Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Jfo nilvrrtldcniciitH will l > o tnkun for
tliCHC uoluimifl after 121JO | ] > . ill.
{ Tcrnm Cnnli In nilvanco.
Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for the flrot Insertion , Tcontn foreaeh mib-
Kfniicnt Iniicrtlon , nndtl.SOpcrllnn pcrmnnth.
NondvortlKements taken for Iriwtlmn 25cents
for first Insertion. They must-runronsecu ;
tlTFlynnil must ho paid In ADVA NUB. All
ndvcrt semen ! * muni ho handed In hcforol2no :
o'clock p. m. , nnd under noclrcum'itnnces will
thry ho tukrn or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns mid
liarlnft tholr answers addressed In eure of TUP
SlEf. will plcnso nsk for ncheck lonnnbln them
lo got their letter * , us none will he delivered
except on prcacntnl Ion of check. All answers
16 ndvurtlsemcnU should bo enclosed In onvu-
All ndvnrtlspmonH In thcio columns nro
published In hoth morning nnd cVenlnK edi
tions of TIIK Ilrr , the elreulntlon of which ng-
rrcgatcs more than W.OOfl papers dally , nnd
5l e the ndvortlmirs the. henulll , not only of
the city circulation of TUB IIEK , hut also of
Council IllufTs , Lincoln and other cities nnd
towns throughout this Hcollon of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
on the ahovo renditions. at the following bui-
c s I ouies who are authorized to take spoolnl
notices , at the samu rates us oun bo hud at the
main onico.
fcufijTfroSfA "li A lifiANTjn oHKiui
Oof Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
Having * bank building. _
JOIINW HKLL , rhurmucInt&JO South Tenth
atrcot , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HASH & EDDY , Stationers end Printers ,
113. South Ifllh street.
. I-'AHNSWOKTH. Plmnioclst , 2115.
CumliiK street , _
. HUOIinrf. Phurmiiclst , (21 ( North
WJ. street. _ _
/S EOV. . PA UK. I'htifmaelst , 1718 Lcuvcn-
\3 worth Street. _
I'HAHMAC'V. ' 'llh. nnd I'nrnam
S IT U A TI OXS WANT 13 1 ) .
W .I ) Position aT lnokr.ei'm-r""or"ln )
olllco by n young mull of oxpe-rlenopj c
furnish od reference. Address K < & Iteo.
; . 'J ' . ' 0 *
( CJITt A TION'wKiTfeTl lii "Aiinirlc-uii family as
IJ nur-e or girl (7 ( yours \perloneo us nurse )
> iot able lo talk ICngllsh ( Danish. ) Addicss
Miss b'orcnbcn , 18 U Dili uv.o. , Council Hulls.
4 11-23
"lI'ANTED-Slliiiitlon by man In ngrleul-
TT tural or linrdnaro IIOIIMI ; several years'
experience. Addiess L. H. Kddy , ir.ii ; N. 23lh.
avi 23 *
work by day or week
private families. 1ICM N. 20th .st. 221 23 *
WOODTURNERS , machine hands , bench
curpentors keep uwuy from Denver , Colo. ,
us the plaining mill employes uro on astilke.
Kxecutlvo committee of machine worKcis and
bench men. 4 > 'J-27 *
W ANTED Kxpciienci'd waiters ut Itrown's
icstaurant , Lincoln Nob. 4T1
W AlTTED A middle ugeirmuiniTlong resIdence
Idenco und laigo uciiialntunco | In Omaha.
Member of Missouri I. O. O. I * , or K. of P. fra-
lernltles proferrod. Call between 7 nnd U p.
in. ut ioom2lS Ilotol Tails. Otli und Fa mum.
| l > cnumciitlvo employment to man of uusliund WANTED lo JOcpcrlionr ,
Slinin-H. Room 'H , I.LuS.illest. ) . , Caipcn-
ters and Hulldcrs Ass. , Chicago. U.UJ-S3 *
\\7Y/NTED - , \ good sulosman for
T > South Dakot.i btato lefoiences. Ad-
flrcsVEl/r , Ileo onice. 40J-23 *
W' ANTED Two oMieilencod cam assers.
Call Monday S2.'i South 20th St. ri'J-23 ' *
AOiNTS Wo muKo liitest patent fruit und
vegetable knives , Ion prices. Wiltonow ;
fc.iiiiplfM mulled 10 cents. Gates , W Ie > st. . N. Y
4'A-S3 ) *
WANTED -Agents on salary or commission
to handle the tiowly patented Ijik erasing
lilotter , solid nnd IILU feet In nil details ; have
no eiinal In It.s erasing ] ioer , and do not
abrauo jiaper. M ! ) per cent prolit ; terillory
free. Ono agent's sales iimountod to Wf > In
HX | days. Hnmplo by mall , ; ) . " > cents. Tor teims
nndpartlcularh iidiiics The Chumiilim Eraser
Co. , Manufacturers , Eau Olulio , WIs. 3U.2.V
WANTED A competent night clerk for a
hotel out of city. Must , bo competent
tnun ; state salary ; prefer a single man. Ad-
< 1 rcss E C3. euro llco olllce. _ 378
WANTF.D At once , u 111 st class und relia
ble tinner who i"in take ehaigo of shop
Can do all kinds of job and pieced work , al-o
understands furnaces. Married man pre
ferred. Address J. E. lloham A. Co. , llolrttege ,
Kob. 3.10-27
1 > ORTRAIT Agents -Do you value tine wet k ,
accurate llkoness. piompt service , low
prices ? Then deal with the largest copying
liouso In the country , Shepards , 290 Wnliash
li\o , , Chicago. 412 31 *
"VIJANTED Thico good solicitors for Insur-
Vi unco nnd building association. Good p.iy.
Ilex 7111 Onialiu. *
_ j-1 - - ?
WANTED Two gentlemen of good mid rcss
to canvus for our new book. Will pay
/ialaryor commission. Address Union Pub.
Co. . Columbus Nob. Olllco ever Columbus
Etuto bunk. IKV-li' , *
* T > AR1)EK wnnted ut onco. Kaufman's. 2lUh
4aiui Q streets , bouth Omnha. 310-23
WANTKI > An end get lo young man or lady
to work for us lu South Omaha. Address
ice : , iico. at7-2f > *
i men nnd women fora
genteel business puylngtW weekly piollt
easier than too monthly otherwise ; otperleneo
unnecessary ; permanent position and it\elu-
f Ivo territory assuicd : M samples ficu ; Inves-
tlgatoour money-making business. Addtess
Kvlth stamp. Merrill Mnnufnuturlng Co. . It K\ \ ,
Chicago , li
VVTANTEIOno llrst-class nnd ono junior
TT draughtsman. Also ono btrongollUoboy
JMcndolssohn , Klshur .V Lawrle , urchlteets. 1,00
j'hxton block. ! li23 (
" 11""ANTED-2 good eout milkers. Steady
TT work. John Thompson & Son , Keutney ,
Neb. _ 2i it ) 2 *
S'TEI ) HX ) men for now rrllrond work In
Dakota und Wyoming. ( Jood wages ,
steady work and fieo fare. Allbrlght's labor
agency 1120 Karniim st. & ; ' )
WANTED-MO men for Utah und Neuidu ;
wugest2.00lot.3lj per day , Albilght's
Agency , 1120 I'ariiam. 471
tir > Salesmen nt { 73 per month sal
ary nnd expanses to sell a line of slUer-
lilatcd ware , watches , itte. , by sample only ;
liorso nnd team furnished free ; wrlto ut once
{ for full particulars nnd sample cnse. of eoods
reo. Standard Hllveiwaru Co. , lloston , .Mass.
I'll '
.Juno r girl for geiMwri
housework. Small family. 811 South 22d.
417-23 *
ANTED- Kood girl , 20 * N. 17th bt.
_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1510-20 *
ANTE > ; A . point liealthy wet nutso baby
not loss thnn 0 montlu old. Mrs. llrcgu ,
th. 4'3-2f.
-A competent girl for general
housework in family of three , 211 Mi25th
nvo. 4,11
'W ANTKU-Lady cook , $40 ; liouseUeoper.
TT II" i Ironur , IJJ ; luumlross , $4.50 ; coiuni -
. - - Jvofthioo In Wyoming. t-U
Ifaro paid ; two waitresses for Rapid City , * O ;
Iiastry rook und waitress for Hastings , fijio for
pity nnd 100 Rlrls for genernl limtsouork. The
liost places am ! the best gills 1110 ulwu\sto be
ouml ut Mrn.Jliogn ' . : in > 4 S. ISthst. : wi.Si
rsi class girl for geneTul
liousuworU , In fumlly of tno. ( liKid
roforcnces rci.ulmil , luod wugui. 2r..l Dodge
fctreot. 400-23 *
WANTED A ulil for general housewoik.
Qood wages lo iljlit party. Apply ut
puce. 16SN. \ . l HI. 4IU-2tl *
5 TNIN'O room girls , luundiy girls , Seooks , 4
. kitchen Klrls. 20 girls for Kenurnl house-
fvork , ! t girls for Cohu ado. faro paid i 4 for > alt
l.nke , tJO , fare p'lldVo wunt places fur' '
iiousekcupers. Keith Employment Agency
[ now management ) , 31 . 13th st. 42-2. ! > >
I7ANTEIV-flood girl furgenerul housework ,
T fumlly of three. 120Jthcrmun n\e.
