Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , J\IAY \ 28 , 1890.
Ifo advertisement * will bo taken for
tlicnu columns after 12:110 : p. m.
TcrniH Cnflli In ailrnnco.
Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for the flmt Insertion , 7ccnW for each sub-
* ptinnl | hisnrtlon , and 11.60 porllnn pcrmonlh.
Nondvorllsemenls lakcn for less than 25 cenls
for first Insertion. They must run consecu
tively und must bo paid In ADVANCE. All
advert somcnts must bo handed In before 12:30 :
o'clock p. m. , nnd under no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
. Parlies advertising In Iheso columns nnd
having their answers addressed In care of TIIK
llrr will plcaie nsk for a cheek toonnblo thV'rn
to Kollllelr Idlers , ns none will bo delivered
exceiilon prcscnlallon of check. All answers
to advertisement * should bo enclosed In enve
lopes. . ,
All ndvcrllnemcnts In thrso columns nro
published In Imth morning and orcnlnB edi
tions of TUP. IIKB , Iho clrculnllon of which ag
gregates morn tlinn CO.eoo paper dally , ami
elves Iho advertisers thn benefit , not only of
thncltv elrculallon of TllR HKK , but also of
Council Illuffii , Lincoln and other cities nnd
towns throughout this section of the country *
Advertising for thesn columns will bo taken
on lh nbovo condllloni. al Iho following blu-
ncns 1 ouses who are authorised tofnko special
notices , at the same rales us can bo had ut the
ir.nln ofllce.
< 2jolH'n"o.MXliA"lTfrANl l6Fl'ilOh-Cornor ;
r5of Twenly-sl.xth and N streets , Nebraska
Savings bank building.
OHN W. I1ELL , PhiirmaelslS20SoulliTonlh
/ IHAHE&EDDY , Stationers nnd Printers ,
\J 113 , South Idth street.
S.H. . r'AKNSWOKTH. I'harnnclBt , 2115 ,
. Cuialng street.
WJ. HtlGHES , Pharmacist , C24 North slrecl.
EoTw. I'AKK , Pharmacist , 1713 Loavon-
worth Street.
TTUOHES' 1'IIAHMACY , :4th. aud Farnam
ii A. placei'ijy a ilfl aiT second girl
where she may altend church. Good rof-
crences. Address , 0 5 , ec. 447 28 *
3' ADVof cultivation nnd refinement , speakIng -
- * Ing several languages , going abroad ;
would chaperone n few young ladles for n
European trip , or would go us n companion ,
lll Omaha references. Address "T , "
earn of letter currier 101'lloston , Mass. 402-27 *
' : il Kl
\\7"ANTEn Salesmen on salary or eommls-
> slon lolia.iulln thn New Patent Chemical
Ink Erasing Pencil. Thogreatest selling novel
ty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two
Buconds ; no ahraslon of paper. 2W ) to TOO tier
cent jirollt. Olio agents sales amounted toj 20
In HX | days ; anothur ? .TJ In two hour.s. W i wiint
one emtrgello general agent for each state and
territory. Samples by mall.'i3cts. For terms
nml full particulars address. The Monroe
prater Mfg. Co. , La t'rosse , WIs. 440 23 *
W ANTED Experienced bread baker ,
steady work. Apply Wednesday at I p.
111. Jus , ( larneau Cracker Co. 4U3-23 *
AGENTS Wo make latest patent fruit and
vegetable knives , low prices. Write now.
Samples mailed , 10 cents. Gates , oU Dey St. ,
N. . 491-23 *
17 ANTED Two llrst-class milkers north of
' Deaf and Dumb Inslltute. J. F. Iloch.
"VT EW pocket ledger , llest selling 10c article
-i-i lu the world. Sells at sight. Send lOo for
two sample copies and terms to agents. Itoys
makolo per day on it easy. F. 1C. House &
Co. , llrattleboro , Vt. 403-27 *
"V\f ANTED .Man as agent for our patent
T > .safes ; bl/e 28xl8.\18 Inches , $13 retail. AH
lzes as low. New styles , new patterns , now
lock , now factory. Not governed by safe pool ,
Every safe warranted. Itaro chance. Perma
nent nuslncss. Our terms and catalogue will
con.vlnco you agents clear $300 to WHO per
month. Wrlto for exclusive territory. Alpine
Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. 500-10 *
" " " " "
"OOITUilN"EHS , machine hands , bench
carneuters keep away from Denver , Colo. ,
ns the plaining mill employes arcon a strike.
K.NCcutlve committee of muchliiu workers and
bench men. 4.'i3-27 *
WANTED A competent night clerk fora
hotel out of city , .Must bn competent
man ; stale salary ; prefer u single man. Ad
dress E ( J8 , cure lice olllc.p. 378
"VV ANTEI > At once , a llrst class and rellu-
Tt bio tinner who can take charge of shop
Can do all kinds of job and pieced work , also
understands furnaces. Married man pre
ferred. Address J. K. Hoham & Co. , Holdrege ,
Nob. 3SO-27
1 > OKTKAIT Agents Do you value Hnuvork ,
accurate likeness , prompt ervlce , low
prices ? Then deal with the largest copying In the country , Sliepards , 290 Wabasli
avo. , Chicago. 412-31 *
' \\rANTED-Threo good solicitors for Insur-
TT anco and building association. Good pay.
Itox 719 Omaha. _ : iS7-2J * _
WANTED Energetic men and women fora
nen I eel business paying too weekly prolll
easier than TOO monthly otherwise ; experience
unnecessary ; permanent position and exclu
sive territory assured ; $ .1 samples frou ; Inves
tigate our money-making business. Address
with stamp. Merrill Manufacturing Co. . It 53 ,
Chicago. 111.
bS3Jy3 |
_ _ _
WANTED 500 men for now rrllroad work In
Dakota and Wyoming. Good wages ,
steady work and frcu fare. Allbrlght's labor
ngeney 1120 ItarnantTil. _ 8 < K )
WAI rEI * .VW men for Utah and Nevada ;
wages J2.00 to J2.51) per day , Albright's
V Jmbor Agency. 1120 Farnam. _ 471
\STANTED Salesmen at t75 per mouth sal-
TV ary and expenses lo sell a line of sllver-
nlatc-d ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
liorse and team furnished free ; write at once
for full particulars ami sample case of goods
free. Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass.
JIEM * .
\\7 A NTED-Competent "girl for family of 3
TT lu Wyoming. * 20 ; wet nurse , baby 0
mouths old ; nurse for babe athotol f4 ; 10 ( lin
ing room girls , chambermaids , cooks , for Coun
cil HliUl'H and llarttngton 47 ; W ) girls for gene
ral housework. Mrs. llicga , 3lli ! S. 15th.
_ _ . - *
jompetent solicitors to represent n
-L Chicago house , to take orders for custom
nadeshirts. WillS. 12tb. Da. m. ' 41M-23'
-yv ANTKD--lrl ! , two In family , gootl wag
' to right purson. Apply , 111.'a 10th st.
\VANTED-Flrst clas-s girl for gciicral
TT housework in small family , must bu good
cook anil laundress , good wuges. Mrs. Geo. O.
Towle , 121 S 24th Ht. 473-20 *
' \\7'ANTED"2 competent women for house-
> > work.IPS N.Uth , 4M27
,7"ANTED-Cook , and dining room girl. 1712
i Capitol avenue. 401-23 *
" \\7ANTED A competent girl for general
T > housework in family of three , 211 So 23th
nvo. 43H
\\7 ANTKD A Ural-class female cook at 17"f2
V > Dodge st. 3D1-27 *
TANTEb-GIrl for housework , ! ! ! ) N'l5th st
_ _
fANTKI ) Competent girl for general
hou uworki - ' In family , IVCJ Hurt.
_ _ _
T\rANTKl > A girl for general hoiiMMVorkTsl
i i K , cor California and 20th sts. wuall
family. . 481
* " . * V.\v.ANTEl > In a family ot two u good girl.
> TKI3 _ Park live. 471
V A N T E1) A coed woman pastry cook ;
giiod wages. Now York Chop HotibO No. 1.
