Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1890, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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\ An Argument in Favor of Peace and
Haimony ,
Tlio Coriipau Win- Carried Into Spain
Ktnollon ol' OIllucrH , Institution
of Camps , Cnstles anil Divis
ions In VnrloiiH IMnccH.
All human Institutions nro necessarily more
oi1 less Imperfect and t > erlshablo , In the pro
cession of the ages empires , kingdoms and
republics have arisen , nourished and passed
away. Nineveh , Habylon , Thebes , I'nlmyra ,
Carthage and Tyro are inero reminiscences ,
The pyramids of Egypt , that havehouscd the
aiumillcd remains of the Pharaohs and out
lived forty centuries , are crumbling away.
The grandest and noblest works of art that
human brain and hand Imvo wraught are
embedded In the ruins of Athens and Homo.
Will ancinit craft Masonry , that most re-
rored of Institutions , withstand the ruthless
t'niiiges ' of timol This Is tlio problem that
confronts us now. Nowhere , is the decay of
this time-honored Institution becoming more
I'HIblo than In America , where it has
nourished most vigorously and prosperously.
Wisdom , Strength mid Ueauty nro the pil
lars upon whleh Masonry rests , but truth ,
benevolence anil brotherly love are the basis
of our order , and when those ancient land
marks are obliterated In discord and strife
the whole structure Is In peril.
No true Mason who is devoted to the prin
ciples and tenetof ) the order can remain iu-
ilitlcrent over the deplorable conflict bo-
Iween the two factions of the Scot
tish rite , to whom I desire to ad
dress a fraternal appeal for harmony. .
Whether will this quarrel lend ? What can
you expect from this dissension ? What are
you to gain from denouncing each other ?
When the strong has subjected the weak to
Ills opinion by force , has ho thereby aided the
cause of truth ! Oh , brother Masons take
counsel of pour own wisdom. When disputes
nriso between members of tbo same family do
not the laws of nature dictate concession and
conciliation ? And why should this quarrel
between brother Masons who belong to fac
tions of n foreign fraternal order with which
ivc , as York Masons , have no connection , bo
allowed to disturb the harmony that
lias heretofore prevailed Incur blue lodges !
And what good can possibly come of tills bit
ter feud among members of the craft ? Is
not this a contest of vanity rather than who
should best work and can best ngreo. Where
will those unseemly disputes , this intolerance
and discord end ? Must our lodges become
hotbeds of contention und spltef ulnes I
Cornenu AVar Carried Into Spain.
The Indefatigable Albert 1'lke , conceiving
hims lf to bo the Ponlifex Maximus of
Masonry tne world over , says the New York
Mercury , bat , from the "Old Men's Homo"
lit Wn.shlngton.presumptivclyabencvolent in
stitution supported by Masoniocontributions ,
inaugirirated a war upon the National Grand
Orient of Spain , which ho declares to be , on
Ills individual authority , mi Irregular and
clandestine body , although its origin dates
back ns far as the year irSO. This mavtial
information comes to us hero In America in a
roundabout manner , so much so that we con
ceive it was never intended to bo known in
this section of tlio country , the intention of
Pike , in hurling bis llrchand , being undoubt-
ubly to brood dissensions among the Spanish
Masons in Cuba , Porto Hleo and upon the
Spanish main , where the National Grand
Orient of Spain possesses subordinate lodges ,
while It exercises a powerful inllueiice upon
Masonry in Central and' South America , In
the lust published "official bulletin of the
supreme council of Colon ( Island of Cuba ) "
can bo found a transcript of this bellicose
document , addressed not to It , inasmuch ns
the council of Colon is not , upon speaking
terms with the the dictatorial Albert , but to
the secretary of , the supreme council of Cen
tral America , whoso existence is rather upon
paper than upon solid ground , there being In
reality hut ono powerful supreme council in
Spanish-speaking America , that of HiMzil ,
whleh was organized in ISUti by David Jewett ,
"general of the armada ot ttio empire , "
under constitutional patents from the Cenicau
body of New York city.
After recital and repudiation of all the his
torical facts , set forth by thoSpanish masons
themselves , touching their own history and
replacing them with assumptions of his own
fabrications , Piho set forth the cause for the
National Grand Orient's clamlcstinlsm. lie
.states that , some time since , that body , which
has a supreme council of tlio Thfrty-third
within its bosom , entered into relations of
amity with the supreme councilor the United
States of America , of which John J. Gorman
is nt present the grand commander , ex
changed representatives , "guarantees of
friendships. " and oven went so fai
ns to elect Gorman and other members
of his council honorary members of the supreme
premo council of Spain. For this deed of
dreadful note , constituting tlio veteran coun-
ell the solo American organization In amicable
relations with the great body of Masons In
Spain , the potent Pike declares to the Mason-
ie world , that "in the recognition und entry
into relations of amity with tlio National
Grand Orient of Spain. 'ally of the Gorman
Cernenu council , ' it Is impossible for us not to
see an act of hostility toward us and a formal
declaration of no desire to maintain further
relations of amity with us. If any other reg
ular council of the world does the same their
relations will bo terminated thereby. " Tims
salth the Mighty Thunder and It is to bo pre
sumed that the Grand Orient of Spain will
tremble and obey the shako of ambrosial
The most edifying and amusing portion of
this declaration of war against Spain is to ns-
certnin from Pike's own lips the actual di
mensions of the proxy ho has selected for the
combat. The supreme council of C'ostn HI en
WIIK discovered by the Pontlfex Maximus In
tbo year 1870 , having been constituted nt San
Jose by tlio supreme council of Grenada -
ada , ut which place resided an Amer-
can , Urothor A. 1C. Osborne ,
whom Pike commissioned ns his grand rep
resentative with orders to run the machine in
Ills own way. This ho probably did , although
the Washington potentate in an official dis
course delivered m 1KSO , declares that noth
ing was heard of the council of the grand
representative for -'more than three years.
Since then , " adds Albert , "I huvolearneil that
Hrother Osborno , 'unnidcd and alone , ' has
continued the existence of the supreme coun
cil. ' " Then the southern jurisdiction con
sented to tvcogni/e this potent concentration
of ono man , provided ho reorganized himself
into a .supremo council for Central America ,
to grasp live republics within his arms. The
task was accomplished with results described
by Pike in nn allocution to his council de-
.HverpjllnOotober , 1SS ) . "No doubt tt con
tinues to exist , though Inactive , as a supreme
council for Costa Wen ; for most of them as
sist Hrothcr Osborno , none , at least , of the
native born Costa Kieim members ; so that
the body has become Insignificant. " ( See S.
