Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1890, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Jrlt'crci1 by rnrrlor In nny part of tlio City.
H 'M4r.f ; > s Orrcn. No. H.
N Y. P. Co.
Council TJluff.s Lumber Co. , coal.
A uumlKsr of Hluflllcs ntlonilcil the Latter
JJny Saints' conforeiu'o nt Crescent City yes-
tcrilny It will also bo In session today.
Jobn 0 Shea will speak nt Mnrcns null to
night nt 7 HO o'clock. Subject , "The Coming
Triumph of Lubor. " Otbcrs will follow.
Two new narks bnvo been ndded to the list
now owned i > v the city. They nro named Gru-
1mm tind Cook and nro located In Mornlngsldo
addition , In the eastom prtrt of the city.
Commencing this evening another outgoing
mall will bo added for nil points on the Chicago
cage , liiirllngton & Qulncy between Creston
nnil Uurlington. The pouch will at 0
A still alarm called out No. 2 hose company
yesterday forenoon. The liliuu was in u cot-
Inge , near the corner of Fourteenth and
IJroadway , and wns extinguished before
much danuigo wns done.
Abe Lincoln Post , Union Veteran Legion
nnd all old soldiers nro requested to meet nt
the O A. K. hall this evening nt 7 : : ) o'clock
sharp to nttend memorial services at the
JJroadway AI. K. church.
The Uostoii Junllco singers and Georgia
minstrels will concluile n four-night engage
ment ut Oohanv's ' this evening. Th > y nro
jiiiixlng to geol houses at popular prices , nnd
uro'putting on a very good performance.
The nimrterlv confercnco of the Latter Day
Kalnts is being held nt Crescent City.V. . W.
lilnii of the iresi'.leney is there , nnd other
notabli'H. A number of persons from hero
will go to Crescent City to attend the gatherIng -
A raring matinee has been arranged for the
nfternoon of Decoration day at Union Driv
ing park The programme will include foot ,
hose and horse races , nnd n game of ball.
The raring will not , begin until ; ) or 4 o'clock ,
sons not to interfere with the memorial ex
The residence of T. B. Hays , of Hays &
Heel , on Seventh street was burglari/.ed
Thuiftluy night. The burglars secured a
jKM'ltetbook containing about S7 in cash , and
jewelry viilued at &XI. Jso noise was made ,
mid the burglary was not discovered until thu
following morning. No clue to the depreda
tors has been discovered.
The Moore & Bowman bull club , consisting
of Oliver , Scholli-ld , Brown , Stork , . Weis-
Inger , Hardin , Bellinger , Stewart and Hum
mel , went out to the iloaf and dumb institu-
tloni yesterday afternoon to tackle the mutes.
They were Inrrupped to the tune of III to ( i ,
nnd came homo decidedly crestfallen. The
lirst nine at the institution Is one of ttio best
nmateur ball teams in the state.
The board of appraisers appointed to award
the damages to land near Munawa owned by
Charles P. Braslan of Minneapolis , has made
Its report and llxcd the amount at 31'JO. The
land was taken by the Manawa motor com-
when it straightened its lino. Mr.
Jxiny deinnnded fTi.OOO , but the board , con
sisting of W. II. Hardin , John Mulqiiocu , 1C.
II. Bowman , Henry Paschal. M. Goodwin
and Tlieodoro Bray , thought that the amount
above stated was sufficient ,
The report In : . local paper tlmt there Is a
split In tiie Second Presbyterian church is in
dignantly denied by the members. They
Mate that It is us united as ever , and deny
that there is tiny friction between it and the
First church. V. , f. Ilnyden denies the re
port that he is seeking the pastorate which is
loft vacant by the resignation of Hcv. F.V. .
Grossman , llo will probably act as supply
however , until a pastor is secured , and the
matter of obtaining a pastor will bo discussed
and settled tomorrow night. Hov. Mr.
Calheart Is n candidate for the plnco.
Dr G. II. Pinnoy has been sued for $110 by
M J Montgomery for the loss of three grey
hounds which , it is alleged , that the doctor
took out bunting and failed to return. One
of the hounds committed suicldo on n barb-
wlro fence while chasing n wolf. Montgom
ery until recently had charge of the hounds
belonging to the Coursing club and Dr. Pin
noy as a member of the club took the dogs out
occasionally. It'was on ono of these occasions
that Montgomery's hounds , followed him and
lie docs not feel responsible for the loss.
Articles of agreement for n match scries of
pnmcs of pyramid pool have been drawn up
nnd forfeit money posted by A. Verchoval of
Omalm nnd T. C. Tolinson of this city. The
match will be played next Wednesday even
ing at ( I o'clock at the Manhattan , and u largo
Bum of money has been put up by the backers
of the two players. The pnrso Is f. " > 0 n side ,
and the men have posted a forfeit of $10 each.
Vcrchevnl is willing to back himself heavily ,
nnd several other Omahans arc anxious
to place their money on him , while Tolinson's
backers evince a readiness to cover nil the
money that Is put up by the other side.
Kleveu games nro to be played , and the
ngreement provides that the winner of six
shall take the money.
Good paper hangersat Croekwi'H's. '
If you want the best Wall paper go to J. D.
Scott house , Council Bluffs ; $1 a day.
The gasoline stove is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property by
using the C. B. Gas and Kleclriu Light ( 'Jo.'a
gus stove.
\Vatcrwoiks $10. N. Y. PlumbineCo.
I'KHSOX.t / , l\\tt-.Uli.l \ I'ilS.
Vf L , Fleming and V. K. Booth loft lust
evening for Kansas City.
E. S. Past and Mrs. M. A. Past of Lincoln
ore visiting relatives In the Bluffs.
K N WhlUlesey , Clint Bvers. Charles
Deno and a number of others , loft last evenIng -
Ing for Kansas City. They will return to
morrow evening.
Mrs. D. W. Flagler Is n welcome arrival nt
the home of her son , .1. M. Flagler , at 710
Kast Pieivo street , where she expects to
spend the summer.
