Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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CZrooory Department.
Ice cream free/era $1,23 ; water coolers ,
7Ccup to M.fiS ; garden hose , lOo per
foot , wnrrnntcd to Btund100 pounds
pressure ; garden rnkcs , loc : hoes , 2oe ;
Bhovols , 4lc ) ; garden trowels , Co ; lawn
mowers , the Buckeye , $ . ' 1.1)8 ) , and the
Keen Kllppor , the finest machine made ,
C5.25. The Western washer number 2
for thlH week , $ l.r > 0. Wo warrant tills
to ho the genuine.
Carpet sweepers , 81.M ; elegant hat
racks , Uoc : wringers , $1.60 ; wash tubs ,
45c ; washboards , I5c ; steak mauls , lOc ;
clothoH forks , lOc ; they are used to lift
boiling clothes out of the wash boiler ;
nil sizes of porcelain lined Iron kettles
from 2 c for 2 qt up to 75c for 12 qt :
churns , 2.c ) ; covered butter jars , 7Jo per
gallon ; tumblers , 2jc each ; glass sugar
bowls , Cc ; spoon holders , Co ; butter
dishes , Oc ; creams , fie ; cake stands , lie ;
1 gallon water pitchers , lOc ; salt and
peppers , fie ; Ice water pitchers , $1.00 ,
worth SI1.00 ; largo tankard water
pitcher Hoc , worth $1 ; tumblers to match
Oc each ; trnys fie ; iron soap dishes 5c ;
tea kettles lOc ; tea and cofleo pots lOc ;
decorated cups and saucers fiOo per set ;
toilet sots $2.00 , very finely decorated ;
genuine Hat fiber palls -Ific ; the Baby
McKco night lamp , u httlo lamp with
Bhado to match , only 8 in. high , in all
colors , COc ; 0 ghibs sauce dishes IOc ; 6
do/ , clothes pins Co ; 100 feet wire clothes
line -10c ; window screens , from 20 to 40
Inch wide , He per square foot ; cake
boxes Ooc ; egg beaters 5c ; shelve paper
Jks per bundle ; potato knives Cc ; pint
cups Ic each ; screen door spring-hinges
74e ; folding wash bench $1.05 ; bench
and wringer combined 8-1.05. Wo will
give you this weclc u genuine Doulton
112-pieco dinner sot , the Arundol pattern -
torn , for $10.00. Tliis sot has never been
Bold for any less than $35. The saino
thing in a tea set for $7.fiO. Wo have
also a very line decorated dinner sot for
88.03 , 100 pieces ; milk crocks Co per gal
lon ; patent Hat irons , I ) irons , 1 handle and
Bland , $1.25 ; old-fashioned Hat irons 25o ;
cloth baskets Coo. Mason fruit jars $1
per doz. Ilaydcn Bros , letting down the
prices. 21 Ibs sugar for $1. Good but-
tor7c , 8e } , lOc , 12io15e. | l7cand the very
best creamery lOo. This Is the best but
ter that can bo made by the hands of
man or woman. Why pay 3 times this
price , and you can not buy any better
butter. 6 lo stone jar jam of all kinds
U5e. 2j-lb stone jar of all kinds jam for
lOc. Jolly Cc per pound. 1Mb can Cali
fornia apricots 12Je. 3-lbcanCal. green
gage plums , 12e. } 1Mb can Cal. damson
plums 12Jo. 3-lb can Cal. grapes 12-je.
Oat meal , the very best kiln dried , 2jo
per pound. Why pay lOc for very same
* * hingV
Although flour has advanced our prices
remain the same. Snow Hake 81 , bltio
D $1.05 , golden sheaf $1.25 , applm $1.3-3 ,
best superlative 81.35 , Davis No. 10
Soda crackers fie , oyster crackers 5c ,
best salmon 12ic per can , mustard sar
dines Oo. oil sardines Go , 2-lb can black
berries 7Jc , 2-lb can blackberries put up
In heavy syrup 12je per can , 2-lb can
raspberries 7Je , 2-lb can raspberries in
heavy syrup 12Jo , 3 3-lb cans best toma
toes 25e , corn 7Jo per can , starch Co.
Wo hav 3 great bargains to offer you
when you como in ; it is impossible to
mention all of this and wo will sell you
the same goodsfjuralmost half the money
that our neighbors will.
Pine tea sittings 15c , sun dried 233c ,
27e , 35o and CUe , uncolored Japan tea
2c ! ) , : ! 7cloo , COo and ( iOc.
Our stock in this department is ono of
the largest and from tlio best factories.
Tno extreme low prices wo quote are on
the best goods ; money can buy no better.
Infants line shoes , 2oo , 35eICc , OOe ,
and 7.)0.
Child's fine shoes , -1 to 74 , 85c , 05o and
81.2- ) .
Child's fine patent tip shoos , 4 to 73 ,
$1.25 ; 8 to 10 } , $1.50.
Child's line kid and goat shoes , 8 toll } ,
81.1C and $1.25.