4ou-ri *
ANTED t'lrst-cliiss wulst maker. Mrs ,
i , Uasc'lileauo-st. 410 23
ANTED-A llnt-uluss fcmalo cook at 1712
led ) gust. : oi-'i7 *
. . . . . . . . inukern at 1314 I'lirnum. Omuiu
K JHhlrt Factory. ty | _ >
'I WILL pay ladle > > u t > alniy of 110 per week to
> 1 work for inn In tlieli locality nt home : lUht
Tork , piHHl pay for pint time. Write with
Mamp. Mrs. 11.1' . Kurilmrlon. box 7U2 Clilcngo.
'ATfTETJ lilrl for gonernl housenork" .
Mm. A. W. l.nmurMi'J 1'uriuim hi
/WANTED A lautuliej-s nt once , City hotel ,
, 11 cor. 10th and llurno JiiO-'j *
A"NTEI ) oiri 'J ' \ " nfiiTt
" \J\7ANTKI ) 1 Irst-elnsi girl tor ucnrr.i
TV hou-.ework In small family niunt be Rood
riMik nnd liiiiiidirvs , good nugc Mrs. Ueo. C
ToHle. 121 V. 24th st _ T ' ) "iV _
\\rANTi ; ! ) A iii > nt. Inlelfigent girl to do
housework , call ut 1720 Cnpltol ave : i74
* V\fANTil : ) Thien ciperfenced iliinng room
Rlrlint the Ilnrkrr hotel. _ : "M _
\VANTRT ) At once , shirt nml waist llnlsh-
TT ers. Mrs. I' . A. Crater. rooiiH ! I and 4 ,
JncolN' bloek , 13th nml Cnpluil live. _ 2. _
WANTI-'I ) Tfirculnflri'HiimT twoyoum. men
to receive liislriirtlons and keep books. .1.
II. .Smith , room 1)10 ) N. Y. Llfo building.
UTANTHH-A llrst-ehiHs drcssnuiTrer nnd
qualified to take charge of n bitsltuMS nnd
willing to go to California. Addrc a r ill lice.
" \\/ANTii : ) 4 experienced dining room girls
at tlioWlnd _ .or hotel. _ _ _ _ 217 _
for general hoiibcnork In small fnm-
" 5 " " ' _ : Ki-23
" \\rANTKD Apptentlci' girls to learn dress-
T > _ niaklng , 120Shei man ave. _ iU'l-ai '
ANTilD rii'Tt-eliisa woman cook ; tlo per
week. New York Hotel. : I3H20 *
_ _
ANTiTTrcilit Toir IfiMToTiTi hoirsuttorki
mnnll family. [ Xi N. 20th St. , H. H. eorncr
California. _ 271
\ \ 7rANTiiiOermiin ; girl , must bo good cook
TT washer and lioner ; bring rufernnces. Ap
ply between 4 : : ) and 7:30 : p.m. ut021 Pnrkn\o.
Nlrs ohn 5Jrnnt. _ 2M _
Y\rANTif-lst : nnd 2d plrls In prlvnto fuml-
T T ly ; best of wuses pnld. ? ' ! S inth St. , cor
ner ot Lcavenworth st , Mr ? . J , L , llrnmlclB.
WANTii-Olrl : for general housewoik ,
Irish , ( lermun or American. 2020 tit ,
Miiry's nuniio. . 1S8
"TTlit * tnr gcnernl hounoxvork. liuiulio of J ,
. ) . Wilkinson , bit ) Puxton hlk.
ENOAOHMKNTti to do dressmaking In fami
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 023 S. S'.lli uvo.
! h.VJ34
MVHA McOlnnlH' Ircssmaklnp par'oisl ' ; ri !
Cnpltolaxc. luiound touch the 1'rojch
tailor system. 100J16
9-KOOM heuso tit 1017 Dodge St. , reift reason
able , now full of loomorsnnd boarders. 1'ur-
nlturo all mnv , been used ono month. Fimil-
tuieKiiX ) , part cash , monthly. Co-opcratlvo
Land and Lot Co. , S03 N. Kith st. 418 20
Itl'.N L' ll-roomhoiisc,2iiljLea\cn\ ,
hath , ent nnd heater , newly papered. I'u-
nnlro'JJIl ) Leaen\\ I24-2.V
17IOH HHNT NewTi-ioom house ; city water ;
JL1 full lot. Wdtledtr > ANoT-ioom houso. $17.50.
Sringer ( & Penny , Douglas block , l ( > th und
Dodge. 4't2-27
FOU KKNT rino residence , modern im-
proxements. No. 2IUS St. Mary's uvoniio ,
from Juno 1st , tit $ ( Vi pur month. Innulio at
liremlsus or ut A. Ilellor , No. 11H , I'tunam
street. 1W
TjlOK HUNT Heasonuble to a good party , the
JL' apartments o\er lWl-i-'i ) ; Howard St. ; ; tO
iileasatit moms ; just tlio thing for Kuiopcun
hotel. 0. P. Slmw lliOl llo\vaid. 141
KKailiNCI ) : > corner 2.Hh and Iliirnoy. Sco
them and lot us glvo you pi Ices ; best In
city ; till latest Impnn cments. Paul , lt > 01) ) 1'ar-
nuiii. : isi-2. ; >
rpWUN'rV-tlnco-room house , conveniently
JL urranged , lent & 75 , newly papered , full of
roomo rs and hoarders , fiiriiltuiojC/OO. on time ,
worth $1,000 , hut Hlckness forces party to sell.
Co-opeiatlve Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth st.
Aroi'lt opportunity lo seeitro Iho lease and
Jfiirnltme of one of the ( litest homes In
Omaha , furnlluit * all now , location near high
school , runt low. Will taKe half Us value ; ! i
vush , bill , time. Addiess , 1 > l.'l , lice. 211
TTToOtfiNT Tw ni n o piossod brick resl-
JL1 deuces on Cicoigla uvo just north of Leav-
enworth ht. , fionts , 0 looms and bath , furnace -
nace , &c cr connections and all other UOIIMMI-
Icni'es. Will lent ono now and the other Juno
1 lou < ! > poiisll > lo pintles for 130 per month. Lots
140 f I. deep lo 20 ft. alley M. A. Upton Co. . IBth
und I'nniuiu. ill. ! 28
FOR ur.NT-Oii rarnam St. , iipiirSath St. ,
furnished hou&e. Apply 1C01 Funiain st.
FOR HKNT ID-room house , 2107 Douglas st.
all modern ImpioxemenU. Imiulro 2111
Douglas. US7
IK YOU wish to lent u house or store see II.
E. Colo. Continental block. 1 ! > 7
T71OR RENT-Nli-ely furnished 0 room cot-
JL' I age , good location , near motor line. Itof-
erenues ri-quliud. WeKhuns & McCulloch ,
Exposition bids. . II2J Capitol uvo. r.QG
8 1-HOOM flat , with hteam heat , 10th st. , near
Jones. ; Thos. F. Hull , 311 Paxton block.
FOR KENT My residence , 2313 Fnrnum St. ,
modem Impiovomctitsund very desirable.
Rlchurd O. Puttei&on , N , Y. Llfo building.
ICC' 23
FOR RENT Two "i loom , now , collages ,
modern convenience , cxcent furnace. Nice
lawn und IIOMI luinlslic < l for sprinkling , $18.
Nob. Mtg. and Loan Co. . MO Paxton blk.U2S _ _
FOR RENT- House ; ton rooms , all modern
Improvements ; lingo yard , tlO per month.
Dexter L. Thomas 710
H OU * F > . Htores nnd lints ; all now , E. A.
' < " " l4Hurkerblk. .
"IjlOR KENTllcuutlfiil lesldcnce , all modern
JL1 Impnnomenls with burn. Geoiglu a\o.
Rioh'd C. Patterson , N. Y. Llfo bldg. 230-27
8-ltOOM house near Leuvonworth btreut. all
conveniences , * C > . U. E.Colo. 113-27
FINE 10-room hrlck house , with nil modern
Improvements. In good location near motor ,
f30 to good tenant. 11. E. Cole. 113-27
10 -KUOM tenement house , 21th and Douglas
'sts. ' O. A. Lliiliiiost.lIS. ( | : ! ( ISthst. 377-31 *
O ROOM house nnd lot , 24 feet front , J.SOO. only
tr > 0 cash und huliince monthly on terms to
suit. D. I ) . KmOutOn , IW Furiium st. 3D5-J5
1J1OR RENT-Houso on 37th , near Dodge , 5
JL1 looms , $12 ; hoilse , 5 rooms. 2H)7 ! ) Luke St. , $12 ;
5 room house 2711 Grant St. , $10 ; 4 room.cottugo
: > 0th and Chalies$10S ; loom houso2512Chicago ,
& 'J55 ; room house 100 S. 2Stli st. , $12 ; and u num
ber of other houses. George J. Paul , IWl1) ) l-'ai -
num St. , tel. 14 . IPI7-27
T7\OR \ RENT 10 room Hat. 1015 Dodge st. . all
JL' modern ImproM'inents , $00.
