THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , . EDNESPAY , MAY 21 , 1890. SPEC1RL NOTICES , OMAHA. \ No mlvrrtlM-inenlH will l > o tnkon for llirso roluiiuift nflcr 1U : O p. m. M Cnsh In ndrnnoe. Advprtl omont under this hrnd 10 cents per line for the flna Insertion , Tcentsforcnch su h- fpfiiirnt inMTtlon , nnilfl.nnporllno permonth. No advertisements taken for less than 23 cents for first iiiM-rtlon. Tlioy must run consecu tively and must ho paid In ADVANCE. All nil vert sements mint tin handed Inboforol2w : : o'clock p. in. , nnd under noelrcmnstnnces will they lm taken eir discontinued by telephone. I'nrllrft mlvprtlnlnR In thesn columns and Jmvlntr tliPlr nnsWers nddrcnod In euro ( irT HE Jlir : will plpnsu nsk for n check topnnble tlicm to Retlhelrlelters. as unno will bo delivered except on prcsentnllon of cheek. All answers to advcrllftcmcnla should bo enclosed In enve lopes , All ndvortlHcrnnnts In thpsn columns are published In both morning nnd evening edi tions of TIIK HKP , the circulation of which ng- jjregulcs inoro Hum 20.WX ) papers dully , and elves tlio nilvi rllse HIP bencfll , not only of the elty circulation of TUB Bur , bill also of Council Bluffs , Mnroln nnd othpr cities nnd towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns win ho lakcn en Ihe above conditions , at the following bus- ncus I mines who are authorised to take special notices , nt the same rates us can bo had ut thu rnftln otllee. % f Twenty-Hlx-ih and'N slruuts , Nebraska igs hunk building. JOHN W.IHM : < , I'harmaclst.'O.aouth Tenth Hire ijt. 011 ASK A ; EDDY , Rtatlonurs and Printers , lilt. South ICth street. Q H. FARNSWOKTH. I'harn acini. CniiiliiK street. WJ. HUaitKS , 1'harmaclst , C24 North . Jfith Htrnnt. GKO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 171H Leaven- worlh Street. TTUGHES1 PHARMACY. 2llh. und Farnam SITUATIONS AVANTKIJ. \ \ 7ANTEII Hy a youns lady , a position as Vdre cokvlstor | for general olllen work. Ad- dre > U.I Vlnu street. Council lllnlTs , ia-Sl W Situation by younifEiiKllshman , 4 yearn In wholcsalu provision mores 'I wears clei Imhlp on railways , shorthand writer. Xddrei.s . K WenroJ co. _ 170 ffl * jlXI'KIllKNOKI ) book-keeper and olllco man JwaiiLtn position about Junol. A 1 refer- onees. Address K 14 , euro llco. 1KJ 21 * \HI'HHMAKKK wishes work by day or weuk liUjrlvati ! fainllles.lM _ N. tilth st. My _ > * A VOfNO man of Kl , Rood ponnian and r-lplcl writer , de.slres a position us liook-keener , assistant or any kind of olllce work. 1'list-class refeience.s. Address , 1' . K. Walker. Slater , la. VrANTKO Situation us nurse. Address E 'Cl , Itf'o. of references. JIM-20 * V\/AXTIID / A jiosltlon us book-kcrper or of- vv lice man by a young man of thieuynarsex- porlenee. llcstor refeieiieesKlven. Addiess , j ; A T.lto\ ! , Ktemimt. Neb.5 Si ! * " \\rANTKD By genlleman of o\perleuco poT - T ? sltlon as bookkeeper or other olllce work , Good city refeience. Addiess E 'M Itee. 170-20 * I > OSri'KN HHhoiiMikeoperj referunces. Gal oraddres-i Houselveeper. 10111 Howard. R5 , 2d floor. OM-21 * \\rANTKU Situation hy u reliable , steady TT young mant eoloreil. us porter or janitor ; good city references. . Address UU3 , Ben ollleo. WANTKD MAM3 " \ \ T"ANTiD ; One moio good cout , vest and T > pants maker ; very good pay to a good and sober man . K. H. 1'eterbon , I'Huml , ? seh. 11)1 ) ' . ' 0 * Man As agent for our patent nafes ; hl/e xlSxlS Inehes , Kl" retail. All sl/es UK low. New styles ; now pattern" Jiow look ; new factory. Not governed Iv safe pool. Kveiy safe warranted. Uaro i jce. I'ermaiieiit business. Our terms and eata- logue will coitrlneo you agents eleariiX ! ) to KiiX ) per month. Write for exolustvu teriltory. Alpine Sufo Co. . Cliielnnall. O. VVANTED-ItlackSmllh , J1.SO nnd boaid ; l night porter , pastry cook * ( . " > , taiiniHtors , conclnniin , man to take earn of horses , harncs ! ) and carriages , ja5. Sirs , llrega , 314li S intlu \\fANTKD Immediately , a man who can TT jvork In wood and lion lo build wagons. Apply at Hill Soul li ITth st. ITS at * WANTED- ; ! painters , Matza & Roberts , In Cllf tonjnmi. 203-20 * W ANTI'D A llrst class cook for country residence ; good wages puld.aiiumlrc S. E. cor 24th and Ho\\aid. sat "V\7ANTKD An URtlve man for caeh section Ti K.ilary J75 to * 100 , to locally represent a successful N. Y. company , Incorporated , to H'vpplv < lry goods , clothing , Hhoes , Jewelry , { . c. . to consumers at eost. Also a lady of ta t , salary $40 , to enroll members ( fO.OOO now enrolled , JHXUXX ) paid In. ) References ex changed. Emplro Co-Operatlvo association credit Nell rated ) lock box CIO. N. Y. \\7ANTKD Good second cook , wages to. im- T > mediately. 1'acltlo re.stauraul , 1013 Har tley. 21(1-20 ( * lrANTKD 5 traveling salesmen Salary and expenses , no experience necessary. Address , with stamp , L. II. Linn &Co. . La Orosse , WIs. 103-21 * /"ANTED Salesmen lo sell the greatest xpeelalty on the market. Salary and e.x- es paid. A splendid nldo line. Addrcs-s wllh stamp , Globe Inhaler Co. , La ( 'rosso , WIs. 123-20 * _ "V\7ANTKD Salesmen on salary orcommls- slon to handle now patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling novelty overpiodueeil. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to 500 per cent profit. One agent's sale amounted toSiWJ lu six days : another $12 In two hours. Wo want one energetlo agent for each Htute and terri tory Sample by mull Si cents. The Monroe Krusur M'f'g Co. . La t'rosse. WIs. 143-20 * WANTED Energetic men and women for a genteel business pay Ing 400 weekly profit easier than f > 0 monthly otherwise ; experience nnneces aiy ; permanent position and exelu- sIVJ territory assuied ; flHiimples free ; Inves tigate our money-making business. Address with .stamp. Merrill Manufacturing Co. , II Kl , Chicago , 111. bSIJyKl * GKNEKAL Agents inakn from finuo : to 13.000 per year ; ciiuvassers from 41 to $10 per day Felling t no Taylor adjust able.shoe. lady Is n possible customer ; permanent bus tlness ! ; c.\'uliisl\o territory assigned , Address wltli Hi ampConsolidated adjust able Shoo Co. .Salem. Miss. _ _ Cttt-ai * _ "vtT"ANTED- men for new rrllroud work In > > Dakota nnd Wyoming. Good wages , steady work and free fare , Allbrlght's labor agoiiey ll'.l ) Farnam si. Ptt ) Coat and vest maker , good pay , steady work , James Pupci , AlbionBooiio county , Neh. is ! ) 21 * nf\7"ANTED Tptx ) men for tJtnh and Novwfu ! wtiges J2.00 to J2..1 ! ) per duy , Albright's J.ubor AgiuicyLll20 Farnam. 471 \\7"ANTEI > - Salesmen ul5 per month salary - > > ary and expenses to sell a line of silver- plated ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ; nil team furnished free ; write nt once for full particulars and sample case of goods free , btiiudard Silverware Co. , Iloston , Mass. IUI * f\fi\NTiyffcThree [ tidiesand two young men to icceUo Instructions und keep books. J. IJ , hmlth , room 010 N. Y. Llfu building. 