n 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEB ; WEDNESDAY , JUNE 4 , 1890. THE CITY , Sidney Smith Imfl sued J. Woods Smith in the county court for $ ; I05 for plans nnd epocIfU'iitloim furnished. Two largo offices liavo boon taken off from the pollco court room cnuloslnu the Inrtfo wlndowH facing the street. They will bo occupied by the gas Inspector tftid boiler IiiHpcctor respectively. Rudolph Stephen , n ton-year-old hey living at L'ark Forest , Is missing. When Inst seen ho WUH ( tailing with Botno un known companions , in u Inko near the Eottp factory south of the city. A young man" is iit liii-go" in the city signing receipts and making contracts for the "Chicago Fine Art portrait com pany. " Mrs. Hundorland , ono of the vie- tlniH , reports that ho is a fraud and has given thocnco to the pollco. I ) . IJ. Gill , chief clerk in the auditing department of the 13. & M. under Mr. Ttntulall , loft Monday ; for Newcastle , Wyoming , to IIHHUIIIO a responsible iiosl- tlon there with the company. Poor health is the cause of the change. Stump Harsh , a colored barber linn filed a sworn statement alleging that Of ficer Sullivan last Sunday night eiimo Into a colored gambling house on Capif tel avenue in a state of intoxication and assaulted the complainant with a club. The matter will bo investigated by the commission. Major Alfred A. Woodhull , surgeon United Stains army , having been no tified that his attendance before tin retiring - tiring hoard in session at these head quarters is no longer required , will re turn to his station at Fort Leavonworth , Kan. The travel directed is necessary for the public service. Articles of Incorporation of the Cod- noy pleklo company were filed yesterday. The ineorporntors were J , W. Rodofor , John P. Uednoy , W. A. Smith , W. W. Marsh , and Joseph W. Bishop and the capital stock * 2T > ,000 , Superintendent JayncS of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis .t Omaha returned from Blair last night. The Monday night storm was extremely heavy in that vicinity , washing out a number of small culverts and damaging the road bod. On the bottoms near Blair , two miles of track was under water. P.M. Rose of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & , Omaha , returned from Bancroft yesterday afternoon \vhero ho had been looking after damages result ing from Monday night's storm. North of Bancroft the storm was in the nature of a waterspout , and for three hours the rain fell In torrents. In that vicinity a largo slough became a river , carrying nway two miles of track. Adolf Lalloz , carriage manufacturer , 119 Carroll Street , IIufTulo , N. Y. , states : I was troubled with nausea of the stomach , sick liciulncho ahd general debility. , Burdoolc Blood Bitters cured mo. Omaha Guards Drill. The Omaha guards will enter their competi tive drill in Kansas City tomorrow morning. A number of local friends will leave for the ECUIIO tonight. Dr. Birnoypractice limited tocatarrh- al diseases of nose and throat. Bee bldg. "IVnnilnfj to YnmlulH. The two girls , Tillio and Charlotte Ander son , were yesterday afternoon given live days In the county Jail for destroying shrubbery In Prospect Hill. Sentence was suspended , the purpose being to make an example. Through coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair curb to Chicago and intervening points via the great llock Island route. Tick et olllco 1002. Sixteenth and Furmim. The Ohio Club. The regular monthly meeting of the Ohio club will bo held in the Paxton hotel cafe , on next Thursday iiinht at S p. in. sharp. Important business is to ho transacted. All persons who wish to join the clul"can do BO lit this mooting. W. W. SI.AUAUGII , Clerk. The now olHces of the great Rock Is land route , 1GO- , Sixteenth and Farnam Btreet , Omaha , are the finest in the city. Cull and see them. