THE OMAHA DAILY OSOUE , SATURDAY , MAY 24 , 1890. THE CITY. Bank clearings yesterday $827,701.03. Sheriff Hoyil took John IT. Cole , nn inpnno colored man , to the asylum at Lincoln yesterday. Deputy Marshal Ilopplngcr brought William chllders of Cherry county to Omaha and lodged him in the county jail. Ho is accused of Belling liquor to tlio In dians at tlio Rosebud agency. George Karl will succeed to Billy Shields' desk in the county court room on Juno 1 , Billy , as previously men tioned , succeeds Ed Morcarlty , who leaves thoolllco entirely to practice law. Mrs. 0. H. Davis of Blair says she has waited a long time for her husband who left her to como to Omaha and now writes to the Omaha police for informa tion as to her lost Charles. Charles E. Blbblns yesterday pur- chase'd the lot , 0(1x1 ( U2 , at the northwest corner of Fifteenth and Cumlng streets , from John Itlluy. the considerations being $1 > 0,000. i F. A Strall , the man who a few days ngo entered Guokcrt McDonald's tailor ehop and carried away a bolt of cloth , waived examination yesterday afternoon. In default of bail ho wont over the hill to await the action of the district court. A deed transferring 120 lots in Omaha View was filed yesterday , Boggs & Hill being the grantors and Messrs. Frank Mulr , Ralph C. Gaylord and Arthur Remington the purchasers. The consid eration was $ M-l,2oO. J'HItHOXAI * J'A It A Git A J'JIH. John T , Hell has returned from California. C. C. Heldcn , ol Thompson , Beldcn & Co. , loft yesterday on a business trip through the i'lerre , .South Dakota. The capital contest in South Uslcotn will from present appearances narrow down to Plerroaml Huron , buttho fonncrplaecs seems to bo the favorite. It Is now the temporary capital , and Its jicoplo have had u very pros perous year , so that Its llnaneial baekliiK Is Bucb that on other city in tuo state can oven Lope for sueeess against her. A XXO VXVK3IKXTS. On Thursday of next weclc W. S. Cleve land's ' great minstrel show will appear at Boyd's opera house and will present a bill of unusual excellence , brimming with now and novel features. Willis Swcattnan and Hilly Klce are the two lenders of this organization , nnd they will bo ably supported by a line corps of burnt-cork artists. The Japanese acrobats , who created such a favorable Im pression hero last season , are still with the Cleveland show , together with several equally strong attractions that have never been seen here. _ Master Hlatehford Knvanagh , the wonder ful boy soprano , from Grace church choir , Chicago , will appear at BoyiPs opera house In two concerts on Fndav afternoon and evening of next week and will bo assisted by Master Dimond , who is but thirteen years of age , and is uu accomplished violin and mandolin soloist. _ Kcptililiunn City Central Committee. There will bo a meeting of the republican city central committee at the Millurd hotel this afternoon at 2JO. : ! D. II. MIKCIII : : , Chairman. Open DoorIn Koiuttzi Place. Mrs. Clark , who is in charge of the Open Door , says that it 1ms been decided to move the institution to 1503-5 Binncy street on Juno 1. The new quarters consist of a largo double residence , much more commodious and better adapted to thu needs of the institution. The pure Juice of the grape naturally fer mented , that is what CooU's extra dry chain- ptigiio is. Its boquct is unrivalled. A Gold Ijoailutl Vagrant. Tim Shearer Is a wealthy vagrant who claims to bo a railroad man. When arrested , he was sleeping in a box ear in the Union Pacillo yards and , from all appearance , was used to that kind of a hostelry. The jailer who searched him found in one of his pock ets , wrapped in an old tobacco sack , &JTO in gold and S'.l.lKi in change. In another pocket was a good silver witch nnd chain. The