1132-20 * " \\TANTED -GUI for genernl hoiisuwork. In- ijulie 1S17 CaiiUol uv iuie. 2lt ! - - smuker to bj'the WANTED--Dre bow day nt 802,1 llowart t. 11U-SO \\7"ANTEI-German ) gill , must tmgoml cook" > > washer nnd Ironeri hi Ing references. Ap ply belween 4w ; : and 7 : 0 p.m. utl021 Purkavo. Jtlrs , Jonn Grant. 2 > w . . , . .NTKD To ( ' 'sewing In fnmllles , II per > > day or M per \\i , " . cull or nddress S. S. , 17ISS , mill ' Bt. 2tVI-2i : ' r ANTED- nnd 2d girls In prlvatofuml- w. : best of wnttrs puld. T.'l S tilth st. , cor nor ot Lenveuworth HI. Mrs. J , L. Brand els. ; 177 i'\\ : fANTEI > - Flrsleluss girl for generulhonse- > > vtork , no rushing or Ironing , 1707 Cns.stit , 100-22 * T ADY ngentswaiited to sell a bust developer JLI guaranteed to Increase the bust any ru- nulred bl/e. Tidily days free trial allowed , IcncloMi blnnips for Illustrated circulars. Address - dross , Empire Medical Co. , 228 West 4M fit.New York Clli . UK ) 20 * for general housework , T ? Irish , German or American. 2020 Si. Bt a ry'anvenim. 180 URL for general housework , Imiulro of J , rj. Wilkinson. CIS I'axton blk. I'-iS \\T ANTED Girl for general housework with * * small family. 811 S. 2iilh t. UGU Y WIL L pay ladles n salary of tlO per week to O-woik for mo In their locality ut home ! light wpik , giMHl pay for part tlmo. Write with btamp. Mrs. 11. F l'urrliigton.Jgx7UJ C'hlcugo. Ut ANTED A tint class cook for country residence , good wuuui puld. luuulro S. E , cOr. 21th and Howard. boaT \ lfANTED Girl for housework. M10 St , MnryS nvo. 112-20 * TV"ANtI-i ; ) A nrst clasTBlrf or"Konorar ' housework : wages giMidinoehlldrennono ; hilt competent Rlrli need apply ! good refer ences ruqutrcd. Call nt 2125 Dougo street , AI ANTTn" ) A llrst cla sTrlm"mcf of ' ery to tnku chnrjn' In one of the best mill inery departments lu Nebraska. A good salary will be given to u good trimmer. Addiess , at once , E 4" , llee. _ atil-2l : * A WANTED A girt for ffenerat hou ework , ' Uerman preferred , 611 Park uvc , Mrs , D. W. Van Cot t. Mi MYRA McGlnnls1 dressmaking parlors tej : Capllol ave. I use and teach the French tailor .system. lUOjlf ) $ ' 10 month lo yearly tenants , elegant brick Monsoon Lal.Oftl. . bet. 21th and 23th , with every modern convenience , on motor line.finest In Omaha forlhumoney. J. L. Rlcu,4inieoWdg. : "I71OK RENT--Cottuge. 0 rooms. 2.1th and Cap- J- Hoi avenue , gas , balh. ele. Thu O. lD.ivls 171OR KENT-On Furnam st. . near 2iHh St. , -1. furnished house. Apply 1001 Fnrnnm st. 201) ) ON account of leaving town , will rent lo family without children , furnished hoiisa of sit rooms nnd bath , for summer , North Eighteenth Nt. . within one block of motor ; modern conveniences ; references. Address F 37Jtec. _ _ .J - - : ' " ! . 'jilOR KENT Finn r"VL iee modern Im- - 1provements. . No. alWM. Jinry'H avenue , from Juno 1st , ut tfiS per monih. Imiulro at premNes oral A. Heller , No. llll , Varnnin ttt i eel . _ _ 13'l ' _ YrOlrlt opportunity to nccuru Iho lease and furniture of one of the Ilnest homes In Omaha , furniture all new , local Ion near High school , rent low. Will tuko half Its value ; V cash , bal. II me. Aildiess. E i : . llee. all 8 ROOM house , city water , balh , elc. . near lo motor ; Mi ) . H. El Cole. _ liR-ap ( ) ROOM house on moloffclly walor , balh and > gas ; 12.1. 11. E. Cole. _ J3.-20 ! f ? ROOM flat near U. P , depot ; one monlh free i to good , permanent tenant. H. E. Cole , Con- llnentiil block. 132-20 "ITIOR KENT Reasonable to u good party , thn J-1 Howard . ! TJ - apartments over 11101-3-3 St. ; pIcuNUiit rooms ; Just Ihri thing for Kuroitcan hotel. C. F..Shaw.imi Howard. 141 J-KOOM Hut over 213 N. 16th st. : rent $20 , Co- JfOperallvo Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. Ifilh st. 2:10 : 21 T7IOR KENT 10-room house , 2107 Douglas st , -L all modern Improvements. Inquire ) 2111 Douglas. uS7 [ F YOU wish to rent , a house or store sen H. E. Cole. Continental block. Iff ! T71OR RENT Nicely furnished 0 room cot- JL' luge , good locution , near motor line. Ref erences required. Welshans & McUulloch , Exposition bldg. , 1422 Capitol itvu. S'JO 8-ROOM Hat , vrltli slcam heat , Ifith St. , near Jone.s. Thos. F. Hull , Ull I'uxton block" . 1 ! "I/1OK RENT House ; ten rooms , nil modern -U Improvements ; largo yurd , * 40 per month. Dexter L. Thomas. 7111 TOIISES. stoics and flats ; all new , E. A. Leavenworth. room II , Barker hlk-iWiJ III "ITlOlt KI'NT B-rooin house , I'opploton I'ark , J 1 block fiom motor , J Hi. 7-iootn house , $17.50. SI ringer It I'unny , Douglas block , Ititlrund Dodge. iilO KKNT JO room flat. 1U15 Dodge St. , all modern Improvements , $ ( W. 7 room house , ItllS Hurt St. , splendid location and eonveiilences. 5 room house , Dupont place , elty water , JI2. Oco. . ] . J'ox. room ! U8 l'a\ton blk. 4 ; > S "T71OU ItKNT a houses 3 rooms each , $10 , els- JL1 tern , city water , to small families , licfcr- enco requlicd cor. loth and I'uclilc , It. E. Cop- son. IKt-'l * rpKN room house , all coiivenlences.ranze.iavt J. Plierman ave. , $40. Hutchlnson & Wead , 152 Douglas Mi UijSU. 24i ( EAST half of'J5U Davenioit ) st. , H rooms , to small family. Inquire 2518 Cunltol ave. b782t * FOR KENT 2 flats In Llnton blk , cor. Mason and iith : sts. , ( i looms each , lent f per month. Inquire 017 In block. John Humlln. ( VII FOK KKNT II nine-room brick honspu. All modern conveniences. 2XU to 2.VJ7 St. Mary's ive. liiijnlru at Collateral bank , 1)1S ) Ifilh st. Kf , " 171OR RENT One 10-room modern house , all -t ? conveniences. .Paved streets , cable cars. Five minutes1 walk of postolllee. References required. Natllau Shellon , 1014 ITurnam .st. T71OH ItKNT Nice 0-room cottage , aanil and J Callfoinla , $ > ! 0per monthA O. Wakeloy , 603 N. Y. I.Jfo bulldliig. CTd FOR ItKNT 5 room house , good repair , nice yiuil. cistern water , rent * : . " . ! . Apply to 1409 South Tlh ave , or lo Jno. W. Hell , druggist , lOlh M5 " 1T1OU RENT Residences In all parts of eily. JL1 List too large lee publish. Globe Loan & Trust company. : i07 B. intli st. 7l i MODERN house , nine rooms , hath , hot and cold water , furnace and gas , on Dodge st. , MO per month. Fred J. Itorthwlck , am South 14th _ _ _ _ : ira "ITIOR RENT A Hat of six rooms. Enquire of J ? Airs. U. IHiggail , 1102 S 13th Room 5. _ SKI T71OU RENT About .lime 1 , those elegant JL1 stone residences on Georgia avenue , S L"Jlh Ht , , hetnoon Mnson anil I'uelllosts. See owner for long time lease. U. II , Henderson , room 100 , I'axtou blk. _ 4h. FOR KKNT ID-room brick house , wltli mod ern eonveiilences , No. & 11 S aotb st. Apyly at NO. eerS'JutiiHt. sit FOR ItToXT 11OOAIS I-HTUXISIIIOU. ROOM and board In private family for young lady where there aio no other boaidets. Terms reasonable. E 41 , lieu olllce. StM-aa * LEASANT furnished rooms , with hoard. MK _ 18.V.M > FOR RENT Nli-oly furnished rooms with II board. 