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates. Allowed Counterfeiter , Silas Cue of Fremont was brought to Oinuluiyesterday afternoon by ndcputyUnitcd States marshal charged with counterfeiting. Ho is said to have been the man who gave the bogus coin to young Hoovey , who was arraigned before the United States district court a few days ago. To NffvoiiH Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address wo will send you Dr. Dyo's ' Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances on trial. They will nulcklyj restore you to vigor , manhood and health. Pamphlet free. VOI.TAIU BUT Co. , Marshall , Mich. The Gundy CUHO. The Gundy vs. Anderson ctal case occupied the attention of the United States court this morning. Only two witnesses were exam ined , .J. H. Cope and Luther Drake. Mr. Cope testified that ho had boon present at the elgnliiK of the notes by Whltcomb and know that they wore genuine. Mr. Drake was called as an export and said that thosignaturos on the notes were identical with that on the depositions so fur as his Judgment was concerned - corned , Now Coates MOIINC , Kan. City. Absolutely tire proof. Finest and largest hotel la Kansas City. Unexcelled in its ap pointments. Hold Firewater. Al and Will Pylo of Preston , Neb. , were brought In by United States Deputy Marshal Hopllngor for selling liquor to Sao and Fox Indians. Preston Is In the extreme * south eastern corner of Hlchardson county and adjoins the Indian agency. The older Pylo keeps a so-i-allod temperance saloon anil W'lll , who is only seventeen years old , tends bar for him. Poor l-o nuno to him for llrowator nnd got it , and both father and son were ar rested. Van Houtcn's Cocoa Dullclous. mndo In fctantly. _ Iludly Used Up. William Warren , n section man on the B. & M. road , Is lying at St. Joseph's hospital with both logs broken , several ribs fractured and otherwise badly bruised up. About 5 o'clock yi'stcrday morning Warren imlhis gang left Ashland onulmudcariu the fllrection of Plattsmouth. They had not gene far until the flyer came along and ran Into thorn. Warren Is the only oao that sustained tny Injuries. Ho was carried back to the nation , placed aboard No. ! and brought huro for treat incut. An Alisomto Cure. The OHIO1NAL AlUliTIXE OINTMENT Is only put up la largo two-ounce tin boxes , Imd is an absolute euro for all sores , bums , wounds , chapik'd hands and all skla eruptions Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL , AUIF.TINH OINT MENT. 'Sold by Goodman Drug company ut i.5 cents per box bvmaliao cents Kilts. ThU evening the local lodga of Elks will give a social session to the member * of "A Pair of Jacks" company at their rooms. The comedians who arc down on the pro- L-nunmo of entertainment nro Messrs. H. t ! . Kuowlod , Sol Aikln , Julius P. Whilmark , William J. Russell , John IV Savage and Ernest Sinclair. Members of Omaha lodgu limy purchase tickets of admission for their friends from the ( .toward of the Elks club , from C. C. Hulott , dork of the Mlllurd hotel , at D. W. Van Colt's Jewelry store or ut the box olllco of Boyd's opera house. Plutt'H Chloriili'H , n True DlHliit'eotant. An odorless liquid , prompt , cheap uud cfll. llcut , NATUKI3 MADK I1HII UhAClC. Atul Nature ( M Again Depriving Her of Jlcr Colof. Thcro came to this city Monday what might bo described as n phenomenon of the most remarkable order. It was n colored woman , black us the ace of spades , whoso skin Is gradually turning to n snowy though by no means loproua-llko whiteness. She Is n widow , thirty years old , with four small children , and Is In almost dcstltuto cir cumstances. A BnH reporter found her yesterday In a two-room shanty at 1010 Davenport street , and it was only after n great deal of coaxing that ho was allowed to sco her at all. It seems that some musco manager is after her to go on the stage and for this reason she Is In hiding , so far as her circumstances will permit. Her name Is Mrs. Annie Wilson. She Is of very ordinary birth and appearances as a ncgress , though Micro Is very little ) of the negro pronunciation in her talk. She Is or dinarily bright for a woman of her class , Is penurious , and not very talkative. The peculiarity about the woman consists In the fact that her hands nnd wrists , and a circle half an Inch wide about each eye Is as white and almost us fair as that of the best bom white woman In the land. She said that she was born In Missouri and that both of her parents were black as coal. The strange