Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvcrilspincntfl will ) o tnkon for
those column * nfior 12U1O p. in.
Tontis Cnnh In nclvnnco.
Ad vcrtlfipmcntu ttndor this lirnd 10 cents per
Jlno fortho first Insertion , ? ci > ntnformclifiiib-
* rqticnt liifiortlon , and 1 0 prrllne permonth.
No nctvortUcmfiit * taken for Icxs than 25 cents
for firsl Insertion. They must run ronRccu-
tUi-lynnd must bo paid In ADVAM'tt. All
ndvei t HcnienU mu l ) io hanilrdj In before I2 : :
o'clock p. in , , nnd under noolrctunMnner will
iry bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvertlnlng In these rolumns and
ImvtnK tholrnn wor addressed In cnroofTii
JJKE will plcnuo ndk for n check tocnablo them
to get thulr letters , n nonn will bo delivered
except on presentation of check. All nimwcrs
to advertlucincnts should bo enclosed In enve
All advertisements In these column ? nra
published In both inornlng nnd oTonlng edi
tions of TUB llr.r , the circulation of whluh ng-
grrgnti-s moro than SO.WW paper ? dully , nnd
elves the ndvprtlnorH thn honollt , not only of
thp city circulation of Tim HEK , but also of
Counoil Illuffn , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd
towns throughout this section of the country.
Advertising for thcso columns 7111 bo taken
on Ihr nhovo condltloiiH. nt the following bus-
ncds 1 ouscs who arc ntithorlzcd to take special
notices , nt the sanio rates an can bo had at .tho
rrnln odlcc.
v tjoWfl O.MA H A liKA.NUK orKICIV-Corner
Oof Twpnty-sltth nnd N streets , Nebraska
OIIN W.IinUj. Pharmacist,620SouthTcnth
/"IHASKAEDDY , Btatloncrs nnd Printers ,
\J 111 , jjouthictli street. _ _ _
. rAnNSWOHTII. Pharuucliit , 2115 ,
Cnmlng Btrcct ,
J. HUOHFS , Phunnaclst , Ktt North
. IBlh street.
. W. PAKH , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
worth Street.
irUGHES'PIIAKMAOY , 24th. and Farnam
WANTED Hy a young lady , a position as
copyist or for geneial olllco vvork. Ad-
flie'S 141 Vine strcut , Council Hlnffs. 15U-23
TMtE SMAKEK wishes vvork by day or vvpolc
JL/ln prlvuto families. 1328 N. 20th st. 221 25 *
i'ENTEHS WANTED 35 to40cperhour ,
' 8 hours. Koom 3ft , IV ) LaSallu St. , Carpen
ters nnd Hulldcrs Ass. , Chicago. 330-25 *
WANTED Agents on salary or commission
to handle thu lieu ly patented Ink erasing
bloller , solid and petfect In all details ; have
no equal In Its erasing power , nnd do not
abiadu paper. dOO per cent piollt ; tertltory
free. Ono agent's sales amotinto 1 lo $ fi05 In
Hlx days. Sample by mull , 35 cents. For terms
nnd paitlcnlais adttios The Champion Etuser
Co. , MaiiufiiuliiioiM. Eait Clulre. WIs. .114-25 *
"Y\7"ANTED Two gentlumon of good address
lo canvas for our now book. Will pay
salary or commission. Addicss I'nlon Pill ) .
Co. . ( 'oliinibus ' Neb. Olllco over Columbus
blalo balik. 325-25 *
rpVPKSETTEH wantid-boy 13or H yeas )
JL old , vMltn ut once , slat I us what vou can do
and pi leu wanted. .Minor , Lyons , Neb. ICii ) 21
BAHItnit wanted at once. Kaufman's , 20tli
and Q sit eels , couth Omuhu. 31Q-25
$75Wi ) to JJ50iO ( ( ) a innnth riTiTbo matlo work-
Ing for us. Ponons in of erred who can fur
nish a horse und give tnolr whole tlmo to the
business. Spaiu moments may bo prolltably
emplovcd also. A few vacancies In towns and
cities It P. Johnson & Co. , 1001) ) Main St. , Kloh-
jiioml Va.
WANTED Man As agent for our patent
sifos ; Hl7i > 2Hxl8xl8 Inches , $ .15 retail. All
si/us IIH low. Now styles ; new p ittorns ; now
lock ; now factory. Not governed by Safe
pool. Every f > afo watt anted. Karo chance.
L'ermanc'nt business. Our terms nnd cata-
loguowlll convince you agents clear $ .100 to
8' > 00 per mouth. Wrlto for exclusive territory.
Alpine bafo Co. . Cincinnati. O.
"ITTANTED Two lallors as busholmen , at
_ Y > t Im Continental Ulo. House. 322-23
BLACKSMITH Wanted A good ull around
man nt once , blnglu man preferred. Ed.
.Colgan. Falrbury. Neb. 273-2:1 :
" WANTED Paitlos with small capital and
/"W ' who am willing to Invest , can obtain
/ light , easy , picas int. permanent employment
that will pay from $ UO to (150 per month ; no
brsoks nor trash ; fora few days only. Call nt
St flair European Hotel , cor. 13th und Dodge
sts. , room 4 I. 270 23 *
WANTED Enorgctlu men nnd women for a
ccnleel business paying SCO weekly profit
easier than $ i > 0 monthly otherwise ; experience
unnecessary ; permanent position and exclu
sive territory assured ; JJHamplos free ; Inves
tigate our money-making business. Address
wlthHtamp. Merrill Manufacturing Co. . II 63 ,
Chit-ago. 111. 88JJyl3 *
WANTED Two good men to sell goods on
Installments ; liberal commission paid.
B. F. McNcul , 1J7 N. 12th St. , Lincoln , Nob.
300 2 > '
\V-ANTED-2 peed co it makers. Steady
" work. John Thompson & bon , Kearney ,
Neb. 200 20 *
_ _
WANTED At once , reliable , competent
collector , not under 20. must iindetstand
liook-kreplng , bo honest und strictly attend to
business. Noumuteiirh need apply. Address
"Uiisliu-ss. " gonoial delivery . _ aoi a *
WANTED-500 men for now rrllroad work In
Dakota nnd Wyoming. Good wnges ,
work nnd free faro. Allbrlght's labor
1120 I'ariiiini st. SOU
WANTED .WO men for Utah nnd Nevadu ;
wages. $2.00 to JJ-M per day , Albilght's
Labor Agency. 1120 I'arnani. _ 474
ANTED Salesmen at $75 per month Hal-
ary and expenses to soil a line of silver-
plated ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ;
horse und team furnished frqo ; write at oneo
for full particulars and sample case of goods
free , btundard Sllvurwuru Co. , lloaton , Muss.
S HIT makers at 1314 I'ariKiin. Onialiu
Millt _ 1'aetory. 221 25
IWlMj pay ladles asaluty of J10 per week to
wotk for mo In thclt locality at hoinu ; light
work , good pay fet part time. Wrlto with
st-imp , Mrs. II. r. I'lirrliigton. box 702Chleugo.
\\rAN"TED I'lrst-oluss girl for general
TT housework In mjiull family , mnslbogood
rook und laundress , good wuges. Mrs. Geo' O.
Tow le , 121 y.JMthjit. OSI 2. > _ _
" \\7"ANTElT ( Jhl for gtnioriil housework , lit-
v ( julro 1817 CupUol avenue. 2:11 :
WANTEDnrreo u\pcrlenccd dining loom
_ gills at the HurKor hotel. : iu3
\\rANTED-A good gTrl for general houso-
TT v\oik. 'Must be neat and obliging. ; M2S
Chicago st. * > .107-2.1 *
\\fA5rTEll A girl for general house work
T > ut 2J20 Kanmm st. ; must bo good cook und
2111 23
noMPllTEM'glrl wauled. MrsE. F. heaver ,
_ OrV3 .South 2sih st. 2s7l 25
\ \ > ATS'TED-At once , shirt and waist llnlsh-
' ors. Mrs-E. A , Crater , rooms 3 and 4 ,
3 a col > iM > 1 oo k , 1 Mil and Capitol ave , 281 5 *
MrA.VTED Girl for gOuural housework. 224
N IhtliBt. 2I.S23
" \\7ANTED Thrcoladlesund two voting men
' to iceolvo Instructions and keep books. J ,
Smith , loom 010 N. Y. LIfo building. ,
* tV > 35 *
'XV ANTii ; | 1 tnpgrlonced dining room girls
_ > \ ul thu Wlndt-or lioteh 247
GIUL for gonoiiil houLoHotk InsniHll fam-
Hy. imi l.iriiuin. : Kt-25
\\7"ANTEO-GIrl for gonorul housework ;
> > small family. 5J3 N. 20thst. , b. E.cotnur
California. 271
AtHllL to take euro of children ; not too
joung ; German pit-fenx-d. Ennnlix ) 400
T < oi 111Mrd st. 274 jj
T\7 A N 'I' El ) Goiman girl , must lm good cook
TT washer and Ironer ; bringreforoncos. Au-
lily b < ! l oen 4-K : ) and 7JO p.m. ut 1021 Park ave.
