Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1890, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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An Easy Feeling Continues in the Local
Money Market ,
No Ipfofiltfoii | | to Let Ivoosc of Dollni-8
lixocpt on Strlotly i'rlnio Paper
The General Ti-atlo
Fairly Good.
The clearing ! ) for the week as reported by
Mr. Hughes , manager of the clearing house ,
foot $ ,037,0oi.21i : , an Increase of 30 0-10 per cent.
Balances were t1,551.05. ! . The local money
market continues very ea y , bankers report
ing a largo surplus of loanable funds on hand
and the deposit account dally growing larger ,
There l.s no disposition , however , to loan on
nny but tUrfctly pi-imo paper , for which the
-Tilling rates , are H per cent. Other good paper
t 13 handled at 10 per cent , and parties who uro
not known to hu prompt arc not encour
aged to borrow oven on what would ordinarily
bo considered satisfactory collateral. Hankers
sccmlo Do of the opinion that prohibition may
possibly carry and If It should there will un
doubtedly be an enforced liquidation , which ,
ttlthu tight monny market such as Is looked
upon AH prohahlo during thu fall and winter
monthof this year , will make trouble. Thu
money markets of Now Vork and Chicago are
reported ns firm and rates are steady under
the Inltuonco of un active demand for loans
nnd a very lively Block market , whllo at Lon
don money t.s plentiful and cheap.
General trade l.s fairly Rood and our Jobbers
Bay that business Is fully up to their expecta
tions , whllo collections have Improved , and
the Hltuatlon is icgarded as comfortable.
Much interest was taken by our wholesalers
In tlio CONventlim of iiilall business men held
ontho2lHt and 22ml Instant , under the aus
pices of the Commercial Directory company ,
and which closed with a bamiuut at the 3111-
laro holol Thursday. , Views were exchanged
nnd a plan of procedure by which the collec
tion laws uro to bo amended to the detri
ment of the dead heat clu s agreed upon.
A llvu commlttco was piuced in charge of this
most Important matter with Instructions to
jiniM'iit u bill to tlio Igglslatuio this winter
wlilrh will ensure the desired result and It Is
to bo hoicd | that the subject will receive
v > prompt attention , as the credit of Nebraska's
\nurcliunts Is certainly notsogood as It should
bo If the heavy exemption permitted under
the present law won ) to bo reduced to a
reasonable amount. 1'rlccs are to a great cx-
tent unchanged. In groceries dullness con
tinues to prevail In the coll'co market. Dealers
bold liberal stocks and the usual channels of
distribution lire choked , while the visible sup
ply Is scarcely less than a year ago.
On May 1 , IWO.tho visible-supply was. In bags ,
2,013,0 ! , " , and May I , IH O , 2,610.157 , a decrease
of only 5,212 bags , whllo the deliveries In this
country and In Europe during thu past ten
months of the crop year showed an Increased
distribution of 311,013 bugs , Indicating that the
Invisible supply Is ahnormably heavy and
that blocks In dealers hands are so largo that
an Increase In prices may not bo looked for
soon. desplUi the strenuous elTorts of the hulls
to that end. Mild coll'ccs are also dull und
prices weak. Molasses l.s unchanged. Tlic rlco
market is strong with an upward tendency
and holders at primary points are very llrm In
tholr views.
There Is no quotable change In values In the
RUgur market and tno situation Is practically
the same as last week , buyers appearing lu-
cllircrent nud Inclined to wait tlio action of
congress on the tariff I > 111. Canned goods are
In fair demand with very llttlo change In
The Iron market Is still depressed and the
output continues excessive. J.uad Is more
aotlvo and prices have adviinccd. Tlnlsdull
with a modKralo demand. I'etroloum is quiet
and lower. Turpentine Is weaker , and with
f liberal reeolpt-i prices are a shade lower.
\ In dry goods attention has been directed to
v the great llaimel sales at Now Vork , hut the
result has left the market unsettled and
views are much at variance as lo what the
futuio of this line will bo. The open winter
lias probably left largo stocks on the shelves
of dealers throughout the country and the ov-
Istlug uncertainty n.i to tarllV and silver legis
lation render prognostications ns to the
future of the market of llttlo value. Domestic
woolens are weaker and It Is possible that
production may bo curtailed. Domestic cotton
goods are firm , and foreign staples
aro.hold steady whllo fancy foielgn goods are
pushed by concessions ami values are lower.
The tiirlll bill having passed the house by a
itrjct party vote now goes tb the senate ,
v'where It l.s to bo hoped moro wisdom In Its
y treatment will bo displayed and u llttlo com-
! 111011,1sense , bo shown. It l.s baldly posslblo
.r , tin/at / lioseuato will consent lo the passage of
the bill In anything llko Its present shape , as
It Is Is doubtful If tlio Interests most directly
alTccted are at all contented with It as It Is.
It Is u botched Jo'j from any standpoint.
The local produce market has been wollsup-
jillcd nnd fairly active during the weak at
iuworprices , milter Is dull with Increased
receipts. Kggs are lu moderato sup
ply and fair demand nt quota ) Ions. Old
chicken * nro In very largo supply and prices
mo slightly olf. Spring ohlcktyis aro" rather
source , hardly any coming from near by points
and prices have been II rmly ma hit allied most of
the receipts are from the south. The cheese
l market has been modoiatoly brisk. October
4 Jull creams are getting rather scarce , but new
goods are In llhural supply and a trllle weaker ,
llorrles are very plontlfuf ; receipts have been
In such poor order that the bull ; had to bo
pushed HIT to the city trade , leaving hardly
any lit toshlpandcommlsslonmen Imvutlioru-
fore broil unable to (111 ( orders from distant
points to any extent. 1'rospeets favor a very
liberal supply this week and of a belter quali
ty. Vegetables of all kings are plentiful und
lower. .Now southern potatoes are coming In
nnd selling at * M.VX t3.UO per barrel. Mobile
* v , cabbags brings J3.50 per cm : ito and California
* * Sjbbugo ut 4o per pound.
iS , Is said that a syndicate ot
capitalists lire about to Incorporate
und organize a new htulu bank on Sixteenth
streotsoulh of Cumlng , and that , backed by
ono of the larger national banks downtown ,
strong competition will bo olTerqd the branch
JJank of Commerce.
Tlio comptroller of the currency has called
upon the National banks of Omaha for n state
ment of their condition on the 17th lust. , and
Jt Is undorsood that they will without oxccp-
tlonmakoan extremely favorable showing.
Mr. Herman IfounUc. presldmiV of the 1'lrst
National , who has been absent for nearly
three weeks , Is expected homo on thu llrst
proximo or thereabouts , and wo will all bo
very glad to sco him.
fin operator In New York expresses a convlc-
ilon to the olToct that the Juno statement
from Washington will show a loner condition
forwU-Jnr wheat than that of May. As the
winter wheat crop Is usually about two-third *
of the whole yield , this coiidltlonmuy form an
Important oflsot to the better prospects In the
uorthwestduo to tlio recent rains tliero.
There l.s ono point in the wheat trade of the
lust few weeks which has hitherto escaped
\romincnt. though It forms a wldo contrast to
the methods which pruvalled previous to the
refusal to supply quotations from the hoard
for the usn of itho bucket shops.
The longer deliveries are at a dis
count from the prices paid for the nearer
ours. This hua extinguished , at least for tlio
tlmo being , the old-tlmc business of selling
hort for tbosako of I ho carry Ing charged. In
this respect the trade has returned to the con
ditions which used to piovall pu-vioiis to four
or II vo years ago. Since then , up to within the
last two month ! ) , iho bears have had in their
bands a hummer which they used unmerci
fully for the depression of prices , And these
men were the heaviest losers on the advance
slnco March , as they did npt recognize tlio
change till It was forced on their attention by
lioavy margin calls and smart losses ,
" "
Saturday , May 23 ,
fMlmntod receipts of cuttle. 1,700 , compared
" 'A1.1.3S ' . ' : ? 1S5 ? . ! > .Y. . "U'L1s ' turduy < ? of last
.S',0 ' N"ll > ts rturjiiB the week have
bean ll.Wt , compared with II , Oil the week
prior. The markutopened active and Hrni. The
test beef Hteoreweroactlvu at ashado higher
with buyers looking everything up. Cows , on
an notlvo market , advanced n nickel , nil
.I/changing hands uurly. BtoeKers nnd feeders
wore unchanged , bulls llrm and calves steady :
Estimated receipts of hosts 5,400 , compared
wlthS.KW yesterday and S.ICU Saturday of last
week. The receipts during the week were SO-
BSO , compared with 2t,27u the week prior. The
market opened steady , was netlvn throughout
nil the pens belmr cleared curly. Itango of
prices'U'O. The bulk sold ut U.7lai.75. :
Light. fl.tWW.70 : mixed , * . 'Ui7H 'I.r. i ; heavy ,
U.Oig. I.N ) . The average of thu prices paid was
Ki.T2.oom pa red with fcL'lJi yesterday and W.01SS
Haturduv of lost week.