7 room house , 31lti Hurt St. , splendid locution
and conveniences.
n room house , Dupont place , city water. $12.
Geo. J. Fox , loom .VN Paxton hlk. 43.S
EAST half of 2341 Davenport st. ( 3 looms , to
small family , Imnilro 231h Capitol nvo.
h7t > 2f *
A 3 ROOM cottnge , good location. Near to
business. $3 month. Mead Iuvt.Co.ltee bldg
"TT10R RENT Very nleo7-room houses ; speclul
J- ' terms miido. Apply to Fletcher Young ,
Ambler Pluce. 2U.1
TT10R RENT 2 Hats In Llnton blk , cor. Mason
JL1 nnd 13th sts. , 0 rooms ouch , rent $27 per
month. Inqulie 017 In block. John Humlln.
_ _ _ i 'I I
171OR RENT fl-room house , $18 ; 7-rooui
JJ iKuise , $13. isa > s. nth st. : ni 23 *
TTKJR RENT -a nine-room brick houses. All
J- ' modern conveniences , 233:1 : to 2337 St. Mnry's
ave. Imiulro at Collateral bunk , 312 S hit h st.
_ CM _
T71OR RENT- Ono in-room modern house , nil
J' conveniences. Paved streets , cnblo curs.
Fl\e minutes' walk of postolllco. Heferencos
icqulrud. Nathan Shelton , 1011 Furnum st.
_ _
TjjAOR RENT-Nleo ( l-ioom "cottage , tSud and
JU Cullfornlii , $ , W per month. A C. Wukeloy ,
M5 N. Y. LJfo building. 073
_ _ _
"inOR REN'I5 romii houseTtfood rojiuir , nlc o
iyurd. . cistern water , lent $ Ji Apply to IKK )
bouth 7th uve. ortoJno. W. Hell , diugglst. loth
"JjlOR RENT-ResldencoH In all parts of city.
JL' List too largo too publish. Globe Lonu &
Tnistcompuiiy. _ : w7S.jfltli _ _ t , _ 702 _
lYfODHltN house , nlno rooms bath , hot und
-lit cold water , furnace nnd gus , on Dodgost. ,
MO per mouth. Fred J. lluithwlck , 213 gout h Itth
_ _ _ _ 372 _
1HOR RENT A Hut of lv rooms , Emiulic of
.L1 Mrs. c. Duggun , IWih 13thloomO. !
'IOI ( RENT About .Juno I , those elegant
JL Mono residences on Georgia avenue. M IBth
ht. , between Mason und Paclflo sts. See owner
for long tlmo leusu. H. H. lleudurson , room 400 ,
Puxton hlk. 4s3
"lilOR RENT liM-oom brick house , wTTTi moU
JL cm convenience ? , No. 811 d 20tb n. Apyly
atNo.h-.TSVOtlmt. 321
roil"UKXT iiUoMH
I/IOR It KM' Two fninlsiiedroomsnud board
-t-1 for four yomij men ; Sl.jO per week. 1WX5
Howard st. 42023 *
vLKASANT furnished front room. All con
JL vonlcncck. 2231 Fuinum. Third lloor.
_ 42731 *
"IjlURNlSIIKDroom ; private fumlly. KI01 Far-
-l1 natn 4'jn-ao'
_ _
\\fANTED-Nlco people to room nnd board ,
_ jAWNlTihM _ _ _ VlJ-gs _
XT ICELY furnished IIMIIII In ntcocottago. W
! . > | M-r month ut H > 1 \ \ Illlums st _ 4Tit
li OR RENT -Two nicely fumlshed front
l -oo nib , tory chrup , in nice hrlck liouso ;
iiiCHlem convcnlenct' > , U i South Twentieth
st. . neur Si Map's avenue 303-2S
XJICELY furnUhcd front rooms with alcoro
ix lo tut. lutjulro 2V2.1 at. Jlary'j uveuuo.
1 OZ\ \ Dodge St. ; mostdeslrnblo Hiiltn of par-
J lorn ; nt present ix-cuplrd br Dr , Oluck ;
will bo vacnteil on or before the IStb of .Mine.
COOL , pleasant rooms , ni.HJ N. 13th. flat "J. "
; rT5-J g > *
' { "f'LKAW.r TTtTnMlied room * , Wr * o7l2. 8.10
JSoiith'i'nd st. 4iW-2 < 5 *
IjluR REN I-.HK front furnished room with
' closet , modern conveniences ; In Kountzp
place ; gentlemen only ; references exchanged
Address , E. , 71 , llee. 3SJ-20 *
II1FRNISI1ED rooms , 1U S , 20th , between
Iv Douglas niul Dodge. IW4 23 *
"Vnf'LY furnished sulto of rooms , south
J- > front ; references. 2IOIOassst. a'w 20 *
171OR KENT Now furnished roomn In Now
J Terace , with or without board , nt reason
able rates. 2123 Ilarnoy st. iict )
FOIl llKNT-l'tlinlshed rooms , 1701 Cap. nvo.
: jp.-3o *
jIJ furnished rooms with board ,
/210H23thst. 34S-KO *
Y furnished rooms , all modern cou-
\ciileiices. : t ! N. IStli st. asu-28 *
'TT1OK KHNT A nicely furnished room for
1. two Kontlemun , corner LooAonwortli nnd
a. ' th live. aiO >
HANDSOMH rooms with flrst-clnss Itoard.
Also few duy boarders. HufcreuL'os. 1323
rarnam. ys7-2o *
J'lOKLV furnished rooms , 1XH7 Lcuvenworth.
OB3-i l
JAKUE front room ; references ; 1S12 Uodgo.
J Ka
| J > lK HUNT A IIIIKO front room , fillnlshed ,
JL1 In ono of the llnesl residences lu the city ,
724 S. loth St. , corner I.cavenworth. 844
Fou KENT I'urulshcd looms , 1000 Douglas.
T71OR HKNT Laigo front room nicely fur-
JL1 nlshed , $10 a moutii , 2U24 Huruoy st.
non 2o *
FOR ItnNT Pleasant furnished rooms with
all convciilcncos. fiin H 2Ctli at. 201
" 1T1OR RENT Nicely fiirnlsluxl room , nil
-U modern conveniences , 2 blocUs from P. O. ,
CIS S 17th M. 101
T71OR HUNT Kiirnlshcd rooms ) gas , batu
J-1 and steam : 1511) Howurd 111)
F UHNISHKD looms. 10131'arman.
QT. OLAIU Kuroiican hotel , corner 13th and
ODodge. Special latest by week or month.
ilOR RENT 2 ori : unfurnished rooms , very
' reabonuble , near car lines. 800 N. ZM st.
UNFURNISHED ixioms for lent , Inquire of
H. M. Mohr , 70i ; N. 10th st. R. 0 , ard lloor.
T710U KENT Unfurnished looms or flals , Tn-
J3 qulro ut 103 Norlh riftcenth st. 02-25'
O UNFURNISHED rooms with olty water ,
) 1010 U.IVUIIPOI 1st. 3SO-39 *
TTNTURNISHEI ) rooms for housekeeping nt
U greatly reduced prices. Cheapest lout In
the city. Ilutts Rentln0' Agency , 21 H 15th st.
t UNFURNISHED rooms for rent ; nil con
veniences. 0Ct So. 17th uvo. 1W ) 33 *
"T710U RENT 4 unfurnished rooms to family ,
JL without clilldien ; modern Impiovcmcnts.
17W Webhtcrht. Price 115. C-'O
4 UNTUKNISHED looms , 2542 Capitol nve.
130-IH27 *
" 1J1OR KKNT To lodges , societies , picnic par-
J-1 ties or private gathmlngs , Fill ? Miller's
] > urk and dancing hall. cor. ISth und Vlntoii
sts. ; motor line passes tin ; par ] ; ; music fiec.
27.127 *
STORES lit 7U7 , 7U',711 ) b Ibtli , 22\W ) each , larrf
.how windows , heat fuuilsliecl. Thos
1' . Hall. miPiiMoii block. 20. )
STOKE on motor line , llith St. , tlO. II. E. Cole ,
Continental block. 415-27
OFFICES In Wlthnell block , 13th and Ilarnoy
stieets , 18 per month and upwaid ; all moil
urn improvements. Call and bee them.
051 J13 *
F OR RENT Slot o 018 S. 10th SU
T7IOR RENT The 4-btory brick building with
-A ? or without power , formerly occupied by
tbiHeo Publishing Co. , 010 Fnrnum st. The
building has u Urn ptoof cement basement ,
complete steam boating IK'tiues , wa.teron alt
the floors , gas , etc. Apply ut the olllco of The
Leo. 013
/1ORNER lot , 00 by 130 , cornor2iitli und O sts. ,
V Soiitb Omaha , Is n first class location for
beergaulen. ImiulioMrs. A Ivallsh , MS > . inth.
TTIOirRENT Woinn-oTl uerc-s udjohilng IlciiT
-L son und fi3ucres adjoining our Highland
Paik addition that wo will rent fci"-euson of
] SHut ! ) u roasonublo prlco , Oniuhu Real Estuto
and THIS ! Co 1301 Fiiiniim st. ; Cl7
pasture at W iiei head for the season , Call
on or addiebs W. 11 , Kildler , 3.'J3 Pa\ton block.
