Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    * "
The Indies' imifllenlo thlfl week will beheld
hold on Thursday , May 22 , Instead of
\Veil mutiny , lit Max Meyer fi Bros. '
music hall.
jTho fire and police cominlpsloncra will
loltl fi special session at S:30 : Saturday
nftornoon , at whlcli tlnio they will r > x-
luo applicants Jor positions upon the
pollco force.
The llrm of Uoscho & Co. , 012 Howard
Btrcel , Htonifjo and jirodueo commission ,
him sold out to Duvld Cole , formerly In
the f-nmo line us a member of the linn of
D. Cole fc Co.
The thrco soldiers who have not yet
been apprehended and who are alleged
to have been concerned In the Lorn JCel-
Klor rape case nt Fort Omaha , will bo
arrested In u few days and brought before -
fore the United Stales district court.
The pupils of the West Omaha school
started their llrwt bank accounts yester
day. A representative of one of the sav
ings banks of the city called at the
fichool hoiiHo and gathered up $18.89.
most of whieh was in pennies and small
Nelson Morris , n pork packer of Chicago
cage , is the owner of 0,000 acres of land
near Tekamah. Some time ago the
county commissioners attempted to locate
a county road through the land. Morris
wanted $ -1,000 damages , but the county
did not propose to pay a cent. The road
was located , an Injunction issued , and
cult commenced.
L.ICCIISOS were Issued to the following
parties yustcrdny :
Nntno and roslilonco. ' Apo.
I William Smith , Omnhn . -II
I Mrs. Nettie Lowury , Omnlia . -10
j Krnnris Oooditll , Otimlm . 2
( Johtiniiii O'Day , Oinnhn . ' .M
j Alfred Joltntiscn , Omiilin . ! 30
( Anna MutLson , Omaha . . . -0
Romcuihcr tlio now Ulitck Hills town.
Junction point of two rtiilrouds. Auc
tion sale of lots connnunoo May 22 , 18 ! ) ( ) ,
nt 10 o'clock n. in. One ftiro round trip
on tlio KlUliorn line from .stations be
tween Norfolk nnil I'icdmontund Whitewood -
wood and Piedmont. Tickets on sale
May 21 , good until May 21.
(7oliiK to 1'tillerton.
A largo dulCKiUlou of lenilitig Omaha busi
ness men will attend the celebration nt Fttl-
Icrtoti today. Tlio event is in honor of n new
enterprise just completed , and which , it is
said , gives that town line water power and a
big HotiriiiK mill. Among those who have ac
cepted the Invitation and will go are General
Wamiger Dickinson and General Freight
Agent Tihbets of the Union I'acille , Thomas
Swobo , Dr. George L , . Millar , J. 1C. Millard ,
Charles Guion , C. N. DeiU , Jnmus K. Boyd ,
John C. Cowln , Joint S. Brady , John A.
Wukcilcld , Fninlc Colnetzcr and others. They
leave nt 10 o'clock tins morning in Mr. Dick
inson's private car.
Mrs. AVinslow's Soothing Syrup is the best
of nil remedies for children teething. 25
cents n bottle.
A llcni'tl'clt Ivvpfpssion.
Councilman Ilechcl has received the follow
ing letter from a brother of tlio late O. II.
Uotliacker :
CINCINNATI , O. , May in. Mr. W. F.
Bcclivl : Dear Sir I write to inform you
that my mother arrived homo safely this
morning. If you , the press clnb of Omaha
nml the other business and professional gen
tlemen who were so kind to her , could heat
her glowing words of thankfulness at your
extreme kindness and the heart-deep hospi
tality with which you took her a broken
hearted mather into your helping arms , no
words of mine except n sorrowing brother's
thanks would bo needed.
Won't you plcaso tcK every gentleman and
lady who in any way contrimited to lighten
the burden of my alllictcd mother , that , from
the soul , wo thank them. Tell the news
paper men of Omaha that they have shown
themselves in this matter what they are i. c.
truo-heartcd , chivalrous gentlemen.
God grant that no similar trouble may over
overtake any of you or any of yours , but if it
does nmy that which you Imvo done for our
dead bo returned to you an hundred-fold.
Yours truly. W. A. HOTIIACKUU.
AV. IJ. Aloxiimlor'H Funeral.
The funeral of W. IJ. Alexander was held
from the family residence , -.WJ IMerco street
nt 2 ; ' , ! ( > o'clock yesterday afternoon. It was
largely attended by the friends of the de
Heligiotis services wore conducted by KPV.
Kuhns , after which the Elks , of which order
Mr. Alexander was a member , took charge of
the remains.
The interrment was at Forest Lawn come-
tcrv.Tho pall-bearers were William Gyger , S. S.