Judgo'remarlccd ns ho lined him $10 and costs that he was just the man to bo robbed with no particular blame attaching to the tnlef. The Bishop Clarkson memorial hos pital , Om'ahn , has besides a few free beds lor children , a iiay ward for women and private rooms for oithorncx. Patients whoM ; means will only allow of the pay ment of the hospital bill can receive tlio BorviccH of the attending surgeon frco For particulars address the matron. District Court. Charles C. Spotswood , who is well known In business circles ns a dealer In Omaha dirt , 1ms tiled n suit In the district court ngalnst the "Bank of Commerce , in which ho charges be bank with exacting usurious and illegal Interest ou loans made to him by the bank through ono K. H. Corbett , n woman , during the years between September ! )8 , 18S7 , and Juno 17 , I860. The petition in the case cites that during the month of September , 1SS7 , ho commenced to borrow money from Corbett , with which to carry on his building and real estate business , giving his notes therefor , nnd frequently giving valuable collateral as security. During this period ho frequently took up ono or more notes nnd issued another , but at no time was the original indebtedness fully paid. In this way ho gave Coruott twenty-niiio notes , aggregating in face value nbout $ 'J7f)00 , although the actual value was much less , as they represented old notes mostly. It making and giving these notes ho charges that Corbett withheld unlawful and nsurous interest amounting in the aggregate. to over $11,000. It is also charged that as soon as the notes were given to Corbett she at oneo transferred them to the bank , and ho also charges that the bank had full knowledge of the usurious Interest charged by Corbett and received u InrcojKirt of this Interest. I The petition goes on to stntb that on Juno 17 , ISsO , Corbett Insisted on n srtilement in full , and Spotswood gave hern note for St.OlX ) duo in six mouths , secured by the signature of K. H. Spotswood & Son of Lexington , ICy. For this note ho received four notes aggre gating In face value fcJ.-IIX ) , and $100 In cash , the balance of SHX ) bo withheld by Corhett us Interest. This note was also Immediatelv transferred to the bank. It Is further charged that Corbott acted as agent for the bank at all times , and the money paid by Corbett to Spotswood was au- vanced by the bank with a full knowledge of the use to which It was to bo put. Spotswood alleges that the bank has threat ened to scud the note to Lovington. ICy. , for collection by legal process , hut ho claims that ho pal dMX ) to the bank when the note became - came duo and sots up the claim that the note has been paid la full by the Illegal and usurious charges of Interest made upon the loans nnd notes wldch the said $1,000 note rep- I'escnls ' , Ho risked for nn order rcstiiilnlngtho bank from sending the note to Lexington for collection and also asks for an accounting to determine whether or hot the note in tiucs- ( Ion has been fully paid. U'iio case was presented to Judge Doano , who granted a restraining order ami bet the j-aso fni liOdrlhij on Saturday next , the Olst kilwln Culver 1ms commenced suit In 're plevin against John C. Head otal to recover possession of , u wajroa un.d har ness , all of the value of fsOO. Ho seeks tc recover the property mid $1,000 damages ' fpi its unlawful detention. County Court. William S , Lyons has' ' commenced Mill ngaluht George P. Munrd to recover fVH.W alleged to have been coUcctod us agent , but not turned over. James T. Morlnrty has sued Stephen S Felkcr for K > 00 for legal services. The- First National bank has brought sul ngalnst W. N. Parsons as principal and C M. Dlnsmoor as endorser on u note for fciOO. 