J. , Translations , IbMl.J
In Atheism to Ho Tolerated V
' Wo have already called tbo attention of
American Masons to the Insidious endeavors
of the leaders or those Scottish rlto Masons ,
gathered into the supreme council of the
northern Jurisdiction , to administer the fr.i-
tcrnlty In this republic IIIHIII strictly mon
archical principles , as Is the rule of their own
government , says Colonel Thomas Plcton , an
emlniuent Masonic writer in the Now York
Mercury. Wo now call attention to a still
morn startling fact , that both the supreme
councils of the northern and southern Jut Is-
dlctlons , proclaimed by some grand lodges to
bo the only legitimate- regular bodies with
which York rite Masons can lawfully affiliate ,
are In accord , eorre.s | > oiiileiieo and alliance
with ICnropcnn us oduto supreme councils
who now , and for years past , have stricken
the name of the Great Architect of the uni
verse from their proceedings and who hold
under their obedience numerous lodges com
posed of atheists. When Albert Pike fulmi
nates a devreo against anything or anybody
ho addresses it , by their titles , to
tuiulry supreme councils , whom ho calls
Iho solo k'K'ltlnmto In the world , comiioslng
-vat k huowu us the Luusauuo confcdcni-
tic n , In tlio formation of which Albert Pike
xviis a moving spirit. It was n convention of
delegates from the various supreme councils
of the tuitions held In Switzerland , something
after tlio manner of the one held nt I'.irU In
1H , when a conference was entered Into by
the councils of Kniticc , Urnzil , Helgium mid
America , from which wo receded and repudi
ated Its dogmas.
Among the llrst nets of this congress of
Lrui.mimic was tbc substitution for the word
"God" the phrases "Superior Force" and
"Creative Principle , " and this declaration of
faith was rnt forth to the world us the car
dinal dogma of Scottish rlto Masonry. The
supreme council of England and Wales took
alarm and Issued a manifesto declaring that
It found Itself comiwllod to announce to Its
confederates that the condition of Its remainIng -
Ing a member of the confederation would de
pend upon the adoption by the other
councils of the declaration of n belief
In the being of God and on the Immortality
of the soul. Switzerland and Uelgium
adopted the resolutions and Franco sold It
had no objections. "I never doubted , " says
Albert In nn allocution , "that the supreme
council of Franco desired to Imvo the phrnso
'Principle Createur' substituted for the word
'Dleu , ' at Lmisaimc , In order that thi'ro
might bo nothing in the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish rite In France to Impede the ad
mission of avowed atheists In the lodges. "
And , consequently , the change was madc.and
so remains despite protest of England , we-
se.nting the singular contradiction exhibited
by some grand lodge legislation In this coun
try in recognizing as legitimate a .supremo
council In ojioii nlflllation with a confederate
tolerating lodges wherein atheists uro ail
milled while proscribing another for having
accidentally o | > ened correspondence with the
Grand Orient of France , which advocates
tliu snmo religious Ideas.
This subject Is of vital Importance to
American Masons , who have been taught to
bellovo that the three degrees of York Ma
sonry supply the foundation for the upper
structure known as the higher degrees. No
theory or statement can bo mom erroneous
and It 1ms only been tolerated In this country
through Ignorance engendered by the ingen
uity displayed by the Scottish rite leaders in
refusal to confer the lowermost tluvo degrees
according to their ritual used In France and
countries of Latin origin upon candidates in
places whcro a York grand lodge was in ex
istence. Were they to act otherwise the delu
sion as to the Identity of the rites would boat
once dispelled. Our American Masons are
imbued with nn Impression that our grand
lodges severed fraternal relations with the
grand orient of Franco on account of this hit
ter's suppression of reverence for the Deity.
Nothing of the kind. It was because the grand
orient recognized the so-called Lausalnno
supreme council , with which Tike was at
the timeand he used the grand lodge as placid
tools to accomplish his prescriptive work.
Then ho employed the phrase Foulhouztism
so cover the motive and the object of his at
tack and was successful in the assault , as few
Masons comprehended the real merits of thu
controversy. At present ho Is howling about
Ccnieuulsm for prostration of a prosperous
rival , unmindful of the fact Unit Scottish rlto
Masonry , as enacted by the confederation
Lausanne , propagates atheism and other
moral scandals.
Some of Those Which Still Itcmliitl
One of Gen. George. "Washington.
Equally interesting ns a rello Is the trowel
with which Washington , as president of the
United States and ns a master mason , laid
the comer stone of the capitol in Washington
on September 18 , 179 : ! , with Masonic cere
monies. It is very small , scarcely six inches
in length , with a blade of silver and handle
of ivory. Washington's Masonic apron is
also preserved in a case built in the wall of the
lodge room and its history is told in the card
which accompanies it :
"Tl\is apron and sash , the handiwork of
Mrs. General Lafayette , were presented to
our worthy In-other , G'inrgo Washington , by
Lafayette , when ho visited Mount Vernon in
17S-1. They were presented to lodge No.J
by Major Lawrence. Lewis , a nephew of
Washington , in behalf of his son , Master
Lorenzo Lewis , .Tune III , 181- , with the box
made in France. The apron and sash were worn
at the laying of the corner stone ut Yorktown -
town by Ponton S. Coles , grand master of
Masons in Virginia , also by Frank E. Car-
belt , master of this lodge , at the dedication
of the Washington monument , Saturday ,
February Bl , 18S. i , and by him tendered to
Myron M. Parker , grand master of the Dis
trict of Columbia , who were the apron dur
ing the ceremonies performed by him on that
accaslou. "
Tlio apron , which is of white satin , with
diamonds and rubles set in the embroidered
emblems of the craft , is the center of a case
lllled with other relics of Washington ,
Among thcso nro white kid gloves worn by
him at the wedding , his farm spurs , the
straps of a pair of his boots , the gloves
worn by him at his mother's
funeral , his pruning kniff , a piece
of the mahogany coflln which contained his
remains and of the cloth which covered it : a
nlcco of cloth from the tent ho occupied at the
Heighths of Dorchester in I7.V > . ami at the
surrender of Lord Cornwall ! * InI7Slhis ;
Held compass , a piece of cloth from the coat
worn by him at ISraddorlt's defeat , a Isnlfo
presented to him by his mother when
ho wasjwelvo years old , and which , after
parrying for Hfty-six years , ho presented to
his nephew , the last bit of sealing wax which
ho used before Ids death , and two buttons
bearing his name , of a Iciml which were in
great demand on the day of his inauguration
in 1770.