Curtis , David Hennison. G. U. Grlswold , U
M. C'heshiri ! and II. D. Slmll.
Floral offerings which were exceedingly
beautiful were presented by the Klks , Uowoy
& Stano. the Koyal Arcanum and Mrs.
Charles I'oor ,
The funeral of F. A. Hobenstcin will beheld
held today from Drexel & Maul's under
taking rooms to the South Umalm cemetery.
The ceremonies will bo under the auspices of
the Llederkranz , of which society the de
ceased man was a member.
Mr , J. M. Davis , a machinist at the Union
Puclliu shops , and his estimable wife , nro
mourning the death of their Httlo son ,
George W. , who died yesterday , aged live
years and twenty-threo days. The funeral
will take place at 'J p. m. , Thursday , from
the family residence , HIT Chicago street.
The remains will bo interred in Forest Lawn
National Hanks.
The IJoston Daily Advertiser gives the fol
lowing interesting account of the Maverick
National Dank of Huston , a bank which Is as
well known in business and llmmcial circles
us any bank in the United States.
Tlio Maverick Hunk was incorporated in
18.M , and was one of the last , If not the very
last , incorporated under what was known as
the old banking law of Massachusetts. It
hud a local interest that Is , it was intended
to advance the interests of Kust lloston ,
which , since IxtO , bad grown to be one of the
most Important outlying wards in lloston. It
had established shipyards and other largo
mitnufiu'turing Industries ; it was the lloston
terminus of the Cunard line of steamships ,
nnil it had arranged for a series of ware
houses and dock privileges which have since
become famous In the commercial history of
In 1675 the bank moved to its present quar
ters in the city proper , tit the corner of ( Jon-
Kress and Water streets , in postolllce square.
lint the Maverick bank of 1851 was but a
mere shadow of what the Maverick bank of
today Is- that is In the great volume of its
business , The capital remains today the
Biuno as it was in 1WH , $100,000 , but its trans
actions now nro Immense. When wo say that
its present surplus Is over $000,000 , the story
of its success is told.
la many respects its management nt the
present time Is very much llko that whlcli
has characterised the Chemical bank of New
York for three quarters of a century. Asa
1 * . 1 'otter , Its present tiblo president , is a
born tlnanclcr. lie took to financiering
naturally , and his early education wltu Way ,
'Wurrea ic Co. , strengthened his Instinct. As
an agency ban ) ; , the Maverick stands at the
head of the Hoston banks. The term agency
is susceptible of several Interpretations , mil
wo use It merely In the sense of lldaclary fac
tor , and wo do not hesitate to say that under
the presidency of Mr. 1'otter , few banks In
the country have absorbed so much ot
domestic and foreign business in exchanges
npd credits us the Maverick National bunk
' 'iho ' original directors \vero Samuel Hall ,
Noah Sturtevant , William C. IJurstow.llenry
N. Hooper , F. A. Sunnier. Samuel Hall , the
llrst president , was the well-known ship
builder Of Kust Hoston. Captain William C.
Harstow was tlio geidal treasurer of the ICost
Boston company , a genuine old salt , and a so
ciable comiiaiifoa. Henry N. Hooper was
then at the head of the great cooper foundry
llrm of Henry N. Hooper & Co. , on Cotmner-
rial street. Noah Stmtevimt was of the old
foal llrm of Newell , Sturtevunt & Co. , und a
largo owner of real estate in Hast Hoston.
Frederick A. Sumuerwua of the llrm of Sma
ller fi Swift.
The pivbcut directors are Asa P. Potter ,
invaldcnt , Henry F. WoodsJouus U.Fmicb ,
Thomas Datiu , J. W , Work ,
Tlio Hnlbcr-Coat StispcctH Knew
NotliliiK About tlics Poor Muciler.
The two rubber-coat suspects O'Day and
Folun were released yesterday the pollco
having uccomu convinced that they could In
no way bo connected with the Poor murder.
They were not Informed until after their
dismissal its to why they had been held and
and were greatly surprlscdulthoInformation.
A Puny Howard.
The county commissioners nro considering
the matter of a reward for the capture and
conviction of the Poor assassin.
Mr. Ucrlln sprung the matter voluntarily
yesterday morning.
"I am greatly in favor , " ho snid , "of calling
n special meeting and offering a good
si/.cd reward for the capture and conviction
of the llend. I consider that the board should
give the matter precedence over all other en
gagements which the members may have ,
mid llx the thing without n particle of delay.
As to the amount that we should offer I think
U ought to bo as much as the state offers ,
whlcli I think Is $ : > 00. "
Mr. Corrlgan , who was present and heard
what Mr. Berlin said , lidded :
"Those are my sentiments exactly , only I
wou'd ' bo in favor of making the amount > 00.
