Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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> fbc Wheat Crowd Shows n Favoritism for
the Buying Side.
Corn llnlcH Sternly KnHy In llio I ) y
il'rovlHlona I ' 'all to Meet Kurly
Expectations Cattle null
lIe > ; H Blow.
CmcAfio , Mny 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun
IlllE. ] Wheat did not break enough on pleas-
nut weather at the opening to get up a selling
crn/c , so the , prottd went wild on the buying
side. The wheat market today was the most
remarkable , In porno respects , of the season.
It uliowcd very plainly that wheat has too
many friends for any nmn or clique tomiiko
any headway In opposing nn advance. The
range of prices the llrst hour was 2o and this
nil ono way from the opening toward $1.00.
| - July started all the Way from l 5Jo { to05Jc. (
m nnd once past 05'ic , the closing prlco last
night , It went climbing to the high point of
the wcek-W'iC. Thcro Was a sct-baok. of Ho
to OOjio and another wave of buying put July
up tol7Hc * , n clean rise of 2c. From this high
point It went off > iotr > MUc and : i third bulge
carried It Io97ic , the top price of the morn
ing , and the top on the crop up to date. Thcro
wns a third drop tot)7o ) nnd a fourth rally to
WWe before 1 o'clock. Juno wheat was quoted
at tiOftnSc nnd September frotn lUo to Wic. The
trading of the day wan Nlgnlllcant at times.
The St. I.ouls bull crowd sent another batch of
bad crop dispatches , ono being that.Mcrhorsnn
county , Knnsa.i. will have butiio pcreentof n
crop. Tin-so dispatches were followed by
buying orders. Undahy again cut a llguro
In the market and bought both July nnd
fc'eplembor , but was credited with selling
out very largely on the llrst bulge to
1/7lie , and nn enormous line of wheat
was taken by Hiitcliliison. Ceitnlnly the lat
ter bought heavily and also sold around the
top. MeCormlek S : Co. sold on the same break
to ! XUc ! before noon. 1'orelgn agents hero had
buying orders , partly to cover. The southwest
bought on the poor crop outlook. The country
Is back of wheat nnd nothing but n panic ,
which no one Is able to start , will shake the
outsiders all this time. Ualiles worn bearish
and there were no export clearances to speak
of , but this made no dllTcrcnce. The senti
ment today makes $1.00 for July look
possible before the close Saturday
* If the news does not change. The wheat mar
ket lost much of Its activity the last half hour ,
but there was no material yielding In prices.
The last prices quoted In Hie pit were ! May ,
IrTiJc ; June. 7Hc ; July , O'Jioi August , IKJUoj
September , OGcV
The corn mnrket wns steady early and even
made n fair bulge with tlio strength In other
cereals tlio llrst hour. Later tlio market be
came heavy , declined ? jc from the best prices ,
nnd closed u f met Ion under last night , lluteh-
Inson. Jtohcrt Warren and Arthur Orr were tlio
best buyers of the morning. Ilaldwln . .nil
Karnum sold , llecelvers anticipate largo re
ceipts. May hold at : tlu and oil' to 33j o.
Juno sold at 3l ! c and closed
with Mny. July sold : it lMc , to : H'ic. to Hfe ,
to.'I-l'.ic ' at the close , August sold at35i't5Jc ! ; ;
and closed at.T > ! ic. September closed ut.'lVio.
May cats touched , 'Wc , closing at 27ie. July
B73c , closing at 2Sc. ! ) !
Tlio provision market promised early to bo
fairly nctlvo today , but the principal business
was done buforu tlio morning call , and then
trade petered out , as usual of late. MessMiork
Is let alone very hugely except when the clique
houses see lit to put prices down. The llrst
prleu for JulyawaHUtriOo at J12.05 and after
Milling at } 13.00 the price went back again
to tlio opening figure. Juno sold off to $12.77 ! ! .
Norton & Worthlngton and I'nolc & Klicrmnn ,
two clique houses , bought , and one sold. Ar
mour & Co. started the day by soiling rlbsand
lard pretty freolv and July ribs wcro off to
l. " > . ; ti and lard to jfl.20. I.ntor prices recovered
to the closing of yesterday $5.l)7'/i for rlbsand
I0.221S for lard.
QdtiCAOo , May -Special [ Telegram to THE
Ilii.1 : CATTI.K llnslness was slow nnd prices
were weak from start to finish. Exporters
were buying a cheaper grade 'ban formerly
and bought all the good bulls In sight. The
dressed beef trade were going slow and
chances wcro that quite u number would liavo
to bo carried over b r sold at lower prices.
Seventy-live loads of Texans comprised the
offerings , most of which were only ordinary
grassers , which In some eases sold lower. Cow
stock ruled low at the decline previously
noted , Iliitchors' slock of nil descriptions
will have to bo bought at extremely low prices
'In ' ordnr to make any money here , as
cheap Texans are now on their way
to market , Thcro was nothing new In the
Mocker and feeder lino. Obolco to extra
beeves , J4. < XXR5.00 ; medium to good steers , 13.10
to 1300 UM , M.304.ftO ; 12TO to HBO Ibs , { 4.0IKQ > I.40 ;
SW ) to 1200 Ibs , J3.Mffl4.25 ! stockers and fct-d-
iis ! , J2.40f44.00cown..lulls ; aim mixed , $1.110 ®
0.40 ; bulk. J2.40Si2.75 ; slop-fed steors. Jl.IJOSS
4.70. Txas ! gras.sers , $2.bO@3.X ; ) ; corn-fed steers ,
lloos Trade wns slow and prices rather
easier , but barely ti nickel lower. Packers
paid f3.iW33.ft5. largely if.'U-O. Shippers paid
KI.ava4.U5 and llfiht sorts Mild nt J3.i75@I.OO. !
The market closed dull and weak , with a
largo number unsold. With fresh receipts on
the number carried over last night there were
BS.OOO on sale.
NEW YOHK , May St. [ Spoolal Toloifrnm to
TUB ItKK.l STOCKS London was a moderate
buyer nt AlcliUiin , Union 1'ttclflo HiHlt.oiil.s-
vlllo nnd u seller of St. I'aul In this market
early. Tlioio was tlinerlty on tlio part of room
tradow. They rcvoiiil/.o ; tlio fast that n big
. liilliiuiiooconius from the publlo and that tlio
runiurlciiblosliongth at the last hour yester
day wao iltto to western buying , largely on
what wns supposed to bo Insldo advices. In
vlow of siioh buying at tlio oponlns the profes-
Blonal trade acted timidly. The market dis
played less animation early than on any day
for weeks , and \vhllo Sugar Iteflnorlus and
Itlulu'iiond West Point still lead la deal
ings , tlio only other stock showing any
marked aetlvlly was St. Paul. A reactionary
temper was again Hliown and although
llrst pi-Iocs w > ro generally small fractions bol
ter than last evening's llgun-s , the Improve
ment c-onld not be maintained and most of the
Moeli.s traded In relltcd slightly below tlio
opening. Sugar n > llnerle.s was tlui only noted
exception and after opening up ? s pureentat
[ r. It advanced sliarnly to U ) , but then settled
hack again to li- . " . ( . Itlelimond A West Point
led tlio deellmi In tlio regular list , losing '
jKir cent to - ' < * , , but the losses In others \veru
generally Inslgnlllcant. A homuwhat better
tone prevailed later In tlio lioiirand somewhat
better figures uoro attained , though the only
Mock showing any real strength was Colorado
Coal , which roMi from M'i ' to W'i. As
lias lieon the case often of late , tlio hour to 12
o'clock brought good buying orders all around
and the leadois bccamo ( | iilto strong again.
Hngar recovered to HI. Northern Paelllo
t.bai-S moro than regained the early dec-lines :
Atcblnson mined up to111 , Burlington to 1W. (
Itoelc Island tot Hj. St. Paul to 7Si. Missouri
Paelllo toTT's and I'lilon Paelllo toil"j. ( Jthor
otookH followed with small gains. While tliero
was no selling pressure In stocks , there was a
general yielding on light trading and a sort of
Indlll'erent market. All tlio advance noted at
noon was wined out and many blocks showed
Might nut losses for tlio ( fay. Among tlio
Urangcrs , llurllngton and Itook Island were
( steady , Atelilson , St. Paul and Missouri Pa-
ollle were each oil'i ! © i percent. I'nlon Pa-
clllc was steady. Chicago ( las , Sugar , Head
ing and Northern Paullie common wuro from
U to 34 per i out lower. The total sales were
.JLMO.oooshiirc-j ,
The following wore the closing quotations :
MO.VKV Kusy nt34WH ! percent.