Mr nnd Mrs. J. B. Atkins leave via the
Durlington this evening for a two weeks'
visit in the east , Mrs. Atkins going as far us
Chicago and vMting there , while Mr. Atkins
goes to Alt Clemens , Mich. , his old homo.
Choice residence property centrally located
for sale by 1C. H. Bhuafe & Co.
Iliiy Wall Paper
Gillette & Freeman's , ! > S Pearl street.
Dr. II S. West , porcelain crown ana bridge
work , No. 13 Pearl.
Tlie CIll/.eiiN' Hank Wlno.
The case of the Citizens' state bank ugalnst
Abbott , which has become familiarly known
us the cattle case , has been heard from again.
A telegram was received yesterday stating
that the supreme court had reversed the de
cision of the lower court. This Is a victory
for the bank , and as It Involves about ? 10,000
the bank ofllcials are naturally elated. The
controversy was over a largo number of cat
tle which the bank claimed by virtue of a
chattel mortgage given by ono Green-
meyer. Abbott claimed that the cat
tle wore really his , nnd that Green-
meyer was simply handling them for htm.
In the lower court , Judge Loofbourow , pro-
Hiding , Abbott secured a Judgment of $10,000
ngnlnst thu bank , but now the supreme court
upsotn it.
Mr. Hannan , the cashier of the Citizen's
bank , and who Is the active manager of Its
affairs , Is to bo congratulated on this further
proof of Ills ability and energy. The Inter-
cHts of the bank are being zealously guarded
by him , as well as being pushed Into a
rapid and healthy growth , ills tlnal victory
in the supreme court more than atones for thu
scorning defeat of his case In the lower court.
Cash carwt sale this week. Cotton and
wool Ingrains " . "to , ! iOe. - I0c150 and 50e. All
wool Wo , OT > o and 70o ; brusscls , velvets ,
moquettcs , Axmlnstors and wiltons us low as
nny other house. Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
A good hose reel free with every 100 feet of
hose purchased at Blxby's.
S , B Wadsworth & Co. , 207 Pearl street ,
loan money for I-ohibnril Investment company.
A new line of beautiful dinner seta Just re
ceived at LuuU Bros. , i3 ! Muiu U
A Double Train Load of Buckeye Bimlers
and Mowers ,
A Daylight Klin ami n Continuous
Ovation I'Yom Akron , O. , to lllalr ,
Nel ) . Autlinnii , .Miller & | Co'H
The second grand demonstration -that has
attracted national attention to the Buckeye
people this season was concluded at Blair ,
Neb. , yesterday afternoon at B o'clock. 'J 1ml
hour marked the arrival at Its destination of
the second special train of thirty ears , each
loaded to Its limit with Buckeye binders and
mowers , that came directly through from the
factory at Akron , O. , into this territory.
Last Saturday the Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncy carried the hon
ors , nnd every platform nt every sta
tion anil every crossing In the country
was thronged by people to witness the novel
sight. Vesterday was Northwestern day and
the same enthusiasm tlmt marked the pro
gress of the "Q's" train across the great states
of Iowa and Illinois , accompanied the North-
western's effort. The railroad officials got up
a handsome tlmo card , giving the exact second
end the special .would arrive at each station
from Chicago to Blair. On the second page
was a line engraving of the train as it ap
peared , , and beneath it wns this
generous tribute to the worth of
the machine that has climbed up to
and perpetually fortllled itself In the
esteem of the farmers and grain producers of
the world : "Another special train , loaded
with Bmiri : : and HINDI : ! ! ? , and
decked with bright Hags and beautiful ban
ners , Is now pushing its way rapidly across
the country to supply the demands of the toil
ing agriculturists of the west , with the Im
plements of peace , by the use of which the
great desert places have been made to blos
som as the rose. It is not strange that the
name Bccunvi : should be so familiar to the
farming world , and that it really needs no in
troduction to tlio communities through which
this mammoth train passes ; for , not only In
America , but in almost all climes , and in
every civili/.ed nation under the sun , the
musical click of tlitr BITKHVU is heard , the
records showing that more of these famous
machines have been built and sold than any
other make. The Buckeye Is at homo and
abroad the acknowledged standard of the
world. Whatever others may do , tlio Buck
eye always leads , and it will bo worth going
miles to see this brilliantly dcconncd special
train. Beautiful souvenirs will bo distributed
along the route , and all will bo rewarded by
the evidences of the enterprise which eharae-
terl/es the greatest harvesting machine man
ufacturers on earth. "
Tlio train was decorated in the same gen
eral style as that brought , out by the "Q , "
and like It made a dayliuht run from Akron
to its destination. Tlio decorations com
prised thousands of yards of streamers and
bunting. Kach car wits literally armored
with shield shaped mirrors , above which was
the head and antlers of a royal buck , the
trade mark of the Buckeye. The efforts of
souvenir hunters to get something useful as
well as handsome to remind them of the occa
sion led to a general onslaught upon the cars
whenever the train stopped , and any imple
ment that could bo used was brought into
requisition to pry off these mirrors. There
were over ' . ' .iVW of them when tlio train
started , and but very few on the cars when
it passed through Missouri Valley , and it is
fair to presume that there arc a thousand or
two more farmer. ! who have Buckeye mirrors
as well as Buckeye mowers and binders , and
congratulating themselves that the mirrors
must bo good and durable because they are
The train ran from Chicago as a special
limited , and had the same right of way over
all other trains that the splendid limited
passenger trains have on that road , Tlie
Northwestern officials showed it the same
distinguished consideration that the Burling
ton people did the first special , and accom
panied it over each division. It was under
the general charge of Air. K C. Jones , presi
dent of tlio Union freight line , who accom
panied it from Akron. From Boone to Blair
the train ran in two sections. Tills was _
necessary for the reason that a portion of its
cars were destined for Iowa points , in L. A.
Dcvino's territory , while the remainder went
directly into Nebraska , the territory of O. P.
McKesson , all of which is managed from the
general ofllces in Council Blutts. They com
menced dropping cars at Ames , la. , and at
Carroll a portion of one section was switched
on the North western's northern Iowa feeders.