Over in a comer of the lodge room , on n
high shelf , stands the clock which was for
merly In tLo hall at Mount Vernon , Just outside -
side of the room in which Washington died.
When ho bresthcd his last , at 10:110 : o'clock ,
Dr. Klisha Cullen Dick , then worshipful master -
tor of Alexandria lodgOj and Washington's
physician , stepped out into the hall and cut
tlio cord which was attached to the weignts
of thu clock. From that moment to this the
hands on the face of the ancient timepiece
have remained undisturbed , and by their im
pressive silence recall the sad event which a
whole country mourned.
All of thcso relics nro authenticated , and
strenuous efforts were nuulo to secure them
for exhibition during the recent centennial in
New York , but the lodge declined to allow
their removal. Many attempts have been
made by photographers from time to time to
talto views of them , but the lodge some time
ago passed a resolution to the effect that no
photographs or pictures should over bo taken
of them for purely money-mnkhig purposes.
Ily a Hro in 1871 , which destroyed the old
ledge room , many valuable mementos of
Washington were either burned or were
stolen by some ono in the crowd which helped
to save the contents of the room. Among
the treasures thus lost were the bier upon
which the remains of Washington wereborno
to the tomb mid thu crape that draped thu
door Imndlu at Mount Vornoii whllo no lay
dead within Its walls , Ills military saddle ,
his card tables , madu of mahogany and
richly carved , many of his original letters in
frames , and a portrait of himself and his
wife. Quito a number of other relics , not
connected with Washington , worn also de
The portraits of Washington which the
ledge possesses are extremely valuable , hav
ing been taken from life. The place of honor
on the east wall , upon each side of the mas
ter's chair , which ho once occupied , by two
oil portraits. Tim llrst , painted by Williams
of Philadelphia in 171H , represents Washing
ton at the ago of sixty-four years in full Ma
sonic dress. This was painted for -the ledge
whllo Washington was president of the
United States , and Mr. Grigg says that
ftO.HK ( ) has been offered for it. Thu other
portrait shows Washington when n young
man of nineteen wearing thu uniform of an
ortli'cr In the continental army. This was
ulso painted from life. There is a full-length
portrait of Washington in thu room , but this
Is simply a copy of Stuart's famous painting.
There are several old engravings of washington -
ton , ono of them certlllcd to by George Wash
ington Pnrko Curtis.
It would talto considerable space to detail
all thu relics of all Idnds which the lodge pos
sesses , hut among the must inti're.sting Is ono
of tlu IIvo Itoysuf liastllo and the remnant
of a completeburvlcu of ' . ' .fiOO pieces of cut
glass , engraved with Masonic emblems. Tills
glassware has a history. In the early part of
the century the ledge showed some kindness
to a man who had been shipwrecked and who ,
being a .Mason , appealed toll for assistance.
Hu was sent to his homo In England , where
upon his father , a lord of high degree , pre
sented to thu ledge this handsome service.
Air. Grlgg , thu tylerof the ledge , and who
conducts visitors through the room. Is said to
Do the oldest living Knight Templar In Vir
ginia , Maryland or the District of Columbia.
Ho was knighted In Washington coinmnndcry
In IS-47. Ho Is an enthusiastic. Mason and has
la his possession u constitution and ritual of
Freemasonry printed In 17 l , and dedicated
to the duke ut Montague. It is lu a remarka
bly peed state of preservation , Is printed In
very black and am lent tyi * ? , and in Iti lan
guage. U the exact counterpart of the Masonic
ritual and constitution of today.
K. or P.
Past Grand Chancellor , E. J. Dowdnll , who
died Saturday , April B , at Ills home , Colum
bus , O. , was burled at that city Tuesday , the
several order * of which ho was an honored
member , Knights of Pythias , Masons , In
dependent Order of Oddfellows and Hed
Men , participating In the ceremonies , which
were elaborate.
The wondrous growth of the order In Iowa
Is shown by the fact that In 1S75 there was a
membership of 500 and In ISM ) a membership
of nearly 11,000. In 1873 the grand ledge was
In debt some f 100 , and In 1WJ ( he grand lodge
was out of debt and . * - , ( Kj In the tivnsury.
loin Lodge , No. S-'l of Dayton , O. , according
to Uratul Keeper of Records and Seal Court ,
does the best work of any lodge in the world.
At the Initiatory exercises they placed forty-
live men on the llonr to confer the rank.
Chicago Is coming to the front with a
mounted division of the Uniform Kank , and
Itanner Is to bo its name , says the Pythian
Knight. Fifty names nro already on the
charter list , and llftv more will probably I > o
added before the division Is formally Insti
tuted. This bodv when organized will bo the
most showy in the order , and will bo used ns
a body guard for Major General Carnamin.
Colonel Harry F. Downs , First regiment of
Nebraska , has notillcd Colonel llnlsoy that
ho will enter his regiment as a battalion for
the prize colors drill at the coming encamp
ment. This Is the llrst formal entry that the
committee has received.
Grand Vlco Chancellor Christie of Sterling
was unnblu to Institute thu new ledge at Crab
Orchard on May 10 , but the lodge was duly
organized on Friday last. The ledge will bo
known as Gethseumne , No. 1-1. Instead of
Crab Orchard lodge , No. 13'J. The number
1'JI was to have been assigned to North Star
Jodge , which was to have been Instituted in
tills city , but which failed to materialize.
A number of lodges in the state Imvo asked
i ruling from the grand chancellor on Iho
question whether they can wear their regalia
on public occasions , such as memorial day ,
etc. The grand chancellor says that the law
of the order will not permit regalia to bo
worn In any place except the lodge room.
This prohibits tlio won ring of collars or Jewels
i public nt any time.