1814 Dodge st. US an * " \ 7RY pleasant room , all conveniences. Inquire - > quire at silk counter Thompson , llelden & | \J 1CKL\ furnished looms , 2017 Leuvcnwoith. KOOMS fuinlshed , with board , 1U23 Farnam 8' > 3 20 * T5OOMS elegantly furnished , single or en Jlsulto , wlcli or without board ; no ehlldicn. The Shelton , 101 So. 2Jlh si. Refeicuces. _ vSs5 20 * LARGE front room ; references ; 1812 Dodgo. _ _ KEi FOR RENT -A largo front room , furnished , In one of Iho Ilnest residences In tlie city , T24 S ltUh st. . corner Leavenworth. AH TpOR RKNT-r'urnlshed looms , 1009 Douglas. U _ 2UO FOR RENT I'leasant furnished rooms with all conveniences , fll'l ' S-lith st. _ 201 "IJ1OR RKNT-Nlcoly furnished room , all X1 modern conveniences , 2 blocks from 1 * . O. , filHS ITth st. _ 101 I URNISHED looms to let , 2022 St. Mary's. " 1T1OR RENT I'urntshcU rixmis ; gas , bath Jami steam ; 15IH Howard. _ im IJIURNISIIED rooms. 10U farnian JL1 mi in23 * UT. CLA1R European hotel , corner lllth and ODodgo. Speulul rates by weuk or month. _ MM ROO.MS 7 10 , 12 , 13-C07 N. 18th su 8l5-m23 * r 0 1 1 1 1 KXT- 1 OQM S UX1' ' UI { X 1 SI 1 K P UNKURNISHEI ) rooms for housekeeping at greatly reduced prices. Cheapest rent In thu city. Units Iteming Agency , 21ri S 13th st. 219-J19 * UNKI'RNISHED rooms for lent ; nil con- . liiiil So. 17th ave. Iso 23 * ROOMS for housckcepliib' , 113 S. 17th Hi. 2U21 1 * TjTIOR RENT-3 unfurnished rooms , IftS Cum 1 ; Ing. _ l.V21 "IjlOR RENT t unfurnished moms to family , J. without children ; modern Impiovemcnu. ' rUKMSHED looms , 23IJ Capitol nvo. 150-m27 oit | tliXT STOKKS LIGHT , airy , good sUed rooms at low rent ) 110 uud J15 u month. In Mieeley'd bloek. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EM--i ! _ jsJTORli bullablu lor butchur shop , on S. lltli kJ street ; one month free lo reliable , pcima- Uent tenanl. 11. E. Cole , Continental block. _ _ _ 1M-20 SMALL store for rout on 1 It n st near I'ar nnm st , J20 month. Inquire ut UlTLliitou bjk. John llunilln. _ KU STORE 7 blocks from postotllce , Kith HI. , tlO per month. 11 , E. Cole , Continental blk. P0.119 RENT A store room , 22xltK ) ( cot. In the beat location In Omaha for flue notions and fancy dry Roods. " Address ED. lleo. _ 5 } ° _ W * QtORKS at" 707. 7W.71U ) llith. 22x00 each , larii" Orthow windows , steam heat furnished , Thos K. Hull. 311 J'ltxtonJWiiek. _ am OVTICES In Wlthnell block , l.'ith nnd Ilnrney Btteels , U per month and upward ; all mod ern Improvements. Cull uud tco them.Wt . Wt Jli * STOKE In South Omaha , good kxlntlon , ont { 23.H.j : . folo. IM-20 F 10U KENT dloro 013 S. 10th st. DESK room , attorney preferred. Iliilclitnion A Wend. I32t Douglas1 tel. 1320. S40 171OK KENT-The 4-story brick building With J or without power , lormerly oeeitpled by the Bee Publishing Co , , nil ) Farnam at. The building has n ( In * proof cement basement , complete steam heating II tin res , water on all the floors gas , etc. Apply nt the olllce of The llee. 01.1 FOllJUiXT J t CO iyl V/South Oimilm , Is n llrst-clus * loon I Inn for bccrgurdun. ImiulruMrs. A Knllsh , t > l4 S. Irtth. T710H linNT Wo have. ni acres adjoining Kon- J. sou nml M acres adjoining our Highland I'ark addition that wo will runt fur ensou of IrtW at n reasonable prlco. Omaha Real Estate and Trust Co. ISO I Farnamst. jiff _ roit IUJNT I \VANTKD--rifty head of horses or colts to > past uro ut M per head for the season. Cullen on or address W. It , ICrldlcr , 535 I'axton block. 'pASTtTKK The VMiitto Valluy ranch Is open J for stock. l.ixx ) acres In tame trass. I'or particulars address 1'latto Valluy Ranch , Val ley , Nub. , or E. liiiton ! ) , 1'rcimmt , Nub. " ANTED-IInrscs to pnsturo nt tlTflO a month on farm near Irvlngton ; horses called for anil dallvcrod. W. H. Iloman , Itooiu 0 , 1'reim-r blk. 470 \XTKI-TO ItKNT. UNTARNISHED rooms for light housekcop- location , man and wife. Ad- dress K2U , lleo olllec. KliNTAIj AGKNGY. FOR KKNT--HOUSCS In all ] ) artsof city. The O. F. Davis company. 1.103 Farnam st. 2ci : MORTON'S rental agency , 017 I'a.xlon block. AXi T.T K. COLE , renlul agenl , Continental blk , , . . . - - - - - - - DKINIC I'hos-Kurtone , the palatable nerve , blood and brain tonic , at Ulnslev's phar macy , IGth and Famuli ) sis. , and iw : ? I'lirniuii st. I'luH-l'urruno free fro.n 0 vo Op. m. on Sat urday , Alay ! . ' 4 , 'UO. ftW ' . " .I DKINIC I'hos-l'errone. the palatable nerve , blood and brain tonic , at Klusler's ] iliir- ; macv , inth and raruain .sts. . and KW7 I'm luini si. I'Jios-l'urrono free from 0 toO p. m. on i-al- urday , May ! -4 , ' 1,0. . .v , y > 0 UATTUL Hank , room y Wlthnell bloek. BI1-J1U * PAUASOI.S and umbrellas covered and re paired , li. lialor , 1515 Douglas ; basement. li'ji ) THIN \VOKK , roodnu , pntterlnp , siioiilln ? . J- good work low prices. Savage , JU1S Cumins " GtfXS KHI'AlltS. UMBRELLAS repalicd , lawn mowers sharp ened , key filling and loeksmlthmg at llellln's gnu shop , 11 ! ) N. Kith st. 20H Jll > M 'APSAOK und miiKiietle tieatment , HIM I'a- cllle ; , half blocl ; fiom inolor llne f > IO-2.'i * DR. I.ONSDAIiK , miiRiietlc and electne healer , sucee-rttiilly treats all complaint- , of women without medicine. Consultntlon rooms 10 S. l.'ith St. lid X'4 * DI3XTISTS. DENTISTS E.R.Tilppe. graduate Indiana dental college. Best of work only , ( 'town and bridge work a specialty. Room KlContl- ncnlal blk. Elevator 13th st , north of Douglas. KU in 2Tl LOST ! STJtAVKI-Hay mule , left shoulder hlK- teied. S yeaiold. . weight J.1M ll > s. ; also small hay ponv. heavy mam * and tail , weight TOO. Keturii to 1'at Itiiloii , b. W. corner U"Jth and Maltha : lewqul fill. ZJril _ _ _ LOST Sunday , blaek hlleh wltli while head and eirs ; , small K-quiuiau\- : lu'lli ulul Dorcas. Itewant for leturn to l.'ill I'arnnm. .ait-ai * LOriT Ulid dog. getter iiip. white with red spots. Had collar H Itli chain attaehe " tag No. i023. Itoliliu to IDS South 15th bt. LOST A daik led liUh setter dog. young hut about giowu , had a leather Mrap On neck , left shoulder lias been hint which makes him limp. Will ( lay well for his return or In- foimatlou that will lead toll. Alviu launders , l.'ill ) Micniian ave. SH-Sa LOST On Saturday a memorandum hook hound In red leather. The Under will he rewarded l > v leaving It at the Continental lilotlilng Hiiu-e. IS"-11) ) T OsT t-uuday. led leather covered Indexed J-V memorandum hook. In North Omaha. He- lurn 1707 ( 'inning iinilreceive _ rewaid. 