WANTED lloi-ses to pustuie. Collman
Park fuim. $ J ] > er month. Apply DID N.
V. Llfo bldg. , telephone No. 14UI. 100-25
-IDASTl'KE-Tho Platte Valley ranch Is onoii
X forbtock. 1.0IK ) ucios In tame giuss. For
particulars addtess Platte Valley Ranch , Vul-
loy , Neb. , or E. llcnton , Fremont , Neb.lfiO20
lfiO-20 *
WANTED Horses to pasture at JJ.SO a
month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses
called for and delivered. W. R. llomun. Room
0. Fren/er blk. 470
GEO.J. PAFL. inxt I ai nam , has pi luted stsl [
of houses for lent. ytl
1T1OR RENT--Iloiises in all pails of city. The
-i. O. F. Davis company. 1303 1'anium M ( . -Cl
ORTON'o lentalusencys ?
HK. COLE , rental agent , Coutlicitalblkl
\\7ANTED-A11 owncisof newiesldeneesand
TT publlo building- In vestlguto the latest
nnd best system windou seieens NIIOVMI In the
woild for which C. E.houlo Is agent. All
oideis left ut 101' ' ) Dmlgo Ht. will reoeho
prompt attention , l.stlmatcs gh en on largo
or .small contiacts free of all uhuige. 28J-2S *
GENTLEMAN wishes room-mute , llist-clas.s
table board. 1721 Davcnpoit st. 33130'
DRINK Phos-Ferrone. the palatable nerve ,
blood and bruin tonic , at Kinsley' * phar
macy , 10th und Fuinum sts. , and 130 , Fprnam
bt. Pho I'oiiono frcu fro.aO to'Jp. m.
unliir. May 'M , ' ' . _ 220 a
WANTEDulteof rooms und boa id snlt-
able for three joting men. All eonvon-
lences nnd conttally located. Address . 1315
I'urii'im . 4JS tti *
\\rAXTED-2 or U unf initialled looms for
TT dressmaking. Refeioncos o\clmnged.
Address EM. lice. 4QI-23 *
K HOOMb down stubs of 2-story house , nlcoly
' 'furnished for housekeeping ; good locality.
Address E 01 , llec. 3I 25 *
rilWOor 3 nicely furnlshe < l rooms for light
L housekeeping , within 10 blocks of P. O. Address -
dress E57. Ileo. M4
fPIIE Keith emplovment ageniiv ( now mun-
-L ugement ) will tukecuin of all jour wants
on shoit notice , treat \on fair and gl\o bcstof
sutUfuetlon. Ghu usa trial. 31 ! ) b. lit h st ,
4J-SS *
_ _ _
Mllsi. A. .r."K I NCA I D bleTiclnThulr.liouutr
lies complexion und develops forms. 1003
Howard st. _ _ _ .117.23 *
DRINK Phos-Ferrone , the palatable nerve ,
blood and brain tonic , ut Klnsler's phnr-
macy. inth and Farnum .sts. , anil 1307 Fiirnam
st. Phos-Forrone free from C to U p. m. on but-
urduy. May M. ' 10. SM 20
T > ARASOLS und umbrellacoveied and re-
-L paired. It. Ilatoi. 1313 Dougtui ; basement.
rpINVORIC \ , rixinng , gultcrlug , spouting.
J good work low price * , fc'uvago. JOIK Cumin :
_ _ - _
UMllUKI.I.AM u > pa/red , lawn mower , sharp
ened , Key llttnig nnd locksmlthlng at
llcllln's gun shop. 110 N. llith st. 20U J19
Sl'l.t IALA word to the wise. For several
jours 1 lia\o had In mv pui > esslon an nbso-
Intoeuio for taiicoi wlihouttho use of thu
knife , which 1 h.ivoii livingpriof to allot tln > o
wUhlng to no..e-.s ilils ivolpp. iMii'KiMtil und M. J A. , 1IJH. 10th si. , and return mull
will bring you .1 sum euro for all external
oaucoii. tftl-'JO *
MIH3T' . rORS'CKIt , mldwlfo nnd M , 1) , for
children anU.fpmalo discuses , 14.11 Haundcrs
st. , In mM'imtl HUiry. 20l-.l-.ll *
MAAHHAUi : ntM mir Mctlc trontment , 1113 Pa-
MAe . hulf IHofkifroin tnolor lino. 3HW2. ' ) *
\ \f ANTED Lnljacorrespondcnt by nyouni
> > man of 27ytnrs' good soulitl and Ilnnneln
stninlliig , "trlctly1 tcmpcrntiii photoniid refer-
enct's oxchunKeu.nAildrcss Dulup , la. , look
box 10. xl 411-yi *
_ _
IAlIES or gejilJemon congonla
i correspondeutfl of the opposlto HCX nd-
drcss with stnmii Iu. Cor. Duruiiu , 2121 Gain-
motuvi' . . Chlcugtf. 111. 4U-2S *
fvKAU OLAUAlon't fall to keep the fold-
Jj or the Dmnlm 'photogrnphlng compuny
No. 311 N. ICth sii , are going to distrib
ute to every house In the city. They
tell you lo take the folder and present It to
any nrm whoso fiamdson the same , nnd nny
goods In their line you need they will give you
coupons from n hook coriespondlng with the
per cent the merchant ngrees lo gho us u pre
mium for your trade , tukothpsu to tlm gallery
und they will takn them as payment for pho
tographs. If you buy nil your goods of the
llrms on the folder you can got enough coupons
pens In 2 weeks to gvt a dozen elegant cabinets
and they won't cost you anything. Now , doir ,
If you don't understand this , call nt the gal
lery or on the mcichunts , thov will explain It.
Ho sum nnd keep the curd they lenvo at the
house , It Is Very valuable to you. Yours ,
Muilde. 403-23 *
_ _
PERSONAL Divorces nuletly ; ndvlco trco ;
Address Lawyer , liox l > ll , Chicago , . III.
an 27 *
liOUNI ) .
rpAKEN UP A bay and sorrel liorso by M.
JL . /.eller't mile n w of Pt. Omaha. 4 < 0-5 ! !
T'ObT inilies' Kold iicn. peurl "
J Jcaso. Tinder will ho suitably rewarded by
returnlni ; It to Harry Merrtam , illO South 12th
bt. , U. a. building. : n > 7-:5 :
JOST A blnek vnllso contiilnliiK mllkrec-
-Janl and puporsof no vuluo to Under. A ro-
wntd will bo iiulil for Its leturn to IlliJ lliowtt
bulldliiR. H. L. corner ICth and Douglas st. Tol-
cphoiio 1W. 1170
EN. CLING J1AN. oxoluslvo jnenslon njtor-
ney , nxims 19 and SI. rion/er block.
Omnha ; also Clnulnnatl and Washington. Send
htamp forulieulai . ll'l
isTO KA G H.
/ 1Olilstot.igo. O.i % Id Cole , 815-S17Howaid.
S TOUAOE llranch & Co. , 1211 Howard.f.23
"IJlUHNlTI'Un stnraRC , scurito ] ) : eompart-
J meiit. 8l5-H171Iimurd. _ _ 2 7 _
rilllACKAtii : stoiage. David Cole , fin-S17
JLJIo\vaid. 2. > 7
rnUAOKAGKstor.ii'o at lowest rates. W. M.
JL liushman , Kill Leavonworth. 207
NTEI ) to buy A stock of hardware of
( t.OOO to f0,000 In peed location and doing
a prolltablo business , for which I will pay spot
cash. State all ii.irtlculars. Addiess F. M.
Hammond , Oelwcln. Fnyctto Co. , la. : M2 20 *
rplIRNITURE. householdgoods.otc. Highest
Jj cash price , 317 h 11th. 3711
WANTED-Two line Jersey cows , half-bleed
profoircd. Richard C. Puttcison. N. Y.
Life bldg. : il2 2i )
WihS Second-hand lurnlture of aTl
kinds at the highest pilce. 710 . - . llith st.
, IUS ill *
WANTED- conimerclal jiapcr. Ne
braska Moi tgitgb Loan Co. , filu Puvton blk.
SU ! )
\\rANTED-To Hu | Kesluence , 0 nT 8
TT rooms , good szi | > lot. cast or south finint ;
hoii'-c must bo nlcel } liulshcd , Iiuvo all mod
em conveniences. O 11. Jellrlcs , Room 200. Hoc
building. OH
OAbll paid for second hand books at the
Antiquarian boulc store , 111.I rarnam st.
: us-ii : *
"VX ? ANTED Oooil short tlmo paper in small
T T amounts. P. If > .i4 ruriiam st. 474
WANTED To buy itor spot casli , city or
country , puitsor > vholo stocks of drv nnd
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , mlllln-
civ. stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc.
Call on or addles- . I lliundcls ASons. cor
ner Itlth und llowuul. Omaliu. 210
IjlORbALE A gojd. xpu m ( . > Ty llsli liorsc.