'S. N. Bell wus given Judgment ngnlns > t A F. Bai'Oho In the sumof KWl.iW. Plait's chlorides Is the cheapest disinfect int. Its gcnu-dcstroyluf power is wonderful A STIIOXO AUGUMHNT. KiTcat oftlio "Original PncknRo" De cision Upon Mtnto IjlueiiRC Imwo. Hon. John L. Webster , ex-city attorney was requested to prepare nn opinion ns to the effect of the "original package'1 decision of the United Stales euprOmo court upon the operation of the state high license regulation. ; Io presents the following ! The decision of the supreme court of the Jnltcd States In what Is known ns the 'original package" case decided , April 28 , J8W ) , can bo used as a strong nrgumeirt ngalnst prohibition nnd In favor of high Iccnse , for the following reasons : 1. That decision makes It lawful to import tquors into otic state from nnother stnte , nnd sell such liquors In the original package , [ a other words , this decision declares nil prohibition laws to be In violation of the constitution of the United Suites In so far ns they nro intended to prohibit the sale of Inuors in ono state In thu original package In which thev may have been Imported from another state , for the reason that such laws ire Interfering with commerce between the states , this being n subject matter which Is .eft solely to the regulation of congress , U. Since this decision has been nnnnunccd : ho newspapers contain dully reports of nstances in prohibition states where saloons or stores have been opened up for the sale of mnortcd liquors In their original packages. This practically nullifies prohibition under the > resent state of the law. il. UHiis decision of the supreme court of the United States do < w not , however , inter fere with the regulation of the sale of liquor imported , providing such regulation Is reasonable nnd does not amount to n pro- liibltlon or confiscation of the Imported article. The supreme court of the United States , In the case of Woodruff vs Pnrkham , 8 Wall. , 11KI , illustrates this principle. The city of Mobile passed an ordinance authorizing the collection of a tax for municipal purposes , on "sales at auction nnd sales of merchandise , " etc. Woodruff had consigned him n largo amount of goods and merchandise , the pro duct of states other than Alabama , nnd sold the same in Missouri , to purchasers , in the original unbroken packages. Woodruff refused to pay the tax to the tax collector on the proposition that ho was entitled to sell thcso goods in their original packages with out thu payment of u tax. Justice Miller , in his opinion , cited a great many coses to show that such a tax was but n regulation , and did not interfere with com merce between the states , and was , there fore , not unconstitutional. Among other things Justice Miller , In that case said : "Tho case before us Is u simple tax on sales of merchandise , imposed alike on all sales made hi Mobile , whether the sale is made by a citizen ot Mobile or of another state , and whether the goods sold nro the produce of Lhat state or some other. There is no attempt lo discriminate injuriously against the pro ducts of other states , or rights of their citizens , and the case is not therefore , an attempt to fetter commerce , among the states or to deprive the citizens of other states of any privilege or Immunity possessed by citizens of Alabama. " The case of Ilinson vs Lott , 8 Wall , 14S , is practically decisive of this question. In Alabama the legislature in 1SGG passed nn act as follows : "Before it shall be lawful for nny denier or dealers in spirituous liquors to offer nny such liquors for sale within the limits of this state , such dealer or dealers introducing nny such liquors into the state for sale shall lirst pay the tax collector of the county into which such liiiuors are introduced u tax of .10 co nt [ icr gallon upou X-ach and every