THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 1 , 1390.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 15 [ HE CONDITION OF TRADE , Jiolal Money Market Easy , With a Finn Undertone , 30LLEOTIONS REPORTED AS GOOD , produce Market Wall Supplied VCR- otnblofl Very 1'loiitlful atitl IJOVT In 1'rloo UKRH nt lie Hut- , tcr Very Dull. Sr. TIuRhei , manager of the Omihix clearing Iiou c , reports the clearings for the week nt tUI7,4Vl.hO , an Incroasa of IJTI9-10 per cent. Balances were MW.T87 70. , The money market continues to show urcat cnso , and the situation It designated by all the banks us very com fortable . Thofitutnmcnt lo the comptroller Of tlm currency showing the condition of the national banl.s here on May 17,18W , confirms this nndshovvH loans nnd discounts lobo$12- BJASX.I ni ; deposits , tI7OWC.M.fl. lint tvvoof Iho iKiJiks show rod lHComitsniid nil huttlipsoshow VfinriihiH over the legal rcsurvc. At nomoof the banks there IB u proator call for money , csnccliilly with these having many mercan- tlio accounts , whllo others Hay they would bo Rind to have 8TO.OOO to tlOO.Ouflof good piper prnsontcd to rellovo them rjf the plothoraof cash which they carry. Kxchnngo has been rather scarce , only ono bank having any sur plus during the past vvepk. r-Money Is easier ut the east this week than lust , and whllo there has bcun perhaps a less buoyant Htock market , with prices somewhat easier , thu reaction Is regarded us healthy arid tlio undertone Is firm. I In dlMMiKsltig the prospects of silver legisla tion In congress the Ceylon ( India ) Times ro- tnnrkH "Any rlso In the prlco of silver , If ac- corni.inled ) by a similar rlso In the prlco of coin m ( xl I ties , would bo very disastrous to all Jirodiicors In silver-using countries. The ques tion for us IH , would the prlco of such nn article us te.a rlso with Iho prlco of silver ? ko far at all ovonlM as concurrence between tlio tvro Movement- * goes , uo may t iko It ns highly Improbable ; so that , even Iflntlmotho prlco of ton began to rlso with the rlso In silver , It would bo vury h irmful to the tea planter In Iho meantime , and his Interests are therefore not Identical with the bl-mutulllsts , though wo - - 'ly bollovo that exaggerated foirs are held 'A ' > the probable olToct ot a steady rlso of 'i'i upon producers In Co. } Ion. " V'onrrnl ' lindo continues very good , all lines Ic-Vv ti'ng a fair Increase In sales for the month nvi t tuft May , and Iho fooling In the jobbing district Is veri satisfactory. Collections are reported us good und with an easy money miiikot the outlook would bo ill tb it could bo desired WITH II not for the prohibition bug- J > our , which depiosscs values und renders men loath to Invent , c-xcept In hceurltles readily convuttlblo and has almost wholly slopped largo building operations , for. whllo theio are -many hulldlngu going up , 11 visit to the archi tects' olllcob discloses tlio fact thai the -season In this line would bo much moro brisk than It has benn were It not for the fo ir that piohlliltlon may como nnd Values bo umlulj depressed for : i long season. S'llios show but few cliangi s hug.u Is linn , jrlth granulated quote d at ( > ' 'Slc. Uulfun lius been ruthei slow , but towaid the close of the week jobbers gave lllioi il eiders to ro ist- Aisand nn advance Is confidently anticipated Xor.Monday. Thcie * Is a somewhat moio chcorfiil fi > cllng Tppoitcd In tin easUrnlron inarKet , tint thu consumption Is still loss than the production nuil lull t is are fe.w , Is slightly lo\\er. Tin Is dull and copper Hun and advancing. Vo he * u of no Import nit ch ingcs In the diy oed < , nmrkut. lotloiib are lirm and woolens § nil. nil.Tho The Shlppliu and Commercial List says of Drnill coilpo. Tlioro has boon u furtliet ad vance In option values and heneo pi Ices gen erally aru Himoi ; but this Improvement , If linprov enioiit It can be culled , cloc s not go bu- Jew thi'snrfato and o\copt for hlghin quota- tliyii HID situation Is piactknlly unchangeil , - * in Ing Just asdlllleult as herotofoic , and I ttilbullvi * iiiovc'incnl qtilto as unsitls- > ii and ills ippolntlng. Do ilors who aio carrying a full aupply are unwilling to buy and those who have little ) or no block replenish II In K hand-to-mouth way , Blrnplv hpcitiihoof the continued dullness ot the Jobbing di iniind both hero and In the In- teilor. biieculatlon appe us to bo conllned to Iho ulforts of the bulls to supjMirt the siiot and noai nionlhs. so as to allord them nn oppor tunity to unload their communications of octunl coffco In ease the country shows any disposition to buy ; but the Infremiimoy ot such opportunities Is tlio umitcst honreo of alsappolntmiiiit. Under thii circumstances It Is riisy to nndorstand how the btrongth of the elty.itloii Is clilolly upon the surfaceanil y at v ery little cnconragnincnl t hero Is thero- , * < rc to niako fresh purchases for which the JJtltlot Is so uncertain. The transactions in Invoice * , hlncu our last Issue liavo consisted of J.lXX ) lings Hut bcnn No ! ) , tV. cents cint and Crolcht ; 1.000 do. No. 8 , IS' * cost and freight : 8,001) ) do. Nos. 5 und 0 spot , 18s , j l.r,00 do Nos. fi and 7 i-pol In Ceylon , IS'-i The market left off ye-sterday llrmlv held , bulqiilol Imyors bolnc unwilling to bid \vltbln " , a of the prices asked njid showing ruliiLtuiicu to buj oun wore con- cosslons otitulnublo. The total > Jslblo In the United Males nnd ntlo'it for this country was , Al.iyiJ , In b igi , iStlflu , and on MuySri , IRSO , ( jO.l.'ai The total vlslbloHUDpl } of ull colloes In thu world May 1. lljJD. . was , ln , Imgs , i.'iol.Ky , and on May 18 , . 'J'lieiiiotatlons ] foi rcHncd sugars when cx- iTh d less draw backs aio : Llt loaf . fUOOb.W.'lt ! J - Cubes . 365 - Oruslied . 4 Ul { J - Towderevl . . . II 55 ftu 61 Uranulated . . . . , . . . .341 dd - Tlio local produce market has been fairly poll supplied. btrawbcrrlO'i art * plentiful und cheap , fancy Htock belling at 8. 7. > iiii : no i > cr ! il- quart c.iso and proporthinatoly lower forcom- Loion Htock. lliumnas , lemons nnd pineapples Hro unuhanged. OraiiKos are acttvo UIKI the nniskct Is higher and Urm. Hodl sell ut S ) 00 per I ) tt. Vogi'tablns are very plentiful nnd low In price. Nnvv jpolatoes bring * . ! 