I do not think that a reward should bo offered
simply for the arrest but should demand con
viction before payment. Wo were arranging
to offer n reward for the murderer of the
Jones people mid on the day that wo were to
offer It the news came of Ncnl's arrest in
Kansas City. Now , it would go against mete
to have to pay any reward that wo might
have offered if Ncnl isn't convicted. "
Mr. Hums Will Contribute.
OMAHA , Neb. , May 20. To the Editor of
Tin : BUG : In the interest of good order and
the fair fame of our city , I want to voice the
sentiment of many of our business men and
endorse the efforts of the mayor and chief of
police on the subject of placing at their dis
posal a fund to suppress lawlessness in our
midst , and to this end will bo one of one hun
dred to raise $1,000 to bo so placed. I be
lieve that if the opportunity is given more
than that number will cheerfully respond.
l''illCl II SlIHpCCt.
Walter Perkins , the well dressed vagrant ,
arrested on Douglas street by Ofllecr C'ullcn ,
with a skeleton key In his pocket , was lined
10 and costs. Perkins has a record as a
criminal , having served more than one term
in the penitentiary.
Tlio Standard.
"I regard Hood's Sursiiparliia as having
passed above the grade of what are commonly
called patent or proprietary midicincs , " said
a well known physician recently. "It is fully
entitled to bo considered a standard medicine ,
and has won this position by its undoubted
merit and by the many remarkable cures it
lias effected. For an alterative and tonic it
has never been equalled. "
He Helm Gtickort & .McDonald and
Is Arrested Alter a CliuHC.
F , II. Strata is the name registered on the
police records by a bold and determined
When the tailor shop of Guckcrt & McDon
ald on South Fifteenth was opened yesterday
morning he , in company with two others ,
whose description is in the hands of tlio po
lice , went in and engaged the porter , O. D.
Wood , in conversation , which called the hit
ter's attention to till parts of the store. Tlio
party left after n few minutes and Wood
missed a bolt of undressed worsted.
After a short interval two of the fellows
returned and Stratz slipped a bolt of cloth
under his overcoat mid again stopped out.
By this time Mr. McDonald arrived and the
porter followed. An exciting chase ensued.
Young Wood overtook and grappled with the
thief , but was pulled away by tlio hitter's ac
complice and Stratz , displaying a revolver ,
started over to Faniam and down to the First
National bank , where ho again drew his re
volver on his pursuers who now numbered a
do/.cn or more. From this point ho da.-hed
down the alloy between Farnam ami Ilnrney
to Twelfth. Oflieer Kelly , whoso beat is on
Thirteenth street , saw him cross the thor
oughfare with the crowd after him and , start
ing down Hartley , intercepted the thief just
as he had unhitched a horse in frontof Lndd's
ice olllco on Twelfth and was applying the
whip to the animal. Hero tno thief again at
tempted to draw his revolver , but was over
powered by the ofllccr.
When searched ho had on his person * ! , " ) in
money mid a line Smith & Wesson revolver.
Ho was charged with grand larceny.
Johnson's CyuIoiiMlia.
Every ono who gives the 1SSO-1S90
edition n careful unbiased examination
will bo suprised at the amount of now
and valuable information not found in
any oilier cycloniudia. Remember it has
10 editors of tlio higncst scholarly stand
ing , and over 2,000 contributors. Notice
who speak of this work as the best :
From Rev. The * . Hill , D.D. , LL.D. ,
ex-president of Harvard university ,
Portland , Mttino , Aug. 0,1S8I ) : Johnson's
Universal ( Jyeloptudia ( revised edition ) ,
is an over present companion and friend ,
and I consult it very much more fre
quently than I do my Britannica , Apple-
ton's , Webster's Unabridged , etc. , etc.
and very seldom fail to lind in it just the
kind and auiound of information which I
need. "
ULM-TALO , N. Y. , Dec. 21 , 1SSS. I
heartily commend this Cyclopaedia to nil
and especially to who are pursu
ing solf-sot courses in the great univer
sity of life John H. Vincent , chancellor
Cliautiiuqua university. Omaha , Nob. ,
May 1st , ISSt ) . I concur in this endorse
ment. John P. Nowimm.
Many of Omaha's leading scholars
Imvo Johnsons in their libraries. Some
are now ordering tlio latent edition. Tlio
board of education put thirteen sots into
the public schools.
Correspondence solicited with teach
ers and experienced business men. A. J.
Johnson & Co. , li Great Jones st. , Now
Address for terms or particulars , W.
I1 , lluiinicutt , Otnaim , Neb.
Oinalia Hrotliern AVIio Want Tlieni to
Coino to This City.
Dr. Bryant , chairman of the state delega
tion , together with Dr. Galbralth and Dr.