The crowds attracted by the train at every
station from Boone to Blair were very great
and among the crowds wore hundreds of
farmers , who left tlio fields to greet their
friend the Buckeyes in this royal pageant.
This will bo tlio last special train
the Buckeye people will send out
this year. The season Is so far
advanced and the farmers are so impatient to
get their machines that they will not brook
the delay necessary to make up specials and
bring them out by daylight , fjmeo this train
was gotten up , Air. Alclvesson says his Ne
braska orders would more tlion make another
train of similar length. This is the best in
dication that the Buckeyes are not coming
west to 1111 up warehouses but to go into the
fields as soon : is the growing harvest de
mands their presence.
Late designs in chamber suits , parlor goods ,
fancy rockers , book c.ises , cabinets , desks
and furniture in great variety , at prices that
will please you. Hays it Bell , -IOT Broad
Important to Horsemen : Largo line horse
and turf goods. Probstle , 6.VJ B-y , C. B.
A Litllo .laiinl.
Ex-Mayor Itohrcr , Dan Carrig , Fred Wies ,
ex-City Clerk Farrall and J. N. Cassady were
last week treated to an excursion trip from
Denver to Folsom , Now Mexico. They left
the Bluffs about two weeks ago on a pros
pecting tour through Colorado , and while in
Denver wore invited by Messrs. Frank AI.
Pnsoy and Thomas B. Baldwin to take the
trip above noted. A special train wns run
down to attend a public auction sale of lots ,
and a band was taken along to enliven every
thing. The trip was a very enjoyable one.
and the excursionists wore highly pleased
with the hospitable treatment accorded them.
The great reduction furniture sale will con
tinue this week. Hays it Bell , W ! Broad
M2H Hroiulway , Cully'H.
The cash paying public are fast llnding out
the place to buy dry goods , as wo uro giving
better values than any other house in the
city. Our Victoria lawn and India linen at
Be , 7c , ie , lie and lOc a yard are decided bar
gains. Wo give the best values in satincs nt
8e , lOc , I'J'jo ' and 25o. Wo civo the best
values In bleached muslins at lie , Oc , 7o b c
and lOe. Wo give the best values hi un
bleached muslin at le , r > c , lie , 7c , So and lOc.
We give the best value in choviotshlrting.-i at
fie , b. c , lOo and I'J..jC. ' We give the best
.value in tennis llanncls at lOc , l'o . and lOc.
In fact you will find the prices oh all goods
nro shaded to the lowest possible mark. Wo
want your trade and are willing to work
cheap for you ; Give us a call. Try us for a
bill of goods and see If we don't save you
money. O. C. Cully , ! S Broadway.
A handsome antique rocker only ? - Hays
& Bell , -IOT Broadway.
To Kail road Men.
In order to move our heavy stock of Ice
palace gcnulno oak refrigerators wo will
offer to s > ell to you at our lowest cash prices
on three payments , the first on your next pay
day. Don't wait but coiio at once. The
wonderful Now Process vapor steve no
question of Its success. Over fifty In use.
Bicycles on same terms. COI.K & COI.B ,
41 Alain st.
KraiiulH Train Dlxlnnued.
' Around the World in Two Hours" will bo
the subject of an illustrated lecture delivered
by UQ.V. George O. Thompson at the Fifth
avenue M. K , church , corner Fifth avenue
nnd Klghteeuth street , on Tuesday evening ,
May ' . ' 7. Dr. Thompson will lecture at the
ICpworth M. K. church , corner Avenue B and
Twenty-fifth street , on Thursday evening.
Admission 'JAo , children ISe.
A Baptist Convention.
The Scandinavian Baptist church has had
its Interior greatly Improved by decorations
for its walls aud now ilnlsh for its woodwork.
The Improvements have been completed In
time for the meeting of the convention , which
opens next Tuesday ami continues untl
Sunday evening. At this convention there
will probably bo eighty mlnlstors present
lown , Minnesota , AllsMourl aud other slates
will bo represented. The convention will bean
an Important and Interesting one.
An elegant antique rocker only $2. Hays
it Bell , 107 Broadway.
The Alanhattan sporting beadq'rsUS B-
Quieting Title.
The supreme court yesterday nfllrmod the
case ef George Malsh against Andrew Mar
tin , which was tried In Judge Carson's court
ssmo time ago. This ease Involves a quartet
section of land near Walnut , valued at $3,000 , ,
and the decision is In favor of Alnlsli.
The host folding bed In market , greatly re
duced in price. Hays it Bell , -107 Broadway.
Among tlio Cliiirolien.
Congregational services this morning.
Preaching by the pastor ; subject : "Imper
fect Knowledge. " There will bo no evening
service. Young People's Society Christian
Endeavor at tlM : ! ) .
First Baptist church , corner First avenue
und Sixth street. D. H. Cooloy. pastor.
Preaching at 100 : ! ! a. in. and s p , m. Sab
bath school at 12 in. Christian Endeavor at
7 p. in. Seats free.
Twenty-ninth street mission. AI. W. Buck
pastor. Sabbath school alii p. in. Preach
ing nt ! l p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock.
Broadway Atcthodist Episcopal church ,
corner of South First street and Broadway
Hov. D. C. Franklin , pastor. Preaching at
10iiO : a. m. nnd H p.m. Abe Lincoln post ,
Grand Army of the Republic , will meet with
this church at 8 p. m. for memorial services.
Sermon bv the pastor. Sunday school nt 1'J m.
Epworth league and class meeting at 7 p. in.
Church of Christ ( Scientist ) , ! ! ! ) Broad
way , near corner of Alain street , upstairs
Services every Sabbath at ! J p. in. Inquiry
meeting every Friday , It p. m. , at residence
HOI High School avenue , corner of Glen
Fifth Avenue AI. E. Church Corner of
Fifth luenue and Eighteenth street : George
II. Bennett , pastor ; preaching services at
10i0 : ! a. in. and S p. in. Sunday school con
ducted by Air. T. B. Louis , superintendent ,
meets at 11:15 : a. m. Sunday evening class
meeting at 7K : ; ) . Hegular weekly prayer
service Wednesday evening at ij o'clock.