change begun to show Itself upon her body about six years ago nnd has been ut work constantly over since. She suld that her parents nt well as herself had always en joyed the hardiest of health and were It not for her eyesight the turning of her black skin white would never bo known to her. As her skin whitens , it becomes a trifle smoother and less Inclined to wrinkle. These last pe culiarities are noticeable particularly on the back of her hands. The whitening process ns far as It has now progressed , does its work thoroughly as it goes along and leaves no flocks , spots or blotches of black behind. Mrs. . .Wilson also said , that her feet had turned color almost to the same extent its her hands , and that other portions of her body were being similarly affected. No less than eighteen physicians of Mis souri and Iowa , Mrs. Wilson said , had exam ined the change that is going on , anil pro nounced It the most remarkable thing they hud ever witnessed. It seems that woman's homo Is In Clarinda. la. , and It was through her applying for aid to got back there that she became known in this city. She does not relish her change of color as keenly as thousands of her black sisters pro bably would , and says she would prefer to bo just as nature made her a colored woman. There Is danger in impure blood. Thcro is safety in taking Hood's Sarsiiparilla.tho great Wood purifier. 100 doses one dollar. CONSID12KS IT A 11AD THING. The Mayor Will Ascertain AVIint Davis HUH to Do With Contracts. Mayor dishing returned ata late hour Mon day night after an absence of two weeks , and was found at his ofllce this morning. " 1 have returned a whole week ahead of the time I expected to in order to bo present at the special session of the legislature. It was only by chance that I happened to pick up a paper In Texas , where I have been , and iL-arneil that a special session had been called. I started back immediately. After getting as far as Kansas City I saw in another paper that the governor had revoked his call. Then I thought I might as well come on homo after getting that far away from Texas uud so near home. "I haven't seen an Omaha paper or heard a thing about what has been going on hero since I left , and so 1 will not attempt to do any talking whatever. " Being handed a copy of TUB Hr.it of tnls morning and shown the editorial headed "Mayor Gushing and the Combine , " his honor glanced through it and said : "Well , I must hear something more about this busirofas before I do any talking won't do a bit until I've heard the whole story. I might tell you one tiling , however , and that is that I've never approved any malfeasance in olllco on the part of any councilman if I knew it. If Councilman Davis over had a hand in a city contract of any kind It lias es caped my notice. That sort of thing is bad business , you know , nnd couldn't bo allowed to pass without something being done or said. But then we'll look this thing up and nnd prepare our selves to say something or other , if its needed to do so. " The mayor added that ho hadn't given the chairmanship of the board of public works matter a single thought during his absence. A Dangerous Policy. It is a dangerous policy to wait until taken sick before buying a bottle of Chamberlain's colic , cholera and iliur- rliiL'u remedy. Every family should bo provided with some reliable remedy for bowel complaints , ready for immediate use , whenever required , during the sum mer months , and this remedy is unques tionably far superior to any otlior. It can always bo depended upon , and is pleasant and safe to take. It is put up in 25 and 50 cent bottles. DOG CATC 11 UK AGAIN. Ho Gets Into Trouble AVith a Bird Fancier. The dog-catchers are In the pollco court again. This time Max Geisler , the bird dealer , is the complaining witness. Geisler is laid up in bed with an Injured face and hh partner tells the story. They have some fancy bird dogs at the storo. Monday evening ono of the canines was playing about the door-step when the dog- catohor's wagon was passing. The animal was captured , and Mr. CJoislor , who saw the transaction , ran out to remonstrate with the dog tag in his hands. The catchers paid