8 THE OMAHA DAILY HBE : THURSDAY , MAY 20 , 1890. THE CITY. The receipts nt the custom house yes terday consisted of 15,000 clgtira from Cubn , consigned to Max Meyer. The funornl of Mrs. Allco Wherry wtiH hnld ut 2t : : ( ) o'clock ycHtorduy nftor- noon from the fumlly residence ut 2209 Bownrd street. A meeting of the Sixth ward repub lican club was announced for Tuesday night , but there was not a quorum nre- cent and no mooting was hold. The marshal of Galcsburg has In his possession a ladles' gold watch , works number 2COO,7oJ ( and case number -10- 090 , taken from a negro said to have come from Omaha. Lieutenant Colonel Thaddous IT. Stanton - ton , deputy paymaster general of the United States army , has been announced ns chief paymaster of the department , with station in this city. P. U. Pilloy , the employment ngent , alleged to have obtained money .under false pretenses In sending men after mythical jobs , was arrested yesterday morning and lodged in the city jail. The Omaha hardware company has filed an amendment to their articles of incorporation providing that the high est amount of their Indebtedness shall not exceed 003 per cent of the capital stock. The ladies of Phil Kearney Post Grand Army of the Republic will give their lirst hop at Fort Omaha the evening of Juno -I. A largo number of invitations have been issued and It is intended to make this one of the most pleasant social events of the season. The complimentary farewell concert to Mrs. Ilegina Atwater , who Is going abroad next month , will bo given this evening at the Young Men's Christian nsHOi'iation hall. Mrs. Atwater will bo flBslstcd by Miss Bella Kobinson , Miss Margaret LIddcll , Miss Frances Koedoi- , Mr. J. M. Troynor , Mr. Jules Lumbard , Mine. Max/.ucato Young. An unusually line programme has been arranged. A meeting of the Nebraska society Sons of the American Revolution will bo hold at the Paxton cafe Saturday evening. All gentlemen eligible , whether resident of the city or not , but within the state , are cordial'ly invited to bo present. Competent speakers will explain - plain the object and purposes of the organization. Tony Frank's Crime. The county attorney Hied information against Tony Frank yesterday afternoon charging him with the murder of Clu-onlstcr , the pc'dcllcr. The names of twenty witnesses arc endorsed thereon. AViuited the Plans. Major Dennis , plumbing inspector , filed n complaint against Fitzpatrlek , the plumber , charging him with violating the plumbing ordinance in refusing to furnish u copy of the plans and specltlcations ns required. District Court. The jury in the ease of Hcdwig Sehultz against the city , wherein plaintiff sued for flO.OOO for damages sustained by falling through n defective sidewalk , gave a verdict for $ , .l ) ( ) . Judge Wakeloy rendered Judgment for WOOfer for plaintiff in the mecliiinics lien case of August Wiobcrg vs John C. Gladden. to tlio Mcralmnti. Ira P. Highy , chief clerk at the Murray , has resigned , to become manager Juno 1 of the Merchants hotel. IIo will bo succeeded by Win. Anderson , who was for a long time night clerk nt the Murray , but who has been behind the Savory counter in Dos AIolucs for the past , four months. Mr. Higby says ho pro poses to miilto the Merchants a hotel that no man or woman will feel ashamed to patronize. Grading Tor the Opcrn House. Contractor Duffoy , with fifteen or twenty teams , has commenced cutting down the L.OWO lot ns the initial step toward the now Uoyd opera house , northwest corner of Sev enteenth and Ilaniey streets. Including the excavation for a ten foot cellar there art ) be tween seventeen and eighteen thousand yards of dirt to bo moved. This portion of the work must bo done within forty days. When It is concluded work on the building will bo pushed. Spec-lit Is Indignant. "If they were all like mo they'd go there nnd vote o adjourn right away , " said Christ Spceht , speaking on the convening of the leg islature by ( iovornorTlmyer. "What's the usol" ho continued. "Wo had that maximum rate bill up in the last legisla ture , passed it , but it was killed In the senate. The Australian voting system bill was also lulli'd. That