I'IIIMK.MKIKUNTII.K PAI-KII : * &i per cent.
BTEiii.tNO J-.xciiASiK : - Quiet Ibiit steady !
ilxty-day bills J4.S3 ; demand , f " '
YOHK , .May il. [ rijioolal ToloBram to
nil : lluu.l The following ure thu mining xtook
qnotatloiif :
tlriiniivlck Con 2U > Nurtli Hello l li 1UU
fnloilunln II It VI4 N. ( 'oiniuuiiwealth. . . 1.U
Dontltvooi ) , T | : u Ontario KKM
Kl Crlsto | | 'i Occlili-nlnl ICO
llnlo A Norcross'II Plymouth w J
lloiui > > tnko. . . tM 1'lKUIllX HO
llornMIUor. 31J Suvaxe KU
Irou SlUcr VMO Hlerru NuvuJa ITS
NrwYoiiK. May 23.-\Vhcat-Ileooltts , J5S , X )
butiht'lk ; u.\H > rtx. 10.71U biulu-ls : spot
Nimlier : No , 2 riul.uUjftUUUo | u elevator , JI.01M
kllont , iuc f I.UIS t. o. l.i options olObCU
Itetuly , 4Np. 2 , May , clojlng utODo.
. .Cornlleoulpts. . 70,000 bushels ; cxjiorts ,
IM.COU busholiii i > ot llnni No. 2. 40U IO)5o )
Hloat. 404 404o ! In elevator ! options , steuilyi
lay closed at 40 > io.
Oats-ltecelpts , 545,100 busliels ; exports , 130-
111 bnMinlnj pot , firm ) No , 3 wliltp , AOQ
' 7r > t mixed wcstorn , : CK(4.0 ( ! M whlto ircntorn ,
. mo ! options closed steady ! Mny 'closed at
31 , o.
CotTeo Options clo cd ( Irm nnd tinclintiRcd
to to iiolnt.i down. Sulcx , 40,400 bags ; Mny ,
fln.KV3l7.23 ; gpot Itlo steady ! fair cargoes ,
Hngar Ilrvw , drmnnd firmer J mineovnilo. 89
test 2 HK'Go : rclltii-d , Moadyj oir "A , " 8O !
Oft-inc ; standard "A.UVlGc.
Pntrolonm Unltnd closed for.Tnno nt Ole ,
Kugs-Klrriiors westnrn. MUtJISilc.
Pork Firm ; mess , I13.7WS14.23.
I < ard Closed llrmj western Btenm , WA" .
Hit tier Cholco about stnadyj western dnlry ,
Klllc ! ercamory , r/33oj ! Elgin , rr/ailfie.
Cheese Klrni ; part skims , 4QCic. !
CitiCAno. Mny 2:1. : 1:15 p.m. cloto Wheat-
Firm : cash , i 7'lci June , iiiUe : July , 07Uc.
Corn Steady ; cash , 33Ho ! June , 83 ? o :
: cash , SOo : June , 27Soi July.
Uyc Firm nt tea.
Hurley Firm.
Prlmo Timothy -41.30.
Flax Firm nt 11.14.
Pork-ateady ; cash $ ! 2.7."i ; June , 12..80j July ,
flar'd-FIrm ; cash , Jfl.10 ; June , K.13J1 ; July ,
13.22 iCilO.23 ,
Flour Firm nnd unchanged ; winter wheat ,
M.OOI.UOI sprlni , $ I. : > iJ."i.2.-i.
Provlslons-ShoitldeiN.l.- ; short olcnr ,
l.'i.7t yi.t < 0 : Hhort ribs. $5.23. _ . .
Ilnttur Dull nnd weak : creamery , lOOUc ;
dairy , fil2 ! ' e. _ , . ,
Cheese Quiet : full cream cheddnrs. 8SJ4o ;
nnl-.f * > ia i4c ; Young Americas , SVMWMc.
KcKS-FIrm ; frcHh , I2iiic. ! : . , '
Illdes-Sleady ; light green saltcdr > ! [ @te :
sailed bulls , TKJ ; green salted calf , OJitt'c ; dry
Mint , r/a"o ; dry salted hides , Co ; dry ctilf ,
WMc : deaconi , 20o each.
Tnllow-Steady ; packed , 44IUo ! ; No. 2 ,
31Jc ; eako. 4io. _ . , ,
nccolpt-t. Shlpm'tH.
Hour . , . H.IXIO 4,000
Oats . KW.OOO 20I.OM
ST. Iouts. May St.-Wheat-Oloscd higher ;
ctitli. two ; July , i > 3 , ' < c. . . . . . .
Corn Cash lower at IH'iic : July , 32 < 432tC. ;
OntR CitMli Iowurnt2ii ) ( ! ; July , 2Uic. ?
Pork Dull nt { 12.DIKTi12.30.
I.nrd Steady atW.03.
Whisky 11.02. , ,
lliitter Unchanged ; creamery ,12 ® lee ; dairy ,
OINCINNATF , May 23. Whcnt-Strong ; No. 2
red , M < Qt.f a.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed. 37 < it.'l715c.
Oatx I'lrin ; Xo.'J mlxud , 31c.
Wlilhky 11.02.
MII.WAUKKR. Mnv 23. Wheat Easy ; No.
2 spring , ( mill , vyavi\i\s \ : July , IXJc.
Corn-null ; No.i : , : : iv'e.
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 while , W/tC.
Hye Firm ; No. 1 , /i.YJo. .
Hurley Nervous ; No. 2. Ki'e.
Provisions Qnlot ! pork , tl'J.75.
LtvEiti'Ooi. , May 23.-\Vhent Dull ; holders
ntTcr moderately ; California No. 1 , 7s l'iil"s '
2d per cental.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; now western
mixed , 3s r > Vid per cental.
KANSAS CITV. Mav 21. Wheat-Steady ; No. 2
Mo ; Muy.WJms ; No'S red , Ulo bid.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 29C bid ; May ,
20 < \
Oats-Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 27c ; May,27yc.
MINNHAI-OMS , .May 23. Wheat Kceolpts. KM
ears ; slilpnionts , . ' ) ! cars : market active , ( 'los
ing : No. 1 hard , .May. ItiUc : June. Kl'io ; on
track , ( Me ; No. 1 northern , May , ! rjio ; June ,
on track , KHje : No. 2 northern , May ,
be ; June , UOe ; on track.
CiticAno. May Zl.-Cattle-neoelptq. 11,000 :
market steady ; beeves , .fiO.r > . 0 : steers. W.50
< ft4.r > 0 ; stookers and feeders , a'.404.UO ; eows ,
bulls and mixed , 11.3033.40 ; Texas btcers ,
llog.s llccolpts. 2:1,000 : ; market slow and a
shade lower ; mixed and light , $ : J.SK3I.OO ( ;
heavy. J3.HO@4..10 : skips , ifll. IO < ai.7U. :
Sheep Hecclpts , 12,000 ; market slow and 15
ffW.HJ lower ; natives. J3.7.v3n.iO ( ; western. $4OJ
( ati.OO ; Texans , JI.OOBI.OO ; lambs , J5.W > U7.o : > .
KANSAS CITV. May 2X Cattle Itecclpts ,
2,100 ; shipments. 1,100 : market slow and steady :
steers JI..MXii4.80cows : , i2.oo3. < > > ; stoekcr-s and
feeders , j.'I.l."ii.75. :
Hogs Kecelpts , S.OnO ; slilmiients , S.300 ;
market lower ; all grades at $ ; i.or'aS.J.77i ! ; bulk ,
Sioux CITV , May 23. Cattle. Kecelts. | ICO ;
shipments , - ; market quiet ; butchers' eat-
tle , if2.7ixa3.ii0 : Htookorsund feeders , J2..V > ai.C3 : ;
cows , * I.402.1K ) : rnnncrsund bulls , $ I.Wi2.UU $ ;
veal calves , $2.00l. 10.