no attention and drove off to the pound. About an hour after , Mr. Geislor and his friend arrived at tnu pound and demanded the dog. Then there was trouble. Ono of the pound boys started for the friend with danger In his eyo. Geisler interfered and received a blow in the face from an Iron bar which incapacitated him for further ar gument. This Is thn story of the bird-dealer's. Poundnmstor Pulaskl has a different ver sion , chdiniug that the dog was caught across the street , and that Geloler made the first as sault. Multhows , the assaulting dog catcher , was arrested charged with assault to commit murder. The Preventive Hi' a. Terrible Disease. No disorders , excepting the most denuly forms of lung disease , involve such n tre mendous destruction of organic tissue as those which fasten upon the kidneys. Such maladies , when they become chronic and none are so liable to assume that phase com pletely wreck the system. To prevent this terrible disease , recourse should bo hud , upon the first manifestation of trouble , to Hostet- ters Stomach Bitters , which experience has proved to bo highly effective as a means of Imparting tone and regularity to the organs of urination , us well us to the liver , stomach and bowels. Another beneficial result of this nieilleirto , tmUmdly consequent upon Its diuretic action , is the elimination from the blood of Impurities which beget rheumatism , neuralgia , gout , dropsy , and other maladies. By Increasing the activity of the kidneys , It augments the dopuratlvo cniclency of these organs , which are most Important outlets for c&capu of bui'h impurities. liUUGljAHS STIIJj AKOUND. They Improve the Opportunity Finely During do Storm. The storm was a bonanza for the burglars. William Fleming , the grocer at Fourteenth nnd Douglas , was the first victim. The thlcvea broke through a window on Four teenth street and ransacked the store , scat tering boxes uiul drawers and their contents over the floor. They secured only 40 pennies from the money druwei. This Is the second buiylury on this beat slnco Sunday , MeSlmues being the first. The olllco of Wilkes Ford , at 1007 Farnam , was entered In u similar way through a back window. The tmfo was opou , but the strung box locked. This was broken open anu $ AKI in money taken. The pollco are looking for the colored janitor , who Is suspected , Th' Mercury office at ail South Sixteenth was uiti'rol through the transom , The safe , which was used Jointly by Taylor brothers uud thu Mercury , was opened by some ouu who knew the combination. The strong box was abstracted and taken Into n rear room , where It was pried open , but contained nothing of value. The meat market on Thirteenth street be tween Douglas and Dodge was also entered by means of the transom In the alley adjoin ing the Millard hotel. About 15 In cash was secured in the till. Entitled to the Host. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy , so every family should have , at once , u bottle of the best family remedy , Syrup of Figs , to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For side In Wo and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. I3XTKNDING TO THE ULICIIOUX. The Conductors on That Ijlno Now Regarding the consultation had Monday with a delegation of conductors and brakemen - men from his road , General Manager Burt of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , says that the demand for a revision of their schedule has grown out of similar agitations on otlior roads. The passenger men are not * In it. Theyreceive the same wages as are paid by the B. & M. road. Conductors get $100 per month and run on un-avcrage of about four thousand miles. The Northwest ern recently revised Its schedule and feeling that they are earning as much ns anybody else , the Elkhorn fellows also ask to bo rec ognized. Mr. Burt has taken the matter under ad visement and will give the delegation a reply between now and next Saturday ulght. Laid Out by the Storm. Trains on the Northwestern road were laid out several hours yesterday morning at Loveland , a way station between Council Bluffs and Missouri Valley. During the storm Sunday night n clou d burst over that vicinity