shows the legislature did not want to pass the bills. How can it do It now In n few days ! "If I had my way , I'd adjourn the session In u day and ? ave expense. " Through coaches Pullman palace Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening points via the great Rock Island' route. Tick et olllco 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam. ItiiHcmcnt Klre-IJttjjs. It accidentally leaked out yesterday morning that the police wcro working on something which may result in important developments nnd which explains the mystery surrounding eoiiio of the many arrests. The late mysterious basement fires nro the subjects of the attention of the force. The Jlrownlng-King lire , the fur store lire on South Fifteenth street and the lire yesterday in the Sheeloy block all originated In the basements In some mysterious manner and the detectives have been making Investiga tions. It is not known just what progress lias been made , but some important clue is alleged to have been discovered and Is being followed up. DISTINGUISH KI > MAHKSMI3N Kcccivo nn Ovation nt the IIiuidB of the Shuct/cnvcrcln. Philo Jncoby , editor of the San Francisco Sporting Journal and president of the San Francisco shooting association , together with John Utzlg , Captain Kulils , F. Ueekmnn , A. Uuhwoyler , Jacob Huaf and II. Qcivkcn passed through the city last night at 0 : 'M en route for Hcrlln. Thcio gentlemen are members of the cele brated shooting association of San Francisco , nnd under the captaincy of Phllo Jacoby uro on their way to compete Individually and as u team in the great International shoot which will bo held in Berlin In July. Their address In that city will bo No. (1 ( Kupfergrabeii. This distinguished party of rillemcn were met lit the depot by William Muck , president of the Omaha Schuc'tzenveivln , Secretary Louis Hclmrod , Julius Ntigl , William Segelko , Judge llonuko , and about sixty other mem bers of the club. They had a band , a case of wino and a supply of choice cigars , and the California marksmua wcro accorded quite an ovation. Jacoby , who Is ono of the champion rifle eliots of the world , nmdo a brief but happy undress to his fellow sportsmen , afterward exhibiting the numerous championship moil- nis , and lie holds a score or two of them , to the admiring throng. Tim Centennial mid Vienna medals are both magnificent tro phies. whoso Intrinsic vixluo alone- runs up into the hundreds of dollars , Jucoby will shoot at thu coming tournament under the ilag of California , nmdo for and presented to ' ' n by tlio Indies of 'Frisco , and ' Amoilcan Hut' , On the departure of the train the western delegation was aeeomiwuleil' across the river by Messrs. Helmrod and "Nagl , and after unother bumper from the local club's em blematic cup. the farewells were sulil and the iiew-nuulo friends separated , The San Fnuieiscoans , on tholr return from tluropc , will stop off at this city and tukopart In aday'a shoot on the Schuotzen- vcreln's grounds southwest of the city. "If la every house n little of Plait's chlorides wcro frequently used much blckucss would bo prevented. CZAT 1IOMK AGAIN. Colonel Stnnton llevlftltM Ills Portlier CnmpliiK Ground. Colonel Tliiultlous II. Stnnton , formerly paymaster of the department of the Plattc , has returned to this city and taken the place just vacated by Colonel Terrell , who has gone to San Antonio , Tex. Tlio colonel fccU nt homo In Omaha and ex periences great pleasure In renewing the ac quaintances ho made while here five years ago. Ho then filled the oftlco ho now occu pies ; although ho finds other things both as regards the city nnd fellow-ofllccrs somewhat changed. Indeed , the colonel himself seems to have undergone a change , but it Is only such a change as might bo expected with the flight of time. Ho Is still in the vigor of manhood although his locks have been tipped with the early frost of years. After leaving Omaha , Colonel Stnnton served for five years nt the beautiful Fort Douglas , near Salt Lake City , going thence at General Crook's orders to the headquarters of the division of the Missouri nt Chicago , where hoscrvcd twenty months. As the result of the retirement of General William B. Rochester , paymaster general of the army , Colonel Stnnton has been promoted to the po sition of deputy paymaster general of the army , an appreciation which comes to him af ter a service In the army of thirty years. Colonel Terrell's residence in San Antonio will bo brightened by the fact that ho will bo within easy communication of several mem bers of his family from whom he has long been separated. _ Everylioily Knows That at this season the blood isllllcd with im purities , the accumulation of months of close confinement In poorly ventilated stores , work shops and tenements. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula , salt rheum , or other disease , may bo expelled by taking Hood's Sarsniiiirilln. the best blood purl tier ever produced. It is the only medicine of which " 100 doses ono dollar" is true. A GENOA 8I t2Xl > TIlIUl < vr. He Is HroiiKlit to Time for Disposing of Unole Sum's Money. John J. Truman , formerly postmaster at Genoa , Neb. , was tried by Judge Dundy for embezzlement from the United States mails. Truman , it seems , failed to account for $1,915 in postage stamps and stamped envelopes. There were three counts preferred against him. To two of the charges those of hav ing failed to account to the government , the defendant pleaded guilty. To the third charge , that of cmbc/tzlcincnt , he pleaded not guilty. Tlio jury returned a verdict of guilty in the llrst two charges. The penalty is a fine of double the amount embezzled or not less than three years in the penitentiary. Truman's downfall is attributed to drink. IIo was a prosperous and respected citizen of Genoa , but his convivial habits led him into into appropriating the money of the United States. Thomas Coldham , a hotclkcopcr at Bciikel- man , was brought to Omaha by Special United States Deputy Jackson yestcrdaymorn- Ing , charged with impeding the United States mail. Coldham was at the depot when Wil liam Chance stopped n train and compelled the conductor to dance a low steps on the platform with a loaded revolver pointed at his feet. Coldham is Chance's friend and is supposed to have been an aider or abettor In the tcrpsich.orc.an outrage. James A. Powers was admitted to practice in the United States courts yesterday morning. A Helfcnstein case was decided yesterday morning by agreement. Martha M. Ish com promised the suit brought against her by pay ing the plain tilT,000 in settlement of hib claim upon the estate. The case \Vcston Arnold against George L. Woolsoy was settled by agreement. The whisky trust is given permission to remove all the machinery in the old Nebraska City distillery the best way it can. The injunc tion on the United States marshal restraining him from interfering has been removed and thb machinery will be speedily taken away. As on attorney for the trust said , "Even if wo have to take the side of the building out to do it. " Deputy United States Marshal Hepplngor brought in Denjainin Moore nnd Thomas Cox charged with impersonating- United State.- ! oftlcer near Kulo. From ono person they had extorted 15 and from another-J. The oflieer had considerable dillleulty in catching the men , both of whom were in hiding. Moore was caught near Falls City and Cox just north i of Falls City. A fifty-mile drive through the ni'jht ' was ncceasnry to land the prisoners in the county jail. llorsford'.s Acid Phosphate , A Nerve-Food and Tonic. The most effective yet discovered. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhu & Co.'s , 13th and Douglas. AVOU1C OF SCAIjl'KHS. It Is Seurctly Rmnloyotl by Competing KimtlH witli Jciiii > rull7iii 10fleet. Rate matters , especially among city agents , were almost as breezy as the wind yesterday. It has been discovered end is now charged that the Hock Island not only permits brokers to sell Its Omaha-Chicago tickets , but , in order to prolong the demoralization , it is said , As sistant General Passenger Agent Rhodes , who was hero yesterday , loft a largo lot of ed itorial mileage to be worked off ut reduced figures. There is evidence , also , that other Iowa lines besides the Reek Island have com menced dealing through the