Misses fine kid and goat shoes , 12 to 2 ,
81 , $1.-I5 and $ r.)5. ! )
Misses' fine Oxford tics , patent tiift ,
12 to 2 , $1.35.
Ladies' line Oxford ties , patent tips ,
2 } to 8 , $1 and $1.23.
Ladies' line Oxford tics , plain toes ,
$1.25 , $1.50 and $2.
Ladies' line dongola button shoes ,
tl.8. > , $2.-1C and $3.05.
Boys' ilno button slices , sizes 12 to 2 ,
81.25 , $1.50 and $1.75.
Boys' line button shoes , sizes 2 } to5 } ,
81.-15 , $1.75 and $2.
Men's line shoes , lace and cong.iess ,
81.CO , $1.1)3 ) , $2.95 and $ ; t.-15.
The success of this department is be
yond comparison. High class goods
and low prices are wonderful attrac
Ingrain carpets 25c , 33c , 37e15o and
60c , worth 50o to 75c.
Standard extra super carpets COc , C5c
and G8o , worth 75c to $1.
Absolutely now styles in body brus-
Bcls , moquotts , velvet and wllton carpets
at special low prices.
Nottingham lace curtains by the pair
at COc , OCc , 75c , $1 , up to the finest
in u do.
Real and imitation Swiss lace curtains
ranging in prices from $5 up to $05 per
pair , also Irish point and tambour cur
tains at special low prices.
Chenille curtains at $1.25 , $1.60 , $1.75
up to $0 , for curtains worth $2.75 up to
Finest silk chonlllo curtains $12 , $10
and $18.
Fine silk curtains $0.50 , $7.CO ; $0 , $12
and $15.
Silk draperies 55c , 05o and 75o yard.
Fine imported draperies 15e to 25c.
Curtain scrim in plain and lace otl'ects
6c , 7c , lOo and 12e yard.
Immoiiso line of curtain shades , plain
holland shades in all colors , mounted on
best spring rollers at llc. )
Ladies' linen handkerchiefs at IOc ,
worth 20c.
Ladles' line hemstitched handkor-
.chiofs at Cc , 7c , lOe , 12c and 15c , worth
12c to 25e.
Special sale on laces , flounolngs ,
drapery nets , veilings and ombroul-
Special Sale ol * French Flowers.
F.legant wreaths of French ( lowers ,
former price $3.08 , $2,50 and $1.0S , now
Elegant wreaths of French ( lowers ,
former price $1.50 and OSc , now 25c.
Bunches of wild roses , former price
85c , now IOc.
Milan Hats 25c , OOe and OSo.
Trimmed hats at special prices all of
the newest and latest styles ,
Millinery all goes at cut prices.
Attend our sale tomorrow.
Formerly with Stern Bros. , New York ,
now in store with Heyman & Delches ,
1518 and 1520 Fanmin Street ,
Now Upright I'lauow ft > r $27B
nt Hospo's. 1513 Douglas , by paying a
email payment down , the balance on
email tune payments , you got a now up
right piano fully warranted.
Hulls , CloulcH and
Wo hove made a sweeping cut on the
following :
Ladies' worsted and cashmere dresses ,
$2.50. formerly $3.
Ladies' worsted and cashmere dresses ,
$3 , formerly $0.
Ladies' worsted and cashmere dresses ,
$ -1. formerly $8.
Ladies' worsted and cashmere dresses ,
$5 , formerly $10.
Ladies' sateen and gingham dresses ,
S2.CO , $3.75 , $3.50 , fO and $7 , less than
half former prices.
DLadics' black embroidoricd scarf
shawls , heavy silk fringes , $2.50 , $3 ,
$3.23 , $3.50 to $16 ; a material reduction.
t Ladies' black cashmere shawls , heavy
silk fringes , $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.60 to $15.
Ladies plain and fancy colore'd summer
shawls , plain or figured centers , 03c ,
$1.25 , 81.60 , $1.75 to $10 ; less than half
the price asked elsewhere.
Children's gingham dresses in all sizes ,
35c , 37e , 31)15c ) , COc to $2.
An extensive line of ladies' and chil
dren's white dresses ; also ladies' white
and calico wrappers.
Ladies' street jackets at astonishingly
low ligures , soiling at 75c , $1 , $1.23 ,
$1.60 , $1.75 , $2 up to $25.
Wo will offer on Monday morning a
line of colored surah bilk worth SOc at
25c.Line No. 20 colored surah silks worth
OOc for 35c.
Line No. 30 worth 75c for 65c.
Black surah silk from 35c to $1.00.
Double wrap and 2-1 inch.
Best gros grain silk oil boiled worth
81.25 sold for 7Cc.
Blade and colored brocades ; the price
reduced one-quarter.
J. C. Bonnet & Co. black gros grain
silks from 75o to $1.75 , price reduced
Wo will take pleasure in guarantee
ing llio wear of these goods. Wo have
all the now wears in J. C. Bonnet & Co.
black silks , all of which wo sell at
startling low prices and can warrant
every yard sold.