J Price can bo learned and horse hccnut Leo
AJVIcbol's b.iin 2s07 Leavenwortji st IM _ _
FOR SALE-Ono pair heavy mules , li year
old. Infinite1Ltvlnston. . In the icarof 412
S-Otlitt. . ) Ct\vui-10t.h tiiidltthst. _ _ _ _ 327-2.- ) * _
FOR SALE Owner leaving city. T o seated
carilago with pole und shafts , jlOO ; ulso ,
neaily new express wagon , two seats. N. yhol-
ton. 11)14 Fat num. IO.5
HOR Eof all kinds for s iln at C'ollman
PaiLfaim. Apply 91'J ' N. Y. Life bldg. ,
telephone No. 1401. 400-2. )
_ 1biigg } und Inn ness , a batgaln. Monday at
lWIS13Jh si. _ _ *
HOIt ES A good single driver , f"3 , good
hoise ; good work team , $ 150. Co-operatlvo
Lund i Lot Co. . 203 N. Kith -s. 'CII 23
T71OR SALE Flno family cairlugo horse ,
JJ sound und gentle. In < iuito314 N. Kith .st ,
2V !
AUCTION Sale-All of the line Mi error
Uomun & Terry , consisting of Ian
duns , hcursos , family cairluges , hurries ,
top and open buggies , horses , harn
esses , saddles and all other articles used
In a llrst-cluss livery. Halo to commence
Wednesday , May 2S , ut 10 a. m. Everything to
bo sold to the highest bidder. Wo will sell at
piivate sale until day of sale. Homan& Tciry ,
413 and 4JI3h Ulh. Omaha , Nub. 17 _ _
IjTOR hALE 1'otir horses , ono express ugon.
JU Cash 01 time Room 2. 1417 Fat nam. .VU-JO *
"IJIOIt SALKAn elegant buggy or carriage
4. hoiio , Mry slylinh , line driver , and afraid
of nothing ; any lady can drive him ; together
with a full plutfoim spring , leather top eur-
rlago , almost new , and onu Columbus muko
buggy. ANoonosot iloublo harness forK13.
Apply aj 2213 Webster sU _ h'.tl _
"IJARTIl looMng lor line driving or saddle
X horses , would do welt to call on , or corres
pond with T. . I. Kleinlng , munager W. II.lll -
laid's farm , Calhoun , Nch. Ho has for sulo
soini ! llrst-class single drivers , carilago teams ,
t horses , at roasonabloj" Ices. _ 2.B
TTUlR SALE A good gentle hoiso for $30. Ad-
JL1 dress C 14 , Hoe. 37S
FOR SALE riegant furnlturo of 10 room
honso. Splendid location for roomers. Ad-
diess EO ) llee. 33.I-30 *
FOR SALE Furniture , carpets nm ! house
hold goods of all kinds every Tuesday ,
Thursday ami hatutday morning at 1111 Fur-
num st. Cash paid for goods. Omahu Auction
and Storage Co. Henry Cielghton. auctioneer ,
' '
J'TiO'R SALE I'liinltiiro of H-ioom liouso ;
1 must bo sold by C'lth , now and nice ; lorms
icasonable ; can icnt house If desired , E 03 ,
Hot ) . 301-20
O MAMA bathed feneo und wliot'o Htoek , 10
shares for sale , price $330. U II , Ileo olllce.
GOOD soda fountain , In running order , for
less thnn half cost. O. Peterson , HIS S. iith. :
' .7J3-J24
"I71OII SALE riiiMMiod , both hard and soft.
32 Apply mo N.Y. Llfo bids. , tulephono No ,
HOI. 400-20
IrtOll HUjE- stock1of div goods and notions ;
ono-thlrd eusli , buMamio ical estate. Ilex
J.'rt , Fremont. Neb. , 4H4-2S *
| 7 > OK SALE. ohoip ri-iiorso * ( ) power steel
JU boiler , good us. uiw , with llttlngseomploto ;
heater , niud-iium plungii pumps , und No. a
Knowles ; will hull foj puo-hulf oilginal cos (
Juft W. Hcdfonl. " ! H1I
ACAH of fresh cows , , eheup , at I led ford
1'lace. ueai fouinli'v. ' N 1 * . lluiwoll.
' ' 321-23 *
_ _
MILK dclhcred In ono gallon jinekages
dally , ( liiatanteeirnlisolntely pine 3U
llronn building , leleplHlnH 1V.U 20 !
1Ol \ \ \ > AIK cheap , a beautiful fawn colored
'greyhound ' , l.miuifo ,21 b. 10th st. , cornur
of Lnu\unwiirth. i 8 |
STOYE wood foi sale. T. Murray !
FOH HALE Sumo good watches and dlu-
mondscheup. II , 1' . Musturs , room 4 , With-
nell block. 211
I > Ei''KI. buying n piano examine lha new
I > eulo Mmball piano ul A. lluape , 13U
Donglus tit 212
F : rirLLiNlir.OK : leucherof thu banjo ,
UIOU Howard > , ! . : id llooi. 21 ! )
K'Ill > 'T ' mortguso loans at low rates 'ind no
II delay D Y Miolr-u -'lOl'lrst Null litnu.
l/IIKSl mortgage mans \ en luwest iiuei
J1 0 J Caswell Ut'lN ' \ Llfo 4. ! ) 'i
MONT.V to loan In nny nmount from flO t <
tlO , ( Hl for any fine from ono lo sU nioiithi
Loans mudn on houiuhold oo < N , pianos
horsed , mule < , wagon * , hoisc | , leases , etc. , li
fnet on nny a\nlluhi ! > sceurlly In uny amoiin
nl lhi > lowest possible rnti" * without temo\n
or properly.
1'iiymenn can be made nt anytime reducing
lxth ) prlm'lpal und Inlorest , you pay Inlerrn
only tor the tlnmjou IIHI < thn money. If yoi
owe n balance on your pioperly I will tuko I
up nnd curry It for you.
Money always on liiind. No delay. No pub
llclty. Noiemovnl , I.oivcst rate *
II. I' . Mimtiiro ,
Hoom 4 Wllhnell block , I. ' Hi und Hartley HI * .
5PKII cent money to loan on nml n l nln on
cttrlty. I.onns eun tin paid olT In Imlnll
menta. Jno. W. llobbliiH , VO'JN , Y , Llfo bldit.
/ 1HATTiilonnsit : ! reduced mini. Hand In
vA'estniPiit Co. , Itixun 4IH Hen hldg. , ' 137 ! i
T OANS wanted on productho Omnhii rea
A'state. II and 3 years'time , optional puy-
mentH. favorable terms nnd rate * .
Klmbnll , Champ .V Hvau ,
1MOJIH IM rurmim .
MONHY to loan on horses , wagons , mule *
household goodt , pianosorgans , diamonds
nt lowest rates. The llrslorganlrcd loan olllco
In the city. Makes loans from ; t ( ) to ! IU3 ilaya
which can bo paid In part or whole nt tiny
time , thus toweling the principal iuid Interest.
Cull nnd see us wh u you wunt money. Wo cut
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity
Money always on hand. No dclnv In inaklnf
loans. U. 1' . Itocd & Co. , 310 8. l3th St. : ever
Itlnghum & Sons. 2H4
loans. H. 10 Continental hlk. . 13 A
business confldeutlul. M.J. llalli
pOLLATKIlAI.hank , ni2So. ICth st , room 5 ,
v Chnmber cof Commerce , lonni money 01
commercial paper nnd all articles of value
Also on horses , euttlo , furniture and other
Chattel property without removal , nt lowest
rates of Intuiest. All business strictly confl-
dclitlul. OJ * J13
/ IUATTIL : HANK , room s witimcii block.
\.j 2ii-jia :
MONKY to loan , ft years on easy terms on CC
per Cent on good conservative valuations ,
nuywlieie In the city limits of Omaha , nt 4U
Shcelcy bldg.,13th und Howard sts. bam'lTnto.
I'll jlO
Gl'HIt Ci.NT : residence loans , J.000 to J10.000.
Itulldlng loans nt spdolal rates. The Mead
Inestment Co. . Dee uutldlng 233
MONEY 30,00 or W days on fin nlture.plunos ,
horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , 013
I'lixtoublk B.W
0 MATTEL loans at lowest rates ; removed to
i 317 nnd f l 1'n\ton blk. J. II. Emlnger. 21D
MONEY to loan on city property ; money on
bund und no delays. IJiitcs , bmltli & Co. ,
llith and I'm nam sts. 013-J14
, _ .J estate loans made byV. . M.
s , loom 20 , I'renzer block , opp. 1' . O.
T OANS Olty nnd farm loans , mortgage pa-
JLJper bought. McCaguo Investment Co. 221"
" ET5TONE Mortgage Co. Loans of J10 to
$1,000 ; get our rates befom borrowing and
save-money ; loan on horses , finnlturo or any
nppioved security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old und low
est rates. Call , 11 208 , Sheely blic , 15th and
llowaidsts. 223
IIOlU'TTme loans on vacant lots. Selby &
S Hoed. 13 board of trade. OSS
BUILDING loans. (3 ( to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charges f or commission or attorney's
fees. W. 11 , Melklc , l-'lrst Nal'l bunk bliU.
MONEY loaned at lowest rates long time on
Impioved Omaha real estate , no "evtas. "
no delay. Globe Loan & Trust Co. , 307 S. 10th.
