Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1890, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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Read the following Testimonials , and write for names of some we have cured. COOK REMEDY COMPANY , 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Sworn Testimony :
I of Marshalltown , Mar-
Bhall County , State of Iowa , being duly
sworn , depose and sny that in Decem
ber , 18f > 7 , i went to the Cook Remedy
Company , of Omaha , to lie treated for
what Is known as Syphilis. Prior to
going to them I had treated with prom
inent physicians for about six months ,
nnd all the time continued to grow
worse , until I was completely covered
with sores , having thick , warty scabs
from an eighth to one-half inch thick ,
many of which had run together BO that
Botno were as largo as my hand. The
bottom of my foot wcro ono complete
scab , which would crack open if I at
tempted to walk. My hair had fallen
out and I had several largo sores on my
Bcalp and face. Physicians that had
treated mo had given up all hope of
ever doing mo any good , and frequent
ly said they were using Iho best reme
dies known to the profession to cure the
disease , but that they had no effect on
mo whatever.
1 treated with the Cook Remedy Company -
pany for thirty-five days and returned
fiomo free from all sores , and feeling as
though I had a new lea o of lifo. I bo-
pan to llcsh up , and to this date am in
perfect health , and my hair has grown
thick and long. It is now nearly ten
months since I took their treatment ,
mill as vet have not scon any symptoms
of the disease , all of which is true to the
boat of my knowledge and boliof.
( Signed ]
Subscribed and sworn to before mo ,
J. Ij. Carney , a notary public in and for
the county of Marshall , state ot Iowa ,
this ilGth day of October , 1888.
[ SIAI < . ] J. L. CAHNBY ,
Notary Public.
The following affidavit is mailoby one
cf the physicians who treated Miss
Tor nearly six months , and ho was con
fident in his own mind at the same time
elic came to us that she would never
recover. IIo has since told her as much :
I , C. II. Stuli. M. D. , of Perry , Dallas
Co. , Slate of Iowa , being duly sworn ,
depobo and nay that I am a regular phy
sician , and licensed to practice under
the laws of the state of Iowa. I have
read the foregoing atlldavit of Miss
and can truthfully say that I am
knowing to all the facia therein stated ,
ixnd can further testify that I was one
of the physicians who treated her and
had given up all hope prior to her going
to the Cook Remedy Co. She had be".1 ! '
gradually growing worse , and this too ,
while under the treatment of the best
remedies known to the medical profes
sion at that lime. Her statement as to
her condition before going to them is
true in every particular , and on her
return , after treating with tlioni a little
over a month. > ho was apparently well
and free from all taint of the disease.
It has now been about ton months since
she toolc the treatment , and up to the
present time , there has boon no mani
festations of any return of the disease ,
mid I have every reason to believe that
ho is permauontly cured.
O. II. STUM. , M. D. j
Sworn and subscribed to before mo
a justice of the peace , in and for Dallas
county , state of Iowa , this "Oth day of
October , 1888. R. L. LUNT ,
Justice of the Poaco.
Wo have the originals of both
tatomonts on file in our otlico.
Three years after treatment the above
patient writes us as follows :
March 27 , 1SSO.
Cook Remedy Co. Dear Sirs : Your
most welcome letter was received yesterday
terday and I was pleased to hear'you
were interested enough in mo to write.
My health could not bo better than it is
at the prohont time , and has been for
the past live months. The sore is all
healed and has been for a long time , 1
have no reason now to think that I am
not as well as I over was in my lifo. I
suppose you think I have forgotten you
nil and not thankful for what you have
done for mo , tint such is not the case ,
for I often speak of you and often think
how well I would like to go to Omaha
once moro and boo you all , I know I
liavo no way of getting there so there
Is no UM > of mo thinking of booing any
of you again. Hut I will never forgot
what all you done- for mo if ,1 did illtreat
you whllo I was there. You would
hardly know mo as I have changed so
much binco I loft Omaha ; I was pale and
poor while there. I now weigh 110
pounds with my coat on. 1 have been
at work for a lady for the last four
months but am at homo now.
Yours truly , Miss N .
From Anot her Pntlonr.
September ill , 18S9.
