Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1890, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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STho Events of the Peat Week in the
Ohurohes ,
A. HlR Cnmp Meeting Coining Tlio
Itlblo Society's Plans Tlio Ep-
\vortti . Ijongun Pulpit
nnd Pew Notes.
The convention of "Our Young'People" of
the United Presbyterian church at Monmouth ,
111..was a tnetnorablo enjoyable event to those
Vim were delegates from Oiffahn.
Mist Hello McCulloch was honored with n
Secretaryship. W. M. Lorimcr gave
nn address on the "Organt/atlon
nnd Management of Young Peoples'
Societies , " which ho handled in au Interesting
and nblo manner , nnd nn extended confer-
Cjfce while it was being dtacusscd.
Km * . John Williamson , D.D. , spoke on the
nubjeot "The Holy Spirit and His Work Iu
Our Work. "
The wisdom of tlio general assembly in ap
pointing a committee with general charge of
youm ; people's work In the churches was rco
ogni/cd and commended.
Thu need of more definite instructions , do-
filgncd to aid the efforts of the young people
to properly organize and sustain their efforts
was suggested , and a manual lo that end was
Bd. vised.
The formation of the United Presbyterian
nodi-til" ) and the appointment ot organizers
The Young people were cautioned against
tcoeiviiig persons into membership without
flue cafe.
1 The siH-retarlos of societies wcro requested
to send reports of meetings to the ofllcial pa
per. It was recommended Unit n committee
in ; appointed lo map out a course of reading
for young people , and secure the same as
cheaply as possible.
IMIilo Distribution.
Omaha is to bo thoroughly canvassed by
rcprwntatives of the American Bible society
for tlio purpose of enlLHtlug the sympathies of
the people iu llio bible missionary work.
3'hoiu unable to purchase a bible may bo pro-
vldeti with a copy for the proper Christian
education of their children , and Sunday
Schools may get a supply through the gener
osity of liberal-minded people seeking the
most , oniclent channel through which to make
nii0)Toring ) towards the education of the rls-
Iii-XCi'iicrntioii. The holy bible , llio mission-
nrle.s Miy , Is very oflen llio book which ilrst
reaches'and makes an impression upon tlio
child , nnd parents are urged to place it within
thu reach of children who would not probably
he u' ' ln to obtain one. The society will prose
cute Uu-dlstribution with thoutmost diligence
and -.coks only the co-operation of Christian
Tlio ch-rgv nro requested to decide upon a
liny upon which the bible cause may bo prc-
seiireil to their congregations.
The society will present a report each
itionth of the ninst interesting developments
in the experience of those engaged iu the
Tlio Methodist Conl'orRiice.
Bishop Newman of Iho Methodist church the treasurer of tlio board of trus
tees that the meeting of the general coufer-
once of May , IMfcJ , will bo held in Omaha.
U.'h > ' blihop expects to bo in this city on Juno
T , mid on Sunday , Juno 8 , will speak at the
opening of the basement story of Iho new
chuvh. Davenport and Twentieth streets ,
on tin1 occasion of the occupation of the now
l > Uee ! > y the Sunday school.
Juno s. is lo bo celebrated throughout the
land by Methodists as children's day ,
and it is filling that the Sunday school
rooms of this line church should bo used first
for such a purpose.
Bi-hop Newnmn , nt the laic meeting of his
colleagues , wns appointed to visit Japan iu
the interest of the church bo represents , nnd
will in u few weiijts bo On lib way across the
I'acilkocean hi transit
A Grcr
The Methodist camp-meeting for the year
IS'.lU will commence on July ! ! I and continue
lioyond that time as long as may bo deemed
uei-pss.iry , at least over two Sundays. Rev ,
.1.V Uotiinson of Omaha , and four presiding
elders of the conference , Kevs. .T. 15. Max-
Held , T. U. Clendeiming , J. W. Shank nnd A.
Ilodgctts , wore appointed the executive com-
initu-e. Uov. J. W. Hublnson was elected
chairman , and the coinmilteo will take charge
of everything connected with the i-ainp-meot-
intr. not'otherwlso provided for. The grounds
have been much improved and a live commit
tee Is at work to make the coming canit-
int'ct inn the most enjoyable nnd best yet held.
} { ev. . .1.V. . llobinson. Fremont , will give all
information coiicerning the meeting to these
desiring it.
Tlic I pwot-tlt llcccptlou.
On .lime 10 Iho whole body of Iho Epworth
ii'juo mid the Young I'eople's Society of
tMiristiaiiKiideavorof the Methodist churches
of Omaha will give a reception and enter
tainment at Y. M. C. A hall.
The occasion will bo made delightful mu-
Mcull.v , Miss Bessie Belle Juno of Indianapo
lis and I'l-of. Sutorius' mandolin club fur-
iiHhing Iho cntcrtalnmenl. The affair will
lie for the benollt of the young people's soci
eties of the M. E , churches of the city.
Southwest Presbyterian church , Twentieth
ni > .l Leaven worth streets. Prcnching by llov ,
M Wan of Clinton , Mo. , ItCiiU a. in. and S p.
in r'reo pews. Congregational singing.
Ki inody welcome. Take the Sixteenth
mi'l ' P.u-k avenue motor line.
S- Joseph ( Episcopal ) William Osgood
J Vuim , rector. Services , S a. in. holy com-
muiinm. H n. in. morning prayer , litany and
hcriium ; " : 15 evening prayer ; Sunday school ,
11 l.'i a m. ; literary service , Friday 7:15 : p. m.
( Vntral United Presbyterian church , Sov-
c'uu-oiiih between Capitol avenue and Dodge
Mivets. Preaching tomorrow at lOiIHJa. in.
lij the pastor , llov. John Williamson ; sub-
ji'it , "Those in Authority ; " ats p. in. , topic ,
'O > 'f ' Young People. " All nro invited.
Welsh Presbyterian church.- Services :
Th'1 llr-t quarterly meeting of the Sunday
Ki-liiinl will be hold at 10 o'clock a.m. . when
th.tnldron nnd adults will bo questioned in
tlu-ir i-espcclivo lessons ; the choir will sing
tun anthems ; 7I0 : ! p.m. , preaching -subject :
IVrU'i-tion : How Attained. " Tlio evening
M.TX . .e will oo conducted In English by the
IHiii'iiHev. ' . J. 11. Johns.
I'n-st Bitptist church Pastor Hev. A. W.
ai' 1 * I" Chicago attending the Baptist an-
rsuHcrt , and by special request llov. J.
A\ " Hun-Is , the former pastor , will preach
uiorningiatid evening.
KoiinUe Memorial Lutheran church , corner
SixCcv'ilh and Hnrney streets. Regular scrv-
iii' nt 111 : W ) a.m. , preaching by llov. A. W.
l.lpe : Suuilay school at noon ; young people's
jirrt > or meeting at T p.ln. There will bo no
I'lnn-i U service In the evening.