Sirs. John Grant. 2tH
\\rANTEl > To do sow Ing In families. $1 per
> > day or 15 per week , cull or address S. ij-
jTiiP. iMhsu am-sa *
VWANTHD 1st and 2d clrls In iirlvuU ) faml-
TT Jyi host of VMigcs iiaid. 721 S 1'Hh St. * cor
iu > r 01 Luuvc'inuu'th si. Mrs. J. L. Hrandols.
WANTED-nirl for general liousuwork ,
Irish , German or American. 2020 bu
Mary's uvenuo. ISO
MIL tor general housunork. lniiitroof J ,
. WIIUIns iti , 61S paMon blk.
MYltA SlcGlunls' IressmukliiK. par'ors 1323
U.tpltolnvo. luieund teach the FroicU
tailor ayituin. lOUJld
OOI ) house of 7 'rooms Tat IXff Nw 22nd st. ,
XJiwtwecn Clark and Sowattl. _ 33 ! ) 23 *
TpOIl KENT ? .room cost fiont cottage , larpo
A yard , bliprnmu ave near Olurk. Wright &
jUsbury , Arlington blk. 255-23
"IJ1OII KENT FIuo roslUoncu. iiuidcrn Trn
Jproxcmunts. . No.L'Wbt. Mury'a a\enue.
from Juno 1st , uttos per luonth. iimulro at
jiirmlsoi oral A. Ht-ller , t\o , mi , Vurnum
fcUCOt. Jilj
T710H KENT Knanonablo to a gooil party , the
J- ' apartments over lfiol3-fl Howard st t 'M
pleasant rooms ) just the thing for European
hotel. C. F. Shaw , ir/n Howard. 141
rnWENT Y-thri'i'-io > m hou- , eonvonli'iitly
JL arrnntced , rent $75 , newly p-ipored , full of
roomers nml boarders , furnltun : V'M , on time ,
worth tlwo. but sickness for"es 11 irty to soil.
Oo-opcratlvo Land fi I/ot Co. , 205 & . 10th st ,
Q KOOM houses , at 003 N. 13th st.
2fi3 24 *
V"O'K ( opportunity tow-euro the loa o nnd
- furniture uf ono of tlio Ilncst homes In
Omaha , furnlturo nil now , locntlon near high
school , rent low. Will take half 1U value ! ! i
cash , lial. tlmoi Addrosn , K43. Hep. 211
TilOR H KM' Un Vnrimni Bt. , iionr'Jiitli st.r
J-furnished house. Apply 1001 Farnam st.
T7IOU KENT 10-room house , 2107 Douglas st.
-L' nil modern Improvements. Inquire 2111
Douglng. 887
IF YOU wish to rent n honso or store see II ,
U. Colo. Continental block ; 107
KENT Nlculy furnished o room oot-
ttigo , good location , near motor lino. Ituf-
orcncc'H rcqulrud. Wolshiins & MeOulloch ,
Exposition bldg. , 112. ! Capitol nvu. KM
8 KOOM Hat , with steam boat , 101 h St. , near
'Joiien. ' ; Thos. F. Hall , all Puxtou block.
"TT10U KENT My'residence , 2M3 rnrnnm . ,
Ju modern Improvements and very desirable.
Hlchnrd 0. Pntterson , N. Y. l.ifo building.
3t2 : 20
171OU HHNT Two 5 room , new , cottages.
J ? modern convenience , excotit furnnco. Nleo
Inwn and hose turnlshed for sprinkling , ! IS.
Nob. Mtg , and Loan Co. . BIO Paxlon blk. . W
TJIOH HnNT lIousu ; ten rooms , all modern
JU IniprotPinontij largo yard , 110 per month.
IV.MPP 1 Thomas 710
< Ui IS. sloix-3 and lints ; nil now , T. A.
H 1 euiruiiwdrth , room II , Harker blk.
II1OK HINT : llcnutlfnl residence , nil modern
JU Improvements with barn , ( loorgln nvo.
Ulcli'd U. Patterson , N. Y. l.lfo bldg. 231-27
IJIOU ltiNT : 1-rootn honsp , Poppleton Park.
-U I block from motor , till 7-room house , $17. ! > 0.
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , Kith and
Dodgo. 210
T710U UKNT-10 room flnt. 1015 Dodge bt. , nil
-JL ! modern Improvements , $00.
7 room house , 3118 Hurt st. , splendid locntlon
nnd conveniences.
Groom house , Dnpnnt place , olty water. 112.
Geo. J. 1'ox. room 6,3 Puxtou blk. 4H
EAST half of 2311 Davenport St. , ! l rooms , to
small family. Inquire 2313 Cupltol HVO.
3 IIOOM cottage , good location. Nenr lo
A business. $3 mouth. Mead Invt.Co. , Ilco bldg
TjlOKKENT VCry nlco-room houses ; special
JD lurins made. Apply to Fletcher Young ,
Ambler Place. 2iU
TI1EN room house , nil coiivonlenccsmigo,1358
JL bherman nvo. , $10. Hutchlnsoii Si Wead ,
1524 Douglas ; lul. 1520. 240
OH KENT 2 Hats In Lltiton blk , cor. Muson
and l.lth sts. , G teems each , rent $ J7 pur
month. Inqulto 917 lu block. John Humllu.
TTIOn KENT G-room house , $13 ; 7-room
JU housu , lri. 1S20 b. llth St. 311 25 *
T71OH KENT 3nlne-ioom brick houses. AH
JL ? modern conveniences , 2 , > 3.1 Io253 ? St. Maty's
avc. Inquire tit Collatctal bauk , 312 S llith st.
TTIOK RENT Ono 10-room modern house , all
JO conveniences. Paved stieets , cable cars.
Five minutes' walk of postolllco. Koferencos
tcqulrcd. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Farnam st.
"I7\OH \ HKNT Nice U-ioom cottage. 22nrt and
JL1 California , Wiper month. A C. WuPoloy ,
505 N. Y. Ljfo building. 076
T71OH KENT 5 room houso. coed ropait , nice
JU yard , cistern water , rent JJ2. Applv to 1400
South 7th uvu. ortg Jno. W. Hell , druggist10th _
T71OK KENT Kcsldences In ull p irtn of city.
JL1 List too largo too publish. Globe Loan &
Trust company. 307 S. Ibtli st. 7ti2 _ _
MODEKN house , nine rooms , b ilh , hot and
cold water , furnaci ) and gas , on Dodge St. ,
$40 per mouth. Fred J. HorthwlcK , 21.1 bouth 14th
171OK KENT A Hut of six rooms. Enquire of
-U Mrs. C. Duggun , 1102 b Uth Koom 5.
TT1OK KENT About Juno 1 , these elegant
JU stone residences on Georgia nvenuo , b 2Uth
St. , between Mason and Paclllo sts. See owner
for long tlmo lease , H. H. Henderson , room 400 ,
Paxton blk. 4s5
TTJOK KENT 10-room brick house , with iiuxN
JD orn conveniences , No. 8111 > 20tb st. Apyly
lit No. B27 S 20th st. 32t
FOH uisNTv-itooais FuiiNisiiiaiyr
NICELY furnished rooms , all modern con
veniences. 832 N. 15th St. 280-28 *
TT1OR KENT A nicely furnished room for
-I. two gentlemen , corner Luavonworih and
25th ave. 310 25 *
ANDSOME rooms with first-class board.
Also few day boarders. Kufciuncos. 18.23
Farnam. 237-25 *
NICELY furnished looms , 201 ? Leavenvorth.
9")3-20 *
FEW moro young ludics ean bo accom-
odatcdat the Ywting Woman's Home , 100
S. 17th. All thocomfoitof homo llfoasstired.
Kefuroiice" arc required. 2124 *
TTlOIt KENT Largo fiont room nicely fur-
JU tilshed , $10 u mouth , 2021 Hartley st.OJ.l fflt
O4 Hl\ \
KENT Nicely furnished rooms with
-class board , 1B14 Dodge st. 133 23 *
LAKGE front room ; references ; 1812 Dodgo.
T71OK KENT A largo ftout room , f mulshed ,
JL ; In ono of the finest residences In the city ,
721 B. lUth st. corner Loavcnworth. 841 _
TpOK KENT Furnished rooms , 1GOU Douglas.
J ? 200
" 171OK KENT Pleasant furnished rooms with
JL } all conveniences. 610 S 2ith ( st. 2 < lt
T710K KI2NT Nicely furnished r oem , all
Jt ; modoni couvenlences , 2 blooka from P. O. ,
C18 S 17th st , 101
I71UKNISUED rooms to let , 2022 St. Mary's.
.JU ; 531
TT10K KENT Furnlsliea looms ; gas , bath
JU and steam ; 1511' ' Howard 11)9 )
TTIUKNlbllED rooms. 1013 Farman.
JU OJlmr , *
S . OLA IK European hotel , corner llith and
Dodgo. bpoclal rates by week or month.
130OMS 7 10,12,15-007 N. 18th st.
8rm23 *
r o 1 1 K KXT-uooai s
T71OK KENT 2or3 unfiunUliiHl rooms , very
- * - ' teasonuble , near cat lines bOGN. 2.1(1 st.