Cook Remedy Co.Omaha , Neb. Sirs :
In answer to your request for a testimo
nial of my personal oxporioneo in tak
ing your Remedy , am only too glad of
mi opportunity to tell of the great ben
efit I derived from it. When I wont to
rou , had on the dilToront parts of mv
body nine running ulcers , two of whi.'li
wore on my loft log and had boon run
ning sores for over six months. Had
been to Hot Springs , Ark. , for two
months , also doctored with llvo dilYor-
ent doctors in the throe years that I
IYDB alllictod with that terrible illbcaso.
At last I made up my mind that it was
incurable , and when I was told of your
remedy and its olTect , concluded to trj
it as my hibt chance. Hut to fully de
scribe my happiness when in only eight
day's treatment my wires were drying
up and tlio boaba falling olT , is some
thing I cannot describe- with a pen , and
when after -1 days every one was gene ,
I was tho. happiest man in Omaha , lie-
fore I went to you 1 experienced great
trouble at dlliuront times from the
fTuctsof the treat amount of mercury
that I had taken previous to going to
you. Whenever I got wet either my
arms or logs would have sharp pains
and my arms would have to bo rubbed
and liot llannolrf applied before tlio
joints would bend. Also , always had a
sore feeling in my joints , and my legs
were always tired ; but since I have
taken your Remedy have not folta mer
cury pain and my joints are as limber as
hey over were , and 1 sincerely believe
the last vestige of mercury is completely
eradicated from mv system.
S. A. , Lead City , Dak.
Six Months Lntor.
LKAD CITY , Dak. , April 1C , 1890.
Cook Remedy Co. Gentlemen : I feel
as though it were a duty I owe to you to
my race in general who are alllieted
witn the worst of all diseases , Syphilis ,
to write a letter telling of my wonder
ful euro of that disease by the Magic
Remedy. There is no use describing
my condition ; its makes me shudder to
contemplate its gravity one year ago.
My heart was broken , all my courage
gone trying to find a euro. I had been
to Hot Springs , Ark. , and had spent
nearly eleven hundred dollars treating
with Drs. Garnet . .V ; Grcenway of that
city. They pronounced me cured , but
in two weeks afterwards the eruptions
returned again. Then I spent two long
years suffering all the pain and mental
agony a human being1 ever endured and
lived. In that time I was under live
different doctors without receiving
enough benefit to give mo even a ray of
hope that i would over get well. I had un
to this time taken enough mercury and
potash to salivate a regiment of soldiers.
It had salivated mo thirteen times ,
and no ono but those who have taken
large quantities of these medicines can
sympathize with a person in my condi
tion at that time. My joints would swell
and refuse to bend , and there was a con
tinual pain in my logs aim arms , ana a
tired , worn out fooling all over my
body. When it is understood that at
the baino time T was covered with ulcers
and sores , my toolings can bo appre
ciated. The remembrance of that
period impels mo to write this letter and
say I am a well man to-day ; that six
weeks' treatment under the Cook Rem
edy Co. of Omaha cured mo ; that for the
last live months I have worked in a
mine at hard labor four and live hun
dred feet under ground ; have boon
soaking with water a great many times ,
also have drank to excess and used
tobacco continually , and as yet have
neither seen nor felt a symptom of my
old disease. What other test a man
could make I know not ; if I did would
certainly put myself to it at once. My
wish for you , gentlemen , is success to
jour magic Remedy , nnd may God re
ward you for the good you are doing the
human race. I do not wish my city or
name published at large , bull will only
bo too glad to answer any letter from
any individulto whom I shall willingly
reveal my name and locality.
I remain yours truly , S. A.
Still later , as showing what our pa
tients are doing /or us and the alllictod ,
wo publish another letter from the
above party :
Lead City , S. D. , May M , 1890.
Cook Remedy Co. , Omaha , Nob.
Gentlemen : I received your letter and
course of treatment the 2th ! ) of last
month , and Mr. took them im
mediately. Ho took them in live days.
The result was copious movement of
the bowels , the ulcer became very sore ,
but softened , and lias now nearly healed
up. His appetite is good and also his
condition in general , and ho thinks ho
is a well man once moro.