50 per bbl. Onions , W6irtI500 ( ! California onions , 4o per Ib ; Cali fornia potatoes , liVjO per Ib ; Uallfornla oab- J ace , .l'iilo ( porll ) . Poultry is ratbor quiet. Spring ohlckons , fancy largo , sold Situnbiy at jl 00 ; lair to good brought tS.'iO to SI'S ) , according to dlzo. Dressed \ealwas In rut bur mcHlurato do- liiand , cholcu medium bringing Oo to 7o. Kggs nio selling at lie. Iluttur was noverso dull. Koaily all country stoiu i colpts were closcil out at tJtt. > u per iiound , and quotations on all grades are oir 5o to Go per pound and nominal ntthut. The retail trade Is good and collec tions fair and Impiov Ing. , The Commercial National bank has moved Into Its new building and hold a lecuptlon yus- torday. Its quarters ute equal to any in tlm United State's In their appointments nnd fnolltles fordoing business and ttio six teen ton safe with Its double time lock 1s tlio largest und Urn st In thu west and the equal of any made , Tliu IJerman Savings linnlc , recently Incorpo rated wlth.V)0ucKI ) subscribed capital , of which $100,000 Is paid up In cash , will occupy the old vacated by the Commercial National nt'lhlrtconth and Douglas. Us olllcers and directors aio I'rcdorlck Motz , fir. , president ; Henry llolln , munaglng director ; O. II. tichmldt , vlco prcvsldent ; I. . D. rowler.oashlor ; Vrcdiirluk Krug , Uoorgu Uelmrod and Henry Meyer , names synonymous with Integrity and wealth. The alockholdurs uro among the nuiiltlikst and most lulluentlal men In tha city. - . - OJI.IIIA IlfJK STOCK. Cuttle. Saturdav , Slay 31. Tstlmatcd receipts of cattle. 1,000 , compared With l.Ov ! yesterday and l.KU Satunlar of last vreek. The receipts during the week have beun ll..Ts compared with ll,4sd thu prior wpok , a falling otf of 2,311 , Thu market opened vr. huuvy lieove-s und poor gruclcs of rXKuiK and In mosteiiHes lower , while well duv eloped , light natty cnttlo nnd the flnobt gradis of eowswuru the only kind that buyers t > eomed duslnius to bid on. After a Blow , dragging market nearly everything obanged hands at prices not varying from tlio morning bids. Thu receipts ot feeders were qulto liberal with a demand nulto up to the receipt * . Several country feeders were on urkot after Mockers and focdurs. Good Ifcis nio In demand and are Urm. HuIU uro SiU and calves unuhanged , I stlmated receipts of hos (1,400 ( , compared With biKj yesturtlay and O'Jfis h.iturd.iv of last wi'i'k. The receipts duiing the week ha\o LotMi 'Jl.4 1 , rompareil with J5 41(1 ( last week , a ( ailing oir of ; tasl. The market opuned slow , nnd on a featurclesii market tlio pens wuro all oleaned at a itmsonubly oaily hour , the sales bowing a sUuilti's udvancu. The miirkot la now SOo lower than It was on lust Monday nnd ITS baturduy of lastweeU. 'r ' Nlioep. Kstlnmted r ctdpts of slieep I2X compiired tfltii * .iVi yusturduy and 8 baturduy of Inat . l.ix'xl nuitUim eoullniio In domnnd with colpts Insutllulcilt to supply'kluij house Vrovnlllnjf 1'rlucH. following U n table of prices paid In > mnrkct for tlio xrado of btook mentioned : trlnio sti'urs. 1 U to IflUO ttj . . .MtO tjit.TO .locxj atfwrn. U'VUoHVJtts . . . . U.70 l 40 i'ood steers , tao to I tXJ m . . . . 3V ( > liclJlO tioiumon , tinjO to UW Bs . U'ii SC.1.70 < 0omiuoii cannon . 1.00 prdltiarytofalrco\\ . l.CD Fair to good cows . 1 uo noodtochnkxioow * . . . . . . a.T3 ( iia.15 Qbolcu lo fuuoy w > w . -i.w lrlr toood bulli . , . . J.7i Choice to fancy bulls 2M C&IJtt LlRht sUvkors ami feeders. ZM 4M.2o ] 'ccdCM.ftVUjIOOnS | ) SIM DM70 l'nlr to choice light ho , ; * 3.70 643.75 1'alr to choice heavy hogs 371 382' { I air tocholco nilTcd hOM . , . .3.73 ( 3.80 Compnrntlvo Tables. The following tabln shows tlm range In prletiion ho ? * during this nnd last wcok : This \Vook Wook. Momlnr i. M tA ( M TS 1.1 RO CVIU Tiipulnf i 1.5 ma BO 3 75 0.1 V $ Wodnpmlij 3 05 HI 85 3 fA M Kt T n.a HO 3 70 C1 80 . 3 M (4.1 75 Haturdnjr 3 70 M.1 82H 3 a U1 80 AvcrftRO Cost of The following table give * the average cost of hogs on tliixlato ? montlonod. Including the cost to Jay , as based upon sale * reported : Halo , Prlco. Dato. I'rlco. May 1 f.Mtt'4 ' May 2 tl Ol'i May : i ] 07 May r < BOB May 8 : iU ( May o 307" , May 10 3i3 ! May 12 nitl'i May II 3 W May 14 38SU May ] " . HfttU May in am' , May 17 3 DHJ May W , 387 MnyU ) 3 8T > Mny2l 3 78U May 22 37V { May SI , . " . 3 7P Mny2l . . . . .172 May 2t ! . , 3 67Ji May 27 371 May LM 3 7Vi Ma VIM 373'f Muy 30 374 May Jl 3 70 ItiuiKO oi'l'rloos. uons. The following table shows the rnna-o ot prices pain for hogs : I'nlr tocholco light hogs $370 < 7M 7r Pair to choice heavy hogs. . . . . . . 375 . 7rHO ' 1'alr to choice mixed hogs . . . . . . . 3 75 © J SO Silt-M * . I'rlmo fat sheep < * > 31 ffV rio UoMl fat slice ) I 50 C45 Common lo medium shoc'p . . . .300 < &i io Avcrnfjo I'rloo ol' JIoi. Showing the average prlco paid for lo idi of hogsou tiiudaysIndicated lu l&r.l&U , iiJJ and I8iw : liar. Mnr ' 10 Mnjr ' 83 * 521 27. SB Sundnj 3 7 W 621 6 620 31 .1 70 C U Iligliest ami L j\\cat Sales of HOKS. Today , Yesterday. Highest . . . : . . . ? 3s2" Highest . . . $185 Lowest .170 Lowest , J C2J4 Stock Hcuolpts. Odlclal yestord iv nstlmat d Today , r.attlo. . . 10 cars , 1 032 C.ittlu. . . 77 car * 1,000 Hogs IXjcais , O.IS.I Hogs . . 83 cars 5,400 Sheep . 1 ciu , ' " > fahcep . . . . 1 car 120 Horses. . . 2 cats , Z1 i of Stock. Showing the number of cittlo bought by tholuadhu buyers on today 'a marliot. CJATTLL. Swift J k rompiny . 471 TlioO II llnniiiKiiiilCo . . . . . . JIO The Armoiir-Cndaliy I * Co . 2U Leo Kothsehlld . 111 Hamilton & Mephen . Jlcnton A. Underwood . IJcckcr & . Ucgou . 141 Lobmann A. Trailer niitn . 1S7 Oilier buyers . . . . . , 151 noes. Armour-Cud ihy V icklnsCo . 1.100 Oin ill i I'leklngCo . . The O II. H immondCo J. P. Squires .1 Co 270 Cudahy llrolhets Itcpre-HLMitathe Sales. IIO03. iiFircus. 8 570 2 75 35 5S5 3 10 1. . 700 3 50 32 790 3 00 1. B70 3 25 20 092 3 05 U. . ijOd 3 10 1 1130 225 1 .IViO 2 CO 1. 1400 3 00 1. 1780 2 25 I'.IO 275 17 K'M 3 00 1 .1410 2i5 710 275 1..1770 3 50 1..1730 2 55 CAI.VK3. 1. . 270 4 00 3 . 115 4 50 1. . 140 5 73 CAVNKH3. 1 1000 1 75 1. tWO 1 75 STKUUS l i\llI.INC13. 43. . 725 3 40 0 783 3 CO STAUS. 2 1755 375 VTI.STBIIX C TTt-E. No. A\r. Pr C2 steers , shipping KOI &l 75 illslccrs ) , hhlppliu 1555 4 00 JUnrkol Mention. IToga stronger. Cnttlo slow. II , Muukoy of Huatls sent up a oar of hogs. A. Truesdull marketed ho s from liradsh-vw W. A. Flnluy sent In a oar of ho a from Greenwood. I. N. Jones brought In two cars of cattle Train Aurora. O. H. Wllilu cumo In from Went Point with u car or cnttlo. J. r Humphrey onmo down from Genoa with two cara of cattlo. Jones & . Pollnrd had two can of cattle lioro fi-iim lliiualleld. AVlloy IllucL , the well known PlatUmoiith ihtpix.r , wiib up with two can ot hosi , J , O. Tlnnny ot J O Mnthorson A. Co. , Pllgor , canto In with two curs ot cattle. T A Tlkalsky , a prominent shipper of Vor- algrls , had a cur of lio. s ou the murkot. llBbbltt & Kvnns bnd a car ot oattlo In from Ashland and u car of hess from South Hcnd , Itosborougli A Ony , heavy shippers of IHuo SprlngM , uiarkotod two can of cattle and 0110 or hogs Charley Dunn ot the firm of Hartmnn A Dunn , hfipluhurst , cnmo In with a car of butcher stulf and ono of hogs. It. K. 1'ottor , the heavy dealer of western Nebraska , w us In with four cars ot cattle from Kim Urook andOvortou. The regular meetlnK of tha live stock ox- changound board of directors will occur Mon day. Juno 2. All members should bo present , The American district telegraph company will establish u parcel delivery service com- munclng with the tlrat of the month. They will start with ono wagon and perhaps with two. Squlrei * Uo's buyer sats that their house U running with About bait tha usual number of luuu , but that now mouaro courlus la every day , nnd at the present rate It will not bo long before they will bo running as heavy as bcforo the strike. _ Produce. FISH Per Ib : I'rcsh white ami tront.L plko.'S-So : pickerel. 