A new division of Iho Uniform Hank will
bo instituted at Hooper this week by Fre
mont division. The uniforms of the new di
vision have been received and a grand time is
anticipated ,
The present grand chancellor Is mailing a
record for instituting new lodges which bids
fair to far outstrip all previous administra
tions. The lodge nt Crab Orchard , which
will bo instituted during the coming week ,
will bring the list of lodges instituted thus
far in G. C. Maefarland's term up to ten.
There are nine more which will bo instituted
during the next two months , making nine
teen now lodges within the space of about
eight months. At this rate , the number will
have increased to thirty nt the end of the
present grand chancellor's term. When it is
remembered that the charter fee for member
ship has invariably been lixed at0 instead
of $10 , as during the two previous adminis
trations , it will bo seen that the result is
uiueh greater. By keeping the charter fee at
a moderately high llgure , the better class
of members uro secured , who are more likely
to retain their membership and interest than
men who are led to join on iifcount of the low
fco and immediately drop out. Tlio new
lodges , including the one to bo instituted at
Crab Orchard , are as follows : Loyal No. I'-W
at KearnoyFrankliii No. 1'ill at Omahn.Geth-
scmano No. IB I at Crab Orchard , Logan No.
1B. > at Armada , Kathbonu No. 1BU at Omaha ,
Monte Cristo No. 1J7 ! at Peuder , Waldomar
No. IBS at Central City , Plato No. IB ! ) at Elm
Creek , Mars No. I.'iO at Fort Omaha , Mount
Calvary No. iil : at Clnvlts. Humphrey No. l.'IB
nt IlHinphroy , and a ledge at East Lincoln
which has not yet been named , but which
will bo No. I.'CI , wj ll IM ) instituted very soon.
New lodges uro in prospect , at North Head ,
Gibbon , Mludcu , Gothenburg , Tekanmh ,
Oseeola and Harwell.
Trojan division No. IS lias been rejuvenated
and is now in as good condition as any divis
ion in the city. A number of members who
were derelict in their duties liavo been
dropped and new names added to the roster ,
there being now twenty-two members in good
stiinding. At thu regular mooting Tuesday
night new officers were elected as follows :
George. Esmond , captain ; II. A. Porter , lieu
tenant ; W. F. Stoetzel , herald ; C. E. Car
rier , right guide ; C. Cahibreeze. left guide ;
W. F. liecliel , treasurer ; F. A. Squires , sec
retary. The division has money in thu tivas-
ury add is in bettor shape than ever before.
It has been decided to go to Milwaukee with
at least sixteen men. The credit for this
great change in the division is due to II. A.
Potter , who has been untiring in his efforts
to prevent thu division from becoming de
A. O. U. W.
North Omaha lodge , No. lr 7 , wilt give nn
entertainment at the ledge room in Goodrich
hall on May. 111.
The following information , in a letter from
II. C. Sessions , grand receiver of Dakota , to
the grand recorder of Michigan , will bo In
teresting to the members of thu order in this
state , bearing as it duos upon the distribution
of the "Dakota Appeal Fund : "
' 'Wo have receive. ! ? " > , tK"i up to the pivsent
time , and have purchased seed wheat applied
for by 17.1 nrothers , not to exceed seventy-
llvo bushels to any ono man , and I can assure
you , the help has been timely , ami greatly
appreciated , moving many brothers to tears
of gratitude. We have helped brothers of
some Jurisdiction in excess of what we Imvo
received from the jurisdiction to which they
belonged. Allow me to thank the good
brothers of Michigan for their Kindness and
promptness until thu grand lodge can moru
suitably do so. "
The "rebel" grand ledge of Iowa held its
annual session in Council Bluffs during thrco
days of hist week. This ledge seceded from
thu jurisdiction of the supreme lodgu about
eight years ago because the latter passed a
law providing for the levying of "relief calls"
during an epidemic in any particular section.
The supreme lodgu Issuiul a ivllof call under
this law for the assistance of oneof thu south-
urn states which had been swept by an epi
demic of yellow fuvur. Thu Iowa lodges re
fused to pay this relief call mid were expelled
bodily. At that time these lodges in Iowa
had u membership of about eight thousand ,
which had boon steadily decreasing until
tlu'ro is only about half that number at pres
ent. Tlio "rebels. " are leaving their lodges in
great numbers and are joining the "loyal"
lodges. Several applications from these Iowa
"decoders" Imvo boon received by the lodges
In this city. The only way in , which a mem
ber of the "rebel" faction can iiecomo a mem
ber of thu legitimate body Is by renouncing
completely all allegiance to the seceding body
and going through tlio samu forms and cere
mony us ono who had never belonged to the
O. 10. H.
The ofllccrs of the grand chapter Order of
Eastern Star went to Oseeola on Wednesday
of last week in rcsK > nso to an invitation from
Oseeola chapter to come mid witness a
special feature In the degree work. 1 ho work
was ably ampllllud by tlio chapter and an ad
dition to the third degree was shown. This
addition was called thu "Jloral ceremony"
and was verv beautiful and appropriate ,
It was presented with the Idea ot having it
incorporated In the degree work by thu giand
chapter at its next meeting. The work was
followed by u pleasant reception and ban
quet. The following grand otllcers were
pivsent : W. G. M. , Mrs. II. A. Scott ; A. S.
G. M. , Mrs. J. B. limner , Omaha ; P. G.
P. , .7. B. Bruner , Omaha ; W. ( i. P. , W. E.
Nason , Omaha ; W. G. S. , Huv. Guild of Lin
coln ; W. til. , Mrs. Davis , Lincoln and P , W.
G. M. , Mrs. L. L. Snyiler. Members of chap
ters from different parts of the stale were
also present.
The llfteenth annual communication of the
grand chapter of Nebraska , Order of the
Eastern Star , will occur In thocitv of Omaha ,
on Tuesday , .liino 17 , WO , at h o'clock p. m.
It Is earnestly requested that every chapter
In this jurisdiction bo fully represented. SIK > -
clal efforts will bu made to render the session
unusually interesting and profitable.