Hogs Receipts. 1.200 ; Rhliiicnts. | ) 3 cars ;
market steady at l.7.VQl.74 ) : ! ,
ST. Louts. May 2) ) . Cattle Koeolpts. l.SOO ;
shlpniontf , 2,300 ; market steady ; fair to faney
native steers , $ 'J.SOft4.0J : stookers and feeders ,
. . .
Hogs Itocolpts , r ,103 ; shlpmenti , 0.203 ;
market lower : heavy. JJJ.b033.UO ; packing , J3.75
© 3.85 ; light , J3.75Q3.b7j. !
Friday , May 23.
Estimated receipts of cattle. IIY ) . eompiired
with l,23il yesterdav nnd iV > 0 Frldnv ot last
week. Tliero were neither cattle received nor
disposition among buyers to make n cattle
market. On a slow , dragging market , at un
changed prices the few heoves changed hands.
Nearly half of the receipts WITH cow .stull's , all
of which changed hiinda early at Hrm to
stronger prices. Stoekers and feeders were ae-
tlvo and linn. Hulls and calves were un
Estimated receipts nf hogs fi.lO ! ) compared
with 5.831 yesterday and 5.77H last Friday ; the
market opened lower , was active at the de
cline , closing active nnd linn with all sold.
Itnngo of prices fti.G3ft3.75 ; light tl.GX&W
mixed iKI.i7 ( @ 3."S ; heavy * l.7X'u.3.75. ( The uv-
erago of prices paid was si.714 ; compared with
J3.7.V5 yesterday and J3.UUi Friday of last
Estimated receipts of sheep 230. compared
with 23 ! ) yesterday. The reei-lpts continue
Insiilllclent for packing house demands and
prices rule Hi in.
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for Ihogradoof stock mentioned :
1'rlmo.steori. KIOO lo | oa Ibs KI..W < ftl.7ft
teed ! steers. 12 > 0 to ir > 0 ITU 3.70 ( % ( ,40
Uood steers. 1UV ) to 13DU tts 3.115 ffjU.30
Common , 1000 to 115'J Ibs 3.25 fiT.3.70
Common CIIIIIIPIS I.K ( ) ff,2.00
Ordinary to fair cows l.tio tp5 ; !
1'alr to good cows I .IK ) frs.Ki
Uood to choice cows 2.75 < Jil.l5 !
Cholco to fancy cows 2.l"i ) 8t.'ll5 (
l-'alr to good bulls 1.75 ffiAJQ
t'holco to fancy bulls 2.50 < HtlX >
Light stockers and feeders 2.5' ) fe'l.i" )
l-'ei-dors. U.V ) to IlOOlhs 2.00 ffr'1.75
Kulr to choice light hogs 3.115 ® 3.70
l-'alrlo choice heavy hogs ; , ' 1.70 133.7.1
Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.C7l < fct.72 i
Couipiirnllvo Tallies.
The following table shows the range In
prices on lie s dut-lng this and last week :
Avflrngo Cost 01 *
The following table give * thu nvor.xgo onst
ofho-son thedatus montlono'.l , Innluilltij thu
costtoday , as based upon silei : reported :
IJatc. Price. Date. Prlco.
May 1 WiKi'i ' May 2 | l Oiy
May 3 3 or i May ft ! l ttj
May U. . . . 31HU May 7 3 1W > (
May 8 300 May n 3 07'5
May 10 3D2 May 12 3 li3"
May 13 3 HO May 14 3 8-t'i
May 15 3 8514 May 1(1 ( 3 ill- ?
May 17 3 HIS ? May 19 387
May 20 3 S3 May 21 3 78U
May 22 3 75'S May 23 3 71i ?
Arcrngo 1'rloo ol * H ( < .
Showing the average prlco pilil for loi-ls of
hogs on thudays Indicated In ! & ? , 18SJ , ISiJ and
HljlioNt and Stiles of IIojjs.
Today , . Vobtcnlay.
Illaliost . $175 IlKio.-it ! ) . WPO
3 tfi Lowest . a 70
Stock Kocolpta.
ypstunlay. Kstlmatcd Today.
SO cars , I. Oattlo , . . 10 oars .T > 0
, 5.K.M Ilous . 77 uarsS.lOO
icar"ju aiu-ui ) . . . . i our aao
o ol1 Prices.
110(13 ,
The fiillowlni ; table shows the range or
nrlcus paid for IIORS :
Knlrtuuhulco Ilsht IIOKS . 13 as 0370
1'nlr lo c-lioleo livurv hogs . a 70 ff75 \
Fair to choice uil.xutl hog * . . . U 07i { ( < i.'l 7JH
I'rlino fat sheep . 830 { M 7s
llo ) ( l fat hhcop . 4 50 Gb.\ :
t'oiiiiuoii to modluiii sheep . 3 00 ttl 50
Dlxpusltlou ot * Htook.
BhowliiK thu niuubor of cattle bought by
thuluudlujt buyomou today's market.
Swlft. c Company . 128
U II Uuiiiiuoiul ivi'o. . . . . . . . . b-
Armour-t'uUuUy 1' Co . , . VI
Market Mention.
IloK-i lower.
Col. K. I' . Siiviipuof the commission firm of
SiivsiKo , Abbott & Kelly , has ruturnud from
C'olliin > t Kiitch imirkutcd IIOKK from Grnnt.
Wlrt Itroa. & 1'rlt-o markutud hogs from
C. S. Curtis vent In a oarof lib s from Kdl on.
J. I ) . Olaileof Ansclmo markctud a ca ; of
I , . W. Denton of Waturloo st-nt up a car of
ho s.
I , . Spelts of Mllfoul wa.s Invlth a car of
i-iiUlu ,
Wairnsrs .t Doyle .sent In a car of hogs from
Charley Welch wns up from I'uiillllou with a
car of ho u.
A. II. llanscii marketed two cars of caltlu
from Tllden.
I ) . It. Calmer was tip with a crir of IID S from
XorlliiK Humphrey suut In : i car of hojjs
from Iluxnrd.
Wiley & . ! enklnsof Alma had a car of hogs
on the market.
M. llaiinawold had a car of ho s un the mar
ket from Aniora.
I'liilcii .t Co. sent , down two ears of cattle
from Itroken llovv ,
Itarher & Itnldwin of Horiidon , Kan. , sent up
a car of hojs.
IJedmnn Ilros. had u car of hogs over from
Aoney Creek , la.
Alter & Olover had near of cattle In from
Grand Island.
A. II. Wilson of Walton was on the market
with a car of cattle.
V. Coupal , the well-known Herman stock
man , was In with a car of cattle.
Klha wa.s represented by l.awson & Knlgatc ,
who marketed a car of cattle.
Henry Klkenlmry and William Glllcsplo
were up from I'lattMiiouth with hogs.
Major J. W.J uldoeU of Omaha was on the
market with nogs thai hioiight tlio top.
W. A.rinlay , the every day Greenwood shipper -
per , had a car of hogs on thu market.
McKcegan & MeMantis extensive Itaiicroft
shippers , hail a car of hogs on the market.
A. 1' . Steufer , of Itroilham & Steufer , exten-
slvo shippers of Dodge , came In with two cars
of hogs.
Commencing on Monday , 2il. the prlco of
corn fed In tlio .stockyards will he M ) Instead
of 50 cents per bushel , ' This will make the
prlco the same hero as at Kansas City , whore
the prlco was recently raised to GOe.
FISH Fresh whlto trout , plko and pickerel ,
uer tt > , Sc ; .sturgeon , 7c.
llinis , 1'Kr.TS AM ) TAr.t.ow Oreen salted
hides , ii'iM'ic : dry suited hides , .VS7C : dry
Hint , hides , tUftSc ; calf hides , 4t- : < r/lil/.c. Ham-
aged hides ' 'o loss. Slipup pells , green , each ,
.Wcl.-"i ; sheep polls , dry. per lt > , ( ilflllc ; tnl-
low. No. 1 , : i'3ij.c ' : ; ; No. ' . ' , 'I'.ife'l'je ' ' ; grease ,
white , Il'idlle ; yellow ifJ'le.
llKANS-lland picked niivv , $ I. ( a ) ® 1. 7.1 ; hand
picked navy , niedliiui.fl. . ' . ; ' . l.ii'J ; hand picked
country , . : good elean , f I ' .VKI.4U.
Ari'i.i : lti'rriit-l'er : Ib. ( XiiH- .