In our colored dress goods department
you will find the prices cut so low you
will wonder how they were made for the
Colored double fold brilliantines
worth 25c will boold for IOc.
Striped and plaid brilliantines 23c ,
worth COc.
No. 2 brillianlincs at 35c , worth 70c.
No. 3 brilliantines at15c , worth 85e.
No.1 brilliantines G5c , worth 95c.
China silk in the very latest shades ,
worth 75c , will sell at 5e. .
China silk No. 2 , worth $1.00 , will bo
sold at O'Jc. '
Our pure Italian silk grenadine will
bo sold at 75c , worth $150.
is overflowing wiUi now and stylish
goods , and the prices are at rock bottom.
Priestley's henricttns , silk finish , man
ufactured from Australian line wool.
10 inch , 680 , worth 75c.
1(1 ( inch , 7Cc , worth $1.25.
1(1 ( inch , 05c , worth $1.50.
Jamestown mohair , boat goods known
to the trade for wear.
10 inch , 33c , worth 75c.
11 inch all wool fancy plaids and
stripes , 4Sc , worth $1.
Wo can safely say to all our patrons
that the above line of goods is the cheap
est and most reliable class of goods over
offered in this or any other market of
the United States.
500 ladies' solid gold pens with beauti
ful ivory and pearl holders at $1.10 ,
regular price $4.
Gents' gold filled hunting case watch ,
elegantly engraved , Elgin , Springfield
or Waltliam , at $13.95 , worth $25.
_ Solid silver , coin edge friendship
rings , entirely now , -13c each , worth 81.
Rolled plato bracelets in now designs ,
25c , worth $1.
Elegant now styles hoop ear rings 25c
Fine rolled plato gold ear rings 15e
Cut steel hair ornaments IOc. worth
Ladies' rolled gold plato patent lover
cull' buttons Co pair.
Beautiful enameled collar pins Co each.
Ansonia nicklo alarm clocks 75c.
Roger Brothers' standard knives and
forlcs $1.25 per set , jewelers' price $1.75.
A complete line best stationary at
prices beyond competition.
Best white envelopes 3c per pack ,
worth IOc.
Best white note paper fie per dozen.
Try Schoelply's Shoes
And you will wear no others.
Try School ply's $3 Shoes , D
1-1 15 Doutfhis street.
Millinery Clcnt-liiK Siilo Untlro Stook
It IIi'KiiiH Monday.
It begins Monday.
And every lady ought attend.
Perhaps you wont ?
But if you don't.
You will bo sorry.
In that case ,
You'll call prepared to purchase on
Tuesday sure , as
Your friends will secure
Such bargains
You won't bo able
To stay away.
It begins Monday.
We've got thorn. You'll make the
: > rleo.
They're all now and stylish.
Our six trimmers have been kept busy
tor many weeks , but wo run short of eus-
loiueru "cause the season has been very
jaekward. Consequently we're over
stocked and will sell everything at cost.
[ f you don't want a now hat call and see
how cheap wo offer our millinery and
you'll bo sorry you didn't como to us
earlier. Our prices must please you ,
even If you don't know what line millin
ery is worth.
We've trimmed hats
From as low a price
Up to as high a price
AH you or your friends care to go.
Wo vo plenty of salesladies , as wo
have prepared for a crowd. Wo know
wo'll have a crowd. Ladies do like line
goods at low prices and
We've both.
It begins Monday.
100 and HIS , 15th st. ,
Opposite postolllco.
Como from a distance.
You can save as mueti as your faro
both ways if you're not too far off , pro
vided you buy a nice hat. If you only
purchase a cheap one you will bo mak
ing money.
It begins Monday
And you mustn't miss it.
Remember it's opposite the
Omaha postolllco.
100 and HIS. 15th at.
Hoyn , the photographer. See our ele
gant $3 cabtiiuts.
Seuuiuu's wagons best and cheapest.
A Great Special Bale of Dress Goods.
Grnflp the Opportunity Give You
In This Ovation of IlnrRaluq Off-
creel InvcHtlKatc , 'Compare
Sec What \Vo Are Dot UK.
Cashmeres at 0c ! per yards , all colors
and worth 23c.
Wool challics for Monday 15c , worth
85c per yard.
Cashmeres , good quality , at loc : others
call them bargains at 35c per.yard.
New spring'suitings go at ICc , cheap
at 40c.
English cashmeres at IOc ; a great bar
gain and well worth 60c per yard.
Now fancy dobiego at 25o per yard ;
other people call them bargains nt OCc.
Real French honriottas at 20e per
yard ; this is a regular 75c quality.
59c for all wool fancy spring suitings ;
these are regular $1 goods.
All wool Imported henricttas , now
shades , at 53c per yard ; equal to any
over shown at $1 per yard.
Camel's hair cloth at 02Jc per yard.
Think of it , regular $1.25 goods.
At IOc black cashmere , sold all over
for COo per yard. Only ono dress pattern
to each customer.
Black honriettas at 20c per yard , actu
ally worth 03c.