.U7-25 *
TTps'n'HNISUED j-oomb 'for tent , Inqitlioof
U IJ . M. Molir , Waa ; Nntllh st. K. 0 , 3rd lloor.
21'J '
TTNVUKNISHED rooms forhousoUoeplnp at
U groally ri-ducud prices. Choupcst tent In
the city. Hulls llcntlug Agency , 21S b llitli st.
219-jia *
_ _ _
4UNFUKN1SHED romnsfor rent ; nil colt-
ventunccs. UU bo. 17th uv I ) . 180 25 *
ROOMS for housekeeping , 113 S. 17th st.
. ' *
"IT1OK KENT 4 unfurnished rooms lo family.
J1 without clilldion ; modern , Itnptovemiiits.
1704 Webster Bt. Price 815. bM
A UNFUKMSHEO looms , 251 , ' Capitol uvo.
tt 150-11127 *
TTIO1J KENT To Imlges , Koctotlei. plcnle pur-
JU ties or .private gatliurlugs. Kiltz Miller's
putkand duni'lni ; hall. cor. 18th and Vlnton
sts. ; motor line passes thu park ; muslo free ,
27.1 27 *
SMALL store for tent on Htn st Par-
imtn st , J'-'O month. Inyulro nt Ul ? Lluton
blk. _ John Hiimlln. _ fijl _
STOrTES nt 707. 70 < ) . 711 B lOtn , SS\00 onoh. larg
show windows , steam bout furnished. Thos
V. Hall. 311 Paxton block. 20J
Ol'I'lOra In Wltlincll block , 1'itli and llarnoy
streets , ta per month and upward ; all mod
crn Improvements. Cull and see them ,
051 JI5 *
TJUJU KENT-Storo 018 S. 10th st.
DESK room , altornoy preferred. Hutthlnson
A Wead. 1-gl Douglusi tul. 15-1) ) . . 210
T71OK KENT The 4-atorbrIoU building with
J-1 or without power , formerly occupied by
the Hco Publishing Co. . 918 Farnam st. The
building has a lira proof cement basement ,
eomuletu steam heating fixtures , water on ull
the floors , sai , oto. Apply ut the oilico uf Tito
lieo. ois
cornor2itU ami O stsT
South Omiilia , U a Urst-clasi louatlon fur
bcergardou. InouIroMrs. A KaJlsh , bBb , 10th.
_ 413 it _
KlOiriTENT-.Wo have 01 acre-s adjoining Den-
-L' son and SS acr s adjolnlna our lllghlunil
Park addition that wo will rout for season of
lb'.W at a reasonable price. Omaha Heal Estate
aud Trust Cu. U04 Faratuii * U W
pa turo at 111 twr head for tin1 wa an , Call
oft or iiddrcM W. II , Krldlcr , f > 35 Pitxton blrvck.
an-2 i
B The Ptatto Valley ranch U open
. . . for mock. 1.000 ucros In tame grass. For
particulars address Plattu V-illoy Huneli , Val
ley , Neb. , or E. llcnlon , Fremont , < Npb.lrV20
lrV-20 ) *
WANTED Horses to instnro at J2.50 n
month on farm near IrVlnKton ; horses
celled for and delivered. W. It'IJoman , Hoom
( I. Fron/or blk. ' * 47(1 (
GEO..T. PAt'L. 1000 Frtrnftui.liai ) printed stsll
of houses for rent. 2U2
TTIOK KKNT'-IIousos InHtl pnrtsof city. The
JL ! o. F. DaVIs company , Fnrniini St. 233
OKTON'S rental agency , 617 Paxt'oii block.
JlX *
H.K. . COLi : , rental agent , Continental blk ]
. Iff !
ANTii-AH : owners of nuwrcsldcnci-snud
T ' public buildings to Investigate thu latest
nnd best system window screens kumui In the
world for which O. K. Soulo Isngcnt. All
orders left at 1810 Dodge HI. will receive
piompt attention. KMIniHegUenonLirgo ;
orsninlLcontrncts free of nil charge. 288-28 *
BIMNK Phos-rorronc. the palatable nerve ,
blood nnd brain tonic , nt Klnsley'n phar
macy. Kith and I'utnam sis. , nnd I.W. I'arnani
st. Phos-l > riono free fro.n 0 to u p. m. on Snt-
unlay , Muy : , ' . a >
- wishes to rent room and
power with machine or foundry Co. In
Omaha. Will equip a first-class shop. Add read
E5.I. Hoc. SIX ) 21 *
rpWOor 3 nicely furnished rooms for light
JL housekeeping , within 10 blocks of P. O. Ad
dress E 57 , llee. 301
T\fKS. A. ,1. KING-AID bleaches hair , boautl-
JJJLfles complexion und develops forms. IbOj
Howard st. * 317-2V
D KINK Phos-Forronp. Iho pnlntnblo nerve ,
blood and brain tonic , at Klnslor'n phar
macy , 10th nnd Fnrnnm sts. , and l' 7 rarnam
st. 1'hos-Ferrono free from 0 to 1) ) p. m. on hut-
urday , Jl ay : tO. 'DO. 220 su
TDAUASOLS and ninbrollas covered and ro-
-L pulrod. B. llalor , 1515 Douglas ; basement.
THIN \VOHIC , rooHnB , pntterliiR , snouting ,
JL good work low prices. Ravage , .1018 Cumin , ;
UMItKUWjAS ri'p.ilred , luwn mowers sharp
ened , Key littliiK and looUmltliliiK .it
llellln's gun shop , 111) ) N. llith st. 2CU Jli )
children and fein.ilo diseases , 1 111 f.iundets
St. . In si'L-oiul * tpry. _ -"ll-.l--'l *
M AS.SAGK .mil innKiictlu treatmcnl , lll'l P i-
oltlc. : h : i I f block fiiiia inn tor line..rill2i *
DK. LON DAM : , nniKiietlo and flccttic
lic.iler , successfully trouts ull eoinpl'ilnt
of women without medicine. Consult , itlon
looms 010 S. Will st. UI.24 *
Addtcss Lawyer , Ito0.11 , Chicago , III
21)27 *
dental college , llest of work only. Crown
and bridge work u hpecl ilty. Hoom in Contl-
nenlul blk. Elevutot 15lh st , north of Douglas.
h..t m SI
" ' "
L. On Satuiiliiy or Sunday , a luih'sgold
'u.-itch. ' Liberal reward If returned to llvu
oOIce. . 279-2:1 : *
LOST 01 stolen A brown pointer ? ord weeks
ago. Wo me Informed ho Is In tlio conntiy ,
u reward will bo given for his tetnin two
blocks south of Vlnton on 10th. J. Schlndlui.
2-J.J *
STKAYED Hay mule , loft shoulder bus
ti'red.8 yours old , v\clght I.IW Ibs. ; ojso
small bay pony , heavy mane and lull , woUlit
700. Ketiirn toPut Nalon , S. AV. coiiiot 20tii
and Mintlia ; row aid $10 227 23 * '
S TKA'J ED Team horses , 1 iron gray and 1
bay. Ketui n to 2010 Franklin. Howard.
1.W 23 *
EN. CLINGSIAN , o\oluslvo pension nttoi-
noy. looms 19 and 21. 1 render block.
Omahu ; alfioCliieliinatluud Washington. Sund
stamp fet circular. 1-l.i
[ OLD stoiuge. David Cole , 815-817 Ilowuid 357
S'ITOKAGEHranch ' & Co. . 1211 Howard.
TjlUHNlTt'HR storage , separate comp.ut-
-U meiil. liV817 Howard. 217
rpHACICAGn storage. David Cole , Hn-
JLlIowatd. - 2 : > 7
rilKAOKAGE storage ut lowest rates. W. M.
JL lliibhiiiun , 1.111 Leuvunworth. 207
WANTED Good 80 or IGO-ucres fuiin ; will
pay $1.000 In good stock of cUars as first
payment. Stuto location , prleo and Impiove-
nients. Address room.10 , IfN , luth. : wjl l *
ANTED TWO line Jersey cows , half-breed
piofortcd. lilchard O. Patterson , N. V.
Life bldg. . ! . > 29
WANTED To buy. a cottage and lot on or 10th Ht. , motor lino. Villl pay JOO
cash , balance on monthly payments. Address
WANTED rnrnlture , carpets , household
goods for cash. Wells' Auction & btoiago
Co. . 1117 S 1 Ith st. aoh
WANTED Pecond-hand lurnlturo of all
kinds at the highest prlco , 710 8. Kith st.
awjn *
V\7ANTKD Good commercial paper. Nt > -
biaska Mottgago LoanCo. , OlUPi uxton blk ,
7ANTED To Huy Hcsluence , 0 to 8
\ rooms , good slo lot , east or south fiont ;
house must bo nicely finished , havu all mod
em conveniences. O. H. Jullrles , Hoom 2iM , lieo
blinding , , U1S
CAbll paid for second hand books at the
Antiquarian book store , 111 , ) rainam st.
vt4K-.ll *
\\7 ANTED Good sliort tlmo pnper in small
T > umoiints. P. I'H > | I'miiani at. 474
" \\7"ANTED To buy lor spot cash , city or
TT countiy partsor whole stooksof diy and
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoos millin
ery , stationery , gouts' fiiinlslilng goods , ptc.