/"lOMMEKC'f AL und general short time paper
VVlxMight ; also regular live year loans made
on tmpri ved pioperty. Geo. F. lllust & Co. ,
20,1 Uanv Jldir. 972
SECOND mougugo loans , tcconil mortgages
bought. Loans on vacant lots. Heed &
belbyloom 13. lloaid Tiado 227
"VfONE Y to loan on any security
-LYL for shoit time at low
rates. Lowest intei
on pel sonal property ,
The Henderson Moitgago Investment Com
pany , Koo-n 400 , l'a\ton blojk. 224
\ \ rANTEII'irstclass Inside loans , honest
T > rales. Call and sco us. Mutual Invest-
mcnM-'o. . 1304l'.iinnm. _ 230
IJEl'OUE negotiating a loan to Improve your
J f leal estiite .jet teims from
The Odell Investment Co. , 301 N.Y. Llfo bldg ,
Tlios. S ltovd.repieseiititlve. _ ! 229
I'hlludelphlu Moitguge und Trust Co. ,
always lendy to loan and pay promptly : 1st
moi tgilges wanted. George w. I'.Coatesieire- |
sentathe. 7 lloaid Tiade. 223
ATEICN ! monov to loan on elty piopeity ;
inoi tguge paper bought. ll.ll.Irey.opp. P.O.
OANi made on any available security.
JCentiul Investment Co. . Hoom 23 , Clrim-
ber of Commerce 220
"YX ANTniEducatedyoung ) ladles andgon-
TI tlemen to leain hhorthunil ami typewrit
ing : good sulailc- , ; students assisted to posi
tions. Stiindnid blioithand Huslncss College ,
1'rank r. . Hell , Instiuetor. ' 117
ALL challangors uccepted Mi-s. Dr. Hill of
New York City can bo consulted at her
purloisut : ti2 Noith 13th St. , on all affairs of
life , being a celcbiuted business clairvoyant ,
ustiologlsl und palmist , who bus n reputation
throughout tlio woild for accurate and truth
ful readings of the past , piesent and future
through her wonderful Egyptian muglo mir
ror ; remoes all ovll Intluenees and fumlly es-
tiungemcnts ; unites the scpar.ited ; causes
Miccdy muirlagcs ; brings success to the un
successful and tell when tomakoprolltubloln-
Vcslmcnts ; consultutlon from $1 to $2 ; also
tells full name and shows plctuio of the ono
yon will many ; jMi-s. Hill lias been consulted
by the most successful Uusmoss men and ladles
of New Yoik , Iloston and Chlcngo. Iloiins
slriotlvfrom It a. m. to8 t. m fi'll.pi , | *
OLAlRVOYANCE-Women'b discuses clulr-
vo.antly diagnosed und successfully treiit-
edby magnetism ; consultation fieo ; Dr.Lons-
dule , 010 S lllth St. , 2n lloor. 371-30 *
* OKOF. heiee , the njnowned pnrenologist ,
,1 medium und palmlst.who has been publicly
tested and challenges the woild In revealing
mysteries , disperses jeuloitsy , evil Influ
ences , gves | full mimes of present or future
liushiind or wife , also tolls your faults und
qualities , tiado business or profession to
make a success. IrJJ Ninth Ifith up stairs. Con
sultation 11. Satisfaction given or no pay.
7U1-J-4 *
7 .EIL Clayton , olulrvoyant und mngnotlo
JJliunlor. can by her wondciful nlll power
Riantuny ieiicst. | 100 % Howard. ; L323 ! *
H f A DAME Del/ler , the mussuge and magnct-
1'llst , N no old consumptlvn chromo , tint
Vouiig , hcully und vigorous. Puilors over 810
b. liltfi. 013 J8 *
' uTNANNIE V. WARREN , clairvoyant ,
medical und business medium. Femalodls-
uascs n specialty. 110 N. 10th St. , looms 2 and 3 ,
171OU SALE Flno established cigar and news
JL. business. Host locution In the city. Ad-
die-s box O , Oa'J postolllce. 313 23
i iTO7fSA I GTTjeeiYTrnd butchoi shop doing
a monthly cush business , In uverago about
M.OiW , togetlier with corner lot , two-story
Imlldlng. stable , teams , horses. Ice box , etc.
Will sell fortvtoo , of which M.OOO cash , bal-
ancutosult puiehusor. Ownnr wants to leave
countiy. Inuulroaio Ninth llthst. : H3-'Q *
fliHEbest located , best patronl/cd llvury
A. bum In the olty. with or without Mock ;
long leasoof giound ; ut a decided bargain on
jour own teims. H. E. Cole. _ 442-27
"iruillNITlTRE of n : n-room hotel with burL
-L ? iixtltrcs.0 hoartlers. 5 years' leasehlckness
cause of selling. Address KM , llco. 31525 *
iriORSALE Mvhotnl furnlturo cheap. Ilo-
-L1 tolfoi lent. 'Joaeyh Fall , JVcst Point , Neb
1 > l slNl > S Oppoitunlty The printing nnd
JJ hooUblndlngostubllshmoiit together with
the dally and weekly Gormun Nebraska Trlb-
ino newhpuner at Omaha. Nob. , belonging to
thoestutoor F. C. Fcslner , deceased , iKheiuby
> ITered foi hitleat a full \nlitutlon with good
will , ellhei business hopartitoly or logothor.
The hunlncns U now Kept In Riicccsxful opoia-
tlon , eleurlng u weekly net prolit of from JW
otm For piutlculniri wrllo to John II. I.
lOhmunn , meeulor , Omaha , Neb. 414-25
\\rANTKD-Purlles with Binall capital and
who uio willing to Invest , can obtain
Ight , easy , pleasant , peimunont omuloymunt
hut will pay fiom H ) to t5Q ! pur tmmllii no
looks nor trash ; for n few duyx only , ( nil at
HI. ciulr Euiopean Hotel , cor. 13th und Dpdgo
sis , room 41. 4 0-20 *
"T/UW SALE-An old establish I < rug busl-
J nen-.oneof tlin bei > l locations In the
) iollis ! lust vcurVWW. The Mead liltostmont
io. Hen building. 1W
ITMjItSM.E Thiee clialr bin tier Hhop good
I1 location. Eniiiliu | or adiliuasV. . M
Cooper , i'lemoiit. Neb a'l'l-'JS ' *
IflOllSALE Two-olmlr Darner shop and bath
riHiini flie.ip If nulil soon. Addicts E 7. ,
can ) Omaha lit ) . ' U7U-2G *
A " * oppoiiunlty N urTerdl tonyomuf man
/Vwliu Is deilruii-t of loarnlng a profession ,
and by iincUinabout 12,000 und nert Ices in !
lulu ul work will ivrnlvc an mcoin from the !
tait Addre.j KW. lice. 313 23 *
lilORHALEor LO.IHO An A lijob print
* plnntln heart of cltyi n\orylhlnit tu
llrst elum patrin go. Aldrp ( 8 E. . 70 , llco.
HEAD this for n business opportunity Cigar
store , Inxolci' about ll.uio , llrsteluss. Also
lunch counter In saloon , rent free , { J3ii , Saloon
( I..VM , Also ono for fs.tMO. Nlco restaurant
tluo. Nice irstaiirantJI.WM. A nlcobukeiy und
Ice cream p'irlor , nil In line local Ions. 21-room
holol , Houth Omuhii , lent < & ! . Furnlturo t\W. ! \
Toinmoasy , Co-ojioratho Lund nnd Lot Co , ,
.W N. IDIh St. 419 20
I/UW HAM'r Hood bilkery.
V trade. Emiulro 1017 Chirk si.
| 7vlt HAI.Tv Plumbing stock and llMines In
I the best town In northuest Nidiruskn ; In-
voli'n f' ' Vii reason for Helling , other business.
Address (12 ( , llee. 43 < l-25 *
'tjlOR fA l7ir A hank In n town of MKI ItTwesN
' urn Niibriiskui cnpltnl reoulred , 20.iX ( ) ) . Ad-
< lross , with references , E3C. lli'o. 'lll-av
DRl'd HTORE FOR WALE-A rnr huignln
If taken at once. A complete drug stock
nnd fixtures In Northeastern Nebriiska.eonnly
Heat , doing business of fiinn * I4W ) to $ I3HX ( ) n
yeuiigood loasons for selling. Hooks open
for Inspection. Ktock and llMuics will Invoice
o\ert.oiJ. ) Will sell hulf to right
parly und let him conduct the business , or
will sell nil. Prlco for half Interest $ , ' , .VH ) , or
* 3.oiHfornll. ) Address M , W. Rjorson , euro of
Rlchuidson Drug Co , ,113-20
IT S ALE- Stock of hnrdwnro
Jgood 1 0,000 ; good location ; established trade ;
good icnsons for selling ; terms liberal. In-
qulro Coburn & Franklin , filO N.Y. Llfe.Omahii.
