Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Xfo ndvcrtlHCtncntH will lo ) tnkun for
tlicflo coliimnM uHnr JIIi'lO p. in.
H Cnnh In ntlrnnco.
AdTortlsomoutB under this lionil 10 emits per
Jlnofortho first InBortlnn. 7ecnt forunchsub-
t cmirnt liKi'Mlon. awl l.M pnrllnn per month.
Nondvortlfipmmits taken for lew time 25 cents
lot first Insertion. They imit run ronsccii-
tlYoly and must bo paid In ADJAMIh. All
advert semontu muni lie banded In before Ks.n
o'clock p. m. , tind under no'-lrcumstatices will
they lie taken or discontinued liy telephone.
Parties advertising In thcso columns and
liavlnc their answers addreiscd In earn of TIIK
J1EK will please nsk for 11 check tonnaulo thorn
jo Rot thulr IdlerUM iiiino wllllio delivered
uxccnt on presentation of check. All answers
to aelvcrtlsemcnts should bo enclosed In euvo-
All'ndvorthnmcnts In tlicso column1 * nro
publlihcd In both morning ninl ovcnlmr edi
tion * of Tim IIEH , tbo clrt'iiltitlon of which ag
gregates more thnn iJWX ) papers dally , ami
rlYCKllio advertisers thn bonnfll , not only of
Iho ollv rltcnlntlon of TIIK HRK , but also of
Council Illnffn , Lincoln unit other cities tind
towns throughout this Bcctlon of the country.
Advertising for thesn rnlumni will bo tnknn
en the above condition1 * , lit tho. following Inn-
ticon J.ouicswhonro authorized to tuko special
nntlce.s , at tbo samu ratt-s us can bo had at the
main otllco ,
of Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
bank building.
OHN W.1IELL , I'lmrinuelst.&MSoulU Tenth
gtrcoU _ _ _ _ _ _
HASE A EDPV , Htntlonors nnd Printers ,
O ll.'l. Houth 10th ttroat.
Oe. _
H. FAKNSWOKTH. I'harunclBt , 2111 ,
e. Cunilug Rtrcct , _
WJ. HLraiIE9 , I'harmaclst , C2I North
. ictli street ,
fl KO. W. "PATtltT Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
VJ worth Street.
nrUGHLS'IMlAKMACYI41h. and Kurmim
H.V7'Af < i'l Kli-l'ositlim"by"lndy"iitbno raplier
T f nnd typewriter ; 2 years' exporlonoo In ln-
Burauce. Hoferenccs. Address 0 1C , Il"i > .
07:1-2 : *
ANTED-Hltnatlon In or out of city as
liookknepor or olllco man. Skilled ac
countant. Thoroughly experienced , tllltcdgo
roforonces. Address U 22. lire. IW.1 *
POSITION wanted Itozlslored pharmacist
J. anywhoiolii stale. Ten years experience.
Itoforcncesfurnished. Adilress O , ID , Hoc.
G'JG-1 *
VVTANTKH Position as slonographor. Host
tfof references fiirnlsned. 2 vears ovperl-
cnco. Address 11,711 E. loth St. , rrcmont. Neb ,
030-2 *
north of deaf and dumb Institute. 0512 *
WANTED Salesmen on salary or commis
sion to handle the now patent chemical
Ink erasing pencil. The greatest "oiling nov-
ulty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 2utor : > 00
jinrcont profit. One agent's sales amounted to
v'i"0 In six days ; another ? : ( , ' In two hours.Vu
irnntono energetic general agent for each
r.tato and territory. Sample by mall li. > els.
J'or terms and full particulars address the
Jilonroo Eraser M'f't ; . Co. , LaCrosse , WIs.
701- : ! *
WANTED In awholesalo mercantllo house
A 1 bill clerk ; good penman ; must be
nulck und accurate at figures. Address O 21
lleo. ' 711-t *
WANTED-Inalawollli-o , a stenographer ,
typewriter und bookkeeper. Single mini
preferred. State salary expected , experlonco
nnd niferencos. Apply Murray hotel. Omaha ,
Monday veiling tit 7 o'clock , or addio-H box
DI4 , Neliraska City , Neb. 70.1-1
WANTED Live salesmen for now and com
plete line of llrst class olllco devices ,
floods are entirely now and are meeting with
Jihrnomenal sale wherever shown. Exclusive
territory and permanent positions for u few
peed salesmen. Write at once. Hi. Joe Mfg.
Co. , Ki to 71 Fourth uvo. , Chicago. 111. tel-l *
V\7-ANTEI-Wo dostro to establish a special
' monthly building journal at Umaha.
Each number will contain u colored design of
n residence nnd the plans and specifications to
Iiulld II , Wo want : i fii-st class man to manage
nnd control samu for Interest. The National
llullder , Adams K.\press llulldlug , Cliicago ,
111. C7U-1
WANTED A good stenographer : good sal
ary to a thoroughly competent man. Ad
dress by letter , stating age , exportation and
fculary expected. G 21 , Iteo. 702-1.
WANTED Young men and ladles to work
for us ; can make $7. > toifl2. > periiio. Special
inducements given ti > gentleman anil ladles
who have been touching or going to school.
Address Union Publishing Co. , Columbus ,
Kob. 077 1 *
WANTED Six boys ; must bo ut least fif
teen years old. Tlio E. M. llulso Co. . 1IJ07
Nicholas .st. 071-2 *
WANTED A few good comedians to travel
In medicine business. Must bo ublo to
Blng und dance will. No Inshors. Will pay fair
-nalury and all expenses. Call at the Paxton
liotwecn 11 and 1 , and U and f > , .Monday. M. I' ' ' .
Gould. frit-1
"TJl/'ANTED Experienced bread bakers ,
T T steady work. Apply Satunlav und Mon
day 4 p. m. , Jos. Garnoau Cracker Co. lk" > 7 1 *
SALESMAN For line of cigars ; $73 per
mouth and expenses. Address with stamp ,
tiuuiutru Olgar company , Chicago , 111.CG.t'i
CG.-t-'i *
mWO draftsmen wunteil. Apply R M. Ellis
JL& Co. , architects , lleo bulhllni ; , Omaha.
AGENTS KM ) outllt on U ) days' lime. flW.oo
prollt In 4 wookrt or no pay. Add. , with
ntamp : Jurvls ft Company , Kaciuo , WIs.
WANTED Energetic men nnd women fora
eenteel business pay ing $0t ) weekly prollt
easier than ICO inunthly olhorwlso ; experience
unnecessary ; purmanent jiasltlon und exclu
sive territory assured ; S-l samples free ; Inves-
tlgaloour monoy-miiklng business. Addios.s
vllh slump. Merrill Munufaoturing Co. , II fxl ,
Chicago. 111. 8SiJyl3 :
WANTED COO men for now rrllroad work In
Dakota and Wvomlng. Good wages ,
ctoady work und free fare. Allbrlght's labor
ugoncy 1120 Kariiam st. SW
ANTEI - ineii for Utah and Nevada ;
wugos K.OO to 3-V ) per day , Albright's
J.abor Agoncy. 1120 Karniim. 474
WANTED Halosmen nt J75 per month sal
ary and expenses to soil a line of sllvor-
jiltvtod wani , niilohes. etc. , by namplo only ;
liorso and team furnished free ; write at once
tor full particulars und sample- case of goods
JTroo. Standard Silverware Co. , lloston , Mass.
AV ANTlil-.KI'ai A t il 0 II 10 1 j l .
WANTKD-GIrl for housework. C2D S. lilth.
C07 1 *
\\7ANTED-2 ladles , 1 boy to keep books ,
Juno ! id ! ; co.i < l slluutlon. Gull today.
Jloom DIP , Naw Vork Llfo building. fifii 2 *
A YOUNG girl for general hotuowork ; no
wushlug. inu1. ! Locust st. U' l'
AHThli uurmun iirl In family of four.
. 1818 Wolntur M. 7QJ-4 *
w ANTED Olrl for general housowork. In-
qulro at 1813 Corby si. 070
ANTED A Kood Klrl or woman for ROII-
eral housework , wa oa ft per week. AII- .
ply iti-iKOllurnoy. uu-1 ; "
HIXTANTl-.l ) A liiundrcsi und dlnluz-room
TT girl ul City hotel , cor. 10th und llarnoy
l . KIS-I *
"TTOUSKWOUK Olrl wunlod lor general
J-1-house.worU , Keforonvos ruiiulrod. Apply
nt 007 S.'Olh. OS7-1 *
"IXTANTED Competent ' cook. Uwodlih\\ hem
, VV S.M girl U kepi. Apply at once , laid i > . 30lh
"IJITANTKO Workln/l / housekeeper for sinnll
T T hotel , fJJ ; li ) waltro.-isi.-3 in und out
of oily , &TO ; laundresses , woman cooks ,
Boruli Kirls. second und iiurso clrU , com-
jiotoiit ulrl for ( amlly ot 3 In wyo. , t-0i
vrotnurso. honsokoepor forwldowor with ono
child In oltT. 60 lrts for Kenoral house work.
lira. llreKa.JlHH S. 151 h. _ KN1 * _
WANTE1 > Olrl for Koneral house work , two
In family : KI" ! wucos. U. E. Keller , ftl'l
\Valnut \ avo.Valmit UIIl. ft.l )
, two In family , good
to llfhl A pply , 11 li S lUth si.