' cii'iivh of the Good Shepherd , Nineteenth
mi't Lake-streets , Rev , J. P. 1) . Lloyd , rector ,
Wliiixuiuhiy services : Holy communion at
10 a , m , Sunday school nt 10 a. m. , services
wi'ih sermons by the rector at 11 n. m. and 8
1 . in AU persons aw cordially invited to
ttti-s' ' ' services. Seats free.
Trinity M. B. church , Kountzo Place , has
lieeu decorated throughout , an important
uivliitei-tural change made , the streets graded
and terraced. Tlio service Sunday morning
will bo of special Interest , The pastor's
theme i > . "Beautifying the Sanctuary. "
All Saints' church , Twenty-sixth nnd
Howard streets , Whitsunday , May . 18'JO.
U'he musical the 11 o'clock service will bo
communion service in ! ' , Stnlncr ; anthem ,
Praised bo the Lord , " Calkin. At the 4
o'clock service magnificat and mine dcmitUs
in It Hut , Calkin ; anthem , "It Shall Come to
1 fa v. , ' ' Uarrott. Free sittings for strangers.
l-'UNt UiilvorsiiHst church , Jlev. W. H.
Hinii pastor. SctTlces 10:45 : a. in. nt uoocl-
, / * viiii hall , North Twenty-fourth street , three
Mucks north of Cumlng street ; memorial
Bcriiiou. The G. A. H. posts of the city to bet
t Evening services omitted.
-Uur Street Presbyterian church ,
Sixteenth and Castclhir. Services at
IU M a m. and S p. m. Sabbath school at I'J
in > 01 ntr people's mcctlni ! at 7 p. in , The
Itcv Df H W Ivuhiis will preach In UIQ
juoni nf. Two younu ccutlcmcu at Bellevue
college will conduct the services tn the even
ing. Strangers cordially Invited.
Second Presbyterian church , Snundcrs nnd
Nicholas streets. Preaching nt 10I10 ; n. m.
nnd 10 p. m. by Rev. Edgar R Johnston ot
Shields , Pa , Sunday school nt noon. Young
people's prayer meeting nt7 p , m. Seats free ;
public luvlted.
Saints' chattel , Twenty-firsthand Clark
streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m.
Sundny school nt 13:30. : All searching for
truth Invited.
Y. M. C. A. Building corner Sixteenth
nnd Douglas. Free rending room oixm from
On. in. till It ) p. m. dally , except Sunday ;
open Sunday from 2 to (1 ( p. m. Visitors al
ways welcome. Meeting for youne men Snt-
urdny night at 8-aOp. in. , led by Ed S. Wil
bur , Service of song Sundny nt 4 p , m. , la
which the celebrated "T 1C. " quartette , nnd
Mr. t'orrlngcr. cornet soloist , will take part.
A cordial invitation to all , Traveling men
especially Invited.
Kirst M. B. church , Davenport near Sov-
cnlecnlh Morning service ntlO0 ! ! n , m. A
provoking sermon. Evening service nt 8 p.
in. Subject : "Tim Donovnn , or u More Won
derful ( 'ospcl Temperance Triumph than
Francis Murphy. " Sabbath school at 2 : : ) p.
in. Y. P. S. C. E. nt 7 p. m. All scats free
and everybody welcome.
People's church , Boyd's opera house Sab
bath school nt 10 n. m. ; preaching at 11 n. m.
by the pastor , llov. Charles W. Savldgo , sub
ject , "Faithfulness In Litlio Things. "
Francis Mm phy will speak ntSp. m. Allure
uro welcome.
South Tenth Street M. E. church , class
meeting 10 n. m. ; preaching 10 : : ) n. in. , sub
ject , "Wnntcd in Heaven ; " Sunday school 12
m. , Arthur N. Smith superintendent : young
people's meeting 7 p. m. , led by Miss Harriet
Bccdlo ; preachings p. m. , subject , "Child
hood and Youth of Methodism. " Epworth
league second nnd fourth Tuesday of each
month 8 p. in. llruver meeting every
Wcdncsdnp 8 p. in. C. N. Dawson pastor.
Trinity Cathedral Cnpitol avenue nnd
Eighteenth street , Very Rev. C. H. Gardner ,
dean. Holy communion tit 8 a , in. , holy com
munion and sermon at 11 a. m. , Sunday school
attIG ) : p. in. , children's service at 3 : l. > p. in. ,
evening prayer and sermon at 7:45 p , in. The
dean will pi-each morning and evening.
Plymouth Congregational Church Corner
of Twentieth und Spencer strcettt , Dr. A. II.
Thaiu , pastor. Preaching nt 10:30 : u. in. and
8 p. m. , Sundav school at 13 , Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor at 7.
Methodism is shortly to cclolcato its cen
tennial at Boston.
The subscription list for Dr. Talmage's new
churcu grows slowly , it is said.
The pope is so ascetic in his mode of living
that he is said to spend less than $1,000 , a year
on his immediate wants.
At least ia,0X ( ) of the 250,000 self-supporting
women of Now York are yearly reached by
the Young Women's Christian association of
that city.
Tlio American Baptist missionary union er-
ccntly received $5,000 from the relatives of a
man wHo intended to bequeath it tothounion ,
but died before ho had made a will.
Nearly the whole of Sennacherib's great
palace in Assyria has been cleaned out , and
the result is thai 1,700 new tablets , etc. , have
been secured for Ihe British museum.
The Moravians number 'JS.'j-JT , and yet we
are told that they have sent out , during the
century , 2Ti,000 missionaries and &JOO,000
yearly. They have nine mission ships.
The sixtli International Sunday-school con
vention embracing representatives from the
United States and British America , will beheld
held in the city of Pittsburg , Pa. , Juno 21-27 ,
IbOO ,
Tlio Baptist denomination in Liberia is the
only .self-supporting religious body in that
country. There are thirty-one churches , ,
witli 11,000 members. They have a mission
among the aborigines.
On the west coistof ; Africa thcro arenow-
200 churches , 'Ci.OOO converts , 100,000 , adlicr
tints , 2.750 schools , and ! 10,000 pupils. Re
ligious books have been translated into thirty-
live dialects of the scclion.
L'Abbo Baliffol of Paris lias just discov
ered in a manuscript in the national library
the Greek original of the apocryphal "As-
ccnsic Isahu , " which was only known from
IheEthiopic version edited by ProfDil-
According to a recent statement of the re
ceipts and disbursements of the Roman Cath
olic society for llio propogalion of the faith ,
SI,27H,000 was contribuled for missionary
work in 18iS , of which amount the United
Sttites gave $52,000 and received $11,000.
Tlio sum of $ ! l,000 ! has been seemed by
Bishop Hurst in Washington out of the
? 100,0X ! ) which it is expected to obtain in that
city for the purchase of the site for tlio Meth
odist university. Then Bishop Hurst will ap
peal to the country for the buildings and en
Was John Howard , the world famous phil
anthropist , a Unitarian ) This question has
recently been raised in England. It appears
in evidence that this great iovcrof humanity
had a great many Unitarian friends , wor
shiped part of the time with Unitarians ami
entrusted his son's education to a Unitarian
A lecture course known as the "Merchants'
lecture , " has been given in London for 2'JO
years. It was founded in the reign of Charles
H. by merchants , with the prolessod design
of upholding the doctrines of the reformation
against Iho errors of popery , sociiiiaiiism and
infidelity. Lecturers of today are weekly
carrying on the purpose of the founders.