Woot , Fine unwashed , W'Mfle ; medium un
washed. INlMlc ; coarse uiiwnslied , Isf'-tV.
Kuitrt Heaver ; per Hi. J'.M'ol.dOj each. fU)0 : ) ®
7.00j otter , eiu-h. f.'J.O'Jtl'.O'J ; wolf , each , ; > < © ( ;
coon , each , 4tKi.l3f ] ) ; mlnU , eiieh , IldCTiOi- ; muskrat -
rat , fall. Kili'c : miiskrat. whiter. inj/.I.V ;
skunk , -VS4Uc ; liadgor , 4llctl , U ; deerskins.
purll ) , iuWu ! ; dcerhUlns , winter , per 1U , l"iJ
MC.lloxf.v I5'ijf ' ( lii'ic ' per Ih ; strained , Oo ,
OiiANdKSl' er box , .Mediterranean sweets ,
$4.50 ; California fancy navnls , fi.ilKi. ( > .7."i ! l.os
Angeles , fi..sOi ; fancy Dnartu seedlings , Jl 'ij
In live box lots , l.r > ijinr bov less ,
I'lNKAlTI.KS 1'er do/ , ifi..MX21.'l.K ( ) .
.STUAWiiKiiuir.s1'er ease , choice shipping
stock , * l.ilK34.M : ) ; good , ti.utknsil.tX ) .
Cinilit 1'erbbl , lelined , W.riOj half bbl , ;
hard elder , pure , pur hhl , t : > .M ; orano elder ,
half bbls. $7.1X1 ; pear elder , half hh : 4 ? * U
CAi.iFoiiNiACniniius : : I'erlb.U.'xauuc.
MlNCU JlliAT 3QJk > lier II ) .
Ii.MONS : Per box , Messina , funoy , if I."i0 ® . > .o0 ;
strictly choice W.ariJ4.Vj.
ItANANAS-1'er hunch. tl.Man.OO.
IlurrKit Cioamery , fancy rolls , nrints , 21 ®
2'e : ; creamery , fancy , solid packed , .Wii.'JIe ;
creamery , choice , ISftllK- : dairy , fancy rolls
a , . d prints. IIKiilTcj dairy , fancy , solid packed ,
l.VQIUo ; dairy , choice , lllM. > o ; country loll ,
fancy , Illiillo ; choice , MlUo : country roll ,
good , < ttNc ; country roll , fair , .VQ ikj ; pee
block , % -'lc.
KiiiiH tie per doz for strictly f rush ; stale
stock not saleable.
HIINIIS ( Quotations are for delivery In Chi
cago. ) Dry Itnllalo. per ton. $ Ii'18K ( ( ) ; dry
country , bleached , f lu.Uii.M ) : ( ; dry country ,
damp and meaty , jS.OJCcltMK ) .
VUJKTAW.KS Uld Sweet jiotatoes , fancy ,
Muscatlne , pur bbl , $1.1)0 ) ; onions , extra fancy ,
JI..V ) ; onions , fair , W. . ' > ) : rutabagas. $ ' , ' . (10 ( ; car
rots , ifi.OO ; parsnipJI..V ) ) ; beets , W.liOj horso-
rndlsh roots , per bbl , $ . ' .50 : perlb'c ; celery
roots , per bbl. jil.tiO ; pordoi , ( iOo ; horsoradisli ,
per do/ pints , II.- . " ) .
I'lifSKitvns ( WjHcporlb.
JII.LV.S : a'c ) per Ib.
DIIKSSHD Vi'.AifChoice medium , & 2Sic ! ;
light. MMc ; heavy. 4&V- .
Ai'i'i.KS I'er mil , Uenltons , * . "i.OO ; Willow
Twig , W.W lieu Davis , $1.75 ; Homanlto , JI.SO.
lU.NHKlMI Oil , -ilft'tli- ( .
Coco ANITTS 1'er liiindrod , $1.00.
1'ICKi.KS .Medium , per bbl , $3.-)0 ; BmallW..V ) ;
gherkins. } 7.f > J ; C. A : II. chow Miow , ( ' its , Jo.M :
pints ,
I'OTATOKS 1'cr bushel , fnnoy , ufliJJ.'Hoj fair to
good , 8i > aSio.
I'otii.Tjtv I'mdoen , choice lions , Kl.a.vni.m ;
choice , mixed , $ .T003i. ; : j i-Ksters ) , I-.RO'/SS.TSJ
spring chickens , Jii.M for Hinall , W.WiiVIM for
medium , JI.IWI.M for large ; live turkeys , per
SUOAIIR Cutloaf , 74'c ; cut lonf cuhes , 7' ' e ;
standard , jmwdered , fie ; XX.XX , powdered ,
7'iu ; granulated , Ntandnrd , U'-ifttpjo ' ; eonfeo-
tlonors , A , GJicvhltu ; extra , S..cj extra C ,
Neb. , n > io ; amber , fiU < - ' .
Coi'fEB Hoasted Arbuckle's Arlosa , 2SHc :
McI.atiKklln's XX XX. V u ; ( lermaii , l ? iu ;
Dllwoiih , l VSo ; Alaroina , " .V o ; hulk , 'JSc.
Uor-rKK Green Fancy old golden Itlo , 27c ;
fanuy old pcaborry , 7o ; Ulu , choice to fancy ,
IM o ; Itlo. prime , ZUuItlo \ \ , good , l.-'lic ; San
tos and common Itlo , Uift-lc ; Mocha , 'Ma ; Java ,
genuine O. (1 , , ! ) o ; Java , good interior , I'Ao ;
African , . " ( .
FAUI.VACEOUH Ooons nnrloy.ajWJo ; farina , ; : ; oatmeal , ] > ® : ; mucaruiil , lOu ;
vormlcolll , lOe ; rice , 4QOi ! ; sago und tapioca.
C&7o : lima beans , Oo.
Otl.8-Kuro ciiu-l' . W , , I0c ! ; W. W. . ISo ;
headlight , iiie : ! ; Basollne , lie : salad oil , iiOOft
O.oo per doz. LinseedUuw , tile ; boiled , G5c.
vtSlKATS timokvd hums , mod. , 10u ; binokcd
hams , SO to W Ibs , 0iOi } biuokcd hums , U to 14
H > , lO'jc ' : llnt broakftut \ > fenn. RUct bonole.ii
Imm.S'iCi plcnlo ham * , < i Ill/led lccf lmm ,
8'iul ! > o | beef tongue < , pnriUIin.oOj dry suit
meat" . rctWiC ! pure lard Inrd tierces , CHoj ket-
tlu Inn ! , lanl tfcrcox , 7 4C.
CANSKK MBAW- ib lunch tongue , $2,7. , ; 2 Hi
lunch tongue. $ l.7. ) | 1 lo corned beef. t\Mi \ 3 II )
corned lxf. . t3.0S 6 Ib cor/lNl beef , * UO j U ID
corned beef. $14.00 ! 'Jlti l > oiu < li < j | pigs' feet , fj.20 !
lib Kngll-h brawn , tlW2 ft ) fcnqlMi brawn.
12.15 : 0 In Kugllsh brawn , M.S | i Ibclilppcd beef.
M.OOI I II ) compreescd ham , $ I.W.
Uoi'KllasIsManilla rein > , l.Vj slsnl rope ,
12'ie ' : cotton rope , Ito : nuw.fintce - . 8'4c.
I'oTTO.v TwiNK-lllbD , very tlneior4 : plo,23c (
fine , SOO ! Daisy , I8e : cntidlu wick , Sic.
Ol.tVKS-Qliarts. pf-rdoz , 3.p ; pints , per doz ,
( J.i'i : bulk , per gal. UK ? . I' '
VlNixiAii-UOgr. elder. NtSt ] good , 12os white ,
wine , 15c : fauoy fruit , 80.
HTOVB I'OLisit $2.tx > ffl5.8Jpnr grosq.
llAO * Am. , per cwt. , tl.oo | ; I.owlston , per
MoiAS8KS-nbl- . 0. fancy , per gal. MIB
7.-Kt choice. 4.V 47e : gtxMl. oa.-te ! ; Cuba baking ,
SMKlOo : hlack strap , ymtftM.
WliAiM'tNd I'Ai'Kii-Htraw , per Ib , lJ2Ko ! !
rag , 2',4u ' : Manilla II , fl ® o ; No. 1 , 7o.
liAns llnlon fiimmaotJTi per cent off list.