* \ \ ANTED In a family of two a good ulrl.
V\ 633 Park avu. 471
WANTED A llttlo Klrl to take euro of u
yoiir-old baby Iu the uftonuoiHHl7npl- !
< 0l uvo 4U
\\rANTED A neat , InMllRcnt irirl to do
TT hoiiAOWork l all nl liJOl npllol avp. t7l
WANTED Thtoc- experienced uinin ; ! room
iflrls at tlio Marker hotel. ! > W
" \\rANTKD- I mperlt-nocd dining room Blrls
at the Windsor hotel. 217
\xfA NTl'fD-lst nfuTsd alrls In prlvaln faml-
TT ly ; Iwstof wucos paid. T1. ' ! S 10th St. , cor
tier of Leavonworth l. Mr * . J. L. HrandHs.
li i
GIKL tor Rcncral housework. InrjtiltoofJ
J. Wilkinson. CIS I'li.Uon blk. I'M
Jm KSS5r A itiNG
ENGAGEMENTS to do nrcis makmu In faiiil-
Ilc * sollcllcd. Mls-s Htunly , KT S. S3th avo.
YKA MpGlniils' Irc.vmnkliiK pur'ors SOI
M Capitol uvo. I u 10 and touch tbo I'ro ich
' " 1"1"
tailor system.
convonlont 5 and 2-room IIOUBP. I.VM . B.
! ilsl. bet. ( Joiiler and Durcns. l".3 * . ' * _
m\VO li-iooiM houses -\vttb i-oin-'enlonces
JL \talklngdistancoof P.O. , I'J5. II. E.
Colo. 710-3'J
_ _ _
room boardlns bousii between court bouso
IU nnd P.O. ; tent MO : furnllnro S3.V ) . 475 cash.
balance $20 per month. Co-operative Land
and LotC.'o. . CU" > N. Kith st. Wi-a
IjlOU KENT -room linonncnt , 97 ; nt and
J and Popppleton avenue. Imiulro of C.
Madfcn.Sloa. illh. 7 -l
HliJsT ovon-room cottnKu on Haven-
port street just west of High school. Kent
fftl per month nnd el.ijht-room with alt
n.odern convonlonce-i. Thlr y-lirst and Cass.
Kent $10 per month , llreiiimn & Co. , Chamber
of Commerce. . 717-7
'I/Wit KENT Two flno housoson Ocorzla avc. ,
JJ } , Vj ) corner on 3. UOth , Js'iO : two on Jackson
)1G ; houses nnd stores from 87 to t KX ) . Hco
D. V. Wholes Co. , loom -III , Ut National bunk ,
( SO 1
IM N. 17th CottaRO , il rooms , treed repair , J-Jt )
Inqulro Monday bc-t. 1 und 2:30 : p. m. CftVl *
EESIDENCESTinvrjTPaul block , anh nnd
Ilarney. S-eo them ; the latest at very
lowest rentals ; walor paid , rantros furnished
und complete In everything. Paul , IC09 Fariuun ,
T ji O It I flCNT I'lno new fi-room cottuKe. elty
J- water , eonvonleiit to street ears , on Ohio
st. ( next to Lake ) , bet , "ith and JSUh , Jl.'i per
mouth on I year'- > lease to .small family. Dan
li. Wheeler , jr. , Insurance , Douglas und l.'Uh.
r iO ! i
"ISTEW house 7 loomshot nnd cold water.bath ,
X > 2 blocks from motor , 3-JK1 Webster COM *
1T10K KENT ) ) wi > Ulnx'D rooms , stable , null
J- nil roiiulroments for n first-class home ;
south front ; 2'iOS Capitol aVCnuo ; rental very
low. Inquire atlfiQl l-'urnam st. KB )
" OTTAtIl5 of 3 rooms in rear of 1213 Chicago
st. , near 13th , city wiitur.-ii ) . C37r > *
FOR KENT Two of the finest residence Hats
nn South IDth Direct , with all modern con
veniences , hot und cold water , close lo llrown-
ell hall. I'lrst class mirroundlngs. Apply lo
Chas. Ivailfmanu , liiiC Douglas st. Kf >
" 1J1OII KENT Nov.1 fi-room house , Popplcton
JL' Park , east front. 1 block from motor ; rent ,
? ! . " > ; city water. A beautiful home. Stringer &
Penny , Douglas block , 10th and Dodge. KU
FOK KENT IIouso ; ton rooms , all modern
Improvements ; large yard , * 'tt nor mouth.
Commission to agents. Dc-vlcr li. Thomas.
FOll RENT A furnlahod house of n rooms.
Apply Ott N. Ed ! st. TOT 2
" [ TUNE residence , modern Improvements , 2IIW
-L St. Mary's uvo. . fin per month. Imiulro nt
premlHcs or at A. Heller's 111 I Kuril am. 130
3 71 LEG A NT hou-,0 In choicest , part of city.
-Jt-ontli front , overlooking iilgh school
grounns. fourleon rooms , bath , laundry .steam
heat , barn und carriage bouse , etc. , etc. ; will
bo vacant Juno 1st. Thos. 1' . Hall , 311 Paxton
block. fi''l
" 171OK KENT About Juno 7 , S-room house 33(1 (
J- and Cumlng sis. $35 per month. < ' . I-1 ,
HiiirlMin , I'll ' N. V. Life. 4SU
iS YOU wish to rent a bouse or store see II.
E. Colo. Continental block. 107
\rOUK opportunity to .secure the lease ami
1. furniture of one of the finest homes In
Omaha , funilluie all ninv , location near high
school , rent low. Will take halt Its value ; Yi
cash , bill , time. Address , E4i : , lleo. 211
FOK KENT-Nlcoly furnished G room cot
tage , good location , near motor line. Kef-
orenccs renulrcd. Wolshans * t McCullocli ,
Exposition lildg. , 1422 Capitol uvo. KHi
8-KOOM flat , wllh steam beat , IGlli st. , near
Jones : Thos. R Hull , -J11 Paxton block.
T71OK KENT Two 5 room , new , cottages ,
JL1 modern convenience , oxcout furnace. Nlco
lawn and hose furnished for sprinkling , $13.
Nob. Mtg. and Loiin Co. . 518 Pax ton blk. "J2S
HOUSES , stores nnd Huts ; all now , E. A.
Lcavunworth. room 14 , Barker blk.
3 KOOM bouse and lor , 21 feet front , JSOO. only
$50 i-iisli nnd balance monthly on terms to
suit. 1) . I ) . Smealon , ICO'.i'.i ' l''ariiiiinst. ' _ illC-J.'i
IjiOK KENT 10 room flat , 1C15 Dodge st. . sill
J- modern Imiirovemenls. iM.
7 room house. 'Ills Hurt st. , splendid location
and conveniences.
! > room house , Dupont place , city water , ? 12.
Geo. .1. I'ov. loom MS Paxton blk. 4liS
TOOK KENT 2 now ID-room houses with all
JL1 conveniences , most desirable location. Eu-
cjulro at N.W. cor. 21st and St. Mary's uve.
T71OK KENT Very iilcoT-room lionses ; special
JJ terms made. Apply to Fletcher Young ,
Ambler Place. atl
TOOlTirENT-2 Hats In Llnton blk , cor. Mason
JL and llllh sis. , ( i rooms ouch , rent $27 per
month. Iiiqulio 017 in block. John Hamlln.
FOK KENT 3 nlno-room brick houses. All
modern conveniences. SSXl to 2KI7 St. Mary's
avo. Inrjutrout Collateral bank , 312S Ifithst.
TOOK RENT Onntn-room modern house , all
Jconvonlenccs. . Paved streets , ealilo cars.
Flvo minutes' walk of postofllc-o : Koforoocos
rcrjuired. Nathan Sholton. 1G14 Farnam st.
TOOK KENT Nlco G-room cottnpo , 22nd nnd
J-A California. W > per month. A U. Wukoioy ,
605 N. Y. LJfo building. 07S
EOK KENT 5 room house , good repair , nice
yard , cistern water , i out $22. Apply to 1103
South 7th live. ortoJno. W. lloll , druggist , 10th
FOK KENT Kcsldcncos In all parts of city.
List too largo ton publish. Globe Loan &
Trust company , M S. jGlh st. 7 < U
MODEKN liousp , nine rooms , bath , hot nnd
cold water , fiirnacn and gas , on Dodge St. ,
40 per month. Fred J. llorthwlck , 213Soulb 1 lib
TOOK KENT A flat of six rooms. Enquire of
JJ Mrs. U. Duggun , 11U2 b 13th Room 5.
TOOK KENT About Juno 1 , those elegant
J- stone resldnnces on Georgia avenue , 8 20th
St. , between Muson und Piicllle sts. See owner
for long time lease. H , H. Hcudorsou , room 400 ,
Pax ton blk. 4S5
FOK KENT 10-room brick house , with mod
ern conveniences , No. 811 S Sutb st. Apyly
ut No. BJT S0th \ ! st. 321
yOU ltKXT.-.llOOMS FUUXlSlllil ) .
fiHltXiu.i fufiiisriod rooms witlTbi > arUi
10 ri'.Mhbt. UtS-'J'
TVlTEASANT furnished front room. Allcon-
J. vonloncos. * J 34 Farnam. Third lloor.
" 171OK KENT A desirable south front furL -
-L nlshod room , .suitable for Kcutloman ami
wlfo or two iTeutlomoii. Also tublo board.