Peter's collected -last
pcnso was year ac
cording to the following table : Austria con
tributed 10,000 , ; Italy and France , Jtl 1,000
each ; South America , 12,000 ; North Amer
ica , 11,500 ; Spain , 8,000 ; North German v ,
7,200 ; Portugal , 0,000 ; Ireland , 5,200 ;
Belgium , 1,200 : Asia , 1,000 ; Roumaiiia ,
1,000 : Great Britain , ! ! ,800 ; Africa , 11,1100 ;
Poland , JIsOO ; Australia , ! ) ,400 ; Switzer
land , 2,200 , and Russia , 1,000.
Pope Leo XIII. derives his revenue from
throe sources. Ono is the interest of the vast
sum left by Pius IX. in the pontifical treas
ury , invested chiefly in English consols.
This interest amounts to $ i25,000 ! a year.
Another source is the Peter's pence contri
bution , which In spite of Iho very great ro-
duclion in late yeais , averages about j-l 15,000
annually. The third source is the anostolio
chancery , tho-receipts of which incluilo sums
received for titles and decorations , privileges
tit the altar , private chapels , etc. , and aggre
gate about $520,000 a year. The entire an
nual income of Leo XIII. , therefore , is
about $1,500,000.
"Tho Omnliu Dnily Bqo Hat. "
The enterprising flnn of Darrow & Logan
have always been In the lead In novelties In
head wear , but this recent Introduction , of
TUB Bun HVT Is especially attractive. This
hat comes in black , now Azune , dark sleol
and blue ; is tourist or "Gem" shape , with a
liiinaturo copy of a recent issue of TUB BUB
plainly and perfectly stamped hi the lining.
A reporter of TUB BKB was shown all through
the immense salesrooms of Messrs. Darrow &
Logan , and confesses surprise at the enor
mous stock our Omaha market requires , and
can certainly boast of having had no Idea
such n stock could bo crowded into seven
floors , Iwo of which nro lllled with fur hats
from $12 to $15 per dozen , of which the llrm
makes a specialty.
Prlco of Omaha Bee hat , $24.00 dozen.
Send for sample OHO half dozen. Every hat
warranted. _
Fowls ibr Fruit Growers.
Every person who growrf apples , pears ,
plums or peaches should keep poultry.
\Vo tlo not believe that when the lions
run at largo over the ground occupied
by a Ini'Ko orchard they will bo of much
Borvleo for the reason that the lions will
llml plenty of work from tlio trees. The
proper motlo of utilizin } , ' liens in or
chards is to keep a dozen hona in a yard
inclosing two trees only , says tlio Poul
try and Pets. As the fowls will resort
to tjio trees for shade they will work
around the trunks nnd nlno on the
ground under the trees. This method
divides tlio lions and keeps them busy nt
till the trees. They will thus not only
alTord ample protection against Insects ,
us can bo demonstrated by experiment
but they will enrich tbocraund and glvo
u prollt tia well. It will bo no Injury to
an orchard to give tlio method a trial.
The mast sweeping argument of the iruto
housewife Is the broomstick.
. *
When n man Is described as "Just tl o
cheese , " the pnvsumptioii Is that ho Is a
inltoy good fellow.
Why Women Should Emulate the Hedgerow
of Nature.
Activity AmniiK the Fair Ones Sinking
Heady to Appenr Irresistible nt
Seaside , I'nrk
lain Top.
Society Ims pone , Is going , or planning to
go , away tot tlio summer and wcro wo to
faithfully clirouldo Its doings for the past
week thcro would bo vexatious hours will-
tlio dressmakers , whole mornings given over
to distress , when fair maidens , April-wise ,
dissolve themselves in tears over the Impos
sible shade of a bit of silk or ribbon that must
bo matched to a nicety for the eutlro success
of a toilette. The choice of shoos that
will nlluro nnd yet not suggest
nn incautious display of the pretty foot 'en '
cased therein , well-nigh brings on n fever ,
while the selection of a hut with an over
growth of posies which will cast a becoming
shadow over the smiling eyes and frame the
dainty face In a cobwebby garniture of lace ,
proves equally dlfllcult with the acquiring of
Sanscrit. So much depends upon bedizon-
inont during the idlcsso of summer. When
nature , with a full realization of the fact , ab
sorbs herself In the putting oir of tender
greens and the llrst touch of color , why should
not a belle sacrifice days and endurance
nt the shrine of her sweet person nnd its cor
rect adornment. It is an unforgivable crime
for a woman to be ugly during the time of
roses , tulip- ? and peonies with their sweet
ness , fragrance- and triumph of color. A
dainty freshness is posslblo to the poorx t
among us , though the frame lor the sotliiif ?
be a print gown and a straw hat smartened
oidy by e bit ot ribbon. The season's ( lowers
point a moral and adorn a tale in their
charmingly adaptive way of blooming
fragrantly and refreshingly at the
cottage door as well as in the
carefully tended gardens of the rich.
Therefore , if tlio Sunday's page lose by the
putting of time to personal gracing rather
than entertainment , lot none of the sweet
young tilings that bloom In the social garden
be outdone in charm and sweetness by na
ture's hedgerow during the coming summer.
Miss Jjl//.io Isaacs' Concert.
Washington hall was completely lllled
Tuesday evening with an audience of music
loving people who testified l y unstinted ap
plause to their appreciation of the popular
and talented young bcncllciairo in whoso
honor the concert was given.
Miss Lizzie Isaacs , leading soprano of St.
Peter's church , not only possesses a remark
able voice , but has it under such perfect con
trol that her execution of trills , scales and
other embellishments is as faultless as her
sustained notes are full and rich. The aria
from "Lucia , " which was selected for this
occasion , is one of the difllcult of oper
atic selections , and in tills Miss Isaacs
did herself full justice , astonishing
her hearers by thc.purity of hur tones , as well
as by lior faultless execution. In response to
an enthusiastic encore slio sang Coweu's ever
beautiful , "It was a Dream , " receiving many
floral tributes , among which was a basket
from the kindergarten class attached to her
college of music , the music class proper pre
senting her with a life-size portrait of Chopin ,
her favorite composer. Miss Addle Newman ,
a young lady pupil who made her debut , sang
charmingly , and reflects much credit on Miss
Isaacs' teaching. Miss Mattie Kennedy , a
young musician new to Omaha audiences ,
sang "Oil Rest in the Lord , " from Elijah ,
most artistically. She possesses a beauti
ful contralto voice of wide range ,
highly cultivated and under competent con
trol , and will be u great acquisition to Oma
ha's musical circles.
Mrs. Moeller , Mr. B. B. Young and Prof.
Baetcus all arc artists of the highest order ,
whose presence is always sufficient to ensure
a musical success , did not fall short of their
usual excellence on this occasion and con
tributed their full share to an excellent pro
gramme. The accompanists were Madame
Young and Miss Henderson.