I. O. O. ! ' .
The grand loJgo and grand encampment of
Oddfellows of the D.ikutas held their annual
session at Deadwood last week. Delegates
were present from North and South Dakota
us this was the llrst session since the state
was admitted to the union. The delegates
were escorted to the city hall by canton
Excelsior , where an address of welcome was
delivered by the mayor. The si ituu eou-
t hided with n banquet Tlio following ofll
ccrs were elected for the ensuing year.
Onind lodge O. E , Ha sfonl , Kedtlcld , grand
grand treasurer ; A. G. Rmlth , Lead City ,
representative to sovereign grand lodge.
Olllcors of grand cncainjimMIl George W.
Mathews , Sioux Falls , O. ,1' , . : O. Stephens ,
Watcrtown , G. II. P. ; A. O. White Aber
deen , ( } . S. W. ; E. Flaw , Doadwood. G. .1. W.
H. H. Brlggs , Sloilx Falls , ' G..S. ; George W.
Shaw , Sprlnglleld , O. T. The next session
of the grand ledge will bo held la Ynnhton.
M. W. ( M * A.
The Modern Woodmen of tUls city will run
nn excursion through the tnoctjlnlns early In
July which will eclipse an tlut'ig ever before
attempted by a secret society In this section.
The excursion will bo given for the double
purpose of enabling member * of the order to
take the famous "Pike's Peak degree , "
which Is a prominent feature of this frater
nity , and also for the purpose of exploring
the mountains. The party will leave Omaha
July 3 , and will go direct to Denver , thence
lo Colorado Springs and Pike's Peak. A
night will bo spent on the mountain for the
purpose of conferring the Pike's Peak degree
on those who Imvo not received this honor.
All the points of Interest in this neighbor
hood will be visited imd the pnvty will then
go to Pueblo , thence to Lendvillo and baek to
Denver. returning to Omaha about
the 7th. Those who do.-dro to do so
will continue north through thu mountains
from Denver to Golden , Idaho Springs , Sil
ver Plume and other points of Interest.
Lodges of the order in nelghbnrliig cities will
be invited to loin in the excursion and n meet
ing was held in Goodrich hull Thursday evenIng -
Ing for the purpose of disensslug this and
kindred subjects. Already a largo numburof
members have signified their Intention of
going and a high old time is anticipated.
I. O. F.
Court Nebraska No. 310 , I. O. F. , the
youngest court In the city , will give an ex
cursion and picnic on June I. The affair Is
given for the purpose of raising funds for
the new lodge ami will be attended by mem
bers of the Court Eclipse and Court Tuutonln
of this city and Court Magic City of South
K. a. i : .
Deputy Supreme Chief M. 1C. Over has re
turned from Lincoln , where he instituted
Elite Castle No. ' . ) . Ho reports that Lincoln
will have ono of the strongest eustles in the
A MECCA roil aiuumjiiKiis.
Missouri Hnukwoodsincn "Who Have
IjOlH of l'llllVilll illlltllCC.
The litllo town of Savanah , situated
ten miles cast of hero , has recently
leaped into notoriety by reason of the re-
marUablo sentences inflicted on prison
ers by farmer juries at the last term of
the criminal court held at that place ,
says a SI. Joseph ( Mo. ) correspondent of
the San Francisco Examiner.
The criminal code of Texas which Htealin < r was a graver
crime than milrder , has been thrown
completely in the shade.
Savannah is the county seat of Andruw
county and has a population of 800 , the
residents beinp } , mostly rich farmers.
The sleepy litllo villahas hereloforo
had nothing more exciting to awake it
from its lethargy than a church fair or
an ice cream social. There is not a
hoiiM.1 in the town that does not antedalo
the war , the court hou o bein ; an an
cient and rickety structure , with moss-
covered steps and a wide chimney , in
which myriads of swallowd have taken
up their residence , * and surrounded by u
wooden railing to which are hitched
vehicles of a description , never seen out
side a Missouri backwoods town.
Since the war the town has been sound
asleep and it only w'olij ; ' when two mur
derers of St. Sosoph $ achanf \ , b of venue
to this county for trial. , ' Tlio announce
ment that the old court-house was to see
a murder trial crcalcd a sensation and
on the lirst day the little town was
packed wilh farmers , their wives and
whole troops and batallions of children.
The old court house was taxed to its
utmost toaccoinmodnto them at Iho hour
set for the trial ,
Tlio lirst prisoner brought in was Louis
Bulling , charged with murder in the
lirst degree , lie had murdered a hand
some young girl only eighteen years of
age , who found out that ho was a drunken
After standing his brutality as long as
possible she left him and started out to
earn her own living. Ho followed her ,
and on her refusal to again live with
him shot her down , llring the second
shot as she knelt before him pleading
for mercy. The jury in this case was
composed solely of farmers.
All the evidence was sadly against the
prisoner , and the jury after being out
ten minutes brought in a verdict of not
guilty. The judge nearly fell off the
bench , and the prosecuting attorney
simply swore until ho was threatened
with apoplexy , the intelligent jury all
the while looking on in innocent sur
prise. After their discharge one of
them , an old mossback from the banks
of Iho Nodawny river , was asked why
they had acquitted the prisoner , and in
response said :
"Well , durn it all , that feller that
talked so nice about him said that he
was craxy when ho done it , and wo mis
didn't calkerlato tor hang a crany
feller. "
The next case called was that of A. H.
Luke , a typical Missouri tough. Luke
had picked a quarrel with an old man
over a drink , and because his victim
would not light hiid brutally murdered
him by braining him witli a chair. The
jury in this case was an almost exact re
petition. of the other , with the firmly
expressed determination to "show thorn
fellers we uns comes a right smart ways
from bein' like you uns. " There was no
dilliculty in proving the crime. Tlio sil
ver-tongued aUorneyhowovorhad again
gotlen in his work cm , the impressiona
ble backwoodsmen , and to the rage of
the prosecution the jury , after a absence
of a half hour , brought in a verdict of
manslaughter in Iho iirsl degree and af
fixed the punishment at six months in
the county jail.
The blessing that that jury got fairly
lifted them out of their seats , oven their
personal friends joining in "cussln' the
duriied fools. "
The next case was that of an unfortun
ate named James Lpwis. Lewis had
broken Into a slore in a ill of overpower
ing hunger and stimuli ; i ham , but the
jury , mindful of i tlio disgrace that the
two previous juries < had fallen into ,
promptly sentenced him to llfteen years
in Iho penitentiary.