I'.HO ' Capital uveiiuo. 73 *
IJIOK lliht housokeeplni' , Juno 1 , throe com-
-L iilctoly fiirnl.ihcd rooms with elo-ets. lawn
nml shade , convenient to motor und eablo
curs. 1010 N , 2-'il st. ( r.v..i *
IAKI.OK and oilier nxims , with boaul ; few
lablu boarders wanted , ( LM S. 17th bt. U311 *
NllfEl.Y furnlshod room In iileu I'olta''Q , W
per month , ut 4MWIlluins ( St. , ti mlnutos'
walk S. E. U. P. depot. KW
MKS , Chuii'hlll has two very desirable rooms
with board , walking dlstuncu from busi
ness center. 411 Moth bl. f > 3a-l *
" 1DLEASANT and nlcoly furnished rooms wllh
1 board In private family ; references. A)7 )
1'arnam. ( W'l 3
'IjlOK KENT Pleasant furnished rooms with
JL1 all conveniences , A ) X. luth st. WJ31 *
"VTIOELY furnished front rooms with alcove
-L > to lot. lniiulru.'U i tit. Mary's uvuniic.
OOL N. 13th. lint "J. "
C , pleasant rooms. 313M .
CTOOK 375-J si *
TOOK KENT Now furnUhexl rooms In Now
JTerncc , with or without board , ut roasou-
able rules. 2I3J llarnoy st. MO
T AltQIj front room ; references ; 1312 D < xlso.
TOOK KENT A largo front room , furnUlasI ,
JL. In oiui of the finest residences In the city ,
73 1 H. tilth at. , corner l.oavunworth. 811
TOOK IlENT-PuruUUoa rooms , ! GJ Douglas.
HKNT Plcasnnt furnished nwmi with
all conveniences.fill ) S Gth Bt , 201
KENT Mccly furnished room , all
. modrrii coiiveulenccj , 2 blocks from P. O. ,
CI8M 17th .
iJlOK KENT I'lirulihed roomi ; fas , nath
'nndstoani ' ! 1.MI'Howard. U > J
. CLA1K Eufopcnu hotel , cornorl.1th.and
ST. . Special rules by week or month.
T AKOE front room suitable for twos also
.1 Jsnmll room , modern convonlenccs ! rent $7
totis. KI a. luth si. csa-a *
TOOK KENT - 3 furnished rooms for house-
J. Icoeplng fo man and wife , No chlldrnn ,
Kent taken In bonrd. IllO.N. 17th. GOO 4 *
TOOK KENT-l'Tirnlshed ' parlor , 1012 Blarney.
TOOIfKENT NewIyfi7FnlshFd"rooiiirjrlvale
JU family. 4IOS24lli stieet. 713-2 *
Y furnished rooms& board ,
rpWO furnished rooms for house kcopln | 1l3
.Ls. I7lh. - r.W-2'
BED KOO.M-rt'ltli use of sitting rp7)in In
prlvuto family , ? 10 ; l.'ill Cullfortilu. * 721-1 *
' '
'iTooSrsTitrnlsTietT'wlth board , 21o : > Douglas
lV 720-7 *
FOK KENT 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms , pleas
ant yard , near cars. BUON.iadsK U.V1 1 *
TOOK KENT Two or three large rooms , front
X1 und buok pallor. 1720 Capital live. 610
TOOK KENT Unfurnished rooms. 1023 Oum-
J-1 Ing. 710-2 *
IUNKIIKNISIlEI ) rooms , -all conveniences ,
C33 S. 17th uve , bet. Jucksou & Loavonworth ,
5.l ! ! 4 *
UNFURNISHED rooms for Vent , Imntlro of
11. JI. Mohr , 7U3 N. Ifltli st. K. 0 , Unmoor.
. . 24
3 KOOMS lower story , good locution. Noarlo
business. $ o mouth , Mead Invt. Co. , llco bldg.
QVE hardware sloro 1021 llo ward st.
TTNI.'UUNISHED rooms for housekeeping at
J greatly reduced price : Cheapest rent In
the city. Uutts Kcntlug Agency , ; st.
219-Jl'J *
"ITIOH HI'NT 1 unfurnished rooms to family ,
. without children ; modern improvements.
170 st. I'rlcutlS. 02a
TjlOH ItENT-lliIck store room , 1S07SI. Mary's
-L avenue. 2u'\)0 ; very cheap ; Samuel Hurjis ,
Imiulro Kits I'aruaiu. 7ll-2 !
suitable for meat market'one month
frco to good parly. H. E , Cole. 710-3
STOKES at 707,7C9.711 S ICtn. 22x00 each , larg
( .how windows , steam boat furnished. Thos
IHall. . 1111 1'iiMou block. 203
Esuitable for druggist. Two mouths
free to good party. II. E. Colo. 700-1
"T7IOR KENT-Cornor store , 701 S , Ifitli st , JfiO ;
J- ' only I blocks south of Karnam ; the best lo
cation for the lout on the street. i Apply at
70. > S. Kith St. , George I'louser. 7K-2 *
Ol-'l-'IUES In Wlthnoll blockISth und Ilarno/
streets. $8 per month and upward ; all mod
ern Improvements. Call and see them.
U > t JI5 *
KENT-Store CIS S. 10th st.
KENT The 1-story brick building wither
or without power , formerly occupied by
! lieu Publishing Co. . 01B rarimm st. Tlio
building has u llro proof cement basement ,
complete steam heating fixtures , water on all
HID floors , gas , etc. Apply ut the olllce of The
llco. ' UL"
OOKNEIl lot , ( W by iriO. pornorSiith and O sts. ,
South Umalia , Is a first-class location for
bcergarden. ImiulroMrs. A Kullsh , SISS. Ifllh.
413 J2
THOU KENT--Wo have ni acres adjoining Ilcn-
Json and Ki acres adjoining our Highland
Park addition that wo will rent fer.season of
16UO nt a roasonublo price. Omaha Koul Estate
and Tru.stCo. 1VH I < arnam st. 3117
I'O U 1C KNT 1 > A ST U111-3.
WANTED Horses to pasture at $2.50 a
month on farm near Irvlngton ; liorscs
called for and delivered. W. K. lloiiinu , Koom
0,1'renzor blk. - -470
T71OK KENT--HOIISCS In all parts of city. Tlio
JO. . V. Davis company. IMS 1'arnam st. 2U3
JITOKTON'S rental agency , 517 1'axtou lilpck.
HE. COLE , icnlal agent , Continental blk )
AKE\V moro young ladles can be aceommo-
dutcd at the Young Woman's Homo , 101) ) S.
17th. ItofeieiiL-cs requli-oil , 5J8-U *
LADIES or gouUomen doslriii ! ; congenial
c-orrospondonls of the oppnsllo sex
with stamp Mu. Cor. JJuroau , 2121 Calumet
a vo. . Chicago. HI. &S 11 1
Vy II AT you got to swap or sell ? The Sale
it und E.xohaiige.Ioui-nal contains descrip
tions of pioporty and addresses of the own
ers , of stocks of all kinds of merchandise ,
farms , wild InmK mills , hotels , elty property ,
livestock , ovorytlilnf. ' , everywhere , for sale
und trade , business openings , otc. etc. $1.50
per year with inch space free to subscrl-
nors ; sample copy 2. > cents , no stamps- Ahead
of anything published ; sent , by return mall
on receipt of price. IJoebo i llrown. 1'ubs. ,
Modulo , Iowa. Os2-i *
Elgin : > 0u typewriter , the masterpleco
J of an Elgin walchmakor. now on exhibi
tion among Iho wonders In Epleun's museum ,
Chicago , sent for 'We. Stamp for terms to
agents. Address C. U. I'almor , lock box 49i ,
Elgin , 111. _ Ca7-l *
' - "Advlco to a
Pretty Typewriter , " "Tho | { . JI. S. Stenographer
" ' -How - Writes "
ographerHow Cii-aham Klguros ,
"Tvpowrltlng bv Telegraph , " "Shiirthand and
Typewriting Diplomas , " oto. . In Juno Phonographic
graphic World ; out today ; 10 cents ; all news
stands. Trauo supplied by American News
Company. O'jJ-l *
AGENTS Wo make latest patent fruit and
vegetable knives ; low prices ; write now ;
.samples mailed 10 cents , dates , U9 lny ) St. , N.
V. 091-1 *
and umbrellas covered nnd re
paired. II. llalor , 1515 Douglas ; busomonU
IN WORK , roofing , guttering , spouting ,
- good work low prices. Suvago , 1018 Cnmlng
07J-J3 *
UMHKELLAS repaired , lawn mowers sharp
ened , key flttliii : nnd louksmllhlng' ut
Henin's gun shop , 119 N. IGth st. 200 J10
PASSAGE and magnetic trealmenl , 1113 Pa ?
Lclllu. half block from motor lino. filii-1 *
U. rOKSTEK , mldwlfo and M. I ) , for
children and female diseases , lt.1t Sunndcrs
. . . In second story. iyjl-.l-'l * '
l OST.