03I-IU23 *
FOR yALE-Wholesalnnnd relull Hour and
feed store ; good locution ; cheap rent. Ad
dress E4lllce. ) 24027
H "OTEL for sale , only hotel In the place !
good business , live town , price low , terms
reasonable ; ptotuletor out of health. Address
A Muriln , Hal tlo Creek. Neb. 23'-20 ) *
OIE and cake bakery , doing good wholesale
i business , will bcur Inspection. Address E
81 , lice. 23S-2 ; *
FOR PALE or For Rcnt 0imof thohcsl llxed
up boarding houses In South Omaha , In
most desirable location. Apply to II. II. Raven ,
27th St. , near Exchange crossing , South Omaha.
112 J10 *
FOR SALE A private bank now doing n
good paying business In n new nnd growing
Ncbi .isuuou n. Add I ess E 53 llee. a2 !
CHEAP for cash , stock of groceries doing
cash business. Cheap i en t. 2719 Hurdclto ?
33.1-31 *
IilORSALE Half Intelcst In tlrst class rest
aurant In Lincoln. Address 11. A. , Omaha
lice , Lincoln. Not ) . 017
"iriOREXCHANOE-IOroom hotel , furnished
-L complete. The lending hotel In good cust
om . . Want gtKd land. 1m-
ptoved farm preferied. An excellent chance
to trade your farm fern good ( layingbusiness ,
lor paitfettlars and full description nddtess
11 Hi Lou u inc. , Omaha. 331-23 *
OO acres of land 3 miles from Postolllce , stock
' of groceries to trade for clear land ; tin Iowa
fatm of lu ) actes to liatlo. Auiold & Wln-
slanley , KB Pn\ton block. 33320
"T7IOR lixOHANC.E-Clear pmpcily llvo miles
A from P. O. for house and lot In Omaha ; will
assume small lucumbrnuco. Addioss "G 1 , "
Hoe. 301-23 *
IF YOU have real ostnto to exchange for
mdse.or mdsc. forical estate.or wish to buy
uddiess Western Exchange Co. , Columbus ,
Neb. 3211-238
171OR TRADE If anyone has Omaha real
JL pslate , clear or Inciimbered , oqultv aggre
gating In vulue from $100,0i ) to 1123.000 , that
they would like to exchange foi llnolmpio\ed ,
clear faun piopoity of eiiual valuo. picnic ad
dress or cull at loom 40S , liiow n block. 370-23 *
" 1J\OR \ EXCIIANJE-I,300 dry gooTlTuTid 110-
J lions , f2V ) cash , balance good piopeity , Do.x
IsB ) , hhenandoah , la. 2s 1 30 *
WILLoxchungo nlco cleun stock of dry
goods , clotlilng and Miocs foi Neliiuska
land. Addiess E 31 , Ueo oflice. 2N" , 23
"IJIORJIXCIlANaE Good farms , city pioiici-
JL ty und Mild lands In Neb.and Iowa fet good
gen'l m'd'se ; pioperty clo'ir , tltlo peifeut. Ad
dress Lock Ilex in. Fiemont. Neb. | i"H
TTIOR EXC1IANJE ( Feed mill In lurge.grow-
JU' Ing town , doing good business ; JlO.OOi ) stock
of mdse. one-third cash , balance good 10:1 : !
estate ; splendldtental property , will pny 10
percent ; some choice blooded horses and eat-
tlo. DOUIIO& Putiotte , room 17 , Hoard Trade.
E WILL trade u good clear lot In So. Omaha
for piano or horse and buggy. Address O 4
llco Oflice. . : t05
FOU S A LiKK.10Ar.i . KST ATK.
_ _
WELL' well ! well ! Heic wo are right In
the midst of another boom , E\en In this
hot weather wo am stanlllng customeis oil
wllhaelub. Mrs. Uougnr admits piolilblllon
Isdefcutcd. We uro building .six dandy ( i to U
loom houses on We-t Fuinum St. ; OMII\ mod
em eomenlencc. Including furnace and mort
gage. Each a .separate plan. .Sell on your ou n
teims. Mioetp.ived nnd motor In I wo blocks
Come In und MO the plans. Our own houses
and we can give I hem awuv If wo chose/ . Como
eai ly ( o avoid the i usli. This Is ono chance In
u lumdrcd to get u hang up good honsewlth
ftiinaeoand ovirry other convenience forW,730
to { 1,300 on easj terms at 7 percent Interest.
Got a nuno on jou. D. V. Mioles Co. .
2131st National Hank.
310 23
"IjlOR . ALE Insldo propeitv , lolrt in nnd 10.
JU hlofk H , J. I. Rcdlck's.sub.V , oat-li.only * J.100
each. Double cor. 15th and Hickory , south
and east fiont , 100x140 , for $0,000 cash. Shouts
graded , water , gus , etc , Emiulio 121S Hainoy.
rF you knew what wo know you would gob-
bio up that 00x1.12 next wostof the Her block ,
N. W. corner loth nnd .lackson , befote you
were a day oldor. Jl. A. Upton Co. , solo agents.
OWNER moved to St. Louis ; olTors forsalo n
corner property paying over 10 per cent nt
n burgiiln. Price fl.uiXl. For eusy tcrmn cullen
on I ) . I ) . Smeulon.JWHii Furnuin st. a'KI-JS '
rpo a party w'bo bus $ JOi ) to put In u lot. I
JL have fornalo u huigain , will gheyoutho
reasons why It Is J.MO under pi Ice If you call at
IMil'i ' I'ainam st. 1) . D. Smualon. ! K'l-7 '
rpWO nlco lots In Albilght's Choice at a bar-
JL gain , east of the depot , high and sightly.
Full lot und fi-ioom house near Dorcus and
20th st , , only $ .1,000.
Colseth , .Johnson i. Lovgion , Room 0 , Cham
ber of Commeice. - ' ' - ' 25
"I71OR SALE or Trade My residence on ho.
JU Uiltb st. , near Pink school , house of seven
rooms with bath room , water closet , hot and
cold water , all In good repair ; will sell fore-ash
very cheap or will take vacant lot on West
I'ainam st. as part payment. For purlIculuis
address E 20 Dee oHlco. 1)13 )
TjlORSALE A flno now 5-room cottugo near
JL1 elcc'trlo car line wn N. 27th at. Will luke as
mrt of c.i h payment u good liorso or hoise
mil phaeton. P. 1VI Furnum st. 677
TJ1OR SALE HiIck warehouseSfltorles nnd
JL1 basement , 100x00 ft. with lot 100x152 ft. ; to
loublo truck on Muth20th und Plnrco sts , Ad-
hcssOskiimp& Haloes , Omaha , Neb ,
" \TEW 8-room house , nonr motor line ; will
J- > sell cheap nnd onsmnll monthly payments.
Call iiulck If you want u biiigaln. J. J. Wilkin
son , 018 Puxton blk. 120
FOK SALE-Qulck. business lot , Impiovcd ,
only ! i hlooks from court house , -tivi per
foot. J. MIchiil. 13.WS. 13th st. UI3JU
, - . . SALh An olegnnt residence in llnost
1 pnrt of tlio city ; t > plcndld Imlldlng lots ;
houses und lots on monthly payments , easy
terms ; 10,000 ucius line western hinds , nil earn-
fully selected , some of It Improved. DOUIIO&
1'arrotto. room 17 , Hoard Trailu. -JO _
E homos In moit uny addition fly
nt from JI.IMW up. on easy montlior
puymeiits. V. K. Darling. 4.1 Hurkor ulook.2l !
propel I/with Larmon 1' . I'ruyn ,
LISTyour ntiect , foruulck results.
l/Nlf.SALE-H,000 acres bi'ht fanning land In
-I1 Nebraska at a greut suorllito. Inquire
Ulti bouth Utb st. Ciuo , II. rutorwin , ottiHT.
171 J It )
„ . . 'S'ALE-riiiii W-aeio fin mi good Im-
piovemeuts. H. E. Cm Us , Menlo , Ja.
Sfti 27 *
IJlOll HALE'-The following eliolco Imruglns :
J1 Kli'gant bnllilliiK lut , 03x13 * , cor. 23th and
Hroom'hoiisi' . lot 'H\lVi , 20th St. , nnir St.
Maiy's uvo. , rheap , WS'W. '
5-room cottuitu , lot 3-1x115 , Davenport , near
Sfit h st. , uwo.
O. L. Ure.ou.noom 30. Harkrr lilooU. COS
MA. Upton Co. If you do not conuludo a
saleon my Morsomnn Turk lots at'X )
by Juno 1 , please tuko thum oil your lint and
do not mnku a pi ice on them until further In- '
stiuetloiis. Yours truly , John Hcovcrn. " Tlio
uboyn lefers to I't3\133 on X'd si root , ( paved )
u.ibt fiont soulh of li\enpoit. Thlx Is as fine
a lesidencu silo UN them U In the city an'1 this
will bo the lust ehanfe to get It at tn < > thl ds
\alue. M. A. Upton Co solo agents. 3ll--o
AHMALL piyment down and 11.1 | > cr month
will liny u 4-room hou o and lot on Pith , 'J
blouktfiom motor. 111 sl-eLis * chum u to ac-
nulre n home on ej > .y term * . Apply toll L.
Cole , Continental bloc ! , 1J (
Ijlolt SALE Yery i heap , no nt
J V.I 17l.i'i ( es. nee 5 , 12. N. (1 ( W. Hamilton
county , Ni b , "miles fnini Mi niueiuHinull
houne ma ile VO ni n * of puinne feni' " I Jlv-
Ing w.iter prli'e "ilIID IIT iii'M i > * rTOi ( ,
Tirimi' 'Uicjsli ' . 'jlrun'i 0 iiar emu Inleiest.