Cull on or addii'ss J. L. Ilrundels A. Sons , cor
nel Uth and Howard. Omaha. 210
E A good family lioiso and buggy ;
- - . 1.115 Douglas. .124-24 * _
T71OK SALE-Ono pair heuv.v mulcs.Ojoar
.L old. liiulre | b. Llvlnstoii. In the tcui of 112
t 10th St. . betwcen IQtU and lltlmt. .U'7-25 * _
nOHSEb--A good sliig'lo driver , $71 , good
horse ; good work learn 1150 , Co-opcrathu
Land & Lol Co. . 205N.Jjitlijs. . ' ! , 's
I 11 OH SALE Pine family cartlu o hor-o.
1 souud and sentlo. InqulroDll N. llitli si
A GOOD horse and buggy for n le ot trsiclo
fet real estate AddressE 47. llee. 21-
AUCTION bulu AH of the hue lively of
Human & Teriy. consisting of. Ian
daus , ht-nrsos , family can luges , Euirlcs.
top and open buggies , hursts harn
esses , huddles ami ull other articles used
In a ( Irst-elass llvory. bale to commence
Wodwwlay , Muy 2s , at 10 n. m , Evctylhlnu : to
bu sold to the highest blddei. Wo will sell nt
pilvalo sale until day of Bulu. Human A. Tcny ,
413 und 4I5H _ 1.1th. Ojiiuliii. Neb , ; _ Sl'
"f7ioiisi\iE A ( Ino young driving horse. W.
JL' B. Hyun. l.ttj Famam st U99-23
"IjlUIt bAI-E Four horses , oneoxpress wagon.
JL3 Oush or tlniD. Koom 2.1417 I'aruaiii. sui-jo'
1710R SALE Seaman's buggies best und"
JL cheapest.
Seaman's phaatons best and cheapest.
Seaman's wagons best and cheiH-st. : |
Hcumun's carriages bast uud cheapest.
Omaha's largest variety. . 850-m.2i :
TT10R BALE An elegant buggy or oarrtago
JL' horse , very stylish , flnodrlvtir , and afraid
of nothing ; any lady can drive him ; together
with a full platform spring , leather top
rlage , almost now , and ono Columbus iiiukH
buggy. Also one sot double harness forJ5.
Apply at 2315 Webster st. B2fl
"IDAHTIKS looklna tor Una driving or sadillu
J. horses , would do well to cull on , or corres
pond with T. J. Fleming , manager W , II. Mil-
lard's farm , Culhoun. Nub , Ha has for xulo
Bomo first-class single ililvcrs. carrlago teams ,
mul ddh hm > e s.ji j asojuiblojrlces. Kt !
"I71OR SALE A team of mule * , or will trade
JL1 for cue largo horse. Cull at LCI b 5th st.
T710K BAtE- tfood nto hurso for 150. Ad-
JE dress 014 , lloo. ni . 378
-fin. . , . < .
T71OR SALE 1'nrnlMnoiof a 7-room flnt. 711
JU H. Iflth H. . 3rd lloor. a 33 *
TTIOH PAIjE-Furnltnr .t carpets nnd homo-
JL1 hold Roods of all rWutU every Tuesday ,
Thursday nnd Saturday morning at llll Dotig-
las-st. Cash paid for gowls. Omtihft Auction
and Storage Oo. HonrjKJrelglitoti , auctioneer.
very 'Wednesday ami
Hatnrday. 317 S Utliy\Yt'lls. g > M
Ij OK SAIjE. chcap-jWVhorso power steel
JU boiler , good ns new. With fittings complete ;
heater , mini-drum , plnngu pumps , and No.3
Knowles ; will sell for one-half original cost
JelT W. llcdford. O.U .
CAK of fresh cows , cheap , at llcdford
Place , near foundry. N F Husscll ,
321-2. ) *
SALE of Sllverwuro llnlter dishes , castor ? ,
tea sets , cuko baskcl.s , Nixmn holdem unit
cups , combination sets , etc.duo goods and low
prices. C. Erlckson * Co. , the Sixteenth
bt. Jewelers. Masonic blk. u > t 23
IVIILK. deltvoicd In ono gallon packages
I'l dally. Uuatantced absolutely pun ) . J1J
Itroun building , Iclephonu l.\M. 2C4
T71QKSAI.E Cheap , a boniitlful fawn colored
JU grey hound. Emiulro ? J4 b. 10th st. , corner
of Leavenworlh. 811
QTOVE wood for salo. T. Murray.
TmOH HALE Some gooll watches and dlu-
JL1 mondscheap. H. F. Masters , loom 4 , With-
nell block. < T ' 211
AWF.IIEK , piano maUor. tuner and ropalrer.
Plunos und organs fur sale. WX > North
10th si. 101-23
BEFOKE buying a piano examine the new
scale Klmball piano at A. Hospe. 15U
Douglas st. 212
F67F.GEtJiENIirOh.loucuerof thobinjo ,
1GOU llouuul St. M lloor. 249
in OXK v yo no AX.
to loan In nny amount from $10 to
MONEY for uu > tlmo from one to si \ months.
Loans' made on household goods , pianos ,
noises , mules , wagons. IiousoM , leases , etc. , In
fact on any uvullablo security Hi any amount
ut the lowest possible r.itcs without tcmovul
of property.
Payment * cnn bomado at any tlmo reducing and in t crust.ou pay Inlet cst
only for the time jou use the money. If you
owe a liilancoou your piopcity I will take It
up and carry It foi you.
Money alwaj son hand. iSodolay. No pub
licity. Noiumoval. Lowest talcs.
H F Masters ,
Hoom 4 Wltlincll block , 15th and Harnuy Sts.
- . JJO
_ _
me loans at low r.itos and no
FIKSlVmoitg . . blioh-s Co , 210 First Null bank.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
F I HST moi ( gage loans. \ ciy lowest i.ttcs.
O. J. Caswcll. Bill N.V. Llfo 4J1-J2
LOAN > wanted on piodui'tHe Omaha real
estate 3 and 5 years' time , optional pay
ments. favorable teims uud i ite <
Klmball , Ch imp & Ryan ,
1000J1G lW" > l'
MONEY to loan on her i" , vvigons. mules.
household goods , pianos organs , diamonds ,
at lowest rates The HrS organl/ed loan ollico
In thu city Makes lo.uisjftom . / ) to Jfi5 days.
which i. in bo paid In li.trt 01 whole at any
time , thus lowering tin ? neini ipal und Interest.
Call aim see us wh'jn JIMIVV nit money. Wuaii
assist von promptly amlXto jour advantage
without removal of pivpcrly or publicity.
Money always on hand. PSO del'iy In making
loans. t.F Heed A. CotJ J19 b. IJth st. : ovet
Hlngham ti Son" . [ . .I't4
_ ; _
/111 ATTEL loins. H. tfUUmtlnr-nt i ! blk. , 15 &
V Douglas ; business confidential. M.J. Halli
OOLLATEHALbinU,315Po tfilh st , room fi ,
t'li imbur ref Commcicc , loins money on
( ommuix'lal pjpci and uU aitlcles of valiiu ,
ALso on hotscs , cattle , furniture and other
chattel property without , , at lowest
tatcsof intetest. All blislncis strictly coiili-
dentlal. IWr JI3
/CHATTEL HANK , teem .1 \ \ Ithnell block.
O 231J ID"
MONEY to loan. f > yea | ou i-.isy terms on ( a
percent un good ftmsi'i'vMtlvo valuations ,
unywhero In thu city limits of Omaha , at 411 !
bheeley bldg.,15th and Howard sts. bam'lTato.
/ PEH CENT rcsldcnco loans. UOOO to J10.00J.
' . 'HuIldiiiB loans at Hpeclal lutes. The Mead
Investment Co. . llee milldlng 2J5
MONEY BMX ) 01 'X ) days on funilt uie.pianos.
horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , did
Paxtonblk. ZU
/"IIIATTEIi lo ins at lowest rates ; removed to
W517 and 510 Puxton blk J. It. Euilnger. 211) )
MONEY to loan on city propeity ; money on
hand and no delays. Hates , Smith A Co. ,
10th and Farnam sts n-jl4
IHEHAL real esl ito loans made by W. M
nlarrls , teem 20 , Ftenzcr block , opp. P. O ,
LOANS City and farm loans , moitgigu p i-
per bought McCague InvestmuiitCo. 221
EYbTONlTMorTgarfi ) Co flains of till to
tl.OOO ; got our rail's before boriowlng and
save money ; loan on hoi-m. furiutiito or any
uppiovcd security without publicity ; notes
bought , for now loan , ruilowal of old and low
est rates. Call , K 20s , sheely blic , 15th and
Howard ss. 233
CiHOHT time lo ins on vacant lots , bulby &
OKeod. U board of trade. 685
UIUMNG Toms , d to ? per cunt ; no addi chutgi's forcommls < lonorattoniey's
fees. W. H. Molkle , Fli-st Nufl bank bids.