gallon thereof. " Ilinson. n merchant of Mobile , held five barrels of whisky , consigned to him from the state of Ohio , and live other barrels pur- . by him in the state of Louisiana , and ; md braildy and wino imported from abroad , ou which ho had paid n duty to the United States. Ho refused to pay the tax , and in sisted that the law was unconstitutional. Justice Miller delivered the opinion of the court , holding that the law was constitu tional. Among other things nc said : "A tax is imposed by the previous sections of the same act , of .10 cents per gallon on all whiskey and all brandy from fruits manu factured in the tato. In order to collect this tax , every distiller is compelled to take out a license and make regular returns of the amount of distilled spirits manufactured by him. On this he pays 50 cents per gallon , so that when wo como in tho' light of these earlier sections of the act , to examine the thirteenth , fourteenth and llf- teenth sections , it is found that no greater tax is laid on liquors brought into the state than those manufactured within it. And it Is clear that whereas collecting the tax of the distiller was supposed to bo the most expedi ent mode of securing its payment us to liquors manufactured within tlio state , the tax on those who sold liquors brought in from other states was only the complementary provision necessary to make the tax equal on all liquors sold in thostatc. As the effect of thcnetlssuch as wo have described , and It institutes no leg islation which discriminates against the pro- duets of sister states , but merely subjects them to the same rate of taxation which sim ilar articles pay that are manufactured within the sUitc , wo do not sco in it nn attempt - tempt to regulate commerce , but nn appropri ate and legitimate exercise of the taxing- power of the states. " Many familiar illustrations of this rule maybe bo given , which will bo accepted upon the mere suggestion of them. No ono would con tend that the state of Nebraska could pass a law which would prohibit the merchants of the city of New York from shipping morhnn- disc into the state of Nebraska. No citizen of Nebraska would admit the proposition that the state of Iowa could pass a law which would prohibit the Nebraska farmer from shipping his corn througn the state of Iowa or into the city of Chicago. Tlio state of Missouri at ono time passed n law forbidding the unloading of Texas cattle within that state. Thesupremo court of the United States ( ( J. > U. S. , 408) ) , held the law unconstitutional ; as it forbid the shipping of. all cattle from the state of Texas through the state of Missouri , it was in the nnturo of prohibition. Atthosamotimo laws of various states , which forbid the shipping into such states of diseased cattle , were held to bo valid , ns they were not a prohibition against the shipments of enttlo altogether , hut were simply the regulation affecting the unloading or shipment of diseased cattlo. All pei-sons having personal property In the city of Omaha are subjected to taxation of such property. Such tax laws are valid as long as thu tax is uniform and reasonable , notwithstanding the fact that the owner of the property may have shipped the same here from another state. Many other illustrations may bo found In the books , and will occur to the mind of the casual observer , which makes clear the fact a state may regulnto the taxing of property , or license dealers in property so long as such license Is a regulation , uniform as to all per sons , either within or without the state , and is not a prohibition against imported articles. The conclusion is clear that the state of Nebraska can licensS the sale of liquor and that such license will apply to imported liquors as well us to domestic liquors. High