Gapen , loft Monday night for Nashville , Tenn. ,
to attend the annual meeting of the American
medical association.
Dr. C. Uoscwator started two days ago.
As has frequently been mentioned , the Ne
braska delegation will mtiktf an effort to have
the next meeting of the association held in
Omaha. Dr. Bryant is sahl to have
an extensive acquaintance with eastern phy
sicians , particularly those at the head of th
various medical societies of that section , and
It may bo depended upon that he will use his
advantages to the best manner possible.
Now Yor'.c , Massachusetts. Connecticut ,
Ohio , Illinois , Iowa and several other states
are said to be pledged to Omaha , as a result
of work already done bv the Nebraska dele
It is anticipated that Kansas City , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and Denver will form a com
bination against this city , but Dr. Bryant expressed -
pressed himself us conlldcut of resisting tUo
AVIiooplnjj Congli.
There Is no danger from this disease when
Chumbcrhdu's Cough Iteiuedy Is lively given.
U llnuellcs the tough , tenacious mucus and
aids la It expectoration. It also lessons the
severity ami frequency of the paroxysms of
coughing , and Insures u a speedy recovery
There- not the least danger in giving It to
chlhlien or babies , as It contains no injurious
substance. M cents a bottle ; for sale by all
James Miller , a painter , who has been or
rested ou the charge of having obtained
mo'ioy under false pretenses by giving Mort
gage Broker Maxwell a mortgage upon furnl
turo to which ho baa uo title , enters tui cui-
plmtlc denial of the charge. Ho alleges that
ho owned the furniture and has paid Max
well nil ho borrowed on tlio furniture and a
large amount of interest at usury rates. HcJ
further alleges that the action ngalnst hltti
was Instigated by Maxwell's attorney , to
whom Miller says ho has been paying mood
money to keep him from pushing bin claim.
Quinsy troubled mo for twenty years.
Since I started using Dr. Thomas' Hlectrlc
Oil , have not had nn attack. The Oil cures
Boru throat at once. Mrs. Lcttu Conrad ,
Standlsh , Mich , Oct. 24,1SS3.
Tncy "Inform" on Con GnllaRhcr AVIio
Gives Them the Me.
Mr. C. V. Gallagher , postmaster , called nt
Tin : HUB ofllco yesterday morning ami offered
the following curd for publication i
OMAHA , May 20. To the Killtor of Tun 11 KB.
I read la this morning's World-Herald that
Mr * . Uouear In her lecture lust night gava mo
as her authority Alt-certain Information which
she detailed toneriiudleuco concerning untl-
Iirohllltloncoiiiiiilttee.sNald ) toluiyo been or
ganized In thl * city.
I desire to say that I never saw Mrs. fiougar
In my ll/oi that , 1 never spoke. to
her | n inr life ! that. 1 never
wrote to her In my life ; nor did I
pverniithnrlro anyone to plvu her any In
formation which I may have po scsted In n-la-
tlon to any matteror thins whatsoever. It Is
therefore ) > al-t my umlerstamllnp how slits
could have taken tlo | unwarranted liberty of
mentioning my name last night and placing
mo In the dlsrcputiiblo position of belli ) ; a
tattler unit Informer.
Smncoitu has perpetrated a miserable joke
on Mrs. Coupir or otherwise slm has spoken n
glaring and deliberate fal-cliooil.
0. V. OAi.i.Annmt.
A reporter called on Mrs. Cougar and in
formed her of Gallagher's denial. She said :
"I was not correctly reported. My state
ment convoyed information that came to mo
second hand from him that C. C. Tur
ner , secretary of the national liquor
dealers' association , attended the formation
of "tho anti-prohibition committee. "
"I noversawMr.Gallaghcr in my life ; don't
know the man. Another party , Paul Van-
dervoort , came to mo for and from him with
tills Information. "
"What information do you refer to ! "
"That C. C. Turner was present nt the
forming of this second committee. "
"But you used his name and announced
him as your authority ! "
"So I did and was authorized to do so. The
point I made was that Turner attended the
committee meeting and that Mr. Gallagher
sent m' ! word to Hint effect by a man in his
ollico. "
While the reporter was in Mrs. Cougar's
room Vumlcrvoort called. They went out
side and talked live minutes together in the
hall.On returning she said the matter had been
explained to Mr. Gallagher and he would not
deny her statement.
Tlio language used by Mrs.Gougar.vouched
for by a dozen responsible men who heard
her tirade , is ns follows :
"My authority is Mr. Con Gallagher , who
was secretary of tlio lirst committee and
prevented the forming of thu second , and
who says he is ready to swear to this. "
The attempt of the lady to crawfish from
the responsibility of the statement made by
her makes the attitude in which she has
placed herself all the more censurable and
Viindervoort , true to ids nature , is shown
up as a contemptible , tattling busybody.