8ci salmon , l" o. Hun's , I'fci/rs AND TAU.OW ( in-en Halted hldos , 6oHoi dry nailed hides , R37C ; dry flint hides , MlXo ) calf hides , 4'ilM'io. Uamn-ird hides So loss , Hiecp pelt , frrcon , pach. 50e < a 1123 : sheep polls , dry. per Ib , i.dllo ; tallow , No. 1 , ; iK1tvii0 > No. 2 , H'i'iS.J'io ' ; , whlto , 3'4'iilo ' ' ! yollow. 215'Il.k' ' . llK-i < s Hand picked navy. $1 CO l.731 hand picked navy , medium , * hand picked country , II.1031.00 : good clean , ill.25ttl.4i1. At'I'MC 1IUTTFU Per II ) , ( jOlHc. Wool. 1'lno unwashed , ICiJttk ? : medium un washed , isailoi coarse unwashed , lVJJOc. runs Heaverperil ) , fciSOIiKM ; oaoh , MOOI5 7.00oltor. ; caen , W00ii7.ixi ; wolf , each , 504MOa ; coon , each , 4oao5cj mink. each. rwnfiOo ! musk * rat , fall , fvau'o * . muskrnt. winter. 10 8ir > C ! skunk , 2.1'filOo : badger. 40cil.OO ; deer skins per Ib , 2i > itJio ) , door skins , winter , par Ib , 133 22oHovnr None. OHANMRS Per box , Medllnrranonn nvrects , JI50 : 1,09 Angeles , WHOtJKW ; fancy Utiarto bcedllngi , } l 50. I'lvKAfi'Li.s Per doJ2 "OtM 00. bTitAwiiFinriLS Per ease , choice shipping stock. * ) .V)3 ) m ; good. $ , ' OiKiM 00. Cinni-Per bbl. rcllned , W.W : bait bill , 13-V ) : hard elder , pure , per bbl , $500 : orange elder , half bbl , $7 00 ; | iear elder , half bbl , $7.00. CALttoitNiAUiirritniL ! ) 1'ur 10 Ib box , $2.00(3 ( 2W. 2W.IiEMONS IiEMONS I'orbox , Slcsslna , fancy , $1.50S3.00 ; Btrlrtly choice. ? l.2/2 > 4 30. lUNAXAS-Por bunch , fl fiOU-T (10. ( IIUTTFH t-'roamury , fancy rolls , print. 21 ® 22o : creamery , fancy , solid packed , 20 < I 2lo : creamery , choice , IsftlOc ; dairy , f nicy rolls nnd prints. 1017o : dairy , fancy , frolld p icked , IVJSliio ; dairy , choice * , llfilV-t country roll , fancy , Itfjllo : choice , Ww : country roll. good , WASH ; country roll , fair , 5Goj poor stock , L'Is-te. l"Kis lie per doz for strictly fresh ; stale stock not saleable. HONKS ( Quotations are for delivery In Chicago cage ) . Dry HulTalo. per ton. StOOOUlHOO- dry country , bio lehcd , $1000 ® ! J.OO ; dry country , damp and meaty , * S 001 ( ) 00. V > rRTAnr.i-s ! 7Now southern onions , per bbl , 301) ; horseiadlsh , per doz pints , $1,23. .iHt.fAH J'.ifOlo ' per Ib. Dili sstD \ir-0holeo medium , 83Jicj light 5SOo ; heavy , 4fj > 3c. OOCOAMITS Per hundred , ? * 00. Pit' Medium , nor bbl , 83 50 : sm ill , $ T ra\ \ gherkins , $7JXj ) O. & , 11. . chow chow , qts , 8585 ; pints $ .1 ' 15. POTATO ! s Per bushel , fancy , 3033c : fair to good 20J421c. POUMKPerdorcn , choice hen" , 83 J"7ftJ 00 ; choice , mlvod , J.1 07 .1 ! 3 ; roosters. W WiM" ! ! spring chlckons. $2 V ) for small. $ .IOl > fel10 for medium , fl Oi > ai 39 for largo ; live turkeys , pur Ib , Groucilcs. StlOAlis Cut lorf. 7'iC ! cut leif cubes , 7o ; standard , powdered , 7'nc ; XXX. V. powdered , 7ho , Kr.inul.iteil , standard , ( I'lf'H c ; confec- tloneis. A , de' : whlto extra , 5'jc , exlr.i C , Iscb , 6 * > ic ; amber , 60. I'm H.Ilo ! isted ArlmiUlc's Arlosa 2" 'Sc : Mclaughlin's XXXX , 2. > 1 c : Oenn in , 21V ; IJilvvortli , 25'o ; Aliitomn 25"c " ; bulk. 24'56- Con-iT Green r.mcy old golden Itlo. 27o ; fancy old pe iberrv , 27c ; Ilio , choice to fancy , 21V ; Itlo , prime , 231iit : Ulo , good. 22'Jo ; .Him- los and common Ulo l'J2le ' ; Mocha , , nic ; Java , genuine' , O. ( ! „ 29o ; Java , gcod Interim , 25c ; Afrlcin , 22'je. Dr.vnsACKc'8 GOODS llarlov , S'Vfc.Tjc ; farina , 5c ; , : c : o , * ; macaroni. lOc ; \eimlcolll. lOc ; rice * , ItifiJio ; s i 'o and t iploca , ( VS'7c ; HIM i beans , Co. Oii.s-ICoioseno-P. W. , 10'5c ' : W. W. , lie ; he.idllght. 1 l".i ; gasoline , 12o : s il id oil , J UO& l > 00 ] > ei do/ . Linseed U ivv. die ; boll < d , d.c ! * Mi'vrs 'MiioUi d hams , Id Ib nvc'iago. 10e ; smoked hams , 20 lo 22 Ibs , 'MIC ; smoked hams , 12 to It Ibs , 10'jc ; bieikfist liu'on. 8'jc : him saus w , 81 jc ; picnic h mis. 7o ; dried li ) ef hams , b'c ; biof tongues , pur do$000 ; dry bait me * its , G'fR'sC IjAitu 1'uro lard , tierces. 0'io , kettle , tierces , OVSM.I ) MK\TS 1 It ) lunch tongue , $2 71 : 2 11) ) lunch tongue * . Jl 73 : 1 Ib come 1 beef , il K ) , 2 II ) corned beef. $2,05 ; ( illcorned beef fu'iJ ; 14 Ib coined beef , $11 00 : 2lbboielcss ] lilts' feet , J220 ; 1 Ib 1'n.illsli brawn , ? 1 'W ; 2 Ib I'n lKh brawn , 42.r > ; fi ill English lirnv ii. % " ; 1 Ib chipped beef , J2 Oil ; 1 Ib compressed li im , $1 GT . Itoi'h ll.isls M inllla lope , lie , slsrl rope , 12' e : cotlon iopo , Ido ; novv piocess , 8'.e COTTON TVVIM : Illbbeiv line * , a or 4 ply , 22c ; lino. 20o ; D.ilsj. Ix. * : c indie wieU , 22c. Or i % i s Quails , per do ? , it 73 : plntb , pur doz , ? 2 25 ; bulk , per gal , ' > 5o. VIM n\u , ! o i older , lOc ; good , 12c ; whlto wine , lie- fancy fruit. Sc. hTOV K POLISH J2. ( ii5.S7 per gross. llAOs , Am i , pcr 100 , $17.00 : hen Islon , per 100 , $170(1 ( Mnr , vssrs Ilbls N. O. fiiny , p2rgalr ) S 55qj choice. 15j > 47o : good. 3.SJ2c ) ; Cuba baklns,28 ® 30c : black sit ai ) , 2022c. 'WuviTiso I'Arni blriw , per Ib , lVt24c ; rng , 2'io ; Manilla H , 5 ® ( c : No. 1 , 7c. llAUS Union Jinuaro , J0@5 ! per cent off list. bAr.T Dulrv. 2sa Ibs In bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; best grade , CO,5s. $2 Ml ; best grade . 100 , .Ls , JJ 10 ; best grille. 18 , 10s. J220 : rock bait , crushed , J1.80 ; common , bbl , il 23. So.i-Castile , mottled , per Ib , OCMOo ; do , white , per Hi. He. HnooMS Parlor , 5 tie , $3 00 ; 1 tic. $2 7V 2 Uo , 82"23 ; stables i.'S'i ; common , $1.30,0)1.73. ) Coco t > 4-lb tin. 40u peril ) . CHOCOLATE 22iia3o pur Ib ; German chicory. red.S'jC , SAI/-ODV. Ilbls , l"sc ; granulated , Cc ; kegs , SODA Plvgs , CO Ibs to box , .I'iffJ.V e NUTS Almonds , r > c ; llrarlls , 12c ; filberts , 1' * ; jiecans , lie ; limits , l. " t ; peanut cocks ; be : loasted , lie ; Tennessee pe units , 7e. Dunns ( ciiocers ) Per Ib llorix , 12o ; cop- pe ras,2'-ic ; Hay leaves , lie ; glue , IGc ; i > ] ) som salts. 