HALT Dairy. SHlllM In hbl. bulk. $2.10 : best
grade , 00 , r.s , $ . ' . : ) : best grnde. loo. ; i . $2.40 : best
grade , 18 , 10s. J2.20 ; rock salt , crushed , fl.S-0 ;
common , bid , $ l.2. > .
SOAP C'astlle , mottled , per Ib , 9310o ; do ,
while , per Ib , I4c.
llitooMS-l'arlor , 5 tie , $ .100 : 4 tip , $2.75 ; 2 tie ,
$2.25 : stables , $2.85 ; common. $ l.5oai,75.
COCOA U Ib tin , 40c per Ib.
CHOCOLATE sasnsu perlb ; German chicory ,
red. 84c. !
HAt-soDA-Ilbls , Ifio ; granulated. Sc ; kegs ,
-l'kgs. CO Ibs to bov , Sij&Vto.
NUTS Almonds , 15c ; llrn/ils , r.'c ; fllberts ,
IIlo ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , I2'io ; peanut cocks ,
fee : roasted. Ho ; Tennessee peanuts , 7e.
Iiiuos ) tOrocers ( 1'or lln-ltm-ax , 12e ; cop
peras. 2ic ! ; Hay loaves , lie ; glue , hie ; epioni
nails , 4e : glauber .salts , ; ic ; sulphur. 2Sic ; blito
vitriol , l c ; alum,4c ; tartnrlcacld,42o : re.slu,2o.
OIIKIWB Full cream twins , 12'jc ' ; full cream
Ohio NWlss. Ilk : ; full cream Wisconsin Swiss ,
full cream brick , ilk1 ; full cream llm
burger.Swiss , iio ; ; fancy Sheylioygau b. u. , lOJic.
CANNIII : Goons Fruits , California standaid
brands. 2'5-lb , per doz Aiirlcols. $ l.VVfil.75j (
nprlcols. lily fruit , $ I.M : gallons. | ; blauk *
berries. $2.20 ; cherries , black. $2.2iVjt2.25 ; eher-
rle.s. white , $ -.2T 2iViO ; grapes. $ lnY , | SO ; pears ,
Hartlett$2.IO < a2.1i' > ; peaches , yellow , $2.11x142.2:1 :
peaches , lemon cling , $2.40 : pltms , egg , $ > "xi }
i.Ni ; iilums. golden drop , ll.Ml ; plums , green
gnge.s , tlAVUKM ; peaches with pits In , ;
currants , $ : . : iO : goosoborrles , $ ii5 : ; iiulnces ,
$2.10 : raspberries , . $ -.nO ; strawberries , $ J. " > 0 ;
petiehes. a-lb eastern standards , $ | .Ki ; : i-lb pic ,
$ l.lll ; n-lhplc , f.MVi ; gallons pie. $ : i.llO ; apples ,
high standards , $2.75 : 2-lb gooseberries , Wj ;
2-li ) .strawberries , IKltfUV : 2-lb raspberries ,
$ I.H ( > : 1-lb blueberrles.80 > gtiOc ; 2-lb blackberries.
O.va75e ; 2-lb straw berries , preserved , $1.80 ; 2-lb
raspberries , preserved , $ IN ) ; 2-lb blackberries ,
preserved. $1.20 ; pineapples , llaliama clumped ,
$2.KJ ! ; 2-lh llahama grated , } 2.75 ; 2-lh llahama
sliced , $ - ' . . " > 0 : 2-lb Standard sliced. $ l.2.VUi.'V ) ;
cherries , 2-lb red , llaltlmore , 85Qt)5o ) ; pears , 2-
Ib. $ l.ui : ,
VKiitrrAiit.ES Tomatoes Mb extra , $1.00 , II-
Ib standard western brands. OMI)5c ) ; gallons ,
strictly standard. W.SK ) . Corn Finest grown ,
$ l.r > 0 ; glltcdged sugar corn , very line , $1. . " > 0 ;
choice 2-lb sugnrcorn. $1.2 1 ; 2-lb extra western
brands , KfiltUW ; 2-lb standard western
brands , .VHiTllc. Jlushroonis1lb French , ex
tra line , 224i25c ; 1-lb French , line , INft22e ; 1-lb
French , ordinary. Hl'iilSo. 1'eas Tres. Ilne.per
eiui , 25u ; deml tine , per can. lUc ; 2-lb sifted ,
fl.Uti ; 2-lb early June. $1.2Vf6I.i5j : 2-lb Marrow ,
standard brands , $1.10 ; 2-lb soaked , f > 7e. String
beans , 2-lb high grade. Itefngee. S5c ; 2-lb dol-
den wax beans. 75c ; 2-lb string beans , 70e :
Lima lleans 2-lbso.iked , 75c. Iloston linked
lloans II-lb l.c-wls. $1.01 ; Crown brand. $ ! . . " ! ) .
Sweet I'otntoe.s H-lb Now Jersey , tl.X ( ) . I'ltmp-
klns : i-lb. $1.10. Okra and tomatoes. Sl.lxj ;
okra , Sl.fiO ; succotash. 41.20.
FiSll Codfish , exit a Georges , new , M c ;
grand bank , now. Be ; silver , 2-lb blocks , U c ;
snow white. 2-lb bricks , new , K4cr Turkey cod ,
large middles , bricks , tic ; snow white crates ,
12-5 Ih boxes. 73ic : Iceland halibut , I'c ' ; mo-
dliini scaled herring , 25c ; No. I scaled herring ,
22c ; domestic Holland herring , .Vic ; Hainbuig
spiced burring , $1.50 ; Uusslau sardines , 75u :
Uusslan sardines , plain. ( Vic : Impoited Holland
herring , ciown brand , -SOe ; do fancy milkers ,
IKic ; mackerel. No. I shore , half bbls , $ ii.)0 : ( ) ;
bloaters , half bbls , $ ls'.l. ( | ; while lisli. half lihN ,
$7.1)1) ) ) ; trout , half hols. $ "i.Vl ; family white tlsh ,
$1.00 ; salmon. $ S.OO ; 1-lb mackerel ( lierrtngl $1.011
C.lll ' ; 1-lb llniian baddies. $1.75 ; 1-lb lobstoi-s ,
$2.1.732.25 ; l-lli Alaska salmon. Aleut , $1.00 ; 2-lb
oysters , 10 nIM ; 1-lb ovslcrs , n oJ1.I5 : 2-lb
selects , 12 oz.W.t5 : ; l-ll ) clams , llttlo necks , $1.25 ;
2-lb clams , llttlo necl > s , | J2.HI ( ; --lb sardines ,
Imported , per case , lulls , fl5.tKlia20.tKI ; > i-lb Im-
puried lioneless sardines , 2'ic ; 'j-lb saidlnes.
American , per case , 100s , Trench style , SI.50 ®
5.00 ; ij-lb sardines. American , per case , 10'ls ,
French style , } 7.503.00 ; ' 4-lb sardines , mus
tard. per ease. Mis , $ 'J.7r/6i4.iO ( ; Imported key
snrillnes , $ ii.OI. :
DKIED FitL'lT Currnnts , now , O'tO' ' c ;
prunes , casks. l.UOO Ibs. 7 VWi ' ( . ; prunes , bbl
or bags , liAi7'ju ; cltrOn peel , drum20 ! 11 is.
2.'e ; lemon peel , drums , IWv : fard dates , boxes ,
12 Ibs , I''c : apricots , choice evaporated , l..e ;
apricots , icily-cured , 25 Ib boxes , iSc ; apricots.
evaporated. 50 Ib boxes , f , ? . c ; cherries pitted ,
dry cured , 1IKpeauhes. : . pared , fancy. ! ;
choice. Hie ; S-ilt Lake , l'o ' ; pitted plumbs , Cnl. ,
1 II ) boxes , N'i@c ! ) ' ; raspberries , evaporated ,
N. Y. , new , : ile ; pi lines. It. ( . ' . . 00-70 , HKt 12l/c ;
orange peel. I5c ; raisins , California , London
crop 1(0,1 ( , , $2.40 ; fill , loose muscatels , crop WM ,
$2.10 ; Valenclas , l ss , 7e ; Valencia * , now , ! ic ;
Cal. seedless , s\s. ! , 8c ; Ondiira , layer , now , He ;
dried grapes , 5c ; prunclles. new , lie.