, 4liU
1'ANTED Dressmaker to cut and lit. Ad-
T\rANTED--A Mule girl to take care of a
T T year-old baby lu the ufteruoons,1817 Capi
tel iivo 4.Vi
T\rA"NTKD-A neat , lutolll ( ! ent glrf "to do
T liouso\\irkA Call ut irjo
"XYrAS'TED Tin oo o\porh'neeU itTn7m ; ToiTn
> girls at UIB llarker luHol. _ , iu *
"XVrANTEl ) A Urst-clasH drossmiikcr and
T T iiialllled | to taku charge of a buhliu > .ss and
willing lo go to California. Address EOl lice.
: c 2-iO' :
WANTKD-4 experienced dining room girls
at the JuisorhiUel. \ . _ 217 _
Y\TAiSTEl > ( iermnn girl , must bo good cook
TT washer und Ironer ; bring references. Ap
ply between 4'M : und 7w : : p. m. ut 1U2I I'ark avo.
Mrs. John Grunt. 208
\\rANTKD-lbt and 2U girls In private fanil-
TT lyi be * tot wanes paid. ? 't K llth ) St. . corner
nor oi lxuvenworth st , Mrs , J , L , llrandels.
GUM , tor general housework. InuulroofJ
J. Wllkln oii.013PuMoiiblk. 123
ll . - Uj jIfHS - . 'r- , . . - -
nilESSMAKINO. or co out sewlnj by the
dajr. Call at 1421 Howard Hi. 4S I I mt * " *
f ? li'NliAGEME.NTS to dodrvss making lu fuml-
XK lies solicited. Mlis Stui'Uy , 625 S. 2.Hh nvo.
, 3S.VJ24 *
\\YKA McQInnls1 Irussiiiuklng par'oisI Uii
. , apltolavu , luiuund teucn the Fro ich
tailor system. 100JIG
IpOU KH.NT 10-room house , 2107 Douglas M.
ull modern ImprovumuuU. Inuuiru 2111
-room housn Ixdwncn court house nnd
. ' .O. , rent f 10 ; full of roomers and bo.irders.
Furnlluro 1100 , 1100 cash , balance S1 * > per
month. Co-operative Land ft Lot Co.,2n ( N.lnth.
431. 23
"I71OK HENT About June 7 , 8-room house SM
J- ' and fuming M . txi per mouth. C. F ,
llnrrlioii , Ull N. V. Life. 4jJ
_ _
"T710U ItnNT--On Fnrnatn St. , near Sfillf St. ,
X' furnished house. Apply lull Farnam st.
olt UK > T Newft-room hou e ; city water ;
full lut.HtMldedl. ' > . AlviT-room house. fl'.fii ) .
Hlrlnger & I'cnny , Douglas block , lllth nnd
I)0(1)HS ( ) _ _ _ 4t.-27 ; _ _
F VoU wish to rent a house or store HOD 11 ,
-K. Cole. Continental block. 11)7 )
"T71OU ItENT Finn residence , modern im-
J. provements. No. 2403 Ht. JIary's avenue ,
from June 1st , at fG5 per mouth. Inuulro fit
premises or at A. Heller , No. 1111 , Farnam
fUfflt. 1M.
'l/IOK KENT Iteanonablo to a good party , the
X1 apartment * over HWI-IWi Howard St. ; : t9
pleasant rooms ; just the thing for European
hotel. C. F. Pliaw 1C01 Howard. 141
Y'oUK opportunity to secure the lease nnd
furniture of ono of the llnest homes In
Omaha , furniture all new , location near high
school , rent low. Will lake half its value ; H Iml. tjniq. Address. K4i. : llee. 211
'liiOR ItKNT Two line pressed brick re-sl-
X1 deiircs on Georgia nvo. ju t north of Leav-
utiHorth Hi. , east , fronts , U rooms and bath , fur
nace , sewer connections and all other conven
iences. Will runt ono now uud Iho other Juno
1 to responsible parties for t > V ) pnr month. Lots
JIO ft. deep to 20 ft. alley. JL A. Upton Co. . 10th
nndFnrnam _ , a I.I 3d
FOlt KENT Nicely furnished 0 room cot-
laie , good location , near motor line. Hef-
rrcii"es required. Wolshnns & McUulloch ,
Exiinsltlon bldg. , 14Uapltul nvo. 5'JO
S-KOOM Hal , with steam heat , 10th St. , near
Jones. Thus. F. Hall , all I'a.xton block.
SIX-room cottage , furnished complete. Mo-
lor 1 block. Apply ut 1011 N 17th , near Lake. .
450 20 *
TTIOK KENT My residence. 2.113 Farnam st. ,
X1 modern Improvements and very desirable.
KIchurd C. I'atlerson , N. Y. Life building.
: cu 29
FOK KENT Two 5 room , now , collages ,
modern convenience , except furnace. Nice
lawn and hose furnished for sprinkling , $13.
Neb. Mtg. and Loan Uo. , 511) t'n.xton blk. IH3
FOU KENT House ; ton rooms , all modern
Improvemenls ; large yard , MO per month.
Doxlcr L. Thomas. 710
OUSES. slorcs and flats ; all now , E. A.
Leavenworlh. room 14 , llarker blk. SSOJI3
T7IOK KENT Ileaullful residence , nil modern
X' improvements with barn. Georgia avo.
Kloh'd U. I'allorson , N. Y. Life bldg. 2.TO-27
8-IIOOM liouso near Leavenworth street , al 1
convenience * . 12. 11. E. Colo. 415-27
FINE 10-room brick house , with nil modern
Improvements , In good location near motor ,
$50 to good tenant. 11. E. ColQ. 413-27
10 KOOM tenement house , 21th and Douglas
'sts. ' O. A. Llmhiuest. 310 B. 13th st. : r77-31 *
3 KOOM Und lot , 21 feet front , $300. only
(30 uash and balance monthly on terms to
suit. 1) . 1) . Snicaton. 1G03H Farnam st. u03-J5
OK KENT House on 37th. near
rooms. J12 ; house , 5 rooms,2007 Lake st. . J12 ;
f > room house 2711 ( irant .st. , $10 ; I room eottago
'With iind Charles , J10n ; room house2312Chicago ,
$33 ; 5 room house 100 S. VSth St. . $12 ; and u num
ber of other houses. George J. Puul , 100 ! ) I'ar-
nam St. , lei. 143. aff-27
TfiOK KENT W room Hat. 1(113 ( Dodge St. . all
J- modern Improvemenls. { CT.
7 room house , 3118 Hurt st. , splendid location
and conveniences.
0 room house , Dupont place , city water. $12.
Oco. J. Fox , room f 28 Paxton blk. 433
FOK KENT--2 new 10-room houses with all
conveniences , most desirable location. En
quire at N.W. cor. 21st and St. Mary's live.
" 171OK KENT Very nlee7-room houses ; special
JL ? terms made. Apply to Fletcher Young ,
Ambler Place. 203
FOK KENT 2 Hats In Llntoii blk , cor. Mason
and lllth sts. , ( i rooms each , rent $27 per
month. Imiulro 017 In block. John Hamlln.
FOK KENT 3 nine-room brick houses. All
modern conveniences. 2533 to 2337 St. Mary's
live. Inquire at Collateral bank , 312 S IGth st.
53 < j
TT1OK' RENT One I0-room modern house , all
JL' c-onvenlencos. Paved streets , cable cars.
Five minutes'walk of postotllce. Hoforeiicoa :
required. Nathan Shclton. 1C1I Farnam I St.
G ENTLEMAN wishes room-mate , drst-class
table board. 1721 Davunportst. 331 30 *
FOU KENT An 8-room cottnge wllh < COQi- ?
ern Improvcmonls on 21st uud St. M\'i' &
uvo. Enquire at N. W. corner. 45a--
FOK KENT Nice 0-room collage , 22nd and
California , J30 per monlh. A 0. Wakeley ,
505 N. Y. LJfo bulhliui : . 073
FOR RENT 5 room house , coed repair , men
yard , cistern water , rent $22. Apply to 1409
South 7th live. ortoJuo. W. Hell , druggist. TOth
T7IOK KENT llesldonees In all parts of city.
JL ? List too large too publlsli. CiloboLoan&
Trust company , 307 S. llith st. 702
MODERN house , ulna rooms bath , hot and
cold water , furnace and gas , on Dodsrest. ,
flO per mouth. Fred J. liorthwlck , 213 Soutli llth
372 _
TtjIOR KENT A flat of slv rinims. Enqillro of
JJ Mrs. C. Duggau , 1102 S 13th Room 5.