IOST-At buso ball Kronnds , Decoration
J day , ladles' sold watch rneravetl on In-
stdo buck of ease , Estella. I'lndor will bo lib-
nrtilly rowurdcd by returning sumu to T. A.
Thompson , eqio Hotel Casey. CH3-1 *
LOST Dark buv jiony six year * old. branded
on loft hip. Liberal reward If lotimied to
Cronor's barn , Sixteenth and Cass. 71H-1 *
1JKUSONAF. Wo louvo at f > p. in. Monday.
Si'o mo ns early In the day as convenient.
Do not full. U No I lee 7ii-l *
] ' OST Wateh chain anil ehaim , on ISIh or
Jl'arnnm. Ueturn to llco otllco und KOt re
ward. WJ-1
EJ * . OLINGMAN , o.voluslvo pension attorney -
noy , looms 111 and "I. l-'renzor block.
Omahn ; uisoClnclnnatland Washington. Send
stamp forelreu _ _ _ la r. 143
/1OLD blorugc. Duvld Cole , Sli-Si : Howard .
QTOKAGE-Ilranch & Co. , Ull Howard.
ITIUHNlTUIIi : storage , sepurulo comnart-
X1 niciils.6l.V817 Howard. 257
rpKAOKAGE btorase , David Cole , 815-317
JL Howard. Y7
rpltAl'KAflEMoniRout lowKit rates. W. M.
J. lliishman. Kill Leavenworth. 'J07
17"ANTED To buy olllco fixtures und conn-
> tor. Address O III , lice. IKH'J *
\\rANTED A good slnxlu driving horse ,
TT onu that Is centlo uud kind ul 320 Koutli
Siith btruut , Omaha. Taj- : . "
rjlUKNITUKE. himsuholdgoodt.oto. IllKhest
JL1 cash prloo. 317 a 13th , 373
WANTED About n am.Uorso power spconi1
hand oiiglne andlbopcr Iu UrU clas-
order. State iirlco nnd Imnuo nt miikor am
capacity. Address 0 .MrUeOonico , 0- ) ! *
WANTED to ptircb : M-EvrryTcri rstati
iiKcnt wishing toViigW , "Whnt'A wanlod'
lo purchase or exchange ? shiftlld tnko the West *
prn llauncr. Has the "nunt * " from all londln ;
papers ; $1 per year. Pamjiln for stamp. The
western Hunncr , Kansas c'fly , Mo. 08-
I \7 ANTED-Pccond-hiimi CO Inch blcycloi
. stale condition ottliuol , how long moil ,
Address 0,17 , care lleo , 7tM-2 *
\\rANTED feconiMrainij , fiirnlturo of all
V > kinds nt the highest price , 710 a. Ifllli st.
"VyANTED-Good commercial tin perl N j
l T braska Mortgage Lorni 0. , 019 Pus ton blk.
\ \ ! A NTH I > Hood hhort tlnio paper in stiiail
YY amounts. 1' . 1MI I'nrnnin at. 471
\\rANTKD-To liny lor spot rnili. city or
f country , partt or whole Bloom of dry nml
fnnoy Kood'i. clollilnu , Imots nml shoes , nillllti-
cry , stationery , wilts' furnishing RooU ( , etc.
Unil ( inornildross ,1 , llrumloU iVSoiii. cor-
'ilcr Killi anil llowiiril. Oninlm. 'HO
SALE A sound und gentle horse , sufo
for u lady or child to drive. Enquire at
5I'J llco bldir. O.VS 1 *
"IjlOH SAIiK A full platform spring , lonthor
JL1 topciirrliiKiMilinostni'w , nnd oiiol'oluiiilnia
nitiku biiKKy ; sil o oiu < M < I doub'.o harni'.si for
J.T ) . Apply nt S3I3 Wcliotvr st. KM
POU SALE Ono good top buggy. Illmo-
batigh Si Taylor , llft'i Douglas si. 70G-2 *
171 Oil SAIiK Ten horses and maret , your
X1 cholco for J.V ) . Vf. T. Hhuinan , Oiiiaha'
liirgvst variety wagons and rnrriiiKO.s. 7li-4 (
NICKdrlvliiRhorso for lady or Kcntloman
$7."i ! line work loam Slffi ; oxci'llent span
of nmres very rlienp , Oo-oporatlx'o Land and
Lot Lo. , > > j N. 10th It. T27-3
TnOHSAIjK for cash or on tlmo.span of niiiloa
JL1 price 1140 , Hooin in Hoard of Trade. Oil
F OH SAIiK Matched team for lieu vy work ,
71 IS. iOlh. ftW 1 *
AljK at a barKaln , a good family horse
KuaranU-'cd , a earrlasq , S scats , oMon.sIon
top , u holstuln cow , line stook. T. J. Hoard ,
1J1U DoiiKlas ht. KIM
IVKUY forSalo A conipletu livery stook ,
oomprlsltiK biillillnits , homos , harness , uar-
rliiico.s , i'1e. , nil In llM-i-lass pondlllon , host lo-
eatloM In town , good trail f already established ,
prlco and tornis reasonable. Address llo193 ,
uuthunhurtf , Neb. 5j. " > I *
H OUSKS-Lluht drivers , bargain. The lal(3 (
lire has made them cheap. II. K. Cole.Con-
llncnlaljjilool : . _ - _ r > ? j
Foil SALK-Importcd SheUand Malllon. 2
years old last nmruli , heljlit 40 Inulios.
\vilht | "M Ibs. , color lirluht bay , inane and tall
blaek and heavy ; a perfect pony. I'or iirlco
and further jlartlculurs , address I'lill Kldge-
waj * . Lenox , Iowa. ! > 5I 2 *
TpOKSALK A good , sound , horse.
JJ I'rlcooiin bo learned and herM ) seenat Leo
A Nlehol's barn & 07 Leavonwortli St. IW'J '
IJIOH SALE 1'otir horses , oneexpres ? waqon.
jLCi31 ? _ ; iortliue. _ Kooin ! . ' . 1117 Karnam. 501-Ju ;
PAUTIKSlooklnK tor line drlvlii'i ' or s-iddlo
horses , would do well to call on , or corroi-
pond with T. , T. Klomln ? . manager \V. II. Mil-
lard's farm , Calhoun , Neb. llo has for sale
some flrst-olass sliiKlo drivers , carriage teams ,
and aaddlp horses , at reasonalilo priuos. ZO
Hy young mini , room and board
In private family , with homo comforts.
Address , staling lornis. etc , , G ia. llco. ( i'-P-l *
To rent 2 lo 3 unfurnished
WANTED for hoiisck nplifg , small family ,
near business conlor. Aduru > s G IS , Ueo ollloc.
WANT moro houses to rent ; moro demand
I than houses. Pun-otic Kental agency.
married couple . without children
STAID partly furnished , rooms for light
liousnkoopliig , South Omahaor near the South
Omaha motor line , sstato. lo\ycst terms to G II ,
llco OHlce. I CIOJ *
"I71OK SALE rino family" carriage horse
JL. ' sound and gentle. Imiulro S14 N. IGth st.
_ 4 _ _ -M .
FOK PALE A good seiiiloMiorse for WO. Ad-
dressC II. lice. . . , 37S
Foil SAMd 1'UTHXlTUlTK K' tJ.
EOK SALE Furniture , carpets and house
hold goods ot all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday hiorhlng at 1111 Fur-
num fit. Cash paid 1m goods. Omaha Auction
und Storage Co. Henry Crclghton , auctioneer.
T71OK SALE Good sijuuro piano , $10 ; also
JL feather bed , cheap. Jmiulrul3U3 Pierce bt.
UoS 13"
imoit SALE Thoroughbred IrMi setter dog.
J- six months old. .Sec him atl7U9Mamlersonst
( iiV.-l *
TjlOK SALE Ice box suitable for meat mnr-
JL kctorcommlshlon houso. Imiulro71i N.IUth.
KM 4
GOODsDila fountain , In running order , for
loss than half cost. O. Peterson , tilS S. 13th.
pOK SALE , cneup SO-horM power ateo
boiler , good us now , with fittlnu's complete ;
heater , mud-drum , plunge pumps , und No. 3
ICnowles ; will sell for one-half original cos i
.loll' W. Hodfonl. ijl )
MILK delivered In ono gallon packages
dally. Guaranteed absolutely pun ) . 313
llrowii building , telephone I.V.M. 'Ml
"TTIOKSALE Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored
J grey hound. Enquire 7-J4 S. lUth st. , corner
of Loavcnworth. SI4
T71OK SALE Some good watches and dla-
Jmondsclioap. . li. F. Mustoi-s. room 4 , Wlth-
nell hlouk. 211
BEKORE buying a piano examine the now
scale Klmbull piano ut A. Ho po , 1513
Dougliisst , ' 212
G io7r.7TELLENllEOIftoaclicr of the banjo ,
100 ! ) Howard st. 3d tioor. 21 ! )
MONEY to loan on long or short tlmo ;
county warrants bought. Star Land &
Loan Co. , ICfXUi I'lirnam st. C'iO J 2S
TJlIKSf mortgage loans at low rates and no
JU dolay. D. V. ShoIosCo. , 210 First Natl b.uik.
TjlIKnT mortgage loans. Very lowest rates.
JJ C. J. Caswell. ir. N. Y. Llfo. I2I-J2
MONICV to loan In any amount from ? 10 to
tlO.OOO for anytime from one to six months.