license can bo enforced. Prohibition Is prac tically out of exi-tenco bv the decision of the supreme court of the Unite dilutes. Through conches Pullman palace sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening points via the great ] ? .9ck Mtuul route , Tick et olllco 1C02 , Sixteenth anil Farnam. H i > tpcflpr eirt'llonco uroTpn In railllonioOiomri fur niord tliati n quartvr ut a ccaUirr It U uiixt pj Ilio United Hlnlcn tlnrornment , Kndoried br tin limit * ut Hip llrpftt UnUortltlM a the rHiiCft.iJl C.t llcaUUfiil Or. I'rlco'i Cronm Ins I'uwiltir ilex.niA contalu Aiuiuonl.i. > Q " Alum. CIltCAUU. Nl.NlrUA.NCl VU. BTM-OL'U READY THIS MORNING. STANLEY'S OWN ARTICLE On "The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition , " APPEARS IN SCRIBNEB'S MAGAZINE FOR JUNE. ' "PHIS ARTICLE , which fills more than thirty pages of the mnpnzino , Is the first nulhoritatlvo word from Stanley's own pen upon this , the most Import ant of all his expeditions. Mr. Stanley reviews so mo of the chief incidents of his extraordinary journey , the conduct of his otllcore , the attitude of Emin Pasha , Nelson's starvation camp , slavery in Africa and what can bo done to subdue it , etc. , etc. / The Illustrations are made from Stanley's own photographs and sketches , and consist of eight full-pane engravings and many smaller ones , much of the mate rial dealing with a part of the country never before visited by a white man. THIS KUMOBR ALSO CONTAINS : THE C1TV HOUSE ( Kast nml Poutli ) . Ily Mr. KtrssKt.r , STimnis. Holng number two in tlio "Homos ; In City uml Country" series ) . Alnitiiliuilly Illustrated. JEUUY. 1'nrt I. of mi niionymnusFurlul imvcl of a very uxcoptlomil Interest , by a now nntlior. liAllUIZON AND MlIJjET. Comiilctlns tlio article IICRUII In the May number. Illustrntul. THE UIOHTS Ol' THE CITIX.EN-"As ti tlsCrof Publics Oonvoyuticcs. " ( Tlilnt of tbu Series. ) lly Hon. SITH : Low , President of Columbia ColleRo. AMATEUK TRACK AND I * I EM ) ATHLETICS , lly CltAiir.ns P. SAWVUII. IN THE VAIiLEV. Serial by llAiioM ) PiiKimiito. Illustrated by HowAitu PVMJ. RUSAMOXI ) . A dranmtlu poem by HAIIKETT WK.NDKM , . THE POINT Ol1 VIEW.-Tbc Travel Uublt.-Tlio Origin of Antlpatliles.-Trcatmcnt for a Io- fcettvo Sense. Genius and Ethics. "The jnililMitnot this Magazine aim at olibitntim the licft articles. the bttl HliiftivtlnnK , and the 1 > ( Kttiil > lli' phlctilrcKiiUiiaiulU li no dltpaiaucmcnl to others to tan that they achieve what they aim It. " Til U HUSTON llKHALU. PRICE , 25 CENTS. $3.OO A YEAR. Charles Scribner's Sons , - - New York. Instantly stops the most oxcruolatlns pains : never falU to elvo cn o to the sufferer. For TAINS , ItUUIHKS , 1IAUKACIIK. CONOESTIONS , INFLAMMATIONS. KHKUMATISM , NEUKAI.OIA , SUIATIOA. HEADACIIK , TOOTHACHH , or any other I'AIN , a few upplleii- iuus aio llko magic , causing the pain to Instantly stop. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Internally taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drops In a half tumbler ot water will nuro In a few minutes Cramp , Sprains , SoiirSlnmiic'h , Colic. Flatulence , Heartburn , Cholera Mnrhns , Dysentry' DlnrrhuMi , Sluk Headache , Nausea. Vomltlnjr , Nervousness , Sleeplessness , Malurlu , and nil internal pains arising from change of diet or water or other onuses. BO cents n bottle. Sold by all Druggists. HOUSEHOLD WORDS ALL OVER EUROPE. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Now that its manufacturers are drawing'the attention of the American public to this y/-J/andever since its invention , the best of all cocoasit , will soon be appreciated here as weli as elsewhere all over the world. All that the manufactur ers request is simply one trill I , or , still better , a compara tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA itself will convince every one of its great superiority. It is because of this superiority that the English paper Health , says : "Once tried , always used. " 3To iwold the ovll effects of Tea and Coffee , use constantly VAN IIOUTKN'S COCOA , nlilcUiaaSTHljNGTHENEIloftheNERVESandftrofroshlnBamlnnnria inBbeverage. [ 62 Etchings. Emerson. Engravings. Hallet & Davis. Artists' Supplies , V Kimbnll. Mouldings. Pianos & Organs. Frames. Sheet Music. 1813 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. For If you do not It may become con sumptive. For CansHiniitloii , Scrofula , \ ( lenernl IMilllly mid ll'astiniVlseusi - tlioro 13 nothing llko Of Pure Cod Liver Oil ami HYPOPHOSPHITES Xilmo mcl. ! 9c ctr % It U almost H3 palntaulo as mlllc. Fnr bettor limn other so-called Emulsions. A wonderful iloau producer. cotfs Emuision There nro poor Imitations. Get the genuine ) . I.IEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Makes tlio purest , cheapest and best Hoof Ton Finest meat flavoring stuck for Soups. Sauces and .Made Dish Ono pnunclor Kxtrnctotllo roiiinUn | forty pounds ot lo.m beef , ur lliu valuu ut about (7.60. Genuine only with Justus von Liehig's signature'ns shown THE BEST FOR TIME RAILROAD KEEPERS SERVICE. WATCHES Till1 ' ' * - - ' W.TCH CA.e. C "TOS'H,0. , MANUF'G CO. f The LARGEST WATCH FACTORIES In the World 'j ' YoutlittilKrropi.IiniKiteiioy uml Diseases of JU'ii uiin be curco iicrraancntly anil prlrately br our Hexual Sp - clllo , Hent by mail for II. Uouk 'ni Healed ) /ur .tauip. lleucun Medical Couiuauy , 117 WubUlugtuu itrcvt , Uuttuu.Man , For a Few Days -WE OFFEU- MensSuits At the remarkable low pri ces of $121 eiri cl $15. It being an established fact that our goods are all strictly first-class , each pur chaser of tone of these suits may well ieel he has got ten the-best value for his money. JOSEPH GIILOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PABI3 CXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. fOSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , & TiRRt HAUU , INO.-A SCHOOL OF ENQINURINO. \V II tniluweil . , will tiiilrn'il ilrpitrlmcnti . " ' He > . ' cliiinlculari.lcml KiiElm-nriuCi l.lertilclty ( 'Liifuln. . try. llrauiliK. Kxl n ltiiMi ( > > > & * * > fc uici lunr , I at cuUloguv JJt U.ANYuliJviUli u , ForiMemoria The coming week we will give a grand benefit to the soldiers veterans. We have BOO very fine all wool Flannel Suits , made up irtj regulatioYi G. A. R. style , with eylet button-holes for changeable buttons' ' ; These we offer for this week at $7.8O for the suit , either single or double breasted coat. We do not advertise the name of this flannel , but we give you our guarantee that it is made by one of the best mills in the country , is strictly all wool and indigo dyed , and we stake our reputation thai ! you will not get a better quality of flannel nor asuit that \vill give you more satisfaction or better service , if you pay to other houses $12 for it , ' "We also place on sale a cheaper grade of Flannel Suits , which w $ offer at $8.78. The flannel in this suit is not all wool , but it is indig dyed. Jt is lined with good serge , makes a good serviceable suit , and i& also made up with eylet button-holes for changeable buttons. - * ' FOR BOYS. "We are also prepared to dress in blue an army of big and littles boys. We offer Long Pant Suits of a good quality of flannel , indigc ? blue , for boys 11 to 18 , at $4.BO for suit of coat , vest and pants , and Knee Pant Suits , with nicely pleated coats for boys 4 to 14 , at $2.BO. Foi/ similar suits you have to pay at any other place about $ S.OO and $8.0Oy SUMMER SHIRTS. Unequalledchoice and values in Outing Shirts of every conceive able style and quality. There is not a house in the city that can