"K1OR RENT About Juno I , these elegant
JL1 stone residences on Georgia avenue , S 29th
st. , between Mason and PacillesLs. Sec owner
for long Unto lease. II. H. Henderson , room 400 ,
Paxton blk. 485
FOR RENT 10-room brick house , with mod
ern conveniences , No. 811 S 20tb st. Apyly
at No. 827 a 20th st. 32t
PLEASANT front room furnished , private
_ family. 2128 llarnoy st. 477-h : ) * .
SROOMSdown stali-s of 2-story house , nicely
furnished for housekeeping ; good locality.
Address E 01 , Ileo , ,1lli-2s *
rooms for lent with board. 1910
Capitol avo. 4S7-29
TJIOR RENT Newly furnished rooms In new
JL hoube. with hoaid. All modem conven
iences. 110 N. 23th , 2d door north ot Dodge.
4HO-29 *
T7HJRNIHEO rooms with bath , also some for
-13 light house-keeping ; No.lMI N.mii st.
4lK.2Q' )
_ _
I ) LEASANT furnished front room. All con
veniences. 2234 Farnam. Third lloor.
_ 427 31 *
FURNISHED rooms by the night or month ,
1320 S. mil. Cunningham blk. 417 * 29 *
"IjM'RNISIlEDroom ; private family. 2301 Far-
JL ? num. 43.VIW *
_ _
'irUJKNISIIED rooms , $ s and * IO , ii block from
JL1 motor , 717 S. 19th st. 452
FURNISHED roomsT light housekeeping.
B02U St. Marysji\-e. . 45:1-1 . : * . . _
"VTH'ELY ' furnished loom In nice cottage. W
-i > per month al 400 Williams hi. ' 4fi
TjlOK KEXT-Two uluely furnished flout
X' rooms , very cheap , lu nice brick house ;
modern conveniences. 022 South Twentieth
Kt. , _ near _ St. Mary's avenue. _ 3'U-2S '
\\rANTED , 2 room-mates lu large , nleo ven-
1 i tllated front room near 13th and Douglas.
Addre-s F. iiOi : Itarimm. 4M-25 *
XT1CKLY fiimlshcd front i-ooms with aleovo
Jto lot. Inquire 2022 St. Mary's avenue.
3. 0
IUril Dodge ht. ; most desirable hiilte of pur-
lors ; at present occupied by Dr. ( illicit ;
will bu vacated on or before the 13th of Juno.
OOL. pleasant routiis , 33 | > > N. 15tli. tint "J. "
U75-J 23 *
1"jW KENT Now furnished rooms i
' Teruco , with or without board , ut reuson-
ablu rates. 2123 Iturnoy at. 30H
rooms , 17U1 Cni. | avo.
DESIKAIIDE furnished rooms with board ,
210 s votu st. : in-w :
TSkflCIiirY""furnished rooms , all modern cou-
-L > vcnloiu.-es. Xtl N. 15th st. 230-23 *
NICELY furnished rooms , 2017 Lcuvonworth ,
IKW-2U *
L AKUE front room ; references ; 1312 Dodge.
T/1OK KENT A largo front room. fiiiirrshcdT
X1 In line of the llupst residences lu the city ,
7213. lUth St. . corner Lcavouworlh. SI I
" | 7\OK \ KENT FurnUhcd rooms , luOO Douglas.
T71OU RENT Pleasant furnished rooms with
X1 all ooiivojilciices. Bin S 2fith st. al )
"nuJIt K15NT Nicely ( iirnlbhed roomTliil
X1 modern conreuleuccs , 2 blocks from P. O. ,
CIS H 17th at. 1C1
OK RENT Furnished rooms ; gas. butu
nnd steam ; 15IH Howard Ida
ST. GLAIR European hotel , corner 13lh and
Dodgo. SHclul ( rules by week or month.
TTNFUKN1SHED roonis forrt-ni7imiulro f
U 11 , M. Molir , TlXI i N. lUtU si. U. 0 , 3rd lloor.
' 2il20apltol uv .
I50-U127 *
STOKE for rent , cor , 23 < 1 nnd Loavonworth
SIM .suitable for grocery or bakery ; rent
moderate. Apply nt2303 , nc.xtiloor 40i-31 *
3 ROOMS lower story. go < xl loflntlon. Near to
business. ( K > month. Mead Ilivt. Co. , Itce bldg ,
O UNKtlKNIdllEI ) rooms with city water ,
> loir Daveiniorl at. _ -yio-TO *
TTNFITKNISII ED rooms for hotnekreplng nt
U Ri-ually reduced prices. Cheapest rent In
the city. Hulls Renllng Agency , 2IS S | 5th si.
_ 21U-J19 *
IjlOR.KENT unfurnished rooms to family ,
JL1 without children ! modern Improvements.
1701 Webster st. Prlco * 15. _ 02lJ
T710K RENT To lodge ? , sooiellcs , plculopar-
JL ? lies or prlvalo gatherings , FrlU Miller's
park nnd dancing hall , cor. 13th and Vinton
sts. ; motor line pasics the park ; mu.slo free.
27:127 : *
STORES nt 707,709,711 8 Itltn. 22x00 each , larg
.show windows , steam heat furnished , fhoi
F. Hall. 311 Paxloii block. 203
STORE on motor line , 10th st. , 110. 11. K. Cole ,
_ _ Continental ' blook. 413-27
OFFICES'ln Wlthnoll blook , 15th nnd llarney
strcctH , ( s per month and upward ; nil mod
ern Improvements. Cull and see them.
931 JI5 *
JjlOR KENT dtoro 013 S. 10th St.
TilOH KENT The 4-story brick Imlldlnft with
X1 or without power , formerly occupied by
the Ileo Publishing Co. , mo Farnam st. Tlio
building has n IIro proof cement basement ,
complete steam heating fixtures , water on all
the floors , gas , etc. Apply ut the otllcu Of The
lice. U13
COKNEK lot , W by 150 , rornortflith and O sts. ,
South Umiiha , Is a first-class location for
beer garden. Imiulrollra. A Kallsli , 818 S. jflth.
" 1/10U KENT-Wo huvo 01 acres adjoining Mun
X' son and TV' ) acres adjoining our Highland
Park addition that wo will rent for season of
1SUO . 'it a ruasonablo price . Otimlm HoiU Estate
and Trust Co. IflOl ! arnnm st. KIT
ATtJllRTho'iiitto Valley ranch s oncn
for stock. 1,000 acres In tame grass. For
particulars address I'latto Valley Uanch , Vul-
ley , Nub. , or E. llcnton , Fremont , Nub.
ico-io *
_ _ _
WANTED Horses to pasture at $2.60 a
month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
called for and delivered. W. It. Honiau , Kooni
fi. Freuzer blk. 47li
EaPA/ . .
of houses for rent. _ _ " 2U2
FOU KENTHouses In all parts o"f oily. The
O. F. Davis company. 1505 Furuiim st. 233
TyrOKTON'S' rental agency , 517 I'a'xton block.
HK. COLE , rental agent , Continental blkj
\\7"ANTEU Chlldron to board and take euro
TT of through the summer ! will hltvo moth
er's caro. I'or particulars address Mis , S. E.
Kusoll , Fort Hoblnson , Nobi 4.VJ-8S *
DKINIC Phos-Fornine , the palatable nerve ,
blood and brain tonic , at Kinsley's phar
macy , tilth and Farnam sts. , and Ili07 Farmim
st. Phos-Ferrono fno ; froji (5 ( to I ) p. m. on
Thursday , M uy a ) , 'UP. 2-'Q 21) )
WANTED-A11 owners of new residences and
public buildings to Investigate the latest
and best system window screens known In the
world for which U. K , Soulu Is acont. All
onler.s left at 181 ! ) Dodge Ht. will rcoolvo
piompl attention. Kstlmates Riven on large
ot small contracts frco of all charge. 2S3-S ) *
D KINK I'hos-l'errone. the palatable nerve ,
blood and brain tonic , at Klnsler's phar
macy. Ifllh and Karnam sis. , and 13 7 1'arnam
st. I'hos-Kurrono free from U to U p. m. on
Thursday. Jlay i. " . ) . 'CO. : "X 2U
Ing , furnlbhedor iiiifuriilahcd. Itofercncus
exL'hangod. Address , with terms , O 4 , Iteo.