Loans made on household goods , pianos ,
norses , mules , wagons , houses , leases , etc. , In
fact on any available security In any amount
ut the lowest possible rules without , removal
of property.
Payments can bo made nt uny time reducing
both principal and Interest. You pay Interest
only for the time you use tbo money. If yon
owe a balance on your property 1 will take it
up and curry It for you.
alonoy always oiuinnd. No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rates.
II. K. Masters ,
Koom 4 Wlthnoll block , 15lh and HurnoyrBts.
5PEK cent money to loan on real estate se
curity. Loans can bo paid oil'In Install
ments. Juo. W. Kobblns , 209N. Y. Llfo bldg.
T.OANS wauled on productive Omaha real
xJcstaf 3 and 5 ycarY time , optional puy-
monts. , favorublo tormi'tinrt rales.
ICImball , Champ & Ryan ,
1000J10 12051'ainainst.
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules.
household goods , planosMrgans , diamonds ,
ut lowest rates. The lirst organised loan ollleo
In the elty. Makes loans from 30 to 303 days ,
which can bo paid In part or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call ami son us when you want money , mx-an
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without lemoval of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In maklni ;
loans. C. r. Keed & Co. , 31 ! ) a. 13th St. ; over
lllnghani fc Sims. _ 23 >
HATTELIoans , K. IU Continental blk. , ISA
C Douglas ; buslncsj conlldvntlul. ' M. J. Hall )
TEKAL Ijaiik.iilStiD. lUlh st , room 5 ,
v Chumbor cot Commerce , loans money on
commercial paper nmUull .articles of value.
Also on horses , cuttle , furniture and otluir
chattel property without removal , nt lowest
rates of interest All business strictly conll-
duntlnj. . Kit 315
7 TnA TTiL : HANK , room 3 WKhnoll DljXiE
MTNKY lo loan , ft youw on easy tornis on M
per cent on uixxl consorvntlvo vuluutluns ,
anywhere In the city limits of Omaha , ut 410
Sheeley bld . , lJlh und Howard bU. ijam'lTato.
/ ! PETl CENT resldenco loans , * : tOOU lo iTo.OW.
I'ltulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. . lleo building rJi _ _
IM ( ) NiV : - 30iQ ( in-00 days on furniturepianos ,
horses , houses , eta. J. J. Wilkinson , GU
Paxton blk. Z _
. loans at lowest rates ; romoved'Yo
OHATTr.L Puxton blk. J. II. Emlngor. * 'l ! )
"At < ) NrEV In loan on clly properly ; money on
Iil baud and no delays , llates , smith fc Co. ,
10th and l-'arnam sis. ! ilizi" "
IlKflAirreal ostatu loans made by W. "SI
LI Harris , rooniiW , rrcutur block , opp. P. O.
OANS t'lty iind farnTli7an ? mortKnBo"
pur bought Mcl'afue Investment Co. 11
Co.-LoaiM of JIO t <
j k'otour rates luforn bornwln am
aavo money : loan on hi rsc , furnliuro or nny
approved security without publlcltyi notoi
boughl , for now loan , rcnuwal of old and low
purntrs. Cull , K .W , Sheoly bU , 13th nm
llownnlst- * . fjj
O'lfoltT t line loans on vacant lots ! Solby &
C3Kood.ji ; board of trade. f > - < . .
Bt'lLDING loans. 0 to 7 per cent ; no nddl-
tlonal charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. II. Melkle , First Nat'l bank bids.
"jTfONEY" loaned nt lowest rates long tlniolm
JtTiimprovcd Omaha real estiito. no "oxlas , "
uO delay. Globe Loan & Trust Oo. , 3)7 8. lAtii.
/"lOMMEKt'IAL ' nnd poncral short tlmn paper
v/uoiiRht ; also regular live year loans mudo
nn Improved property. Geo. F. lllun & f'o. ,
JU3 Kumg _ Jlug UW _
SECOND mortgage loans , hccomt mortgagci
iHjught. Loans on vacant lots. IteedJc
Sell)1/ , room 13. lloard Trade \iij \
" " * "
M1" to loan on uny scoumy
for short tfmont low
rntos. Lowest rntoi
on personal piomirty.
The Ilcndorson MortxaKO Investment Company -
pany , KIKIHI 400. Paxtnn bloak.
' Vint class inside loans ,
* > rules. Cull and see us. Mutual Invest-
montJ.U. iw-'urnaiii. _ iTAJ _
BllrGKlfiipRotlruitO ; a loan to lniirove | your
rosil Pfltatc pot lerms from
The Odull Investmonl lo. . : l N.V , Llfo
TlmS. . llciyd. roprisentallvo. _ U
/ " 1 lIETl' K"A STLKY AH ) 'Xl-J -
V7 I'ltllndclpllla Mtirljiune nnd Trust Co. ,
ahvaytt ready to loan and pay promptly : 1st
mortgages 'wauled , nporgo V. I'.Coates.ropro-
senlatlvo. 7 lloard 'rriulo. _ * . " <
" " "
"money lo loan on oily pro"porty ;
er bouglit. II.H.lrey.opjK P.O.
OAMS made on any available security
C'ontral Investment Co. . Itoom 25 , C'ham-
bor of Uuiuuutrcc. 2a )
S110 UTH A N 1 > AX I ) T Y t 10 W K IT 1 NO.
_ -Culcgraphs , Hammond and
„ John II. Comes Co. Letter
Mies nnd olllco specialties. Kamgo bldg. BIO
\\rANTED Educated youiTg ladles aiidgon-
T T tlcmon to loam shorthand and typewrit
ing ; good salaries : studenls assisted to posi
tions. Standard Shorthand liusluess College ,
Frank E. Hell. Instructor. -37 !
PKOK. Lcroo , tlio rpnownod piirenoloztit ,
medliin | and palmistwho has boon publicly
tested nnd challoncos the world In revealing
mysteries , disperses Jealousy , evil Inllu-
encos , plvcs full names of present or future
husband or wife , ul o tolls your faults and
qunlltlM , trade business or profession to
make a HUCCOSS. IC2 North IGth up slalrs. Cou-
sultalloti $1. Satisfaction given or no pay.
? ! ) l-.l-
ALL clinllangors accepted Mrs. Dr. Hill of
Now Vork Cltv can bo consulted at her
parlors tlc.'J North l. > th st. , on all alTalrs of
llfo , belniju cclebniti.'d business clairvoyant ,
astrologist and palmist , who has a reputation
throughout tlio world for accurate and truth
ful readings of the past , present and future
througli her wonderful Egyptian maglu mir
ror ; removes all evil influences nnd family os-
ti-aii''cmont.s : unites the suparalod ; causes
specdv marriages ; brings to the nn-
successful and loll wbon'lomake pi-olltablo In
vestments ; consultation from jl to ? ' ! ; also
lolls full name and shows plcluru of the onn
you will marry ; .Mrs. Hill lias boon consulted
bvtbo mostsuccossful business men and ladles
of Now York , lloston and Cliicago. Hours
slrletlv from 11 a. in. toS ) . m glUS *
MAIJAME Delzler. the ir.assago and mngnct-
Ist , I" no old oiui'-umptlvis cbromo. but
voiinc , benlty und vigoious. 1'urloi-a ovorfilu
S.13lh. 5it : js
T\K. NANNIE V. WAKIIEN , cnirvoyant ,
J-'mcdk-al and buslni'.ss medium. I'onrilodls-
a spueially. 11U N. lUth St. , rooms 2 and 3 ,
OAKE Iliislness fliam-o A buyer wanted
Jlfor a general stuck of morcliandlMi at one
of the best points in central Iowa. Stock will
Involcoifl.OoO to } CIKH Moro Is run In connec
tion with a inllroad i-oal mine , sales MSiOOQ per
year , with accounts mostly guurtintoud.ill
show sales and profits for past/ throe years.
Good reason fo selling. Addioss U ! . " > , Dee
oil ! co. 073 1 *
IH'SINKSS tliiit pays ifl.OOO per month
profit , 'a Interest for salo. None but re
sponsible party need reply. Address or call ,
N. E. Sherwood. ! > Us J. J. Jlrown Illk 072-1 *
PpOK SALE Clean stock drugs , c-hoap rent ,
Jcash trade , good locality. f ! . 19 ,
lloe. 097-1 *
BUSINESS Opportunity The printing and
bookbinding establishment , together with
the daily and weekly Uurmuii Nebraska Trib
une , iiowspnner at Omaha. Nebraska , liuloinj-
Ing to tlio estale of V. ( J. 1'Cstner , dec-eased , is
hornby olTored for sale at a fair valuation
with good will , either business seporatelyor
touotber. Tlie liuslnc-s is now kept In success
ful operation , clearing a weekly not prolll of
from two hundred lo two hundred and Hfly
dollars , for particulars write to John II. 1'
Lohmann , executor , Omaha , Nob. 050-1
KSTAl.'KA.NT and furnltnio in lirst olass
locution. WO. U.K. Cole. 70S-2
TJ1OU SALE At Loulvlllp , Neb. , my bakery ,
X1 lots W feet front , Kti feet doop. buildings IK
x4 * ; a good opening and u complete outlltof
baker's tools , a nil uKo a stock of confectionery.