Itr.ocic Ti.v Small pig , 2So prjrlb ; bar , HOoper
per Ib.
Coi'i'EH Planished holler sl es , : Ho peril ) ;
cold rolled. 2.a pt-r Ih ; sheathing , 27o perlb ;
pit Is and Halts , - > o iii-r Ib.
tiAi.VAM/ii : > SHIIT : : Iitox Dlso't M-10 per
cent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos. 24&27 , A , lOlic ; 1) ) ,
JJpoi-iNO-Charcoal , I. C. , 14x20 , 112 , $5.75 ; I. X. ,
' '
'rXT Ilios-No. 2(1 ( , $ : i.05 ; No. 27. $11.75.
TIN l'i.ATi-I.O. : , 10x11,513 , $7.Si ; I. X. , 10x14 ,
225. $ ! l.0l. !
TIN I'l.ATK-Coke , lOvH.K.I , Ji5.'J3.
STIJIJI. NAII.S liasc , W.25.
STIII. : : Wiiti : NAII.S Itase. fJ.G5.
WiilK Jap. barb , fUkl : galv. , $1.13 ,
Quinine , poroz. , I' & W. 40o ; German , 40o : In
digo , per Ib. Tile ; insert powder , 4Uc ; opium ,
itll.'Jj ' ; morphine , pern/ . , $ : i.lll ; hops , per Ib , JIOc ;
glycerine , 2lc ; dextrine. 12c ; cuttlebone , IV1 ;
cream tartar , pure. " " > . - ; commerulal , ISc ; cam-
) ihor , ; . carl ) , lie ; blue vitriol , 7'ic.
AcldsCarbolli4K3iic ( ; ; citric , 4.V3)17c ) ; tartarie ,
: i7 < tiUL- ! ; sulphuric , per Ib. : ! c. Dils Sperm.
$1.10 ; whale. OIL- ; castor , $1.21 ; neats foot , 5I15
0e ; turpentine. 50e ; Tonka beans. $1.75tJI.)0 ( ) ;
balsam Kiln. lhlLcalomel ! ) ; , DVB'.ire ; cantliar-
adles , fl.ilrtl.c : ( : > ; cassia buds , mUeHo ; clilnrn-
forin. .Mdi.'ilc ; ergot. 47@52c ; gum arable , .VifJ
U5c ; glycerine , 22fcUu ; lycopodlum , 12ffilCc ;
mercury , Sic.
The Wool Market.
HOSTOX , May -ISpeslal Telegram to Tin ;
HIK : , > There has been a good inquiry for wool
and the sales of thu week have been largo ,
amounting to 2,701,000 pounds of all kinds , In
cluding 82 > ,030 pounds of foreign. The tone of
the market Is steady. Tliuro have been
sales of Ohio and Pennsylvania lleeces at
. IKtf-'imo for X and xVil'Mu for XX and XX and
above. Michigan X lleecos are In small sup-
plv and Hrm at IIUc. No. 1 combing strong at
IRMQilO.nnd Ohio line delaine at : i e , Michigan
line dellvert-d at ! L" > c. Some now Utah wools
sold at ITf'/'lc for line medium nnd new comb-
Inis iitUOflCI ( > . Oilier mediums and combings
sold at20if(2e. : ! Cither Halos of territory were
at 5Mt lc < clenn for line , 5557o for line inldlum
nnd " ] lir lo for medlnni. Small lots of new
spring Texas sold at 20ft2.o ! and considerable
spring California at 17 < U20c , Oregon wool U
quiet at 17O.ll'c ' , the latter an outside prlco for
best ( -astern fat sheep , Ohio and Michigan
wools have been soiling nt 2iK2.22o for line and
2r2so for medium. Pulled wools are In
steady demand at 'in © IOo for super and 22 < S.10o
forovtra. Australian , wool has boon active
and large sales are rouortcd at.-ll < ail'io. Car
pet wools remain steady and hi fulr demand.
Tlio Stir on Iloiird u War Ship on
Each vessel will , cluar for action nB
OII us the other IH , Ifllsconiotl porhuiis
llvo miles away.Each will jirobalHy
slow down nt flrst , In 'order to gain tiino
fot1 nroparatlon , anfl , ospcclally for { jot-
tiiif , ' the stuain pro uro up to the high
est point , writes Lieutenant Flsko in the
Forum. Forced dviift will at onuo bo
started and the subdued roar of the air
being driven thronglj the furnace , the
accelerate dcombuftti'fri ' , and the whir of
tlio dynamos , will bo.added . to the clang
of tlio gun breech blocks aa they are
swung open to ndmit tlio projectiles to
the breech , the hum of the ammunition-
hoists , raising powder and shell to the
decks , and the quiet , firm orders of au
thority. On deck the Catling guns and
revolving cannon , and the rapld-flro
guns in the tops , are got noiselessly
into readiness ; the captain takes his
place in the armored conning tower
with the chief quartermaster and hln
aid ; the executive ofllcor assumes charge
of the battery and remains near at
hand to take the captain's place In case
of Ills death or disability ; the range-
llndors are got into position , and the of
llcor in charge begins to report from
time to time the distance of the enemy ,
now drawing closer.
Probably not a shot will bo fired until
this distance ia rcouoed to 2,000 yards ,
and probably both ships will keep
pointed toward each other until that
timo. lint now. what will the contest
ants do ? It has been hold that both will
tulvnnco btoadlly toward each other
each commander honing that some fatso
move on the part of his adversary will
enable him to rush forward , discharge
his bow of torpedo at 600 yards , and per
haps blow it up with his ram and end
the fight at once until they have approached
preached so close , say 600 yards , that
neither dares to swerve lest no himself
bo rammed , so that the ships will at
length collide end on , and maybe both
The various inventions of the past few
years rapid firing guns , high explo
sives , torpedoes , submarine boats , dyna-
mlto guns and rango-flndors , the in
creased power and perlectlon of steam
and electric machinery , the improve
ments in powder and in steel for pro
jectiles ana for armor have not revolu
tionized naval science so much as they
have broadened it. The principles of
strategy remain the same , and so does
the noccsssty for the seaman's skill.
Engineers construct , inventors invent ,
experiments are tried , sham battles are
fought and heated discussions agitate
the naval mind , but the only thing that
can determine the real conditions of
modern naval warfare is a modern naval
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Hock Is
land route. ' Ticket olllce , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnam streets. Omaha.
Tlielr Heavy Street Dress nml Gauzy
House Attire.
The Arab woman , save in rare and
pleasant exceptions ) , is hardly what the
poets and painters have shown us , writes
IL. ; . Wakeman in the Cincinnati Times-
Star. If she be graceful or beautiful it
is extremely dilllcult to discover it , and
she possesses neither of these attractions
after she is twenty-live , for she Is a
"wife at twelve or fourteen years of ago ,
whatever that station or condition means
among the Arabs. All there Is about
this being to become ecstatic over is
that subtle- prompting of poetic fancy
which ever , to the male mint ! peculiarly ,
blooms like the rose in any soil of ap
parent coyishncRS and mystery in the
gentler sex. The Arab woman is simply
ti vacuous , insensate , voiceless and
dreamless human animal , sheeted like
the dead In the streets and dead to the
world when within the four windowless
walls where the majestic being who
owns her keeps her penned.
The dress of the Arab woman is all-
concealing upon the street and all-ro-
vcaling in her homo. The dutcr garment
is the httilc , white , usually of woolsomc-
times of silk , often of cotton. It is fre
quently twenty feet in lengthand nearly
two yards wide. Beneath this 'is pre
cisely four articles of apparel , a giur/.o
chemise , an unstilTened corset or bodice ,
frequently massively ombroidcrud and
bojowelcd , pantaloons reaching to the
feet and comprising countless yards of
material , and tlio tantalizing adjur tied
tightly around , the face and falling
about twelve inches below. Most women
not satisfied with this retirement , or
perhaps more strictly speaking , most
women whoso husbands are not satisllcd
with this obscuration , further hitlo the
face by bringing the haik down over ono
side of the forehead , no that but one eye ,
a dark eyebrow and a tiny patch of the
forehead are visible.