M : ONEY loaned at lowest'rates long time on
Impiovi'd Omaha ii'al fstutc , no "e\tar > , "
uo delay Globe Loan i Tiust Co. , 307 S. JOth.
/ " lOMMEIU'IA L and gonorul short tlmo paper
v bouxht ; also regular live year loans mudo
on Impri veil propel t } . Geo. F. Hlust i , Co. ,
20JHamg 3ldc . 97J
SECONH mortgage nuns , bi-comt mot tgages
bouglit. I.oiuis on vacant lots. Heed &
bol 1) > t room 1.1. Ho ird Tiailo _ 227
ONEV to loan on any .scent ity
foi short lime at low
rates. Lowest lutes
on pcihoiial propurtv.
The Hendorson MoiUago Investinent Com
pany , Koo-ii 400 , P.ixUm lilouU. 221
A\rANTii : ) I'li-it-class Inside IOIIIIK. Lowest
intes. Call and --oe us. Mutual Iniust-
nu'iit Co. 1VJI ratnam , . S"W
_ _
BEI'OHE npgot lut Ing a loin to Impiovi' your
to il e tate get teims ( torn
The Odell Investment ( o. , 3U1 N.Y. Life bldg ,
Thos b. llujd. lepioicntatlve. 230
Plilludelphla Mortgage and Trust Co ,
always tcudy to loan and piy iitomptly : 1st
mortgages wanted. George W. P.Coates.iepie-
n-ntatlvo.7 Hoard Ttadc 22"i
. - moiie ) lo loan on olty propoitv ;
Em pipoi bouilil H.H.Iieyopl > . P.O.
LOANS iiiiulo ou nij. uv illablo security.
I Ontial Invcblmcnt VV ) . Hoom 25 , Cham *
ber of Commerce -J (
T tlomeii to li'.itu sIHIJiaiid and typewrit
ing , good salarlostuJHiUs ; assisted to po-sl-
tlons. si uidard hoilh.ind lluslnes Collngo ,
I'lunk E llcll , Insttiietoi - 7
ALI < cliallangeisacciiriV'd Mis. Dr. Hill of
New York City call Jio consulted ut IIIT
nailors ul 3J2 Norln 1'itliist , on all all'alrs of
life , bolng u celebrutedl IIislness clairvoyant ,
astiolo Kt and palmtstMho has a reputation
throughout thu wet Id for uecuiulu und truth
ful ruiulltiKx of the pu t-.prosnut und fulinu
Ihniugh her wondeifurEg > plIan miiglc mit-
lor ; removes all evil Inllncnees uml fiimlly es-
tiniigcmcnts : unites the si > paiutcdi causes
speedy marriages ; brlng > xMiccess to tlioiiu-
successfiil'und tell whi't lomuke piolltabliIn )
vestments ; consullatlini1 from il to * - ' ; also
tells full niimo and shows picture of tlin DUO
you will many ; Mrs Hilt bus bcBti eonsulled
by tlio most successful buhinessmennnt ladles
of Now Votk. Huston and Chicago. Hours
slrlutlv from II a in.Jojl > in ft.ll 15 *
PIIOP , Loretlio ri'tiownod phtenologist ,
medium und pulmlstwhohni < ] > uen publicly
tested und challenges the woild In revealing
mysteries , dlspctses jealousy , evil Influ
ences , gives full nnmes of present or fulnro
husband or wife , ulso tells your faults und
qualities , trade business or profession to
make a sueceas 322 Noith Ifllh up stalls. Con
sultation tl. feutUfactlou glvuuoi no pay.
- -
TOj-J-4 _
LEIL Clayton , clairvoyant and iiitignuttu
healer , can by her wonderful will power
grant any request. 1005 Howard. 33325 *
T\f AIAMB DeIiler , the massaVo andrnuRiict-
mist , N no old consumptlvo chromo , Uut
young , heulty and visorous. Parlors over 610
B.33th. 613 JB
DK. NANNIK V. WAKHEN , plalrroyant ,
medical and business itiedlum , 1'omulodls-
uusos u specialty. 111) ) N , 10th St. , rooms i and 'Ji
T710U SALE Flno established cigar and now *
J-1 business. Host lx > ntlou tu the city. Ad
dress box O , Cfi ! postotlk-o. 31.1 25
nJNifimiJ of a 30-room hotel with Inr
fixtures. M bonnier * , ft yoars' loatcilckno s
u.tmo of selling. Address Ei s , Hoe. ; il3 25 *
AN opportunity Is offered to a youin ? mtin
who Is desirous nf learning a profession ,
nml by InU'stiiiir nltout $ . ' .000 mill sot vices In
clerical work will roeolvc un Incuitiu from tlio
start.Xddress KM , lleo , _ ai325 _ *
I/1UU HALE--A bunk In 11 town of UK ) tTf
- ' crn Nobniiikii [ capital roniilred , W.OOO. Ad
dress. with reformlces K SO. lice. 313-25
DKVO STOlli : roil SALi-A iaro bargain
If taken tit once. . A oomplolo drug Atonic
anil fixtures In Northeastern Nt'brasKn.couuty
front , doing business of from lll.ouu to j I5KK ( ) : i
jenrt wood ica ons for selling. Honks open
for Inspection. Stock and flMurns will Invoice
ovorWWi ) . Will soil hA If Interest to right
party anil lot him conduct the business. or
will soil all. I'l leu for half Interest W.500 , or
$5.000 for all. Address M , W. Kjorson , euro of
Klclmrdson Drug ( Jo , 3:15-20 :
1OU SALE block > f harrtwaro Invoicing
(10.IXX ) ; good locntlon ; stabllhed tnidu ;
gOitd reasons for selling : terms liberal. In-
iiuliu Coburii It Franklin , 510 N.Y. LlfoOmuha.
Uii-m35 *
IHA.Vn u nnnibor of stocks ) of drugs for
sale very ehoab ; only ti small amount of
cnsb required. L. P. 1'itiyn , agt. , 2410Cnmlng.
T710U SALE A circulating llhr.iry , over 400
JL ; volumes. Will bo sold very cheap. Address
box , BavlH Ulty , Nob. _ Ml SI *
FOU. HAM' Wholesale and retail flonr nnj
feed store : good location ; rent. Ad-
dtjss E 49 Hco. 240 27
HOTEL for sale , only hotel In the place !
good business , live town , pilco low , tt > rins
reaHonublo : proprietor out of health. Address
A. 31 art In. battle Creek , Xub. 25U-2ti *
PIH and cake bakery , doing good wholusalo
business , will bear liibpoctlon. Address 15
SI , Hue. 253-27 *
TTTOK SALE or Tor Kent-Onoof the best fixed
L tip ho'irdlug houses In bonth Omaha , In
most desliabli ) Ion Apply to II , II. Kavcn ,
.Tth st , near Exchange crossing , South Omahu.
112Jlt > *
F OK SALE A private bank now doing a
good paying business In a now and erow Ing
Nebraska , town. Address E 55 Hue. 299-23 *
V\7"ANTED At ono of the best points In cou-
> stoic , druj
store , hainoss shop , and dc.iler In
Implements. Address E3J , caroOmalia llee.
110-21 *
/"IIIEAP for cash , stooic of groceries doing
VA'ash business. Cheap rent. 2719 llurduttu.
35.1-31 *
TTIORSALIJ Unit Interest In first class rest-
Jaliranl In Lincoln. Address U. A. , Omaha
lice , Lincoln. Nob. GIT
TflOlt EXCHANGE 40 room hotel , furnished
J complete. The leading hotel In good e ist-
oin Ni'buisKu ( : good land. 1m-
pioved farm prefeired. An excellent chancu
to trade voui faiin fora good paying business.
For pal lit n la is and full description uddiCbS
1110 Lowe ave. , Omaha. 331-25 *
rF YOU lm\o real estate to exchange for
mdse , or indie , for teal esfite. or lsh to buy
addessestern ] K\chango Co. , Columbus ,
Neb. JJU-lTij
Wltil/eM'liange a now 7-rnom lionso In 1'op-
Iihiton I'arK , U bloeUs ftom inutoi. full lot ,
city u.ilci and sodded 1 UMI , foi land 01 unlni-
pioU'd lot. Mrlngct & . I'etuii , Douglas blocU ,
Kith and Dodge. J U-10
WOULD like to otchangii homn halt 1 < iKo
C'lly mid Demet lots for lesldenco farm
pioneit ) 01 business In city. Call or addiess
.1. \ \ . li. , tt. t'liilr nuiopean hotel , unmet 1 Ith
and Io < lge sts , loom 4'l. > ! ) ' 'I *
KMJHAJit.n-lsO ranch In Nebraska
foi M.W eiilt.\ ( | In Omaha propeilj , not
too hcrt lly encumbeied ; no eneuinbraiicu on
land. Wallace & . lUaynoy , yil-ill ) ; lliownblk.