Terms easy and papers nuurantood all O. K. in
every rei i > eet. I would like to wind up all my
buslne s here in this town In 30 days from this
date. U.swald liiithmann ( > > > l-2 *
" 171OU KENT or sale A first class creamery In
JL1 tfood agricultural district. Plenty of oroum
can be had. Address J. P. Itenshaw. Sterling ,
Nob. Oli-i J'
IO bargain For sale very cheap , chophouse -
house and Ice cream parlor doing good
business : nlco furniture from 3 rooms. Enquire
121 N. llth St. , or cor. Douglas and 10th .sts. , A.
Llvoy ; good reason. 47l ) 1 *
T71OKSALE Store , confectionery , fruits , to-
J bucco ; U1U North IGth stieet ; good location ,
473-1 *
THOU SALIC Flno estubllshed cigar and news
JL husInesD. llo-tt location In the city. Ad-
drc-bS box O , OSa postollico. 430 3
OK SALE An old establish [ drug bnsl-
ness.onoof tbo best locations In the elty.not
profits lust voariKi.lXW. Tlio Mead Investment
Co. , Iteo building. 407
_ ll SALE or 1'or Itt-nt Onoot the best llxcd
up boarding bouses In South Omaha , In
most desirable location. Apply to H. II , Itaven ,
27lh'st. , near Exchange crossing , Houlli Omaha.
FOIS EXCHANOE-Good XX ) aero farm jn
Ilarliin county , well stocked , for Omaha
icsldoncc ; feed mill In largo growing town ,
this btuto ; MJIIIU pedigreed oatllo and thor
oughbred horses. Doano & Purrotto , room 17 ,
Hoard Trade. Gll-jq
LOT In Lincoln. Neb. , for stook merchandise
Address Win. Kowordlnk , lllckmun , Nob.
uoij30 ;
OK EXOHANOE 1 land In Ilogo
Co. , Nob.,3 miles depot , for something In
Omaha ; ( ! houses and lots In C. II. , all close to
motor line , for Improved Omaha property , will
assiimo encumbrance ; huvo a 1,200 acre ranch
clo > e to Omaha , with 100 head ot line horses
and cattle , and all Implements to go with It ;
want good renting Hat ; have a line driving
liorso for u vacant lot ; grocery stock for house
und lot near So. Omaha ; some good mortgage
paper for good vacant lots , clear ; 100-aoro
limn in Iowa , clear , for honso and lot , will as
sume oneumbrance. Call on L. Waterman , jr. ,
020 Paxton blk. OH-1 *
STOCK of shelf and builders'hardware iu-
volclnjf * IOo < M. Terms 73.500 cash , balance
eltv properly , clear farm land or live slock ,
II. E.Colo. 710-3
rpo Exchange I'or goods , Nebraska farm
1- and good paper. J. E , I'iicslone , lllbbon ,
Neb. 72i.2 )
FA KM und elty property for sale or ex
change for any kind of merchandlso or
chultcls.hursc-i nnd catllo ; would particularly
like to trade for steers. Willis Catwell ! , llrokon
HowNeb. . 5.V ) J 2-i *
flMITlXCHANliE-Cloun fiteck of dry goods
A-and clothing ; want real estate and some
cash. Addiohs llox MO , Frankfort. 1ml. 4J7-1 *
TIL\IE slghl-unbeen l huvo 2 clear lots
within 1U ml. N. of p. o I wish to traao
sight-unseen for n farm. Address mo jiorson-
illy , II. E. llochtel , No. lb02Coiby at. . Oninha ,
Nell. 471 2
"I/UJK EXCIIAMiE-Oood farms , elty propor-
Aty and wild lands In Neb. und forgood
pon'l m'd'se ; property clear , tltlo ported. Ad
dress Look llov Ui , I'remont , Nub. OJ3
IWILL trade u good clour lot In So. Oiuah.i
for piano or burse und buggy. Addrun < : 4
lleo ollleo. 31X5
FjlfSALE-Tho best business property hot.
Howard and Loavonworlh su. ; Iho bust
truckage , over ! i acre ; this Is llmi. Lot In Mt.
Douglas , fcm Lots In Walnut Hill , 1100. Lot
onlib st. motor line way below value. Kooo
residence at 0,000 , right down town. The best
corner on 1'arnam , too low to publish. I have
morn good , genuine bargains than any agent
In town. L. Wuturman , Jr. , IH-J Paxton blouk.
" 171OK SALK-WKluiihli bnysu flno house and
-U full ha in Maker Place ; only ono'block
from cllflun Hill , with encumbrance of KAVj ,
payable fJSiiuiirlurly. Imiulro of E.G. Merrill.
Walnut uvo. . Walnut Hill. 7U7-tt *
" | JUK SALE or Exchnngo Itoal estate or
merchundlsu ( null jnirti of thu U. S. Call
on orsdiirob * Weitorn ExuhaiiKu Cj. , Colum
bus , Neb , 070 1 *
HEKN8-room rosldenco. Iot7 ; > < cl' ' > , iu < n
lloll lino. LakopnrU in Walnnl Hill iiddl
tlun ; boaullful nltuatlon ; Icavlnct city , inns
sell utoiici' . fall Monday and Tucsdiiv , 4,0
faviipu street. ? I3-1
TOUSALEllavaln In now I room honso
Jcor. . 2iHh und Suhlor ; fence , trees , cltv
water : tl,2oO ; easy terms ; Saniuel Hums. IIH :
I'lirnain. Til I3 I
\\7 ANTED To sell or trade. 8 miles south o
Salt Lake City , UK ) acres line fr. ill land
No. KVJ Washington avo.i Council ItlufT.s. (7l- ( ! {
A CKE properly south , s.iuthwost . and west
from JI.TO antf JViO and more per acre.
Lois west of Lotto avo. , between Davenport
nnd Cumlng , from $ sOO ami up ; terms oa y.
.1-room house and largo corner lot , south ol
11. U. and north of Vlnton. tl.W.l
fto\ic. : south fiont ou llrlatol ( paved ) slreot
. Colseih , Johnson .t Lovgron , Koom 0. Cham
ber of Commoroo. OM ! l
ASPKt'IAri bargain for u few days lit a
splendid residence property : close In.
OlO.wo acres line western lands , all cnrefully
selected , some of It Improved.
Kino business property on Douclni st. Very
low prlco for casli. Doaue Si 1'niruttc , room 1 < ,
Hoard of Trade. 011-0
" 1IU1K SALE A homo nn monthly payment * .
-L A nlcos-roum house , $25 per monlh , W.OiK ) .
llrst payment us arranged. A pretty cottage ,
fi rooms finished , upstairs for its many moro.
lot W.\l2ll , $ ' . ' ,0:10 : , $ l , " > per month , small payment
down. A similar cottage , lot 1WUW ) . f..iotl. $15
per month. Will build ou vacant lots to suit.
Norman A. ICuhn , druggist , 15th und Douglas.
( iT > l JuO
JjlOU S A LE-Prlco 81.100. iiulf cash , now 4
J-1 room cottage , 417 Center st , , H mile from U ,
P. depot. St ringer & Penny , Douglas * 4 > lock
IGth and Dodge. 532
IWILL soli lot.1 , block IDS , on Dodge M.wllh-
lu a half block ot Iho site of the now posl-
olllcc , for $20.000 ; * . "i,0M ( cash and balance In
payments to suit purchaser. This oll'ej- stands
good for a limited tlmu only , * Gco. W. Doano ,
fi5 ! N. Y. Life building. 612 3
TriOK HALE On monthly payments , will
J-1 build you a neat four , five orslx room house
on corner lot Iu Wlsu & Parmaloo's addition to
suit purchaser. Ueo. J , Paul , 100'J ' I'arnam st.
OWNER moved to St. Louis ; offer * for sale a
corner property paying over 10 per cent at
a b.-ii-gnln. Prlee * linf ) . I'or easy terms call
on U. 1) . Smealon , Kjoa'i 1'arniim st. tt. > g-J2
"I71OK SALE or TradeMy msMonco on So.
JL Ji'.Uh ' st. , near Park school , house of seven
rooms with bath room , water closet , hot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will sell foreash
very cheap or will take vacant lot on West
1'arnam st. as part payment. For particulars
nddrovi E 20 lieu oillce. I3
FOKHALE A line now .Vroom cottage near
oloflrlo car line on N. CTUi si. Will take 113
part of cash payment a good horse or homo
uuil phaeton. P. liOl Farnam st. 677
171OK SALE Itrlck warehouse , 2 storlos and
J-1 basement , lOOxlX ) ft. with lot lOO.VlWft. ; to
double truck on soulh20th and Pierce SU. Address -
dross Oskamp & Hulues , Omaha , Nob.
_ _ i
TEW 8-room house , near motor line ; will
JLC > soil cheap and onsmallmontblv pavmont.s.
C all quirk if you want u butgaln. J. J. Wllklti-
ii.lil8 Paxton blk. _ 120
TfjIOK SALE -Quick , business lot , Improved ,
J-1 only 5 blocks from court , , * ! > ) per
foot. J. Mlclial. i : SS. 131 h Hi. _ OI3J I4 _ _
OOTTAUB homos in most any addition fly
sale at from ifl.tHIO uii. on easy montlior
payments. V. 1C. Durllm > Wii : Harkor blouk. 'J 11
L InT your property wllh Larmon P. Pruyn.