Prevnlllnjj lrlc * .
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grndn of stool ; mnnttonod ;
1'rlmofiti'or * . 1300 tolCOOtbs . 1.1)0 ) C4I.75
Good Mteors , 1250 to 1450 BH . JI.70 "
Hood Hteers. 10M to jmu ; IDs . 11.05
Common , 1000 to 1 150 IBs . : i.25
Common canners . , . 1,00
Ordinary to fair cows. . . , . i.tia
KttbMo K'Hxl ' cows . 1.00
V < Od to choice cow . 2.75
Choice to fancy conn. . . . . 2.l
1'alr to good bulls . . . 1.75
Choice lo fancy bulls . 2.W
Tilght Mockers and feeders . 2.M
sVcedorH , UVJtollUJB.s . ! > .1K >
ialrtocholco light lioga . IUU
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 3.TO
Fair to choice mixed lions
Ooinimrntlvo Tublos ,
The following table show * ihu ranzo In
Average Cost of
The following table gives the average coit
of hogs on thuilutus metilloned , Including thu
eotttoday , us based upon suloj reported :
I > atn. Price. Date. 1'rlco.
May 1 1 ! Ui May 2 11 OlJi
May 3 a D ; I May r , : i 02
May 6 30sfi May 7. . 3 O0' ' .
.May 8 : ioi ) May I ) 3 07 > 4
' May 10 3 02 May 12 3 RIU
May 13 an ) Mnyll 3 fcS'i '
May 15 3 Ki' { May 10 301'j
May 17 3 HHJ May 11) ) 3 87
May 20 an.Mny2l 3 7U
" " " ' " " " ' ' " '
May a ; i7.Vi .May . . . . . . . . . . . a 7ii
May 11 : i 72
Avornjfc I'rlco ol"
Showing the .average price paid for loads of
lioitsoii thoduyslndlcatcd In ter.Uttj , 1SJJ und
WM :
Mnjr 'ID May 'to. Mar ' 83
6 < J
2.1. . 635
21. . 6H7
mill Fjowust Sales of II < ) > ; 3.
Today , .Yesterday. : . . .W80 Hluhest W 75
Lowest , a 0 , " > Lowest U 05
Stoolc Kccclpts.
Offlclal yo turday. Estimated Today.
Cattle It ) cars , 4M Oattle. . . K > curs 1.700
Hos ( Tdcnrs , 5,130 IIo s b2 cars 0,400
Hliccp Icar C1 Horses. . . 1 cur 6
of Prices.
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for hog * :
l-'alr to chblco light hogs $3 B5 J3 70
1-air to choice heavy hos 370 @ 3 80
Fair to choluu mixed hogs 3 U7M3 72 4
Prime fat sheep 530 © 5 75
Coodfatshecp 450 44530
Common to medium sheep 300 ® 1 W
- . / Disposition ol'Stock.
Showing the number of cattle bought by
thu loading buyers on today's market.
Swift * Company , 310
a 11 Hammond & Oo 451
Armour-Ciidahy 1 * Co 411) )
I.eultoth'x-hltd 81
llenton & Underwood 1
lleekor. % Doguu 37
Lobmann & Trauurmann 32
W .S ViuiSimt ! >
Other buyers 140
S. id 330
Artnour-Cudahy PacklngOo i 2.R3I
Omaha lacking CO 1,880
Swift * Co 339
a. II. Hammond &Co 325
JCeiircseiitntive Sales.
UltESSCI ) JlCf : 8TCE11S.
2..1475 375
22. . 807 353
No. AT. Pr.
82 steers , dressed beef , .3210 $4 35
40 steers , dressed beef .1348 4 20
40 atcors , dressed beef , .11123 4 33
3 73J4
3 72'4
3 725 !
3 72Ji
3 72'/i
372 !
3 72Ki
3 TiYt
3 72'/a
3 7JJ !
3 72K
72 ! $
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 7ri
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 SO
Market Mention.
Hogs flrm.
Oowa advance and beeves stronger.
A. T. Nichols of LltchUuld marketed a car of
Itanklns llmlliers of Cambridge marketed a
car of cattle.
Downey & Toot sent In n oar of hogs from
Dr. U. H. Illrnoy went to Kansas Olty to
spend Sunday ,
S , II. & M. Co ( Tin iin had a car of hogs on the
market from Ayr.
Davlngor& Hedge hud near ot bogs on the
market from Verona ,
K. A. Merion had a cur of hogs over from
Henderson , la.
John Wiggins of Columbus was In with two
cars of hon < t.
Omul fi OhrHly and Cochrano & Taylor of
Wither marketed hog * and cattle.
Al Klint , the well known IMtchlloId shipper ,
had four cars of cattle on the market.
John Qulnn. the veteran Wood Utvorshlpper ,
was hero with Hvu caw of cattle from Hunacn.
K. Hoblcmanof OeWItt came lu with seven
caraot fat cattle.
1) . Hall , the well known Rhlppor.
Of Persia , la. , wiiKOverwUhcaarof hogs , Fat
cttttiu nrui bcarce , but considerable Hummer
feeding will bo done. Hogs are plentiful unit
so far unusually hcalty , Corn soils for
ubout 21 cuts.
- " - whlto trout , plko nnd pickerel ,
nerlb , 8oj sturgeon , 7o.
HIDES. 1'Ki.Ttt ANO TAi.i.o > v-Oreon salted
h dcs , KtSfioi dry saluM hides , 5370 : ilry
Hint hides , fir&lot , calf hides , 4 > ifl'io. barn-
aged hldi-ij 2o loss , Hheop pelts , green , each ,
fiOcwtl ; > &i sheep _ pelts , dry , portt , tillotul -
MEANS-Hand nicked navy , tl.noai.73i hand
plukud navy , medium , f 1.50 1,00 : hand nicked
country , ( l.lOiCl.GOi good clean , Jl.2CuM.lO.
AITI.H Hirrrr.liPer tt. 0 < Tt.s < > .
\Vooi , I'lno unwashed , 13IOoi medium 1111-
wushi'd , Itr'tMic ; coarsu unwashed , INU UO.
runs-Heaver , per Ib..VXtf I.OU ; ouch. $3.00 ®
7.UO : otter , onpli. CT.Wi47.00 ; wolf , each , 00Sui )
coon , each , IddtOSot mink , each , .T04jAOoi muskrat -
rat , full. M 12c ! miukrut , winter , 10U15ui
skunk , iJ.VJlooi bailKor , 40vtt I.OOj deerskins ,
per Ib.Uifi.Woj deerskins , winter , per 10 , ViiA
22c.HONKV ISH'tllO'le ' per U strained , Oc.
( HIA.M1R411 cr lw > \ . Mediterranean s
JI.50 ; I'atlfornla fancy naval * . ttvnt , : > V5 ! I.os
Antfulei. W. ) ! fiinr-.v Duurte Hcedllngs ,
In ( Ivo bov lott , I.V ; j'rbov li- .
hard elder , jiure , per bbl , J5.00 ! orani < elder ,
half bbU. K.OOj pear elder , half bh. < t'W.
t'AMl'OII.NIA ( . 'III'.IIIUKSPer 111 , SS&Mtt.
MINCK MK 4T .Vitilo iwr Ib.
. .r bo.x. Mr-Una , fancy.
strictly cliolrn fl.2.vai..V ) .
llA.VANAa-Per bum-li. * 1.5iviM.OO. '
HUTTKit Creamery , funi'V roll * , nrlnts , 21 ®
22oj creamery , fancy , solid packed , 202Ic ;
creamery , choice , 1TJI'.H ( ' ; ! dairy , fancy rolls
n.d prlnt.s. ir/M'c ; dairy , f ney. solid packed ,
IS tlnu ; dairy , choice , WflTxj ; country roll ,
fancy , I33U4c : choice. SfUo- : country roll ,
good , ( Wise ; country roll , fair , KiGc ; pee
slock , 2 > S ' ( c ,
Kno lie per doz forstrlctly fresh ; stale
stock not aalcahh ; .
HosEs-tQuotatloni are for delivery In Chi
cago. ) Dry HulTalo. per ton. ftO H.oo ; dry
rountry , bleached. $ lo.txx0)l3.00 ) ; dry country ,
damp nnd meaty , fiO lO.UO.
VKnr.TAin.KS-- Sweet potatoes , fancy ,
MiiMjiitlnc. per bbl. M.dO ; onions , extra fancy.