Supremely Delightful
To the emaciated and debilitated invalid is
the sense of returning liealth and strength
produced by Hosteller's Stomach Bitters.
When that promoter of vigor is tested by per
sons in feeble health , its restorative and
vitalizing potency soon evinces itself In
improved appetite , digestion and nightly re.
pose , the solo conditions under which
strength and nerve quietude is vouchsafed to
the human system. A gain of flesh of course
ensues upon * the restoration of digestion and
assimilation. As surely as winter follows the
fall of the leaf , does disease shadow the foot
steps of declining strength , when the prema
ture decadence of vitality is not arrested.
Marasmus , consumption and other wasting
maladies are prompt to fasten upon the en
feebled. Avert disease , therefore- with this
great enabling tonic , which uot only renews
falling strength but mitigates and counter
acts the infirmities of ago and those of the
gentler sex. Rheumatism , malaria , liver and
kidney troubles yield to it.
Federal Court.
A case involving some of the people who
have had a hand in building the new county
hospital was commenced in the United States
court yesterday afternoon. From the evi
dence submitted it seems that Ilytm &
Walsh , the original contractors , Mib-lct the
ceiling of the rooms in building No. I ! to
Ilaugh. Kctehum & Co. of Indianapolis , with
the understanding that the material was to
bo corrugated iron. Tlio Indianapolis people
went on with the work , but failed to use the
material provided for ny tlio conditions of
their contract. Work wis stopped , after which
Uyun & Walsh took charge of the building
and put in the iron ceiling and charged the
amount against the Indianapolis people , who
in turn put in a bill to tlio county for the
amount , fi riLilS. This bill wiis rejected on
thn grounds that the county knew only Jtvan
it Walsh. Failing to get satisfaction tliero ,
the matter was taken into the United States
court , whore it is now being tried.
The suit of Ann Connors vs. the Union
Pacilic Kailroad company was tried by a jury
in tlio United States court yesterday after
noon and u verdict of $ lii)0 ) rendered in favor
of tlio plaintiff. The husband of Mrs. Con-
ucrs was in tlio employ of the company , and
one year ago received Injuries from which bo
died , and for this reason the action to recover
damages was brought.
Nerve and ImoiPills. .
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
euro billiousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. ! fO doses for t ! . " ! cents. Samples free
at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th mid Douglas.
ICvaugcllst Cullls at tlio People's.
Evangelist Cullis took possession of the
stage of thn People's theater last night.
Mr. Cullis is a line looking mm , of good
presence , but a trillo stagey. Last winter ho
conducted a series of revival meetings in
Omaha. He spoke of his experiences lu Lon
don and of what ho knew of drunkenness in
th'o world's metropolis. Ho had been recently
invited to return to London and occupy the
new great evangelical hall built by Fred Car-
rlngton , the son of a rich Knglish brewer ,
who had been converted. Ho spoke of
the invasion of the British syndicate
into this country. They would
go homo sadder and wiser men after
prohibition had invaded tlio land. Over In
the old country they say that there Is no pub
lic conscience In America ; probably that was
the reason the legislatures wore so easily
bribed. In speaking1 of tJinporanco work , he
said that when men failed tocomototho
front the women had to. Ho detailed the
work done by himself and assistant last
winter , and hoped that Ids present campaign
would bo as successful. The choir then bang
a couple of hymns ami the meeting adjourned
Mr. Cullis will hold a series of , temperance
and revival meetings at the People's theater.
Itinupcrlor excellcnea Proien In mllnni | | of homes
fiirinore than miunrter ot a century Hit mod or
Ilia Unllcit ftatti ( iOTcrnuiunt , Knilorsot br t" °
licaiti ot the lirnat L'nlrerillles ns the Htronceit ,
I'urentaiilmot lleilthful. Dr. t'rlee't Cream l li-
lux 1'owder iloet uot contain Ammonia , l.lmo UJ
Alum. Suldooly Incani. . . . . . . „ „
Mnyno nntl tltc Mirrors.
Tliero Is trouble bntwcon O. E. Mnyno nnd
Elsnsser's barber sh p. About four years
ago Mayno placed ItuUio shop n sot of mir
rors decorated wllhttils name. On his re
turn the other day hd noticed that the signs
had been erased , and expressed disapproval.
Yesterday , in the nbiencc of the proprietor ,
Mayno demanded the mirrors ami the fore
man refused to let him have them. Mayno
left the store In a miff , and obtaining n writ
of replevin and a constable returned mid
took down the mirrors from the wall ,
not even allowing the barbers to llnlsh the
shaves in progress. A lawsuit will determine
the ownership of the mirrors.