and the water came down in regular torrents. It washed away a section of the track and did other se rious damage. A largo force of men was put to work repairing the road , so that the de layed west-bound trains arrived late yesterday afternoon. Both the Union Pacific and the Burlington had some trouble during the night , but noth ing of n serious nature. The Belt line was also left In bad con dltion in two or three places , but the Missouri Pacific passen ger arrived on time. Had to Postpone. Grand Chief Conductor Clarl ; nnd Grand Secretary Daniels went away Monday night but will return. They received word that neither Vice President Ilolcomb nor General manager Dickcnson could bo here for several days therefore the proposed meeting with them had to bo postponed. Further conference with Dickcnson alone would not result In any thing more than has already been offered. Some time ago ho said , "I have conccedcd all that , in my judgment , they ought to have. If they succeed in getting additional allowances it will have to come from a higher authority. " For that reason the conference with Vice President Ilolcomb is desired. The Question of the Day. The leading question now is : ' 'Aro you provided with a bottle of Chamber lain's Collie , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , as a safeguard against an at tack of bowel complaint during the sum mer months ? " No family can all'ord to risk being without this invaluable medicine during the hot weather. It is almost certain to bo needed , and is a friend indeed when required , as it never fails , and is pleasant and safe to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. A New Manufacturing Industry. Articles of incorporation wei-e filed yester day of the Elastic. Metallic Packing company of Omaha. The company has a capital stock of $1,000,000 , and is incorporated by E. P Weatucrby , I. B. Miller and V. W. Mason , jr. , who are respectively president , secretary and general manager of the company. The company makes Its general headquarters in Omaha with branch houses in Chicago , Kan sas City and Cincinnati. The machinery for the manufacture of the packing is on the road and work will bo commenced in a few days. The Only Ono. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway is the only line running solid vcstibulcd , electric lighted and steam heated trains between Chicago , Council BlulTb and Omaha. The borlh reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars lenvo the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0 p. in. daily , arriving at Chicago at 0:30 : a. in. Passengers taking tins train are not compelled to get out of the cars at Council BlulTs and wait for the truin to bo cleaned. Got tickets and sleeping car berths at Union ticket olllco , 1601 Farnam st. F. A. NASH , Con. Agt J. E. PKKSTOX Pass Agt. ItHsnperlororcoIloneo proven In million' of homos for muni than a quarter of n eontiiry U Is uioil liy the United Slnlv * ( iovernui-nt h'udorsod l > y the hendHof thn ircit nnlverxitl' " * . MX tlio Strnnuc'M , l'ure . ' ' . ' link- t ami Mont lloalthfnl. lr ) 1'rleo'i Cre.'iin Ink' Powder , clnen not contain ammonia , llmo or alum. Sold only In run * . 1'UICK llAKINIt I'OWDKIt CO. , Now York Chlciih'u. H.m Francisco. St.Louis AMUSMMISNTS. _ HOUSC llovu & MAVNK-I , M Hungers. WEDNESDAY ANlfi 1 1 TV 17 A A V H TliniWDAY. f J U1NKMVIM' J. Production ot the Ijiitust Musical Fureo L'umt'dy , K PHIR of JRGKS Hy II. Onittan Donnelly Ksq , , author of Natural Gas , " "LutorOn , " i tc. K. Q. Knowles . as. . . . . . . . .Juilyo Jaclt Win. J : Hussell . as , . . . . . . .Doctor Jaclc And a superb Comrdy Company , IntriMliic- IIIK DrJKhtcMt I'cuturu ! * , U re u test Novclik Latest SOUKS. Itt'uulur prices. Scats will bo pvit on sale Dime Eden A STAR ORGANZ1ATION , Mclntyre & Heath's MINSTRELS. Tlio cst mln trol ilintr over glvim In Oui.ilia. 5i k'mit mar * In uilu tn.'l jr. NEW FUNI NKW JOKE.S ! NluW GA.GS ! Watch fur tliuKroat itrvct parados. CAPT. CHITTENDEN Tlio mrvivurof manr urctlo cxpcilltlciu with hl cullcclluu uf curlun ( rum ttiu fruivn north. One Dime Admits to All , CaStarrh IS n blood dlinuc. Until tuc poison la expelled