I' K AUu own r , it ' -.ii ! bu lillax , | inr ar
Col , * "
w AUQU \Vc3torIloldroftl etUte.S.Oinnha.
fT-IlOOM cottngo . ll.fino each , $100 ca h down ,
'Jhalunciif 13 pur month. Tu ! . L * . Hull. ,111
I'nxton block. .Ul
SIXTY-l'IVK acres i. w. of p. o. . nnllnhtu for
pjuttlmr nr g'inli'itliig ' , for snlo lit 11 bargain.
! ' . It. D.iHIng. 4i : Marker blk. Slt
3i,7.M : > , $ , ' * K ) eash , buys fi-room house WlxTSo lot ,
'I'Imtli vestibule , Rim. water nlnsot , iimntol.
furnace , lull anil mid water , linn cellar and
furnece. room , 2 blocks fmtntnoliir. roonmlurgii
iiiul well built , Nicholas Htreet , Walnut Hill.
Teinn loxult ; 7 percent Intcicst. 1) . V.Sliolcg
Co.Ill 1st Nut , Hunk. ; u , " > M
JINCOLN I'luco and "CiirtimgeTTots , pried"
Jjl.OOJ. f.V > down. Imltiiico * I3 monthly.
W. lj. Sellliooml.l . , board of trailu. 5li
Mo I''on ( lorn nnd Onttlu Al n.
On nnd after the SOth lust. , wn will lunc for
snle four thousand or limiteood , liliih ( trade ,
one , two and three year old I tahfcedcis , that
no t'.ui furnish at thn t'lilon t-lock Vlirds ,
Month Omaha ; or If dcslicd , xvt > onu nrianii > to
M'll these euttlo at North I'lutto or Ila.stlnKs
' TaVtlcs wnntliif : nnytliliiR In this line , will
please correspond with us.
UKO. HuitKi ; & . r AmuSouth Omaha.N'eb.
935 n mi CUr lajr K re 0 II ) p m
! < ! . " > p in I' ' * ! ' * In I ? , Trnin i Kft a m
I Airivet *
Omnlm | Depot lutli nml Mnrcy i
! M' > P m Ou'Hnml Flyer
7. ' * ) p m 1'nelllo Uxpren 7 15 n in
11) ) 10 a in . . Di-tiver Kxpress 4 .K ) p nl
4 l' > p ni'lJrniii ' ! iHliiut nxp ( cm-opt Him > 13 I ) p m
.Mm a m , . KIIIHIIA Clly KxprO" I''di n m
Omnlm II l . ilojiot , fotli nml Mnrcy SI' Omnlm
B ii P m . NiKht Htpre i. . . rrr. . 111 If. n m
9.11 a m Atlantic iTprc : i im ! : p m
4 IS p m VcMllmlc l.lmltiMl 10 15 11 m
l.ciuui , ClllrAiO ( A NoHTIIWHsrilKN Arrlvoi" "
Omnlm ly ] ' itcpot , lOlli nnd Mnrpy Sl Oinatii
SlS n in ( 'lilt'iiin Kxpro ( I 'M p m
Wpiui Vnotlliulu I.lmlUM ' . ' -00 n in
OKI p mULv. ex. Hit ) Mull ( Ar. ux Mum 7 'a m
" "ll" " . _ .r.nttcrn Klynr ' . ' 45 p in
l.on\es CillOAfiO , Mil. . , \ SP I'AIII , Arrivc-i
JJmnlm li ; I' ilepnt , IDlli nnc ) Mnrcy Sli Omnlii
! ' , I1 11 m' ' Mnll ( cxrept Hiinil.ijr ) nil , p til
(100 ( p m 1 'l 11 a m
' . ) < 0 p in . ' l p ill
"l.o.ives i OMAllA .VST. LOUIS
ilcpot , IQtli nml Mnrcy Sl ' Ollllllii
liXljiml . . ht. l/miln ( "nniionjlull. . . \ll \ J p m
Lonveji I HIOU.V Cll'V.t 1'AC"Kit' ! I Armc-i
Omnlm I U. 1 * . ilepnt. IQlh nml Mnrny St > ! Omnlm
7 15 n m , . . .Sioux City I'anspiiKcr. . . . 110 OS p m
lllSjiui1 . St I'niil KTiirtn .j I UK-i ) n m
Lenvc-ri sTou.v fii'v" * " i'AcTficr
Omnlim | _ _ D | > < it Mtli iin.l . WebnterHta. Omnlm
II 11 p ml . .St Paul Llmltvil I uTlA nm
Omnlii Ji'pot ytlMiniMVelisti'r Sti Omnlm
liOU n in . .llfnik'lllllTiTxprmn 6 20 p ni
! IOU n in1 llnstltiifi IIxp ( Kx. Siimlny ) r , ji p m
S 10 p m Wnluio fc Lincoln rnn ciiscr HUM n m
f,10 | i m1 York A Nnrfiilk iK . _ Sniiiny ! ) 10 20 n cj
lit'iitoi | t' , , SI1' I'TM AT I Arrive"
Omnlin | _ _ Depot liitli nml Wuliiler Stn. I Onmhn
8 10 n m Hloux City Acunmiiioilntloii y u" , p ui
1.00 p in bloiix rity KxprciH ( Kx. Hun. ) . I Oi ) p ui
It lrt p Illi t. I'/iul / Limited ' . ) tt n ui
5 I5u _ m' ' ll.mcort I'linonxor ( Kx Sim ) ) H 4' , n iu
Lent us | MlfaHOUllI 1'ACiriC. I Arrlvm
Omnha I nepot 1.1th nnd VeliHliT Sti I Oitinlin
' '
IU 10 u in .Ht Louis A K U. Kvprcix . i J : , i p m
II1A p in I St Linl ( < t\ _ K f Kxpnus 1 ii ID n m
Thou ) Inilns al-.i . sldp nt l.itli , 17th , 'Allli nnd2Uli
ttretUri , Huiiiuilt iinil SavlUtfo Crosalntf.Vurltlni4 -
' trains ( In not run Siiinl.iy.
miCAljni ( I. i l'A'inu I Arrives
Trnnntcr _ umon Depot. CountH _ lUints _ 11'rnuslor
li' ) p in NlKht llxprc'it | 11,1.1 n in
' .l M n in Athntln lltprcti nVipm
& ( p in Ve < < llliiiln l.lmlleil ) | U ID m
l n eH ICHICAdO.V NOIlTllWI > ri5llN Arrive *
Tinntferl Ifmon Depnt , Council
9 IU n m ( Milcnun i\pic'Hi : ! i , Ml p m
500 p m Vc llliulit l.linllui 0 Jl n m
II ) II ) p ,11 . . Knilurn 1'lyer. 2l p m .
HOU | i ml 7 rf ) a lu
tjenves UllCAt.o , Mil , , ft. BT. 1'AlTl , I Arrive
Union Depot , Council rlrnnifiT
'li. ) u m ChlenKii Mnll ( except Siiniln ) ] I ft > i | p in
I ! II p m , ClitctiKO Kvpreii. . . . II11 n m
10OU p ml | 2 Ui ) p m
"tjpavus 1 K C . ST , IOK A. 0. It. TArrlves
Trniisferl Union Dcpnt , Coimfll MliilI/ / ( iTraiistur
10 or u m City Day Kxprens I 'p ll p m
lu.25j > m Clt NJuM Kxprcss I l > 2U a ni
Itmvo-i O.MAllA A ST. UUIIB. | Arrive *
Trninfer UllJlJIl IPHt | , COIIIICH IJU5 ] ; iTrnnifnr
fi | ji iu | . .St. Ixiiilx Cnnnii linll. . . | 12JA p m
Leaves ClIlflAi.O , llt.'ltl.'N A . I Arrliei'
Transfer ! UnhmJIepnt. Council llliinii. _
P | i | n m 7. . Clilciiuu Kxpru'M . . . li .1) ) p ui
1001) ) p m . . . .Clilrniiii Ktprnas . . . . II 40 II 111
7.10 pml Cri-Htiiii Ixnjil . . . It M a m
Ix-nvei I bToC.X. t I'l'Y ' A "PACIFIC. " Arrlvot"
Trnnafurl Union lepinOouiioll _ Illiilfii. _ Trninftr
7. < 1 n m.Sioux | City Accominodntloii . U .11 a m
(1W ( p m1 . . . .HI. I'niil KxprnH. . . . U55 p ul
Ilaatwiu-d. I
I can offer you for a few days
some of the
Prettiest Residence Sites in the City.
At prices ranging from $2,500 to
$3,000. , Small cash payment.
Long Time.
Those lots are dulightfully sltuntcd ia
ono of ttio Hncst nuigliburhootla In I'm '
oily , splendidly located us regards
ilniimiKO nnd lienlthrulnoss , with puvoil
streets , city i > utor , Howora o und ( , 'iin ,
Five inlnuto Borviuo on olootrlc motor
Call and lot us pliow you Him pro -
' ty , it you want a nice hoinu.
Geo. N. Hicks ,