scalpers. An ofllco has been opened on Fourteenth street and Is said to bo Hooding the market with Northwestern tickets at ? . ' ) . Evidently the fun has just com menced. Ono or two corporations which expressed their abhorrence over this cut and slash business nro crying nloud for inter state commerce interference. "Where is your law now ! " exclaimed an Irate official this morning. "Why don't it get after these fel lows who nro violating the only section that calls for punishment by imprisonment ! If the scalpel's are going to bo turned loose again wo never will bo able to restore rates. " Pronoiinocd a ItlufT. A n. & M. official asserts that the Rock Island's pretended survey of a line from Springfield direct to Beatrice is simply a stu pendous bluff. "There Is nothing that would induce it to go by Lincoln. It has been , and is now , negotiating with us for joint use of our track from a point this side of Lincoln into that town ; also for depot privileges. " A Rock Island man states that should his people finally de cide 10 build east of Lincoln the Union Pa- eltlo would construct a .short branch from their line to the capital city for its own ac commodation. Then they commenced to talk about leaving thu Lancaster county metropo lis out. That feature was considered and a survey was ordered. Have Changed Their Minds. For homo reason of which no explanation is given the Milwaukee people have decided not to commence running their trains across the river Into Omaha next month. This fact be came known through an order to Union Pa- el IIo officials to make no provision in their new time table now being prepared. Kates to Do Ucdiioed. The general freight agents of western roads , now meeting in Chicago , nro consider ing a proposition to reduce rates locally west of the Missouri river nnd rearrange divisions with the lines east so as to bring the com bined locals more into conformity wltn the present through rates. The through rates are jjo much lower than the two locals that busi ness nt river points Is seriously effected. Shlpl > ors In Kansas and Nebraska are mak ing complaints that threaten action on the part of the state commissioners. Train Service Extruded. General Manager Dlckenson has returned from the south , Ilomado arrangements to extend the Union Paclllo train scrvlco from MePhorson to Hutchlnson , twenty-seven imlos. J. A. Mullhollaud will act as agent ut the latter placo. Ho rop'rueonU the Rock Island in a similar capacity. John Llchten- berger , who accompanied Mr. Dlckensou , says that Kansas looks like a vast garden. Will I'tluzo tlu > Old Shed. Tuc old Union Pucltlo depot Is to bo rebuilt Into an Immense freight depot for that rond. "I think , " said Thomas L. Klmbatl , "wo can utilize it to good advantage , " The schema Inaugurated when S. R. Cnllawny was gen eral manager to erect an Immense freight depot on Ninth between Jones nnd Jackson streets , has been revived and will bo carried out. Plans have been drawn for a double structure SIX ) feet long and capable of ncconi- nmdatlng the traffic of all roads that run Into the union passenger station. Bids for the con * struction are to bo received next Saturday. Miles' Nerve nnd Liver IMIIs. An Important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach nnd bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speedily euro bllliousncss , bad taste , torpid liver , piles nnd constnation. ! Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. ! ! 0 doses for 85 cents. Samples free at Kuhn & Co.'s 15th and Douglas. Dr. Blrnoypractlco limited to catarrhal - al diseases of nose and throat. Ueo bldg. UISIIOP O'CONNOR'S FUNI2HAU The Prelate AVIll Not bo Hurled Until Wednesday Next. The funeral of Bishop O'Connor ' will not take place until next Wednesday. It is ex pected that the event will attract a number of the Catholic hierarchy of the country , among whom will bo the leading clergy of both this and the dioecso of Lincoln. Bishop Bonacum of the latter place arrived lost night. It Is expected that Bishop Ryan of Philadelphia will sing thu requiem mass on the occasion. Shortly before dying , Bishop O'Connor thanked his non-Catholic friends for the kindness