All wool black French serges for this
sale only at10o per yard , really worth
All wool French black cashmere ntCCo
per yard , a regular $1 cashmere.
Best quality all wool $1.25 black cash
meres go at 70c per yard.
Best quality silk finish Henriettas ,
there is nothing better , worth $1.60 , go
at this sale for $1 per yard.
Best quality dress linings all colors ,
3c } , worth 7c.
Best double faced cambric , 5c , worth
Drilling , CJc , worth 12c. }
Silicias , OSc , worth 20c.
Crinoline , OSc , worth IOc.
Dress padding , best quality , 02e , worth
Best canvas , Me , worth 25c.
Now challies , just opened , 3lc per
yard , worth 7c.
New French ginghams , Oc per yard ,
worth ISc.
Best quality zephyr ginghams , 20o per
yard , worth 35c.
Beautiful new patterns in sateen at IOc
per yard , worth loc.
Black and white French sateens 25c
per yard , worth 35c.
Black lawns Cc per yard , worth 12c.
New outing flannels So per yard , regu
lar 18c goods
Merrimac shirting prints at 3c } per
yard , worth 7c.
Indigo blue prints at Cc per yard ,
worth 7c.
An extra good quality unbleached mus
lin atHe , worth 7jc.
Well known brand of bleeched muslin
at 5jc , regular So quality.
All the standard prints mill remnants
at 2c per yard.
Bovs' wool knee pant suits at OCc ,
worth $2.
The Norfolk pleated suits at SI.40 : are
worth $2.25.
Our cnssimero suits at $1.98 , are sold
in clothing store lor $3.50.
At $2.50 worsted , cheviot , enssimcro
and other all wool fabrics that are sold
in clothing stores for $5 ; ages 4 to 14
years and well made clothing.
W. C. LATTIJIKH , General Manager ,
114 South Sixteenth Street.
The Jceorutcil.
The pool rooms of Cooper & Co. , 100
South Thirteenth street , north of the
Millnrd , were indeed loyal on Decoration
day. The board was done in red , white
ami blue chalk and called forth the
many words of praise front the habitues
of the place. Beautiful birds and pretty
flowers hi abundance , relieved by hand
some headlines made a very pleasing
effect to the eye. George Wingliold , the
cashier wrote the birds and board , while
Edward Tutt , the bookmaker gathered
the flowers with appropriate colored
chalk and wrote the headline. These
gentlemen were rendered valuable as
sistance from "Gus" the bookmaker , and
Messrs. Cooper , Voight and Burt.
Cooper & Go's turf exchange is becom
ing very popular with the boys and their
pretty work Decoration day made them
many new friends.
To Officer O'Brien , who saved my
property from burning last night-when
a lire discovered by him was in exten
sive progress , 1 hereby express my
hearty thanks. Louis CIVISL- ,
1410 S. 13th ht.
Omaha , Nob.
Catholic Voting Men's Union.
There will bo a special meeting of the
members of the above union at their
rooms , Paxton block , at 3 o'clock p. m.
Sunday , Juno 1 , to make final arrange
ments for funeral of Bishop O'Connor.
W. MAIIKU , Pros.
R. P. MULUAIIEV , Rec. Sec'y.
The Open Door has removed to 2209-
2211 North 20th st.
Kiirly Closing.
On and after Monday , Juno 10 , 1800 ,
wo will close our store at 0 p. m. during
the week , except Saturdays , and at 0' '
o'clock on Saturdays. Wo give out-
friends and customers ample notice of
this move that they may arrange to do
their shopping with us a trillo earlier'
than heretofore , thus insuring careful
filling and delivering of all orders en
trusted to our caro.
1508 to 151-t Capitol avo.
Oiniihn Jjlvor.vmon'H Association
Scale oi * I'rlecs.
Carriages for funerals on Sunday$5.00.
Carriages for funerals on week days ,
$ 1.00.
Carriages for party calls , $ -1.00.
Carriage ( regular culls ) 42 for first
hour and $1 after.
Carriages for public parades , $5.00.
Coupes , regular calls , $1.50 for first
hour and $1 after.
Coupes , opera or party calls , $3.00.
Single conveyance , week days ( half
day ) , $2.50 to $3.00.
Single conveyance. Sunday , ( half day ) ,
Double conveyance , week days , ( half
day ) $ -1.00 to $5.00.
Double conveyance , Sundays , ( half
day ) $5.00.
Saddle horses for gentlemen , week
days (3 ( hours ) $1.50.
Saddle horses for ladles , week days ,
(3 ( hours ) $2.00.
Saddle horses on Sundays $2.50.
CHAH. J. MKNTKK , Tel. No. 181.
J. T. WlTUHOW Ai CO. , Tel. No. 100.
CHAS. BAUMLEY , Tel. No.110. .
S. A. COLLINS , Tel. No.101. .
ATWOOD & Fox , Tel. No. 507.
GUI- : & COTTON , Tel. No. 802.
Palace Stables , Tol. No. 257.