Their feet are usually incased in browner
or yellow slippers : danglots und bangluts
of indescribable jewelry tinkle and chime
from wristsankles and concealed portions
of the llgure ; Una swathing
of ghostly hawk , with humped bodies
and mincing stops , those who are al
lowed upon the streets at all wriggle ,
glulo and suurry along , like a bevy of
escaped wraiths from among the silent
graves upon the heights. But this priv
ilege of waddling about like n lot of
sheeted spooks is by no means a univer
sal one. The young and fair sco the sun
light only through the open courts of
their dwellings , or from the white terrace -
race for a brief hour toward sunset. Only
the aged and safe are permitted to visit
the mosques , with the exception that on
Fridays , in company with sorvantB or
oldoty , little excursions are allowed to
the marabouts or sacred temples , and the
khoubas at the cemeteries as at Belcour ,
where they are allowed the cheering di
version of lilling with water the llttlo
cups resting at tlio head of the tombs ;
for the birds drink from these and fly to
heaven with greeting from the bouls at
rest beneath.
Indoors the dress of those woinen is
ctherial enough for the most fervid ar
tist's fancy. They never sco in their
homo any male but their husbands and
children. Tlio climate , like that of
Cuba in winter , and excessively hot
from May until October , has also much
to do with this. Thcro are rarely but
two garments for homo wear.
Ono is a gauze chemise , through which
the olivo-hued form is clearly rovealed.
The other is the wide , ample trousers ,
terminating just below the knees , and
almost as lleocy and gauzy in olVoct. Tlio
lowlier women are baru-legged , bare
footed and bare-headed at homo. Wives
of the wealthier Arabs will don pink ,
yellow or blue gauze silk hose and dainty
yellow babouchcs or slippers.
Their hair will bo coiled in a simple
Grecian knot and fastened with some
huge jeweled ornament , and porhap.s a
tiny skull cap , richly embroidered , will
rest coquettishly on onosidoof the head.
But all are licdccked with jewelry.
The poorer are fond of burnished copper
bands about the arms , wrists and ankles ,
or brilliant quart/ and glass cubes and
crystals strung on pack thread , encircle
their necks. Tlio rich are ablaze with
jewels , principally pearls , emeralds and
sapphires , badly sot but always genuine
and of great valuo. Thcro is a legend
in Algiers that the hidden riches of the
wealthier Arabs , principally comprising
jewels , exceeds the sum total in value of
all coin , plate and jewels otherwise pos
sessed by all nationalities in the "white
city. "
'Hie new ofllccs of the great Rock Is
land route. 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
street , Omaha , are the llnost In the city.
C'all and see them. Tickets to all points
cast at lowest rates.
CorrespondenceMllcUcd. COMPANIES , ETC.
, , a , Bankers ,
IOI-IOS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
70 State Street. OOOTON.
Ill Hit Uml.J nun. Alio. Hibj
ni | > e , IlKjcl. . . bifrlltt > oj Olrli' Tllcy
Ui , On * or mort It wholeU price irbl
( ! , O. D. dirtct Croin L. ti , hp Mtfr' Ito. W. Midlxn HI. Clnciio. S u
I10 * fd. Hnil tc , llirtp for ntw ral .
BuITcrliiK from ttio t-ltrcU of youthful rrron , rarlr
decay , woitliii ; ivenkncm , lo t maubood.i'to. , Iwllt
trod a valuable ( reallto ( wolcdl contalnlne full
particular ! for homo cure. I'llUi : of charce. A
iplrndld medical work i thoulil l > rrad t > y every
man who U n rvnuii anil dclitlltatod. Addrcu.
Vrof , I' , C. i'o\VLiit.rilooaii ; , Conu.
haT Sllwikneiilof | UodyanlMln. . ! , EffTcTi
tJilliUiHILUof : .b . _ .1 _ i , . _ ' Erronor u > BICOIIM nor > < . ii. . In Older i..i.7fT.fl ,
lk..l.l.l , B.blll.r HUH THIiTDKHT-B. . . ! ! . u > 4ij !
< i nfy rr w to sum r < r < u * r uiri < > . HHI * ib < K.
MUKRIS M "dAbVi7BU r OiNi'vli
SURPLUS 000,000
Accounts of llnnks , Hankers nnd Corporations so
Our facilities for COItKCT10N8 nrc rxcollont.nnrt
no rc-illscount for bnnki when balnncoj warrnnl It.
Iloston la n ltc crro City , nmt bnlnncci nllli in
from lianks ( not localctl In other Itrtcrto Clllcs )
count as n roscrro.
\yo ilrnw our own oichnngo on tendon niu > the
ConlliH-nt , nnd make cable transfers nnd place money
by leU'gr.ii'h ' tliraiiRbout Ilia United Htntes nnd Cnn >
WohtiTO R mnrket for prlmn tlrst-clnss Inrcstment
Focurltlcs , nml Inrlto proposals from Slalc > , Coun
ties nnd Oltlen when Issulni ; liondi.
We do n general banking business , nnd Invite cor
respondence .
1. : . remejnTOriimmso'riStf A cjr c Arrives
Omaha , I Depot lutli nml .Mason slroots. Omaha.
4M p nil Chicago Kxpreu 8.23 n 111
t > .45 n m .ChlcaKO Kxpress ( t.50 p ni
0.15 p m Chicago KtprcM 11.50 a m
11.50 | i m | . . . Iowa Ixicnl except Sunday. , . , 11.30 n ni
" 1-caves fuUllEIS'liTON' AltX Arrives
Omaha. | Depot lUlli ami Mason street" . Omaha ,
WM n in Denver lny KM'rcss I 4Upi ( i m
10.U3 n m Dourer KTiirt-o (1.15 ( p mm
. . . Uonvor MKlit > < prci < . . . . _ > . : H n m
K.V. . ST. J. 7vIS II.
Onmlin. Depot IDtli nnit.Mimili street * .
U.I5 : n m . . . .Knniitii Cltjr Dnr IC.xirc | . . . .I ( t.10 t < in
JUS pj n K.JVNIjilit Kip. vln U. I' . Tron'.l I-.1S n in
UNia.fl'ATlVlli ' Arrivci
Omnlin. IVpot IQIIi unit Mitn-y ulri'o Oiimlm.
2.45 p I" . .Ovt-rlnnit Flyer ti.21) ) p in
7.W p in . .I'ncltio Hnpri' ! " 7.A ( n m
ID. 10 n m .Denver K prc . ! . : p III
4,45 p m ( iraiul Inland K\\i. \ ( except Sun. ' 12.45 p m
& .U ) n ni j. . . . . Kniitnji City Kxpres * 12.0.1 u 111
"U-avei | iUlHA(70. ! It.l.Al'ACII-'IC. " I ArrTveT
Ouinlm. lUJ'.jrtepol , IMhjind .Marcjr tjtg. I Oinajia.
Vi.U p ml Nlttht Kt press ' 10.0. , n in
( i.IS n m ! Atlantic ICxpress I C.IM p m
J.I5 p nil Vestlhulo LtmUcil 'llUi ' a m
"Leaves | CfllCAfo ! A NOKTII\VB3TK N" [ Afrfvor
Omahn. II' . 1' . depot , 10th unit Marcy Hts. | Omaha.
W.IS ni | Clilcnvo HTiirt- . . \\M \ \ p in
4..10 p mi V tlt > iilo Minlted V.M n in
Ci.l , ' > p in tl'V. ev. ) Mull lAr. o > . .Mont ' .M n in
JJ.2ljiml ) Kintejn Kljrnr. ' . ' .l.'i p m
. MiTr , A J'AtIj.Afm ! | ! ,
Omnhn. U. r. ill-pot , lOlli nml Mnrcr Sts. | Uniihn.
IMS n inj..ClilcnK < > MnlKciropt Sumtny ) . . | ( i.0.'i p m
li.K ( ) p m ClilcitKU Kxprenn ! U. " > n m
Ji.ljO p nij. . .OlilriiitoTK nro.J.Z.'i'J ' ) in
' lA-avosl " OAfAltXABT".lxUia ! : 1 XrTlToi
Uninlm. I If. I * , ilopiit. Illtli mid Mnrry St < . | ( liu.-ilm.
' iiTciii HnlL | U ! . : lj > in
Unmlin. | ll. 1 * . iloput , lUlli unit Mnrcy
7.1ft n nil . Slonx City 1'ntsiiiBcr | IO.a > p m
( US p ml . St. 1'niil Hxnri'n J100."i n in
"Ix-nvcs f HTOiWfclTV A I'ATill-'fU ; I Arrfvei
Omnlm. I Depot IStli unit Wolntor MM.