they had shown him mid suggested that no flowers bo used at his funeral , Those who felt disposed to offer such tributes ho recommended to expend the 'amount in volved iu aiding the poor. Bishop O'Connor's body will bo brought to St. Philomena's cathedral on Monday even ing. The funeral will leave the residence nt 0 : 'M. All the Catholic societies nre invited to accompany the remains. On Tuesday nt U o'clock solemn requiem mass In St. Philo- menu's , at which all the school children will attend. On Wednesday at 10 o'clock solemn office of the dead and requiem mass In St. Philomena's. After the absolution the re mains of Bishop O'Connor will bo placed in the vault under the sacristy of the cathedral. Representatives from nil the Cathollo so cieties of Omaha are invited to assemble in St. Philomena's hall , Ninth and Howard streets , on Friday evening. May : ! 0 , at 7 : 'M. The object of the meeting is to make arrange ments for the attendance of these societies at the funeral of Bishop O'Connor. 1' . F. MiCAirnir. A Cure for Illltoiis Colic. I have had at various times , acute attacks of bilious colic and violent pains in the stomach ach , and found nothinir that gave mo relief like Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ami Diar- rhcua Remedy. It will do it sure pop. Every person should have n bottle. W. W. Moore , Grand opera house , DCS Moincs. " 5 and DO ccjil bottles for sale by all druggists. HKPUUMOAN * JMUMAIUKS. They Arc Called for Thursday Loca tion of Polling Places. The republican city convention to nominate five members of the board of education , will bo hold next Saturday at 7iO : : o'clock p. in. The primaries elect seven delegates and seven alternates to attend said convention , have been designated by the central commit tee as follows : Primaries Thursday , May 20 , from 12 o'clock noon until 7:30 : p. in. , at the following places in the city of Omaha : First ward Sixth and Pierce streets. Second ward Sixteenth and Williams streets. Third ward Fourteenth and Capitol avenue. Fourth ward nor. ; f South Sixteenth street. Fifth ward Sixteenth and Iznrd streets. Sixth ward Twenty-sixth anil Lake streets. Seventh ward Woolworth nnd Park avenue. Kighth ward Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets. Ninth ward Twenty-ninth nnd Farnam street. Democratic Convention. Tlio democratic city convention to nomin ate live members of the board of education will bo held at S o'clock p. in. , Saturday , May Ul.lS'.K ' ) , at the police court , Jackson near Fifteenth street. Each ward will bo entitled to seven delegates. The primaries in each ward will beheld on Saturday , May HI , 1MK ) , from 1:2 : o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p.'ui. , at the following places. First Ward Xo. 1007 Lenvonworth street. Second Ward Northwest corner of Six teenth and Leavenworth streets. Third Ward No. 10tJ Harnoy street. Fourth Ward Court house. Filth Ward Osthoir building , Sixteenth near California street. Sixth Ward Northeast corner of Twenty- fourth and Lake streets. Seventh Ward No. 122. ! Park avenue. Kighth Ward No.'Ulb Cuming street. Ninth Ward Corner of Lowe avenue and Cuming street. The citizens of Omaha nre cordially invited to attend the opening of Kinslur's Now Prescription Pharmacy , Commer cial National Bank buildingr"corner Six teenth and Farnam streets , Thursday. May 20. Phost Fcrrono dispensed from the ele gant new Matthews fountain free from 7 to 9 p. m. The Only One. The Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul railway is tlio only line running solid vestibulcd , electric lighted and steam heated trains between Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature in tlio Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars leave- - the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0 p. m. daily , arriving at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. Passengers taking this train are not compelled to got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got tickets and sleeping car berths at Union ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam at. P. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. J. E. Pni'.STOX Pass Agt. A DinVrent Stripe. Sciinixin : , Neb. , May 2S. To the Editor of Tin : Hii : i You published In-your Saturday's tssuo that W. P. Frit * of Crowell traded horses with Joshua King of Crowell after night , and it cost Fritz & ! ( X ) . I wish you would correct that , us 1 am the only W. P Fritz in this county and I never traded horses with KingIt was a different stripe of Fritz. Trading ; horscs is not my business. 1 think their names uro Jacob and Charles Fritfarmers. . Yours respectfully , \V. \ P. FIMTZ. lit iiiporlor cxccllcnco proven In tntlllunt nf lionici for nioro Hum iigunrter of century It IH u 'U by the ( 'illicit r < tale ( i. vc'ii-iiont. Knid 'cil > < > tha heailinf Ilia urent univeraitl'4f n tlio siri.imr I I'urot ninl Most HeuUhfiil lit I'rlcen ( ream Hak Inc I'owili'r , ili' " not conlaln niumonia. liuiu ur ttluui , tjuliloiilr In cum. I'llll 1 ! 1IAKI.NO 1'OWDKH CO. , Now York , Chicago , ban truncl co. St Loult Both tlio method nnd results when Byrtip of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the lasto , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and JJowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures hnhitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tusto nnd nc- ceptnhlo to tlio stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly heneficinl m its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and Jiavo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs ia for ealo in 50c and 81 bottles .by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. IOU1SVILLE , Kf. NEW YORK , N.Y. Some Children Growing Too Fast become listless , fretful , without ener gy , thin and weak. But you can for tify-them and build them up , by the use of OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES O < f Kamc and Soda. They will take it readily , for it Is al most as palatable as milk. And it should be remembered that AS A PUK- YKST1VK OH CUHK OF COUOI1S OB COMIS , IH DOTH THE OLD AND YOUNO , IT IS | UNEQUALLED. AvoMauMltutlontoffcred. BO IT. Trom the "jTeiUral Jierlrn : " "Upon the first Hyinptomi of I.Ivor Cniiiplnint till ) mls- Riildi'd HiinVrer nppIli'H blue pill , calomel mid other mineral poUoilH , la thu tlclmlvo Jmpo ofobt liiliifrr ll r ; 'wlie rrna them ) pow erful purg'itlvcH ' but nKRrnvato the Uls > enMS lind ilohililatu thu riiii.ttltiitlon. Dr. Tutt ImsliniltiiocournRutu Ijcnoro this killing ] inictlco of thu old hchool. UU rrinrdlnt , drawn from thu vcgctiihlu kingdom , nru iil- ino'.t miraculous li > rniovntliitr the broken down body. Thu IrttcrrtOf uurnl pi-.tli-ntsln the Doctor's possession uro a trllmtoiif grat itude to Ills criiliiH mill skill ivlilrh but few cnn exhibit , ill * l.lMTVillsnroM'iilall over the world. Tlirvciiii liefiimiil Inovery tovvii and hamlet In tlio United States. " Tatt's Lrver Pills ACT MILDLY BUT THOROUGHLY. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE _ niAUil Tin : On BAT i iCAUt uiMhuC IX : < ; I.IMI HKM- inv. : An unfall- IIIKcull ! for Sem inal Wunknvsi , S p ernmtorrlm'i. Impnt'-'ncy ' , and nil illsenscj that follow in a o- qui'iico of xclf- AbuKe ; as Loss ' ' ' vefsal'Last'ltud'e , r-r i T riMf Pnln In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature Old Ace , and ninny other dl'tunn-a that lend to Insanity or coiiMimiitlon and n premature crave. r7C Kull particulars In our pamplut , which wo do- slro to send free hy mall to every one. fyTho Hpecl- lie medicine Is sold nt f 1 per packnue , or ulr pnekaitci forK , or will Iio rent frco by mall on the receipt of the monuy. by addressing THE GOODMAN DKUO CO. , J10 KAHNAM .STIIHUT. - - OMAHA. Nnn. On account of counterfeits , wo hnvo adoptee Yellow Wrapper the only genuine. HE. J. E , McGEEW , THE SPECBAUST. Tlio Doctor la nriFiirpnsinl BIVATE Iu the treatment of nil forms of Private lliM'nH'H. i NII Ireatmi'ii t hat cer liccn AS , more Fiicci'ssfiil and nuna - ' luii hud stronger endorfe- mrnt. A ciiroUimrantred | { in Ilioery \MHH | cafes In from ItnfidnVHrltliout tlio toes of an lioiirVlfiue. limk'rliitt treatment fur Strklmi'or illfllcully In relieving the Imi'ldcr. ' pronounce it a iniiHt u finder- fill success , A e miulde cure