from tlio system , there can lie no cure Jot this lontlisomo nnd dangerous niaUily , Therefore , the only effective trentmint Is n thorough course of Aycr's Snrsapnrllln the best of nil blood purifiers * The sooner you begin the better ; dolly is dangerous. " I was troubled with CAtnrrh for over two years. ! _ tiled various remedies , nnd was tre.ttxxl by a nuipber of physi cians , but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer'R Sarsnparllla. A fo\v bottles of this uicdlclno cured mo of this troublesome complaint nnd com pletely restored my health. " Jesse M. fcoggs , Holmau's Mills , N. C. "When Ayer's Snrsnparilln was rec ommended to me for catarrh , I was In clined to doubt Its oflicncy. Having tried so many remedies , with little ben efit , I Imd no faith that anything would euro me. I became emaciated from loss of appetite and Impaired digestion. I Imd nearly lost the sense of smell , and my system was badly deranged , I was about discouraged , when a friend urged ino to try Ayer's Sarsaparllla , nnd re ferred mo to persons whom It hnd'curod of catarrh. After taking half n dozen bottles of this medicine , I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood. " Charles II. JMaloucy , 113 lllvor ut. , Lowell , Moss. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla , Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. 1'rlco $1 i eli bottles , t . Worth $5 a bottle. L.IEBIO COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Makes the purest , cheapest nnd best IJcef Tea Finest meat flavoring stock for Soups. Sluices and Made Dishes. Onn pound of Kttractofllecf cqunl to forty pounds of lu.in beef , ui tlio value of .nbout IT.50. Genuine only with Justus von Mcbig's signature as shown To euro Biliousness. Sick Headache. Constipation. Walnria. Liver Coniplnlnta. tnko the eafo nnd certain remedy , SMITH'S Oso the SMALT , SIZE (40 ( llttlo bemis to flio hot. tto ) . They arc the most convenient : tult all ages , i'rlcoof either size , 25 eetitd per bottle. Kfi5BM . T * ° t 7. 17. 70 : Photo-pTnvr.ro , ro.Bt vjKUVVi panel slzo of this picture lor 4 CCUU ( coppers or stamps ) . 3V. SMITH & CO. . Sinkers of "llllo Beans. St. Louis. Mo. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS. 1878. W. DAK Ell & CO.'S RiipQlrfnot Pnnnfl DlodKldiH uUblhl Is absolutely pure anil it la soluble. No Chemicals are ued lit Iti preparation. It hoi more fjfrau three ttmci th * ttrcntfh of Cocoa mixed with Stnirh , Arrowroot or-Sugar , and li thmfjre far more economical , totting Itti than one ctnt a cup. It It ilclicloui , nourishing , itrciigtlmiliig , IU- tiiY DiarsTEU , am ! admirably adapted ftt li flNdint * nas r fioni In health. Sold by Grocers etcr ) where. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass , UR. J. S , McftBEW , THE3PEC8AUST. The Doctor Is unsurpassed in tlio treatment of all form * of 1'rlvatu Discuses. No treatment Ims ever been more Hicccdtifiil and none 1ms Imd Ptronier endorse ment. A enrols guaranteed In lli very \\orsl caeca in from 3 to Bduvs without the loss of an hour's time. ' - Those wlio hmo been under his treatment for Stricture or difllcnlty In relieving the lihulder , pronounce It n most wonder ful success A complete cure In a few days without irnln. Ins'nmiciitH or losnof tune. 1 AmUlhvenk. | IICKS of the ecxiinl organs timidity or ncrroncnrss , In their worst fonns and most ( freiiilf-il result" ) arc absolutely cured. And nil l-'RMAU ! JMSRASES cured at homo uitlumt Instruments. A wonderful remedy. 110UHS fur ladle * from 2 to 4 ONLY. and nil Dlfcnscs of the Skin , lllooil , llenrt , I.IVIT , Kid- ] ip > s and llladdcr cured , ( 'lived In 30 to W dav . Tlio mnft rupid , Rifu and effect- he treatment lnonn to the medical profession Eu-ry Irnco of llie dlt-easo ic- moved from the blood , a compute euro guaranteed , / C * ' ' "or "lllnu" or " "onnm" , cath lOc BfUfftiV/ ( stamp * ) . Treatment hy corrc- ws > wiP spnnilenco Stamp for reply. S"B"BTiB ( N K C'on. NTH AN FAIINAH ST. Open from 8 A. M. to 0 I1. .M. ance on Farnam or HtU fat. , OMAHA. NEB. DentfentaieLotterij Denver , Colo. , 'Capital Prize $7,500. T1OKI3TS , 50 CUNTS KACII. $26,370 PAID EACH MONTH. BANK OF