$4.50 ; onions , fair. 12.58 : rutabagas. IJ.OO ; car-
rotH. K.tWi ixirsntiH. * IA ) : beet . K2.00 ; horse
radish roots , i > cr bbl , 82.50 : per II ) Tot celery
roots , per bbl. to.00 ; perdoz , Coo ; horseradish ,
per doz plnlM. $1,25.
PiiMKiivus O51SC porlb.
JEi.M'H 3'4k' ' pcrlb.
DltKSSiMt VKAI/ Choice medium , &S8 oi
light. f > aoc ; heavy , 4Bjc.
Ari'f.KH Per bbl , tlonllons , $5.00 ; Willow
Twig , $5.00lien Davis , tl.73 ; Homanlte , $1.50.
' .
( 'OCOANLT.I Per hundred , $1.00.
I'ICKI.KJ Medium , pur bbl , $5.50 ; small , M.50J
Bhcrklns. 47.00 ; C. & 11. chow chow , ( ] ts , J5.85 ;
pints , $3. : 15.
POTATOKS Per bushel , fancy , 3035c ; fair to
go < Mi. ytajfOc.
I'Oui.Tiiv Per dozen , choice hens , J3.2.VJM.OO ;
choice , mixed , LUOrii.i5 : : : "roosters. * 2..W82.75 ;
Hprlng chickens , $2.50 for small , & ) .003.50 for
medium , * 1.00iSI.50 for large ; llvo turkeys , per
Ib , 010c. _
SUOAIW Cut loaf , 7JJe ; out loaf cubes , 7o ! ;
standard. iMwdered , 7Uo ; XXXX. powdered ,
7ic ; granulated , standard , ' 0iHMlJjc ! ; confec
tioners. A , O'fic ; white extra , 5'jc ; extra C ,
Nob. , 5'4c ; amber , 5'ic. -
Coft'KK Itoastcd Arbuckle's Arlosa , 25,54e ;
McLaiiKlilIn's XXXX , 25'Sc ; German. SSJio ;
lllworth , 25'o ; Alaroma , .TOo ; bulk , 25c.
COFI-KK Green 1'ancy old golden Kin. 27e ;
fancy old pcaborry. 27c ; Hlo , choice to fahcy ,
2l i'c ; ICIo , prime , 33Uu : Klo. good , SSLc ; San
tos and common Klo , l'JTf,21c ; Alocha , 'Me ; Java ,
genuine U. U. , 2Do ; Java , good Interior , 25a ;
African , 22' ' ic.
I > "AHtNACKOu6 Goons llarl\v,33 < 5e ; farina ,
r.o ; peas. : io ; oatmeal , I4 < g3o ; mnearoiil , lOc ;
vermicelli , lOe ; rlci-,4ttOH ; sago and tapioca ,
C@7e ; lima beans , Cc.
Ous-lviToscno-P. W. , 10Jo ! ; W W. , 13o ;
headlight , 13'/io ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , 12.00 ®
O.oo per doz. Linseed Kuw. Oic ; boiled , 05o.
ttMKATH Smoked hams , mcil. , lOc ; smoked
hams. 20 to 22 Ibs , O c ; smoked hams , 12 to 14
Ibs , lO ic ; Hals breakfast bacon. SVic ; boneless
lmm,8'Jc ' ; plcnlo hams , 7c ; dried beef hams.
8JOc ! ; boot tongues , perdoz , , M.X ( ) ; 'dry Halt.
meats. flijWio ; pure lard lard tierces' , CiJcj kct-
tlo lard , lard tierces , 7Uc.
CA .NKK MIATS : 1 Ib lunch tongue , $2.75 ; 211)
lunch tongue. $1.75 ; 1 Ib corned beef. Jl.M ; 2 Ib
corned beef. $2.05 ; 0 Ib corned beef.'UX ' ) ; 14 Ib
corned beef , (14.00 ; 211) boneless pigs' feet , $2.2p :
lib English brawn , $1.30 : 2 IbKnglisli brawn.
$2.15 ; Gib English brawn , $0.75 ; 1 Ibclilppcd beef.
$2.00 ; 1 Ib comprcoscd ham. $1.03.
Hoi-E Ilasls Manilla rope , 15o ; sisal rope ,
12'.jc ' ; cotton rope , lOc ; now process , 8 c.
COTTON TWINE Hlbb , very Ilno,3or4plo,22o ;
wine , 15c : fancy fruit. 8c.
STOVB POMSII i2.00ftn.37 per gross.
IlAns Am. , per Cttt. , $1.UO ; Lewlston , per
cwt. , $17.00.
MOI.ASSKS llbls. N. O. fancy , per gal , 55 ®
75e ; choice. 457e : naod.'JOWKc ; Cuba baking ,
Striae' ; blackstrap , 20 220.
WiiAri-iNO l'A'i'iuStraw : , per Ib , l-j2ac ! ! ;
rag , ! ; Manilla U , MJiic ; No. 1 , 7c.
K.\as Union Siiiaro ] , 3 ( 15 tier cent off list.
SAM Dairy. 2so Ibs In bbl , bulk. $2.10 : best
grade. 00 , 5s , fc. : ) ; best grade. 100 , 3s. J2.40 ; best
grade , 18 , 10s , $ > . - . ' ( ) ; rock salt , crushed , * l.bO ;
common , bbl , $1.25.
So At- Castile , mottled , per Ib , 0310c ; do ,
white , per Ib , 14c.
HIIOOMS Parlor , 5 tlo , $ .1.09 : 1 tlo. $7.75 ; 2 tlo ,
$2.25 ; stables. $2.85 ; common , $1.501.75.
COCOA J Ib tin , 40o per Ib.
CHOCOLATE 22@35o per Ib ; German chicory ,
red , 8'/jO.
SAI.SODA Ilbls , Uic ; granulated. 2o ; kegs ,
SODA Pkgs , 00 Ibs to box , SJi i'/Jo.
Ntrrs Almonds , 15c ; Brazils. 12o ; filberts ,
13o ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , 12" o ; peanut cocks ,
8c ; roasted , Hu ; Tennessee peanuts , 7o.
Dituiis ( Urocers ) Per Ib llorax , 12o ; cop
perns. 2-jc ! ; Hay loaves , 14c ; glue , lOo ; epsom
salts , lo : glaubor salts , 3o ; btilphur. SKot hlue
vitriol , Oo ; alum,4c ; tartarloucld,42c ; resin , 2o.
CHKKSK Vull cream twins , ! 2'/Jc ; full cream
Ohio swIss , lOo ; full cream Wisconsin Swiss ,
1410c ; full ereum brick. 13o : full cream llm-
burger Swiss , mo ; f nncy Sheyboygiin b. c. , lOijo.
CANNKII GOODS Fruits , California standard
brands , 2i-lb ! , per doz Apricots. $1.0.VJftl,73 ;
apricots , pfo fruit , $1,50 ; gallons , * 1.50 : blaok-
burrles , H2.30 : cbt-rrle.s , black , $2.202.2. ' > ; cher
ries , white , $2.25iW.50 ; grapes , $1.03ISO ; pears ,
Hartlett , fc'.102.25 ; poaches , yellow , $2.10 2.25 ;
peaches , lemon cling , J2.IO ; pltms , egg , $ l. ( 5 ®
1.80 ; plums , golden dmpl.M ) ; plums , greim
gages , I.651.M ) ; peached with pits In , $1.00 ;
currants , $ ; .30 ; gooseberries , f'.35j ) ( uilnces ,
J2.10 : raspberries , $2.80 ; strawberries , $2.50 ;
peaches. 3-lb eastern standards , $1,85 ; 3-lb pie ,
JI.10 ; (1-11) ( plo , $ i.05 ; gallons pie , $3.00 ; apples ,
high standards , $2.75 ; 2-lb gooseberries , ! Ku ) ;
2-1 h strawberries , OMliVie : 2-lb raspberries ,
$1.00 : i-ib blueberrIcs,8ilc.Kc ) ) ; 2-lb blackberries ,
U.VQ75C ; 2-lb strawberries , preserved , $1.W ; 2-lb
raspberries , preserved , $1.80 ; 2-lb blackberries ,
pre.-erved , $1.20 ; pineapples , llahama ehnpped ,
$2.00 ; 2-lb Itahama grated , $2.75 ; 2-lb llahama
sliced. $ J.50 ; 2-lb Standard sliced , lia.vatl.50 ;
cherries , 2-lb rod , llaltlmoro , 85)5o ! ; pears , 2-
Ib. $ ! . : ) ,
VKOKTAHM.S Tomatoes 3-lb extra , $1.00 , 3-
11) standard western brands , 0095c ; gallons ,
strictly standard. $2.90 , Com Finest grown ,
$1.50 ; glltedgcd sugar corn , very line , $1.50 ;
cliolco 2-lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2-lb ext ra western
brands , f-.VTctl.00 ; 2-lb standard western
brands , 50 < ? .70c. Mushrooms 1-lb French , extra -
tra line , 22@25o ; 1-lb Krencli. fine , lBS3c ; 1-lb
French , ordinary. 10gil8o. Peas Tros , llno.pcr
can , 25o ; deml line , jiur can , 10o ; 2-lb sifted ,
$1.00 ; 2-lb early June , $1.253il.Ci : ; 2-lb Marrow ,
htandard brands , $1.10 ; 2-lb soaked , 57c. String
beans , 2-lb high grade , Kef ugee , Me ; 2-lb Golden
den wax beans , 75o ; 2-lb hiring bean * . 70o ;
Lima Iteans 2-lb. soaked , 75c. lloston linked
lleans 3-lli Lewis , $1.0. ' , ; Crown brand , J1.50.