410 27 *
fTUVO or 'J nicely furnished rooms for light
-L hoiHoliecpIng , within 10 blocks of 1' . O. Ad-
dri .ssE57. Ileo. 304
PA RASOty ? nu'l umbrellas covered and re
paired. I ) . Italu'r , 1515 Douglas : basement.
rpIN WORK , roollng , guttering. si > outlng ,
X good worli low prices. Savage , 1918 Cumlng
- BTit-Ji1 *
TTMHKELLAS repaired , lawn moxvers sharp-
U Plied , key filling and locksmlthtng ul
llellln's gun shop , 119 N. inth st. 2u9 J19
ASSAGEanil niiigiiotlc treat nenCn l Pa-
elllc. halt block from motor line. 51(1-1 ( *
ISS IT. FOUSTEK. midwife ami M. I ) , for
children and female diseases , UHlSaundcrs
si. . In second story. 291-J-21 *
1)ERSQNAL Divorces quietly ; ntlvleotreo ;
Addrcs- , Lawyer , llox till , Chicago. 111.
29527 *
material for
drapes , belli linen and bolting , ono dresser
scurf tlnlshed. Return to 1522 Douglas st.
4SU-2U *
LOST-Or.stolen , In this city , light colored
bill book containing notes , vouchers and
other papers drawn In favor of W. H. Starr.
Finder will bn rewarded by leaving at Evan's ,
room 922 , N. Y. llf"bujdliig. ] 443-27 *
LOST A black vaINo containing milk rec-
oid and pupcrsof no value to Under. A re
ward will be paid for Its return to 313 Itrown
building. S. E. corner lUth and Douglas st. Tel
ephone 152S. 370
_ _
FOUND Pockiitbook on Kith st. bet. Toiiglas
and Dodge. Inquire 1100 S. ftltli. 431 2S *
EN. OLINGMAN , exclusive pension attor-
t ney. rooms 19 and 21. Frenzer block.
Omaha ; also Clnclnnatland Washington. Send
stamp for circular. I4.'l
Oll ) storae. David Cole , 815-S17 Howard , "
S - & Co. . 121 ! Howard.
FURNITURE storage , separate comnart-
inputs. M5-S17 Howard. 257
rpKACKAGE btoruge , David Cole , H15-S17
X Howard. 257
rilKAOKAGE storage at lowest rate.s. W. M.
X Iliisbman , 1311 Leavenworth , 207
\VANTKItobiiy A st'ockf hardware of
> * l.0i to WooO In good location and doing
n prolltiible business , for which 1 will puv spot
eiinlh State all particulars. Address I' . .M.
Hammond. Oelwoln. l-'aycttc Co. . la. ; 2 2i )
ITlL'KNITrUK , household goods.elo. Highest
JL' cash prlcjj. 317 a Kith. _ irni
TXrAiN'TED-Sei-oiiil-liaiitl turulturo of all
T T kinds at the highest price , 710 S. nil h st.
Good commercial , , ,
WANTED paper i-
brasku Mortgage Loan Co. , 619 Paxton blk.
\\rANTED-To Iluy-Keslueuce , 0 to 8
T T rooms , good size lot. east or honth front ;
house must bo nicely tlnlshed , have ull mod
ern conveniences. 0.11. Jeffries , Room 200. Heo
biilldjug. ois
O paid for second hand books at the
'Antiquarian bookstore , 1413 Furnam st.
\\7 ANTED tJood short tlmo paper in smau
T > aiiioiiiiH. 1' . 1MI I'lirnam bt. _ 474
U f ANTKD To buy lor spot cash , city or
country , parts or whole stocks of dry and
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoos , millin
ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Call on or address J. L. IlrandeU &duns. cor
ner Will and Howard , Omaha , 211) )
IjiOlVSALTJor"friiito 1 team Dl' ' bay iiorses S
X' ami J7 years , sound and htyllsh drivers ; 1
double heated canopy- top surrey , good us new ;
1 buggy , 1 double and 1 single harness , barn 20
x28 , can bo moved Ciislly ; I Ubasu 11 ran. , up
right piano , good us new. Apply room 633
First Nat. bank. 4TO-20
"ITIOK BALE--One siian Jet black carriage
X' horses , 7 years old ; aUo one carriage nud
one buggy A. D , Morse , Furnam uud lull ts.
4s : i ' "J
TPOIt ' SALE A full ii'ulforiu spring , leather
X' topcurrlage.ulmohlnow , and ono Columbus
make buggy ; also ono bet double harness for
KB , und onu slnglu harness , $10. Apply al 2215
Webslor bt , sM
FOIISALE-A good , Bound , slyllah horse.
Price can be learned und horse gounal Lee
& Nlchol's burn 2307 Lcuvuuworth t , WJ
filOK flAI/E Uno f 8Hy ! carrlaio horse ,
X1 sound and gentle. jtUulre ill N. 10th st.
JT > 1
llCTION Sole-All iii the fine llTOriTol
Homnn A Terry ; conslstlna of lan
daus , hearses , family carriages , lurries ,
top nnd open bu glr-s , horses , harn
esses. saddles nnd nll-/Hher articles used
In n flrst-clnis llvory. , Sale to commence
Wednesday , May 2S , ntl ) iil. m. Everything to
bo soltl to the highest bidder. Wo will sell nt
private snlo until day of. sain. lloman A. Terry ,
413 nnd 41ft S lllth. Oninlin.'Neli. ' _ 2 7
"inolt SALE-tTburhofsu * ' . onet-xpross wagom
X' Cash or lime. HIKIIH . 1417 Furn am. Mli-Jd'
1OK SALE A good gfliitlo liorso for WO. Ail-
drcsstni llce. , , ] _ 373
P AKTIES looking toriflno driving or snddlo
homos , would do wqll to call on , or corres
pond with T.J. Fleming manager W. H. Mil-
lard's farm. Ualhouii , Nob. Ho hat for sale
some first-class slnglo drl > ors , carriage teams ,
and saddle horses , at reasonable prices. 233
FOK SALE Furniture of a 7-roon house ,
piano , elc. 2527 Davenport st. 405-28 *
1T1OK SALIC Elegant furniture of 10 room
X1 IIOIHC. Splendid location for roomers. Ad-
drcsEiri Ileo.
171OK SALI2 Furniture , earpots and hoilso-
X1 hold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday anil Saturday morning nt 1111 Far-
nniu t. Cash paid for goods. Omaha Auction
and Storage Uo. Henry Uielghton , auctioneer.
O MAIIA barbed fence ami wlro Co. stock , 10
shares for sale , price & ! 50. 0 3 , Heo onico.
. 4i2-27 :
_ _ _ _
G OonToda fountain , In running order , for
less than half cost. O. 1'eterson , 018 S. l.lth.
IT1OK HAliE. cni'iip hO-hcir-o power steel
JL1 bofler , good as now. with llttlngs i-omplete :
heater , mud-drum , plunitn pumps , and No. U
K'nowlos ; will sell for one-half original eosj
JolfW. llodfonl. fril
MILK delivered In onu gallon packages
dally. CJuaranteod alxuliitely pure. M'-i
Ill-own building , telephone l.VM. 'JOJ
FOKSAljB Cheap , n beautiful fawn colored
groy hound. Kiiqulro ? ' ! ri. 10th St. , corner
of Lcavenworth. 811
FOlt SALE Flour and feed business , eleva
tor , trackage , etc : location , lowest
rent In cltv. Lee , 1701 r'arnam. 41)3-28 ) *
F OU SALE-Ahout 100 tons Ice at half value.
Leu. 1701 Fnrnnin st. 4U3-2-S *
TTIOK SALE-1'ool table at less than half
JU value , almost new. Leo , 1701 Itanium.n
A SMALL stock of groceries will bo sold
very low. If bought ipilck , as party must
leave city. Leo. 1701 Itanium. 41)3-28 *
FOK SALE Some good watches anddla -
mondscheap. It. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlth-
ncll block. 211
BEI'OHE buylni ; a piano evainlno the new
scale KImball plan6 at A. llospe. 1313
Douglas sU 212
G EoTK.GELLENHEOK'.teacherof thobaiijo ,
1000 Howard St. 3d lloor. 211) )
FIKST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay. D. V. Sholcs Co. , 210 First Null
"T71IKST morlgago loan } . Very lowest rates.