170 ao * LOST Diamond ami IZmerald ring , two stones set diagonally. I.e.ivo at O. K. lt.iv mond's anil iccclvo liberal leward. Ill lii QTHAYKD Team liorM- 1 lion gray and 1 Ohiiy. Heturn to auiO Franklin. Itoward. IIU 'ji : FOUND. rilAIfKN Ur-Illno mif ( while cow about S -L years old , 5 miles west on military road and 1 mile north on Martin Tlbka's farm. t'hrlst Muelgenborg. in 10 L'lilt S ' .I If. * 1'KXSIOX AOMXOY. 371 N. CMNUMAN , exclusive pension attor- i ney. looms 111 and ai. Kien/er block , Omaha ; uNo t'lnclnnultuml Washington. Send stamp for circular. M.'l IDEKSONAL-Ida Belle : Letter'ieeelveil ; J- would lIKe to see you ulPuMon hotel , same place , Tuesday aftcinoon. Ralph. 1111-20 * "I3ERSONAL If you want your photo on JL glass call at 2JO N. JIUIi. 6"W 10 * STOKAOK. S'1 rORAGE-lliauch & Co. . 1211 llowaid. lias rpItACICAGn storage at lowest rates. W. M. X Hushnmn. Kill Leavenworth. 207 AVANTITO ! ! IJUY. \\TANTEU-A black or buy horse , nmro pte- > > furred. Apply lit 1'ulaco stable , city. aari at * \\TANTEI ) rurnltiire. carpets , lioiisfholil T T goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Storage Co..J117bJillh st. 20S \\rANTED-10 acres In Irvlngton , Neb , , for n > r homo fora lesldent Omiiliau. He will not pay more than 4100 pur acre. Addles * E 12 , llee olllce. ' . ' 18-211 * \\rANTEI ) Second-hand Safety bicycle. Address , giving ilescilptlon and price , E 10. llee oillce. 207 22 * \\7ANTKD-A second-hand safety bloyele. * > htuto name and condltlonot hleyule. Also , lowest cash prlee. Addiess at once lo K. C , Aslmll.carcof Hurdnuio ail 20 * \\7 ANTED 5 or 10 acics of cheap land ( not bottom * , within to or 12 miles of Omaha. State price and locution , und address , ! . Koblu- EOII.SUI S. 7th si. 12i-20 : * \\7ANTED-Sccond-hand lurnlluro of all > > kinds nt Iho highest price , 710 S. tilth st. ( UK | lt > \VANTKD--Good commercial paper. Ne- > brasku Morlgugo Loan Co. , 51 ! ) Puxtim hlk. ! \\r ANTED To lluy Itestaence. fi to 8 M rooms , peed olro lot , cast or south fiopt ; hoiibo must he nicely llnNhed. havu nil mod ern conveniences. O. II. Jeffries , Room VOQ. Heu building , _ , nn CASH paid for second hand lioo s at the Antiquarian book store , 1113 I'uruiun st. * _ _ _ iii-ii ! ! ! _ V\ ? ANTED Good shorl llmu paper in wimu V > iiiiionnts. P. 15JI Karnam sU _ 474 "WANTED To buy tor siiot cu h. city or f T country , purls or whole btoolis of dry and fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , millin ery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc. Cull on or address J , L. HrnndeU &Sons , corner - ner iith : nnd Howard. Omaha. 210 A- Iloman & Terry , consisting of lan daus , hearses , family cuntnges , surijea , top nnd open hugglcs , horses , hiirn- essvs. saddles und till other articles used In u llrut-cliiBS Ihory. S.ilu to uommenco Wednesday , Muy 28 , nt 10 a. in. Everything lo bo sold lo the highest bidder. Wo will sell ut private sale until day of sale. Iloman A : Terry , 413 and 415 8 l.'illi. Omuhu. Noli. _ 217 T OR SALE-A tlno young driving horseT W J-1 H. Ryan. ia l-'urnum al l > .il.23 ) "I71OK SALE Ono horsn and lop buggy for -i- ' cash , tliuo or Irtdo. lllmobaugli i Taylor , 1405 Douglas bt. qjU-li ) ' TT1OR SALE Kour horses , one express wagon , * ' Uushorllwu. Itoom 2. un t'urnaiu , OJl-jij' fjlOK SAIiE Scamnn'.s "htiKslcs best and J. cheapest. , if Sftnmnn's phaetons best nnd cheapest. Henmnir wagons bestfniid cheapest. Seaman's carriages luMt Und cheapest. ' 8V-m-2 ) pn iiarowoBnot 2,200 pounds , * J35 | M\V workers or drivers , sliiuto or double ! * pny < horses , SlfiOj spun mule.s , 4130) ) nlco inn } " IIOMJ. (19.1 ; some slngln nnd double HhVue s. Co-Oporntlvo Liuul nml LoU-'o. , 2U1 ? j. iHth < t. 130-1 ! ) _ _ Fblf S TTr TVn pleannfTTriigity or enfrlngo horse , very stylish , lue ( driver , nnd nfrnld of nothing ; any lady can drive him ; together with n full platform spring , leather top car riage , almost new , nnd tine Columbus rnnko buggy. Alsoonosot double hurness for4J3. . t 2213 Webster s } . . H2il PARTIES Icwklng lotjllno drlvlm ? or oaddlo hones , would do wolrlo call on , or corres pond wllh T. . I. I'lctnliur } manager W. II. Mil- lanl'.s farm , Cathoun , Neb. Ho has for sale some llrsl-elass single drivers , enrrlugo learns , nnd saddle horses , nt reasonable prices. ' EJ TriOit SAl.K-A gooTgentlo horse for 430. AT- .13 di ess C 14. llee. JI7S KOU HAIjK-KUIt.MTimK KTC , 17IOR SALE Furniture , carpets nmf housn- JL1 iiold goods of nil kinds every Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday morning at llll Doug las st. Cash paid for goods. Umahu Auction uud Storage Co. Henry Cieighton , auctioneer. 000 ITHTRNITUKE auction very Wednesday and I ? Salliiday. ! I17 S tilth , " 'elk MM FOR SALH SECOND mortgage paper on glll-edgo brick Improvements 2 years ul S per runt ; paper gnarunteed by endorser ; liberal discount. Address - dress E 43. llee. 221 22 * _ rnYPEWRITERS- JL 1 cullgraph J < JO. 1 cnllgruph T30. 1 eallgraph 13. 1 Hammond fiO. 1 Remington MS. John 11. Corncs Co. . Kamgc building. I71OR SALE , cheap SO-horse power steel J ? boiler , good as now. with fittings complete ; heater , mud-drum , plunge pumps , and No. U Knowlcs ; will sell for one-half original cost Jell'W. Bedford. CM ! SALE of Silverware Butter dishes , castors , tea sets , cake baskets , spoon holders and cnp < = . combination sets , etc-tine goods and low prices. C. L. Krlcksou .V Co. , thu Sixteenth &t. Jewelers. Masonlo hlk. 003 22 FOR SALE Cheap , a beautiful fawn colored greyhound. Enquire ,21 S. lutli st. , corner of Leavenworth. 814 TO YE wood for sale. T. .Murray. KB _ _ "IJ1OR SALE Some good watches and dla- JJ mondschctip. 11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlth- nell block. ait 31USIO AIIX AND I.AXOUAGK. AWEflER , piano maker , tuner and repairer. Pianos and organs for sale. COTiNoitli 10th st. 101-Sl BEFORE buying a piano examine Iho now .scale Kimbull piano ut A. HosjiO. IMIi Douglas st. . 212 G V.O. r.onLr.nNIJEriC.tPaeliorof the banjo , IfiOU Ilowaul st. ltd lloor. 2)'J ' TO I.OAX. ' tolouii on short lime , eouuty wur- MONl'V tant.s bought , etc. , , by the atar I.nnd & Loan C'o. . ICO'l'i rarnaii ) st. 212J moitgace loans at low rates unit no FIRST . D. V , Shole Co.M I'lrst Natl bank. IJ"U " \\rANTiD : S pel ceijt jnpcr ; must be good > > enough to be takenJi > any loan coiiipany , except It may be payable on or before and In Installments. Addretslby letter for. > days at his ie.sidenic , C. f. Hai'Uaon. Ill s. 2Jlh st FIK T mortgiiKe loiuiv. Very lowest lates. C. .1. Caswell. slit N. Y. f.lfe. 4L'4-j2 U'ANh wanted on uioilni-the Omaha leal estate. ; ) and 5 years'time , opt Ignal pay ments. fa\ arable terms and rates. Klinballi I'hamp & Uyan , 1000JI8 IXU'il'ainamst. MONI'V to loan on'lillrsps , Wiigons mules , household goods , plauos.organs. diamonds , at lates. The Ur > | organl/ed loan olllco In the city. Make * loans from 'M to : > 5 days , which ean be paid In'jfiur ' or whole at any time , thus lowering thu principal and Interest. Call ami .see i | h > > ii > 7 > < i want money. Ivoean assist you promptly ami to your udvantngo without icmoval of proneity or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In making lo.uis. C. K. Reed i. Co. , Jl'J ' S. llth St. : over lllngliam tyson" , -'iil SKVKRAf. thousand dollars of jirlvate money to loan on Omaha leal estate at alow rate of Intcicst and on uniisnallv favorable terms. The terms will leeomniend It to boirowers. liood uniiiiestlonablewmliv In vacant prop- eily will upeoiisideied. Address , for.'iduysby letterat his iCbldence. C. 1' . Harrison. Ill B. Mhst. 11H 21 /"tHATTHL loans , K. Ill Continental blk. . 