Dated Juno 1st , IS'JO.
Save 30 per cent on frames at Ilcyn's ,
MM Dodge st
We Qlvc All Onr Customers an Equal Ohnnco
at Thtce Bargains ,
llcnd Tills Advertisement Through
Don't Stop Tllli You Finish Ours
IH the Only , Male Monday
AVorthyjof Attention.
Ladies' pure all silk mitts at Oo per
pair , worth 25c.
Ladies' fine all silk mitts nt IOc per
pair , worth SOc.
Ladles' ' pure all silk veiling nt Co per
yard , worth 25o.
Ladies' chenille dotted not veilings Oc ,
worth 25e.
Ladles' black dotted lace veils IOc ,
worth 40c.
10,000 pieces of all silk ribbons , gros
grain and satin edge , at 5c per yard ,
numbers 5 and 7.
Numbers 7 , 0 and 12 , black and all col
ors and edges nt 8c per yard. Munv
ribbons in this lot worth 25c.
Ladles' all silk parasols 'iOc ; worth 75c.
Another lot , liner quality , 70c , worth
Wo have ono lot of parasols at $1.20
than cannt bo equaled at $3.
Immense job lot of corsets , worth 76c ,
$1.00 , $1.25 and $1.60 all go at 55c each.
Boys' extra stout bicycle hose , very
long , 12c per pair , worth 25c.
Ladies' fancy slripo balbriggau hose
15c per pair , worth 25c.
Ladies' fancy striped Jersey ribbed
underwear at 12o each. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Children's gauze underwear , fill sizes ,
at special prices for Monday ,
Big lot black straw fiats IOc each ,
worth COc.
Largo lot black straw flats , extra
size ; 2Uc.
Black open lace straw hats , all shapes ,
all new braids , choice 49c.
Trimmed hats from 9So to $1.75 , all
shapes , all styles , handsomely trimmed.
See them.
Our millinery department is on the
second floor , the- entire room being do-
votcd to its use , giving us the largest
millinery department in the city. Buy
ing all goods strictly for cash
and in larger quantities than
any house in the city- , wo arc
enabled to sell high grade millinery at
the same prices asked by oilier stores
for inferior goods * .
Pure all linen crash at 4o per yard ,
worth Oc.
20-inch crash Irish linen at Cc per
yard , worth 1 Ic.
Checked glass towelings at 7c per
Best quality glass towelings at lOo per
IIuek towels at Co each , worth IOc.
Large plaid all linen barber towels at
Largo size all linen damask towels at
ICc , a regular 2oo towel.
Extra largo all linen damask towels at
21c , a rcgulni 3oe-towel.
Fine bleached table linen at 39c pet-
yard , worth ooc.
Irish linen damask at 55c , worth $1.
Barnesley linen , extra quality , at 79o ,
well worth $1.25. Wo bought them
Best quality black table oil cloth at IOc
per yard , worth 25c.
W. C. Lattimer , general manager , 114
S. 10th st.
OMAHA , Nob. , Juno 1 , 1890.
Wo , the undersigned furniture dealers ,
agree to close our respective places of
business at 0'iO : during the months of
June , July and August , excepting Satur
day nights. It is further agreed that no
admittance bhnll be grnntcu to any ono
under any pretense of making payments
or for other reason. Should there bo
any customers in our establishments at
the time mentioned , they are to remain
until their business is finished , but this
will not prevent our locking our doors
promptly at the hour stated.
DEWKY &STOXE Fuitxiruitu Co. ,
OMAHA Fuitxrruitu Co. ,
WILLIAM Gums & Co. ,
Oitrr & Co. ,
Miss Besso Belle Jenne. the Iloosicr
Reader , will undoubtedly highly enter
tain the Methodist young people at
their reception Juno 10 , at Y. M. C. A.
The ladies of Kountzo Memorial
church will give a strawberry festival
Thursday evening , Juno 5at the church
A suitable person is wanted to operate
the dining hall on the grounds of the
Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautauqua
Assembly July 1 to 18.
None but competent and responsible
parties that can and will run a first class
dining room need apply.
J. E. 1IAUKNESS , Manager ,
Council Bluffs , la.
To inspire interest in the muse of poesy
a prize of $10 is offered by Sherman &
McConnell , proscription pharmacists , for
the best production by a pupil under 15
years of ago in any public school of
Grant on HIilcwalkH.
"Slagolithlo" walk 20c per foot ,
"Granolithic" 25o. Guaranteed for 10
years. "Crushed Limestone , " "Gravel"
or sand walks Hie. Guaranteed for 6
years. Have laid two million feet in
Omaha , and am hero to stay. John
Grant , 352 Beobldg.
Attention , A. O. H.
There will bo a meeting of Divisions
No. 1 and 2 of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians at the Royal Arcanum hall ,
on Douglas between 13th and 14th sts. ,
on Sunday , Juno 1 , at 1:80 : o'clock sharp ,
to make arrangements to attend the
funeral of Bishop O'Connor in a body.
All the members of both divisions are
requested to attend.