J ( . ' . .1. Cuswell. Slli N.LV. J.I f e. 424-J2
TlfONEY to loan In jijiy amount from Jin to
IT ! i 10,000 for any llmc/ipm ono to six months.
Loans made on hoiibblmld goods , pianos ,
horses , mules , wagons , liofise- , leases , etc. , In
fact on any available seburity In any amount
at the lowest possible rales without removal
of property. i
Payments can bo an v time reducing
both principal and Interest. on pay Interest
only for the lltnu you u c the money. If you
owe a balance on your property I will lake 11
up anil carry It for you !
Money always on baud. No delay. No pub
licity. No removal. Lowest rates.
11. F. Masters ,
Koom 4 Wltlinell block , Kith and Hurm-y Sts.
5 PER cent money to loan on real estate se
curity. Loans can .bo paid oil' In Install
ments. Jno. W. Kobblus , 2U9N. Y. Life bldg.
/1HATTEL loans ut rijiliiced rates. Hand lu-
VA-cslnioiit Co. . Ropnr448 lice bldg. JJ57 30 *
LOANS wanted on productive Omaha real
estate. 3 and 5 years' time , optional pay
ments , favorable terms and rates.
KImball , Champ ft. Ryan ,
1000J10 12a >
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , plunosorguus , diamonds ,
at lowest rates. The first organized olllco
In the city. Makes loans from 30 to 305 days ,
which can bo paid In part or whole at any
time , thus lowering Iho principal and Interest.
Call and see us when you want money. Wo can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In making
loans. C. F. Heed * Co. , 319 S. 13th St. ; over
Illngham A Sons. 234
/1HATTEL loans , K. I ! ) Continental blk. . 15 k
WDouglas ; business confidential. M.J. Hallj
* J37
OLLATEKAL bank , 312 So. Kith St. , room W
Chamber cof Commerce , loans money on
commercial paper and all articles of value.
Also on horses , cattle , furniture and other
chattel property without removal , at lowest
rates of interest. All business strictly conll-
d en Hal. 057 J15
WANTED Three and six months8 percent
paper. Address by letter ut his residence ,
0. F. Harrison. 114 S. 25th st , 483 29
/CHATTEL HANK , room 3 VVithnoll block.
MONEY to loan , ft years on easy terms on 00
per cent on good conservative valuations ,
anywhere in the city limits of Omaha , at 410
Sheoloy bldg.,15th and Howard sts. Sam'lTato.
PER CENT residence loans , J3.0UO to $10,00 < X
Building loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. . Heo imlldlng- _ 2t3 :
MONEY 30,00 or 90 days on
horM's. houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 018
Paxton blk. _ SW _
/1IIATTEL loans at lowest rates ; removed to
W517 and 610 Paxton hlk. J. II. Emlnger. 211) )
MONEY to loan on elty property ; money on
hand anil no delays. Halt's. Smith & Co. ,
I il 1 1 1 anil Itanium gts _ D13-J 14 _
L 1 1IEKAL real estate loans made by W. M
Harris , room 20 , Frcnzer block , opp. P. O.
LOANS City and farm loans , moitgage pa-
] ior bought. Mct'ague Investment Co. Oil
KVSTONF. Mortgage. Co. Loans iif'llU to
$1,000 ; got our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on horses , fnrnitiuu or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates. Call , U 'Mi , tiheoly blic , 13th and
Howard sts. 2 J
SlTOllT time loans nn vacant lots. Bolby fi
itceil. Ill boanl of traije. _ - & _
BITIIillNT ) loans. 0 to7 juir cent ; noadill-
tlonnl charges for commission orjittornoy's
fees. W. H. Melkle , First Nat'l bang bldg.
MONKV loaned at lowest rates long tlmo on
Improved Omaha real estate , no "e.xtas , "
uo delay. Ulobo l.oani Trust Co , , 307 S. IQth.
OOM.MKltt'IAL ami gunural short time paper
bought ' ; also regular Ifvu year loans made
on Improved property. ' Ueo. F. Illust & Co. ,
LUI Kama Mdir. .j 07J
QKCONIJ mortgage l ( > i i.s. heconii mortgages
Obought. Loans out vacant lots. Heed &
Selby. room la. Hoard Trade 'jzi
M' IONEY ' to loan on aliy'sceurity
for short ( but ) al low
rate * . Lowest rates
on personnlpronorty. )
The Henderson - Oom-
jmny. Room 400. Paxlfrh block. 221
\\rANTED-FlKit-clJsTluside loans. LOW st
TT rates. Call and sud us. Mutual Invoa.-
inontCo. _ . 1504 Farnam. , / , 230 _
"I J EFORIC ; noKotlutTng a Joan to improve your
XJ real estate gel teno > from
The Odoll Investment Co. , 301 N.Y. Life bldg ,
Thos. .JUoyjI. ropreseulallvt ) . 229
Philadelphia Moflgago and Trust Co. ,
always ready lo loan and pay promptly : 1st
mortgages wanted. George W. V.Coates.roiiru-
fie n t ajj vn. 7 Hoard Trade. 2ii _
"it'ASTlTRN money to loan on city property ;
XUmortBago paper bought. H.H.Iroy.op . P.O.
'I OANS made on any available security.
JJCentral Investmunt Co. . Koom25 , Cham
ber of Commerce. 220
\\rANTED Kducalnd young ladlns and genT -
T > llomen to Icuru shorthuuil and typewrit
ing ; good salaries ; studeuls as.sUtud to posi
tions. Htandaril tihorllmnd Dualiiest Cello 'O ,
I'ranli K. Hell , Iimtriiotor. -a ?
. le - reo , ifio"ruhoHrnaa / pnrenoiogisii
medium and pulmUt , who has been pubnely
tested and ohalleiiReslhe world lu revealing
mysteries , disperse. ; ) Jealousy , evil Inllu-
cnce.s , gives full names of present or future
husband or wife , also lelU your faulU ami
qualities , tradu bunliiBss or profession lo
make a snc cwi , ! ! North IBUi uji Nlalrs , Con-
kultutiou II , Sulbf uullou elveu or no pay ,
7UJ -
AMchnllangcrs accepted - 5Irs. Dr. Hill of
Now York City can bo consulted at her
parlors nt S3 North 1.1th nt. , on all affairs of
life , being a celebrated btulnrss clairvoyant ,
astrologlst and palmist , who has a reputation
throughout the world for accurate nnd truth
ful readings of the past , present nnd future
through her wonderful Egyptian maglo mir
ror ; removes all evil Inlluences nnd family es
trangements : uultos the Roparatcd ; causes
speedy marriages ; brings success to thn uu-
successful anil tell when to make prolltnbloln-
vostmcnts ; consultation from Jl to K ; nl < x }
tells full name nnd Hhow * plcturo of the onn
you will marry ; Mrs. Hill lias been consulted
bv the most successful business men and ladles
or New York. Iloston and Uhlcago. Hours
strlclvfrom _ 11 a. in. to a i. m _ KU 15 *
MADAME Dolr.ler , the massage andtnagnct-
1st , Is no old consumptive chromo , but
young , hcalty and vlgotous , 1'arlors ovorOli )
8. lUth. _ 613 J8 *
LAI HVOYANCEWomen's ( llspa cs eiab >
voyanlly diagnosed and successfully Iroul-
ed by magnetism ; consultation free ; Dr.Lons-
ip Si _ : ui st. . an lloor. n7i-to ; *
DU. NANNIE v. WAUUEN. elalrvoyai
medical and business medium. Feninlo ills-
eases a specially , 111) ) N , IGth .st. , rooms 2 nnd 3 ,
B AltllEU shoi > for salo. 2103 Outulng.
4TO-31 *
BIO bargain For sale very cheap , chop-
house uud Ice cream parlor doing good
business : nlco fiirnlttiru from II rooms ,
131 N. llth st. , or cor. Douglas and 10th six. , A.
LI voy : good reason. 470 I *
rplIEbest located , best patronized llvory
X barn In the city , with or without stock ;
long lease of ground ; at n decided bargain on
your own terms. H. E. Colo. 412-27
J the biggest bargain ever known for
inly one desiring to maUp a small Invest
ment. Money can be doubled lu a few days ,
Loe.irOJFurnuni , , 49.V23 *
r rOTEL Men Attention-Will . pll lease nml
JLl.lurnlturp of hotel In VMIIilllil. f > 7 rooms ; ,
great bargain ; easy terms ; will traclo for
Omaha rent estuto. Alex. Moore , Shcoly block. ! )
T71OUSALK Hlore , confectionery , fruits , to-
-U bacco ; 010 North 16th street ; good location.