1.1 .t j business contldentlal. M.J. Hallj ( J'J7 COI/LATF.RALbanl ; . ! H2. o. Ifith st. , room . " . , C'hamber oof Coinineice , loans money on commercial paper and all articles of value. Al-o on horses , cattle , fmulture and other chattel property without removal , at lowest rates of interest. All business strictly coiili- dentlal. IXit J15 HANI ) Investment < 'o. , room-TH , lleo build ing , loan on elnitteJs In amounts from flUte to > tlO.OOfl : lowest rales. Loans on household goods , horses , pei onul property of all Kinds and other articles of value without removal. l'ainents arranged to stop Interest. H.MI22 * GI'KK CENT lesldence loans , $ . ' 1,000 to fin.OOO. Itnlldlng loans at special rates. The .Mead Investment Co. . Itee building 2.15 " \roNKV ; iilfiO orH ) days on ftlrnlture.pianos , i'l horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson , CIS I'axton blk. 2.H > ' . loans at lowest rates ; removed to CHATTI'l. I'aKlini blk. J. It. Kmlnger. 219 MONEV to loan on city properly ; money on hand and no delay.s. llulcs , Smith .1 Co. , liith and 1'arnam nts. Hl.VJII LIIIIIRAI , leal estate loans made by W. M Harris loom 20. 1'ienzer block , opp. 1' . O. 221) ) LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa per bought. MeCague Investment Co. 221 KvSTONEfMoi UIIKO Co.-I.oaiisof $10 to f 1,001) : get our r.ites befoie bonowlug and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security without publicity ; notes bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low est rates. Call , K 203 , Micely blu15th and Howard .sts. 22J _ SHORT time loans on vacant lots. Selby & Reed. ii : bout ( I of tiade. 0v > _ _ PflTlTlNTj louTTsTTi to 7 lier cent ; noaddl- tloiiul charges foreommlssloiiorattornoy'a fees. W. . MelMe , Tlrst Nal'l bank. bldg. 2.C _ _ MONEV loaned at lowest rates long time on Improved Omaha real estate , no "extas , " no delay , Ulobo Loan ,1 : Trust Co. , Mi S inth. W ! COMMHRCIAI. and Honqril short time paper bought ; also icgulur tire year loans made nn Improved property ! , 'ueo. lHlust & Co. , SM.I ItuniB Jlik- . I'1 ' 1)73 ) SnCOND mortrfago lOqns. . Second inortituges bought , helms on'lieant ( lots. Reed & Sclliyji oo i n III , llo.'ud . TriUi ) _ 2J < MONEV to loan by" II. P. Masters In any amount from { in ( ( f.&lO.OOO for any time , from one to slmonths. . , . 1 make loani on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules,1 houses , leases , ote. . In any amount at thu lowest possible rate , with out publicity or removwl-of property , My loans are MI urran id ( hat you can make iv payment atunv tluii' anil reduce your In terest pro rata. you oay interest only for the. time you use ( ho moiiityl'lf you owe a balance on your property 1 wlltlltH" It up and curry It for you , at the lowest fate consistent with thu ilsk. , " ' < V.onoy always on haiuit No delay. No pub licity. fewest rates. . . . It. R Slusters , Room 4 , Wlthnell bltc.J' ' 13th und Hartley ts. MONEV to loan on any security for short time at low rales. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgugo Investment Com pany , Room 400 , I'axton block. L''t WANTED-l-'Irst-elass Inside loans. Lowest rates , Call und bee us. Mutual Invust- , l.VH 1'uriiaiii. 23) ) _ BUI'OItE negotlatliiR a loan to Improve your real estate pet terms from The Odell Investment Co.wi ; N.V. Llfo hldg , TtuwS _ , Hoyd. rcprcHciitatlYe. ssi HKAP I'hlhtdelphta Mortgage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly : Int , mortgages wanted. Qeorgu W. V.Coatesri > pro- pentittlve , T Hoard Trade. ira "TT ASTERN money to loan on city property ; J-Jmortgngo paper bought. ll.ll.lrey.opJK I'.O. JOANb made on any available iieciirity. .JCentrul Iiivcjtmeut Co. . Koum25 , Chtini- ber of Commerce , BM SHOUT U AND AX I ) TV 1' 13 AV11ITINO. "xTTfATTrKVi Kl ( yatrtiyouni InJTles nnilffen- T tlenion to learn shorthand und typewrit ing ; Rood salaries ; ntndiints assisted to posi tions. Standard Shorthand lluslncss College , K. Hell , Instructor. 217 rijAIHVOYANT. ALL oUallangers ncceplPil--Mix. Dr. Hill of Now Vnrk Cltv can bo consulted nt her parlors at ; < J2 North 1Mb ft. , nn nil iitTuIrs of life , being a celebrated business clairvoyant , nstroloitlst und palmist , who has a reputation throughout the world for accurate and truth ful leadings of the past , present and future through her wonderful Egyptian magic mir ror ; U'tnoves all evil Influences nnd family es trangements ; unites the Kcparulcd ; cau cs speedy niairluges ; brings success to the un successful und tell when tomukepnitltableln- vestments ; consultation from ( I to ? 2 ; also tells full tiuiiiu and .shous picture of the one you will marry ; Mis. Hill has been consulted by thu most oiicccssful businessmuiiand ladles of New York. Itostou and Chicago. Hours strletlv from II a. m. 109 ) . m Mtl.V TJKOR Lerce , the renowned plirenoloitut , -L medium und palmistwho has been publicly tested and challenges the world In revealing mysteries , disperses Jealousy , ovll Influ ences , gives full namps of present or future husband or wife , also tells your fuult.s and iililll | : le , trade business or profession to make a success. aj North Ultli n | ) stairs' . Con- biiltatlon $1. Satlsfuetlou given or no par. MADAME Dclzlur , the n.assageuudmagnet- tst , N no old consumptive chromo , but young , hualty und vigorous. 1'arlors over 010 S. iith. : _ _ _ alii Js D R. NANMK V. WAKItHN. clairvoyant , medical and business medium. I'einaledls- cs u specialty. ll'J ' N. lUth St. , itxins 2 and 3 , CIIANOKS. "T7IOR SAI.IO Stock of hardware Invoicing X' jlO.OOO ; good location ; established trade ; good icusons for selling : terms liberal. In- iiuliu Coburn A 1'rauklln , 510 N.V. I.lfe.Oinaha. "V\rK ha\e parties who want a stock of gro- > > cerles from JI.OOO lo $2.IKJi > ; will give trade and some cash ; bus to budono oulck. Call at 1001 N 21th stteet. 11K1-20 * _ A GOOD furniture business for ulo. Write mo at Stiomsburg , Neb. N. ! ' . 1'eterson. 1I\1 > ! TCE Cream parlor , restaurants and other chances cheap ; blacksmith shop , doing good business. Co-Operatlvu Land & Lot Co. . 205 N. Ifithst. 2IW21 GLEAN .stock dry poods , clotntng for real estate and money. lloxVJjVruukfort. 