The opening and closing numbers were
rendered by a ladies' vocal quartette consist
ing of the Misses Isaacs , Swift , Kennedy
and Hooncy , who sang in a harmonious man
ner "Invitation to the Danco" ( Oesten ) and
the "Gypsies , " Schumann.
A Tally-lfo Party.
On Thursday evening a gay party of young
people moved by a desire for the joys of com
panionship and a leaning to bro.ak the silence
with laughter and a challenge ot wit , betook
themselves in a coach to "Happy Hollow. "
The picture they presented covering the top
and thrusting their charming faces from the
windows was fetching to a degree and calcu
lated to turn green with envy those ot their
particular merry-go-round not fortunate
enough to have been asked. They drove
about the streets for a timq and then over tlio
hills to that enchanted valley , made doubly
beautiful by art and nature. Hero sweets
and ices awaited them and a drive homo in the
tender light of the evening , when elioieo gov
erned mating was marked by a repetition of
the sweets without the ices in the exchange
of compliment and pretty speeches.
Those who constituted the party were :
Mrs. Bradford , Miss Williams , Miss Ander
son , Miss Lanphore , Miss Dewcy , Miss Yost.
Miss Miss Orchard , Miss Sherwood
nnd the Misses Vales , Mr. Robert Patrick.
Mr. John Patrick , Mr. Will Doano , Mr. Ber
lin , Mr. Guion , Mr. McCngue , Mr. Pierre
Garncau , Mr. Coiighlln , Mr. Charles IIowo
and Mr , Henry Wyman ,
A lcli litt'til Surprise.
Friday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
Itlchurdson were enjoying a four-fcet-on-tho
fender talk they were surprised by the arri
val of twenty friends with cards , prizes , sup
per , punch , and enough joviality for three
times the number. Chairs wcro immediately
arranged at the various tables and tlio liveli
est and most exciting game began , Mrs ,
Cowlu secured the lirst prize , a cut-glass
cream Jug nnd Mr. Cowin a lantern lllled with
perfume to find an honest man withal , while
Mrs. Morse carried away the consolation
prize. Wreaths of roses with streaming rib-
IKIIIS were added to tlio rewards of tliovictors ,
nnd the crowned heads , particularly Mr.
Cowiu's , presented an umtcaiimce calculated
to inspire shouts of laughter. Altogether the
evening was ono of interrupted galty which
will continue tn give pleasure In thought long
after the roses have faded and the effect of
the punch has become n part of tlio past.
A IMonmutt
On Friday evening Mr. Frank Polgloso en
tertained a number of his friends very agree
ably at his homo on Sherman aveiiuo. Danc
ing , music and an attractively appointed
supper served to make the time pass nil too
quickly , nnd the whole affair rolleoted any
amount of credit on the young entertainer.
The guests wow : The Misses Blanche Van
Court , Winfred Smith , Until Tumor , Mabel
Cotter , Nannie Shook , Halllo Wing , Mvrtlo
Coon. May Fawcctt , Maud and Nelllo Filch ,
Mamie Hall , Mattiu Uungan , Amy Uohin-
son , Mellio McLaln , Halllo Osborno , Mabel
Mason and Messrs , Arthur Cooly , Charllo
Colby , Oeorgo Hess , Arthur Angel , Charles
Wollor , William King , Charles Van Court ,
Fnmk Haskcll , George McLaln , James
Darneille , Otto Hanmon , Charles Moody ,
Herbert An ford , Holaud Itoblnson , William
Ait UvonliiK'n Iligli Vive.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bennet gave n high
five party on Tuesday enonlng in honor of
their guests , Mr. and Mrs , Wheeler. Ten
tables of interested players filled the charmIng -
Ing drawing rooms and hall , conversation
mingling agreeably with the scoring of points.
The o < lnr of spring ( lowers scattered about
through the rooms together with the flushing
ot lights and rainbow-tinted gowns maJu out-
of-doors with Its leaden skies nnd threaten
ing moisture a foil for the brightness within.
Mrs. Hichardson secured the llrst prUo and
Mrs , Cowlu the second ,
Surprint ) Party.
Ou Thursday evouiuj ; friends and nei'bbjrd |
gnvo an agreeable sturpdso party to Miss Idn
Engstrom nt her homci Thirty-sixth nnd Do-
eatur streoia , the ocoHlwi being her Twentieth
tieth birthday. A [ 'pleasant evening was
spent ( n card playing nqd , social conversation.
A delicious repast woj. served ami many
happy returns of the anniversary wore wished
Miss Engstrom by her , many friends on leave
taking. v ;
The StowftrfPitoeoptlon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dudley _ . Stewart held a re
ception In honor of theijrj.flfth anniversary nt
Mrs. Churchill's residence , Non. 109 nnd 411
North Nineteenth strti'ty ' on Thursday evenIng -
Ing , May M. As to sucjfcss ? it must bo ranked
amongst the llrst KVI | ; this season. The
spacious parlors fragj'ant with sweet per
fume , resembled 5 garden of flowers , wlillo
tlio enchanting strains of n hidden orchestra
mndo reality appear like paradise. Amongst
tlio guests wcro the Viscountess do Martel ,
Mrs. ex-Governor Satovn of San Antonio ,
Mrs. Wilson of Denver , Mrs. Churchill , Miss
Kottler , Miss Churchill , Miss Hamilton , Mrs.
McIClbhcn , Mrs. Gasman , Mrs. Mann , Miss
Dawsoii. Mrs. Kahl , Mrs. Pike , Mm.Walters ,
Miss Stillwcll and Mrs. Porrln. Viscount do
Martel , ex-Governor Satova , Judge Mora-
man , Dr. L. J. Kohnstamm , Colonel ICettler ,
Mr , Sears , Mr. Walters , Mr. Wheelock , Mr.
Pike. Mr. autumn , Mr. Kahl , Mr. Scott , Mr.
Jacobs , Mr. Hulslzer. Mr. H. Kcttlcr , Mr.
Frank Tumor and Mr. II. Churchill.
Miss Stewart's costume was a handsome
evening gown of pink "ilk made by Worth
of Paris. It baffled all diMcriptinn. A'is-
countcss do Muriel wore a beautiful trained
cream colored silk heavily draped with Span
ish lace , wlillo her neck win encircled by a
beautiful diadem set in emeralds and dia
monds. Mrs. Ex-Governor Katova , black
silk , diamonds nnd tea roses. MM. Churchill ,
handsome trained gown of black crepe do
chion. Miss Churchill , salmon pink , .Icniiess
Miller costume. Miss Kcttler , hamisoni" , .
gown of light blue civpo de ehIon , diamond
and la Franco roses. Miss Hamil
ton , black lace , yellow brocade
nnd tea roses. Miss Wilson ,
blue crepe , trimmings of silver , while her
golden hull1 was studded with beautiful pearls
Mrs. Walters' gown of pink satin striped
gauze , roses to match , nnd diamond orna
ments. Mrs. Gasman Nile green , caught on
ono side with richly Jeweled eagle's claw.
Mrs. Mann an artistic KOWII of 1-030 silk.
Mrs. McICibboii , black silk richly brocaded.