By order of W. J. GLAIR ,
President of Division No. 1.
The now offices of the great Rock Is
land route , 1U02 , Sixteenth and Faniam
street , Omaha , tire the finest in the city.
Call and bee them. Tickets to all points
cast at lowest rates.
Bring your babies and try a dozen of
lloyifs elegant $3 per dozen cabinets.
A. Max Jlolzlieiinor Co.
Fine watch repairing1 ,
1413 Douglas at-
A free dispensary has been opened at
the Bibhop Clarkson hospital , 1710
Dodge St. , for the free treatment of the
diseases of women and children. Dally
( except Sunday ) from 11 a. m. to 12 m.
Tickets at lowest rates and suj orlor
accommodations via the great Rode Is
land route. Ticket ollice , 1C02- Six
teenth and Furniuu btrcctb , Omaha.
Specialties in Cloaks and Suits , Etc , , Etc , ,
Etc , , Etc.
Again "We Place ThnRO Prices lloforo
Von , So You I Iny Know Them
by Heart nntl i'rollt
Calico wrappers , best fit , 85c.
Outing flannel wrappers , $1.65.
Gingham wrappers , $2.
Sateen wrappers , $2.75jfe
Mother hubbard , yoke embroidered ,
Same , finer , $2.75.
Same , with pleated front , $3.25.
Same , extra line Wattenu back , $1.23.
All over embroidered with Wattoau
back , $1.75.
Wo wish to say that these goods can
not bo duplicated ; for this reason kindly
attend the sale as early as possible.
China silk dresses $18 , worth $35.
Challio house dresses , $3.CO and up.
Challlo street dresses , handsomely
trimmed , $10 and up.
Fine lawn dresses with tucked skirt
(5 ( tucks ) , waist with embroidery and full
sleeve , only $2.41) ) .
Same with embroidered and tucked
waist , also tucked sleeves , only $3.50.
French tucked skirts with embroidery ;
embroidered waist , jacket effect , $4.75.
Plain straight plaited skirt , plaited
waist , $5.50 ,
Every ono a great bargain. All these
suits are made in such a way that they
can bo easily lattndrled.
DRESSING SACQUES at equally low
prices. Best approved styles ' OCc , OSc ,
8U.1/5 / , $1.23 , $1.35 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $1.08 ,
$2.25. $3.
Ladies' gingham dresses $4,23.
Ladies' sattecn dress $5 , $0 , etc.
Jersey suits ready made for house an d
street wear.
Full suit and blouse trimmed in cream
brado for misses at $2.60.
Same in fancy braiding , $2.50 ,
Same for ladies , $2.75.
Ladies' full skirts and blouse trimmed
in hercules braid , $3.25.
Ladies' suits trimmed in blue and
white French Manuel , with sash , $4.
Same with tight fitting waist , $1.
With tight filling waist trimmed in
best gold braids , gilt buttons and fancy
buckles , $4.50.
Those costing formerly $ 1 , $5 and $ G ,
now $1.10.
Those costing formerly $ S , $9 and $10 ,
now $2.75.
Those costing formerly $12 and $13 ,
now $3.75.
Those costing formerly $15 and $20 ,
now $1.50.
Silk crochet capes with heavy silk
fringe , originally costing $15 , now $5.50.
Wo keep the best wash materials
Such as
White lawns
White stripes ,
White bars ,
Chambrays ,
Mulls , plain and embroidered ,
Organdies , white and colored ,
Tucking for skirls , etc.
1518 and 1520 Farnam st.
The Theosophical society meets every
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Sheely
block , room 205. All arc invited every
Wednesday and Saturday evening from
C to 9. The room is open to the public.
To Pupils Under 1. Years of ARC
In public schools of Omaha a first prize
of $7 and second prize of $3 will bo given
for poem not over 12 lines , subject per
taining to drug business in which ap
pears the name of Sherman & McConnell
and their address. 1513 Dodgo. Poem to
be sent to Sherman & McConnell on or
before Juno 10. Decision to bo rendered
by Messrs. Clement Chase and E. C.
Snydcr , tbo successful poem to bo
printed in high school souvenir book of
essays , etc. , shortly to bo published.
Knrly Closing
On and after Monday , Juno 10 , 1890 ,
wo will close our store at 0 p. in. during
the week , except Saturdays , and at 0
o'clock on Saturdays. Wo give our
friends and customers ample notice of
this move that they may arrange to do
their shopping with us a trillo earlier
than heretofore , thus insuring careful
filling and delivering of all orders entrusted -
trusted to our care.
1508 to 1514 Capitol avo.
Upright Piano for $175.
A. IIospo , 1513 Douglas street , offers
a good upright piano for $175 on easy
The cheapest prices on frames. Iloyn ,
1414 Dodge st.
Try Schoclpy's $3 Shoes ,
1415 Douglas street.
John Nelson cleans cesspools and wa
ter cloiots. 414 South 14tfi st. , tol. 1173.
Residence 1215 South llth st.