Sweet Potatoes 3-lb Now Jersey , $1.00. Pump-
kIn.s 3-lb , $1.10. Okra and tomatoes , $1.00 ;
okra. $1.00 ; succotash. $1.20.
1'lHii Codllsh , extra Georges , new , 5'io ;
grand bank , now , 5c ; silver , 2 Ib blocks , OJfo ;
HIIOW white. 2-lb bricks , new , HHC ; Turkey cod ,
largo middles , bricks , ik > ; snow whlto crates ,
12-5 Ib boxes , ; Iceland halibut , Oc ; mO-
dlum scaled herring , 25e ; No. iKcalod hiirrtng ,
22c ; domestic Holland herring , 55c ; Hamburg
snlccd herring , $1.50 ; Kusslau sardines , 75c :
Itusslaii sardines , plain. 55u ; ImportedJIollauil
herring , crown brand , bOo ; do fancy mllkurs ,
OOo ; mackerel. No. 1 blinre , half bbls , $13.00 ;
bloaters , half bbls , $13.00 : whlto Hah. half bbls ,
$7.00 ; trout , half bbls. 15.50 ; family white fish ,
$3.00 ; salmon. $3.00 ; 1-lb mackiirelhorrlng ( ) Jl.tK )
ffflt.10 ; 1-lD linnan baddies , $1.73 ; 1-lb lobsteis ,
$2.15 < Q.2.25 ; 1-lb Alaska salmon , Aloutl.GO ; 2-lb
oysters , 10 oz. $1.05 : 1-lb oyster * * . 5 oz , $1.15 : 2-11)
selects , 12ozt2.33 ; 1-lb olams. little necks , $1.25 ;
2-lb clams , little necks , $ ; H-lb Mirdlno.s ,
Imported , per case , 10is. ) 15.00Q20.00 ; U-lb Im
ported boneless sardines , Sfloj H-lb sardines ,
Amorlean , per case , 100s , French style , $1.50 ®
5.00 ; ( i-lbsardlnus. American , per case , 100s ,
French style , * 7.508.K ( ) ; U-lb sardines , mus
tard , per case , 50s , $ J.754.00 ; Imported key
sardines. $13.00.
FiiuiT Currants , new , 6 ! > iJi7Mo ( ;
prunes , casks. 1,300 Ibs , 7V30 > io : prunes , bbl
or bags , O1.l@7li0 ; citron peel , drums , 20 Ibs ,
22o ; lemon piiiil , drums , 2Dc : furd date.s , boxes ,
13 Ibs , 12e ; apricots , clioloo evaporated , l.V ;
apricots. Jelly-cured , 25 Ib boxes , 18o ; apricots ,
fancy , 25 Ib boxes , itio : aiiple.s , oliolce evapor
ated , lliic ; apples , iirliuu nuw , lOo ; tigs , rayer
10 per cent tare. li4c ; ! ; lusaoks , 7p ; 1'usunl
dates , 7c ; Suit Lake apples , 5140 ; blackberries
evaporated , 501b boxes , 5.ic ; olwrrles , iilttod ,
dry cured , l.'lo : poaches , pared , fancy. 13 < 320o ;
choice. Hlo ; Suit Lake , Oo ; pitted plumbs , Cal , ,
1 Ib boxes , SjyjilHic ; raspberries , evaporated ,
N. V , , now. 31c ; prunes. It. ( \ , 60-70 , 10&1240 ;
oraugo pi-el , 15o ; raisins , California , London
crop IM'.KI , $ . ' .10 ; Cal. loose muscatels , crop IH90 ,
$2.10 ; Viileueliis. 1KS3 , 7o ; Vulonolus , now , Oo ;
Cal. seodlesi , Hits. , 80 ; Ondura , layer , now , llu ;
dried grapes , 5u ; priinolles , new , lie.
- . - N-Small pig , 23o porlbj bar.Skj
Coi'i'Eii Planished holler sizes , 32o per Ibi
cold rolled. 2So per Ibj sheathing , 27o porluj
pills und Halts , .NCI-IT ll > .
( iAIVAM/Kl ) SlIRBT IllON niso't 50-10 per
cent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 21327 , A , 10ioj ! II ,
- - , . . , \ , , $5.73 ; I.X. ,
KHUKT IllON No. 20 , $3.03j No. 27. $3.75.
fior.DKii Iil5o.
TIN Pl.ATK-1. 0. , 10X11 , 235 , J7.25 ; I. X. , 10x11 ,
225. * ' . ) . ( W.
1'MTK-Coko. . 10x11. 2 . $3.23.
STKUL NAILS Hase , * .i.25.
STEKI. WIIIK NAII. * lluse , tJ.65.
WIIIK Jap. barb , t-'UM ; galv. , tl.15.
Quinine , peroz. , I' fc \ \ , 4o ! ; German , 40c ; In
digo , peril ) , 73o ; Insect powder. 40o ; opium ,
* ' " ' " ' - - - J" ' "
hops , per II ) , 3fle-
. . . . , , ,
MV vijiJ. iimu , i u > iui luriiirie ,
- . sulphurle. pur II ) , : ic. UIU-Sperm.
$1.10 ; wlmlo , Wo ; castor. * l 23 ; neuts foot.M'ii
Wo ; turpentine , sac. Tonka beans , $1.75i6UK ) ;
baUam tolu,33' < H oi oalomel , OMi'i7o ; canthar-
adlo.s , * 1.3n < ai.33 ; ca > ulii buds , JnW.'o ; oliloro-
formM5t53o ; ergot , 47 dXM ; uum arable. K > &
03o ; glycerine , WtfrWo , lycopodlum , 12 < iilOy ;
mercury , 8lo ,
Both Bull and Boar Newa-iu Oirculation to
Henry Trailing In Corn nil Through
thb Session Hbfc ProilttctM
AK"ln llHlo-Uull Cnt-
tlo and Hogs.
Cuicino , May 21. l"3poolnl Telegram to TUB
IlKB. ] The wheat market started not unlike
on otherdays.wllh prices about steadj-.and for
a llmo tt looked as though It was anybody's
market. As on yesterday there was lots of
both Iboar and bull news. The wcathur
everywhere was line and RHVO sellers
Croat courage. Them wi ro no cablei
iiud export clearances worn light. Itcpdrls
from the spring wheat secMntis wuro favora
ble. A dull feature was winter wheat nows.
Commission houses were supplied with sam
ples of wheat from southern Holds and the dis
patches were Imrdencil with n story ubout
"elicat" nnd other ravages. The day opened
with the St. Louis syndicate solllnp at homo
nnd In this market. llutchlnson did llttlo
until prices yielded and then Ills brokers
iHHiRht. Logan k Co. flr tM > ld and then turned
peed buyers. Dunhani & Co. nnd Warren & Co.
wore buyers all morning. Selling was heavy
and qulto general and was led bv MeCormlok
ft Co. , Jones & Kcmnctt , S. V. White k Co. ,
IJaxter , and others. July started .steady but
on a nervous market at07'ie , wunt elf tofXJ' c ,
recovered to 07o or better , nnd Instead of n
bulge before noon , as on previous clays , there
was a second decline toOO'jo. ' August and
September wore olt to POe or under and the
tt > no of the market was weaker. There was
nothing of a panicky nature about trade , and
there was noslen of the country selling Its long
wheat. The wheat market was on the down
grade to the lese today , l.ate In the day
when Julv got down to ! W ? e. there was a quick
rlilly toOO'/iCOii ' fresh "fly" news and buylngby
Oiufaby and Warren , lint general soiling again
prevailed nnd prices . /went oil'easily. There
was a llttlo rally from the low jirlcesof the
day , July sold off to WUe nnd closed at U.V40
nominal. August land September each closed
ntH3c. , .