"leaves " FT. ) ? A Ail ) . V'AT.I.Ktf. A"rrlTo"i
Omaha. Depot 15th and Wctiiter Hts. Om-iha.
SUM n m Illack Hllli Kxpress S.2U p m
n.(10 ( n m . . .HnstlnKs Kxp. ( Kt. Sunday ) . . . tt.'A ) p m
ft. 10 p ni . .Wnhoo .It Lincoln t'asscnifer. . 10.20 n in
6.10 p m . .York A Norfolk fl x. Snmlavl. . 10.3) ji jn
l C.WrTJT.'M. 40. i ArrTveT
Omaha. | Depot 15th and Wcliner t . I Omaha ,
8.10 n m . . .Hloiix City Accommodation. . . U.U.r > p in
l.UU p m . .Sioux City Kxpress ( Hr. aim. ) . . MX ) p in
( i.45 p m St. Paul Limited lU."i r m
fi.lft p m .llancnft l'anzcr - ( Kv. Him ) . . ) 8.45 n m
' . ! . ' p in yiiiuxl'lly Accom. ( Ki. Hnnilay
jUinatm. I Depot IStli anjMVehster Sis. I Oiiinjin.
10. : a nil. . .St. I.diils AK.C. Kxpress. . . . | 4..VJ p in
.I.Ii p ml..St. Ixiulsji K. ( ' . Kxpre * " . . . . ( UO jt in
Thcso traln-i nlKO stop nt l.lth , 17tli , SOth nnd 31th
rtreet.- < , Summit and Savld o Crosslni ; , 'Worklni-
men' : ! tralni do not run Sunday.
'l/cnvps | eillOAUTfA.'KolrJ'flWKSTKUN. | Arrivci
Transfer | Union Depot , Coimc.ll 11111113 , | Trnnsfor
11)1)7 ) ) n in I. . . . Kansas City Day . . . | 5.411 p in
111.25 p m.J | < iiiiiaH City NlKht Kxjiri'is. . . ) 11.20 n in
'Leaves I OM.\H7\ ST.T.tlli ) * . I Arrives"
Traiisl erl Union Depot , Council Hlulti. ITrnnsfer
[ flXU p mf T7..Sl7LimlH Canon Hall jT'.MS [ Mil
Leive ncitrrivriO , llUltl .N' A QOlNCY.l Anlvei"
Trnntfcrl Union Depot , Council liluffH , [ Transfer
lull n ml ChleaKO Kxprcs. . 11.20 p in
10.00 p ni Clilcaco Hxprcss. . 11.41) ) a in
7.-10 j _ in _ | . . . . . _ . C re-tUin Uioal II.'JI a m
"Iavus I " [ Arrive ! "
Traniferl Union ) Depot Conndl HIiilTa. iTrnnircr
7.4. ' > a in TTTsioTixT'ltjrAccomniiMlutloii. ' . . I " 6.'IS n iu
U.50 p in St. I'aul Kxprcia It.K I \ > p m
Missouai 1'ACiFio auiiuauAN TIIAINS.
- A.T -
13O2 Pnrnam Btroot.
Oity Pasaongor and Tlokot Ayont ,
" "
PATENTED Auo. 10 , 1887 , IMPROVED Jutvao.880. * !
> * , . , uvv v\ift.m . , . _ CIl. OWEN'S ELICTI'O-
tAMD EUBmtEOHY * lli
eat * All Rheumitlo Coio-
; 'pUlDt .Xumt goOtu ril
iind JIY-TOUt D klllt7 ,
DcithinfJt , Kldnty
. , Sixutl <
bauitlon. Wilting of
. . etond by InJIicrttloni la
- . . .rrlfior fllnslellf. .
niisroiibivLi i-iarut ( i.i louiYniimu
Alionn Elootrlo Truss nnd Dolt Combined.
8 > n4 .MiUtt f.r Mil llluil-4 l > eot , 111 p.lti.hid , willl <
bl jou la p ) Ia ! .4 taTl. | , U DIOB | UU i pcr , Jldilrcil
8OO North Droadway. UT. LOUIH , MO.
630 Lfouaw y. ttCW YOKIC OlXY.
Provisions and Stocks *
Basement First National Danli ,
OOP South IQtl i Stfoot , Oninhn. '
National Bank'
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - OV.OOO
Offlcwrii itnd Dlrectori-Uanry W. Titloi. > prtiMtalt
LvwIiR. Urod , vlCA'lr ilili > mi JnmitiV . Hartgai Vr ,
V- Mono , John H. Colllnt ; II. IX Cuihlnc | J. N. IJJ
r uick | w.H. B. Hughe * , caihler.
Corner 12th and Farnam Streets.
A General n lnn Trnn Mi > fl.
National Bank
Cnpltnl , - $400,000
Surplus ,
OITIccrs nnd Ilrcrtnm-R. ) M. Morncnmn , n. I
Hitchcock , .lo eph ( larneau. Jr. , A. Ilonry , 1C , MJ
AmlrrtonVllllnni tl. .Mniil , Tlco-preildenti K II ;
Wlllltims. A. I' . Kopklni. president : A. Milliard ;
caihlor ; K. 11. llryant , assistant onshlcr.
Omaha Manufacturer
Itootn ntitl HliocH ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Igunti for llonlon Itubber Shoo Co. , 1102 , 1104 and HOd
Hartley titrect , Omaha , Web. .
Lager Ilccr Brewers ,
1M1 Ncrth 18th Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornkd
Window caps and mclallc skylights. John KL
proprietor. HMnn.l llUHnnlli loih nircet.
Ai-tlHttrf MnterlnlH.
A. IIO3PE , Jr. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
_ 1313 DoutfUi Btroot , Oninhn , Nob. _
* "M " * * * * " " * " * * * * ' ' * * * * * *
Coal , Coke , Ktu.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
B. B. Cor. 18th nnd Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nets
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
314 South UthStiuct , Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Cigars.
403 N. inth Street , "lli-llol" 1133.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and NolionJ
Corner llthand Howard Strcula.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodSj
Gents' KurnlshlnKood ! . Corner llth nnd llaruoj
airectn , Oinnlia , Neb. \ \
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnam Street , Omahn , Nebraska ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th and Lcavcnwortli Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
, I'ltc.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc.
Imported nml American Portland Coment. Htat *
BKculfor Milwaukee Hydraullu Cumoiit , und '
yulncyVhlle Lima. >
CHAS. n. LEE T *
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wood carpets and parquet flooring. Utli um
Btreuts , Omaha , Nebraska.
1HK1J W. liliEiT ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Elc , , Etc ,
Corner 9th and Douiilas Htret'ts , Omaha.
Blllllnory nnd Notions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
KW , 210 and 212 South llth itrect.
NotlllllH !
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Coed I
1124 llnrncy street , Onmlia.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Kieaio , etc. , Omalia. A. U. llishop , ManaKcr.-i
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry B nice stock of printing , wrapping and Itlnrf
paper , fjpcclal attention ulven to card pnpcr ,
, Ktc.
A. L. DEANE & CO. ,
General Agonti for
Halls' ' Safes ,
Rl nnd 323 South lOtli St. , Omaha.
I - -I
ToyH , I'Jto.
Jobbers of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
Ilouio KurnlnhlnK ( ! ooil , Children's CarrUgof. liCJ
Karnam street , Omaha , Nob.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
HnllWay wind mills , 918 and 020 Jones it. , Om&bi
U. K. Itosi , ActInK ManoK r.
Iron \\'orkH.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorB
Enklnes , hrnm work , general foundry , inachlno
blackmulth work. Olllce and worki , U , 1 * .
lljr. and 17tU atroot , Omaha.
Hanl'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes/ /
Vaulti , jail work , Iron shutters and II ro r > cuCA
G. Andruen .prop'r. Cor. Htli undJa kiun Ht .
, DODI'H , IClO.
M. A. DIBUROW fe CO. ,
Wuoleiale iiinnufuclurcri of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrancu offlce , I21U and liard trcot , OinaLn ,
Q on tli
Of South Omaha , Limited.
Specimen * can bo lent i tafc-IX Of
roaJl or ivrui Hinfl lor U i. tUy
UUttUttct.OlUlUb - _ T--