Enclosed you will find a letter from
Mr. , 1 answered it and told him
yiui charged mo $ lor treatment , but
thiit your charges varied as to a man's
N'ow gentlemen , while I feel as
though 1 were urdur great obligations
to the company , and am willing to do
anything I can for thorn , yet I must say ,
they are coining a little to thick , as
there ij hardly a mail that 1 don't got
two or three letters asking about the
company , and 1 know by not answering
them I am doing you an injury , bo up
to date I liavo answered overvono , but
you must consider I work all day in tlio
mine , and it is not fun to spend my
evenings writing lotlurs. Now I am
willing to write a few for yon , but not
ono or two a day. How would it bo if
you referred the most doubtful ones tome
mo , that is , the ones who think tlioro is
no euro and that you are frauds , ( jive
mo that kind , and if they don't change
their minds , they can't ho changed.
Very Respectfully.
Another GOTO Mul3 Yams Ago.
Detroit , October 7 , 1SS7.
Cook Remedy Co. Gentlemen : lam
willing to write you a testimonial , but
do not wish it printed over my name.
If you wisli to refer anyone to mo by
letter or pot-son , 1 will gladly give them
the history of my case. I will locito.
in brief , my onso as told you atllrst. In
18J7 I was treated for chancre , and sup
posed I was cured. I had no further
trouble until the fall of 18VJ , when I
broke out with sores on my hands , and
had a very aggravated sere throat.
My doctor at that time pronounced it
"syphilis" ' of secondary singe , and said
I must go to the Hot Springs1. 1 wont
and bpont eight monUis under expense
1 eouhl not v.ell aflord. When I retur
ned , I was apparently well , but in less
than six mon to * it caino on aga'n. ' 1
* vas unable to go away , nnd though doc
toring for a long time in Chicago , I
continued about the same for two
years , and a huge sere broke out on my
ankle , and I was i-onllnod to my boil.
After about a year of this , doctoring all
iho time with different physicians and
, my friouds aaut mo .to the
Hot Springs again. I began to im
prove , but slowly , and in about a year
or so returned , and , to make a long
story short , I kept this thing up for
about thirty years. I have taken miir-
cury an'd all kinds of preparations ad
vertised , enough to lit up a good si/.ed
drug btoro , all the tirno" being at iirst
better , and then down again , and so on
through those long years , in the end
much worse. This spring my friends
were about to send mo to a celebrated
physician when ono of them wanted mete
to co to you. I began taking your rem
edy in June , 1&87 , and today I am as
well as any man , and feel no bad effect
from the disease. I may add that my
improvement began in live days after
talcing the first dose , and , barring the
old scars , no ono would.evor know that
I had boon alllictod for thirty years ,
your remedy ought to bo know to all
sufferers. You know how greatful i
am for your treatment. Ono afllicteJ
as I was , cannot express stilliciont
thanks for the benefits received , but I
can never forgot you , and silent offer
ings go out from my heart to you every
day. Gratefully yours.
J. T.
Three yeai"i later : In answer to the
inquiry from us , "do you consider your
cure permanent. " the author of the
above letter writes us as follows :
Detroit , May 10 , 1890.
Cook Remedy Co. Gouts : I am as
well as I ever was in my lifo. Never
had a return of any symptom. Thanks
for your interest. As over J. T.
Dallas , Texas , July 'i. 1SS7.
I hereby certify that I came to Omaha
from a distance of four hundred miles
on my way to the Hot Springs , where I
was intending to go thohocond time for
treatment for syphilis. I was induced
to stop and sco the Cook Remedy Co. ,
their advertisement being so strong. I
thought there was a bare possibility
that they could do something ; after
consulting with them , and owing to
their very favorable proposition i con
cluded to try the treatment , and am
happy to say that in fourteen days 1 was
cured and am to leave this city for
homo on the morning train. I saved at
least six months time and several hun
dred dollars in money , besides Iain this
time confident that i am permanently
cured , as 1 fool much better than before ,
for years , and better than when 1 loft
the Hot Springs supposed to bo cured
a little over a jear ago.