There was a heavy trade In corn nearly all
thosesslon. Thomarket was heavy and showed
a material decline. The Inraedi'voloiiment
had much to do witb lower prices. There was
eoilslderable selling of long corn on the very
line growing weather. Uuduliy and Itoburt
Warren were big sellers at one time. May sold
atlCI'/icatono time , and on taking by shorts
sold at 327 c. but closed tit ; ii' : e. Juno was
with May till day. July sold at lll c , to Mc.
to 35Sc , to 34e to the close. Heptemuor sold olt
t ( > 35o and closed at35 ° 6 < ' .
; There was n general letting down of prices
In oats today. This was largely in sympathy
with the leactlon In wneat. Sample oats.wero
weak and lower. Tim receipts were large and
are expected to bo larger. The local crowd
has gotten over Its scare , or else the shorts are
all In , and the market hail little support ,
deceiving houses sold May at ai'Jo early and
oir to 27J c , closing at27 , " c ; .Tune at 27'Je. and
oil'to2flSoJuy ; ! at27oand elf to20.jO ! at the
close. August closed ! Jc off at ' , ' 1 ' 8e.
Hog products were dull again today. There
was a llttlo advance in me s pork early ,
with prime at $1:1.10 : and July at $13.15 , but it
was not significant and trade was very light.
Klbs and lard were at llrst IIrm at the closing
price yesterday $5.37 ! for.Inly ribs and $11.25
for July lard. Later prices were 2'2c lower
and again sales "weio wide at Una figures.
There was no feature to't/inle.
CHICAGO , May 21. [ Special Telegram to THE
JlBB/l OATTLK More than half the receipts
were Texans , hence the I6\v lots of natives on
the market sold at steady prices ; Canners
and butchers' slock generally sold about the
sarno as yesterday and the general
market closed steady.1 . 'Cholco to extra
beeves , Jl.liOS.5.00 ; iiicilliinijto need steers , 1350
toisooiba , j4.25Si.soi I2o0"(6i35oii.s ( , J3.8oi.30 ;
050 to 1200 Ibs , $3.70l.lO.jblockers ; and feeders
' '
ers , $2.50@3.00 : cows. bulU' , 'ana mixed , $1.70 ®
3.23 : bulk , J2.20O2.00 ; Tuxas grass steers , $2.50
@ :
lions There was it'slight upturn early ,
brought about by the plunge of n few specu
lators , but the gieat liulkisold at about the
close yesterday , and atfUu/close / today values
rule-d a shade easier , wli , nrdull marlcot and A
largo number carried over , , Packers paid.$11.80
© 3.00 and shippers * . ' ! .03@4",0q. Light sorts bold
at $3.003.03. _ _ _ _ _
NEW YORK , May 24. [ Special Telegram to
THK UEK. ] STOCKS The good showing made
by the banks was the lending feature of the
day In Wall street. The wlno ones predicted n
further decrease In reserves , and the most
hopeful did not look for more than a slight In
crease. Tliobankstatcmenthhowed an Increase
In loansof nearly $1,000,01)0 ) and on topof this an
Increase of $1,458,000. This was the Influence
which rescued tnc lop heavy stock market
before the elo e. There were Iminenso trans
actions In Sugar Hellnerles , perhaps 50.000
shares , with a sharply declining market In this
block. The price went oft from lH-i ) to87. re
covered to SS'j and closed at 83' ' , ; . Hall-
road stocks were heavy , but a brighter
outlook In many circles caused a Rood revival.
Atchlson recovered from 47W to 484 , Union
1'acllle from 07H to 63 and Missouri 1'aclllo
from 7ti to 70'.i. St. I'uul was the leader In the
list. From 771i attheopeiilng It rose'to 79 at
the close , n straight gain of l'/j percent over
theclosoof yesterday. Heading was up M ,
with Coal stoeksjnbout steady.
The following were the closing quotations :
U. S.4 < i roRiitar 123 Northern 1'ucltlc
IT.S. 4s coupons 123 do preforroJ
U. 3.4Ks re ulnr IlUK C. AN. Vf I
UJS.4Ms coupon 10'U-j cli proft-rroil . . .I
1'aclllciiiof "j : > UK X. Y. Central 1
Central I'uclllc W-j ! ' . , ! ) . A K T2
ChlcnxoA Alton.-.131 Hook Island KM
Chicago , lliirlliiKtou C..M. &St. 1 > 78Ji )
S yulnpy , 10M ilo prul'crreil 12 %
' ' ' ' ' St. Paul & Omaha. . . . fiU
IliinoYs Ceatrul.'l.'lIGM ilo pn-ferreil
I. , II. AW Union Pncllli ! ! )8)f ) )
KnnBiui & Texas IdMi W. , St. I.1' U
LnkoShorc HITS iloprutorroil iiojj
Michigan C6iitnil..lfJO U'uatcni Union 80
Missouri I'nelllc tfttH
MOSKV Easy , with no loans , at 3H@Opcr
I'nisiR MEitcANTtr.K PAi'cn 57 iior cent.
tJrEiir.iNn EXCIIASOK Quiet but steady ;
sixty-day bills , $ I.R'IU ; demand. * l.83Ji.
Mining Stocks.
New YOIIK , May 2-1. [ Spoulal Telegram to
TUB UKK. ] The following are the mining stock
quotations :
Iron Sliver aw
llruiiiiwlck ConDO Ontnrlo 4000
Calnloiila II It 215 I'lymoutli KOO
Duadwood , T 135 I'luvnlx , Aril KM
1C1 Crlatu 110 Suitor Creek ISO
llOinostnkcj Sa
NEW YOIIK , May 21. Wheat Hccotpts , 10S.200
bushels ; exports , 25,559 bushels ; spot
lower ; No. 2 redIffliSOSo | nelevator , ODi09io ? }
afloat , lMic < ittl.OU < i f. o. b. ; options closed
wralr , No. 2 , May , closing at lii' c.
t'orn Koculpts , 125'JW bushels ; exports.
40.700 bushels ; spot weaker ; No. 2 , 40'felOSo
In uluTiitor. 4i > aioV'jO ullout ; ungraded mixed ,
iWiG-lju ; options , steady ; May chned at401ic. !
Oats Keculpts , 181,000 bushels ; uxports. 30.-
Wo bushels : Bpor , wi-nkoKr No. 2 whlto , ffitfiiji
! 10iO ! ! mixed westorn.J'I QJl-'l-i u ! whlto western.
illjVo. ' i
OolTeo Options clo-jmlfl.rin 5 to 20 points
up. Hales , : K15.000 bag- ] ; . , May , JI7.0ixil7.10 ;
spot Hlo steady ! fair ; uargocs , $20.00 ,
Sugar Raw , dcmuud llrnii fair running ,
4'leii roflned.flrm ; ojrA' . " 53-lo5 c.
Petroleum United ilrftftd for.Iunu at Ol ! o.
Kggs Klrm ; He-jtern. l.W(4l5VJo. * ! (
Pork Dull ; mess , $ 7 14 5.
_ Iard Closed easy ; vaaturu stcarn , J0.32M ®
,35 , ' ' -
llullor Cliolco abnufstoudy ; western dairy
Oftllo ; creamery , ( Vifil.X't'Ijlglu , 15IOo.
Uhcoso Klrm ; purt sm uis. i iO'-ic.
( . 'MKUOO , Muy2.V-l-.l5 Hviii. close Wheat
Wuak ; casii.ino ) .lunoJO jiC'.oiic ;
Corn bloody j casli,33JiO. , Juno ,
July , 3lo. ' ' " " '
Oats Easy ; cash , 377ju | ' June , 2flJo ; July.
2014C. ; ' " ' '
Ityo-FIrm at 5lo. . -If :
Itarloy Steady. i , k
Prime Tlmothy-QuletA ) 11.30.
Flax-Firm at * I.H. r / . ,
WhUky-Hlglioratll.O'.t. '
Pork-Firm ; uash $13.50 ; Juno , $13.03 ; July ,
Lanl Steady ; cash , J0.10 ; June , $8.1215 ; July ,
t > .25.
Flour Ploady ; winter wheat , $7.003.00 :
sprlnir. il.lO&V.B.
ProvMoiis-Shouldor8.f5.10iJ5iO ; short clear ,
$3.7 ( > & . ' > .HO ; hbort ribs. J5.25.
flutter Weak ; oroamury , lOtilJlo ; dairy , 6a
Chnoso Unchnnscd ! full cream oheddars ,
* Youni ; Ami'rlcus ,
tggs-Weak : ; fresh , .
Hides Unchanged ; light greunsaltod.5 iaOo ;
Halted bulls , 3i- ; gieenjalteil ealf. ( I'affiTo ; dry
Hint. a7c : dry milloil hides , Ou ; dry cult ,
& ( & ' * . ' ; duai'ons. 2) ) . * each.
Tallow riii'luiiiS'-d ; pi.-k : . d , I's'-TCjeu ' ' No. 2 ,
34c ; cake. 4'o.