473-1 *
FOK SALK I'Mno established cigar and news
business. Host location In the city. Address -
dress box O. IM poslolllcu. 4SO 2
FOR SALE Jly hotel furnlluro cheap. Ho
tel for rout. Joseph foil , \Vcst \ I'olnt , Neb
| npJW
POK SALE An old establish Idrug busl-
iioss.oiioof tlui best liM'atlons In the
profits last year $3,000. Thu Mead Investment
Co. , Heo building. 407
"IT1OII SALE A stock of dry goodsand notions ;
JL ? one-third cash , balance real estate. Itox
132 , I'roiiionl. Neb. 431-23 *
FOU SALE Good bakery , half cash , half
trade. Kuqulro 1017 Clark 3t. 420-27 *
TTIOIt SALE Wholesale and retail Hour and
JL ; feed stove ; good location ; cheap rent. Ad
dress K 41) ) Uce. 210 i7 !
I > IE and cake bakery , doing good wholesale
business , will hear Inspection. Address 12
51 , lice. 2M.27'
TTIOK HA LK or Kor Ilent Oneot the best llxed
JL up boarding houses In South Omaha , In
most desirable location , Apply to II. M. Ka ven ,
27th st. , near Exchange crossing , South Omaha.
113 JKi *
"TTIOKSALE A private bank now doing a
JL coed paying business In a now and growing
Nebraska town. Address E53 Hee. 2110-28 *
0 1I1EAI' for cash , stoclc of groceries doing
cash business. Cheap rent. 271U Iturdelto.
333-M *
of dry goods
and clothing : want real estate and some
cash. Address llox 21)3 ) , Frankfort. Ind. 437-1 *
DKUG Stock foroxolmmzo for jiart cash and
good real estate. Address Lock llox 03 ,
Nellgl i , Nebr. 4--20 *
ATKADE Klght-uiiseoii I have 2 clear lots
within JH ml. N. of P. O 1 wish to trade
sight-unseen for a farm. Address mo person
ally , 11. E. llcchtel , No. 1S02 Corby St. , Omaha ,
Neb. 4712 *
"I71OK EXCHANGE 31,30. ) dry goods nnd no-
JL ? tlons , $230 cnsh. balance good property , llox
! Bi ( , Shcnandoah , la. 231 30 *
TTIOK EXCHANGE Good farms , oily propor-
JL1 ty and wild lands In Nob. and Iowa forgood
gen'l ni'il'se ; property clear , title perfect. Ad
dress Lock llox 'At , Fremont , Neb. 098
F"OlT"EXCHANOE-Feed mill In Inrgo.grow-
Ingtown , doing good busIncssJ0,000 stock
of mdso. one-third cash , balu"'W oed real
estate ; splendldrental property , will pay 10
percent ; some choice blooded horses and cat
tle. Doano & Parrotto , room 17 , Hoard Trade.
WILL trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or liorso and buggy. Address U 4
Bee olllco. 305
OWNER moved to St. Louis ; olfcrs for sale a
corner property paying over 10 per cent at
a bargain. Price $1,000. For easy terms call
on D. D. Smeaton , lOOSHJ Farnam st. 3UU-J2
rno a party who has J200 to put In a lot. I
JL have for sale a. bargain , will give you the
reasons why It Is $200 under prlco If you call at
lCUi4 ) ! Farnam at. D. 1) . Smoatoii. 383-37
"IJ1OK SALE or Trade My residence on Fo.
JL ? 2lth ) St. , near Park school , house of seven
rooms with hath room , water closet , hot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will sell for cash
very cheap or will take vacant lot on West
Farnam st. as part payment. For particu
add ress E 20 Ueo olllcu. II U
FOTtSALE A line now n-room cottage near
eloctrio car line on N. 27th st. Will take as
part of cash payment a good horse or horsu
and phaeton , P. 1504 Farnam st. 877
IJ1OK SALE -llrlck , 2 stories and
JL ? basement , 100x00 ft , with lot 100x152 ft. ; to
double track on south 20th and Plerco sts. Ad
dress Oskamp & Huliics , Omaha , Neb.
_ 033 _
\TEW 8-room house , near motor line ; wilL [
-L > hell clieap and on small monthly paynients.
Call qiituk If you want u bargain. J. J. Wllklu-
HOII , IVI8 Paxton hlk. _ 121) )
" 171OK SALK Quick , business lot. Improved ,
JL ? only 5 blocks from court house , $1.7) per
foot. J. Mlelml. 1333 S. 13th st. UI3J14
T6Trs7\Ijl' ; An elegant residence in lTiu > st
JL1 part of the city ; splendid building lots ;
bouses and lots on monthly payments , easy
terms ; 10,000 acres line western lands , all earn-
fully Mileclod , some of It Improved. Doano &
Parrotte. room 17 , Hoard Trade. ri ! > S-0 |
/1OTTAGE homos In most any addition fly
Wsalo at from * l , ( > 00 up , on easy monthor
payments. F. 1C. Darling. 43 Barker block. 211
J' 1ST your property with Larmon P. Pruyn"
JillOUumlng street , for quick results.
_ ; _ 420J2 *
"l OK SALE 8,003 acres best farming land In
J Nebraska at n great sacrifice. Iiiqufro
013 South 13th st. Gco. II , Peterson , owner.
171 j 18
_ _
SALK Flno M-aero farm ; good Im-
pmvcment.s. II. E. Curtis , Monlo. la.
_ _
TJ OK SALE The following ehoico baraglns :
.1 ? Elegant bulldliiK lot , 03x132 , cor. 23th uud
Farnam , $17.500.
8-room house , lot 80x153 , 20th st. , near St.
Mary'rt ave.t cheap , $0,500.
,1-room cottage , lot 33x113 , Davenport , near
2flth st. , KI.600.
O. I , , ( j reen. Room 39. Harkor block. 503
A SMALL payment down and J13 per month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on 10th , 2
blocks from motor ; llrat-olut > s chance to ac
quire a homo on easy terms. Apply toll E.
Cole. Continental blook. _ ! ° 7 _
SIXTY-FIVK ucre.s s. w. of p. o. , suitable for
platting or gardening , for sale at a bargain.
F. 1C. Parting. 43 llarkor blk. _ 211
-ROOM cottages , $1,50(1 ( uaoh , flOO easli down ,
' 'Ijalitncnf 15 per mouth. T.ios. F. Hall. 311
i 'axt oil Jjjock. _ ! MI _
T.1NCOLN Place and Oartnago lots , prlco
X J(1K)0. ( ) $3D down , balance $15 monthly.
W. L. Selby. Room 13. board of trade. ! itO
"I71OK SALE Very cheap , no trade , farm of
JL1 5(3.70 ( acres , sen. 5 , 12 , N. n W. . Hamilton
county , Neb. , 2 miles from Marquette ; hnmll
house , stable , .m acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water ; price only $10 per acru , $3,137.09.
Terms $2,200 cash , balance 0 pur emit Interest.
F. K , Atkins owner , railroad building , Denver.
Col. 241
: _ _
w AUUH & Wcstorllold.ruul o.statu.S.Omalia. 243
Notlou to Oontruotoi'ij.
Illcls will bn received for the erection of a
slx-ntory nml basement brown mono ollleu
Inilldlng. GUvim , corner Fourth and Jackson
streets , riloux City , Iowa. 1'lans and speclll-
( allonscan bo veen nt the olllco of Fisher A ;
KitBsell , architects , Sioux City , Iowa , after
May 2Uh. Dldn will bo opened Tuesday , Juno
Certified check In an amount of $5,000. as an
evidence of good faith , must accompany all
propositions Thu right reserved to reject
any and ull bids.
JAMBS F Tor. Troan. m''ldiot
Sotiotil Honda for Salo.
The Sterling , Nebraska. School Hoard have
cluhl ll.OUO school bonds for sale. Open bldi
will bo received to June 12th , I HIM , and will bo
sold on that day to the ono making the high
est bid. ItondH run , i-.OiW ten yearn , 12,000 IIf-
teeu years , HOW iwenly years , atllvu percenl
pur unnuui , payable unnuully on Iho 1st day
of June. AKicssed value ot district ,
real value , tXXI.OUO. 1'opululluii , lMi ( ) .