In answer to our letter as to his pres
ent atato of health , and thopcrnianoncv
of his cure , this patient writes us again
as follows :
. Dallas , Texas , May S , 1S)0. ! )
Cook Remedy Co. Dear birs : I cer
tainly consider myself cured perma
nently. It seems to'nio that I never en
joyed such perfect health as 1 have
since taking your treatment , three
years ago. I can cat , sleep and work
with positive comfort , Lam usually very
busy , but shall always take time to ans
wer the inquiries of any unfortunate
ulioin you may refer to me.
Sincerely yours
The following illustrations represents
the condition of patients leg when ho
came to us for treatment , thi-y show
bide and roar view of the leg. The dif
ference in bine is duo to the different
sittingb when the picture was taken.
Tills patient has been with us loss than
iil ) days , but the sores are now all lilled
in with growing llesh.and in a few days
moro wo will cnd him homo , a peifec't-
ly well man. Any person can call on
this patient at our rooms while ho re
mains , or on application wo will furnish
his name and address at any time in the
future :
This certifliob that the above cut
truly represents the condition of my lug
three weeks ago. Tno Cook Remedy
Co. , has treated mo but thruo weeks ,
and what they say ahov o as to my pres
ent condition is true. All boronoss is
gone from the parts , and the leg is rap
idly rosuminir its normal condition. I
expect to leave for homo in a week , en
tirely well. C. II. GltA.Nr.
Add'tlomil Toatlmonln'p.
Chicago , III. , Oct. 8. 18SO.
Cook Remedy Co. , Omaha , Nob.
Gentlemen : I might very properly
question my ability to clearly compre
hend the bimplcat proposition did I ro-
Bi9t the convictions and practical dem
onstration of iho use of your remedy ,
and can discover no reasons , other than
purely skeptical ones , for longer doubt
ing permanency of my miraculous cure.
I have the assurance intuitively sup
ported and con tinned by every ono of
uiy live bouses could the rankest pessi
mist challenge or insult his reasoning
faculties by domntiding more ? Prior to
happy experiment , the exorcise of anyone
ono of my functions , physical or menial ,
seemed to remind mo of my abnormal
and pitiful condition. Now , do I oat ,
drinksmoke , bleep.or thinkit is with a
blissful sense of pleasure , satisfaction
and comfort ; to which I was fao many
suiToring , miserable years a stranger
that a thousand times each day I am
lost in blissful contemplation of the now
lifo and hope ; of the incalculable and
priceless treasure I have purchased for
a paltry 8 . Two months since , could
I have known the posibilities , nnd had
had you demanded ton years ot my now
life for the magic pellets , I would have
gladly yielded consent. To my think
ing the intrinsic value of the specific
'can not be computed the transaction
from a living death ; from a mental con
dition of which Dante's visions of hell
could not aggravate is not a thing
upon which a price must .bo bot. You
may feel richer ton thousand times in
the gratitude and happiness of your pa
trons than in their dollars.
Yours sincerely
J. II.
The following is a very recent letter
from the above writer :
Cnicngo , April ! ! 0 , 1S90.
Cook Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Gentlemen : Replying briefly to your
inquiry ofith inst. , I have much plea
sure in saying that my absolute recov
ery is as complete and satisfactory as on
the date of my last letter Oct. 8 , 1SS9.
These conditions , of course , do not ab-
bolutoly establish the permanency of
the euro beyond the period actually
covered , but in my estimation , and in
the light of my experience with other
'cures' ' and ' 'spocilics , " Iain feeling no
uneasiness as to the future ; and while
I now take good health and entire free
dom from the damnable scourge philo
sophically and as a "matter of course. "
I none the less respect the magical pow-
orsand blessed offac.y of the Cook Rem
edy. I have answered many inquiries
j since last writing you. I shall never so
long as I live fdrget or cease to bless
the person who incidentally brought
the remedy to my attention. J. II.
Oct. 2o , 18S9.