Miss Stillwcll , olive India silk and white
roses. Mrs. Kahl , white orepe , trimmings of
black , and red roses. Mrs , Pike , red silk
trimmed in black , and garnet necklace.
Mrs. Porrin , gray silk rii-hly draped with
Spanish lace , and red roses. Miss Dawson ,
lavender silk gown , white front and bodice ,
diamond necklace and white roses.
Alitn' "Gimlet-din. "
On Tuesday evening the young women of
Drowuell hall , under the direction of Mrs.
Cotton , gave a happy rendition of Abts' can
tata of "Cinderella" in the music room of the
hall. Nature has gifted the performers with
pleasing voices and the result of conscientious
practice and admirable training was apparent
both in the solos and Hie chorus. Miss Hain-
bolt , whoso voice is n high soprano , sang the
part of Cinderella chnrmim-ly. Miss Holt as
White Bird , Miss Thorpe and Miss Tichiio as
the Wicked Sisters , and Miss 1'armor as the
Prince , sang well and gracefully. The nudl-
once was a largo and fashionable one , and the
reception that followed the cantata was dis
tinctly enjoyable. "
Mr. Guy C. Barton hta gone to Denver.
Miss Mary Smith of4Cleveland is the guest
of Mrs. Kilpalrick.
Mr. and Airs. Jolm.McCormick have gone
to Portland , Oregon. . ,
Mrs. P. L. Perine and Miss Perino left on
Monday for Chicago.
Miss Allta Lanphere of Chicago is the
guest of Miss DoweyJ'
Miss Johnson of Utica ' is visiting Mrs
Gardner at the deanery ;
Mrs. Lutoyrof St. Ltjujs visited Mrs. T. J.
Rogers during the week.
Mr. Rogers ana Mr. Kdgar of Chicago wer
in Omaha during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morse are visiting Mr.
and Airs. Gasper E. Yosl.
MissAIabel OrcharBvloft on Wednesday
for a month's stay.-in StI Louis. '
Air. and Mrs. If. C. ' M'cChu'o entertained a
number ot friends at etirds last evening ,
The proposed coaching'parly to Bellcvueon
Tuesday was postponed owing to the weepy
On Saturday evening a party of belles and
beaux attended the bicycle race at the Coli
Dr. and Mrs. John Clark Jones entertained
a number of friends at high live on Friday
Air. II. n. Lander arrived on Saturday
from Salt Luke an a is visiting Mrs. Dana
Airs. George E. Prltchctt gave a pleasant
card party lost evening in honor of Mr. and
Airs. Wheeler of Utiea.
The tennis club of a . { ear ago is in process
of reorganization , mid some games of "love
all" may bo looked for.
Airs. Savage gave a beautiful dinner Friday
evening in honor of Air. and Airs. Wheeler
with covers laid for eight.
Airs. James W. Savage will leave on Tues
day for her summer homo in New Ilamp- '
sluro. Judge Savage will join her later.
On Thursday Mrs. William Ross , accom
panied hi * Miss Hnss and Aliss liena Hess ,
will leave for a year's stay in Chic .go.
t3Mr. and Mrs , Lewis Ilecd and Air. and
Airs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock loft on Tuesday
for New York , whence they sailed on Salur-
Airs. Ezra Millard and her family will
leave on Thursday for Baltimore. They to-
golhor with Air. and Mrs. Kilpatriclc will
sail Juno 18 on the Saalo.
Mrs. A. W. Fairbanks lias returned from
an extended visit in tlio east , during which
time she was for several weeks Ihe guest of
Air. and Airs. Clemens ( Mark Twain ) ,
On Friday evening Judge Ivcs gave a
"stag" dinner in liquor of Hon. W. J. Connell -
nell , the guests being : Ilev. U'illard Scott ,
Mr. J. W. Gritllth , Mr. Samuel Burns and
Mr. F. W. Gray.
Air. and Airs. Will Wood left on Tuesday
for Ogden where they will make llieir Home ,
Air. Wood having accepted the position of
secretary of the South Ogden land and stock
yards company.
Aliss Carrie Dotwiler will add another to
the number of Omaha tourists In Europe this
summer , as she leaves shortly to join her
brother and a party in Baltimore and with
them will make a tour of the continent.
An excusable ripple of excitement was
sent on Its ever widening way during the
week by the appearance on Farnam street of
a shining now English cart and liorsu carryIng -
Ing two belled and two swells with a becom
ing swagger nnd rattle of chains.
Air. Paul Hoi-bach relumed on Wednesday
from a visit to LouisvlJM. ICy. , where ho nt-
tended the races. Ho hbsjioaUsn long division
of attention to the beautiful women with a
short division of nttc liqn lo Iho bcauliful
horses. .
On Saturday ovonlnk , Mr. and Mrs , Udo
Brachvogol gave a di rmlng dinner , with
covers laid for twclvv.Tho guests wcro :
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ilamncy , Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gray , Mr. and MWJ. M. Hitchcock ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kllp\tsujk , Miss Smith and
Mr. Benuliighoven. / u.
Mis. W. II. Rnppol. "who lias been visiting
relatives in the city for some weeks loft for
her cits turn homo \\Miiasdiiy last , accom
panied by her niece , MiBBi Flora M. Hcllley.
Miss Hullley will apciuli 'joum months In the
east and will sumincrin the Adirondack's
and at Atlantic City , ivUmilug to Omaha In
the full.
A largo number of Omaha people attended
the May party of the Mnvquetto Social club
at Hughes' hall , Council * Bluffs , la. , on last
Tuesday and report aivovenlng of rare enjoy
ment. Among those who graced the festival
were : Mrs. ami Mrs. J. C. McGinn , James
Taggart and daughters , Harrv Hussie , Miss
Laura Longprey. Ed MoVatin , Kiln
Truckey , Dr. Dobrescher , Miss Sophie
Bauincr , Maurice Husslo , Miss Kutlo
Flaherty , B. J. Scanncll , Miss MollloCnnoyor ,
Ed McMuhon , Miss McMahon , Dr. and rilrs.
A. D. Kiloy , A. B. McConnoll. Miss Lula
Burkhardt , John Muller and William Weber.
ISurllngton Now Ijoual Train.
On nnd nltoi- Sunday , May K , Iho Hup-
llnf-ton will run u now local train , leav
ing Omuliu 8iO : ! n. m. , arriving Lincoln
10:15 : a. m. Hoturitlnluavo Lincoln
" : " ) p. in. , arriving Omalia ! ) p. in.
Tills train in bololy fop local business
and does not wait for connections , and
will therefore always bo on timo. Ticket
ollli'o l-2a Fapnum strt-ot. 'iVlunliuiio
How Confined it ia by Artificial "Book-
bound Shores. "
Tlio Extent , and Method Employed In
the lllnrnpnliiK under Govern
ment Authority on the
IOWA Side.
In the spring of 1S31 Omaha , experienced a
rise In the Missouri river which It had never
seen equalled.
It may well bo doubted If a similar rlso
shall again visit this section of the country.