Epworth AI. E. Church-Corner of Avenue
B and Twenty-fifth street : George H. Ben
nett , pastor ; preaching services at 3Uniid : : )
8 p. in. . Sunday school conducted by Air. A.
A. Il'irt , superintendent , commences at 2 : . ' ) ( ) .
Class meeting at 7 : . ' ) . Kcgular prayer meet
ing on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
fioroan Baptist Church Preaching by ,1m
pastor at the usual hours. Sunday school at
11 : IB a. 111. Prayer meeting Wednesday
Latter Day Saints , Pierce street , west of
Glen avenue-Social service at 10:110 : a. in.
Preaching by Elder H. Bronson at 7:1(0 : ( p , m.
C. A. Bcebu , P. E.
All Saints ( Episcopal ) chapel , cornerTliird
avenue nnd Eighteenth street Divine
services : Holv communion at 10:1)0 : ) a. in.
Sunday school at 12 m. Evening service at 8
p. m. Subjects for sermons : Alorning ,
"Whitsunday. " Evening , "Titles. " Charles
H. Bohn , rector. Sunday school at the old
Pierce street school house at 3 p. in.
Second Presbyterian Services at 3 p. m.
Address by F.'L. Haydcn. Subject , "The
Providence of God. " Sunday rchool at 4.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
First Presbyterian , corner Willow avenue
nnd Seventh street , Huv. Stephen Phelps ,
imstor Preaching at 10:1(0 : ( n. in. and 8 p. m.
m-l'UULl t111 Ul ; 111
J I1U JIIUllllllo - 1 l-t-u lllllull Ul
ihc services of our deceased soldiers. Sab
bath school at 12 in. Young people's meeting
at 7 p. in.
Trinity Alcthodlst Church-South Alain
street , opposite Eighth avenue , S. Alexander - .
der , pastor. Residence , 712 bouth Eighth
street. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. ami ut 8 p.
m. , Sunday school at 2:110 : p. in. , class meet
ing at il : " ) a. in. , young people's meeting at
! > :15 : p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday at
8 p. m.
Ovcrton Alission and People's Church-
Corner of Fourth avenue and Seventeenth
street. Sunday school at ! 1 p. in. , pospcl
meeting at 8 p. m. , conducted by Happy
Rev. J. Fisk will preach in Alayor Heed's
pavilllon in Alanawa at 10 : UO this morning.
Seats free.
Rev. J. G. Lemmcn will conduct the regu
lar gospel service at the Y. AI. C. A. rooms
this afternoon atI o'clock.
Some Uniform Statements.
A howl is going up from the police force
regarding their nice , now uniforms that is ,
they were new about a mouth ago , and were
supposed to bo nice at the time they were
purchased , The uniforms , which cost from
S2ii to $ 'M apiece , were purchased of L. Bled-
crmau , and thereby hangs a tale. Air. Bicd-
erman says that ho furnished the uniforms at
a very little above cost , and did not make
but a dollar on each one. The men say that
the material is shoddy , and that at the price
paid the profits should have amounted to at
least 5 , " per cent. But this is immaterial , as
the method of the purchase , as alleged by
the men , calls for the first attention.
Several of the men stuto that they were
ordered by the chief to get their uniforms at
Biederman's as he had made arrangements to
this effect. It is alleged that one of the men
demurred to this , but the chief informed him
tlmt "If ho didn't get his clothes there ho
wouldn't get a chance to wear them. " The
argument was convincing and Air. Bieder-
inan secured the order.
Tills is the story told by several of the men ,
but ono was found who denied it and stated
that ho never received any such orders , but
that , on the contrary , the chief told him to
get his clothes where ho pleased , only ho
wanted them all as nearly alike as possible.
All of the men said that they were referred
to Bicderinan , and some .declared that they
were ordered to patroui/d him.
Air. BiediTinan declares that he told every
man who came to him that ho did not have to
get his clothes there unless ho wanted to ,
and some of the men declare with equal
vehemence that ho did not tell them anything
of the kind.
The sum and substance of the men's grief
is that their uniforms arc not what they ex
pected them to be , and they kick because they
were compelled to put up from * 2J ( to f'11 for a
uniform that is not as good as the mem
bers of the old force purchased for 22.
They say that the cloth Is turning white
under the bir tons and belt , and that the suu
has already faded them badly. It makes
them feel sore to think that there will soon
bo a necessity for another outlay , as the
goods are not wearing as well as they might.
It is further alleged that the understanding
was that the men could have two mpntlis in
which to pay for their clothes , half each
month , but that as soon as they were made
Air. Bledcrman demanded cash , and when
they could not pay Insisted on having an
order on the city , which the men eventually
gave him.
All went well until pay day , when Air.
Bledcrman found that the city warrants were
not quite worth 100 cents on the dollar , and
he then went to the men and Insisted that
they take back their order and pay him the
cash , or ho would lose $2.t > 0 on each uniform.
Ho kicked and kicked , and finally effected
the exchange , except in ono or two cases.
Air. Btederinan states that the men's story
regarding the payment Is correct , except that
nothing was haul about Hiving them two
months in which to pay for their clothes.
Ho said that Sergeant bally was the first ono
to patronize him , and the others came be-
cmiso ho gave the sergeant a good ill and
they liked the looks of his clothes ,
There Is a general dental of the patrolmen's
stories at headquarters , and It is alleged that
some of the men have drawl i the long bow to
an Inexcusable degree. The chief also denies
the other stories to the effect that communi
cations from outsldo towns relative to fugi
tives from Justice have been kept from the
men , but states tlmt on the contrary they nro
always on file whore the men or the general
publfo can Inspect them. Ho attributes the
whole dlniculty to a few of his men who want
more liberty than Is accorded under the strict
rules governing the department.
J. G. Tlptou , real estate , W7 Broadway.
If vou wish to sell your promu'ty call on the
Judil it Wells Co. , C. B , Judd president , 000
A Head Kn < l ColllHlon.