Cook Remedy Co. : Enclosed please
find draft for remainder duo the 27th
inst. I am now beginning to fool moro
like myself than for a long , timo. I
think your medicine is a grand thing
and seems to do just what you represent
it will. I am very grateful to you and
certainly do not regret having tried
the same , and'if over I find anyone in
the same condition I shall do my best
for you. As a rule one generally keeps
such things to themselves as much as
possible , but [ would not bo back whore
I was thruo weeks ago for twice the
price. Sometimes I am ashamed of my
self , I fool so good 1 am afraid people
will think Innfgetting too lively formv
ago. * Have had that cloud hanging
over mo so long that if the old trouble
does not return in time to come T shall
know that a miracle lias been perfor
med. You may refer anyone to mo ,
should you wish to do so at any time.
Thanking you very kindly for all your
trouble and advice , I re-main.
Yours respectfully ,
Nov.I , 1889.
Cook Remedy Co. Gentlemen : It is
with pleasure that I write this to lot
you know tlmt I am all right , and all
signs of the disease have left. I fool
better than I have for three years. Of
couri-o I doa.'t know whether it is all
out of mv system or not , but I fool just
ab good as before 1 had it ; in fact , my
appetite is bolter than it has been i'i
ton year. 1 will write you again in
two weeks. If at any time you wish
to refer anj ono to mo you are at liberty
to do so , for I shall never bo able to re
pay you , for what you liavo done for mo.
Tno cuso I wrote you about the monoy.
will bo sent sometime this week. There
are ono or two others that will bond
f-oon. With kindest regards , I am
yours truly , '
OMAHA , Nob. , Nov. 11 , 1SS9.
Cook Remedy Co. , Omaha , Nob.
Gentlemen : In reply to'your request
for n statement of my experience in-
treating with the COOK Remedy Co. , f
desire to btnto that I contracted syphilis
about six years ago. At the time of
going to you the symptoms present were
ulcers in the mouth and running sores
on tlib body , although 1 had been eon-
btantly treating with the host physi
c-Ions for moro than two years , during
which time it was utterly impossible
for mo to use tobacco in any form. I
also had a.soreness and stillness in the
limb * and joints , which was almoatun-
bi-arable , f then applied to the Cook
Komody Co. , and at the O'al ' of only
fifteen nays' treatment I was as sound
as a dollar. It has now been moro than
three years since you treated mo , and I
have never felt iho return of any symp-
loin whatever. I know that I am cured
pormanuntly , and you are at liberty to
refer any purtiOa to mo.
Yours truly , JtoiiliitT Sl'AllL.
Siorx ClTY , Iowa , Jan. 7. IS90.
Cook Remedy Co. . Omaha , Nob.
Gouts : Weil , as my condition is in a
fair way for the bettor. I must thank
you for the improvement , which cer
tainly is wonderful , and I must say that
my conlhUnce in the Mnglo Remedy is
and was stronger when I received your
letter iiclcncwlodging the action of sumo
being satisfactory toou. . . This makes
mo believe that your i emi'dy v\ ill tin the
work , if it docs "not , \ < > u don't Unow it.
My appetite U buiiu-th.n that I iur
onjovcd before , and urn fcciiuf boiler
every day. Allow mo to congratulate
you oil your frank way of doing bushier ,
which can only bo done by honorable
mon. I will do nil I can to make your
business increase , when it comes my
opportunity to do so. I have a few cases
I mean to put in your hands the way
you instructed mo to do. 1 liavo lit
present ono with the gonorrhoea , will
you please lot mo know your terms.
The case is eight months standing , and
if the rotnody will do as well with it as
it docs with syphilis , the party can and
will pay 8o\00 for a cure. You may
send a little printed matter to mo at
Sioux City , and also answer mv letter
here. Awaiting your further favors I
remain yours , with best wishes for your
success. D. II.
January C , 1890.
Cook Remedy Co. Gentlemen : I will
drop you a line to lot you know I am
still alive , and able to do a man's worlc.
At present am working hard every day ,
gaining llesh and never felt hotter in
my lifo , and tunny times do my thoughts
go to Omaha and bless the Magic Rem
edy. I had the pleasure to-day of toll
ing a poor unfortunate , in Hot Springs ,
Ark. , who wrote mo a letter asking mo
about your company , and will only add ,
if ho don't come to Omaha it won't bo
my fault.