FOR CXCHANOII- dty goods and no-
tlons , K'lOcitsh. balance good ptopeity. Itox
Js8 , hlienindoahJji. Ml .10 *
WILL exchange nlco clean stock of dij-
goods , clollilng and slioes for NehrasKu
land. Addtess K 64 , Hco ollice. 2s5 >
TTtOKKXt'HANOn Good farms , city propur-
Jty ? and \\lht lands In Neb. and Iowa for good
gen'l jii'd'so ; pioperty clear , title perfect. Ad-
diess Lock Hov ! i.i , b'lcmont , Nell. WW
K10U XxpUANfin-Febd mill in'inige.grow-
-t ? 1ng towiir doing Rood buslnessf J10.000 stock
of mdse. one-lhlid cash , balance good mal
estate ; splendldiental inopeity , will pay 10
pert-out ; soinii cholee blooded horses and cat
tle. Douno.t 1'arrotte , room 17 , Hoard Trade.
TWIMi ti.idea good clear lot In So. Omaha
foi pllinooi lioiao and buggy. AtUrcos U 4
Hco ofllce.
\\7niiL ! wclll well ! Hero we arc right In
T > the midst of another boom. Kvon In this
hot weather wo are standing customois elf
\\Uli.icliiI ) . Mis. Ooiigar admits niohlhltlon
Isdofcated. We ( ire building hlx liamlr ( I toO
loom houses onest I'limam Bt. : every mod
em convenience , Including furnace ami moit-
gage. Kach a tcpai.ito plan. Hell on your own
teims. htteet pa\ed and motor In twoJilooUs.
Come In and t > eo the plans. Our own houses
and w o can gho them uway If wo chose. Como
eiuly to avoid the rush. This Is one ehiinco In
a bundled to get a bang up good house with
fiiMiaee and oer.v . other eon\enlenco for $ .1,750
ioi\r > 00 on easy terms at 7 portent Intel est.
Uet a mox o on i ou. 1) . V. bholes ( "o , ,
13 1st National Hank.
am as
rpWO nice lots In Albright's Choice at H bar-
-L gain , east of the depot , high and Mghlly.
1'ull lot and 5-ioom hoiibu near Dorcas and
20th Ht. . oiibW,000. . I
Colseth , Johnson & . Lovgrrfli , Iloom 0. Cham
ber of Uommoice. 272 S >
FOH S A I.H 8,000 acres best fanning land In
Nebraska at si great sacrifice. Inquire
018 bouth l.lth bt. Oeo. H. I'etersou , owner ,
171 j ta
_ _ _ _ _ , _
NOTIC1J l' r any Infounatlon regarding
Ogden oily , Utah , as to value of propel ties
and good Ins eMmenthcoi respond with tlamer
llios. , Ogdcn , Utah , box 014. Daniel llamoi ,
county cletk ; Jolm Hamcr , manager of ab-
sttnot toiiijiin\ , _ _ _ _ _ 11)7t )
WAici 1 1 4 , Wcatci lleld.t cal cstate.S.Omaha.
t-AI-K rino Pn-aero farm ; good Ini-
pioM'iiiouts. 11. K. Cuttls , Menlo , lu
ttW 27 *
1Ol \ \ \ SAIjIThe following eholco b.itaglns :
1 Klegant buliainglot , 05\u > , cor. 23th and
rarnam , $17.WJ.
S-ioom house , lot nOxl.V5 , COth St. , near St.
Muiy'b u\e. . ( heap , $ < , > X ) .
riiKin ) tMittage , lot Ul\in , Davenport , near
Still i M. , JWW.
0. li. ( Iret'ii. Hoom 30. Harker block. 603
.SMAI.L iiavnient do\sn and $ ! . " > per month
will buy u l-ioum house and lot on liti ( ( , "
blocks f i om niHoi ; III st-elass chance to na-
iiulie a home ou easy teims. Apply toll II
Cole. Continental bloc ) . 1117
-M c ol t ageZl.r.UO eaeh , 1100 cash down.
balance tl'i pel month. T IDS. r. Hall , 311
I'.iMon block. _ LUI
1/1OU bAl.I' Very cheap , no trade , farm of
-L1 5ll.7iaeies ( , see. 5 , IS. N. d W. Hamilton
enmity , Neb. , S miles Horn Maniuetto ; Miiall
house , > table , UU acies of pastuie fenced , liv
ing water : pi Ion only $1(1 ( per aete. * 3,4 7.00.
Tei ms-U ) cash , balance 0 percent Intoicst.
I' . K. Atkins ownet , tallioad building , Denvei ,
Col. 244
SIXTV-I'IVIJ acres . w. of ji o. , Milt.-iblo for
platllng or gardenln : , foi sale at a bargain.
1' . K Daiiliu. 4Jltatkei till. 211
T.lJJt'OMv I'latfl and C'artimgu lots , prlco
Jf l.txu. TVI down , balance t n monthly
W I. sclby. ItoomlJ , boaid of trade. 210
"IJ1OK HALE or Trade-My residence on S ) .
JL 2lth ! st. , near Purk school , honso of so * en
rooms with bath room , water closet , hot and
cold watur. all In good repair ; will soil foroash
very cheap or lull taKe vacant lot on West
Finnumst. as pait payment. I'or particulars
address E2UHcu ollice. OU
T71OHSALE A flnonow 5-room coltago near
X1 Rlwtrlu car IIno on N , 27th Bt. Will tuko us
parUnf cash payment a good Imiio or horsu
und phaotoii. V , IDOI rnrnutn fit. 877
" 171OH 9AI.i-lliIck : waielionso , 2Htorles nml
Jbasumeiit , lOOiCMft. with lot lOdxIV ! ft ; to
double track oiifconthZOlh and 1'lerce sis. Ad-
stcainp A. Ilalnes , Omuhu , Nub.
XTKW * i-room liuiibCi nenr motor line ; wil [
1 > sell cheap und on small monthly payments.
fall tiiilck If you waul a bargain. J. J. Wllkln-
BOII , illh 1'axlon lilk , _ 1.1) )
"IT10K SATJfTQulck. Tiuslness lot , Improved ,
- * - ' only ft blockn from eouit house , lisi ) pur
foot J Mlchal. IJaafe. UUist. UHJU
FOU tiALK An elegant residence In finest
V irt of the city ; splendid building loin ;
houses und lots on monthly paymentx , easy
terms ; 10,000 acres Una western lands , ull curu-
f ully bcluctoil , bonvd of it Improved. Doanu Ic
I'urrotte. rootu )7i Hoard Traue. 50ti-10
OOTTAUK homos In most any uddltlorTfTy
s.ilo at from Il.ouo. up , on easy uiOnthor
puynnmis. r K. Darling
LIST your property with Larmon I' . I'rtiyn.
iUO Cumlug bti-cut , for quick rebiilts.
Boliool Hund I'roolntnntlon.
By tlio d ( root Ion of the hoanl Of oducntlon
of tlio sclnHil district nf Oinalin , In the county
of DotiRlns , In the Mnto of Nebraska , notion H
hrreby given t4) the < iualllled olcclonof said
sehixil ilHlrloU that it .Hix < clal ohHitlon Is hero *
by called , tow \ held Sattmlay , May III , ISit ) , at
which nld election thofollowlngqitostlon nml
proposition will bo submltti'd ton votuof tlio
electors of said school district , to-wlt :
Shall consent and authority bo Kl\en to thi >
hoard of education of the aehooi district of
Omaha , In the county of Dousla.s. In tlio state
of Nebraska , to Issue the bonds of said school
district In the xum of two hundred und tlfty
thousand ( &Vroij ) ) dollars.
Thu said bonds to bo two hundred anil fifty
In number , of the denomination of one thou
sand ( tl.OOO ) dollars micli , dated .Inly I , m > ,
nntl to bear Interests at tlin rate of 4 percent
per annum. Interest payable Hcml-nnnuiilty ,
thu principal to become duo In twenty years
from date of said bonds : and the principal iind
Interest to bo payable at the Nebraska fiscal
Agency , In thu city of New York , In the state
of Now York.
Shall the proceed * arising from the sale of
said bonds bo used for the purpose of purchas
ing school sites und tlie erection of school
buildings within and for tin ) school district of
Omaha , In the county of Douglas. In the state
of Nel-rask i. as follows ;
I'or the purchase of u lto In the vicinity
ofTwentv-fonrth and l.othro ) ) streets ,
at . . . . . . . .t 8,000
Tor the purchase of ualte In the chilly
of lilbson , ati . , . . . . . . . . : , .7X )
Tor the purchase of a site In the vicinity
of Tort Omaha , at . 5,500
I'or the purchase of n 8lto In or near
Windsor place , at . 0,009
For the purchase of n site lu or near
I'edford place , at . . 0,000
Tor the putchasoof additional ground
for thu Center school site , corner of
Eleventh and Center utreets , at. . . . 7,000
I'or the purChasu of additional ground
fortho l.ongschool site , T euly-sl\lh
and rranklln sttects , nt . . 4f > 00
I'or the puri'hasu 07 additional ground
for thu Hartman school site , MMuunlh
stieet. tie ir Williams , at . 10.000
I'or the purposu of electing bchooll bulld-
A building on the Long school site , lo
cated at Twenty-sixth ami riunklln
street * , at nn estimated cost of i ' ,000
A building on the rranklln .school .site ,
located nt Thlrty-llfth and rranklln
sttccts , nt an estimated cost of . .30,000
A building on the West Omaha school
site , located at Thirty-ninth and Jones
streets , at an estimated cost of . . . .30,000
A biilldlngon the Center .school Bite , lo
cated nt Cluventh and Center btreels ,
at nil estimated cost of . . . 2. > ,500
Tor un addition to the high school build
ing. located on Capitol squat e , nt an
estimated cost of. . 73,000
I'or adding to Iho I'uiil nchool building ,
lo bo creeled on Twenty -second wtieet. 20.000
The ubo\ proposition shall be considered us
one entire pioposltjon.