Mnyno proscntcdltlte former owners of the
shop with the mirrors on condition that his
sign should bo permitted to remain upon
them only so long us ho remained in business
In Omaha. For months past ho has been a
citizen of Ogdeu.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up In largo two-ouneo tin boxes ,
and Js an absolute euro for all sores , bums ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin eruptions i
Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask
MENT , Sold by Goodman Drug company at
' . ' 5 cents per box bv mall UO cents
Not nn Opium Joint.
Y. C. Led , the Interpreter for the celestial
residents In this city , called at TUB BKI : ofllco
yesterday , and referring to the article in ono
of the Omaha papers In regard to opium dens
says : "Instead of there being 1,000 Chinese
in this city there nro only eighty , and that the
statement that opium is smoked in the shanty
occupied by Goey Wall on Fourteenth stree't
nenv Dago alloy'ls false. Opium is not even
smoked by the tenants , aad no American or
woman over smoked opium in that hotiso. "
IS not only a distressing complaint , of
itself , but , by causing the blood to
become depraved and the system en
feebled , is the parent of innuincrablo
maladies. That Aycr's Sarsnpnrllln
Is the best cure for Indigestion , oven
when complicated with Liver Complaint ,
is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph Lake , of Brockvvay
Centre , Mich. :
"Liver complaint and Indigestion
made my life a burden nnd came near
ending my existence. For more than
four years I suffered untold agony , was
reduced almost to a skeleton , and fiardl v
had strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of fooil distressed me , and only
the most delicate could be digested at
till. Within the time mentioned several
physicians treated mo without giving re
lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
the nso of Ayor's Sarsaparllln , which
has produced wonderful results. Soon
nfter commencing to take the Sarsaparilla -
rilla I could see nn improvement In my
condition. My appetite began to return
nnd with it came the ability to digest
nil the food taken , my strength im
proved each day , ami after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions , 1 found myself a well
woman , able to attend to all household
lluties. The medicine has given mo a
flew lease of life. "
er's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer ' & Co. , Lovvoll , Mass.
Price $1 ; nil bottlts , $5. Worth J5 u 'jottle.
Extract of Beef.
Makes the purest.cheapest ami best Jlccf Tea
Fittest meal flavoring stack for Soups
Sauces and Made Dishes.
One pound of Extract of Hoof cqimlto forty pounds
of Juin beef , or Iliu ruluu of iibont JT.iO.
Genuine only with
Justus YOU Lichlg's
signature as shown
To euro Biliousness. Sick Ilcndnclie Constipation.
llalarlu. l.lver Complaints , tnkn the eafo
and curtain remedy. SMITH'S
IIsotlioSMAUjSIZRMO little t > cnns to flio bottle
tle ) . The ? mo the must convenient ; oult all ages.
1'rlcoof either size , i5 ! centn per bottle.
HTi % BE\Sf * nt' 177 ° : Photo-pravnro.
mBOOBBtiV j jinnelislzo of tills nlctuio lor 4
cents ( coppers or Etauipd ) .
J F. BJimi&CO. .
Makers of "lllle IJcnns , St. Louis , SIo.
HE. J , E , McGEEW ,
The Doctor Is unsurpassed
In the trr'itinont of all
forins of 1'ilvntc Discaten.
? K ? SK 6 C ! 6 No treatment hits c\cr been
8C nS . 5"R % niuri'Micci'-sfiil nnil none
* linjiaigron | | | cr nulortc-
inctit. A curou Kunninteiil In llie very uorel IT.SCS
Infrnm3toftihtvt < ulthiirttholo68of an liour'etline.
Tli' o ho lni\o been
niuler IIIH Irrntnu'tit for
Stricture'or lllllU-nlty In
relieving Hie bladder jironoimrc it n most wnmlcr-
fill Mi'-cess. A complete curti in n few Uaj8 without
IUIIM. liis'riimi'iitsor losRnf tiinq.
I A ml all weak-
] > n of the
M xiiiilor ai.H
timidity or iii'rrniirnetfg , In their worst forma and
most ilreuilfnl reHiiltx ro ul olury ( ) cuied.
And all l-'KMAI.K
at lioino without
Instruments , A wonderful remedy. lIol'Kb fur
Indies from a to > 4 ONLY.
ami nil nin'tise-e of tlio Skin ,
Illood. Ilrart , I.Uer , Kid-
ID vit anil lllaildiT rured.
fiircil in 30 to tl ) days. Tlio
moot rupiil , Kife and t'ffcrt-
IM > tnatmi'nt Ktumn to the
medical profession. i ; > cry Irueo of the dkeate re-
oxpil from the blood , nroinph to cure guaranteed.