Dcpartmonlnf the I'latto , Omaha , Neb
Majr 2 , 1SW ) . Sealed proposals. In triplicate.
iiuiu , Miiiiuui , icv' , ami iiiuii iiiii'iiiii K 'i
fiirnlihlng wood nnd coal required thereat
during llscnl year commencInK July 1st , 1M .
U. S , reserves the right to reJect any or all
bids 1'reforonco given to iirtlele.s of domestic
production , conditions of quality and prlco
( Including In the prlco of foreign production
thu duty thereon ) being equal. All Informa
tion furnished on application hero or to the
1'ost Quartermasters. Envelopes containing
prow | als to bu marked "Proposals for fmtl.
ami addressed as Indicated abovo. W.M , II
HUGHES. Lieutenant Colonel nnd Deputy
Quartermaster General , U. S. A Chief Quar
termaster. iii3dlUM27
Dop.irtmont of the I'latto. Omaha , Neb. .
Mnv 2Cth , IS1. * ) . Soalt'tl proposals , In triplicate ,
will bo received hero and also by each I'
nnd Depot Quartermaster In this Department
until two o'clock-p. m. , central lime , Juno 24 ,
18M , and then opened for furnishing hay and
slraw required In Department of the I'latto
during fiscal year commencing July 1st , 1S1K ) .
U. S. reserves right to rolectanyor all bids.
1'reforenco given to articles of domestic pro
duction , conditions of quality and prlco ( in
cluding lu Ihu prlco of foreign production the
duty thereon ) being rq ial. All Information
furnished on application here or to 1'osl and
Depot Quartermasters. Envelopes eon tain Ing
proposals to bu marked "Proposals for
nt , " and addressed as indicated above.
WM. II. ItUUHES. Lieutenant Colonel nnd
Deputy Quartermaster General , U. H. A. ,
Chief Quartermaster. in2Cditjl20 ! >
To Kondors nml ( Jnttlu Moil.
On and afler Iho SOtli lust. , wo will have for
sale four thousand or morn good , blub grade ,
one , two and three year old Utah feeders , that
wo can furnish at the Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaha ; or If desired , wo can arrange to
sell these callle ut Noith Plulto or Hustings ,
Parties wanting anything lu tills line , will
please correspond with us.
Gio. : HilitKi : A FUA/.IKUSouth OmahaNob.
At Omaha , In Iho Stale of Nebraska , at the
close of business , May 17th , IbiX ) .
Loans nnd discounts . . . - . $2TV1,1SUI ! (
Overdrafts 20 , 20.31
U. H. bonds tosecure cir
culation ( jar value ) . . . fX,000.00 )
U. S. bonds to secure de
posits ( | iar value ) 175,000.00
Other stocks , bonds uud
mortgages 0,902.03
Duo from approved ro-
Hurvu agents fllllK.'r
Due from other nifXIonal
banks 213,325.73
Duo from state bunks
and bankers 19I.O.U0707rt.01S.20
Itauklnghouso 125,000 Oi
Current expenses and
ta.xespald 7,230.20
Premiums paid ? ) , ! I.Sf7
Checks and other cash
Items fiS,02IU3
Exchanges for clearing
house 1. > ,717.GS
III 11s of other national
banks 31,000.00
Fractional paper eur-
lency , nickels ami
cents 210.00
Specie gold and silver
coin .TflO.Bll.TTi
Legal tender notes 180.000.0U 72)1,371.70 )
Kedemptlon fund with
U. H. Ircasuror ( .1 per
cent ot circulation ) . . . . 2,250.00
Due from U. S. treasurer
other than f > pnr cent
redemption fund 40.00
Total Si,91l,740.Ul
Capital stock paid In. . . . 500,000 00
Surplus fund. ino.oun.oi )
Undivided prolits 95V : > A.II
National banknotcsout-
standlng 45,000.00
Individual deposits sub
ject to check JI,233,3H.40
Demand certificates of
deposit 107.8C4.C3
Tlmo certificates of de
posit lM4,4Qfi.n3
Certified checks ( :
Oasliier's chocks 11,774.31
Unite. ! States deposits. . 111.0W.34
Deposits of U. a. dis
bursing olllcors 47,871.21
Duo to other national
banks 723,230.32
Duo to state bunks und
' bankers 592,052.01 4.174,385.47
Total { 1,914.740.01
County of Douglas , f s B
T , F. II. Davis , uiihhlor of the above named
bank , do solemnly swear that the ubovustulo-
inent Is Iruu lo Iho best of my knowledge and
belief. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier ,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo thts2Uth
duy of ilay , 1S90. G. 1J. SiiKi-rAiit ) .
[ 8KAi.J Notary Public.
Correct Atlcst ;
J. A.CllKIOnTON , )
A..I. Poi'i'i.KTo.v , Directors.
Jos.RMeaeATH ,
Importers ami Wholesale Dealers la
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy Goodfl , etc.
J.arftf et assortment fur
Hip variety of Jc , lOc anil SJc counter
goods. Our largo unit fully Illustrated
ailed free to < Unlera only.
St. Louis. Mo.
TNSTKU.MENTS placed on"rocorcf du"iTliTJ
JL yostordav ;
A L Heed to llyron Kecd , n > / lot 0 , Ja
cob's add , wd . $ 5,000
F Hlrschllold to M E Quaekenijush , lot
11) ) , hlk 2 , Sheridan 1'liu-e. wd . 700
Omaha Iteal Estate and Trust company
to S F Smith , lots 7 and 8 , blk 3. Saun-
dcrs& Hlmebaiigb's add to Walnut
Hill , wd . : . . 1,000
J M Daugherty , trustee , to W T Wholan ,
lots 2 and 3 , Irving Place , w d . 2,125
II A Darner and wife to M L King , lotU ,
blk 3 , I'opploton I'ark , w d . 0,000
J H Day and wife to 1 , 3 lluok , G0xl32 In
nw nuO-15-13 , wd . 1,100
J I. lluckloMS Day , 00x1112 iiwnoU-15-
13w d . . . 1,100
Miles & Thompson to M O Mack , lot 8 , blk
2 , Cotter A ; Archer's add , w d . 450
Elslnrod 1'urdy to G W Chapman , und V
w \ \ nw , w } i sw , no sw aud nw so 30-1(1- (
13. q e d . 500
G W Chapman and wife to M F Chapman ,
uud V w H nw , w W sw , nu KW aud nw
so 3010 - 13 , w d . COO
Margaret Cheney and husband to M
Fleming , trustee , lot 10 , Allen's suh.wi ! 2,000
A U Wyman and wife to Mil Lang , lot 11 ,
blk2 , Dwlglit & 1/yman'H add.qod. , . . 1
G M Swlgart and wife to H A Westfleld ,
Iot8 , blk 2. Hoggs k HIH'H2d add , w d. . 1
G M Swlgart and wife to H A WcHtllold ,
lotO. blk 2 , Hoggs k Hill's 2d add , w d. . 1
II A Wcstorlloldto F A Swlgart. lot 8 ,
blk 2 , Hoggs & Dill's 2d add , w d . 1
II A WcHtorllold to F A Swlgart , lot 0 ,
blk 2 Hoggs ft Hill's 2d add , wd . 1
Miles & Thompson to I I/ Mass , lots 23
ami SI , blk ! ! , Fowler Place , wd . 1)50 )
Omaha real estate and trust company
UiM U Davenport , lots , blk 3 , haun-
ders & Hlmebaugh's .Ml Pleasant add ,
wd . 300
M Donnelly and wife to M S Rood , lot IK ,
blk 14 , Albright's annex to South
Omaha , w d .
Nineteen transfers . . . . . * 21,730
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Oirmha , Council lilufTa , DOS Moinca and
Chicago business Is the Hock Island
vestibule limited , leaving Omaha nt 1:15 :
p. in. dally. Tlolcot olllco ICOii , Sixteenth
and Farnam st. , Omaha.
It' Dnrwlu had Only Known.
Donald JluriiH IB a dealer In birds and
animals and IIUB lately added u younj , '
chimpanzee to his collection.
Mr. Hums received word from Boston
u few days since that the captain of n
Balling vessel which had just arrived
there from the west coast of Africa had
u chimpanzee for salo.