Well , I am in a hurry to-day so I will
cut this short. Ever your friend ,
August 17 , 1887.
Cook Remedy Co. Gentlemen : In
answer to yours , I am perfectly well , as
far as I can see ; feel better than I have
for years before , and weigh considerable
more. Your remedy is the only thing
that over helped mo at all. I took
Royal Remedy and the three S. speci
fic , but it did mo no good whatever. I
had but httlo faith in your doing mo
but Httlo good in the short time you re
quired. but I am as sound as a nut.
Yours thankfully , - .
- IXD. TY. , Fob' i2d , 1890.
Cook Remedy Co. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Gents : Your last rcc'd , rsking me to
make a full report of my present condi
tion. I am now just getting up from la
grippe and of course am not feeling O.
K. You ask about the sere in my
mouth. At the time of writing my last
tlioro was a small sere just back of my
lower tooth ; was raw in appearance. It
has entirely gene and tlioro is not a sere
spot about my bodv , inside or out that I
know of. I appear to bo in perfect
health and think I am. I will give you
some names that need your remedy and
I think possibly you can do some busi
ness with some of them , but of course I
would not have them know whoru you
trot your information for the world.
Your firm and my old physician are the
only living people that know that I
over had any disease , and that is the
limit , Lot mo know in your next if you
desire their names.
yours very truly , S. E. S.
- TKXAS , Fob. 2d , 1890.
Cook Remedy Co. iDear Sirs : Am
very sorry to sny I did not got your
letter until yesterday duo to some unac
countable delay at Denison , as wo have
our mail forwarded to us from there.
Would say that the sores I sooko of
have all disappeared and have all boon
gene for at least three weeks , and at
present there is not a sign of syphilis
on my person that I know of. And am
still having the utmost faith in your
remedy , which is a God-send to hu
manity. I am , , as over , one that will
spoalc most highly of you and your
cause. _ O.
- N. Y. , -91SOO. I .
Cook Remedy Co. Gents : The two
Hooks being again up for mo to report
progress. I hasten so to do. I can see
quito .an improvement in my condition
since my last report , the sere spot on
arm has contin nod to heal gradually and
has nearly disappeared , my general
health is bolter , my bowels moro regu
lar. my appetite excellent. I am very
well pleased with the treatment thus
far , and sincerely liopo it will bo per
manent. If so I shall forever slug the
praitfos of the "Magic Remedy. "
. Yours very truly , T. F.
. 10 , ' 90.
Remedy Co. , Omaha , Nob.
Yours of the lith ! inst. ro-
colvod in duo timo. You may bo sure
I will do all I can to holn you along ,
any time or place I can. Yoii need not
answer this letter if you think it unnec
essary , as I think it will reach you all
right. Von may refer anybody to mo
yoiQiko , as I fool safe to say your remedy -
ody is the only bafo reliable i-nro
Known.Your.s very rosp'y , J. U.
.Colorado , April , ! ! 0 , 1890.
Yours of Iho ' Jtn was kindly received -
coived and contents notod. You state
that it w-is a year since you treated mo ,
hul it is only about nlno months , and in
that time I have had no biirna of the
disease to show. I have had letters
from different parties , and I always roc-
omniond thorn to give you a trial.
YOU I'd tl'Ulv ,
F. P.
"A Morltorloua Romorty. "
Read what the Nebraska Homestead
bays :
'Tho Homestead Is not in the habit
of endorsing all Hint appears in its
advertising columns or rouominond-
ing to the public the various comedies
guaranteed as cure-alls for ills to which
tlio human llosh is holr , but It does
want to say a strong word in bohn'.f of
a propnralion formulated by the Cook
Rumudv C'o . of Omaha. Their niUer-
tibouiont appuurs olneuhon- this ju ir-
mU , and readers are diructud tinre ; to
for fuller information as to the guaran
ties sot forth for the Speedy and perma
nent cure of ono of the most loathsome
maladies in the category of disease.
The Cook Remedy company has boon
in operation for four years , and within
this time has permanently cured BOIIIO
of the worst cases of syphilis that could
bo produced from all sections of the
country. Indeed it is the most aggra
vated cases that have boon invited , for
the company feels strongly fortified in
its ability to deal most successfully
with the mostdilllcult subjects that can
bo presented , no matter of how long
standing or by whom heretofore treated.