( TS Ef < t * l''or ' 'man" or "unman" , eaib lui
Treatment by rorre-
mxmilonro Stamp for reply
Oion | I'luui H A M. to 0 I' M.
iim-n on rurnam or lllb. bt. ,
la iilmoliili'liiittra unit
It t noltililc ,
No Chcmicalt
n uicil In III preparation , It lui U.OTI
U IAi. ttmtt fA J/roi/rA | / ot L'ucoa
Dilictl with MAuU , Arnj ruul ur tiujsr ,
ami li llnivfjio fir more cronuiulctl ,
toiiitij tut l a out ttut a e < if , It li
d.'lclou , , iioiirlililnir , ilnualhiiilKc , li. :
mv DiniuTM' , ami aJmlrtllj > ili | < rj
t > ji luvalldi ai vclln jitriou , lit liralth.
Hold li ) ( IroriTh ritrjnlirrc.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
' 1'0 trutel fer ine lunililll Hutrtntut
> L'aDuila. Wu pay | . 'iO to fllX ) a inunth nml
ei | > CDie > to anvuti. to null our Canaillmi trrowu ttvck
\ \ ILU.MiTCN MadliouVli. .
Which our advertisements command was never more strikingly illusjQ
trated than in the rush for the Spring Suits , which we placed on special *
sale last week. They are going fast. We have opened the past few days
several more large shipments , of these we have selected about BOO sack
suits of different styles which we offer this week at a "sale" price of
$7.OO. They are made of all wool cassimeres and cheviots , neat pat
terns , of good workmanship and well fitting , and they \vill make goody
honest business suits nice enough for anybody to wear.They are or
different grades and qualities , but none-of them is worth less than $1O.OO
and a great many among them which you would think reasonable at
$12.OO to $18.OO
Boys' Suits.'f' r
We have also received during the past week several big lines ot
Boys' suits short and long pant , in which you will find equally big bar
BOO Knee Pant Suits of a splendid pattern , and durable goods , sizeg
4 to 13 , at $1.OO.
38O good all wool Cheviot and Cassimere Suits , in handsome checks ,
coat pleated and well made up , at $2.28.
We also offer as a special , about 2OO all wool Knee Pants Suits of
very strong material , regular knockabouts , the regular price of which is
$3. The color does not take well and we have marked them down to
SHOES Gentlemen who are looking for the best shoe for spring and
summer wear , are requested to look over our line of genuine Kangaroo
Shoes , as they are decidedly the best ever made for tender feet. WQ.
have them in lace , congress and Southern ties , Goodyear welts , guaran-fr
teed , at $3.9O.
We offer today 1O cases of fine Patent leather shoes , Lace and Con
gress , of good quality and tine finish at $2.50 , shoe stores charge you
$5.OO and $6.00 for no better quality.
We also offer a full line of low cut Shoes for summer wear at about
one half the prices shoe stores get for them.
We fill Mail orders for Shoes , Hats and Furnishing Goods , same as
for clothing. We send goods C. O. D. with privilege © examining and if
goods are not satisfactory you need not take them.
Ci l
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
For a Few Days
Men's Suits
At the remarkable low pri
ces of
It being an established
fact that our goods are all
strictly first-class , each pur
chaser of one of these suits
may well feel he has got
ten the best value for his
Hili.NTAHV : | :
l.l-.Nti | ) ISBASrS , IMPI'IIK lll.OUII.
& : CM ) . ,
UMAJIA. xr.ll. _ _ _
Grand Lottery of Juarez.
Under the Management of the Mexican International Banking Co. , Concessioner. ( > * .
Will talto plaeo In public at tlio CITY OP JUAUE/ ( formerly 1'aso < lel NortcK
WEDNESDAY , MAY 21st , 1S9O.
Under the personalsupervlsronol GEN. JOHN S. MOSRY , and Mll.OAMII.O AHM nLH9 ,
tlio forinur a gentleman of such proiiilneiicn In thu United States thai his presence alone Is
Millloh'iit , inmranteu to the publk * that , thu drawings will'ho held with sti let ln > nt'-iy .iini fair *
lies' ) to all , and the latter ( the Supervisor of thu Mexican Government ) Is ot at. 111111114
and Integrity.
Only 6OOOO Tickets ! Only 6OOOO , TicketsI
1 Prize of $60,000 , $60,000 , 101) ) Prizes of Approximation { M each Frizes. I S.OCO
1 "rl/unf 10.1KK ) 10,000 100 I'rlret of M > uncl li.K.0
1 'rlroof fi.UOU fi.tXJO 100 I'rlios of . : . each tua
H 'rl/csof 1UM Givli 3U ) Terminal Prizes.