The vole on said proposition shall bo "Yes"
All votes "Yes" on said proposition will bo
regarded ami considered as authorizing tlio
Issuance ofvilil bonds , and will also bo re
garded und consldutod us authorizing the ex
penditure of the money arising ftoin the sale
of such bonds for the purposes specified In
this proclamation.
All votes "No" shall bo regarded anil con
sidered us against t4io Issuance of said bonds.
And It a majoilty of all \otcscast at wild
election shall ha\o t hoi eon "Yes" then said
pioposltlonsh ill bo declared adopted.
If u nmjotlty of said votes shall have upon
them "No. " then suit ! proposition shall bo de
clared lost
Thu polls shall ho open on the day of said
election utSo'clock In the morning and shall
continue open until G o'clock p. in. of the batne
Tlio polling places of said election shall be
at the following named places In the school
districts of Omaha , In the county of Douglas ,
In the state of Nebiaska : '
I'lrst polling district at thu Jackson school
building on Jackson street , between Twelfth
and Thliteenth stieets.
Second polling dlsttlct nt Pacific school
biilldlngon I'aclllc stluut , between Ninth and
Tenth stieets. r
Thlid polling district at the Center school
building on the comer of Ulu\uuth and Center
t.t reels.
I'lrst polling distt ict at tlio Hartman school
building on bKtccnth stieut near Williams.
Second polling dlstilct ut the Castcllar
school building at the corner of Eighteenth
and Castullar stieuts.
Thlid polling dlsltlut at 1519 Lcavonwoith
KIrst polling dlslrlct at Iho Dodge school
building , coiner of Elo\ciilh and Dodge
Second polling district nt 1023 Hartley street.
Kirsl aollliig district at the High sqhool build
ing orfCiipltol bquaie.
.Second polllngdlstilct nt the Iioavonworth
school bulldUig , corner of , buvcnlccnth und
l < uavenworth htteuls.
pimii WAHIJ.
riist polling dlstilct at the St , Hartiabas
school biilldlngon Callfomlu ntteet , between
Klghteunth inil Nineteenth stieets.
hecond polling district at the li ilco Bchool
building , comer IMnelucntli und Spruce
First polling district at the Long school
building , corner of 1'ranklln and Twunly-
Hlxth streets.
Second polling district at the Saratoga
school building , corner of Twenty-fourth and
Commotclal stutots.
Third polling district at the rranklln school
building , tomer of Thirty-fifth and Franklin
First polling dlstrlet at the Park school
hntldlug.aiornur of Twenty-ninth street and
Wool worth aveiuui.
QSccond polllngilistrlct at the Dupontschool
building on thu corner of Twenty-ninth and
Maitlia.sti cets.
rirst polling district at the Izarrlschool
building , corner of T\suntluth and Izanl
.Second polling district nt the Webster school
building , corner of Twoiity-olguth avenue
and Wubster bticct.
First polling dlstilot nt the I'arnam school
Inilld Ing aMhecoinur of Twenty-ninth a vcnuo
und Famam stiout.
.Second polling district at the Walnut 71111
school biilldlngon Hamilton street near Dale
This done and proclaimed by order of the
bo.ud of edudatlon of the school district of
Omaha , In the county of Douglas , in the state
of Nebraska , this 10th day of Muy , A. D , JS'W ,
In witness thereof , I have hinounto set my
hand and caused the seal of said school dls-
tt lot to bo ullUcd this day und year last above
written. 0. 1" . GOODMAN ,
Pi OBident Board of L'ducatlon.
J. H. 1'ii'En. Bocrotary. MnySOdlOt
States Land Ofllco , O'Nolll , Ncbiuska ,
April 23d , 1MJ. ) Of Wlnriubago Indian lands
In Nubraskii , as ptovlded by net of COIIKIOSS of
July 4 , lhX8 : Hy dlrootlon of tlio commlsslonor
Of the guincal land olllce , contained In his ot-
elal lottoi "C"of Apill I , 18'JO , to the loglslor
und tecuhui of this otllce , WD will , ut the Uni
ted Stiites land olllco at O'Nolll , Holt count y ,
Nobiaiiku.on thoUlstilay of May , A. I ) , IS'K ' ) ,
at 1 o'clock n. m. , olTor for sale , und soil to the
highest bidder , foi cash In hand , Iho following
dlscrhh'd tiucU of land , to wit : Lot 4 , bee. 'M.
Tp. 27. r. G , o. 33 21-100 ucios ; ti.
w. 4 n. Pec.'El , Tp. 27 , r. ( I o. , 40 UCICH ; n , o ,
M s. o. 'i boo. 3n , Tp. 27 , r , 0 o , 40 notes ; n. w. 5i
s. o. 'i bee , 3) ) , Tp 27 , r 0 o , , 40 aoios ; s. e. U ,
o. > i bee. . . Tp 27 , r. 0 u. , 40 acies ; s , w. 'i H. o.
li boo. 'Cl , Tp. 27 , t. 0 u. . 40 imrert , und Jot 5 , bee.
34 , Tp. 27 , r. Oe. , 321K5-100 net es ; lot U. hoc. 31 ,
Tp. 27 , r. li e. , IL'57-100 uejcs ; s. o. < i n. w. li Sec.
31 , Tp. 27 , r I ! o. , 40 net us ; n. o. > i , a. w. 4 Boc.IH ,
Tp. 27 , r. G o. , 40 uorcri ; 8. u ! i 8. w. 'i b o.U : , T | ) .
27. r G o. , 40 aoi us : s. w. 14 H. w. U Soy. 31 , Tp. 27.
r.fie , , 10 autos , Eueh Hubdlvlslon to bo sold
separately. Given under our hands thlx 23d
day of Anillls' ) . ) A H , OHAHDE , Hccohoi
H.b. OILLF.'al'lE , Kitglstor , a25-m--U-10-23.
QUAKTEHMAHTKHb ' OFF1OE , Department -
partmont of thu i'latte , Omaha Neb. ,
Apill 30 , IS'JJ. Soulcd proposals. In trlplluatu ,
will bu teoelvod lieiu und also by each Post
and Depot l iaitoriiiiistiirln this Department ,
until two o'clock p , m. , conttul time , May ill ,
" o. and then opened for furnishing
andlnun itKjnltod theteln during Usual yeai
commencing July 1st , 1800. The U H ivsorvos
therlglit to leject any or nil bids. Ptefeinneo
gl\ento iiillulesof ijomesllu production , con
ditions of quality nml ptlco ( Including In tlio
iirlcoof foielgn production thu duty thereon )
l > elng equal. All Information furnished on
application hetu or to the I'oit or Depot , Quar-
temiastei-s In\ elopes containing proposals
to bo muiUed "l'topo aLs for - -nt . "
and nddrcnsed us Inicat | | < l ubovo. WM. II.
IllIGHr.S , Mentoiiiint Colonel and Deputy
Quartet maslor Uenoial , U. b. A. . Chief Qunr-
leriiiasler. n'id4lni'-l--l ) )
'Jo I'ooitiirs nml Cattle
On and lifter the 2ith ( Infit. , wo will have for
ale four thousand or mom good , high grade ,
one , two und three yeitr old Utah fecdetn. that
wo enji furnish nt the L'nlMi block Yards ,
bouth Omaha ; or If debited , we can nrrango to
Nell these cattle ut North 1'lutte or Hustings ,
Purllos wauling anything In this line , ulll
[ iloaso correspond with us
DEO , JluiiKii Ic KJIA/IKII , Houth Omaha , Neb ,
Notion ofN Itliclrnwal.
Notice Is hereby given that H.J. Ooroy has
thin day wlthdiawn from the Omaha llulld-
Ing Ootnpany. The Iniblness will be conducted
iiy thu other members of the said linn und
under jiamu firm name. All outstanding ac
counts uro to bo settlnd wtiti said firm.
Ouiulm , Neb , Muy 20th. I W.
Jly II , W. HKDIII.SCI , Pres
nid3t * n. J. Coner.
On and after May 0 , IBM , the business
heretofore conducted ut MS H. 10th St. ,
under style of IJublu Ilros. , will bo continued
by LouU Hubln , who will collect ull outstiind-
Ing uccountH und Ubstune all liabilities of the
filrtu of Uubiu Urob. Lou la Uublu. m-21d-Jt *
Notloo. <
The annual mooting of the stookholiloN at
thfi Iromont , Klkhorn fc Missouri Vnlloy rull
nun ! ooiiiliany will bi < held nt the olltco of the
company In tfiunlin , Nebraska , on I'rldny , May
21. | sj , nt S o'clock p. in. , for the olectlon of
directors and for the transaction of such othcl
business us nmy bo presented.