Hundreds of testimonials in their pos
session is stronger proof of this fact
than anything that can bo set forth in
the editorial columns of The Homestead.
The writer has been permitted to
glance at these testimonials in the
hand writing of their authors , and if
'additional proof were needed of the
offacy of this great remedy it would bo
found in the grateful words coming
from the hundreds who have not only
been bonofitted , but cured permanently
by its use. The signatures of the testimonials
menials are , of course , not made public ,
being , as set forth in the advertise
ments of the cumpany , scrupulously
guarded from public gaze , but The
Homestead known of their absolute pos
session and of the strong commenda
tions they bear for a preparation that
has proved , and is from day to day
proving , a great boon to the aillictod.
The Coojc Remedy company , it should
bo added in the columns of this paper
printed in the town of its organisation ,
is composed of some of the most reli
able and trustworthy men in the me
tropolis of Nebraska. They are , in ad
dition , gentlemen of largo financial
standing , abundantly able to make good
their contracts. Having implicit conli-
dctu'c in * the remedy , they cheerfully
slake their reputations and financial
ability in support of this quick and rad
ical euro of this dread disease for which
it is recommended. Tno Homestead ,
having ample proof of the elllcacy of
the preparation , nnd knowing the high
standing of the gentlemen who are put
ting it before the public , cord tally en
dorses all that can bo said of it , and
thorn in a meritorious way. "
And L\IJ Omihi B.Jiof.r.i'1. Htli , 1890 ,
s-iys :
"A close examination of any of the
hundred reliable work's on medicine
will reveal the fact , that , in spite of the
wonderful advance made in medicine
and surgery in the last century , tlioro
never has been a cure or specific dis
covered for that most terrible of dis
eases , syphilis , until the "Magic Rem
edy" was introduced by the Cook Rem
edy company , of Omaha , Nob. Tlioro
is no disease that "llosh is heir to , "
older than syphilis , cases of it being
mentioned in many parts of the Bible ,
but in spite of this fact , it has always
balllod the skill of the moat eminent
physicians of the United Stales. By
the introduction of their .specific the
Benefit conferred upon humanity by
the Cook Remedy Co * i.s inestimable.
For years the physicians of nearly every
school have treated Syphilis upon al
most the same principle , using various
combinations of Sarsaparilla , Iodide of
Potasium. Mercury , etc. , the result be
ing to drive it into the system , when
the case is pronounced cured , the phy-
sican pockets his foe , and the patient
lives on only to suffer the same exper
ience , time and time again , the inevit
able result , sooner or Inter , being death ,
in its most horrible form. liven worse
are the advertising quacks who infest
each city , as in most cases the know
but little about the practice of medicine ,
and after bleeding their victims of the
last possible cent , leave him in a thous
and times worse condition than when
they began to treat him , Knowing the
above to bo true , having scon the effects
of their pernicious practices in hundreds
of cases , those alllieted should investi
gate a remedy , which promises not only
relief , but a complete and undeniable
euro in o.very casu.
A few words as to the reputation and
financial standing of the Cook Remedy
Co. The company is composed of mon
of the very highest standing in business ,
professonml and social lifo , and have a
financial backing exceeding $ . ' (00.01)0. ( )
Those who doubt the truth if this state
ment can satisfy themselves by address
ing any of the following concerns : R. G.
Dun it Co. , Bradstrcots Commercial
Agency , The Morhant's Union Credit
Co. . or the Western Newspaper 'Union.
Nothing could bo fairer than this.
Now as to the remedy. The Cook
Remedy Co. clal.n and are willing to
back that claim with proof , lhat tlioro
is not , a case of Syphilis on earth , no
matter how sovoro.oroinowiong stand
ing , that their remedy will not euro.
Hundreds of cases have boon treated
within the past llvo years , and not a
single failure has boon recorded. They
do not simply euro it for a time being ,
hut , eliminate all syphilitic poison from
the system and ofi'nct a complete and
lasting curn. They solicit cases that
have bcc'ii given up us incurable , hav
ing cured scores of patients who were in
the hist stage , and who had been given
up to die.