1ml. B20-20 * / 1IGAR store in fine location , store first-class v In every particular , will soil at Invoice. Co- Opurutlx o Land & Lot Co. , 205 North Ifith st. 20 : ! 21 \\t ANTED A party with a small capital to ' * go in the steam carpet beater business. E 1(1 ( , llee. 223 20 * FOR"sTri7i : I will sell cheap for cash a good , first-class stock of groceries with good business , stock Invoicing about iKLMO. Ad- dicss K. U.Vauatta , BoxUTT , I'luttsmoutb. Neb. 819-31 * T7IOK SA I.E or Tor Rent Onoof the best fixed Jup boaidlng houses In South Omaha , In most desirable location. Apply to H. H. Raven , 27th hi. , near Kxchango ciossing , South Omaha. 112 .118' V71OR SAI.n Cheap. 10 shares tock Nebraska L Savlnirs Hunk. Address Oscar ( iroshell , care Richardson Drug Co. OsSI " \\TANTEn-At one of the best points In con- > trul Nebraska a good general store , drug store , haincss shop , and dealer In agricultural Implements. Addiess K12 ! , eaiu Omaha llee. 140-21 * _ 171OK KENT A good hotel. Apply to Hank JL1 of Campbell , Campbell , Neb. U.W-'JO CIirAl' for cash , stoclc of groceries doing cash business. Cheap rent. 2719 Iliirdettu. a.Vl-il : * _ _ IJIOK SALE Half Interest In llrst class rest- - 1aiirant In Lincoln. Address II. A. , Omaha Hue , Lincoln. Neb. 017 KOI I IOXCHAXGK. "V\TII'I' exchange a new 7-room house In I'op- * > pleton 1'iirU , 2 blocks fiom motor , full lot , city water and .sodded lawn , for land or unlm- ptoved lot. Stringer & fenny , Douglas block , Ifilh and Dodge. 210 _ DRl't , stoic. Invoice ? 5,000 , best natural gas city In state ; established trade ; will ex change for unlnciimbered real estate and some cubh. Locl . .lO41 ) , Frankfort. Ind. i ! 21 * "I71LVE ilno lots , clear , Kllby 1'lace , northwest J- corner Divcn.oit ; ) and Smith streets , for Impiovcd leslileneo pionerty. Addiess owner , Ceo. 11. Lane , Lincoln , Nub. 1118-20 * HAVE a ml\ed .stock of huidwuio and gro ceries and some cash for young hcu vv team neighing 1.2W. harness and wagon. Call ' at once at 1004 N 24th .slieet. 1115-20 * TV ANTED- e\chango cash for 40 or 80 V T acres hind near good town In Neb. or Iowa. V. C. K. , lock box C , Craig , Hurt Co. , Neb. llil-20 * _ IJ10R i\CIIANOEr-A : M.OOO stoelc of general JL nidse. , situated In I''iemonl ' , Neb. , for live stoeU , cattle jireferied. Adiliess , J. A. S. , No. 21N. Main st. , I'lemonl , Neb. 21221 * IilR ( ) nXClANC.E Lincoln and Frontier Co. Improved lands for HtocK. merchandise or desirable Omaha properly. Add ros.KIM , lleo. Iss 21 * "I710K EXCII AN h-f21.W stock geneial mer- JL' clnindlse and building , all clear , for good Impioved ( arm In Iowa or eastern Nebmska ; also a line fnim of 1 ( > " > acies. fi5 miles fiom New VorU. for Nebraska land , llullou llros , , base ment N , Y. Life. 184-21 FOR EXCHANGE Rood farm * , city iiropor- ty an < l wild lands In Neb. and Iowa forgood pen'l m'd'se : pro | > erty clear , title perfect. Address - dress Lm'k llo\ i > 5 , rromoiit. Neb. Ui)8 ) FOR EXCllANOE-IVed mill In large.grow- Ing town , doing good business ; $10,000 stock of mdse. one-third eash , balance good leul estate ; .splenilldiental property , will pay 10 per cent ; .some choice blooded horses and cat tle , loanc& ) 1'arrotte , room 17 , Hoard Traded 5'I-JC ' ! ) rno TRADE I have homo iili-o lots In South 1 Omaha nearly clear , And .some Inside Omaha pioppity. To trade for cattle. Steers piefeicd. MO N. V. Life. 8U2-22 * I WILh trade a good clear lot In So. Omaha for nlu no or hoi so und buggy. Address O 4 lleooflice. 'MT _ _ BARGAIN -Tineo 8-rooin houses with all modem Impiovements , just .south of Koimlro I'luce. ( Jreat bargan , On easy lerms. Apply to D. R. Aicher. 17Q.S Webster ht. 1111 21 * $ : m,000 Inveslment will nets per cent annual ly ; brick Impnneinents ; propeity woith Addiess E 41 , llee. Wl 22 * $5.000. l-'itli cash , buys an acre near 21th und Amch a\e. on motor Ilno. Address .1. II , Evuns , N. Y. Life building. 110 21 "ITIOKSAliEH.OOOacies best farming 1/ind In J. Nnbiuska at a great siicilllce. Imiulro U1S South lath st. Gco. H. 1'etei-bou , owner. 171 j IS "VTOTICE 1 or any Information regarding -L > Ogden elty , I tab , us to value of nroneitle.s and good Investments correspond with Humor Ili-os. , Ogden. I'tah , bo < c < ! ll. Daniel Hamor , county clerk ; John llamcr , manager of ab stract comp'iny. 107-1 trAt'GH A. > . ait : FOR SA LE The following elioleo haraglns : Elegant biilldlni ; lot , 0.1x13 ; , cor. aolli uud rarnum , M7..VH ) . H-ioom house , lot .10x131 , 20th si , , near Si. Mary's avo. , eheaji. W.300. fi-rooiii cottage , lot Itlxll.l , Davenport , near 20th st. , f.L.VK ) . G , L. Green. Room .19. Harker block. fAI " \ncK4 loom eottago on level lot , 3 blocks J- > from motor , JI.IOO , on easy terms. Address E , av llee. 132-20 A SMALL , payment down nnd $1.1 per month will buy a l-rooin house and lot on Kith , 2 hloeks from motor ; chance lo iin- nulio n homo on easy tutms. Apply toll E , Cole , Continental block. 107 rr-HOOM cottages , $1,500 each , J100 cash down , "baluneii 113 jier month. T.ios. F. Hall. 'Jll 1'axIon hock ) > 2J.I 1J1ORHAMl Yery cheap , no trade , f.irm of JU 5U.70 uorcs , sue. 5 , 12 , N. 0 W. . Hamilton county , Nub. , 2 miles from Miiniuettu ; small house , stable , HOO acres of pasture fenced , liv ing water ; price only $10 pur acre , $3ii7.UO. : Terms f-J.200 cash. halancuO percent Inlerust. 1' . K. Atkins owner , railroad building , Denver , Col. 211 HIXT Y-F1VK acres s. w. of p. o. , sultnhio for plnttlii7 or gardening , for biilu u' u bargain. 1' . K. Darllng.1l llarkorblk. 211 VISCOLN 1'lucu and Oarthago lots , prloo -Jfl.OiM , J.V ) down , bulnncu 415 monthly. W. 1. . Selby. RoomU , board of tr.ide. 210 IjlOR 8AI < E or Trade My residence on So. X1 ! Mth Kt. , near 1'urk ttehool , house of seven rooms with bath room , water closet , hot and cold water , all In good repair ; will sell forcash very cheap or will taku vacant lot on West rurnam M. us part payment. I'or purtluulur * address E20 lleo of lice. Ul.'t "rriORSALI flue now R-room eotlago near JL ? elwtrlo our line un N. 27th bt. Will tuko in , part of ca h iiayment a good hotsu or ho u uud phuutou , 1 * IWt Furiiuin bU B77 I 171011 SAIiE Quick , biMlnnss lot , Impnived , J- ? only S blocks from court house , $130 per foot , .1. Mlchnl. t.tws. Illthnt. HIM14 ifOK ! < AliK' An elegant residence In finest part of tin ) city ; uplemlld building lots ! hou'e.s nnd lol.s on tiionthly payment's ensy termx1 IOX ( ) nctvs Hue vtcMcrn lands , nil carefully - fully selected , some of It Improved. Donne A 1'arrotte , room I" . Hoard Trade , Wis-lO : IJ10H SALE -Hrlek wm ! < hotlHc,2lorh nnd JL1 Imsotnotit , likxtUfU ) with lot Ittltl.VJ ft. ; to double track on south 20th and 1'letve sts. Ad dress Oskaiiip V Halnes , Omaha , Neb. " - ! ! ) . ) ! ! ! hou c , iicn7' "imTtoFTTne ; wilt sell cheap and on smnll monthly payments. t'nll cjnlek If you wiint u bargain. J. J. Wllkln- son , OIS I'axton blU. 120 GOTTA OH homes in most nny addition fly sal nt from II.Oiv ) up , on easy monthor payments. ! ' . IC > Durllns. 