Guukert and McDonald ,
Are showing the choicest lines in im
ported spring and summer woolens for
gentlemen's wear over brought to Omaha
315 S. 15th st.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest.
For lots in East Omaha see Potter &
George Company , 10th and Farnam.
Schoolply's $3 Shoes ,
Best wearers , best litters on earth.
. .
i. O
Jtolbro Itnylng
A piano examine the now scale Kimball -
ball piano. A. Hospo , 1513 Douglas.
Drs. Knodo & Glllotto , diseases of the
throat and nose , U WJ N. Y Life B'ld'g.
Lodging House , over Now York Chop
No. 1. Beds 16oand25c.
Lodging House , over Now York Chop
House No. 1. Beds lee and 25c.
Bulduff's ice cream families supplied.
The Kdliolm & Akin Htook
s now on sale at 101 South Fifteenth
street ( the old bland ) . It consists of dia-
nonds , watches , jewelry , silver and
ilatcd ware , optical goods , etc. This
itock imibt bo sold , and will bo closed
ou'j at prices far below Its value.
/.AliliiSKiK. . Agent.
1C02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets is
the now Rock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east at lowcbt rates.
Down the Prices.
Monday morning , Juno 2 , wo shall
begin letting down the prices lower than
over.Wo would advise every lady to keep
herself posted and attend our special
You will find every article as adver
tised , but if you are In doubt bring this
paper along and compare and judge for
yourself the truth of those assertions.
60 pieces of fine quality largo plaid
nainsooks , was 12jc on Monday , reduced
to Ole yard.
Checked nainsook 60 yard , worth IOc
500 pieces hightonod novelties In
white dress goods , including all the
latest styles , at IOc , 125c , 15c , 18c,20eand
25o yard , less than half their value.
Book fold India linen 6c , So and IOc
yard. You can't ' match them in Omaha.
Black India linen 15c and 2oo yard.
Novelties in lace , striped and plaids
( black ) lawns , IOc , 125c 15c and 20o yard.
Our stock of linen lawns is much
larger and better assorted than you will
find in this city.
Wo tire showing some very Ocslrablo
styles in mourning lawns , plain black ,
navy blue , and a largo variety of figured
linen lawns , domestic lawns at 60 yard ,
fast colors.
Munches ! ) r and Pacific organdie lawns
now 80 yard.
Hayden's is the place to buy your
lawns if you wish to save money.
Have you seen those yard wide challics
which we are selling at IOc and 12Jc
yard ?
If you are looking for sateens go to
Hayden's , whore you will find what you
tire looking for and at reduced prices.
Our line is the largest.
Our assortment of plain black sateens
loads them all at IOc , ISc , IOc , 25c and
85c yard.
2,000 yards indigo blue calico , 5c yard.
Wide German blue calico , Oo yard.
1,000 pieces of ginghams to pick from
and at prices from Co yard upwards.
Our zephyr ginghams at lOo , 121o , 15c ,
18e and 20o are cheap and will go fast
this warm weather.
18-inch checked glass toweling , 0)c )
20-inch bleached toweling , Cc.
Plain and twilled toweling , IOc ; worth
ICe yard.
Closing prices on odd lots of towels at
Cc , IOc , ICe and lOo each.
. From Now York auction eomo special
bargains in cream colored table linen ,
the edges being slightly soiled.
Double width table linen IOc , ICc , 20c
and 25c yard.
Extra bargain at COc yard , worth 85c.
Novelties in fancy turkey red table
linen at COo and COc yard.
Economical housekeepers can't afford
to pass Hayden's.
White bed spreads 47c , GOc , SSc , $1.25
and $1.50 each.
Chenille table covers in all sizes.
Linen lap robes COc , 75c and $1.00 each.
Outing flannel 74c yard.
Special bargains in fine wall paper.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
At ( 'out Ion.
Catholic Knights of America , you are
earnestly requested to attend a special
meeting at our hall , 1014 Douglas st. , on
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock sharp , to
complete arrangements to attend in a
body the funeral of our late bishop.
Fraternally , J. M. KENNY , Pros.
Titos. A. COUHY , Scc'y.
For a first-class smoke in domestic and
imported brands call on Win. Gocdecko
& Co. , Barker Block , 801 S. 15th.
Keinoval ,
The Omaha Real Estate & Trust Co.
will remove to the ground floor of the
Bee building on Juno 2. Entrance on
Farnam and also 220 So. Seventeenth.
A ChlckcriiiK Upright Piano for $2OO
at IIospo's , 1518 Douglas street , on $10
monthly payments. This is a big bar
Cplfax mineral water will euro consti
pation and dispopsia. Order from T. D.
Davis , 1011 Howard St. Telephone 1001.
Colfax mineral water is warranted to
euro Bright's disease and all kidney ,
liver or stomach troubles. Order from
T. D. Davis , Kill Howard St. Tel. 1001.
T. D. Davis , 1011 Howard St. , is the
only party in this city handling Colfax
mineral water , from the Colfax Min
eral Water company of Colfax , Iowa.