If there is anybody in Council Bluffs who
Is tickled beciuibO he Is alive , thut Individual
is Wade Wood word. Hols u fircuiuu iu the
cujyloy of the Northwestern , aud left licrti at
B > ; JO o'clock vc.iter Injr morning on the Chi-
cngo limited No 2 The train should have
left at it ) o'clock Friday night , but the Union
Pacific overland frort the west was delayed
anil r o. 2 was hclff to make connect Ions.
Orders wen ? given f0v it to pass No. it , the
west bound express'nl" ' Missouri Valley , but
but oni reaching that' rMaco orders were re
ceived to pass at Logan , the next sta
tion west , nnd ihq limited went on.
.No. . ' 12 had orders to pass at Allfsourl Valley ,
and the order to hold It nt Logan was sent to
that place. The train had Just eomo to a
standstill nt Logan Mt oiO : : , and before any
orders could bo delivered No. a dashed
around the curve and .a head-end collision
was unax'oidable. Tlie'limited was running
about fifty miles an hour , but Engineer Jack
Kami Immediately 'reversed his engine and
turned on the nlr. There was only a dis
tance of a few car lengths between the trains
when the Impending danger was discovered ,
but the speed had been reduced to about fif
teen miles an hour when the collision oc-
cu rred.
Woodward and Kami lumped lust before
they struck. Woodward landed In a mud
hole , through which ho rolled for several
yards , but escaped uninjured. The engineer
was not so fortunate , breaking his leg Just
above the ankle , the end of the fractured
bone protruding through the llcsh. Postal
Clerk Keen was thrown against the mailing
table nnd his spine injured. Baggacemastcr
Alann was also badlv bruised by some of the
trunks that were tin-own around the bag-
Uage car in wild confusion.
None of the passengers were Injured. Both
of the engines were badly damaged and were
so tightly locked together that they could not
be pulled apart. The tank of No. ID : * , which
was pulling No. 2 was stood on end , and the
rear trucks were piled up on the forward
ones. Engine No. 027 did not leave the rails ,
but No. 10-j was thrown from the track and
the mall and baggage badly smashed. Engi
neer John Wells and Fireman GeorgoStovens
manned No. 127. and Conductor Storier had
charge of the train. Conductor Butler was
on the limited.
The pasH'iigers on No. It were transferred
to No. 4 , Avhicli was following it , and arrived
Iu the Dluffh about ' . ) : : ! ( ) . Engineer Kami
was taken to his homo at Boonu.
OI'IClHi'iniin'H Mny Snle Startling anil
Unheard of ItiMliiutlons.
Bo on hand AInnday morning for these
wonderful bargains :
Half wool challics , best quality , Be a yard.
Paris nxmslinG challies 7c a yard. Best
English challies I'M : a yard. Bust French
challies 4Se a yard.
French robe dress patterns worth from S20
to $ .V > each , all reduced to $10 and f 12 for your
French dress patterns formerly "sold at
from $10 to ? IS each , all reduced to $5 t'lid $3
English pin checked suitings formerly sold
for IBc , 2fle and ! ! 0c , all reduced to tOc a yard.
Finest imported zephyr ginghams , our ! Kc ,
40c and f > 0e quality , all reduced to 22e a yard.
All of our finest French sateens , formerly
sold at I0c ! , HTn ! and 40c , a yard , reduced to 20u
and .Tie for this sale.
Great bargains in white goods , prices ironi
lie a yard upward , Just one-half of former
Remember , when vou trade at our place
you are not compelled to select the articles
you want from old stocks that were offered in
retail stores in the east for the past two or
three years. We buy only new , fresh goods
and sell them at wholesale prices.
Call and sec us , and you will be convinced
that the place to trade is at
HIMIT : EISBMAX & Co.'s. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
J. C. Bixbv , steam Heating , sanitary engi
neer , KI3 Life building , Omaha ; 202 Alerriam
block , Council Bluffs.
Schmidt's gallery refurnished , and new in
struments. For : ) days , St.OO cabinets for
S2.BO. Elegant finish warranted. 220 Alain.
Desirable dwellings located in all parts of
: ho city , for rent by1 E. II. Sheafo & Co. ,
Uroadway aud Alain st. , up stall's.
We want you to list your rental property
with us and wo will secure you good , reliable
tenants. Rents collected and special atten
tion given to care of property , E. H. Sheafo
4.t Co. , Broadway and Alain st. , up stairs.
The prettiest plat of town lots ever laid out
can bo seen in the office of Cooper & AIcGce ,
Alerriam block. It is as good _ as a picture to
sec the blue print of this addition. Lying on
.ho heights in the eastern part of the city , it
is Avell called Alorningside. From Alorning-
side avenue which is the longest drive in the
uldltion , beautiful glimpses can be caught
through tlio foliage of the trees of Omaha and
our own city. This addition has been platted
) y a lavish baud , that might well
) iit to the blush some of _ those real
state men whoso only aim seems to
nivo been to get the lots as small
is they would sell , when platting ground ,
mil to get as many of them as possible. Two
uoautifiil parks , Graham park and Cook
park , adorn this addition and make breathing
spaces for all time to eomo for the people
surrounding them. Graham park is about
, wico the size of Bayliss park , and is a
icatity of which we may well bo proud , as
, vo are ol our other parks , that are famous
'ar nnd wide. Cook park is not as largo as
Graham park , but it , too , will bo a great at
traction to resident.1 ! of Alorntngsldo. This
uldltion is covered with as line a growth of
nit mill tlmbo as ono can find anywhere. Wo
> rcdct ! a rapid sale of the lots in such a beau
tiful spot.
At the Boston .Store , Council Hlnll'H.
The ribbon sale advertised for this week at
.ho Boston Store. Council Blvffs , will bring
: housands of patrons from the surrounding
country. All those who attended the ribbon
halo three weeks ago well know what this
neans , as the Boston Store never advertises
inything it don't have. Goods speak for
themselves , whim compared with prices
iskcil by other houses.
No. fl all silk ribbons I'KI , worth lOc.