4c ; glauber silts , 3o ; sulphur40 ; blue vltilol. Ou ; ilium , 4o ; taitarlc ucld , 42u ; resin,2e. Cm i SK rull cream twins , l2'-5e ; full cream Ohlobvvlss Ibe ; full Picinilseonsln hnlss , llfillio ; full i ream bilcl. , lie ; full cieain Ilm- bnrgoi ; ; fancy fahoj bojganb.c , lo'lc. I'\NM n ROOMS riuits , C'lillfornliv standard brands , 2't-lb , per do/ Apricots , jl.di'ial.75 ; apr.cots. ulo fruit , 81.50 ; gollons. ? 4.50 : black berries. $2.2J : cherries , bfack. $2.20(1422. ( " ) ; eher- rles. vihlto.S2Jiva2-)0 ; grapes , 1 GJ ® ! 80 ; pears. H irtlett , $2.10SJi 23 ; pe iches , yollon , $2 10 2 3 ; no iches lemon cling , $2.40 ; plums , egg , ! ? I 03 ® 1 WO ; plums , golden drop , $1 HI ; plums , irroim gages , $1 ( Wiil.KO ; peaches vrlth pits In , 81 GO ; ( uriants , $2 U ) ; gooseberries , $2..13 ; iiilnicv ] , , $2.10 ; raspberries , $2hO ; strawberries. WiO ; peiclies. 3-lb eastern standards , $ l.h5 ; d-lb pie , SI.10 ; C-lbplo. $2.0'i : gallons plu. WOO ; apples , high slnndards , $2.73 ; 2-lb gooseboirlos , l)0c ) : 2-lb stiavvberrles. i yici3o ; 2-lb rasiiberrlc-s , $1 01 ; 1-lb blueberrieshXii'JOc:2-lbblnclibiirle : ) , 1 > 37K ! : 2-lb .strawbenles. preservid.SI Pfl ; 2-lb r ispborriei. pr * serod , $1 80 ; 2-lb blackberries , iiri scr vod. f 1.20 : nine.i miles. II ih imu ehonpcd , * 2 no ; 2-lb Hah mm. gr ited. $2 71 ; 2-lb H id unn sliced. $5 TO : 2-lb standard , slh ed , -iV3.110j chunics , 2-lb ml. II iltlmorc , S3)3 ) ; pears , 2 Ib , 81.JO. EltVCA TIOXA T . President Scclya of Amher-st college has resumed his work with his old-timu vigor , having been completely restored to health. A sovcnty-ycnr-old pedag-OBUo who has boon teaching for llfty-ono j cars , has just graduated in mcdicino fiom u Michigan col- le'fio. le'fio.Kov. Kov. Dr. C. Van Norden of New Havan.has been Installed ns president of the Ulnnra fe- mule college , the oldest institution of loarn- iiiij in the United States for women. The oldest living- graduate of Yale college is Hov. Joseph D. Wickuinn , D.I ) . , of Man chester , Vt , Ho entered the college when fourteen years old and graduated in 1B1C. Prof , ndmund J. James , of the university of Pcnnsv Ivunio , will pi-osont a paper before the Amcucnn Academy of Political and So cial Scleuco ou u uoir" system of passenger faic-s. A. T Abornothv , professor of modem lan guages in Kutherionl college , N C. , is only eighteen or\fc old Ho Is probably the youiifjost waiter In the country to bear the title of professor. Francis Kavvlo of Philadelphia , has been nominated by the committee of the alumni as an overseer of Itarvuid university. Tire oversce'rs nro nominated by the alumni on commencement day. Ground has IMXJII broken nt Bluffton , Ala . br CJovernor Sears , Hlshops Mullullcu and Wnldon and Drs , HiistHnttzutlCr.imton and Cat I or for the university of the southland. The new university will i-e < iulro about fcj- 000,000. The llist Asiatic scholar ever presented for graduation at u Canadian university is Jncs Keno , a youu ? Japancsq who received the degiiK ] of li. A. and n gold medal for gen eral prollciouoy at Vlctoiia university at Co- buij ; , Out , Prof. E D. Coi > o of the University of Pennsylvania has a collection of paleontolog- ical vertebrates gathered whllo in the govern ment sen-loo , and on which ho suys ho ex pended $75,000 of his own money. Secretary Noble has ordvrod him to hand the collection over to Undo Sam , hut ho refuses to do so. Miss Helen L.Yobstor \ , Ph D , of Zurich has been elected to open n department lu compurtttlvo philology ut Wollciloy college. Miss Webster obtained her clogrcu cum suminu liiudo after a four years' course of study , bchig the third woman to obtain this honor. Dr Samuel O Dixon , who has been experi menting In his bacteriological laboratory in the University of Pennsylvania as to whether or not inoculation can successfully bo used as n preventive of tuberculosis ( consumption ) , fuels much encouraged by the results oh tallied ou two uaiuiau. THE SPECOLATIVESIARRETS , Several Wheat Houses PcroteS Sereaely On tha Penci. CORN FIRM BUT THE RANGE NARROW , O : ( g Go Through nn Uv. nl"K Up nnd FlattcnlnR Out _ Pioccw Trust Display Marked "Weakness. , May 31. [ Special Telegram toTna BLF. ] The notion In tlio vrhoit market up to noon showed a very undecided fooling nmon ? the bpcrators on tlio lloor. Seveiil houses wore on both sides of tlio market , cither for finiallscilplngilc.ils or through fear of stand ing by thulr trades. Sotno violent lotion vras cxiK'Otod by mnny , but It did not come. The St. Lousyndicit ! o cut a figure early on the btiylns sldo through kogau fi Co. lloth OIlTord nnd llooth toolc turns first it buying. and sold later , Robert Warren und Ills following did llljonisc. The cooler weather about offset the moro f.ivorublo conditions under which the prlcci declined Thursday. A decrease of 5 i > olnts for Missouri Is predicted for the report from that st-ito Monday. Tlicro Is nothing remarkable In the niovenicnt of wheat anywhere Jtridstrect's st.itcmcnt Tvasln circulation siylns thnt the opinion pravnlli that the country will curry o\or ne.irly 40,000,0 W bushels of wheat .Inly l In ox- c'Cas of last yenr. The siino authority suys ( hat-tho stocks In the northwestern rillway oloraton lm\o decreased butCOOOM bushels pcrweolc for two v/eeUs , as nialnst 500000 bushels yer wcolv for the previous weeks. The action of the market was : July til > to to 01 Vote to 01\o to lll'jo to Wo to MUo to OO'iO to Oi'sO. August sold off to ( Vie beptc'in- bcr sold ut OO'iO to Ol'aO to OO'io ' to Olc. About mld-diy the whole aspect changed In wheat , The Missouri crop flcuros. which It Is said will bo 0 point * Ion or Monday , acted llko a d-in cr stun il to the tridc . To add to this Inglls , Oud ili'so\iM rt. returned with the utaillln , ! stat < nu > nt tint % Inter mtiyirot exceed .Vi.ow.ooobusli- els for tlio crop , ns thousimU of acres will neverbecut Theio vv is. i quick turn b\ both longs and shorts all bnjors fnmi ' ) iJ4e nji to DJ'iO without u stop for bi oath , i > uopt fora moment ntliJc , when all In n mlimtoo\cry ouu wanted to sell , The top on the bulge was O.l'ne , or , iyc ever the bottom mice i arly. M-iy and Juno v.oro quoted up to OJo and August at tf-'ic ' and September nt Ki'ic. A ftw inlntitos before the do-to there n second buUe In who it , win n July sold atJMlio up to fti'AaiMo Hlth thoHholo trade hellers at 9lo Tlie closing pilcrs for all months were Miy O-lo , Juno ! U < Julyosye , August OJ'ic , , September P-mc. Dec tuber Oh * 'Jhoiuin m liltot v.ns Una all div.bnt the ran o of prh'i's was narrow. The ncelpts for twodnys worn l.nrn cms and bG. > c as graded No 2. This would Jia\o depressed thonrnr- Uut , but