Burns accordingly wont to Uoston to
sea the animal , and finding It a good
specimen , purchased it with n view to
it to the park commlsblonerd of
this city , says a Now York special to the
San t'ranclsoo oxnmlnor.
The animal , It seems , In very tame ,
and while on shipboard learned muny
tricks , such as usltitf n fan and outing
with n knlfo nnd fork. The captain's
wife had nmdo the chimpanzee a uhlld'd
dress and hnt.
The appearance of the animal in tlio
logs was ludicrous in the extreme , the
crcaturo looking for all the world llko
nn ordinary but very homely little col
ored girl.
Mr. Uurns was at a loss how to trans
port It to this city , but dually concluded
to dress It up and bring R down by train
in one of the passenger coache.s.
Ono night Mr. Uurns , accompanied by
the chimpanzee , took * In n smoker
on ono of the trains of the Now York ,
Now ITiivon & Hartford railroad , bound
for Now York.
To all appearances ho had a little col
ored girl with him , nnd when the con
ductor cum o around for the tk'kols and
asked for the "girl's" faro there was tv
general roar among the pis.songora : sit
ting near by , who had discovered the na
ture of Hums' companion.
"This isn't anv child"said Mr. Hums.
"You don't call a child as big as that
a lady , do you ? " asked the conductor.
"C'omo , now , ' ' said ho , becoming impa
tient and feeling rather nctllod at the
laughter on all sides ot him. "Yon 11
have to pay half faro anvhow. "
"But I toll " sahf Hums "
you , , "that it
isn't tv child.'r
At this point the chimpanzee , which
had apparently been listening with In
terest to tho'conversation , turned its
face up to the conductor and grinned
"Holy Moses ! " exclaimed the startled
official. "Why , I'm blessed if that isn't
a monkey. "
This was lee much for the conductor ,
who didn't recover from his astonish
ment for the rest of the trip.
Cni-il nf TlinnkH.
Mrs. A. Forsemnn wishes to thank her
friends and the mechanics of the U. I * ,
shops for their kindness and sympathy
shown her during her recent nllllctioti ,
the loss of her husband.
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Hock Is
land route. Ticket olllco , IIMU - Sixteenth
teenth und Farnam streets , Omaha.
U'lio DIseascH ol'V BOlnl > len.
The United States department ( if agri
culture has just usued bulletin No. 11 of
the section of vegetable pathology. This
publication , prepared by H , T. Galloway ,
chief of the section , is n report on the
experiments nmdo in 188'J ' in the treat
ment of several important plant dis
The work was carried on in nine slates ,
embracing nearly every variety of soil
and climate and the results as sot forth
are as n whole highly encouraging , de
spite the fact that the season was one of
the worst- over known for fungus dis
eases of all kinds. The diseases undi-r
treatment wore seal ) , rust and biHor-rot
of the apple ; powdery mildew , downy
mildew , leaf-blight , unthrni'iiosu and
black-rot of the grape ; loaf-blight of the
pear ; leaf-blight , rust and lire-blight ot
the quince ; loaf-blight of the straw
berry ; rust and leaf-blight of the black
berry ; rot and blight of the potato , tomato
mate and melon.
Considerable spaoo is devoted to a
summary of volunteer reports on vine
diseases from which it appears thiit
nearly every ono who followed the di
rections laid down by the department ;
succeeded in saving the greater part nt
their crop. From all accounts it would
seem that the Bordeaux mixtnro con
taining G pounds of copper and -I pounds
of lime to 22 gallons of water is still the
most reliable remedy for grape diseases.
The results , however , oi the treatment
with Ihoiiininoniticalcarbonate ocopp"r [
solution are highly encouraging and
load to the belief that in ordinary sea
sons it will bo the cheapest , nui.-it dii-
nblo and offoutivo romndy. Ono ad
vantage it iiossesses _ over tno Bor
deaux mixture , is that it does not sour
the fruit , which is a , mutter of impor
tance , especially where the grapes aroused
used for tlio table. Mr. Galloway bitg-
go.sts thatlho Bordeaux mixture is iisi'd
for the lirst three treatments after which
the umtnonlncal solution be substituted
for the rest of the season.
Apple scab was treated In Wisconsin
and Michigan with remarkably satisfac
tory results , the best remedies being the
ammoniacal solution and modified can
celeste. By the application of these
preparations at a total cost of 2o CL-ntH
per tree , the yield of fruit free fromscnb
was from 00 to 75 per Cent greater than
on trees of the same variety not treated.
The bulletin gives u detailed account of
the entire work describing tln > methods
of preparing and applying the remedies ,
cost of the various treatments , etc. , mid
concludes with a paper on the amount of
copper in wines nmdo from treated
grapes , and the hyglo nlc questions this
Now Novel -"Th oHcll of Kt. Paul's , " by
Wultor Hesinit , has rapidly nltiilni'd u largo
and do.icruod popularity. Jn it the uuthor
says , "This is mi HKO of Apnlltimrls water"
a very true remark , seeing that no less than
10,822,01)0 ) bottles worelilletl ut the Apolll-
noris Sprint , ' in the year IbS'Jl '
'I'ho now olllcos of the great Hook Is
land route , 10012 , Sixteenth and Karnam
street , Omaha , are the finest in the city ,
Call and see them. Tickets to all poinltJ
cast at lowest rates.
. . .
IjIcoiiHO and Prohibition.
An act to Kiibmlt to Hie doctors of the statu
for rejection or approval an uiiirndmi'ii ! to tin )
constitution of the state to prohibit the manu
facture , sain and lu'iipliig for snlo of Intoxi
cating HIJUOI-S as u hovoragr. and , novllng ( |
for the manner of voting on such amendment ;
and an amendment to tli < u'oiistiiullon of I Jill
htato to license and regulate- the manufiictuio ,
sale and Ucoplug fonaleof Intoxicating liipmr.i
as a bovurage. and providing for the manner ot
voting on such proposed amend mi'tit. '
He In enacted by the legislature of I he atato
of Nebraska :
.Section 1. That at the general oh'oll.m to ha
held on the Tuesday succeeding the llrt Mon
day of November , A. D. . IrfDO , Iherti shall bu
submitted to the electors of this stale for ap
proval or rnjectloii an amendment to tlny'on-
slltiitlonof this htato In words us follows :
"Thu maun fact uro , Hale , and keeping for sale ,
of Intoxicating jlipiors as a beverago. uro for'
over prohibited In tills stale , and I lie legis
lature shall piovldo bylaw for the enforcu *
inenl of this provision.
"And there bhall also at said election ha
separately tiuhmlttod to the olci'lorxof tlitl
Htato for their appiovalor lujnctlon an iimend
meat to thu constitution of the stale in weld *
as follows ; "Tho manufacture , Hale and Keep.
Ing for sain of Intoxicating lliiiorn | as it bev
erage , Khali be licensed and regulated b > law , "
t-oclloii 2. Albiiuli iilectlon.on lh ballot of
each elector voting for the proposed iinioiid'
incuts to the constitution , shall liuuiHtouos
pi luted thu words ;
"Foriroposed ; amendment to thn nmslllu *
It on prohibiting the manufacture , tale and
keeping for bale of Intoxicating llqien'i ax u
beverage , " or "Against ( .aid iiniendinei.t lit
constitution prohibiting the imiiuifa , Into ,
hale or keeping for tale of Intoxicating limiori
us a boviTiiSje. " ThiMu sliall also | m tYrlllen
or printed on the ballot of each elector voting
for the proposed amendment to thu
Hon. the words.
For proposed amendment to thn constitu
n thattliu manufacture. Hale and kuoplnrf
for ale of Intoxicating | lu.ii < in > us u boveratiA
In this slate shall bo licensed und rujfiiliitoil
by law , " or "Against hald proposed amend *
incut to the constitution that the nmnnfao *
tun ) , xalii ami liuuplng forNiiloof Inloxloullnrf
llitiors | as a beverage uhull be lluunbcd una
regulated by law. "
heo. ; i. If either of thu said proposed amend
incut * hhall be approved by u majority of th
electors voting ut the Mild election , then IH
sliall constiliilo .vcllon ' , ' 7 of aillclo 1 ot Ui
coiiitltutluuuf this stall ) .
Always UH IMatt'w Clilorldcn
To dihlnfi'ft tUo housu drains , wutor