The rlso extended to Council Bluff.- ) , the
ilats between this city and that town being
submerged witli water. The Inhabitants
were subjected to alt the suffering and annoy-
mice incidental to Hooded countries.
Since that time , hundreds of families have
located on tlioso bottoms. Largo manufac
turing institutions and storehouses have
been creeled upon them , while
a magnificent drive paved to the
heart of the city on the other side of the river
has been built at great expense.
Should n Hood , similar to that above re
ferred , again visit this section , the damage
would bo a thousand-fold greater than it was
eight years ago.
As a preventative , immediately after the
waters of that time had subsided , Council
Bluffs built what ! s known as its levee. Tlio
latter cWnststs of a high bank of earth run
ning cast and west acrosn the bottom on n
llnuabont a quarter of n mile north of the
paved driveway.
This , however , was not considered enough.
The Missouri river improvement commission
was appealed to and $150,000 was appro
priated with which to riprap the banks of
llie stream on the Iowa side to prevent the
water from breaking over a bend and trans
ferring Iho bottoms to Iho Nebraska side. < *
Tills riprapping was commenced about n
year ago at a point about four miles above
the motor line bridge. Since that time , with
the exception of the winter , the work
has been in progress. Thus far about
thirteen hundred feet have been
riprapped , these being nt sharp bends against
which the waters rush with unusual vie
Work will probably bo continued until
about llio intddlo of August , by which time
il is expected the appropriation will have
been exhausted.
The work has been under the direction of
Charles F. Potter of this city , United States
division engineer , who Worked on the rip-
rapping at this point from 1S7S to 1834. His
ollleo is in the Sheely block in lliis city. Yes
terday he started to the work accompanied
by Tin : Bin : num. They drove across the
bridge and the bolloiiis ; the former
remarked :
"There is our private telephone
wire to the work. It connects
with the city system at the Union
Pacific bridge. There's not an hour during
the day that it is not in use. Thu wire be
longs to tin * government. "
Leaving the driveway , the huguy went
' '
north on Tventylifth'street in 'Council
Bluffs , through the lowlands over the levee
and reached the headquarters of the works
on the Iowa side. Hero were two acres of
ways built of heavy timbers resting on posts
about three feet high. On these , during the
past winter , the steamer , barges and
hydraulic graders wcuthenyl the storm and
avoided the drift ice , which would have ren
dered them sorry looking lloaters indpod.
These were drawn from the river to incline
planes reaching to the water Hue
thence upward to the "tip- . " ' by means of
which the huge bouts wore tilted to the level
of the ways. Along the latter , they were
drawn over greased timbers by windlasses
worked by horses.
Half a dozen men were around workimr in
various ways , principally at light frainodecks
to protect the decks proper of the barges used
in hauling stone.
There also was the red-store which contains
everything require , ! in the work , as Engineer
Potter expressed it "from a package of tucks
to the two-inch cable" require to draw the
barges upon the ways.
In this building also was the watchman's
headquarters. Adjacent stood a ice ,
painted like everything else , red. At the.
bank stood a motionless pile-driver , which
was resting temporarily.
The carriage was again taken and a drive
was made to the scene where operations
wore In progress.
The road was one of utility. There was
room for ono vehicle only. It led throuuh a
dense woodof young willows and poplars ,
many of which were just indulging in their
first whisperings of admiration of the genial ,
cloudless skies and grateful sunshine.
The horse was hitched to a tree and the
river bank was revisited.
As the latter was approached there arose a
sound like that of a bass drum bentcn with
unremitting regularity and remarkable force.
The sound was not that of drum , however.
It was made by a pump on a hydraulic pile-
driver , which was temporarily used as a hy-
drulie grader.
Attached the four-inch rubber
to pump was a -
ber hose which terminated in a nozzle with an
orlllco of one and one-half inches. The hose
lay upon the bank and was held in place by
two men covered with rubber. They wore
surrounded by a halo of Hying mud and spray
but seemed unconscious of the baptism to
which they were treated.
A third man directed the stream of water
against the bank , which at that
point was about eight feet high.
A minute's work at the base
undermined the pile. . An upward curve re
leased it from its hold. * A side blow staggered
it and another sent it rolling toward the river
a running stiumn of mud.
The man who held the nozzle turned for a
minute. Ho could easily have passed fora
negro. But it was the blackness of mud
which had discolored his face. The hydraulic
grader is a success. It can give cards to a
steam shovel ami knock it out every trick. Il
can remove in one day as many as ( WO cubic
yards of earth. When it gets through , the
bank is sloped as regular antl gradual as may
be required.
Further along the river were encountered
Iho cablq men , Iho rock men , Iho mattress
men , while a visit was also iiiado to the part
of the bank on which the rip.
rapping ' lias been Mulshed. Here
may bo noticed rows of limestone
along the bank , about twenty feet from tlju
water's ' edge. These rest upon uiattivdses
which , however , can not lie seen.
The method of riprapping is very simple.
A line of piles , each ten lect apart , is driven
as near the bank as possible. Each is hauled
into position by steam. An iron pipe with
an orillco of one and one-eighth inches is
hung along the side with the opuning down
ward. This pipe is attached to a rubber
hose which in turn is connected witli u pump
on an adjoining boat. Through this hose and
pipe water is forced at a pressure of ninety
pounds. As the pile descends into the water
the pipe accompanies It and the stream from
the nozzle burrows a hole in tlio bottom of
the river into which thu pile sinks. The
sand closes in around it and the iiilo is in
place , The plpo is then withdrawn ,
applied lo the next pile and
the work Is repeated. The piles
are twenty feet in length and forty-eight of
them have been driven in a single day.
Thirty-live piles , however , form a good day's
Like the hydraulic grader , the hydraulic
pile-driver is a success. It knocks out the
old trip hummer driver in the twinkling of an
These piles are girdled near the top around
which Is passed a wire cable which , is led
across the bank to the crest- where it Is at
tached to a "dead man. " A "dead man" is a
lug about live feet long ami eighlccn inches
in diameter which U burled on Iho ridge and
about three feut beneath the surface.
Then comes the mntsess. It is made of wil
lows nbout twelve or fourteen feet In length
with a thickness of ono and ono-half inches
at tlio base. . These willows are cut about
fifteen inili.'i down ttio river and drawn
hither by the steamer Capitola Bull on barges
belonging to the government. These
wiKows are woven in diamond sections
like the braiding of a .lady's "switch. " The
work ii : dune un thu mattress boat , a struc
ture nno Hide of which , at a distunco ,
looks like a section of the rebel Morrlnmu.
The side h > i.un inrlincd plane , with half a
dozen wnlk-i up and < limu , whioh the UMjist-
unt-i walk wltilo bringing willuvv.i to the
wouv'-iti Hulf u duzeu of ttio latter out thu
pukaito sliap- , making u connoted frame
of 1'Uanl wood after tUu uiaunur of u baaut-l
maker. Accordingly a * tlio umt U completed.
the iKMt is moved ilown the river and the
mattress thus extended.
Tills mattress is Interlaced with wire cables
fastening It to the piles and Intersecting wlro.- .