The next case 911 tho.doekot was that
of Joseph Hannah , who was charged
with entering u store and stealing a suit
of clothes. This ; jury was also mindful
of the disgrace that hml fallen on sneh
of their deighbors as had served in the
llrst two juries nnd.'dlfln't propose to fol
low their example. They would make a
record for themselves , and they did. It
took them just 11 vo minutes to make up
their minds to send the prisoner to the
penitentiary for twenty years. "
Just four Hies have been knocked over the
fence at DCS Moines. "Bag" Holliday hit
ono of them oat of the lot , Whiteloy and
Veac-h two others , and the last player to ac
complish the feat was Bobby Black of the
Sioux Cltys.
Poet Burns says that when the Cowboys
get back on their o\\n cellar door and rest up
they'll strike n winning streak that will para
lyze all thu other teams In the association.
He says Kansas City hus been funny long
enough and it Is pretty nearly time for them
to play lull. The pw.t ID coiTOCt.
Strnngo Occurrences Not Accounted Tor in
Our Everyday Philosophy.
Queer llDsfon Time I'lcuo Which
Koroti'llH Drath ImiiKlcy'N
I'ltohei1 A Drcnin
M Murder.
"Wo Imvo not oxiu-tly iv Bnnshoo In
our fnmil.r whoforululltt by her wntllng
nn approaching- death , " said a lady to
the writer yesterday , "butvo have had
inyotorloim warning of such glvo us tliuo
and time again by an old clock , which
lias boon In our fainllv for the last 1-0
years,1' writes a Boston correspondent of
the St. Louts GlobeDemocrat. . The
works were ruined by a shot lired by iv
Ui'Itish soldier during the revolu
tionary war at my greal-jjrand
father , which shot , passing entirely
through Ills body , killed him instantly ,
and then broke the glass door , penetrat
ing the works and stopping them for
ever , for though iimumerablo attempts
have boon madu to repair thorn , it
seemed that sotno unknown power kept
the clock silent except when death
llappod his black wings over the house
hold , so it was banished to the garrot.
"Tho lirst instance of its warning was
when my grandfather died. He had
been very ill , but the physicians had
at last pronounced him out of
danger , and his family were just
congratulating themselves on this
news wheh the loud tones of a clock
striking 1 , slowly and solemnly , like
the tolling of a bull , was heard. 'Why ,
what is that ? ' said my grandmother.
There was but one other cloak in the
house , which was in full view , so it was
evident that it was not tlfat one. 'It is
my father's clock , ' said her husband. 'It
has struck the close of my day , ' and before -
fore they could reach him ho was dead ,
just as the last stroke died quivering
"This occurrence was repeated when
my grandmother her.-elf lay ( lying.
The old clock struck 12 just as she drew
her last breath , and my father at last be
lieving that there was s-omething super
natural in the all'air. had the old works
removed , leaving only the hollow case ,
but a few years after , when my brother
was brought homo dangerously wounded
after the battle of Chancellorville , the
long , slow , solemn tones of the old clock
was heard as before , the poor Leon's life
went out as they died on the air. They
struck for m.y father and for my little
child , who died last year. The clock
warned me , too , when my sister died
in Japan. I had just gotten a
loiter from her , in which she had
spoken of feeling very well , when
I heard the old clock which was in a re
mote store room strike so rapidly that
the notes almost mingled , and then be
gan blowly to strike another twelve
strokes. 'My sister is dead , ' I said to
my husband , 'and has died very sud
denly , but who the other strokes are for
I cannot imagine. ' My husband tried to
reason and then to ridicule the idea , but
I mourned for my sister as earnestly as
though I had seen her die , and when ,
as I knew I should. I heard the news of
her sudden death , I found it had taken
place on the sumo day and at the same
hour as that on which the clock struck ,
allowing for the dill'ereuco of time be
tween Japan and Boston. Her baby , a
few hours old , died a few minutes affer
the mother. ' '
The Spcetro 1'ilolinr.
Says the Atlanta Journal : If you over
pass over the South Carolina railway ,
between Augusta and Charleston , some
one will perhaps ask you as you draw
near the little village of Langlo.y :
"Have you seen the spectre pitcher ? "
Perhaps the 'conductor will ask you , if
you are a lady , for the conductors are
prodigiously courteous to the sex , and
will want to show you everything , oven
the particular spook which only his road
can bonht. Hut if ho doesn't the train
hand may , or the news butcher or some
passenger. You will hardly pass Langley -
ley without having the spectre pitcher
pointed out to you.
Is it a real pitcher ? is the first ques
tion you aslc , as you see it standing there
on the post at the well. And then , in
your nineteenth century doubt as to all
things superstitious , you aslc , has it
been there as many years as you are told
to believe ? and is it true thai no one has
tried to move it ?
If you inquire you will fiiul that a
great many bulievo the pitcher isuhnined
to the snot by some mysterious power ,
some enchantment , and all will toll you ,
with slight variations , the following
story :
Some years ago , in a little cottage
near by , lived a family that got their
daily supply of water from the well , and
earned it away in a little pitcher , the
one that stands on the post now. One
night , it is said , the supply of water gave
out. A thunder storm was raging with
out , tint water was needed. Who would
go to the well and draw it amid the
lightning Hashes as the thunder bolts
beat upon the earth , as in the battle of
the Titans ?
"I'll go , ' ' said the sturdy farmer , "
"I'm not afraid of the lightning. " '
And ho went out into the storm. The
wife and daughter within the cottage
heard the creak of the windlass as the
bucket was lowered into the well , and
again as it was drawn up.
Then came a louder peal and a brighter
flash , and then a rapid , whirling sound
as if the windlass had slipped from the
hands of the drawer and the bucket was
rushing down to the bottom. The two
women hurried to the door. All was
black , Hut another Hash lighted the
gloom , and there at the well lay the man
who had dulled the storm.
The women rushed towards him ,
groped in the darkness , found his face
and breast witli their shivering lingers
ho was dead.
The pitcher the next morning was
found on the post. One of the neighbors
who had come to bury the dead tried to
lift It. It seemed glued. Ho tried again
and his arm dropped palsied to his side.