Competent physlcans attend all pat
ients visiting Omaha , but when a per
sonal vihit is impossible or inron vonioiit ,
the patient can bo cured IIH well and
quickly at homo , providing ho acts
strictly according to diwttoiiH.
Hundreds of loliors tcslif\ing l" ftl"
most miraculous cures , are on file at the
olllco of the company , but for reasons
plain to all , can not be published in
ibis urti lo. Parties biilJuriPi } , ' from
this most liui i iblu of nil dibuubfa should
cyrisult thittCumpany. "
Errors of Touts
Nervous De
bility and
Lost Manhood
An Infallible Cure-
in 5 to 30
Our experience In the treatment if ttlitt
diseases of the genlto-urlnary oil- is i a *
impiesbcd us with the needs of a i lii -1 f s if"
fciers uholnthc past. lui\o Unoun itilmiu
but disappointment and Imposition Tli.9
field of practice has pioven a voi llali'i ' KUI .ir- ,
za toquaoKs and ohailatans who bj nin ftiit
the country with .stiongly nonlcil , iti\ ith- (
mcnts of Mi-culled euies , me leap-
Jug a harvest of golden shol.i Is .mil
leaving only the Htubblo of
polntment. Xo class of suffcreis d
moioisympathy fiom the profession , : tl no
disease letjulros moro Intelligent and * 1 ilfu |
treatment , Jlostoftho lemodlcs now n n0
aio not only Inofllclont , but posltlvilj l , , rm
fill. They ovor-btlniiilalc forutlmi , Int , when
stimulation ceases , the rcaotlon HUMS tLp
patient In a worboconillllon than bcfn i trcaU
ment , and not unficqontly loa\es tliiu at
most Ineurablo.
In the Interest of this class of snfli'C''lifl '
Ooolc Hemcdy Co. , has baon experlim i f i g fo
years and havosuceeded In formnlain i. , i re
medy \\hleli has a specific Inllui i < > n
diseased sexual oiganN , changing tint ute
healthy condition , and thusghlni ; t < 11 ' <
uliulo generative system.
The specification of our remedy I ' ccn
demonstrated many hundicds of tli. . i - i tup
treatment of the following dlbeasi-s ,
Hi'iiiMAioiiitnuASeminal : : > \eal < m ' -tt .
iMi'OTf CV Loss of vJillo power , ji.ut .1) ) < jt
SruiiMATOCKf.K Suelllns of the scimmil vc
Eolsof the testicles ,
STKIIMTV Iluiicness. non-secret Ion tit tlip
vital fluid.
VAHICOCKMHnlargcd : congested M us jl
scrotum nnd Hpermatlccord.l r 1 v * * T
HVDIIOCHM : Diopsyorwaterlnthe- ' i uio ,
OucniTiH Inflammation of tcstcs. . ;
OvbTiTis Inflammation of thoblatlm i
PnosTATOHitiUJ.Y iiml other alTt' ' ' . i . !
prustuto glund.
ATiioi-itv-or wasting and elulnl.'nro f 0
parts , and the vailons oilier ailnnnl- -t |
Ingfiom Indiscretions , tixcubscs , ci.MS. i , . , i.
dents , etc ,
Young , mldillo aged or old men.ud a
from any of the enois of youth , n f" < "
cessch anil dissipations of matniei v n
now como to the C'oolc Itomcdy C'o , > > in i > o
most positive iissuianc'o of n iioiin.n < t i it1.
Our remedy Is put up In small com
enabling the patient to piiiehasui'lii" < .1
eotiiso or u t'ompluto tiealmcnt. I i
mcntv.111 bo felt almost from the I" ' '
The ? l liov contains flvo dayn i"
\\hllothnfi box eont.ilns as nun ii ft
boxes , nnd If tliodli''ctlon are foil' " ' i 15
bov , 111 pel main ill ly euro the \voi--i i
Alitncy can bo bent by draft , niiiin j
jiostul niituor rt''lstorod letter.
Addle-- , all oideis to
Omaha , Nc-b.
13th and Docile Sts.