It extends about twenty feet onto the bank ,
encircles the piles nnd roacho.i out slxtv
feet Into the river. It Is covered with
rock and sunk. In this manner the
bank opposes n stone surface to the swelling
water * and Is thus protected from being
washed away.
Further down tlio party hoarded the "quar
ter" boat. Tills structure Is Hut-roofed ,
white-painted structure. It smells like it
kitchen , and one easily divines that It Is the
abode of the workmen , Wo go aboard. On
the llrst floor Is the bunk room , with accom
modations for 100 men , Kacli bunk is com-
modiotisnnd supplied with with necessary
clothing. Everything U as neat as a pin. On
the next lloor below are the stewards' room ,
kitchen , storage nnd dining room. The
kitchen Is red hot and n pan of Juicy steaks
and n couple of cattish are frying in the
pan. There Is nn nromatle odor
to the sizzling to tempt the nppotite of any
man. At the cud of the boat are the wash
rooms anil closets.
The quarter Jiomo i < closed at ! > : .TO p. in.
The man who Is not In then must stay out for
the night.
"Wo have nbout seventy-live men working
now. The largest number we have had has
been 175. Men come nnd go every day. The
majority of them nro tramps. They get two
or three good meals nnd n couple of dollars in
their pocket and then they go elsewhere. Wo
havu had -J. > men leave our employ this
month. "
Mr. Potterdld not seem annoyed over the
matter. In fact , ho doesn't seem to IHJ the
man to court annoyance. He knows lie can
keep the work going along nil the same
whether ho has * . " > or UOO men under his
direction , nnd ho has succeeded very well
thus far because the work Is of the tlncst over
done in this section of the country.
: GOI.IHX NT.t TI : .
Hank Cloimuu-os Clnin-
oilng'or / more ; Itallroad.s.
SAX FRANCISCO , May 19. [ Special to Tun
In today's ' Issue of the Heport of this
city appears an article in which the writer
asserts that the hank clearances for the Hrst
four months of 1887-S-'J nnd ISl'O ' show prac
tically no variation , and ho prints the flgures
in support of ills statement. In replying to
his own question as to the reason for this
lack of growth in "Tho Queen City of the
Paelllc , " lie says it is because this Is "a one-
railroad state , which is equivalent to calling
it a ouc-horso country. "
It is very evident that San Francises is not
keeeping pace with other western cities in
growth and enterprise. The Chronicle build
ing , nine stories high , is the only structure ,
recently built , to bo seen in tlio main business
portion of the city , and there are many build
ings in Omaha more striking in appearance
than the Chronicle building. i Its bight gives
it prominence , but it occupies u triangle , at
the Intersection of Kearney and Market
streets , and the ground space it covers is but
about one third of that covered by lite BIK :
Last winter D. C. Dunbar nnd I , conspir
ing and confederating together , Jlllcd two
pages of thu Omaha Mercury with pictures
of various ami sundry residents of Omaha ;
of iiioi-o or less prominence. The effect was
disastrous. J fled the state and Dunbar was
secreted by friends and remained in hiding
until after Iho grand Jury was discharged.
Bui after all it was only an error of judge
ment. Omaha was too critical a town for
our work : the-.o illustr.ilie.ns should have
been turned into the Chronicle or Examiner
of this city. Compared with the cuts printed
in those papers ours would have created u
furore on the Pacific slope as works of art.
The voter of this region appreciates the
value of the ballot and is not disposed to
throw it away. A gentleman told mo h < > was
standing near one of Iho polling places last
election day and heard a man reply to ono
who wns evidently trying to get him to sup
port a prohibition ticket : "Well you cant
have my vote for no two drinks of .whisky , but
you can have it for three. " This same gen
tleman. an Englishman fresh from "the light
little island , " was impressed with tlio quick
movements of the masons on the wall of a
new building and rcmnrkcd to one of them :
' An English mason couldn't work as fast as
that , " to which the workman responded ,
with a laugh : Oh yes , he could , mo boy.
We're hull Henglcshiiien. But lie added that
they would not be allowed to uoo such haste
or follow such slack methods Dat homo as
characterized this country.
There is a general feeling all over the
northern portion of the state , at least , that
more railroads and better rsilroad facilities
must be secured if California is lo keep up
with the procession. At a roccnt meeting of
the state board of trade , in this city , ono of
Ihe members wanted to know whv it was ,
that , notwithstanding the extensive adver
tising California has received during the past
live years and the fact that thousands of
peop'lo have visited the state , so slight an in
crease in population is found in any local ! tv
while in many places there has been an actual
decrease. The. only solution ottered for this
discouraging state of all'airs was the state.-
meiit that California is dominated absolutely
by the Southern Paelllc company and that no
relief will come until u competing eastern
line is built , .lust now a leading citizen of
Sun Francisco is perambulating the
business thorughofures seeking contributions
to a fund to be unVred as a bonus to the rail
road company first making au entrance to
this city.
Another thing which prevents the rapid
settlement of thU country is the enormous
price asked for land. Just south of San
Francisco is the beautiful Santa Clare valley.
speciallv adapted to fruit raising. Hero land
is held nt from i 00 to ? 1,000 per acre. I know
one good man , n former resident of Wisconsin ,
who is raising wheel on land he values st $100
per acre. The wheat is cut before it ripens ,
for hay , and sells for about $10 per ton. If
ho gets two and ahnlf tom to the acre his
return , per aero , is * 7 less than eight per cent
interest on the laud would amount to , allow
ing nothing for tlio seed , plowing , mowing
and biileiug. An average fruit ranch , valued
at $ r , " > 0 per new will not , ono year with another ,
pay two percent on that valuation and allow
fair wages for the labor expanded. An ex
perienced orc-hardist told me last wrek that
lie realized Jl.iXX ) last yenr. from 1" acres.
On lliis ground was expended the year's '
services of the entire family , seven in all ,
which gave them less than WO a month each.
To tills must bo added the use of four horses ,
plows , harness , cultivators , etc etc. He told
me that he had dug up JiOO cherry trees leu
years old , simply because ho could not sell
the fruit for enough to pay for picking and
The fact is , there Is no ono section of our
country which has worn than its share of
advantages. Great crops of fruit can bo
raised here , but the homo demand is limited
and tin1 cost of bringing the surplus to the
great i-i.'uti.'rs of population in the east is too
great to leave any profit to tlio producer.
J. T. B.
IJOVll &
ON'I.V ONK 'Thiirolivflu ' 9S
KUi-'UICMANt. ' ! ' ! i * IHllMlu } , mil } ' LQ ,
il Meit liislrfils
Headed by the iinlvi'rsal fnvorlle. kiiitwn to
tlio atiiun as tin' Hill Nye of inlnstrelsy ,
Qorgeous ; Spectacular First Part--VENE-
( irand Strt-ut I'urailn nt 11:11 : a. in.
Itesailiir prlups. Si'ats will bu pul on
' ? Opera
Friday , May 30 }
Blatchforcl Gauanaflh ,
The 1'hcnonicnal Hey Soprano
Asiiiwwt 11 r
MnsLar Harrij Ulniond ,
-I. , yuan ul aiio '
WjnJurfut Violin inul Man John boli .t.
