomnnts , und In purson nmnak'o anil control nil For elul ) riitiM , nr niiy other Infornintlnn. wrllfl to
thcdr'inlDKS of this Lottery , mid tint the fanio nro the undersU-ncil. atntlii't your iiililruji elwirlir. wlm
conducted with honesty , fairness und lu good fnlth atnto. County. Slraet iiuil Numlicr. Mora niil.l | in-ill
towards nil parties. clullvery will ho assured by your oncloslus n envelope -
JOHN 8. MOSI3Y. CoimnNstoner. opo lionrlna your full nrtilro . ,
Supervisor for the Government , City of JuuruA Moxluo.
Bond remlttnncps for tickets by ordinary Inttor. contalnlns Mimoy Order
' ifi iie < l by nil Kxpress Uompiinlus , Now Vork Exchange , UiinU Uraftor Toatol
Note. Address ) nil registered Ictturs to
OILtj or Juai-oz. Moxloo. via HI Paso. Tax.
Jewelers and. Silversmiths
We Invite particular attention to our large variety of arti
cles appropriate for Wedding Pi esents at
Solid Sterling Silverware , sinclo pieces or In sots , combinations , 4io. , from
$2 up to $500.
Fine Quadruple Silver-plated Wnro , in now and elegant designs , embracing
about everything known to the trade in both flat and. hollow ware , BO low in
price tliat wo dare not name the figures , being only about HALF OUU FOKM-
Lamps , Toilet Sots , Candelabra , Bronze Ornaments , Mirrors , besides the
largest a-isortm-ant of Cloolcs to bo found west of Chicago , from $1 up to $3 JO.
Hnndsomo Mantel Clocks at $0 , $7.00 , $10 , $16 , etc. , with half-hour stride
attachment , cathedral gongs , &c.
Diamonds , Watches , and Rich Gold Jew
elry at Greatly Reduced Prices.
g at Lowest Rates anil All Work Fully Warranted.