COMMERCE PAYS ALL PRIZtS. Address IJ. \ \ R1IODUS , DENVER. - COLUUAIH. . . NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Specific for 'Ijriforla , Dliiliiein , Fits. Kwirnleja. Wats. uineji , Mental l rri' qii. bolteninsrof tlio liraln , reIn - In liv ' ' ' le 'lln ' t to wl eiy d v ant utJili -ivma.'U're'ot.T'ni- . . . ' - Intllliur ei , Involuntary I.OKMuiul Hi > rniatorib < caustd by uvar-vxortltM ot ino briun , fco.i uuo r oTcr-lnduinncu. Each box ronlaln onoinuniL' IniLt. nient. tlat > n . or li lur 4. tint by niall.rcuila. | . | With rarti urdur ( ur tit tiuif * , will temt pun hA. r puranl o lu itfu 'l B .IIF if ilia immi.'iit f ils lu cui ' tiui anto" < u. i. . . JPLIUJ.U : uJ ' u * by OOPDMAN DRL'O CO. , 1110 Forimm Street , Omaha , Nob. TO Bultrrmu from the * iI Vj'f ymithful . rn > r , par r decay , wukthia wraknrM. l * t iiiuubuoj , rlc , I . tull run \aluablc treatlw ( M-alf.1 ; coiitainlnit I.artlcuar . ! tor liomu cur.I'llKIJ 'f f 'S/i * houM I * rc < l"frr > . . . liciillil . . ( . . . . .u. medical . < a . _ . work . . , ! > n i'l itrMIUuti il. /"frr , Overstocked , but we are determined to do the clothing business of this town , and our goods ara V marked to obtain that end in view , and because our prices are lower than others , don't let ijl prejudice you against the quality and workmanship of our goods. Depend upon us to sustain our reputation for honest and reliable clothing. We are the originators of , and have been since we started , the leaders in popular prices , not only for clothing * but for all other goods which we handle. Our large business gives us ad * vantages that are not enjoyed by other dealers , and we assure you that we can always save you from 25 to 50 per cent by availing yourself of the popular prices at which we mark all our goods. During the ensuing week we shall offer some extraordinary bargains in our Undcwcar De partment. We have closed from the manufacturers 25 cases of fine Summer Underwear at an enormous reduction from what the same goods cost us early in the season. That explains why A we are able to make slaughtering prices on them. Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 350 ; regular price 65c. Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 6oc ; regular price Si.oo. Extra fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at Soc ; regular price $ i.5o. These goods are of an extra fine quality and handsome shades , and arc worth fully the rcgi ular prices stated above. above.NECKWEAR. . Another immense purchase just made. We have bought the entire stock of Tecks madd by one of the leading manufacturers in the country. There are about 500 dozen ; all this season'/ ; / novelties , and we shall almost give them away. We have classified them into three grades : 350 450 and 65c. Remember , these are all high grade goods , and the prices we quote represent just one-quarter of what such qualities would sell at regular retail prices. SHOES. One of the season's choicest offerings in the Shoe Department is the following : „ Russet Low Shoes , excellent stock , solid leather throughout , at $1.40. They are wort/f fully $2.50 ; and Russet High Cut Lace Shoes at $1.75 , positively worth $3.00. In Men's and Boys' Shoes you will not find anywhere such values as we are offering , and wd keep'only shoes from reliable makers , such as we can recommend and as we can guarantee. In our basement we offer as large a line of Trunks and Traveling Bags of all descriptions aj you can find in this city. Our prices for these goods will astonish you. Mail orders solicited. Samples of cloth -with , rules for measuring sent to any address. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. So long as "Men may come and Men may go , " it behooves us to help them to be well dressed. To this end we continue to offer for their in spection an excellent assortment of Men's Clothing , including everything that is new nobby and durable. A full line of Men's trousers of first-class fit , make and material Make Your Selection Early , -Kill ItlllM'MATIHM. nvSI'Kl'StA. . . . DiPKAsno , r'oM.rii'\'iii.v ( , SUH.NTMIY . . KlHNiv'OMl'I.AtNTS : ( , I.f.N ( . UlSLAMH , IMITICK Itl.OOL ) . ll.Kli 6i GO. . . . ' ' ' , J'lUII'llll.lOllS AMI Sdl.B MANL't'ACTL'IICIlS OMAHA NEW. Y PI III IS I'an bo cured In 20 to CO days O 1 I 1111/u ; | iy u o of thu marvelous Mntriu Itpnieity. I'M UO fur n cn o U will nut euro. CAI TION to cut the ui'iiulno ruinuilyVrllu or cull uo r C .J.jnlyn .Mr. llurnuy feucel , Omubii. Ncl/ranka AGOODU1CII , I.u yi-r , r.'l Iitu U.