the colder we ithcr. of which thoto Imuecm too much ahedy for start Ine crops. raused good buying. Thuro was a slight gain In prices all around early , which was inoilly lost before the close on the selling caused by an Ipstlmnto of l.TiO cais for the market Monday. May corn sold ut AJ'Jc to. UVjc , clos ing ut.t'llaC ; June. .D'aC and .JtJnC to the clo o ; .Inly , 3.1'jc and . Kl'aiJtf.l'jC to ' „ t jIMoat the close ? ! August sold at-ll jc'ii , cloilni ; at II 30 ; September at .lo c and Jo uc , closing at oTn * . There was a genor il evening up ind flitten- Ing out proceis In oats today In the e-irly months. The pirilcs holding M ij contract- , ot oits , and the expected sijcn o/oclld not tiil > o plapo ; the price of Mnv druppod from " 7'4c at tlie opening to JG'je , with tin oloio ct it > \.c ; Juno sold at'I'So to-M'Co tu J > V to the cluse ; July , 2040 off to Sd c and ploiccl at SC'iC A frco tlliiu of May early WHS by llaldnln and J'ainuin , and some thought tills Indicated Hutchlnson's Intertill In the deal The pio\ Slim m irKet held Its usinl Knot of te ul it tiudeis and the usual routine business was done July pork was allotted by the cliiiun todronfromli47lttQU | a while Juno held around ; Li" ' > Lard and ilbswere sold Koner.illy by iiicKcts eaily , nnd Into by Arniuui A. Co , Mai tun & ( lo . and HutLlilnson also sold. The pikes Molded slightly to SVJT'S for July lib- , and fu 15 for July lard , after which thuto w as llttlb change. CHICAGO OmcAno , Miiy 31. [ Spoulil UFC 1 CATTLU A few hundred natives , among the arrivals were sold out aurly and at steady pi Ices , as ucro alsoTexans Inrocelvors1 hands. Out of10 cars sold Morris owned 17 cars. An adancoof lC@J."ic on exports and nlco handy steers holds good to the close of the week. Texuns close lower than last week and mtl\ butchers' stock followed the decline In texuns. Tlio stocUer and feeder tndo has not been 'is sitlsfnctory as dealers could dcslie , and the prices are lower than a week ago. Choke to t\tn boeiSt 10fi. > 00 : medium to good steers I CiO to nil Ibs , $ l 4&a 470 : i : ltoUiOlb-.WM ! Jl'ii ) ! ' ) to K'OO Ills , ? ISO4 ) ; stooker- , and fi'odcr-i , $2.rilf4.l 70 , iow . bulls and mixed , * H44J30j ( bulk W iVJi 2 00 : Texas grasaurs , $ - ' 503.1 40 ; corn-fed steer- , , 8 1 OiXTfri 80 HOGS lluslness was actho with the great bulk of the best hc.nj selling a sh ido stronger , but at the close % alucs were lather easlei and some of the late s lies v.aio lowir. I'aokurs ] i lid $3 00 to SI 01 and shipper- 00 lo Jl 12'/t , the litter for I'lilliiaclphius and butehei woUhts. Llsht soi U , $ .1 ! W to J4 03. NFW YOKK , May 31. fdpo elal Tolesram to Tin : HEF ] STOCKS The stock market started with good show of strength In Northern Pacific preferred , v , hlcli was up about 1 per cent , and lilg 1'our , which was up 5 per cent. The early trading 1 icked ncthity and oxcltement of Thursday , nnd the buslnes > done except In Sugar Itollnet Ics , Chicago G is , Oregon Trans continental. Atchlson , St. I'aul , Heading and LnltO Shore wcro small and without special feature At the opening prices were almost Invariably hl hei than at the closing figure of Thursday. The market presented a strong tone and fiuther frcl tlonal ndanees were the rule .Sn0' i Kellnerles ro-.o ls. Oiegon Tr ins- contlnentnl 1 per cent. Chic igoOas , Lakefhoro and Atehlson " per cent each , and other' , smaller fractions. These advnnees , however , were not maintained In the latter portion of the hour , and tlio trusts especially dlsphucd u marked weakness. Chic igo Gas dropping raldly , while bug u lost all of Its parli ri-o and carried homo of the regular list with It. The second nnd closing hour for the week brought a butter feelln-f. The bank state ment showed a falling oil In loins and a verr liber il Increase In iifeoru's.imd this , with the slhoi leglsl itlon talk , eausoll a bc > ttur out look. London bought bt I'aul. That stock and Vandurbllts's were strong , whllo Missouri 1'aeltlo was a weak foaturo. The market closed somewhat foatui-elcss The total forthot\o hours wore 1JI.OOO shares. The following were the closing quotations : vnoitvci : CntPAno. May SI. 1 Tip in. oloso Wheat I'lrni ; cash and Jum * . Ittiic ; .Ully IIJSc ' Corn Steady ; uasha.lic ; June , W > o ; July , 'Jiu. 'Jiu.Oats Oats Weak ; cash , and Juno , 2So ; July , Hjo Easy nt'UKc. ' t llarley l.nsv PritnoTimothy rirra atll.3.31 3X FKrirm ! mil 47. i \Vhlskj-Jliw. , Pork slow ; casli , $ U20 ; Juno , 1322Lj. jiiiy , $11 10 J.ard Steady ; cash , KJ02'f ' ; .Juno , JOOJJia G0' > July , „ l'rtM.17'4. I'loiir btoadj ; winter wheat $2033500 : sprint ; , fl 40u.V25. Provisions ShouldersM 10fJ3'20 ; short clear , IS a-iOS 75 , short ribs , 3 2exa i. Uuttor itoady , orouuury , lodllc ; dairy , 73 Uheeso Sleady ; full croarn ohcddars , 7V ® BHu ; Huts , & & * Hc ; Voung Aiuuiicas , BU ® Biii * . Ktfgj-Steady : fresh. 123I3o. Hides Steadj j light croon salted , BVZWoi sailed bulls. 5o ; grcen sailed calf. U'ifi7c ; dry Hint , O'ffi7o ; dry saltud hlcliu , t > g ; dry calf , wtCc : deacons , 2do each. Tallow Stoudy ; packed , I'.OO-ic ; No. 2. 3ic ; cake , 44c. Receipts Shlprn'ts ITour nw ) is.ooJ \Vlinal . . . . , ' ) . )0 11000 Corn . V ff 4'J ( XX1 Oats 5t7.0JO OS.I.OJO NKVV VOIIK. .May -Wheat Uocolpt-s , UlUlXJ biLsliuU , oxixjrls , | i. SH ) buaheU , t , | > ol lower , rvu 2 re'd.'JIo Incluviitor. UVjUliiicalloal ; op- tloiu loivor , No 2 rod May tUSe Oorn Hucolpts lflut bnsluils oxporti 115,03U bu-thuU , bjiul ivotui-r No J 4) > u III olovMor , 4il * ' > | 0iO alloatt options , steady , Juno it } M0w > . O its-UoeolpH , ; ; * y.000 ) bushcl < : exports , " " " bmliols ; spot unchanged , No 2 white , mixed western , &vt < cM3 § 0 : options * ; June , 32 0. o Options clostxl steady and points up HalcM , 47.500 bags , Juno , ei 17.43 : spot Ulo llnnor : fair eargoos , f2000 , Hutrar Raw , tlrinor ; fair lotlnlnir , t m 413-180 ! CcntrlfniniN. M tost. S 7-lln&3'c : ro- llnod , firmer ! " 0 , " 4 Ull53 1-liio oil ; "A , " 5 > } . " > 9-lfto , rotroloum United closed for Juno at S9Vo. croam- cry. < < 3.I4 Hlghi , HWiO. Choose Stead } ; western , 7O3c. ' MiWNKAi'ous. May III Wheat Receipts 221 iars ; shipments , 21 cars , cash market very dull ! lotver Closing : No. I hard. May. BUVSe ; June * , KOMe : on track. W-jHJ Ole ; No l northern , May , MJJC : Juno , SJUe ; on track , DJo ; No 2 northern , May , t < Gc | Juno , bJO ( ! on track. SiWT 'e. MirffAtiKr.i : Mar 31. Wheat r.rm N'o. 2 spring , cash , fOnlw. Corn'-Uulot : No V , ,11 > . ) ats IJullj No 2 white. 