J , our . IUMK1.00) )
\\hcat . . . KOJI I7tfjo
I'orn . t'li.oo ) 4'ii.oi ) . )
oats : ui.w ( ) 2r7.KKi ; (
" " J.NEAI-OMS , Ma > ' 'I Wue t Upeo-pu , 1U
shipments , 2ilcars ; No , I northern rather
ncllve. others slow. Closing : Mo , 1 hard.
May. OlVic ; Juno. ' . .KVon ; truck , KM : No. I
northern , May , Olc ; June. CHic ; on track ,
! iC'402iO ! No. 3 northern , May , 81 ; June ,
8SK1 ; on track. 8300c.
ST. Lotri ! . May 2l.WheatLowon cash ,
IBijc : July , O.T.
( 'orn Uwor ; cash. 3Pej July,3t'o.
Oats Lower ; cash , 37e hid ; July,30o.
Pork-Dull nt * 12.K ( > itl2.JO.
Lard-Dull at
Whisky II.W.
MU.WAUKKB May 21. Whent-Kasy'i No.
S spring ' , ca h , Pigtoi ! July , ou'c.
t'orn-Dull ;'ic ; ' (
oats-oulct ; No.a white , 30o.
Hyc I'lrni ; MlSCTAh ? .
Hurley-Easier ; No. 2. fpOSJiiWIn.
Provisions Easier ; pork , tUM.
pICANSAsCtTV , Msiy'JI. Wheat Slo.idy ; No.
cash , May , Mn ; No. 2 cash , ted , iKo bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 20i' ; May 2Vc.
Oats Steady ; cash , ' . QiT'ii ) ; May , 20'io bid.
CINCINNATI , May ! SI. Wheat No. 2 rod , Olo.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 37c.
Oats-Weaker ; No , 2 mixed , : wiJ.'Wio. !
Whisky $1.09.
JXt'K tiTOVK ,
OntCAOO , May 24. Cattle Kecolpls. 2,000 ;
market slow and Ktcady ; beeves , $1.0035.00 ;
steers , KI.70ftl.fiO ; slockors and feeders. KM
@ 'M ; cows.liulls anil mixed , Jl.7033.23 ; Texas
grass steers , $2 Viji.30. ;
Hogs Hecelpts , 14,000 ; market steady ;
mixed , Kl.KVfJI.OO ; heavy. t3.85l.05j light ,
S3.M4.00 ) ; skips. $3.2iW 'l.CU.
Sheep KeoclpiH , 1,000 : market dull ; natives
ff4.X ( > 3UX ! ) : western , * 1.50 < if5. 0 ; Texans , H.OOift
0.33j lambs. $5.00,37.00.
Sioux CITV. May 21. Cattle Receipts. 300 ;
shipments , 150 ; market steady ; steers , $ .UXKi4
.35 ; butchers' cattle , ( i.Ttiii-'uCi ; stookers and
eedors , $2.5'Ka.1.75co : .s , ! 1.2.va2.90.
Hogs Receipts , 3bOO ; market strong at $3.73
© 3.77i. }
ST. Louis. May 2l.-Cattlo-Rt > eolpM. 800 ;
Bhlpmcnt * * , 1,6001 market easy ; fair to fancy
native .steers , $3.80itl.OJ ; utockursaud fcuders ,
$3.00 ® 1.00.
Hogs Kocplpts , 1,809 ; shipments. 1,700 , ;
market easy ; packing , $3.753.S3j butchers' ,
KANSAS Cm' , May 21. Cattle "Receipts ,
1,000 : shipments. 2.000 : market higher ; steers ,
8l.6U < il3.t > 5cows ; , $2.003.03 ; stockurs uud feed
ers , $3.20SC3.75.
Hogs Reccltits , 0,500 ; shlpmniits. 500 ; mar
ket strong ; all grades at $3.07M3.T7ii ! bulk ,
$3.704.7J. ; )
AVockly Hunk Stutuiiioiit.
NEW YOIIK , May 21. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : llnr.,1 The weekly bank statement shows
the following changes :
Reserve , Increase $1.1."A425
Loans , decrease 879KK ! )
.Specie , increase 3I9.WH )
Legal tenders , Increase 1,061,600
Deposits , decrease 191,300
Cl rculat Ion , decrease 23.200
The banks now hold $3,471,300 In excess of the
25 per cent rule. The exports of specie from
tin ) port of New York lust week amounted 10
$ < 4,5I5 , of which $51,000 was In gold and $13,515
In stiver. The Imports of specie during the
week amounted to $3I6.K5S of which $3fli was
In gold and $210,291 lu silver.
Now Yoric Dry Goods Market.
NEW YOIIK , May 24. [ Special Telegram to
TilirllKG. ] Ititsilncss In dry goods was fair for
Putuiday. There was considerable doing In
bleached cottons , with the market generally
well Hold up. The iirlnclpal feuturo was the
bouyant lone of the cotton gooods market and
the upward movement of prices.
Ono Hundred TJOIH in Omnlia RIcws
Solil for Nearly $ I5O , ( ) ( ) ( > .
A blp real estate deal was closed Friday ,
when Messrs. Arthur Kcmlngton , Frank B.
Aluirnnd Kalpli E. Oayloitl imrcliasod 120 of
the choicest lots in Omaha View from Hoggs
& Hill.
The price paid was ? I4'l,2."iO in spot cash.
The lots are beautifully situated , where no
radical cuts arc to bo mado. The purchasers
intend to put these residence sites on the
market on cusy toi-ms , running over thvco
years time , and expect to quickly dispose of
them to tlio bettor class of mechanics nnd
tuadcsmcn , to whom the locality offers do-
sirublc homes.
Lake street passing tliroiiKU tlio property
will soon be brought to grade , making it n
thoroughfare similar to Hamilton anil
Leavemtorth streets , nnd the street cars will
extend theirlines out to its western termina
tion. An elTort is also being made to induce
the motor line to continue its tracks along
Thirty-third street to connect with the
property. The lots uro to bo sold to parties
wno will improve them at onco.
The parties who have purchased this prop
erty arc wealthycntcrprisingwell-known and
reliable real estate men of this city. They
have long been engaged in the business and
have always boon identified with deals of the
largest and most important character. The
purchase in question is ono which still ninro
btrongly commends them to the people , while
til the snnio time offers undouotublo proof
that real estate instead of being on the do-
clinois making the advance which it always
docs at this promising season of tlio veur.
Muir & Gayloi-il have established them
selves in one of the cosiest suites of oftlccs on
the ground door of Tun linn building , where
they will bo ready ut all times to lulls on real
estate matters , both with regard to thu above
and to other deals.
The Improvement Record.
There is a continued and increasing activity
in the realty market. A number of largo
sales were made during tlio past week , in
cluding the Lowe property at Seventeenth
and Ilurncy streets , to James E. Boyd for
$ . 10,000 , and a largo number Of lots in Omaha
View bought from Boggs & Hill by aiuir &
CJnylord for $144,000.
In building permits the business falls far
short of that of the corresponding week ,
while the bank clearings show u decided in
The following are the comparative figures :
IISTATP. TUAnid. : : .
Day. 1WO. * 1SOO.
Monday . % 4 ,1 ! > I $49,115
Tuesday . 57.H7 223,155
Wiidne.sday . 37.531 72,514
Thursday . 3Sr : > o 13,1:13 :
Friday.- . 135,725 232,522
Saturday . . . . 61,1)30 128,100
Totals . W7d,731 $ ' 47,503
Div. ; IS * ) . 1S90.
Monday . v . $ 11,055 $2,700
Tuc.sday . . . 70,000 1,1:10 :
Wednesday. . . , , . lil.BOQ 4,600
Thiivsduy . 25,100 1,100
Friday . . ' . 3,200 11,875
Saturday . 4,075 0,100
Totals . i : , S30 $31,103
Day. 18SO. 1890.
Monday . I 751,457.20 $ 837.040.10
Tuesday . . . IKWK05.72 835,301.05
WcdncMlay. , , , . oio,757.07 ; Mi3isii.2t :
Thursday. . . : . 585,814.5' ) 721,070.17
Friday . U,22rt. ) ' > 3 H27.761.6.I
Satltltlay . OI5,5)2.57 ! ) 83. 581.01
Totals . t3,783.7i)7.CS ) * l,937,003.23
An Increase for Ih'.Wof 30.0 per cenl.