shoW you half the line or name anywhere near the prices we do. Oxford cloth outing shirts , splendid patterns , woven colors , pleatecjt fronts , at 6Oc ; wortli.l. . ' Imported flannel shirts , beautiful stripes , $1.1O ; worth $1.78. , Extra fine quality silk striped flannel , pongee silk and finest gradB of silk at $1.78 , $2.28 , $2.BO and $3. ( All our shirts are extra full sizes. ) SUMMER HATS. The following items will give some idea of the extraordinary val > * ues in an offering in this department. IS cases fine derbys in shades , chocolate , tan and pearl , at 7Bc. 1O cases very fine alpines , latest shape , with extra fine silk band of two shades , at SBc. , You could not buy either of the above styles in any hat store foi > less than $1.8O. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , . J. Jtii. McGEEW , THE SPECIAUST. The Doctor Is unsurpassed In the treatment of nil forms of I'rlvnto Dlst'nscs. No treatment hns ever been inarfMiccffsfnl anil none linn Imil stronger cmlurec- iiK'iit. .A enrols gunrantiTil In the \ eryvoretcnpes In from .1 to 5 ilnvsithouttlio lose of nn liour'e tltnc. Thoeo who lm\o been under his treatment for Stricture.or dlfllculty la relieving the bladder , pronounce It n mod wonder * fill success. A complete cure Inn few dnyeultliout inln. Instriinieiils or toiimf tme. ) And nil weak- HCf8 Of thO eeximl orjjnnH timidity or nervousness , In their worst forma uud most _ dreadful result * nro Absolutely cured. And nil PKMALK DISEASES cured nt homo without Instruments. A wonderful remedy. HOUltS for ladles from 2 to 4 ONLY. nnd all Diseases of the Skin , Blood , Heart. MVIT. Kid neys nnd Hladdcr cured. Cured In 30 to tO days. The most rapid , pafo nnd effect- l\o treatment known to tlio medical profession. Every trace of the disease re moved from the blood : ncompletccure guaranteed. nAlfftR n For "man" or "woman" , each lOo ( stamps ) . Treatment by corre spondence. Stamp for reply. N. E. Con. HTM AND FIKNAU ST. Open from- A. M. to 0 I' . M. Entrance on Fnrnam or 1HU SI. , OMAHA. NEB. - Tumblers SG , SG , 1OG , 1QG and EXAOH. All Kinds. Price reduced for 10 days PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN'S , 1514 FARNAM SIR EET. NEW PAXTON BLOCK NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. . , . UeAtll , 1 ft'HialUro IJW AKV , imneiut * * * .UM ui tuner Inclllior * , Involuntary I.pueaanil Bpernialprtlitta of I ho brain , relf.almto r u l by ovir-ciertlo * or ovcT'lndtilfftnco. tiavh beT contains one month' * Irvat * mt-nt. | \ulHjr. or lt for IS. tent by mall i > ri'nl | < l. \Utli each orilcr for tU boirn , tn mnd | > urcliaiiir miarant < 'o lo itifiiml nunr I' ha lr tmrnt fuili tu "u " " " "unorn.MAN DHuoVb. , 1110 Furnnm Street , Omalm , Neb , A aOQDniCH , Lawyer , sj Dearborn St Li ) yt'iirs' biiec 'hsful prucstioo , Advloofroo' no publicity nmiiy atutvs. 7 Grand Lottery of Juarez , : Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessionaries. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF CHIHUAHUA'MEXICO. FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Will tale place In public at tlio CITY OL1 JUAUEZ ( formerly 1'uso del Norto ) . J WEDNESDAY , JUNE 28th , 1S9O. UnOer the personalsupprvl fnnol fEN. JOHN S. 5IOSI5Y , and MR.OAMILO Anai'I3ME9 , tlio former a gentleman of sueh iirnmlnoncn In the United States thai Ills iirusunt-o ulono Is Milliolunt guarantee ! to the public that the drawings will bo liuld with strlot honesty anil fairness - ' ness to all , and tlio latter ( the Supervisor of tlio Mexican OovoriiiiiunU U of uiiual stumllua and Integrity. . CAPITAL PRIZE , $6OOOO. Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS , $4 ; HALF TICKETS. $2 ; QUARTER TICKETS , $1. $ OK 1- Prize of $60,000 , $60,000 $ , 100 Prizes of Approximation $ SO encli Prizes. 