2'a. ' liyn Kaslor ; Nn. I , r > IHc. Itarloy Ka y : No 2 , Ifl'itf. Provisions rlrin : pork , $1145 ( { . ST. r < otn , Mav 31. Wheat-OloiCd hlghorj cash , Mo ; July , Ul'iC. Corn Steady ; e ish. ni'taKiJc. Oats fiovvor : < * ash.2-ii : August , Sl'tO. Pork Dull at $12,00312 23 , Lard Now , $ iOO , WhIsky-31.10 Ifutttir Unchanged ; croimery , lOCMIoj dairy , ( * 3Ile. litvnnrooi , Alqy .11. Wheat Quiet : strong : holdorrtorrorinoifciatoly ; Citllfornlu No.l , 7sd ! percental ; red western , spring. 7sd 2d. Corn .Market bte uly ; doin ind poor ; now mixed western Os td percental. CiN ivvATt , May 31. Who U easier ; No. 2 red , OOttf'x * . Corn Ilaslor ; No. 2 mixed , 33jo. ; Oats rirm : No 2,2532'Jc. ' Whisky il.cti. 1.1VK STOCK. CniCACO , 'Mav 31. Caftlo Receipts , 1,300 : market weak , beeves , 91 803 00 : steers , * . ) SO\iS \ 470 ; stocl.ers and feeders , } 2 5M&J.70i Texas bti ors , $2 50&I SO Hogs Receipts 10 010 : market strong ; mixed , $30i > ai IO ; hci\i , $ J.b3I.12'i ; light , $ U S3I.IO ; skips , SUXVj } ; ! 7- , . bhe'cp Receipts , l.BilO ; inarkcl steady ; shorn natives , J ( WuS &l , vvcstorns , shorn , if I 005W.75 ; To\ans , shorn , $1 ( XKJ.3 10 ; lambs , $5 5tXii7 00. Kv.3\s CITV. M ly 31. Cattle Receipts , l.tUO ; shipments , , IOJ ; m irUot dull nnd lower ; sleers , W1041 70 lows , $200Ci-J 00 , stooUeis and fcedeis , } l lrn ? I , " > llo/s Receipts , ( I OO ; shlpmpnts , r > 00 : mar ket stearlv , nil grades , $ JWXdJ.73 , bulchera , t.1 WiiiJ 75 $ Sioux. CITV. Miy 31-Oittlo-ReeoIpts , 000 ; shlpineiils , 510 , miiket higher on fat stull ; all other ( 'Hides sto uly. Meets. JtS'iW.IW ; slockiis and feedeis , S1.00Jb5 ; cons , common to fanc-i . SI 2Vtt.l Ho-'s Kccelpts , 4,000 ; market steady at $3 03 ST. Lours M ly 31 Cattle Receipt * , 2,200 ; shipment" , ! win , kot stead * , ; filrtofincy n rtlvo sleets , { J lUiSl < ) J ; Htocketd and focdors , UORS Kopplpts , 1,010 : shlpniPtits. 4,100 ; in ir- kot stion : hi ivv. MOJftloo , packln 4.00 ; ll h llnd for tlio Ucor-Di'lnltcrfl. The total barley ci op of the United States doo- > not atnouiit to 50,000,000 bushels , whicn is not enough to supply the homo demand , says the Philadelphia Kccoid. Malt- stcis .110 therefore obliged to import about ten million bushels a year from Canada to make up the de-Hi it The Mc-Kmloy bill , in order to uc-itioy this trade , proposes to in- cre.iso thepro-jont dutv of 10 cents a bushel on barlov to HO ci-nts a buslicl The elTe'ct of this increase would bu to seiul the Canadian parley to other * markets , and to reduce bicw- er's to nn irrt're.ised use of glucose and other chci ) _ ) substitutes for biiley milt , Ijiiglish and Ueuman bn vveis vull use the superior Canadian barli-v , mm Amcticin consumer- . will h.uo to put up nith infeilor beer. But this bailov dutv is ontirclv consistout with the lest of the * Mc-ICinloy bill. roi { mi : A fashionable dunlc nt night in Pails Is hot boiled milk , sugar nud orange water. A class ofjonng women meets at the Wanauiakcri in Washington twice \\ook to learn how to irallr , to RO up mid down stnits. to stand , to bow , to Millie , to rnako oj es and dispose of the hands You must not be sur prised or shocked , suys a Washington corre spondent , if jou find a Washington girl v inkinpr ut j ou ; it is ten to ono that she is merely practicing the novel science of ocular exprcbsion. Mrs. Harrison shows the greatest consid eration for her friends , and ij constantly thinking of ncv\ modes of entertaining them , savs the Washington Post. The latest blight thought is to utiliro the inanno baud concerts oiiSaiuuhu aftei noons. Asciiaiming us tnov are dainty nro the bibquc thimble holdeis , ropix'seuti'ng Ameri can Hciutv rn > cs the icceptaclo for the thimble bc'ing in the heart of the flowers. AnnaC Biackott , vvho has been scaiching into the subject s.ns " that prcuous to the time of liichma II. ( larr-lil'.M ) all the En glish women who loilo nt nil iodo like num. Uichard married Anne of Bohemia , the eldest daughter of Charles IV. , emperor of Ger many , nnd it is to her that uo owe the intro duction of the sidc-saddlo It is stated that show as cle-foinicd and , therefore , could not rldo with case on the usual saddle . An elegnnt little coin purse for ladles' use is nimlo of half a hollow sphere of gold or silver , richly chased nnd engraved , which is attached to u netted extension. The purse is closed by draw-strings terminating hi orna mental met il balls A riflciv omen's club has been formed in Bermuda , and the vvifo of the governor of the island is picMdcnt of it. The ladies have a rangool their own far enough fiom civilized habitations for their shots not to hit hens or husbands. There they Inng away at their own sweet will. They have ah cany become excellent maiksmcn at 100 yards distance. showing Unit , though a woman mnj not bu nblo to drive a nail , she can hit a mark. A lucevondci has just been biought across the water It Is a unique specimen of cm- bioideiy nnd Iiibh Inco , specially manufac- tincd for the gieat intcinationnl exhibition of 1331 , nt which it took n iirst prize. It took twelve girls tvvelvo months to inaKo this per fect specimen of the old cmbroidcty and luce tradonf Irvlaiid The main design rs a chaplet - let of fern leaves , onUvined with the rose , the shamrock and the thihtlc , nnd in fine and ex quisite \voiknmnship it is said to surpass any thing of the present day. The cost was S-J.OOO The ladles were collars of such exaggerated height that , from a back view , only the top most curls of their * coiffure could bo seen , says Madge in London Truth This Is the kind of attire that rnnkes spe'ctalors full of curiosity to sco the fuco of the wearer. Do you not think sol Colonel 'Pon-my-lifo , whom wo met there u 1th his daughter , could not disen gage his attention from these collars. "I wonder who thoj are' " "I wish thev'cl turn lound " Ho is so frankly inquisitive that ono forgives him freely With the e > cs wonderful things may bo done in the waj of modify ing their expression nnd improving their effect upon the face , sa\s the Now York Sun Hut uo woman should use a darkening agent for nny purpose about the lids or lushes of the ces It doesn't niako the ojo look larger or brighter , as women Imagine ; It doesn't suggest the work of na ture in nny war , for nature never puts dark lines inside ; or beneath the lids of anybody's eyes , and it doesn't do anything but uiako the woman w ho U thus decorated look dissipated and vulgar. ' Noect of Sleep. A youiiff baby should bponrl most of its time in bleep. Ntn or allow It to bo w ak- cnod for nnj purpos > o whulovor , says the Laelieb' Homo .Journal. A child's nerves rucolva u thock every tlmo it is rou&od from sleep , which is most injurious to it. Admiring fi lends Hhould bonmdo to wait until it ih nvMiKo , to kisn it und nlny with it. After it is nur.sod at night put it buck In its crib , nnd if it is comfortable it will boon fall a * > lc'up. It should novcr sloop in the bed with nn older person. Pluco the crib with its head lo the light so HI to protect the eyes from the gluro. A light canopy sorvea to ward off draught * . Curtains cut oft the supply of ficsh all * and , except , u mosquitto not- tlng in summer , bliould not lw used. Until u child is two yours old it Miould spend part of ctich day in sleep , talcing a lung nap morning aim aftornoou. The only railroad train out of Omaha run e.xpreahly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council BUills , DCS Moluoj and Chicago bubinesd is the Rock Island \ostlbulo limited , leaving Omaha at 4.15 p.m daily Tii Let oillco 1002 , Sixteenth uud Farnuiu si , Oiuuha. OFFICE IS AN ICNOS FATUUS , So Says Postmaster Olarkson aud Others Who Have Tried It. EXPENSES EAT UP SALARIES. And the Kcdornl Olllco Holclor Isn't Nearly so 111 ns Ills Country ri-lcntlH Think Hlnt-AVtish- Rosslp. WASHIVOTOV , May CO [ Special to Tlm Bcu. ] Ofllco seekers have had their eyes opened by the iwcnt utterances of First As sistant Postmaster General Clnrlwon upon the delusions of onlce-holdlng. Despite this fact the army of men nud women AV ho desire to go upon the pay rolls of Uuelo Sam re mains undlininlshcd. At least ono hundred persons can bo found for every posltlou within the gift of the fcdinal government. No amount of Illustration show ing the op eration of the fact that ofilcc-holding Is but the ' rouovvivo OP AX IGNIS rvTtiu-j will convince the American people that they ought not hold ofllccs. Ono u ho sees from the standpoint of Washington the eagerness of ofllce-gcttlng almost comes to the conclu sion thnt the Amcilc.ui people are nn oillce- sccklng peoplo. There nro \ cry few olllccs within the gift of the federal government which yield a profit or a pleasure lu nny di rection. It is simply a i elicit Ion f rom nn clcctiic light n distant glamour which the ambitious citizen is constantly maichliig toward but never reaches. Ten jcars of Hfo among ofllce seekers and ofllcc-holders has convinced rno moio men seek oillco because they nio Ignorant of its icsnlts than nnj thing else. A federal olllc'o holder is u laigo citizen , ns n nilc * , among those with whom ho was ic.iicd , ospcclallj if the oillco islovved fiom n fur distanco. An olllec holder among ofllcc-hold- cr-s is n verj small and hum ulo c-iti/en. It is snfo to sav that there nro not.r > 00 oftlce- holders in Washington todnj who leceivo up wards of ijs..OOO n year that li\o within their salnnes , and jet there nio mnny thousands of such men hero. Among the 111 men who occupy scats in congress and diavv n snlaiy of fcTi.OOOn joar each , with twenty-cents u mile lor mileage , § 125 a jcar for stationery , and other nciqulsites , there aio not twenty who can COMB OUT HVEV at the end of the j oar , in a llnnnclal way , It is safe to say that the 411 men in congress who draw In thenggu'gato $2,070,000 u jear ns sal.iry alone , expend in living ut least * ! , - OUUOO ( ) u j ear. In other wouls theio is tw ice ns mui h money spout by senators and icpie- sent.itives for llv ing nlono than is icceived in the way of salaucs , milengo nnd statlonciv. Theio Is not n cabinet olllcer who lives within his $8,000 u.\ ear salary. The speaker of the house and vice piesiilfnt are out of pocket every jear by viituo of holding oillco Aimy and na\y oflk'crs nnd a vciy few bureau ofllcers sav o n Httlo money out of their salaties. Thcioaie somoclciks vvhoie- ccivo fromfl.'JOO tojl.noo a ear , who manage - ago to save a few hunched dollars mm by investing - vesting n e'stato and other securities ac cumulate a small nmoiint within along penod of vc.113. Hutanj of these people who would go into puvato life nnd dcnoto themselves us liainstakinglj nnd determinedly would ccmu u competcnco before thev passed into old ago , whcicas their long life in ortlce nlTords them n good living and the pioud ItnovUodgo ot knowing that thcv nio olllcholdcis. It is a gloat thing in the minds of the people plo who elect congressmen to go to congress. Nearly every man .isphcs lo bo a congress man until ho has held the office or has been In some position ol pi-enter magnitude. Un- foiInnately ainajoutj ol the men who go to longicbs gi\o up lucrative businesses nnd destroy themselves in u Ihianc-ial way before they nscei tain that they mo in u position \v Inch j iclds them neither pleasure nor prollt. There is not n man in the house of leprescn- tatives who faithfully discharges the trust imposed on him who does not do moro work than any lawjer who is mak ing twice as much money , nnd often a congressman rs called upon to cam -flO.OOi ) -515,1)00 ) n year , and thru spend ns much as his salary is vvoith luring help. It has not appeared yet to the average man in Washington w hut practical use ran bo put to the experience of n coDgic-ssman bcj end pos- sibij a term or two. It is merely nn CM'en- luxury. The holding of ofllccs In the departments however , is the greatest curse to ambitious mankind. The deputnient ofilcera me not desirable for succcsstul business men , or those who have the least spaik of nmbitiou. They ought to bo filled by w omen. When Piesident Harrison entered the white house the democratic press and some of the falsetto singers , fnmiiiaily known as mugwumps , pioclnimod that theio v.ould bo A KITCIII'X CUIIVrT which would mn the white houso. The changes were lung uiwn this pioclnmntion till the din was aunojtng. Nothing of that soitins been heard dining the past ten or twelvemonths. Those who have watched the management of affairs at the white house , oven fiom far distances , \\A\O \ no doubt now that there is no such n thing ns a kitchen cabinet. The president has not needed anyone to think or act for him , nnd over } move ho has made illustrated his genius and his couiuga Hollering that ho was a machine politician without much oxpeiienco in public life , cer tain \ery experienced nnd adroit men In con gress attempted to dictate affairs from Capitol tel Hill Thuj thought the president ought to take their advice in evcr.v thing nnd pro ceed with business without Invejtigation. Tlio work has been done upon n dilTereut basis , and yet it has not been offensive to those with whom the chief executive usually co-otenite3. ] The fact of having u man in the white house who can think and work for himself , and who is dctei mined to make an administration for the people ple as a body , Including all classes , socms to have worked so charmingly thnt those who were anticipating n kitchen cabinet have completely retired from the field of criticism. No ono without ho has experience In the rjmruuTiox or A TARIFF mi i , has tha least idea of the difficulties confront ing such work A great many business men have grown impatient