-110 Cumlna hlreet , forciuick results.
_ _ _ _
"IT1ORSALE S.IWJ acres best farming land In
J Nebraska at u great sacrifice. Inquire
CIS South 13th st. Geo. U. Peterson , owner.
171 j IS
FOR SALE 5-roomcottagelot3xll5Dj.ven- ; !
port. near 2iith St. , $ l.OtX ) .
G. L. Uroen. Itoom : . llarkcr block5C3
A SMALL payment down and $15 per mouth
will buy a 4-roum house and lot on Kith , 2
blocks from motor ; llrslclass chance to ao-
nuno a home on easy terms. Apply toll 1C.
Colo. Continental block. _ 1' ) "
r-KOOM eoltagos , JI.50U ouch , SI 00 cash down ,
"balance tin per month. T.ios. V. Hall , 311
Pax Ion block. 203
T fNCOLN Place and Cartnu o lots , price
Uf 1.0'JJ. fV ) down , balance 115 monthly.
W. L. Selby. Kooml'l. board of trade. 210
inOK SALE Very clieap. no trade , farm of
1 513.70 acres , sec. 5 , 12 , N. fi W. . Hamilton
county. Neb. , 2 miles from Mariiucllo ; small
house , stable , 300 acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water ; price only S10 per acre , S. > , M7.0g.
Terms $2.20) ) cash , balance 0 per cent interest
V. 1C. Atkins owner , railroad building , Denver.
Col. 211
& Wcslertlold.roalestate.S.Omalia.
'Jo KcMitlorH anil Cattle
On and after the 2Gth Inst. , wo will have for
sale four thousand or moro good , blub grade ,
one , two and three year old Utah feeders , that
wo can furnish at. . the Union Stook Yards.
South Omaha ; or If desired , we can arrange to
sell these cattle at North I'latlo or Hastings ,
Parties wanting anything In this line , will
please correspond with us.
Guo , lluitici : & l'UA/.nu : , South Omalm.Nob.
TNriTKUMENTa placed on record durlus'
yostordav :
Charles Corbet t and wlfo toSK Johnson ,
lots 01 toS ! ) and lots 130 to 2iVi. North
Side add ; lots , blk 12 , Orehard Hill ;
lot'.l ' , blk 32. Albright & Ayloysworth's
2d add ; east 0. ) foot and south 110 foot
of Iot4 , Ukahnnm ; lot 3. blk 50. Houth
Umaha ; north 75 font of lots 15 and 10 ,
blk 8 , Jotter's add to South Omaha ,
oo d . J 1
K ll Johnson , trustee , to S K Johnson ,
sumo as above , nod . 1
A II Ennlsand wlro to I ) It Emits , west
! -S of lot 13 , McCandllsb Place , wd . 3,000
S L Clemout and wife to J H Stirling , lot
21. Stewart Place , w d . 8fX)0 )
J C Barnard to M L Learned , lotO , blk 4 ,
Matthews' sub , < \ o d . 403
S It Johnson nnd wlfo to Sahlna Hoyn ,
lot 10 , blk 7 , Newport add , q e d . 1
5 K Johnson to Herman Hoyn , lot 28 , blk
7. Newport add , i ] ud . 1
A G llortel to Alattlo Ilortol , lot 2 , blk
17. Orehard Hill , w d . 1
H I Holt and wife to George Egloston ,
wV4 , lot 0 , blk 2. Ktish & Selby's add to
South Umalm , w d . 055
O I' ' ' .laynos and wife to E L Jaynes , lot
21. blk 3 , Shormanaveniio iiaik. wd. . . . 2,000
V A Gurd and husband to C M Hopkins ,
lot I. hi led. Orchard Hill , wd . 2,500
H (1 Staldorand wllo to Adam .Johnson ,
lot 0 , Ludwlek Place , w d . GOO
Dennis Cunningham and wlfo to L II
ICent , Iots'3and 21 , blk 7 , WostSldo
add. w d . 1,500
Ilenson Land Syndlcalo to Thco. Wil
liams , lots I ! to 20 , blk 20 , lots II to IB ,
blk 32 , Ilenson. w d . . , . 2,250
O L Clement and wife to J II Shlrllng , lot
20 , Stewart. Place , wil . 1
Joseph Hughes and wlfo to L L Whltllc-
soy , s M ni ! lot 4 , block 12 , Improve
ment Association add , wd . 2,800
T I'Mallomlorund wlfolo V K Darling ,
lot 15 , blk 3 , Campbell's add. wd . 4,500
G II Kohcrls and wife to S L Dlllle , lot G ,
blk 13. Clifton Hill , wd . 0
A P Tukey ot at to Emma Ilorkoy , lot 12 ,
blk 2 , Clifton Hill , w d . 1,850
A P 'I'll Key otal to O K Light , lot 17 , blk
2. Clifton Hill , wd . 1,830
A P Tukey at al to William Farmer , lot
5 , blk ( I , Clifton Hill , wd . 1,200
S L.Iaynos nnd husband to A M Klck-
nrd , lot 21 , blk 3 , Sherman Avonuu
park , wd . 1,500
diaries Corbolt and wlfo to E H Katokln ,
part lol4Okahoma , und lot 1 , blk U ,
Pratt'ssnb , ( i o d . 1
J II McCiilloohand wlfo to K E Gnyford ,
lots I und2 , blk I , Kllby I'laco , wd. . . . 7,500
il A Truman. to It E Guyford , lots 1 und
2 , block 4. nod . 10
I ) O ( 'lark and wlfo to E II lllorbowor ,
lots It and 10 , blk 2 , Kllby Place , w d . B.OOO
Amos Phillips and wlfo to Louis Crom-
hlo. lots 5 and (1. ( It.inson'ssub. . w d 3,500
U I' ' Ilnrrlson to M J lllako , lot 13 , blk 3 ,
Eukormnn Place , w d . ' " 25
John W Kldllngon and wife to Carl
Hroderdorf. w W lot 3 , Marker's allot
ment , wd . Kw
G E KarKer and wlfu to H W O'Culluhan ,
Orchard Hill , wd . 7.10
Thirty transfers . I 53,317
Permit * .
The following huildinj ; ponnltu wore IssuoJ
> y the bulldinc Inspector yesterday :
Jon Kaviin. 1-slorv brick addition to
stole. 1200 south Thirteenth struct . $ 1,000
' { orthwc.sternsbol and loud compauy , 2-
Rtory brick olllco and Moid loom ,
'Jvo minor ponnlu ( XX )
Tolal IH.TW
Coal nnd I' for li'iiol.
Some oxporiinonts miido with mixed
m < l of uoul und petroleum on the Itulinn
nan-of-wur Mossit fjioro , ut Bpcu/.lu , ai'o
veil worth ultunllon. Tlio Messayfrloro ,
vhieli novur hoforo surjmsscd llfteon
cnot tin liour , reached almost Hovculcon
vith the now combiniition. The ontfi-
leers complain that the immense heat
jouorutud injui-ud the bollora , hut that ,
of course , can Uu mot.
IH'IITOJ | CUICArto.liT'lin.S'uToN Ag. I ArmrY
COnmlin. I Pi-pot IQtli nml Mn on alrneM. [ Oi
4.30 p m 7.riilcn o itirii ! | . 8 W i tn
li.(5 n in riiloniri ) Knprou. . B.M p iu
9.14 p ni Chlrntro K. [ ire . . O.M m
lenv ; | lftmLINrtTOtf .V MO : Hfv'MICf A'rrtroi"
Onmlin , I Oopot lutii nmlMn on Mtt'OU. I Omaha. .
lu.1 , % n m Dourer l > r 4 0.1 p m
10.1J n in Denver Kt M. % p III
. f..lit'ni ) IKjiivor NlRlit .i.X'i n 111
_ ( I.ISn _ in , , .llnc.ilii l rnl . , , , , , . ,1 1 < IX ) p 111
Umalm. | nypntlOUi nnij Mnvin strooK
P..1A n ml . . . .Knn-nn I'lly D.njr KxproM , . . . i m
JUJ jimlC.O. | , Nlflil Kip..Tin tlV' ? ' < r1"V (1.M ( mm
i .ArrlTOi
Omnlm. I Depot Ullli niiilJMnri'y utrooti , Oninlm ,
1.M p in .UvprTnnil Kljor T.To p in
MX ) p m I'ncinoi : 7.15 n ni
ID.SO n m Denver KxproM 4.D.1 p in
4,45 p in tirniul Ulnmt I'M' , ( except Hun.1 12 n | i in
b.W n | ii { Kntl'.n I'ltjr K pri' * lit
UnvM I " C'HICAllO. II. f. A PAcJU-Jl' . I Arrive *
Onmlin. | IM * . ilppnt , tOtlt nnil MnrrrSH. _ I Onmlin.
( U.1 p in 7..7..7.I. NlR'il Kxpni * ) . " .IIU.IH n'ni
IMS a in Atliiiillff K\prcni I n.W ; p m
4.IS p mt. . . .ViMilliuta I.tmlU'it. . . . . . ,410.43 n m "
> nnn iCIIfOACiOM XOUTlWIifl'njit.V" ' ) Arrive"
_ Oninlm. IU. P. ilaput i , I0tlinnil _ M.ircy Hlii. | Onmlm.