Muvi-iui miiei mu irU : reutiitvi vrnlliw cturodurfj
i < r u 'iv ' u mu < * t ciiurtumii { ( jir , . < r.iuiiiip
I'urei , : cJe jo anil II umllni-i1 : M , iiuil 'jc
A Methodist Minister Qivoa His Opiuiou of
tbo Law in Katisaa.
An I/OUR it * Pnlillo SoiillnuMit U
Against its Knfnrucnicnt thu
City Will llnvo SalooiiH nnd
Plenty of Them.
Lmvr.xwouTU , Kan. , May 21.
to Tun Bin : . ] If there Is any gentleman in
the city of Loavenworlh who , during the
progress of the light ngalnst the prohibitory
law , lias given utterance to sentiment * which
hnvo aroused au Interest throughout the
state as well as the city , that gentleman is
Kov. A , S. Embroo , paster of the First Meth
odist Episcopal church of this city.
llov. Embroo is ono of the brainiest young
ministers , not only of Ills denomination In the
city , but In tlio state nt largo. He has a keen
eye for tlio farcical. His oplnloii-of the oper
ation of the prohibitory law in this city is con
sequently decidedly Iteoii and his expression *
of that opinion caustic in-the extreme.
Kov. Embreo Is of course nn the side of
temperance and would welcome uothlngimmi
heartily than an Inquisitorial enforcement of
the law , but ho lias a desperate and licarlv
contempt for the hypocrisy of these who nro
loud hi their prohibitory pretensions anil
either follow St. Paul's Injunction on the slyer
or tacitly connive at a wan ton violation o'f
the law.
Mr. Embreo has the brains to recognize- -
that whew there is no sentiment back of a
law the enforcement of thai law is au 1m
possibility. And that there is no sentiment
in this community suIllelcnUy strong lo ellect
mi enforcement of thelnwts equally apparent
to Mr. Embreo and any one elsewho is ao-
qaiutcd with the state of nfluirs in lliis city.
Ever since Iho prohibitory law in this state
was enacted , llnil law lias been vigorously op
posed by Iho people. There havfa been sea
sons when the lines have been rigorously
drawn , when the county ( ail was full of con
victed sellers ot that which cheers and when
to buy liquor was u mailer attended with a
great deal ot dinieulty and only accomplished
by obtaining ixxssortslonof "tho ropes , " Thcro
was a llmo when Iho big hotels were put to
the inconvcnieiico of providing keys for their
patrons , and when ono was compelled to go
up winding passages , into dark , secluded and
den-like nouksiin order to hnvo the scriptural
promise verified "ask and ye ahull receive :
seek and ye shall find ; knock and it shall be
opened unto you. "
That these times have passed , and that the
law "as enforced" at the present time is a
broad farce , the Jeer and jest of the initiated ,
nnd that the sentiment ot the people la
against the law , is the tliemo upon which
Kov. Embreo has dilated to a sensational ex
tent during the last month in his public nt
terances. In his private conversations he Is
no less vigorous in his denunciation of the
farcical manner in which the law is enforced.
"Tho sentiment of the people is against the
law , " said Mr. Embreo in con
versation with your correspondent
today , "and no law can be enforced against
which is arrayed the combined opposition of
the people and the municipal and county on- |
cinry. The law is enforced in a manner
which is disgraceful. Violation of the law is
winked at by those in power. Indeed , Its
violation is connived at by some of the
authorities and openly condoned by others.
"The police accept the forfeiture of ap
pearance bonds and the selling goes right oil.
Uf course a revenue is thereby derived , but
If they do not Intend to enforce the law they
should 'shut up shop. ' "
"Whoro would the money cpmofrom to run
the force I" asked your correspondent.
"Let Iho city go without police , " replied
Mr. Embreo. "Better that than the sjiuctu-
clo of Ihe olllccrs of Iho city , who nro placed
in charge ot Iho city's interests , aiding iu the
violation of law by nullifying the expressed
will of the stale. "
Mr. Embree does not believe that the board
of metropolitan police commissioners , either
individually or collectively , tire reponslblo for
the state of affairs which exists in Iho cily.
He believes Ihoy are doing all they can to en
force a law which is obnoxious to the major
ity of the people of the community , who have
from thu first resented with u savage vigor
the legislation which they denounce as sumpt
uary and subversive of the rights of llio pee
ple. In the llrst place the city and county Is
democratic by a largo majority , and growing
"dcmocraticer" every year. The prohibitory
law has made it so. The advocates of the
law have dwindled down to a corporal's
guard , until , as llov. Embrco declared , thcro
are not live vigorouscnorgotlc prohibitionists
in the city.
In addition to the antagonism of the people
of the community mid the hick of public .sen
timent in favor of the prohibitory law , there
are other reasons for llio iioii-cnfoivcment/
Iho law , The municipal ofllcers nro unalter
ably opposed lo the law. The ahlcMt legal
talent in the city is against tlio law and on
the side of the opposition in all cases. Tlio
district judge has knocked out the prohibi
tionists on numberless occasions.
As Mr. Embreo declared , if tlio district
Judge wore on tlio "right" .side , if the munic
ipal judiciary wore on the "riglit" side , if no
able lawyers could bo found to defend the
sellers of liquor , perhaps the apathy of the
prohibition element and the antagonism of
the middle classes could bo offset. By the
middle classes is meant Unit number , unusu
ally largo in tills community , who go on a still
hunt for just such laws as thu prohibitory
law , while not identified openly with either
side.Loug before tlio original package decision
was handed down , liquor in original packages
was delivered through the streets to whoever
had the wherewith to put up for the same. It
is true that many wagon loads of liquor were
Hcl/ed by the authorities but there was a
standing agreement that all liquor so seized
was not to occasion any loss to llio purchaser.
Somebody in Hugh Couwav's "Called
Back" says there's a heaven in Siberia. The
prohibitory law may bo enforced in many
towns of the state of Kansas.
There may bo many communities
where joints nro unknown outside butcher
shops and whore metropolitan police are
things to bo : where "blind tigers" nro only
seen when circuses come to town , ami where
tlio residents nro not mulcted with an udund-
ing epidemic of ills for which beer ami whisky
are the only cure.
But nol in this city ; In some other city.
Our drug stores will multiply with the pro-
litigating fertility of codfish. Our joints will
still flourish. Our judges will continue to sit
down on those who bring liquor cues before
.sui'h tribunals ,
Who have recently rotnrncd to Amorloa fiorn
Japan. havliiK foinploleda Wlx Vein- Tour of
tlio Vviirh ! with iinpurallud , will alvu
ono of tholf
Unique , Inimltnljlo and Popular Concort.i m
thoNowaraiid Opera HOUHO , Omaha ,
On Thursday next May BOth , for One Nlaht
I'rlcos of Admission Mo , tiOo and 7. ' . Kcmiri
vod Seals will ltion ahi at llio Oiiind Oniirn
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Woiiili'ffnlly D O Jlofrsiiul ui-a ted OvJ I'union
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Roars of Laughter Great Iuu ;
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