bocaiisothciricpicscn- tntivcs in congress and their friends iu Wash ington hare been unable to forecast the pre paration of n taiiff bill or predict when the mcasuro will finally IMS passed. Almost every nrtlclo that can bo found In all the stores of a large city nio taken into consideration in the compilation of a tariff bill , nnd ov cry business Interest of consequence quence In the United States and every inter est that has been thought of and is jet unde veloped , is pushed upon the committees In both houses before the measure U finally adopted. A bill may bo finally completed and on tlio eve of being reported from the oomuilttcoof either house of congress ; hun dreds nndhuiidnds of interests ni.ij have been granted a heating by the committee , and oven in thnt last moment the bill will bo laid down nnd dclnjod in final action for weeks It was bollecd when congress spent several months of time two jcnib ago in preparing a tariff bill and thousands and thousands of pagivs of testimony and reports from the treasury do- paitment were received , conned and circu lated , thutvciy Httlo could be said which was now The hundieds of exhaustive si > ecchcS that were delivered seemed to tire the cntiro country , and it was believed thnt no ono would want to Hike up tariff ngain. When the question of preparing a new mcasuro cumo up before the committee on WHJS und means last Januaiy , It was us If nothing had been said about the tariff ques tion Those from u distance re idlly concluded thnt as so much had been bald upon the tniiff question , and so much had been written and done , the demands for new hearings should bo brushed aside , but if one could see the pressure brought hero ho would instantly conclude that not o\en the .son of a prophet could foretell the future action upon the tar iff bill Nothing is done by cither the committee on ways and means of the house or the tx > m- inltteu on finance of the senate without good reason , and every change in the bill is in the interest of some Important business element Wo may get a bill passed by the rulddto of July , and yet If u tltho of the demands fet consideration are considered the bill will not finally pass till late in August In Washington , the moil cosmopolitan citv in North America , we got reasons for c-virv movement In all parts of the country Ho > f\ao cau collalo the causes which necc1 ; defeats In township elections In tremolo p-.rU of the country und Inlliivnro the local prices of ginseng thousands of miles In the distance. It comes hero from many sources that the distinctive political organisations in many sections of the country grow out of the dtnulh , nnd failure of crops last j oar or the over plus of crops nud the consequent low mleos. If this Is true the life of some now ly-formcd pv > organlintlons will not bo very long Pension Commissioner itmtm sujsltmthlt new rules In relation to making cases special nnd his determination to rloar up the entlm list of pending potulon claims before the end of the jmurnt cnlcndnr cnr , ha * , o given him the greatest possible advantage- his work. He Is getting almost tw lee ns much work out of the sumo fora ) of men nnd women ns ho secured when there wcro > > o mnnj demnmU for special attention. ( Jonoml Kiitnu Is jet of the Him conviction that within ulna months there will not bo nn old case iwiuHiig In his bureau. The policy of the administra tion Is to oloso up the pension business ami P ly off the soldiers the amounts Justlj dun them. Pr.imi S. Himu. JctMoy banks may break , hut there's no din counting the bill of the mitlve mosquito. A new play is called "The IJluo Ofth or ' The heo has been asked to resign , probably. When tha boy who hates arithmetic faiU to get his lesson , It mnkos htm hate it alt the more to bin e his teacher make an axauiple of him. him.Wlbble Wlbble They aw now making policemen's clubs outof paper. Wabble Happing paper , I presume ? A correspondent asks how to nrold losing his hnlr. Wo would advise him to fasten it to his head by locks. The Ideal woman's hat Is n section of chaos , without form mid void ot architectural value , further Improved bj having Its knocked out of shape. When Is mi orchestra leader llko a baseball plaj er I When he uses his baton a baw 1 A bill for be\crages ought to bo liquidated Slick talkers ute too often inclined to bd slippery dealers. * Machine maid The Indy typewriter. A rolling stone rubd the moss oil of 11,1 bncU. It must hnv o been a whoolwi Ight w ho w .as first put In spokesman by his felloes Coal Dealer Has Uiggins tnkon nny action on that bill of his yet I Collector-Yon , n lit tle He Kicked me downstniis the last time J called , nnd the bill w 1th me. Ho The cutlet is cold ngnln , dm ling Now what would von do if I scolded Just a little ! She Make it hot for j ou , clearest. A popular Is said to have a voice of fine timber , a willowy figure , choiry lips , chestnut hail nnd Im/el oje.s. She must linvu been raised in the lumber region. When lovers hang oer n gate there Is n good deal to be said ou both sides before thov quit. "What nro jou working ntnowl" said oilo j'oung man to another. "Nothing" "It strikes me j on ought to have had that done by this time. " He Weie jou ever In lo\ol She I thought 1 was once , but since 1 have read a few of these modern society novels 1 have concluded that I wnsn'tl The death of the man who fiist suggested n uoi Id's fail in Is' ) . ! is beginning to bo ro- 'eorded. Tlireo Sots of Morses. Tlio New York eoaoliinu clul ) , wlik-h hits bofrmi Its lri ] > i , use" ? Uneo ilitTorcnl olusses of liorsos , tlio fnnc.v "citv " toiini , which prances nlon to Ono Hundtoil and TvvoMtj'-eitfhlli jtioel ; Iho "gallop- ois , " which will inalfc up for * nny lost time Ihenuo lo Unmnpoi t , and tlio "busi- nesb" ' horses , which will IneKle the tougher loads on the lust p.ut of Ilia jouruej. Unelo Sam Uses tlio Most Soap. Wo may not produce the greutcbt phil osophers or thi'ologiiiiH , but wo CM u claim the proud distinction of using- the most hoap. For e\erylOO pounds used in tlio United State , England uses 85 ; Germnny , 81 ! ; I'Yanco ' , 8rj ; Swuedon. 70 ; Italy , 37 ; Bulgaria , U5 , mid Mexico , 127. ALA.SKA. Refrigerators SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Kxnmlnn tliom bofuroduyliiK Wm. Lylc Dickey & Co 14OO Douglas Street. and Gable Of Every Description. Agents for Washburn & Moen Mf g Co. Jas. Morton & Son 1511 Dodge STOCKINET DSAPER Soft , cosily washed , waterproof , anil uintlo / MorMAnk \ to fit any child , 18 to 20 Inches wnlsfc measure. I'rlcoIIOT mall , 05 cts. Tor Cab r. ' , rll hiding Dry QcotU Btorcj. CAPJFBELD RUBBER JO. . 8(1.connrd Mront , Nu\v York. luioili in Uimli i nt tlio followiii Hturra Krl J li II-.UK und Mor u Dry Cioodii Uo.