Kvor since then the pitcher has been
let alone. It is said that the best marks
man can not shoot true enough to hit
the pitcher or post. The cottage has
been deserted , the well has caved in and
the per > t has fallen over towards the
gaping hole , where the fresh , cool water
of the well once lay gleaming so near to
the top. But on the slanting edge the
pitcher stands as securely as if it had
been carved there.
No one Is bold enough to attempt to
take the "upectro pitcher'1 from Us
lightning-guarded porch.
A Dream Discovers a Murderer.
Too little attention is paid to dreams.
In many instances they doubtless point
out circumstances , which , if investi
gated , would prove of vast important. * ; ,
baysthe Cincinnati Hnquirer. My grand
father often referred to the fullutyiiiff In-
cidunt , which occurred in his nuifhuor-
I hood when ho WIH u bov , living near
] I Cwmamman , Brecknock , wales :
I A gentleman of some note had been
foully murdered , but , no clew could bo
obtained to direct Inquiry as to his
fter n month passed in
vain conjecture ( in old lady residing near
by dreamed that the deed was commit
ted by thrco men , but the face of ono ,
whom nho had never HCOII , was alone
disclosed In the vision. His name
and residence were indicated , The
woman related her vision to n magis
trate , and , upon Inquiry , It was learned
that such u man lived at the place
pointed out at the time of the murder ,
but had gone away. Soon perhaps the
next night she dreamed ho was at
Ystradgynals , and upon being U en
there by'an olllcer she found and pointed
him out , and ho was apprehended , In
jail next day he confessed that ho was an
accessory to the crime , but that two
others were the principals , whom ho
named , and they were arrested , Upon
being told that he who was llrst in cus
tody had told the whole story , they ac
knowledged guilty participation , and all
wore put to trial , convicted and exe
Ghost * Play
This community is greatly excited
over the story of a haunted house near
Jackson Centre , about live miles north
east of this place , and hundreds of people
ple have visited the spot.
Jesse Harrison , owner of the farm ,
died about two months ago , leaving his
wife , son and two daughters living in the
house , says a Mercer , Pa. , dispatch to
the Pittsburg Dispatch. About a week
ago strange noises were heard about the
house , sometimes sounding as if some
one would walk down stairs , when the
sounds would cease and no one appear.
On Wednesday evening the supper
table started oil' without any apparent ,
cause , and didn't stop until it reached
tlio corner of the room. .
Miss Roberts , Mr. Shannon and Mr ? .
Harrison left the room for a few min
utes , and on returning found the clock ,
vases and everything on the mantel
piled on the lloor and all the furniture
upset. Shannon put the cfock back , and
on turning around a moment after found
it again on the lloor. The coal in a
hod Ivhiad the stove. Hew around pro
miscuously without any visible cause.
Stones without number have been
thrown into the house and against the
house and barn , and all watching has
failed to discover the thrower.
Mrs , Itunklo , a neighbor , who hooted
at the manifestations at Hrst , now fully
believes that Harrison is back in the
spirit , while James and John MeKlra ,
brothers of Mrs. Harrison , have been
present three or four days watching
events , but claim to bo entirely at a loss
to account for the strange proceedings.
The Spooler Door of Wnlden
The mountain people on Walden's
Rid- } , ! ' , within llftcon miles of Chatta
nooga , tire coiivineoil that a specter door
protects tlio living ones , says tlio Grif
fin ( Ga. ) ( . 'all. There are still a largo
number of doer to bo found on tlio moun
tains , and parties frequently go from the
city on hunting expeditions' . They sel
dom fail to got within sight of game ,
but very frequently return without
any. Tlio reason for thin is explained
by'ono of tlio natives of the ridge in
ti' singular way. "I know , " he said ,
"that there is a specter door oil the
mountain. I have scon it , and so Imvo
a great many other people. Now I can
hit a top of a cap-box at 100 yards , ami
] never missed a door in my lifo whun
it was an actual llesh and blood door.
Hut often , when I go hunting , I jump
half a do/.en doer tit a time ; ono of them
will stop within a few foot , with his
side to inc. ] shoot at it ami it never
moves , and I load and lire again. Then
I know that it is the specter door , and
there is no use in my hunting any inure
that day ; I would never see another
Halo Hound n Minister's Countenance.
The wife of Rov. Thomas May-Masters ,
iv retired elder of the Methodist Kpis-
eopnl church of Glens Palls , N. V. ,
states that her husband came into the
hoiipc about S o'clock the other evening
feeling quite well , apparently , and sat
down on the bed "preparatory to retiring ,
when he was stricken with paralysis ,
says the Rochester Democrat. Almost
immediately ho began to laugh IIH if
ecstatically happy , and there came
about liis head a halo which trans-
ligured his countenance. Tlio circum
stance of the halo is corroborated
by the younger Mrs. MacMablors , who
further' says that it lasted ono hour and
a half , and was like a luminous cloud
about the old man's head.
A IM/j'H / Queer Hiding I'laoo.
Mr. Knoch W. Jordan , a prominent
farmer of Leo county , lolls the following ;
lie was walking over his plantation
when ho came to u sow which had
had a line litter of pigs , lie found ono
absent , says the Macon ( Ga. ) Telegraph.
Going a short distance further he over
took a lingo rattlesnake , which lie
promptly despatched , lie noticed that
it seemed very largo , and was apparently
gorged. Cutting it open , , out jumped
the missing pig , which as BOOH as re
leased from its close quarters , look to
its heels and ran homo.
The Gander Slow the Murderer.
A geese on the Linglo farm hatched
out a line family of goslings last week ,
says a letter in the Now York Sun. She
and her mate , an imported gander , have
been assiduous in their attentions to the
downy , little- yellow things , but in spite
of that a big Norway rat , hordes of
whoso kind infest the outbuildings on
the farm , WIIB smart enough to elude the
watchful eyes of the old geese and
gander , and a day or so ngocaptured ono
of the goslings and dragged it to his
lair under the barn. A few feet from
the barn is a low horse-trough , which is
kept constantly full of water. Tlioro is
a hole tlireo inches In circumference
under the foundation of the barn which
is a runway for rats , and it was into this
that the rat dragged the gosling. '
The two old gceso indulged in noisy
lamentations for some time over the loss
of their little one , and then an Irtriv
seemed to strike the gander. Ho and
his mate held a sortof confab la subdued
tones , and then they both became quiet.