The Imnlest tusk the funnoi-'a wjfo Is
culled upon 10 perform Is to riiiso tlio
yoiinsr tui'koyu. It is not dlllleult to
hntdh thorn ; as the lurkoy lion Is n per
sistent Hitter ami docs hot- duty faith
fully , whllo the eggs uro nearly nhvnys
fertile , siyn : un oxchiuiRo. A single
union of the sobhlor nnd lieu will fort 11-
izo all the cytfs the hen muy hij during
the soiiHon. Like the human bolng , the
turkey is very fcoblo und tender when
young , but hardy when matured. The
most important mutter IB to never allow
them to get wot. They must not oven
bo allowed on dump ground , Odpoclnlly
at night. Keep thorn with the hen , in u
roomy run , dry , and sheltered
from winds for u week. Then lot
them out on clear duys nftor the dew is
oil In the morning , und get them uj >
ourly at night. Feed on ground outs und
milk , cooked together as bread , with
chopped onion in it , and glvo finely
chopped meat ut least once u day. Feoil
often , and vnvy the food to anything-
they will eat after they are a weelc old ,
but always feed meat. Always look out
for lice , as that IH often the cau o of
young turkeys dying olT. Give chopped
oggh the jlrut two days , in addition to
the other * food , but give nothing the
first thirty-six houm. Do not lot tlio
hen rumble too far , or tire the young
oni'ti. Wuteh thorn closely until they
arc past diingi'i' .
II. C. Collins returned to Ills homo in
Plaltriinouth , Nob. , yt'stcrtliiy aftur u
HUwesHful treatment by Dr IStrnuy. the
The Dally Koutlno Sn the Hoyal Talaco of
England ,
Her EstnullHhmcnt Costs A150OOO
nml CoiiHlstHofn L'hotisniKl I'crHona
ICI lit Duolu-sscs
nnd n lint Cntuhcr.
Of nil the principal courts of Europe
that of KiiKland Is thu simplest , and yet
the household maintained by thu quuen
t'onslsta of over ono thousand persons' .
The discipline is strict and admirably
carried out. The queen puys the high
est salaries paid at any court , and in re
turn exacts the most unswerving In
tegrity , the greatest discretion and most
faithful service. For her household ex
penses Hie queen receives a yearly grant
of 450,000.
Her habits nro quiet and unostenta
tious. She rises nt 8 n. m.-and her
breakfast consists of n dish of oatmeal ,
Bomo fish , and n cup of cocoa , writes a
London correspondent of the Now York
Sun. The lords nnd Indies lit waiting ,
thlrly-llvo in number , bronkfnst in the
most sumptuous.stylo , and it is princi
pally for these important personages
that the following kitchen staff is main
tained : Ono kitchen clerk , n chef , six
cooks , and fourteen helpers and store
At 10 o'clock her majesty receives her
letters and news. In accordance with
strict court etiquette the queen is not
oxpcctcd to handle a single newspaper ,
magazine or periodical ; neither does she
receive any written communication ex
cept family letters. The newspapers are
read through by ono of the secretaries to
the private secretary , who makes cut
tings of any news likely to interest her
majesty , and these are fastened to a
piece of silk and laid upon the table.
It is strictly forbidden to nny member
of the royal family or to any ono in the
household to convoy any newspaper or
periodical to her majesty , or to direct
her attention to any news in the daily
papers. No political news Is clippeh
from the dallies.
The principal attendants upon the
queen are six pages of the back stairs ,
whose ollices have certainly not an hon
orable name , but who receive the tolera
ble salary of $2/iOO / a year apiece. One
of them is in constant attendance
at the door of her majesty's apartment ,
from early morning until she re
tires at night. His position is no sine-
euro and ho lias frequently to carry the
queen's reprimand to some member of
the household who may have incurred
her displeasure. He lias also to Iceep a
sharp eye upon any unwelcome Intrud
ers and must keep over alert lo avoid
nny unpleasant contretemps that might
como b.y announcing a visitor when the
queen is closeted with somebody an
tagonistic to the now arrival , lie must
display great tact and iirmness and yet
great delicacy withal. Hecenty ,
when Prince Battonberg had in
curred the displeasure of his
royal mother-in-law , she sent
her page to summon the delinquent to her
presence. He refused and was promptly
informed by the page that "tho queen
commanded him to appear , and disobed
ience would place him under the painful
necessity of summoning the guard I"
When the prince of Wales , who was
present and who cordially detests
"thoso German outsiders , " informed
him that.laws were madu to bo obeyed ,
that ho seemed to have succeeded in
making himself exceedingly unpopular ,
KO much so that It might be'of benefit to
his health to take a holiday and go back
to Germany for a month or two.
The queen drinks only a glass or two
of Heaifne at luncheon and dinner , hav
ing been forbidden by her medical men
to take beer , her favorite beverage.
When beer was drank at the table only
a quantity siilllcient for use during the
meal was drawn and the cask was then
given to the housekeeper's department.
The gentleman of the collar receives
SIf.OOO a year and has three jissistants.
Dinner at the palace is served at 7
o'clock , and the setting and arranging
of the table is a most artistic perform
ance , and occupies about two hours. For
this service a table decker is maintained
at $1,000 , who occupies a fauilo of rooms
in the palace , and three assistant deck
ers , besides a wax-litter to arrange this
candles , and three lamplighters to light
The queen entei's the dining room
preceded by the head usher Itoaring the
white wand , the symbol of the "royal
command , " and without which 'no
queen's me.s.ongor can appear in the
house of lords to transact nny affair * } of
state. During dinner the proceedings
are frequently enlivened by the presence
of the queen's piper , who marches
around the table discoursing music more
or less sweot. Since Prince Hattunborg
evinced a great dislike to the "bklrling"
of the bagpipes they are always "on ovi-
denco' ' whpn ho is present at table.
Her majesty always gives the signal
for rising from the ta'blo and proceeds to
her private apartments , where she
spends the remainder of the evening
either doing some fancy work or listen
ing to reading by one of the ladies of the
family. During this tlmo shonlso % roads
over the various poems and congratula
tions , of which she daily receives
quito a number from her loyal
subjects , who dearly love the let
ter of tlmnks which is euro to
follow and which looks so well framed
and glazed. Court etiquette demands
that all communications ( oxcojiting per
sonal ones , which never reach nor ) shall
bo printed in gilt letters on silk , nnd
with a bullion fringe around the edges.
Some London stationers make a specialty
of the work , know the exact depth of the
bullion lace nnd nil the other require
ments. A letter of thanks Is returned
and Is accompanied by the gold lace nnd
trimmings which adorned the loyal trib
ute , and the letter in Illedaway In the ar
chives of the royal dust-bin. Quito re
cently n lady in Florida forwarded to the
qnei'ii a beautiful collection of leaves
which she had spent three years In preparing -
paring , and which were subsequently re
turned to the sender with an expression
of deep regret thnt citatum strictly for
bade retaining any presents at court.
The quuen kept it for thrno months ( the
limit of timu ) and spent many a pleasant
evening pouring over the tlireo fmmunso
volumes compribing the handsome col-
! lection.
I The queen retires at 10 o'clock , oxcopl-
i ing on special occasions , when she retires
i as early as she can manage to without
. disturbing her visitors. TJioro are olght
1 Indies of the bedchamber , who serve by
turns u fortnight nt a time. Tiiesu Indies
! uro nil of thu highest families and
! rarely rank under n duehnss. There nro
! bohldcH eight hedchambor women , nUu
j persons of quality , who really do
i the work of Indies' maids , anil iv-
coivo $1,500 n yi-ar. The wumcii hii'ii-
by turns in covipK-s a inunth at u. linn- .
Uho blnnitula ou the iiuocn's bnl ar. .
limdo from the woul of Australian nli.- < | , .
and tlu'.v im Ixmutifuilj wjfi. vvurin ; u..i
l ijht of texture. lUo olit'i-ta un iimo
of the same wool , nnd no linen .sheets am
overused. The ventilation of the room
In perfect. Throughout the palace the
rooms are kept at the same cool torn-
porntttro. no overheating Is permitted ,
and in all the private rooms wood is
burned instead ol coal.
There Is a complete sanitary e tab-
llshment , supported at a cost of XU.700
a year. Perhaps of nil the long list of
appendages to royalty no one enrim hta
wage.- * more fairly than the obscure per-
nonage who llgures nt the end of thu
pay-roll the queenV rat-catcher , whosu
duty it Is to keep the royal premises free
from "nil rats nnd mice nnd such sninll
deer , " and who In return for this m-vieu
receives the modest stipend of 76 a
KomomlK-i-the Hoot Crop.
If you have not n silo ; nctunl or pros
pective , do not forgot thu root crop in
the pressure of tmrltig planting. Hoot-
growing is a bugbear with many whoso
backs ache at the very mention of the
subject , but the dllllcultles and labor nro
overestimated , says the Breeder's ( ! n-
/otto. This crop requires more patient ,
tedious labor than does corn or potatoes
it is true there is "knnclc"
, yet a in man
aging it us in doing everything else , and
this is not very dillicult to luarn , To
succeed with the least labor , much tlmo
should be spent in careful preparation of
the soil. Any land that is in first-clans
condition for potatoes is suitable for
roots ; clover sod , plowed last
fall , will give the ideal con
ditions. Remember that the cheap
est cultivation1 possible is before the
seed Is planted. Use the disc harrow
and roller freely , repeatedly cutting up
and pulverizing the soil" until It Is
as mellow as a garden. As to varieties ,
there is no need of quarreling. The
sugar beets furnish the most corn-on
trated nutriment , and the mangels the
largest amount Of water ; the latter va
riety is .satisfactory to many who nro
after succulence rather than real nutri
ment. For horses carrots are preferred.