1 I'rl/oof 10.000 10,000 100 I'rlzet ot ! ! 0 each , 1 1'rlzeof 6,000 6,000 , 1UO 1'rUes of l'i ! cucli 2WJ : irrizc.iof 1,000 cod ! : iuuo Terminal Prizes. 10 I'rlze.iof M each 2 , < WU AM Terminals to SW.UIIO l'rl o ot M ) each. MM'rlzesof 10U each 5,001) ) KM Terminals to ilU.OUU 1'rlzo of I1U cuuli. 1001'rlicsof Ui each MXJO U ) each 7MX ) 1DM Prizes amounting to $126,97J Vi'o the undersigned hereby certify that the Itnnco If any ticket drawing n prlzo Is gent to th < Jin Nnclotml of .Mexico In Clilliunhim hits on deposit rlKiiod , Iti ficu : vnlnu will In ) collected nnil reuil from thn Mexican International llanklni ; Cnnipiiny , to the ownur thurunf freu of rhiirKe. the necessary fundi to imarantce the payment of nil KDGAH II. llnoNSiiy , the prizes drawn In the liinnd Lottery ot Junrc . I're.slJolit Kl 1'iiKO Nntlonul llnnk , 111 I'nso , ToX. Wo further certify tlint wo will supervise nil the nr- AGI5NTS WANTmU. ' rnnxenicnts , nnd In person mnnnco and control nil Kor club ratoii or uny other Information , wrllfl Iq tlhodriwInKfl of thin Lottery , nnd tlint the same nro the iinikM lunod. stntlni ; your uddrcss eloarly. wltlj fonductcd with honesty , fairness und liicood fnlth Htnto , County , Htreet nnd Number. Moro rnpld mull towardn nil parties. delivery will bu aiaured by your enclusIiiK mi euvcJV UO1-1N S. MOSI3Y. Coinmlssloiior. upo bimrlni ; your full uddro.o. ' / CAMIUO AWIUKU.K.S , I.NTUUNATIONAf. 1UNK1.NO CO. , / Supervisor for tlio tjovurninunt. Ulty of Juaru , Mexico. TTr'r'T / 1'n' Poiiil rcmlltuncos for tickets l > y ordinary Infter , cnntnliiliiK Money Orilcty - N * - * -1 * * - ' * ' issued by nil Kxpicbi Companies , Now Vorlc Kxcliun c , Hank Draft or 1'oatuJ Note. Address all rcslstertd luttors to / M&X1GAN INTlflRNA.'riONA.lA BANKING CO. , OlLtj -Juarez. . Moxlco. vla 1S1 Paso. ToxV , MEYER & BRD , , Diamond Merohanls , Importers and jMantt- ItioLurincj Jewulurs. icrrn J\.KO K.A.HN.A.M STS. . OMAHA. Heart rttr "Special Bill of Faro" for this wee'.e. Wo will oifur both "Uaro" and "Well Done'1 novelties in every dopartmout at lowest irluoi. Dlnmunil Finger Itln s from $2.51) ) tin to $ ' ( ) ) . Diiiiiiontl I.ncc Tins from $5.01) nn tit $1000.01) ) . Diamond KmKliurs IVom $10.01) ) up to $ > . > ,500.00. Dliimontl Studs ; Diamond Scarf 1'ins ; Itliiinonil Collar Millions ; l ia- inoiul Cull' Ilulttins ; Diamond llnlf I'ins ; Diamond Lockets ; Diamond Bracelets. Loose Diamonds inoiinU'dlo oriler nt short notice. WATCHKS Lni'rto iissortiniii ! < Fine SnlliHioldSlcm Windlnt , ' M'alclms from $15.00 up to $501).01) ) ) . ( . 'old Filled Watches , $15.01) ) anil nun-aril. Ail kinds Silver anil Nickel Watches , from the Clu-apest to tlio I)04t. ) Sco our Now $5.00 Wateii. Solid ( JolilVateh \ C'liains from $7.50 up. Finest Rolled Hate Chains , only $2.50 , worth $5.09. 500 Klegant Wntch Charms anil Lockets , 50u up. 12 to/cn ! Solid Sterllii } , ' Silver Itracelets from 'ile ) up , One lot of Ilolled 1'lato Hraeelels , assiirteil patterns , sold formerly at $2.00 and $11.00 , now 50e each to close them out. 1,001) ) Fine Solid ( 'old Finger Kings at $1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 , $ : t.0l ) . $1.00 , $5.00 nnd up to $10.00 , worth $2.01) ) to $20.00. A heantlfnl line of the celebrated " 1'a Isian Diamonds , " ( imitation ilhinonds ) in ( Jold Setting's , Studs , Scarf I'ins , Lace i'lns , Kur KliigH. etc. , from $1.00 upward. Sl'lICIAIi Wo oiler fora few days only , until all are sull nlinut 101) ) Fine Steel Carving Sets , it pieces , at only $2.01) ) . worth $5.00. Call early , us they will not last long. llariralns In Clocks , Lamps. Silverware , Umbrellas , otj. ajVItcpalring In all Us various hrancie ! < . Stoi-e for rent and fixturoa i'oi1 sale. T PIll I Ill pdMw ' / & * ' fem