41 llurker lilock.211 LIST vourpnipertyllh l.nrmon 1' . t'ruyn , 'HO Citmlns aticct , forii\ilck results. MUST be sold within 10 days , owner moving out of city , new modern , well built II- room house , near motor Hue , nt less tlmn cost. Small payment down , bnlnnco long time , easy payments. Nathan ShClton , 10111'urwuu st. , 8-20 Notice Id Contractors. Scaled proposals will bo received until the 28th of May , I KM , for Iho furnMiing of mater ials and labor reoulred In the erection and com pint Ion of a thrco story stone nnd pressed brick hank nnd otllco building , for the 1'Mrnt ' National bank of Lexington , NehrnsUn. Said plans and spcclHcullons can bo seen nt the I'lrst National hank of Le.xlugton , or at thu otllce of the architects. Mendelssohn , I'lsher & Law He , I'axton block , Omaha. The right Is reserved lorejeelanyorull bids , m 1.1 d 121 m \ e. Xotloo. The annual meet Ing of thn stockholders of the Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Ynlley rail road company will be held at the olllce of the company In Omaha , Nebraskann Frliliiy , May SI , IstH ) , at a o'clock p. m. , for the election of dlrectois and for the transaction of such othur business ns may he presented. Dated May 10 , I81H ) . ii-OdlJtm J. II. REDPini.n Secretary. Notice to llullders. Messrs. fuller. Hake and GUI/ens' bank of Fullerton , Neb. , will receive scaled bids until 0 o'clock p. m. . May ill , 1MM. for the erection of u brick block T.lxW ) . UNO stories and basement. The right to i eject any und all bids is re served. 1'lans and specifications can bo seen nt nil- yens'bank , Mayll.dlOt * Xotlcc. Matter of application of LnuU Schmidt for transfer , Nollco Is hereby given that Louis Schmidt did upon the loth day of May , A. D. is'.w ' , IIIo his application lo Iho Itoardof Klroand Police Commissioners of Omaha , for permission to lemove his saloon from No. 1221 Dodge slreet , In the Thlid ward , to No. UU South tilth street , In the same ward , Omaha , Nebraska. If thcro bo no objection , remonstrance or protest tiled within Iwo weeks from May 20th A , 1) ) . IS'JO , thosuld permission may hecranted. 20-27 Louis SCHMIDT , Applicant. School Ilondfl I'or Stile. The Sterling , Nebraska. School Hoard have eight IIOJO school bonds for sale. Open bids will be iccelved to.lune 12lb , IMHJ , and will he sold on Unit day to the one making the high est bid. llonds i un , 42,000 ten years , $2 000 lif- teen years , 41,030 twenty years , atllve percent per annum , payable annually on the 1st day of .lone. Assessed \aljie of district , iUO.OUO ; real value. jMW.OOO. Population , l.OJtf. m-0-27-ji-10p : BROOKS BROST&COr Importers nml Wholcsalo Dealers In Wall-lies , Jewelry , CiiClcry Xolions , Novelties , A11) ) ii ins , Cunt-Collar Spring , Fancy Goods , Ac. l.nrgrBt assortment for KNIFE-BOARDS. AUCTIONEERS. STREETMEN AND PEDDLERS. Die variety of 5c , 10o nml Ke counter goods. Our lar o anil fully Illustrated c.italoituo innlliMl free In ilcalei t only. -41UX.FourhSt. ( . St. Louis. Mo. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- JOS.P.MCQCATH , ST ! TIIK UKAI/L'Y AIAIIKKT. INST1SUSIKNTS placed on rocord"durlng' vestenlav : O ll k K O Ilallou to E L O'Connor , lot 10 , Illicit. Everett I'luce , wd $ 400 Win Stadelmiiii and wife to O D Thomp son , lot : i , blk ( ) . Armstiong's .second nddwd 2,500 E IjJiiynes and husband to IjJIKlortl- son , lot ! ) , blk 8. IvouutI'lui'O. . \vd 0,000 W I < SoIby , trustee , to A JI Kitchen. lots 21 und \t \ , blk 1 , WljSulby's Ilidt add to Omaha , w d 1,000 Hotel association of Omaha to 1'J Sorg , lots 5 , U and wVj hit 7 , blk 10.1 , Omaha , w d 200,000 Miles & Thompson to JS Kerry , lot 18 , hlkH.Orehnid Hill , wd 700 O I' Itemisand wife to Jno Hellwlg and wife , lotli , blk 4.V ) . ( Jrund Vlnw , w d. . . . 000 WW Lowe and Ifo to U A lloaglaml , a20 ft.strlp In blk Hi ) , Omaha , wd 1 Oheino& Ilosslcksto John Smith , lot 11) , blk 4. Oboine & lloslek'.s add , w d TOO Leopold Doll and wife lo Omnhu , 10.'I a In HW so 21-15-12 , w d 1 W KSnyderiind wife to Omaha. Gain nwsw ll-15-ii. ! : wd 1 J T Hell , H .M Hurlbut , and H It Wiley to Omaha. I'.l 1-10 a In e1 ; -.M-15-12 , w d 1 Ijyman Klchaidson to Omuhu , 5 acred iiW8e2l-t. , wd 1 United ritales to E H ( . 'liupllu , bu2l-15-12 , deed Copy of will of Otto hobeck und cortlli- cat e to prohato O D Thompson nnd wife to H O Wallen- Mcdtotul. loii : , bkUArmstrong'8Scc- | Rend add , w d 3,200 s.l Hood and husband lo M It Powelllot 7. blk 14 , Albright's annex , wd M ) W H Austin ami wife to WV Doteu , lot SlnSIemsscn I'lace , w d 2,400 John Tlmnier and wife to Caspar Wem- limhon" , lot II ) , blkii , Wllcox'btlrst add , o wd 1,000 A O Paulson el til , executors , to .1 J Mc- l.aln , lot II , blk 4 , William llagcdoin's add. w d 600 A O 1'aulHon et al , executors , to ,1 J BIo- Jnln , lot 2 , blk i , William Hagedorn'H add , wd f > 00 Twenty-ono transfers . $22:1,155 : IttilhlliiK Penults. The following building penults \vcro Issued by the hiilldlnf , ' insiicctor yesterday ; Anton Olson , 1-story frnmo cottage , Clif ton Hill . * 500 It. I'ulmer , 1-story frame collage , Insti tute. I'l ace . 500 Two minor permits . li0 ! Total My physician said I could not live , my Hvor out of order , frequently vomited greenish mucous , skin yellow , small dry humors on face , .stomach would not retain food. Hur- dock Blood Hitters cured mo. Mrs. Adelaide O'Urien , U7u' Exchange st. , liaflulo , N. V. FAHO IN IMIAUAOII'S IjAN'I ) . of 1'ort Snltl The Only \Vny lo He-ill Tliuni. The rigorous HupprcHsion of the gam- bliiif-houaes { ol Cairo will boon bo fol lowed by the closing of the roulette tables of Port Said. The gaming table ut Port Said Is nl- mobt exclusively Hupportcd by travollorn proceeding to or coining front Egypt by the Suez Canal route. There is u large Lovautlno population , comprising natives of almost every country in Southern Ku- rope ; but thono gentry are far too WKO in their generation to risk their money nt the roulette tablet ) , at which the piny is notoriously foul. They live by "bon neting" and touting , sharping , swindling and robbing travellers who have won money at the gaming table , and who have boon incautious enough to return at night unprotected by an escort to the steamer. Strange as it may appear , It IH possi ble to win money at the "tapis verts" of Port Said. To como oil victorious it is only requisite to follow the iidvlco given by a French cavalry ofllcor. You have but to play exclusively with bad money , The holl-keopors of Port Said refuse no kind of coins slaked on the 'colors