10 'rlzusof ! UU ciiuli -,000 fiWTerminals to MJ.OiH ) I'rl/.o of J''O eai'h. . . ! ll WO
M ) 'rl/esuf 100 cneh 'i.OllO MK ) Terminals tu tlO.OJO l'rl/.o of $10 each . W.O
100 'rl70sof M. each ft.OOU
VMl'rlteaot 30 ciicli 7fiOO 1014 Prizes amounting to $ i.0U/0f : ,
Vi'o tlio imrtoratiinert lipi-cby certify that the llanco If nnytlrkPt drawing n pi I/a Is Kent to llie'iWlor-
.Viiclnnal n ( .Mexico In Clilliuuliini Ims on clci'OaU ' Filmed , Its tan ) vahio will liu collected ; m < -uu.m.'J
from the Mexican Inturnntlon l HankliiK Company , to the owner thereof frco of Hiarvu.
thoni'coisary tiiniH to tnuirantuo the payment nt all I'.IIOAK II , IIIIONMIV ,
tin ) prizes drawn In the ( imml Lutterj of ,1imrV. 1'lcshlcnt Kl I'avi Nntlmiil : Hank , Kl I'.iw. Tor.
Wo further curllty that wo will supervlto all tlm ar- AlSBNTS WANTliU.
rnnncmuiit' ) , anil hi person nianniu and control all I'or I'lnli rates , or any other Information vrriio to
thoilr'iwlnii1 * of this Lottery , and that the same are Iliu undemluiiPd. stating your address clemlv will ]
conducted with honesty , fairness and In Kood faith Htate , County , Street and Xninher. Mine i-imd mill :
towards all parties , delivery will Im assured l > y your enclosing an envul *
JOHN : S. MOSirv. Commissioner. opo boarlni ! your lull addrus-i.
Supervisor for the Uovornmt'iit. City of . .Inari'MCMI'II. .
Fend rpiiilttnnri's for tickets by ordinary letter , containing Money Ordnr ,
- Issued by all Express Companies , Now York KxeUango , Hank Drafter I'M I !
Noto. Address all lOKlstured letters to
Oil.y oi'Juarex. . Mexico , via Ml Paso , 'I t'X.
- . and Mann-
Diamond More-linn ! , Imporl.ors
laclui'lncjJowolors. .
Koart our "Special Hill of Karo" for this wcelc. Wo will ollor both "iUr '
and "Woll IJone'1 novultius in ovary dopartiuont at lowest prlcui.
Dlainonil I'liiKi'r ItliiK's froin $2.50 up ( n $ . " > 0 ( > .
Dliiiiiiiinl 1'lns from $5.01) up to $11)01).01) ) ) .
Dlaniuiiil liar Uiiics fnnn $10.00 up ( -,500.00. .
Dliiiiioinl Sttuls ; Dlaiiioiiil Scarf I'lns ; Dliiinoiitl Colltr ; liiiltons ; Diamond
mend Cull' liiiltons ; Diamond llnlr I'lii * ; Dlaniuiiil l.ockch ; Diainoul
Jlracck'N. Loose DlaiiionilsinuiintiMlto unlor at short notice.
WAT'III-:8 ( : > Hssurtiiinnt I'lnn S.iliiKJoltl.Stcni Wliitlinj ? Watclit'i
fnnn $15.110 iij ) to $50i.01) ) ) . ( , 'old Filled Watches , $15.00 and ni\vtnl. | \
All Minis Silver and Nickel U'atcho.s , front llu < Cliciipcst tu thu licit. Scu
our Now $5.01) ) Wntch.
Solid ( iohl Wtitch Chains from $7.50 up.
Finest Itollotl I'lutc Chains , only $ ' _ ' . .50vorlh $5.09.
500 Klcganl Watch Charms anil Lockets 50o up.
\'l \ io/en ! Solid Sterling Silver llrncclel- . from 5llc up.
Ono lot of Itolled 1'latu llracclcls , assnrlc.l patterns , sold formerly at
$2.00 and $ ! U)0 ) , now 50o each to close tin-in mil.
1,000 Hno Solid ( 'old FJiiBcr hifs at $1.00. $1.50 , $ ' _ ' .00 , $ ! J.OO ,
fl.OO , $5.00 and up to $10.00 , vforlh $2.00 to $ O.JH ) .
A beautiful line of the celi-lirnlt-il "I'a Mail Diamonds , " ( Imitation
diamonds ) in ( Jold Sdlinus , Studs , Scarf I'lm , lace 1'InImr Itlngi ,
etc. , from $1.00 upmvnl. . ,
SI KCIAI Wo offer for u few dnys only , until all nro sold about 101)
Flue Htcrl CunhiK SeN , ! pieces' ' , at only $ -.Oi ) , worth $ jUD. Call
early , as they will not last loni , ' .
llarKiiius In CIockH. Lamps. Silverware , Um'rella ) < , ota.
a 'Hopalriui ; In all its various brancho * .
Store for rent and fixtures for sale.