-rn St I'liii-uK" . M yuura * biicceful iniiclioo . Ailvrcfrue uuiiubliviiy. bye luU Grand Lottery of Juarez. Under the Manngement of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will take place In publlo at the CITY Ol.1 . JUAIIEZ ( formerly Paso < lol Norton Moxlca , \ WEDNESDAY , JUNE 25th , 1S9O. Uiulor the personal supervlsrnn ol GO. JOHN S. 3IOSBY , ami MU.CAMIf.O AKfUHME9 , tlm former IL gentleman of suoh prominence In the United States that his presence alone I siilllclentcmirantuu to tlio public that the drawings will ho held with strict honesty ami f.ilr- nei.ii to all , and the lattur ( the Supervisor of tlio Mexican Qovornmunt ) Is of uiiuul standing and Integrity. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6O.OOO TickeisI WHOLE TICKETS , $4 ; HALF TICKETS , $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS , $1 , LIST 1 Prize of $60,000 $60,000 $ Approximation Prlzcn. , , 100 I'rl/03 of J M cacti s S.OOJ 1 I'rl/oof lO.WX ) 10,000 100 I'rl/uj of IiO racli 3.0JQ 1 1'rlzocf S.OUO fi > ) 100 I'llzus of 25 cncli VWJ 3 I'lI/os of 1.UM i > i.rli H.OUU Terminal Prizes. 10 I'rl/L'iof 2l cncli ' . ' .HOU . SK > Terminals to TiROOO I'rl/.o of $1) ) each tll.OSO Ut I'rlrcHof 1UU cncll fi.UH ) iU ! ) Turiulimls to { lO.lTJJ 1'rliU of MO cncli 6VJ ! 100 I'rliusuf , cill'll 6,000 " " 60 1'rlioa of U ) each , M ) 10M Prizes amounting to $125,07Q. ' Wo tlio tinrtornlcncrt hereby certify tlint the llnnco If any ticket clr.iwlna n prlzo li snnt to tlio nmlor * Naclcnial nf Mnxk'O In riilliuahim Inu on deposit Kluiuvl , IU face vuliio will be collected and ruuiltttlJ from thu Mexican International lUukliw Company , to the owner thereof free of charge. tlin necessary fundi to piinrnnti'o the payment uf all KIKIAH II. llHON-idN' . thu prize * drawn In the ( Jianil lottery of .Imiriu. I'resldont Kl 1'axo National Hank , Ml I'n o. Tor. \\elurthur corllly Unit wo will supervise all tlio ar- AC.KMTS WANTiaiJ. rnnnoniuTits , and In person mnn.iuo ami control all For club rates , or any other Information , irrljp to ihodriwInKs of this Lottery , and that thu naino nro tlio iiinlcrHk'iiuil. Matlni ; your aildro.n clu.irly , wltli conducted with hoiieaty , fairness and In food faltli Ktnlc , County , Street ami Number. Mora ri : : > l'l ' in ill towards all parties. delivery will bo assured by your enclosing an onvUV JCU-IK S. MOSHY. Commissioner. ope bcarlns your full ndtlruii. UAMII.O Auumtiis : ; , MEXICAN INTHUNATIONAT. IIANKINII Co. , Supervisor for the Uovcruinont. Ulty of . .luuruMoxlco. . TsJOTTflF1 gcml remittances for tickets hy ordinary letter , containing Monny Onlnr. t. , , > -J- issued hy all Kvpross Companies , Now York Exchange , Hank Drurtur I'oataJ Note. Address all registered letters to ML1XIG.A.N INTiai-iNJS.TIONA.Lx EJ.ANK1NG CO. . OiLij ofJuarez. . Moxloo. via bll ljaso. Tox. MAX EB & BEO , Jewelers and Silversmiths , SIXTEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS , - OMAHA , NEB. We invite particular attention to our largo variety of arti cles appropriate for Wedding Presents at POPULAR PRICES. Sollil Sterling Silverware , slnglo plcoea or in sots , combinations , < 5co. , from" $3 up to $000. Fine Quadruple Sllver-platotl Ware , In now and elosant designs , embracing about everything known to the trade in both flat ami hollow ware , BO low in jmco that wo clare not name the flcuros. bains only about HALF OUU FOKAI- ERPniCES. Lamps , Toilet Sots , Candelabra , Uronzo Ornaments , Mirrors , besides the lar ust aa > n ; nt of Cloolta to bo found west of Chicago , from $1 up to $1200. Ilaudbumu Mantel Clocln at $5 , $7.60 , $10 , $10 , etc. , with hulf-hour otriltu attachment , c.tthodral congs , ico. Diamonds , Watches , and Rich Gold Jew elry at Greatly Reduced Prices. EWllcpalring al Lowest Rates and All Work Fully Warranted.