Every bottle guaranteed. Tel. 1G01.
Seaman's buggies best and cheapest
The Doors of Us Now Ittilldlng Thrown
Among nil the line buildings erected
in Omaha during the past year , that of
the Commercial National bank is pur
Located at Sixteenth and Farimnt
streets , on perhaps the best corner ill
the city , the beauty of Its architecture <
attracts the passers-by more than it
building more pretentious In sl/.o would
The work of construction WIIH com *
menccd last summer , and now the work
men have completed their work mid their
labor has brought forth an edifice of
great architectural beauty and thor
oughness of appointments that is a great
credit to the builders , lo the owners and
to Omaha.
The building is of Bedford Olytcl
sandstone and is of the classic style of
architecture , with pointed eapltols tintl
massive pillars , giving It an air of mas
sive beauty of design that reminds ono
of the pictures frequently scon of Itonum i
temples. The main entrance to the 4
building is an extensive portico of exceptional -
coptional beauty , opening off from Far
nam street. The Interior is walled en
tirely with heavy panels of Italian
marble , and the stairway leading to tha
swinging doors that open into the bank ;
proper , is of marble also.
Upon the banking room has been oxj
ponded an immense amount of labor and
money. There is nothing shodtiv 01 ?
distastefully obtrusive about it. but tla-ro
is a richness of finish , a complotcm'bs ot
detail that strikes upon the obMM-vei *
with great effect. The woodwork
throughout is of solid mahogany ; the
walls and coiling of adamantine plaster
finished in white and gold. The lloor is
of Italian marble. The building ia
lighted by day through an iminoiiso , and
very elaborate skylight of bevel chippad
plato glass. From the coiling of the
first lloor lo the roof , extends n largo
court permitting the light to
outer the olllces above. The counters - _ .
ers are all of solid mahogany
and the stalls for the different clerkg >
are partitioned off with copper-bronzed (
screens , bearing upon the front the
monogram of the bank. To the right ,
as one enters , are the spaces to be occu
pied by the president , vice president
and cashier , which are divided from the
space allotted to the public only bj low
mohognny rails. Back of tht-j-e' a
private consultation room , while in the
southeast corner is the reception jiarlur.
The immense plato windows swinj : on
pivots and are so nicely adjusted Mint
they can bo opened or closed u it h aa
little effort as it requires to open the
ordinary window.
In the northeast corner is the direc
tors' consultation room , finished in much
the same style as the room just deti-ri bed ,
except that it has an open lire place with
elaborate Nubian marble facings.
Running along behind the clerks'
stalls are closets and wardrobes with
private lockers for the employes , vc ry
complete in their arrangements.
The vault is different from anything
of the kind in Omaha. It is practically
distinct from the building , being Imilb
from the ground up. There is a pass
ageway running all the way around it. f
In hero is placed ono of the largest )
size improved Corliss safes , the luaitit
in the west , weighing 32,000 pountK
The lobby sot aside for the use of thu
public is largo and completely
The stops to the staircase that liada
to the second lloor are of copper bam&u
and iron.
The wood work of the second Jluor i3
entirely of white oak , and hero it may
bo mentioned that throughout the\
building not a nail head can bo seen , the X
woodwork having been joined I'in-iy X
by secret nailing. The IJOKO and lloofg
of the second story are of marble , Tlic-rq
are ton rooms upon this lloor , dhidcd
into suites , with closets and wardrobi ia
each. There are three fireproof \aultg
upon this lloor. At the roar end a.'o a
kitchen and dining room to bo UMMI ia
serving meals to the employes of the
The different apartments on the
ground lloor are spacious and in tury
instance admirably adapted to the
usages to which they have br-on put.-
They are all finished in oak and ln-re-
the completeness in detail , so noticr-ablo
throughout the building , is as oviiUut
as upon the floors above.
The building is absolutely lire proof.
It will bo heated by steam and ligbti-d
by gas and electricity. The yi-ntil.ii.ou
is also regulated by electricity. The
bank opened for business in its
quarters yesterday.
Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest
Clothes do not mnko the mnn perhaps ;
Hut If ho Is poor In dross ,
Ills turtle ilovn Is uura to notice ft ,
And somehow love him less. 14O9 DOUGLAS STREET.
Mighty strides have been made &
in the tailoring business , and
chiefly by one house Nicoll the
Tailor , with large tailoring cstab-
Hshmcnts located in
Now York , Chicago ,
St. Louis , Cincinnati ,
Indianapolis , Kansas City ,
Omaha , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis and other cities.
The output of this house is
over a million a year , made to
order garments exclusively.
They buy their woolens and trimmings from the best homo
and foreign mills , and get the best styles cheap by buying ,
They have earned their big business by simply making 4
splendid made to order garment at prices all can afford.
Suits $20 and up
Trousers $5 and up.
And by pleasing their trade it returns to them and multiplied
as it ought.
Like all successful originators they have had many imitatord
and hangers on , but none thus far have kept pace with their
remarkable enterprise.