The gander waddled up to the rat liulo
under the foundation of Iho barn and
took a position ut ono side of it , Ho
stood there motionless and patient , with
ills eye fixed on the hole. Ho had stood
ton minutes or more when the head of a
rat was poked out as far as the shoulders.
Quick as a Hash the ganeor hurled Ills
head against the rat's and his
strong hill closed over Us neck.
The rat squealed and struggled ,
but ho couldn't get away. The mother not up a vociferous anil triumphant
squawking , and the gander waddled IIH
fast as could to the horse-trough. Ho
shoved the rat under the water and hold
him there until ho was drowned.
Then the gander throw the carcasi on
on the ground and Iho two old geeno
jiickcd and tore It until it was scattered
in bits about the barnyard. Whether
the rat was the ono that kidnapped the
gosling is of course not known , but the
geoho were satislled with their vim-
geaiice , and after timi'lng the dead rat to
pieces joyfully conducted their family of
goslings to the duck pond nndgavo them
their llrst exercise In swimming.
Kansas City has been taken oil the maps.
Poet Hums' head has licon reduced to Its
normal sUo. Two vlcUirliw out of nine gami-a
wiw thu potent hUH that accomplished this
wui.derful feat.
So satisfactory were
our last week's sales
on Men's Suits that
we will continue the
same for a n o t h c r
week , offering many
new attractions which
equal if not excel anything -
thing previously
Of Omaha
In the. state of Nebraska , : it the elose of busi
ness , May i'lh lb0. !
Lou ni mill dlM'nimls. . . .
Overdrafts , seen red anil
UIISI'l'IIIVll . UiVJ.55 :
U.S. bonds tosi'cuiu cir
culation . MIKH.00 )
US. bonds to sueuredu-
poslts .
IT. S. bonds on band. . . .
Ktnel ; .sccuriiles , judg
ments. elalms.ete . 8 00.00
line from appioved ru-
serve iments . if''l 1,431.07
Due fioin other na
tional iHinkt . 19,01X10
Duo from state banks
and bankers . 1SU1.33 ! ! 27.-.77 ! > .7 < J
llimkinK house , fuinl-
tme and llxtnrrs .
Other lenl estate and
inortKHKes \vneil \ . .M13.KI
Curient. expenses and
taxes palcf .
1'renilnin-ion IT.S. bunds
ObeeU and oilier easli
Items . fiO.llS.Jr
KxchiuiBCS for olearlns
house . 2I.II7IU8
Hills of other hanks. . . . L'.VilU.OO
Kiaetlonal paper enr-
leney , nickels and
eent-i . UH.V10
Specie . IM.fiHUO
Li-Rill tender notes . -I'J.OJO.UO '
U. S. cei-lllleatcH of de
posit forleiial tenders
Redemption fulid with
U. S. Ueasiirer ( .1 per
cent of circulation. . 2,250.00
Duo from U. H. treas
urer , cither than fl per
cunt redemption fund
Total .3L'isirir,2.33 :
Capitol Block paid In. . . t
Surplus fund . lUMKKI-U )
Undivided profits .
National bunk notes
State bank notes out
standing .
Dividends nniald | .
Individual deposits'
.subject toeheolc . JSOl.r.01.37
Demand eeit Ideates of
deposit . r > , on.r.o :
Time certificates of de
posit . : JWII4.4' ( )
Cui tilled checks . 2.12-i.UO
Cashier's checks out
standing . , )3.07 )
United States dcposliH.
Deposits- U. S. dls-
Due to other national
banks I43,2IU1 !
Duo to.stale banks and
banners ' - 1.700,473.60
Notes and bills rudls-
coiinted *
Hills payable -
Total W.iWl.tSS.XJ .
I , Hen II , Wood , cashier of tbn above named
bank , do holemly Kwear t bat tlio above stato-
nielit Is trno to tlio first of my knowledge and
belliif. IIKN II. WJOI ) , Caslilur.
Subscribed and sworn to lie fore me lilK'.UtU )
day or .May , 1IW I'KANK CUAIIAM ,
Notary 1'nUllo.
Correct Attest :
Lovers of Iho wood mil Hurt lliH Comfort ntf
Oucilucku A Cci.'x t'luur Store , llnrkur Illoi k IMIi it ,
Nolli'o to ContrnctorH. j
Illds will le ) received for thu elect ( on of n
Mx-Mory mid baseinent liioun hloiic ollleo
building , fUixfiM , coiner I'onilh anil , l.iel . > hiiit
htii'i-iH , riluux City , Iowa. Plans ami Himrill-
catliiiiH can III' seen at Ibo nllleo of I-inhi > r < u
KIISM > | | , nn'hltccts , hlonx ( ! lty , Iowa , iifloe
.May "Ith. Illds will bu opened Tin sday Jnuo
UK ) .
Certified eheel ; In nn amount of J.'i.OfiO us ail
evidence of go < id faith , must nci'innpany all
liroioslllons | Thu light lesi-rvwl ti ltiji' 6
tiny and all bids.
JAMI-.S K Tor , Tu-ns. n.-'idiot '
Notion to ( 'iinirniitnrH ,
Hnuled propmaN will Im iceel iuntil | the
2Hlh of Slay , IS'.m , fm tlio ( nrnlNliInx "f imilur-
lalsjind la'lior iciiillred In tliu ere.-n..ii and
compliillon of u thieo xlnry MOIIC and ini'fcM'd ,
IniK | hank and nlllcti linlldliik' . fci Uio l'lrxi
Niillonal bank o ( Lexington , Nubrunka Haul
hjicelllcalloiin can lie seen ut the
'lint National I'anli of LexliiKtim at till !
office of tin * nichtlc"U , MendeKM.lii , , I oihor ft
l.awile , I'HYlon hlncli. iimalia.
The rl ht l ri > er > c-d tuiujovt unj' < n u l I'ldsi
in li d I" t in & u.
AtcKjIiilclr riIUtlriiftlr ( MfD.niokt | j rrfiilfinio ] <
rcLTiiUtorKnown , never full. | 4 a | K I. | Mi tinli1 | onu UVA
ufllckul. AiMrcw I.ION lihl'H en. , liutfiilu , N V.
tuia ij UOUWUN DitCa ca _ _