No. 7 all silk ribbons Sc , worth 12Uc. ,
No. 0 all silk ribbons lOc , or regular 15o
No. 12 all silk ribbens 12'j'c ' , our regular 19c
No. 17 all silk ribbons Ifie , our regular 22
All the above widths eomo in reds , pea
cocks and light blues , browns , creams , rose
and salmon pinks , lilacs , yellows and old
rose. This Is no Jot ) lot. but our regular
stock , and guaranteed all silk. They come in
moires , gros grains and satin edge.
Sash Ribbons ( i-inch sash ribbons in pinks ,
reds , blues and creams for GOc a yard , always
sold at 7Hc.
.Much moire sash , brocaded , also Scotch
plaids , in all the new colors , that sold for
$1.00 and Sl.H'J , during tlio sale for 8Se. A full
line of colors , also In black and cream.
SOO pieces moire ribbon In No.'s B , 7 and g ,
good line of colors , \vhch ( sold for 7e , Do and
I''Hc , all to go at this sale for * 'e a yard.
Special bargains iii hosiery , underwear and
comets for tlio week , and numerous other
goods , which , by seeing-and comparing prices
with these asked by other stores will con
vince thu most skeptical that the Boston
Store Is headquarters in the dry goods lino.
Wall paper at popular prices ,
Fotheringham , Whltelaw it Co. ,
Leadcis and Promoters of Low Prices ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Special lace and chonlllo curtain sale this
week. Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
IlASTi.vos , Neb. , May 10. [ Speoful to
Tin : BKK. ] An excellent 6ii'e , thm and
I'oinedy Isoll'ered lyAir. ; . O , .Tiieobaon ,
ono of tlio most extoiiHlvo egg anil poul
try paukeru ami bhlppoi'B in western No-
braskn , for the benefit of fanners In this
section who uro constantly complaining
about the low prices of grain. In con
versation recently ho tairt : "It seems
bt range that tlio farmers In this locality
don't illrect more attention to raising
poultry than they do. Tlioro is no expense -
penso attached , compared with the cost
of keeping bwlno and cattle , uml there
has been a growing demand for poultry ,
osjMH'lally from the western btates anil
torritorioH , the past two years. Six
months in the year I860. I paid out over
$15,000 to the farmers of Adams county
alone for poultry. The prices ranged
from i to lu cents" JUT pound. C'omparo
thw prices with the customary price of
l > vof and pork. This Is jiorhaps the only
department wf the farm that isn't over-
douy. "
The Black Hills Country ntul its Wcnltlf eRich
Rich Ores.
Vast ItcMiiirocfl Which Only Await flic
Application of Proper Miiulilnvry
foe Their Development Demi-
wood a Coming MotropollH.
Hmmvooi ) , S. D. , May'JI. [ Special loTur
BKK.J It Is singular , but nevertheless a fact
tlmt a decade had passed before the merits o
some of the best mining camps on this contt
nent came Into prominence , as Instanced It
the cases of Colorado , Montana and Idaho.
While the people of the Black Hills for the
past fourteen years have always had mi
limited confidence In their vast resources , yet
capital has been skcptlcaloand loth to take
hold , except In the case of the Homestakeam
Caledonia , until very recently. The formei
has been in operation for over eleven yours ,
and the results show what a splendid prop
erty it Is , having paid dividends to the stock
holders to thu amount of $ liVHTr , ) > 0 up to
March 2."i lu t. A brief history of this mag
nificent property may not bo uninteresting to
the readers of this article.
It was purchased in the hitter days of 1S77
by lllggins , Tfcvis it Hearst of California.
George Hearst , now United States senator
from California , gave the property a personal
and thorough examination before the pur
chase. They incorporated and erected mi
eighty stamp mill which commenced drop
ping Us stamps on July 12 , IS7S. The results
of the mill were t > o llattering , albeit the ex
pense 01 us consiriicucn was enormous , tlio
machinery being manufactured in San Fran
cisco and .shipped from there via Cheyenne
to Lead City by freight teams , that It was
followed by. another , the Ciolden Star 120
stamp mill , the following year. Others have
been added to their properties and
they are now dropping at this writing
(120 ( stamps with ore enough in sight to last
for years. A mining camp that has in sight
seemingly inexhaustible bodies of ore contin
uously furnishing this number of stamps to
one companv alone must have some merit.
There are plenty of other properties adjoin
ing the Homc.stako group and In close proxi
mity thereto , that have been lying idle for
years for want of capital to develop and make
them producers , and why they have not nt-
tiMctod capital in the past seems , to say the
least , surprising. The Caledonia , owned by
another California company on the same beit
of ore. while laboring under tlio bad manage
ment of former superintendents until the ap
pointment of General T. L. Skinner , its
present eflleient manager , Is now on
the list of dividend paying mines
and has paid up to duto $1-10,000.
That lie deserves credit for bringing the
property out of chaos and placing it on a
dividend-paying basis goes without saying.
The ore body on the 07. ) foot level shows no
sign of diminishing. Other properties in the
same vicinity have been paying small divi
dends with a small number of stamps as com
pared with thellomestake or Caledonia. Tills
is notablv true of the Pluina ( forty stamps )
and Monitor ( twenty stamps ) . Tllose , how
ever , arc only occasional , ami cannot bo
classed as dividend paying mines. The secret
of success on this low grade belt is found in
the heavy production of the Homostako and
Caledonia , and is illustrated in the history of
every great mine in the world. The belt
gold deposits are without a parallel in the
history of tlio mining world. The Homo-
stake company control only a limited
amount of the ground containing thcso
deposits. The rocks containing those ores
outcrop to the surface in many places south
of Lead City , where the belt mines are situ
ated. Their geological relations were care
fully worked out by the state geological
survey under Dean Carpenter of tlio school
of mines , a few years ago. and possiblv'
through his report the officials of the Chicago
cage , Burlington it Quincy railroad were at
tracted , and concluded to build to Deadwood.
However that may be , that line parallels this
belt outcrop its entire length through the
Black Hills.