In u few iliiys uliliout uin. iiirttrnnu'MtH or loa.s of time , Anilalhvrrik. HOB of tlio eexmilorgatm timlillty or ncrvoupnew , In Uirir worst forum mill most ilreuiK < l remits nre -oliicly ( ciiu'il. Andiill KKMAT.F. DISEASES fiireil nt llulllOlthlMlt InstriimiMits. A wonderful remedy. llUUIiS fur linlica from ! i to 4JINI.Y. nnil nil DIfoascs of thp SIIn ; , llloo , ] , ) | , : , ! ( . l.iur , Kill- ni'jH mill Illndilcr inrcd. t'un d in 30 to CO days. Tlio inott rapid , tafo null fffcrt- no Irmtiuent Kmmn to tlio nifdic.il profession. K\cry tinro of the disease re moved from Mm bloatl : n complete cure guaranteed. ff > I'or "man" orvomim" , intli ICc imamiM ) . Tiontmcnt by corret opniijenco Ktnmp fur reply. N H t'ou Urn ANH KAIINAM ST. Or = ' ff ni 8 A M to 0 1 * . .M. Kutranco on Furnnmor lltUbt. . OMAHA. NED. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , GOKDMAN CO . 1110 Furuuin Struct , Omuhft , "or Memoria This -week wewill give a grand benefit to the soldiers andf veterans. "We h'ave BOO very fine all wool Flannel Suits , made up in regulation G. A. R. style , with eylet button-holes for changeable buttons. These we offer for this week at $7.8O for the suit , either single or double breasted coat. "We do not advertise the name of this flannel , but we give- you our guarantee that it is made by one of the best miljs in the country , is strictly all wool and indigo dyed , and we stake our reputation that you will not get a better quality of flannel nor a suit that wrll give you more satisfaction or better service , if you pay to other houses $12 for it. We also place on sale a cheaper grade of Flannel Suits , which wo offer at $8.7B. The flannel in this suit is not all \vool , but it is indigo * dyed. It is lined with good serge , makes a good serviceable suit , and is * also made up with eylet button-holes for changeable buttons. FOR BOYS. We are also prepared to dress in blue an army of big and little boys. We offer Long Pant Suits of a good quality of flannel , indigo blue , for boys 11 to IS , at $4.8O for suit of coat , vest and pants , and Knee Pant Suits , with nicely pleated coats for boys 4 to 14 , at $2.80. For similar suits you have to pay at any other place about $ S.OO and $8.OO. SUMMER SHIRTS. Unequalled choice and values in Outing Shirts of every conceiv able style and quality. There is not a house in the city that can show you half the line or name anywher.e near the prices we do. Oxford cloth outing shirts , splendid patterns , woven colors , pleated fronts , at GOc ; worth $1. Imported flannel shirts , beautiful stripes , $1.1O ; worth $1.7B. Extra fine quality silk striped flannel , pongee silk and finest g of silk .at $1.78 , $2.25 , $2.BO and $3. ( All our shirts are extra full sixes. ) SUMMER HATS. The following items will give some idea of the extraordinary values - ues we are offering in this department. ,18cases fine derbysin summer shades , chocolate , tan and pearl , atTBo. 1O eases very fine alpines , latest shape , with extra fine silk band of two shades , at SBe. "You could not buy either of the above styles in any hat store fotf less than $1.8O. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. So satisfactory were our last week's sales on Men's Suits that we will continue the same for another week , offering many new attractions which equal if not excel anything - thing previously shown. Tumblers SG , 4-G , 1OG , 1SG aricl 2OG HLAOI-I. All Kinds , Price reduced for 10 days PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN'S , ISM FARNAM STRUT. NEPATON BLOCK Grand Lottery of Juarez. Undnr the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Conoessionnnos. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA , MEXICO , FOR CHARITABLE HUHPOiE9 GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will tuko i > : ice lii publlu nt tlio CITV OH1 JUAREZ ( formerly 1'uso del Nortoi. MoxlojK WEDNESDAY , JUNE 28th , 1S9O. Under the personal supervisfon ol GO. JOHN S. MOSM , anil Mil. OAMII.O ARCJPKM.E9 , the former iiRpntleiniui of such prominence liv the United States Hint his presoni'iMilons 1 Milllolent iiuaranteo to the publlu that tlio drawings will Un held with slrlut licinesty .mil fu r ness to all , and the latter ( thu Supervlbor of the Moxlc.ui OoveniinunU lj of uijuil biutmlug und Iiitognty. CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. " Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS , $ -1 ; HALF TICKETS. $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS , $1 $ , 1 Prize of $60,000 , $60,000 , 100 I'rlzoi of Approximation t ' cai'li Frlzoi. t S.ITO 1 I'rl/eof 10.UUO 10,000 KM PrlrtH of : i ) iiiui ! H.VXJ 1 I'llzocf r > ,00 ( ) 6 , "J 10U I'fUat of . > uicli iWW HTrltesof 1,000 eueh S.WH Terminal Prizes. 10 I'rUutof 1UU ouch 'AODO f.flOTcrmlirili lo fi'.i.cn ) 1'rko of i'-'J oncli. . . . Ill " ' 0 Wl'rlzoaof 1UU eiich ' > . " ) WJ Terminal * to 5IU.WJ 1'rl/o of ttO encli. . S. 1UO I'rUesof 6C onrli & .OOU 'JiU 1'llzuaor Ul euch 7UkJ 1614 Prizes amounting to $1 5,070 , Wo tlio unilorslBiicil hereby rertlfy tint the Ilnnco If nny ticket ilrawlnan prl70 M 'ent to HIP ifl Nnoloniil ot Mexico In Clilhuiiliiin lins on deposit KlBnoil. lit fnro vnliin "III l > collocteil and ruiultto4 ' from the Mo.vlcnn Internntloiml llankliiK Compnny , to the ownur thereof fro'iof rliaruu. , the necuimnry funds to Kiiiirniiloo the payment of all irni.\ii : II. ItiniXKov. rs the prizes drawn In the ( iinnd Lottery of .limn1 ? . I'rufldent HI l'nn : National Hank , Kl Paso. Tot ( \ We turtlier certify tlmt wo will supervise nil llinnr- Af.KNTS WANTKIJ. rniiKOinents , and In person mnn.iK anil control all Korcliili rntc-i , or any other Information , wrhn Iq tliednwIiiKSof thli Ixittory , nnd that the .inino are tliu undi-rtlKiied. ntallim your address clu.irty with conducted with honesty , lalrnoss ami In Koud faith tUalo. County , Street and Nuinbor. Moro rapid mall tuwnrds all parties. delivery will bo nssurud by your oiiclotlnx un curol * JOHN B. MOSFIY. rominl.ssloner. ope bearing your full addrosi. OAMII.O Aimirui.r.i : * . MEXICAN iNrtiiiNATin.sArj HANIUNO ( ' ( > . , Supervisor for the ( iovemment. Oily of Juuru/ , Mexico , T.T"I T T ft ? Peiiil roinlttniiros for tickets hy ordinary letter , containing Money Orilors INJ J. l dj. jSSilt.i iy , all Kxpi ess Companies , Now York Exchange , Hunk UrufiurTo iu Note. Address all restored letters to BANKING OCX. OlLy of Juarex. Mexico , via bll Paso. Tex , MEYER Diamond Merchanl.s , Imporl.ors and Manu- lliottii'lncjJewelers. . 10TII AMD FAUNAM ST3. . OMAHA. Head our "Special Bill of Fare" for this woelr. Wo will oiler both "H-iru" and "Woll Done'1 novelties In every department at lowest pricoj. Diuinoml Flii or Kings from * _ ' . . " , I ) up In $ . " > ( > ! ) . Dinmmnl I.aco Plus from $ . - > .OI ) up to # 1(100.01) ( ) . IHiiiiiuiiil Ivur lUiiu-s from $10.00 up to $ -,500.00. Dliimnml Studs ; Diamond Scurf 1'lus ; Diamond Collar Muttons ; Diamond mend Cull' Itultons : Diamond llnlr 1'ins ; Diamond l.ockets ; Diamond Bracelets. Loose Diamonds mounted to order nt short inillef. WATCHKS Lni'Ku assortment I'Ino Solid ( JoldStcm U'indlni , ' Watt'lins from $ lo. 00 up to $50' ' ) . 01) ) . ( . 'old I'llird Watches , $ ! . " > . 00 ami upivard. All kinds Silver nnd Nickel Watches , from the Cheapml to thu Host. See our Now $ . . " .00 Watch. Solid 1 ( . 'old Waleh Chains from $7.r,0 up. Finest Itolled Plate Chains only $ U..iO , worth $5.00. KIcKanl Watch Charms nnd Lockets , oOu un. 12 do'/cii Solid Sterling ? Silver llnicclels ' from ode ( ) up. One lot of Itolled I'lnto HrnccletH , assorted patterns , gold formerly nt 2.00 and Slt.OO , now fide each to close them out. 1,000 Fine Solid < > 'old Finder Kin us nt $1.00 , $1.50. $12.00. $ l)0 ! ( ) , , .1.00 , $5.00 and up to $10.00 , worth $2.01) ) to $20.01) ) . A lienntiful line of the celebrated "I'it Isluu Diamonds , " ( imitation ill i nils ) in ( iold Settings , Studs , Scarf I'lns , Lace L'lns , Kir ; UIu s , clc. , from $1.00 upward. Sl'KClAIWo oiler for a few ilnys only , until nil nro so ) . ! nbont 100 1'Ino Steel Curving Sets , U pieces , ut only $2,0. ) , worth $ , " .OU. Call early , UK they will not last long. lliircnlns lit Clocks. Lumps , Silverware , Um'n'olliU , otj. ttaTItopnirlni ; in all Its various branches. Store lor rent and fixtures for sale.