' 1 ! > n nil . . . .7..7.i'lilm < n > Kxiin'si ( tvo p in
4. ; p ml Veitllmla I.lnillo. ! R.M ) K m
O.IA p mULv. OT. Hut ) > lnll ( Ar. ox. Moil ) 7.Ml n in
t'.Jfl ) j > MI KintpriL.KIri'r. . . . . . . . . i.4.i p in
_ Omilm. : U ; . P. itepiitLIOlli nint Marcy
V.fA'n iiii..ClilcnKi > Mnlloxo5p"t ( Miiliiiii7)7. ) | (1.0 ( } p m
rtU ) p in ClilcnKO i : pn < .is ' . ' . < . ' > n in
9.M [ i | _ . . . . ! _ . . . ( | ) K nri' .jj ! . .10J > ni
A 'SI1 : TAVui37 TArrlTwi"
f. 1' . ilupol , lUlli and Mnrcy Ht < . | Oninlm.
j7 nmMjliill.L/.i.llll. , ' 7p m
A VACtVin" pArrlvoi"
JJiiinjia , tT.P.ili'pnt _ _ , IUIIinnilAliirflyHI _ _ _ . | _ tiinlin. ) |
7.I.'i n niF Sioux City I'liKiicimor llOU'i p in
JJ.I5 p ml . . . . _ . .HI. I'mil Ktpri'M I in IB n m
"Loimii l" HliTV'.X L'il'VJk ' I'AClVfO.rrlvui" ' |
Oninlm. I Depot Ifith nml Wt'luturHLi , _ ( ) .
Tjj p"in | T.sT rnuf l.lnilloj . J7771 VM nnf
TTi-iivui f" ' ! ' . , MT A Mo. r.Trrlvm
Uimilin. | _ _ l ) | Hit 15th nail Wrliitoi
-OJ ami" lihick"IIHN K.ipn. is. .77777 . 'i.'JI p in
ln J n . . . lltp. ( Kx. Smiilnjr ) . . . n.-JU p in
6.10 p inViiliod , % Lincoln PnnntMiuor. . IO.V1) ) n in
_ 6.IU p in . .Vnrk.V NnrfnlklKr. Sniiilny ) . , III.'JU n III
_ Oinnlin. | _ _ I > < pot Ystli nnil wi'lunir flt . Oiiinlin.
" "
8.lo"n iiil..SUinx"'lty:7\c : < ; orMirimlnlliiii777 VM p ni
1.00 | i in1..Sluiix City l' proi < MUt. Sim. ) . . I.UI p m
6.11 p m St. I'niil l.lmltuil. . . VM n in
6.15 ii iiii.llinc oft PimonRiT ( KT. . Hum..I , n m
Onmlin. I Tlupntlfilh mill Wclxtrr t Oninlm.
10. : l n in' ' . .St. I/Mils A K. C. 4..V. ) p iu
JI.I5 P ' . . . . . IiiitiU , v 1C. C. Kxpn < M..ii Ii.i0 : n in
UNION PAfino-siiiiin ; TUA . . . .
Tliuio trulns UMU atup at Uth , lUi , 'JJlh nn.Ulth
ftrct-ls , Hiiiiinilt nml MiTldne ' ' ' '
men' * ( r.ilMjMlu nut run Siiiulnr.
" " "
wnjr for Omnhn Ht-i- South Allirl'k
Clllug-ii lniot. ) | Dopot. tlon. Omalin.
5.SO 6.15 6.W
C.15 6A1
MO ll.OJ tt.'M 5.45 arid
MOu 11.47 IJ.3T 7.011 I ! . 1ft 7.05 7.20 fi.U ) 7.2i S.M
.4. ' ) 7.W S.IU 7.20 8.13 7.15 7.05 7.W
8.45 B.i5 : 8.5J aizf ' 8.15 8.07 7.55 7.51)
U.SJ .1.37 | 6'U5 IMS .07 8.65 8..V )
pjr I'M
3.W S.I 2 3.2S
4.U7 4M 4.15 4.12 4.07 4.25 3.55 4..10
4.4.V 5.M 5.37 & .IX > fi.15 5.12 S.07 C.25 4.M r. . o 4.UJ
5.M H.OJ r.IS 0.12 u.35 11.110 ' , M
li.4J 7.m 7.117 UM
CfllUAliO , " _ . . fc I'AOIKIO. " Arrives"
Union Depot , Council Illuni. Trnnsfcr
NUht 9M u ni
! > . : n ni Atlantic i\pru : < ) BJiS p in
D.IX ) p in' ' VLMtllinlo l.linlli'il lO.mi n in
"LcaviM | ClIlfAi ( > A. NOHTiav'KSTI'MtN.I Arrives"
TrnnafiTl Union Depot , Council lllnllH. | q'rnn.ifer
p in
f > .U ) p ml VuHtlhulu I.lmltuil U.K : ) MI
10.00 p .ill Knxtprn Flyer. . . . 2.00 p in
_ 8IW p tnj. AtlnnlliAlnlL
Mir * .V S'l\ "l'AlJl,7 | Arrive
Union lleunt. Cnnncll lllnlM. iTnunf
U.iU n in . .Clilc.ik'o Mull ( e.icepi Hnnilay ) . . p iu
FiM p : n llxpreis n. I r ,
10 V ) p in flHPiiKii 1pri' ! s 2.IX )
lionvt-a" K. I' . , .ST..IOH A 0. 11. ( ArrlviH
Union Dopdt. CViuiK-ll IthuTii [ Trnn-ifor
1007 11 inj . . . .Iv'iuisiit . ! " > ' . ' ? " > ' lvpru s. . . . [ f.4i : p m
Union Dopot. OniiU'll HlnlT < . iTrnnifer
JS.Up ) "ILL---1 ! ? . liinl Cmion Hn.n. . . . . ; ir.Mft p in
"IeavoH"ClircAo ] ( ; , IIUKI.'N \ ( MIlNcr.l Arrives
Trnnafurl I'nlon lop ) < it , Connc'll llliilN , [ Triintfer
U.40 a ml „ J-.v : | > ro.iH. .
10.IU p ral ClilciiKO KTpro.ia. .
JWjMiiJ . . .t'ro.icon UicnI. . .
TVbiwsrf nr OTir i > ATh.TT5 . :
Trnnaforl Union Depot , Council llluirs. jTrnnafor
7.4. > n tir..Slonx ( Mty Ar-romnioilatlon..I .l.'ft n ni
G.60 p in . . . . L. .St Pnul I'iAprcaa . . | ll.M p m
Kn-itwnrd. I
UE , J. E. McGEEW ,
The Doctor In TinonrpnsscA
In the trrnlnu-nt of M
forms of 1'rlvato Diseases.
No treatment Imi evur bcca
, mure unccc iifiil anil none
Imi lmilatroiicr | cndoruc-
mcnt. A enrols gnnrnntrcil In tlio very wo : f I caff i
In from ntu 5 diivnvlilioiitthn losn of na linur'utlmo.
ThOfO who limo been
nmUThulrcfitnicnt for
relieving tlio bladder , pronounce U n moat wonder *
fill hiiccuns. A cunipU'lo cure _ in a few liaye without
pain. Instruments or los" of t'lino.
ih' And nil wok.
air' " " " ncrn of the
_ _
llmlillly or ncrvonrnoss , In tlirlr worst forms anil
most urrnilfil re-mills nhtoliituly .
nro ( .nrrd.
, - „ _ . . . .
, SKS cured
nt homo without
Instruments , A wonderful remedy. 1IOUKB fof
i from 2 to 4 ONLY.
" and all Dlseasca of the Bkln ,
Illood , Ilunrt. Liver , Kid-
ni-yu nnd lllnudcr ciirul.
Cared In noio tO days. Tlia
i nioetrnpid , eufo und effect-
. ! > < > treatment known l the
mcdirnl profnBon. ! Kicry Irnco of tlio illncaio removed -
moved from tlio blood ; acoinpktocuroauaranleed.
IB WHHHB Bff * I'nr "man" or "wornna" , t-arh 100
( ! Htniw ) . Treatmt-nt by corro-
B | > nnilnco Htinnp for reply.
1 Open from 8 A. JI. to B P. M.
0 Uutrani-H on Fnrimm or Hlh bt. ,
OMAHA. NEf ) .
nto cnosa DIAMOND on NO ,
Kafu , iur < u > .l I ii rtll U . Lnillm. atk
Druenlit t'X llumar < ! red uililll *
> i , , c l J wllbblD rttbon. Take no oilier.
cB'l r. ( ti'tl fwr iu rlltlr M * * lt < Jlrfoi -
.inllf "U litlir.i'j rrlurn nixIL Mam I
' ' -
, ,
i Jwi tt , Hie j tit t , ttf U ktt4 nirlt' Trif jo-
! * . On * dr niort * t h Itt ] | < rlr * * * ul
C 0. t > . dint-Hi fr m l . U , H t r r' r-
Itory , XII W , Ma < 1uon KU CkKif * . M U
timp far nw rl v
? Ua ) in l
Eye and Kar.
Darker lllock. lith nml num. Tolepliono OM.
Alinolutclr rclUblo , perfectufe. ! . uio t liowerful fcmtU
n-iul > tur liuown i PTIT filf i ti &l i , iio l | lii .one
Aiianxw UON jiuuo Co. . limrtiu , N. V.