But the most available ores around which
public interest now centers , and of which
the outside world knows comparatively
nothing , are the refractory ores of Ruby
Basin , Bald mountain , Blacktail and Terry's
Peak , all in close proximity to this city.
These bodies lie in horizontal deposits and
require no hoisting works , pumps , etc. ,
and but few timbers , and none of
the expensive appliances so usual
in mining. They are as it were upon the
surface , and can bo mined so Cheaply that
the proceeds will not be swallowed up in ex
pensive mining material. These are the
ones that are building the smelters and ehlori-
nation works whose known and explored
extent is greater in area than any heretofore
ever known to the. mining world. They are
almost inexhaustible.
The term refractory in connection with
these ores is a misnomer. They yield their
precious contents readily to any sensible pro
cess. For these carrying only gold any
modification of Planner's chlorine process
will answer. For the others cither smelting
with lead , or with copper or iron will answer.
They can also bo treated by amalgamation ,
or by lixeviatlon. But all tilings considered
Matte smelting us practiced for years
in Germany , or at Argo , Colo. .
is the coming process for. these ores.
The fluxes required are hero In endless quan
tities , as is also lime , pyMtes of iron , etc. , for
nature , when depositing the ore , generously
supplied this region with all the appliances
for its reduction.
It is not the writer's desire , certainly not
his intention , to boom any property or state
anything in this correspondence but plain
facts about a country whose resources are as
boundless us' the ocean and as permanent as
its rocked ribbed shore , and destined to bo
In the near future one of the foremost mining
camps in the world. The figures given above
in regard to the dividends paid to date can
easily ho verified by reference to any responsible
siblo mining Journals published in the Cnited
States. Capitalists can easily see that tin ?
contracts recently let , and the pushing of two
of the greatest trunk lines in the west to
Deadwood , vitlio Chicago , Burlington it
Quincy and the Chicago it Northwestern
railways , which will bo completed the com
ing fall and early winter , -show that these
roads know very well what they are about ,
and are perfectly familiar with the vast re
sources of Lawrence county.
The former line runs through the very cen
ter of the Black Hills , through a series of
parks , valleys and woodlands whoso beauty is
distinguished everywhere , and of a nature
known in no other land , stretching to the hot
springs at tbo southern extremity of the
Hills , whoso waters have been named by a
distinguished writer "tho Carlsbad of Amer
ica , " on account of the wonderful curative
qualities of their waters , Harney , Custer ,
Terry , Bald mauntain , the while cliffs of
Deadwood and other less prominent peaks are
seen plainly from this line , making it ono of
the most picturesque routes in America.
Custer City , the oldest town in the
Black Hills , located where tlio gallant
cavalryman bivouaced in ISM , is situated on
tlio Chicago , Burlington it Qniney. I n
Hill City also the H. 1' . F. M. .t M. Co. Is
carrying on Its gigantic operations. Millions
of lOngllHh capital Is invested in tin. Tlio
magnitude of thoho properties need scarcely
be mentioned in this article , as the world now
is well satisfied of their existence. Albeit
blackmailers at home and enemies abroad
have tried to crush this magnillcent industry ,
notwithstanding the fact that it was ex
amined and fully endorsed by the greatest
mining experts in the world anil by United
States Senator Moody and Congressman
Amos J. Cummings of New York.
Gregory Is another brisk little town situ
ated on this line and recently brought Into ,
existence by the erection of a sixty stump
Huntlngton mill on Little Rapid creek to
oiiorato the ore from the Montana gioup
of mines. The mill has lust commenced
opo'ation and will soon add to the bullion
product of the Hills. It is a close corporation.
None of the block is , or has been offered for
sale , The owners are Governor I. degory
Smith and George F. Smith of St. Alb.mti ,
" "
Vermont' , ami""John V. Lewis of Boston.
The Chicago it Northwestern railway runs
along the eastern foot hills , through valleys ,
table lands and plateaus. The challenging
notes of the rival locomotives can faintly bo
heard for a distance of IK ) miles until their
imlvid in Deadwood. The towns situated
along the line are Buffalo Gap , Hermusa ,
Rapid City , Black Hawk , Piedmont , T ilford ,
Sturgis ami White wood. The latter is 10
miles below this city. A tunnel 1,300 feet
long Is now under construction.
Tlio name "Dcudwovd' ' eritfluated frgmtho
superabundance of dead timber on the moun
tains and along the streams above the city ,
nnd was so called by the pioneers who llrst
discovered gold In isThe city was laid
out In the .summer of lS7il , It Is the county
seat of Lawrence , tlio richest In the Black
Hills. It has had alternately Its clouds and
sunshine. The lire of mro swept It from ex
istence , yet It was built up , and agieat per
tion of the structures erected were swept
away In the Hood of mi. The city Is located
at thu Junction of Whitewood and Ueadwood
creeks. The surroundings are grand and
picturesque. The city Is supplied with water
works of extraordinary power and
pressure by the Homestako mining
company , who are bound by contract
to supply the city for a period of thirty
years , The climate Is delightful and rivals
Colorado. The altitude Is 4 , < XK ) feet. Over a
million of New York , Boston and Philadel
phia capital Is invested hero In real estate ,
narrow gauge and street railways. Two of
the hotels nlono can accomodato 200 guests.
Others are under construction to accomodato
the Increased travel Incident to the building
of the two trunk railroads. Six miles east of
here is the mining camp of Galena , named so
from the nature of its ores. Among the ex
cellent properties of the camp Is the Sitting
Bull , Washington Consolidated , General
Mcssltt , Cora and Ontario. All of the
ores necessary for Matte smelting are
abundant In this camp. West of
hero a distance of seven miles lies
the Carbonate camp that htts numerous mer
itorious mines and a fifty ton smelter In oper
ation , and in close proximity thereto is ono
of thellnest water powers In the Black Hills
that ultimately may bo utIIUed for motive
{ lowers for machinery in Deadwood or on the
belt. Space will scarcely permit the mention
of the Undo Sam , Garden City , and other
meritorious camps , adjacent , to tills city. The
eastern and foreign readers must recollect
that fifteen yearn ago this was a howling
wilderness , peopled by the red men onlv. The
progress that has been made is duo to west-
em pluck and energy. Such Is a brief sum
mary of part of the Black Hills of South Da
kota , other camps , enterprises and Industries
will bo described In a future letter.
i3 PIOS-IIU. : : i
\\7lp pay rent when you can buy a hnmoon
1 t the Name terms , and In case of your death
at uny time leave your family the homo clear
on the following terms :
A homo worth II.IXK ) at 112 per month ,
A home worth f 1..V10 at ilrt per mouth.