Ditod.Muy 10 , Him.
inWlfttm J. . linni'lKM ) Si-cretarr.
_ _ _
Notloo Jo Contriuitot-H.
Uldswlll bo received for the erect Ion of a
? ' \V"rJr ! nlul l'i ' > * eiuont brown Mono ofllcn
building , mxim , corner Ton rth anil Jackson
tttrootd , Mlouxl'lly , Iowa. Pimm and apeclll-
cations can bo Neon nt the olllcoof KlghorA
Itussell , tuvhllects , gioux OUv , lown , aflor
Jlny 24lh. lllds will bo opened Tuesday , Juno
lru >
lruVrtined check In nn amount of M.OOO. . at an
evidence of RIMH ) faith , must necomp-iny all
propiKlt Ions The jlght jescrved to rejeol
uny und nil bids.
> TATK HANK lluii.niMi COMI-ANV.
JAHC3T Tdr.Tn'as. liU'ldlOt
Scaled proposals will Im rpcohiHl until tin
Mthof Miy. mi , for the fin nlshltiff of inHlerj
Inls and labor required In Iho eieetlOn unit
completion of a threestory stone and ptvsscd
brick hank and onico butldlnu , for thu l-'IrsO
National bank of Lexington , .Nebraska. Ha Id
plans and specifications vntt | ,0 , seen at thti
llrst National bunk of Lu-clngton , Or at the
otllco of the architects. McndoKiolin , 1'Uhur ft
l.'iwih1 , Pnxton block , Omaha.
The right Is resurved to reject any or ull bids.
in n d 13 t m A : o.
The firm of Drneo. A Itoynolilx. 10' ) H. IGthSt. ,
confectlonnry Htort1 , elc , , has dlssohed purl'
norshlp. The llrm will ho known hereafter
as HouioldsA , Oratit , said llrm nssiimltii } all
Indebtedness. m--J-d-Jl * .
BRUOKS BROS , & 1)0 ) ,
Importer ! ami Wholesale ) DmlcrIn
Walclics , Jon dry , Cutlery
Notions , Not elites , Albums ,
Coat-Collar Springs ,
Fancy Uootls , ic.
I.ariiBt 9ortmi'iit fur
Jtlpr variety of fc , lOo nml tif counter
i. Our InrRM anil fully llhinlratcd
ogiie inallcilfTpp In ilrnlera only.
Staa 11 N.Four th St.
St. Louis. Mo.
RliniTMATISM , DisprrgiA ,
CO. .
PiturmuTons ANI > Sot.i :
Absolut * Ir nU able , perfectly nafo , most powoi fill f ) ranlo
rt uljitor Icnown j never fail i M a onx , jKMtpald t ono lu *
suQkiUlt.ilclrm * LION imtm CO. , IllllTMu , N. V.
Bold by UUOUMAN Ulltfa CO.
Inoliitclit pure
it is aoliiulo ,
No Chemicals/
are uint In It ) preparation. II hal mm
than tftrv * ttintt ttti ttrtnytof Cocoa
lulled with Btarrli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and II Ilicrffurd far moro ccouoinlcal ,
totting ten titan on * etnt a cup. It la
BUY DiaiMTru , nuil admirably adapted
tor lnvalldl at well ai | > cr oui In health.
Sold by Grocers ctorjrnhero.
W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester , Mass.
"Hr A tlinroui ; ) ! knoitlcdgn of tlio natural lairi
wliltli KOTorn Iho operation * of ( llunntlon nud nutri
tion , and by a direful appllratlon uf the line proper *
tio3 or well noluctud Cocuit , Mr. Kpp tins provided our
brenkfuat tablet with u ilvllcntelylurored bavoraKd
n hlch uiuy save us manjr licary ilmtori' 1)1113. It In
by tlio Judicious u o of Blich iirtlrlns of diet that a
conaUtutloii umy b ur.idimlly built up until Btrone
onouKli to rc tut uvcry tundcnov to duenna. ] luu
drod.i of nubtlo lualndlemro tloutlDK nround us ready
to uttuek wherever thorn la a wvulc point.Vu mar
cscnno ninny a futnl uluift by keeping oureolvoi well
forlllicd with pure lilood nnd a properly nourished
frnnie. " Civil Horvlto ( Inietto.
Made simply with boiling wntcr or milk. Sold only
In liilf pound linn , by urorurn , lubolod thiiH ;
TAMRS KPPS & (0 ( HoimuoputhloOiomlsts ,
jailluO Lllo ( X V/U , , Condon , Entflund.
Jyostorduv ;
Anton Christenscn und wlfo lo W Iluny.
n'i of lot in , blk 2 , Hagodorn'H add , w d 1,000
L W Ahiahiim to P O Harriet , n 41 ft of
s / of lot 5 , blk 48 , Valley , w d OM
1C wGtay nnd wlfo to J O Nielsen , lot 20 ,
blk 7 , t'lelghton Heights , w d 1,000
J II MIohaelson A. Co to Jumes Humid et
ol , lots r > , G und 7 , blk 1 , und lot 25 , blk 2.
Valley Place , wd. . . . cop
W G hhtlverund wlfo to Joseph Vov , lot
] . blk7 , MuIvor Place , w d . . . . 400
W F Graham and wlfo lo Murlu Ituigoss ,
w 44 ft of lulu 12 and a 1 , blk 8 , Kendall's
add w d , . . .
W FGraham and wife to .1 F Htosby , w
M'of o tiH ft of lots 12 und I'l. blk 8 , w d . COJ
W F Uruhum und wlfo to F K fratt , o4l
ft nf lots 12 und 13 , blk 8 , Kendall's add ,
John ililry und wifo'lo U D Hlbbons , lot
8 , blk2tW'4. ' Omahu , wd . . , , 20,008
Halthut ) Julloruiid wlfoU ) Peter Meneh-
ott'tf. lot 2 , blk 1 , Jettei'H 2nd add to
bouth Omahu , w d COD
Robert Major loV \ T faeainun , lot 3 ,
fiiavcH Purlt , vvd. fXJO
Kobeit Major to VV T Scuman , lot 4 ,
Graves w d , . . , 00(1 (
F W Fitch und wlfo to W T Foaman , lots 00(1I
3iiiu1 4 , Graves I'uik , ( i e d , , I
M 1) Poubody to W E Olai ke , w / of lot
4. blk i n , Omiinu , w d H.OOd
A J Popplolon and wlfu to IS H Kowlun ,
lots 1 lo 0 , blk 7 ; loti J , 2. 1 und 10 to IH ,
blk B ; lots H to 12 , blk t ) : lots 1 to 4 , blk
1U , Popplelon Park , vr d . . . 3j,02J ,
E D EvutiH to M D Khellon. loin 10 , H und
12 , blk 2 , Ilurllngton Plucu , w d 2,00 (
Llrilu Mussulman uud husbund toJ W
bnnlre. lot 10 , blk 2 , sub J 1 Kedlek'u
add. uud I
Joseph and O E liuikerto E A Guidner ,
loin ! to 20 , Hollulr , w il 3,00(1 (
US Stuart und husbund to WAGaidnur ,
lotn'J and 10 , blk 14 , Walnut Hill , w d. C,00i
Huk'U'HA. Hill to At lliur Humlngton. K L
Gayloiu and F D Mull , lots 1,5 , ( Iland (
10.1)Ik ) ID , lots 10,22 , 2 ! ) , ! tt to411 uilll lot A ,
blk II , lolHfili,7H , 10 , II , 12 und 15 , blk
12 , lots fi , 10 , II , 12 , n. 14.10 , W , 20 and 2J.
blkU , , Io20 , blk 14 , lots 1 to 21 ,
blk n , lolHll und 1 , hlk III , lotsl , 2. 11 ,
21 , 22 , P and O. blk 17. lot 4 , 5,10.11 , 12 ,
M , II ) , 20 , 21.22. 1) and E , blk IS , lots 1 to
21 , H undo , blk It ) , Omahu Vlow , lots
! > , 1U , 11 , iind 12 , blk 22 , Omaha Vluw ex
tension , w d 1I4.2M
Twenty transfers.
The following bullillni , ' permits wore Issued
by the bullilint ; Insixjctor yostorday.
L. O. Jay tie , ono-stoiy riumo tgtlago ,
Juyiio tind Ouatstrccla I w
J. T I'omstouli.otiO'Ktory frumo cottage ,
Buveiitecnth and Ilogerdorn Hlruetu.
Hamu > 60
M. Keys , ono-utory frumo cotlaKO ,
Twontv-nlnth and Plnuknoy streets l.OOC
0. E , Wuiner , tvvo'Story brick residence ,
Th'lrty'flrstand Pratt ilrouiu , . . . (5,00 (
John llrovoort. one nd one-half-story
friiiiii ) dHullIng , Tweuty-llfth und
Jones streulu .
Hume 2&g (
J H buuchezzf , ono-story framu cot-
luge , Twunly-eiKl'thuud iluplo utiouta
Tlircu minor pernilu.
Total . . . J