or the numbers. Sovereigns , gilded six-ponces , llvo-frnno nleeos , American dollars , Turkibb mc-ujldles , Groolc Jive-drachma pieces , Spanish isi- ; bollincs , Indian rupees , German marks , Austrian llorins all are Halt that come to their not. The tublu is usually u fraudulent one nnd the bunk gononvllyvlns ; but , of course , , thcro must 000111 * from Unto to time oattps when the Isolated puutor wins his stake. The play is so rapid that it is impo.sslblo for thu banker rthvnys to have u spurious coin nt hand wluM'owlth to oovw his loss , so that the steady persevering plnyer who lvk - lutoly stakes nothing but counterfeit coins runs a very fair chnnoo of oocti- sloually picking up u genuine piece In exchange for his bogus "misc. " Such n plan would be obviously Im- praotlcablo at Monte Carlo , whore the croupiers are numerous nnd lynx-eyed nnd where the play Is solemn and de liberate. Through coai'hes 1'ullmnn palace sleepers , dlulng cars , free reclining chair cars to 1'hicngo and Intervening points vln the grout Hock Islnnd route. Tick et olllco lUOi ! , Sixteenth nnd I'urnum. * JtltACKMiTH ( V DOGS' I'AWH. PolH Tlml Wfiir Duliity Mute HnnilH ol'Sllvcr. Fashionnblo dogs not only have vtell- itiff card' ' , Dresden chona water nnd milk bowls , and collars of oxqtilsit pat tern nnd design , but they Imvo tiny jewel boxes of Unssluii leather , llnoil with ptirplo velvet , holding n brm'oloto which the dear little daggle wears on his left front paw , says the New York Morning Journal. Most of them tire of silver , just Hko a ladle's bracelet , only n smaller size , nnd some are houvj ham mered silver chains , fastened with a tiny silver pad look , and the mistress wears the key upon her chain. " \Vo have made them ' ' , said a gentle man in TilTany's , out of solid gold , and some have been set with garnets or other bright but inexpensive stones , but wo only make these to order und do not keep them in stock : but. . wo keep the silver bracelets , because there is a do maud for them. " "How do you prevent them from slip ping off. when the dog walks ? "Oh you don't understand. It Is only one kind of u dog that can indulge in the luxury of bracelets , and that is the French poodles , which is elooely shaved all over except n collar around the neck and a fringe around the leg , about two inches above the foot. The species Is culled 'Cachno , ' and there are a great many owned by the wealthy New York ladles who are fond of pots , "und wo hnvo sold nearly every one u bracelet , or to some one who sent the bracelet as u christening gift when Sir Doggie re ceived his name. To Xorvous Debilitated Dion. If you will send us your wo will send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt und Appliances on tvlul. They will otiiekly restore you to vigor , manhood und health. Pamphlet freo. VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich. the AVnr. A3 wo lay facing the rebel lines around Petersburg that last winter of the win1 the men in the rillo pits refrained from firing at each other , except when or dered to do so lo cover s-omo new move ment , says a writer in the New York Sun. One night I was in a pit about half a mile from what is known as the "crater , " and I soon found that there was u ' Johnny" in the pit facing me , und only u stone's throw tiwny. Kxurj- thin < r was quiet , in that neighborhood , and I had boon in the pit about nn hour when ho culled out : "Say , Yank , what about this hyur wah'r" "What do you mean1" ; "When are 'tins gwyno to quit ? " "When you are licked out of your boots. " "Shoo ! you can't do it in a hundred years. " "Well , wo arc froing lo keep trying. " lie was quiet for ti few minutes , and said : "Sav , Yank , this is an awful wuli. " "Yos. " J 'Heaps o1 good men being killed. " "Yes. " "Heaps o' property gwine to wreck" "Yes. " "Does 'tins Iny it to moV "Well , you are helping to keep the wur going. " "And I hadn't ortorV" "Of course not. " "And if J should come over to you 'una it might end this fub8ingV" "H would help. " "Wai , seems that way to mo. 'Pours to be u sort o' duty. If I kin stop this bloodshed an' won't do it then I'm ouery mean , hain't IV" "You are. " "Hain't got no speorit in mo , ohV" "No. " " ' I'mnho'idiu' "Then I guess I'll come. right for yor , nnd do you bo keorful that your gun don't go oil' . " Ho came to my pit , bringing his gun nlong , und us 1 passed him to the roar lie said : "This cuds the with and I'm powerful glad of it. Reckon your Ginerul Grant will be surprlbcd when ho wakes up in the miiwnin' uu' linds the rebellion all petered out and mo a-eatin' Yankee nurd tuck. " Peiivs' Soap Isthomostelegiiiittollotadjunut II Cut Him Short. A fnrmor drove up us wo were hitting on the side porch of the hotel , says a writer in the New York Sun , and after fastening his homo ho came urotind to us , und Dogan : "Gentlemen , mobbo it so happens that one of you is a preacher ? " We put in a denial one after another , und ho continued : "Well , the case is this. My hired man died yesterday. Ho hain't got no friends around hero , nnd ho didn't amount to much , but we've got to hold homo Hort of u funeral over him. Km ary one of you do any talking ? " It was finally decided Unit un Ohio man , who represented u windmill man * ufneturor , should "do the right thing by the Into lamented , " and that after noon the landlord curried us out lo Urn farmhouse In u wagon. Four or live farmers had assembled , u gruvo had been dut * down on some waste lund noau the rail road und the collln wus the chenpost un"nir to bo had for the money. It wus evident that the deceased hadn't laid by any cash for the occasion. When all was ready for the windmill man he slopped out from his chair und pitched the tune and we joined in sing * ing. Then ho bald : "My friends death Is u bud thing. It must como to nil. Our poor friend hero wus hurdly prepared for death whim ho took to his bod. Ho had been currying water to the stock u long di tnnue , and this exertion pulled him down. Had this farm boon supplied with one of out ? 'None Such * winumills , warnntod ty pump ! , ' > ( ) gallons of water per miauli/ , this man's life might " "Hold on a bit , " intorrunlud thrt farmer , us ho up. "I Imvo got that very windmill on this farm , and it was owing to the blamed thing being out of order and then falling down that Jim got his ( loath. This iiinl much of u funerul , gentlemen , but wlutt there In of It hits got to bo straight. Proceed , brother , and perhaps you'd bolter skip windm'llB ' and git In minthln' about our loss hoin' Ills guln , the good diu young. death coineth to the high und low , lunji bo on. " Hut the windmill mnn hud lost Ida . . -ip , and ho led oil' with the "Doxolggy1' ami closed the business in bovon mlnuto.3 from the start. Hcly I poll 1'latt'n Chlorldon fur all hoifcholil disinfecting