A home worth tt.OiM at (21 per mouth ,
A home worth fKX : ) ( > at * : Ki per mouth.
A home worth * IWU ( at JH per nmntli.
Other priced homes on the s'ime terms. The .
above monthly payments Ineludo prlnelpal I
and Interest. Tor full particulars full on or !
address the.Inilil & Wells Co. , 090 llroadway ,
C'oiincll llliiirs. lu.
" 171OH HKNT-NIco front room , with board ,
.1- suitable for man and wife or two men.
Scott house. ? 2 N. .Main , Council ItlutT.s.
\\7.\NT1)-K.xperleneed boy to feed platten
press nt rraukllu printing house , 503
Pearl st. , Council llluir.s.
ITlOlt KKNT-Two Rooil modem houses. W.
-L1 W. lingertti Pearl streot.
'I7IOU HKNT-The store room , No. 18 , frontlii ! , '
-t ? on Pearl st. W. U. James.
\yK II.\VKseveral beautiful modern house
I that we will Iradefor eueumbered vaeau
lots In Omaha or Counell blnirs. The Judd .t
Wells Co. , Council Illulls , la.
IillJK SALE or Rent-Oarden land , with
houses , by J. H. nice , Iff ! Main St. , Council
17HK SAlK-Hotel properly. 2."i rooms , rcn-
- trally located. .Mrs. Win. Noble , 1L"J S.
Eighth St. , Council llliifTs.
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
Axn nuir.niNU SIJI'IIII.VTKXI : > IXT : * .
Rooms I'M and 4ri : Hen IlulldlnK. Omihi ; ,
Xeb. , and Itnoins 'M and 240 Merrhim Block
Council Haul's , In. Coircapundenuu solicited
I'res. Vlcu-1'rcs.
CIIAS. K. HA.N.VAS , Cashier.
Paid Up Capital $160,000
Surplus and Profits 50,000
Liability to Depositors 350,000
IJniBrrons I. A. Miller , ! " . O. Cloason. K. I ,
Slnmart , K : E. Hart , .1. I ) . lOdiiiundson , Chu :
! . Hannan. Tiansact general bunking liusl- LurKcsl capital and btirplns of any
iiink In onlh\vi > sturn Iowa.
Tnl.Oi'OSL . on Time IJoposiLs.
Is still at
14 Pearl Street ,
Mrs. I'felll'ei's Millinery
Stole , with bur
A | ioilInn ( if her splemllil
stork Mill iciimiiih unsold.
This IM the hist opportunity
jooiIs and ormuncnts.
- I I I 11 l
TIIOS , \v H , M 1'uscn
Corner Main nnd llroatlway.
Council Bluffs , - losvn.
IJfuloM In foreign ntul ilomrMIO o.xehnnR&
( ollootloiis made anil Intvteat paid iw tlmrt
deposit * ,
OvcrC. II. Jaiviuemln .V Co.'s . Jewelry Stor
Factory and Planing Mill.
Host eiiulppcd , mo t centrally located fac
tory In the city. All modern , latest pattern
machinery ; operated by skilled mei'lmtilc-i ,
Special attention given to scroll and liand
sawing , planingiml trimming , ( leneral on-
tracts and estimates for IIOIIKI-S and buildings
nspeelally. Corner North Alain and Mjnsto
streets. Council Hinds. Telephone * ' . * .
Tlie J. A. Murphy
1st A venue and 21st Street.
Sash , Doors and Blinds
Hand nnd Scroll Pawing. He-Sawing ami
Planing. Suwluir of all kinds. I'oreh ltru-l : > oH ,
Kindling wood i.V : ) per load delivered. Clean
midlist by the barrel iV. All work to b
first-class. Telephone V > .
Electric Trusses , Belts ,
Chest Protectors , Etc.
Agents Wanted. DR. C. H JUDD ,
7J 'A' ! BS'J
Such ns Pimples , Blotches , Blnck
Hends , Freckles , Superfluous
Hair Removed. Address ,
DR. W. L. C A PELL ,
840 Mnrcus Block , Brondwny ,
Koom SiO MerrlamlllocK. . Council HIiilT' * Iu ;
Itooin U10 N. V. l.ife IIuddliiK , Uniulia , Ndi.
< r > "a IP * w n m & * > c&n < r
Correspondencesolic'.tcU. .
, , & , Bsnkers ,
103-165 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO.
7O Stoto Stroat. BOSTON.
BiifT.Tlir. from HIP iMlrctinr .Muilhful crrcis. i-nrlr
iltray , wnstliiK wrnUni'M. lust iitiiniiiiiprt , 11 , 1 II
M'liil'u viiliialilo Inntiw ( MIli'ili iiiiilaiiiirii : full
particulars fcr liomirun - . I'll UK < f ; ! ; if'1 ' A
HiliMiilW im-illi-M wnrk : ( hmilil ' tvml l > < " 'iy
111:111 : wlio la IIITVUIS ami drMIIUili'd. A.Inn %
Vrni ; I' . C. lf < MVlX5HiIOii ! lll . folU.
T 1.
. . y . . . _ ' -
T aiS. "I-- . .
v ii. vSTEAM *
F 331-Alb - .
- - ? = MlStl & :
Automatic Cut-Off Enrine
Espoolnlly ndiiptod for BJootrlo Ll htlm ? , M lla nnd Blovivtore.
E. C. Harris , Agent , u
Send for C'ulaloyuo. Complete Stoiuii IMuiits furnished nnil
12sl lia t 1'ierce Street Council IJluff In ,