As to ditto for planting the rule of
closely following corn is a good one ,
though if the land is in the best of con
dition nnd the scnson favorable the
planting limy follow corn two or three
weeks. ' Have the drills wtdo
enough apart for horse cultivation ,
planting the seeds about four Inches
apart in the drill , thinning out
gradually during cultivation until the
plants stand n foot npart In the row. De
stroy weeds by shallow cultivation , often
repeated , as soon ns the seed leaves have
formed. Ho who watts until the weeds
show green over the Held will early bn
disgusted with root-growing. We need
not stop at tills time to discuss the
position roots occupy in the list of food
articles , or how they should bo fed. The
time is at hand for planting , and ho who
has a root cellar well stored the coming
winter will have ample opportunity to
learn how to dispose of the < 'ontent.s to
his Mode and herd. Hoots In the cellar ,
like money in the bank , represent a most
sat ihfnctory eondjtion of atl'nirs ; botli are
wondorfullv available.
A Vow Ku < : ts About u Ki-aclilii1 Out
T-\ilH Rllilroail.
Assistant Uoiicral I'assonger Ag"nt K.
W. A nil rows of the San Antonio and
Aransas Pass was in the city yesterday
and was met by a Gazette reporter , wli
engaged him in convorsat ion about Hi
Aransas 1'ass i-oail in general.
' The business of the line has Increased
reinai-kably ( luring the very recent past , "
said Mr. Andrews , "and it continues to
increase. Thin can bo accounted for by
tlio fact that it runs through the very
garden spots of the Htato. "
" \Vhut iibout the extension of the road
from Kennedy to Laredo will it bo commenced
* '
menced soon ?
"yes , the line has been surveyed and
located once , but tlio company has out u
corps of engineers making a second loca
tion. The bridge across ItuIValo I'nyoii
at Houston is now being built , which ,
when completed , will jjivo Iho Ai-ansas
1'ass an outlet lo Iho pine regions of the
east.rhon this is done the work of ex
tending to Laredo will bo pushed. "
Fort Worth Oa/otte.
T f ii : Ti rf\Ti'i' Y'MAliKi-jr. '
] NSTIllTMKNTs > placed on record diii'ing
. vi'slcriluv :
f A ( ioddard and wlfo to Alvln Hatin-
dui-s , part lot 2. Oapllol add , w d } HKOO
Duncan 1'lnliiysoii and wlfo to 1 > II I.ed-
wlck , m > ! 4 lot 2 , Vales & Heed's add ,
Poppli-lim Park llnllding ussoclatlua to
.1 II lironii , lot II , blk 2 , Popplulon Park
w d 3,500
O W Ames to Public , dedicates plutof
. \mes"2d add to IMlNdiilii
Ch l-'U'leliiirnnd wlfii to W O I'Yrgus ' < iii ,
lolCI , blk 3 , South Omaha Piirk. wd . 1,1100
0 H Kletcher and wlfo to II D Allen , lots
4 and. " , , blk 7. MidroM ) lllll.w d 1,500
Olot llansenand wlfoto W A llansen.lot
I , blk HI , I'lorem-e , w d l
Olof llnnsim and wlfo to Anna Hanson ,
lot 7. hllc si , I'loreneo , wd 1
Olof llansen and wlfo to I ) 0 llansen , lot
H , blk HI , Florence , w d l
I ! ( 'Duller ami wlfo to M A Campbell ,
w3l , lot ii. blUO , Hhull-s2d add , w d. . . 'jifti : )
Augusta Ghiilliiiun to. ) W Dimnell , n "T.1 ,
lot I , ciiolliniiii's add , w d 10)0
S II II Limit and husband to ,1 1C Itoyil ,
lot I and w'u lot 3 , blk 110. Onmliu. w d I.VlUj
W W l.owoiind wlfo toI K Itoyd , 20 foot
slili | of lot I und wli lot 3 In blk 110 ,
Dnuihti , wd "fl
lloiigliind .V l.undroi'lc to ,1 1C Iloyd 20 ft
strip In lilk 110 , Omaha , running fiom
liilh to 17th sli | ed I
A II Human and husband to .I K linker ,
lots 1 toil ; , Uusli .V ItyciMHI'S ; ulil. w d 3,5'K ' )
I , P Slnkey and wlfo to II L' Crawl , loir ,
II. I and . .1.Mortem'sub. . and lot 37 , blk
17. . On-hard Hill , wd o.OW
II t : Crawl lo C W Merion ut al , lots II , I
and .I , Morion's sub , w d 6,000
Washington llyditand wife to 1) Allmaii ,
lot IS , bllv 2 , Illllsldondd 2
J II ( iiiu and ulfu lo 1) K Miller , H w n w
21-1012 , wd 2.00J
P droitt und wife to J Ii KImlmil , lou
13 to IS , lilk11 , Ili-dford Place , wd I.K40
( ] I.SiMindors to T Ij Klmhall , lots 51 and
55. I'alrniouiit Place , wd 1,25. ' )
.1 ! < ' Derrick and husband to M II I'lluh ,
lots U and I' . ' , blk I , tiruvo's Park , w il. 1.UOO
1C It ICiilin and husband to.lohn Klluy ,
lot I , lilk 5. Denlse'sudd.w d 1'W ' )
U 1) ) Illbblns to .lohn Itlley , loll ) , hlk 2 ,
and lot' . ' , blk 5 , Dnnlsu's add , w d I'KX ( )
Putrleit Mi-i'aho and wlfo to I'A Vales ,
lot 12 , blM. Illllsidoadd No2.wd O.U.H
KugeiiiIJansler and wlfo lo W K lloman ,
lnl 8. l-llt 3 , Hhrlvor Place , w d 00
A II llomiiu and husband lo N M Itycr-
KHI , i-3l , lot IK. blk 1 , Oivbaid Hill , u d U.uOO
Mli-huel Dimnell and wlfo to ,1 A Me-
Sliano , lots 21 , 2'l , 2.37 , 2 ! ) and 31 , blU 4 ,
CanipbeU'K add , wd 3110
Andicw Haas ot al lo A D Amhrost1 , luts
7 and H , blk | , Unas'huh , w d IKM
J N I'li'ii/ur to K II Koeslors , lot 10 , hlk
"A. " liedford add , wd 8io
Clns Krlekson und wlfotoC. M. Itoherls.
lot 1131 Aloyers , Itlchards & Tllden H ad
w d 1,01'J
CM Itobcilscl ill. li.I W Hmllh , lot 11
till. I Mcyuis , Kk-luinlrt & Tllden s ad
( led T.I
1 W Smith to Henry ( Jollmrn lot II blk 1
Moyi-r-i , HlelmriN .t Tllden's ad , w < l . I Ml )
I' . II. Hoesluru lo A J Iown w ( > lot 10
blk "A" lledfoid Placuwd W )
Thltly-four iraiiKfurs , tH&lM
The followini ; building permits wcro h.iuoJ
iy the bulldluir Inspector yoatorday :
J'yiccl .t Wiilnhcrs , two-story douhlo
lirli'k dwelling , Twunty-fourth ami
l.akoHtn'1'N . 1
William I'aul , onu-Hlory fraino coltaKo
Thlrly-fuiirtli und PurkurhtreutH. . W )
Nrls Jiii'Ki'iisoii.iinu-htoi-y flume col taxo ,
SIMccnlh nnu llcnson htrcot.i . W1
One minor permit . -IK )
Tolal I tUM
57 jr 5r wnH suspitusDHY
i 7ffi&ffSe-s3i iwiiiini 'iiii.rMiti ' % .
nl '
| " > lB > . .M7 < IMf > / " | ) | llrllSlLi > lM
rlim'MiV > 'u7.r > < MUXKTt far Uilnpielai pur
t > et , I Mr * ! 0Bnll , * tTt h * * , lllfi | frttl/ , Mild , K9lh
lanalUu Hi lurrrili of Kltelrl llr lhr > ujil ! ll U'XAIC
t tiiritBt Itll Imtnitlj. or v * furftlt i , ( * * > lu
ItKLT IH < | iiuipfD * rr ivittit f 6 4 upt Hural * * i4
witfnlly ( urnlu thfi-a luuDttu. H la i > ftuit < liltl Kru ,